Judge Thomas H. Soward
Attorney. Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Directory 1880.
SOWARD, T. H., lawyer, Main, n. w. corner 10th avenue, upstairs;
r. Menor e. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Register of Deeds: T. H. Soward.
Annual meeting first Thursday in March of each year, under the management of a board of thirteen members, who may call a general meeting at any time. S. B. Schuler, President; T. H. Soward, Secretary.
Soward Tom H, register of deeds, res 309 e 10th
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Judge Soward has rented rooms in the Morehouse building and will in a few days open his law office. The Judge comes to Winfield to stay, and has purchased property here.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Messrs. T. H. Soward and Henry E. Asp have formed a law partnership. It will be an able and active firm.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
At the last regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., the following officers were installed for the ensuing term commencing February 7th, 1881.
W. C. T.: T. H. Soward; W. V. T.: Mrs. Henry Rowland; W. S.: J. C. Rowland; W. F. S.: Mrs. M. L. Jewell; W. T.: Professor E. P. Hickok; W. C.: Rev. J. Cairns; W. G.: Miss Mary Cairns; W. Sen.: H. H. Siverd; Asst. S.: Miss Ella Freeland; I. M.: Miss Mary Clark; I. H. S.: Miss Mary Cochran; L. H. S.: Miss Libbie Smith; P. W. C. T.: Professor E. T. Trimble; L. D.: Frank W. Finch.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
Messrs. Soward & Asp have been “cleaning house.” They have recarpeted, painted, and papered their offices till they resemble a Fifth avenue parlor. They mean to have things comfortable and pleasant and are succeeding admirably.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The Second Ward Meeting was held at the opera house. G. H. Buckman called the meeting to order. James Kelly was chosen chairman and J. P. Short secretary. J. L. Horning was nominated for member of the school board. M. L. Read was nominated for council. James Kelly, T. H. Soward, and S. H. Myton were chosen a ward committee.
The following 12 gentlemen were elected delegates to the city convention: G. H. Buckman, N. A. Haight, H. E. Asp, T. M. McGuire, T. H. Soward, W. Bitting, J. L. Horning, C. M. Wood, M. L. Robinson, Archie Stewart, H. Brotherton, I. W. Randall.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
RECAP: Judge Soward and Ed Greer were appointed tellers. On motion of Hackney, delegates were requested to deposit the ballot on the call of the secretary. Nominations being in order, the following gentlemen were placed in nomination for mayor: T. R. Bryan, S. C. Smith, J. C. McMullen, and M. G. Troup. On the fourth ballot Mr. Troup was nominated.
On motion rules were suspended and Lovell H. Webb was nominated for city attorney by acclamation.
T. R. Bryan received the nomination for city treasurer, and S. C. Smith for treasurer of the school board by acclamation.
For police judge J. T. Hackney and James Kelly were nominated. Mr. Hackney received the nomination.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Republican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Democrats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasurer of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarles and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.
Mr. Tansey had been nominated by the Republicans for justice of the peace, but made a speech accepting the nomination of the Citizens, and enlisting to support the whole ticket, going back on the Republicans. Of course, it was inconsistent for the Republicans to keep on their ticket a candidate who was fighting the balance of the ticket, so the Republican committee met and struck off his name and placed the name of J. H. Kinney in his stead, which was eminently proper and right. E. P. Kinne was not present at the time of the Citizens meeting nor on the day of the election, but we understood him before he went that he would not accept a nomination on the Citizens ticket. N. L. Rigby positively declined to be a candidate.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
We did not get a report of the speakers, for we were in the other meeting: that of the republicans in the opera house. Of this meeting Col. C. M. Wood was chairman, and made a stirring address, which was followed by strong and pungent speeches from H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup, W. P. Hackney, and T. H. Soward.
The scathing that Mayor Lynn and Marshal Stevens got at their hands was terrible and cruel to the victims. Their administration was shown up in no enviable light, and the speakers demanded a change.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
The party consisting of F. S. Jennings, Ed. P. Greer, L. H. Webb, James Kelly, Will Stivers, T. H. Soward, Sol Burkhalter, Will Whitney, and W. H. Albro went last week to the Territory for fun, fish, and foolishness. All returned Tuesday evening except Ed., who returned the night before. They report lots of fun, fish, and squirrels. Grizzly’s and other large game were neglected. Most of them returned with their hair on.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881, and June 30, 1881.
ED. COURIER: It is now customary, I believe, when a party makes a trip anywhere, especially to the Indian Territory, for someone of the number to furnish an account of the same to the newspapers. As one of a squad of nine, who recently made a pilgrimage to the land of the Kaw, I will try to inform your readers of some of the matters and things connected therewith.
The party consisted of F. S. Jennings, Judge Tom Soward, W. R. Stivers, W. H. Albro, Will Whitney, L. H. Webb, E. P. Greer, James Kelly, and last but by no means least, Sol Burkhalter. The latter gentleman furnished the rigs and was of course wagon-master.
Grouse Creek was reached by noon of the first day, said day being, curiously enough, Thursday, June 9th, 1881, which should have been mentioned sooner.
Here a halt was called for dinner, and here also the verdancy of the party began to crop out. The temporary camp was made in a dense jungle on the lee side of a hill with a perpendicular front some twenty or thirty feet high. Underbrush, weeds, nettles, vines: pooh [?], but wasn’t it hot! Not a breath of air stirred a leaf in that miserable forest. Yes, it was hot, and some of us thought that spot would compare favorably with a modified hades according to the new version. But we had the shade.
While some of us built a fire and got dinner, Mr. Jennings, Judge Soward, and Will Stivers went in quest of game. Soon word was sent to send another gun and more ammunition, which request being speedily complied with, such a roar of musketing opened out as I’ll wager, the waters of the Grouse had not heard for many a day. Presently the mighty nimrods returned.
“Where’s your game?” chorused we of the bread and butter stay-at-home brigade.
“It crumbled in a hole,” mourned the Judge, “but I think it’s certainly wounded.”
“By the bones of my grandfather,” howled Webb (he never swears), “if those three big stout men with two double barreled shotguns and a rifle, haven’t been banging away at a poor little squirrel.”
After dinner the company was formally organized by electing Jim Kelly to the office of . Brother Greer made the point that this being a civil company, the title should be “president.” This however was promptly rejected. “What?” said the Judge “Suppose we have trouble with the redskins, which is more than likely, how would it sound to say our President marched us up the hill and then marched us down again. I move it be Captain.” But here the beneficiary declared that he would be no miserable captain and unless he be at once made Colonel, he would resign and leave the company to its fate. This settled it and the train moved out after dinner in the following order.
1. The elegant three-seated barouche containing the colonel, the major, the judge, Dr. Webb, Sergeant Whitney, and wagon-master Burkhalter, followed by the baggage wagon in which on the seat were Captain Albro and Chaplain Greer, with Will Stivers behind to look after things generally. Brother Greer drove the team, that is he drove it to the foot of the first hill, when the team stopped and would not be driven any further. We all got round the wagon, however, and pushed it up the hill notwithstanding the remonstrance of the team.
This Grouse Creek, I verily believe, is enchanted, or at least this company was, for all at once we couldn’t agree as to which side of the stream we were on. Of course, it made no difference, only it depended on a proper solution of this confounding mystery whether we were going up or down, towards or away from the Territory. Finally we came to a standstill and waited for two gentlemen who were plowing in a field to come to the end of their rows, which were headed off by the road, or more properly cow-path, we were then on. But our consternation was only increased when on inquiring, we found those gentlemen seemed to be as much at a loss as we were ourselves. One said we were on this side of the Grouse and would have to cross over to arrive at our destination; the other said as he had been in the country but a short time and was, unfortunately, from Missouri, really knew nothing about it. Just here a bright intelligent looking girl with a hoe in her hand, cut the miserable knot, not with the hoe, however. She explained by saying that dame nature had, right there, succeeded in reversing the old order, and made the bed so crooked that for a full half mile the water actually ran up stream. But I think if we could have told these good people where we wanted to go lucidly and plainly, they could have told us how to get there. But we couldn’t.
The caravan here parted in the middle, Chaplain Greer believing as he could successively steer the local columns of the COURIER, he certainly ought to be able to steer a two-horse wagon to the mouth of Grouse Creek. So he left us and drove out of sight into the wilderness. We, that is the other rig, took the opposite course. We drove into a pasture fenced with brush; out of that into a cornfield fenced with stone, and traveled down a row of corn about two miles—so we thought—let down a pair of bars and brought up in a cowpen. We were, however, more fortunate here for we found a man who could and would not only tell us where to go, but could actually tell us where we at that moment ought to be, instead of driving over his corn and garden patch, as we had done. Will Whitney, however, very adroitly mentioned “that those were the finest hogs he had seen in a long time,” which somewhat mollified the old man, who then told us how to get out. Thus, you see, kind words never die; and a little taffy, which Mr. Whitney after told us, was cheap, applied to the slab sides and ungainly snouts of the old man’s hogs, and got us out of an embarrassing dilemma.
In a short time after bidding good bye to the old man of the good hogs, we arrived at the house of Drury Warren, a gentleman well and favorably known to some of our crowd. Mr. Warren, however, was absent in the territory at the big “round up,” he having some six hundred head of cattle on the range on Black Bear Creek.
Having heard Mr. Warren speak favorably of some of us, and representing ourselves as “some of our best citizens of Winfield,” we soon got into the good graces of kindly Mrs. Warren: to about half a bushel of onions, and permission to drive through the field, thus cutting off some three miles of long, hilly road. Let me here remark that Mr. Warren has one of the most valuable farms in Cowley County, or I might say, in the state. He has 520 acres in a body. Two-thirds of it lies in the rich bottom at the very mouth of Grouse Creek, which is in corn, and such corn! The like of which is duly seen on the Illinois and Sangamon river bottoms, and there but seldom.
Here we passed out at the south gate of the state and entered the Territory when Messrs. Greer, Albro, and Stivers caught up with us and when your correspondent shot a squirrel, found a nice spring of water, and where we camped for the first night.
Nothing of any importance happened to us except the bites of some huge mosquitos, which happened rather often.
The next morning we tried fishing in the raging Arkansas with but poor success. An old blood-thirsty villain of a fisherman, who I have no doubt now was anxious to get us away from there, told us of a good place where he said we would find bass in abundance, well on toward the Kaw agency. Here trouble commenced. Some wanted to pull up stakes and go at once, some wanted to send a scouting party first to spy out the land and report. But the goers-at-once being in the majority, carried the point, so strike the tent, hitch up, and pull out was the order.
Sometime that afternoon we overtook an Indian afoot, leading a dog. Someone of our party asked him some questions, which he wouldn’t answer. Then someone asked him what he intended doing with the dog. He then very politely told us to go to hades, saying, however, the old version pronunciation of that word.
We pitched our tents on the banks of the Arkansas River that night. Another meeting was held at noon to determine whether or not we would move again. The colonel, by virtue of his office, of course, presided. The debate was long, learned, and dignified. Greer, Webb, Stivers, Whitney, and Albro, for the move, ably presented their side of the case.
“You see, gentlemen,” said Webb, “that we are on the very verge of starvation. No water, nothing to eat.”
“That shows,” said Jennings, “that you do not know what you are talking about. Here we are on one of the most delightful spots the sun ever shone upon. Look at that mighty river and tell me that there is no water. Look at the countless turkey tracks, and tell me there is no game, nothing to eat. Why, we are here in the very bowels of plenty, and I, for one, won’t move a peg.”
The motion was, however, put and carried, so move it was. That same evening the company arrived at the mouth of Otter Creek, where it empties into the Grouse, and once more the tent was pitched. The next morning, it being Sunday, it was agreed that no fishing, hunting, or euchre be indulged in but that this Sabbath be spent quietly and reverently as became our best citizens.
After breakfast some of the boys thought they would have some fun at the expense of the others. Word was accordingly passed along that a meeting would be held to consider the propriety of returning to the camp vacated the day before. The president being in the seat of course, proclaimed and made known that a meeting would be held at once. Every member being present the trouble began.
“Now, may the devil take me,” said Chaplain Greer, “if this move don’t beat all the moves I ever heard of.”
“I opposed coming here in the first place, but now that we are here, I propose to stay,” said Jennings.
“Me too,” said Judge Soward, “let go who will, I shan’t.”
“Question! Question!” shouted the mob.
The motion being put, the chair declared it carried unanimously. That was a straw too much.
“Give me my blanket,” groaned Greer, “I can hire a farmer to take me home.”
“Give me my things,” howled Jennings, “I can walk.”
“Don’t take my gun,” yellowed Judge Soward, “I won’t budge an inch.”
Seeing that the joke had gone far enough, the boys were informed of the “sell” and soon all was again serene.
Monday morning, Mr. Greer, having been really in bad health when he started, was found to be much worse. It was accordingly decided to send him home. He was taken by Mr. Burkhalter to Arkansas City, put aboard the train, and we saw him no more.
And, now to conclude, for every good writer must conclude, I have endeavored to chronicle events just as they transpired. If perchance there may be a few little things that didn’t happen exactly as I have said, I certainly cannot be held responsible.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Winfield has been in a fever of excitement for the past few days over the arrest of Frank Manny for violating the prohibition amendment in selling beer. The trial was first brought before Justice Kelly, but the defense secured a change of venue to Justice Tansey’s court. Monday was the day set for the trial and early in the day numbers of spectators gathered to see the opening of the case.
The array of legal talent retained on the part of the defense was simply appalling: Judge Campbell, with eight years’ experience on the bench; J. E. Allen, one of the most precise and painstaking lawyers at the bar; O. M. Seward, the leading temperance attorney of the southwest; and Messrs. Soward & Asp, gentlemen of high standing at the bar. Certainly Mr. Manny should feel that his interests will be protected as far as the law is concerned.
County Attorney Jennings appeared for the State.
The hall opened at 9 o’clock, the jury was called, and the examination for jurors commenced. This proved to be a tedious matter as most everyone called had either formed or expressed an opinion, or had conscientious scruples that unfitted him for sitting in the case. Generally when a juror went into the box thinking he was unprejudiced, he found that he was mistaken before the lawyers got through with him. Up to noon thirty-five jurors had been called and twenty-nine of them proved to be incompetent.
After dinner the examination of jurors was continued and soon developed into a lively fight. The question was raised of whether a member of a temperance organization was a competent juror in the case, on which Judge Campbell made an exhaustive argument, insisting that such a person was not and could not be competent to sit in the case. County Attorney Jennings replied in a brief but convincing manner. He stated that if Judge Campbell’s theory was correct, a horse thief could be tried only by persons not opposed to horse stealing, and that persons who were in favor of enforcing the laws would not be competent jurors in criminal cases.
The court sustained the County Attorney, and the juror was passed. The jury was finally empaneled at 5 o’clock Monday evening.
The following is a list of the jurors: A. G. Wilson, James Bethel, E. P. Harlan, Elam Harter, I. N. Holmes, E. P. Kinne, J. H. Mounts, T. H. Jackson, T. S. Smith, Wm. Trezise, W. L. Morehouse, and W. I. Shotwell.
The court met Tuesday morning and upon calling the jury, it was found that Mr. T. H. Jackson, of Vernon township, was absent. An attachment was issued by the court and the sheriff started for Mr. Jackson’s home. The court then adjourned until one o’clock. About two o’clock the sheriff arrived with Mr. Jackson, who was quite ill, and asked to be discharged. The court ruled that he must serve unless positively unable.
The case was then opened by a statement from the County Attorney. Judge Campbell then arose on a “question of privilege” and asked the court to rule that the state use but three wit-nesses for the proving of any one fact. After much discussion the court overruled the request. The defense then moved that the case be dismissed, alleging that the information did not state facts sufficient to warrant any action. After another lengthy argument, the court promptly overruled the motion.
County Attorney Jennings then attempted to open the case, when the defense again objected and moved that the case be dismissed because “the complaint was not sworn to by a responsible party.” Judge Campbell then made an exhaustive argument on a constitutional point. Mr. Jennings answered Judge Campbell at considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Asp for the defense, who closed the argument. The objection was overruled and duly excepted to, and the state proceeded with the examination of the first witness, Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller testified that he resided in Winfield, and that he knew where Mr. Manny’s brewery was. He was asked if he had been in Mr. Manny’s brewery between the first day of May and the 21st day of June, the latter being the date the indictment was made. The defense objected on the ground that the state should confine its proof of offense to the date mentioned in the indictment: the 12th day of June. On this objection Mr. Allen spoke, and cited authorities, though none of our Supreme court. The State replied with Kansas authorities bearing directly upon the point. Mr. Asp closed the argument on this point, and the court overruled the objection.
The witness was allowed to answer the question; but instead of doing so, he laughed. The mouths of the audience cracked asunder, and his Honor got down under the counter to hold his sides. Witness then affirmatively answered the question. He also stated that he had drank something on Manny’s premises between those dates. The State asked in what building the drink was obtained. Before this question was answered, Judge Campbell requested his honor to instruct the witness that he was at liberty to refuse to answer any question that would tend to criminate himself. This request raised argument and the court adjourned to meet Wednesday morning, when the question will be discussed.
Court convened promptly at 6 o’clock and Judge Soward opened the argument. Numerous authorities were cited, among which were the celebrated Burr and Morgan cases. County Attorney Jennings replied in an extended argument, citing a large number of authorities.
At noon, Wednesday, we go to press. As yet the case has not been fairly opened, the defense bringing up point after point for the decision of the court. Each point must be argued exhaustively, which takes time and how long no one can tell. The case will be fought step by step. The council for defense will leave no stone unturned, and Attorney Jennings, although bearing up under a terrible pressure, will melt them at every turn. Our reporter will attend the trial throughout and a complete record of the proceedings will appear in our next issue.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Mr. Miller was then asked what he had drank at Manny’s. He stated that he had called for “ginger” and that he probably got what he called for. That it was about the color of barnyard drainage, that he had bought a quart, and had paid twenty cents for it, that he had never become intoxicated on it, and had never drank more than two glasses at a time. He was then asked when he had heard that “ginger” was being sold there.
The defense objected, but the objection was overruled. The witness then said that it was about the middle of May. He stated that he had never seen anyone become intoxicated on this drink. That he lived several hundred feet from the brewery; that it had about the same effect as lemonade.
W. W. SMITH testified that he had drank “ginger” at Manny’s which looked like beer, but had not much foam, and made him tight. Was there several times, first at about nine o’clock, was not intoxicated when first went, was not intoxicated much at any time.
Cross examination: Drank ginger. Had drank nothing else that day but a dose of medicine put up by Dr. Cole for flat bottle. I took two swallows during the day; kept it in my side pocket. Did not give it to anyone during the day; offered to trade my watch for a pony, and do not think I offered any man a drink from bottle. Had bottle of “ginger” which I got from Manny and man drank from. Was not positive was at brewery three times. Think two of us drank quart or half gallon, went to brewery second time. Did not know whether he got dinner or not. Stayed at brewery longer third time than first times. Think drank more than at other times. Was intoxicated that day. Got in that condition about nine o’clock, and do not think can recall all that happened. Others afterward recalled things that I had said and done that I knew nothing of. Felt next day all used up and knew I had been drunk. Was arrested that day for being drunk. Had trial before Justice Kelly. Has no interest in case. Has been offered no consideration to testify in case. Got medicine from Dr. Fleming instead of Dr. Cole. Is in the habit of drinking intoxicating liquor to some extent. Had no other bottle except medicine and bottle of “ginger” and drank nothing but “ginger that day.”
The argument of the state was opened by Mr. Beach in a general review of the evidence. He was followed by Judge Soward who made an able argument extending over an hour and a half, containing many excellent points. M. G. Troup followed with an hour, Judge Camp-bell with an hour and a half, and Attorney Jennings closed. The jury remained out all night and till late the next day when, having failed to agree, they were discharged by the court. The ballot stood seven for conviction and five for acquittal.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A large number of the Soldiers met in the Hall Saturday afternoon to consider the ways and means of organization. Mr. C. M. Wood was chosen President and Jacob Nixon, secretary.
The following motion was offered, and prevailed: “That townships and wards hold local meetings the 13th of August, and a committee meeting at the opera house August 10th at 10 o’clock a.m., to perfect arrangements for the ‘Old Soldier Reunion to be held October 7th and 8th.’” It was then moved and carried that a committee of one from each township be appointed to make all necessary arrangements in the townships and wards.
Pending motion to adjourn, Judge Soward presented a resolution expressing to President Garfield through Hon. R. L. Lincoln, Secretary of War, “our sorrow as soldiers of the late war for his injuries at the hands of the assassin, and expressing the hope that he may live long to serve his country and people, and to cheer his brave wife is our sincere wish,” with a request to the Secretary to forward, was unanimously adopted. The meeting then adjourned.
All present joined in singing “Old John Brown.” C. M. WOOD, President.
JACOB NIXON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.
On motion a committee of seven was appointed as a permanent organization consisting of comrades Wells, Steuven, Stubblefield, Nixon, Waugh, Kretsinger, and Jennings. After some interesting remarks on the part of Capt. Stubblefield, J. W. Millspaugh, H. D. Catlin, and S. M. Jennings, the meeting adjourned until 2 p.m.
The afternoon meeting showed an increase of delegates and much more enthusiasm. The committee on permanent organization submitted the following report.
Your committee on permanent organization beg to submit the following.
For President: Col. J. C. McMullen, of Winfield; for Vice Presidents, we would recommend one from each township to be named by this meeting, and one from the city of Winfield. We submit the name of T. H. Soward. For recording secretary, Jake Nixon, of Vernon; corresponding secretary, A. H. Green, Winfield; treasurer, J. B. Lynn, Winfield.
Executive Committee: Col. McMullen, Capt. Stubblefield, Capt. Hunt, Capt. Tansey, T. R. Bryan, D. L. Kretsinger, and C. M. Wood.
Finance Committee: J. B. Lynn, Capt. Siverd, Capt. Myers, James Kelly, and Judge Bard.
Encampment: Dr. Wells, Capt. Steuven, and Capt. Haight.
Printing: E. E. Blair and Jake Nixon.
Invitation and speakers: Hon. W. P. Hackney, Gen. A. H. Green, D. L. Kretsinger, M. G. Troup, Capt. Chenoweth, Capt. Nipp, Major D. P. Marshall, N. W. Dressie, and C. H. Bing.
That the executive committee be entrusted with the general management of the reunion and are authorized to call to their assistance such help, and any subcommittee in their judgment which may seem best for the success of the reunion; and may fill all vacancies in committees that may occur; that the vice presidents are charged with responsibility of prompt organization of their respective townships, and shall muster and make due report of all old soldiers to the secretary as soon as possible.
On motion the report was adopted.
Vice President Soward was called to the chair, which he accepted in a stirring and patriotic speech.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Court is in session: the lambs and the lions are mingling together in harmony under the soothing influence of Judge Torrance’s presence. Among the lions we notice Henry H. Asp,
T. H. Soward, Frank Jennings, G. H. Buckman, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, Jas. O’Hare, S. D. Pryor, James McDermott, A. P. Johnson, A. H. Green, W. P. Hackney, A. B. Taylor, Lovell H. Webb, C. R. Mitchell, Joe Houston, Cal. Swarts, Charlie Eagan, and others. The list of lambs can be found in our Court docket of last week.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The Grand Hunt proved a grand success. Several catastrophes are reported. Jake Nixon burst a barrel of his fine breech-loading gun, Tom Soward lost a “plunger,” and Deacon Harris got soaking wet. The score was a very fair one!
J. N. Harter: 830 A. D. Speed: 170
J. M. Keck: 1,000 B. F. Cox: 290
G. A. Rhodes: 975 C. C. Black: 90
T. H. Soward: 335 G. L. Eastman: 2,375
S. Burkhalter: 480 Dr. Davis: 450
Jacob Nixon: 80 E. Meech, Jr.: 285
Fred Whitney: 765 Q. A. Glass: 180
___ Chapman: 980 Deacon Harris: 500
Total: 5,445 Total: 4,360
The defeated party gave a big banquet at the Brettun Friday evening and the tired and hungry sportsmen fed their friends and told of the hair breadth escapes of “mud-hen” and turtle-dove. Skunks counted fifty, but none were brought in.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
James Kelly has resigned his position as Justice of the Peace in this city. Several petitions have been circulated praying for the appointment of persons to the vacancy. Among those petitioning are G. W. Buckman and T. H. Soward. We would be perfectly satisfied with either.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Henry E. Asp has removed his office to Ninth Avenue, in Hackney & McDonald’s building, and has furnished the rooms nicely. Judge Soward holds forth in the old location.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
T. H. Soward has a beautiful new gold lettered sign in front of his office. The work was done by T. J. Jones, Winfield’s boss sign writer.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
T. H. Soward is a candidate for Justice of the Peace. Being a well read lawyer, he is peculiarly well qualified, and as his lameness unfits him for business requiring physical activity, it would be just and considerate to elect him and give him a chance.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
The election for city officers in Winfield Tuesday resulted in the election of the following named gentlemen.
Justices of the Peace: T. H. Soward and G. H. Buckman.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Judge Soward has opened his office as Justice of the Peace in his old office over the Post office and is now ready for business. Those who want to law, should give him a call.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
W. E. Tansey has turned over the books in his office to Judge Soward, his successor.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The Republican county convention to elect delegates to the congressional convention to be held at Emporia on the 24th inst., met at Manning’s Hall at 11 o’clock Saturday. The convention was called to order by D. A. Millington, chairman of the county central committee, who read the call. On motion of T. H. Soward, H. D. Gans was elected temporary chairman and J. V. Hines temporary secretary. On motion, committees were appointed.
Congressional State Convention to be held at Topeka June 28, 1882: C. R. Mitchell, M. G. Troup, C. M. Scott, M. L. Robinson, John Wallace, R. S. Walker, J. E. Conklin, H. D. Gans. Alternates: Henry E. Asp, J. B. Tucker, J. M. Harcourt, J. B. Evans, R. F. Burden, N. W. Dressie, W. P. Heath, T. H. Soward, H. C. McDorman.
On motion the delegates to Emporia were instructed to cast their votes for Hon. Thomas Ryan, for Congress. The delegates to the State Congressional convention were instructed to cast the vote of the delegation for Hon. W. P. Hackney for congress at large, and to use all honorable means to secure his nomination. On motion of T. H. Soward, a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Hackney of the action of the convention, and bring him to the hall. On motion a committee was appointed to inform Mr. Ryan of the action of the committee.
There being a lull in business, John Wallace, Esq., of Dexter, was called upon to make a speech but declined. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and T. H. Rude.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
MARRIED. Judge T. H. Soward and Libbie E. Smith will be married Thursday evening at 5 o’clock at the Baptist Church. There are no special invitations so Mr. Soward’s friends can all have an opportunity to observe his transition from the peaceful role of bachelor to the more onerous one of head of the family.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
TO BE MARRIED. Now, by the authority in us vested, and in accordance with a time-honored custom, we hereby make known and declare, no preventing Providence, that the ceremony that unites, cements and makes two loving hearts to beat as one, will be performed at the special instance and request of Judge Tom H. Soward and Miss Libbie E. Smith, on Thursday, the 18th inst., at the convenient hour of 5 o’clock P. M., sharp, at the Baptist Church in this city. Peace be with you.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
MARRIED. Judge T. H. Soward and Miss Libbie Smith were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the Baptist Church Thursday evening, May 18, 1882, Rev. J. Cairns, officiating. The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of friends who united in wishing the happy couple a long and happy life.
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
We were truly sorry to be unable to attend the party at the residence of our young friend, Chas. Bahntge, Thursday evening, but those who attended enjoyed one of the most pleasant evenings spent in Winfield for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Bahntge have a large number of friends in Winfield, and those who were so royally entertained at their home Thursday evening think more of them now than ever before. The following is a list of those who were present: Misses McCoy, Jennie Hane, Amy Scothorn, Jessie Millington, Kate Millington, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Roberts, Florence Beeny, Josie Bard, Mrs. French, Miss Smith, W. C. Robinson, Ivan Robinson, Lou. Zenor, Lovell Webb, H. Goldsmith, C. C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Thorpe, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Whitney, of Sedgwick, Mrs. Carson, of Cherryvale, Mrs. Geo. Rhodes, W. H. Smith, Chas. Fuller, Jas. Lawton, Mr. Campbell, C. H. Connell, Sam Davis, Richard Bowles, Eugene Wallis, O. M. Seward.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.
A few evenings ago a number of old soldiers met at Judge Soward’s office for the purpose of organizing a post of the Grand Army of the Republic. After they were about all in the room, someone proposed that they all arise and repeat the Lord’s Prayer in concert. Each looked at the other to begin the prayer. Finally Judge Soward, seeing that nobody else would commence, started in as follows: “The Star Spangled banner in triumph ...” when Mayor Troup hunched him and told him he was wrong. The Judge was a little mad, and told him to go ahead himself, if he thought he knew it all, and the Mayor started in “Now I lay me down to sleep.” Senator Hackney, who was present, stopped Troup, and told him that was not it, when Troup told Hackney to speak. The Senator cleared his throat and commenced, “Rock of Ages cleft for me,” when Dr. Wells pulled his coat and made him stop. Hackney quit, and told the doctor to work it up, and Wells began, “There’s a land that is fairer than this,” but they all told him to cheese it, and he quit, blushing like a school girl. Just at this point Charley Steuven became disgusted, said he was ashamed of the whole gang, and they told him to try to start it. Charles rolled his eyes up and started, “The Lord into the garden came.” At this juncture General Green came in and asked what they were drilling on. He was informed of the condition of things, and relieved the suspense by starting, “Our Father who art in Heaven.” They all joined in then, and after the prayer had been repeated, someone said that Green’s associations with the ministry gave him a big advantage over the rest of them.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
Grand Army of the Republic. On Thursday evening, February 1, 1883, Arkansas City Post No. 158, G. A. R. was organized by Com. T. H. Soward, with the following officers for term: J. B. Nipp, Post Com.; O. S. Rarick, Sr. Vice Com.; Jas. Ridenour, Jr. Vice Com.; M. N. Sinnott, Adjutant; J. C. Topliff, Quartermaster; H. D. Kellogg, Office of Day; E. Y. Baker, Surgeon; W. S. Voris, Chaplain; J. W. Hackelman, O. of Guard.; D. R. Cooper, I. G.; P. A. Lorry, O. G.; J. E. Miller, Q. M. Sergt.; Al. Mowry, Sergt. Major. Post meets second and fourth Saturday in each month.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
In Obedience to General orders No. 10 from Department Head Quarters of Kansas Grand army of the republic, Winfield Post No. 85 will observe Decoration Day, Wednesday, May 30, 1883, commencing at 10 o’clock sharp. An earnest and cordial invitation is extended to the officers and members of the Arkansas City, Dexter, and Burden Posts, as well as all old soldiers of the county to be present and assist in decorating the graves of our deceased comrades. By order of the Post, T. H. Soward, J. S. Hunt, Jacob Nixon, W. P. Hackney, and Wm. White, Committee on invitation.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Mr. T. H. Soward, of Winfield, this week announces himself a candidate for the office of register of deeds of Cowley County; and in connection therewith, we would say that Mr. Soward was a gallant soldier during the late war and during his residence in this county, has made a good record as an able lawyer and good businessman, thus proving his ability to creditably discharge the duties of the office he seeks. Should he receive the nomination, we know of no one we could more heartily support than T. H. Soward.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
T. H. Soward, of Winfield, announces himself as a candidate for office of Register of Deeds of Cowley County subject to the action of the Republican Nominating Convention.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 31, 1883.
T. H. Soward. We are told that there are many Republicans in Winfield, Arkansas City, and other parts of the county who are ardent supporters of the balance of the ticket, yet will not vote for T. H. Soward on account of his prohibition principles. We do not, cannot believe it. The Republican anti-prohibitionists have not been discriminated against in the convention and the nominations, but such were nominated in the convention by the aid of prohibition votes. No questions were asked as to a candidate’s views on this question. The only questions asked were: “Is he capable? Is he honest? Will he do his duty?” In the judgment of the convention, all the nominees stood these tests. No one has ever questioned Soward’s ability, integrity, or devotion to duty. No one questions his devotion to the Republican party. If McIntire or Nipp is elected, he will owe his election to T. H. Soward more than all others. Is it possible that any Republican who desires the election of the ticket, for a favorite candidate on it, will stab this champion in the back while he is doing such work for that favorite candidate or ticket? It is not strange that Democrats should dislike Soward for the heavy blows he has given them. It is not strange that they should try to communicate their ill will to Republicans, but it would be strange if any Republican should be weak enough to hear to them, and ungrateful enough to withhold a vote from Soward. Rather it should be the pride and duty of every Republican to work enthusiastically for Soward’s election and give him a rousing majority, such a vote as will show that such services are appreciated.
Winfield Courier.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
A CARD. EDITORS COURIER: In your kind notice of my announcement as a candidate for Register of Deeds, your statement regarding my injury while in the service of my country needs this explanation. Just after the capture of Atlanta, I was severely injured by the kick of a horse on my right leg which has increased my lameness.
Respectfully, T. H. SOWARD.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
T. H. Soward, the nominee for Register of Deeds, is the plumed knight among the orators of this county. He always knows what to say and how and when to say it. The ticket could not spare him in the canvass. His nomination will strengthen the ticket and is a just recognition of his services, ability, and fidelity.
H. H. Siverd acted a noble part in the convention. It became understood that it was not probable that both Soward and himself could receive nomination at the hands of the convention, being both of Winfield. Siverd therefore urged that the matter of Register of Deeds should be first settled and Soward nominated if possible whatever effect it might have on his own chances for Sheriff. The result in favor of Soward as anticipated made it impossible to nominate Siverd and at an opportune moment, Siverd withdrew from the canvass for sheriff. He would surely have been nominated but for his generous self-sacrifice in behalf of others.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
For County Treasurer: Capt. J. B. Nipp.
For Sheriff: Geo. H. McIntire.
For Register of Deeds: T. H. Soward.
For County Clerk: J. S. Hunt.
For Surveyor: N. A. Haight.
For Coroner: Dr. H. W. Marsh.
For Commissioner 3rd District: J. A. Irwin.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
[Two close nominations:]
For Register of Deeds, Dr. Wagner presented the name of H. C. McDorman; Mr. Gale presented S. P. Strong; J. M. Barrick presented Wm. White; W. E. Tansey presented Jacob Nixon; D. M. Patton presented N. W. Dressie; A. J. Crum presented S. S. Moore; Dr. Carlisle presented T. H. Soward; and J. S. Strother presented J. S. Rash. Twelve ballots were taken...Total vote 99. Necessary to a choice, 50. Soward having 50 votes on the 12th ballot, was declared nominated, and his nomination was made unanimous. Closest one in votes next to Soward: McDorman.
For Sheriff, Chase presented H. H. Siverd; Mitchell presented Geo. H. McIntire; Tansey presented H. O. Wooley, and Cure presented G. W. Prater. Thirteen ballots taken. Siverd withdrew before taking the 13th ballot. The nomination of McIntire was made unanimous.
[On 12th ballot: Siverd 43, McIntire 44...again, very close!]
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Southern Kansas Reunion of Old Soldiers and Sailors. There will be a reunion of the old soldiers and sailors of Southern Kansas held at Winfield October 17, 18, and 19, 1883. A cordial, heartfelt, old soldier’s welcome will be extended to every comrade who comes. We have large and commodious halls on our fair grounds for quarters. Two of the most beautiful parks in the state, on the banks of the Walnut River, will form our camp ground. Races, sham battles, night skirmishes, flambeau club, torch light processions, glass ball match, boat races, Sherman’s bummers, Joe and his mule, music and eloquence around our camp fire will form a part of our amusements. A beautiful banner will be presented to the best drilled post by the G. A. R., the drill to be by Upton’s tactics, with not less than sixteen men. Reduced rates on all railroads in the state. Rations will be furnished at actual cost. This is no money making institution or a boom for any fair. All it need cost any veteran is his actual traveling expenses. Bring your guns, blankets, coffee cups, and frying pans, and then forage for your rations. The Kansas Jayhawkers have not been through this part of the state lately and you will find peace, plenty, and a soldier’s welcome. T. H. SOWARD, W. P. HACKNEY, J. S. HUNT, J. A. McGUIRE, Committee on Invitation.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Last Thursday night Grant Dover and Ulysses Asbury, of Dexter, aged respectfully fifteen and seventeen years, stole a horse from W. A. Allison of that place and started southwest toward the Territory. At Arkansas City they traded the horse off and were proceeding to move on when the constable of Dexter stopped them on this first step in a criminal career and brought them to Winfield. They had their preliminary examination before Justice Soward and were bound over in the sum of three hundred dollars to appear at the next term of the district court. The necessary bond being given, they returned home with their parents. It is lucky that no success attended these boys on their first misdemeanor of this kind. They will likely get a short term in the “pen”—enough to straighten them out and fix a determination in their minds that an honest, industrious life is the only safe road to success and honor.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
Last week Nick Williams, Wm. Welch, Owen and Steve McCollum, of Pleasant Valley, were brought before Justice Soward on the charge of disturbing the peace of the Odessa neighborhood at night by shooting and using obscene language on the highway. The case was continued to this week, and after a day and a half’s arbitration, the jury found them guilty, and a fine of five dollars and the costs, about two hundred dollars, was assessed against them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Political Meeting. T. H. Soward and other speakers will address the voters of Silverdale Township at the Silverdale schoolhouse on Monday evening, October 8, 1883, at 7:30 o’clock. This is the opening speech of the campaign. Voters come out and bring your wives
and children. L. J. DARNELL, Chairman, Township Central Committee.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
T. H. Soward, the nominee for Register, is the “plumed knight” of the ticket, being one of the finest orators of the state, a gallant soldier, a true gentleman, a man with a great warm heart and generous impulses, a citizen without a fault. He has freely given his time and talents in the service of his country and later in the service of this county and community, and is always kindly, obliging, and courteous to all. He is poor and crippled and the office will set him on his feet. No man is better qualified for its duties and his nomination was only a just recognition of his services. It would seem that he should poll much more than the full strength of his party.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1883.
Geo. Eaton, the chattering magpie now running on the Democratic ticket for register of deeds, says he doesn’t care for the office, but “only wants to bust the d___ Republicans.” This shows his opinion of any Republican who might be so foolish as to vote for him, but he needn’t lose any sleep over the prospect of busting T. H. Soward. When the votes are counted this Democratic nonentity will think that he was running the other way.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Ex-Soldiers of War Organizations. During the Soldiers’ Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year.
The officers for the first year shall be: President, T. H. Soward of Winfield; Secretary, A. H. Limerick of Winfield; Treasurer, James McDermott of Winfield.
The address of welcome delivered by T. H. Soward was excellent, and fired the boys with much of the old-time enthusiasm.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1883.
Register of Deeds. George Eaton was elected trustee of Spring Creek Township, “not because he was so distressingly popular, but to secure the defeat of a man who persisted in listing cattle held in the Indian Territory by prominent Republicans.” These Republicans got tired of paying lawyers to undo the work of one crank, and out of spite they turned in and elected this George Eaton. Since then George Eaton has gone daft. Sudden local prominence hath made him mad, and he essays to ride on this little ripple across the ocean of Cowley’s politics into the haven afforded by the office of register of deeds. He forgets that T. H. Soward is skimming along on a wave that will bury Eaton and his handful of votes so far out of sight that he will never be heard of more. Mark this: Geo. Eaton will not carry his own township, and Soward will beat him in the county five hundred votes. This is official.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1883.
T. H. Soward spoke last night in this city, and the audience contained four Democrats to one Republican, but he made votes and friends for the entire ticket.
J. E. Snow, of Winfield, was in the city yesterday. A Democrat for twenty-seven years, he will vote the entire Republican ticket next Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883. [Editorial. Front Page.]
T. H. SOWARD. We are told that there are many Republicans in Winfield, Arkansas City, and other parts of the county who are ardent supporters of the balance of the ticket, yet will not vote for T. H. Soward on account of his prohibition principles. We do not, cannot believe it. The Republican anti-prohibitionists have not been discriminated against in the convention and the nominations, but such were nominated in the convention by the aid of prohibition votes. No questions were asked as to a candidate’s views on this question. The only questions asked were: “Is he capable? Is he honest? Will he do his duty?” In the judgment of the convention all the nominees stood these tests. No one has ever questioned Soward’s ability, integrity, or devotion to duty. No one questions his devotion to the Republican party. Almost single handed and alone he has canvassed the county, not for himself but for the whole ticket. He has brought his great powers of oratory and persuasion to this work and has been constantly at it day after day and night after night for three weeks, doing a work that no other candidate was able to do. If McIntire or Nipp is elected, he will owe his election to T. H. Soward more than to all others. Each and every candidate on the ticket and the whole party will owe Soward much more than anyone else for the success of the campaign. Is it possible that any Republican who desires the election of the ticket or a favorite candidate on it, will stab this champion in the back while he is doing such work for that favorite candidate and ticket? It would be killing the goose which lays the Golden egg. It would be worse than ingratitude, it would be treachery. It is not strange that Democrats should dislike Soward for the heavy blows he has given them. It is not strange that they should try to communicate their ill will to Republicans, but it would be strange if any Republican should be weak enough to hear to them, and ungrateful enough to withhold a vote from Soward. Rather it should be the pride and duty of every Republican to work enthusiastically for Soward’s election and give him a rousing majority; such a vote as will show that such services are appreciated.
Prohibitionists in our party have not made any prohibition issue in this county in the nomination and election of county officers, and anti-prohibitionists cannot afford to make such an issue in the Republican party. It would challenge prohibitionists to play at that game. In the Democratic party it is different. It has already tabooed its prohibitionists.
Curiously enough, we find some who do not like to vote for Soward because as a prohibitionist he is not radical and uncompromising enough for them, that he is a Republican more than he is a prohibitionist. We can say to them and to all others that he will do his duty and do it well, but that the office of Register of Deeds does not involve the duty of prosecuting violators of the law or legislating on the question of prohibition. He is a consistent Republican and prohibitionist. He is richly worthy of the best support every Republican can give him. Why should anyone vote for the Democratic nominee? We forget his name. No one seems to know him or that there is such a man. Yet this person or myth will be elected if Soward is not. Why should anyone vote for Sandfort? There is not the remotest possibility of his election.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
George Eaton was elected trustee of Spring Creek Township, not because he was so distressingly popular, but to secure the defeat of a man who persisted in listing cattle held in the Indian Territory by prominent Republicans. These Republicans got tired of paying lawyers to undo the work of one crank, and out of spite they turned in and elected this George Eaton. Since then George Eaton has gone daft. Sudden local prominence hath made him mad, and he essays to ride on this little ripple across the ocean of Cowley’s politics into the haven afforded by the office of register of deeds. He forgot that T. H. Soward is skimming along on a wave that will bury Eaton and his handful of votes so far out of sight that he will never be heard of more. Mark this: George Eaton will not carry his own township, and Soward will beat him in the county five hundred votes. This is official.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Opera House Meeting. There will be a political meeting at the opera house on Monday evening, November 5th. T. H. Soward and others will address the meeting. It is expected that Hon. Reuben Booth of Rock Township will speak in answer to Mr. Soward. If so, there will be fun. Turn out and hear whatever fun and argument may be presented.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
Dexter’s Political Pot. Dexter has once more taken up the line of march. It makes the citizens of Dexter and vicinity feel good to see the way the busy workmen are rearing up the many substantial buildings that add so much to the appearance of our little village. We welcome the strangers to stay with us and help us to improve and build here in the Grouse Valley, a flourishing town.
Now that the election is drawing near, candidates are becoming numerous. Last Friday and Saturday we were honored with about all the lofty politicians of the day. First came J. B. Lynn, Democratic candidate for Treasurer, who did his electioneering in a quiet way among his friends. Then on Saturday came the squad of Republican candidates, arriving early, to hold a Republican rally as per advertisement. Though the weather was very unfavorable, they were not without a splendid audience; for at half past seven o’clock when the ring of the bell and music of our excellent band told the citizens that there was something rich for them at the schoolhouse that night, the masses poured into the house in a short time, would have told a stranger that there was a wide awake set of Republicans there and that some good speeches were anticipated. The meeting being called to order by H. C. McDorman, Chairman T. H. Soward was introduced and spoke for an hour and a half, making an able and eloquent speech, which was alike interesting to all classes and parties.
Our old friend, Booth, from Rock Township, then attempted a reply and in his comical way, gave the boys plenty of fun, and during his remarks gave the audience some instructions as to the way the knowing ones in Winfield get their drinks, since prohibition closed the saloons.
The band then struck up one of their favorite national tunes, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and to leave well satisfied with their entertainment. J. B. Nipp and George McIntire each in a short speech asked the votes of the people, and Capt. Siverd followed in a humorous speech making some good points and plenty of fun. In short, everything done seemed the right thing for the occasion, and all the Republicans went home feeling that on the 6th of November next, Dexter Township would roll up a good round majority for every candidate on the Republican ticket. A. REPUBLICAN.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Recap: Official vote of Cowley County, Kansas, November 6, 1883.
For Sheriff: G. H. McIntire, R, 2309. Plurality: 594.
S. G. Gary, C, 1715.
J. F. Teter, G, 270.
For Register: T. H. Soward, R, 2199. Plurality: 426.
Geo. Eaton, D, 1773.
H. J. Sandfort, G, 258.
For Treasurer: J. B. Nipp, R, 2275. Plurality 516.
J. B. Lynn, D, 1759.
A. Walck, G, 193.
For Clerk: J. S. Hunt, R, 2524. Plurality 1020.
J. W. Hanlen, D, 1504.
C. C. Krow, G, 217.
For Surveyor: N. A. Haight, R, 2419. Plurality 603.
Ed Millard, D, 1810.
For Coroner: H. W. Marsh, R, 2365. Plurality 792.
W. I. Shotwell, D, 1573.
J. H. Land, G, 277.
For Commissioner: J. A. Irwin, R, 708. Plurality 282.
E. Haines, D, 426.
R. Stevens, G, 100.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
An entertainment will be given at the Opera House on Tuesday, the 20th, in honor of the men who fought our battles and gained the most glorious victory the world has ever known. It will be given under the auspices of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Winfield, and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of Cowley County and its seat of government, in establishing a reading room and other enterprises for the good of the people. We desire to make this a grand entertainment, and feel sure that all who wish to do honor to the old soldiers, and assist us in establishing a reading room, will be present. To all soldiers, their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, we extend a cordial invitation. Dinner will be served from 12 to 3 p.m., price 25 cents. The evening entertainment will open at 8 o’clock with a home scene, and song by the choir, followed with a prayer by Rev. J. H. Snyder; address of welcome by Mrs. Emma Smith; response by Hon. T. H. Soward; song, “Star Spangled Banner;” a scene on battle field and dialogue by five soldiers; a night scene; music by choir; tableau, triumph of Peace over War; centennial song by children; closing tableau, Goddess of Liberty. Admission to evening entertainment 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents.
By order of Committee.
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
The dinner by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union at the Opera House on Tuesday and their entertainment in the evening were well patronized; and the ladies netted about fifty dollars therefrom. The welcome address in the evening by Mrs. Emma Smith was very interesting and appropriate, and the response in behalf of the old soldiers by Hon. T. H. Soward was practical, eloquent, and pathetic. The centennial song by the Kindergarten pupils and the goddess of liberty in tableau, the camp-fire scene with temperance dialogue, and the closing tableau of the triumph of Peace over War, were prominent features. The stage was nicely decorated, and everything passed off satisfactorily. The exercises were interspersed with music by the Presbyterian choir.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
D. W. Smith and wife, of Troy, Pennsylvania, parents of Mrs. T. H. Soward, are visiting here.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
From The Traveler. McIntire and Soward take up their official duties on the 10th of January next. Capt. Nipp, however, has nearly a year to wait, the second Tuesday in October being the eventful day with him.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1883.
Governor Glick has appointed J. E. Snow as Justice of the Peace in place of T. H. Soward, resigned. His commission was received Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
A social party were entertained at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Buckman on Tuesday evening. The guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Asp, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup; Mrs. Schofield, Mrs. G. H. Allen; Misses Josie Bard, Jennie B. Hane, Nettie R. McCoy, Margie Wallis, Sadie French, Jessie Millington; Messrs. M. O’Meara, R. B. Rudolf, Louis B. Zenor, E. H. Nixon, W. H. Smith, H. Bahntge, L. H. Webb. The affair was delightful in every way, and the guests were profuse in their thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Buckman for their many and pleasant attentions which secured them so much enjoyment.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
Mrs. Dr. B. R. O’Connor and her daughter, Genie, of Otter Township, spent Christmas in the city, the guests of Col. Tom Soward.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
The new county officers step in next Monday. Register Soward will probably find a very efficient assistant in our present Deputy Sheriff, A. B. Taylor, while the position of Under-Sheriff will be filled by Frank W. Finch.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Railroad Meeting. A large and enthusiastic railroad meeting was held at the Courthouse last Thursday evening. Speeches were made, the present status of the railroad proposition discussed, and the opinions of all the lawyers present called out as to the validity of the stipulations. They all said they were good and binding in law. The benefits of the road were set forth in glowing colors by Messrs. Jennings, Soward, McDermott, and others. After becoming satisfied on the question of the legality of the stipulations, the meeting resolved itself into a committee of the whole on the prospects for carrying the bonds. It was plain that if the value of the proposed road to the county could but be put fairly before every taxpayer, the bonds would be carried. Committees were then organized and over five hundred dollars subscribed for the purpose of printing and circulating information and holding meetings.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
T. H. Soward, recording plat: $2.50.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Register Soward bought of Senator Hackney last week a quarter block and three houses, just south of the Courthouse, for three thousand dollars. Property is changing hands at a lively rate all over the city and county.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
How We Boom! From the books of H. G. Fuller & Co., we copy the following sales of city and county property made by the firm between the 6th and 18th of this month. It is a wonderful record in real estate movement.
Ed. P. Greer et al to T. H. Soward, 3 lots, Courier Place: $325.00.
H. D. Gans to T. H. Soward, 3 lots in Courier Place: $400.00.
W. P. Hackney to T. H. Soward, 3 houses and 3 lots: $3,000.00.
C. E. Fuller to T. H. Soward, 3 lots: $450.00.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
On Monday evening a large meeting was held in the Courthouse for the purpose of receiving and discussing the new railroad proposition. The meeting organized by placing Mayor Emerson in the chair with Geo. H. Buckman as secretary. Henry E. Asp then read the proposition as decided upon in a conference between the representatives of the railroad company and the railroad committee. After the reading of the proposition, Mr. James N. Young, of Chicago, representing the company, was introduced and stated that the company were now ready to build the road, and desired to do so with as little delay as possible. That their intention was to build from a connection with the St. Louis & San Francisco, north or northeast from Winfield, to the south line of Sumner County, during the coming summer, and that the company desired an expression from the citizens as to whether they wanted the road or not, and would aid it, at once, so that the final location of the line might be decided upon.
Senator Hackney was then called out and made a ringing speech in favor of the proposition and urged all to take hold with a will and secure it while they had the opportunity. Ex-Mayor Troup also spoke strongly in favor of securing the road at all hazards, as did Mr. Black, of the Telegram, and Judge T. H. Soward. A vote was then taken on the proposition, and almost every person in the house voted the affirmative. A committee of five, consisting of Geo. H. Rembaugh, Henry E. Asp, George. H. Buckman, Geo. H. Crippen, and Ed. P. Greer, was appointed to secure the necessary amount of names to the petitions. The meeting was one of the largest ever held in the city and enthusiastic and united on the railroad question.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Republican convention of Cowley County met according to call at the Opera House in Winfield on Saturday, April 19, 1884, at 11 o’clock a.m.
Committee On Resolutions: D. A. Millington, C. T. Atkinson, H. D. Gans, M. G. Troup, T. H. Soward.
Delegates. Winfield: A. P. Johnson, H. G. Norton, M. G. Troup, A. H. Jennings, J. W. Crane, W. R. McDonald, H. D. Gans, T. H. Soward, C. Trump, H. L. Wells, I. W. Randall, L. B. Stone, D. A. Millington.
The delegates to the State Convention were elected as follows.
H. McKibben, Z. Carlisle, O. Wooley, O. Shriver, J. B. Nipp, T. H. Soward.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Messrs. T. H. Soward, Oscar Wooley, Owen Shriver, Hugh McKibben, Dr. Carlisle and Capt. Nipp, our delegates to the State convention went up to Topeka on the afternoon train Monday. Senator Long was also one of the party. There will be lots of politics to the square inch in Topeka this week.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
The Winfield Brick and Tile Company has put in a telephone to its brick yards. Register Soward also has one in his office now.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Hon. T. H. Soward addressed an immense crowd on last Sunday afternoon on the temperance question at Beaver Center. Much enthusiasm was exhibited and arrangements made for a temperance picnic in the Bradbury Grove on Friday, June 6th, in which the people of Vernon, Beaver, and Pleasant Valley Townships will combine. J. W. Millspaugh, as vice-president of the western district of the County Temperance Organization, is showing his abilities as an effective worker and is starting the ball in the right direction.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Judicial Convention. The Republican Judicial convention for the 13th Judicial District met at the Courthouse in Winfield Tuesday, May 20th, at 2 o’clock p.m. It was called to order by Adrian Reynolds of Elk County. Isaac G. Reed, of Sumner County, was elected chairman and Adrian Reynolds secretary.
The committee on credentials reported the following list of DELEGATES.
Sumner County: James Lawrence, Isaac G. Reed, I. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Orie Fitzgerald.
Chautauqua County: J. I. Crouse, Wm. P. Lynch, Richard Speed.
Elk County: Adrian Reynolds.
Cowley County: M. S. Teter, S. W. Chase, G. L. Gale, J. W. Millspaugh, M. G. Troup, I. H. Bonsall, T. H. Soward.
The following persons were chosen as a JUDICIAL CENTRAL COMMITTEE.
Cowley County: M. G. Troup, Geo. L. Gale, I. H. Bonsall, T. H. Soward.
Chautauqua County: R. G. Ward, D. E. Shartell.
Elk County: Adrian Reynolds, C. W. Rambo.
Sumner County: J. M. Thralls, S. P. G. Lewis, Jas. Lawrence.
At a meeting of the Judicial Central Committee, it organized by electing M. G. Troup, chairman; and Adrian Reynolds, secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Winfield to have a Street Railway. An ordinance was presented to the city council on Monday evening by Messrs. W. P. Hackney, J. C. Long, T. H. Soward, and F. S. Jennings, granting to them a ninety-nine years street railway franchise. It was favorably considered by the council, but laid over for final action to the next meeting. The ordinance provides that an acceptance of its conditions must be filed in writing within thirty days after its passage, and the conditions specify that a first-class street railway, from the Santa Fe to the S. K. depot and on certain streets and avenues, shall be finished and fully and properly equipped for operation by July 4, 1885. The fare is placed at five cents for adults and three cents for children under fifteen, with no fare for those under three years when accompanied by parents. The high character and abilities of the gentlemen taking hold of this enterprise leaves no doubt of its being pushed rapidly forward to completion. The benefits to our city of a street railway are unquestioned, and the projectors are satisfied of its making a paying investment. Winfield is ascending the golden stairs with steady step and will never be behind in public conveniences.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
Our delegation to Chicago leaves Saturday. Cowley will be represented by Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, Judge Gans, D. A. Millington, J. W. Wilson, M. G. Troup, Capt. J. B. Nipp, J. D. Maurer, E. A. Henthorn, and Spence Miner.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Senators Long and Hackney, and Capt. Soward, have petitioned the city of Winfield for the right to build a street railway. We have been looking to see our big sister put on street car style, and are not surprised that our late townsman, J. C. Long, is one of the leaders in this enterprise, as he always had a habit of being active in all things that would prove a benefit to his town. Sedan Times.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
The City Council held an adjourned session last Thursday evening. Ordinance No. 194, granting to W. P. Hackney, F. S. Jennings, John C. Long, and T. H. Soward a ninety-nine years’ street railway franchise, was passed.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Republican Ratification At the Opera House in Winfield, Saturday Night, June 14th.
MUSIC BY THE COURIER CORNET BAND. The Republicans of Cowley County will meet at the Opera House in mass Saturday night for the purpose of ratifying the nominations and the organization of a Blaine and Logan club. Speeches will be made by Senator Hackney, Judge Soward, M. G. Troup, and others, and Judge Gans may be prevailed upon to give his wonderful and graphic description of the scenes of the county turnout and make it a night long to be remembered. “Let the boys rejoice once more amid the booming of cannon and the strains of martial music.”
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
T. H. Soward and A. P. Johnson addressed a large audience on the temperance question at the Walnut Valley church, in Rock Township, on Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Fourth of July—Attention Old Soldiers. The Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers are expected to assemble at Post No. 85, over Baden’s dry goods store, in Winfield, July 3rd, at 3 p.m. sharp and march to the Fair Grounds, where a bean supper, dress parade, and grand camp fire and torch light drill will take place with other amusing army exercises. The following committees have been appointed by Post No. 85 to carry out the programme for the 3rd and 4th of July.
Executive Committee: T. H. Soward, H. H. Siverd, J. H. Finch, A. E. Davis, and Geo. Crippen.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Nominations Ratified. The Republicans of this city held a ratification meeting at the Opera House Saturday evening. The hall was hotter than a bake oven, but several hundred were present. Rousing speeches were made by Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, and W. P. Hackney, and one hundred and ten handed their names in as members of a Blaine and Logan club. The Republicans of Winfield are alive and awake and will make the dry bones of Democracy rattle during the next four months.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Judge T. H. Soward shook up the anti-prohibitionists of Udall last Sunday with a rousing address on the temperance issue.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Temperance Rally in Sheridan. A temperance rally will be held at the Quier schoolhouse, in Sheridan Township, next Sunday. It will commence at 10 o’clock a.m. and continue all day. A picnic dinner will be a prominent feature, so take your well filled baskets. Hon. T. H. Soward and Rev. H. D. Gans, with others, will be the speakers. Good shade will be prepared.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
On motion of T. H. Soward, a committee of five on credentials should be chosen.
On motion of Rev. P. B. Lee, amended by T. H. Soward, a committee of five on resolutions should be appointed.
The chair then appointed the following committees.
Credentials: Sid Cure, Al. Mowry, J. A. Cochran, J. F. Martin, Captain Stuber.
Resolutions: P. B. Lee, J. O. Campbell, L. H. Wells, T. H. Soward. S. E. Burger.
Permanent organization and rules: M. T. Armstrong, W. White, Evans James, J. R. Sumpter, Jas. Utt.
Delegates. WINFIELD—SECOND WARD. Delegates: Spence Miner, G. H. Buckman, L. B. Stone, T. B. Myers, C. Trump, T. H. Soward.
Alternates: S. H. Myton, D. E. Douglass, John Fogarty, A. B. Taylor, H. Brotherton, W. J. Kennedy.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
There will be a grand barbecue on next Friday, August 1, in Johnson’s grove, in the interest of the A. M. E. Church of this city. A bountiful dinner will be furnished on the grounds for the nominal sum of eighty cents a couple. Judge Soward and other good speakers will deliver orations during the day, and at night there will be a grand festival at the opera house. The proceeds of the day’s entertainment will be devoted to building a church for the A. M. E. Society of this city. This cause is worthy of help from our citizens, and we trust our colored friends will be favored with a profitable and enjoyable season of festivity.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
The Republicans of Dexter Township will raise today at Dexter a Blaine and Logan flag-pole. They have received from Chicago a large, beautiful bunting flag and will raise it in style and with enthusiasm. W. P. Hackney and T. H. Soward will be present and make rousing speeches.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
The Barbecue. The barbecue and festival given by the colored people in this city last Friday was numerously attended and a most enjoyable time was apparently had. The tables were loaded with all kinds of toothsome viands, and after dinner short speeches were made by Col. T. H. Soward, of Winfield, and Rev. Fleming and Amos Walton, which were duly appreciated. Prof. Farringer’s band, from Winfield, were in attendance and discoursed elegant music. The weather was decidedly propitious and, everything considered, the affair was a success and reflected much credit upon the part of the management.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
A Card. The members of the A. M. E. Church, of this city, desire to express their sincere thanks to the citizens of the city and vicinity, for the efforts so kindly made by them towards making the barbecue and festival of last week the success it was. Committee.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Stockholder: T. H. Soward.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Judge T. H. Soward delivered the address for the colored people at their barbecue celebrating their emancipation, at Arkansas City, last Friday. A big crowd was present and a pleasant time enjoyed.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
DEXTER TO THE FRONT. Among the many staunch and loyal Republican townships of grand old Cowley, Dexter occupies the front rank. For enthusiasm and enterprise they are never beaten. Last Thursday added another laurel to her record by the erection of the first Blaine and Logan flag pole in the county. There was a large number of people present and music was furnished by Prof. McLain with his splendid Burden Cornet Band. The pole was one hundred feet high, painted red, white, and blue, and as straight as a chalk line. It was one of the finest poles we have ever seen. After the pole-raising the crowd adjourned to the schoolhouse, where, after music by the band, Judge Soward delivered an eloquent and red-hot speech of an hour. He was followed by Senator Hackney, in one of his characteristic speeches, delivered in his happiest vein. He warmed the democratic party up lively, bringing up their record for twenty years and contrasting their past utterances with present accomplishments until the few democrats present were either mad or converted. Hackney never fails to wake things up.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Organization of Blaine and Logan Club. Pursuant to notice the committee appointed to organize a Cowley County Blaine and Logan Club met at the COURIER office at 2 o’clock p.m., July 19, 1884. T. H. Soward was elected President, J. R. Sumpter, Secretary, and W. J. Wilson, Treasurer. The following gentlemen were elected vice-Presidents of the Club.
Beaver, M. F. Teter; Bolton, J. D. Guthrie; Cedar, Alec Grouse; Creswell, C. T. Atkinson; Dexter, S. H. Wells; Fairview, Wm. White; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Maple, Ed. Morse; Ninnescah, A. J. Worden; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, A. H. Mills; Pleasant Valley, D. S. Sherrard; Richland, Capt. Stuber; Rock, S. P. Strong; Sheridan, Barney Shriver; Silver Creek, J. W. Henthorn; Silverdale, J. N. Darnell; Tisdale, Hugh McKibben; Vernon, Oscar Wooley; Walnut, S. E. Burger; Windsor, R. F. Roberts; Winfield 1st Ward, W. J. Wilson; Winfield 2nd Ward, G. H. Buckman; Harvey, R. S. Strother; Spring Creek, J. J. Estus.
Motion that the Vice Presidents be instructed to organize Blaine and Logan Clubs in their townships at the earliest possible time, and report their organization and members to the President of this Club, carried. On motion the chair appointed Capt. White, W. J. Wilson, and J. R. Sumpter a committee on finance. The Club adopted as a badge a plain blue ribbon with the names of the Republican candidate for President and vice-president printed thereon. Adjourned to meet on the call of the Chairman. J. R. SUMPTER, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
The Good Templars Lodge of Winfield will hold a meeting in the Park Sunday afternoon. The choir will be led by Mr. Buckman, a recitation will be given by Miss Stretch, and Judge Soward will deliver an address.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Letter from Dexter. MR. EDITOR. Perhaps you would like to know something about the way things are going in this part of Cowley. Doubtless you have noticed the stand taken by the Dexter Eye, of late, against Prohibition. The action of which called forth some little rebuke from the Friends of Temperance in this vicinity; which has been thrust back through the columns of this paper, in a strain of threatenings and abuse. This has been quite a surprise to the good people of Dexter as he represented himself to be a temperance man, and a strict prohibitionist, and exhibited to the writer at the same time that he made his statement, a certificate of membership to the I. O. G. T. and an officer of the order. But like Judas of old, he has betrayed the innocent blood and sold his inheritance for a few pieces of silver.
That an action so treacherous should be denounced by all lovers of Prohibition is beyond a doubt, and because there are people in this community who are advocating the cause of prohibition and they are denouncing his course. They have been grossly insulted and falsely accused, such has been the course of this paper, that it is deemed necessary for a number of the best citizens of Dexter for someone of the community to answer some of the accusations made against us, and give an explanation of some kind why such things should have been said. But doubtless the reader of this letter has already suspected the reason from what has already been said.
Now Mr. Editor, we are called fanatics, ring nose clicks; Idiots, anxious to be called Godly ministers: guilty of kicking up a fuss and stealing the livery of Heaven, to serve the Devil in, and indeed if the decision he has rendered against us is to be final, we are guilty of the grossest crime, and deserve to be banished from the land.
Now when people are accused, the thing to be done is to inquire into the cause of the accusation, and from whence it cometh, and what are the facts in the case and this is just what we desire the people to know. In the first place, we do not deny having done something—for we have not been idle since we came to Dexter, neither do we intend to be in the future. One among other things we have done, and not the last either, is we have been
guilty of holding a Temperance meeting in this place, and advocating the cause of Prohibition, and have declared war against King Alcohol and denounced whiskey, beer, and ale. We have sent out a decree to the effect that he shall not reign over us, and that we intended, God helping us, to do all we can to overthrow him.
We have even gone so far as to invite a citizen of Winfield, Mr. Soward, to come to Dexter and advocate this doctrine to the people we have been advocating, a reform which is near and dear to the hearts of every American citizen, who loves his country and that ought, to be dear to every man, woman, and child in the land. We have been publicly denouncing every Practice and Principle that recommends anything less than a strict Prohibitory law in the state of Kansas. We have declared our intention to vote for and lend our influence to assist Temperance candidates who are strict Prohibitionists in preference to all others who are not.
And when the Dexter Eye came out denouncing our cause, pronouncing it a failure, and advocates the cause of the liquor traffic and declared war against prohibition, we withdrew our support from that paper and condemned the course it had taken. If this is kicking up a fuss, we do not deny the charge. If this is stealing the livery of Heaven to serve the Devil in, we expect to keep on serving him right along in this line. If this is fanaticism, may the Lord give us more of it for the country is just now in need of more such fanatics. Nay, we have been watching the course of this paper for some time, which has been full of the abuse of man, and in fact contains scarcely anything else of late, at least in the editorial department. Some time ago this little sheet began this dirty work by assailing one of the best citizens of Dexter, for the only reason that he was a supporter of Mr. Asp, who is not the Eye’s candidate; and he is a man who advocates prohibition. Next came the continued effort to injure Mr. Asp, who is a well known gentleman of your city, and an honored citizen of Cowley County. But this foul sheet could scarcely find language suitable to gratify its lust or desire in defeating any man towards whom he does not lean, and now simply because we denounced the course of this paper although we did it in an honorable way and told him of his fault in the presence of others, he has sailed out upon us as though he would endeavor to stop the mouth of everyone who dared to say anything against his course and with threats if he hears anything more he will trace up men’s records and publish to the world.
Now we want to let this man know that all his threats and bulldozing will not keep people from expressing their opinion upon the course he has taken. And we also wish the Editor of the COURIER and people in general to know that the Dexter Eye does not represent the opinion of but a small part of the people of this community, and the cause of prohibition still lives in Dexter. There is a large number of our best citizens who are enlisted in the glorious cause, and in spite of all the opposition which may be brought to bear, they will be found true to its principles. Respectfully, T. C. WARREN.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Miss Mattie Marshall, niece of Judge T. H. Soward, returned last week from a lengthy visit with a sister in Quartz, Colorado.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Meeting of Blaine and Logan Clubs and a Flambeau Club. A meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield was held at the Courthouse Monday evening. The meeting came to order by electing Mr. A. H. Limerick, Chairman, and W. A. McCartney, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by W. J. Wilson. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and W. P. Hackney in favor of the complete organization and equipment of a Blaine and Logan club. It was decided to organize the club into three companies of torch-bearers and one Flambeau club. The following officers were elected: Colonel Whiting, Commander of battalion and D. L. Kretsinger, Adjutant; Spencer Miner, Captain “Co. A,” Frank Finch, 1st Lieutenant, M. B. Shields, 2nd Lieutenant, T. J. Harris, 3rd Lieutenant; Capt. J. B. Nipp, Captain of “Co. B,” W. P. Hackney, 1st Lieutenant, John McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant, H. H. Siverd, 3rd Lieutenant; Cap Steuven, Captain of the Flambeau club; H. G. Norton, 1st Lieutenant, W. A. McCartney, 2nd Lieutenant, Frank H. Greer, 3rd Lieutenant. The election of officers for “Co. C” was deferred until Tuesday evening. A meeting of the officers of the different companies was called for Wednesday morning for the purpose of appointing various committees, and deciding on the kind and number of suits and torches to be ordered. After the completion of business of the meeting, Henry E. Asp was called on, and responded in one of his characteristic speeches, after which the meeting adjourned.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
DIED. The bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward passed away Tuesday afternoon. The hearts of the parents are heavy with their great sorrow, which the sympathy of many friends cannot soften. The little one was laid to rest Wednesday afternoon. It was their only child, and the affections of the parents were wrapped up in it.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The Death Record. DIED. Tuesday, the 30th, witnessed the death of Tom Wheeler, the infant son of T. H. and Lizzie Soward.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
B. W. Perkins, our congressman and congressman-elect, addressed our citizens last night in the opera house. Mr. Perkins is a forcible and entertaining speaker, and though he has been hard at work in this campaign; speaking twice a day sometimes during the past three weeks, his speech last night was as vigorous and fresh as though the campaign had just begun. Kansas may well be proud of her representatives in congress. He was followed by Messrs. Soward and Jennings, of Winfield, in short but telling speeches.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
About two hundred of our Plumed Knights, accompanied by the Courier Cornet Band, filled a special train for Arkansas City, Tuesday evening, where Congressman B. W. Perkins, Judge T. H. Soward, and County Attorney Jennings warmed up the cold, diabolical hide of the Democracy in rousing addresses. Torchlight processions and general Republican enthusiasm composed a big time and our boys returned more than satisfied. Our Glee Club got in its work with campaign songs.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
First speaker was Hon. B. W. Perkins, our congressman. He was received at the depot by Rev. J. O. Campbell and Committeeman Maj. L. E. Woodin. Also received by over 100 men, headed by John Daniels, who welcomed the Plumed Knights of Winfield who came in on a special train plus the Courier band. “They played several strains of music at the depot and on the opera house balcony.” Arkansas City people who furnished martial music: L. J. Wagner, J. S. Daniels, and N. C. Hinkley. Rally held in Highland Hall. At rally music rendered by Winfield Glee Club and the Courier band. Perkins was followed by Messrs. Soward and Jennings of Winfield. Winfield visitors: Henry Asp; Capt. Nipp, a Plumed Knight; Capt. James Finch, who commanded the Plumed Knights.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
The pastor of the New Salem Presbyterian Church, having returned from his vacation trip, will resume usual services next Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock. . . An address upon the subject of Temperance will be delivered by Judge T. H. Soward. Mr. Soward ranks among the very best temperance speakers in the county, and all would do well to come out and hear him. This will be his first visit to New Salem.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
The last Republican meeting of the Campaign at the Opera House Monday night was an enthusiastic and harmonious one: a true precursor to the grand victory in waiting. Words are inadequate to express the effect of the beautiful and appropriate songs of the Glee Club. Mr. Blair, the leader, had transposed songs to fit each local candidate and their reception was telling and hilarious. Capt. W. E. Tansey, Senator W. P. Hackney, Judge T. H. Soward, A. H. Limerick, and Ed. P. Greer gave addresses. Before the meeting adjourned, Senator Hackney stepped forward and said that he had marched on the field with the colored man and he would also like to have one speak on the rostrum with him; and he moved that Mr. John Nichols express his opinions to the audience. John made a speech which would honor any man who had come up under similar circumstances and showed the loyalty that flowed in his veins for the Grand Old Party that gave his race the liberty and citizenship that would allow them to voice their sentiments anywhere in the north. He heaped just censure on the spirit that suborned the darky in the South.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.
Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Sportsmen’s Club. The annual hunt of the Sportsmen’s Club came off last Friday. The annual banquet came off Monday evening at the Brettun, and was a very pleasant affair. The banquet was presided over by Mr. C. C. Black, president of the club. The gold medal was presented to Mr. Ezra Meech, the winner, by Mr. G. H. Allen in a neat speech. This was followed by the presentation of the tin medal to Ed. P. Greer, by Judge T. H. Soward. Mr. Soward’s speech was a happy effort and was received by rounds of applause. After a reply from the recipient, the club resolved itself into an experience meeting, and the various haps and mishaps were recited by the participants. About a thousand rabbits, more or less, were exterminated by the hunters. But very few quail were killed, the count being purposely placed very low. These annual hunts and banquets are becoming more popular year by year.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Wanted: A girl to do general house work in a family of two. Good wages. T. H. Soward.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Adjutant J. E. Snow furnishes us the following list of officers, elected by Winfield Post, No. 85, G. A. R., at its last regular meeting, Dec. 10, 1884: S. Cure, P. C.; J. H. Finch, S. V. P. C.; W. E. Tansey, J. V. P. C.; H. H. Siverd, C. of D.; H. L. Wells, surgeon; A. B. Arment, chaplain; A. H. Limerick, Q. M.; D. L. McRoberts, O. G; Wm. Sanders, J G; T. H. Soward, O G.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
The Spy of Atlanta. The committee on behalf of the Winfield Post, No. 85, G. A. R., and St. John’s Battery of this city, wish through your paper to express the high appreciation of the presentation of the Spy of Atlanta, given here on the evening of Dec. 14th, 15th, and 16th, by L. D. Dobbs. Capt. Dobbs gave us a first class entertainment, surpassing the expectations of everyone who witnessed it, and causes our best judges of theatricals to pronounce the Spy of Atlanta the most interesting entertainment ever given in our city. To say that the performance under the skillful management of Capt. Dobbs, was a complete success, and to commend the Spy of Atlanta under his management to the Grand Army of the Republic of Kansas, is only an act of justice.
The tableaux were the finest we ever saw. We would like to describe the beautiful angel, but if we speak of one justice would demand the same of all, and our communication would be suppressed on account of its length. In this notice it is impossible to do justice to all, but rest assured that we feel very grateful for the kindness shown us by the entire cast.
SAM BARD, H. L. WELLS, J. E. SNOW, T. H. SOWARD, Committee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 14, 1885.
Our Communication From the Poor Old Hub. A public meeting was called at the courthouse in Winfield, Thursday evening, for the purpose of devising some means to try and give the Hub a boom the coming summer. T. H. Soward called the meeting to order and came very near making his old campaign speech. He wished the Hub had a Jim Hill to build them a canal from the Arkansas River to Winfield, or do something to add a little life to the capital of Cowley. Next speaker was Charlie Black; he said they were going to build the Narrow Gauge but that the company had decided to make it a Broad Gauge; they wanted the people of Winfield to give them $40,000, and the townships along the line of the road to pay as much as they could legally vote for railroad bonds. They would not ask for county bonds, as they were afraid the county would not vote them, they came so near defeating them before.
Next speaker was Bro. Kinney; he said he knew nothing about railroads or worldly matters, but would entertain the audience with the war song of the salvation army; he sang “A holy war is raging, tramp, tramp; the Irish are throwing dynamite into the British camp,” etc. Pap Millington was called, but was not present; he was busy preparing to turn over the post office to George Rembaugh. Next speaker was M. L. Robinson, who said they would build the Narrow Broad Gauge to Winfield, if they got sufficient bonds, but Winfield could not vote them $40,000 and also aid the north and south road, as the law would not allow them to vote sufficient bonds to build both roads; and he thought the people ought to aid the N. G. and let the other roads look somewhere else for aid. Next speaker was J. C. Long, who said he had about come to the conclusion that he had settled in a community of drones, without life or energy, but he thought they were waking up, and would talk liberally, certainly talk was cheap. Joe O’Hare said he was in favor of digging the canal, then they would have plenty of water and sand enough to make it possible to get through the Winfield mud.
The chair then appointed a committee of seven to draw up a constitution and by-laws for the society, and it was voted to call it “The Winfield Enterprise Association.”
Bro. Kinney then announced that tomorrow the salvation army would hold public meetings on the streets, at the churches, and at the office of the Enterprise Association.
Meeting adjourned to meet next Thursday evening. MORE ANON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
The tranquility of last Sunday morning was broken by an accident that ushered the soul of Thos. Welch, with scarcely a moment’s warning, into that undiscovered country from whence no traveler returns. The victim of this unfortunate accident, with Charles Skinner, William Kelly, and Frank Harrod, occupied a room over Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store. They retired on Saturday night, leaving two large six-shooters, which had been in the room for several weeks, on a box in the center of the room. In the southeast corner of the room was a bed on which Welch and Kelly slept, and in the northeast corner one on which Skinner and Harrod slept. Skinner arose first, about 8 o’clock Sunday morning, and began to clean up the room. Harrod soon followed and while putting on his clothes, with his back to Skinner, the latter picked up the revolvers to move them onto another box against the wall. As he raised the one in his right hand, a huge 44-calibre, it mysteriously discharged, and simultaneous with the report, Welch, who was still in bed, though supposed to be awake, threw the cover off his head and exclaimed, “My God, you have shot me through the heart! I am killed!!” Skinner dropped both revolvers to the floor, turned white as a sheet, and advanced to the bedside of Welch. Kelly, who was lying on the back of the bed in a sleepy stupor, raised up and looking Welch in the face said, “You’re not shot, are you Tom!” but the lips were speechless and the spirit had flown. Skinner seemed terribly grief-stricken over the awful accident and gave himself into official custody. Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, a jury empaneled composed of Messrs. T. H. Soward, J. W. Arrowsmith, F. M. Pickens, C. M. Leavitt, A. B. Taylor and O. M. Seward, and an inquest held, developing the facts as given above and resulting in a verdict of accidental death. Drs. W. S. Mendenhall and S. R. Marsh examined the body and ascertained that the bullet entered the left side between the fourth and fifth ribs, severed several arteries just above the heart, crashed through the breast to the collar bone, and lodged in the base of the brain. It was one of the wickedest wounds, splintered the bones terribly, and it is supposed that the victim hardly realized what had struck him before life was extinct. The evidence as drawn from the witnesses by County Attorney Asp indicated that the revolver was laid on the box cocked, as neither was a self-actor and could not have discharged without the trigger drawn; but neither of the remaining occupants of the room could testify to having cocked it. Skinner and Welch ran the Palace lunch room, on West Main, for about two months; but about a month ago, they sold out to Kelly, though both still remained around the place as occasional assistants. No witness testified to knowledge of other than amicable feelings having ever existed between any of these parties.
Thomas Welch was born in Morgan County, Ohio, and he was in his forty-second year. In 1869 he was married at Olathe, Kansas, to Adell T. Hoyt, who died six years ago near Arkansas City, leaving a girl, who is now nine years old and living in Pratt County. He served three years in the 13th Kansas Volunteer Infantry and was in several of the hardest Southern battles. He was a member of Winfield Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose members took charge of the body and conducted the funeral. He was also a member of our battery. Mr. L. F. Blodget, who married a sister to the unfortunate man’s wife, was summoned from Wellington. The deceased came to Cowley in 1871 and settled on Grouse creek. He was honorable, affable, and highly esteemed, and his sad death causes much regret, especially among his old comrades-in-arms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
While attending the inquest upon the body of Thomas Welch, the victim of the sad accident in Winfield on Sunday last, in which one man was in a moment ushered into the unseen, and another must carry to the grave the sad thought that in some way he was responsible, although conscious that he had committed no crime, there was much speculation as to how it could have happened without intention, and there are some who will affect to believe, or who are so constituted that they cannot help but believe that the shot was intentional, and that the jury did not do their duty in deciding it an accident. In fact, one of the prominent citizens of the city told me he was not satisfied with the investigation, unless some vague rumors of a quarrel between the men were examined into.
The testimony was skillfully handled by our acute prosecuting attorney, upon the theory that a terrible crime had been committed, and yet all who heard the testimony through were thoroughly satisfied that by some means the revolver was left with the hammer raised, and that Skinner did not notice it, and accidentally pressed the trigger when he lifted the pistol from the box. Col. Soward asked Skinner if he did not put his finger on the trigger? And he answered: “I must have, but I didn’t know it.”
The idea seems to prevail that fire-arms will not go off unless the lock is tampered with, and that a loaded gun with the hammer down is as safe as a stick of wood. It is also well known that the majority of accidents happen by pointing guns at others, with “I didn’t know it was loaded.”
An accident that happened to me today causes me to write this letter.
I have been familiar with the use—and danger—of fire-arms for forty years, and only from the fact of my carefully noting all the facts as I give them, and coming so soon after the inquest as above, am I impelled to give my experience to the public, hoping it will throw light upon some points in other cases.
I took up a double-barreled gun today and carried it across the room. I observed the lock and saw the cap was on the left side and the hammer down; the right-hand barrel was empty. I set the gun down carefully, and got out the ammunition, poured some powder in my hand, and proceeded to load the empty barrel. I set the gun before me in the room, with the locks from me, looked carefully to see that I was correct, and poured the powder into the right-hand barrel. I had just taken away my hand when there was a deafening explosion. For a moment I was confused, my forehead felt numb, my face smarted, and I put up my hand to see if the top of my head was safe. I found the only damage I had sustained was the burning of part of the eye-lashes of my left eye, and slight singeing of my hair, but there was a hole in the chamber floor over my head that I could put three fingers through, and the left-hand barrel was empty.
I know I did not hit the lock against anything, and the concussion of setting the gun on the floor did not set it off, as I put it down carefully, and it stood several seconds before it exploded, and I presume that if my head had been torn to pieces I should have been called a suicide, or very careless.
I never met with such an accident before, but it explains to my mind several mysterious accidents in the past, notably the one cited above, and the shooting, by himself, of C. L. Vallandingham several years ago. I think probably the motion in moving the gun disturbed some electrical condition obtained by decomposition of chemicals in the powder and compound in the cap. I cannot rationally make any other explanation, and I do not remember of ever seeing such a case as mine in print; but accidental explosions with fire-arms are common, and they are almost invariably attributed to carelessness, which is probably often the fact.
To my extreme caution in keeping my face from before the gun in this instance I owe my life; yet had the explosion been a few seconds later, I must have had my hand torn to pieces while loading. I think I may say I will not again attempt to load a gun with a cap on, especially of it has been loaded some time, and will continue, as in the past, to be very careful that the muzzle of the gun I may have in hand shall never, for an instant, be pointed at any person.
Fire-arms at best are dangerous, and the habit of having them lying around carelessly should not be indulged. H. W. MARSH, M. D., Coroner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Two mortgages, one of $15,000 and one of $20,000, on Arkansas City business property, were recently filed with Register Soward.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
That Winfield and Cowley County are bound to march onward and upward during 1886, and even outdistance her former successes, was splendidly evidence in the rousing meeting of prominent businessmen at the Court House Thursday evening last. It showed that our citizens are on the alert and ready to embrace anything that will conduce to the prosperity of our city, and make her the metropolis that situation and natural advantages insure, if concerted action is brought to bear. The Court House was “chock full” and an interest shown in harmony with the energetic, rustling character of our businessmen.
Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order in a brief outline of its import—to stimulate immigration and public improvements, and to formulate plans for the general advancement of the Queen City and Cowley County.
D. L. Kretsinger, always prominent on such occasions, was made chairman, and George C. Rembaugh, the fat man of the Telegram, was chosen secretary. J. C. Long, A. T. Spotswood, H. B. Schuler, M. L. Robinson, and Col. Whiting were appointed a committee on plan of action, and after consideration they recommended that a permanent organization be formed to be known as the “Winfield Enterprise Association,” and that a committee of seven be appointed to draft by-laws, rules, etc., and report to a meeting at the Court House on this (Thursday) evening. The gentlemen composing the temporary committee were continued, with the addition of J. B. Lynn and M. G. Troup.
Chas. C. Black, secretary of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway Company, then addressed the meeting on the prospects of that line. He explained that the road would have reached Winfield ere this if the financial panic, beginning with May last, hadn’t made progress impossible. With the loosening of the money market, he said the road would be pushed right through. The company have decided to make it a broad gauge, connecting at Baxter Springs with the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad. The contract for twenty-five miles of track has been let to John Fitzgerald, of Lincoln, Nebraska, a contractor of reliability and capital of half a million, who will begin to throw dirt as soon as the frost is out of the ground. With the twenty-five miles begun on the east end, the company will re-solicit aid along the proposed line (the bonds formerly voted being all void, owing to the road’s procrastination). The proposition having carried by so small a majority before in this county, Mr. Black thought it likely that aid would be asked by townships, Winfield being solicited for $40,000. M. L. Robinson also spoke flattering of the prospects for the D. M. & A., as well as the Kansas City and Southwestern, together with other projects conducive to Winfield’s prosperity. There seems no doubt that both these roads will be traversing the fair fields of Cowley before this year is ended. The officers of the K. C. & S. have everything arranged to commence operations as soon as the money market will permit. The meeting, by a unanimous vote, signified its willingness to vote forty thousand dollars to the D. M. & A., and, if needs be, vote the same amount again to the K. C. & W.
John C. Long, Col. Whiting, and others spoke enthusiastically of Winfield’s prospects, and urged the necessity for concerted action. Mr. Long said that the Street Railway Company would build its line, and not a dollar’s worth of aid would be asked. Our street railway will make us metropolitan indeed.
Spencer Bliss suggested the feasibility and possibility of offering sufficient inducements to the A., T. & S. F. and S. K. railroads to build a union depot and joint shops in this city, and stated that the prospect of navigating the Arkansas river, and other influences, pointed forcibly to the necessity of the Santa Fe moving through the Territory soon, to a southern market, in which case they must have shops about this location. Winfield being ninety-five miles from Cherryvale and about the same distance from Newton, offers a very advantageous situation for joint shops and a round house, and if our businessmen push the feasibility of the matter, there seems no doubt that this result can be obtained. When the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. strike us, now anticipated before the summer rolls by, this scheme will be all the more probable. With four railroads radiating from Winfield, with their shops here, we will have a town that will lay all others in Kansas in the shade—hardly excepting the State Capital.
This was the most enthusiastic meeting our city has witnessed in many a day, and shows a determination on the part of everybody to make the Queen City “git up and dust.” With the advent of spring, immigration will pour in from the panic-stricken east—immigration of a substantial character, men seeking profitable investment for capital, and with unison of effort, the extensive advertisement we are getting, etc., Winfield and Cowley County will get a large share. This organization is what is needed. New enterprises will be sprung and an era of prosperity dawn that will surprise “old-timers.” With the prettiest city, the best county, and the best people on the globe, Winfield’s beacon light will be followed by many an easterner in quest of a pleasant home and safe investment. Let us all put our shoulders to the wheel and keep our city in the first ranks of leading, prosperous cities—where her natural advantages entitle her. Every businessman in the city should give the meeting tonight his presence. What we need is a hard pull, a strong pull, and a pull altogether.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
The people of Rock township hold a Sunday School convention at Rock on the 28th inst. Judge T. B. Soward and others will deliver addresses and a very interesting program has been arranged.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
When such rustling, wide-awake businessmen as those of Winfield pull together for the advancement of any cause, it is bound to win. What has been needed in the past was unity of action, and no greater evidence could be given that this has been accomplished than was shown in the second rousing meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association, Thursday evening last. The attendance was even larger than at the first meeting and the interest and harmony exhibited means that the Queen City and Cowley County will develop more magically during the next year than ever before—not a wild boom, to be followed by a collapse; but a solid, substantial development that will stand “the wreck of matter and the crash of worlds.”
M. G. Troup was called to the chair. J. C. Long and H. B. Schuler, chairman and secretary of the committee on organization, submitted a report which was discussed and adopted, as follows.
At a meeting of the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County, Kansas, held in the Court House, in Winfield, Feb. 12th, 1885, for the purpose of considering what action should be taken to encourage enterprises for the general good and benefit of Winfield and Cowley County, it was
Resolved, That the citizens of Winfield and Cowley County be associated together for the purpose above stated, and that such Association be called the Winfield Enterprise Association.
A committee of seven was appointed to draft such by-laws as in their judgment are necessary. The said Committee reported as follows.
First. The officers of the Association shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Board of Directors.
Second. The Board of Directors shall consist of thirteen members.
Third. The President, Vice-President, and Secretary shall be members of the Board of Directors.
Fourth. The Board of Directors to appoint from their number the President, Vice-President, and Secretary.
Fifth. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Board.
Sixth. The duties of the Vice-President shall be the same as the President, when, from any cause, the President shall be absent.
Seventh. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a full record of all meetings, and by direction of the Board, to answer all correspondence and communications that may come up for consideration. He may also act as Treasurer, and as such shall account to the Board, with vouchers, for all disbursements, from time to time as they may direct.
Eighth. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to do business.
Ninth. The meetings of the Board shall be called by the President or Vice-President, and in their absence, any three members of the Board may call a meeting, naming the time and place of such meeting.
Tenth. The annual meeting for the election of directors of this Association shall be held annually at seven p.m. on the first Thursday in March.
Eleventh. The officers and Board of directors to hold their positions for the term of one year, or until their successors are elected and enter upon the discharge of their duties.
Twelfth. Any vacancy occurring in the Board, the remaining members to fill same by appointment for the unexpired term of the retiring member or members. And the secretary to notify such person or persons of their appointment.
Thirteenth. All business matters or action of the Board shall be for the public good and not in any way or manner directly or indirectly for private or personal gain.
Fourteenth. No member of the Board shall use in any manner the Association to subserve or further his private affairs.
Fifteenth. These by-laws may be added to, amended, or altered by the Board of Directors at any meeting called by the Board for such purpose.
Sixteenth. Citizens of Winfield and Cowley County may become members of this Association by subscribing their names to these by-laws and paying a membership fee of two dollars.
Seventeenth. It shall be the duty of the Board at all times to take action and to make every effort to induce settlers of Cowley County, giving so far as they can such information as may be required by strangers and those seeking homes in the glorious great west. And to encourage enterprises that will add to the prosperity of Winfield, its surroundings, and its social advancements.
J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, J. C. Long, Col. Whiting, J. A. McGuire, C. A. Bliss, M. L. Robinson, H. B. Schuler, and John A. Eaton were appointed a committee to solicit memberships to the Association.
Judge T. H. Soward presented some startling and convincing facts and figures in favor of the D. M. & A. and K. C. & S. railroads, which we give below. Their truth is self-evident and no man who gives them a careful perusal will ever again sit down on his little tail and howl against the city and county “burdening” themselves by aiding railroad corporations to build their lines. Here are the Judge’s figures.
An estimate on the reasonable effects of the proposed lines of railroad when built upon values and taxation in Cowley County.
Bonds asked for the D. M. & A. R. R. 50 miles of road bed will be about $180,000.00
Interest on $180,000 at 6 percent: $10,800.00
Average value of Southern Kansas railroad through Cowley per mile is $6,217.75
Average Wichita and Southwestern per mile is $7,090.25
Average of both roads: $6,602.50
Take this as a basis for the D. M. & A., and it will give 50 miles of road bed $6,602.50.
Total: $330,125.00
Bonds asked for the Southwestern R. R.: $130,000.00
Miles of road bed 44, value of Road in county: $290,510.00
Interest on $130,000 at 6 percent: $7,800.00
County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 50 miles of road bed D. M. & A.:
$830,123 at .0355: $11,719.44
County tax independent of State tax on valuation of 44 miles of road bed Kansas
Southern $290,510 at .0355: $9,313.10
Total bonds to be asked for both roads: $310,000.00
Total miles of road bed 94, total value of road bed, etc.: $620,635,00
Total annual interest on bonds: $18,600.00
Total annual tax paid into County treasury independent of State tax: $21,032.54
Excess of tax over annual interest on bonds: $2,432.54
I think it safe to assert that the building of these railroads would add 3 cents per bushel to all grain raised in the county. They will open up a new market and put us 40 miles closer to the ones we now have, but say it adds two cents per bushel:
Winter wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000
Corn, 4,500,000 bu. at 2 cents: $90,000
Rye, oats, barley, and spring wheat, 1,000,000 bu. at 2 cents: $20,000
All other products: $5,000
Cattle: $10,000
Hogs: $10,000
Horses and mules: $5,000
Sheep: $5,000
Coal: $20,000
Lumber: $20,000
Add Dry Goods, groceries, hardware: [No price given]
Grand Total: $205,000
Now you who can estimate the amount of additional capital and population that would follow these enterprises, the additional amount of increase in tillage of soil and proportionate increase of yield it is simply wonderful and yet it is all practicable and can and will be done if we but do our simple duty.
The total taxation of Cowley County for all purposes for the year 1884 is $186,000 in round numbers. The increase in price of our products and our decrease in articles consumed would pay our taxes and leave a large balance in the hands of our producers. Every dollar of this money would stay in the pocket that earned it.
A. H. Jennings made an interesting address and sprung the matter of a college in Winfield. He cited the great advantages derived by his former home, Delaware, Ohio, through such an institution and allowed the feasibility of a college here. In all Southern Kansas there is not an institution of higher learning; no better field can be found. This would be an adjunct that would not only give one town a standing in the State, but greatly increase our population, our business patronage, and our educational conveniences. Cowley County is now sending abroad an average of fifty students annually at a cost of several hundred dollars each. And a great many more would seek classical education if the facilities were at home and the expense reduced. This college would also draw from a large territory surrounding us. It was proposed to organize a stock company, every man putting in one hundred or two hundred dollars being entitled to a twenty-year scholarship. Mr. Jennings’ scheme met with great favor, and now that the ball is rolling there is no doubt that fifty thousand dollars can be raised to boost the enterprise. Like every institution of the kind, it will have to grow from a small beginning. A. H. Jennings, Prof. Gridley, County Superintendent Limerick, Dr. Graham, Rev. Reider, and Dr. Kirkwood were appointed a committee to devise plans for the establishment of this college. The committee has been wisely selected and we have no doubt that they will put this important matter on foot and that it will reach an early fruition.
M. G. Troup also addressed the meeting at length, urging the establishment of this proposed institution of learning and showed its feasibility and importance to the Queen City. He spoke of the vast resources of Cowley County. Though she has advanced magically in her short existence, her domain is as yet but half developed. She has room and maintenance for sixty thousand people, which number she will soon have if her citizens show enterprise and grit. She not only wants more tillers of the soil, but more mechanics, manufacturers, and tradesmen. These must come if our advantages are properly shown up and the requisite encouragement shown.
J. E. Conklin introduced, with commendatory remarks, his old friend, J. M. Stayman, of Champaign City, Illinois, who is an experienced machinist and a man of ability and capital. Mr. Stayman stated that he was here on a prospecting tour and after being shown around the city and county by Mr. Conklin, had determined to locate with a foundry and machine shops in the stone building on north Main. James Ostrander, a machinist of equal experience will accompany him from the East soon and together they will establish this enterprise. Mr. Conklin gives these men the highest recommendation and Winfield will no doubt have reason to congratulate herself on their advent.
At the close of the meeting, a large number attached their signatures as members of the Association, and through the soliciting committee nearly every enterprising man has joined. A fund will be created that will enable the Association to send representatives in quest of any enterprise that may point in this direction. The members of the Association, in compliance with the by-laws, will meet the first Thursday in March for the election of officers and directors for the year, when many enterprises that are now developing will be presented.
[Note: They had “Stayman” and “Staymen” in article above.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
T. H. Soward, J. E. Snow, Chas. Steuven, and others are in attendance upon the Grand Encampment of the G. A. R. of Kansas, as representatives and visitors from Winfield Post.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
The Winfield Enterprise Association is now thoroughly organized and is bringing its power to bear on various schemes whose success will set Winfield several rounds up the ladder of prosperity. Its third meeting was held on Thursday evening last, when the membership was found to have reached over two hundred of our prominent businessmen, most of whom were present and have since put two dollars each into a sinking fund. J. C. Long was chosen chairman and D. L. Kretsinger secretary. A committee consisting of G. H. Allen, T. H. Soward, Walter Denning, C. M. Leavitt, and Frank H. Greer was appointed to report a list of names for directors of the Association. The following were reported and unanimously elected: Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Long. H. B. Schuler, J. L. Horning, D. A. Millington, T. H. Soward, A. H. Doane, W. P. Hackney, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, and W. G. Graham. No better men could have been chosen as directors. They are all men of enterprise and energy: men who have the interests of our city and county at heart and the necessary nerve and ability to secure every enterprise possible for our advancement. The committee previously appointed to devise a plan for the establishment of a college in Winfield, composed of W. R. Kirkwood, J. H. Reider, A. H. Gridley, and A. H. Jennings, reported as follows.
Your committee, appointed to consider and report upon the subject of an educational institution of a higher grade, beg leave to present the following, viz:
1st. We believe it to be eminently desirable that such an institution should be located in Winfield, and at the same time entirely feasible.
2nd. We are informed that the South Western Kansas Conference, of the M. E. Church is about to locate a College in the southern central portion of the State.
3rd. We therefore recommend that a committee of businessmen be appointed who shall make a canvass of the city and county, soliciting subscriptions to a fund to be used for the purpose of securing the location of said College in Winfield; and we recommend that the work be done at once, inasmuch as the conference above named, meets on the 16th inst.
4th. Inasmuch as it is proposed at an early day to vote bonds to the amount of $15,000 for the purpose of erecting another school building, we beg to suggest whether it be possible legally to vote for the erection of such building—to build it on plans suitable for College purposes, and, if the College can be secured, to be turned over to the board of trustees of the College for their use, while the high school should be merged in the preparatory department of the College, it being understood that, in case the College is located here, it shall be properly endowed and equipped by the Conference.
The Directors held their first meeting on Friday evening last and permanently officered the Association as follows: President, H. B. Schuler; Vice-President, D. A. Millington; Secretary and Treasurer, T. H. Soward. Committees were appointed to sift and develop certain enterprises that have been sprung. This organization means much for Winfield and Cowley County. It is composed of the most harmonious and enterprising lot of businessmen that any city was ever blessed with—men who are determined to make Winfield the metropolis of Southern Kansas and Cowley the most populous, prosperous, and popular county in the State. With natural advantages unexcelled, citizens a unit for advancement, substantial immigration pouring in, and public and private improvements all around, the future of Cowley looks bright indeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
T. H. Soward juror fees: $1.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Capt. A. A. Tuttle, the ex-king of the Cannibal Islands, left this morning for Wellington, with a heart as buoyant as a child’s. He came here with but seventy-five cents in his pockets, expecting to reap enough for present needs from his lecture, his only dependence. But his old age, verging on childishness, caused mismanagement. He didn’t circulate enough with his credentials. His story, at first, seems entirely too big to be real. His lecture didn’t pay expenses, and yesterday the old gentleman was bowed down with a grief that was painful to see. With a heart as big as a mountain, Judge T. H. Soward circulated around, raised money enough and to spare in getting the Captain to his next engagement, guaranteeing personally his hotel bill, which was reduced half by Mr. Crampton, of the Central. The Captain will return here the last of this week or first of next, when our people, now that they are satisfied of his authenticity, will give him a rousing house. His lecture is replete with wonderful historical facts, put without embellishment, in the crude way of an old sea captain. THE DAILY COURIER is ready to assist the old gentleman in getting the audience he deserves, without money and without price. We are convinced of his worthiness. The G. A. R. boys, always on deck for the assistance of a worthy “vet,” will also show all encouragement possible.
Note: The following article refers to “Feejee” when it is presently spelled as “Fiji.”
Also, article spelled the word “Eskimo” in a different fashion. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Capt. A. A. Tuttle’s lecture at the Opera House last night was romantic and instructive. The Captain is certainly a wonderful man. THE DAILY COURIER, as did many others on first appearance, thought him to be an imposter, so wonderful were his stories. He is seventy-five years of age, of tall, angular form and silvery locks. His lack of tact and culture and his age prevent his creating the sensation and success his romantic life-experience should create. He has been in every land and clime and traversed the waters encircling the globe. He was fifty-five years a sailor, whaler, and explorer, three years King of the Cannibal Islands, and four years in the Rebellion as Captain of the South Atlantic Brigade. He was born in York State, was the fifteenth child of his mother, and when a mere boy ran away from home and drifted into a sailor’s life. He finally became captain of a whaling vessel, and that part of his lecture relating to these sea monsters contained much valuable information. The sperm whale has only one nostril, while other varieties have two. He has no teeth on the upper jaw, while those in the lower one are pure ivory. The fins resemble a man’s hand, with the same number of bones. The brains of one of them will fill twelve barrels. These brains are used to make sperm candles. According to the laws among whale hunters, the whale belongs to the man or vessel that first harpoons him, no matter by whom or where captured. The whale, when in the throes of death, goes it blind with tremendous rapidity, straight forward. It was thus that he was wrecked off the Feejee Islands. The vessel happened in the death track of a whale. A square header caved in the vessel’s side and all took to their lifeboats. The Captain and five of his crew were drifted to the Feejee Islands, where the Man Eaters captured them. All perished but him. The Cannibals have a superstition that when a great man among them dies, his spirt will return sometime in a different body. A King had passed away a hundred years before, whose stature was six feet and four inches—the only one of that height ever on their throne. Capt. Tuttle was carefully measured and filled the bill to a tee—even the former King’s crown was a perfect fit. The Captain was unarmed and meekly submitted to their councils, not knowing, till he learned their language, his marvelous escape by duplicating another’s stature. He reigned three years, when a vessel landed on the Islands. The Cannibals were determined to devour the crew, but the King prevented. He left with the crew for a visit, fully expecting to return, but in a Mediterranean port he learned that the American Rebellion had just broken out. His grandfather was in the Revolution and his father in the war of 1812, and he at once determined to enlist for his native country and sailed for this country, serving through the war. After the war he again went to sea, with an exploring expedition to the Polar regions, where he was wrecked and lived eight months with the Esquamaux. The Captain claims to have been nearer the North Pole than any other living man—up in the regions where daylight is continual, and his history of those regions seems to corroborate his statement. The Captain says that through his reign as King and his saving of the crew, with other influences he brought to bear, initiated the great missionary work that has been done recently among the Feejee Islanders. This all looks like a fairy tale, but those who have conversed with the Captain, heard his lecture, and have seen his credentials are throughly convinced. The life of the Captain has already furnished several romantic books and is now being compiled in detailed form for early publication. His oratory is after the uncouth, go-as-you-please fashion of a sea Captain, but the subject matter rivets the attention of an audience. He has no means and is merely dependent upon his lectures. Old age, almost childishness, causes mismanagement, and at present the old gentleman is absolutely without means. But our citizens have generously helped him out. He has a certificate of membership in the G. A. R. at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, his former home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Judge T. H. Soward, with a recklessness hard to explain, risked his reputation by affording a DAILY COURIER scribe an appreciated opportunity for a drive around the city behind a pair of snow-white steeds, Sunday afternoon. He repents it now—but too late. All over the city are to be seen the elements of beauty and prosperity. New residences, pretty fences and lawns, newly planted trees and shrubbery, and many other commendable improvements greet the eye. A view of the Queen City from the mounds now, since Dame Nature has clothed herself in beauteous verdure, is enchanting. To one who continually shuts himself in his den of business such a view of the city as it spreads before him in this lively valley is really a revelation. “I didn’t know Winfield was so big!” involuntarily comes from your lips. The Highland Park addition, with its beautifully inclined streets and landscapes, is certainly the prettiest residence property to be found. It is going rapidly and will soon be dotted with neat and substantial homes. Union Cemetery has been wonderfully improved this spring. Several hundred evergreen trees have been set out, the walks and drives remodeled, and everything put in appropriate order for a home of the dead. Many new and beautiful monuments appear, and many lots are being artistically improved, notable among which is that of Judge Soward, where lies his baby boy. It is of unique shape, surrounded by a skillfully constructed terrace of Cowley County stone, and is being prepared for floral and shrubbery adornment. The old stone fence is about the only unsightly thing about Union Cemetery now. It should be torn out at once and replaced by a neat picket fence. A more lovely place for a cemetery couldn’t be imagined, and its natural beauty is being doubled by tasteful and appropriate adornments. The G. A. R. has secured a tier of lots well located, in which to place their “vets,” who answer the last roll call and have no individual lot. The government furnishes neat headstones for such.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The Grand Army of the Republic is preparing to properly observe Decoration and Memorial Days, May 30th and the Sunday preceding. The initial steps were taken last week at its regular meeting in the appointment of T. H. Soward, A. H. Limerick, H. H. Siverd, A. B. Arment, and J. J. Carson as a committee of arrangement. This is a step that will receive the hearty encouragement of all. Nothing could be more fitting than this memorial tribute to those “vets” who have passed to the great beyond. The Decoration Day last year was slightly marred by rain, but the memorial services at the churches were very successful. Let us prepare this year for even greater success, hoping for weather propitious.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Capt. J. S. Hunt and lady entertained Nella F. Brown during her stay in our city. Her presence anywhere is a “feast of reason and a flow of wit.” Winfield captivated Nella as much as she captivated it. She was driven over our city by Judge T. H. Soward, and determined to buy property here—even went so far as to say that she never saw a more beautiful city and was imbued with a desire to make this her home. Perhaps this is due to the wonderful persuasiveness of the Judge. Winfield people certainly gave her a rousing reception, and would be still more enthusiastic in welcoming her as a resident.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Post commander and comrades of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.: Your committee appointed to report to the Post a program for memorial and decoration services submit the following as their report.
1st. The committee recommend the following as the order of services for Memorial Day, Sunday, May 24th, 1885.
That there be memorial services held in the 1st Baptist church of the city of Winfield on Sunday morning, May 24, at 11 a.m., and that this Post, with visiting comrades and all old soldiers, with their families, be requested to attend said services and that Dr. Kirkwood, of the Presbyterian church, be requested to deliver the address or sermon at said time and place, and that memorial services be held in the Methodist Episcopal church in the evening of said day, the address to be delivered by Rev. J. H. Reider, and that the Post march in column from their hall to each service.
The following committees are suggested to carry the above recommendations into effect.
Committee of 3 on procuring churches.
Committee of 3 on procuring speakers.
Committee of 3 on decorating churches.
Committee of 3 on seating and ushering.
Decoration services May 30th, 1885.
The Post to meet at their hall at 9½ o’clock a.m., and immediately thereafter to send committee of three to Vernon township to assist the citizens in decoration of soldiers’ graves at Vernon Center cemetery. A committee of five to decorate the graves in the Catholic cemetery; also a committee of five to decorate the soldiers’ graves in the cemetery south of the city. These committees to perform their duty and immediately thereafter to report themselves to the Post commander.
At one o’clock p.m., an address in the Opera House by Rev. H. Kelly, with appropriate music.
At 2 p.m., the parade will form on Main street facing west, the right resting on 10th avenue.
1st, twelve little girls dressed in white and twelve little boys with blue jackets and caps with flowers in the van.
2nd, Winfield Courier band.
3rd, Visiting Posts, Winfield Post, old soldiers not members of Post, ambulances with disabled soldiers and Woman’s Relief Corps and wagons with flowers, in the order named.
2nd division, Winfield Union Cornet band, Company C, State Guards, 1st Light Artillery, Kansas National Guards, Winfield Fire Department.
3rd division, Adelphia Lodge, Winfield Chapter, Winfield Commanders, Winfield Council, Winfield Lodge, K. of H., Winfield Council, No. 5, N. U., Winfield Lodge, No. 18, A. O. U. W., Winfield Lodge, No. 16, S. K., Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., Chevalier Dodge, No. 70, K. of P., Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., and W. C. T. U.
4th division, Winfield Juvenile Cornet Band, Mayor and city authorities and citizens.
Line of march, north on Main street to Eighth avenue; east on Eighth avenue to Harter street; north on Harter street to Fifth avenue; east on Fifth avenue to Michigan Avenue, in Highland Park, and thence north to cemetery. The services in the cemetery to be held on the mound in the center of the cemetery. The officers conducting the manual services of the G. A. R. and Miss Campbell, who will recite the original poem to be on said mound; the comrades and soldiers to be formed in double rank around the drive-way next to said mound. After the poem and manual services by the G. A. R., the twelve little girls and boys and a detail of twelve veterans with baskets of flowers will follow by the column and proceed to first decorate the soldiers graves in the southwest portion of the cemetery, then in the northwest portion, then in the northeast, and then in the southeast.
The committee recommend that the Post Commander command the column and appoint such assistant commanders and aid de camps as he may desire.
We recommend that the committee on securing tombstones from the national government be appointed a committee and be ordered to secure small, white headboards, and have the name of the dead soldiers in our cemeteries, with company and regiment printed thereon, and placed at each grave not so marked, first obtaining the consent of the family of the deceased soldier, and to also mark each grave with a flag of the United States.
The committee would further recommend that the Post Commander appoint an executive committee of five, who shall have the power to appoint all sub-committees to carry this of the programme that may be adopted into effect.
The committee suggest the following committees for Decoration Day:
Committee of three on Invitation.
Committee of three on Music.
Committee of three on Procuring Children.
Committee of ten on Flowers.
The committee would further recommend that the Woman’s Relief Corps be most cordially invited to cooperate with us, and that they be requested to act with us on our committees.
Your committee further recommends that the Mayor of the city be asked to request, by proclamation, our businessmen to close their places of business from 1 to 3:30 P. M., on Saturday, May 30th, and participate in decoration services.
Respectfully submitted in F. C. & L.
Committee on Invitation: J. S. Hunt, chairman, J. B. Nipp, J. C. Long.
On churches: E. S. Wilson, chairman, T. H. Elder, D. S. Sherrard.
On speakers: S. C. Smith, chairman, F. S. Pickens, W. E. Tansey, J. M. Fahnestock.
On decorations: A. B. Arment, chairman, B. J. States, W. H. Cayton.
On music: Geo. H. Crippen, chairman, F. E. Blair, J. E. Snow.
Seating and ushering: H. H. Siverd, chairman, John Flint, J. N. Fleharty.
Committee on girls and boys: F. H. Bull, chairman, J. A. McGuire, A. E. Baird.
On marking graves: Samuel Parkhurst, chairman, Wm. Sanders, B. B. Wells.
On Flowers: D. L. Kretsinger, chairman, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, F. M. Lacey, J. C. Roberts, Adam Stuber, M. S. Scott, J. W. Fenway, H. H. Harbaugh, J. E. Farnsworth, D. L. McRoberts.
Decoration of Catholic Cemetery: T. J. Harris, S. Parkhurst, Ed. Haight, Jno. Gill.
Decoration of Vernon Center Cemetery: H. H. Siverd, W. W. Painter, J. W. Millspaugh, Thos. Thompson, J. M. Householder.
By order of T. H. SOWARD, J. J. CARSON, H. H. SIVERD, A. H. LIMERICK. T. A. BLANCHARD, Executive Com.
The Chairman of each subordinate committee is requested to report to the Chairman of the Executive Committee, at the Court House, for instructions, not later than Thursday next, and any comrade on the committees who cannot serve will please report to the Executive Committee at once. T. H. SOWARD, Chairman. H. H. SIVERD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Judge T. H. Soward, being at Wichita Wednesday, boarded the “Sunflower” Excursion to Anthony. The citizens of that place entertained the excursionists grandly. Anthony is wonderfully jubilant over the completion to that place of the Ft. Scott, Wichita & Western.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Pursuant to call the citizens met in mass meeting at the Court House Tuesday evening, with J. C. Long presiding and Ed. P. Greer as secretary, for the purpose of considering the question of securing the Methodist College. Senator Hackney, of the visiting committee, explained the situation. M. L. Robinson then proposed a plan whereby the twenty acres and fifteen thousand dollars necessary might be raised. He proposed to be one of eight to organize the College Hill Addition Company, secure land in some available location, set aside twenty acres thereof for the college site and guarantee ten thousand dollars to the fund. This suggestion was immediately adopted, and the following gentlemen subscribed to the shares at once: M. L. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, Chas. F. Bahntge, John W. Curns, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Soward, A. J. Thompson, and S. H. Myton. After some further discussion on the matter by Judge Gans, Mayor Graham, J. E. Conklin, and others, the meeting adjourned to meet again this evening. Messrs. Baden, Millington, Spotswood, Wallis, Conklin, F. S. Jennings, Bedilion, and Whiting were appointed as a committee to confer with the members of the College Hill and Highland Park Association and report proceedings. Mayor Graham, H. B. Schuler, and Senator Hackney were appointed to attend to the reception and entertainment of the College Commission. The railroad question was also discussed at some length, and a committee of seven consisting of Messrs. Farnsworth, Bowen, M. M. Scott, Siverd, Chas. Schmidt, and J. E. Conklin were appointed to see that the registration was fully made. An assessment of $1.00 was levied upon the members of the Enterprise Association to defray the expenses of the railroad canvass. The solution of the college problem seems to be at hand. If this association furnishes the twenty acres and ten thousand dollars, certainly our citizens will furnish the other five thousand. Now is the time to act in this matter, and when the committee calls, be ready to put down liberally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Rev. B. Kelly and Judge T. H. Soward went to Wichita Tuesday to present before the committee Winfield’s inducement for the Methodist College. They took two grip sacks in which to bring home the college. Our bid is big and will get it, you bet—if the ardent desire of our citizens is desired and our bid is big enough. All feel confident.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
Winfield has downed them all!! She is the victor!!! Judge T. H. Soward returned today jubilant over our flattering prospects. Rev. Kelly remained to the final, and at 3:15 sent this:
WICHITA, June 10.—M. L. Robinson, Winfield: Winfield selected! B. KELLY.
Other confirming telegrams have since been received. Our people are on tip-toe with joy, and will probably have the biggest jollification tomorrow night ever Winfield saw. Rev. Kelly and Judge Soward did noble work before the committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
College Committee Welcomed. Thursday was the occasion of much joy to the people of Winfield and vicinity. The Opera House was filled with rejoicing people. Early in the evening the House commenced to fill, and impatiently waited for the gentlemen to put in an appearance for whom they had gathered to welcome. The Courier Cornet Band discoursed sweet music, sufficient to charm a God of olden times. Everybody felt happy. On motion of W. C. Robinson, John C. Long was unanimously elected chairman of the meeting. Mr. Long was heartily cheered upon taking the platform. The following is in substance Mr. Long’s address.
Fellow Citizens: We do not meet here tonight to raise funds, but to jollify over what has been accomplished. (Cheers.) For the past three months we have been successful in every enterprise undertaken. (Cheers.) Through the noble leadership of a gentleman, who is in our presence, and his assistants, we have been successful. (Cheers.) We have a gentleman in our midst earnest in the cause in which he is enlisted, of serving the Lord. A gentleman who has just put forth his best endeavors and zeal in working up this enterprise. A gentleman without whose aid, I believe, we would have failed. The Conference at first had engrafted in the articles determining to erect this college, that it be centrally located. This gentleman advocated the partiality of this clause, and the men composing the conference, in their fair-mindedness and good judgment, made the location at any place of easy access. The seven members of this committee were from other towns, yet they at once saw the superior offers and natural advantages of Winfield and through the efforts of this gentleman, of whom I have been speaking, and his co-worker, we have gained the victory. Fellow citizens, I refer to Rev. B. Kelly and Judge T. H. Soward.”
At the close of Bro. Kelly’s speech, he was cheered time after time, when cries of “Soward” filled the room. Finally Judge Soward made his appearance and after some little time contrived to gain a hearing, and in his usual happy vein spoke substantially as follows.
Fellow Citizens: In 1879 Kansas was pretty dry in more ways than one. About this time I landed in your city and took a drive out east; coming back I strayed into the Presbyterian Sunday School. I made up my mind if the Lord did not make this city and country for the blessed and happy, I couldn’t tell where I could find that country. I have been working pretty hard for the past few days and feel too tired tonight to say much. When I came back from Wichita the other day, and before I left, Bro. Kelly was of the opinion we had the college; I felt assured it would be so. I came home and would have slept in peace, but my baby had the colic. (Laughter.) This county is the most beautiful county that God’s sun shines upon. I took some of my Kentucky friends out yesterday down about Arkansas City and Geuda Springs, and every place they come by they would say, “I’m going to have that place!” They are coming here to locate; they have capital, and many more will follow. (Cheers.) I have been proud of Cowley ever since I came here. We have the most enterprising people on the face of the globe. My expectations have been fully realized within the last three or four weeks. My friends, taking into consideration the hard times of the past winter, it is wonderful, the success that has been accomplished in raising funds for this College and other enterprises. It shows the enterprise of the people of Winfield. But, my friends, we want more projects. These railroads and College won’t make our city alone; we must encourage manufactories and men of capital to come here. We can get them. We want the Orphan’s Home for the soldiers. I believe Cowley County can capture it. (Cheers.) By all means we want to locate individuals, and are going to do it. (Cheers.) We must not stop; there is no stopping place in this country. We want a little more smoke from manufactories, no matter if it does cause us to paint our houses a little oftener. But a short time ago, a friend of mine, traveling through California, the so-called garden spot of the world, said he believed Southern Kansas was destined to be the center of the horticultural district. We want men here with enterprise enough to scrape the hair off and cut the throats of our hogs instead of shipping them to Kansas City. (Cheers.) I would like to see a big pork-packing establishment—not too close to town, but just a little ways off, you know. (Laughter.) I wouldn’t give this M. E. college for sixteen imbecile colleges. I would like for this to be a city of colleges. (Cheers.) I would like to see that old Baptist college at Ottawa move down here and fired up with our enterprise. (Cheers.) I would like to see other denominations establish colleges here. Now my friends, we are not through with our work, or you won’t do what I said you would. There are some men here that have not given as much as they ought to do. They will have to give more. Next Tuesday the committee will be here. We want all the pretty girls and pretty wives to turn out and welcome this committee and completely capture them. The gentleman sitting over there with white hair (Mr. Kelly) engineered this through. I would have been like a drop of water in the ocean without him with me at Wichita. We owe it all to him—to his zeal and work in the cause. God bless him and the men and women of this town who have worked for this college, that my little boy and yours may grow up under the shadow of its influence and grow up a good man. I would almost as soon trust a boy to an army as to trust a boy away from home’s protecting influence. Already applications are coming in for homes here. Men are crying I am coming to a town where I can educate my boy and my girl and watch over them. I am going to pitch my tent under the shadow of this college. My friends, do your own work. Do it well, but give a little thought to the future of this country.
At the conclusion of the Judge’s speech, he was applauded again and again.
A vote of thanks was given to Bro. Kelly and Judge Soward for the noble work they have done. Long may the people of Winfield remember them. After the Courier Band had rendered several pieces, the meeting adjourned to dream of Winfield’s future prosperity.
Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Judge Soward has a literary dog. “Sport” dropped into the COURIER den the other day, and, without invitation, picked up a DAILY COURIER and began to masticate it with intense interest. Advertisements and all were taken in, and the paper left a total wreck on the floor. His intellect was all in his mouth.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
THE COURIER has numerously called attention to the dangerous approach of the west bridge. It is only twelve or fifteen feet wide, skirted by rugged banks about twenty feet down. Substantial railings on either side, whose cost would not exceed fifty dollars, would arrest all danger. But the Vernon authorities have neglected this matter—probably to their everlasting sorrow. The latest victims were Mr. A. H. First, residing with Mr. Jameson, and Miss Flora Zimmerman, of J. S. Mann’s household. They were out driving Sunday evening with Rev. Reider’s horse and buggy. Approaching the bridge, the horse scared, whirled half around, and, with a fearful lunge backward, the outfit and occupants went backward over the embankment with a terrible crash. The weeds and brush covered the view, giving it anything but the wicked place it is, and not until the horse fell over backward and loomed up in mid air did Mr. First realize his awful danger. Death, sure and certain, flashed through his mind, and there couldn’t have been a more astonished or happier man than he, when he got through the combat with those fearful boulders in his precipitate descent of twenty feet, came to, and found most of his teeth were knocked out, his jaw broken, and he able to walk. The young lady fell out of the buggy and caught on the first ledge, receiving only a few bruises. The horse recovered from his stun and started to run, having been badly shaken up and bruised, but no limbs were broken. The animal is evidently a hard shell Baptist. The buggy is almost a total wreck—knocked into numberless pieces. In viewing the fall, it seems a mystery how the horse or occupants escaped with their lives. Judge Soward and Capt. Nipp happened along in their buggies and picked up the victims of the wreck. It was a frightful experience, mingled with mysterious luck. It will probably cost Vernon something as damages. This ought to be warning enough. This place must be railed. It is Vernon’s legal duty and must be enforced.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The popularity of Hon. Geo. W. Bain, Kentucky’s great orator, in Winfield was magnificently attested in the immense audience that assembled in the Opera House Tuesday to listen to his lecture. “Boys and Girls, Nice and Naughty, or Pendulum of Life.” Every chair was occupied—as large and enthusiastic audience as ever greeted any entertainment in this city. The Courier Cornet Band was out, and captivated all with the beautiful music, on the street and in the hall. This band never fails to elicit enthusiastic commendation from all at its every appearance. Mesdames Hunt, Soward, Crippen, and Dalton, of the Woman’s Relief Corps, under whose auspices the lecture was given, and Judge Soward and Capt. Hunt occupied the rostrum, and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, president of the Corps, introduced the lecturer. For an hour and a half those present were held captive by Mr. Bain’s wonderful magnetism and eloquence.
“I was out driving with Judge Soward this afternoon and he told me all about Cowley County (if he didn’t, this is a wonderful county).” Judge Soward said: “I’ve been through the war, in many places of this country, and I’ve studied character, but a higher standard of human character than the people of Cowley County I have never seen.”
It was a grand lecture throughout, whose beauty can only be glanced at in such a gist as this. Mirth bubbled up all through it as a relief to the weight of truth and facts. The Woman’s Relief Corps did a splendid thing in affording our people this treat, and were rewarded appreciably. They netted about $125.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Mrs. T. H. Soward and baby boy left Wednesday for several months visit in Summerville, Pa., with her relatives. The Judge will be a terribly forlorn and disheveled “widdy” before their return.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
THE FOURTH. July 3rd on the evening train visitors from Winfield and other towns up the Santa Fe road came pouring into Arkansas City. Bright and early Saturday morning, the firing of cannons roused the sleeping portion of the inhabitants of our city. N. A. Haight, with the First Light Artillery, of Winfield, had come down during the night and it was they who furnished the cannon’s roar.
The Border nine exhibited superior fielding, base-running, and catching; but a few wild throws were made. Joe Wilson, as catcher, is as proficient behind the bat as any catcher in the state. The Cyclones’ pitcher is their stronghold. He throws a hard ball to hit. When the Cyclones were announced the victors, the Winfield folks went wild. T. H. Soward threw his coat, jumped into the diamond, and hugged everyone of the players, including colored Smith. He was followed by Democratic Joe O’Hare, who went one better, delivering kisses with his hugs. Our boys are not satisfied yet, and neither are we. We believe the Border nine can play a better game than the Cyclones. Therefore, another game will be played soon for a purse of $100 a side.
Winfield would have been here en masse, but the excursion train was not run. It had been neglected. When the noon train came in, it had 11 cars full of Winfield folks. Five of them were box cars, chartered at Winfield. The game of ball closed up the day exercises.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Register Soward seems to be taken for a perambulating appraiser, who carries in the apple of his eye every piece of property in Cowley. A letter from Iowa says: “To the Recorder of Cowley County, Kansas. Dear Sir: Please inform us about what the following described property is worth: E ½ of S. W. ¼ 8-35-8 E.”
It is situated way down in Cedar township; and the Recorder should not be expected to know anymore about its real value than the man in the moon. Its assessed valuation could be gleaned from the clerk’s records, but then you wouldn’t have any reliable information.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 5, 1885.
T. H. Soward, who has quite acceptably filled the office of register of deeds, announces himself a candidate for another term of office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The oldest deed given in Cowley was filed with Register Soward Friday. It was made, if it don’t lie, in 1865, when this country was a howling wilderness. It conveys a lot in Arkansas City from A. G. Lowe to Fannie Eckert. As it wasn’t acknowledged and the other day it would appear that the man who drew it had been partaking excessively of “medicine,” a failing common at the Terminus. Of course, the deed is worthless with such a mistake. A deed was also filed Friday conveying property from A. F. Smith to E. P. Brooks, without a sign on the deed, farther than personal knowledge of the persons, to show in what place are lots 6 and 7, block 5. It is on the records, worthless. The parties live in Burden. Examine your deed with a keen eye, if you want no trouble.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
THE COLLEGE FUNDS. The following notice made to our local college committee has the true business ring and betokens progress. All should read it and comply with the request of the Board of Trustees as to putting all matters pertaining to the college in an acceptable business shape. The Trustees are working with zeal and ability and what started in hesitancy and doubt is now assuming shape that will gratify the most enthusiastic and sanguine. Now let all come up to their part of the work and our hopes of a great university on College Hill will be fully realized. The following is the notice: “Winfield, Kansas, July 30th, 1885. To W. G. Graham, T. H. Soward, W. P. Hackney, B. Kelly, and M. L. Robinson. Gentlemen: Having accepted the deeds from the College Hill Association and the Highland Park Association, and having made the necessary arrangements to begin at an early day the construction of our college building, we hereby give you notice that we desire the payment to the treasurer of the Southwest Kansas Conference College, M. L. Read, within sixty days, the one-third of the $40,000 as mentioned in your proposition to the committee of location. We also request that you put the remaining two-thirds of the $20,000 of subscription in the shape of acceptable obligations according to contract.
“B. C. SWARTS, Prs. Protem. J. D. BOTKIN, Sec’y, Board.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
We are authorized to announce T. H. Soward as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds, subject to the decision of the Republican convention of Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
T. H. Soward, copies plats, $3.76.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The faithful and productive labors of Rev. B. Kelly, as a minister and a citizen, met with a response Monday that left not a little additional sunshine in the Reverend’s pleasant home. Numerous citizens, from a spontaneous appreciation, had made up a purse of three hundred and thirty-one dollars to be presented to Rev. Kelly, as a token of their respect for him. Christian and sinner, prohibitionist and anti-prohibitionist, rich and poor, were among the donors showing the universal admiration of Mr. Kelly’s fearless and zealous advocacy of every good cause. To have so many interested, the matter had been kept remarkably still, and Rev. Kelly was completely in the dark. The committee of presentation, on the part of the donors, were Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Messrs. J. E. Conklin, John Arrowsmith, and R. S. Wilson, who, accompanied by our reporter, made the raid at 8:30 last evening. Mr. Kelly was found at home, and, with an astonished, though very genial manner, welcomed the party. Without any embarrassing preliminaries, Judge Soward said:
“Bro. Kelly: It gives me great pleasure, in company with these friends, to meet you in your home this evening. We do not come for the single pleasure of an hour’s social intercourse. We come as the representatives of a large number of your warm hearted fellow citizens of this city, composed of all denominations and a very large number who represent no religious sect, to assure you of the high esteem which we have for you as a christian gentleman, and to express to you our admiration of the indomitable and untiring energy you have shown in behalf of the moral culture, happiness, and prosperity of our people. Words alone cannot express our feelings, and I bring you from these hands, acting under the impulse of warm and generous hearts, this gift, which we ask you to accept as a slight token of our esteem of a brave and manly man. The intrinsic value of this gift, in itself, is slight; but when I assure you that it bears with it the warm hearted wishes of your friends and admirers, who wish many more years of usefulness and happiness to your household, it becomes more valuable, as we know you esteem the confidence and friendship of your fellow citizens priceless.”
Rev. Kelly, usually equal to any occasion, was to use a homely expression, “all broke up,” and were we to publish his response in full, would no doubt demand a committee of identification. He was glad to welcome the gentlemen to his home on a mission laden with such esteem and encouragement. The surprise, he said, was so complete and of such a character as to incapacitate him for expressing as he would like his deep felt gratitude. He accepted the gift in the spirit it was given—a spontaneous token from warm and appreciative hearts. During his fifteen years residence in Kansas, he had tried to build up, in christianity, morality, and general prosperity. This he had done in Winfield and would continue to do. His fidelity was not prompted by monetary gain, but for the upbuilding of humanity and the calling he espoused. This gift would make one of the greenest spots in his memory. His heart was filled with inexpressible appreciation. With hearty hand-shaking, the formality was changed into pleasant converse, followed by seasonable refreshments, served very agreeably by Misses Maude and Hortense. Mrs. Kelly was ill and unable to appear. The gift was accompanied by a list of the contributors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Col. Tom Soward presents himself before the people as a candidate for re-election this week. Tom, like Capt. Nipp, is a Kentuckian—one of those whole-souled, open, free-hearted fellows, loyal to their friends and generous to their enemies, and whom it is a genuine pleasure to see succeed. He has made a capable and efficient officer and will succeed himself without much effort.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Arkansas City’s feminine population was well represented in Winfield today. Eighteen of her Woman’s Relief Corps were up for a picnic with the Corps of this city. The trains were inconvenient, and they drove up. Arkansas City has had no rain, and they started with big picnic expectations. The rain here made our beautiful Riverside Park too damp to receive the party. The visitors were taken to the Brettun, and dined, as the guests of our Corps. Capt. Nipp, always perfectly at home as a “ladies’ man,” decoyed our modest reporter into the Brettun parlors, before this array of ladies. The Captain’s encouraging whispers and the pleasant reception given, were big cards in our composure. We noted the following visitors: Mrs. J. Q. Ashton, president of Arkansas City’s Corps; Mrs. S. Mansfield, senior vice-president; Mrs. E. Taylor, junior vice; Mrs. J. Cooper, secretary; Mrs. R. J. Hubbard, treasurer; Mrs. May Daniels, conductor; Mesdames S. A. Smith, H. Blubaugh, S. H. Davis, H. M. Guthrie, A. R. Randall, E. H. Bishop, L. H. Rarick, M. S. Jones, H. R. Hopps, A. E. Maidt, and Miss Sadie Pickering. They are all ladies of good appearance, intelligence, and zeal “just such as enter into every good cause. Our corps, led by its officers, Mrs. E. P. Hickok, president; Mrs. Samuel Dalton, secretary, Mrs. W. B. Caton, and others, were busy entertaining. A meeting at the G. A. R. Hall, this afternoon, was addressed by Judge Soward, and a source of much profit and pleasure. Such visits are most acceptable. The visitors returned this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 19, 1885.
I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Cowley County, subject to the will of the Republican County Convention.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Visit to Winfield. ED. TRAVELER: The ladies of the Women’s Relief Corps, a short time ago, received an invitation to visit the Relief Corps of Winfield, which they accepted and accordingly they made a raid on that city last Wednesday. It was decided to go in carriages as the time of the trains was inconvenient. Eight o’clock found eighteen ladies with three teams ready for a start. They drove through dust, but soon found mud, as the Centre had been blessed with a bountiful rain. For this reason the ladies of Winfield were not expecting them, so they drove to the Brettun House, where they found the courteous proprietor ready to receive them, he having been notified by telephone that they were on the way.
After a sumptuous repast they were waited upon by our old townsman, Capt. Nipp, in company with the Courier’s reporter. The Winfield ladies having been notified of the arrival of the A. C. Ladies, soon had a committee ready to receive them and escort them to the G. A. R. Hall, where they were right royally entertained. Capt. Nipp again called around and brought with him Judge Soward, Prof. Limerick, and others of the G. A. R. boys, who favored the ladies with pleasant and appropriate addresses. They then escorted both corps to the ice-cream parlors, where they were entertained with ice cream and cake.
Both ladies and gentlemen accompanied them to the hotel and started them safely on their journey home, where they arrived at a late hour, well pleased with their visit, and feeling assured that more such days of pleasure would make life happier.
The ladies of Arkansas City relief corps desire to return thanks to Major Soward and Captain Nipp for the polite attention they received at their hands; and also to the ladies of the Winfield corps for the hospitality extended to them. ONE OF THE CORPS.
Arkansas City, August 14th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
There has been another enterprise organized here during the week. It is for the purpose of laying out a town in old Stanton County, and is called the Veteran Town Company. The members are: J. A. Cooper, J. B. Nipp, M. L. Robinson, Geo. W. Robinson, Ivan Robinson, J. L. M. Hill, J. R. Taylor, S. H. Rodgers, Jas. H. Bullen, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Byers, F. L. Branniger, F. S. Jennings, E. P. Greer, John Arrowsmith, A. R. Nipp, J. C. Long, J. C. Vorheis, Wm. Camery, and T. H. Soward. The offices are: J. A. Cooper, president; J. B. Nipp, vice-president; W. R. McDonald, secretary and general agent; Geo. W. Robinson, treasurer. The company owns eleven hundred acres of land in Stanton County, one section of which is now being laid off as the town of “Veteran.” It is located in the beautiful Bear creek valley, and will be the county seat of that new county when organized. The company is a strong one and will proceed at once to build a city without further ado. A large number of lots have been already contracted for and buildings will go up on them at once. A newspaper is now on the way and the VETERAN COURIER will soon unfold its banner to the breeze. W. R. McDonald is the authoritative business head of the company and will remain on the ground.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Judge Soward delivered a temperance address at Silver Creek schoolhouse, near Burden, Sunday. The attendance was large and the interest warm. The Judge’s niece, Miss Mattie Marshal, accompanied him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
I. Having been assigned by the department commander in General Order, No. 8, to the command of the 3rd Division embracing the counties in the Third Congressional district, each county in the district will be organized into a battalion for re-union purposes. The battalions will consist of all Grand Army posts in the county; and post-commanders are urged to invite all ex-soldiers, sailors, sons of veterans, and others to attach themselves to the post for the purpose of re-union.
II. Comrade J. C. Long of Winfield Post, No. 85, is hereby assigned to the command of the first brigade. Comprising the counties of Elk, Chautauqua, and Cowley. Comrade J. R. Hollaway, of Post No. of to the command of the second brigade, comprising the counties of Cherokee, Labette, and Montgomery. Comrade J. L. Dennison of Post No. , of Osage Mission, to the command of the third brigade, comprising the counties of Neosho, Crawford, and Wilson.
III. The following appointments are hereby announced: A. B. Arment, Winfield Post, No. 85, Assistant Adjutant General and Chief of staff; T. N. King, Division Quartermaster, Sedan; R. W. M. Roe, Grenola, Commissioner of Subsistence; D. L. Kretsinger, Chief of Artillery; Rev. Bernard Kelly, Division Chaplain; Dr. A. M. Fellons, Division Surgeon; H. H. Siverd, 1st A. D. C.; and A. P. Lowry, A. D. C.
T. H. SOWARD, Com. Third Div. A. B. ARMENT, A. A. G.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Mrs. T. H. Soward returned Thursday from a visit of about eleven weeks in Pennsylvania and reports having enjoyed it very much.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Judge Soward’s transformation is wonderful. From the lowest ebb of despondency, he has suddenly risen to the second heaven of ecstacy, and smiles all over. His three months’ widowerhood are ended. His wife and baby are home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
For County Treasurer, J. B. NIPP.
For Register of Deeds, T. H. SOWARD.
For Sheriff, G. H. McINTIRE.
For County Clerk, S. J. SMOCK.
For County Surveyor, N. A. HAIGHT.
For Coroner, H. L. WELLS.
For County Commissioner, (2nd District), J. D. GUTHRIE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
H. H. Siverd named Tom H. Soward for Register of Deeds and Mr. Soward was nominated by acclamation. Mr. Soward expressed his thanks in a rousing speech.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Senator Hackney, Senator Long, Judge Soward, Rev. B. Kelly, Supt. A. H. Limerick, Capt. J. B. Nipp, A. B. Arment, John McGuire, J. E. Conklin, and many others are off to take in the Topeka Soldier’s reunion. About 130 from Winfield and surroundings took the train this afternoon for Topeka. Half of the Winfield Post went. The round trip fare is but $4.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, 917 Mansfield street, was the scene of a most happy gathering Monday evening. The occasion was the celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer. Though the rain interfered with the attendance of a number, by nine o’clock over eighty were present, in their happiest mood. Soon after nine o’clock the “bride and groom” were presented and re-united in the bonds whose sweet and bitter they had thoroughly experienced. Rev. J. H. Reider re-tied the knot in a novel and jolly ceremony, the groom consenting to all the compulsory vicissitudes of a “hen-pecked” husband, and she to clothe, feed, protect, scold (in foreign language) until death. After the ceremony and hearty congratulations, a collation of choicest delicacies was served in profusion and most thoroughly enjoyed. The presents were handsome and valuable, the most prominent being an exquisitely painted china dinner set. It embraced a hundred and twenty-five pieces—the handsomest thing obtainable in china ware. It was a token from the following persons: Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Rev. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mrs. R. B. Waite and Mrs. Hartwell, Mrs. E. M. Albright and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Col. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, Prof. and Mrs. I. N. Inskeep, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor and Miss Minnie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herpich, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conrad, Mrs. A. Silliman and Miss Lola, Mrs. C. Strong and Miss Emma, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, Misses Fannie, Jessie, and Louie Stretch, Miss March, Misses Mattie and Mary Gibson, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Lydia Tyner, Maggie Herpich, Maude Kelly, Ida Johnston, and Maude Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, and Miss Lena Walrath. Among the other presents were: Fruit holder and saucer, by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burgauer; individual pepper and salt holders, Miss Burgauer; cup and saucer, Wm. Statton; fruit dish, Dr. and Mrs. C. Perry and Mrs. Judd; China Plaque, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balyeat; soup bowl, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newton; pickle dish, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harrod; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynn; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. R. Bates; fruit plate, Geo. D. Headrick; fruit plate, John Roberts and Mrs. Reed; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Randall; cut glass fruit and pickle dish, tooth-pick holder and finger bowl, Mesdames G. H. Allen, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, C. S. Van Doren, and John Tomlin; plate, bowl and pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bullene; water pitcher, Mr. M. Hahn; cake stand, Kate Shearer; $20 gold piece, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shearer of Geneseo, Illinois. A good majority of the donors were present, and under the agreeable hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, nicely assisted by their daughter, all passed the evening most enjoyably, departing at a late hour, wishing that the bride and groom might have many more such happy anniversaries, clear down to the one of gold, with its silvery locks and ripened years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Capt. Nipp, Judge Soward, Samuel Smedley, John McGuire, and John Ledlie and others got home from the Topeka reunion Friday, badly worn out, but highly elated over the big time enjoyed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The Marriage of Mr. Ezra H. Nixon and Miss Jessie Millington Thursday Night.
At an early hour the large double parlors, sitting room, and hall were filled almost to overflowing by the following friends.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Capt. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Gans, Col. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen, Senator and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short, Judge and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Root, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, Senator and Mrs. J. C. Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Balliet, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harter, Senator and Mrs. F. S. Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Richards; Mesdames J. C. Fuller, A. T. Spotswood, E. P. Hickok, Ed Beeney, T. B. Myers, A. C. Bangs, Judd, H. H. Albright; Misses Emma Strong, Sallie McCommon, Nettie R. McCoy, Annie McCoy, Anna Hunt, Margie Wallis, Lizzie Wallis, Ida Johnston, Leota Gary, Sadie French, Hattie Stolp, Lena Walrath, Minnie Taylor, Huldah Goldsmith, and Lillie Wilson; Messrs. R. E. Wallis, C. Perry, Geo. C. Rembaugh, C. F. Bahntge, W. C. Robinson, E. Wallis, Ad Brown, Lewis Brown, Ed J. McMullen, Frank H. Greer, P. H. Albright, I. L. Millington, T. J. Eaton, M. J. O’Meara, M. H. Ewart, R. B. Rudolph, M. Hahn, James Lorton, C. D. Dever, E. Schuler, F. F. Leland, Lacey Tomlin, Jos. O’Hare, Eli Youngheim, H. Sickafoose, H. Goldsmith, Moses Nixon, L. D. Zenor, and George Schuler.
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, silver fruit knives.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
A reunion of the war veterans was held in Dexter last week, which was well attended. Commander Stewart and his senior vice, Major McCartney, being present at the gathering. Arkansas City post was represented by Capt. C. G. Thompson and Amos Walton, and the Winfield veterans showed up in Major Soward, Capt. J. B. Nipp, S. J. Smock, and W. P. Hackney. The exercises lasted two days, and were enlivened with war reminiscences, some effective speaking by Commander Stewart, McCartney, Hackney, and others; and the boys filled in their time with harmless jollity such as was prompted by the revival of former camp days. These reunions are keenly enjoyed by the retired campaigners.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
A number of turbulent spirits in Arkansas City have got up a great rumpus and are tearing their hair out because the Geuda Springs and Western railroad is to branch from the K. C. & S. W. half way between Winfield and Arkansas City instead of at the latter place, and in their frenzy they threaten to beat the Republican county ticket at the approaching election unless the propositions are withdrawn from the southern townships of Sumner County. It seems to be a case of “if I can’t lick you, I can make up mouths at your sister.” They say that the Republican candidates certainly have influence enough with the railroad company to prevail upon it to withdraw those propositions and if they do not do it, they shall be sacrificed. We can only inform them that the Republican candidates have no more influence on the railroad company than have these men who threaten them, probably not one tenth as much and businessmen are not in a habit of sacrificing their business projects for the interests of any political party or set of party candidates. There would be just as much sense in the Arkansas City Democrats refusing to vote the Democratic ticket for the same reason, or for Arkansas City Methodists bolting the Methodist Church unless the Church should influence the railroad company to withdraw the propositions. We imagine that the Methodists as a church and the Republicans as a party will have nothing to do with this railroad building, nor with the Arkansas City canal or Mills, nor with the navigation of the Arkansas river or any other business interest.
There are seven candidates on the Republican ticket. Of these, three, Nipp, McIntire, and Guthrie, are Arkansas City men, in sympathy with Arkansas City’s interests and doing all they can to secure the same ends which these A. C. Republicans who threaten them are working for. We fail to see what A. C. can gain by beating them and electing in their stead such men as Rudolph Hite of Dexter, whose railroad interests are opposed to those of A. C. and Thompson and Walton, whose only interests are for themselves. How much will they gain by electing John Ledlie, of Burden, instead of the broad gauged Soward, who has taken no part in this matter complained of but whose work for Arkansas City as well as the rest of the county is second to none in the county? How much will they gain by electing Fred Hunt, a Winfield man, instead of S. J. Smock, a Fairview man? How much will they gain by electing Weeks, of Udall, over Haight, a true and tried friend of Arkansas City? And how much will they gain by electing Tandy instead of Wells, both Winfield men? Would it not be cutting off their own noses to spite their faces? It is the silliest move we ever heard of and its movers will be heartily ashamed of themselves and kick themselves all over town when they get sober. We do not believe the Republicans of Arkansas City are such ninnies. They have shown too much good sense, energy, and business get-up heretofore to allow us to believe they can be guilty of such folly. We believe they will work sensibly as heretofore. If not, we can stand it as least as well as they can.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
A COURIER reporter spent Friday at the Dexter reunion. Camp “Pap Thomas” was located in a beautiful grove on Grouse Creek with plenty of pure, sparkling water and more hearty, honest, good cheer than we have ever met at a gathering in Cowley County. Dexter never does things by halves: her people are harmonious on everything they undertake, are of a generous, hearty, and hospitable nature, and nowhere is a stranger made to feel so much at home as among them. This was specially remarked by Department Commander Stewart, of the G. A. R., and Gen. Tim McCartney, who were present. The attendance was very large, and we venture to say that those who were fortunate enough to be present enjoyed it more than any reunion they have attended. During the afternoon speeches were delivered by Commander Stewart, Geo. McCartney, Senator Hackney, Revs. Brady and Fortune, Judge Soward, Amos Walton, and Capt. Tansey. Altogether the reunion was a grand success and the Dexter boys may congratulate themselves on the outcome of their efforts.
They do say that Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp sat up all night to help forage for a pig.
Tom Soward, as master of ceremonies, did himself proud, and sent the speakers off in good shape.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The county election Tuesday, Nov. 3rd, is close upon us and it is time that the voters of this county were considering seriously its importance. With Republicans the facts that their ticket is fairly and honestly made and expresses in each candidate the choice of a majority of the party and that their solid and hearty support of its candidate is necessary to the success of Republican principals, are, or ought to be, sufficient reasons why every one of them should be at the polls and vote the straight ticket. What if I do not like one of the candidates and think he is a bad man? Then of course I have opposed his nomination as I had a right to do, but I have submitted my choice to the decision of the Republican convention and it has decided that he is the proper person to nominate and have nominated him, and now, as a Republican, it is my duty to support their decision and not attempt to disrupt the party by opposing my individual opinion to its decision, thus insisting that I know more than the whole Republican party.
Tom Soward is our candidate for a second term as Register of Deeds, and is the big hearted friend and eloquent and powerful advocate of every measure calculated to build up the prosperity of this county. We owe to his earnest efforts the location of the Methodist college in this county and to his efforts are largely due the present prosperity of this county while everywhere else is heard the complaint of suffering and hard times. No more honest, efficient, and deserving public officer is known, and he should be complimented with a second term by an unprecedented majority.
Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.
Judge Soward, as register of deeds, has made a model officer. It is admitted by all that the office was never in so good shape before, and this has been secured by a personal attention that knows no relaxation. No more honest, efficient, and deserving public officer is known, and he should be complimented with a second term by an unprecedented majority.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Gen. Speed S. Fry, one of the most prominent leading Republicans in Kentucky, is visiting in this city. He was the general in the brigade in which Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp served in the war, and afterwards became a division commander. He is the man who killed Rebel Gen. Zollicoffer. He is a fine looking gentleman.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
THE LOVE FEAST. At eleven o’clock the crowd, music and all, were banqueted at the Brettun by Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. The spread was immense, embracing oysters and a full supper. Several hundred enjoyed the feast. The large Brettun dining room was chock full, and after the banquet, Senator Hackney called order and toasts began.
“The health of Capt. Nipp,” was responded to by Capt. Tansey; of Smock, by Prof. Limerick; of Soward, by Capt. Siverd; of Wells, by J. E. Conklin; of Haight, by G. H. Buckman—all good subjects and eulogized fittingly.
Judge Soward is always equal to any occasion and made a splendid response to the toast, “The Democratic party.” He picked around among the rubbish and brought out several things to eulogize.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Judge Soward and Jim Vance boarded the K. C. & S. W. train Tuesday for a big hunt up the road. No doubt the country in and around Latham will be entirely cleared of game today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
P. H. Albright & Co. paid Tom Soward $1,630.50 for recording during the past year. This may be a give-away for Soward, but it fixes the fact that Albright & Co. do the business, no matter who does the blowing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Miss Mattie Marshall, niece of Judge Soward, left on the S. K. today for a visit of two weeks with friends at Platte City, Missouri.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Thursday night was the occasion of the annual banquet of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club. The annual hunt occurred the day before, the victors and defeated had received their scores, and now was another meeting, to eat, drink (water), and be merry; the “greenies,” or unfortunates, telling how they walked and walked, and fired and fired, and came out with only a few cotton-tails; and the victors were to explain how they managed it in getting so much salt on the tails of their game. The banquet, of course, was spread in the large dining hall of the Brettun, “set up” by the losing division, under Captain Hunt. Messrs. Harter & Hill did themselves proud in the preparation of the banquet, a magnificent array of about everything obtainable in the culinary art, with waiters most attentive. At nine o’clock the feast began, partaken of by the following.
Victors: P. A. Huffman, captain; Jas. McLain, J. N. Harter, Fred Whiting, K. McClung, Chas. Holmes, F. Kessinger, John Eaton, J. R. Handy, Q. A. Glass, Dr. J. G. Evans, Dr. Emerson, Dr. Riley, J. B. Garvin, T. J. Harris, L. M. Williams.
Defeated and had to set ’em up: J. S. Hunt, captain; Jas. Vance, F. Clark, Jap Cochran, H. D. Gans, J. B. Nipp, J. Denning, Geo. Jennings, M. L. Devore, Geo. Headrick, A. H. Doane, Geo. McIntire, G. L. Rinker, J. Barnthouse, Hop Shivvers, D. McCutcheon.
Judge Soward, an old member of the club, Ed. G. Gray, the scribe and a few others, were admitted to the feastorial court as guests.
The feast over, Judge Gans, in a happy speech characteristic of the Judge, presented James McLain, whose score of 1755 made him the champion “sport” of the club, with the gold medal, a beautiful solid shield, engraved: “Presented to James McLain by the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club, for the highest game score, in 1885.” Jim was all “broke up,” as he should be, and asked John A. Eaton to the rescue for a response. John is always equal to any occasion and set the crowd in a roar with his unique remarks. Then came the presentation of the tin medal to Dr. Riley, for his lowest score of 20. Judge Soward’s wit bubbled out in a speech very witty and sparkling, full of happy hits. The Doctor’s response was very appropriate. Lively toasts on the “pot-shot,” the “professional shot,” and various subjects were dissected by Huffman, Vance, Emerson, Nipp, and others. It was a very happy occasion throughout, one to be long remembered.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Judge McDonald has bought a fine bull and two cows from J. J. Carson’s Jersey herd, an investment of a thousand or more. Judge Soward has also bought one of the little Jersey cows, and will cream himself hereafter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Last night was a big occasion for our G. A. R. Post. Col. Stewart, Department Commander; Col. Woodcock, colonel of the 2nd Regiment, K. N. G., and Major Ask, of the same regiment, were here. From 6:30 to 8:30 Col. Stewart exemplified the Grand Army work, after which the Woman’s Relief Corps were admitted, with friends at large, and social chatter began. But the Lodge room was soon a jam, and all repaired to the Rink, where Company C, under its Captain, C. E. Steuven, was having its regular drill. The Rink proved amply commodious, and general commingling among old soldiers and their wives and friends was enjoyed. The Courier Cornet Band came in from the Court House, where it was having its regular practice, and went through the drill with Company C, discoursing splendid music. After the drill and music, the stand was mounted by the distinguished visitors and the commanders of the county, among whom were S. Cure, commander of Winfield Post; Al Mowry, commander of the Arkansas City Post; S. Gould, of the Mulvane Post; H. C. McDorman, of the Dexter Post; John Ledlie, of the Burden Post, and Mr. Roberts, commander of Udall Post. Col. Stewart, happily introduced by Judge Soward, delivered a well prepared address on the origin, object, and fraternity of the Grand Army of the Republic. Col. Woodcock, Major Ask, and others followed. The speeches were sandwiched by “The Old Army Bean,” sung by Major Ask, Judge Snow, Judge Buckman, et al, loudly applauded. The seats were then squared around, the room darkened, and Major Ask exhibited a variety of stereopticon views, embracing army scenes of vividly life-like reality. They were all very fine and made a most pleasant end to a very enjoyable reunion of old soldiers, their wives, and friends generally. Members were present from all the county Posts. After the close at the Rink, the Post had an oyster banquet at Axtell’s, with various toasts and a big time. It was a splendid reception, throughout, to the Posts distinguished guests.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Pearl Party. One of the pleasantest parties of the season assembled at the hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt last Saturday evening to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding. The spacious rooms were well filled and the host and hostess were everywhere present with their careful attentions which, seconded by Miss Anna, made the enjoyment complete. During the evening the Rev. Mr. Reider was brought forward and in a neat and appropriate speech presented to the host and hostess a beautiful set of silverware as a testimonial of the high appreciation of the contributors for the recipients, accompanied by a card with the compliments of the following: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. McClellan, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Young, Rev. and Mrs. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Rinker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGraw, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Friend, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crippen, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin. This silver tea set embraced cake basket, berry dish, six teaspoons, and sugar spoon. Dr. and Mrs. Geo Emerson, pearl card case. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt, silver fruit dish.
Capt. Hunt responded as happily as the emotions of this surprise would permit.
A magnificent collation was placed before the guests, which was highly enjoyed, and after music and other entertainments, the party dispersed with many thanks to their entertainers for the pleasures of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Silver, Mr. and Mrs. John Keck, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. Col. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Handy, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Austin, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mrs. McClellan, Mrs. Whitney, Sr., and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. James McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crane, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Elder, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McRaw, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornady, E. J. Wilber, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Page and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Judge T. H. Soward then came forward with figures, taken directly from the official records of the county, that will knock the winds out of the “burdensome taxation” growler, should he attempt to display himself. They are conclusive evidence that the voting of bonds to secure this railroad is not a burden.
These figures prove conclusively that the increase of valuation by the advent of railroads pays the bonds with a sinking fund. There is no burden involved in the voting of aid to railroads. And when you add to the road itself the big increase of values through railroad facilities, transportation, convenience, etc., the benefit is incalculable.
J. C. Page, T. C. Covert, W. P. Hackney, and W. H. Grow made pointed remarks. It was decided to submit propositions to Rock for $18,000; Walnut $15,000; Fairview $10,000; Winfield $17,000, making the $60,000 required for the extension. Committees were appointed to canvass and work up the propositions, as follows.
Rock: G. H. Williams, R. Boothe, Sr., S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornady, W. H. Grow, J. M. Harcourt, and E. J. Wilber.
Fairview: Tom Covert, J. C. Page, H. C. Schock, J. W. Douglass, J. M. Barrick, R. P. Burt, A. J. McCollim.
Walnut: T. A. Blanchard, John Mentch, J. P. Short, John C. Roberts, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, Chas. Schmidt.
The propositions are now being printed, and in a few days will be ready for signatures. The benefit of this extension is potent in every thinking man, and little opposition will be experienced.
When it comes to the advancement of Winfield and Cowley County, our people are a unit. Enterprise, energy, and grit have put our county and city far in advance of any others in all fair Kansas and will continue to do so. Winfield is destined to be the great metropolis of Southern Kansas, one of the big commercial and educational cities of the big west. With citizens of rare intelligence, progress, and vim, with natural surroundings and possibilities unexcelled, she can be nothing else. The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. The meeting was called to order by M. L. Robinson. W. G. Graham was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. Mr. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, and read letters from A. A. Robinson, General manager of the Santa Fe, agreeing to extend this road from Douglass to Winfield for $3,000 a mile, reserving only the necessity of erecting an independent depot here, the road to either connect with the Wichita & Southwestern at the junction just over the Walnut bridge and run into the Santa Fe depot, or cross the S. K. just east of, and using, that depot. The intention is a union depot here for the Southern Kansas, Wichita & Southwestern and Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroads. The Santa Fe is determined to push through the Territory, which right of way it has already secured, at once. The extension will be made from Winfield, with the machine shops, roundhouse, etc., for this southern division and the roads of southern Kansas, at this place. An editorial elsewhere explains the requirements and advantages fully. Enthusiastic speeches were made last night in favor of this and other enterprises by Rev. B. Kelly, Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, Senator Jennings, John A. Eaton, and John McGuire. Committees were appointed as follows to see that this matter is properly worked up.
Winfield: Capt. Nipp, J. E. Conklin, D. L. Kretsinger, C. Schmidt, Col. Whiting, J. A. Eaton, and A. H. Doane.
Walnut: J. B. Corson, J. P. Short, J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and W. D. Roberts.
Fairview: M. C. Headrick, J. C. Paige, A. H. Limerick, J. W. Douglas, and T. S. Covert.
Rock: G. L. Gale, G. H. Williams, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilber, J. M. Harcourt, S. P. Strong, J. B. Holmes, and John Stalter.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Farmers Bank, $50; First National Bank, $50; Hackney & Asp, $50; T. H. Soward, $25; A. H. Doane, $15; Harris, Clark & Huffman, $15; F. S. Jennings, $15; Curns & Manser, $10; H. Brown & Son, $10; Jennings & Bedilion, $15; Thos. McDougall, $10; H. G. Fuller & Co., $10; Cash, $10; G. L. Gale, $5; Col. Whitney, $5; Ed. Weitzel, $5; C. Schmidt, $5; H. T. Shivvers, $5; J. G. Kraft, $5; G. H. Buckman, $5; W. J. Wilson, $5; W. G. Graham, $5; Dr. C. Perry, $5; W. L. Morehouse, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; G. B. Shaw & Co., $5; Sol. Burkhalter, $5; Hendricks & Wilson, $5; Dr. Pickens, $5; E. F. Blair, $5; Mrs. E. J. Huston, $5; W. S. Mendenhall, $5; John W. Dix, $5; Gregg & Rice, $5; E. P. Young, $5; J. B. Farnsworth, $5; J. E. Conklin, $5; A. F. Hopkins, $5; V. W. Baird, $5; John McGuire, $5; A. E. Baird, $5; W. C. Root, $5; A. C. Bangs, $5; H. E. Silliman, $5; Bertram & Bertram, $5; Daniel Taylor, $5; W. C. Robinson, $5; W. F. Bowen, $5; R. B. Waite, $5; T H Group, $5; Frank W. Finch, $2.50; Stafford & Hite, $2.50; A. Gridley, Jr., $2.50; Frank Manny, $2.50; W. H. Dawson, $2.50; A. DeTurk, $2.50; D. Gramm, $2.50; W. B. Cayton, $2.50; Geo. L. Gray, $2.50; I. W. Cook, $2.50; D. L. Kretsinger, $2.50; W. W. Limbocker, $2.50; Sol Frederick, $2.50; F. J. Barnes, $2.50; John Stretch, $2.50; W. L. Pridgeon, $1.00; E. I. Crary, $1.00; J. D. Appleby, $1.00; T. B. Ware, $1.00; R. B. Mitchell, $1.00; J. A. Barr, $1.00; R. Taggart, $1.00.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Farmers Bank, $50; First National Bank, $50; Hackney & Asp, $50; T. H. Soward, $25; A. H. Doane, $15; Harris, Clark & Huffman, $15; F. S. Jennings, $15; Curns & Manser, $10; H. Brown & Son, $10; Jennings & Bedilion, $15; Thos. McDougall, $10; H. G. Fuller & Co., $10; Cash, $10; G. L. Gale, $5; Col. Whitney, $5; Ed. Weitzel, $5; C. Schmidt, $5; H. T. Shivvers, $5; J. G. Kraft, $5; G. H. Buckman, $5; W. J. Wilson, $5; W. G. Graham, $5; Dr. C. Perry, $5; W. L. Morehouse, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; G. B. Shaw & Co., $5; Sol. Burkhalter, $5; Hendricks & Wilson, $5; Dr. Pickens, $5; E. F. Blair, $5; Mrs. E. J. Huston, $5; W. S. Mendenhall, $5; John W. Dix, $5; Gregg & Rice, $5; E. P. Young, $5; J. B. Farnsworth, $5; J. E. Conklin, $5; A. F. Hopkins, $5; V. W. Baird, $5; John McGuire, $5; A. E. Baird, $5; W. C. Root, $5; A. C. Bangs, $5; H. E. Silliman, $5; Bertram & Bertram, $5; Daniel Taylor, $5; W. C. Robinson, $5; W. F. Bowen, $5; R. B. Waite, $5; T H Group, $5; Frank W. Finch, $2.50; Stafford & Hite, $2.50; A. Gridley, Jr., $2.50; Frank Manny, $2.50; W. H. Dawson, $2.50; A. DeTurk, $2.50; D. Gramm, $2.50; W. B. Cayton, $2.50; Geo. L. Gray, $2.50; I. W. Cook, $2.50; D. L. Kretsinger, $2.50; W. W. Limbocker, $2.50; Sol Frederick, $2.50; F. J. Barnes, $2.50; John Stretch, $2.50; W. L. Pridgeon, $1.00; E. I. Crary, $1.00; J. D. Appleby, $1.00; T. B. Ware, $1.00; R. B. Mitchell, $1.00; J. A. Barr, $1.00; R. Taggart, $1.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Henry E. Asp was caned, silvered, and broomed last night. His services to the city of Winfield in securing the K. C. & S. W. railroad and in every public enterprise for the advancement of our splendid city have always been spontaneous, indomitable, and effective. This merry Christmas time was the occasion for a demonstration of appreciation. Accordingly an elegant silver tea set and water service, a beautiful gold-headed cane, and—a jump from the sublime to the ridiculous—a thirty-five cent broom, were secured as tokens by the following representative gentlemen of the city: Rev. B. Kelley, M. L. Robinson, W. C. Robinson, J. L. M. Hill, Senator Jennings, D. A. Millington, T. H. Soward, J. C. Long, Sol. Burkhalter, Judge Gans, Col. Whiting, Senator Hackney, H. H. Siverd, J. L. Horning, and Ed P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
L. O. Hinson was down Monday from Towles, Butler County. He is an old war comrade of Judge Soward, whose guest he was while in the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The Marriage of Mr. B. W. Matlack and Miss Gertrude McMullen.
THE GUESTS. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Gull, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Torrance, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Sam D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Blair.
Arkansas City: Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Topliff, Mrs. E. H. Wilson, Mrs. M. L. Matlack, Mrs. A. M. Clevenger, and Miss Lucy Walton.
Misses Minnie Taylor, Josie Pixley, Ida Trezise, Lena Walrath, Alice Bishop, Mary Bryant, Mary Berkey, May Hodges, Hattie Stolp, and Leota Gary.
Messrs. Judge Jay J. Buck, of Emporia; George and Everett Schuler, Will Hodges, Robert Hudson, Eli Youngheim, Jos. O’Hare, S. and P. Kleeman, Henry Goldsmith, E. Wallis, Addison Brown, Tom J. Eaton, Lacey Tomlin, Dr. C. E. Pugh, Frank Robinson, Lewis Brown, Will Robinson, James Lorton, Amos Snowhill, Livey J. Buck, Harry Sickafoose, and Frank H. Greer.
Pair silver salt stands, T. H. Soward.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Never did Winfield have as lively New Year’s festivities as those just spent. In fact, it has come to be conceded generally that, though the Queen City has always had much social life, the sociability of this winter exceeds by far. Entertainments, private and public, come thick and fast. And they are all largely attended and thoroughly enjoyable. The wonderful life on the beginning of this New Year is what we will deal with now.
Judge Torrance, Senator Hackney, Judge Soward, and Ed P. Greer, formed one of the parties that took place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Monday evening was the occasion of a very enjoyable time at the Post, it being the installation of the new officers elect. The boys have a very roomy and well furnished Post room and well fitted for entertaining a crowd. The Woman’s Relief Corps was out in full strength and quite a number of visitors. Everybody was sociable and jolly and the reporter felt just like a school boy on holiday. We like to mingle in such a crowd. We feel better for days afterward.
After the installation the ladies of the Relief Corps slyly brought out some mysterious looking packages and soon revealed a feast that every old “vet,” including the reporter, began to grin about and never let up until they reached home and had to send for the doctor. Cakes, oranges, candy, apples, and everything good was passed around in abundance. The reporter and John Arrowsmith were on the sick list and looked as blue as indigo because they couldn’t eat anything. Dr. Wells’ friends watched him closely and whenever the bald place on his head began to turn blue, they pounded him on the back, and took away his dish. Tom Soward and Capt. Nipp were cautioned by their friends several times to eat slower, but you might as well have told them, during the war, to fight slower. They are excusable as they confidently told the reporter they had been expecting this and had fasted since the day before. Earnest Reynolds never grunted after the cake began to go around. He looked down at the floor and lost no time. It is estimated that the Post lost $4.67 by his presence. As for Siverd, words will not express his troubles. Three times was he choked on an orange. His friends are very much worried about him, as he has been troubled for years with dyspepsia. After the feast it was noticed that the Captain’s pockets stuck out like an air balloon, and it is thought he is injured internally. Space will not allow us to speak of the other boys. They all did justice to everything. Their gastronomical propensities worked like a charm.
The following were the officers installed: A. B. Limerick, Post Commander; J. E. Snow, S. V. P.; J. J. Carson, J. V. P.; T. H. Soward, Q. M.; H. L. Wells, Surgeon; H. H. Siverd, O. B.; J. H. Snyder, C.; C. L. McRoberts, O. G.; Lewis Conrad, A.; D. C. Beach, S. M.
The following are the officers of the Woman’s Relief Corps: Mrs. Elma Dalton, P.; Mrs. Julia Caton, S. V. P.; Mrs. H. L. Wells, J. V. P.; Mrs. Dr. Pickens, Treasurer; Mrs. D. C. Beach, Secretary; Mrs. Lewis Conrad, C.; Mrs. A. J. Thompson, C.; Mrs. C. Trump, G.
The installation ceremonies were beautiful. We don’t believe there is any city in Kansas that can boast of a better Post than Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Wedding of Mr. Lewis Brown and Miss Lena Walrath.
THE GUESTS. Rev. and Mrs. Kelly; Rev. and Mrs. Reider; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gridley; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Blackman; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Park; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch; Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vance; Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff, Wellington; Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown and Ralph; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller; Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Mrs. T. H. Soward; Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Mattie Harrison, of Hannibal, Mo.; Lola Silliman, Leota Gary, Anna Hunt, Alice Thompson, Ida Ritchie, Clara Wilson, Julia B. March, Ida Johnston, Nellie and Kate Rodgers; Ora Worden, of Garnett; Nellie and Alice Aldrich, Minnie Taylor, Nellie McMullen, Lou Gregg, Maud Kelly, Mattie Reider, Hattie and Mamie Young; Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Will Hodges, Addison Brown, Jas. Lorton, L. J. Buck, Everett and George Schuler, W. A. Ritchie, C. E. Pugh, Chas. H. Slack, Jno. Brooks, Frank H. Greer, Will Brown, Harry Caton, Lewis Plank, P. S. Hills, J. L. M. Hill, Ed J. McMullen, and M. Hahn.
Library table and camp rocker, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Q. A. Glass, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Park, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Mr. and Mrs. S. Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
HO! FOR THE WEST! We thought Cowley County was famous. And it is famous. But here is one earnest inquirer that hasn’t yet heard all and as he seems so sincere about it, THE COURIER will proceed to give him a few pointers that will open his eyes. The following letter has been received from Cleveland, Ohio, by Register Soward.
“To the Recorder of Cowley Co., Kans. Dear Sir: You will please pardon me for addressing you, but as I wish to ascertain something about your part of the state and country, I thought you would be able and willing to inform me. I am, with others, thinking some of locating in the west, and your county has been spoken of. I am in the mercantile trade here and if I could strike the right place—where a new town has been located, or where one will be located, I would pack up and come west. Or if I could sell out, I would buy a farm. What are your railroad prospects? I see by the map that your county is not very well supplied with railroads. What is the climate and soil? Is it good for farming and stock raising? Is there any good land not yet taken up? At what price is land held at? What is the population of your town? Do you have in mind any place where a person can locate in trade with a prospect of doing well? I might ask you many more questions, but do not wish to weary you. If anything you have in mind that will be of interest to me that I have not asked you about, please write me about it, and if you will please answer this soon, I will be ever so much obliged to you. J. P. Casterline, 1938 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.”
A great many similar inquiries are coming to various individuals and as spokesman for the crowd, THE COURIER will answer. Cowley is not a young county. It is fifteen years old and the liveliest maiden you ever saw. The counties in Ohio that can down it in population and wealth are not many. And there isn’t a county in the whole Buckeye State that can show one-tenth the enterprise, progress, and double concentrated vim. Our permanent progress is just on the firm footing that is bound to place us clear in the lead of western counties. We have three railroads, the Frisco line, direct connection with St. Louis and the East; the Santa Fe and the Southern Kansas—three first-class lines; the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic is but twenty miles off and will soon reach us, while the extension of the Florence, El Dorado & Walnut to Winfield and through the Indian Territory to Ft. Worth, Texas, is a surety within the next six months. It will reach Winfield by April. This gives us five competing lines of railroad. Our new map will blot out the deception of the old one. When a county is growing as rapidly as Cowley, it is hard for the maps to keep up. Our climate is an importation from Italy, with a little spice from Alaska this winter, and our soil is a rich, black loam that will grow everything, with a prolificness that will make your eyes bulge out. Any land to be taken up? Think of a county as well improved, as advanced in agriculture, fine stock, and all that go to make civilization even superior to any in the east and you will at once perceive that the time for pre-emption has long since passed. But you can get land at any price—from $1.50 an acre to $2.00 and upwards. Winfield is a beautiful city of 8,500 population, with water works, gas works, and all modern conveniences. Some of the business blocks erected in the last year and being now erected would do credit to Cleveland—show up with many of your best buildings. Any man with the means for a start, backed by business tact, energy, and vim, can grow wealthy, wise, and happy in Cowley with more alacrity and satisfaction than in any place on the globe. Our people are all prosperous and contented, with a splendid immigration of the best people of the east. The fact that in the last year Winfield’s new buildings and improvements foot up nearly a million dollars is a good pointer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Jan. 11, 1886.
WHEREAS, In view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our comrade, Lafayette Wise, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who are nearest and dearest to him, therefore be it
Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of our departed comrade to say that in regretting his removal from our midst, we mourn for one who was, in every way worthy of our respect and regard.
Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the friends of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished each of the city papers and the same be spread upon the minutes of this Post.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The bonds for the Santa Fe extension from Douglass are carried all along the line, without a doubt. The big licks put in their favor roll up grand results. Judge Soward and P. H. Albright left Rock at 10 o’clock and forty-one votes had then been cast, with but one against. Coming on down to Fairview, they left there at 12 o’clock, about eighty votes had been cast with about twenty against. At 3 o’clock Walnut had cast 201 votes with but 78 against. The supporters in these townships worked like beavers, completely overshadowing the fighters, who were at first numerous and made things look very dubious. In Winfield at 3:30 the First Ward had cast 161 votes for and 5 against; the second ward 101 for and 2 against; the 3rd, 117 for and none against, and the 4th, 90 for and none against. The 3rd and 4th wards are to be congratulated on their enterprise and intelligence. They don’t appear to have a single mullet-head or kicker. The securing of this road is another big step in the onward progress of Winfield and Cowley County. It insures prosperity in 1886 unprecedented: puts us clear on top of every rival.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Senator Hackney, Judge Soward, and J. E. Conklin talked railroad at Bethel schoolhouse in Fairview township, Friday. The meeting was large and the discussion, pro and con, warm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Judge Soward and Will T. Madden discussed railroad at the Burton schoolhouse in Fairview township Wednesday. There seemed to be little opposition to the Walnut Valley line, after it was thoroughly discussed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Inasmuch as there are a number of citizens in Walnut township, Cowley County, Kansas, living on land which has never been platted adjacent to the city of Winfield in said county, and said citizens have not petitioned to become citizens of said city of Winfield, and inasmuch as land not platted cannot be arbitrarily taken into the city limits, therefore be it resolved, that it is the place of the mayor and council of the city of Winfield that under the law only those citizens of Walnut township who are living on said lands who petitioned to become citizens of said city, whose names are as follows: A. J. Thompson, T. H. Soward, S. L. Gilbert, H. G. Fuller, D. Rodocker, and others, are citizens of the said city and those who did not petition the said city to become citizens thereof living on the said land are still as heretofore, residents of Walnut township.
State of Kansas, Cowley County, ss.
I hereby certify that at a meeting of the city council of the city of Winfield, Kansas, held January 25, 1886, the above resolution was passed by unanimous vote of the councilmen present.
Dated this 25th day of January, 1886. G. H. BUCKMAN, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
When the written proposition was received by M. L. Robinson from the general manager of the Santa Fe railroad, offering to build from Douglass to Winfield, if sixty thousand dollars in bonds were voted as aid, a meeting was called at McDougall Hall, of a number of the prominent citizens of the townships of Rock, Fairview, Walnut, and the city of Winfield. The sentiment at that time was well nigh unanimous that the townships would not vote such an amount of aid, but a promise was obtained from those present that the effort should be made, by hard work, to enlist a sufficient number of electors. The opposition then commenced their work and two weeks ago the prospect for carrying the bonds was dark indeed. Then those who saw the grand possibilities and appreciated how tremendous was the stake for which we were striving, got down to their work. Local committees were organized, every voter was seen, meetings were held in every district, which were addressed by speakers who thoroughly believed what they advocated, and the result was that the bonds began to gain friends hourly; the opposition weakened, and in the last two days preceding the election, the revolution in the sentiment of the electors was something marvelous. Good men who believed that the practice of voting bonds was both wrong and dangerous, went to the polls undecided; but, when they saw how life-long friends and neighbors were talking and how they felt, the pressure was greater than they could stand, and they joined the procession and voted the aid asked. All glory to the noble citizens of these townships; they will never regret their action, and the opposition as well as those who were friends and advocates of the proposition will have cause to rejoice that Wednesday’s vote was the best day’s work ever done in this county. The official vote stands as follows.
ROCK TOWNSHIP: For, 140. Against: 40. Majority for: 100.
FAIRVIEW TOWNSHIP: For, 163. Against: 73. Majority for: 90.
WALNUT TOWNSHIP: For, 175. Against: 46. Majority for: 129.
First Ward: For, 194. Against, 3.
Second Ward: For, 121. Against, 2.
Third Ward: For, 133. Against, 0.
Fourth Ward: For, 98. Against, 0.
Total: For, 546. Against, 5.
Wednesday night, with the bonds for the Santa Fe extension carried beyond a doubt, by splendid majorities, was the time for jollification. Representative men from Rock, Fairview, and Walnut congregated at THE COURIER office, where they were received by prominent Winfield men and taken to Axtell’s for banquet and toasts—a general lively time in celebration of one of the weightiest victories Cowley has ever scored. All filled with oysters, etc., the toasts began. J. E. Conklin proposed a toast on “Rock,” to be answered by Judge Soward. The Judge was in his element and paid an eloquent and glowing tribute to Rock township and her enterprising citizens. He explained his spider map with Winfield as the spider’s body and her system of railroads as the legs, sprawling in every direction. “Fairview” was responded to by Capt. McDermott, who finely complimented the handsome majority this township rolled up in favor of the bonds. The Captain made a number of telling points. Judge McDonald was assigned “Walnut.” The Judge, in his keen, smooth way, did the fine victory scored in this township full justice—the big licks put in by the old war horses, and the gratifying results, with the benefits thus secured for Walnut. M. L. Robinson proposed “Winfield and Cowley County,” to be responded to by J. E. Conklin. Mr. Conklin pictured our city with its splendid net-work of railroads, ends of divisions, round houses, and machine shops, with thirty thousand inhabitants in five years; with our rich coal beds opened, a woolen factory, a canning factory, and many other manufactories that cheap fuel and transportation will draw—the manufacturing, railroad, commercial, and educational metropolis of the great southwest. Mr. Conklin called on Rev. Kelly, who has done as much for Winfield, since his residence here, as any man within her borders, to respond to “Cowley County.” And the Reverend did it nobly, with his most enthusiastic vim. He cited our beautiful and fertile valleys, with their vast developed and undeveloped resources; the energetic, intelligent, moral, and enterprising people of both city and country; the wonderful and magic achievements of the past and the bright and now assured promises for the future. This gathering was composed of most of the leading workers in this important movement: men who fully felt the great benefits secured by this victory; the roseate future it clinched for Winfield; and the great advantage it gives our city and county over any others of all fair Kansas.
This election teaches us an important lesson, that we believe we will forever hereafter heed and be wise. Seven years ago Cowley County was the leading county of the southwest; but there were divided counsels and discord in our ranks; and the result was that Sedgwick County and Wichita forged ahead, then followed Sumner and Wellington, and this gain on the part of these rivals was the result of our own wretched mistakes. We, by proper efforts, could and should have maintained the lead. Two years ago it appeared as if our glory was departed. The very emergency of the situation awoke us from our lethargy. We inaugurated a system of public improvements, which resulted in the burying of discord and a complete restoration of harmony with a determination and vim on the part of our people to make a large city in the Walnut valley whose first name is Winfield, and whose glory is Cowley County. In this election we see what town and country when united can do—the two together are a great power, which if used intelligently, will in ten years give Cowley County a population of one hundred thousand people.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Rev. Kelly and M. L. Robinson returned from Topeka Friday. The Santa Fe never goes back on its word, and everything is absolutely all right. Winfield and Cowley County have carried out every requirement to secure the Douglass extension and every promise of the Santa Fe will be strictly fulfilled. This company is not a vacillating corporation that can be changed by every little gust. Location and all future interests had been carefully consulted before any proposition was made to our people, and the wails and efforts of our disappointed rivals have no effect whatever. Their spilled milk racket is in vain. Judge Soward remains at Topeka for several days.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Judge Soward returned from Topeka Sunday, having spent a week with the State Solons.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
THE G. A. R. ENCAMPMENT. Sid Cure, Prof. Limerick, A. B. Arment, G. H. McIntire, P. P. Powell, of Winfield; H. C. McDorman, Joe Church, James Nicholson, Boone Daniels, of Dexter, got home Thursday from the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita. J. E. Snow, the ladies’ man of our delegation, was detained to deliver the inaugural address, tonight, of the Woman’s Relief Corps. Our “boys” are enthusiastic over the success of this annual encampment, pronouncing it the heartiest meeting ever held in the State. There were a thousand or fifteen hundred old soldiers present, and a rousing commingling that renewed the old time warmth. The Grand officers were elected as follows: Department commander, C. J. McDivitt, of Abilene; Senior vice-department commander, T. H. Soward, of Winfield; Junior vice-commander, J. D. Baker, of Girard; Chaplain, Allen G. Buckner. Especially enthusiastic is our delegation over the glory of “our Tom.” Judge Soward, elected to the next highest position in the department of Kansas, captivated the whole encampment by his eloquent speeches. He was frequently called out, making a speech last night, which, though impromptu, our fellows declare the finest effort they had ever known Judge to make. The election of Judge Soward to vice-commander is an honor worthily bestowed, and one which Winfield fully appreciates.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Judge T. H. Soward and wife returned from the G. A. R. encampment at Wichita Friday. They were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert while at Wichita.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Tom H. Soward, senior vice commander, of Winfield, and J. D. Burke, junior vice commander, of Girard, and Col. St. Clair, of Sumner, were the last delegation last night to call to congratulate Wichita and her Eagle. Commander Soward said he had attended the national encampment at Chicago and encampments at several other points, and he was glad to say that Wichita’s street arches surpassed everything of the kind he ever saw. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
WICHITA, Kan., Feb. 25. Yesterday was soft and warm, but cloudy. The grand parade of the G. A. R. encampment took place at nine o’clock, after which the members convened in their hall and proceeded to business by the suspension of the rules and the election of grand officers for the ensuing year as follows.
Grand commander, C. J. McDivitt, of Abilene; senior vice, Thomas Soward, of Winfield; junior vice, J. D. Barker, of Girard; chaplain, Colonel Allen Buckner; medical director, Colonel J. M. Lewis, of Kinsley.
The following are the delegates at large, selected to attend the National encampment: C. W. Blair, George T. Anthony, J. M. Felghan, George D. Orner, A. B. Campbell.
First District: John A. Fulton, of Brown; Cy Leland, of Doniphan.
Second District: E. P. Diehl, of Olathe; George Myers, of Fort Scott.
Third District: J. M. Doney, W. P. Scholl.
Fourth District: J. N. Mercer, Council Grove; D. F. Everett, Woodson County.
Fifth District: W. A. McDonald, of Sumner; D. M. Heiser, of Barton.
Sixth District: George H. Case, of Jewell City; A. L. Voorhees, of Russell.
Seventh District: W. A. McDonald, of Sumner; D. N. Heiser, of Barton.
[Believe an error was made inasmuch as 5th & 7th show same individuals.]
The Committee on Resolutions reported the following, which was adopted.
WHEREAS, The Grand Army of the Republic being anxious to see justice done to all persons who, by their devotion to duty, aided materially in the overthrowing of the rebellion;
WHEREAS, The military telegraph was a factor of great importance in the late war; and,
WHEREAS, The men who composed the military telegraph corps and operators, line builders and repairers, and, while undergoing all the exposure and hardships incident to active service in the field, and faithfully performing all the duties equally well, while under fire in the stations or in camp; and
WHEREAS, Enlisted men skilled in telegraph, who were detailed to work the military telegraph lines were, by order of the Secretary of War, deprived of their bounties and other endowments due them as enlisted men in consequence of such detail; therefore, be it
Resolved, That we do respectfully and earnestly ask the members of Congress and the Senators from this State to secure the passage of a bill giving, first, to the employees of the telegraph corps actually on duty in the field, whether soldier or civilian, a military status commensurate with their services and that they be placed on an equal footing with soldiers in every way.
Second, That the Secretary of the Treasury be authorized and instructed to pay the detailed soldiers of the telegraph corps, or their heirs, the bounties and portions, if disabled, which are due them upon the terms of enlistment.
Resolved, That a copy of this preamble and resolutions be certified by the commander of the department and the assistant adjutant general to the members of Congress and the Senators from the State of Kansas.
Resolved, That as the encampments are not assemblies of distinguished citizens, but of veterans of the Union army, it should be obligatory upon delegates that they appear at the State encampment in the uniform of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Resolved, That the department commander be requested in the general orders to ask the post commanders in the department to send the names of all members of their posts who lost a leg or an arm in the service to James A. Neiderwood, secretary, Crippled Soldiers Association, Allegan, Rice County.
Resolved, That it is the sense of the department that no firm or firms shall hereafter be authorized to advertise themselves as headquarters for the sale of Grand Army supplies, and that all such authority heretofore granted, if any, should be revoked.
Resolved, That all post commanders in good standing in their respective posts, are entitled to vote in the encampment.
Resolved, That in making arrangements for future encampments of the department, the officers are instructed to provide tickets of admission for the delegates and alternates and other comrades entitled to membership, and that seats be reserved in the front of the hall in which the encampment meets, for such members.
Resolved, That the council of administration are hereby authorized to prepare a suitable testimonial to be presented to Post Department Commander Stewart, at the next annual encampment, in recognition of his constant and unceasing efforts for the promotion of the interests of our order during his administration.
Resolved, That the rank of post department commander be restored to John A. Martin, John C. Carpenter, W. S. Jenkins, and John Gutherie, they having lost the rank through no fault of theirs and the National encampment be so instructed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Judge Soward and family are now occupying the Platter residence, recently purchased by the Judge. It is one of the city’s handsomest homes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
P. P. Powell, who has been attending the encampment at Wichita, says that our Tom Soward came nearer touching the hearts of the G. A. R. “boys” than any speaker at the encampment. Tom’s enthusiasm and eloquence catches the old soldiers every time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Judge Soward has traded some east Winfield real estate to A. J. Thompson for the Buell lot, next to Snow’s office, 9th avenue. It brought $3,000 in the trade. The Judge is putting a frame business building on it.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
The impudence that Tom Soward has had to ask the voters of Silverdale Township to do without a railroad in order to tie up the townships east of her to keep Arkansas City from getting the Kansas State Line road is appalling. But they do say, and we know it to be true, that our Democratic friend, Ike Harkleroad, sat down on Tommie, and squelched all his puny efforts to raise any enthusiasm for Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and any way to suit the crowd railroad. Tommie went back to Winfield and told the “bosses” that someone who had some influence must go down into the township of Silverdale and do some work. Hon. E. P. Greer imagined that he had “some influence” and so he paid that township a visit. The result was he stirred up such a hornet’s nest in Silverdale Township against Winfield and her projected railroad that should any one of the outfit appear there again, their enterprise would be stung to death. [Source of this item not given.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Judge Soward is in Kansas City, laying in a stock of furniture for his home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Judge Soward’s frame business building on east 9th, next to Snow’s office, has gone up with a rush. It will be occupied, we understand, by a new drug stock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
GLASS BALL SHOOT. John A. Eaton, James McLain, Joe Harter, T. H. Soward, Jim Vance, A. H. Doane, and Sol Burkhalter girded their loins and went forth to the old fair grounds Thursday afternoon to knock the wadding out of glass balls—the first shoot of the season. Each shot at twenty balls. McLain broke 17, Vance 15, Burkhalter 14, Harter 13, Soward 13, Eaton 13, Doane 4. This was good shooting for the first practice. The Winfield Gun Club will shortly be reorganized, with the Peoria blackbird, a new invention, instead of the glass balls. ’Tis fine sport and the re-initiation of yesterday afternoon gave these shootists a bad dose of the old-time fever.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Arkansas City’s boom is making the Winfieldites very sick at the stomach. The fact that real estate is selling too times faster and higher at the only city in the state that is the terminus of two railroads than at the county seat excites the green-eyed monster to a wonderful degree. Hear what Winfield’s representative paper, the Courier, has to say upon the subject.
“The A. C. REPUBLICAN publishes a column and a half of real estate sales down there, at fabulous prices, all but a dozen of which are sales only in the brain vacuum of the REPUBLICAN man. Not a dozen of the deeds have ever been filed for record or ever will be.”
Never you mind, Mr. Courier, the REPUBLICAN has $50 that says that every real estate transfer we published last week is a bona fide one and at the price we stated in our paper. Do not think because the Courier has to stoop to lying in order to boom Winfield that the REPUBLICAN has to do the same for Arkansas City. The Courier sees Tom Soward employ two extra clerks to record the deeds from sales made in Arkansas City; therefore, he is terribly annoyed—sick unto death.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Winfield board of trade was incorporated yesterday. The directors are John A. Eaton, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, J. E. Conklin, J. P. Baden, T. H. Soward, W. P. Hackney, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, and A. H. Doane.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
County Convention. The Republican County Convention met at Winfield Saturday. The convention was held in the opera house. The meeting was called to order at 10 o’clock and Tom Blanchard of Walnut Township was elected chairman and E. A. Henthorn, secretary. Nine delegates were elected as follows.
State Delegates: J. D. Maurer, E. A. Henthorn, A. McKibben, L. E. Woodin, J. S. Wilkins, P. A. Lorry, T. H. Soward, A. J. Werden, and G. W. Brown.
Congressional Delegates: W. M. Jenkins, H. W. Marsha, Jos. McCleary, A. T. Crawford, E. Shriver, S. H. Wells, W. G. Graham, H. T. Hornady, and P. B. Lee.
The State Delegates were instructed for John A. Martin for governor; Jas. Hamilton, state treasurer; T. McCarthy, auditor. The congressional delegates for B. W. Perkins.
The convention was harmonious, excepting for T. H. Soward. Winfield, his home city, cast 18 votes against him. Arkansas City cast 15 against him.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
The Shops at Winfield. Wellington Standard.
There is quite an amusing side to the late Winfield boom when one investigates the matter closely. Admiring the gall of the promoters of this very Kanapolis spurt and enjoying a limited acquaintance with the leading lights, I beg a portion of space to give what the speaker said when at white heat, amidst the uproar of the late jubilee. The Santa Fe or someone else purchased a tract of land near Winfield and the consideration in the deed was placed on record as $22,500. This was taken as the ground work for a big hurrah, but in all the demonstrations there is not one word uttered, one paper shown, or promise of the Santa Fe brought forward to justify the air castle building of the Walnut River inhabitant. Bill Hackney says: “I’ve got to go to Wellington tomorrow and there I’ll talk to the sickest lot of roosters you ever saw.” (Ten days before he said to a crowd in this city that every lot two blocks up and down Washington Avenue was worth $10,000 with building off.) Bill then got wild and talked as follows: “Winfield will soon be the centering point for half of the roads in kingdom;” “Thousands of train men;” “end of seven great Santa Fe divisions,” with a lot more of the stuff which made his speech silly and ridiculous. M. G. Troup, attorney, made a very sensible talk as did Tom Eaton, banker, with the exception of some excusable visionary leaps. Tom Soward, R. of D., caught the fever and went wild, but it yet remained for M. L. Robinson, banker, to cap the climax on this very laughable meeting in a speech which we quote a part of it, just as it appeared in the red ink Courier.
“The Santa Fe is now the greatest railroad corporation in the union and will have a perfect network of roads radiating from Winfield—the Southern Kansas from Kansas City to Albuquerque; the Fort Smith and Galveston routes to the Gulf; the line from Fort Smith to Denver; the Florence, El Dorado & Walnut Valley from Kansas City to Galveston; the Independence & Southwestern; and several projected lines, all crossing here at Winfield—
making this the end of seven divisions. J. L. Barnes, general superintendent, told a gentleman en route on the Santa Fe just the other day that in less than nine months he expected to be located at Winfield with his entire corps of assistants.”
Now read what he says closely, and then select any other village, Mulvane, for instance, and write as follows: “Mulvane is the center of the union and has railroads connecting New York and San Francisco and there connecting with steamship lines for the European and Asiatic markets.”
The argument is just as good and just as reasonable as the bosh folly and senseless talk of Robinson about Winfield.
A little country town of 5,000 people (that don’t miss the figures 200 either way) getting up on its ear and acting the “luny” always reminds us of Proctor Knotts Duluth’s speech and we believe our Winfield friends have been rehearsing the governor’s talk.
“J. L. Barnes told a gentleman!” Why such evidence wouldn’t go in a justice’s court and any reasonable man knows it.
Read what Robinson says and that is sufficient for us.
Again, Bill Hackney says: “the Santa Fe never made a promise it didn’t keep.” Who said it did? But tell us, please, William, where is that promise? And where is the promise to the Wellington board of trade that the shops would not be located until Wellington had notice? Explain to us why it is Wellington has an extra train on this great Santa Fe system while Winfield runs along in the good old way with one train a day. This extra train runs a through chair car to Kansas City and was not put on for love of Wellington, but because the extra travel demanded it.
The spice, life, fun, and imagination of the Winfield papers is amusing and I like to see it; but I am afraid the castles will fall unless they have a better foundation than at present.
The future of Wellington is much better than our sister city while at present we have fifty percent more trade and thirty percent more population. The Ft. Smith is assured with President Cleveland’s signature and we are more certain of the Rock Island than is Winfield of any of her “soapy” schemes which will slip out and fade away into nothing but forgotten greatness and past expectations. TOM RICHARDSON.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.
MAPLE CITY, KANSAS, June 16, 1886. To the Editors of the REPUBLICAN, DEAR SIRS: Will you permit me through the columns of your valuable paper to express my heartfelt gratitude, for free advertising, to my quadram friend or friends, for it must have taken more than one of the “strictly I. & S. W. supporters” of Spring Creek Township to give birth to such a wonderful production as was the Courier article from Spring Creek last week. The article starts out with deep lamentations for the dead silence that prevails in Spring Creek (with the I. & S. W. fellows, for it is with them only) since the Winfield men were here, and says that Spring Creek is “praying for another shower of a prospect such as the Santa Fe offers.” Now, that is really good, especially “shower of a prospect.” Why, gentlemen, three-fourths of the sensible men of Spring Creek could not even see a shadow of a prospect in the I. & S. W. proposition. The fact is, the people of Spring Creek do not believe the Santa Fe would have built the I. & S. W. to Winfield had their proposition carried, but they do believe all along the line, and have the greatest confidence that the State Line will be built, and so express themselves on all occasions. It is amusing to me these fellows imitating that “truly great man,” Tom Soward, by quoting “he laughs best who laughs last.” That saying is as stale as the I. & S. W. supporters. Better wait for the last laugh and see who gets it. As to the town of Maple City, it is located to stay, and people are attesting their faith in it by purchasing lots and making arrangements to commence business. The Maple City Town Company sold ten lots last week on which to erect business houses and residences. There is in nearly all localities some sorehead, who has filed to be the high “cock-a-lorum,” and who attempts to defeat everything that is calculated to benefit the place or community in which he lives and will stoop to misrepresentations and falsehood (as in the case in the article referred to) to accomplish their ends. Whenever such people seek the medium of the press to give vent to their spleen and malice, they withhold their names from the public, in order to escape the odium that attaches to such conduct; but the article referred to in the Courier plainly bears the ear-marks of the writer, and it would be as well in the future to give your name, as you are known already. Remember that quacks and criminal accomplices wear slippers. “J. L.” ANDREWS.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Many of the readers of the REPUBLICAN will remember some pictures upon Winfield’s Fourth of July bill of a railroad marked the M. B. & W. This road was to have been the Missouri, Burden & Winfield. Hackney was to have been president of the company; E. A. Henthorn, secretary; John Eaton, treasurer; Capt. Nipp, Soward, and other Winfield parties, directors. This road was gotten up at first—before the C. K. & W. scheme was invented—to defeat the Kansas City & Pan Handle. Winfield begged Burden to join them, but the latter refused. The road was to have run from Eureka to Burden, thence to Winfield, and on to Geuda, and was to be a Santa Fe road, according to Hackney. Finding the M. B. & W. wouldn’t work, the C. K. & W. was invented. One by one the mighty schemes of the county seat take a tumble.
Arkansas City Republican, August 14, 1886.
There was a fair city, vain, haughty, and proud,
She sat in the valley and boasted quite loud
Of her grandeur and beauty, her power to command
And control of human beings all over the land.
Her Hackney and Eaton and Mart of the bank,
Her Soward and Siverd and Eddy, the crank,
Her Conklin and Gary and Henry the Asp,
Imagined they held all the world in their grasp.
The Sand-hill they tried very hard to surpass
And to hold up the folks of A. C. by the seats of their pantaloons.
Yes, railroads! We’ll build ‘em, and here they shall run
From all points of the compass, for we each weigh a ton!
To Spring Creek and Cedar we’ll go in great haste
With letters and telegrams made to our taste;
Sand-hillers we’ll squelch and from us shall flee
All opposition and then you will see
Snake feeders and natives dance to our lay,
The junction we’ll give them the 1st day of May!
But O ye gods! How the mighty have fallen!
“As the matter now stands, the Missouri Pacific will run to Arkansas City”—via Burden. The Dexter Eye will suspend publication of notice of bond election in Otter, Dexter, and Liberty townships, as the Santa Fe company will not build the road if the bonds are voted.
N. B. Dr. Cooper will please forward, by pony express, one barrel of Eye water, and charge to MAPLE.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
Our Winfield Neighbors Restirring Themselves.
The Winfield Visitor tells of an active effort being made by home capitalists to build up the city and infuse some life into business. The first move made in this direction was the purchase last week of the Mendenhall property, on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Millington Street, for $15,000. The gentlemen composing the syndicate who made the purchase are: W. P. Hackney, A. J. Thompson, John A. Eaton, H. D. Gans, J. B. Nipp, M. L. Robinson, J. L. Horning, James B. Mabry, W. L. Hands, P. H. Albright, M. L. Read, T. H. Soward, Curns & Manser, and J. L. M. Hill. They buy the lots, we are assured, with the intention of erecting a large stone building thereon. There is also talk of another syndicate being formed to make another purchase of real estate on West Ninth Avenue, where another stone block is to be erected. Some more loose talk is thrown in of Messrs. Ferguson, Hackney, Albright, Fuller, and Smith making arrangements to build on their lots on Ninth Avenue, and Mr. James Fahey agrees, if the last named work is done, to carry up the post office building so as to make it correspond with the Farmers’ bank and the Short block. We are glad to learn that our Winfield neighbors are waking up to the necessity of the times, but they have aroused themselves so late in the season that we do not expect to see much stone and mortar laid before bad weather sets in. It is well to make a stir, however, and encourage the townspeople with great things to be accomplished, though the consummation is never arrived at. It will never do to give up best.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 13, 1886.
BRAGGART WINFIELD. This editor, in company with a number of Sandhillers, took a run to Winfield last week, to enlarge his ideas and study the manners of a people on the road to distinction and opulence. Our neighbor city enjoys the advantage of being the county seat, and is ambitious of attaining to the proportions of the metropolis of Southern Kansas. Several towns at present stand in the way of this preeminence. Wichita and Wellington and Harper having a larger population each and showing a more rapid growth; but the possibilities of this region of country have no limit, and the community that is bound to achieve greatness cannot be repressed. The ardent souls of Winfield are filled with the vision of entire blocks of wholesale houses of palatial proportions, and a commercial activity that will bring half the railroads of the continent running past their doors.
Judge Soward’s roseate picture of our neighbor city’s future greatness is thus found expressed: “With our immense lines of trunk railway, with their long trains sweeping through, bearing every community of the world; with the dozens of long passenger trains rolling through here daily, carrying people from one side of the continent to the other; with our vast resources thoroughly developed, under the stimulating influences of the nucleus we now have, the imagination can’t begin to realize what the future will reveal.”
The party of Sandhillers aforesaid, with this writer in their company, disembarked at the Frisco depot, to subject themselves to the stimulating influences that are to achieve such marvels. Omnibuses were in waiting to carry them into the busy haunts of our neighbor town, and a street car stood solitary and alone on the track to pick up the overflow of the smaller conveyances. But the visitors ignored these modern conveniences, for they pushed forward along the plank walk, and after walking two or three blocks along the main street in company, scattered themselves through the mural nucleus.
The present embryo of a great commercial city does not strike the visitor with its business activity. The morning was half spent as the writer paced along its principal street. There was no rush of vehicles along its thoroughfare, no hurrying through of pedestrians.
Pride in their part, defiance in their eye,
I see the lords of human kind pass by
Intent on high delight.
The tradesmen and their clerks were idling at the doors enjoying the crisp air of an October morning, and waiting for the eager crowd of customers to come. Looking around for signs of growth and improvement, we saw a handsome bank building receiving its finishing touches, a business house in course of construction, and in the neighborhood of the rink a rough board building was going up, evidently designed for storage purposes. The stimulating influences that are to transform this city into the emporium of the northwest have not got fully to work yet.
Proceeding to the courthouse and passing the county jail, we were impressed with the shabbiness and inadequacy of the structure, and on visiting the offices found the arrangements meagre and the whole interior suggestive of first principles. Ascending to the courtroom we found judge and jury engaged trying some trivial breach of contract case.
Ward caucuses were being held, to choose delegates to the county convention. There was a noisy gathering of excited politicians, and crowds gathered at the various polling places, who were willing to cast aside all thought of coming greatness for awhile, in order to get the right delegates elected. There was a keen contest between opposing factions, and the excitement was kept up till late in the evening.
This seemed to be the main business of the day, for we noticed the stores poorly patronized through the business hours and traffic on the streets no way disturbing to the contemplation. Wandering out to the Frisco depot, we found our fellow townsman, Joseph W. Hutchison, in waiting. He had been subpoenaed as a witness in a railroad suit, and was waiting the arrival of a special train to take him out as an expert to appraise a strip of land condemned for railroad uses. The train did not come along, and the pair of Sandhillers sat down to talk. Not a soul was moving about the platform, not a dray came up to transfer any of the commodities gathered there from the varied industries of the world, not even a small boy was on hand to display his unfailing powers of annoying everybody within reach. Across the way were two vacant stores and the whole surrounding as quiet as a graveyard.
Some distance north a gang of men was at work extending the street car track toward a piece of timber. The purpose of this enterprise being to reach a proposed addition to the city where building lots will be available for the thousands of trainmen who will make their home in our neighbor city.
By-and-bye the street car came up bearing the passengers, but engaged in running its regular trips. The driver changed his sorry looking team from end to end; and eyed the pair of idlers wistfully, as though he wanted someone to go along to relieve his monotony. The two Sandhillers took seats in his car to wile away the hours till train time and to aid a laudable enterprise. From the driver we learned that this car formed the entire rolling stock of the road, and that, except when the trains came in, he carried but few passengers. The wages to be paid him had not been decided by the board of directors, but he thought the receipts of the day would suffice to pay him moderate wages. When Winfield shall have “become a great city, with its dozens of business streets, and princely wholesale and retail establishments,” as Mr. Eaton reads the future, a more extensive equipment will be required for this street car track, and the wages paid to the drivers will not be a matter of such surpassing moment. On the way back from the Santa Fe depot, a Winfield passenger took his seat in the car, his fare dropped into the box swelling the receipts of that round trip to twenty-five cents.
Promptly on time, at 6:08 p.m., the through passenger train came up, and the party of Arkansas City people, who had spent the day in that city of coming greatness, gladly took their seats aboard; and arriving at home, although well along in the evening, felt their senses relieved by the stir that met their gaze on the streets and the general indications of growth and prosperity.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
WINFIELD COURIER: Col. Scott, Judge Soward, Judge Parks, S. Manser, Capt. Hoffman and J. W. Curns go to Kellogg tonight to hold a meeting relative to the voting of $15,000 in bonds by Vernon to the Wichita and Winfield railroad.
Arkansas City Republican, March 26, 1887.
The headquarters of the department of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, has been established over J. S. Mann’s store, where a suit of rooms have been handsomely fitted up for the purpose and here T. H. Soward, department commander, and A. H. Limerick, A. A. G., can be found at any time from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. They will be glad to see the G. A. R. boys at any time. Winfield Courier.