Zimri Stubbs


This file was started by RKW years ago. It is hard for me to follow. I have inserted some news items among his notes. MAW
Emporia News, January 22, 1869.
   AMERICUS, JANUARY 26, 1869.
T. C. Hill and R. M. Ruggles concluded last Saturday the purchase of Zimri Stubbs’ farm on the Neosho, three miles south of Americus, containing 147 acres, for which they paid $30 an acre. On this farm is one of the finest bodies of timber on the Neosho, and also the best water-power the river affords in this part of the country. These gentlemen have bought this property with a special view to building a flouring mill upon it during the approaching summer. They will immediately put in a steam saw mill of sufficient capacity to saw the timber upon the place, as well as that of all others who wish to patronize them, and as soon as the water gets low enough in the stream, will commence the construction of a dam and grist mill. . . .
Notes by RKW...
The earliest census was made February 10, 1870,  at the behest of E. C. Manning in order to get the State to declare Cowley County organized. This census did not list any family named Stubbs.
Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.
Mr. Z. Stubbs has bought the lot just south of Martin’s store, where he will build a large stone business house when he returns from Cincinnati.
Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.
Zimri Stubbs returned from a visit east, on Wednesday. He reports every western bound train loaded with immigrants for Kansas.
Zimri Stubbs was the deputy Marshall, and census taker for the Cowley County federal census (page 30, Winfield township)  in May of 1870. He listed himself as Z. Stubbs, age 50, white male, born in Ohio. His assets were higher than usual, being $1500. He did not show a wife or family.
Walnut Valley Times, July 15, 1870.
Zimri Stubbs, census taker, reports that Cowley County will have a population of two thousand.
I then found that Zimri Stubbs, age 45, married Mercia Rockfellow, age 20, on January 10, 1871, in Cowley County.
Zimri Stubbs sued a widow, Nancy Hagen, on March 28, 1871, for stealing $500.00 worth of lumber from his claim. The suit was later discharged with court costs assessed to Stubbs.
Zimri Stubbs was elected Trustee of Rock Creek Township on April 4, 1871. He was Rock township assessor in 1872.

In the first term of District Court in 1871, Zimri Stubbs sued Nancy Hayes. He claimed that on March 20, 1871 (case filed on 3/28/1871) and on some other days and times, Nancy Hayes did unlawfully and with force, break into and entered the claim of the said plaintiff situated in the County of Cowley, and described as follows— the South East quarter (¼) of section nineteen (19) township Thirty (30) in range 4 east and then and there cut down fifteen large trees and many small trees and made said trees into rails and fence posts and carried the others away and converted the same to her residence [?] [three words that don’t make sense to me...call and ended] [?] and disposed of large quantities of lumber, and cut down and hauled off and destroyed and permitted to be hauled off and destroyed large quantities of lumber to the damage of the plaintiff (of) Five Hundred Dollars.
Whereon the said plaintiff prays judgment against the said defendant for the said sum of Five Hundred Dollars and all other [rest not decipherable].
There is a civil court case: Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al. My first record appears in the court docket of October, 1873. The case was continued to March of 1874.
Zimri Stubbs was also contesting the claim ownership against Nancy Hagen in the land court in Augusta, and later in Wichita, with the Stubbs estate eventually winning in 1877.
Zimri Stubbs sued Stephen Jay, Layton Jay, and David Jay doing business as Stephen Jay and Company on February 4, 1872, for $500 for a custom steam powered sawmill.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in the County Clerk’s office, July 15, 1872.
Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
New viewers were appointed on the old petition of Z. Stubbs and others. Viewers: John Frederick, Real Martin, and August Kinney. Time of survey: August 20th, 1871.
The following bills were allowed. One of Z. Stubbs, as Township assessor of Rock Township, $60.00.
Notes by RKW...
Zimri Stubbs died March 3, 1873. His wife Mercy (Mercia) filed in April to become the administrator of his estate. She stated that she was his widow and that there was one infant child.
The Rock Creek Township census of 1873 lists Mercy (Mercia) Stubbs (F) and no husband.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
Z. Stubbs vs. S. Jay et al: continuance for reviver.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
CIVIL DOCKET. FIRST DAY. Zimri Stubbs vs. Samuel Jay et al.
Notes by RKW...
September 2, 1873: Mercy M. Stubbs (age 22) married John W. Funk (age 37). She was the widow of Zimri Stubbs.
Rock Creek Township census of 1875 lists no Stubbs. It does list J. W. Funk (age 37), Mercy Funk (age 22), A. Funk (female age 4), and G. Funk (male age 5 month.).
(NOTE - Rhoda A. Stubbs is listed in 1877 as a minor and an heir of Zimri Stubbs.)
Zimri Stubbs estate was closed in July of 1878 with Mercy Funk as administrator.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
“District court case: Mercy M. Funk vs. Heirs of Zimri Stubbs. One document lists Mrs. Oscar Clark, Mrs  F. A. Bacon, and Rhoda A. Stubbs as heirs of Zimri Stubbs.

(Note: I find no record thru 1877 in Cowley County of Oscar Clark or F. A. Bacon. Perhaps Rhoda A. Stubbs is the infant son of Mercy and Zimri Stubbs.)
The real estate is described as the east ½ of the southeast quarter  of section 19, and the west half of the southwest quarter of section 20 in township thirty (30) south of range 4 East. (This land is just southwest of Rock, Kansas.)
   Estate of Zimri Stubbs, Deceased.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
   Publication Notice.

In the Probate Court of said Cowley County.
In the matter of the Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased.
To the creditors and all other persons interested in the said Estate above named:
You, and each of you, are hereby notified that the undersigned Administratrix of the said Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased, intends to make final settlement of the affairs of the said Estate, and of her accounts as administratrix thereof, in the Probate Court of the said County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, at the next term thereof, to be begun and held at the Probate Court room in the Court House, in the City of Winfield, in the County of Cowley aforesaid, on the first Monday in July next, the same being the July 1878 term of the said Probate Court. MERCY M. FUNK, Administratrix of the Estate of Zimri Stubbs, deceased.
HACKNEY & McDONALD, Attorneys.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
   Publication Notice.
STATE OF KANSAS, COWLEY COUNTY, SS. In the District Court of said county.
Mercy M. Funk, Plaintiff, vs. Cynthia Clark, Mary Bacon, Rhoda Stubbs, and Almira B. Stubbs, a minor, Defendants.
To Cynthia Clark, Mary Bacon, and Rhoda Stubbs, defendants in the above entitled cause, and non-residents of the State of Kansas, Greeting:
You and each of you are hereby notified that you have been sued by the plaintiff, Mercy M. Funk, in the district court of the County of Cowley, State of Kansas, and that unless you answer the petition of the plaintiff on or before the 13th day of July, A. D. 1878, the same will be taken as confessed by you; and judgment will be rendered by said court in favor of the said plaintiff and against you and each of you for the partition of the following described real estate, situated in the said County of Cowley, to wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section No. nineteen and the west half of the southwest quarter of section No. twenty, all in township No. thirty south, of range No. four east; and for the adjustment and apportionment of certain liens, claimed by the plaintiff, upon the whole of said tract of land, for and on account of moneys by her expended in the purchase and improvement of the same.
HACKNEY & McDONALD, Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Attest: E. S. BEDILION, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
“Died. John W. Funk, of Rock Township, died last Friday at his house. The cause of his death is said to be bronchitis. In coughing he burst a blood vessel and bled to death immediately.”
Note by RKW: There are three Stubbs family members that died in 1917 and are buried in Dexter cemetery.