Captain Charles G. Thompson
and Family
Arkansas City.
Note: Capt. C. G. Thompson had a number of children.
His son, Frank L. Thompson, remained in Arkansas City.
The other children known about: Clara (oldest daughter), Cora, Geo. W., Sherman, and Clark.
CITY OF ARKANSAS CITY: 1893. Thompson, C. G., 51. Spouse: None listed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
Read Hilliard & Thompson’s new “ad” in this issue, and if you need a good team, give them a trial.
Ad: Livery and Feed Stable, Hilliard & Thompson, Proprietors. Special inducements offered to traveling men, and excursion parties to the mineral springs. Passengers carried to all parts of the country at reasonable rates. Special attention given to boarding stock. Stable on Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas. C. G. Thompson, Veterinary Surgeon.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
A daily hack line between this place and Salt City is in contemplation, by our new livery men, Hilliard & Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
Mr. C. G. Thompson, our new livery man, has brought with him one of the noblest outfits in the way of family carriages and covered hacks ever brought to the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 16, 1881.
Mr. Thompson, our energetic livery man, contracted for his hay on Grouse Creek, to be delivered in Arkansas City at $4 per ton. It is good, bright hay, such as is hard to get this year. A few miles this side of the creek forty stacks can be seen within a range of two miles.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Mr. Charles Marshall and wife left today for their present home at Mound City, Missouri. Mr. Marshall, while in this city, purchased the building on Fifth Avenue now occupied by McIntire & Davenport as a livery stable, and expects himself to open up in that business early in the spring.
Since writing the above we learn that Mr. Marshall has purchased of L. C. Wood the barn at present occupied by Messrs. Hilliard & Thompson, opposite his first purchase.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 8, 1882.
“Jack” Hilliard, the Wichita end of the firm of Hilliard & Thompson, has been in town several days. Mr. Hilliard is a man of business, has the “necessary,” and, as he expresses himself well pleased with our part of the country, we hope soon to see him one of our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
J. M. Hilliard and wife, of Wichita, spent several days of this week in the city visiting Capt. Thompson and looking up business matters. Mr. Hilliard is a member of the Wichita City Council and a thorough businessman. He speaks very flattering of Arkansas City as a business point, and we should be glad to welcome him and his estimable lady to our social circle.
Note: Paper made no explanation for change from Hilliard to Marshall...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1882.
Marshall & Thompson, of the Star Livery and Feed Stables, will furnish teams, etc., to Peter Pearson’s $800 hearse, which put in its appearance last Saturday. They say they will “tote the deaders” in the most approved style of the art.
Our enterprising livery men, Marshall & Thompson, inaugurated their Sunday excursions to Geuda Springs by conveying some dozen of our citizens to that fast growing and popular health resort. The Star Livery is the place to go if you want a team to “yank” you most anyplace in first class shape.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Cases that will stand for trial at April term of District Court.
Criminal Docket. First Day. State vs. Charles G. Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
C. G. Thompson, our jovial livery man, spent Sunday with the boys of Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 21, 1882.
Dissolution Notice. We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that the co-partnership in the livery business at Arkansas City, between C. D. Marshall and C. G. Thompson has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm will be settled by either party at the Star Livery Stable where the books of the firm will be found. C. D. MARSHALL, C. G. THOMPSON. Arkansas City, June 6th, 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
Mr. C. G. Thompson returned from Wichita on Monday last after a visit of nearly a week to friends in that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
Mr. Frank Thompson, of Albuquerque, N. M., son of Capt. C. G. Thompson, is in town. Mr. Frank Thompson starts for his home in New Mexico this evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 6, 1882.
One of the most successful and neatest jobs in surgery we have ever seen was performed by Dr. C. G. Thompson, veterinary surgeon, a few days since. The subject was a mule that had run foul of a barbed wire fence and cut a gash six inches long and to the bone on its right shoulder. The Dr. took it in hand after several had declined the case and with his accustomed skill had the critter around in good shape in a very short time.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. J. Hilliard and Mrs. Holmes, two of Wichita’s finest citizens, last week while on a visit to Capt. Thompson, of this city. Before returning they visited the Geuda Springs and took in all the dissipation of that fashionable resort.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1882.
November A. D. 1882 Term, Cowley County District Court, to be begun and holden on and from the 14th day of November, A. D. 1882.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
Charley Thompson, of Arkansas City, is in the city. He took in the Masquerade ball last night. Wichita Times.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1883.
Dr. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City, one of the very best men connected with our colony, informs us that he will, as early as practicable, commence running the Star Stage Line between Oklahoma and Arkansas City, and will carry the mail gratis. This gentleman has done a great deal for the colony, and deserves their hearty thanks for his labors in their interest.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 7, 1883.
Mr. Frank Thompson, late of Albuquerque, New Mexico, and a son of our Cap. Thompson, arrived in the city yesterday, and will make his future home with us. If he is a “chip off the old block,” he will prove a valuable citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
[From the Geuda Springs Herald.]
At the present writing it is almost impossible to give any definite information in regard to the new livery stable here. The carpenters received orders from Mr. Patterson to cease work for a few days, as he had sold out to Capt. Thompson. A day or two later Capt. Nipp bought a half interest in the stable, and now we are informed that he has sold out to Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 7, 1883.
[Geuda Herald.]
Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City, will erect a business house 18 x 30 on the east side of First Street.
J. H. Hilliard & Co. now have control of the livery stable hack of the hotel, having leased it of Mr. Biggs, and they expect to run it in connection with their stable at Arkansas City. Mr. Hilliard has rented his stable at Wichita, and will divide the stock from that stable between the stables at this place and Arkansas City. They will then have the finest and best equipped livery stables in the southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1883.
We are under obligations to Messrs. Hilliard & Thompson, of the Star Livery Stables, for a very pleasant jaunt into the country last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 6, 1883.
Miss Clara Thompson, eldest daughter of our Capt. C. G. Thompson, is in the city visiting with Mrs. J. H. Hilliard.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
Mrs. J. H. Hilliard and Miss Clara Thompson left yesterday for Wichita where they will spend the Fourth with friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1883.
The telephone between this city and Geuda is quite an institution and decidedly convenient. One of the uses it can be put to was illustrated by our veterinary surgeon, C. G. Thompson, who prescribed medicine for a sick horse at Geuda without leaving his stable at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Miss Clara Thompson returned to the city last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
Miss Clara and Mr. Frank Thompson returned to their home at Manhattan on Monday last, after a several weeks’ stay in this city visiting Capt. C. G. Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
By the courtesy of C. G. Thompson, of Hilliard & Co.’s livery, we were permitted to take a jaunt around town in one of their elegant turnouts, which we of course much enjoyed. In the course of the ride we noticed improvements in the shape of new buildings, additions, fencing, etc., going on in every part of the city and can safely say no town in the southwest is enjoying a more prosperous season of legitimate booming as the little Queen City of the hill.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, September 26, 1883.
WANTED, TO RENT. Farm with enclosed pasture, and hog lots from 5 to 8 miles from Arkansas City. Call on C. G. Thompson at Star Livery Stable.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Daily Hack to Geuda Springs. Passengers Carried to All Parts of the Country at Reasonable Prices. Special Attention Given to Boarding Stock. Stable on Fifth Ave., Arkansas City, Ks.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.
Captain C. G. Thompson is absent attending the reunion of old soldiers at Leavenworth this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Steps are being taken to organize two cavalry companies, the members to be chosen from parties between this city and Hunnewell. Their headquarters will be in Arkansas City, and they will doubtless bring much trade to this place. Capt. Thompson informs us that the adjutant general has promised that the state will furnish all the arms for such a company, and for him to go ahead with the organization.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Major L. E. Woodin, ex-agent at Ponca Agency, last Monday purchased Mr. Hilliard’s interests in the “Star” livery stable in this city, in the Geuda Springs stables, the Geuda hack line, and in the Territory stage business, and hereafter the firm will be known as Thompson & Woodin. The general popularity attained by Mr. Woodin while agent for the Poncas will serve him handsomely now, and combined with the genial qualities of Capt. Thompson, will draw an immense trade to this new firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Capt. Thompson has rented Jim Penton’s farm in Bolton Township and will put on a lot of fine hogs.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1883.
Notice. There will be a meeting held at McLaughlin’s Hall this evening at 8 o’clock sharp, for the purpose of mustering and electing officers in the State Militia company organized at this place. All members of the company are expected to be in attendance as important business will come before the meeting.
By order of C. G. THOMPSON, Chairman.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 19, 1883.
Attention, Company! The Arkansas Valley Guards will meet on the 24th day of December at 2 p.m. in front of the Star stables for monthly drill. All the members are requested to turn out mounted. By order of C. G. THOMPSON, Captain Commanding Company.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 19, 1883.
Arkansas Valley Guards.
The above military organization will give a grand public mounted parade in this city on Monday, December 24, at 2 o’clock p.m. and in the evening of the same day a grand ball at the Highland opera house. All arrangements have been made and the occasion will be a most happy one. The maintenance of order will be entrusted to a patrol guard detailed for the purpose.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1883.
The commissions of Capt. C. G. Thompson and Lieutenants Clark and Plank, officers of the Arkansas Valley Guards, have arrived, and one hundred stand of arms have been shipped from Topeka. Thanks to the businesslike management of Capt. Thompson, our military company is rapidly getting into good working order.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
Capt. C. G. Thompson left on Monday last for an extended trip throughout the east; where he will visit old acquaintances and attend to some business interests. The captain is one of our substantial businessmen, and we trust he will return soon with still greater faith in the country of his choice. His partner, Major Woodin, will look after the wants of the riding public during C. G.’s absence, and will extend the same courtesy which has won so many friends for the senior member of the firm.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1884.
Capt. C. G. Thompson returned to our city from his eastern trip last Saturday, and we are pleased to say was accompanied by his wife. The many friends of Capt. Thompson unite with us in wishing him and his bride much happiness, and a long and pleasant sojourn in our city.
Arkansas City Republican, March 1, 1884.
MARRIED. “On the 12th inst., at the residence of M. P. Lutz, in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Stuart Mitchell, D. D., Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City, Kansas, to Mrs. Augusta H. Dreisbach, of Bloomsburg, Pa. During his brief sojourn here, Capt. Thompson made many friends, especially among the veterans of the late war. The many friends of the bride will miss her, but trust that she will find renewed happiness on the verge of the Indian Territory, for which they started on last Tuesday.”
We clip the above complimentary notice from The Bloomington (PA) Republican and can assure the many friends of the bride that Capt. Thompson is even more highly appreciated at home than abroad. While the Captain has displayed excellent judgement in his selection, Mrs. Thompson has been equally fortunate. The Captain is known everywhere as a superb gentleman, and an excellent social companion. THE REPUBLICAN wishes them that success which such excellently mated people so richly deserve.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
L. E. Woodin last week purchased of Newman and Hess the livery building on the north side of Fifth Avenue now occupied by Woodin & Thompson. These gentlemen intend putting up a new building and other improvements which when completed will cost in the aggregate some three or four thousand dollars. This firm intends to keep in the front line of our businessmen, and eminently deserve the success they will certainly achieve.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1884.
Attention is called this week to the advertisement of Howard & Coonrod, agents for Cole Bros.’ lightning rods and pumps. This establishment has been in active operation for thirty-five years, which is the best recommendation that could possibly be put forth. The agents for this firm live right among us; they intend to remain in this country, and realize that the best way to make friends and carry on a profitable business is to deal honestly with those wishing anything in their line. They do not purpose giving away their wares, but do intend to provide the farmers with a serviceable article at reasonable figures. Their teams are kept in Thompson & Woodin’s stables, where word can be left for them in case they are not in town.
Arkansas City Republican, March 22, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin will commence the erection of their new barn this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
The new livery stable now in course of erection by Thompson & Woodin, on Fifth Avenue, will be the largest stable south of Topeka—as Arkansas City will soon be the largest city in the same scope of country. This stable will be fifty-five feet front and 132 feet deep, two stories high, with accommodations for over 100 horses and thirty buggies and carriages. Thompson & Woodin use both sides of the street now, and are going to try to keep their business within the confines of one immense building. Their prosperity is well merited.
Arkansas City Republican, April 5, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin, proprietors of the Star Livery and Feed Stable, and the Arkansas City, Geuda Springs, and Wellington Stage lines, have leased their stables on the south side of Fifth Avenue, and are building a new stable and stock yard on the north side. The new building will be about 82 x 132 feet and two stories high, the largest livery stable in the state south of Topeka. They own six lots lying together and the remainder of the ground not taken up by the building will be enclosed in the stock yard and divided into two lots. A hay rack and watering trough will be put in, and the yard and stable will be carried on in first-class style in every respect. They expect to have the building completed by May 1, and will add new buggies and horses as the trade demands. Their buildings on the south side, which they have leased, will be occupied as a blacksmith shop and paint and carriage shop.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1884.
The election for city officers held last Monday resulted in the election of the gentlemen named below. There were several tickets in the field, and the total number of votes polled was 490. The figures following the names below show the vote cast for each of them, which constitutes an overwhelming majority and renders it unnecessary to give the vote on the other ticket. Following is the successful ticket.
Mayor: Frank Schiffbauer, 470. Councilmen: C. G. Thompson, 323; Frank Leach, 421; O. S. Rarick, 416; T. Fairclo, 314; A. A. Davis, 308. Police Judge: W. D. Kreamer, 274.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1884.
Ad. Auction Sale. If you have any property you want to sell, or if you want to buy anything, go to the Star Livery Sale yard. Auction sale every Saturday. Thompson & Woodin.
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
City Council met in adjourned session at 7:30 p.m., April 14, 1884. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; O. S. Rarick, C. G. Thompson, Theo. Fairclo, F. C. Leach, and A. A. Davis, Councilmen. On motion F. C. Leach was chosen president of the council.
On finance committee: Rarick, Leach, and Thompson. On ways and means committee: Thompson, Fairclo, and Rarick. On public improvements: Thompson, Davis, and Leach. On water works: Fairclo, Davis, and Thompson. The finance committee was instructed to see what a city attorney can be employed for by the year. Motion made to purchase 60 stop cocks for water works.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1884.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the Arkansas Valley Guards at I. H. Bonsall’s office, Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock. All the old soldiers are requested to be present, as there will be a reorganization of the company, and other important business to be transacted.
C. G. THOMPSON, Captain Commanding Co.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin have their large new livery stable almost completed. This is the largest stable in the State south of Topeka.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
F. L. Thompson, Orderly Sergeant of the A. V. G., has been commissioned 1st Lieut. on staff at Topeka, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
On yesterday, Capt. C. G. Thompson was fined $1 and costs for driving a buggy over a sidewalk and T. T. Tiles $1 and costs for driving a wagon across a sidewalk.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 10, 1884.
Present, F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, F. C. Leach, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, and O. S. Rarick, councilmen.
Moved that a committee be appointed to examine the books of treasurer and clerk, and make a report. Motion carried. The mayor appointed the finance committee to audit said books.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Tom Braggins will move his paint shop opposite Thompson & Woodin’s livery stable.
Arkansas City Republican, May 10, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin had the last coat of paint put on their new livery stable yesterday. The building is now completed, and is the largest livery stable in the state south of Topeka.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 21, 1884.
Messrs. Thompson & Woodin’s new livery stable which is now about completed is one of the best stables to be found in Southern Kansas, and under its present management is deservedly doing a large business.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Miss Clara Thompson, daughter of Capt. C. G. Thompson, arrived Thursday in this city, and will remain among us. Her sister, Miss Cora Thompson, arrived yesterday and will also make this place her home.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1884.
Misses Clara and Cora, daughters of C. G. Thompson, arrived in the city last week, and will probably remain here. Miss Clara spent several months of last summer in this city and her many friends will welcome her return with pleasure.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
The city council met Monday night, with F. C. Leach, president pro tem, in the chair.
Present: Leach, Thompson, Rarick, Davis, and Fairclo.
On motion, the bill for painting water tank one coat, $8.00, was allowed and ordered to be paid. On motion of Thompson, the treasurer, clerk, police judge, street commissioner, and water commissioner were required to make a monthly statement of receipts and expenditures in their respective offices, to be presented at each regular meeting of the council.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
Capt. C. G. Thompson bought S. B. Reed’s property near the Presbyterian Church this week, and will go to housekeeping soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
Capt. Thompson purchased Sam Reed’s residence property last Friday for $1,250, and Sam, to provide himself and family shelter, secured a house of Mr. Pickering for $500.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
A communication appeared in one of our city papers last week under the above caption, in which Mr. F. C. Leach, acting mayor, was severely criticized and more or less abused. Now the facts in the case are these. A man came to town, and taking out a hawker’s license, proceeded to cry out his goods, selling shirts, handkerchiefs, scissors, etc. There was nothing in his language to hurt anyone, and he clearly had a right to pursue his business according to the terms of his license. But at the instigation of some party, a man authorized to make arrests, but who draws no salary from the city therefor, ordered the vendor to ceased. An appeal being made to the acting mayor and Councilmen Thompson and Fairclo, they decided the man could proceed, which was no more than his right. The allusion to Mr. Leach’s “imbibing too freely of his favorite beverage” is purely gratuitous, as he is a known temperance man, and could not have been under the influence of anything more soul destroying than hydrant water. Again, as regards the “rat” man, there is no ordinance prohibiting a man from giving a free show or from begging—any more than you can prevent a blind organ grinder from plying his vocation. The rat man couldn’t have made a cent if there had not been suckers there to nibble at his bait. The trouble is our night policeman is growing too fast for his clothes. He ought to take more rest in the daytime and not quite so much at night. In conclusion, we will state that the general opinion is that Mr. Leach attended to the city’s interests during Mr. Schiffbauer’s absence fully as well as could any of the mice disposed to gnaw at his hands.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Capt. Thompson purchased Mr. Sam. Reed’s property for $1,250.
Arkansas City Republican, June 14, 1884.
Attention Guards. You are hereby commanded to meet, on next Friday evening, at 7 o’clock sharp at the Star Livery Stables to receive orders concerning the 4th of July.
C. G. THOMPSON, Captain Commanding Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
Councilman Thompson says there is a move on foot to curb and gutter Summit Street. This is a move in the right direction. It should be done immediately.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 18, 1884.
The city council held an adjourned meeting last Monday night, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair, and Councilmen Thompson, Fairclo, and Davis present.
Bills amounting to $23.75 were allowed, and bill of W. L. Webb referred to finance committee.
The report of W. L. Webb, who has been surveying the slough in the southwest part of the city, was read, as follows.
To the Arkansas City Council:
I have the honor to submit the following report of a survey for draining the slough in the southwest portion of the city.
A line was measured in a southwesterly direction along a line of natural drainage, and levels taken at each 100 feet. The distance was found to be 2,850 feet, and the elevation of the pond above the river 1.62 feet. The elevation of the ground along the line will average, for 2,000 feet next to the pond, 3 feet, and for the remaining distance 6½ feet above the water in the pond. At the deepest place, the pond is about 2½ feet deep. The water in the canal was 3.16 feet above the surface of the pond. The small difference of level between the pond and river renders drainage along this line impracticable. Several gentlemen who have given the matter some attention suggested that a line in a southeasterly direction, following natural drainage, would, by striking the river further down, take advantage of the fall of the river, which I am told is about 3½ feet per mile, and which would still be within the limit of expense desired by the city. My examination stopped here, and the matter was left for the action of the council. W. L. WEBB. This report was laid on the table.
The resignation of Ed. Malone as water works commissioner was read and referred to the water works committee. Moved and carried that the council appropriate $100 out of any money not otherwise appropriated to repair the road south of the city and north of the Arkansas River bridge.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 21, 1884.
Arkansas Valley Guards. Attention, Company. The members of the Arkansas Valley Guards are hereby directed to meet for drill at the Star Livery Stable Wednesday, June 25th, at 7:30 o’clock. The company will drill with arms, and are requested to wear uniforms. This will be the only drill before the parade on the fourth; and a full attendance is absolutely necessary. C. G. THOMPSON, Captain Commanding Co. E. C. GAGE, Clerk.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin have added two new carriages and a fine buggy. All the vehicles are first-class, but one carriage deserves especial notice. It is believed that for fineness of appearance and elegance of finish, it cannot be equaled by anything in this part of the state.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
W. A. Lee has purchased the corner east of Thompson & Woodin’s livery stable, and his brother, R. F. Lee, informs us that their stock of agricultural implements will soon be removed to that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Bob Smith, of Silverdale, has a $1,000 hay contract to fill for Messrs. Thompson & Woodin of the Star livery of this city.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
Arrest of the Stevens-Mills Cattle.
Complaint having been made to F. P. Schiffbauer, justice of the peace of Creswell Township, that a herd of fevered cattle were within the state, the justice notified the county attorney, who ordered Deputy Sheriff Rarick to take charge of the same and hold them until they could be inspected as provided by law in article 9, chapter 105, of the general statutes, which relates to Texas cattle. The justice thereupon appointed C. G. Thompson, C. M. Scott, and Henry Endicott as an investigating committee, who proceeded to the east part of town, where the cattle were held, and after examination submitted the following report.
We, the undersigned board of inspectors, appointed to inspect the cattle under charge of Deputy Sheriff Rarick, as fevered cattle, held on complaint of S. C. Murphy, have to say that we proceeded to where the cattle were, and found that they were the property of W. M. Stevens, of Coffeyville, Kansas, and A. Mills, of Chetopa, Kansas, and numbered 1,020 head, that 800 of them were shipped from Mississippi in February, 1884, and 220 head were shipped from the same state in April last; that the 800 were wintered in Labette County, within this state, and all the number, 1,020, held on Russell Creek, Indian Territory, two miles below the state line; that there had been but three deaths, where held, and no cattle had died from fever in their neighborhood; that they had not been in contact with fevered cattle, and that the 25 graded bulls turned in this spring were still living in the herd; that at this time there were but six lame ones, caused, in our judgment, by driving over rough, stony ground; that at this time we could not discover any sign of fever among them, and that we recommend they be released from custody.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
City Council met in regular session last Monday, August 4. Present: F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor; C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis. C. G. Thompson was authorized to expend $15 for enlarging the windows in the calaboose, and the mayor was authorized to purchase two balls and chains for the use of prisoners.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
Included: Stage company, $5.00; J. H. Hilliard, $20.00; Thompson & Woodin, $20.00.
Arkansas City Republican, August 9, 1884.
AD. PUBLIC SALE! We will sell at public sale 100 Head of Grade Native Cattle At Thompson & Woodin’s Livery Stable, in Arkansas City, Kansas, on Saturday, Aug. 9, 1884.
Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. A.M., and continue until all are sold. 15 head of yearling steers and heifers; 5 head of 2 year old heifers; 50 head of three year old heifers;10 head of cows with calves; 8 head of cows to calve soon; 1 large Durham bull 4 years old; 2 two year old bulls. The cows are selected milkers. Will sell in lot or by single one. This will be your time to get a good cow. TERMS: 9 months at 12 percent; 5 percent off for cash.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
A few of the faithful Democrats met in conclave last Saturday and elected as delegates to the state convention C. G. Thompson, D. Cole, R. Hite, E. Harned, T. McIntire, S. L. Gilbert, and Dr. Vawter. They meet in Topeka today to re-nominate G. W. Glick.
Arkansas City Republican, August 30, 1884.
Thompson & Woodin are putting in a blacksmith shop in the old Star Livery Barn.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
At the last regular council meeting, Mayor Schiffbauer, C. G. Thompson, T. Fairclo, A. A. Davis, councilmen, were present.
Street commissioner was instructed to notify parties on North Summit street to build their sidewalks at once or city would have the same done, at the expense of the lot owners. This only refers to lots 5, 12, 13, and 14 in block 79.
On motion the owner of the lot on North Summit street in block 67 was also ordered to take up the plank sidewalk and replace same with stone.
On motion, water commissioner was ordered to stop the water supply of T. H. & L. McLaughlin wherever used by them from the city water works, owing to their refusal to pay for same.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 1, 1884.
Miss Cora Thompson left for Manhattan, Kansas, last Friday, where she will attend school the coming winter.
Hilliard: associated with Capt. C. G. Thompson...
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard has put in new scales at his livery barn.
Arkansas City Republican, October 11, 1884.
J. H. Hilliard tries the virtues of a two inch card in the columns of the REPUBLICAN. Mr. Hilliard will soon build an addition to his stable, as his present quarters are too small for his increasing livery business. CARD. J. H. HILLIARD, Proprietor of the 5th Ave. Livery & Sale Stable. Stock Sold on Commission. Money Advanced on Stock Left for Sale. Best of Accommodations for Teams. 5th Ave., West of Summit. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
The Grand Jury found indictments against the following parties in our city upon whom warrants were duly served by Deputy Sheriff Rarick. Dr. M. P. Roe, for writing illegal prescriptions. Bond was given in the sum of one thousand dollars for his appearance at the next term of court. C. G. Thompson, for writing illegal prescriptions. 2 counts. Bond $1,000 in each case, which was given.
Arkansas City Republican, November 15, 1884.
Capt. Rarick served the following indictments on parties in Arkansas City, found by the grand jury. Dr. M. P. Roe, for writing illegal prescriptions. Bond fixed at $1,000, which was given. He will be tried at the next term of court. C. G. Thompson, the same as above.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
Last Saturday night the following officers were elected at the G. A. R. Meeting.
Allen Mowry, P. C.; P. A. Lorry, U. V. C.; P. J. Davis, J. V. C.; S. C. Lindsay, Adjt.; A. A. Davis, Q. M.; C. G. Thompson, Serg.; Harry Lundy, Chap.; H. D. Kellogg, O. D.; John Cook, O. G.; Wm. Kirtley, inside G.; P. H. Franey, outside G.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
The city council convened last Monday evening in the council room. The following is a report of the business transacted. C. G. Thompson, mayor pro tem, Theo. Fairclo, and A. A. Davis were the members present. Several bills were allowed.
ORDINANCE NO. 126, Entitled an ordinance dividing the city of Arkansas City into wards, and numbering the same. Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City. SECTION FIRST. That the said city and the addition thereto shall be and is hereby divided into wards and numbered as follows, viz: All that portion of said city and the addition thereto lying east of the central line of Summit Street and north of the central line of Central Avenue in said city, shall constitute a separate ward and shall be known and numbered as the First Ward. All that portion of said city and the addition thereto lying east of the central line of Summit Street and south of the central line of Central Avenue in said city shall constitute a separate ward and shall be known and numbered as the Second Ward. All that portion of said city and addition thereto lying west of the central line of Summit Street and south of the central line of Central Avenue, in said city, shall constitute a separate ward and shall be known and numbered as the Third Ward. All that portion of said city and the addition thereto lying west of the central line of Summit Street and north of the central line of Central Avenue in said city shall constitute a separate ward and shall be known and numbered as the Fourth Ward.
Arkansas City Republican, December 27, 1884.
The council convened Monday night with the following members present: F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; O. S. Rarick, T. Fairclo, C. G. Thompson, councilmen.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.
L. V. Coombs and Miss Nellie Nash, Charles Chapel, and Miss Minnie Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Woodson, Miss Lynch, Miss Clara Thompson, and Capt. C. G. Thompson and wife tripped the light fantastic at the residence of J. H. Hilliard Monday night of last week, to the excellent music furnished by Miss Clara Thompson.
Arkansas City Republican, January 3, 1885.
Judge Kreamer, C. G. Thompson, Capt. Maidt, and others have organized a town company and have applied for a charter to locate a town in the Oklahoma country.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Miss Clara Thompson entertained a number of friends at her home Thursday evening. Also Misses Mollie and Linda Christian.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
The Oklahoma Town Company have applied for a charter. The officers are W. D. Kreamer, H. M. Maidt, and C. G. Thompson. LATER. The charter has been obtained, and the organization will be perfected Thursday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1885.
A rumor is current on the street that Gen. Hatch has been ordered to stay all proceedings against the boomers for thirty days. Capt. Thompson telegraphed this to the Wichita Eagle. Nevertheless 16 cars of soldiers and horses arrived at Caldwell Monday night, ordered to report to Hatch.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
G. A. R. Post, No. 158. The officers of the Post in this city were installed last Saturday night by Mr. N. Sinnott, special muster officer. Allen Mowry, P. G.; T. A. Lowry, S. V. C.; P. J. Davis, J. V. C.; A. A. Davis, Q. M.; H. D. Kellogg, O. D.; C. G. Thompson, Surg.; H. S. Lundy, Chap.; S. C. Lindsay, Adj.; John Cook, O. G.; P. H. Franey, O. S.; Wm. Kirtley, I. S.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Stedman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000. These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
The following names have been proposed by various citizens as men who would be acceptable as councilmen from the different wards. Many, most of them in fact, are men who would render the city good service in that capacity.
FIRST WARD. James Hill, James L. Huey, Will L. Aldridge, T. D. Richardson, S. J. Rice.
SECOND WARD. T. H. McLaughlin, C. R. Sipes, L. E. Woodin, A. V. Alexander, Ira Barnett.
THIRD WARD. A. D. Prescott, C. G. Thompson, J. B. Hilliard, C. H. Searing, S. Matlack, G. W. Cunningham, James Benedict.
FOURTH WARD. A. A. Davis, John Daniels, J. W. Oldham, G. W. Miller, T. A. Gaskill.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Six new members were admitted to the Y. P. S. C. at their last meeting: Misses Emma Theaker, Rose Morse, Anna Bowen, Clara Thompson, and Anna Meigs and W. B. Daniels. An interesting session was held at the home of the Misses Martin.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1885.
Council rooms, Feb. 2. Adjourned meeting. Members present, F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor; C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo, councilmen. Petition of Commercial Building Association to put in large cistern and one cesspool back of Commercial Building granted.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
F. L. Thompson moved a drove of hogs from East Bolton to a lot on the Canal last week. He was unable to buy sufficient corn where he was, and was compelled to make the change.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Miss Clara Thompson went to Geuda Friday and spent Sunday there with friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.
Geo. W. Thompson, of Wichita, son of Capt. C. G. Thompson, is visiting in the city.
Arkansas City Republican, February 14, 1885.
Capt. Thompson and Dr. E. Y. Baker, at their trial at Winfield, plead guilty to issuing prescriptions illegally and were fined $100 and costs.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
District Court Proceedings. Drs. E. Y. Baker and C. G. Thompson, on plea of guilty to issuing illegal prescriptions, were fined $100 each and adjudged to pay the costs. Also were placed under bond to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a period of two years.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.
The Geuda Springs Herald says Frank and Sherman Thompson, of this city, were there attending the dance last Friday night, and that Miss Clara Thompson was a guest of Miss Effie Garland a few days of last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.
The most successful of the season’s social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.
Among those who attended: C. G. Thompson and wife; J. H. Hilliard and wife; Frank Thompson; Sherman Thompson.
Arkansas City Republican, February 21, 1885.
Miss Effie Gardner, of Geuda Springs, came over Tuesday to visit Miss Clara Thompson and attend the Mother Hubbard Ball.
Arkansas City Republican, March 7, 1885.
S. C. Lindsay, Al. Mowry, Capts. Nipp and Thompson, will leave for Fort Scott to attend the State Encampment of the G. A. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Capt. C. G. Thompson, S. C. Lindsay, Al. Mowry, and J. B. Nipp, started Monday afternoon to attend the Grand Encampment of the G. A. R. at Ft. Scott.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 18, 1885.
Militia Men! There will be a meeting of the Arkansas Valley Guards in Judge Kreamer’s office on the 25th of March at 7 o’clock p.m., under our new Militia law and to enlist new members into the company. Rally around the Flag, boys, and let us get up a rousing good company, as we have something to work for. C. G. THOMPSON, Capt. Com. Co.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 21, 1885.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the Arkansas Valley Guards in Judge Kreamer’s office next Wednesday, at 7 o’clock p.m., under the new militia law, and to enlist new members into the company. Rally round the flag, boys, and let us get up a rousing good company, as we now have something to work for. C. G. THOMPSON, Capt. Commanding Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 25, 1885.
Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law do proclaim and make known that there will be an annual election held in the said city of Arkansas City, on the 7th day of April, A. D., 1885, for the purpose of electing a mayor, city treasurer, police judge, and justice of the peace, treasurer of the board of education, 2 constables, one councilman for the term of two years from each of the wards of said city, viz: ward No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4, one councilman for the term of one year from each of the aforesaid wards of the said city of Arkansas City. One member of the board of education for the term of two years from each of the aforementioned wards, and 1 member of the board of education for the term of one year from each of the aforementioned wards. The place for voting at said election will be, First ward at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street, Second ward, at the office of Thompson & Woodin’s Star Livery Stable, East 5th Avenue, Third ward at the office of J. H. Hilliard’s, 5th Avenue Livery Stable, west 5th Avenue, Fourth ward at William Blakeney’s New store room, West 7th Avenue, and hereby designate Will L. Aldridge and Timothy McIntire, judges, and M. B. Vawter, A. C. Gould, and C. Grimes as clerks of said election in the first ward; and Uriah Spray and William Gibby, judges, and I. H. Bonsall, J. J. Clark, and Oscar Titus, Clerks of said election in the second ward; and L. E. Woodin, Sr., and John Love, judges, and James Benedict, R. C. Hess, and H. S. Lundy as clerks of said election in the third ward; and H. S. Duncan and Allan Harnley, judges, and Alexander Wilson, Wm. Blakeney, and C. L. Thompson, clerks of said election in the fourth ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a.m., and closed at 6 o’clock p.m.
In witness whereof, I have herewith set my hand this 21st day of March, 1885.
Arkansas City Republican, Wednesday, April 4, 1885.
“HOT TIMES.” The Squirt-Gun Ordinance the Cause.
Thursday the businessmen and taxpayers held a meeting to place in nomination a ticket for the city officers to be filled next Tuesday. The following was the result.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
The polls in the 1st ward will be at Will Aldridge’s lumber yard; 2nd ward, at Thompson & Woodin’s livery barn; 3rd ward, J. H. Hilliard’s livery stable; and the 4th ward, at Wm. Blakeney’s store room.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 11, 1885.
Tuesday the city election occurred. There were only two tickets in the field—the Citizen’s ticket and the Reform ticket, but the supporters of each worked hard for victory. F. P. Schiffbauer was elected mayor by 117 votes.
The councilmen chosen in the first ward were Jacob Hight, long term; James Hill, short term. School board: S. J. Rice and J. W. Ruby. In the second ward, the race of councilmen was very close. It resulted in the election of Archie Dunn, long term; and Calvin Dean, short term. J. P. Witt and John Landes were put in the school board. In the third ward Capt. Rarick and C. G. Thompson were elected councilmen; the school board is John Love and Dr. H. D. Kellogg. In the fourth ward A. A. Davis and George Bailey were made councilmen; J. C. Duncan and Alex. Wilson were elected to serve on the school board.
Constables elected were J. J. Breene and Frank Thompson.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, April 18, 1885.
Capt. Rarick has been up to Topeka for several days past. Yesterday he came home and brought down five subpoenas to serve on O. C. R. Randall, C. G. Thompson, Frank Hutchison, T. W. McLaughlin, and Frank Schiffbauer, notifying them to appear at Topeka before the U. S. Grand Jury and answer such questions as it may ask. They will probably have to leave this afternoon.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 22, 1885.
Capt. C. G. Thompson spent several days of the past week in the State Capitol.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.
Monday evening a regular meeting of the city council was held, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. When most of the routine business was performed, Mr. Amos Walton presented himself, and asked to call the attention of the mayor and council to a law passed at the last session of the state Legislature (Senate Bill No. 145), which requires as a qualification to the office of mayor or councilman that the incumbent be an owner of real estate in the city.
Councilman Rarick said the provision of law had just come to his knowledge, and as he was not an owner of real estate in the city, he felt himself disqualified to hold his seat. He had written out his resignation that morning to tender to the council, and he now gave notice that he should no longer perform the functions of councilman. Some debate followed this tender as to what should be done with the resignation, but it was decided that no action was required, as the gentleman was not a member and the law declared that fact.
But in the morning a new trouble arose. It was talked on the sidewalk that Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson and Davis, were also ineligible to hold office, they not being the owners of real estate in the city. This seemed to have a paralyzing effect on the honorable board, as the members did not present themselves to sit in committee of the whole. The matter was talked over by the groups on the sidewalk, and the question whether their past acts were valid caused a feeling of painful uncertainty.
At 10 o’clock the council met, Mayor Schiffbauer again in the chair. The recent act of the legislature was discussed, and “what are you going to do about it?” seemed a poser to our legislative Solons. Mr. Hill desired that some intelligent proceedings be taken to learn the facts in the matter; and after various suggestions were offered, it was finally resolved that the roll of the members be called and they be asked to declare whether they were owners of real estate within corporation limits. The mayor said he owned real estate; the councilmen from the first ward (Hight and Hill) also declared themselves real estate owners, Messrs. Dunn and Dean, of the second ward, had the necessary qualification; Capt. Thompson, of the third ward, declared himself a property holder, Capt. Rarick, of the same ward, was not in his seat, Councilman Davis, of the 4th ward, reported himself not a property owner, Mr. H. G. Bailey said he had the necessary qualification. This left two members ineligible on their own statements. The mayor questioned whether Councilman Bailey was ineligible to serve. He owned a homestead in the city although it was held in his wife’s name. She could not dispose of it without his assent and joint signature to the deed, and hence his mayor regarded him as a property owner. But Mr. Bailey took a different view of the matter. He said he did not own a lot on the city plat, he was not listed as the owner of real estate, and hence the law made him ineligible. The talk on the subject is that two other members of the city government are in the same box with the fourth ward member, and a number of our citizens declared that elections must be held to fill their places. The question is referred to the attorney general of the state for an opinion, and when that official gives his views, a way will be devised to disentangle the snarl.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.
MY IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS. C. G. THOMPSON, Veterinary Surgeon, Arkansas City, Kansas. -For Sale by- MOWRY & SOLLITT.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
The city council was late in getting together on Monday evening. Capt. Rarick, having resigned; and Mr. Davis deeming himself without the necessary property qualification to hold his seat, the body is reduced to little more than a quorum. Mr. Hill was also absent, having left on the afternoon train. The mayor and four councilmen waited till 8:30, and no quorum appearing, the marshal was sent after Archie Dunn, who promptly responded to the summons and then the business began.
Mr. Hight asked for the report of the water works committee. Capt. Thompson, the only member of the committee present, asked further time, which was granted.
Some discussion arose over the purchase of four lots by the city, where the springs, which furnish the water supply, are located. There is a mortgage of $75 on the property, while the rent paid by the city is $25 a year. It was urged that if the city pays the mortgage, it will acquire title to the property, and thus save the cost of rent. Referred to the finance committee.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.
Attention, Members Arkansas Valley National Guard.
By an invitation from the G. A. R. Post, you are requested to turn out on May 30, mounted and without uniforms at the Star stables, to attend decoration services, at 9 o’clock a.m. sharp. By orders, C. G. THOMPSON, Captain, commanding company.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Capt. Thompson returned on Saturday from a visit to Topeka. The result of his trip will be handsome uniforms for his mounted company of Arkansas City Guards.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
Council Meeting.
The City Council met in adjourned meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present.
Judge Kreamer presented himself and said he understood a collector of water rents was to be appointed. He would collect them for 5 percent. Request of McLaughlin Bros., to remove a frame building beyond the fire limits, to make room for brick store, was granted.
The arrest of parties under Ordinance No. 10, for selling cigars and ice cream, was discussed, and the repeal of the ordinance recommended. A resolution was adopted ordering the police judge to stay proceedings in these cases.
Ordinance No. 13 was taken up for consideration and adopted, but during the reading of the third section by the clerk, Councilman Thompson asked leave to retire on an urgent professional call, which being granted, left the council without a quorum, and an adjournment was had till the following (Tuesday) evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 10, 1885.
While the council was busy working on ordinances on Monday evening, there being a bare quorum in town, the owner of a sick horse insisted on Capt. Thompson giving immediate treatment to the equine, and at this man’s insistence, the city father begged to be excused. This broke up the business and the council adjourned. The worst part of the business is the animal died through the night.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 13, 1885.
Last Monday evening a citizen’s meeting was held in Highland Opera House to take steps toward preparing for the Fourth of July. A committee was appointed to solicit funds and the meeting adjourned. Thursday evening the adjourned meeting convened with Judge Sumner presiding, and Judge Kreamer as scribe. The soliciting committee reported they had received subscriptions to the amount of over $500. The report was accepted and the committee instructed to solicit more funds in order that Arkansas City may have the celebration of the Southwest. A general arrangement committee of fifteen persons was appointed, consisting of Archie Dunn, R. E. Grubbs, C. R. Sipes, W. D. Kreamer, Capt. C. G. Thompson, W. D. Mowry, John Daniels, W. J. Gray, Ed. Pentecost, J. L. Howard, Al. Daniels, W. M. Blakeney, Robt. Hutchison, Col. Sumner, and Mayor Schiffbauer. This committee was empowered to attend to everything pertaining to the celebration.
Arkansas City Republican, June 13, 1885.
Arkansas Valley Guards Want Armory.
Capt. Thompson went to Topeka last week to attend a meeting of the State Board of Militia. He attended in the interest of the Arkansas Valley Guards. Adj. Gen. Campbell recommended that the cavalry company be changed to infantry and join the 2nd regiment of State Infantry. The change was recommended because the State was unable to furnish equipments for the cavalry. The Captain returned and reported to the guards and they have acted upon Adj. Gen. Campbell’s suggestion. The guards have now a full company of 60 members and at their meeting they have a full attendance. They meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings of each week. The boys have been working hard to obtain an armory. At present they have no place to store their arms and no place to drill. A number of our citizens have kindly volunteered to lend a helping hand by subscribing money. Messrs. McLaughlin, Hess, and Newman furnish a lot on Summit Street on which to erect the building. The guards will erect a building 60 x 100 feet and are now engaged in working up the scheme. Being allowed $100 by the State per annum, the guards feel greatly encouraged and will devote this money toward the building of their armory.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Constable’s Fee, Frank Thompson, $4.30.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 4, 1885.
C. G. THOMPSON, Grand Marshal.
P. S.: Grand Ball at the Opera House at night.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
F. Beall was arrested for shooting his revolver on the streets and disturbances of the peace Wednesday evening by night watch Johnson. He was turned loose on account of Judge Bryant not desiring to open court in the night. Papers were made out by Judge Kreamer and served by Constable Thompson. In the meantime Beall had gone to Winfield. Thompson went there and brought him back. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, where he appeased his honor’s wrath in the sum of $12. Two city warrants were immediately served on him and they cost him in the neighborhood of $18. Judge Bryant occupied the chair of justice in the city cases. We have thrown our gun away and concluded it is too costly for some of us to shoot on the streets of Arkansas City. Yet perhaps if Beall had shot through a plate glass window, he might have been fined $2.50 instead of $18.00.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
City Council.
The City Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Davis, Dean, Dunn, Bailey, and Thompson were present. The first thing that came up was the question of Mr. Bailey’s ineligibility. He sprung it himself. He heard he was to be ousted because he had been a confederate soldier. Mr. Bailey stated that he served 18 months; but at the end of that time he came north and took the oath of allegiance. No action was taken upon the matter by the council.
The bill of $2.50 from Thompson & Woodin for hack hire, ordered by the city marshal at the time Wm. Rike was drowned, allowed.
The same for horse and buggy for the Mayor, $1.50, allowed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 11, 1885.
Monday Bill Gray arrested W. Ward’s hogs for running at large, and put them in the city pound. Next day Ward got out replevin papers and had them served by Frank Thompson. On advice of city attorney, Billy refused to give up the keys to the pound. Thompson, without any indemnifying bond, went and took the hogs out by force. The case comes off before Judge Kreamer Monday. It is getting to be a notorious fact that those who get in the toils of the city, laugh at its ordinances, officials, and everything else. If the case is decided against the violator, he appeals, and in some way gets scot free. Let us have a little reform.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 18, 1885.
Council met in adjourned session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Davis, Dunn, Dean, Thompson, and Hight present; Hill and Bailey absent.
Mr. Hight made a motion that the city attorney, police judge, and street commissioner be requested to resign. Mr. Dunn made some remarks on the subject and seconded Mr. Hight’s motion. Remarks were also made by Thompson and Davis. They were followed by Messrs. Stafford, Moore, and Bryant in defense of themselves. Mr. Hight insisted upon the motion being put with the exception of street commissioner, which was not consented to by his second. The motion was amended that such should be voted on separately; carried. Mr. Hight called for the yeas and nays for the city attorney to resign. Thompson and Bailey voted the nays and Dean, Dunn, Davis, and Hight voted affirmatively. Mr. Hight moved that Police Judge Bryant be requested to resign. The result was as follows: Thompson, Dean, and Hight voted affirmatively. Dunn and Davis voted negatively. Bailey did not vote. Moved that action on street commissioner be indefinitely deferred; carried.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
On Friday last Special Indian Agent Parvin hired three vehicles of Thompson & Woodin to drive into the territory to locate a reservation for the Iowa tribe of Indians. He was accompanied by the trader to the tribe from Noheart, Nebraska, and five of the Iowas. The party have not been heard from since they started out on their search.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
On Monday night about 11:30 the cry of fire was raised. Among the first attracted by the alarm were Frank Schiffbauer, mayor of the city, and Capt. Rarick, deputy sheriff, who were just parting for the night on the First National Bank corner. They ran in the direction of the cry, and seeing a blaze in the rear of the New York Restaurant, ran for the hose reel, and in five or six minutes returned to the same. The flames had burst forth in the meantime, and were making rapid headway, the building being of frame, and similar buildings adjoining it on both sides. A crowd gathered, and among the foremost to act was Charley Holloway, who kicked in the glazed door of Grimes & Son’s drug store, and walked through the building with a view of saving its contents. He found the fire had extended to the rear portion of the store, and an explosion of some vessel a short distance in front of him, which scattered fragments wounding both his hands, cautioned him that he was in an unsafe place. An attempt was made to attach the hose to the hydrant, but some trouble was experienced in detaching the cap. During this while the flames spread rapidly, the wind which fortunately was light, driving the fire in the direction of Central Avenue. Heitkam’s tailor store and a barber shop were on the lot south of the New York Restaurant, and the occupants were promptly on hand to save their stock and furniture from the devouring element. Mr. Heitkam saved half of his stock of cloth and made up suits, but the frame buildings with their combustible contents, burned so fiercely that the feeble efforts at extinguishing it were hardly perceptible. In half an hour the buildings extending north to Central Avenue were in a blaze, and it was evident that no power could be exerted to save them. Crowds of men worked diligently to rescue what was portable, but confusion prevailed, and there was no intelligent direction given to their efforts. The St. Louis Restaurant, Grimes & Son’s drug store, Bundrem’s butcher shop, and Means’ implement store were by 12 o’clock in the vortex of the flames, and brief time was afforded the willing workers to rescue the doomed property from destruction. To save Mowry & Sollitt’s brick drug store, Kroenert & Austin’s grocery store, on the lot adjoining, was pulled down, which stopped the progress of the flames in a southward direction. Mowry & Sollitt, fearing their store would be involved, began moving their stock; but on the suggestion of Capt. Thompson that the risk was less to let their goods remain, the hasty tearing up was discontinued, and they escaped with slight loss. Being checked on the south side and isolated at the other end by the width of the street, the fire abated about an hour after a bad burst forth, and spread over no more territory. The stream from the hydrant was kept up through the night cooling the smoldering embers, and when the business of the next day opened, the sight was presented to the beholder of half a block on our main business street being laid in ruins. D. L. Means loses $3,000 in his stock, his insurance is $1,000. Kroenert & Austin suffer quite as seriously. C. A. Burnett estimates his loss at $2,400; he has $1,500 insurance. The buildings being rated as extra hazardous, and the rate of insurance 7 percent, owners and occupants were chary of securing themselves on heavy sums.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
The council chamber was filled on Monday evening with a large attendance of citizens, who evidently expected that a racy entertainment would be provided them by our city fathers. But they were disappointed as the evening passed off quietly. Mayor Schiffbauer presided and held the council strictly to business. Ordinance No. 19, regulating water rates, was then read; it was passed by sections and then passed as a whole. On motion of Thompson, Mr. Scott, the engineer of the water works, was appointed collector of the water rate.
Mr. Thompson thought it would be well to write to Judge Torrance to learn whether the city attorney is allowed to plead in his court.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 22, 1885.
Curbing and Guttering.
Resolutions of the city council, of the city of Arkansas City, in the county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, in reference to certain curbing and guttering on Summit Street in said city.
WHEREAS, In our opinion it has become necessary, for the benefit of public health of said city, as well as from other causes, that a system of curbing and guttering should be constructed along a portion of Summit Street in said city. Therefore,
Be it Resolved, 1st. That suitable curbs and gutter be caused to be constructed on Summit Street, on the east side of blocks seventy-nine, eighty, and eighty-one, and on the west side of blocks sixty-seven, sixty-eight, and sixty-nine, all abutting on said Summit street.
Resolved, 2nd. That the city contract for the performance of said work, and that the cost thereof be equally pro-rated among the lot owners abutting on said street within said blocks. That such amount shall become a debt against each of said lots and payable to said city; and said debt shall, from the time of the completion of said work, become a special assessment, and shall be certified by the city clerk to the county clerk of Cowley County, state of Kansas, to be by him placed on the tax roll for collection, subject to the same penalties, and collected in like manner as other taxes are by law collected. Be it ordered that these resolutions be published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER for four consecutive weeks.
City Councilmen C. G. Thompson, James Hight, A. A. Davis, H. G. Bailey, Calvin Dean.
Arkansas City Republican, July 25, 1885.
Council met in regular session last Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Dean, Hight, Davis, and Bailey. As James Benedict was absent, Frederic Lockley was chosen by the mayor to act in his place.
Capt. C. G. Thompson presented a communication from S. S. Stiles, of Parsons, in regard to a scraper which had been sent here for trial last summer, asking what the city intended doing with it. It was decided that Mr. Stiles should come and get his scraper as it was almost useless to the city.
Ordinance No. 10 in regard to water works was taken up, discussed, and passed unanimously.
On motion of C. G. Thompson, Fred. Scott was appointed collector of water rent.
Resolution in regard to curbing and guttering the principal blocks on Summit street was adopted and ordered published.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 29, 1885.
THOMPSON & WOODIN, Proprietors.
Daily Hack to Geuda Springs.
Passengers Carried to All Parts of the Country at Reasonable Prices.
Special Attention Given To Boarding Stock.
Stable on Fifth Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
Reforming Our Water System.
The water ordinance we published in our columns last week shows a commendable effort on the part of our mayor, and city council, to improve the management of our water works, and render that sickly institution self supporting. A schedule of rates is imposed, which, if rigorously collected, it is believed will relieve city taxpayers of the burden of supporting our water works system, and placing the cost, where it properly belongs, on the shoulders of those who use water. Hitherto, the whole business has been run with ruinous laxity. People owning garden lots would irrigate quite profusely with three or four hydrants, and their contribution to the support of the water system would be $5 a year. In many cases clandestine connections have been made and families supplied with water without paying for the use of the same. And complaints have been numerous of hydrants being left running all night through the wantonness of children or the wastefulness of adults. The engineer of the water works would find his supply of water depleted, search out the cause, and complain to Councilman Thompson, chairman of the water works committee, or perhaps appeal to the city council for redress. But no penalty was imposed by any city ordinance for monkeying with the water supply so all these minor outrages were endured with a spirit of hopeless resignation.
The method for purchasing fuel and supplies for the engine and other works has often been condemned by the city council, when the bills were presented, and a more economical plan suggested. Instead of buying coal, a few hundred pounds at a time and paying retail prices therefore, it was suggested that a contract be made for carload lots. The city has been paying $6 a ton, while slack coal by the carload could be bought for $4. But no arrangements were made to save expense because the franchise granted to O’Neil was operative, and there was an uncertainty how the water business would be finally settled. It is suggested by some that the council began at the wrong end in passing this ordinance before the above mentioned franchise was revoked; but our impression is it has already expired by limitation. Now that an adequate revenue is provided for, and penalties imposed for fraudulent or wasteful use of water, we hope to see order infused where chaos now exists.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 29, 1885.
When our city fathers assembled for business Monday evening, there was a large crowd in attendance, attracted evidently in the expectation of witnessing more fun. The mayor presided and Councilmen Hight, Dean, Dunn, Thompson, Davis, and Bailey responded to their names as called by the clerk. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved.
The council appropriated $5 to pay five night watchmen, appointed by the mayor on the night of the fire, to guard property.
James L. Huey, on behalf of the insurance men of the city, said the ordinance taxing each insurance company represented in the city $10 a year, is resisted, and the best companies refuse to take fresh business. They say if all the cities where they have agents should impose a similar tax, they could not do business. In this dilemma, the agents of the companies in this city had resolved to present the matter to the council, and ask that the occupation tax levied on them suffice for purposes of city revenue. To drive insurance companies away would be unwise, we have lately had experience of the necessity of placing our property in the hands of reliable underwriters. N. T. Snyder said not the best companies alone, but all the insurance companies represented here, have ordered their agents to take no fresh business, and not to renew existing policies. They pay a state tax, and this they declare is all that justice demands of them. Mr. Huey said further that the occupation tax as now assessed would absorb 20 percent of all the premiums paid. Mr. Dunn moved that the matter be referred to the equalization committee of the council. The mayor said it was talked by taxpayers that this committee had no right to affix a tax; it must be done by the council.
Major Schiffbauer said there was no question of the legality of the occupation tax; its equitable adjustment was the matter to be considered. If the insurance companies resist the assessment and have resolved to withdraw, the business of the council was to consider whether the ordinance should be amended. Mr. Snyder said a similar tax on insurance companies had been imposed in Emporia, but it was found inexpedient and oppressive, and it had been repealed. The application was finally referred to the committee on ordinances.
Application was made by the Danks Bros., and Morehead for an appropriation of $200 to pay for a survey of the city and a plat of the same, the purpose being to ascertain the best location for building water works. The petitioners would make a bid for the erection of the works. This led to a lengthy discussion, in which these objections were advanced: The sum asked for is not in the city treasury; if a favorable location is found, the city has no means to build water works, and bonds, if voted, would not sell. The situation looked hopeless, and the application was laid on the table indefinitely.
On suggestion of the mayor, the council ordered the street commissioner to put in posts on Fourth, Fifth, and Central Avenues, extending half a block from Summit Street, for hitching purposes. The posts to be eight feet apart and connected with iron rods.
The marshal stated that he found difficulty in collecting the dog tax. The council instructed him to issue a proclamation warning owners of dogs that if the tax was not paid by a given time, the animals would be shot.
Mr. Thompson said many persons had complained to him of the burdensome tax imposed upon some users of water. The tariff on livery stable keepers was too high, it was excessive on barbers, and some hotel keepers were unfairly dealt with. The tax on the Star Stable ($25 for washing buggies and 75 cents for every stall in use) would run up such a bill, that if not modified, the owners would put in a windmill and start water works of their own. Mr. Hilliard, owner of the Fifth Avenue Livery Stable, also complained of the burdensome tax.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
Council convened last Monday evening in regular adjourned session. Mayor Schiffbauer presided. Councilmen Davis, Thompson, Dean, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey were present.
Messrs. Moorhead and Danks asked for an appropriation of $200 with which to make a survey of the city with view of ascertaining best possible place for obtaining water for water works. Also, make estimate of cost of same, and will put in bids for the building of the same. On motion, this request was laid on the table indefinitely.
The street commissioner was instructed to put up hitching posts on each side of Summit Street, half block each way, from Summit Street on 4th, 5th, and Central Avenues. The posts to be 8 feet apart and connected by iron rods.
On motion the water works ordinance No. 10 was re-considered.
On motion ordinance No. 20, repealing ordinance No. 4, was read and approved. This ordinance makes the salary of ex-city attorney Stafford but 50 cents a year.
On motion of Jake Hight, John Stafford, the night watch, was dismissed.
A. A. Davis moved that J. J. Breene be instructed to remain on the street until midnight. Carried.
On motion of Jake Hight, the street commissioner was instructed to make out report and hand it in at next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 1, 1885.
D. L. Means got out replevin papers Monday to recover a wagon which he had sold to C. D. Bush sometime since taking a chattel mortgage for security. By the purchase Bush became the owner of two wagons, having an old one before. He sold his old wagon and mule team to one Wm. Chancey. Ross Merrick held a mortgage on the team and Bush made the sale subject to the mortgage. Bush loaned his new wagon to Chancey until he could have some repairs made on the old wagon according to agreement. A short time after the trade had been consummated, Bush went to Chancey’s house to get his wagon and leave his old one. Chancey was not at home so the exchange was not effected. A few days afterward Chancey sold the new wagon to S. A. D. Searcy without saying anything in regard to the mortgage or that it belonged to Bush and the mule team to another party. Chancey went to see Stafford about the sale and acted upon his advice. Frank Thompson went after the wagon Tuesday and Searcy refused to give it up. Thompson came back, informed Judge Kreamer of the situation, and got papers for the arrest of Searcy for resisting an officer. He was arrested and taken before the court Tuesday night and was turned loose upon giving a bond to appear today for trial. This is a very complicated case, but it is a clear one of trying to defraud Means and Bush. We are informed by good authority that Stafford told Chancey he had a right to sell the team and the law could not touch him. This outfit, Stafford, Chancey, and Searcy, should be drummed out of Cowley County. Oh, that grand and glorious city attorney, kept in office by “his honor,” against the will of the people, because he is a brother of his brother-in-law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
The case of William Blizard against Frank L. Thompson, suit to recover $40 for labor, appealed from Justice Bone, Silverdale, was filed Thursday with District Clerk Pate.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
The REPUBLICAN wishes to speak a good word for the Arkansas Valley Guards. We never noticed this organization until last Saturday. Capt. Thompson has them drilled admirably already. They execute all orders in military style without hesitation and keep step in marching perfectly. The boys are coming out nicely. We are proud of the A. V. Guards.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
Capt. Thompson went up to Topeka Monday in the interest of the Arkansas Valley Guards. He came home Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
At the council meeting on Monday evening, the mayor and six councilmen were present, Dunn and Hill being absent. The vote of the third ward was canvassed, and A. D. Prescott declared elected. He presented himself and took the oath of office.
Dr. Kellogg complained of the excessive rate charged in the water schedule for sprinkling lawns. He said it was inequitable because livery stable keepers used water profusely all day long, while the owners of lots were restricted to one hour per day. The applicant owned three lots and was assessed $18 for sprinkling, while livery stables paid but $25. Unless the tariff was modified, he gave notice that he should cease to use water for sprinkling purposes. Mr. Dean said the price had been fixed thus high to discourage lot owners from using water on their lawns. No action was taken on the application.
The mayor stated to the council that at a meeting of citizens held a few evenings ago to consider a proposition to build water and gas works for the city, a committee of three had been appointed, to act in conjunction with a committee from the council, to suggest the most expedient means of providing the city with a water supply. He believed it was expected that the committee, or some members of it, should visit neighboring towns to see how their water systems worked, and he submitted it to the gentlemen whether any portion of the scant city funds could be profitably devoted to any such use. On motion the mayor was authorized to appoint a committee with the understanding that no money would be furnished to pay any expenses it might incur. The mayor appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the council added the mayor to the committee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
The Water Works.
A good representation was had of the businessmen at the water works meeting in Highland Opera House last Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer called the meeting to order at 8 p.m., and J. L. Huey was chosen chairman and N. T. Snyder, secretary. Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the meeting had been called to discuss the water works question; that Messrs. Plate and Quigley were here from St. Louis with a proposition which they wished to submit to the citizens of Arkansas City for putting in gas and water works. The proposition was to the effect that they put them in for the franchise, the city agreeing to take 60 fire plugs, at a rental of $50 a year and also take 30 street lights at $30 each per annum. Speeches were made on the subject by Maj. Sleeth, J. G. Danks, A. D. Prescott, J. P. Johnson, O. P. Houghton, Maj. Searing, Mayor Schiffbauer, and others. The gist of their remarks was that we needed and must have water works; but at present we were unable to put in gas works.
Messrs. Quigley and Plate did not want one without the other on this proposition so the matter was ended in regard to it. These gentlemen desire to put in a bid when we have water works put in. They propose what we think is a good system, and by their talk they showed that they were perfectly conversant with the water works question. They propose the stand-pipe system and explained it in detail to those present.
During the meeting a motion was made and carried that a committee be appointed from the citizens meeting and city council to investigate the different systems of water works of our neighboring cities and report which they thought was the best. J. G. Danks and Maj. Sleeth were selected to represent the citizens, and Monday night Councilmen Dean, Dunn, Thompson, and Mayor Schiffbauer were taken from the city council. On motion the meeting was adjourned to await the report of the committee.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 22, 1885.
In another column we publish the call from our committeeman, Maj. L. E. Woodin, for the Republican primaries of the city and township. They are called to meet Sept. 12, when delegates will be chosen to represent us in the county convention to be held at Winfield Sept. 19. Creswell is allowed six delegates. The voters of Creswell will meet in the old stone house north of the city on the Winfield road to select their delegates. Arkansas City will have 15 delegates. The 1st ward has four delegates and the Republican voters will meet at the office of G. B. Shaw & Co., to select them. The 2nd ward has four. The meeting to select them will be held at Thompson & Woodin’s livery barn. The 3rd ward has only three and the voters will assemble at the REPUBLICAN office to choose them. The 4th ward has four. Their meeting will be held at Blakeney & Upp’s store. Let all Republican voters be in attendance. If you have any grievances against candidates, now is the time to air them. Not after the candidate has been nominated. Let none but good and honest Republicans be put on guard.
Arkansas City Republican, August 22, 1885.
Thompson & Woodin have extended their stage line. They now run a hack between Geuda Springs and Wellington in addition to the hack from here to Geuda.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Trial Docket, September Term, 1885: 2187. William Blizard vs. Frank L. Thompson.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
The citizens’ meeting on Friday to provide water works for the city, called by the committee appointed at a previous meeting, was slightly attended. At 8 o’clock, the hour designated, less than a score of persons were in the hall. Half an hour after about sixty had assembled, and the meeting was called to order by the appointment of J. P. Johnson for chairman and Frederic Lockley secretary. The committee was called upon for the reading of its report. In the absence of Major Sleeth, chairman of the committee, Mayor Schiffbauer explained that at the former meeting of citizens, Messrs. Sleeth, Searing, and J. G. Danks had been appointed a committee on behalf of the citizens, to act with three members of the city council to be chosen at the next meeting of that body. He had appointed Messrs. Thompson, Dean, and Dunn, and the committee had added himself to the number. It was contemplated that visits should be paid to neighboring cities to inquire into their systems of water works; but as this would involve expense, and the methods in use supplying water in Winfield, Wichita, Wellington, and Newton were pretty well known to the committee, they had contented themselves with formulating a plan adapted to the needs of our city which they had embodied in a report. The reading of the same being called for, the mayor read as follows.
We, the committee to whom was referred the matter of water works, would respectfully submit the following report.
1st. In our judgment the supply should be obtained at the springs now used by the city for water supply; provided, that after being subjected to a thorough test, the supply shall be found adequate to meet all demands, and the quality to be pure and wholesome, and provided further, that the company securing the franchise will guarantee to exclude all surface matter from said springs.
2nd. That in case the supply at the springs shall be found to be inadequate, or that the surface matter cannot be excluded, then in our opinion, the supply should be obtained from a filter basin near the Arkansas River.
3rd. The system should be standpipe and holly combined; that is to say, the works to be so arranged that the standpipe can be shut off from the main and give direct pressure from the pumps into the mains.
4th. The standpipe is to be of iron, to be 25 feet in diameter, and sixty feet high, placed on a tower 50 feet high, built of stone laid in cement.
5th. There shall be two pumps, each capable of pumping one million gallons every 24 hours, so arranged as to be run either separately or together; and two boilers arranged the same as pumps, and each capable to run the pumps at full capacity with easy firing.
6th. In our opinion there will be required 5,630 feet of 12 inch main, running from the works, if situated where the present works stand, through Third Avenue east to Fourth Street, and from Third Avenue north through Summit Street to Ninth Avenue; 8,310 feet of 8 inch main to be placed in Sixth and Eighth Streets, running from Third Avenue north To Seventh Avenue and through Ninth Avenue, running from Fourth Street west to Tenth Street; 12,470 feet of 4 inch pipe to be placed in Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Streets, and running from Third Avenue north to Ninth Avenue, and from Tenth Street west to Eleventh Street, thence south to Eighth Avenue, thence east to Tenth Street.
7th. That in order to give proper fire protection for the territory covered by this plant, it will require 59 fire plugs to be placed along this system, which plugs we have located as per map, which can be seen at the city office. We therefore recommend that the city take 60 hydrants, and in lieu of the additional hydrant, the city cause to be contracted a watering and drinking fountain for the use and benefit of the public, which should be open and free at all times. Said fountain to be placed on Fifth Avenue, near Summit Street.
8th. We would further recommend that the city solicit bids for the construction of such a system of works, taking the number of hydrants as a basis, and that the successful bidder be required to furnish bonds to the city in the penal sum of $20,000 for the faithful performance of the contract, and guaranteeing that the work, when completed, shall be capable of throwing water from 5 hydrants at the same time from standpipe pressure alone a distance of 65 feet high; and by direct pressure from pumps, 100 feet high.
Your committee desire to state that as the city council made no appropriation to defray expenses, they have not made any effort to visit other works, and from the most reliable information we have been able to gather, we are of the opinion that the standpipe and holly system is the only feasible system for our city to adopt, and in the system we have herein suggested both these are combined. W. M. Sleeth, Chas. H. Searing, J. G. Danks, Calvin Dean, C. G. Thompson, F. P. Schiffbauer, Archie Dunn.
The chair inquired what should be done with the report. A pause ensued. The secretary moved that the report be accepted, but he found no second to his motion. To remove the chilling apathy, Mr. Lockley explained that his motion was necessary to bring the report before the meeting for discussion, but it did not involve its adoption. The disposal of the report would be effected by a subsequent motion. This brought out a weak-voiced second to the motion. On the motion being put by the chair, not a voice was raised in support or disapproval. Judge Kreamer in reproof of this deathlike apathy said he thought the meeting should take interest enough in the proceedings to express its will on the question before it. The committee had devoted time and labor to perform the duty assigned it, and now that its report was submitted, it was the business of those present to accept or reject, not to let the matter go by default. The motion of the secretary being again put to the meeting, it was adopted by an emphatic vote.
Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.
Fred Hoover, the newly appointed agent of the Osages, passed through the city last Saturday for his headquarters. He hired a team of Thompson & Woodin to convey him to his destination. When Mr. Hoover had gotten as far as Kaw Agency, one of the horses died. It was a valuable animal.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 9, 1885.
Thompson & Woodin advertise their mail route from Geuda Springs to Wellington for sale. “The mail, passenger, and express route, between Geuda Springs and Wellington, well equipped and doing a good business. Apply at Thompson & Woodin, Star Livery Stable.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 12, 1885.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Davis, Hight, Dean, and Dunn present, and Hill and Bailey absent.
The following bill was acted upon: F. L. Thompson, extra police duty, $2; allowed.
Note: Mayor Schiffbauer revised the make-up of committees. Thompson was appointed as a member of three committees: Streets and Alleys, Ordinance, and Water Works.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 16, 1885.
The Arkansas City Post of G. A. R., invites all old soldiers and sailors who desire to visit Topeka during the soldiers’ reunion, which takes place Sept. 29th, 30th, and Oct. 1st, with or without their families, to hand in their names to Capt. C. G. Thompson, Star Livery Stable, that transportation may be furnished them. Fare one cent a mile each way.
Arkansas City Republican, September 19, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilliard were surprised by a very pleasant party last evening. They were spending the evening very pleasantly with Mr. and Mrs. Powell and Miss Laura King, relations of Mrs. Hilliard, from Chicago, when the party took them by storm. Those invited were Messrs. Philip Snyder, Will Daniels, Chas. Mead, Herman Wycoff, Charlie Chapel; Misses Mollie and Linda Christian, Clark and Cora Thompson, Jessie Miller, Lucy Walton, Fannie Cunningham, Minnie Stewart; Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. Gooch; Mr. and Mrs. Capt. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Topliff, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Worthley, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Grubbs, Mr. and Mrs. Landes, Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Matlack, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Searing, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham, and Mr. and Mrs. Wyckoff.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
Capt. C. G. Thompson, of this city, has been officially notified of his appointment on the staff of Brigadier General Long, as aide de camp, the General being assigned to the command of the troops of this district.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
Maj. J. E. Long and Capt. C. E. Steuven, of Winfield, were in town on Thursday to arrange for the proper representation of Winfield and Arkansas City, at the soldiers’ and sailors’ reunion in Topeka on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week. The offer of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad company is a liberal one, which puts the fare at one cent a mile, and gives free transportation to a band not exceeding twenty-one pieces, to every hundred excursionists. The plan suggested by these gentlemen is for those persons of Arkansas City, who propose to be present at the reunion, old soldiers with their families and whatever friends choose to accompany them, pay their way to Winfield, 38 cents, and buy their commuted tickets to Topeka there. This is for the purpose of making up the hundred, which gives free transportation to the band. Burden and Udall will also enter into this arrangement. It is expected that 50 will leave Winfield, and Burden and Udall will perhaps add a score. This leaves thirty tickets for Arkansas City to purchase, which number can easily be made up. Several members of the Arkansas City post will go, some taking their wives along; some of the Woman’s Relief Corps will make use of the opportunity, and quite a sprinkling of farmers, veterans, and civilians will join the number. All who propose going are requested to notify Capt. C. G. Thompson, at the Star Livery Stable, by four p.m. tomorrow in order that sufficient cars may be ordered for their transportation. It will be a very enjoyable festivity, and as the cost will be trifling, all who are able to participate should be present.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 23, 1885.
A regular meeting of the city council was held on Monday evening, Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent. Bills were acted on. Thompson & Woodin, $1.25; allowed. Mr. Thompson asked that Engineer Scott’s salary be increased; he was doing extra work and receiving inadequate pay. His assistant, Malone, had resigned, and the whole responsibility of the water supply devolved on Mr. Scott. No action was taken.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.
The democrats of Cowley County met at the courthouse Saturday to go through the same old farce of nominating a county ticket to be easily defeated by the Republicans—a sequel inevitable in grand old Republican Cowley. About fifty delegates were present, with a small audience of visitors. J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, was chosen chairman and Ed Gage secretary. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The office went around hunting its man, as usual in Democratic conventions in Cowley. Nobody could smell meat, and didn’t care to sacrifice themselves on the party altar. The convention was exceedingly tame—no opposition whatever. The following nominations were unanimously made.
For Sheriff: Capt. C. G. Thompson, of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Thompson & Woodin have sold their mail and express line to Geuda and Wellington to Geo. Heisinger of Silver Dale.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 14, 1885.
Capt. C. G. Thompson yesterday laid on our table a bunch of fine radishes just gathered from his own garden. He explains that some of his spring crop of the vegetable had been allowed to run to seed, and these were a voluntary growth. They are tender and succulent, and are growing in great abundance. What is not a Kansas soil capable of producing?
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
A reunion of the war veterans was held in Dexter last week, which was well attended. Commander Stewart and his senior vice, Major Macartney, being present at the gathering. Arkansas City post was represented by Capt. C. G. Thompson and Amos Walton, and the Winfield veterans showed up in Major Soward, Capt. J. B. Nipp, S. J. Smock, and W. P. Hackney. The exercises lasted two days, and were enlivened with war reminiscences, some effective speaking by Commander Stewart, Macartney, Hackney, and others; and the boys filled in their time with harmless jollity such as was prompted by the revival of former camp days. These reunions are keenly enjoyed by the retired campaigners.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 21, 1885.
Council Proceedings.
The City Council met in regular session on Monday evening, all the members present, acting Mayor Thompson in the chair. Application of S. F. Steinberger for leave to erect a lamppost on the corner of Summit Street and Fourth Avenue was granted. Bids for curbing and guttering the east side of blocks 79, 80, and 81, and the west side of blocks 67, 68, and 69 were opened and read as follows: Duncan & Jones, per linear foot, $1.45; George F. Grey offered to lay two blocks for 18½ cents per square foot; Cornelius Mead, curbing and guttering, per linear foot, $1.50; stone crossing, per linear foot, $.80; J. C. McGee, curbing and guttering, $1.65, stone crossing, $1.00; John Senthouse, curbing and guttering, $1.60, stone crossing, $1.00; J. E. Parkins, curbing and guttering, $1.87, stone crossing, $1.00; Dennis Harkins, curbing and guttering per lot, $30, crossing, per foot, 25 cents; J. W. Ruby, 2 blocks, curbing and guttering, per sq. ft. of stone, 25 cents. These bids were referred to the committee on streets and alleys to consider, and report on Wednesday evening, the 21st.
Mr. Hill introduced an ordinance, prepared by Henry E. Asp, attorney for the Kansas City and Southwestern Railway Company, granting the right of way through Arkansas City. Two routes are proposed, one along First Street to Leonard’s addition, the other along Third Street to Fifth Avenue; the council to determine the more expedient route. After a prolonged discussion of the matter, it was determined that the council should meet at the Star Livery Stable at 8 o’clock the next morning, where hacks would be ready to take them over the proposed routes; and at 9 o’clock they would meet in their chamber to take action.
An informal discussion was held on the correct grade of blocks 68 and 80. There was great unevenness now, and it was necessary that a survey should be made to determine the correct level. This should be done before the work of grading and guttering was commenced, and also to enable the lot owners in the burnt district to adopt the proper level for the houses they are about to build. Referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Thompson called the attention of the council to the condition of the bridge across the canal. It was now impassable for teams, and the canal company held themselves under no obligation to repair it. It was necessary for the council to take action, or approach to the city by that thoroughfare would be cut off. He mentioned the case of a horse having died this week through injuries sustained from falling through the bridge. The road commissioner was instructed to make the necessary repairs.
The council reconvened at 9 o’clock on Tuesday morning, having surveyed the ground over which the K. C. & S. W. Co., asks the right of way. Ordinance No. 24 (Published in another column), was taken up for consideration.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 24, 1885.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Members present were councilmen Thompson, Dunn, Dean, Hill, Hight, Bailey, and Prescott. C. G. Thompson, acting mayor, presided. Ordinance No. 24, in regard to granting the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city was read. On motion the council decided to look over the route and take action Tuesday morning. It was moved and carried that the city repair the south canal bridge.
Tuesday Morning. At 9 a.m. the council convened with Councilmen Hill, Davis, Bailey, Dunn, Hight, and Thompson present. Mayor Schiffbauer presided.
The ordinance, No. 24, was taken up, read, voted upon, and passed. This ordinance grants the right of way to the K. C. & S. W. Railway through the city on 3rd or 1st street.
Wednesday Evening. Council convened with Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Davis, Dunn, Hight, and Bailey present. The contract for guttering and curbing two blocks of Summit street and putting in crossings was awarded to C. Mead and he was given 90 days into which to fulfill his contract. His bond was $1,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 28, 1885.
On Monday Mr. Searing, who has been awarded the contract for curbing and guttering six blocks on Summit Street, accompanied by Messrs. Thompson, Bailey, and Dunn, composing the street committee of the city council, spent the day in Winfield inquiring into the kinds of stone in use there for building and other purposes. The white stone quarried near that city, now being used for the walls of the national bank in process of construction, recommended itself to their notice on account of its handsome appearance and the facility with which it is worked. Blocks of this material are readily sawed out with an ordinary cross-cut saw, and when placed in a wall harden from the effects of the atmosphere. But the composition of this rock does not fit it for lying in the ground, where it is constantly subject to dampness. It is not a limestone, but a silicate, and in a damp state readily disintegrates. The same kind of rock is found in this neighborhood, but its unfitness for foundations has been proved by its remaining soft when in contact with the earth, and crushing under a heavy superincumbent pressure. This quality unfits it for the purpose for which it is designed, and, we understand, Mr. Searing and the committee concluded not to use it. Stone of a better quality can be procured nearer home, and the money to be expended in the undertaking had better be paid to our own workmen.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.
Oh, yes, the Democrats are going to get there. No doubt about it. This is the manner in which they progress. A Democratic rally was advertised in an out township Tuesday evening, and “Hon.” E. C. Gage was to be the speaker. “Hon.” E. C. was at the schoolhouse at the appointed time, but the crowd was not. Ed came home and recited his beautiful eulogies on Capt. Thompson to father McGinnis.
A vote for Capt. Thompson for sheriff means the non-enforcement of our prohibitory law. How can he enforce it, when he himself has twice violated the old prohibitory statute. He does not deny it, or attempt to.
Last fall Capt. Thompson, Democratic candidate for sheriff, was elected a delegate to the state convention by his party. Afterwards he participated in a Republican primary convention, working hard for the nomination of Henry Asp. The Democrats could not stand this, so they requested Capt. not to go to the convention. “It is useless to say that Capt. remained at home.” Now, the Democrat tells us that Capt. Thompson sold his vote to Jas. O’Neil, of water works fame, while serving as councilman. It tells you now that Capt. is an honest fellow and begs for your suffrage for him. Voters, which story will you credit.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Some excitement was created on Saturday evening by the arrest of Frank Blubaugh for keeping a poker room, in the basement under the Commercial block. Information was lodged with City Marshal Gray, by one Jones, who admitted he was running the game for a commission paid by Blubaugh, but there being no city ordinance imposing a penalty for such offense, the case was placed in the hands of Constable Frank Thompson, to proceed against under the state law. On Saturday evening he visited the place, and arrested the proprietor, entrusting him to the custody of an assistant, while he proceeded to take in others implicated. But the prisoner eluded the vigilance of his custodian, and issuing from the hall, set out for parts unknown. This misadventure seems to have stayed all further proceedings.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 4, 1885.
Council met at 7:30 on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. Councilmen Bailey and Hill absent. The following bills were acted on. William Ward, $5.25; referred to water works committee. Various parties for laying water pipe, $10.75; referred to water works committee. Petition of businessmen for the naming of streets and numbering of alleys, was read and referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
The contract of the city with Cornelius Mead for the guttering and curbing of six blocks on Summit Street, and the laying of four stone crosswalks on Summit Street and Fifth Avenue was read. The curbing and guttering to cost $37.75 per lot and the crosswalks 80 cents per linear foot; the work to be finished by April 1st. Mr. Eldridge protested against the work as faulty in design and too expensive by one-third. Mr. Henderson joined in the protest, objecting to the use of flag stones and proposing cobble stones. Dr. Alexander was another protestant. The block between Central and Seventh Avenues was not half built up, and when the lots came to be improved, the guttering and curbing would have to be taken up.
Councilman Dunn, of the committee on streets and alleys, answered the various objections. The mayor said these protests came in too late to be of any avail. The resolution of the council to curb and gutter the blocks named had been advertised four consecutive weeks in the TRAVELER, the official organ of the city, and proposals for the work had been advertised the same length of time in the same paper. Not a protest had come in during all this time, and the natural inference of the council was that the property holders interested approved the work. The contract had now been let and the bond filed, and the objections made could not be regarded. The contract was approved. A bond for $1,500 for the faithful performance of the work was read and approved. Cornelius Mead, principal, and Messrs. Searing and Frank J. Hess, sureties. A resolution was adopted that the owners of scales on the blocks named, be notified to remove them far enough into the road to admit of the gutters being made. By resolution F. B. Scott, engineer of the water works, was allowed $50 a month, on condition that he do all the work.
The city council held a brief session on Monday morning and passed an ordinance granting a new right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern road and repealing Ordinance No. 24. This new ordinance brings the road in on Thirteenth Street, which line it traverses to the canal, and then runs due west three miles, crossing the Arkansas River just below the dam, whence it is carried south to the line of the territory. From the point where the road turns south, a branch line will be run northwest to within a mile and a half of Geuda. It will then turn and run southwest to South Haven and then west to Caldwell. Surveyors to run the branch line started out from the city on Monday. The railway company also covenant and agree to run a switch along the canal to the flouring mills, and will file a bond to have the track laid by February 1st. The above ordinance was not given out for publication to afford time to the railroad company to furnish the bond. This puts the railroad in a more acceptable shape.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.
Here is the tickets an “ristocrat” of the third ward voted. For sheriff: C. G. Thompson. For treasurer: J. B. Nipp. For equal rights. For pure whiskey. For cheap whiskey. For pure religion. For cheap religion. It appears by the premeditated arrangement of names that this voter wanted Capt. Nipp to go in office on a platform of pure whiskey and pure religion.
Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.
It has become patent among our citizens that Arkansas City is infested with a gang of second rate gamblers. It has been developed that Frank Blubaugh has been keeping the rendezvous for this gang in a room over Godehard’s storeroom. Last Saturday afternoon Constable Frank Thompson, armed with warrants, made a raid on the poker room and arrested Blubaugh. Having no jail in which to incarcerate the prisoner, the officers deputized one Chas. Ashley to guard the prisoner for the night. Sometime during the night Blubaugh made his escape, whether from a lack of vigilance on the part of the guard or a bribe was used, we cannot say. At any rate, he has not been seen since the evening of his arrest. Blubaugh’s arrest created quite a stir among the gang and all—15 in number—sat up all Sunday night in a room of one of the city hotels waiting for the early morning train to take them to Wichita. By Blubaugh’s escape a stop was put to further proceedings. It is to be hoped our city officers will not allow the matter to drop at this stage. The REPUBLICAN would advise the hotel where these individuals are stopping to purge itself of such questionable characters if it does not desire to be mixed up in the matter. A word to the wise is sufficient.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
The city council held a field day on Monday, their chamber being crowded with eager listeners before the hour for the regular address of that body had arrived. At 7 o’clock the roll was called by the clerk, the mayor and all the council being present to answer to their names. The first business introduced was a petition from the lot owners on Thirteenth Street, which sets forth as follows.
The undersigned, inhabitants of Arkansas City, and resident property owners on Thirteenth Street, having heard that your honorable body has under consideration a municipal franchise, granting the right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, along the street, above named, beg to protest against the passage and publication of the same, because of the serious injury it will work to the property abutting on that street. A railroad track passing within a few feet of a dwelling house renders it unfit for occupation by a family, and those of your petitioners who have families will be compelled to abandon their homes, and the property will be unsuitable to rent to others.
In conforming with the established grade, heavy cuts will have to be made; in front of W. P. Wolfe’s house there will be an excavation of [?] feet, and Mr. Alex. Wilson’s house will be isolated by a cutting 8 feet deep. Your honorable body can understand how seriously detrimental this will be for the homes and possessions of your petitioners, and for this reason they respectfully protest against the publication and enforcement of Ordinance No. 25.
W. P. Wolfe, D. R. Cooper, Daniel J. Kennedy, Charlotte Faberiz, Thomas Croft, A. H. Johnson, Eli Warren, Thomas Watts, J. F. Henderson, I. H. Bonsall, Isaac Eldridge, C. F. Snyder, Alex Wilson, G. W. Herbert, Geo. W. Whit, Edward Nail, C. Cooper, J. B. Crew, J. Logan, H. G. Bailey, J. T. Shepard, John Hand, Geo. W. Beane, D. P. Marshall, and Others. November 15th, 1885.
Bill of Sherman Thompson for $13.25; allowed.
Bill of Thompson & Woodin, $1.50; allowed.
A petition was read, numerously signed, asking that all hay scales be removed from Summit Street, and a city scale be erected. The matter was discussed at some length, and the result was the adoption of a resolution giving the owners of scales twelve months to remove them from Summit Street. Mr. Searing asked how the gutter was to be laid with the scales in the way. The council instructed him to provide the stone, and the owners of scales would be required to lay it when the impediment was removed. On motion the committee on streets and alleys was instructed to inquire the cost of scales for city use and look up a location.
On motion of Councilman Thompson, the office of assistant marshal was declared vacant.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.
Early on last Tuesday morning, two omnibuses drew up to the Leland Hotel and took on board the following gentlemen, who had been invited by the managers of the K. C. & S. W., to take a pleasure trip over that road to the famous and booming Beaumont: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Hight, Davis, Thompson, Bailey, Dean, and Dunn, and their friends whom they invited, H. H. Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict; also, the railroad committee, consisting of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. Bro. Lockley, too, was among the honored ones, and was to chronicle the thrilling incidents of the trip, furnish intellectual food for the party, and report the impressive appearance, the “sights” and widely spread influence, of flourishing Beaumont. After a drive of about three miles, the gleeful party reached the end of the track, where over 200 railroad hands were busy at work, rapidly advancing the “iron bands” towards Arkansas City.
It was after 8 o’clock before they heard the distant whistling of the excursion train, towards which they at once started, and which they reached after a brisk walk of nearly a mile. Had it not been for Councilman Davis, who has only one natural leg to work with, they probably would have continued their journey on foot, and thus economized time. As it was, Mr. Davis was conveyed to the cars in a carriage to avoid the fatigue of walking. All having gotten on board, the train moved slowly up the track. They had a jolly, rollicking time.
Having arrived at Winfield, the passengers allowed the engine to rest a little, although it caused them much weariness to be delayed in a village of such few attractions when vivid pictures of enterprising Beaumont occupied their excited minds. Mr. Latham joined the party at Winfield, and when the train pulled out, the officers of the road suspended from the rear end of the last car a banner, bearing the inscription, “The town we left behind us.” From that railroad station onto the end of the journey, the train swept over the track at a rapid rate, passing through Floral, Wilmot, Atlanta, and Latham. Beaumont (a French word meaning “the fashionable world”) was reached at 11:30 a.m., and the party evacuated the cars and proceeded at once to the central part of the city. On either side, as they walked up main street, tall and magnificent buildings met their view, and the hearts of the rustic excursionists almost ceased to beat on account of the grandeur they beheld. Councilman Dunn had purchased a bran new hat that morning, and in trying to pass in under one of the lofty awnings, it was completely crushed. [N.B. This incident occurred before the drugstore was visited.] They found that the city consists of fourteen houses, which have been standing for 14 years, and the inhabitants number about 75. This is conclusive evidence that the town is still booming. When one of the natives was asked why he did not move to a better locality, he proudly pointed to the barren flint hills, and, with Kansas enthusiasm, maintained that Beaumont was the garden-spot of the world. After dinner, which was served in the spacious dining hall of Noah Herring, some of the party, for amusement, played at billiards and pigeon-hole. Bro. Lockley and Geo. Cunningham leveled down the flint hills and bombarded the town pitching horseshoes. Some of them went into one of the two drugstores in the place and consulted the “holy record” in order to procure some remedy for their ailments. The druggist showed them a full “soda pop” barrel, the greater portion of whose contents they consumed. While in the drug store they made the following invoice of the stock it contained.
1 small stove, $2.00; 1 old keg, $0.00; 1 old box: $0.00; 1 counter, $10.00; 10 boxes of candy, $10.00; 1 pail of tobacco, $4.00; 2 boxes of nuts, $.50; 1 barrel of whiskey, $8.00. Total: $34.50.
The excursionists returned to Arkansas City at about 9 o’clock p.m., full of joy and “soda water.” There will be another excursion over this road soon and everybody here will then have a chance to see Beaumont.
Constable Frank Thompson was a witness in the trial of Jerry McGee, accused of setting a fire in the Leland Hotel. Some excerpts from trial are given below...
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
Jay Shapley, porter in the Leland Hotel, repeated some talk he had with the prisoner in the Occidental after his arrest. The prisoner, Jerry McGee, was in the charge of Constable Thompson at the time. Shapley sat down by the prisoner, who asked a question. Shapley started to reply but Frank Thompson objected. Thompson testified that Shapley began talking to the prisoner in a whisper, but he stopped it. Thompson took charge of McGee after he had been re-arrested.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
During the inquest in Judge Kreamer’s court yesterday on the body of William McCuish, a brother of the deceased became boisterous, was insolent to the judge, and disturbed the coroner’s inquiry. Constable Frank Thompson was sent for to remove the troublesome customer, but on the way downstairs he resisted arrest, and made an assault on the officer. Councilman Bailey, passing by, came to Frank’s assistance, and the two carried the man to the lock up.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 12, 1885.
Aftermath of Accidental Shooting of Wm. McCuish. The deceased had a brother at Winfield, who was notified of what had occurred. He came down to this city and while the inquest was being held, got gloriously drunk and raised such a disturbance that Constable Thompson had to remove him from the room to the calaboose. In going down the stairs from Judge Kreamer’s office, the drunken McCuish turned upon the Constable and showed fight. This spirit was soon subdued, however, by Frank, who gave him a lesson in the manly art, a la Sullivan style. What a disgrace the live McCuish was to the cold, dead body of his brother. The man whose heart is so dead that he cannot refrain from drinking intoxicants during the hour of death is indeed in a miserable condition, and so low that he deserves nothing but the scorn of men.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
Mayor’s Election Proclamation. Special election on Monday, February 1, 1886, re Board of Education resolution passed asking for bonds for school purposes and seeking a site for a new school building. Voting precincts outlined.
First ward: Office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit Street.
Second ward: Office of Thompson & Woodin, East Fifth Avenue.
Third ward: Office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth Avenue.
Fourth ward: Office of the City Livery Stable, West Central Avenue.
Third ward: James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges; F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Capt. C. G. Thompson returned home last week to spend Christmas with the family. During his absence he visited Colorado, California, and several of the territories.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Geo. W. Thompson, son of Capt. C. G. Thompson, came down from Wichita Thursday to visit the folks.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
G. W. Thompson of Wichita, son of Capt. Thompson, is on a visit to his parents, and will prolong his stay several days.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Nellie Turner, a soiled dove, living in the second ward, gave birth to a boy on New Year’s day. On Monday night it died, and it is supposed the mother accidentally smothered it. Nellie being in distressed circumstances, the corpse of the babe was buried at the expense of the county. Acting Mayor Thompson gave the order for the burial.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 6, 1886.
Council met at 7 o’clock on Monday evening, Mayor Schiffbauer in the chair; Councilmen Bailey and Hight absent. Bills: Thompson & Woodin, $6, allowed.
The question of laying some sidewalks along Fifth Avenue next came up. Mr. Hill asked what was the regular routine in such a proceeding. The mayor said the sense of the lot owners must be obtained, and if those representing the larger share of abutting property approved, the city would then advertise for bids. Mr. Thompson wanted the sidewalk extended across the city, from depot to depot, on both sides of the street, and the flagging to be six feet wide.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 27, 1886.
Capt. Thompson and Pat Franey, in behalf of the post of veterans, were out soliciting contributions for distressed comrades on Monday and Tuesday, and gathered in upwards of $100 in money and provisions. This is certainly a liberal response to the call of the needy.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 10, 1886.
MY IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS. C. G. THOMPSON, Veterinary Surgeon, Arkansas City, Kansas. -For Sale by- MOWRY & SOLLITT.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
The G. A. R. Post of this city is represented in the Wichita encampment by A. Mowry, post commander; P. A. Lorry, the present post commander; A. B. Sankey and Rev. Lundy, alternate delegates; and Capt. C. G. Thompson. The Wichita people have made liberal preparations to entertain their guests.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
On Friday Mayor Schiffbauer received the following petition. ARKANSAS CITY, Feb. 19, 1886. To his honor F. P. Schiffbauer, mayor of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas:
The undersigned members of the council of Arkansas City respectfully request your honor to call a special meeting of the council this evening (Feb. 19th) for the purpose of taking some action in regard to the repairing of the bridge across the Arkansas River west of town, and annexing certain territory to the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City.
A. A. Davis, James Hill, Jacob Hight, H. G. Bailey, C. G. Thompson, Councilmen.
To which acting Mayor Thompson responded as follows. Arkansas City, Kans., Feb. 19, 1886. I hereby call a special meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, in pursuance to the above call. C. G. THOMPSON, Acting Mayor. At 7:30 o’clock the same evening the council convened, all the members except Dean and Bailey were present. Mr. A. A. Newman, in behalf of himself and others, asked that the council memorialize the district judge to annex certain territory to the corporate limits of the city. On motion the following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that on the 15th day of March, A. D. 1886, the city council of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, shall in the name of said city present a petition to the Hon. E. S. Torrance, judge of the district court of Cowley County, state of Kansas, praying for an order declaring that the following territory lying adjacent to the limits of said city of Arkansas City, described by metes and bounds, as follows, to-wit:
The property owned by the Arkansas City water power company, commencing at a point twenty (20) feet north of the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of section twenty-five (25), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east, extending thence west three (3) rods to the north line of the right of way of the Arkansas City water power company’s canal; thence in a westerly direction along the north line of said canal about one hundred and fifty (150) rods to the east bank of the Arkansas River; thence southerly about ten (10) rods to a point where the north line of the public highway, extending east and west through the center of said section twenty-five (25), intersects the east bank of said Arkansas River; thence westerly across said river about 840 feet to the northeast corner of lot No. Four (4), section twenty-six (26), township thirty-four (34), range three (3) east; thence west twenty (20) rods; thence south sixteen (16) rods; thence east about twenty (20) rods to the west bank of the Arkansas River; thence easterly across said river about eight hundred and forty (840) feet, to a point on the east bank of said river two hundred (200) feet south of the north line of lot two (2) of said section twenty-five (25); thence east across said lot three hundred (300) feet; thence east along the south line of said highway to the city limits, about one hundred and forty (140) rods, containing seven and one-half (7½ ) acres more or less; and thence north forty (40) feet to the place of beginning; making the same a part of the corporate limits of said city of Arkansas City, and made to all intents and purposes, contemplated in the law, under which said city is incorporated, a part of said city, and that this notice shall be published for three (3) consecutive weeks in the Arkansas City TRAVELER immediately hereafter.
On the adjournment of the council, a citizens’ meeting was held in the same chamber to take immediate steps toward repairing the west bridge. The meeting organized by appointing W. D. Kreamer chairman and James Benedict secretary. Mr. Hill moved that the chair appoint a committee consisting of members of the city council and of the board of trade to prepare a plan and estimate of the cost of repairing said bridge, which plan and estimate shall be submitted to the council for their approval. The motion being adopted the chair appointed as such committee Messrs. Hight, Hill, and T. H. McLaughlin, with instructions to make a report as soon as possible. Adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Frank Thompson left Arkansas City Monday for San Diego, California. Frank will make that city his future.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
The Stand-Pipe. Mr. Plate, the president of the Inter-State Gas Company, is in town this week in answer to a notification from the city clerk that the council desired to reconsider the location of the stand-pipe. There was a called meeting of the council Wednesday evening, all members present. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman and discussion invited. Mr. Plate endeavored to show that the stand-pipe at the intersection of 4th Avenue and Summit Street would be no obstruction, as there would be room enough for two wagons to pass on either side; that it would be built on the best foundation making it perfectly safe, and that, as his drawings showed, it would be artistically built. He also stated that the pumping would be easier if there was no turn in the feed-pipe. He asked that a remonstrance be read or that some arguments be advanced proving that it should not go where located.
After some discussion, Mr. Hill’s motion was carried that a committee of seven citizens be appointed to meet Mr. Plate the next day and try and determine the best location for the pipe. The committee consisted of C. R. Sipes, Maj. Hasie, Geo. Frick, H. Godehard, J. L. Huey, H. P. Farrar, and C. D. Burroughs. Thursday was spent by the committee and Mr. Plate in a fruitless attempt to have the location of the stand-pipe changed, but nothing was accomplished, only to condemn its present location. In the evening the council met as adjourned. Mr. Plate opened the discussion by stating his failure to accomplish anything with the committee. They simply did not want it on its present site, but did not suggest any other. Although he did not want to antagonize the citizens, he had taken legal advice and claimed he could, under the circumstances, hold the present site. He would consent, however, to either of the intersections directly west or would purchase a vacant lot if insured from injunction and damages by private individuals in the vicinity. Mr. Davis thought the company was persecuted and would aid in purchasing a site. Mr. Hill offered the company $50 toward buying a location and $2,000 for their franchise. Mr. Hight spoke in favor of the present site. Mr. Dunn said he had voted for the present site, but that he had found great opposition from his constituents, which was reason enough that he was wrong, but did not want to vote to reconsider, preferring to let the matter rest without further action, believing that the company could not afford to antagonize the citizens and would purchase a location. After several irregular motions were withdrawn, a motion to reconsider was made and under the roll call stood: Ayes—Hill, Dunn, Prescott, and Dean; Nays—Thompson, Bailey, Hight, and Davis. The mayor declared the motion just and the matter now stands as it was.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The council now stands Hill and Hight, 1st ward, Ingersoll and Dean, 2nd ward, Prescott and Thompson, 3rd ward, Thurston and Davis, 4th ward.
Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.
The council met in regular session Monday night with Capt. Thompson presiding. A petition from property holders on 7th Avenue asking that the resolution adopted at the last meeting ordering them to remove their fences from the street led to them being laid on the table. The Southwestern Stage Company asked permission to build a frame barn within the fire limits. Referred to a committee. This caused considerable debate. Messrs. Dean, Prescott, and Davis held that it was a violation of the ordinance. The majority of the council was against them. Frick Bros., asked permission to build a frame house within the fire limits. Referred to committee mentioned above. The Johnson Loan & Trust Company asked the use of one-third of the street for building purposes, which was granted. A resolution was passed extending the city limits across the Arkansas River, so as to take in both the railroad bridge and the highway bridge. Lawyer Jenkins was appointed to draw up the necessary papers.
Arkansas City Republican, April 24, 1886.
Frank L. Thompson has located at San Diego, California.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1886.
At the last meeting of the city council there were four or five applicants for the office of street commissioner and no appointment was made. Last week Acting Mayor Thompson solved the difficulty by appointing Jacob Dunkle, a one-armed soldier, to the office. This is in strict conformity with civil service rules.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
A young fellow who recently removed here from Winfield played a sharp trick upon Maj. Woodin Sunday evening. The aforesaid young fellow wanted to take his fair one a buggy riding. He engaged a rig of Thompson & Woodin and whirled his lady love around the city for a couple of hours. At about 9:30 p.m., he returned the rig to the stable, jumped out of the buggy, and with the remark, “Major, I left my girl down here on the corner; wait for a few moments ’till I can see her home and I will be back and settle.” The obliging Major said “all right,” and sat down in his office to await his return. He waited until 11:30, but the young man came not, and the Major became wrathy because he had been kept up so late. Monday morning we saw the irate Major looking for the scape-grace. As yet he has not captured him. On account of the respectability of the young lady’s parents, we refrain from publishing the names of the youthful swindler. In order to not be placed in any such a dilemma as the above, young ladies should never go buggy riding with young men who never do anything for a livelihood.
Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.
The city council met Monday evening in regular session. Present: C. G. Thompson, C. G. Thurston, A. A. Davis, A. D. Prescott, J. Hight, C. Dean, and O. Ingersoll.
Bills: Thompson & Woodin, livery, $5.50; allowed. Petition of lot owners in block 71, 72, 163, 164, and 165 to lay sidewalks on west end of lots, was granted, provided that it be laid 6 feet wide and 5 inches thick, and to be done in 90 days. The ordinance annexing the strip of land to the city limits and taking in the west Arkansas River Bridge was passed, Judge Torrance having granted permission. The report of the committee on building a bridge across the canal on 7th Avenue was read and accepted. The city clerk was ordered to issue scrip to the amount of $211.66 in payment thereof. Jacob Smith offered his business lot at the corner of 8th Street and Central Avenue to the city for $800. The lot is to be used as a site for the city building. It was accepted. W. A. Ritchie submitted plans for the city building, but no action was taken upon them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Thursday night at the residence of C. G. Thompson, his amiable daughters gave to a select number of their friends a progressive euchre party.
Arkansas City Republican, May 29, 1886.
Monday evening the city council met. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen A. D. Prescott, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. T. Thurston, C. G. Thompson, and J. Hight.
The Arkansas Valley Democrat was declared the official paper of the city. The request of Wm. Rose to build an addition to his shop in the fire limits was referred to building committee. W. E. Moore and others petitioned for sidewalks and the necessary crossings from the Monumental Hotel to the residence of Mr. Moore and the city granted. Ordinance No. 34 was read and passed by sections and then as a whole. This ordinance relates to city building. Ordinance No. 35 was then read. It was in regard to the granting of the franchise to Archie Dunn and A. B. Johnson for the construction of a street railway upon the streets of Arkansas City. By motion the ordinance was laid upon the table until the next meeting. L. B. Davidson was granted permission to use one-third of the street for the building of the cracker factory.
Arkansas City Republican, June 5, 1886.
Yesterday occurred the observance of Decoration Day. In the morning the business houses of the city and many residences were decorated in honor of the departed heroes. Promptly in the afternoon at 1 o’clock each merchant in the city closed his place of business and commenced to assist in the exercises of the day.
At 1:30 the formation of the procession began on West 5th Avenue. The secret orders of the city met at their lodge rooms and marched to the place apportioned them in the procession. By 2 o’clock the procession was formed and entered upon its solemn march to the resting place of those who laid down their lives upon their country’s altar as a sacrifice, that the stars and stripes might continue to float proudly at the head of our nation.
The procession was headed by Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer and wife, followed by the Buckskin Border Band, Knights of Pythias, car with cenotaph, Prof. Duncan’s choral club in car, Grand Army of the Republic, car of 36 uniformed children, the Woman’s Relief Corps, Bolton Township band, pedestrians, citizens on horseback and in vehicles, and Mechanics’ band. The march was south on 8th Street to 3rd Avenue, then east to Summit, then north on Summit to 7th Avenue, and thence to Riverview Cemetery. It is estimated that there were 2,000 people in line, the procession being about one mile in length. Arriving at the beautiful grove on this side of the cemetery, the cenotaph was placed in the shade of the trees, and the usual services of the G. A. R. Post observed. Comrade Geo. E. Hasie made a pleasing and able address, enunciating the principles of the Grand Army of the Republic, explaining the origin of Decoration Day, and telling of the manner in which ancient nations paid tribute to their fallen heroes. Mr. Hasie is a fluent orator. His delivery is exceptional, his voice clear and vigorous. The REPUBLICAN compliments the Post upon securing so able an orator for the occasion. From the grove the large crowd who came to pay tribute proceeded to the cemetery, where the grave of each gallant son who died for his country was decorated with garlands of flowers by the uniformed children, the ladies of the W. R. C., the G. A. R. Post, and their friends. At the close of the exercises all departed for their homes, glad of their deeds of the day. The music rendered by the Buckskin Border Band was par-excellence and was equal to any we have heard in Southwestern Kansas. The Mechanics’ Band also rendered good music, as did the Bolton Township band. The organization of the two latter bands is but recent, but their playing is good. Capt. C. G. Thompson was the marshal of the day, assisted by G. W. Miller and John Daniels.
Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.
The council met in regular session Monday evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Prescott, Hight, Thompson, and Thurston. Bills of C. Mead, $522.72 for crossing and sidewalks, and $124.58 for curbing and guttering, referred to street and alley committee. Report of Engineer Wingate on improvements on 5th Avenue read and city clerk ordered to issue $330 of city scrip to pay the city’s portion of the costs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson and Mayor Schiffbauer visited Wichita yesterday. They came home today at noon.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
A certain party hired a rig of Thompson & Woodin a few days since and drove the horses so hard that one died yesterday. It was valued at $150. Driving horses to death appears to be a favorite amusement among a certain class of people. We were unable to gain the name of the man who perpetrated the above deed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Frank and Sherman Thompson have left San Diego, California, and gone up the coast to Puget Sound.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Miss Cora Thompson goes to Wichita tomorrow to visit with friends for several weeks.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Capt. Thompson has sold his interest in the livery business to Geo. L. Kirkpatrick. Kirkpatrick & Woodin will be the style of the new firm.
Arkansas City Republican, June 26, 1886.
The city council met Monday evening. Present: Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer; councilmen A. D. Prescott, Jas. Hill, O. Ingersoll, C. G. Thompson, A. A. Davis, C. Dean, C. Thurston, and J. Hight. Bill of Thompson & Woodin, Livery, $19; allowed. Report of committee on curbing and guttering the street received and read. Moved that the report be compared with specifications and committee report at next meeting. On motion the bill of C. Mead for putting in street crossings was allowed. The request of certain citizens to remove fences off the street was by motion referred to street and alley committee. On motion the mayor was instructed to sell city bonds to be issued for the erection of a city building, at not less than par value. Ordinance No. 35 was then passed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Recap. Mayor’s election proclamation issued July 10, 1886, by F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor, and city council members (A. D. Prescott, C. T. Thurston, C. G. Thompson, James Hill, and A. A. Davis) for Kansas City and Pan-handle Railroad Co. presented by Harry P. Farrar, a resident taxpayer of Arkansas City, asking for bonds in amount of $20,000. Attested by James Benedict, City Clerk. Election to take place Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, July 10, 1886.
Recap. Mayor’s election proclamation issued July 10, 1886, by F. P. Schiffbauer, Mayor, and city council members (A. D. Prescott, C. T. Thurston, C. G. Thompson, James Hill, and O. Ingersoll) for Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western Railroad Co. presented by James L. Huey, resident taxpayer of Arkansas City, asking for bonds in the amount of $7,500. Attested by James Benedict, City Clerk. Election to take place Wednesday, August 11, 1886.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Democrats of the city held their primaries Tuesday. From the first ward W. J. Gray and M. W. Hoover were selected delegates. From the second ward, Thos. Braggins and Jos. Finkleberg. From the third ward, A. D. Prescott and C. G. Thompson. From the fourth ward, Jos. Knowlton and C. T. Thurston. At large: T. McIntire, John Love, and Ed. C. Gage.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
The Democrats held their county convention Saturday. Winfield, Arkansas City, Rich-land, Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, Spring Creek, Ninnescah, Liberty, Dexter, Pleasant Valley, and Vernon townships were represented by delegates. Capt. Gary called the assembly to order and Amos Walton was chosen temporary chairman and D. C. Young, of the Telegram, secretary. The committee on permanent organization recommended that the temporary organization be permanent, which was done. The following delegates were then elected.
State Convention. John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Schmidt, S. G. Gary, T. McIntire, A. J. Thompson, J. D. Ward, C. C. Black, Amos Walton, Frank Manny, C. G. Thompson. The state convention meets at Leavenworth, August 4th.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council met last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen A. D. Prescott, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, A. A. Davis, C. G. Thompson, Jas. Hill, C. T. Thurston. Report of committee on draining slough read and accepted; and city clerk was instructed to make lease on canal property land for the right of way for drain and to procure a warranty deed for right of way through the Crocker place, 100 feet wide, for $400. J. C. Topliff complained that hitching posts on 4th Avenue were a nuisance and asked that they be removed. Complaint referred to City Marshal. Report of Police Judge for the month of July showing the amount of $265 paid into the city treasury in the way of fines, accepted and placed on file. City engineer was ordered to advertise for bids for the draining of the slough. The drain is to be 10 feet wide at bottom, two to one on slope. Bids to be opened in 10 days.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
A party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thompson, visited Geuda today. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are visiting in this city from Wichita.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson informs us that should the troubles with Mexico continue in their present state, he intends getting up a battalion and offer its assistance to the U. S. Government.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
A bid has been before the city council for some weeks past, to paint the west bridge over the Arkansas City, and at the adjourned meeting of that body last Wednesday, it was again read by the clerk. Councilman Thompson remarked there would be a difficulty in getting the bridge to stand up long enough to be painted, which bon mot produced a laugh and the bid was allowed to lie on the table.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 25, 1886.
A case came up before Justice Lindsay on Monday, which was listened to with considerable interest. J. P. Gilbraith, a railroad man, was the party in trouble—the charge against him being assault with a deadly weapon. The testimony on the part of the prosecution showed that on the Tuesday preceding he took a team to Hilliard & Keeler’s barn, and wanted to borrow $32, leaving the animals as security. Mr. Hilliard, not caring to make the loan, he was referred to Capt. Thompson, who advanced the money, taking Gilbraith’s note for the amount. Gilbraith went off and was not seen until Saturday, when he entered the barn and demanded the team. Mr. Keeler, being present, presented the note Gilbraith had made to Capt. Thompson, left there for collection, and also demanded his livery bill, $1.60. The man objected to the charge, and, becoming boisterous, declared his intention of taking the team, and started for the stall to carry his threat into execution. Expecting trouble, Mr. Keeler mounted a horse, hitched by the office, to go in quest of a constable, and on his return met the man on the street and the team still in the stable. All being quiet, Mr. Keeler proceeded home to dinner, first instructing the stableman left in charge (Chas. Consilyea) to collect the note and livery bill before he gave up the team. Consilyea in turn resigned his charge to the foreman, Ernest Elderting, repeating to him the instructions he had received. Pretty soon Gilbraith entered and asked the charge for keeping his team. The price was told him, to which he again demurred, tendering seventy-five cents in payment. It seems Elderting was under the impression the note was paid, as the dispute was over the trifling feed bill. His demand for the team being refused until the bill was paid, he drew a revolver on the stable keeper and declared, with an oath, he would take the animals. Elderting hastened to close the barn doors to prevent his egress, but while thus employed Gilbraith hastened to the stall, and unhitching his team, led it out the back way. Nothing more was seen of him until Monday, when he presented himself at the barn to pay his note. He was then taken in by Constable Breene, and the above facts being established in the justice’s court, he was fined $10 and costs for assault, and in the police court he paid an additional fine of $5 for carrying a concealed weapon. [Note: Name appeared as “Gilbraith” until the very last time. Then it was spelled “Gilbreath.”]
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Last evening a number of the citizens of Arkansas City met in the gymnasium hall and organized the Arkansas City Hose Company, No. 1. The meeting was called to order and Capt. Thompson chosen to preside and J. R. L. Adams, secretary. Eleven persons signified their willingness to be a fire boy. The company is to be composed of 18 persons. J. H. Flood was elected captain; J. R. L. Adams secretary; and S. P. Burns treasurer of the company.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Capt. Thompson on Monday bought the lot adjoining the site of the proposed city hall on the east. Consideration, $2,500.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 1, 1886.
Draining the Slough. At a special meeting of the city council, held on Monday evening, Aug. 30th, a communication from Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer was read.
I find, upon examination of the records, that a meeting of the council held July 19th last, Acting Mayor Thompson appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Wingate, Davis, and Thurston, to investigate and report on the feasibility of draining the slough west of the city. The report of this committee is herewith attached. I further find that on Aug. 2nd the city clerk was ordered to secure the right of way, and that at the same sitting the city engineer was ordered to advertise for bids to excavate a ditch for draining the slough, said ditch to be ten feet at the bottom with 2 to 1 slope. The bids to be opened and considered in ten days. Now I submit that this system of draining said slough will entail a heavy expense, and become an onerous burden on the taxpayers of the city. I also hand you herewith an approximate estimate of the cost of the plan proposed, and also the cost of the tile system of drainage, which will answer every required purpose; and this with an eye single to the health and pecuniary interest of the citizens and taxpayers of the city. From the committee’s report you will see that Messrs. Hill, Newman, and Sleeth offer to give the right of way free of cost; but from the engineer’s diagram, you will find that the survey runs where the right of way will have to be purchased or condemned. Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet wide at the bottom should be wanted for the purpose stated, I am at a loss to understand, when it is a conceded fact that a six inch drain would carry off all the water accumulating in said slough. You are, therefore, asked to give this matter your candid and careful consideration, and let your action tend to the advantage of your constituents. All of which is respectfully submitted.
Estimated Cost of the Large Ditch. Cost of right of way: $1,080.00; Cost of excavating: $2,640.00; Cost of fencing: $432.29; Cost of bridge: $500.00. Total: $4,652.29. To this will be added a yearly expense for the maintenance of the bridge and the erection of other bridges as the needs of the city require, and for their maintenance for all time.
Estimated cost of the Tile System. 2,436 feet of the 10 in. tiling at 20 cents: $487.20; Laying of same at 10 cents: $243.60. Total: $730.80.
The right of way for this would be freely given, as there would be no obstruction; no fencing would be required, no bridging would be necessary, and in this item alone a great saving would be secured to the taxpayers. The matter was debated awhile by the council, and laid over till the next meeting.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The city council convened in special session last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Thurston, Prescott, Ingersoll, and Dean.
Ordinance 43 was taken up and passed. It was in regard to building sidewalks on 5th Avenue from depot to depot. Ordinance 44, in regard to closing billiard halls and amuse-ments, was next considered upon and adopted. Ordinance 45, relative to the protection of property from fire, in regard to keeping gunpowder, gasoline, etc., was read and adopted. Ordinance 46, relating to the salaries of city marshal and police officers fixing their salary without fees for arrest, was adopted. The ordinance relative to fixing protection for the water works was read and laid over. The fine imposed upon Reuben Porter by the city, for giving a dance to raise revenue with which to construct a colored church building, was remitted when he informed the council to what ends the proceeds were to be used. The council appropriated $10 to convey Ella Ulch, a pauper, back to her home. The matter of draining the slough was brought up and a recommendation in regard to it was read by Mayor Schiffbauer. The subject was referred and will come up at a future meeting. On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The question of how the slough shall be drained is agitating the minds of the council. At a meeting held July 19, acting mayor Thompson, per instruction of the council, appointed a committee, consisting of Messrs. Wingate, Thurston, and Davis, to investigate and report the feasibility of draining the slough. The committee reported and at a meeting of Aug. 2, the city clerk was ordered to procure the right of way for the ditch. The city engineer, at the same meeting, was ordered to advertise for bids to construct a ditch 10 feet wide at bottom with a slope of 2 feet to 1. In his recommendation last evening to the council, the mayor said: “Now, I submit that this draining said slough would entail a heavy expense and become a heavy burden on the taxpayers of the city.” A 10 inch tile system was then recommended for drainage by the mayor, which he stated would answer every purpose demanded by the health and pecuniary interests of the taxpayers of the city. In support of his recommendation, the mayor furnished figures showing up the costs of the two systems of drainage.
Added to the cost for a large ditch ($4,652.29)would be the annual expense of keeping up the bridges besides building others as our growing city may demand them. A tile system would cost $730.80. The right of way would be given for this latter system as there would be no destruction of property, no fencing, and no bridging. In the wind-up of his recommendations to the council, the mayor said: “Why a right of way 100 feet wide and a ditch 10 feet in width at the bottom should be needed for the drainage of the slough, I am at a loss to know. It is a conceded fact that a 6 inch drain would carry off all the water accumulating in the slough. You are therefore asked to give the matter your earnest and careful consideration and let your actions tend to the advantage of your constituents.”
The REPUBLICAN, like the mayor of the city, does not see why the city should be made to put in a drain large as the canal, costing nearly $5,000, when everyone knows the tile drain would answer the purposes demanded of it and would cost about one-seventh as much.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson is making arrangements to put up a two-story brick building, on the lot next to the city building, which he has recently purchased. Central Avenue is looming up with new buildings.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
The Moore road grader was on trial in the third ward yesterday, under the direction of Capt. Thompson, appointed street commissioner pro tem. With three teams to propel it, the road grader did effective work, and it was considered a useful implement for the city to purchase.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The council met last evening. There were present Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Dean, Ingersoll, and Hight. The matter of the Geuda Springs, Caldwell & Western road was laid over. A motion was made and carried that the city purchase 500 feet of cotton and rubber and cotton hose each. The contract for furnishing hose, carts, suits, etc., was awarded to the Hamilton Rubber Co. The hose will cost 90 cents per foot delivered here. Mr. Quigley, representing the water works company, offered to put in certain extensions of pipes at half service for two years. The offer was accepted. On motion the council adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Frank Thompson returned last evening from California, where he has been sojourning for several months.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The city council met in regular session last evening. Present: Mayor Schiffbauer; councilmen C. G. Thompson, J. Hight, C. Dean, O. Ingersoll, and A. D. Prescott. C. Mead asked that scrip be issued him for curbing and guttering, as certain lot owners were delinquent. On motion the request was granted. C. G. Thompson was appointed chief of the fire department on the recommendation of hose companies 1 and 2.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson intends commencing work on his business block in a few days, which he proposes to erect next to the city building.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.
Frank Thompson came back a few days ago from a summer’s ramble in California. He speaks well of the country and the climate, but he prefers Arkansas City for a permanent home. His brother, Sherman, has found employment there at his trade (stone-cutting) and will be apt to remain during the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.
The council met in regular session on Monday evening, Acting Mayor Thompson presiding. A large number of bills were disposed of. A petition from D. D. Keeler to build an addition to his livery barn, 16 x 80 feet, was referred to the building committee. Jas. Christian asked leave to build a frame dwelling on his lots in the Second ward, which was granted. Dr. Alexander also petitioned for leave to put up an addition to his residence on North Summit Street; leave was accorded. An ordinance extending the fire limits two blocks north and the same distance south was read and passed. Four other ordinances of minor importance were also adopted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Capt. Thompson was up to Winfield attending the Democratic convention Tuesday. He watched the street cars, of which Winfield blows so much. They made 12 trips past the hotel and in the 12 trips they only carried six passengers. It does seem that the street car business in Winfield is not a paying one.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Last evening Hon. Frank Bacon addressed the Democracy of this vicinity. Hon. Frank is the people’s candidate for congress from this district and he came down with the intentions, we suppose, of taking the people by the seat of the pants and pulling their votes into the ballot box on November 2 for him. The Hon. Frank is also the candidate of the Democracy and spoke here under their auspices. This ever thoughtful party was very elaborate in their preparations for this “grand rally.” They even went so far and opened up their hearts so widely as to secure the Mechanic’s Band to dispense soothing syrup strains of music. They also engaged the large and commodious storeroom—100 x 25 feet—of J. L. Howard, which was freshly plastered but the day before. We are informed Mr. Howard gets the post office at Cale for this great service to the party. The aroma given off from the plastering and the dust arising from the dry lime as the audience walked over it was simply bewildering. It served its purpose though. The smell of their favorite “medicine” was completely killed off. The effect was better than the eating of cloves. And as Mr. Bacon is of the meek and lowly kind, he said naught of his shabby reception and niggardly treatment. At about 8 o’clock the venerable Judge McIntire escorted Mr. Bacon from the hotel—$2 per day house—to the temple in which he was to orate. They were followed by right-bower Schiffbauer, in this campaign only, and left bower Thompson, and crowd of boys. Arrived without accident upon the improvised platform, the band fell over a few bars of Democratic music, which had been left down the evening before, and then Mr. Bacon was introduced to the few assembled by Mayor F. P. Schiffbauer. Mr. Bacon made a very short speech. He told his hearers how the poor people of this district were suffering for homes down in the Indian Territory. He gave a regular re-hash of one of Capt. Couch’s old Oklahoma speeches, with which our readers are familiar. He never advanced a new idea. He never said he would work for the opening of Oklahoma if elected. His speech was made up principally of quotations of what renowned men had said upon the subject of Oklahoma. This showed that he possesses no mind of his own and that his knowledge is not limited beyond being a well-read man. In congress he would not even command attention. He is a poor speaker; has no eloquence at all. His diction is extremely poor. From the beginning to the ending of his speaking, he stood flat-footed upon the platform with his heels placed closely together and he did not move from that position during his address. Only once or twice did he raise his hand to gesture. Such speaking is exceedingly wearisome and quite a number of the audience showed their disapproval by getting up and going out before half of his speech was delivered. Amos Walton addressed all who remained at the conclusion of the address. He made a much better speech than Mr. Bacon and the audience showed their appreciation of the change of orators by frequent applause. It would have been better for Democracy if Amos had been nominated for congress and Bacon for probate judge. Taking all in all, the rally last evening was a grand failure. The audience at first would not exceed 125 persons and before the speaking was over, it had dwindled down to about 60 or 70. We are safe in saying that Mr. Bacon will run behind the ticket. P.S. Mr. Bacon never said one word about the big time he and Jeff Davis had at New Orleans over the Independence bell.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.
The city council met on Monday evening, Acting Mayor Thompson in the chair. The petition of Hilliard & Keeler to erect a building on block 81, along their livery stable, and also to erect a full scale house on Fifth Avenue, was granted. Permission was also granted to those building on Summit Street in block 83, to use one-third of the streets (Summit Street and Second Avenue) for building purposes. A petition to condemn the right of way from Fifth Avenue to the Frisco depot, and repair the same for a public highway, was referred to the city attorney for investigation, with instructions to report at the next council meeting. The contract between the city and the Van Dorn Iron Works, of Cleveland, Ohio, for a city jail, was read and approved. This provides for the construction of a jail with four cells and a corridor, one of them file and saw proof. The cost of the building is $1,235. The application to vacate the alley between the residences of J. C. Topliff and Stacy Matlack was discussed, and the first named authorized to proceed with his work. The question of numbering the streets and houses next came up, and the city attorney was instructed to search the authorities to determine whether the city can compel the business houses to number. On motion authority was given the city clerk to rebate to T. S. Sayman at the rate of $2 a day on his auctioneer’s license, for the number of days that he does not sell goods. Ordinance No. 53 (protecting the city Water company from pilferers of their water) was adopted.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Last evening a stranger was brought up from the Territory, quite sick. He was suffering from an attack of typho-malaria. The men who brought him here left him at the Monumental Hotel, but that institution refused to take him in. Late in the evening Frank Thompson and Johnnie Brown, police, found him lying on the platform in front of the hotel. They took him in and secured a room over Godehard and Co.’s store, and carried him there, where he received medical treatment. What an uncharitable world this is. If it had not been for the police, the sick man would have remained on the hotel platform all night in the cold air, and perhaps this morning he would have been dead. The verdict of the world would have been: died of drunkenness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Col. Moonlight spoke in Winfield last evening. Capt. Thompson and other admirers of the Colonel went up to hear him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson is recovering from a ten days severe spell of sickness.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Yesterday morning a youth about 18 years of age, bearing the name of Charles Harris, entered the store of Youngheim & Co., and picked out a suit of clothing and an overcoat. He asked Mr. Behrend to lay his purchase aside until afternoon, and he would be in and pay for the goods. In the afternoon he came in and presented a check for $40, made out to the order of Charles Harris, and endorsed by him, and signed Hilliard & Keeler. A glance at the signature and endorsed name showed Mr. Behrend that both were written by the same person. He excused himself, ostensibly to go to the bank and get the change above the price of the goods purchased, but in fact went out to secure the services of a policeman. Frank Thompson was secured, who took Harris in. The boy was terribly frightened, and offered to make any reparation the clothing firm should demand. They determined to give the youth a worse scare, so he was taken before Judge Bryant, who lectured him soundly on the crime he had committed, and as no one appeared to prosecute him, he was dismissed. Harris has been working for Hilliard & Keeler at their livery barn for some time past. He was paid off yesterday, his wages amounting to $17.50. He cashed this check, and tried to imitate the signature on the $40 check. His attempt was very bunglesome. This morning he was sent to his home at Richland, Iowa, by the firm whose name he endeavored to forge.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1886.
The inclement season is upon us, and our city officers tell of severe suffering already existing in our midst. Thousands of men who have been working on the Southern Kansas grade in the Territory, many of them accompanied by their families, will have to find shelter and other employment as the various contracts give out, and already a number have come in through sickness or other causes. These people can find no vacant tenement to occupy, and some of them are entirely without means. Their resort is to the city for aid, and no funds are provided for their relief. The only resort is to send them to the county poor house, which is a degrading way of treating indigent persons who are willing to work for their own support.
Last winter the attention of the council was occupied at every session in auditing bills for coal and other necessaries furnished to relieve pressing and immediate want. The mayor would explain the urgency of the case; some widow with a cold hearth and empty cupboard and her children crying for bread. Or the husband and father may be sick, and medical attendance and the care of nurse are needed. Mayor Schiffbauer would follow up his statement with the declaration, “When a mother comes to me with the story that her babies are suffering for fuel and food, I haven’t the heart to refuse her, and if the council will not pay the bill, I will.” Sometimes our city fathers felt themselves constrained to disallow these bills, and the city almoner paid them from his own pocket. Mayor Schiffbauer says his charity cost him $300 last winter, and he will regard himself as fortunate (or obdurate) if he gets through the present winter with no greater outlay. In talking this matter over a day or two ago with City Clerk Benedict, and the marshal with his assistant, Frank Thompson, they urged the necessity of establishing a city hospital where the sick can be cared for at less cost than attends our present want of system. They mentioned the case of McGibbon, a grader now sick and on the hands of the city, the bill for whose care amounts to $100. Another indigent patient, named Shoal, who was boarded and nursed at the Central Avenue Hotel, incurred a public expense of $150. A Mexican died at the Leland Hotel some time ago, who was long under the care of the doctor, and the bill presented to the council for this care was $80. These bills are referred to the appropriate committees, they come up again to be scaled down, they are then approved and sent to the county commissioners for their consideration. Yet costly as this business is, the beneficiaries receive but perfunctory and inadequate care, and much suffering is endured which might be avoided. Destitution in our city is likely to be severe and widespread this winter, and now is the time for adequate provision to be made to meet it. It is not fair to cast the burden on the city officers, this is a service in which all should bear a part. The ladies of the various aid societies in our city are assiduous in hunting up cases of destitution, and are equally prompt in supplying aid. But their machinery is ineffective for dealing with distress on a large scale, and they have not the means at hand to extend charity to any large amount. They need the cooperation of their husbands and businessmen generally, who can comprehend the nature and extent of the exigency they have before them, and who are able to provide the means to deal with it effectively. A lady correspondent makes this useful suggestion: “In my family enough old garments could be gathered up to clothe two or three persons comfortably, and I am sure that in hundreds of other households as much serviceable clothing could be gathered. My idea is to engage some storeroom where these supplies could be received, and invite their donation through the pulpit and the city press. I believe there are charitable ladies enough in this city willing to devote a portion of their time to the custody of these goods and to there distribution to the suffering and needy. No expense need attend this charitable work, and with the use of proper business methods, it might be made to work a great deal of good.” The suffering likely to be endured in this city the present winter from poverty and sickness we have heard discussed in several households; and we trust that the energy and business ability of our wives and mothers will be applied to the useful and urgent work that lies before them.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Capt. C. G. Thompson has appointed T. J. Mitts assistant fire chief. Friend Mitts is a “brave man,” and the appointment is a good one. Ladders are to be discarded. The boys will climb to T. J.’s shoulders when the fire is in the third story, while he issues his commands. Ladders will be used only in fourth story fires.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Yesterday Tom O’Connor was intoxicated and disturbed the peace. Policeman Thompson undertook to arrest him. O’Connor resisted but finally he was lodged in the calaboose where he languished until this morning. Judge Bryant fined him $40 and costs, which he could not pay. He was put in the bastille again to lay out his fine. During the scuffle of taking him to the calaboose, a front window light of Mrs. Henderson’s millinery store was broken and Policeman Thompson cut his hand on the glass.
Maggie James.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
This morning at about 10 o’clock, the city was thrown into great excitement by the report brought uptown by W. M. Tuders that W. M. Mason had shot Maggie James. The news spread quickly, and soon a large crowd of citizens, among them Marshal Gray and Policeman Thompson, and a REPUBLICAN representative, started for the house where the crime was committed. It is a small cottage on 4th street near the Santa Fe road. Arriving there, Mason was placed under arrest. He was endeavoring to build a fire when the police went in. He made no resistance, but submitted to being searched without a murmur. The revolver with which the shooting was done had been taken by neighbors living next door immediately after the deed was committed. The victim lay on the bed in great agony. Physicians had been summoned, and they began to administer medicine to relieve the pain. The ball took effect in the left breast, struck a rib, turned slightly upward, and passed out beneath the shoulder. It went entirely through the body. It was found afterward with a small piece of the rib attached to it. Had it not been for the rib the ball would have pierced the heart, as it was aimed in that direction. The revolver was a 45 calibre. During the brief examination which the physicians made, Mason stood in the room in the charge of the police, listening to the cries of agony from the woman whom he had shot. He was considerably agitated and once he attempted to soothe her by talk, but her misery was so great that she could not restrain from crying out. When Marshal Gray informed him that he was ready to take him uptown, Mason put on his coat and remarked, “Maggie, I will be back soon,” and started. He was taken before Judge Kreamer, where a warrant was made out for his detention. Warrants were also issued for W. M. Tuders and Annie Tuders, and the trio are now in custody, awaiting the result of the shooting. According to his own statement, Mason is a gambler. He and W. H. Tuders live at the house where the shooting occurred with Maggie James and Annie Tuders. Last night he was out playing cards and this morning when he went to where he was living, he was intoxicated. A dispute arose about something, in which Mason, Annie Tuders, and Maggie James became involved. Mason had his revolver and he flourished it around considerably. W. M. Tuders endeavored to get it away from him, but did not succeed. Mason laid the revolver down on the breakfast table, but took it up again. The two women were sitting on the bed opposite him and he claims he endeavored to lower the hammer, which was cocked, when it went off with the results above stated. Annie Tuders confirms Mason’s story as does her husband. There are many rumors flying around to the effect that Mason shot the woman intentionally. J. P. Randall, delivery man at Houghton, Upp & Co.’s store, was there immediately after the shooting; says Mason confessed to him that he intended to murder Maggie James. Other parties have heard him make threats to the effect that he intended to take her life. County Attorney Swarts and Sheriff McIntire were sent for, but had not arrived at time of going to press. While the prisoners claim the shooting was accidental, there is considerable evidence to show it otherwise. A trial of the case will develop whether it was accidental or intentional. Dr. Stuart is attending the wounded woman. Annie Tuders, under guard, has been sent to take care of her. This afternoon in Judge Kreamer’s office, Mason broke down and cried like a babe. We fear his tears come too late. They will avail him nothing now. He is a hard case; in fact, the quartette, Mason, Tuders, and the woman, may be classed under the same heading. At press hour the woman was still alive.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Maggie James, the woman who was shot yesterday by Mason, is still alive. She may live but the chances are rather against her. Sheriff McIntire came down from Winfield last evening and took charge of Mason, the man who shot Maggie James, and Tuders, who is held as an accomplice. He handcuffed the prisoners and took them to Winfield and put them in jail. Annie Tuders will remain here, under guard, to attend her wounded companion.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Maggie James, the woman shot by Mason, is still alive. She is in a very critical condition. A REPUBLICAN representative was informed this morning by the attending physician that the woman told him when she saw Mason pointing the revolver toward her, she raised a pillow up in front of her just as the revolver was discharged. The bullet went through the pillow, through her body, through another pillow lying on the bed back of her, and struck the wall. The ball is in the possession of Dr. J. Vawter.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 11, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Maggie James’ condition remains about the same as yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Sheriff McIntire came down this morning from Winfield. He brought with him W. M. Mason, the woman-shooter, and W. M. Tuders. They were taken before Judge Kreamer this afternoon where they waived examination and were bound over to appear at the district court. Mason was put under $3,000 bond; Tuders $1,000. Annie Tuders was also put under $1,000 bond. The last two are held as witnesses. C. P. Jeffries appears for the defendants. Maggie James, the woman who was shot, is getting better and the chances are favorable to her recovery. Mason and Tuders were taken back to jail.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Maggie James, the woman whom Mason shot, is recovering. Unless she has a back-set, she will get well.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 15, 1886.
At an election of officers of Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R., on Saturday evening, the following were elected. Post Commander, M. N. Sinnott; Senior Vice Commander, John R. Nelson; Junior Vice Commander, Jacob Dunkle; Quarter Master, G. W. Miller; Surgeon, Capt. C. G. Thompson; Chaplain, Jacob Crites; Officer of the day, Dr. Kellogg; Officer of the guard, John Lewis; Inside guard, I. N. Dodd; Outside guard, Amos Walton. Comrades Frederic Lockley and Amos Walton were elected delegates and H. T. Sumner and G. W. Miller alternates to the next department encampment to be held in Abilene, Kansas.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The annual election of Arkansas City Post No. 158 occurred Saturday night, Dec. 13, with the following officers elected: M. N. Sinnott, P. C.; R. Nelson, S. V. C.; J. Dunkle, J. V. C.; Capt. C. G. Thompson, Surgeon; G. W. Miller, Q. M.; Dr. H. D. Kellogg, O. E.; I. N. Dodd, I. G.; J. Lewis, O. G.; Amos Walton, O. G. The following were elected delegates to the state encampment: Frederick Lockley and Amos Walton. Alternates: Henry T. Sumner and G. W. Miller.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 22, 1886.
The violation of the prohibition law and the demoralization that is spreading through our community in consequence of the flagrant disregard of law are topics that engage every tongue. Some of our citizens who profess to speak from personal knowledge, declare that we have dives now open in our city, which are the centres of dissipation and debauchery, as unblushing and menacing to the public welfare as ever existed in the border towns of this state during their palmy days. The evil has long existed; it has been recognized as a public scandal; it has been cited in other localities as a reproach to our city. But these lawbreakers have been allowed to pursue their unholy callings unchecked; they have derived their support from lawless characters who naturally gravitate to such sinks of iniquity, until this dangerous element has acquired force and cohesion; and now the better class of our citizens have a work of purification on their hands, which will require resolution and unity of purpose to consummate. The question is naturally asked, what is our city government about that this bad state of things is not corrected? Our mayor is not lacking in enterprise and astuteness; our police force has been strengthened lately in order to deal efficiently with the hard cases who make this city their resort; and the machinery of the courts is certainly competent to deal out justice to offenders. But complaint is made that Mayor Schiffbauer is remiss in the performance of his duty; that he is unreserved in his condemnation of the prohibition law—believing it the legislative work of purists and fanatics—and openly scoffs at all attempts to provide for the efficient administration of our city affairs. He is naturally interested in the method of raising a sufficient revenue, and meeting all demands on the city exchequer. His talk to all his friends is that the income to be derived from high license far exceeds the amount that can be raised by the occupation tax; the use of liquors as a beverage cannot be abolished, and it is the sheerest absurdity to close the saloons and yet allow the traffic to go on under gauzy disguises. With this feeling in his mind the mayor seems to forget that he is merely an executive officer; that the laws are made by another power, and that it is his duty to administer them fairly. The members of the council appear to be affected with a similar indifference. In a recent meeting of that body, Councilman Hill called attention to the lax manner in which offenders were dealt with by the city magistrate, trifling fines being imposed where heavy penalties are prescribed in the city ordinance. Judge Bryant, being present in the council chamber, explained that he was acting under orders from some of our municipal officers, and felt himself hampered in the performance of duty by some sort of circular combination closed around him. This officer seems to forget that he is elected by the people, and that his responsibility is solely due to them. Of this fact he was admonished by the councilman from the first ward, who to strengthen the magistrate’s hands, offered a resolution that when dealing with habitual offenders against certain city ordinances, the police just be instructed to impose the full penalty prescribed. But not a second could be obtained to the resolution. In another column briefly reporting the trial of a jointist, named Gant, in Justice Lindsay’s court, a whole array of suggestive developments was made which our citizens may peruse with profit. This young man had been keeping a clandestine bar on an upper floor on Summit Street for five months, and during this time he had given in the way of fines (or hush money) $512. Councilman Thompson visited his saloon every month, with the regularity of a landlord receiving his rent, collected his little bill ($100 it appears in this case), and the saloonist supposed this gave immunity to his illicit trade. Nine joints are reported in the city, which pay a monthly bonus or divvy of $50 to Capt. Thompson. These transactions are entered in no book, but we have Judge Bryant’s statement that the $50 fine is paid over to him in each case, and by him covered into the city treasury; the odd $2 being divided between himself and the collector as a sort of balm to the conscience. How many houses of ill fame (under their various disguises) are running in this city, we have no official record. These scurvy establishments are under the management of Marshal Gray, who also makes his monthly rounds, and collects $10 from every courtesan he meets. This, we are also to suppose, finds its way into the city treasury, through the hands of the police justice. It will be remembered that when Judge Bryant entered on his duties nearly two years ago, he incurred the severe displeasure of the mayor and our city council because he failed to make his collections pay the expenses of his office. Swashbuckler bravos might incarnadine the town, and in the mere exuberance of imbibed spirits, fire their revolvers at random. Judge Bryant’s mulct would be a dollar and costs. Young men of a sportive turn of mind could have lots of fun at a very trifling expense. His judgment was impugned by his censors, but his friends urged in defense that he had a heart as big as a quarter of beef. Councilman Davis, having less regard for sentiment than the speedy redemption of outstanding city scrip, put his sole foot down on “this monkey business,” as he termed it, and peremptorily ordered the police judge to cinch every mother’s son that came before him. Sources of city revenue are more abundant now, and Judge Bryant’s office pays a snug little subsidy to the city. But what assurance have we that all the fines professedly paid, into his hands, find their way into the city treasury? The jointists, the prostitutes, and the gamblers, an immaculate class of which the city may be proud, are all willing to pay liberal charges if this will secure them immunity from disturbance. Such an arrangement seems like compounding a felony; but if the wages of sin are to be paid in coin, certainly it should be honestly applied to public uses.
But this whole method of dealing with law breakers stands condemned on the face of it. It is too much like a family arrangement. Our city officers are not paid to encourage evil doers by dividing profit with them, and evidently they are ashamed of the business by their endeavors to hide their dealings from the public view. The effect is baleful and is daily growing worse. It is the duty of the city council to make diligent quest into this matter, to inform themselves why these contraband liquor dealers, these lewd women, and these festive spirits on the green are not rigorously hunted up, effectually rooted out, and their carnal houses abolished. Let the city be purged of its present infamy. According to our understanding of the matter, every member of the city government owes it to his good report to deliver himself from this disgraceful condition of things.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1886.
Justice S. C. Lindsay, on Monday, disposed of the state case against Frank Gant, by fining him $300 and costs and sending him to the county jail for 60 days. This very stylish young man has been keeping a joint over the old Occidental Hotel for the last four months, during which time he claims he has paid upwards of $400 to the city in the way of fines, or hush money. Capt. Thompson would visit him every month, and collect a contribution, for which no receipt was given, but it was understood that it protected him from arrest. His crooked business becoming known to County Attorney Swarts, this official, on the 14th inst., made complaint to ‘Squire Lindsay, and the following day he was arrested by the Sheriff. The trial came off on Saturday, a jury being summoned to try the case. By arrangement with the prosecuting officer, two of the four counts were withdrawn and the accused pleaded guilty to the other two. What made the case dead against him, was his dispensing his contraband beverages to Sheriff McIntire, he not knowing his customer. His confession of guilt rendered the services of the jury unnecessary, and the long string of witnesses subpoenaed by the prosecution were not called on to testify. And another annoying circumstance in the case, he had paid his monthly fine to Capt. Thompson the very morning he was taken in. Justice Lindsay dealt out to him the cold letter of the law. The young man seemed to be flush with money, and made light of the fine and the $70 costs; but going to jail for two months was repugnant to his delicate susceptibilities, and he protested vehemently against the severity of the court.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Security Investment Company is a new real estate firm with office quarters in the room at the rear of No. 33 drug store. The company is composed of F. P. Schiffbauer, president; B. F. Childs, vice-president; H. D. Kellogg, treasurer; James Benedict, secretary; and C. G. Thompson. The capital stock is $25,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 29, 1886.
“It does seem strange to fair and liberal minded men of our thriving city that there is a few in our midst finding fault with our honorable mayor and city council, when they are doing all they can for the interest and welfare of our booming city (and how we do boom). Never in the history of Arkansas City could you find the improvements going on and the business transacted by our merchants, with real estate doubled and trebled in value as under our present administration; and yet we have to tolerate these growlers and back-biters, who are making money and getting rich among us. My advice to these would be to move to the little village of Winfield, where they may get their whiskey straight in the drug stores, take it home, or to some hotel, and get a dining room girl to your room and have her shoot you. That does away with joints and houses of prostitution. Brother Lockley or any others whose minds are worried over the city finances derived from joints and houses of prostitution, are respectfully referred to Judge Bryant, who will show them the police docket, and for any further information you can desire on the subject, please call on me at the Security Investment Office, which is now open for business. Respectfully, C. G. THOMPSON.”
The above is copied from the Democrat, and being signed by the president of the city council, we regard it worthy of comment. It is addressed to “grumblers,” (which heading we have removed), the grumblers being citizens and taxpayers who object to the loose and irregular manner in which justice in this city is administered. The city is prosperous without question; real estate is increasing in value, the building industry is active even at this inclement season of the year, and population flowing in faster than it can be accommodated. But is this relevant to the writer’s argument? Does he assume that because joints are fostered in the city, and loose women allowed to ply their illicit vocation, that our business prosperity is brought about? He cannot delude himself so egregiously; or if he is himself misled, he cannot thus mislead others. Law abiding citizens who take becoming pride in the growth of their city, and desire to make a desirable place for others who are seeking homes to adopt are scouted as growlers or backbiters, whom the Democrat writer invites to get up and leave! Does Capt. Thompson know how large a portion of his constituency is included in this insulting dismissal? He will remember that as councilman from the second ward, he is sworn to execute the laws; his own sense of what is right and expedient in the state statutes not being allowed to govern. The “growlers and backbiters” aforesaid have raised their voices in condemnation of the collusion of our city government with law-breakers. The constitution prohibits the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, and an ordinance of the city imposes a fine of $50 to $150 for violation of this provision. What does this ordinance mean? Are we to understand that the people of Arkansas City, acting through their municipal officers, have declared their acceptance and acquiescence in the prohibitory clause, and show their will to enforce it by clothing their local officers with the proper powers? Or was the ordinance passed as a blind? To save the appearance of loyalty to the state constitution and the laws, but with no intention of enforcing it? A Pickwickian price of municipal legislation, to place our city government square on the record, but not intended to kill at forty rods or any greater distance? Our second ward councilman makes a clumsy attempt at humor. His proffered advice to the editor of this paper and to every moral and law abiding citizen in sympathy with him, is to remove to our neighbor city, get their whiskey straight in drug stores, take it to some hotel room and have the dining room girl shoot them. Our censor carries a bitter wit. We are to understand that the clergy of the city, the parents who wish to preserve their sons from the contamination of evil surroundings, every man in short who believes the liquor traffic a monster evil which should be suppressed, are all surreptitious tipplers, whose pharisaical austerity is assumed to hide the sin of the libertine and the indulgence of the reveler. Does Capt. Thompson include his own constituents in this unsparing and injurious innuendo? We would respectfully inform the gentleman from the second ward that Brother Lockley of the TRAVELER is not worried about the joints and loses no rest over the city finances. He has simply performed his duty as a public journalist in calling the attention of the council to the irregular way in which the city marshal and the police magistrate are performing their duties, and he leaves the writer of the article quoted above, to account to his constituents for the bad taste and worse morality he has displayed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887.
Today on the noon mail Marshal Gray received the following letter, which he asks us to publish. It came to him, we believe, unsolicited.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 20, 1887. W. J. GRAY, Esq., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Dear Sir: I notice in Wednesday’s Traveler they say you were paid $50 on Dec. 15. This is a mistake which I am very sorry occurred. I will make a statement below, which please hand to the editor of the Traveler and have him correct it. Yours respectfully, Frank Gantt.
To the Editor of the Traveler, Arkansas City, Kansas: In your last issue you stated W. J. Gray received $50 for a fine of running a joint from me. I will here state it was paid to Capt. Thompson, and not W. J. Gray. Please correct this and oblige. Yours, Frank Gantt.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Wm. Bamber once upon a time had a beautiful and valuable Gordon Setter dog. For several days past he has been setting quietly and last evening Mr. Bamber concluded he (the dog) was mad. Accordingly he informed Policeman Thompson of the fact and the animal was shot. Several other dogs were bitten before it was discovered that he was mad. Look out for mad dogs.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The council did not convene last evening. There was not a quorum of the members out. It was a special meeting to take action on the sewerage question. We understand some resolutions had been prepared and were to be introduced, asking Councilman Thompson to show up where the money had gone to which had been collected from jointists by him.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The council met in regular adjourned meeting. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer; Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Davis, Thurston, Hight, Hill, and Ingersoll. A petition was presented, numerously signed by our citizens, asking that all auctioneers be relegated to one block east or west of Summit Street. It was ordered placed on file. J. P. Farrar’s proposal to paint the roof of the city building for $60 was read and laid on the table. The Committee on Public Improvement was ordered to look after shutters for the city building. Ordinance No. 62, relating to occupation tax, was adopted. Ordinance No. 63 was read and laid over. Ordinance No. 64 was read and passed. This related to annexing new territory to the city. Ordinance 65 was read and referred to city attorney to be remodeled. The vote of Monday was canvassed. There were 780 for and none against. On motion adjourned.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887.
The council passed an ordinance last evening taking the following additions into the city limits: Canal First, Canal Second, Jenkins & Campbell’s, Wingate’s, Oak Grove, Park Place, Abbott’s, South Side, Hamil’s, Summit First, Summit Second, Coombs’, Ruby’s, McGrath’s, McLaughlin’s Second, Vawter’s First, Vawter’s Second, Anderson’s, Alexander’s, Nelson’s, Deet’s, Matlack’s, Bittle’s First, Bittle’s Second, Sherburne, Brown’s First, Brown’s Second, and Duncan’s. The land is described in the ordinance as adjacent to Arkansas City and has been duly platted and filed with the Register of Deeds.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
Capt. Thompson and G. L. Kirkpatrick drove the city over displaying a banner with the following printed on it: “R. R. Elections, all turn out and vote for the bonds.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
The Manufacturing Committee of the Business Men’s Club organized last evening. Maj. Sleeth was made chairman; Capt. C. G. Thompson vice-president; and F. W. Farrar, secretary. This committee has several manufacturing enterprises on hand which will develop shortly.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The council passed an ordinance last evening making it a finable offense for the owners of buildings wherein whiskey is sold. This is as it should be. If the jointist is fined, the man who rents him the building should be treated in the same manner. We would recommend that parties who visit houses of prostitution, as well as prostitutes, should be fined also.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The regular meeting of the council occurred last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Ingersoll, Prescott, Thompson, Davis, and Hill. The proposition to put iron shutters on the jail by Danks Bros., was read and on motion laid over till next meeting for consideration. J. C. Topliff asked for quit-claim deed to lot 1, block 103; it was referred to city attorney. The question of a market place was by motion referred to the sanitary committee to report next meeting. Ordinance 65, an ordinance in regard to the sale of intoxicating liquors, was then read and by motion was passed and adopted. The city attorney was ordered to go to Winfield and investigate the titles to city lots. In the matter of the claim of Mr. Allison for damages, Mayor Schiffbauer and city attorney were appointed to investigate the same. The city clerk was ordered to advertise for bids for the construction of sidewalks on 5th Avenue. D. G. Carder was granted permission to occupy the usual space of the street for building purposes. Councilman Davis asked that a culvert be put in at the foot of West Central Avenue. Referred to street and alley committee. On motion the present janitor at the city building was retained.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
The council met in regular adjourned session last evening. Present, Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson, Prescott, Ingersoll, Hight, and Davis. D. L. Means, et al., asked that grade at corner of block 137 be changed; referred to city engineer. Gamile & Southerland asked for an appropriation of $125 on city work. Granted by motion. Tom Saymens asked the city to refund part of auctioneer’s license and the suit against him to be withdrawn. Granted. W. P. Wolfe, et al, asked that a hook and ladder outfit be purchased as a company was organized. The school board asked the mayor to call an election to vote bonds to the amount of $15,000 to build an addition to Central school building. On motion it was endorsed by council. Ordinance No. 66, repealing No. 37, liquor ordinance, was passed. Ordinance No. 65, relating also to liquor ordinance, was debated and laid over. Ordinance No. 67, for payment of firemen, was adopted. Fireman to receive $1 for each fire attended. Firemen are exempt from poll tax. On motion the mayor and clerk were instructed to re-issue the bonds of the city to the amount of $11,000 and take up original bonds for same bonds. A culvert was ordered in on West Central Avenue. The police Judge reported $380 paid into the city treasury. Approved. The prisoner in the city jail was ordered released.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Messrs. Thompson and Hilliard sold P. Peters an acre northwest of the city this morning for $675.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Night watchman McCoy at the Cracker Factory telephoned up last evening for Marshal Gray to come down immediately, that someone was trying to rob the cracker factory. The marshal and policeman Thompson started down. When they arrived they found McCoy standing in the door with revolver in hand. He didn’t want to let them in: he thought they were burglars too. He told them that someone was throwing rocks at the factory; that he couldn’t tell whether they were on the inside or out. He was badly scared. The trio then began searching the institution over for burglars. On arriving at the third story of the building, McCoy was the first to discover a man upon his back upon a candy table with a long butcher knife in his chest. This was too much for McCoy, and he broke and ran. Upon investigation the supposed dead man proved to be a suit of old clothes stuffed with straw. Someone had successfully “put up” a scare on McCoy.
Arkansas City Traveler, Friday, June 17, 1921.
Dan Bunnell, now deceased, and Frank L. Thompson, still here, were on the police force in 1888.