Prof. R. C. Story
Lazette, Windsor Township, and Winfield, Kansas.
Windsor Township 1874: R. C. Story, 32. No spouse listed.
Windsor Township 1878: R. C. Story, 35. Spouse, R. M. Story, 22.
Kansas 1875 Census, Windsor Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
R. C. Story 32 m w Indiana Indiana
R. M. Story 19 f w Indiana Indiana
T.? A. Story 6m m w Kansas
Winfield Directory 1880.
STORY, R. C., superintendent, county schools, r. Andrews, s. e. corner, 11th avenue.
COWLEY COUNTY TEACHER, Prof. R. C. Story, editor; published monthly, office, Court House.
Court House, 10th avenue, corner Fuller.
County Clerk: F. C. Hunt.
Treasurer: T. R. Bryan. (James Harden elect, will take position in October.)
Register of Deeds: Jacob Nixon.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
Sheriff: A. T. Shenneman.
Surveyor: N. A. Haight.
Coroner: W. G. Graham.
Superintendent Public Instruction: R. C. Story.
Clerk District Court: E. S. Bedilion.
County Commissioners: R. F. Burden, Chairman; G. L. Gale, Henry Harbaugh.
Meets first Monday in January; first Monday after the first Tuesday in April; and first Monday in July and October.
Meets first and third Tuesdays of each month, at 7:00 p.m. Hall over S. H. Myton’s hardware store.
OFFICERS. W. M.: James McDermott; S. W.: M. G. Troup; J. W.: E. P. Kinne; Treasurer: C. C. Black; Secretary: W. W. Perkins; S. D.: R. C. Story; J. D.: James Simpson; Stewards: S. H. Myton and J. C. Roberts; Tyler: S. E. Burger.
Established October 6, 1879. Meets Odd Fellows Hall, southwest corner Main and 8th avenues, every Monday at 7:30 p.m.
[Note: Odd Fellows Hall was above the store of J. B. Lynn.]
OFFICERS. W. C. T., D. C. Beach; V. T., Mrs. Clara Beach; Secretary, Henry Rowland; Treasurer, R. C. Story; F. C., Miss Mollie Bryant; M., F. V. Rowland; Chaplain, Rev. J. Cairns; I. G., Rosa Frederick; O. G., F. T. Berkey.
Free reading room open from 8 to 10 a.m., and from 1 to 10 p.m.
OFFICERS: President, Mrs. W. L. Mullen; Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Hyden; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. R. C. Story; Treasurer, Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Librarian, Mrs. J. F. Chamberlin.
Cowley County Teacher’s Circulating Library, R. C. Story, President.
Library in Court House.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.
R. C. Story, Esq., is now here looking up a location in which to practice his profession—the law. He expresses himself as being well pleased with Cowley County, and especially Winfield. He thinks, as does everyone that has ever visited us, that Winfield is destined to become the metropolis of the southwest. We hope that he will conclude to remain with us for although there are quite a large number of local gentlemen located here, reinforcements are always in order.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.
We were highly pleased to meet our friend, Story, from Lazette, on our streets today. He reports everything lovely at the sweet little village on the Grouse.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
J. W. Wyatt, the ex-treasurer of School District No. 94 in this county, was arrested recently by the constable of Windsor Township, and yesterday he was brought to this city, by said constable, for safekeeping. He was arrested for embezzling $22.40 of the school money during his term of office, which expired a few days ago.
Shortly after the arrival in this city of the constable and his prisoner, the former came around to County Attorney Torrance and told him that the latter had given him the slip, and wishing to know what he should do about it.
Mr. Torrance told him that the best thing he could do would be to hunt him up.
“Where shall I look for him?” inquired the constable.
“Look in the direction that you think he went,” said Torrance.
“But he ain’t guilty.”
“How do you know?”
“Well, I know he ain’t and I know that we can prove that he ain’t, so don’t you think that we had better let him go, and prove that he ain’t guilty afterward?”
“No,” said Torrance. “I don’t. After he has been proved to be innocent, there is plenty of time to let him go, so you had better hurry and hunt him up.”
The constable started for the door, but before he got to it, he turned round and remarked, “I don’t see any need for you to come clear over to our place just to prosecute this innocent man. Hadn’t you better depute Mr. Story to set in your place and then write him a note saying that you don’t think the prisoner is guilty, and for Story not to appear against him!”
Upon this Torrance began to feel angry and told the constable that the sooner he started after that prisoner, the sooner he would be apt to catch him and he needn’t trouble himself about the prosecution for he would be there himself to attend to the case.
In a short time the constable was seen to disappear behind the blacksmith shop opposite the Methodist church; and in about half an hour, he emerged on the back of his horse with the prisoner walking by his side and took his way back to Lazette.
Wyatt receives his trial before Justice Gans today.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
On the evening of October 22nd, the citizens of this vicinity were entertained with speeches by part of the Independent candidates, and by some who were not candidates. Mr. Hemenway was called to the chair and introduced the speakers in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks.
The first speaker was Amos Walton—of whom you may have heard—who appeared to represent Mr. Pyburn, as all the candidates but him were present. Mr. Walton made the principal speech of the evening, and seemed to be the political mouthpiece of the Independent party at this time and place. In his view the country is afflicted with a terrible distemper of corruption and dishonesty coming from the diseased body of the Republican party. Only in this party, it would seem, could one find dishonest men or corrupt measures. The real friends of the people were in other ranks, and the opponents of monopolies and “bloated bond-holders” were to be looked for elsewhere. Even Cowley County, according to Mr. Walton, is in a deplorable condition, from which it, with the rest of the country, can be redeemed only by the turning out of the “ins” and letting in the “outs.”
Mr. Williams made a few remarks, simply introducing himself to the people of this locality. He had no pledges to make to any man or to any party. As he had made none, he would go through the canvass without making any. Neither would he vilify or abuse anybody, even if he could secure his election by such a course.
H. D. Gans was then called out, but preferred making no speech, saying that he was known here by everybody, and his opinions were known by all present.
Mr. Melville then made a few remarks regarding the office of School Superintendent, pledging himself to work for three dollars per day, and to charge only for the days actually employed in official labors. He thought that the saving to the county by his election would be several hundred dollars.
Mr. Julius Woollen was called for, and his judgment was, that as Mr. Wilkinson had done good service for the county in the cause of common schools, it would be a matter of justice to re-elect him to the office of Superintendent.
Mr. B. H. Clover gave the meeting a few remarks in reply to Mr. Walton’s utterances, concluding with the statement that if he were a candidate, and desired anybody to speak for him, he would give Walton a yearling calf to stay at home and keep still.
The remarks made by Mr. Story were for the interests of truth, not of parties. His idea was that corruption was not confined to any one party, but that it invariably followed a long exercise of political power. The sins of the republican party were common to its opponents, who should bear equally the burden of censure and condemnation whenever guilty.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
Judge Moore, L. J. Webb, and T. A. Wilkinson paid our village a short visit last week. The notices of the coming of these gentlemen were not received and the crowd was small which met with them here. But they thus got better acquainted with the citizens whom they did meet.
On Thursday morning the Independent candidates met at the schoolhouse and entertained a number of our people with speeches. Mr. Manley Hemenway, our postmaster, presided, and speeches were made by Messrs. Walton, Williams, and Gans, and Ben Clover, Julius Woollen, and R. C. Story responded to some toasts furnished by the preceding speakers.
A movement is on foot to put the parsonage in better and more comfortable condition, and our citizens without regard to church, are supporting the movement.
On the 22nd, Mr. John Cunningham brought suit before H. D. Gans against Eugene Millard for the sum of five dollars, money loaned the defendant by the plaintiff. Judgment for plaintiff.
Mr. Manley Hemenway has received his second lot of new goods for fall and winter trade.
Many wagons pass and repass daily, going to, or coming from the corn fields of Elk River, where corn is held at from fifty to sixty cents per bushel.
The public schools along the valley are reported to be in a flourishing condition.
On the 24th, the Grouse Creek Teachers’ Association was permanently organized. The officers elected are as follows: President, R. C. Story; Vice President, Miss Ida Daggett; Secretary, Julius Woollen; Assistant Secretary, Miss Belle Dudley; Critic, Miss Kate Fitzgerald. In the afternoon Mr. Story delivered an address on the subject of English words, and their etymology. Miss Daggett read an essay on the aims and ends of our association. Mr. Woollen gave an address on the true basis of teaching. The meeting was pleasant and profitable. The next session will be held November 14th.
The chicken cholera is rapidly thinning out our hen roosts. In times of trouble and calamity, deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice shine out all the more brilliantly from the darkness of their surroundings. One of our citizens had a hen whose devotion to duty was her “ruling passion strong in death,” for she was found dead in her nest with two eggs under her. Comments are unnecessary.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
On Saturday the Grouse Valley Teachers’ Association met. The matter of map drawing was presented by R. C. Story. Julius Woolen gave his views on the proper study of history. Mr. Wingar gave some instructions in the method of teaching music. The meeting was pleasant, and a successful one.
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
The Grouse Valley Teachers Association will meet the 19th of December. The following programme is presented.
True Bases of teaching: Rev. Wingar; Drawing in the Public Schools, Julius Wallen.
Method of teaching primary reading: Miss Ida Daggett.
Elocution, R. C. Story.
Word building, Belle Dudley.
Music in the Public schools, Miss Jennie Wingar.
Writing and Orthography, Miss Kate Fitzgerald.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
The Lazette Literary Society had a regular meeting on Friday evening last. The question of a change in the administration of the affairs of the nation was discussed, and it was decided that such change is demanded by the best interests of the country. An election then took place, which resulted as follows.
For President, John Clover; Vice Pres., R. M. Jackson; Treas., Mac D. Stapleton; Secretary, Arthur Pickering; Editors of paper, S. M. Fall and R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
January 12th, 1875.
The Grouse Valley Teacher’s Association will meet at this place on Saturday, the 23rd inst., when the following programme will be presented:
Essay, Miss Bell Dudley.
Philosophy of Teaching, J. J. Wingar.
American History, J. M. Woollen.
English Grammar, R. C. Story.
Primary Arithmetic, Miss Ida Daggett.
Practical Arithmetic, Mr. Hulse.
All persons interested in educational matters are invited to attend.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1875.
R. W. Jackson has a famous team. Only he himself can handle them without danger. J. M. Woollen, Roll Maurer, and R. C. Story tried it on their return from the teachers’ institute last fall, but the smash up was sad to behold. A few days ago Story tried his hand again with the team, but the horses ran away, tumbling him off the wagon, one of the hind wheels running over him, but with little damage else than a severe bruise. Not satisfied with this performance, the horses got away twice afterwards on the same day, the last time pulling up before a hay stack.
Story admitted to County Bar...
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
R. C. Story, of Lazette, Amos Walton, of Arkansas City, and W. M. Boyer, of Winfield were this week admitted to the bar.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.
Mr. R. C. Story, of Lazette, was in town last week.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.
The joint discussion between the candidates of our parties came off last night. A good crowd met at the schoolhouse to see the aspirants for office and to hear the speeches. While there was no discussion between the opposing candidates, each one of them made a speech, not so much however to display his oratorical abilities, for each one said, “I am no orator, as Brutus is,” but to let the people see what good looking men were seeking to serve them. Col. W. P. Hackney opened the exercises, after which Messrs. Handy, Bryan, Kinne, Henderson, Deming, and Walker became bold enough to speak. Col. J. M. Alexander was then called out, and he made a happy and well received speech. Judge Gans followed the Colonel with some good natural remarks and a joke on one of the candidates. After our distinguished visitors had spoken, some of our township candidates and citizens joined in the “discussion.” Squire John Clover, Charley Jones, B. H. Clover, H. D. Wilkins, and Burt French made effective and telling speeches. There was but one disappointment in the evening, namely, the non-appearance of friend Walton of the Plow-Handle. The meeting was closed with a few remarks by the chairman, R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.
The following teachers were in attendance at the examination last Friday and Saturday.
R. C. Story, Lazette; Ella Clover, Lazette; James Tull, Lazette; Miles Smith, Lazette; Belle Estus, New Salem; Sarah Bovee, New Salem; Lemuel Wilson, Rock; A. D. Stevenson, Rock; F. P. Stevenson, Rock; Miss A. Pennington, Oxford; R. C. Maurer, Dexter; Monroe Wells, Dexter; R. B. Overman, Dexter; M. S. Ticer, Greenfield, Elk County; Ella Wickersham, Tisdale; E. A. Millard, Tisdale; Robert Kerr, Beaver; Mattie Ticer, Emporia; Estelle Burnett, Arkansas City; E. W. Holloway, Winfield; Miss Jennie Holloway, Winfield; Miss Amy Robertson, Winfield; Miss Maggie Stansberry, Winfield; Miss Mary E. Lynn, Winfield; Mrs. Belle Seibert, Winfield; Mortimer Snow, Winfield; N. S. Mounts, Winfield.
Examination conducted by Superintendent Wilkinson, assisted by Professor A. B. Lemmon.
Note: Story listed as an attorney in next item...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.
The first settler in this part of Grouse Valley was John W. Tull, who laid the foundation of the first house. He came in November, 1869. The first regularly ordained preacher who came here in 1870 was Elder Womack, though the first sermon preached was by Elder William Gans.
The M. E. Church was organized at this place in 1873 by Elder Smith.
Doctor T. J. Raybell opened the first store in 1870, and was postmaster at the same time. The mail matter was then brought in from Eureka, 55 miles distant, in the pockets of travelers.
The first person buried in the Lazette graveyard was William Dwyer, early in 1871.
The first blacksmith shop was erected by Edward Sutton in 1870, and also the first saw and grist mill, 6 horsepower, in the same year.
J. W. Tull raised the first crop of corn in 1870.
The first school in the valley was taught by J. W. Tull in 1870.
The first marriage, December 25, 1870, was that of Richard Miller and Flora Dudley, by E. Simpson, the first Justice of the Peace.
The town of Lazette is located in the Grouse Valley, on the Independence and Winfield road, and was laid out in 1871. The first house therein was built by Bartholomew Fritch, who opened the first shoemaker’s shop. Town lots are 25 x 120 feet and are held by H. D. Wilkins and S. M. Fall. The town plot covers 160 acres. The schoolhouse was built in 1872 at a cost of $1,500. The first hotel was “The Black Bear,” H. D. Gans, proprietor.
The first white family that came into the valley was that of John Thornburgh.
The first printing press put in operation was brought in by J. W. Tull, from whose office the Bugle, the first paper, was published in 1875.
The first wagon shop was opened by Thomas Walch. The valley now contains not less than eight schoolhouses.
R. C. Story, attorney at law; Mc D. Stapleton, merchant, with a large stock of general merchandise; a drug store by J. A. Chapman; a grocery store by M. Hemenway, postmaster; a hotel by Robert Harris; a boot and shoe shop by Bartholomew Fritz; and a wagon shop by Thomas Walch, and a grist and saw mill run by steam, owned by B. H. Clover, are the businessmen and enterprises of the place. A first-class public school is in session from six to nine months of the year.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.
R. C. Story is appointed Postmaster at Lazette.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876.
LAZETTE, KAN., Feb. 28, 1876.
The railroad meeting which was held here last Saturday was well attended by parties from all quarters in this side of the county. John Clover, Esq., was called to the chair, and J. W. Tull was made secretary. R. C. Story, L. N. McCracken, and Ab. Peebler were appointed as a committee to draft resolutions. The report of this committee was discussed by parties on all sides, and a number of resolutions were amended and modified. The assembly was a unit in desiring a railroad east and west through the county, though very much divided as to the best means of getting the same. The resolutions were considered and adopted one at a time, and some of them were carried only by a small majority. Part of the speakers wanted an unconditional endorsement of railroad enterprise, others were in favor of voting bonds for a road from the east, while others were opposed totally to increasing our taxes for any railroad whatever. Some said “wait two or three years and the road will come without the bonds.” The meeting was largely attended by the farmers and businessmen from Cedar and Grouse valleys, and the country west, and it demonstrated the fact that the people on the eastern side of the county are not sleeping over this question.
The resolution to do away with the herd law was very vigorously contested, and was carried, upon a second vote, by a majority of only three.
In regard to the gauge, most of those present said, “Give us more light in regard to cost and convenience of the narrow gauge.” A number of our leading men express the opinion that a good big bonus could be voted, even without a change in the law, for a railroad connecting Winfield and Arkansas City directly with the east.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
From the Railroad Meeting.
CANOLA, KANSAS, April 18th, 1876.
EDITOR COURIER: The delegates selected in Cowley County met at this point today with the Elk County men, and a railroad company was organized. S. B. Fleming of Arkansas City was selected as Chairman, and R. C. Story, of Lazette, was made Secretary of the meeting. S. M. Fall, E. P. Young, J. E. Platter, M. L. Robinson, S. B. Fleming, and W. M. Sleeth were the delegates from Cowley County. The title “Parsons, Walnut Valley and Southwestern,” was given the road, and a committee of three was appointed to draft a charter for the same. By vote of the meeting the capital stock was placed $1,500,000 dollars, and shares at fifty dollars each. The road is to be in at Parsons, run west to Independence, thence to Longton, Elk Falls, Greenfield, Lazette, Tisdale, Winfield, and terminate at Arkansas City.
The Elk County delegates speak positively of the willingness of their people to vote bonds for this enterprise.
N. B. Cartmell, J. E. Platter, and L. J. Johnson drafted the charter, which was considered, discussed, and adopted in the evening.
The Board stands as follows: M. L. Robinson and J. E. Platter, Winfield; W. M. Sleeth and S. B. Fleming, Arkansas City; E. P. Young, Tisdale; S. M. Fall, Lazette; A. A. Toby, Canola; H. E. Hitchings, R. R. Roberts, and L. J. Johnson, Elk Falls; J. C. Pinney and N. B. Cartmell, Longton; and Wm. Wright, Elk City, Montgomery County.
The Board adjourned to meet at Tisdale on the 2nd day of May.
If the people of Cowley County want a railroad, now is their opportunity to get one. Quick, vigorous, and unanimous action will place them in such relations with wealthy railroad companies that a road over this line will come speedily. Elk County is alive to its interests in this matter, and success will crown our movement if Cowley County joins hand and heart in it. People of Cowley County, what do you say? X.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
Grouse Valley Items.
LAZETTE, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.
On Saturday evening a large railroad meeting was held in this place. Mr. L. J. Johnson, of Elk Falls, was present and made a lengthy speech explanatory of railroad laws, and matters so far as our interests were concerned.
Speeches were then made by Messrs. Burden, Clover, Fall, Stapleton, Brooks, Story, Jones, Huff, Peebler, McGraw, and others, in almost unanimous support of the movement for an East and West road through Cowley County.
The following resolution was then adopted: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Grouse Valley, stand ready to support a railroad from the East with bonds to the full extent of the law. But few opposing voices were heard during the discussion.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
A. J. Pickering is to be appointed postmaster at Lazette, vice R. C. Story, resigned.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Republican Work. The following townships have reported the proceedings of last Thursday’s conventions.
Harvey Township: R. C. Story, delegate. Township committee chosen: R. C. Story, chairman, W. F. Hall, secretary, and R. Strother.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876.
THROUGH the solicitation of friends we publish on our first page this week our Centennial History of the county. For the facts concerning Cowley’s early history, we are indebted to the “old settlers,” among whom we might mention Col. Manning, C. M. Wood, Jas. Renfro, Judge Ross, Dr. Graham, and others, of this neighborhood; Judge McIntire, H. C. Endicott, and T. A. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City; Capt. Jas. McDermott, of Dexter; S. S. Moore, of Tisdale; and J. W. Tull, through R. C. Story, Esq., of Lazette. For the courtesy of county, township, and city officers in placing at our disposal, books, records, etc., we are particularly grateful.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Editorial Page.
The Republican county convention convened at the Courthouse, in Winfield, on Saturday, August 12th, at 1 o’clock p.m., and was called to order by A. B. Lemmon, chairman of the Republican county central committee. R. C. Story was elected temporary chairman and James Kelly secretary. A committee on credentials was appointed, consisting of Messrs. E. S. Torrance, J. W. Tull, A. B. Odell, T. R. Bryan, and S. M. Jarvis. The committee reported the following persons as having been duly elected as delegates and alternates to the convention.
Harvey: Delegate, R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Eighty-Eighth District Convention. Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876. R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.
The Normal Institute now in session is in a very flourishing condition. Forty teachers are now in attendance and more are dropping in every day, with the prospect that the number will be run up to sixty. Prof. Lemmon, assisted by Geo. Robinson, has charge. R. C. Story is expected this week to help in conducting the institute.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
R. C. Story’s name is mentioned in connection with the office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION we have R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, one of the most enthusiastic and efficient educators in the State. Mr. Story is a graduate of Ann Arbor, one of the best schools in the world. He is a thorough and accomplished gentleman—a man in whom the people of his locality have the greatest confidence—a man whom the people of the entire county will as gladly support for a second or third term as we do for the first.
In the convention he voted for his opponent, W. C. Robinson, a citizen of whom Winfield is justly proud, and for whom the Winfield delegates worked, and still Mr. Story carried away the blue ribbon.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
B. F. Baldwin, S. S. Moore, R. C. Story, H. H. Siverd, and Daniel Maher were appointed members of the Republican Central Committee, for the 88th Representative district.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876. Editorial Page.
The committee on the order of business submitted two reports.
The majority read as follows: A majority of your committee recommend the following order of business, viz: 1st, nomination of county attorney; 2nd, nomination of probate judge; 3rd, clerk of district court; 4th, county superintendent of public instruction; 5th, secretary of county central committee. Signed, WM. B. NORMAN, S. S. MOORE, R. C. STORY.
For county superintendent, the candidates were W. C. Robinson, of Winfield, and R. C. Story, of Harvey Township; result in favor of Story, 35 to 26.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
As a general thing, S. M. Fall, of Lazette, don’t take much interest in politics, but last week he consented to come over with Charlie Phenis and Mr. McCracken and give R. C. Story a “lift.” They succeeded in lifting him above all other candidates, and consequently went home happy.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
Republican Central Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Republican Central Committee of the 88th Representative District, at the COURIER office in Winfield on Saturday, September 30th, 1876, at ten o’clock a.m. for the purpose of organizing and transacting such other business as may come before the committee. The following gentlemen constitute the committee: B. F. Baldwin; Daniel Maher; R. C. Story; H. H. Siverd; S. S. Moore. L. J. WEBB, Chairman Old Committee.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
Mr. Story, Republican candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, writes us that he has been unable, on account of sickness in his family, to fulfill all the appointments for speaking as announced by the central committee. So far as he has been able, he has filled all the appointments.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Prof. R. C. Story, County Superintendent elect, accompanied by Mrs. Mathews and her daughters, of the Grouse Valley, were in town yesterday.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
COUNTY ATTORNEY McDERMOTT and Superintendent Story were both over from the valley of the crystal Grouse this week and were duly inaugurated for the next two years.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
To the Cowley County Teachers.
In the interests of teachers and the cause in which we are engaged, it becomes us to keep thoroughly informed regarding the theoretical and practical workings of our profession. To do this efficiently, satisfactorily, and to the best purpose, one and all engaged in the vocation of teaching should subscribe for and read one or more of the leading educational periodicals of the country. There being no publication of this nature in our State, we are compelled to look elsewhere for such matter. To aid anyone who may desire to secure a journal or journals devoted wholly to the interests of our profession, I have secured greatly reduced rates from the leading educational organs of the country. I shall take great pleasure in furnishing any applicant with the list and terms. No true teacher can afford to neglect the opportunity for personal and professional improvement found in these journals, and found nowhere else.
R. C. STORY. Jan. 8, 1877.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
Teachers’ Examination. There will be an examination of teachers Saturday, the 3rd day of February next, at the schoolhouse. Applicants for examination are requested to notify the examining board of their intention to appear, and to appear promptly by 9 o’clock a.m., on the 3rd, prox. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt. Winfield, January 8.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
R. C. Story will bring his family to Winfield March 1st and occupy the residence of T. A. Wilkinson.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
The Grouse Valley is pretty well represented at the Courthouse: Burden, Troup, McDermott, Bryan, Story, and Gans.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
Teachers Examination. At the public examination held in this city on the 3rd inst., the following applicants presented themselves: Misses Mattie Walters, Arvilla Elliot, Emma Roberts, Ella Freeland, Mattie Minnihan, Mollie Davis, Gertrude Davis, Sarah E. Davis, Arnie Lipscomb, Sallie E. Rea, Ella Underwood, Jennie Evans, Albertine Maxwell, Ida Grimes; Mrs. Ida E. Brown, Mrs. S. A. Ledlie; Mr. Will Lipscomb, Mr. William T. York, Mr. W. L. Burton, Mr. B. F. Maricle, Mr. P. W. Smith, and Mrs. Chas. H. Huff.
The qualifications of two of the applicants above mentioned entitled them to first grade; of fourteen, to second grade certificates, while six failed to sustain satisfactory examination upon the questions given.
An examination will be held the latter part of March.
R. C. STORY, GEO. W. ROBINSON, F. S. JENNINGS. Board of Examiners.
Give the requisites of a good reader.
How many kinds of inflections are there? Define each.
What is accent, articulation, and modulation?
Give the synopsis of the verb sit, in the third person, singular number, potential, and subjunctive modes.
Define Gender, Person, Number, and Case.
Give five rules for the use of capitals.
Define Analysis and Synthesis.
Name and define nine different classes of the water
Give names of the political divisions of South America, and draw a dash under those bordering upon the Caribbean sea.
In what direction, and into what waters do the rivers Po, Danube, Dnieper, Volga, Lens, Yang tse Kiang, and Amoor flow?
Locate the following mountains: Ural, Caucasus, Himalaya, Altai, Andes, and Rocky.
At what date did the Revolutionary war begin, and with what battle was it opened?
In what Territory was the battle of Tippecanoe fought, and who commanded the U. S. Troops?
Upon what ground was an attempt made to impeach Andrew Johnson?
What is compound interest, and how does it differ from simple interest?
What is the difference between the bank discount and the true discount of $763, due in 108 days, discount 8 percent?
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
School Report. The school in district No. 77 opened on the 6th day of November last by Mr. Wm. Holloway, who conducted the school with credit to himself and also to the school.
On the first day the number of scholars enrolled were sixteen; on the 3rd day of December. The school was enlarged by the enrollment of seven new scholars, January 2nd by five more, and on the first day of February by three more, making a total enrollment of thirty-one. Reading, writing, spelling, mental and practical arithmetic, U. S. history, geography, grammar, algebra, physiology, and book-keeping were the studies pursued. Among the scholars deserving special mention are Philo. Clark, who improved more rapidly than any other; Justin Porter stood first in scholarship, Jodie Porter first in spelling, only missing three words during the term of four months, and Rolla Ray has the credit of best behavior. Prizes, consisting of books, were given each of these, by teacher, as a token of reward. During the term visits were received from R. C. Story, A. Ray, D. S. Brown, S. S. Holloway, and J. F. Holloway. Should parents and guardians show an interest by visiting the schools, it would greatly encourage both teacher and pupils and insure a better school. The school closed on the 23rd ult. A VISITOR.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
The office of county Superintendent will be open every Saturday, Room No. 6, in the Courthouse. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Teachers Examination. There will be an examination of teachers in the Winfield high school building, on the 24th of March, beginning at 9 o’clock a.m. Applicants will please report promptly at that time and place. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
Superintendent Story’s family has arrived in town.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Programme Of the Philomatic Society for Friday evening, March 23rd, 1877.
1. Music, String Band.
2. Reading Minutes.
3. Music, Vocal.
4. Miscellaneous business.
5. Song by Geo. H. Buckman.
6. Select reading by Miss Jessie Millington.
7. Music, Vocal.
8. Answers to scientific and historic questions.
9. Weekly paper. Mrs. Dr. Mansfield and J. M. Bair.
10. Proposals of questions to be answered at the next meeting.
11. Music, String Band.
12. Discussion: Resolved, that “Incipient incertitude is the climactical culmination of moral excellence.” Affirmative: Messrs. R. C. Story and Jno. Allen. Negative: Rev. J. L. Rushbridge and Jas. McDermott.
13. Report of Committee on Programme.
14. Adjournment.
Music by Prof. Easton’s String Band.
All are invited.
C. M. WOOD, President. EMMA SAINT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1877.
Teachers Examination. There will be an examination of teachers in the Winfield high school building on the 23rd and 24th of March, at 10 o’clock, a.m. Applicants will please report promptly at that time and place. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1877.
Programme Of the Philomatic Society for Friday evening, April 13, 1877.
1. Music, Ed. Holloway.
2. Reading minutes.
3. Election of officers.
4. Music, Mrs. Waldron.
5. Miscellaneous business.
6. Select reading, Miss Kate Millington.
7. Music, Mrs. J. Holloway.
8. Weekly paper, Miss Maggie Dever and Dr. Hare.
9. Music, Mrs. Waldron.
10. Essay, Ed. Holloway.
11. Music, Mrs. J. Holloway.
12. Contest reading, R. C. Story and Henry Asp. Contest to be decided by three judges to be appointed by the President.
13. Report of Committee on Programme.
14. Music, Ed. Holloway.
15. Adjournment.
All are invited.
C. M. WOOD, President. EMMA SAINT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary: $150.00.
R. C. Story, stationery: $10.70.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.
R. C. Story says that at the meeting held in Beaver Township Monday night, nineteen votes were cast for the east and west road and three for the Emporia, Eureka, Wellington, Caldwell, Arkansas City & Sedan road. Hurrah for Beaver!
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877. Editorial Page.
The largest picnic ever assembled in the Grouse Valley assembled at Lazette on the glorious 4th. The programme was read and music discoursed by the Lazette chorus band with Miss Minnihan, of Winfield, at the organ. . . .
A Sunday school address was delivered by Mr. Jennings, a young lawyer of Winfield, who has more than ever endeared himself both to young, and old, inspiring all with confidence that he is a man of promise, true principles, and a sound head. The next was an essay by Dr. Lear on music. . . . Next the reading of the Declaration of Independence by S. M. Fall with distinct enunciation. Then came the National Oration by Mr. Story. . . .
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
School Officers - Attention.
The annual school meeting will be held upon the 9th of August, at 2 o’clock p.m. A director should then be elected for a term of three years, and vacancies in other offices should be filled for the unexpired part of the term of three years.
Clerks should post notices of this meeting at least ten days previously thereto and in three or more public places.
Officers elected at this meeting should qualify within twenty days thereafter.
Clerks should make complete records of each and every meeting held in their respective districts. Their annual report for the year ending July 31, should be complete in every particular, and should be presented to the school meeting for correction and approval, and then sent at once to this office.
The Clerk should make a complete list of tax-payers in his district, and send the same to the county clerk on or before August 25.
He should report to the county clerk at once the amount of tax levied at the annual meeting. A failure in making this report renders the Clerk liable to a fine of fifty dollars.
He should report to this office the name and addresses of all newly elected officers. He should promptly report also the beginning of every school term.
In no case should district boards contract with parties not holding certificates, and when contracting the board should carefully examine the certificate of the applicant.
Every school district in Cowley County should hold its annual meeting and make its annual report. Our county loses hundreds of dollars annually by failures in this particular. Full supplies of blanks, copies of school laws and district records, are in this office, and district officers should call for them in time for the annual meeting.
The law authorizes school boards to make uniform the books issued in their respective districts, and uniformity should be insisted upon by every board in the county. Only thus can our schools be thoroughly organized. Districts which have tried the plan of buying their text books are fully satisfied with the gain in every particular.
District boards which have no records are authorized by law to get them, and no district should be without them. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
R. C. Story, postage and express, $18.37.
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary, $150.00.
Winfield Courier, July 19, 1877.
The Normal Institute for this county will begin work August 1. Prof. L. B. Kellogg, formerly of the Emporia Normal School, will have charge of the Institute. He will be assisted by Geo. W. Robinson, of Winfield, Miss Ella Wickersham, of Tisdale, and R. C. Story, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
The Normal Institute.
MR. EDITOR: It will certainly be gratifying to your readers, who have the best interests of our county at heart, to learn that with all her other achievements, in the way of development, Cowley County is not behind in the matter of education. With sterling and enterprising men to manage the rapid improvement, we have attained a success of which every citizen can be justly proud, and today our county stands almost a prodigy in wealth and prosperity. It might be supposed that, with all the incidents and vicissitudes naturally attendant upon the new settlement and development of a new county, the educational interests would be neglected, but it is certainly not so in this county, and nothing can be more indicative of the enterprise and determination of our people in this direction than the well attended and eminently successful normal that has just been held.
Mr. Story, our county superintendent, spared no efforts to induce a full attendance and secure good and efficient instructors, and was certainly very successful in both. Prof. Kellogg, formerly president of the State Normal, assisted by R. C. Story, Prof. G. W. Robinson of the Winfield schools, Miss Wickersham, also of the Winfield schools, and Mr. Geo. H. Buckman, conducted the various branches of study pursued.
The attendance from the first was equal to the most sanguine expectations of those interested, there being on the first day over sixty enrolled. This number was steadily augmented until it reached almost a hundred earnest hard-working teachers. The interest throughout was unabating, and every branch in which applicants for teachers’ certificates are required to be examined was thoroughly and systematically discussed.
In addition to the regular exercises, a course of lectures was given by some of the most eminent men of the State and county on moral, educational, and scientific subjects. These lectures were well attended and very highly appreciated. Dr. Pomeroy, Prof. Kellogg, D. A. Millington, Esq., Rev. J. E. Platter, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, and Rev. C. J. Adams filled the different appointments in this course.
The immediate effects of the normal were very perceptible in the teachers’ examination held at the close; out of nearly eighty applicants, only seven failed, while twelve got first grade and six “A” grade certificates although the rate of marking was higher than at any time during the past year, and we think it safe to predict that our schools will be conducted with greater efficiency during the coming year than ever before.
The following is a list of teachers who received certificates at the examination.
Winfield. Grade “A”. Misses Mina C. Johnson, Alice A. Aldrich, Emma Saint, Sarah Hodges.
Winfield. Grade 1. Misses Ella Freeland, Ella Scott, Allie Klingman, Sarah E. Davis, Jennie Hane, Mr. O. S. Record.
Winfield. Grade 2. Misses Maggie Stansbury, Amy Robertson, R. E. Nawman, Fannie Pontious, Mary Pontious, Lissie Summers, Mattie Minnihan, Effie Randall, Alice Pyburn, Lusetta Pyburn, Mattie Walters, Mrs. B. Seibert, Messrs. J. D. Hunt, John Bower, A. B. Taylor, B. F. Starwalt, E. M. Snow, M. H. Markcum.
Arkansas City. Grade “A”. Miss Lizzie Landis.
Arkansas City. Grade 1. E. R. Thompson, J. O. Wilkinson, Mrs. R. Stauffer, Miss Ella Grimes.
Arkansas City. Grade 2. Misses Annie O. Wright, Albertine Maxwell, Lillie Kennedy, Dora Winslow, Kate Hawkins, Mary Pickett, Messrs. C. C. Holland, B. F. Maricle, J. F. Hess, C. L. Swarts, N. N. Winton.
Oxford. Grade “A”. Miss Veva Walton.
Lazette. Grade 1. H. T. Albert, M. Hemenway, Miles J. Smith.
Lazette. Grade 2. Miss Kate Fitzgerald, Mr. J. F. Tucker.
Dexter. Grade 1. Miss Kate L. Ward.
Dexter. Grade 2. Misses Alpha Harden, Celia Taplin, Belle Byard, Messrs. T. J. Rude, J. C. Armstrong.
New Salem. Grade 2. Mrs. I. E. Brown, Misses Sarah Bovee, Ella E. Davis.
Cedarvale. Grade 2. Misses N. P. Seacord, Martha Thompson, Mr. Geo. W. Seacord, S. T. Hockett.
Red Bud. Grade 1. Porter Wilson.
Red Bud. Grade 2. C. H. Eagin, R. T. Tarbet, J. M. Crawford.
Polo. Grade 2. Mrs. S. Hollingsworth.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: As our public schools open throughout the county some changes will be needed in text books. But no district should make changes unless upon very urgent reasons. If bad books are in use, they should of course be thrown out. If a school has no uniformity in text books, all but those of one kind should be discarded. The law makes it obligatory upon school boards to make uniform the books of their respective schools. To do otherwise is the worst kind of extravagance. Without uniformity in books, the teachers are crippled in their labors. Where this does not exist, the blame rests wholly on the school board, as the law put this matter entirely into their hands. Where uniformity exists, changes should seldom be made, and then only upon good grounds. A good teacher can do good work with even bad text books, for such a teacher is independent of his books. But poor teachers, cheap teachers, are compelled to depend upon books in teaching, and hence should be supplied with the best works published. It is true with books and it is true with teachers, that the best are the cheapest, and the poor ones are the most expensive. We have books in use in the county that should be discontinued because of their worthlessness. But wherever good books are in use, school boards should make changes with great caution and reluctance, the arguments of interested parties to the contrary notwithstanding. R. C. STORY.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Correspondence From Lazette.
On Saturday, the 15th inst., in a shady grove in the Grouse Creek valley, about four miles above Lazette, the Armstrong Union Sunday School with other neighboring schools had a grand time. Mr. Story, County Superintendent, delivered a masterly address expatiating on the great necessity of keeping the Sabbath day by various sublime illustrations, man’s dependence for physical, mental, and moral culture, exhorted all to keep the laws of nature (which were the laws of God) inviolate, observe strict obedience and unswerving loyalty to the laws of our being—of God and our country.
Elder Thomas, a Baptist minister, made a good speech; said many good things. His late bereavement of the companion of his bosom caused many a heart to vibrate in sympathy. Dr. Snyder, a Christian minister, was then called for by order of the programme. He made a lucid discourse upon the bible, its divisions, and how to study it. . . .
Interspersing all these exercises we had fine music, Miss Rosa Herr at the organ and a selection of the best musical talent of the country. Mr. Hall, marshal of the day, acquitted himself nobly. Messrs. Peebler and Smith, superintendents, gave all a fine reception. After all was over at the grounds we saw a couple joined in matrimony by Dr. Snyder on the banks of the Grouse. [Name of couple not given.] NEW COMER.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Grouse Valley Notes.
A picnic was given by the Union Sunday school of Harvey Township on the 15th. Music and a long table of good things, in addition to the speeches of R. C. Story, Rev. Mr. Thomas, Doctor Snyder and Lear made the day and the occasion pleasant.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
Teachers’ Examination. There will be an examination of teachers in the Winfield high school building, beginning at 9 o’clock a.m., October 12th. Parties desiring to teach will please report at that time, as it will positively be the last examination this year.
R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
“Uniformity in text books,” is well handled by Mr. Story in another column. We think we need such legislation as will unquestionably authorize the district to purchase and own all the text books that are used in the schools.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
Teachers’ Examinations. Public examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held during the coming year at the following times and places.
February 21 and 23, at Arkansas City, Dexter, and Winfield.
April 5th and 6th, and October 25th and 26th, at Winfield.
At the close of the county institute for 1878, at Winfield.
A State examination will probably be held during the spring or summer at Winfield.
Certificates of grades one and two will be issued upon examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, arithmetic, United States history, and constitution.
Grade “A” certificates require an examination upon the following additional branches: book-keeping, industrial drawing, the elements of entomology, the elements of botany, and the elements of geology.
Second grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 70 and whose average is 75 percent; first grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 85 and whose average is 90 percent; grade “A” certificates will be issued to candidates who have a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent.
Certificates can be neither extended nor dated back.
Private examinations are contrary to law and cannot be given.
Only those teachers who hold certificates can legally teach, and with those only should school boards contract.
R. C. STORY, GEO. W. ROBINSON, F. S. JENNINGS, Board of Examiners.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
Shall School Districts Own Text Books.
In the annual reports of school districts the questions “does the district own a part or all of the text books used in school, and from your experience are you in favor of the district owning the text books,” are asked the clerks of the school districts of the State. In the last annual report of the State Superintendent, the following lines on this subject may be found.
“Forty-nine superintendents sent replies on this topic; of those seventy-eight percent recommended that the district purchase and own the text books on the ground of economy to the parent and efficiency in the school. They believe this the best method of settling the vexed question of text-book uniformity, and of avoiding the expense of frequent changes of text-books. Twenty percent oppose the plan, and two percent consider the plan, though desirable, not feasible. Of the districts actually owning their text-books, sixty-seven percent do not consider the plan an entire success.”
The State Superintendent strongly favors the plan.
The clerk of district 46, Mr. A. T. Gay, in his last annual report, gives the following testimony on this subject.
“For the last four years we have furnished text-books for our school at a cost of $119.20, and average of $29.55 a year. Those who have taught our school say they would rather teach per month for five dollars less where the books are furnished by the district than otherwise. For the last four years we had seven months school per year. This would give us a saving of $5.45 a year over cost of books. I think this is the correct way to run our district schools.”
As district 46 (Tisdale), has an enrollment of 60 pupils, the yearly cost of text books is only 49¼ cents per pupil. . . .
Citizens of Cowley County! You can remove some of the most grievous evils that afflict our public schools by making the school books the property of the district using them. This great reformation can be effected at an actual gain in dollars and cents. By this you can secure uniformity in books, economy in expense, and completeness in classification of pupils, ends most desirable in every school in our country.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
R. C. Story, of Cowley County, is reported at headquarters as one of the most industrious and efficient superintendents of public instruction in the state. He has of late been busy visiting schools in different parts of the county.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Co. Supt.: R. C. Story, $150, $15.
Postage: R. C. Story, $10.31.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Teachers’ Examinations.
Public examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held during the coming year at the following times and places: February 22nd and 23rd, at Arkansas City, Dexter, and Winfield; April 5th and 6th and October 25th and 26th at Winfield, and at the close of the county institute for 1878. A State examination will probably be held during the spring or summer at Winfield.
Certificates of grades one and two will be issued upon examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, arithmetic, United States history, and constitution. Grade “A” certificates require an examination upon the following additional branches: book-keeping, industrial drawing, the elements of entomology, the elements of botany, and the elements of geology.
Second grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 70 and whose average is 75 percent; first grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 85 and whose average is 90 percent; grade “A” certificates will be issued to candidates who have a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent.
Certificates can be neither extended nor dated back.
Private examinations are contrary to law and cannot be given.
Only those teachers who hold certificates can legally teach, and with those only should school board contract.
R. C. Story, Geo. W. Robinson, F. S. Jennings. Board of Examiners.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
[Note: I am going to name district and enrollment only.]
4, 26; 6, 21; 7, 30; 10, 38; 15, 28; 18, 29; 21, 46; 25, 41; 26, 44; 30, 44; 31, 27; 87, 88; 38, 21; 89, 41; 40, 33; 41, 30; 42, 24; 45, 35; 46, 45; 47, 50; 48, 20; 50, 43; 54, 36; 61, 22; 62, 56; 65, 23; 69, 31; 78, 42; 81, 27; 85, 31; 91, 25; 94, 40; 97, 20; 107, 23.
The above figures are taken from reports sent in by about one third of the teachers in the county. Why do not all of them make reports of their schools and forward them promptly? Blanks were gotten up by the state superintendent and have been distributed among the teachers of the state. Who is to be benefitted by such labor? There is no statutory law making it obligatory upon a teacher to fill out these monthly banks; but that individual who waits to be compelled to do an act which will result in good to his school is unworthy to be called a teacher or to occupy the position of a teacher.
These reports enable the public to examine the schools, give district boards the basis on which to compare their respective districts with others; put into the hands of the teacher a strong argument by which to appeal to the pride of his pupils, and furnish the people a generous and healthy stimulus in the discharge of their duties and in the promotion of habits of promptness, good deportment, and self control.
Teachers, you who neglect to use this means to aid you in your work are refusing to take advantage of opportunities which can result only in the advancement of your respective schools. Let your pupils feel that their conduct, their tardiness, their promptness, their regularity in attendance, their deportment, their standing in studies will each month go before the eyes of the public and become a source of pride and honor or a cause of shame and sorrow, and you will then begin to see the end sought for in these reports.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A state examination can probably be held in this county during the coming summer, should the number of applicants justify the state board in taking such a step. All who are interested in this matter should correspond with this office. Full particulars of requirements will be published soon.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
To the School Boards of Cowley County:
GENTLEMEN: The law makes it one of your duties to visit your respective schools; your interests as tax-payers ask you to do the same; your relations as patrons of your respective schools demand this work of you. As school officers, as citizens, as parents, do you feel the obligations resting on you in this matter? You can stimulate the scholars in their labors by calling on them while in school; you can see the methods of your teachers; you can judge of their merits and their defects in no other way so well as by visiting, and you can give the teachers the full benefit of your moral, personal, and official help in the discharge of their important duties. If your teacher needs your help in bringing unruly and lawless pupils into subjection, you should be willing and prompt to meet the demand. You should impress the pupils who may be inclined to insubordination with the fact that you are in full accord with the teacher and that you will allow no disobedience, no rudeness, no disorder to go unpunished. The moral obligations of your position demand this of you, and your interests as parents should compel you to assume and maintain such a stand.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Centennial scholars deserving special mention for excellence in recitation, attendance, and deportment are George Beach, Edward Hunt, Robert Hunt, John Williams, Willie Holtby, Dick Holtby, Sheridan Teeter, Alonzo Banfille, Oscar McCulloch, Rowell Browning, Clara Browning, Jessie Browning, Nelly Holtby, and Maggie Teeter.
Superintendent Story lately visited this school. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
R. C. Story paid the schools at this place a visit on Monday and Tuesday, and gave them a pleasant talk. He reports the management good, and the school one of the best in the country.
The county superintendent is visiting the schools in Bolton Township this week. He has visited all the schools between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, and intends visiting all in the county. It has proven not only a pleasant task to Mr. Story, but a very useful one to many of the teachers.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Some of the Tisdale scholars will try the February examination of teachers. Don’t be too “hard,” Mr. Story.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
NOTE: It appears that items pertaining to Education in Cowley County became a weekly item in the Courier. Am skipping most of these unless there are items of interest.
The teachers of our county would do well to read carefully the schedule of examinations for 1878, and then closely inspect their certificates. Instead of giving a certificate to a candidate upon his average standing, as heretofore, the board of examiners will grant certificates upon only good standing in every branch. The necessities of the schools, no less than the requirements of the law, demand this, and no measure will tend more than this one to elevate the standard of professional teachers.
From the monthly reports sent to this office by the teachers, the following facts are gathered. In the month of September four schools were reported in session, with an enrollment of 108, and an average attendance of 69. In October 24 schools were heard from, in which the enrollment was 846, and the average attendance 595. In November 36 teachers sent in their reports, showing an enrollment of 1,160, and an average attendance of 816. In December 46 districts were reported, in which the enrollment was 1,495, and the average attendance was 1,118. Reports should have been sent from twenty or thirty additional districts.
In February, 1870, Cowley County was organized, and then contained a population of seven hundred. The progress of our county since that time may be judged from the following.
1871/3 Districts/210? [Not sure of no. of pupils. Number was obscured.]
1872/43 Districts/659 Pupils.
1873/70 Districts/2,478 Pupils.
1874/74 Districts/3,038 [?] (No. of pupils figure obscured)
1875/78 Districts/3,355 [?] (No. of pupils figure obscured)
1876/82 Districts//3,013 Pupils.
1877/92 Districts/4,680 Pupils.
The misfortunes which fell upon our county and state in 1874 show their effects upon school interests in the number of children reported in the district July 31, 1875, on which estimates the appropriation of state fund was made in 1876. With this exception Cowley County can show a record second to no other county in the West, a record of which any and all of her citizens may well be proud.
R. C. STORY, CO. SUPT. Dear Sir: Yours of 26th inst. is at hand. I do not think there is any method of furnishing books in common schools that is so satisfactory as for the district to own them, provided the board use proper care to secure them against theft and misuse.
District 46 has the following method: The board marks the books, that is, numbers them, writing the number of district and number of book in the grade on the inside of the cover and with ink. This cannot be erased. The pupil takes a book and has sole care of it till the end of the term. If a pupil misuses a book, his parents pay for it. If the book is fairly worn out, the district furnishes another. The books are not so badly used or treated by the scholars as they would be did the parent buy them. But two books have been lost during three years of such use.
Grading: This is a difficult matter under any circumstance, but it is much less so when the teacher has a hand in it and grades to suit himself. Still I find fond parents who think I am too hard and do not promote their children fast enough. That matter I hold generally without any controversy more than a plain statement of the pupil’s ability, and I never had a pupil withdrawn on that account. I do not think however there would be any benefit on this ground (grading) if the teacher is not firm and well qualified to make just and equitable distinctions between the surface work and true ability of the pupil.
The progress of the school is certainly greater than by the old method, for it is not necessary to tie a worker to a drone, as when we cannot change scholars to either a higher or lower class; neither does it cost the patrons of school as much in dollars and cents.
In summary: The books last longer, the scholars learn faster, there is a greater interest taken, and it is much more economical and business like than the “good old way” of parents furnishing individual books. Yours respectfully, E. A. MILLARD.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Superintendent Story went last week to Dexter to superintend the teachers’ examination.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Prof. Geo. W. Robinson conducted the teachers’ examination at Winfield last week.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
F. S. Jennings, Esq., went to Arkansas City last week to conduct the teachers’ examination.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
School districts No. 30 and 39 are praying for a division of their territory, by crossing a new district out of parts of both, so that all may be accommodated, but Superintendent Story “can’t see it.” CHRANISKI.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
County Superintendent Story received the county apportionment of the state school fund amounting to $3,012. It is now ready for distribution to the school districts.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The value of our common schools has been called in question from Boston to San Francisco, and a few parties have pronounced them a failure. True, many of our schools are failures, and many of them show a waste of capital, a waste of time, and a fearful dissipation of energy and mental force. But why should it be otherwise? When a school will show month after month from one to two hundred cases of tardiness and an average attendance of less than fifty percent of its enrollment, what else than failure should be looked for? When a district, able to sustain a school for nine months in the year, able to employ a first-class teacher at first-class wages, votes en masse for only a twelve weeks’ school and for the cheapest teacher in the market, what else than failure can be expected? When schoolhouses are so constructed as to be only uncomfortable in bad weather; when they are too small for the accommodation of a school of thirty, but are compelled to take in from forty to sixty pupils, and when blackboards are deficient in quantity and poor in quality, or entirely wanting, how can the best teacher in the world make his school anything else than a failure? When there are more classes than pupils; when no single grade has three books of any one kind, and when the books in use are relics of the last century and are as “ring-streaked and spotted” in their qualities as were Isaac’s spring calves in their colors, why should not such schools be egregious failures? When neighborhood quarrels are allowed to enter the schoolroom; when personal spite and malice affect the selection of a teacher; when a party defeated at the annual election determines to throw every possible impediment in the way of the teacher and the school, and when parents assail and break down in the eyes of their children the authority, the dignity, and the respect of the teacher, what power not miraculous can teach a successful school?
While hundreds, perhaps thousands, of our common schools should be branded as failures through such causes as those just mentioned, the great mass of our public schools are not failures! They do not turn out practical mechanics, bricklayers, stone masons, printers, doctors, lawyers, and farmers, it is true, but they do turn out men and women whose minds have been awakened to a desire for learning; who are able to think of the political, commercial, financial, and social problems of the day in a cool and sober manner and with ripening judgments, and who become the successful men and women in all the leading industries of the day. The fathers and mothers of this generation were educated in our public schools, and if the one is a failure, so is the other.
There are defects in our system of public schools, but defects are found in every production of man’s mind or man’s hand. The consoling fact remains very patent, that teachers and educators in all lands discover these defects, are pointing out these evils, and are laboring with hand and heart and brain to bring in a better and a brighter day in the educational world. R. C. STORY
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
R. C. Story lectured at Floral on the 18th, giving good advice and sound doctrine on education to teachers, parents, and children.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The northwest corner of Liberty Township wants a schoolhouse, and if we can get Mr. Story, our superintendent, to locate a district for us, we will vote a liberal tax or bonds to build one. Some of our children cannot read the COURIER, the Bible, or any other paper or book. What a pity it is we want education, but have no place to educate; we are religious but have no place to worship. TIMOTHY CLIP.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Many of the schools closed their sessions in February or early in March, which accounts in part for the small number of reports received in those months. . . .
In addition to large classes in algebra, geometry, and physical geography, Prof. George Robinson has introduced bookkeeping, and has a large class in it this term.
The state board of examiners has determined to hold a state examination in every county in the state on the 26th, 27th, and 28th of August. Teachers will please take notice. . . .
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
R. C. Story is local agent for the sale of Appleton’s Encyclopedia.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
District Court Proceedings.
Monday, May 6th, 10 o’clock a.m. His Honor, W. P. Campbell, on the bench. Present: C. L. Harter, sheriff; E. S. Bedilion, clerk; Jas. McDermott, prosecuting attorney; attorneys C. Coldwell, W. P. Hackney, Henry E. Asp, J. E. Allen, D. C. Beach, E. S. Torrance, J. M. Alexander, A. J. Pyburn, N. C. Coldwell, Jas. Christian, G. H. Buckman, S. D. Pryor, J. Wade McDonald, C. R. Mitchell, J. D. Pryor, C. C. Black, R. C. Story, L. J. Webb, W. M. Boyer, F. S. Jennings, and D. A. Millington.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Already had school district 78 a sore eye, and now Mr. Story has maimed it; and should he ever attempt to be father again, the sour grapes already eaten will set the children’s teeth on edge.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
Monthly Report—April.
The Normal Institute of Cowley County will be held in Winfield beginning on Wednesday, the 3rd day of July, and closing Wednesday, the 31st day of July, 1878.
Prof. John B. Holbrook, of Ripley Normal School, Tennessee, will act as conductor. Prof. Holbrook is highly endorsed by leading educators in the State as one eminently qualified to make our Normal a complete success.
Prof. George W. Robinson, principal of the city schools of Winfield, will assist in the management of the Institute. Professor Robinson’s success as an instructor in normals and high schools is too well known to call for further praise. . . .
Teachers are requested to note the following requirements for certificates.
Grade “A,” two years, calls for a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent, and an average of 95 percent, in all.
Grade 1, one year, calls for a standing of not less than 90 percent in all.
Grade 2, six months, calls for an average of 75 percent in all branches, and not less than 70 percent in any one study.
An examination for county certificates will be held, beginning on the 1st day of August at 8 o’clock a.m.
An examination for state certificates will be held in Winfield, beginning August 26, at 8 o’clock a.m., and continuing through the 27th and 28th.
All parties desiring to attend said examination are requested to write to me at an early day for further particulars.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Geo. W. Robinson. Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss M. E. Saint. Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Ella Wickersham. Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Mary Bryant. Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Mina Johnson. Dist. 1, Winfield.
Miss Allie Klingman. Dist. 9, Winfield.
Miss Alice Aldrich. Dist. 45, Winfield.
Miss Mollie Davis. Dist. 43, Winfield.
Miss Sallie Devering. Dist. 99, Winfield.
Miss Sarah Davis. Dist. 77, Winfield.
Miss Mary Pontious. Dist. 108, Winfield.
Mrs. B. Seibert. Dist. 68, Winfield.
Miss Emma Groom. Dist. 22, Floral.
George Thompson. Dist. 18, Baltimore.
W. E. Ketcham. Dist. 86, Maple City.
E. R. Thompson. Dist. 2, Arkansas City.
Mrs. L. M. Theaker. Dist. 2, Arkansas City.
Miss Mary Pickett. Dist. 32, Arkansas City.
Miss Lizzie Landis. Dist. 34, Arkansas City.
Miss Dora Winslow. Dist. 69, Arkansas City.
Miss Jennie Scott. Dist. 35, Arkansas City.
Miss Lena Bartlett. Dist. 8, Oxford.
Miss Electa Strong. Dist. 24, Rock.
Miss Alpha Harden. Dist. 112, Dexter.
T. H. Aley. Dist. 5, Dexter.
Mrs. S. J. Hoyt. Dist. 56, Dexter.
Miss Kate Fitzgerald. Dist. 90, Lazette.
Miss Mary Tucker. Dist. 15, Lazette.
Miss Nellie E. Buck. Dist. 87, Lazette.
H. T. Albert. Dist. 15, Lazette.
Miss Mary Buck. Dist. 78, New Salem.
Miss Sarah Hodges. Dist. 46, Tisdale.
Mrs. R. E. Rhonimus. Dist. 47, Tisdale.
R. B. Corson. Dist. 26, Little Dutch.
Porter Wilson. Dist. 114, Red Bud.
O. S. Record. Dist. 73, Rock.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
The Cowley County Normal. Teachers and parties interested will please notice that the time of beginning the Normal Institute has been changed from July 3rd to July 10th, and act accordingly. The change is made at the request of many of our teachers, and it is hoped that all will be benefitted thereby.
The examination of teachers will begin Thursday, August 8, at 3 o’clock p.m.
R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
R. C. Story and Geo. W. Robinson left last week to attend the State Teachers’ Association at Atchison. They will go with the teachers excursion to the Rocky Mountains.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Prof. Story is elected one of the directors of the State Teachers’ Association for the ensuing year.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
R. C. Story, R. L. Rushbridge, O. M. Seward, H. E. Asp, and F. S. Jennings will spread the eagle at Floral.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21. . . a district convention to choose delegates to be held Saturday, August 10th, at the call of the central committee of the county.
The following constitutes the Central Committee for the 88th representative district:
B. F. Baldwin, Chairman; S. S. Moore, Secretary; R. C. Story; H. H. Siverd; Daniel Maher.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The celebration at Queen Village was quite an affair. The grounds were in excellent condition and were filled with people from all points of the surrounding country. The Silver Creek band and New Salem string band furnished plenty of good music for the day. The exercises opened with prayer by Rev. Thomas. Music and songs followed, and then came the address of Charles Payson, distinctly rendered and full of information and thought. Dinner, the most enthusiastic exercise on the ground, followed; and for whole-souled, hospitable people, and excellent, generous cooks, we will back that northeastern country against the state. After dinner came music and an address by Mr. Green, and a song by himself and his accomplished daughter. Then followed a speech by Henry Asp, and we wish to say that Henry did nobly, and that no better speech was delivered on the ground. He was well worded and contained many beautiful thoughts and happy sentiments. If Henry wishes to feel proud over his first soaring of the eagle, he has good right, and the feathers of that noble bird shine with a new luster. The speech of R. C. Story followed, full of enthusiasm, startling statistics, and warm appeals for temperance, delivered in his own intelligent and earnest manner. Samuel Jarvis then addressed the crowd with a few remarks, and shortly afterwards the people dispersed and sought their homes. A platform dance was held on the ground in the evening.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The Normal Institute opened with the following teachers in attendance.
Professor John B. Holbrook, conductor.
Professor George W. Robinson, instructor.
Superintendent R. C. Story, instructor.
Superintendent Story conducts recitations in Reading and Grammar.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
A very pleasant meeting was held last Friday by the Darien and Walnut Valley Sabbath schools at Little Dutch. A sumptuous dinner was served in the grove, and speeches were delivered by R. C. Story and Rev. Mr. Graham.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
For Governor, John P. St. John, of Johnson County.
For Lieutenant Governor, Lyman U. Humphrey, of Montgomery County.
For Secretary of State, James Smith, of Marshall County.
For Treasurer, John Francis, of Allen County.
For Auditor, P. I. Bonebrake, of Shawnee County.
For Attorney General, Willard Davis, of Labette County.
For Supt. of Public Instruction, Allen B. Lemmon, of Cowley County.
For Chief Justice, Albert H. Horton, of Atchison County.
For Congress—3rd District, Thos. Ryan.
For Representative—88th District, E. C. Manning.
For Representative—89th District, A. A. Wiley.
For County Attorney, E. S. Torrance.
For Probate Judge, J. W. Millspaugh.
For District Clerk, E. S. Bedilion.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction, R. C. Story.
For County Commissioner—1st District, G. L. Gale.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Republican candidates for county offices are in the field and now it is in order for such Democrats and nationalists as are used to making and throwing mud to commence the game. We would suggest the most effective mud to throw at Millspaugh is to charge him with drunkenness, robbing hen roosts, and being a bloated bond-holder. Manning should be charged with giving $500 to send off the “Aunt Sally” without a load, with trying to sell out to Sid. Clark for $1,000. If these are a little too old, charge him with cheating the cost of his block of buildings out of poor laborers and with being an Anthony man and opposed to Ingalls. Gale should be charged with being a Butler County man, and with being too young and gay. Charge Bedilion with refusing greenbacks for fees and Story with robbing the county treasury and the banks that he may live in luxury and idleness. Anything will do so long as it is well stuck to and constantly repeated.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878. Back Page.
District No. 1, Winfield: Geo. W. Robinson, Emma Saint, Sarah Aldrich, Sarah Hodges, Mary Bryant, Allie Klingman, Ioa Roberts. District No. 48, Winfield: Alice Aldrich. District No. 43, Winfield: Mattie Minnihan. District No. 13, Winfield, Mina Johnson. District No. 9, Winfield, Celina Bliss. District No. 106, Winfield, Mrs. Alice Bullock. District No. 41, Winfield, H. G. Blount. District No. 12, Winfield, John Bower. District No. 77, Winfield, R. A. O’Neill. District No. 21, Winfield, A. B. Taylor. District No. 2, Arkansas City: C. H. Sylvester and Mrs. L. M. Theaker. District No. 20, Floral, G. B. Richmond. District No. 45, Tisdale, E. A. Miller. District No. 47, Tisdale, S. A. Smith. District No. 20, Moscow, R. B. Hunter. District No. 26, Little Dutch, T. J. Floyd. District No. 52, New Salem, Ella Davis. District No. 39, New Salem, Sarah Bovee. District No. 14, Lazette, Mary A. Tucker. District No. 15, Lazette, H. T. Albert. District No. 95, Lazette, Emma Burden. District No. 5, Dexter, H. Trevett. District No. 7, Dexter, R. C. Maurer. District No. 84, Cedar Vale, H. P. Attwater.
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
Gale, Bedilion, and Story are to Continue to Serve the People!
Winfield Courier, November 7, 1878.
For sale or trade for corn or oats: three head of fine stock hogs. R. C. STORY.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
Teachers’ Examination. There will be examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates at the following times and places:
November 29, Winfield.
January 21, Winfield, Arkansas City, and Dexter.
March 28, Winfield.
Parties interested will please appear promptly at 9 o’clock a.m.
R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
School boards can now examine, in the county superintendent’s office, four handsome and valuable, though not expensive, sets of wall maps. Mr. Story has had them placed in his office by the publishers for exhibition. Parties interested should call and examine these maps. School boards can do better by so doing than by waiting for the appearance of some interested agent. Every schoolroom in the county should have one or more of these wall maps.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 19, 1878. Front Page.
Parents, Attention! BY R. C. STORY.
It is not too much to say that there are now seventy-five schools in session in this county. The enrollment may be put at two, if not three thousand pupils. How can these children receive most good from their work in the school room? The rooms should be comfortable and clean at all times and supplied with an abundance of pure air. The books in use should be of the best character, and the classes using them should be as well graded as possible. The teachers should be conscientious, energetic, enthusiastic, and thoroughly qualified. They should be willing and anxious to keep abreast of their profession, constantly reaching out in every direction for new ideas, new methods, and fresh inspirations. School boards should equip their teachers with all possible aids and conveniences. Parents should look upon the teachers as their representatives: should rally ‘round the teachers in season and out of season; should enforce prompt and regular attendance; should see that no ill humor, no stubbornness, no wilfulness, no idleness, and no vice break in upon the work of the school room. Further than this, parents should allow no work, no pleasures, no dissipations out of school hours to invade the sacred hour of pupils’ studies. This disastrous intrusion may be accomplished in many ways, and it is on this point we raise the cry of warning.
Many a district in this county has its school room made filthy by tobacco, spued and spit over the floor during the evening’s entertainments. Spelling schools, literaries, socials, dances, and religious gatherings take up the entire week, and too frequently the five, if not the seven evenings of the week, are spent by the children away from home. This is a dissipation that can be productive only of evil so far as the work of school may be affected.
Let this point be emphasized! Let it be thoroughly understood! Let parents fully comprehend the fact that the evening hours of the week should be as sacred as the six hours called a day by our school law. The work of the time spent outside the school room in no case should be such as to unfit the child for the labors of the following day. Neither teachers nor pupils can work with clear heads and strong wills after spending half the previous night in any of the forms of dissipation just mentioned.
If young in years, children need the hours of night for rest and sleep. If pupils are of an advanced age, the hours of the long winter evening can and should be spent in profitable study, in work that will make them stronger and more capable for the exercises of school, and in forming habits of industry and economy that will shape the destinies of their lives for happiness, respectability, and virtuous living and manly, independent thinking. Other things being equal, that boy or girl will succeed best whose leisure hours are spent in the home circle and in worthy and aspiring study.
These entertainments, if allowed at all, should come only on Friday or Saturday evening. Some of them often produce more bad than good results. But no argument here is made for or against any of them. The point to be emphasized, to be held in mind by parents, by boards, by teachers, is this: The scholars who attend these night sessions tax their energies as to impair their working power for the next day; break up their habits of home study, and get a passion for public gatherings and public entertainments that is disastrous in far too many particulars. The habit of spending one’s evenings away from home can be formed just as the habit of smoking and chewing can be formed, and the first may be as controlling as the latter, and may be considered the more dangerous of the two.
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
At the annual election, on the 17th inst., Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. A. M., selected the following officers for the ensuing year.
C. C. Black, W. M.; W. C. Robinson, S. W.; H. Brotherton, J. W.; B. F. Baldwin, Treas.; R. C. Story, Sec.; J. E. Saint, S. D.; P. Hill, J. D.; M. L. Read, C.; John C. Roberts, S. S.; W. D. Byers, J. S.; S. E. Burger, T.
The installation will take place Friday evening of this week. All members of the Order are invited to be present.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—Hon. W. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, G. L. Gale, W. M. Sleeth.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—T. R. Bryan.
Probate Judge.—H. D. Gans.
Register of Deeds.—E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—R. C. Story.
Sheriff.—C. L. Harter.
Coroner.—W. G. Graham.
County Attorney.—James McDermott.
Clerk District Court.—B. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor.—N. A. Haight.
Deputy County Surveyor.—J. Hoenscheidt.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
On the 31st day of January, at Arkansas City, Dexter, and Winfield, an examination will be had of applicants for teachers’ certificates. At that time questions upon the metric system and upon the best methods of teaching of the English branches will be submitted to every candidate, and exact and comprehensive answers to these questions will be expected. Teachers should govern themselves accordingly. An examination will be held in Winfield March 28th. Work will begin at 9 o’clock a.m. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session [January 6, 1879]. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale, commissioners, James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Among other proceedings had, bills against the county were presented and passed upon by the board as follows.
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary. [$200.00]
R. C. Story, express charge.
R. C. Story, postage.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1879.
The Baptist Church elected the following officers for the year 1879.
James McDermott, treasurer.
Rev. Mr. Rigby, clerk.
C. A. Bliss, Lewis Stevens, James McDermott, R. C. Story, and E. S. Bliss, trustees.
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
TEACHERS OF COWLEY COUNTY: In 1878 the following circular was sent out by the State Superintendent. Circumstances prevented my submitting the matter therein to your attention. The object of this work is an excellent one, and it is not too late to begin the desired work. In a short time sample pages of paper, fools-cap size, showing headings and rulings, will be sent to every teacher in the county. Can you not put on record the work of your classes? Let some subject be taken every week, or every month if time permits, and have the pupil write the questions and answers on fools-cap paper, using but one side of a leaf. This work, when completed, should be collected and sent to my office. It is intended to use all material thus sent in to make an educational exhibit at our next county fair. Read the circular carefully, then follow its suggestions. R. C. STORY
Winfield Courier, January 30, 1879.
DEAR SIR:—Most teachers require of their students occasional written exercises in study, recitation, and examination. The value of such exercises is unquestioned. It is now proposed to use them in the collection of the material for an educational exhibit that shall show what is actually being done in all the classes of every grade of schools in the state. Your cooperation in this undertaking is earnestly solicited.
It is proposed that this collection shall be divided into three sections, viz.:
1. Common or country-school work.
2. Graded-school work.
3. The work of higher institutions of learning, including the State University, State Agricultural College, Normal School, and denominational colleges.
To make such a collection valuable, the work should be prepared on a plan that should be followed strictly by all participating schools. To aid in securing uniformity of work, the following rules are respectfully suggested:
1. All exercises should be prepared on paper uniform in size and ruling with the enclosed.
2. The work should be collected by classes; every member of the class should be represented, either by work, or by a sheet of paper on which the teacher shall give the reason of the child’s failure.
3. Use pen and ink in making all written exercises.
4. Specimens of work should be collected from time to time as the teacher thinks best. These should illustrate—(a) methods of study, (b) recitations, (c) examinations. During a term, every member of each class should be required to prepare several papers.
5. Students should not be given time for special preparation for this work. The papers should show the average work of each student, nothing more. Teachers should require their students to be prepared to put themselves upon the record at any time. By so doing, they can make the preparation of these exercises an excellent incentive to study.
6. In assigning a written exercise in study, recitation, or examination, the teacher should announce the time to be given for its preparation, and at the expiration of that time, he should collect all papers and note the exact time in which they had been prepared. These papers should be fastened together and put in covers similar to those sent herewith.
Students’ work prepared as herein suggested, can be made a very interesting part of a school examination. It will give parents and others a better idea of the teacher’s methods, and the actual progress made by students than can be obtained in any other way.
The next meeting of our State Teachers’ Association will be held at Lawrence. Is it not possible to make a collection of school work an interesting and valuable feature of that meeting?
If you think so, and if you are willing that your work shall be compared with that of others, you are requested to begin to make such a collection at once. Attend the meeting of the Association, if you find it possible, and bring your “fruits” with you. If unable to be present at the meeting, send your work by express, addressed to me, and it will be placed on exhibition. It is proposed, finally, to place the collection in the office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, where it may be examined at any time.
Very respectfully, your ob’t servant,
ALLEN B. LEMMON, State Superintendent of Pub. Instruction.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The teachers of the various schools in Southeast Cowley were edited by a visit from the efficient and gentlemanly county superintendent, Prof. Story, a few days since. This is the first time that a county superintendent has ever visited schools in this part of the county.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
TEACHERS’ EXAMINATION. Hereafter the work of examination will be confined to one day, and the studies considered will be limited to a given number of minutes. The metric system and the principles of teaching will form part of every examination. The standing of applicants in spelling and in grammar will be taken largely from their written work. The next examination will be held in the Winfield high school room, beginning at 9 o’clock a.m., Saturday, March 29. Parties interested should take due notice.
R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
State School Fund. The quota of state school fund apportioned to this county, amounting to $3,692.62, has been received by the treasurer and is ready for distribution. Superintendent Story informs us that it will amount to 68¼ cents per scholar of school age.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The following are the officers of the Cowley County Sabbath School Convention.
President: R. C. Story; Vice President: W. M. Sleeth; Secretary: F. S. Jennings; Assistant Secretary: H. E. Asp; Treasurer: James Harden.
Executive Committee: R. C. Story, F. S. Jennings, T. R. Bryan, Will Mowry, E. W. Jones, John R. Thompson, and A. S. Williams.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Item from the Traveler. Prof. Story, the accomplished County Superintendent of Schools, gave us a call last week. Mr. Story is doing excellent work in our schools, and every parent and child in Cowley County should have a warm place in their hearts for him.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Capt. Frank Lorry, of West Bolton, was in the city last week. He brought Mrs. R. C. Story a beautiful red bird.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
The Cowley County Normal will open Monday, August 4, and will close the first week in September. William A. Wheeler, of Ottawa, Geo. W. Robinson, of Winfield, Miss Lillian F. Hoxie, of Fort Scott, and Superintendent Story will have charge of the classes. Three grades will be formed, and work adapted to each grade will be given. The aim of conductor and instructors will be to make the labors of this session fruitful in the practical work of the school-room.
At the close of the Institute proper a county organization of the teachers will be effected, and two or three days will be given to discussion of the needs of country schools and to consideration of matters of general and special interest to the teachers. Can not every teacher in Cowley County attend this session and start in at the beginning? Teachers must realize the fact that they must either keep abreast of their professional work and progress or else fall behind and out of the ranks.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
County Superintendent Story left Monday morning for the east.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Prof. Story was over and called on us last week. We are always glad to see our old friend, Mr. Story, and have him stop and see us. “Seems like some of our folks.”
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
Last Friday was undoubtedly the biggest day Winfield ever had. Considerable preparation had been made by our citizens; but as so many celebrations were to be held in the county, no one expected such a crowd as gathered at the metropolis to observe “the day we celebrate.” Over 8,000 people were present.
The streets and avenues were lined with wagons, crowding the streets and lining the roads for miles.
About half past ten a.m., Gen. Green, with a corps of assistants, began the work of organizing the procession and getting the different township delegations together. The procession was delayed somewhat by the Vernon delegation, which came in about eleven o’clock headed by the Winfield Cornet Band, and took their places at the head of the column. When all was ready, the band struck up “Hail Columbia” and the procession, reaching from the courthouse to Millington street, south on Millington street to 13th avenue, thence west to Main street, and north to the grounds, over two miles, started. It was supposed that over half of the teams had not formed in the procession, and the number of wagons was estimated at five hundred.
The speech of the occasion, which was delivered by Judge McDonald, was pronounced by all to be one of his most brilliant efforts, and was as creditable to himself as it was pleasing to the audience.
Everybody seemed to be a committee of one to provide dinner for a score of persons, and we wished a dozen times that we had the capacity for victuals of the “two-headed giant” of picture book fame.
After dinner, the presentation of the flag to the largest delegation, was awarded to Vernon township. Prof. R. C. Story presented the flag in one of the neatest speeches it has ever been our fortune to hear. Judge Ross, Squire Barrack of Rock, and Rev. Joel Mason of Pleasant Valley made some happy and appropriate remarks.
In the “glass ball shoot,” which took place at 4 o’clock, Jas. Vance carried off the first premium, breaking 14 balls out of a possible 15. The races, owing to the bad condition of the track, were postponed.
The fire-works were a success, although for awhile it looked as if the committee on “fizzle” would make a good job of it. Through the exertions of E. P. Kinne, T. K. Johnston, J. H. Finch, and others of our citizens, the little “misunderstanding” was righted and everything “went off” nicely.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
ED. COMMONWEALTH:—The first settlers came into Cowley County in 1869. I cannot ascertain the exact time. Its growth and development has been marvelous. I shall only give your readers a few statistics of 1879 to sustain my assertions.
As shown by the assessor’s returns, the following figures speak for themselves.
No. of acres of wheat: 56,010
No. of head of stock of all kinds: 69,848
No. of trees of all kinds bearing: 255,179
No. of trees of all kinds not bearing: 254,122
No. of acres in small fruit: 183
Val. of dwellings erected during year: $134,368
The above is a showing that any county may well be proud of, though its years may be double that of this.
The county took its name from a man named Cowley, who lost his life in his country’s defense and honor.
The schools of Cowley County, under the efficient management of Supt. R. C. Story, are second to none in the State. I insert the following statistics on schools.
No. of Districts in the county: 115
School population: 5,681
No. of pupils enrolled: 3,766
No. of districts having school: 100
Value of school property: $68,810
Taxable property: $1,979,487
State fund received: $9,713
Total expense for schools: $27,092
The returns of the assessor for this year show that the population is 18,157, an increase over last year of over three thousand. It is destined to become one of the richest counties of the State. The people are of that class who are of an industrious and enterprising nature. Hundreds of new ones are pouring into its confines every month, and still there is room for more.
There are many other things that I should like to say, that would be of interest, but as I shall visit different sections of the county, will defer for that time.
Winfield is a city of the second class with a population of two thousand five hundred. It is beautifully situated on the east bank of the Walnut river, and extends back to the mounds on the East. It is the largest, liveliest, best town south of Wichita.
Its first settler was C. M. Wood, who located on the town site, April 20th, 1869. Two gentlemen, Jas. Renfro and U. B. Warner, accompanied him at that time. They were joined in a few days by E. C. Manning, at the present time a member of the Legislature from this county. They were burnt out by Indians on the first of June of the same year, and compelled to leave. No one occupied the site from that time until the 10th of October, when Wood returned, bringing his wife with him. They erected a log house which was fired by the Indians again, but they succeeded in saving it and holding the fort. The last of November, Manning and Baker brought on a stock of goods and used Wood’s house for a storeroom until they could erect a store, which they did of logs. The old log store is still in use in the city. From the beginning it has grown to its present dimensions and is still growing. The dry goods business is represented by some of the best firms in the State. They carry very large stocks and sell an immense amount of goods.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
On the first Monday in August the county institute will open. Classes in physiology, mental arithmetic, algebra, and bookkeeping will be organized for those who wish these studies, but who do not want the full “A” grade course. The examination will begin September 3, and teachers would do well to keep in mind the fact that penmanship, the metric system, mental arithmetic, and theory and practice form distinct features of this examination. The Spenserian copy book No. 3 will be used as a basis for work in writing. The studies for grade “A” certificates, and the oral work will occupy the second day, Sept. 4. R. C. Story, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
The Normal is now in fair running order, and the teachers are getting down to hard, solid work. Profs. Wheeler, Story, and Trimble, with their corps of assistants, are working like beavers, and there is a united feeling among teachers and pupils to make the time count. The teachers in attendance number 117, and seem as intelligent and as capable of training the young ideas as can be found anywhere.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1879.
The Normal Institute closed last week, there having been one hundred and thirty-two teachers in attendance. Prof. Story has won high praises by his efficient and untiring efforts to make the institute a success. The examination of teachers closes today.
Excerpt from a lengthy article. The Story referred to was G. S. Story...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
Stapleton, Benedict, and Story to be Sold Out for Harter.
The program includes every kind of a trade which will make a vote for Harter. His colleagues on the ticket are to be sold out. Stapleton, Benedict and Story are to be slaughtered to get votes for Harter. No stone is to be left unturned, no means however foul are to be neglected, all to make votes against a man eminently qualified and for a man totally unfitted for it in every particular.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
Don’t vote for G. S. Story for clerk under the impression that he is the county superintendent of schools. That Story is “R. C.,” and a very different person in many respects.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
The annual report of the schools of Cowley County has reached the State Department. County Superintendent Story exhibits much care in the compilation of his reports and they are always very accurate as to facts, and neat in workmanship.
This report announces the school population of Cowley County at the close of the year ending July 31st, to be 6,779, being an increase over the figures given last year of 1,098. Cowley County ranks number six in point of population in the State, having passed all competitors except Leavenworth, Shawnee, Atchison, Douglas, and Labette. Her schools are in a flourishing condition, having maintained over one hundred schools during the year at a cost of $25,614. Township Com.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880, are
W. M.: James McDermott; S. W.: M. G. Troup; J. W.: E. P. Kinne; Treas.: C. C. Black; Sec.: W. W. Perkins; S. D.: R. C. Story; J. D.: James Simpson; S. S.: S. H. Myton; J. S.: J. C. Roberts; C.: E. T. Trimble; T.: S. E. Burger.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
During our absence in New Mexico for the last few weeks, Prof. R. C. Story has ably conducted the editorial columns of this paper. He takes to the editorial harness as naturally as a duck to water, and we are highly pleased with his work. In last week’s issue he commended Mr. Hackney as a candidate for the State Senate, and Mr. Lemmon as a candidate for re-election to the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
These must be taken as his own views, arising from his generous appreciation of the persons named and not be construed to commit the COURIER to the advocacy of either for the offices mentioned.
It is rather early yet for us to settle upon candidates whom we will support for nomination for these and other offices. We do not doubt that when in due time the candidates are in the field for nomination, we shall have our choice among them and advocate each choice.
The editorial in relation to Mr. Lemmon appearing as it does in the COURIER, might be regarded by some as equivalent to an announcement of his candidacy, and we write this more particularly to set him right before our readers. Mr. Lemmon is not seeking a nomination for State Superintendent or for any other office. He feels that the State has done well by him, and that although he has worked earnestly to advance its educational interests, he has been well paid, and the State owes him nothing. He recognizes the fact that there are many men in Kansas in every way qualified to do the work with honor and profit to the State, whose claims should not be ignored, and he is not disposed to be in their way. All those who have advocated his candidacy have done so on their own motion and without his privity or knowledge.
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
The temperance convention met in Manning’s Hall last Friday. R. C. Story was elected president; A. Limerick and J. E. Platter, vice presidents; J. S. Allen, secretary. A committee on Plan of Operations was appointed, and reported in favor of a Campaign Committee of seven members, who should superintend the canvass of the county for the prohibition amendment. The following gentlemen were appointed as such committee: James McDermott, chairman; R. C. Story, secretary; H. S. Silver, treasurer; J. W. Millspaugh, W. D. Mowry, S. S. Holloway, and J. S. Allen.
Saturday afternoon and evening the Opera House was crowded to its utmost capacity to listen to speeches from Gov. St. John. In the evening it was almost impossible to get standing room and the enthusiasm was immense. The Governor’s speech was a sound, logical, and eloquent appeal for sobriety, and law and order.
The results of this convention have been highly satisfactory to the temperance workers, and the interest manifested shows that Cowley is awake to the importance of the amendment, and will roll up a large majority for it in November.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
In the statement of moneys drawn from the county treasury by school district treasurers, made in the Teacher for April and printed in the COURIER of last week, the first line of figures given with each district shows the taxes, the second line the State fund drawn each school year since 1872. Supt. R. C. STORY.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
Fifty-six signatures were obtained in Vernon township, Monday night, to the prohibition pledge. The meeting at the Vernon schoolhouse was well attended, Capt. McDermott, Superintendent Story, and Mr. Millspaugh speaking on the temperance issues. A strong resolution was passed by the meeting. Said resolution calls on candidates for office to clearly and positively define their position on the amendment question. The workers in Vernon are thoroughly organizing and are determined on thorough work.
The following item indicates that R. C. Story attend the law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan...
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.
OTTO, Ks., 4, 15, 1880. We are determined you should know that the good people of Cedar still live, prosper, and enjoy life, notwithstanding their remoteness from the railroad city, Winfield.
I have not noticed the name of Prof. Story among the names of eligible citizens for county and state officers. It may, in some cases, be well enough to object to the third term, but it would surely be doing ourselves a great injustice to drop Mr. Story at this time. He has certainly labored with indefatigable industry in every department of his office which has required his attention. The sleet, the mud, and the coldest weather has found him in remote parts of the county, patiently visiting schools and inquiring into their wants and needs. His experience in the great law school at Ann Arbor, Michigan, makes him master of all the law required. One term is needed to acquaint him with the duties of his office; a second to acquire a thorough knowledge of his 130 districts, their various wants, their citizens, and school officers, the teachers of the county, etc. Verily we say Mr. Story is just now prepared to make an efficient Superintendent. We are informed by one who doubtless knows that Mr. Story, so far from making anything, has actually sunk money since his induction into office. Cedar township will go solid for him, and my acquaintance with Dexter, Spring Creek, and Otter townships confirms me in the belief that they both look for and expect Mr. Story to be their next County Superintendent.
The above remarks will apply in large degree to the Hon. A. B. Lemmon. We, in southeastern Cowley, expect nothing else, and will accept nothing short of Mr. Lemmon as our next State Superintendent, but as the entire State is of the same mind, few words will suffice. Tediously, but earnestly, I. KNOW.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
The Telegram plumes itself on the fact that we did not deny its version of how some Republicans had been making up political slates. Its editor is too modest when he supposes that his inventions will be taken as truths unless contradicted. That yarn was a pretty good joke on certain Republicans; and is so taken and needs no denial.
But if it is of any interest to anyone to know what part we have taken in making up slates, we will say that we have named as our choice the following.
Gen. U. S. Grant for President.
Hon. Thos. Ryan for Congress.
J. P. St. John for Governor.
Prof. Thomas for State Superintendent.
Capt. McDermott for Attorney-General.
E. S. Torrance for District Judge.
F. S. Jennings for County Attorney.
R. C. Story for County Superintendent.
We have been asked why we do not put Mr. Hackney’s name on our slate. We confess that we are strongly inclined to do so, because of his activity, influence, and ability to secure for our county what we want, but not because we would expect personal favors for ourself or friends at his hands.
Should Mr. Lemmon appear to be the choice of the Republicans of this representative district, it might be presumed that we should not oppose him very bitterly. But there is plenty of time for slate making yet, and slate breaking, too, for that matter.
Note: In another column the Manhattan Nationalist was endorsing Lemmon’s renomination for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Millington responded: “Mr. Lemmon will not be a candidate for that office in any event, but is not insensible to the kind words from this and other papers of so high respectability and influence.”
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
A public installation of the officers of the I. O. G. T. took place in the Odd Fellow’s hall Monday evening. The society is in a very flourishing condition and is accomplishing much good in the community. The following officers were installed.
W. - C.T.D. C. Beach.
W. V. T. Mrs. Clara Beach.
W. S. Henry Rowland.
W. F. S. Miss Mollie Bryant.
W. T. R. C. Story.
W. C. Rev. J. Cairns.
W. M. Forest Roland.
W. G. Miss Frederick.
W. Sen. F. T. Berkey.
W. R. H. S. Mrs. E. T. Trimble.
W. L. H. S. Mrs. Maggie Weeks.
W. A. S. Miss Mary Cochran.
W. A. M. Miss M. E. Gale.
E. T. Trimble taking his seat as P. W. C. Templar.
After the installation we had the pleasure of listening to the remarks by R. C. Story, E. T. Trimble, and Mr. Seward, of Kentucky.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The Winfield public school closed last Friday, and commencement exercises were held in Manning’s hall Friday evening. The valedictory address by McClellan Klingman was very fine, and the original oration of James Lorton is spoken of in the highest terms. The following was the order of exercises.
Prayer. Music. Original Oration, Jas. Lorton, “Improvements of Time.” Recitation, Lou Morris, “All the World.” Declamation, George Black, “Allow for the Crawl.” Recitation, Hattie Andrews, “We Measured the Baby.”
Music. Essay, Rosa Frederick, “Life of Cowper.” Recitation, Cora Shreves, “My Good Old-Fashioned Mother.” Declamation, Charles Beck, “Pyramids not all Egyptian.” Recitation, Sarah Hudson, “Thoughts During Church Service.”
Music. Original Oration, Lee C. Brown, “Wards of the Government.” Recitation, Leota Gary, “The Minister’s Door-Bell.” Recitation, Rose Rounds, “After the Battle.” Valedictory Address, McClellan Klingman.
Music. Address, R. C. Story. Presentation of Diplomas.
Music. Benediction.
Messrs. McClellan Klingman and James Lorton were the graduates for 1880.
The hall was tastefully arranged and a large audience present. Through the efforts of Prof. Trimble, our schools have reached a remarkable degree of efficiency, and with more room, more teachers, and Prof. Trimble as principal, Winfield will be the equal in educational facilities of any city in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
The Normal opened Monday with a large attendance. Prof. Story is making the Cowley County Normal one of the best in the state, and his success should be as gratifying to himself as it is edifying to the teachers.
Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.
The Fourth in Winfield was duly celebrated, although the weather in the early part of the day was very inauspicious. About nine o’clock the clouds cleared away, the sun came out bright and warm, and the people from the country began to pour in from all quarters. Owing to the streets and roads being muddy, the procession was not formed until two o’clock, when, headed by the Peabody band they marched to the grove. The oration by Judge Coldwell was delivered in the Judge’s faultless style, and was attentively listened to by a large audience. Prof. Story also made an address. About four o’clock the match game of baseball between the Wichita and Winfield clubs was called. This was the most exciting part of the program and was witnessed by an immense crowd of people. The players did their best, and the game proved a close one, the Winfield club beating the Wichitas by one, the score being 19 to 20. After the ball game the people repaired to the courthouse square, where there was an elegant display of fire-works, lasting until ten o’clock. After the fire-works came the grand military ball which was the affair of the day and lasted till the “wee sma’ hours.” Altogether the celebration was a success and fully sustained Winfield’s reputation of never doing things by halves.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The walls of the school building are up as high as the county superintendent: one Story.
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
Mrs. Pickering and daughter, who have been visiting Prof. Story and family, returned to Cambridge Monday.
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1880.
The world should know that Spring Creek township and Maple City, its metropolis, still moves on.
Recently I took a trip from Otter township to Salt City, passing through Arkansas City, and took the pains to interview the people pretty thoroughly both ways; and I find them a “Solid South” for Story and Jennings. If the north part of the county does as well, these men will appreciate the position they occupy in the hearts of the people. Prof. Story, they say, is such a wonderful pacificator—using such wisdom and judgment in adjusting troubles of whatever kind in the school districts with which he has to do. And “Jennings,” they remark, “is a Solon in law—gentlemanly and affable—just the man for the position he is soon to occupy.”
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, member elect from the 89th representative district, proves to be old 329 himself. His majority is exactly 329, and when Democrats write those figures on post-office boxes, door steps, and windows after this, C. R. will prosecute them for forgery.
From the official returns as given in the corrected table in this paper, it will be seen that in this county Garfield’s plurality is 1,073; St. John’s 1,080; Ryan’s 1,058; Torrance’s, 4,000. In the county Hackney’s majority is 774; Jennings, 919; Gans, 912; Bedilion’s, 1,121; Story’s 484. Lemmon’s majority in the 88th representative district is 631; Mitchell’s in the 89th is 329. Bullington’s majority in the 3rd commissioner district is 164.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. H. M. Rogers vs. Riley C. Story et al.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The meeting of teachers, Saturday, was well attended. Professor Trimble had charge of the class in algebra and physiology. Superintendent Story had the class in geometry. The exercises were in every way commendable. The opportunity of “going higher” in these studies will be improved by many of our teachers. The query is, why don’t all of them join in this work? Without question physiology will be added to the list of subjects for the examination of teachers, while algebra may become one of those necessary for a first grade certificate. Be this as it may, the teachers who have gone into this course of study and work will grow, while many who do not will get the dry rot. The recitation in primary reading, conducted by Miss Mary Bryant, gave the teachers a clear idea of the best method of beginning reading. The word, the phonic, the sentence, and the alphabet methods can be combined and followed with success. The debate on the compulsory educational law was conducted by Messrs. Hickok and Trimble. The fact was brought out that this law is occasionally the means of getting boys and girls into school who would otherwise be out all the time. The next meeting will be January 15, 1881.
Teachers present: Messrs. Trimble, Gridley, Hickok, Corson, Hutchins, Thompson, Wilson, Beaumont, Armstrong, McKinley and Dickinson; Mrs. Will B. Caton, Misses Bryant, Klingman, Cook, Aldrich, Melville, Dickie, Freeland, Davis, Hunt, Bowman, Kelly, Rounds, Frederick, Dobyns, and McKinley. Several other teachers were in town, but were too busy to attend the meeting. The program for the January session will be review and multiplication in algebra, the first book in geometry, and circulation in physiology. Teachers take hold of this work now.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. & A. M., elected and installed officers on Monday evening as follows.
J. S. Hunt, W. M.; James Kelly, S. W.; R. C Story, J. W.; J. C. McMullen, Treas.; E. T. Trimble, Secretary; C. C. Black, S. D.; M. G. Troup, J. D.; J. Cairns, Chaplain; W. A. Freeman, S. S.; W. W. Smith, J. S.; S. E. Burger, Tyler.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
County Superintendent Story has moved into his new office.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Teachers’s Association met in the high school building Saturday week. Present: Trimble, Hickok, Jewett, Limerick, Bower, Carson, Story; Mrs. W. B. Caton, Misses Melville, Dickie, Bartlett, Kelly, Davis, Cook, West, Frederick, and Bowman.
The work in algebra and physiology was very satisfactory. The time for geometry was too limited for much work.
The next meeting will be held February 12th, when the subjects of division in algebra, respiration in physiology, and the second book in geometry will be reviewed.
Messrs. Trimble, Hickok and Story, and Misses Cook and Melville, reported the following petition and resolutions.
To the honorable members of the Kansas Legislature:
Gentlemen: The undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, most respectfully ask your attention to the following suggested changes in the school law. We respectfully ask that such changes be made, should they seem in your judgment desirable for the good of the public schools of the state.
1st: That a state certificate and no less than three years work in the public schools be made prerequisite qualifications to the county superintendency.
2nd: That the county superintendent be required to give his entire time to the schools of the county.
3rd: That the township system of schools be substituted for our present district system.
4th: That high grade certificates be clothed with a degree of permanency attainable upon successful work in the school room.
5th: That the annual school meeting be changed from August to June, or to an early day in July.
The third and fifth recommendations drew out considerable debate, but were approved by a majority of the teachers present.
Petitions with these recommendations will be circulated for signatures and then will be sent to the Solons at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Monday evening Mr. C. A. Bliss was purposely invited out to tea, and, returning home at about 8:30, found his parlors filled by about fifty of his personal friends.
When he entered, the Rev. Mr. Cairns, on behalf of the guests, in an appropriate address, presented him with twelve richly-bound volumes of standard literature. Mrs. Bliss, though absent, was remembered with a magnificent illustrated volume.
Mr. Bliss responded in a feeling manner: after which the leader of the surprise was himself made the victim of a surprise, by the presentation by Captain McDermott, on behalf of friends, with a splendid volume of “The Life of Christ.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann acted the part of host and hostess; and ice cream, strawberries, cake, etc., were served amid music and general social enjoyment.
The whole affair was a neat recognition of the Christian, social, and business character of the recipients of the mementoes, which they so justly merit.
The married couples present were Mr. and Mrs. Wright, McDermott, Story, Johnson, Hendricks, Trimble, Wilson, D. Bliss, Baird, E. H. Bliss, Gilbert, Cairns, Jarvis, Adams, Tipton, Silliman, Stevens, Trezise, and Fuller. There were also present Messrs. Borchers, Arment, Applegate, Rigby, Wood, F. Finch, and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mrs. H. Bliss, Mrs. Jewell, Miss S. Bliss, Miss Smith, Miss Corson, and others, whose names we failed to obtain.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
We had lots of extra work the past week on account of straightening the Monitor in with our work, and the local editor has been ill, so help has been needed. R. C. Story also put in his quota, which is frequent on his part.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
On the 15th inst. Superintendent Story changed the boundaries of eleven school districts, and it was not a good day for changes either.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Mr. R. C. Story and Mrs. Busby gave their Sabbath school scholars a treat last week in the way of a picnic in Riverside Park. Boating, swinging, spring chicken, etc., were the principal features of the occasion.
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.
The amount refunded by the county officers having received excessive salaries, principal, and interest, is as follows.
Story: $178.61
McDermott: $178.61
Bryan: $1,500.00
Troup: $595.37
Total: $2,452.59
Amount due and soon to be paid in:
Bryan: $728.00
Torrance: $222.00
T : $250.00
GRAND TOTAL: $3,402.59
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Lafe Pence and bride arrived in this city Monday on the noon train. Rooms at the Brettun were prepared for them, where friends can visit the happy couple. Mrs. Pence is a niece of Prof. Story, at whose residence they spent most of the afternoon.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
The lady who will share the joys and sorrows of our friend, Lafe Pence, is Miss Clara Vawter, of Franklin, Indiana, a relative of Prof. Story. The ceremony will take place Thursday afternoon, December 22nd, at three o’clock. Lafe Pence will be married at his old home in Indiana to his old girl.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
We publish on the fourth page this week a tabular statement of our schools by townships, instead of school districts. It shows the number of districts in each township, the school population, percent enrolled, average number of mills levied and last, but not least, the amount of property in each township that escapes taxation for school purposes. There is annual in this county property to the amount of nearly four hundred thousand dollars which escapes taxation for school purposes.
It is directly due to the negligence of district clerks, whose duty it is to make out a list of all persons owning personal property, for use by the county clerk in making up the tax rolls. This, district clerks have in a large measure neglected, as the discrepancy between their returns and those of the township assessors plainly show. District clerks should be more careful in this matter and make an effort to get all the property in their district. Our school interests are paramount to all others, and the greatest care should be exercised by those in whose hands these interests are placed.
The township of Creswell, with the immense school interests of Arkansas City and a very heavy school tax, has ninety thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars worth of personal property that bears no part of the burden. The township of Vernon has forty-five thousand dollars worth of property that pays no school tax. Pleasant Valley has twenty-seven thousand of the same kind, and Windsor follows with nineteen thousand. Parents and taxpayers, examine this table and see that your district shows as much property taxed for school purposes next year as for any other. The table was prepared by Prof. Story, at a great expense of time and labor, and puts the matter in a better shape than it has ever been. This condition of affairs is not alone confined to Cowley, but is general all over the State. In fact, the law is a bad one and needs attention from our legislature.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8
BEAVER 6 274 87.4 57 18-2/3 12.5 $9,589
BOLTON 7 337 81.8 47.1 22-7/8 12.5 $6,948
CRESWELL 8 522 86.2 50 18-1/2 10.5 $90,388
CEDAR 5 218 91.7 46.7 12-3/4 9.3 $18,735
DEXTER 6 289 83.23 51.55 22 16.6 $10,751
FAIRVIEW 5 231 87,87 49.77 23-1/4 16 $11,290
HARVEY 4 217 75.5 41.4 11-1/4 12.5 $4,364
LIBERTY 5 267 65.9 37.4 18-3/8 12.9 $2,219
MAPLE 5 171 76.6 48.53 17-7/8 9.7 $2,940
NINNESCAH 5 219 76.25 47.48 23-1/4 9.
OMNIA 4 143 73.42 40.55 16 9.6 $5,052
OTTER 3 149 62.4 34.8 13-1/2 5 $3,319
PLEASANT V. 6 295 76.61 46.4 26 8.9 $27,667
RICHLAND 7 309 96.1 61.8 23 14.75 $5,630
ROCK 5 226 88.49 54.4 25-3/8 12.6 $8,984
SILVERDALE 5 247 88.49 24 18.2 $3,239
SILVER CR. 5 333 76.57 42.34 24 13.5
SHERIDAN 4 209 84.68 44.9 16-7/8 10.9 $1,878
SPRING CR. 4 185 74.58 38.9 18 15 $13,389
TISDALE 6 329 91.79 50.75 26 10
VERNON 5 281 77.58 44.12 28 11 $45,100
WALNUT 4 156 66.6 43.94 29-1/2 12
WINDSOR 9 388 58.5 35.3 12 9.5 $19,906
WINFIELD 1 992 68.34 44.1 24 8.
NOTES: In the statement by townships Ninnescah, Silver Creek, Tisdale, Walnut, and Winfield show no property not taxed. This arises from the fact that districts lying in part only in these townships are estimated as belonging wholly to said townships. The rule followed has been to place the school district in that township to which the greater part of its population and property belong.
The fact stands out very clearly, that, by negligence or oversight of district clerks, $383,567 escape taxation for school purposes. This should not be.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Prof. Story went up to Topeka Monday to attend the State Teachers’ Association.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
An examination of teachers will be held in the Courthouse Saturday, December 31, 1881. Work will begin at 9 o’clock a.m. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Superintendent Story, Prof. Trimble and wife, and Miss Clute have returned from the State Teachers’ Association.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
This is the season of Prof. Story’s itinerary. He will visit the schools in the east part of the county next week and keep on around until the winter schools close. Mr. Story is a most indefatigable worker and to him much of our success in educational matters is due. His work is effective and he infuses new life into the schools wherever he goes.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
County Superintendent Story deserves the highest praise for the earnest endeavors he is putting forth to secure for the teachers of this county the benefit of a permanent standing in the branches in which they are required to be examined. This is a move in the right direction, and the teachers will fully appreciate the efforts put forth in their behalf.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Please announce that the teachers of the Northwestern Association District, will hold their next meeting at Udall, Friday, February 3, and continuing through the next day. The following is the program for Friday evening.
1. Song by Anna and Maggie Martin.
2. Address of welcome: P. W. Smith.
3. Response: A. H. Limerick.
4. Music by R. B. Hunter.
5. Declamation: Jennie E. Hicks.
6. Music.
7. Essay: Fannie McKinley.
8. Declamation: R. A. Hall.
9. Address: R. C. Story.
10. Music.
The following is the program for Saturday.
1. Mistakes in teaching: Porter Wilson.
2. Troubles in Ireland; cause and cure: A. H. Limerick.
3. Comparison of Longfellow and Tennyson: R. B. Hunter.
4. Dinner.
5. Digestion: L. McKinley.
6. Teachers’ aids: Mrs. Alice G. Limerick.
7. Rainfall: Jennie E. Hicks.
8. Report of critics.
9. Business of the Association.
Teachers, be there.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
[Comments Concerning Article about Cowley Teachers.]
Wretchedly Low. “Let us whisper to your ear the cause of low wages in Cowley County and the source from whence the cause must come. Your County Superintendent has an itching for the State Superintendency. He spends much more time in writing, or having written, long-winded articles on education than he does in attending to the interests of Cowley’s schools. Further, in pursuance of his plan to go higher in politics, he must be popular at home. In order to be popular at home, he must grant certificates to all who ask an examination for them and some of Cowley’s teachers have never ‘syphered’ through the ‘Rule of Three,’ have no accurate knowledge of even the elements of grammar, they spell by guess, and read without understanding. They are not qualified to teach because they know nothing of how to teach. The ‘steadiness’ characteristic only of an age, many of them have not yet reached, renders their government faulty or worthless. You want to weed out the boys and girls, put to the men and women, and drive away or kill the drones and the numbskulls. Book knowledge is much in favor of a teacher, but the man or woman of good, sound sense, thinking and energetic, with judgment matured, will accomplish ten times what your book worm will, with no guide but his theories.” El Dorado Times.
We quote the above for the purpose of making some corrections of matters which the Times knows nothing about, but makes guesses which do great injustice, not only to our Superintendent, but to the teachers of this county. The usual way to answer such articles is to charge the writer with slander and falsehood, but we prefer merely a statement of facts. Though we may think the wages paid teachers in this county are too low, the fault is not peculiar to this county. Probably no county in the state pays on an average, higher wages to teachers.
In this county are employed 119 teachers; 56 males and 63 females. The lowest wages is $22 per month to a female, and the highest is $90 to a male. The average of wages is $32.18 to females and $37.67 to males. If Butler County can make a better showing, bring on your figures.
If it is a fact that Supt. Story has an itching for the state superintendency, he has the merit of being as well qualified for the position as any man in the state. It is true that he writes many articles on education for publication, and it is equally true that they are among the best that are written, but it is not true that he spends more time in writing than he does in attending to the interests of the schools. On the contrary, he spends nearly all his time in visiting schools in all parts of the county and in work at his office, and no superintendent in the state does more work or does it more efficiently. It is not true that he and the examining board grant certificates which are not fully merited. The only complaints heard of here are from persons who did not get certificates, or as high grade certificates as they believed they merited. We believe the certificates issued in this county stand for as high orders of merit as the same grade certificates in any county in the state, higher than in Butler County, and that the teachers in this county rank as high in all that makes efficient teachers as those of any county in the state.
The writer of the above from the Times was superintendent of Butler County for the four years ending January, 1881. During that four years, according to his own reports, he visited schools as follows: 19, 102, 33, 73, total 289. Supt. Story during the same four years visited schools: 26, 97, 134, 160, total 417. Will the Times man take some of his criticisms to himself?
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
Prof. Story gave the patrons of the Tannehill school district a practical talk on school matters last Tuesday evening. The relations existing between patrons of schools and teachers should be more thoroughly understood than is at present among the masses. The Prof. will have accomplished a great deal of good for the cause of education in this county if he succeeds in making matters pertaining to school more closely understood by the people.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
County Superintendent Story was in this vicinity this week, visiting schools. He favored ye pedagogue with a short visit.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Superintendent Story expects to hold public meetings next week in Vernon Township. On Monday night, in district 48; Tuesday night in district 12; and Wednesday night in district 63. The patrons of these schools, and the citizens of Vernon Township, will please bear in mind these appointments.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
County Superintendent Story is quite ill—has been confined to his bed since Sunday.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
School Matters. Superintendent Story has appointed April 14 “Arbor Day.”
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
T. J. Rude is the choice in this part of the moral vineyard for County Superintendent provided Prof. Story refuses to be a candidate. At all events, let’s have a practical teacher to fill the position.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
I want to mention a generous act by Van Antwerp, Bragg & Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio, who gave to the Floral school district a complete set of new school books. They are valued at $175 and are donated on account of our loss by the cyclone. They were not given as an exchange, but as a direct gift. The thanks of our people are due to this generous publishing company and also to Mr. R. C. Story, our county superintendent.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Prof. Story has named the 14th of April as “Arbor Day” for the schools and has issued a circular to that effect. The planting of trees around the schoolhouses would be an excellent thing, and about the only way to make a success of it is to work in concert.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
At the last meeting of the Regents of the State Normal School, the selection of a successor to President Welch was brought forward. A number of the educators of Kansas have been mentioned in connection with the presidency, prominent among them the county superintendent of Cowley County, Prof. R. C. Story, one of those who is more ably fitted to assume control of this institution. But it seems the claims of all Kansas men were ignored by the Regents, for the third ballot resulted in the election of Prof. A. B. Taylor, of Lincoln University, Illinois. For a number of years Professor Taylor has been a prominent educator in that state. Being in the city he visited the school and left a very favorable impression upon the students. He moves here and takes control before the next school year. . . .
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The school board met last Monday evening at the office of the president, Dr. Emerson. Present: George Emerson, president; J. C. Fuller, vice president; A. H. Doane, B. F. Wood, and Fred C. Hunt, clerk. A communication from County Superintendent Story was read and filed. Bill of T. B. Myers for hall rent for commencement exercises rejected, the board holding that it had nothing to do with the matter.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Assessment No. 30 in the Masonic Mutual of Kansas, has been issued, and Mr. Story, the agent here, has the receipts for Cowley County members. They should be paid prior to May 20th.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Professor Story is visiting schools in Bolton Township this week.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Prof. R. C. Story visited our school on last Thursday and remained until evening, giving a little talk to the people on the benefit of having a central high school. It meets our approbation and we believe the majority, if not all, are in favor of it. Our school under the tutorage of Miss Ella Freeland is getting along nicely. Many of the larger pupils have left, it being the busy season of the year.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Superintendent Story paid our school a visit last Wednesday.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Candidates for county superintendent of public instruction appear to be looming up thick and fast. Among the brilliant galaxy of names mentioned, I am pleased to note that of T. J. Rude of Dexter. Should R. C. Story, the present incumbent, decline positively to enter the field again, no one perhaps could fill the position more efficiently and satisfactorily than Mr. Rude. Tom is a successful teacher of long experience, and is possessed of a polite and pleasant address, accommodating and approachable disposition, enthusiastic and progressive in educational matters, and a happy faculty of imparting his spirit of enthusiasm, vim, push, and energy to others for the advancement of the profession. With his abilities and qualifications, the good work already accomplished in the county would continue to progress. It is to be hoped that if we are to lose Mr. Story, that his aspirations for a higher superintendency may be realized, thereby extending his field of usefulness to the boundaries of our broad young State, which is destined to soon lead all other states of the Union in the education of the masses. If Story must go, give us Tom Rude. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Program. Following is the program of the literary and musical entertainment to be given in the Opera House on Thursday evening, June 1st, by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of Winfield.
Prayer: Rev. Mr. Cairns.
Operative Medley: Miss McCoy and Mrs. Caton.
“Rescued”—Rec.: Mr. James Cairns.
Song: Little Mary Spotswood.
“The Aged Tramp”: Miss Dunham.
Vocal Duet: Miss McDonald and Mr. Connell.
“A Drunkard’s Deed”—Rec.: Mary Greer.
“Our Homes are What Our Husbands Make Them”: Scene.
“Dombey’s Death”—Reading: Prof. R. C. Story.
“The Sister’s Prayer”—Song: Lottie Caton.
“Scandal”—Sermon, with banjo music:
“Brudder Squash,” “Tramway Gallop”—Duet: Misses Spotswood and Bedilion.
“I Sue For Damages”—Character Rec.: Miss Baldwin.
Vocal Duet: Misses Bard and Newman.
“Garfield and Guiteau”—Rec.: Miss Ida Trezise.
“Mozoun Rosi”—Song: Mrs. R. C. Story.
“A Plea for Intemperance”: Mrs. W. B. Caton.
Grand Etude Gallop: Miss Haidee Trezise.
Reading: Mr. Jillson.
“Save the Boy”—Vocal Duet: Misses McDonald.
Benediction: Rev. P. F. Jones.
Other county papers please copy, as this is to be a temperance entertainment, and we very much desire a full attendance from the country. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: I was much pleased to notice that our very efficient and talented Mrs. Caton was a candidate for County Superintendent of public instruction. While we would not in any way say one word in opposition to any of the candidates already announced, we feel constrained to say a few words unasked in favor of Mrs. Caton for our next County Superintendent. The writer of this was a resident of Peoria County, Illinois, for a number of years. The most efficient Superintendent, and one who did the most to advance the cause of education in that great and populous county during all our stay there, was a lady superintendent. Mrs. Caton is well known by our people, especially so by the citizens of Winfield. When I say that Mrs. Caton possesses all the qualifications of a first-class County Superintendent, one of whom all our people all over the county would justly be proud, I think I speak only the sentiments of every person who has had the privilege of becoming acquainted with her. She undoubtedly possesses eminent abilities and fair fitness to give increased character and luster to the great educational interests of our county, for which our present superintendent, Mr. Story, has done so much, and so well. We speak for Mrs. Caton a hearty and unanimous endorsement by the good citizens of our great and rapidly growing county, who desire the broadest and largest educational culture for all the children, and that they see to it, that she is made by their votes our next County Superintendent of Public Instruction. THE PUBLIC GOOD.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Railroad Taxation.
In another place we give the comments of the Topeka Capital on an article in the Kansas Educationist written by Prof. R. C. Story on the subject of the distribution of the taxes paid by railroads. We have for some time been fully impressed with the injustice of taxing the whole county equally to pay the interest and principle of railroad bonds and then giving the benefit of school and township taxes which are collected of the railroad, only to those school districts and townships through which the road passes, and we had determined to air this subject well during the coming canvass with the view of securing such legislation in relation to these matters as shall be just and fair to all the districts and townships in the county.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
In the last number of the Educationist, Prof. R. C. Story, superintendent of public instruction for Cowley County, discusses a new amendment proposed by him regarding the payment of taxes applied for the maintenance of the schools. His idea is that whenever a municipality, city, township, or county shall, by the voting of bonds, create a property upon which taxes are levied, such property shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools; that all property now in counties, townships, or cities which has been brought into the same by reason of the voting of bonds shall be taxed for the benefit of the public schools of the corporation voting the bonds. An amendment to the State constitution embodying the above is what Prof. Story wants, and further than that, he would compel officials to turn all fines and forfeitures into the school fund of the county; he also favors the levy of a State tax of two mills for the support of these common schools.
Prof. Story gives some interesting figures, which are worth its inclusion. In February last, for example, California disbursed State school fund to the amount of $1,482,883, or over $7 per pupil. In the month following Kansas apportioned $125,882, being thirty-six cents to each pupil. California in 1880 spent $18.06 upon each scholar enrolled; Massachusetts, $16.86. In 1870 Kansas’ expenditure for each scholar enrolled was $10.644; in 1875, $6.98; in 1880, $6.45; in 1881, $8.01. The writer wants to know, if in the light of these facts, Kansas is moving in the right direction, and intimates strongly that she is not. If the expenditure in either California or Massachusetts be taken as a standard, ours falls far below it. But then it should be remembered that the conditions differ in different states. From the old Bay State has often come the cry that education there was too costly; that other States who paid less secured for their children as good an education in every way. Then again, the question might be asked, how much better an education does the Massachusetts child get for $16.86 per year than the Kansas child for $6.45? The writer correctly says that taxes in Kansas are sufficiently high, and school taxes are generously levied by the people of the State. Our school fund, when it reaches the ten million period, will yield large returns; yet it should be remembered that at the same time the school population of the State will be proportionately larger. The question Prof. Story asks is, how can we secure an ample school fund without increasing the burdens of taxation and waiting fifty years to attain the results.
Another subject discussed in connection with the main question is the inequality of taxation, particularly as it effects the various townships in those counties which vote for railroad bonds. At the present time there is railroad property in Kansas valued at over $25,000,000, upon which taxes were paid to the amount of $740,786.57 in 1881. This money was distributed through sixty-three counties. While in many instances, the railroads were secured by the counties themselves voting bonds, in many other cases they were voted by townships and cities. On July 1st, 1880, the bonded indebtedness of the counties of the State, in the main created by the voting of railroad bonds, was $7,339,666. Here is brought forward the unjust feature in this matter, and the writer takes Cowley County as an example, which will do for all the other counties of the State where township bond voting has been the rule. In that county twenty-eight school districts secure the taxes on railroad property, while one hundred and thirty-four pay the bonds and the interest thereon. One-fourth of the districts of the county get the benefit of this property, while all help alike in bearing the burden of the bonds. Thirteen townships get taxes on his property, while eleven do not see a single cent of it. In nearly every railroad county in the State, therefore, one-fourth of the school districts reap a fruitful harvest from railroad property, while the other three-fourths help pay the bonds and get no benefit whatever therefrom. Prof. Story considers this to be a situation of affairs for which there is neither excuse nor justification and to remedy this is his idea in bringing forward the amendment quoted in the first part of this article. It is a subject that merits careful consideration. Topeka Capital.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
Prof. R. C. Story, of Winfield, spent Thursday of last week visiting the Burden schools, and he reports them as doing good work in part. The lower grades, under Miss West, are too crowded, and are supplied with too little necessary apparatus to do work to the satisfaction of the teachers. Burden will do the right thing when a four or six room house is built for the accommodation of the children of the district. Burden Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The Floral public school closed on the 5th inst., after a four months term. The patrons of the school came en masse to see and hear, and to eat. Baskets and buckets were filled to the brim, but the contents were quickly displaced by the hungry crowd. Your correspondent was the fortunate possessor of a two story appetite, and did excellent service in sampling the goodies, after which he declared the dinner a success. I would that such things could occur six times a week. Mr. A. H. Limerick is a success as a teacher. He has labored under great disadvantages, but has done splendid work. As he is an aspirant for the office of County Superintendent, I would say that he is eminently fitted and qualified for the office. He is what you might call an educational enthusiast. He is practical in the full sense of the term, and does not depend entirely on theory. His qualification as an instructor is pronounced, and Cowley County will make no mistake if he is selected to be Mr. Story’s successor.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1882.
The Cowley County Normal will open July 5th, closing August 25th. In July classes will be formed in Orthography, Reading, Languages, Arithmetic, Geography, and Didactics. Also in Algebra and Bookkeeping, if desired. Fees: One dollar per month. County Association of teachers, August 28 and 29. Teachers’ examination Aug. 30 and 31. Exercises in Winfield High School building. R. C. STORY, County Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Persons desiring boarders during the Normal should confer with Superintendent Story.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
The Cowley County Normal opened Wednesday, Superintendent Story and Professor E. T. Trimble in charge of the classes.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
By the way, Burden has voted $3,500 in bonds to build a schoolhouse, and this is the way they did it. They got up a petition asking Mr. Story to annex five or six valuable farms to their district just in time to catch the bonds. The owners of three of these farms are absent, so there was no opposition from them. The others could not help themselves, so on the day appointed to vote the bonds, the “big four” of Burden got all the livery force they could muster, went out into the highways and hedges, brought in the halt, the lame, and the blind; and so great was the rush that some of the board had to go head and shoulders out of the windows to receive the votes. Now, Mr. Editor, is this as it should be, is all this law? If so, we say amen. A TAXPAYER.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
The State school fund has been received and apportioned, and is ready for payments to the districts. Prof. Story informs us that the portion of this county is $3,102.54, which amounts to 44 cents per scholar.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
There will be an examination of teachers Saturday, November 18, at 9 o’clock a.m., in the Winfield High School building. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Public Schools of Cowley County, 1881-1882.
The annual report of the County Superintendent shows the following statistics for the school year closing July 31.
No. of districts organized: 135.
No. of districts reporting: 135.
School population: 7,474.
Pupils enrolled: 6,192.
Average attendance: 3,870.
Different teachers employed: 169.
Average No. of weeks of school: 19.56.
Average salary, male: $36.27.
Average salary, female: $30.55.
School bonds issued: $36,912
Av. No. Mills levied for school purposes: 9.3.
Estimated value of school property: $79,756.
No. of school buildings: 121.
No. of persons examined: 191.
No. of applicants rejected: 55.
Certificates granted, first grade: 16.
Certificates granted, second grade: 44.
Certificates granted, third grade: 82.
No. of schools visited by County Superintendent: 137.
No. of visits made by County Superintendent: 203.
No. of districts having school: 125.
No. of districts not having school: 10.
Balance in hands of district treasuries August 1, 1881: $5,924.62.
District taxes: $31,108.03.
State and County school fund: $$7,208.84.
Sale of bonds: $6,272.
All other sources: $1,797.29
TOTAL RECEIVED: $52,314.69.
Teachers’ Wages: $27,041.25.
Incidentals: $6,767.98.
Library and apparatus: $448.99.
Sites, buildings, furniture, etc.: $7,008.98.
All other purposes: $1,899.54.
TOTAL: $43,157.74.
BALANCE AUGUST 1, 1882: $9,156.95.
Normal opened July 6th, closed Aug. 26th.
Enrollment in July, 41; in August, 114.
Note: A. H. Limerick was elected as County Superintendent. See next entry...
Winfield Courier, January 18, 1883.
Teachers’ Examination. A public examination of candidates for teachers’ certificates will be held at the High School building in Winfield, on Saturday, February 3rd, commencing at 9 o’clock a.m. A. H. Limerick, County Superintendent.
Story retired as County Superintendent after six years of service...
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Professor R. C. Story of Winfield was in the city a few days ago and made us a friendly call. Prof. Story has been the county superintendent of schools of Cowley County for the past six years, and retired a few weeks ago with the highest respect of the people of that county. Prof. Story has few equals and no superiors as an educator in this country. Wellingtonian.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
Our Winfield office is in charge of H. T. Shivers and R. C. Story, who will represent us in all business pertaining to that office. Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
At the last regular meeting of the Library Association, Hon. W. P. Hackney, D. A. Millington, R. C. Story, J. C. McMullen, and E. T. Trimble were elected honorary members of said Association.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Program of the Kansas Press Association at Winfield, May 9th and 10th.
1. Wednesday, May 9th, 11:30 a.m. Meeting at Santa Fe depot with band and carriages. Guests carried to the places assigned to them.
2. 2 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song by the Arion Quartette. Address of welcome by M. G. Troup. Response. Business of the Association.
3. 8 p.m. Ball at the Opera House.
4. Thursday 9 a.m. Excursion in carriages to parks, quarries, factories, and other places of supposed interest in and about Winfield.
5. 2 o’clock. Meeting at Opera House. Song. Business of the Association.
6. 8 o’clock p.m. Meeting at the Opera House. Song. Business of the Association. Addresses, toasts, etc.
Reception: Mayor, Geo. Emerson; Ex-Mayor, M. G. Troup; C. C. Black; Ed. P. Greer; Geo. Rembaugh; D. A. Millington.
Entertainment: J. P. Short, C. E. Fuller, S. L. Gilbert, R. C. Story, W. C. Robinson.
Excursion: H. E. Asp, P. H. Albright, J. B. Lynn, A. T. Spotswood.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
R. C. Story has sold his house and lot to Judge Tipton for one thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Ex-Superintendent R. C. Story left with his family for Fall River, Greenwood County, Tuesday. He goes there to reside permanently and will engage in the real estate and loan business. His departure is rather sudden and unexpected.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
From the Fall River Echo we learn that Prof. R. C. Story has received his household goods and settled down to housekeeping in that town and gone into the banking business as cashier of the Fall River bank. We wish him abundant success and bespeak for him and his estimable lady a kind reception in their new home.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
R. C. Story, ex-School Supt. of Cowley County, has resigned his position as cashier of the Fall River Bank and will move to Atchison in a short time.
[Note: I stopped looking for R. C. Story after July 1885. MAW]