William Jesse Stewart
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
A Double Wedding.
On Thursday evening of last week, Mr. Will J. Stewart and Miss Dora Dixon, both of this county, were united in the holy bonds of matrimony at Caldwell, by Rev. S. B. Fleming, at the residence of the bride’s brother. Also Mr. Davidson, of Wellington, and Miss Carrie Dixon, of this place. Both young ladies are sisters of Mrs. J. T. Shepard. Will Stewart is well known throughout this county and is exceed-ingly popular. Since leaving railroading for an occupation, he has quietly retired on one of the best farms in Cowley County and has it well under cultivation. No young man in this vicinity has stronger and warmer friends than Will J. Stewart.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 14, 1877.
Good team, wagon, and harness for sale cheap.
Inquire of W. J. Stewart or Houghton & McLaughlin.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
Born Friday morning, August 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of East Bolton, a ten pound package of the fruits of matrimony. It’s a little Will, and not so blamed little, either, but just the best, prettiest, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
Will Stewart, of Bolton, met with quite an accident the other day. In breaking a pair of colts to the wagon, they became frightened, broke the wagon tongue off, run one end into the ground, and tilted Will off. He hurt his head badly and came very near killing himself. We are glad to know that he is around again.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
Will Stewart has gone to Parsons to reside. The people of Parsons will find him a lively man and a good citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Mr. Will J. Stewart, now of Denton, Texas, but one of the old-time boys of this city, visited us last Friday. He is looking first-class, and while we must confess that we reverence him as the father of two fine boys, yet he smiled upon us in a way that made us forget our own insignificance and brought to mind the times “when we were boys together.” He expects to remain with us about a week or ten days, when, accompanied by his wife and family, who have been visiting relatives in this city, he will return to his Texas home.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 23, 1881.
W. J. Stewart, owner of one of the best and largest farms in East Bolton, and who has been in Denison, Texas, nearly two years, thinks of removing to the Rio Grande.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 5, 1881.
Will Stewart, formerly one of the young farmers of Bolton Township, but of late a railroad conductor, on the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, made a flying visit last week to see his many friends at this place. Will runs from Suanista to Durango, Colorado, and has become one of the most trustworthy and popular conductors on the road. His uncle, Lode Hamilton, one of the best railway men that ever left Kansas, is superintendent of the road, and Maurice Vetter, who used to fire on the branch here, has an engine of his own. Maurice accompanied Will on his trip, and the two make as lively company as can be found anywhere.
NOTE: In same issue, there was an item about Maurice Vetter.
“Maurice Vetter, one of our former b’hoys, but now of Durango, Colorado, has been visiting his many friends in this vicinity during the past week.”
Family history as reported by William Stewart, October, 1996.
William Jesse Stewart, born August 2, 1855, In Hebron, Ill, died 6-27-1904, as a result of falling from windmill on his farm southeast of Arkansas. Brought to Cowley County by his grandfather, W. J. Hamilton
Wife: Dorcas Isabell Dixon, born April 14, 1860, in St. Joseph, Missouri; died October 6, 1930, in Ashton, Kansas, at the home of her son, Robert.
William Ballard Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS. 8-23-1878
Noah James Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS. 4-4-1880
Mary Dixon Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS, 1882
Milton Stewart, apparently still born or died immediately after birth, 188?
Jesse Hamilton Stewart, born Arkansas City, Kansas, 8-14-1887
Robert Helmar Stewart, born Arkansas City, KS, 12-7-1894
William J. Hamilton, born in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Died in Arkansas City, Ks, 1887
Wife, Abigail E. Ferrand, born in Poughkeepsie, New York.
Died in Arkansas City, Ks. 1875
James Milton Stewart, born November 23, 1829, In Salmonsville, New York.
Died April 1, 1858, in Hebron, Ill.
Wife, Mary Hamilton, daughter of W. J. Hamilton, date of birth and death unknown at this time.