Marshal C.C. Stevens
City of Winfield 1880:
Stevens, C. C., 38; spouse, Julia A., 33.
Winfield Messenger, November 8, 1872.
C. C. Stevens has received a large invoice of groceries.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
C. C. STEVENS, Groceries & Provisions,, Boots and Shoes.
Second door below Corner Ninth and Main, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
100 bushels large Peach Blow Potatoes for $1.00 per bushel at C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
NOTICE. All persons indebted to C. C. Stevens are notified that their accounts have been left with the undersigned for collection, and they are requested to call and settle at once. WEBB & BIGGER. Winfield, Oct. 29th, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
C. C. Stevens, for two years an apparently honest and thrifty grocery merchant of Winfield, recently sold out, pocketed the cash, and left his creditors and wife to mourn his unknown whereabouts.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
RECAP: George D. Appleton, Nathan D. Noyes, John B. Maude, as partners trading under the firm name of Appleton, Noyes & Co., plaintiffs, versus Charles C. Stevens, defendant...Judgment on the first cause of action in said petition stated for the sum of $861.55 after the same shall have become due with interest thereon from and after January 1, 1874, and for the further sum of $246.00 as alleged in the second cause of action, with interest thereon from and after the 7th day of February, 1874, and for the further sum of $11.25 as in the third cause of action alleged in said petition, after the same shall have become due, with interest thereon from and after Feb. 11, 1874, together with the costs of said action, and that the said Chas. C. Stevens must answer the said petition by Feb. 9, 1874. Attachment: Sheriff seized defendant’s property: northwest quarter of Section 16, township 33, range 4 east, Cowley Co. Further, Sheriff garnished all bills, notes, accounts, goods, chattels, effects, and property of Charles C. Stevens in the possession or under the control of L. J. Webb and J. C. Bigger, partners as Webb & Bigger. Said property and effects will be sold and applied to the satisfaction of said judgment.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
RECAP: Adam Long and John Long as partners doing business in the name of Long Brothers, plaintiffs, versus Charles C. Stevens, Defendant. Judgment demanded in said petition for $445.74 (with interest from Oct 8, 1873, together with the costs of this action)...defendant must answer said petition by Feb. 9, 1874...Attachment has been issued...Sheriff directed to garnishee all bills, notes accounts, goods, chattels, effects, and property of defendant in the possession of L. J. Webb and J. C. Bigger, partners, as Webb & Bigger, on Nov. 11, 1873. Said property and effects will be sold and applied to the satisfaction of said judgment.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. 34. Appleton, Noyes, & Co. vs. C. C. Stevens.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIFTH DAY. 37. Long Bros. vs. C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Appleton, Noyes & Co., vs. C. C. Stevens, Judgment for plaintiff.
Long Bros. vs. Stevens, Judgment for plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.
Charley Stevens is in town again
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
C. C. Stevens is now holding forth at Remanto.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
C. C. Stevens, formerly of this city, has recently been appointed postmaster at Remanto.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
C. C. Stevens, an old ex-merchant of Winfield, called in yesterday and ordered the leading county paper to appear at Salt City weekly, from now till the centennial.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1876.
C. C. Stevens, who is occupying the Foos farm, was seriously injured by a runaway team last week. The principal injury sustained was a leg broken near the ankle.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. All the Board present with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, sundry claims were presented and passed upon as follows:
C. C. Stevens, pauper bill: $85.00
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Charley Stevens is living in town now.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
At a special meeting of the city council on Saturday evening, James C. Binner was granted the privilege of carrying on the saloon business under the license issued to Geo. P. Townsend, and at a special meeting on Monday evening his bond was approved by the council. On Monday evening Chas. C. Stevens was appointed city marshal to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of James D. Cochran.
DIED. J. D. COCHRAN, a highly esteemed citizen of this city, who has of late honored the position of city marshal, died at his residence on Saturday morning, the 6th inst. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his irreparable loss. The funeral was conducted by the Masonic fraternity on Sunday from the new M. E. church, which was crowded to overflowing by a sympathizing audience. The procession was one of the largest that have ever been seen on a like occasion in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Colorado and Smith had a free fight last Monday. Colorado takes bad whiskey and then wants to fight almost everybody he meets. He imbibed many doses of the poison that day and followed Smith around all day to provoke a quarrel. Smith got poison, too, and as Marshal Stevens had his eye on them, they adjourned out of his jurisdiction, east of town, and “went in.” Colorado got the worst of it until Smith’s wife appeared on the ground and interfered. Constable Finch then appeared with Marshal Stevens, as a posse comitatus, marched Colorado to the calaboose to sleep off his drunk, and Smith to the office of Justice , who permitted him to contribute a small sum for the benefit of the school fund.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Notice to Owners of Dogs. Owners of dogs in the City of Winfield are notified that the tax on each dog must be paid within five days from date or the dog will be liable to be shot.
May 20, 1878. C. C. STEVENS, City Marshal.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Action was taken on the following bills [Showing amount allowed only].
C. C. Stevens, marshal, 1 month: $40.00.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
I. O. O. F. The following is a list of the officers of Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., for the term commencing July, 1878: M. G. Troup, N. G.; M. Shields, V. G.; David C. Beach, Rec. Sec.; E. S. Bedilion, P. Sec.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; John E. Allen, Rep. to G. L.; C. C. Stevens, W.; W. D. Southard, C.; John M. Read, O. G.; Chas. McIntire, R. S. to N. G.; E. A. Clisbee, L. B. to N. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S. S.; B. M. Terrill, T. S. S.; W. M. Parker, R. S. to V. G.; Herman Schmode, L. S. to V. G.; John W. Curns, Chaplain, John Smiley, Host.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Mayor nominated C. C. Stevens for road overseer, and on motion the nomination was confirmed and his bond in the sum of $500 read and accepted and approved.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, allowed $40.00.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Action was taken on bills: C. C. Stevens, marshal: $40.00.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
Marshal Stevens created some excitement while taking Tom Wright to the “cooler” last Thursday. We will bet two to one that Tom has the best lungs in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
C. C. Stevens, City Marshal: $40.00.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; David C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treasurer; John E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.; J. W. Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; J. S. Blue, Host.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal: $40.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
C. C. Stevens, residence, frame: $450.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Mayor.—J. B. Lynn.
Police Judge.—W. M. Boyer.
Members of the Council.—T. C. Robinson, G. W. Gully, H. C. Manning, H. Jochems, C. M. Wood.
Clerk.—J. P. Short.
Treasurer.—J. C. McMullen.
City Attorney.—N. C. Coldwell.
Marshal.—C. C. Stevens.
[WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 101, I. O. O. F.]
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening. M. B. Shields, N. G.; D. C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.; J. E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Will Hudson, L. S. S.; John Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. S. Blue, Host. Total number of members 52.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Our marshal, Charley Stevens, had men at work Monday cleaning off the street crossings. Charley proposes to make the boys clean their feet before crossing the street hereafter.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
Bills of C. C. Stevens, marshal, $40.00, and J. P. Short, clerk, $10.00, allowed and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, $40.00.
G. W. Clark, work on streets, $75.00.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
There was a slight disturbance on the street last Friday evening, but it was quelled by the appearance of Charley Stevens. Charley never fails to be on hand.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
Marshal Stevens was called upon to settle a slight dispute, arising from the too frequent use of bad whiskey on Monday, which he did in the most peremptory manner. Mr. Stevens’ arguments in favor of “peace and quiet” are generally conclusive.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
C. C. Stevens, city marshal, $40.00.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Creek, the cow thief, plead guilty to the charge of grand larceny last Monday. He had gone into the cow business very extensively, having stolen three cows in as many weeks. The first one he stole to get funds wherewith to “jump the country,” but got gloriously drunk before he started and had to make another raise or go afoot. Not being much of a pedestrian, and having a penchant for adapting himself to surrounding circumstances, “he launched his fate upon the turbid sea of speculation” and stole another cow. But, alas! the cow market was unsteady and sales full, and before the last invoice was disposed of, Marshal Stevens had nabbed him, and he lies languishing in the little red brick across the “swamp.”
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Bill of C. C. Stevens for marshal’s salary presented; bill allowed to amount to $43.83½.
Bill of Walch & Smiley of $17.50 for street crossings presented and referred to committee on streets and alleys. Bill from same for sidewalk referred to same committee.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
The patent cement man fell into the “iron grasp” of Marshal Stevens last Monday for imbibing too freely of bad whiskey and was conveyed to the cooler, there to meditate upon the “sticktuitive” qualities of “Scott’s great discovery.”
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1879.
Marshal Stevens, with his corps of jail birds, is doing good service on the streets.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
Our efficient marshal, C. C. Stevens, is again troubled with his ankle, which was injured some years ago, and the bones not being properly set, he has suffered more or less ever since. Mr. Stevens has made a good officer, and we sincerely hope that he may be able to resume his duties at no distant day.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Saturday was a big day for pugilistic performances. Our hog men had another set to in which the biter bit the dust in the most artistic manner, and the city treasury reaped the benefits. In the afternoon another altercation took place and another man went to grass and arose, with blood in his eye and mud on his nose, only to be snatched like a brand from the burning by the ruthless hand of Marshal Stevens and brought before “His Honor” to answer for deeds done on the public highway. It was an impressive scene. The stern features of the judge, the solemn stillness of the courtroom, and the blood-besmeared garments of the prisoner at the bar produced an impression never to be forgotten “as long as memory holds her seat.”
And then the verdict: “Prisoner, arise.” He arose. “This court finds you guilty of a gross misdemeanor, for which, in the wisdom of this court, you should pay into the city treasury the sum of five dollars and—and costs.” He paid, and went his way a sadder if not a wiser man, and his majesty of the law was three dollars ahead.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
A man whom Marshal Stevens had found resting by the wayside in the gutter, and transferred to the cooler, broke all the windows in the cell and was attempting to crawl through when detected.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Mr. C. C. Adams, of Illinois, has lately visited this county and city, with a view of making investments. He is an energetic businessman, of large capital, and is highly esteemed by a wide circle of acquaintances, several of whom are residents of this county. Last Saturday he was in Winfield, and while conversing on the street, the handle of a small revolver was seen sticking out of a pocket in his pants. Marshal Stevens, whose eyes are always open, promptly arrested him and took him before Police Judge Boyer, where he was fined and mulcted in costs, which together amounted to about $13.00, for carrying concealed weapons. He refused to pay—appealed, and will test the case against him in the District Court. We do not know but the ordinance was meant for such cases; but if so, it ought to be repealed at once. These proceedings in such a case are an outrage that should never be allowed. A stranger comes here to settle and invest, and while traveling in sections reputed to be infested with roughs and robbers, takes the precaution to carry a small revolver as a protection against scoundrels, as is quite customary; and is met with the very acts which will disgust him most with the country and its people.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Paris Brothers have come to grief. They have been attempting for some time past to run three drays on two licenses, which didn’t suit Marshal Stevens, exactly, and last week he arrested one of the parties and brought him before Judge Boyer, where he was fined several dollars and costs, much to the disgust of the said Paris Bros. The affair culminated Monday evening by the Paris boys getting considerable liquor on board, and attempting by sundry threats of whipping and killing, to run the Marshal off the streets. But they had “counted their chickens before they were hatched,” and while looking for their victim, they suddenly found themselves confronted with a double-barreled shotgun in the hands of Marshal Stevens, and by the determined look of his eyes, and the careless manner in which he handled the weapon, they concluded that “discretion was the better part of valor,” and one of them was marched off to the cooler without much resistance. So mote it be.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Marshal Stevens was out Tuesday with his jail-birds, cleaning up the alleys. They number seven stalwart fellows, who are paying the penalty of a few hours of carousing.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.
A contractor on the railroad, who attempted to interfere with Marshal Stevens in the discharge of his duty the other evening, got a gentle tap on the head that sent him to grass quite suddenly. A man might as well make up his mind to go along when Charley wants him.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
The city treasury has been reaping a rich harvest from the numerous poor unfortunates who have fallen into the hands of Marshal Stevens and his assistants during the past week.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
Pursuant to the instructions of the Mayor, Marshal Stevens closed all the gambling establishments in the city last week, and the “gentlemen of the green,” have been compelled to hunt new fields for their labors.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
A Mrs. Hanson, wife of a well-to-do German farmer, living about ten miles southeast of this place, was arrested by Marshal Stevens last week for stealing goods from the counters and front of various dry goods stores in town. After her arrest the wagon was searched and a flour sack full of stolen articles was recovered. Our merchants have for some time missed various articles, and the Marshal has had an eye open for “shop-lifters.” Mrs. Hanson begged piteously to be allowed to “go home to her babies,” and was released on $300 bail. Her husband owns considerable property, and raised a large crop of wheat this year.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
Just as we go to press we learn of an occurrence which will cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community. It seems that of late many crimes have been committed in the northern part of the state, the perpetrators of which are still at large. Late this (Wednesday) morning Marshal Stevens went to the place of business of Mr. Geo. Miller and asked him to go with him to identify a man who had worked for him several years ago, and who was supposed to be one of the parties wanted up north.
After looking around among the stores for some time, Marshal Stevens pointed out a man with his back toward them and said that “he thought this was his man,” requesting Mr. Miller to go around and come in on the other side of him so as to get a sight of his face, at the same time admonishing him to be careful and not let the criminal see that he was being observed.
Mr. Miller, in order to reach the other side, went down the alley back of the Opera House, coming into the street through the gap between S. H. Myton’s buildings, and quietly picked his way along until he reached a pile of prints in front of M. Hahn & Co’s., and with the utmost caution slowly raised his head above the barrier to see if he recognized the man.
This proved to be a movement that will be regretted by Mr. Miller for many days to come, for the suspected person seemed to be expecting an attack from that quarter, and was looking squarely at the pile of prints. As Miller’s head appeared above them, their eyes met, a sign of recognition seemed to pass between them, when, with a blood curdling shriek, Miller sprang from behind the prints, darted past the intended victim, and was, in all probability, saved from an untimely end by the interference of the bystanders.
He had discovered at the last moment that he was about to be implicated in the arrest and perhaps the conviction and imprisonment of—Baird’s wooden dummy.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Our citizens seem to be unanimously in favor of the re-appointment of C. C. Stevens to the Marshalship. Mr. Stevens has occupied the position for two years; and in the preservation of the peace and order of our city has been unusually successful. The best interests of the community could be no better subserved than by the re-appointment of Mr. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
The mournful wail of the mangled cur will soon break the stillness of the summer eve. The above rambling thoughts are occasioned by the sight of Marshal Stevens rubbing up his old army musket, preparatory to obeying the injunction of our city dads, as set forth in ordinance No. 87.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Much indignation is expressed by many of our citizens over the refusal of Marshal Stevens, after an order had been issued by the Mayor and police judge to allow the case of Mr. Jas. Poor to come up for trial Saturday evening. Marshal Stevens may have had sufficient cause for his arrest, but he can certainly offer no excuse for refusing to bring him up for trial upon the order of the Mayor, and at the request of the Police Judge. Mr. Stevens, during his three years of office, has in the main done his duty fearlessly and conscientiously, and we regard this as an error in judgment rather than a desire to be unfair.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
A man applied to Mayor Lynn for aid Monday, stating that he lived on East 8th avenue. The Mayor referred him to Councilman Hodges, and he was afterward furnished with provisions by Councilman Freeman. Marshal Stevens investigated the matter and found that he did not reside in the city at all but lived off Mr. Service’s place east of town. It was also discovered that he was the possessor of a team and had an able-bodied son twenty years old; that they had twice been offered work with their team at $2.50 per day but had refused the job, preferring to live by charity. From what we saw of the man, he seemed as able to work as hundreds of others who make their living by honest labor. There are dozens of widows in Winfield with large families to support who struggle along without asking charity, but who are more entitled to it than this applicant.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Republican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Democrats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasurer of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarles and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.
Mr. Tansey had been nominated by the Republicans for justice of the peace, but made a speech accepting the nomination of the Citizens, and enlisting to support the whole ticket, going back on the Republicans. Of course, it was inconsistent for the Republicans to keep on their ticket a candidate who was fighting the balance of the ticket, so the Republican committee met and struck off his name and placed the name of J. H. Kinney in his stead, which was eminently proper and right. E. P. Kinne was not present at the time of the Citizens meeting nor on the day of the election, but we understood him before he went that he would not accept a nomination on the Citizens ticket. N. L. Rigby positively declined to be a candidate.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
We did not get a report of the speakers, for we were in the other meeting: that of the republicans in the opera house. Of this meeting Col. C. M. Wood was chairman, and made a stirring address, which was followed by strong and pungent speeches from H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup, W. P. Hackney, and T. H. Soward.
The scathing that Mayor Lynn and Marshal Stevens got at their hands was terrible and cruel to the victims. Their administration was shown up in no enviable light, and the speakers demanded a change.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
After Friday Charlie Stevens sheds his star. He has been marshal of the town now for about four years, has served through our most troublous times, and has preserved the peace and quiet of the city when it took nerve to do it. His presence has been a terror to evildoers.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY. Charles C. Stevens vs. The City of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
We are in receipt of cards for a grand ball of the Locomotive Engineers at Chama, New Mexico, November 25th. Prominent among the reception committee, we notice the names of Col. E. C. Manning and C. C. Stevens. The ticket we received was punched, and fearing it would not be taken at the door, we did not attend.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The familiar countenance of Charley Stevens is again visible on our streets. He has been out on the Atlantic and Pacific, in New Mexico, for some time, but says he will try Winfield for awhile again.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
Winfield Rifles are getting ready for the State encampment to be held at Topeka next September. Young Men who want to join may leave their names with F. M. Friend, Cornelius Trump, Frank Finch, or C. C. Stevens.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Mrs. Charlie Stevens left for Pueblo, Colorado, Monday with her family, where she goes to join her husband.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
COLORADO NOTES. Last Saturday evening the editor returned from a ten days tramp in Colorado and will here make some notes of his observations during that time.
PUEBLO. This city is growing rapidly and is fast becoming a business center. The smelting and reduction works are doing a large business and train loads of ores are being daily brought in for reduction. But the great industry of the place is the steel works. This is a very extensive manufactory of steel rails for railroads and employs 1,500 men. The buildings and machinery are on the most magnificent scale and it is one of the grandest sights imaginable to overlook in the evening some fifty fiery furnaces, hundreds of chunks of red and white hot steel passing backward and forward through the rolling mills and finally sent off in red steel rails. Dante’s Inferno could not have equaled such a sight. The iron ore is brought into the works by train loads as well as the coal which is coked at the works.
Several persons, “formerly of Winfield,” accosted us in the streets and among them, young Charley Stevens. His father is at work in the steel works and with his family lives on the bluff south of town.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.
John H. Nichol, from Beardstown, Illinois, an old acquaintance of M. L. Read, who is here for the health of his son, which has been very much improved since coming, has bought the Charlie Stevens property on Menor Street, there being no rentable house in the city. The family will spend the winter here, and we hope this will be the cause of their locating with us permanently.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
A scene on the street Thursday was a forcible reminder of old times, when the marshal and assistant kept the jail full of “cusses,” resulting from the “benzine” that flowed from six saloons. These fellows, last night, were “Canada Bill” and his “pard,” cowboys from Dodge City, “wild and wooly, and hard to curry.” The first g-d d-n man that tried to take them would get “bored.” The wonderful sight, uncommon indeed in these days of prohibition, of drunken rowdies on our streets, drew like a dog fight. Marshals McFadden and McLain and Sheriff McIntire came on the scene and the bad men from Dodge were readily bastilled, though pretty near too limp to walk. Their “mechanical purposes” was hard cider, drank in a quantity sufficient to turn the head of a mule. The “old time” odor was merely in appearance. They had none of the gory determination and don’t care-a-darn pluck of the cowboys that used to fill up to take the town in the days of Marshal Charley Stevens and earlier. In those days the cowboys were regular perambulating armories; these fellows had nothing that would shoot—but their mouths.