James P. Stuber


Richland Township.
Richland Township 1881: J. P. Stuber, 24; spouse, Emma, 21.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Mr. Stuber, from Peoria, Illinois, gave us a friendly call a few days ago. He has purchased Mitch Dun’s farm on Dutch Creek for one thousand dollars. Mr. Stuber will return to Illinois in a few days, and settle up his business preparatory to moving to this county.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Last Wednesday Mr. Jas. P. Stuber and Miss Sarah E. Taylor were married at the Williams House by Rev. Platter. Mr. Stuber has been a resident of Richland township for several years and is one of our best citizens. The bride came recently from the east.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
Phil. Stuber was laid up several weeks; cause, sprained arm.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
The Richland primary was held at the Richland schoolhouse on Tuesday, January 25th, at 2 o’clock p.m. Mr. D. C. Stephens was chosen chairman, and L. C. Brown, secretary. After which the following township officers were nominated: Trustee: H. J. Sanford; Clerk: J. W. Miller; Treasurer: L. B. Stone; Justice of the Peace, North Richland: N. J. Larkin; Justice of the Peace, South Richland: D. C. Stephens; Constables: T. D. Givler and S. J. Holloway.
ROAD OVERSEERS: 1st district: Phillip Stuber; 2nd district: G. G. Barnum; 3rd district: Daniel Maher; 4th district: J. R. Cottingham.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
Mr. J. P. Stuber is getting ready to lay up stone fence.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
The Republican Primary convention of Richland Township met pursuant to call of Township Central Committee, at Summit schoolhouse, on January 19, 1884. Adam Stuber was chosen chairman and S. J. Holloway, secretary, and proceeded to nominate candidates for township offices. James Groom was chosen as candidate for Trustee; N. J. Larkin, for Clerk; J. R. Cottingham, for Treasurer; J. W. Watt, for Constable of North Richland; J. S. Holloway, for Constable, South Richland. Road Overseers: District No. 1, Phillip Stuber; District No. 2, W. J. Shrubshell; District No. 3, S. J. Holloway; District No. 4, J. S. Hamilton. After ordering the minutes of the Convention published in the Winfield COURIER, the meeting adjourned. S. J. HOLLOWAY, Secretary.