James Stiner
Bolton Township and Geuda Springs.
[At Geuda Springs: Proprietor, City Billiard Hall.]
Bolton Township 1873: James Stiner, 24. No spouse listed.
Bolton Township 1874: James Stiner, 25. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census Bolton Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
James Stiner 26 m w Ohio Illinois
A. V. Stiner 18 f w Missouri Illinois
Bolton Township 1876: James Stiner, 27. No spouse listed.
Bolton Township 1878: James Stiner, 29; spouse, Alice, 21.
Also listed: Louisa Stiner, 49.
Bolton Township 1880: James Stiner, 32; spouse, A. V., 23.
From Margaret Russell Stallard book, Remembering Geuda Springs.
Geuda Springs Area 1882-1883.
Township 34 S R 2E
James Stiner, Geuda Springs, Proprietor, Billiard Hall. Settled 1881. From Ohio.
Page 18:
James Stiner, Proprietor of the City Billiard Hall and Lunch Room.
Dealer in cigars, fine tobaccos, confectionery, fruits, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
ANDERSON STINER, son of James and Alice Stiner, died on the 22nd of December, 1876, near Spring Hill, Johnson County, Kansas. Funeral services by Rev. Minus.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 22, 1881.
DIED. June 15th, 1881, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stiner, of West Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
The air of business that this locality is assuming daily increases with the growing population and erection of buildings of every description. The following will give some idea of the rate with which improvements on the new town site are being prosecuted.
Mr. James Stiner has in course of erection a building for a restaurant, boarding house, and billiard hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
The Springs are beginning to boom in good shape.
James Stiner has his two story hotel nearly completed.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882. Front Page.
Southern Border of Sunny Kansas.
We give below, says the Wichita Leader, a well written communication from a citizen of Wichita, who has lately taken in Geuda Springs.
James Stiner has just completed, and is now occupying, a neat and cosy little hotel building.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882. Editorial by H. P. Standley.
The Coming Health Resort of the South West, Its Business and General Prospects.
“ . . . we looked around with a view to dinner, and were directed to the Hotel run by J. A. Notestine, where we partook of as good a meal as one could wish, but totally unlike the bill of fare we indulged in, on nearly the same spot, ten years since.
“J. A. Notestine, the Hotel above mentioned, and James Stiner is also running a Hotel and Restaurant.”
“Wishing to see as much country as possible, determined our part to drive home through Bolton Township instead of returning by the ferry, and the panorama of agricultural beauty that greeted our eyes on every side must be seen to be appreciated. Wheat in large fields, of golden promise, were to be seen on all sides, together with oats and corn growing splendidly. In some cases, especially on the farms of Messrs. Shurtz and Stiner, the wheat looked, and indeed was, ready for the knife of the reaper, the whirring of whose machinery could occasionally be heard as it swept through the more ripe pieces of grain. The farmers of Bolton Township have, indeed, much to be grateful for, as their lot is evidently cast in one of the best countries out of doors.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1885.
Geuda Springs is to have a fine bank built on the corner next to the Stiner building. It will be built of brick, about seventy-five feet in length and a twenty-five foot front. Herald.
[Note: The above item was the last one found relative to James Stiner. MAW]