Frank M. Stewart
District No. 3 includes the range of Stewart.
Could this refer to “Frank M. Stewart”...?
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
It was decided by the convention of stockmen at Caldwell that the round up would commence on the first day of May, at Monfort Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian. The range was divided into six districts, the following account of which we take from the Commercial’s report.
District No. 1—
includes the country on the North and South Canadians. Tony Day, Captain.
District No. 2—
includes the range of the Kansas City company, Quinlan & Crawford, Greene & Co., Mahone, Stiff & Watkins. R. F. Crawford, captain.
District No. 3—
includes the range of Wilson & Zummerman, Snow, Hatfield, Wood, Hutton, McClellan, and Stewart, the country east of Arkansas City and Chisholm trail road, and as far north as Red Rock. Thos. Hutton, captain.
District No. 4—
includes the range of Messrs. Malaley, Hamilton, Bennett, & Blair; Blair & Battin, Kincaid, B. F. Buzzard, colored; Manning, Rock & Sandborn; Stoller & Reese; Flitch, Birchfield, Warlo & Garland; Beard & Day; Raymond & Lewis; Cooper, and B. Campbell. H. H. Bennett, captain.
District No. 5—
includes the range of Messrs. Pryor, Miller, Drumm, Timberlake & Hall, Schlopp & Billenger, Jewell Bros., Streeter, Erwin Bros., Green & Preston, Blackstone and Campbell. A. Wilson, captain.
District No. 6—
includes the range at Elm Springs and that of Hunter & Evans. J. B. Doyle, captain.
Frank M. Stewart...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
Stockmen’s Meeting.
ARKANSAS CITY, Dec. 18th, 1882.
Pursuant to notice published, calling a stockmen’s meeting at the Central Avenue, on Monday last, about thirty stockmen responded, and the meeting was called to order at 1 o’clock p.m. Mr. Hodges was called to the chair, and O. O. Clendenning was appointed Secretary. The Chairman then read an article from a Cherokee paper, stating what the Cherokee Council had done to prevent Eastern Companies from fencing, and thus depriving the stockmen of the several ranges for which they had paid and held license to in the Indian Territory.
Mr. J. E. Snow, Attorney of Winfield, then read a series of resolutions prepared by himself and W. P. Hackney, the acting attorneys for the stockmen. The resolutions are too lengthy to be inserted here, but the sum and substance was that the stockmen there assembled
pledged themselves to abide by and aid each other to the utmost extremity in resisting the action of the fencing monopolies which are attempting to illegally force them from their ranges.
The resolutions were adopted and signed; and the following gentlemen, Messrs. F. M. Stewart, D. Warren, and W. H. Dunn, were appointed a committee to act in the premises and decide as to the action necessary to be taken to enforce the resolutions as adopted.
A motion was put and carried that the minutes of the meeting be published after which the meeting adjourned subject to a call of the committee.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.
It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northrup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnsons & Hosmer, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, S. P. Burress, C. C. Clark, J. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Blair, Battin & Cooper, E. W. Payne, for Comanche County Pool, T. F. Pryor & Co., S. T. Tuttle, S & Z Tuttle, R. B. Clark, W. H. Harrelston, H. Hodgson & Co., John Myrtle, McClellen Cattle Company, Johnsons & Hosmer, G. A. Thompson, C. M. Crocker, Robert Eatock, Wm. Corzine, M. J. Lane, Hammers Clark & Co., McGredy & Harlen, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, D. P. Robinson & Northrup, Windsor Bros., H. A. Todd, Wicks, Corbin & Streeter, W. B. Helm, N. J. Thompson, Bates & Payne, E. W. Rannells, S. P. Burress, W. W. Wicks, Dean & Broderick, Shattuck Bros. & Co., H. H. Campbell, Briggs & Wilson, John Love & Son, J. C. Weathers & Sons, Ewell & Justis, A. M. Colson, W. S. & T. Snow, Dominion Cattle Company, Theo Horsley & Co., Southern Kansas Border Live Stock Company, J. W. Hamilton, manager, G. W. Miller (W. M. Vanhook in charge), B. H. Campbell, Drury Warren, L. Musgrove, A. A. Wiley, Tomlin & Webb, Geo. V. Collins, J. F. Conner & Co., Cobb & Hutton, A. J. & C. P. Day, Moore & Rohrer, Carnegie & Fraser, M. K. Krider, Texas Land and Cattle Company (limited), W. C. Quinlon, Ben Garland, Ballenger & Schlupp, A. T. & T. P. Wilson, A. Mills, H. W. Timberlake & Hall, Stewart & Hodges, Drumm & Snider, Williamson Blair & Co., Charles Collins, Ben S. Miller, Gregory, Eldred & Co., W. R. Terwilliger, M. H. Bennett, Barfoot & Santer, Hewins & Titus, Sylvester Flitch, D. A. Greever, Stoller & Rees, Crane & Larimer, Dickey Bros., McClain & Foss, E. M. Ford & Co., Dornblazer & Dole, J. C. Pryor & Co.
HONORARY MEMBERS: W. E. Campbell, L. C. Bidwell.
Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
Range on Turkey and ’Possum Creeks, Northeast of Ponca Agency. P. O., Winfield, Kansas.
Caldwell Journal, June 21, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, owing to the absence of the defendants, was continued until the next meeting of the Board.
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July. The first case, Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, compromised.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 30, 1884.
Mr. Frank Stewart, a stockman of 14 years’ experience, has been in town the past few days. He is senior member of the cattle firm of Stewart, Hodges & Snyder, and has just completed arrangements securing their lease to 43,095 acres in the territory for five years. Mr. Stewart has had a rare experience in the West, Northwest, and Southwest, having been in every state and territory west of the Mississippi.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
On Wednesday evening, April 2, during a heavy north wind, a prairie fire came down on Kirkpatrick & Nichols’ range at the mouth of South Coon, on the Arkansas, and though the herders were in a measure prepared for such an emergency, before the cattle could be got off the heavy grass, six head were burned to death and many more or less scorched. Stewart & Hodges also lost some, though the exact number is not yet known. Nothing but the hard, effective, and quick work of Mr. Kirkpatrick’s herders saved him from the loss of his entire herd.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1884.
Range on Turkey and Possum creeks, west of Ponca Agency, I. T.
Horse brand same as cattle.
Ear marks—Smooth crop on left and smaller fork and over-bit on right. LOOKED LIKE Sh with bar underneath on cattle depicted.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
M. H. Snyder, a partner of W. J. Hodges in the cattle business, while coming down the bank to the ford near the Tunnel Mill Saturday on his way from Arkansas City, had a serious mishap. The pole of his buggy broke, throwing himself and little boy out and bruising them up considerably. The horses crossed the creek in a mighty few minutes and paid the city a rapid visit on their own hook. The buggy was about used up.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
The cattle firm of Stewart, Hodges & Snyder seem to be having a little family quarrel just now. Mr. Snyder has applied to the courts, and Mr. S. G. Gary, of Winfield, has been appointed receiver. All parties seem to desire a dissolution of partnership, and are unable to agree among themselves; hence the receiver. It is to be hoped their difficulties may be arranged without forcing a public sale of cattle.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1884.
The cattle of Stewart, Hodges & Snyder are being rounded up preparatory to an inventory. There seems to be a regular three-cornered fight in this firm, which is much regretted among their friends, and it is hoped their differences will be settled without recourse to a forced sale or further difficulties among themselves.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
The cattle firm of Stewart, Hodges & Snyder has been dissolved, Mr. Stewart purchasing Hodges’ interest for $10,000. Messrs. Stewart and Snyder now contemplate organizing a stock company and purchasing more cattle for their range. There is money in such a scheme, and we would like to see them succeed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 20, 1884.
WINFIELD AND ARKANSAS CITY. Range on Turkey and Possum Creeks, north of Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.
Horse brand same as cattle.
Ear marks: Smooth crop on left and swallow-fork and over-bit on right.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Cowley County District Court, First Tuesday, October 7th, 1884.
41. Wm. J. Hodges et al vs. F. M. Stewart.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
District Court.
W. J. Hodges et al vs. Frank M. Stewart: costs paid and case dismissed.