A. D. Speed


Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
A. D. Speed 25  m w New York New York
A. D. Speed, 34. Also listed: Francis C. Speed, 62; Sallie Speed, 24; Emma Speed, 26.
Note: I have many questions about Speed that are unanswered.
1. How could he gain nine years in the space of five years: believe the age given in 1880 is incorrect.
2. Who was Francis C. Speed? Was this his father? Or was this an uncle?
3. Sallie Speed and Emma Speed were evidently sisters of Speed. Unknown: what happened to Francis, Sallie, and Emma???
Winfield Messenger, March 15, 1872.
The Cowley County Agricultural Society was fully organized by representatives from all parts of the county August 17th, 1871, with the following offices.
President, M. M. Jewett; Vice Presidents, A. T. Stewart and B. C. Swarts, Secretary, D. N. Egbert, Jr.; Assistant Secretary, A. B. Lemmon; Corresponding Secretary, J. B. Fairbanks; Treasur­er, J. D. Cochran; General Superintendent, C. M. Wood; Assistant General Superintendent, A. D. Speed; and with a Board of thirteen Directors.
Its first annual fair commenced October 12th, 1871, though late in the season and attended with very inclement weather, was a very creditable affair, and attested the fact that the Society was a success.
The land consisting of twenty acres, the gift of Messrs. W. W. Andrews and A. D. Speed, situated three-fourths of a mile from Winfield, is admirably adapted for the purposes of the society. The society has been in correspondence with farmers in all parts of the county, and the report has invariably been that all crops were a success the past season, and that the present grain crops promise well.
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
The irrepressible Speed has returned from Emporia.
Winfield Courier, October 22, 1874.
A. D. Speed has got back to Cowley again. Harter, Dick Walker, and Judge Saffold have our warmest sympathy, we know how it is ourself.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.
L. J. Webb, Burt Covert, A. D. Speed, and Will Doty started last Monday for Kansas City to attend a trial of Speed’s in regard to some Texas cattle. They went in a spring wagon across the country, emigrant style.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.
Speed and the boys have returned from Kansas City. His case was postponed again by his K. C. attorneys, a procedure rather questionable.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.

A. D. Speed, accompanied by Burt Covert, has gone to Kansas City to attend his cattle lawsuit.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
CUSTER CITY, BLACK HILLS, February 24th, 1876.
I have received several letters lately which are as yet unanswered—among others, one from Speed and one from Burns. Give them my regards, and tell them I will answer as soon as possible, and that I shall be most happy to see them on Dead Wood. Would send you a specimen of Dead Wood gold, only I consider our means of sending out mail a little unsafe, so I will reserve it for my next.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
A. D. SPEED starts for Colorado next Monday. He wants a stock ranche. Speed has been with us a good while, and we, with his many friends, regret his departure. He will be back again in the fall—we guess.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.
A. D. SPEED has sold his farm, adjoining town, to a Mr. Vandeventer, at the rate of $17 per acre. Speed goes to Colorado to engage in business there. Here’s our old shoe for luck, Amasa.
Mother of Speed (Mrs. W. M. Boyer) fatally ill...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
The many friends of Mrs. W. M. Boyer will be pained to learn that there is little hope of recovery. Her husband starts east in a few days to be with her in her affliction. It will be remembered that something like a year ago she ate some canned lobsters here in Winfield, by which she was poisoned, and from which she is not likely to recover.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
MR. VANDEVENTER has built a sightly residence on his farm adjoining town on the north. This is the class of capitalists that is a benefit to any community. Mr. Vandeventer has also made other valuable and lasting improvements on the farm pur­chased of A. D. Speed.
Miss Speed of New York, sister of Mrs. W. M. Boyer, returns from New York with dying Mrs. W. M. Boyer...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Since last issue we are happy to learn of the return of Mrs. W. M. Boyer, who has been absent from our city about a year, visiting friends and relatives in New York. She is accompanied by her children, Master Richie and “little” Fanny, and also by her sister, Miss Speed, of Slaterville, New York.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
It looks very much like old times to see Mr. A. D. Speed, one of the earliest settlers, again in Winfield. He says he has come to stay this time.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
A. D. Speed has bought the interest of J. L. M. Hill in the livery business of Harter & Hill. The new firm will be Harter & Speed. They will continue to improve their livery stock and will add to the present array of nobby outfits.

Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. L. M. Hill to A. D. Speed, undivided ½ lots 2 and 3, block 128, Winfield, $1,500.00.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Harter & Speed have lately received a handsome buggy, the finest in their stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 12, 1878.
Forty Young Visitors.
The liveliest and jolliest crowd of young folks that we have seen for some time drove into this place last Friday evening and took supper at the Central Avenue Hotel. There were twenty couples of fair women and brave men, all in the best of spirits, and as chuck full of fun as they could be. The party had held a picnic several miles out from Winfield, and concluded the day by making a drive to this place. We were called on by several—something like forty—and extended what hospitalities we had on hand, afterwards escorting the parties through the streets to prevent them from being lost on the many avenues. If time had permitted, Captain Walton would have tendered them an excursion down to the island, but the hour was too late.
  It was a sight worth seeing to see the fair young ladies, as charming as angels, their faces ruddy with the glow of bloom­ing youth. We have seen the Southern blondes, the Baltimore prin­cesses, the Green Moun­tain girls, and the pride of the West; but these Cowley County damsels excel in beauty, affability, exqui­siteness, and all those things that make woman the noblest work of God. Among the party were:
Misses Kate Millington, Jessie Millington, Minnie H. Finney, Nora Coldwell, Mattie Coldwell, Frances E. Wallace, Emma Saint, Carrie Olds, Jennie Hans, Tennie H. Finney, Sarah E. Aldrich, Kate E. Holloway, Lizzie Kinne, May A. Hudson, E. Green, D. Emerson.
Messrs. Suss, J. N. Harter, George W. Robinson, W. C. Root, M. B. Wallis, William Hudson, W. J. Wilson, Burt Crapster, C. C. Harris, W. C. Robinson, M. Gillelen, J. N. [J. F.] Holloway, E. H. Bliss, C. Emerson, O. M. Seward, A. D. Speed, and of course, Frank Baldwin and Ed. Clisbee. There were others whom we have at this writing forgotten. We hope to see them all again on a similar errand, only let us know in time so that we can receive you into our arms and good graces—the gentlemen, we mean, for the ladies may object.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
The parties from Winfield who attended the Masonic picnic at Dexter were J. McDermott, Rev. Randall, J. Wade McDonald, C. C. Harris, B. F. Baldwin, and A. D. Speed with the Misses Coldwell, and Ed. Clisbee and S. Suss with the Misses Finney. The Dexter people gave them a splendid dinner and the most distinguished treatment as guests, and they enjoyed the occasion “hugely.” Capt. McDermott and Judge McDonald were the orators, and the music was from a choir under the leadership of F. A. Cregor. The attendance was large and the picnic was a success.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
Burt Crapster was here Monday night and shook hands all around. Ed. Clisbee, Seward, Suss, Harter, Dr. Emerson, Speed, Harris, Prof. Robinson, and Root were here also, each one
attended with a lady.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.

Council Proceedings.
The following bills were allowed:
Harter & Speed, livery: $8.40.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 16, 1878.
S. S. Majors, R. L. Walker, Bert Crapster, O. M. Seward, Suss and Speed, and Frank Baldwin and lady were all here last Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
   Wooden Wedding.
On Friday of last week invitations were issued by Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Holloway to their many friends requesting their company on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, to assist in celebrating the fifth anniversary of their marriage. Accordingly at the appointed time about 25 couples of our bravest and best assembled at their residence on the corner of 11th Avenue and Wood Street, and proceeded to make merry. The evening was spent in dancing and other amusements which enabled the guests to do justice to the ample refreshments provided by their kind hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, assisted by Miss W. Thomas, spared no pains to make the evening an enjoyable one. The party broke up at a late hour and all expressed themselves satisfied with their evenings entertainment. Some very pretty, elegant, and useful presents were received (although none were expected) of which the following is a partial list: Carved cigar holder, Geo. and Will Robinson; fancy table for flowers, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Allison; pair brackets, Mrs. Bruner and Mrs. Kate Holloway; brackets and match safe, Wilbur and Maggie Dever; card basket, Mr. and Mrs. Buckman; wooden sugar scoops, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson; moulding board and match safe, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randall; wooden jewelry, Miss Minnie Bacon; spool box, J. F. Holloway; jumping jack, Justin Porter; tooth pick, O. M. Seward; child’s rocking chair, Mr. John Moffitt; large rocking chair, Messrs. Speed, Clisbee, Harris, Seward, Suss, Root, and Baldwin. Mr. Holloway presented his wife with a handsome eight day clock and she returned the compliment by presenting him with an elegant clock shelf.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Mrs. and Miss Speed, from New York, mother and sister of Mrs. W. M. Boyer, are visiting in this city.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
HARTER & SPEED are energetic young men in the livery business. They keep fine horses and gay carriages and can suit almost anyone with a team. C. L. Harter is the popular sheriff of this county. A. D. Speed is bright, active, and popular.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
HARTER & SPEED. (SUCCESSOR TO A. G. WILSON) Winfield Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable, At the Old Stand, South of Lagonda House, Winfield, Kansas.
Mrs. Mary C. Boyer, wife of W. M. Boyer, dies. Met Mr. Boyer in Maryland. Moved to Winfield in 1872. Leaves two children: boy, 13; girl 8. Also mother and several brothers and sisters. [Note: A. D. Speed not mentioned.]
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.

DIED.—At her home in this city, Thursday, January 23rd, at 12 o’clock m., Mrs. Mary C. Boyer, wife of W. M. Boyer, Esq.
She had been in ill health for about four years and was confined to her bed for two months previous to her death. She was born in New York [city/date unknown]. Met Mr. Boyer in Maryland. From thence they moved to this place in 1872, where she has resided since. She leaves a husband and two children, a bright boy of 13 years and a little girl 8 years old, besides a mother and several brothers and sisters. The funeral took place on Saturday last at 10 o’clock a.m. Rev. J. E. Platter officiated.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
One of Harter & Speed’s buggies was badly demolished last Sunday evening. The team was hitched to a post some distance in the country, and, seeming to think the thing was getting monoto­nous, broke from their fastenings, and were found next morning in the alley back of the barn with several pieces that might have belonged to a buggy attached to them.
Better take a wheelbarrow next time, boys.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
B. M. Terrill, Harter & Speed, C. W. Garoutte, Shenneman & Millspaugh.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Messrs. Curns & Manser last week made the “boss” real estate sale of the season thus far. They sold for B. B. Vandeventer the farm northeast of the city entered by A. D. Speed to Judge Ide of Leavenworth for $6,200. cash down.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 2, 1879.
Mr. Speed, of Winfield, was down last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
The following young folks came down from Winfield on the Fourth: Dave Harter and Miss Minnie Bacon, Bret. Crapster and Miss Bonnie Anderson, R. W. Dever and Miss Jennie Hane, Will Houser and Miss Maggie Dever, Fred Hunt and Miss Sarah Hodges, A. D. Speed and Miss Thompson, W. C. Robinson and Miss Minnie Capron, Jas. Miller and Miss Minnie Hyden, A. V. Wilkinson and Miss Cora Hyden.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1879.
Jackson’s Liniment is being used by Messrs. Harter & Speed, M. L. Bangs, and other horse men in the city, all of whom pro­nounce it wonderful in its healing powers. Mr. Jackson will remain here some time yet, with headquarters at the Central Hotel.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
HARTER & SPEED. (Successor to A. G. Wilson)  WINFIELD LIVERY, FEED -AND- SALE STABLE AT THE OLD STAND, SOUTH OF LAGONDA HOUSE, WINFIELD, KANSAS. Commercial Travelers conveyed to all parts of the Country. Charges Reasonable.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Mr. John Moffitt has purchased Charley Harter’s interest in the livery stable of Harter & Speed. Mr. Moffitt will make a popular liveryman.
Speed purchases Mullen’s property on North Main: five lots and old livery barn...

Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
A. D. Speed has purchased Mr. Mullen’s property on North Main street, comprising five lots and the old livery barn. The price paid: $1,800.
A. D. Speed marries Miss Thompson, sister of Mrs. Judge McDonald...
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
Married. Monday evening Mr. A. D. Speed and Miss Thompson were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Judge McDonald, by Rev. J. E. Platter. Only a few friends of the family were present.
Mrs. A. D. Speed goes to Denver on visit...
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Mr. Frank Baldwin left for Colorado Tuesday. He will spend the greater part of the summer in the mountains. Mrs. A. D. Speed accompanies him as far as Denver, where she goes to visit friends.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
A. D. Speed has built him a fine house.
Mrs. J. Wade McDonald and Mrs. A. D. Speed return from visit to mother, Mrs. Thompson, in Denver...
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
Mrs. J. Wade McDonald returned last week from a long visit to her mother in Denver, Colorado. Mrs. A. D. Speed, her sister, preceded her about a week. The two ladies are looking well and seem to have enjoyed their visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Speed...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
MR. AND MRS. J. C. FULLER. Socially this has been one of the gayest winters in the history of our city. Almost every week has been made pleasant by a social gathering of some sort or other. One of the most pleasant of these was the reception by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller last Friday evening. The guests were many and the arrangements for their entertainment were complete.
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Loose, Mr. and Mrs. James Harden, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges. Dr. and Mrs. VanDoren, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Borcher, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Dr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Short, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt, Mr. and Mrs. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shrieves, Mr. and Mrs. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hamil­ton, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Fuller, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Williams, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Mullen, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss May Williams, Father Kelly, O. F. Boyle, and Charles Fuller.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Here is the famous Manny letter.
“WINFIELD, KANS., April 1st, 1881.

Herewith I send you a car load of barley, which please sell for me and remit proceeds after deducting all expenses. I have tried my best to dispose of it in our neighboring towns, but have not succeeded. I have invested $20,000 in my brewery, and I do not believe I could get $500 for it now on account of the prohi­bition law. I have over $1,000 worth of beer in my vaults and am not allowed to sell a drop. My barley and malt cost me 95 cents a bushel, but I cannot get 50 cents for it now. You have no idea how our people are upset by the new law. A year ago our town was prospering, not a house or store to be had, and now you will find from 100 to 150 houses vacated. Stores that brought $50 a month rent are empty. The state of affairs is such that even our prohibition people are getting scared and regret what they have done. If you should find anything for me there, please let me know.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
Liveryman. Our business is starting out very good this spring. During the hard, cold winter it was rather dull. A year ago our business was booming on account of the recent completion of two railroads to this place. Now it is not so good, but it is excellent nevertheless. Could not say that the prohibitory law has any effect on our business. There are four livery stocks in this city the same as a year ago.
Speed and Schofield...
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Mr. Chas. McNulty hired a span of horses and buggy of Speed and Schofield last Sunday and undertook to ford Timber creek just above the bridge which is in process of construction where the water was at least ten feet deep. The current floated the horses, who swam around twice, and finally drowned, with their heads near the bank in the direction from which they entered. Mr. McNulty clung to the buggy standing up in it with the water around his waist and was rescued by a boat which was rowed up to him from below.
Speed & Schofield...
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Nat Robinson came down from El Dorado Tuesday. He drove up in front of Speed & Schofield’s livery stable and alighted, giving the lines to the attendant, who started to unhitch the team. Not being used to strangers, they became frightened, started off down the street, and finally brought up against one of the carriage factory’s new wagons. The injury was not very heavy.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Ben Cox broke his leg between the ankle and knee Wednesday, while wrestling with A. D. Speed. He was immediately taken in charge by Dr. Davis and the bones reset. The injuries are very painful, but we hope will not prove serious.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.

Speed & Schofield contributed $5.00.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
The comet, or something else, killed a horse for Speed & Schofield Sunday night.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
has obtained “ginger” at Manny’s. Was a pleasant drink. Dark color. Had color of beer. Don’t know whether it was fermented or not. Never drank enough to know whether it was intoxicating or not. Had drank two glasses at once. Did not think he could drink enough to intoxicate him.
Morrill, brother-in-law of A. D. Speed...
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
We had recently the pleasure of meeting Mr. Morrill, a brother-in-law of A. D. Speed, who visits this place with a view of locating.
Amasa Speed: Amasa must be first name of A. D. Speed...
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Today the grand hunt of the sportsmen’s club takes place. The boys started out this morning bright and early, armed to the teeth, and were enough to scare a poor little quail or rabbit out of its wits; although if the poor things were sensible, they would know they were in no danger. Jo Harter is the captain of one gang and Amasa Speed of the other. There are ten sportsmen on each side and the losers must pay for a grand banquet at the Brettun tomorrow evening. Each shooter must declare Under oath that he bagged the game he brings in. A bear counts 500. We hope Charley Black will get two bears.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The Grand Hunt proved a grand success. Several catastrophes are reported. Jake Nixon burst a barrel of his fine breech-loading gun, Tom Soward lost a “plunger,” and Deacon Harris got soaking wet. The score was a very fair one!
J. N. Harter: 830 A. D. Speed: 170
J. M. Keck: 1,000 B. F. Cox: 290
G. A. Rhodes: 975 C. C. Black: 90
T. H. Soward: 335 G. L. Eastman: 2,375
S. Burkhalter: 480 Dr. Davis: 450
Jacob Nixon: 80 E. Meech, Jr.: 285
Fred Whitney: 765 Q. A. Glass: 180
___ Chapman: 980 Deacon Harris: 500
Total: 5,445 Total: 4,360
The defeated party gave a big banquet at the Brettun Friday evening and the tired and hungry sportsmen fed their friends and told of the hair breadth escapes of “mud-hen” and turtle-dove. Skunks counted fifty, but none were brought in.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.

Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there has been many changes there, but few of the old “boys” are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.
Well, that’s a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play “California Jack” and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera House that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb’s blacksmith shop has given place to Read’s bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away. Likewise, the firms of Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitchcock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, and Pickering & Benning. S. H. Myton is about the only one that is left. Tisdale’s hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright’s ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow’s mill and its crew have disappeared.
Every new building erected on Main street now is not, as then, dedicated with a dance, nor do married women attend them with children in arms, nor do they deposit their kids in the laps of blushing bachelors and join in all hands around. Our Justices of the Peace, when about to unite a loving couple, don’t tell them to “stan” up thar an’ I’ll fix you.” Our butchers, now, don’t go down behind Capt. Lowery’s house, shoot a Texas steer, cut him up with an axe and sell out the chunks before they are done quiver­ing. The writer does not, on nights like Thursday last, rise up from his bed of prairie hay and water, in a little wall tent, and light out for the log store to get out of the wet. All of that kind of fun has passed away and we have had a new deal all around. Some of the men that in those days were frying bacon and washing socks in their bachelor shanties, are now bankers, postmasters, district judges, and palatial hotel keep­ers. The vigilantes are not now riding over the country every night making preparations to go to Douglass and hang its princi­pal citizens. The bad blood stirred up by the memorable Manning-Norton contest for the Legislature has long since been settled. Winfield and Arkansas City have buried the hatchet; Tisdale, ditto. Our merchants don’t sell Missouri flour for $6 per sack, corn for $1.50 per bushel, and bacon for 33½ cents per pound. Bill Hackney (now the Hon. W. P.) does not come up every week to defend Cobb for selling whiskey in Arkansas City without a license. Patrick, the editor of the Censor, (our first newspaper) and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the “Big Horn ranch” on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country. Fairbanks’ dug-out has been in ruins for years. Dick Walker is still running conventions, but not here. A. T. Stewart is no longer one of the boys. Speed, with his calico pony and big spurs, is seen no more on the Baxter Springs trail. Jackson has laid down the saw and plane and joined the ranks of the railroad monopolists. Colonel Loomis has shed his soldier overcoat. Zimri Stubbs has climbed the golden stair, Nichols is married, Oak’s cat is dead: in fact, Bent, there is nothing anymore like it used to was in Winfield.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Main Street, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Would it not be well to form an association for the encour­agement of onion culture? Unless something is done, the crop will fall short of the demand. We wish to call the especial attention of Amasa Speed, Oscar Seward, and Charlie Harter to this matter.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Speed’s henchman, the German youth who has been making fun for the boys and girls too, has gone away and his absence is felt by many. He did not stay here long. Ed. (we do not know his last name) is about 18 years old; and has been in this country about seven weeks, and during that time has learned to converse freely in the English language, though when he has become excit­ed, or was obliged to swear, always relied upon his mother tongue; and in either case, it never failed him.
The boy is a wandering wonder and his written life would read like an overdrawn story. Perfectly unfamiliar with American manners and ideas, seemingly oblivious to all restraint, but not particularly vicious or mean, he has since he has been here, wandered as free as air, guided by nothing but a devil in him as big as a house. There has been nothing desperate, daring, or great in his doings, but the multiplicity of the scrapes he has gotten into is astonishing, and when his character is appreciat­ed, are ludicrous in the extreme.
The boy is by no means bad looking; he is full of animal spirits, joking and cutting up with everybody he knows. Though young he is a musical genius, and plays on any instrument on which he can get his fingers. In Germany he must have been the same devilish boy, for his usual method of extorting money from his mother was by threatening to hang himself if it was not forthcoming. About two months ago he sailed from his fatherland for the home of the brave. He departed with a mother’s blessing, an accordion, a violin, a mouth organ, and a gun, and one hundred dollars in money.
A few weeks ago he found himself here with Mr. Manny, who endeavored to make something out of him. About work time he was generally conspicuous by his absence, and with any dog he could make friends with—and that was any dog he could find—he would wander off on a hunting expedition. He was forever getting into scrapes, but never into work, and his last demonstration was leaving a man all day to hold stopped the bung hole of a large vat. It would have been all right, but he and the dog got interested in each other and went off after rabbits. That was the last straw, and he took his gun and musical instruments and came uptown.
He agreed with Speed to clean the horses if dinner would be furnished him at the restaurant. This was done, but after dinner, the youth was nowhere to be found. Sometime after that he was found in the Brettun House parlor playing the piano. For some time he furnished lots of fun for the boys. His passion for dogs knew no bounds, and one day one of the boys gave him a dog and told him to go hunting.
There wouldn’t have been anything funny about that if the fellow who presented him with the dog hadn’t presented the dog with some turpentine as only wicked boys know how, and the dog’s attention was too distracted to do any hunting, so Ed. broke the gun over the dog’s back. The gun was then traded for a four-chambered pistol and the dog was laid up for repairs. Some of his other dog adventures we have already given.

Speed then offered the fellow fifty cents to thrash one of the stable boys, and he undertook the job. After he was hauled out of the manure pile and straightened up some, he gathered up his musical instruments and departed for a short time. But he soon returned and spent a good deal of his time hunting dogs and making a band of himself for the benefit of the boys. He was pestered a good deal without showing much desire to retaliate, but he got his Dutch up at last and commenced to flourish his pistol around rather promiscuously when it was taken away from him, the loads removed, and the pistol thrown in the stove. He watched the last of his little German gun ascend in smoke with considerable ire, and drawing a box of cartridges from his pocket, he attempted to throw them after the pistol, remarking, “Vell, God tam! go wid ‘em.” His hand was stayed in time or, it is needless to say, there would have been fun around that stove.
At last one of our farmers living in the north part of the county took an interest in the boy and took him home to make something of him. He set him at work sawing wood and about the first thing he did was to break the saw blade. He was then handed an ax and would probably have amputated a foot if it hadn’t been taken away from him. To give him something he could do, he was told to drive in the hogs. As he was already on splendid terms with the dog, he took his bosom friend along to assist him, and in about a half an hour the two had managed to kill the best hog in the drove. As he wasn’t earning any money at this kind of work, he was given the gun which he had longed for ever since he had set his eyes on it, and it wasn’t long before he came back radiant with six fine tame ducks, the pride of the farmer’s wife, and which he had taken in out of the wet on one grand pot shot. When told that the ducks were tame, he held them up and pointed at their heads triumphantly. He said, “Hell! green head, green head! wild, wild!” All this could have been forgiven if he hadn’t fallen in love with the farmer’s daughter. He was going in with his accustomed energy when his bright dreams were dis­pelled and he was again given the grand bounce.
He came back to town and immediately wrote two letters to the light of his soul, and failing to get a response, he offered Speed a hundred dollars for a horse to ride to that home where he had spent a few happy days. The offer was not taken, but he wasn’t discouraged. He knew how to love a dog, but when it came to loving a girl, his soul ran clear away with him. He gathered up his accordion and violin, and the first wagon he found going north he climbed in and went along. The man with whom he rode took him about five miles from the goal of his desire, showed hm the rest of the way, and he struck out. There was a creek between him and his desires, but across he went, with no further damage than the loss of his loved accordion. With undaunted courage, like another Leander, he pressed on, and reached the farmer’s house about eleven o’clock at night, and he proceeded to wake the folks up, and informed them that he had returned to stay.
There was a slight scene, and the next morning he returned to town. Day before yesterday, James Fahey returned to New Mexico, and with him went the young, the brave, the talented, the devilish fair-haired Teuton. What will become of him now, the Lord only knows. He is restless as the wind, and his caprices will lead him to glory or the grave. We are sorry he has gone, and we have laughed till we have cried, over the doings of this meteor of humanity.

Speed’s henchman has departed and the shadow of a sorrow rests upon the livery stable. The boys all miss him, and the dogs are bathed in gloom. Somebody will try to make something of him, and there’s no telling what will happen then. When the trumpet of Gabriel will sound, we believe he will come up smil­ing, bearing his accordion, violin, and French harp, and at the feet of the first meek eyed angel he sees, will be laid his treasures. Until then, au revoir.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Johnny Emerson, son of Dr. Emerson, met with quite an accident this forenoon. He undertook to ride the Speed and Schofield’s goat down to the stable from uptown when some thoughtless person set a dog on his goatship and he commenced to goat down the street at a lively rate, throwing the boy off and bruising his face up in a severe manner.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Frank Manny’s Flying Dutchman has been heard from. He is in Las Vegas making fun for the boys, and some of them have almost come to the conclusion that he is luny. Speed knows better than that.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
  The Catholic Fair.
“A little fun now and then is relished by the best of men.” The Catholic Fair, which closed Friday evening, Feb. 10, was the source of much amusement to the people of Winfield. Everything in the way of pleasure was there, and the citizens did not fail to patronize the good work. The businessmen when called upon for contributions responded liberally, as did the ladies, in donating the various articles for a supper and refreshment tables. The fancy articles which were donated were duly appreciated, and served to decorate the booths nicely. . . .
Nearly all the young folks of Winfield were out. The young men were very gallant and generous in taking chances on all articles to be disposed of in that way. Capt. W. Whiting, Dave Harter, Ad Powers, Willie Smith, C. Hodges, J. Hyden, Fred Whiting, Ed and H. Cole, C. C. Harris, J. O’Hare, H. Seward, and A. D. Speed were among the many who assisted in making the fair a success, both socially and financially, and we feel sure the Catholics will feel grateful for the kindness of all those who contributed toward the good work.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
John Keck has purchased Amasa Speed’s interest in the livery business at the hub.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Mr. Keck paid Speed $3,000 for the two lots and livery barn.
Cowley County Courant, March 9, 1882.
Amasa Speed shook us all up today by informing us that he had sold his interest in the livery stable to John Keck, of this city. All the boys will be sorry to hear that Amasa has severed his connection with this popular firm. The new firm of Schofield & Keck contains two genial, sociable, and good business gentle­men, and we wish them all the success in the world.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
A. D. Speed, of the firm of Speed & Schofield, has sold his interest in the livery stable to Mr. Keck, the gentleman who purchased Dr. Black’s residence. Mr. Speed will remain here and invest his money where it will pay him. We are glad to hear this for Mr. Speed is too lively a man to lose.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 15, 1882.

Speed sold his livery barn, in Winfield, for $3,000.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
A. D. Speed never will quit his fiendishness if he lives to be six hundred years old. Sunday morning, when everybody close was in bed, Speed took O. M. Seward’s law sign and put it up in front of Mrs. Page’s window, and several times during the day parties called to get information concerning an action for a divorce. It is now rumored that Speed will be arrested for trying to force a person to practice law who had not yet been admitted to the bar.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
We had occasion last evening to visit the Brettun barber shop, preparatory to making ourselves look pretty for the dance. As we entered, the extreme emptiness of the establishment struck us with dismay. A second glance showed us a piece of colored anatomy which seemed to be alive, apparently engaged on some remnants of cigar stumps. A few well directed remarks to the aforesaid anatomy in regard to the whereabouts of the propri­etors convinced us that the anatomy was just barely alive, and that Charlie Steuven had gone fishing, and had either been kidnaped or drowned, and that Nommsen had gone down the street and been the victim of some foul conspiracy. Turning these things over in our mind, we got our shaving cup, climbed on a stool in front of a glass, and proceeded to demonstrate that we were independent of the bloated bondholders who ran the shop. About the time our face resembled a snow-drift in Alaska, Harry Bahntge dropped in, and thinking we contemplated suicide, de­clined to be a party to it and left. As Harry went out one door, Speed came in the other. We felt a little uneasy when we saw Speed—it made us think of his goat and the pranks of its versa­tile nature. However, we suggested that he did not have much time to lose. That did the business—he was soon in the same condition as to lather as we were. At this stage in comes Timber Toe Smith. Things now took an interesting phase. Smith insisted upon doing the shaving. Speed objected, but his objec­tion was overruled, and he was laid back in the chair. Suffi­cient towels and things were placed about his neck to cover any accidents or slips that might occur. Smith made several well directed but ineffectual efforts to cut Speed’s cheek. It was not long though before he of lumber notoriety got in his work and brought blood in three places. This was enough for us. We were shaved and fifteen cents ahead of the game, and had not lost any blood yet, and did not propose to be. Thus thinking, we took what we supposed to be a last, fond, lingering look at Speed and fled.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
It is no indication that Mr. O. M. Seward is not popular in this city because he received twenty-four votes for constable yesterday. Had Messrs. Speed and Chapman brought him out a day or two sooner, he would have swept the field.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882. 
An important real estate transfer was consummated yesterday, Chas. C. Black selling the old Maris corner building occupied by J. P. Baden, to A. D. Speed, the consideration being $6,500.00.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.

Speed, Seward, and Smith went out fishing the other after­noon with unusual good success. Speed caught a terrible cold, Seward caught a glimpse of his best girl as he passed her home, and Smith caught the toe of Frank Manny’s number eleven boot, for fooling around his premises. They returned home just after sundown with a long string of excuses, telling how busy they had been, and that they could not get time to go fishing on such a fine afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed among the guests present...
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The social party at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson Thursday evening was one of the most enjoyable affairs within the history of Winfield. The Dr. and his estimable wife seem to thoroughly understand the art of entertaining their guests, and on this particular occasion, they were at their best, as it were.
The guests present were Miss L. Curry, Miss Andrews, Miss I. Bard, Miss I. McDonald, the Misses Wallis, Miss F. Beeney, Miss Jennie Haine, Miss A. Scothorn, Miss Jessie Meech, Miss Sadie French, Miss Julia Smith, Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Will Robinson, Ivan Robinson, Harry Bahntge, Eugene Wallis, W. H. Smith, W. A. Smith of Wichita, E. C. Seward, O. M. Seward, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, Sam Davis, Capt. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, W. A. Walton, and Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed started Tuesday on a visit to friends in Ithaca, New York.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Last week Curns & Manser sold the Speed building, now being occupied by J. P. Baden,
to Judge Ide for $6,000. The Judge is rapidly acquiring property interests in Winfield.
Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Speed go to Denver...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Mrs. J. Wade McDonald and sister left for Denver Tuesday. Mrs. McDonald will spend the balance of the winter there.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
A. D. Speed’s many friends are rejoicing in the fact that they have him with them once more. He returned last week, having left Mrs. Speed in Denver.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sporting News. The Grand Annual hunt of the Winfield Sportsmen’s Club took place last Thursday. The club met at the Brettun House Monday evening and elected J. N. Harter and Fred Whitney captains. Each hunter, with the advice of his captain, selected his route, and most of them went out to the field the evening before. The following is the score.
J. N. Harter, Capt., 2,700; Jas. Vance, 1,400; Frank Clark, 1,140; Frank Manny, 200; Jacob Nixon, 1,780; Ezra Meech, 620; Sol Burkhalter, 610; Dr. Davis, 310; C. Trump, 150; Ed. P. Greer, 160; E. C. Stewart, 120; G. L. Rinker, 360. TOTAL: 9,550.
Fred Whitney, Capt., 110; G. W. Prater, 290; J. S. Hunt, 1,130; C. C. Black, 1,070; Jas. McLain, 1,000; A. S. Davis, 100; H. Saunders, 130; Q. A. Glass, 240; A. D. Speed, 240; Dr. Emerson, 190; J. S. Mann, 100; J. B. Lynn, 000. TOTAL: 4,660.

The gold medal was won by Mr. Harter. The tin medal will be won by J. B. Lynn. On next Wednesday evening the nimrods will banquet at the Brettun, at the expense of the losing side. The score made by Mr. Harter has never been equaled in this county.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.

Recap of Claims Submitted in report of Commissioners Proceedings given by J. S. Hunt, County Clerk of Cowley County.
Talesman, A. D. Speed.
Mrs. A. D. Speed’s brother dies...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
DIED. Died at Denver, Colorado, January 14th, 1883, AARON C. THOMPSON, aged thirty-eight years.
Mr. Thompson was the brother of Mrs. Judge McDonald and Mrs. A. D. Speed, of this city, and resided here for nearly a year in 1880 and 1881, during which time he was employed in the law office of Judge McDonald, and by his gentlemanly deportment made for himself a large circle of friends who will sincerely mourn his loss. The deceased was a man of most genial and kindly nature, and of fine abilities, and had held many positions of honor and trust in the United States Civil Service. Failing health at length compelled him to leave Alabama, where he had resided for some fifteen years, and he came westward hoping that our salubrious climate might check the insidious advance of that fell malady, consumption, which had already fastened upon him. He seemed to improve for the first six months of his residence here, but ultimately grew worse, and as a last resort sought the dry, bracing atmosphere of Colorado. But in vain. The destroyer had acquired too firm a lodgment; and so he passed away ere yet his sun had reached the zenith. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of all who ever knew him, for it can truly be said of him as Col. Ingersoll said of his brother Eben: “He contributed to the sum of human happiness, and if each one to whom he had said a kindly word, for whom he had performed some generous and loving service, were to come and cast but a single leaf upon his grave, he would sleep tonight beneath a wilderness of flowers.”
After a long absence, Speed makes visit: living in Spirit Lake, Iowa...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
A. D. Speed came in from Spirit Lake, Iowa, Monday, to spend a few days among old friends. He looks as handsome and happy as of yore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The Judge Ide store building, corner of Main street and 8th Avenue, has been sold, through Curns & Manser, to S. H. and A. H. Jennings for eight thousand dollars. A little over two years ago the Judge bought this property from A. D. Speed for six thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
A. D. Speed et ux to J C McMullen, lot 6 blk 128, Winfield: $4,000.00.
A. D. Speed now living in Deming, New Mexico...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
A. D. Speed came in from New Mexico Monday to spend a week, looking as sleek and handsome as ever. He has taken up his abode in Deming, New Mexico.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.

Storm or cloud, wind or cyclone, heat or cold can’t check the jollity and genuine sociability of our young folks. Facing a very elevated mercury, the presence of the Italian band imbued them, and Monday an impromptu party was given at the rink—not to dance much, you know, but just to enjoy the charming Italian music. But the charm of Terpsichore came with that of the music and round and round whirled the youth and beauty, in the mazy waltz and perspiration. The rink, with its splendid ventilation and smooth roomy floor, has a peculiar fascination for lovers of the dance, which, added to perfect and inspiring music, easily explains the enjoyment that reigned last night. The ladies, arrayed in lovely white costumes and coquettish smiles, always look bewitching on a summer evening. And right here we know the remark will be endorsed, that no city of Winfield’s size can exhibit a social circle of more beauty, intelligence, and genuine accomplishment—no foolish caste, no “codfish aristocracy,” or embarrassing prudishness. Among those present last night, our reporter noted the following, nearly all of whom “tripped the light fantastic.” Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Oliver, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosmer, Misses Bertha Williamson, Nellie Cole, S. Belle Gay, S. Gay Bass, Anna Hunt, Edith Hall, Mamie Shaw, Maggie and Mattie Harper, Gertrude and Nellie McMullen, Bert Morford, Nona Calhoun, Emma Strong, Sadie French, Lizzie and Margie Wallis, Nina Anderson, Jennie Lowry, Hattie Andrews, and Belle Bertram; Messrs. Fred C. Hunt, A. D. Speed, Willis Ritchie, D. H. Sickafoose, Amos Snowhill, S. D. and Dick Harper, Eli Youngheim, Ed J. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, T. J. Eaton, P. H. and E. C. Bertram, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, Byron Rudolf, P. S. Kleeman, Harry Bahntge, and George Jennings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
A. D. Speed secured Deacon Smith’s horse and buggy Friday for a ride six miles north to see his country cousins. Arriving there, he jerked off the harness and turned the bay loose in the stable. He forgot to close the door—in fact, was so preoccupied that he thought very little about his chances for getting home until a notification came that the steed had taken in the situation and with nothing but his halter on, lit out. To say Speed was nervous wouldn’t half express it. He paid a neighbor a handsome price to scour the country for the animal, and getting a fresh scent, started afoot, hoping to find the bay before he got far. He pulled into town last night about 2:40, mounted on Shanks Old Mare, his coat on his arm, and two tubs full of perspiration on his brow. He tried to keep the matter still, but it moved too much for that. John Pomyea and Lobdell, coming from Douglass, ran across the Deacon’s nag, recognized him, and brought him in. Speed has had his shoes half soled and will come out all right in time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Is Speed trying to rent the Widow Foose [Foos] farm, and why does it take so many trips to make the trade?
Speed and Crenshaw, partner, buy Arlington Hotel at Wellington...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

The Arlington Hotel has been sold to Messrs. A. D. Speed, formerly of Winfield, but more recently of Spirit Lake, Iowa, and J. V. Crenshaw, of the Phillips House, this city. The sale is made on account of ill health of Mrs. Northrop, one of the owners. The greatest thing we see to deplore is that it will take the genial Fortesque out of the city. “Forte,” since he took the management of the house, has made hundreds of friends who will, with this paper, be sorry to see him leave and sadly miss him when he has gone. The change will take place sometime between this and the 20th of the month. What will become of the Phillips, we do not know, as Mr. Crenshaw declined yesterday to be interviewed on the subject.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Judging from the Wellington papers, our friend, A. D. Speed, is doing a pretty thriving business in his hotel at that place.
Sallie P. Speed: sister of A. D. Speed, sells land to Wm. Boyer...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Sallie P Speed to Wm Boyer ¼ lot 10 blk 128 Winfield: $400.00.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
A. D. Speed is over from Wellington. He is ye landlord of the Arlington Hotel, in which “posish” he is the acme. He catches all the boys and is doing well.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harter, Br. Chamberlin, Miss Anna Hunt, and Matt Ewart spent Christmas in Wellington, guests of A. D. Speed at the Arlington. The feast was immense.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
A. D. Speed was over from Wellington Monday eve looking as handsome and natty as ever.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
A. D. Speed, the handsome, natty landlord of the Arlington, was over yesterday circulating around among the “old boys.”
Sallie P. Speed, sister of A. D., and Richard S. Boyer sell property...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Sallie P Speed and Richard S Boyer to Mary A Millington and Ed P Greer, lot 10, blk 128, Winfield: $5,000.00.
Mr. Thompson, father of Mrs. A. D. Speed and Mrs. McDonald, dies in Denver...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Mr. S. W. Thompson, father of Mrs. J. Wade McDonald and Mrs. A. D. Speed, died last Tuesday evening in Denver, his home. Mrs. McDonald got there five days before his death.
Wm. Pretzman Falls Under the Train on the S. K. and is Horribly Mangled!

Seven Cars Run Over Him, Leaving Not a Whole Bone In His Body.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Last night at 7:10 as No. 27 was putting out for the west on the Southern Kansas road, William Pretzman fell under the train and was run over by seven cars, his body being crushed almost into a jelly. He was a cook and had worked here for about three days (two days at the Brettun and one at the Central). He received a telephone from Mr. Speed, of the Arlington, at Wellington, yesterday, that a cook was wanted at that place, and started on the train last night, wishing to get there before some other cook, and secure the position. Yesterday another cook came up from Arkansas City and Pretzman, being in close circumstances, borrowed money from Frank Thompson, cook at the Central, with which to pay his fare to Wellington, but it is supposed he spent the money for whiskey and was trying to beat his way, and being under the influence of liquor, was incapable of climbing over the cars, and as he was jumping from one coal car to another, lost his footing, and fell under the train. He first fell about 20 feet west of where the sidewalk crosses the track near the depot, and was dragged about 100 feet under the wheels, as indicated by bones and flesh on the rail. He was the most horrible sight our eyes ever beheld, having both legs cut entirely off, only hanging by small threads of flesh. There was not a whole bone left in his body, his right arm being cut and crushed off just above the elbow. The Coroner’s inquest was held this morning by Coroner H. L. Wells, and the following was the verdict rendered by the Jury: “Deceased came to his death by being run over by railroad cars on the Southern Kansas railroad at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.” Signed: W. L. Moorehouse, M. M. Scott, James W. Connor, D. A. Smith, F. M. Jones, Jurors.
Pretzman has been traveling around in this part of the State for the past four years, and is known as a journeyman cook, and came from Wichita here. He left a satchel at one of the hotels at Wichita, but had no effects with him except a pocket full of hotel bill of fares and a cook book. He was about 35 years of age, of rather small stature, had brown hair and moustache. In conversation with John Hubbell, cook at the Brettun, he said that he had relatives somewhere in Pennsylvania, but hadn’t heard from them for fifteen years. He is of Pennsylvania Dutch decent, and was well liked by those who knew him. The remains were deposited in the potters field at the Union cemetery this afternoon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
A. D. Speed, “mine host” of the Arlington, Wellington, is in the Eli City today.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
A. D. Speed came over from Wellington Thursday to attend the interment of the remains of Judge Boyer.
Note: Judge Boyer’s first wife [Mary C. Speed Boyer] died in 1879, seven years before and not ten years before as the article states. Amazing how A. D. Speed was left out of any and all articles about Judge and the first Mrs. Boyer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.

Judge W. M. Boyer died Tuesday last, at the home of his father-in-law, Judge Caldwell, at McPherson, of Brights disease. The Judge had been a sufferer from this disease for years and a short time ago, realizing that his end was very near, came to McPherson, to die. The remains, accompanied by W. C. Root and Ritchie Boyer, son of the Judge, came in on the Santa Fe Friday and were met by twenty-five of the Masons of the city, of which fraternity the Judge was an old member. The procession moved directly from the depot to the Union Cemetery, the Masonic procession marching to the 8th and Millington street square, where conveyances were in waiting. The body was laid beside that of his first wife, who died here ten years ago. Judge Boyer was one of the first settlers and clothiers of Winfield, and prominent in its early struggles. When he left here for Durango, five years or more ago, he was the very picture of rotund, glowing health, though about that time this fatal disease began its work, and it was partially for his health that he changed residences. Of bright and jolly disposition and keen enterprise, he made many warm friends who receive the news of his death with sad regret. The Judge was less than fifty—cut off in the meridian of life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
We are pained to report the death of Mr. B. B. Vandeventer, which sad event occurred on Wednesday, the 17th, at 3 o’clock p.m., aged about 53 years. The funeral was preached at his late residence on Friday, by Rev. A. H. Alkire, and he was buried at the Vandeventer grave yard. Versailles (Indiana) Herald.
Mr. Vandeventer was an early-day acquaintance of Winfield. Eight years or more ago he came here buying the Cliff Wood farm, north of town, now Island Park Place, and later purchasing the A. D. Speed tract, now Highland Park. Three years ago he returned to Indiana, to reside, and in the last year disposed of all his property here.
[Got to the middle of April 1886 on A. D. Speed file.]