Richard S. Tannehill
Beaver Township.
(A Stock Raiser: especially handled hogs.)
Beaver Township 1878: James Tannehill, 25; spouse, Z. U., 21. P. O. Address: Winfield.
Beaver Township 1878: R. S. Tannehill, 59; spouse, M. D., 48. P. O. Address: Winfield.
Beaver Township 1879: J. H. Tannehill, 26; spouse, Dora, 21. P. O. Address: Tannehill.
Beaver Township 1879: R. S. Tannehill, 61; spouse, Mariah D., 50. P. O. Address:
Beaver Township 1879: W. D. Tannehill, 37; spouse, Elizabeth, 32. P. O. Address:
Beaver Township 1881: James H. Tannehill, 28; spouse, Dora, 22.
Beaver Township 1881: R. S. Tannehill, 63; spouse, M. D., 52.
Beaver Township 1881: Wm. D., Tannehill, 39; spouse, Elizabeth, 34.
Mrs. Vollie J. Priest wrote the following on January 25, 1997. “The Beaver Township Cemetery Corporation mentioned in the first sentence of the third paragraph is located in Beaver townshiop, along the east bank of the Arkansas River, about four miles straight west of Hackney. The cemetery was eventually named ‘Tannehill Cemetery’ for the Richard S. Tannehill family. The cemetery is now under the care of the Beaver township board.”
[Note: Mrs. Priest was kind enough to make a correction in Volume I.]
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
“Billy” Byers has commenced his new residence in east Winfield, also G. W. Byers and R. S. Tannehill have invested in town lots and will improve them the coming summer.
R. S. Tannehill has completed a new bridge across Beaver Creek, which connects his farm to his timber and pasture lands. Mr. Tannehill will deal largely in stock for which he has every advantage.
Wm. Tannehill...
Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers. James Martin to Wm. Tannehill, s e 26 31 7, 160 acres, $1,500.
W. Tannehill and wife to Lynn & Gillelen, s. e. 26 31 7, 160 acres, $800.
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers. State of Kansas to R. S. Tannehill, se of sw 16 33 3, 40 acres.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers. R. S. Tannehill and wife to James H. Tannehill, ne. ¼ of sw. ¼, 15, 33, 5.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.”
Our enterprising citizen, R. S. Tannehill, has completed a pork packing house, and is busily engaged salting down his fifty head of fine fat hogs, which will average 300 pounds dressed.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
As Mr. John Lucas had the misfortune to lose a team this spring, thereby rendering him unable to put in a crop, several of our good citizens showed their appreciation of his manliness and sympathy for his condition by having a plowing bee Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. The following named parties constitute the roll of honor, and who believe in helping a weary brother to pull against the stream: Messrs. John Miller, Buck Tannehill, Wilson Shaw, Wm. Beach, Wm. Butcher, James Williams, John Browning, Zack Whitson, Hilary Holtby, and another gentleman whose modesty prevents publishing his name.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.
Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver, dropped into our sanctum Monday. He is the first person in from Beaver since the blockade.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
BEAVER TOWNSHIP, January 11, 1882. Died: At the residence of her father, Mr. R. S. Tannehill, Mrs. Milen Byers, wife of William Byers, of Winfield, on Christmas day, at 2 o’clock. Mrs. Byers was the subject of consumption, that dread disease, from which there seems to be no recovery. Her husband moved her to the South some time ago, thinking, perhaps, it would be advantageous to his wife’s health, but alas! to no purpose. They returned to their home some two months since and stopped at her father’s and there remained till death relieved her of her suffering. Judge Gans preached a very appropriate sermon on the funeral occasion to a large congregation of friends and relatives.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Messrs. Harmon and Tannehill have their mill and corn sheller in full operation. Mr. Harmon is grinding his corn into feed and hauling it to Winfield, making 72 cents per bushel out of his crop, which is a fair profit.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Mr. B. W. Jenkins has purchased Mr. William Tannehill’s farm of 50 acres at the snug little sum of one thousand dollars. Mr. Jenkins now has a farm of 120 acres, which is hard to beat in Beaver township. Mr. Tannehill intends to go to Sumner County, where he can buy more and cheaper land.
Our old friend, R. S. Tannehill, will leave today for a visit to his old native state, Indiana, to see his children who are living in that state. We hope Uncle Dick may have a pleasant visit and safe return.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
DIED. Grandmother Hammond, 82 years old, died the morning of the 4th inst.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
DIED. Mrs. Julia Hammond, mother-in-law of Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver, died Monday. She was eighty-one years old.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
The candy pulling at Ed. Hunt’s last Wednesday night proved to be a success. The entertainment of the eve consisted in playing and pulling taffy, eating apples and pop corn, and violin music by George Beach, Buck Tannehill, M. S. Roseberry, and others. Buck is good on giving the girls taffy. Let us have another soon. Y. W. C.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver Township, has been holding his farm at fifteen thousand dollars. Some days ago a man came along, asked his price, and at once said he would take it. After considering the matter a day, Mr. Tannehill concluded he would rather keep the farm than have the money and backed out.
Tannehill described...
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Accompanied by the genial Dr. S. R. Marsh, we took a spin through the lovely country between this city and Tannehill, Monday. No better farms can be found under the blue vault of heaven than in this section—all adorned with handsome residences, fruit, and forest trees; good fences through which can be seen fine hogs, fat cattle, sleek horses, and wavy green wheat in entrancing variety. And the bins are all full and the sturdy owners of these farms have plethoric pocket books and broad smiles. Such a trip relieves the dull monotony of city life and shows up a convincing share of the vast resources and prosperity of our County.
Tannehill Cemetery...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The funeral of Joseph W. Pearce was preached at his residence, in Beaver township, Thursday afternoon by Rev. J. H. Snyder. The deceased was 50 years 11 months and 6 days of age. A large family is thus bereft of a husband and father. A very large concourse of neighbors and friends attended the occasion of the funeral. The remains were interred in the Tannehill cemetery.
Jabez B. (“Buck”)Tannehill...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Married at the residence of the bride’s mother in Beaver township, Wednesday afternoon, August 26th, Jabez B. Tannehill and Mary E. Pearce. Rev. J. H. Snyder of this city performed the ceremony. The young people went the same evening to their own home, where they pleasantly entertained many of their friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
J. B. Tannehill is reported by the county papers as being married by two ministers last week. We always thought it would take two to tie Buck whenever the matrimonial idea struck him.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
The mad dog scare is still raging in Beaver. John Vandever was in town today and reported that J. W. Browning lost a fine colt last evening, resulting from a mad dog bite twenty-seven days ago. This makes three head of stock Mr. Brown has lost, with two more valuable horses he knows are bitten and expects nothing else but death. John Watts and Buck Tannehill have lost a number of hogs. The dogs of Dr. Marsha and Mr. Tannehill are thought to have been bitten. A caucus was held last evening and the determination reached to go out this morning, round up and kill every dog in the neighborhood. The first mad dog got in good work before Mr. Browning realized it was mad.