G. T. Stone


  Vernon Township.
   [Handled Sheep.]

Vernon Township 1873: G. T. Stone, 31; spouse, H., 31.
Vernon Township 1874: G. Stone, 33; spouse, Hallie, 32.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Township Officers. Vernon Township:
E. D. Skinner, Trustee; F. Werden, Clerk; D. M. Hopkins, Treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, J. P.; J. T. Carter and G. T. Stone, Constables.
Cowley County Courant, June 15, 1882.
How is this for wool? G. T. Stone of Vernon has just finished shearing thirty-five head of yearling sheep. The fleece averaging eleven pounds per head, one wether’s fleece weighing fifteen and a half pounds, and a ewe fourteen and a half.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
G. T. Stone brought us in a sheaf of Clawson wheat from his farm six miles west, in Vernon Township, Saturday. The Clawson is a new variety for this country and Mr. Stone secured the seed in Michigan. The straw is immense and the grains, resembling very much the California White wheat, are as large and plump as any we ever saw. The sheaf has been on exhibition in our office and many of our best farmers have examined it closely and express the opinion that the variety surpasses in quality and is preferable to any kind now raised in the county.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
The crop returns keep coming in and every report shows a yield that makes the farmer’s face as broad as a clapboard. Had we been delegated the power to regulate the rainfall and weather, none more favorable could have been made. The smallest yield yet reported in wheat is Col. Loomis’ volunteer field, which went 23½  bushels per acre. Mr. Jacob Binkey, of Walnut Township, threshed sixty acres of his hundred acre field. The sixty acres gave him 2,100 bushels, or 35 bushels per acre, of the finest wheat we have yet seen. Mr. Harcourt, of Rock, has also threshed a part of his crop and gets 30 bushels per acre. Mr. G. T. Stone, of Vernon Township, threshed between four and five acres of his Fultz wheat and got 203 bushels—over forty-two bushels per acre. It tested over sixty pounds. His crop of 55 acres will average 33 bushels. Our Illinois friends do not seem to be faring as well as they might this year. We learn, from the Adams County (Illinois) paper that “the corn crop is badly busted in this neighborhood,” and also that “The question of the hour with the poor farmer is whether to sell his stock hogs or keep them.” Send them to Kansas, friends; we can feed them. . . .
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
G. T. Stone and wife started for Harper County Saturday on a visit to their daughter, who has recently married and whose home is near Anthony.

Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Jar June Butter, Mrs. S. W. Phoenix, Richland, 1st premium; Mrs. G. T. Stone, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Largest Wheat Yield. The following is the affidavit of Mr. T. B. Ware, of Vernon Township, in competition for the $5.00 premium offered by A. T. Spotswood for the largest yield of wheat per acre.
WINFIELD, September 22, 1883. We hereby certify to the following statement of wheat raised by T. B. Ware and G. F. Ware, in Cowley County, Kansas, in the year 1883, being the actual weight of the wheat and measurement of land. Amount of land, 9½ acres; amount of bushels of wheat, machine measure, 429 bushels; actual weight in bushels, 465 bushels; average yield per acre, 49-82/100 bushels. Measurer, G. T. Stone; thresher, M. A. Clark. T. B. WARE.
Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of September, A. D. 1883.
C. E. FULLER, Notary Public.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Report on Fruit. The following is a report on fruit exhibited at the County Fair at Winfield, Sept. 25 to 28, 1883, in Class “H.” In sub-class 1, “Best peck of winter apples,” there were seven entries.
Entry No. 10, by G. T. Stone, of Vernon, was half a bushel of Good Ben Davis.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Mr. G. T. Stone, of Vernon Township, sheared ten sheep last week, the heaviest fleece weighing twenty-two pounds and the lightest eleven. The ten sheep, after being sheared, tipped the beam at nine hundred and ninety pounds. Cowley is as prolific in sheep raising as she is in everything else.