W. E. Tansey
Winfield and vicinity.
[Deputy Sheriff, Police Judge, and Justice of the Peace.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
W. E. Tansey 47 m w Indiana Indiana
M. A. Tansey 50 f w North Carolina Indiana
Clara J. Tansey 24 f w Indiana Indiana
Theodore Tansey 21 m w Indiana Indiana
Dayton? Tansey 18 m w Indiana Indiana
The Winfield census of 1878 lists W. E. Tansey, age 50, and his wife, M.A., age 50. It also lists Dayton Tansey, age 21, and Theodore Tansey, age 24.
Note: W. E. Tansey was often referred to as “Capt. Tansey.”
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Winfield Delegates: E. S. Torrance, I. H. Coon, J. W. Hornbeak, C. A. Bliss, J. A. Myton, Capt. Tansey, D. A. Millington, and Jno. Stannard.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Bills allowed: One in favor of W. E. Tansey, as Deputy Sheriff, $23.00
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873.
MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following is a list of marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge during the month of November, 1873.
Albert G. Covert to Flora E. Tansey. [Daughter of W. E. Tansey].
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1873.
MARRIED. COVERT - TANSEY. Married in the City of Winfield on the 27th day of November, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Albert G. Covert to Miss Flora E. Tansey, both of this city.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. L. J. Waite vs. W. E. Tansey.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
TO RENT by R. B. Waite, the Tansey Farm, near town, 50 acres wheat ground; also Isaac Silver’s Farm, 16 acres under cultivation.
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.
The following excellent ticket was nominated last Saturday for the various Winfield Township offices. Trustee: J. S. Hunt; Clerk: F. S. Bedilion; Treasurer: B. F. Baldwin; Justice of the Peace: W. E. Tansey; Constables: Burt Covert and E. R. Evans.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
The Winfield Township ticket created some strife at the late election. The Republicans elected all their candidates, however, but W. E. Tansey, the Republican candidate for justice of the peace, failed to get the certificate of election notwithstanding he received about thirty majority. The judges of election refused to count about forty ballots that had the names of two candidates for justices of the peace upon them. This they did under the law as they understood it. It was well known however that Mr. Tansey was being voted for the vacant office and that A. G. Green was being voted for the vacancy that is thought will occur next spring. The judges undoubtedly erred, and consequently Mr. J. W. Curns received the certificate. The officers are: Trustee, J. S. Hunt; Clerk, E. S. Bedilion; Treasurer, B. F. Baldwin; Justice of the Peace, J. W. Curns; Constables, Ed. Evans and Burt Covert.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary. After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of procedure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson. At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.
The necessary steps are being taken to organize a Hayes and Wheeler Club in this city. At a public meeting held at the Courthouse, on the evening of the 16th inst., Capt. W. E. Tansey was chosen chairman and Wirt W. Walton secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Capt. E. R. Evans presented a roll containing the names of over sixty persons who had agreed to join such an organization and provide themselves with a suitable uniform for campaign and gala day purposes. Speeches were made by several prominent Republicans. After which a committee was appointed to draft a constitution and report at a subsequent meeting. Considerable enthusiasm is manifested by the getters up of the club. It is thought the name of the club will be “The Winfield Scalpers.”
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876. Editorial Page.
Winfield Township: Republican local hierarchy versus local Democrats and Independents (self-styled Reformers). At meeting in Courthouse 45 “Reformers” tried to control the organization of meeting called to obtain candidate for State Senator nomination from 88th representative district.
“Suddenly A. H. Green, a ‘leading Reformer,’ took the floor and called the meeting to order and nominated as chairman one of his followers. . . . James Kelly, chairman of the Republican Township Committee, called the meeting to order and L. J. Webb nominated Capt. J. S. Hunt as chairman. A rising vote was called for, resulting in 39 for, 12 against Hunt, a few not voting. J. P. Short was chosen secretary. . . . The balloting commenced and a large number of names had been registered, all of which voted for what were known as the Manning delegates, whereupon ‘the Reformers’ discovered that they were in the wrong convention. . . . Subsequently, and after nearly 100 ballots had been cast, and many voters had retired from the hall, W. P. Hackney and two or three others returned to the meeting and complained that the call for the meeting was irregular and he thereupon gave notice that on next Tuesday Aug. 8th at 4 o’clock p.m., the Republicans would hold another meeting. He and Tansey denounced the resolutions [made voters pledge themselves to support Hayes & Wheeler] as a gag and the meeting untimely, etc. Aligned against them: Prof. A. B. Lemmon, E. S. Torrance, L. J. Webb, Samuel Burger, and S. W. Greer.
The Cowley County Telegram dated August 4, issued on Monday morning, August 8, had the following article.
MORE CONTEMPTIBLE TRICKERY. Within the past few days Cowley County has been the scene of more of that contemptible trickery and political intrigue and corrupt practices which has made the leaders of the Republican party, in the county, so odious in the sight of an honest people. And especially was Winfield the ground on which one of the dirtiest of these jobs was put up. Knowing that if the masses of the party were present at the primary convention, called for the purpose of electing 10 delegates to the county and district conventions, to be held on the 12th of the present month, the delegates selected by them, and who would, without question, vote for their men, no matter how odious they were, or what their records were, would stand no show for election. So they hit upon a plan whereby their friends would be sure to be present while the opposition would be busily at work on their farms and in their shops.
The day set by the county central committee was the 8th—the call so read—the Republican organ so stated in an editorial, and urged that upon that day every voter should turn out. Right in the face of this they quietly send out their strikers to tell the “faithful” that they must come in four days earlier, as the convention would be held then and their presence was needed. On the morning of the earlier day determined upon, a few posters were posted up in out-of-the-way places calling a primary for that afternoon. So far their little plan worked well, but when the Republicans who were opposed to this way of transacting business saw this, they went to work and gathered together a force sufficient to scoop them, which they would undoubtedly have done, had not one of the ring-leaders of the corrupt gang rushed through a resolution requiring that each man who voted should subscribe a pledge to support the nominees on the National, State, and county ticket. The “gag” a hundred or more Republicans refused to swallow, and they had it all their own way, electing their ticket by a majority equal to the number of their friends present. The whole proceedings were corrupt, illegal, and scandalous, and engineered by a set of political tricksters of whom the people of the whole county entertain feelings of the greatest disgust. It is only a continuation of the corrupt practices they have been foisting upon the people as Republicanism for years past—and such a job as will cause the honest voters of the county to repudiate their entire outfit at the polls next November.
The men who managed the affair are respectively candidates for State Senator, County Superintendent, Probate Judge, Representative, District Judge, and County Attorney. Let the voters spot them. . . .
On Tuesday, August 8, before 4 o’clock, Cliff Wood, A. H. Green, T. K. Johnston, John D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, Joel Mack, and 5 or 6 others who do not desire to have their names published, because they do not approve of the action taken, slipped over to the courthouse one at a time by different routes and pretended to hold a meeting. . . . A few minutes before 4 p.m., Mr. Manning went to the courthouse to have the bell rung and upon entering the courthouse found that C. M. Wood was occupying a chair at the table as chairman and John D. Pryor occupying another chair in the capacity of secretary. Mr. Manning took the floor and inquired if the meeting was organized, and to what style of proceedings it had arrived whereupon a “reformer” at once moved an adjournment, which was at once put and carried, and ten of the purifiers of Cowley County politics fled the room in such haste as to leave three or four others who had not fully comprehended the trick, sitting in wonder at the unseemly haste of those present, and expecting to have a chance to vote for delegates.
As soon as Mr. Manning entered the room a bystander rang the bell, whereupon nearly one hundred voters poured over to the courthouse. A meeting was organized by electing S. D. Klingman as chairman and B. F. Baldwin secretary. The action of the “reformers” was related to the meeting. A committee on resolutions was appointed, which soon reported the following, which was adopted by sections, with but one dissenting voice to the first resolution.
They passed more resolutions, which endorsed the previous action taken.
Manning and his group won again!
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.
Date Tansey drives a rattling four horse freighting team. Burt Covert owns an interest in them.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1877.
Mr. O. P. Johnson and Miss Clara Tansey were married on Monday evening of this week. We have often wondered what attraction there could be at Winfield for O. P., who was so familiar with the excitements accompanying the life of an Indian scout—and now the mystery is solved. O. P. has our heartfelt congratulations on the happy and successful termination of his scouting around Winfield. He has won a treasure of whom he may ever be proud, and we wish he and his fair bride every happiness that they could wish. That O. P.’s future “scouts” may not lead him into danger, but be made up principally of “little harmless scouts,” is the wish of the Telegram.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1877.
MARRIAGE. For some unaccountable reason, our notice of the marriage of Mr. O. P. Johnson to Miss Clara Tansey was overlooked by the compositor. However, it is not too late to wish the happy couple the hearty wishes of the COURIER. O. P. has been in the U. S. service almost since he was born and has had his share of “perils by field and flood;” but now let us hope that he will settle down to a peaceful life with his beautiful and accomplished bride.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
State vs. Frank G. Cody called for trial.
Jurymen empaneled were: J. M. Mark, J. B. Vandeventer, Lewis Stevens, W. L. Gilman, W. C. Davis, W. W. Thomas, S. Martin, James Byers, H. C. Catlin, C. Northrup, H. L. Barker, and W. E. Tansey.
The prisoner is charged with mayhem in biting off the finger of a Mr. Roberts. James McDermott, attorney for the state. Hackney and McDonald for the defendant.
The trial terminated in a verdict of acquittal by the jury.
Winfield Courier, June 6, 1878.
Allowed the following Jurors’ fees. W. E. Tansey: $2.00.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
During Thursday and Friday of last week, Allison, A. A. Jackson, J. E. Allen, and two or three other greenbackers of this city were apparently very industrious and busy with the Democrats fixing up something. It seems that they arranged who should be chairman of the greenback convention, what he should do, who should be the committees, what they should do, who should be nominated by the convention, and how it should be done. They had their tickets printed and everything well cut and dried. At least the developments of Saturday show such a state of facts.
The National Greenback Labor Convention met on Saturday at 11 o’clock a.m. J. B. Callison was chosen chairman and A. J. Pickering secretary. A committee on credentials and permanent organization was appointed and then Allison moved that a committee be appointed by the chair to confer with a similar committee to be appointed by the Democratic convention, then in session, to agree upon terms, and candidates for a fusion of the two parties. This motion was opposed by several delegates. When one of them commenced to speak against the motion, Allison would boisterously call him to order and the chairman would help choke the speaker down. Then Allison would make a speech for the motion abusing the opposers. In this way they choked down several delegates and finally crowded the motion to a vote taken standing. Fourteen delegates voted for and sixteen against the motion. The chairman looked beat and at a loss what to do, but Allison was equal to the occasion. He said, “It is carried, Mr. Chairman,” and then the chairman said, “it is carried,” and took up a paper from his table and read from it the names of the pre-arranged committee, of which Allison was made chairman. The convention then adjourned to 2 o’clock p.m.
At the hour named the convention again met and the committee on credentials and permanent organization reported the names of delegates entitled to vote, and in favor of J. B. Callison for chairman, A. J. Pickering for secretary, and T. J. Floyd for assistant secretary. The report was accepted but was not adopted or otherwise disposed of.
Allison then sprang to the floor and in a loud, hurried, and excited manner read without leave the report of his fusion committee nominating M. G. Troup for representative 88th district, M. R. Leonard for 89th district, H. D. Gans for Probate Judge, John E. Allen for County Attorney, J. S. Allen for District Clerk, J. S. Baker for Superintendent, and A. G. Wilson for commissioner first district. He said that the Democrats would nominate this ticket and moved that his report be accepted. This immediately raised a storm. The anti-fusionists were in a majority and a number of speakers arose to oppose, among whom were Douglas and Tansey and Crum, who would not be choked down, as their speakers had been in the morning. A standing vote was taken on the motion to accept, which resulted 17 for and 20 against. This did not trouble Allison much. He pronounced his motion carried and so did the chairman, but Tansey demanded in a motion a call for the ayes and noes. Allison made several speeches and Alexander and Jackson spoke. Seeing they were in a minority they changed their tactics to entreaty, said a vote to accept was not a vote to adopt, that it was necessary to vote to accept in order that the convention might get to work, that after they had voted to accept, they could kill the report by laying it on the table or in any other way they chose and that it would be a terrible insult to the committee to refuse to accept. After an hour of choking down speakers who opposed, of entreaty, bulldozing and confusion that would have put Babel or the gold room into the shade, some of the anti-fusionists yielded and the vote to accept was carried. A part of the anti-fusionists announced their withdrawal from the convention. Allison then decided that the report was adopted so far that the convention must vote for or against the nominees of the report. The anti-fusionists not having the matter cut and dried as had the fusionists, were taken at a disadvantage and were caught and beaten by the trick. In order to make the trick sure to win a motion was made that the candidates having the highest number of votes should be the nominees and was carried before the anti-fusionists had time to see the drift of it. The balloting then commenced and of course the fusion nominees got a plurality and were declared the nominees of the convention. By some blunder some of the fusionists voted for Millard instead of Baker which was the only flaw in the execution of the program.
A cold deck had been prepared, the cards were stocked carefully, the deal and cut were in the hands of the fusionists and the moment a few anti-fusionists consented to play with them they were beaten. It was perfectly clear to any unprejudiced observer that the anti-fusionists were in a majority but were beaten by the cut and dried tactics of Allison and his ring. This ring had completely sold out the convention to the Democrats. They did not even adopt a platform but adjourned hastily. This omission of the platform was evidently not accidental, but was probably a part of the pre-arranged program. The Democrats furnish the platform as they dictate the candidates for the new fusion party. The Democratic snake has swallowed the tail end of the National party but we imagine that the head end will separate and go for principles rather than for fusion with the democrats. After the adjournment of the Nationals the Democrats accepted their blunder and nominated Millard, Allison, Jackson, Allen, and perhaps a few others composing the ring that has done the business.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.
Gove’s Domestic Washer.
Mr. Hardenbrook, the agent of the above washer, is in town selling the same. He will wash for any family in city or country free of charge to introduce his machine, THE BEST WASHING MACHINE EVER MADE. The machine and testimonials can be seen at the hardware store of H. Jochems, where orders may be left. The following named persons who have seen the machine work are referred to: Mr. & Mrs. Sid Majors, Mrs. S. I. Parr and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tansey, Mrs. Hannah Gates, Mr. and Mrs. Olds, Mrs. A. J. Rex, H. L. Robbins, laundryman, and numerous others.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
The work of “bracing up” the courthouse is progressing finely. Mr. Tansey, who has the job in hand, is making a clean breast of it, and will leave it in first class condition. Four iron rods have been put in beneath the floor of the second story, and four more will be put in just below the upper ceiling. Six pillars, 8 x 8, have been put beneath the girders of the roof on the partition walls of the first story, which are built up solid to the second story. This allows the roof to rest upon the central partitions of the building and relieves the pressure from the walls. It is to be replastered and painted, and will be ready for the next term of court. The commissioners are to be commended for taking action in the matter before it was too late.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable “scratching” on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.
FIRST WARD. Justice of the Peace. James Kelly: 89; G. H. Buckman: 82; W. M. Boyer: 57; W. E. Tansey: 55.
SECOND WARD. Justice of the Peace. James Kelly: 143; G. H. Buckman: 123; W. M. Boyer: 57; W. E. Tansey: 64.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
Captain Tansey has done the boss job of repairing on the courthouse. His work is conceded by all who inspect it to be first-class. Now, Messrs. Commissioners, give us a set of vaults for the county money and county records, and the people will say, “well done!”
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.
A party consisting of Louis Zenor, Chas. Fuller, Chas. Burgomier, and Date Tansey left for the Territory on a hunting expedition Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Date Tansey brought with him from Sac and Fox agency two handsome fawns for Mr. Ellsberry. He intends to take them East with him. They will be curiosities in Illinois.
Note: Buckman resigns as Justice of the Peace...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
G. H. Buckman, finding his law business requires too much of his attention to allow him to sit as a court, has resigned the office of Justice of the Peace.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Mr. W. E. Tansey received the appointment of Justice of the Peace in Mr. Buckman’s place.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Capt. Tansey says that: “One office at least has sought the man,” for he had no lightning rod up when the office of Justice of the Peace was thrust upon him.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
For justice of the peace, Capt. Tansey was nominated by acclamation.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Republican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Democrats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasurer of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarles and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.
Mr. Tansey had been nominated by the Republicans for justice of the peace, but made a speech accepting the nomination of the Citizens, and enlisting to support the whole ticket, going back on the Republicans. Of course, it was inconsistent for the Republicans to keep on their ticket a candidate who was fighting the balance of the ticket, so the Republican committee met and struck off his name and placed the name of J. H. Kinney in his stead, which was eminently proper and right. E. P. Kinne was not present at the time of the Citizens meeting nor on the day of the election, but we understood him before he went that he would not accept a nomination on the Citizens ticket. N. L. Rigby positively declined to be a candidate.
J. T. Hackney withdrew his name from the Republican ticket, and James Kelly was put upon the ticket for police judge in his stead. This made up the issues: as to candidates.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
We did not get a report of the speakers, for we were in the other meeting: that of the republicans in the opera house. Of this meeting Col. C. M. Wood was chairman, and made a stirring address, which was followed by strong and pungent speeches from H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup, W. P. Hackney, and T. H. Soward.
The scathing that Mayor Lynn and Marshal Stevens got at their hands was terrible and cruel to the victims. Their administration was shown up in no enviable light, and the speakers demanded a change.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The election of last Tuesday was one of the hottest little elections we ever had. The interest taken was intense, and the friends of each ticket worked with a will, but with good humor, and we think there was no bad blood stirred up. Neither party can crow much over the election. On the Republican ticket only four candidates were elected, while the citizens elected nine of their candidates, if we count Bryan, on both tickets. But the Republicans carried the head of the ticket and that may serve as a set off to several of the subordinates. There are some things, however, that this election has demonstrated. One is that the disaffection among Republicans with the Republican ticket, whether reasonable or not, was very wide and serious; and another is, that the people were widely dissatisfied with the late administration of the city, particularly in the matter of punishing for offenses. Personally, John B. Lynn is every whit as popular as his successful opponent. Everybody likes him as an intelligent, large-hearted, energetic businessman, but many believed that he had not enforced the laws as he should in relation to gambling, liquor selling, and vice, and the desire for a change in the executive head, and in the police, was all that prevented the citizens from electing their whole ticket by sweeping majorities. The dissatisfaction with the head of their ticket of course affected, to a large extent, their whole ticket, for many will reject the whole if feeling opposed to the leading candidate. There are some things that might be learned from this election. First, that in our local matters it is very difficult to run an election on party lines. There must necessarily be conflicting interests of north end and south end, or some other end; or differences of opinion in the management of schools, or business rivalries and jealousies, or differences of opinion on particular matters of policy for local government, either of which may be strong enough to override party lines, and no amount of bulldozing or party coercion will keep a man within his party when its candidates do not suit him in the particular matters in which he is most interested. There is only one possible way to make a party ticket succeed in these elections, and that is to make a fair division of the offices among the leading conflicting interests. If that cannot be done, then the only way is to let the voters divide on the local issues most prominent at the time being, as they will be sure to do. There must be mutual concessions, and a general understanding, or men will not “take their medicine.”
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
The late city council closed its official record by ordering the issue of a certificate of election to J. H. Kinney as justice of the peace. It strikes us that they must have thought that their record would not be complete unless capped off by some act of astounding stupidity. It is of no consequence whether two justices should be elected or only one, whether James Kelly was elected last year to fill a vacancy, or for a full term, so far as Kinney is concerned. Kinney, certainly, is not elected. If Kelly is not justice, there is now a vacancy. No one was voted to fill the office he has held. There was no attempt to elect two justices. No one voted for more than one candidate for justice. There was no idea or intention of electing more than one. There were two candidates for that same office, which Tansey was holding by appointment, Kinney and Tansey. Tansey received a great majority of the votes and received the certificate. If Kinney is elected, Tansey is not, that is all there is about it. The supreme court has so decided in an exactly parallel case.
This idea of getting into office by a trick or dodge, against the express will of the voters, is getting to be looked at in its true light, and the courts for the last two years have invariably “set down on” such pretensions. No man of honorable sensibilities would accept of an office under such circumstances. No one would respect him if he did. We believe in a “full vote, a free ballot, and a fair count;” and are “down on” all attempts to get elected by indirection whether by our friends and partisans or our enemies.
We have no doubt that a year ago James Kelly was regularly elected for a term of two years, but that cuts no figure in the matter of this certificate.
Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.
Conklin is immortalizing himself slowly but surely. His last paper was a marvel in its way—that of reading fellows out of the republican party. If he continues this policy, it is only a question of time until he will be the sole embodiment of the party in this county. He last week branded Mr. Tansey as a Judas Iscariot and no longer a republican, told Mr. Kretsinger that he could never have an office at the hands of the republican party, and informed O. M. Seward that he must step down and out of the chairmanship of the Republican Central committee. After having rid the party of the above gentlemen, he devotes enough space to the Democracy to call the editor of their organ a “cur” and advised them to get “A MAN” to edit their paper. Verily, this political giant controls Cowley County politics with an iron hand.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
We have received many letters from Iowa and other states containing a letter written by Frank Manny, of this city, clipped from one newspaper or another, with the inquiry if the statements therein contained are true. We answered one of these briefly last week, but subsequently we learn that the Manny letter is being published widely in other states, not only as an argument against prohibitory liquor laws, but against emigrating to Kansas, and particularly against this city and county.
Here is the famous Manny letter.
WINFIELD, KANS., April 1st, 1881. Herewith I send you a car load of barley, which please sell for me and remit proceeds after deducting all expenses. I have tried my best to dispose of it in our neighboring towns, but have not succeeded. I have invested $20,000 in my brewery, and I do not believe I could get $500 for it now on account of the prohibition law. I have over $1,000 worth of beer in my vaults and am not allowed to sell a drop. My barley and malt cost me 95 cents a bushel, but I cannot get 50 cents for it now. You have no idea how our people are upset by the new law. A year ago our town was prospering, not a house or store to be had, and now you will find from 100 to 150 houses vacated. Stores that brought $50 a month rent are empty. The state of affairs is such that even our prohibition people are getting scared and regret what they have done. If you should find anything for me there, please let me know. FRANK MANNY.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
W. E. Tansey, Police Judge. I came into this office on February 1st, just three months ago today. The saloons had closed the last week in January and the prohibition laws had just gone into practical effect here. During these three months, I have had before me two cases for drunkenness which occurred in my first week: one case for being found in a bawdy house, and 11 cases for quarreling, fighting, swearing, or carrying concealed weapons—14 cases in all. The records of this office show that in the same three months of last year there were 76 police cases, of which 29 were for drunkenness, 21 for being found in a bawdy house, and 16 for quarreling and fighting.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Winfield has been in a fever of excitement for the past few days over the arrest of Frank Manny for violating the prohibition amendment in selling beer. The trial was first brought before Justice Kelly, but the defense secured a change of venue to Justice Tansey’s court. Monday was the day set for the trial and early in the day numbers of spectators gathered to see the opening of the case.
The array of legal talent retained on the part of the defense was simply appalling: Judge Campbell, with eight years’ experience on the bench; J. E. Allen, one of the most precise and painstaking lawyers at the bar; O. M. Seward, the leading temperance attorney of the southwest; and Messrs. Soward & Asp, gentlemen of high standing at the bar. Certainly Mr. Manny should feel that his interests will be protected as far as the law is concerned.
County Attorney Jennings appeared for the State.
The hall opened at 9 o’clock, the jury was called, and the examination for jurors commenced. This proved to be a tedious matter as most everyone called had either formed or expressed an opinion, or had conscientious scruples that unfitted him for sitting in the case. Generally when a juror went into the box thinking he was unprejudiced, he found that he was mistaken before the lawyers got through with him. Up to noon thirty-five jurors had been called and twenty-nine of them proved to be incompetent. After dinner the examination of jurors was continued and soon developed into a lively fight. The question was raised of whether a member of a temperance organization was a competent juror in the case, on which Judge Campbell made an exhaustive argument, insisting that such a person was not and could not be competent to sit in the case. County Attorney Jennings replied in a brief but convincing manner. He stated that if Judge Campbell’s theory was correct, a horse thief could be tried only by persons not opposed to horse stealing, and that persons who were in favor of enforcing the laws would not be competent jurors in criminal cases. The court sustained the County Attorney, and the juror was passed. The jury was finally empaneled at 5 o’clock Monday evening.
The following is a list of the jurors: A. G. Wilson, James Bethel, E. P. Harlen, Elam Harter, I. N. Holmes, E. P. Kinne, J. H. Mounts, T. H. Jackson, T. S. Smith, Wm. Trezise, W. L. Moorehouse, and W. I. Shotwell. The court met Tuesday morning and upon calling the jury, it was found that Mr. T. H. Jackson, of Vernon township, was absent. An attachment was issued by the court and the sheriff started for Mr. Jackson’s home. The court then adjourned until one o’clock. About two o’clock the sheriff arrived with Mr. Jackson, who was quite ill, and asked to be discharged. The court ruled that he must serve unless positively unable.
The case was then opened by a statement from the County Attorney. Judge Campbell then arose on a “question of privilege” and asked the court to rule that the state use but three wit-nesses for the proving of any one fact. After much discussion the court overruled the request. The defense then moved that the case be dismissed, alleging that the information did not state facts sufficient to warrant any action. After another lengthy argument, the court promptly overruled the motion. County Attorney Jennings then attempted to open the case, when the defense again objected and moved that the case be dismissed because “the complaint was not sworn to by a responsible party.” Judge Campbell then made an exhaustive argument on a constitutional point. Mr. Jennings answered Judge Campbell at considerable length, and was followed by Mr. Asp for the defense, who closed the argument. The objection was overruled and duly excepted to, and the state proceeded with the examination of the first witness, Mr. Miller.
Mr. Miller testified that he resided in Winfield, and that he knew where Mr. Manny’s brewery was. He was asked if he had been in Mr. Manny’s brewery between the first day of May and the 21st day of June, the latter being the date the indictment was made. The defense objected on the ground that the state should confine its proof of offense to the date mentioned in the indictment: the 12th day of June. On this objection Mr. Allen spoke, and cited authorities, though none of our Supreme court. The State replied with Kansas authorities bearing directly upon the point. Mr. Asp closed the argument on this point, and the court overruled the objection. The witness was allowed to answer the question; but instead of doing so, he laughed. The mouths of the audience cracked asunder, and his Honor got down under the counter to hold his sides. Witness then affirmatively answered the question. He also stated that he had drank something on Manny’s premises between those dates. The State asked in what building the drink was obtained. Before this question was answered, Judge Campbell requested his honor to instruct the witness that he was at liberty to refuse to answer any question that would tend to criminate himself. This request raised argument and the court adjourned to meet Wednesday morning, when the question will be discussed.
Court convened promptly at 6 o’clock and Judge Soward opened the argument. Numerous authorities were cited, among which were the celebrated Burr and Morgan cases. County Attorney Jennings replied in an extended argument, citing a large number of authorities.
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
On Tuesday last the jurors in the case of the state against Frank Manny, for selling intoxicating drink in violation of law, having been out fifteen hours and failing to agree, were discharged by the court, and a new trial of the case was set for Monday, July 18th.
As the case is still pending, we shall yet be chary with our comments, but may with propriety say that so long as the defense was a denial of such sales, the defendant was entitled to patient hearing of his defense, and all the advantages which the law will give any one accused, but when the defense assumes the position that the law ought to be treated with contempt. because of its alleged atrocity, it amounts to a confession that the law has been violated. It seemed that the defense did not rely much upon the facts of the case, but upon the skill of the attorneys in inventing, and urging, various kinds of motions, objections, and dodges, by which they might obtain a ruling which would keep out evidence. Such objections, one after another, were sprung upon the prosecuting attorney and the court, with such bewildering persistency and energy, that it was hardly possible, among the multiplicity of correct rulings by the court, that they should not have extorted one bad ruling which would nearly accomplish their purpose. We think the jurors should not have been discharged so soon, by at least three days, unless they agreed.
Justice Tansey evidently intended to make correct rulings in every instance, was honestly trying to support the law; but with such an overpowering array of legal talent, headed by the man whose opinion has been taken here for law for eight years, it is credited to him that his rulings were nearly all eminently correct. As we cannot speak near so favorably of some of the witnesses, and some of the jurors, we conclude by saying that it is the general verdict that the county attorney did himself proud.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881..
A young man created a matinee in the south part of town Sunday afternoon. He got hold of a quart of whiskey somewhere and thereupon proceeded to fill his hide full. The whiskey seemed to be of a quality known as “fightin’ liquor,” and no one else being present took it upon himself to lick his wife. In order to escape she fled to a neighbor and the festive citizen followed. She beat him in the race, and the neighbor objecting to any further proceedings on his part, he returned to the house and began carrying out the furniture and jugging off the children. Another neighbor came to the rescue, took the children away and knocked him down three or four times. He then came off uptown where Sheriff Shenneman arrested him and lodged him in the jail. Monday morning he was brought before justice Tansey and fined $25. This is one of the most brutal and contemptible affairs we have yet been called upon to chronicle. A week or more ago about the same kind of a melee was engaged in, and as this is the second offense, we think it about time, in the interest of the defenseless woman whom he abuses, that thing should be stopped.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
A large number of the Soldiers met in the Hall Saturday afternoon to consider the ways and means of organization. Mr. C. M. Wood was chosen President and Jacob Nixon, secretary. The following motion was offered, and prevailed: “That townships and wards hold local meetings the 13th of August, and a committee meeting at the opera house August 10th at 10 o’clock a.m., to perfect arrangements for the ‘Old Soldier Reunion to be held October 7th and 8th.’” It was then moved and carried that a committee of one from each township be appointed to make all necessary arrangements in the townships and wards. The following persons were appointed as said committee.
Winfield 1st Ward: W. E. Tansey.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
The corn doctor came to grief last week. He was arrested Friday on a charge of stealing money from Mr. Al. Hughes. The circumstances were about as follows: Hughes had gone into the closet in the rear of the Commercial House, and while there, dropped his pocket book. Soon after he missed it and on searching found it in the vault. He went for it with a hay fork, but after fishing it out, found that the money which it contained, about fifty dollars, was gone. He then learned that the “corn doctor” had been the only man in the closet since he left it, and had him arrested for taking the money. The “Doctor” was searched and the officers were astonished to find not only fifty dollars, but near five hundred dollars on his person. He had rolls of bills in every pocket and was almost made of money. A preliminary hearing was had before Justice Tansey and he was bound over for his appearance at the district court in the sum of $100. He promptly put up the money and went on his way rejoicing.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
A little colored boy has immortalized himself. He got into a fight with Bertie Freeland Monday, and Bertie licked him. The Wells, Fargo express driver was passing at the time and proceeded to lick Bertie for licking the colored boy. Tom Wright came up then and immediately made demonstrations calculated to convey the idea that he was going to lick the man that licked the man that licked the boy that licked the colored boy. Just then Al Terrell and Al Russell took a hand, and for a few moments things were quite lively. The boys finally adjusted their difficulties by depositing $9.25 each with his Honor, Judge Tansey. They seemed to realize the necessity for action, as everyone was away at the camp meeting, and things were dull and local items scarce.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The meeting at Manning’s hall on Saturday, August 20th, was well attended by the old soldiers. Capt. Haight with a section of his battery, put in a number of shots that sounded like old times to the boys. Messrs. Pixley, Requa, Woodruff, Roseberry, and others furnished old time martial music. At 11 a.m., the meeting was called to order with C. M. Wood in the chair, and Jake Nixon, secretary.
Elected as Executive Committee: Col. McMullen, Capt. Stubblefield, Capt. Hunt, Capt. Tansey, T. R. Bryan, D. L. Kretsinger, and C. M. Wood.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
The State and John Riely had a severe legal tussle before Justice Tansey Tuesday to decide whether or not John had been imbibing too freely of the unlawful. The jury were out all night, but failed to decide whether John had or hadn’t. Nine jurors said he had and three said he hadn’t. John now finds himself in the unfortunate position of being neither drunk or sober. Kind of on the fence as it were.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Mr. J. E. Allen made affidavit Wednesday that Col. Robinson had disturbed his peace and quiet by uttering a profane expression in his presence. The Colonel was promptly brought before His Honor, Judge Tansey, and fined two dollars and costs. John was very much shocked at hearing such language. This is funny, by thunder.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
The Marshal invaded the domicile of Mollie Burk, in the south part of town, during the “wee sma’ hours” of Friday night and captured the lady along with three female and two male friends. Judge Tansey fined them, but the girls hadn’t money enough to pay up and so were placed in jail to await the mercy of the city fathers.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Several of the demimonde of our city together with four young men, found in their company, were arraigned before His Honor, Judge Tansey, last Thursday, and fined $10 each and costs. Two of the demis were out of funds and were remanded to the bastille until they repented $10 worth. This is the third time the residence of Mollie Burke on South Manning street has been invaded. A lady who resides on Ninth Avenue near the jail was also arrested. Marshal True is active in his endeavors to suppress this evil. As Judge Tansey has ruled against entering complaints “John Doe,” when the true name of the parties are known, it will be rough on the parties caught hereafter.
Cowley County Courant, February 23, 1882.
Capt. Tansey, our efficient police judge, stepped out of his office today and gazing around at the beautiful, whitened landscape, prepared to descend the stairs. Through some manner, the Captain’s feet failed to stay where he put them, and he went downstairs like a bale of hay. The judge has invested in a quart of arnica and will be able to charge up his costs on the docket with his usual energetic dignity.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
W. E. Tansey will be a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace for the city of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1882.
Capt. W. E. Tansey announces as a candidate for re-election to the office of Justice of the Peace. The Captain has filled this office for two years satisfactorily and makes a good officer.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
The name of W. E. Tansey is added to our list of announcements today, as a candidate for reelection to the office of Justice of the Peace. Mr. Tansey has held the office to which he aspires for some time, and we have yet to hear the first case wherein he has not done his whole duty as such an officer. He is a sober, upright, and honest gentleman, and in every way worthy of the respect of the people of Winfield, and entitled to a hearty support at the hands of the voters.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The City election last Tuesday passed off pleasantly and quietly, but there was strenuous work done. As usual, the successful candidates are happy and the unsuccessful feel a little sore. There were no party nominations and the contest, so far as there was a contest, was mainly on the prohibition issue. The anti-prohibitionists on Monday evening made up a good strong ticket largely of prohibition candidates with the evident main object of beating Buckman for Justice, Siverd for Constable, and whoever might be nominated in the first ward for councilman by their opponents. The prohibitionists accepted their nominations so far as suited them, but substituted other names for five principal offices, as appears below, to make up a complete ticket. The long and short term candidates for school board happened to get reversed on the two tickets, which occasioned the votes for full term and vacancy for the same candidates. Every man on the prohibitionist’s ticket was elected by majorities ranging from 55 to 180. The average vote on contested candidates in the whole city was 245 prohibition to 145 anti, or 100 majority. This is the way we look at the matter, but others may view it differently. The following is the vote in full. Those names prefixed by * are elected.
*G. H. BUCKMAN: 256
*T. H. SOWARD: 277
W. E. Tansey: 201
H. B. Lacy: 15
E. S. Bedilion: 1
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Mr. Tansey has refused to give up his docket to Mr. Soward, claiming to hold over under his certificate, which was issued for two years. Judge Soward will get a docket and hold court anyway. Such a proceeding is somewhat extraordinary on the part of Mr. Tansey.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
W. E. Tansey has turned over the books in his office to Judge Soward, his successor.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. Tansey surrendered the records of his office to Justice Soward Monday and renounces all claims to the office.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
GARFIELD, CHAFFEE COUNTY, COLORADO, APRIL 20, 1882. EDS. COURIER: Perhaps a few items from this camp will not prove fatal to your many readers. Work has not fairly started yet, as the season has not fully opened, but in two or three weeks more the busy miners will be seen on their mines in full force. Some rich “strikes” have been made in this vicinity, and this will be one of the leading camps.
A miner’s outfit consists of drills, hammers, picks, and some whiskey, sack of flour, box of matches, bacon, whiskey, and numerous other articles of more or less importance. Whiskey in this lofty location is spoken of as being a speedy cure in cases of difficult breathing. It is also said to be a great reliever of all “earthly sorrows” if taken regularly.
We have met several of Winfield’s citizens in our travels. Among them were Date and Theo Tansey, Clay Parr, Tom Nauman, and Jesse Stuller.
One of the many amusing sights here is to see the “tenderfeet” strike drills. One can truthfully say that they could not strike a drill-head with a frying pan. When “tenderfeet” are plenty, salve and poultice are in good demand. As gold and silver are not generally dug from the gold in pieces larger than a hen’s egg, I would advise all fortune seekers to come prepared and patient, so as not to meet the usual disappointment of many.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Date Tansey returned from New Mexico last week, looking hale and hearty. He is at present engaged with the Santa Fe railroad building bridges, and will return soon.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Winfield City, 2nd Ward, Delegates: A. B. Whiting, L. H. Webb, J. H. Finch, T. H. Soward, John Swain, W. E. Tansey. Alternates: A. H. Green, M. L. Robinson, Jas. H. Bullen, O. H. Herrington, J. L. Horning, M. B. Shields.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Petition of W. E. Tansey and 51 others asking that steps be taken to have the weeds and grass growing along the sidewalks and crossings cut down and removed, was read. On motion the Marshal was instructed to have the weeds removed where most needed, with road work.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Council met pursuant to adjournment. Mayor Troup in chair.
Roll called. Present: Councilmen Read, McMullen, and Gary, City Attorney and Clerk.
Resignation of W. E. Tansey as Police Judge was read.
“Having yesterday determined to permanently remove from the city, I hereby tender my resignation as Police Judge of the City of Winfield, so that you may take such action as in your judgment may seem best. . . . (Aug. 9, 1882) W. E. TANSY.
On motion of Mr. Read the resignation was accepted.
Reports of Police Judge for months of April, May, June, and July and to August 9th were presented and referred to Finance Committee.
It was moved that Mr. T. H. Soward be elected as Police Judge for the unexpired term. The motion prevailed.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
For Probate Judge: W. E. Tansey.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
A lady was thrown from her horse Sunday out west of the river and severely injured. She was carried into Mr. Tansey’s home and finally recovered sufficiently to be taken home.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
VERNON: Wm. Bonnewell, P. Hill, W. [?] Homes, Capt. Tansey, Henry Bernard.
Alternates: none.
Close nominations...
For Register of Deeds, Dr. Wagner presented the name of H. C. McDorman; Mr. Gale presented S. P. Strong; J. M. Barrick presented Wm. White; W. E. Tansey presented Jacob Nixon; D. M. Patton presented N. W. Dressie; A. J. Crum presented S. S. Moore; Dr. Carlisle presented T. H. Soward; and J. S. Strother presented J. S. Rash. Twelve ballots were taken...Total vote 99. Necessary to a choice, 50. Soward having 50 votes on the 12th ballot, was declared nominated, and his nomination was made unanimous. Closest one in votes next to Soward: McDorman.
For Sheriff, Chase presented H. H. Siverd; Mitchell presented Geo. H. McIntire; Tansey presented H. O. Wooley, and Cure presented G. W. Prater. Thirteen ballots taken. Siverd withdrew before taking the 13th ballot. The nomination of McIntire was made unanimous.
[On 12th ballot: Siverd 43, McIntire 44...again, very close!]
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Capt. W. E. Tansey has been engaged for several weeks building a fine residence for W. J. Bonnewell, in Vernon Township. Our farmers are spreading themselves generally this spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1884.
Lost His Reason. Burt Covert, industrial teacher at Ponca Agency, commenced to complain on Monday of last week of not feeling well, saying his head ached and felt queerly. He did not give up, however, or take to his bed, but on last Friday his reason left him, and since then everything has been blank to him. There is nothing particularly strange in his actions, save that he recognizes no one—not even his wife and little boy—and always has a vacant, far away look in his eyes. The doctor at the agency is at a loss to account for this sudden change, and as yet it is impossible to tell whether it will be permanent or is only temporary. His father-in-law, Judge Tansey, passed through the city last Monday night with him, en route for Winfield. Burt has many friends in Cowley County, all of whom will be pained to hear of his misfortune, and who will heartily echo the wish of the TRAVELER that he will soon be himself again.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1884.
Bert Covert was brought up from Ponca Agency last week, very low with brain fever. He is now at the home of his father-in-law, Capt. Tansey, just west of town, in a very critical condition.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The Grand Army of the Republic and all old soldiers are expected to assemble at Post No. 85, over Baden’s dry goods store, in Winfield, July 3rd, at 3 p.m. sharp and march to the Fair Grounds, where a bean supper, dress parade, and grand camp fire and torch light drill will take place with other amusing army exercises. The following committees have been appointed by Post No. 85 to carry out the programme for the 3rd and 4th of July.
Committee on Program: S. C. Smith, W. E. Tansey, and Capt. Wakefield.
Fuel, quarters, and rations free of charge to all old soldiers and their families. A jolly good time to all old veterans without money and without price. Come.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1884.
Bert Covert, who was adjudged insane before Judge Gans, last week, was taken to the Topeka insane asylum Tuesday by his father-in-law and guardian, Captain Tansey. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Announcement. We are authorized to announce the name of W. E. Tansey, of Vernon Township, as a candidate for the office of District Clerk, subject to the action of the Republican County Convention.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The announcement of Capt. W. E. Tansey for District Clerk appears in another column. Mr. Tansey is as well qualified for the position as anyone in the county, is a good penman and accountant, an old soldier, and a good citizen. If elected, he will honor the position and should he receive the nomination, will receive the hearty support of his party. He filled the positions of Justice of Peace and Police Judge in this city for several years in a first-class manner, proving his qualifications for any position he might be called on to fill.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
1. Ed. Pate, Silver Creek Township, candidate for District Clerk.
3. W. E. Tansey, Vernon Township, candidate for District Clerk.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The township primaries so far as heard from indicate the nomination of Mr. Asp for county attorney by a large majority. The contest for District Clerk is about evenly divided between Messrs. Pate, Bedilion, and Tansey.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Mr. Jones, of Silver Creek, nominated Ed Pate for district clerk; Mr. Troup nominated E. S. Bedilion, and F. E. Pentecost presented Capt. Tansey’s name. The first ballot resulted as follows: Bedilion, 32; Tansey, 26; Pate, 41. Second ballot: Bedilion, 28; Tansey, 22; Pate, 49. Third ballot: Bedilion, 28; Tansey, 14; Pate, 57. Pate was then declared the nominee, and was pledged the support of the other candidates.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Capt. Tansey was the recipient of a pleasant call from Lieutenant Hartenbower, one of his old officers in the war, last Monday. Mr. Hartenbower is now a resident of Sumner County.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
There were but two fights and no arrests on the grounds. Much credit is due chief of police Siverd and his efficient aides, Messrs. Tansey and Finch, for the able manner in which the police force was handled.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
The COURIER office was jammed with eager faces at an early hour Tuesday evening to catch the first bulletins that came in. Anxiety, deep and searching, was depicted in every visage. The first dispatches were meager, but along toward midnight the news began to come from all quarters, fluctuating in the interests of both parties. The crowd overwhelmed all bulletin board space and the Opera House was secured. About this time dispatches giving New York, Indiana, and other strongholds to the Democrats began to come in. These engulfed the Democrats in wildest hilarity. Democratic throats that hadn’t yelled for twenty years were seen to oil up and fairly paralyze the air with hurrahs. The Republicans were feeling a little blue, which feeling was borne out by the dispatches until yesterday afternoon, when the tables turned and Republicans began to yell. The COURIER office was densely packed in the evening, and every dispatch as it noted increased Republican gains everywhere, received with triumphant shouts. When New York was conceded, enthusiasm knew no bounds. Men marched by hundreds up and down Main Street fairly renting the air with hurrahs. Headed by the Juvenile Band, they paraded the streets until a late hour. When the crowd left the COURIER Sanctum at one o’clock, it was to sleep in sweet consciousness of a grand Republican victory—in the sweet assurance of prosperous times and happy people for another four years.
The last Republican meeting of the Campaign at the Opera House Monday night was an enthusiastic and harmonious one: a true precursor to the grand victory in waiting. Words are inadequate to express the effect of the beautiful and appropriate songs of the Glee Club. Mr. Blair, the leader, had transposed songs to fit each local candidate and their reception was telling and hilarious. Capt. W. E. Tansey, Senator W. P. Hackney, Judge T. H. Soward, A. H. Limerick, and Ed. P. Greer gave addresses. Before the meeting adjourned, Senator Hackney stepped forward and said that he had marched on the field with the colored man and he would also like to have one speak on the rostrum with him; and he moved that Mr. John Nichols express his opinions to the audience. John made a speech which would honor any man who had come up under similar circumstances and showed the loyalty that flowed in his veins for the Grand Old Party that gave his race the liberty and citizenship that would allow them to voice their sentiments anywhere in the north. He heaped just censure on the spirit that suborned the darky in the South.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Adjutant J. E. Snow furnishes us the following list of officers, elected by Winfield Post, No. 85, G. A. R., at its last regular meeting, Dec. 10, 1884: S. Cure, P. C.; J. H. Finch, S. V. P. C.; W. E. Tansey, J. V. P. C.; H. H. Siverd, C. of D.; H. L. Wells, surgeon; A. B. Arment, chaplain; A. H. Limerick, Q. M.; D. L. McRoberts, O. G; Wm. Sanders, J G; T. H. Soward, O G.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The Mayor and Council have been wrestling with the problem of the appointive officers for a week. The old Council met in secret session early in the week and recommended Joe O’Hare to the new Mayor for mercy. W. J. Hodges and others of the Council are working the wires for Joe’s retention as City Attorney. Their claim is based on the fact of his having won the old script case in the U. S. Court. This was a good strike on Mr. O’Hare’s part, but probably an accident, as any lawyer who has talent enough to win a case of that magnitude on its merits would certainly be a subscriber to THE DAILY COURIER. He will probably receive the appointment. There have been about a hundred candidates for Marshal. As Mayor elect Graham retired to his down couch after a severe strain upon his (patience) (patients)—take your choice, reader; his fitful dreams were broken by the supplicating voice of the vigilant candidate for Marshal. He finally hit upon a plan to escape them, and calling a “secret caucus” of the members elect to the new Council, put the matter before them and asked them to say who they wanted. While not exactly according to Hoyle, as the statute makes the Mayor responsible for these officers and gives him the only power of appointment subject simply to the approval of the Council, still it seemed to result all right. The meeting adjourned without final action, but with the general feeling that W. E. Tansey of Vernon township would receive the appointment unless something unforeseen should happen. The other officers were not discussed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Post commander and comrades of Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.: Your committee appointed to report to the Post a program for memorial and decoration services submit the following as their report.
Committee On speakers: S. C. Smith, chairman, F. S. Pickens, W. E. Tansey, J. M. Fahnestock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Fee for Jury Duty: W. E. Tansey, $6.40.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The charter of “The Kansas National Guards Association,” of Winfield, has been filed with the Secretary of State. The corporation is formed for the purpose of purchasing ground and the creation of a building to be used as an armory. It is formed for a term of twenty-one years, and its capital stock is ten thousand dollars, divided into one hundred shares of one hundred dollars each. It is made up of Company C., K. N. G., containing sixty members, and St. John’s Battery Company, of thirty-three members. It is controlled by six directors, those chosen for the first year being Thomas J. Harris, Frank W. Finch, C. E. Steuven, N. A. Haight, O. Trump, and W. E. Tansey. This is a splendid move, one that should receive the hearty co-operation of every citizen. We have the oldest and best drilled militia company in the State, composed of enterprising, reliable, and energetic men. Under the law passed by the late legislature, every militia company of the State is furnished full uniforms and $100 a year for armory rent. We have half of the only artillery company in the State, with the Captain, N. A. Haight, and First Lieutenant, W. E. Tansey. Cities in different parts of the State have been trying to get our battery; but owing to both our militia and artillery companies being the oldest and best drilled, Capt. Tansey, representing Winfield before The State Militia Board last month, held the captain and lieutenant, two guns, and half the State company here. The other half was stationed at Topeka. But in order to hold the prestige now established, we must have an armory, and this corporation is intent on having it. The members propose to construct a stone building one hundred feet long, two stories, the upper a splendid hall, suitable for any entertainment. They expect our citizens to go in and help them—take a number of shares and boost it in word and action. We think our people will recognize, at once, the benefit of such a building and offer without reluctance a friendly hand. The Directors of this association met last night and elected W. E. Tansey, president; Frank W. Finch, secretary; and Tom J. Harris, treasurer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Last Monday Frank Manny filed a second petition with the Probate Judge to obtain a permit to manufacture beer for medicinal, mechanical, and scientific purposes, accompanied by a bond of equal proportions to the first one. With it he left the request that the Probate Judge and County Attorney, if the petition was rejected, file a written record of their reasons for so doing. Of course, Frank has no more reason to expect a permit on this second petition than on the first. His object in getting this record is no doubt to enable him to produce before the Supreme Court evidence that he has complied with the law in trying to obtain a permit, and on this, ask a mandamus compelling Judge Gans to grant the permit. County Attorney Asp winds Dr. Manny up with neatness and dispatch. In refusing Frank’s petition, Judge Gans recorded the reasons as follows.
“Whereas, on the 20th day of July, 1885, Frank Manny filed a petition, together with his bond, to obtain a manufacturer’s permit, which petition and bond were this day referred to the County Attorney for his advice and instruction in reference thereto. And now, on this 23rd day of July, 1885, the County Attorney having returned such petition and bond, accompanied with his endorsement, in substance following: ‘The petition and bond of Mr. Manny are in compliance with the provisions of law, and, in my judgment, are sufficient in every respect. That since the Prohibitory Liquor Law went into effect in May, 1881, Mr. Manny has been one of its most bitter opponents and on the 11th day of July, 1881, he pleaded guilty before Justice Tansey, of this city, to keeping a nuisance under this law, and at the same time several cases for illegal sales against him were dismissed at his costs. On the 24th day of May, 1884, the applicant was convicted in the District Court of this county upon a trial by a jury on the 1st, 6th, 7th, 9th, and 10th counts of the information of County Attorney containing ten counts for illegal sales of intoxicating liquor. A motion for a new trial was overruled by the Court and Manny was sentenced to pay a fine of $100 on each of five counts and sentenced to 30 days imprisonment in the county jail on the other count. From these convictions, however, Manny was pardoned by His Excellency, Gov. Glick. I am satisfied that Mr. Manny has not since his conviction in 1884 been manufacturing or selling liquor at his brewery, and while personally I would like to see Mr. Manny have the privilege of utilizing his property built before the enactment of this law, I cannot, with a proper respect for the law, as a public officer, recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted. And the matter being now fully considered, I find that said petitioner, during the time from 1881 to 1885, never applied for or obtained a manufacturer’s permit as provided by law, for all of which reasons I fully concur with the opinion of the county attorney, and notwithstanding the sufficiency of his bond and petition, the petitioner cannot now be considered a suitable person to be entrusted with a permit to manufacture intoxicating liquors and will therefore be refused.”
H. D. GANS, Probate Judge.
In the above matter and at the request of Mr. Manny and in his behalf, explanatory of the reason why he had not applied for a permit to manufacture intoxicating liquors, he was during the years 1881 to 1885 a resident of Walnut township and in which township he could not obtain a sufficient bond.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The convention met at the Opera House in Winfield at 10 o’clock a.m. today according to the call, and was called to order by W. J. Wilson, chairman of the county committee. E. A. Henthorn, Secretary of the committee, read the call. On motion of G. H. Buckman, Hon. T. A. Blanchard was elected chairman pro tem and took the chair. On motion of Geo. T. Walton, E. A. Henthorn was elected secretary pro tem and took his seat. On motion of S. P. Strong, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on credentials. The chair appointed S. P. Strong, Ed Pentecost, G. P. Haycraft, Ed Nicholson, and W. B. Weimer. On motion of P. A. Lorry, voted that the chair appoint a committee of five on order of business. The chair appointed P. A. Lorry, Sampson Johnson, W. E. Tansey, J. R. Sumpter, and Capt. Stuber.
Delegates: J. G. Pearson, J. W. Millspaugh, W. E. Tansey, J. F. Martin, N. M. Powers, C. D. Soule. Alternates: None.
Capt. Tansey, in one of his short, patriotic speeches, presented the name of S. J. Smock for County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
List of appointments by Republican County Central Committee to townships.
Silver Creek—Burden, Oct. 28. T. H. Soward and Capt. Tansey.
Dexter: Oct. 29. Capt. W. E. Tansey and E. P. Greer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
A COURIER reporter spent Friday at the Dexter reunion. Camp “Pap Thomas” was located in a beautiful grove on Grouse Creek with plenty of pure, sparkling water and more hearty, honest, good cheer than we have ever met at a gathering in Cowley County. Dexter never does things by halves: her people are harmonious on everything they undertake, are of a generous, hearty, and hospitable nature, and nowhere is a stranger made to feel so much at home as among them. This was specially remarked by Department Commander Stewart, of the G. A. R., and Gen. Tim McCartney, who were present. The attendance was very large, and we venture to say that those who were fortunate enough to be present enjoyed it more than any reunion they have attended. During the afternoon speeches were delivered by Commander Stewart, Geo. McCartney, Senator Hackney, Revs. Brady and Fortune, Judge Soward, Amos Walton, and Capt. Tansey. Altogether the reunion was a grand success and the Dexter boys may congratulate themselves on the outcome of their efforts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Again have we met the enemy and he is “our’n.” The thin air of the great and only original Democracy vanished in the presence of the sovereign people, with a rebuke as ringing as those hurled in Democratic faces in Cowley ever since her inception. The Democrats have to make the usual scramble, of course; but this year it had less on which to base its scramble than ever—the thinnest ticket they ever put in the field. Their feeble efforts have fallen flatter than ever. Cowley County’s Republican ranks are as solid as adamantine: nothing can break them. This staunch Republicanism is due to a patriotism, progress, and intelligence absolutely unexcelled. An enterprising, rustling county like Cowley could be nothing else but Republican. And with such a grand discipleship to select from, the Republicans never have any difficulty in selecting candidates an honor to our people, to themselves, and to the official positions they seek. So it was this year. No better ticket could have been presented for the suffrages of the people. And the voters endorsed it accordingly. This is an “off” year and of course didn’t draw out the full Republican vote. Then there was no particular strife to awaken keen interest. The Arkansas City war and the Commissioners contest were about the only spice to the campaign. However, the Republicans are never asleep and didn’t sit down to have victory roll into their laps. Nearly every schoolhouse in the county resounded to the echoes of political orators. The field was thoroughly prepared and cultivated for the harvest. Republicans never go to sleep, however thin the opposition. The straight Republican ticket is again elected by the old-time majorities.
At eleven o’clock the crowd, music and all, were banqueted at the Brettun by Capt. Nipp and Judge Soward. The spread was immense, embracing oysters and a full supper. Several hundred enjoyed the feast. The large Brettun dining room was chock full, and after the banquet, Senator Hackney called order and toasts began.
“The health of Capt. Nipp,” was responded to by Capt. Tansey; of Smock, by Prof. Limerick; of Soward, by Capt. Siverd; of Wells, by J. E. Conklin; of Haight, by G. H. Buckman—all good subjects and eulogized fittingly.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Jan. 11, 1886.
WHEREAS, In view of the loss we have sustained by the death of our comrade, Lafayette Wise, and of the still heavier loss sustained by those who are nearest and dearest to him, therefore be it
Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of our departed comrade to say that in regretting his removal from our midst, we mourn for one who was, in every way worthy of our respect and regard.
Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the friends of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best, and whose chastisements are meant in mercy.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished each of the city papers and the same be spread upon the minutes of this Post.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The G. A. R. Post, of this city, whose noble assistance has made many a happy heart among unfortunate veterans’ families, appointed Monday the following relief and employment committee: B. McFadden, H. H. Siverd, W. E. Tansey, P. P. Powell, and J. A. McGuire. This committee is for the purpose of relieving such old soldiers as need relief and getting employment for those able to work. All such apply to this committee.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Capt. Tansey and A. B. Arment went to Wichita Monday as delegates from the Winfield Post G. A. R. to the encampment at that place.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 28, 1891.
W. E. Tansey spoke at Dexter last night to an audience consisting of twelve republicans and thirteen People’s men. When he began he had this number, but when he closed, there were less republicans. Sick ’em, Tansey.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 30, 1891.
A Joint Discussion. A reporter visited the village of Kellogg last evening for the purpose of listening to a joint discussion between Capt. Tansey of Winfield and J. B. Evans, a farmer of Vernon township. The discussion was opened by Capt. Tansey, who failed to present anything new in the way of argument, in favor of republican doctrine. His speech was the same one that the republicans had stereotyped about 15 years ago and has been hawked about the country by would be republican speakers ever since.
The speech in question has a peculiar history. The author is supposed to be John A. Logan, but there have been some innovations on the original. It is generally accepted as a fact that the comparison in which the mule is likened to the people’s party, used by Hallowell at Manning’s hall on Tuesday evening and by Tansey last night, originated sometime during the palmy days of the Babylonian empire. Some antiquarians think it must have started at about the time that Adam and Eve were driven out of Eden; but be that as it may, Bob Ingersoll, in searching through some “quaint and curious volumes of forgotten lore,” ran on to the idea and trotted it out for campaign use during the greenback craze that swept over the country several years ago.
The story about the “shitepoke” as told by Perkins in his campaign last year and in all his campaigns, and repeated by Tansey last night, is very ancient, and its author is somewhat obscured because of the fact that the historian neglected to make mention of the fact. Some searches after antiquities seem to think that Job originated the story during the days of his affliction. The clause in regard to every man in this country being a king and every woman a queen, which had its origin during the revolutionary struggle, was rendered in accordance with the original, stereotyped article.
Coming down to more recent date, the speaker gave the bloody shirt a few twirls and clinched the point aimed at by exhibiting a card with a facsimile of the stars and bars thereon. The clause in the laudation of the national banking system was rendered in all the primitive purity of the original document. There were no innovations on the old time speech until Mr. Evans came on for rebuttal. Mr. Evans, being familiar with ancient history, had no difficulty in exploding the fallacies of that old chestnut of a speech, and so forcible was his logic that when he began on the tariff question and said that he was prepared to prove that the tariff was a tax, the Capt. was in a proper frame of mind to admit that the tariff was a tax, and no mistake; in fact, he so far forgot himself and his speech that he offered to bet Mr. Evans ten dollars that the republican party had always asserted that the tariff was a tax. This admission called out prolonged and loud applause; and as it was a victory for Mr. Evans, the chairman, who is a republican, felt called upon to threaten to adjourn the meeting if it was not stopped.
It is supposed that the exhibition of the stars and bars had acted upon the chairman much the same as shaking a red rag at a bull. He slopped over, as it were, and was excused therefor by one of his neighbors, who said the fellow “didn’t know no better.” Be that as it may, there is probably not a republican in Vernon township but has his tariff creed modified today, to conform to the new doctrine on tariff as expounded by the judge, and they are all ready to bet ten dollars, to begin with, that the tariff is and always was a tax.
Mr. Evans was warmly applauded throughout his speech and is to be congratulated on the victory he gained. Tansey closed the discussion in a short talk in which he said he had bushels of documents upon the actions of the alliance House of representatives, which would take him two weeks to read, but he would not take up the time to do so. Calls of “read, read” came up from all over the room, but the Judge didn’t read. In fact, he seemed to have lost his reckoning as he closed his remarks by asking the question: “Who in the h__l am I?”
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 31, 1891.
Three or four loads of solid republicans drove to Eaton last night. Tansey, Madden, Webb & Co. were going to tell how the g. o. p. had fulfilled their pledges. The meeting was poorly attended. The majority of the republicans went from town.
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 31, 1891.
The Tariff is a Tax.
He sat by his door at noonday, lonely and gloomy and sad.
Brooding over the price of his corn crop and figuring how much he had.
He had worked from early springtime, early and late and hard.
And he was counting his assets and figuring out his reward.
He figured that it took two acres to buy his two boys new boots.
And ten acres more on top of this to fit them with new suits.
To buy his wife a protected dress took a hundred bushels more.
While five acres went in a solid lump for the carpet on the floor.
His taxes and his grocery bill absorbed his crop of oats.
While the interest on his farm mortgage took all his fattened shoats.
The shingles on his cowshed and the lumber for his barn.
Had eaten up his beef steers and the balance of his corn.
So he sat in his floor at noonday, lonely and gloomy and sore.
As he figured up his wealth, a little less than it was a year before.
Then was when we were making these appropriations; the farmers were rich then.
By gum, they say I’m protected, but I know there’s something wrong;
I’ve been deceived and gulled and hoodwinked by this high-protection song.
They told of rebellious traitors, and held up the bloody rag.
And I followed along like a bumpkin, and now I am holding the rag.
But from this time on I’ll investigate and get to the bottom of the facts.
And I’ll bet four dollars, to begin with, that the tariff is a tax.