J. B. Splawn


Silverdale Township.
Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. B. Splawn 40  m w Missouri Missouri
Wm. Splawn 16  m w Missouri Missouri
Silverdale Township 1878: J. B. Splawn, age not given; spouse, Mrs. Splawn, age not
given; P. O. Address, SilverDale.
Silverdale Township 1878: T. N. Splawn, 47; spouse, Elizabeth, 38; P. O. Address, SilverDale.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY. J. B. Splawn vs. R. L. Walker, Sheriff.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1876.
ARRIVAL at the Central Avenue House during the past week.
J. B. Splawn, East Cowley.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
The following officers were chosen by acclamation: S. Cattrell, Clerk; Wm. Estus, Treasurer; Justices, W. S. Coburn and D. Francisco; Constables, W. I. Gilman and H. L. C. Gilstrap. Road Overseers chosen as follows: 1st Dist., Mathias Hoyt; 2nd Dist., H. W. Chancey; 3rd Dist., J. B. Splawn; 4th Dist., Alonzo Butterfield; 5th Dist., J. P. Musselman.  [TOWNSHIP OFFICERS.]
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The following officers were nominated in the different townships, and most of them are probably elected.
Silverdale Township. For Justices of the Peace. W. S. Coburn, D. Francisco; for Constables, W. I. Gilman, H. L. C. Gilstrap; for Township Trustee, B. A. Davis; for Township Treasurer, Wm. Estus; for Township Clerk, S. Cattrell; for Road Overseers: Dist. No. 1, Mathias Hoyt; Dist. No. 2, H. W. Chancey; Dist. No. 3, J. B. Splawn; Dist. No. 4, Alonzo Butterfield; Dist. No. 5, J. P. Musselman.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
DIED. Harriet Martilia, wife of George Egbert, died at the residence of Mr. John Splawn, February 5th. She came from Missouri to this county in December last for her health. She leaves a husband and six children. Her husband arrived here a few days after she was buried.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
I have secured a large beet, weight 7 lbs., of Mr. Cattrell, and several monster sweet potatoes of Mr. Splawn, which I will send you the first opportunity.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.

J. B. Splawn and A. Mann, two of Grouse creek’s old residents, called upon us last week. Everything in their vicini­ty is looking prosperous, and the corn crop, especially, bids fair to be the heaviest ever harvested.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 10, 1880.
A. Mann and J. B. Splawn, two of Grouse Creek’s old-time residents, gave the TRAVELER office a call last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
See the notice from Grouse Creek with reference to hunting and shooting on the farms in that vicinity.
   LOWER GROUSE, Nov. 29, 1880.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that all persons found hunting or shooting on our respective farms on or after this date will be prosecuted for trespass.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
Died. On Monday last at 4 a.m., at the residence of J. B. Splawn, on Grouse Creek, Stephen Splawn, aged 86 years. The funeral took place at 10 o’clock yesterday morning in the cemetery on Grouse Creek.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
Mr. J. B. Splawn, of Silverdale, and one of the oldest subscribers to the TRAVELER, favored us with a short call last week. He reported everything in the vicinity of Silverdale as prospering finely.
S. H. Splawn???...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882. Editorial Page.
Pursuant to call therefore the delegates to the 67th Repre­sentative District Convention met in McLaughlin’s Hall in Arkan­sas City, Kans. Convention was called to order by J. B. Nipp. On motion, J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver, and R. J. Maxwell, of Creswell, were elected respectively Chairman and Secretary.
Delegates Silverdale Township: L. J. Darnell, W. G. Herbert, and S. H. Splawn.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
SILVERDALE CEMETERY. At a meeting held Aug. 21st, 1882, at the Silverdale schoolhouse, the citizens of Silverdale township decided to enclose their cemetery with a fence. The following were appointed to solicit funds therefor: John Splawn, S. H. Living, Wm. Herbert, J. P. Musselman, John Fleharty, and A. D. Edwards. The fence will be of stone four feet in height, with provisions for adding a wire netting eighteen inches in height. If the necessary funds can be obtained at once, the fence will be finished according to this plan; if not, the stone-work will be laid with intention of finishing when the money can be raised.
All persons interested in the cemetery, and who are willing to assist in the work, are requested to pay their contributions before Nov. 1st next, as the contract will be let about that time. This is a movement which will certainly be commended by all.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1883.

John B. Splawn, one of the Grouse’s most aggressive farmers, called upon us Monday.
J. E. Splawn, Stephen Splawn, M. Splawn???...
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Recap. Notice by R. L. Walker, Register of the Land Office at Wichita. Before I. H. Bonsall, Notary Public, Arkansas City, William Splawn made known his intention to make final proof in support of his claim. His witnesses were L. W. Davidson, J. E. Splawn, Stephen Splawn, M. Splawn, all of Silverdale.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Mr. J. B. Splawn of Silverdale Township, last Saturday, laid upon our table a number of large, luscious peaches, fully ripe and as toothsome as could be, which were raised on his farm. Mr. Splawn is always one of the first to the front with his good things, and we are always glad to see his smiling countenance enter the office.
Stephen B. Splawn???...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 26, 1883.
Recap of Land Office Publication by R. L. Walker, Register.
Notary Public, I. H. Bonsall, Arkansas City. Settler filing notice of intention to make final proof in support of her claim: Annie P. Estus. Witnesses named by her: Stephen B. Splawn, Edward Scott, Arch Bigby, Louis Driggs, all of Silverdale.
Eva Splawn...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
The following pupils of the High School department were perfect in deportment and received 100 percent: Mahlon Arnett, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, John Kirkpatrick, Rose Morse, Fred McLaughlin, Jessie Norton, Dora Pearson, Carrie Rice, Mountferd Scott, Horace Vaughn, Martin Warren, Clarence Thompson, Sarepta Abrams, Sammy Beall, Sarah Crocker, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Robert Nipp, Walter Pickering, Alvan Sankey, Emma Theaker, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, Lillie Purdy, Eva Splawn. C. T. Atkinson, Teacher.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
We publish the following names of pupils carrying the highest grades in the different classes: History, Loyd Ruby, 100; Grammar, Eddie Marshall and Eva Splawn, 97 each; Spelling, Eva Splawn and Mollie Duncan, 100; Arithmetic, Frank Armstrong, Jacob Endicott, and Richard Hutchison, 100 each; Geography, Sammy Beall, Mollie Duncan, Flora Gould, Lida Whitney, and Joseph Campbell, 100 each.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The following pupils of the high school department were perfect in deportment during the sixth month of the term.

Mahlon Arnett, Cora Armstead, Sammie Beall, Joseph Campbell, Sarah Crocker, D. C. Duncan, Jacob Endicott, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Ida Hackleman, Richard Hutchins, Alice L. Lane, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Birdie Martin, Dora Pearson, Sarepta Abrams, Frank Barnett, Viola Bishop, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Mollie Duncan, Lizzie Gilbert, Eddie Ganes, Flora Gould, Laura Holloway, John Kirkpatrick, Hattie Laird, Rosa Moore, Fred. McLaughlin, Mettie Marbin, Jessie Norton, Walter Pickering, Lillie Purdy, Lloyd Ruby, M. J. Scott, Emma Theaker, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Lida Whitney, Frank Wright, Carrie Rice, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Frank Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Edna Worthley, Constance Woodin, Frank Wright.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Miss Eva Splawn was compelled to leave school last week on account of her parents going to Iowa. We regret the loss very much.
Splawn Brothers???...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
The Splawn Bros., two of Grouse’s oldest settlers, will leave this week for Washington Territory, where they will make their future homes. We are sorry to see them go, but wish them success.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Mr. J. Showalter, who has purchased the Splawn farm on Grouse Creek, favored the TRAVELER office with a pleasant call.
John and Stephen Splawn, brothers...
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
John and Stephen Splawn, who went from Grouse Creek to Washington Territory a few weeks ago, returned last week, and have bought Mr. Strickland’s farm lying about two miles from where they formerly lived. They were very much disappointed with Washington Territory, and could not be induced to remain there, and are now convinced that Kansas will suit them better than any other state.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 3, 1884.
Splawn brothers have returned from Washington Territory, and have purchased the farm owned by John Strickland. Messrs. Splawn report that that country is not what it is “cracked up” to be; that it is nothing but a place to spend money; that it takes six horses to pull a wagon ten miles; that the valley of the Columbia River is about 100 yards wide, and the space between the bluffs are covered so thickly with trees and scrub timber that it takes $100 per acre to clear it for farming. They also state that there are thousands of people there who cannot get money enough together to bring them away. There are those kind of people in every country, though, as far as that is concerned. However, Messrs. Splawn are located again, but have not as good a place as they formerly owned, but will probably remain with us for a few years. They will not visit Washington Territory soon again.
J. B. and S. B. Splawn...
Arkansas City Republican, May 17, 1884.
Messrs. J. B. and S. B. Splawn and Abraham Mann, three staunch farmers from Grouse Creek, called in to see us on last Saturday. The Messrs. Splawn have recently returned from Washington Territory, and since contrasting that country with this, are perfectly satisfied with their Kansas home. Mr. Mann has recently moved to the vicinity of Dexter.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 27, 1884.

On motion of G. H. Buckman, committee on order of business was appointed: G. H. Buckman, W. H. Grow, J. B. Splawn, J. A. Cochran, W. H. Gilliard, Owen Shriver, Willis Wilson.
Entitled to seats in the convention: Silverdale: J. B. Splawn, J. J. Estus, J. N. Fleharty.
Arkansas City Republican, October 18, 1884.
J. B. Splawn shipped 62 head of calves from New York State recently, paying $135 per car.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 5, 1884.
Southern Kansas.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, Oct. 27, 1884. Texas fever has been raging along the south line of Cowley County, Kansas, and the losses with some have been heavy. Mr. King lost 50 head out of 800; and Mr. Darrough 30 out of 300; and others in about the same proportion. The milch cows in town have also died of fever. A representative of the department at Washington was here to take evidence of the malady, but could offer no remedy or suggestions as to curing it. Some calves have been shipped in from New York that are doing well. The car rate was $135. They were fed in the cars until they reached Kansas City, where the Santa Fe refused to bring the same car through, although it was contracted to this place, and had partitions, etc., arranged to feed as they traveled. Mr. Splawn, the owner of the stock, intends bringing the matter before the railroad board of equalization for adjustment.
Feed cattle are selling at 3½ cents per pound on foot; hogs, 4 cents; sheep, $1.00 per head; new corn, 30 cents; oats, 17 cents.
Sheep can hardly be given away, and it strikes us it might pay someone to butcher them and ship the carcasses, as soon as the weather will permit.
Game (deer and turkey have begun to be brought in), will be shipped in great quantities this winter.
There is a scarcity of corn in this immediate vicinity, and the price will be held up unless it is shipped in from above. At Winfield corn is 25 cents. I learn it has been so low as 20 cents at Wichita. Correspondent, Live Stock Indicator.
John B. Splawn and Stephen Splawn, Arkansas City???...
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Notice for Publication.
LAND OFFICE AT WICHITA, KANSAS, November 19th, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge, or in his absence, before the clerk of the District Court in and for Cowley county, Kansas, at Winfield, on January 8th, 1886, viz: Annis P. Estus, D. S. No. 24,533, for the e ½ of nw ¼ and nw ¼ of nw ¼ of section 32, tp. 34 south, range 5 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John B. Splawn, of Arkansas City, Ks.; Stephen Splawn, of Arkansas City, Ks.; John M. Murry, of Arkansas City, Ks.; O. S. Gibson, of Arkansas City, Kansas. FRANK DALE, Register.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.

J. B. Splawn, who has a farm out on Grouse Creek in Silverdale Township, was in the city today and called at the REPUBLICAN sanctum. Mr. Splawn exhibited to us a sample of slate, bluish tint, which he had taken from the bottom of a well he is digging and which contained small, hard bright particles of some kind of mineral. He has already sunk the well 40 feet and intends to go down three feet further. When he got down about 35 feet he struck a reddish slate substance. This was about three feet thick. Beneath it was a bluish slate. Next to this was a layer of coal, the thickness of a knife blade and beneath it there was the bluish slate soil, and then rock. Mr. Splawn will not go through the rock.
Miss Lou Splawn...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Miss Lou Splawn is talking of going to Iowa soon. We are sorry to lose Miss Lou from our circle. She is a lady and one that will gain many friends wherever she may go.