John R. Taylor


  Vernon Township.
[Handled Cattle and Hogs.]
Note: I could not find any entries about him raising cattle let alone hogs...
[FALL 1870] PAGE 495.
JOHN R. TAYLOR was a prosperous and well-to-do farmer of Cowley County, Kansas, residing on the southwest quarter of section 26, township 32, range 3 east, and lived on the present place since the fall of 1870.
Mr. Taylor was born in 1836, in Ohio County, Kentucky, a son of S. S. and Sarah (Whittaker) Taylor, who were born in Kentucky, and lived there throughout their lives. They were the parents of six children: Milton, Melvin, Warder, John R., Francis, and Tabitha.
John R. Taylor spent his early years working on his father’s farm, and at the outbreak of the Civil War, enlisted in Company C, 11th Reg., Ky. Vol. If., and served throughout that fierce conflict, first under Gen. Buell, and later under Gen. Sherman. He was mustered out at Bowling Green, Kentucky, and shortly after his return home was married. He then bought land in Kentucky and began tilling the soil, which he successfully continued four years.
In the fall of 1870, with his family, consisting of his wife and two children, he drove through to Cowley County, Kansas. His cousin, J. S. Taylor, deceased by 1901, lived in the southern part of Cowley County, and was largely instrumental in getting John R. Taylor to locate in Cowley County.
After John R. Taylor looked over the country, he decided to locate near the city of Winfield, for which he foresaw a great future. He accordingly took up his present place, and during the first year raised sod corn, although he broke many acres of the farm. His first shanty was 12 by 14 feet, in size, and was built of native lumber, sawed at Arkansas City. In it he lived until 1878, when he built a new and modern home. In 1875, he set out a cottonwood grove, some elm trees, and an orchard, the last named covering five acres. As each succeeding crop seemed to be a great increase, he began to put up good, substantial outbuildings, and in 1881 he built his handsome barn, which was 50 feet square. His entire farm was fenced in, and was in an excellent state of cultivation. Besides raising considerable grain, he devoted much time to the raising of cattle and hogs, favoring Red Polled Angus cattle and Poland-China hogs.
Mr. Taylor married Lila H. Martin, of Kentucky, shortly after his return from the war; she died in 1898. They had five sons and four daughters: Gertrude, deceased; Sallie (Ferguson), who lived in Oklahoma, and had six children; William S., who lived four miles from his father’s place and had four children; Mollie, who was the wife of Charles Staggers, of Vernon Township, and had one child; Francis, deceased; Arthur, who lived in Colorado; Bessie and John, who lived at home; and Herbert, who was deceased.
In politics, Mr. Taylor favored the People’s party. He served on the town and school board. He was a Baptist.
Vernon Township 1873: J. R. Taylor, 37; spouse, D. A., 29.
Vernon Township 1874: J. R. Taylor, 37; spouse, Delilah A., 31.
Kansas 1875 Census, Vernon Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.

Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
John R. Taylor 38  m w Kentucky Kentucky
Delilah A. Taylor 32 f w Kentucky Kentucky
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 9, 1873.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, October 4, 1873. Please publish the following report of the farmers’ primary election, held in Vernon Township. J. WORDEN, Chairman, T. B. WARE, Secretary.
Motion by J. B. Evans that all persons present who took part in the primary election and are dissatisfied with the Republican ticket be cordially invited to take part in this meeting carried. Moved that the manner of electing delegates be by acclama­tion. Carried.
The delegates and alternates were then elected as follows. Delegates: C. McClung, T. A. Blanchard, J. B. Evans, J. Worden, K. McClung, F. S. Norris. Alternates: J. W. Fahnestock, A. T. Williams, J. R. Taylor, P. M. Waite, C. Sutton, Wm. Martin.
Moved that the delegates be instructed to vote for no man that has announced himself a candidate or sought a nomination. Motion carried.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877. Editorial Page.
The Bridge Question. We, the undersigned, agree to pay the amounts set opposite our names for the purpose of completing an iron bridge across the Walnut, Cowley County, Kansas, and votes aid therefor in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) at an election to be held July 17th, 1877. Said sums of money to be due and payable in consideration of the erection of said bridge, to the order of the party to whom the officers of the said township let the contract for the erection of the said bridge. WINFIELD, KAN., June 25th, 1877.
J. R. Taylor $25.00.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1879.
Mr. Ward and Robert Taylor have built new granaries. They do not propose to sell their wheat for 75 cents.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Vernon is becoming somewhat noted for patent right men. Dougherty and Tyre selling patent washing machines in Kansas. Charles McClung has bought the State right of West Virginia, John Circle, Virginia, and Bob Taylor, Kentucky, and are now selling this celebrated washing machine.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Robert Taylor has returned from Kentucky, and says he washed about one-half of the state with the washing machine he is selling, and made some money. He will return to Kentucky again after harvest.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
OFFICIAL COUNT -OF- BRYAN & LYNN’S PEAS! Number of peas in jar 13,242. Prize awarded to Mr. John Shields, of New Salem, his guess being 13,247. Two next nearest guesses are: Mrs. Cal Ferguson: 13,275; J. R. Taylor: 13,283.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.

The following petit jurors have been drawn to serve at September term of District Court: Fred Arnold, Walnut; Josiah Houser, Maple; Fred Hoobler, Silverdale; James Utt, Cedar; S. E. Davis, Creswell; H. C. Carter, Liberty; J. H. Bowman, Walnut; James Conrad, Sheridan; J. R. Taylor, Vernon; William Hall, Harvey; J. H. Aley, Otter; J. D. Maurer, Dexter.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
There has been another enterprise organized here during the week. It is for the purpose of laying out a town in old Stanton County, and is called the Veteran Town Company. The members are: J. A. Cooper, J. B. Nipp, M. L. Robinson, Geo. W. Robinson, Ivan Robinson, J. L. M. Hill, J. R. Taylor, S. H. Rodgers, Jas. H. Bullen, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Byers, F. L. Branniger, F. S. Jennings, E. P. Greer, John Arrowsmith, A. R. Nipp, J. C. Long, J. C. Vorheis, Wm. Camery, and T. H. Soward. The offices are: J. A. Cooper, president; J. B. Nipp, vice-president; W. R. McDonald, secretary and general agent; Geo. W. Robinson, treasurer. The company owns eleven hundred acres of land in Stanton County, one section of which is now being laid off as the town of “Veteran.” It is located in the beautiful Bear creek valley, and will be the county seat of that new county when organized. The company is a strong one and will proceed at once to build a city without further ado. A large number of lots have been already contracted for and buildings will go up on them at once. A newspaper is now on the way and the VETERAN COURIER will soon unfold its banner to the breeze. W. R. McDonald is the authoritative business head of the company and will remain on the ground.