Joseph H. Sweet


Windsor Township.
(Mr. Sweet raised sheep.)
The Windsor Township census of 1873 lists: J. H. Sweet, 26, and his wife Rhoda Sweet, 21.
Joseph H. Sweet was born in Illinois and served in Company C, 140th Illinois Vol. Inf. during the Civil War. Soon after the close of the war, he came to Kansas, locating at Eureka, in Greenwood County. In 1869 he was married to Miss Rhoda Simpson, daughter of Ephraim and Lucinda Simpson in Shelby County, Illinois. In the late summer of that year Mr. Sweet, in company with John W. Tull and Ephraim Simpson, came to Cowley County and settled temporarily near the south border of the county, where they cut and put up a quantity of hay near the mouth of the Walnut River. The Indians set fire to the stacks and destroyed them, and the men abandoned this location, and came to Grouse Valley and were the first to homestead in the vicinity of Lazette, and the remainder of their lives were spent in this neighborhood.
Mr. Sweet was a dependable man, and possessed the qualities that typified the best in the characters of the men who were instrumental in conquering the plains of Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet were the parents of three daughters: Ella (Mrs. Frank Cooper), Grace (Mrs. James Smith), Bertha (Mrs. Ed. Dwyer). They had three sons: William E., George (deceased) and Edgar Sweet. All of the children were born in eastern Cowley County. Mr. Sweet remained a citizen of that locality for many years, much of the time being employed as station agent at Cambridge. He was a leading citizen and active in all local affairs.
He later embarked in the oil business and was located in different cities in Oklahoma. He finally became a resident in Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
An accident occurred last Saturday at the saw and grist mills of Lacy & Roberts on the Grouse Creek. One man was killed and ten seriously wounded, besides a large number slightly wounded. Below we give our correspondence on the subject, which will give the details.

LAZETTE, March 8th, 1874. ED. COURIER. A terrible accident occurred at the mill of Lacy & Roberts on Saturday about 12 o’clock M. by which one man was killed, ten wounded. The mill was running at its usual speed, grinding corn, the steam gauge standing at forty pounds. Everything seemed to be in perfect order; the mill house was full of men waiting for their grinding, when by some unknown means the iron band that held the stone together bursted and runner flew into atoms knocking people down and tearing the mill house to pieces, throwing fragments some twenty or thirty yards. Freeman Wedding was struck by a large stone, which crushed his hips to a jelly and dislocated his back. The poor sufferer lingered for an hour and then expired. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. Among the wounded were Samuel Sherman, Gear Dawson, Wm. Gintes, Wm. Gubbond, Hezis. Hodgkiss, Delfunt Sutton, My Kimble, Messrs. Lacy and Roberts, and two others, names unknown. It is thought by the physicians in attendance that all the wounded will recover. The mill is situated on the Grouse Creek four miles above Lazette, and has been doing a prosperous business for some two years. The proprietors are deeply grieved at the disaster, and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
Yours respectfully, COLUMBUS SPRAGUE.
We, the undersigned, who were present at the mill of Roberts & Lacy at the time the burr burst, by which one man was killed and others wounded, take this method of exonerating the propri­etors and employees of the mill from all blame,  It was in our opinion, an unavoidable accident.
One of those who signed his name: J. H. Sweet.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
Lazette News. January 12th, 1875. Joseph Sweet has purchased the Dudley farm on Spring Creek and intends turning his attention to sheep raising.
Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.
Lazette News. Joseph Sweet has purchased a fine lot of sheep and is making preparations to go extensively into the business of handling this kind of stock. He is not the only one who believes that sheep raising will pay in this part of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1875.
Major Jo Sweet is turning out the finest Burnsides to be seen in the valley.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The Republicans of Windsor Township met in convention at Lazette, Sept. 9th, 1876, and elected the following delegates to attend the county convention at Winfield, Sept. 16th, 1876: S. M. Fall, C. J. Phenis, and I. N. McCracken, delegates. The following delegates were chosen to attend the district convention at Dexter, Sept. 23, 1876: C. W. Jones, J. W. Tull, and R. W. Jackson. The following named gentlemen were chosen to fill the township offices: Justices of Peace, C. W. Jones and A. J. Pickering; Trustee, John Brooks; Constables, Wm. Fritch and J. W. Tull; Township Clerk, S. Tylor; Township Treasurer, Joseph Sweet; Road Overseers—District No. 1, E. Rockewell; No. 2, Pike Evretts; No. 3, E. M. Freeman; No. 4, T. B. Washam; No. 5, J. W. Hiatt.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
Windsor Township:
Mc. D. Stapleton, Trustee; A. Tyler, Clerk; J. H. Sweet, Treasurer; A. J. Pickering, J. P.; W. Fritch and J. W. Tull, Constables.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Windsor—H. D. Wilkins, Trustee; J. H. Sweet, Treasurer; M. Hemingway, Clerk; T. Tyler, A. J. Pickering, Justices; D. A. Dale, C. W. Kelly, Constables.
NOTE: It appears that Mr. Joseph H. Sweet must have left Cowley County shortly after the above item in 1877 appeared.