Tipton Brothers
Looking for the Tiptons who handled cattle...
Kansas 1875 Census, Silverdale Township, Cowley County, 3/1/1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
John Tipton 46 m w Ohio Iowa
L. P.?? Tipton 25 f w Ohio Illinois
W. C. Tipton 17 m w Iowa Iowa
C.? J. Tipton 25 f w Ohio Illinois
W.? C. Tipton 19 m w Iowa Iowa
F. M. Tipton 16 f w Iowa Iowa
C. Tipton 14 f w Iowa Iowa
C. E. Tipton 10 m w Iowa Iowa
Bary? Tipton 8 m w Iowa Iowa
J. S. Tipton 24 m w Illinois Iowa
J. A. Tipton 23 f w Iowa Iowa
C. F. H. Tipton??? 39 m w Maine Nebraska
Silverdale Township 1874:
No spouse listed for the following...
Tipton, J. A., 22.
Tipton, John, 38.
Tipton, M. H. 27.
Silverdale Township 1878:
No spouse listed for the following...
Tipton, Isreal [age 30] or Isrial [age 31].
Tipton, J. A., 25.
Spouses listed for the following...
Tipton, John A., 25; spouse, Helen, age not given.
Tipton, John, 40; spouse, Mrs. [first name and age not given.]
Tipton, Milt, 25; spouse, Mrs. [first name and age not given.]
Silverdale Township 1879:
Tipton, Curtis, 23. No spouse listed.
Tipton, Joel, age not given. Spouse, Mrs. [first name and age not given.]
Tipton, M. H., 26. Spouse, Mrs. [first name and age not given.]
Winfield Messenger, July 12, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in Co. Clerk’s office in Winfield July 1st, 1872. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
Proceeded to act on the following Road Petitions.
One of John Tipton, granted with O. H. Ward, Frank Speers, and R. A. Thompson, as viewers. Survey July 12th, 1872.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Commissioners Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, August 16th, 1872.
Board of County Commissioners met in County Clerk’s office, pursuant to adjournment. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer. Petition of Charles Parker for County Road was presented and granted with the following viewers: Daniel Hunt, W. Thompson, and John Nichols. Time of survey August 26th, 1872. New viewers were appointed on the old petition of Topliff, consisting of John Linton, Isaac Shedder, and H. O. Ward; Time of survey August 27th, 1872, and also on the old petition of Tipton, of O. Howard, Frank Speers, and R. A. Thompson; time of survey Aug. 28th, 1872.
April 28, 1873, Vernon, the first subordinate Grange, was organized; A. S. Williams, master. In November following Silverdale and Bolton Grange were organized. We have not been able to learn who were the first masters.
The following Granges were organized by J. L. Worden, deputy.
Dec. 29, 1873, Eagle, J. Tipton, master.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
The Republicans of Silver Dale Township selected for central committee the following gentlemen: L. Lippmann, chairman; John Tipton, secretary; and William Herbert—all good, active men.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
W. T. ESTUS, late P. M. at Silverdale P. O., gave up possession of that office to Israel Tipton on Saturday evening last.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Pursuant to the call of the Republican County Central Committee, of Cowley County, the delegates assembled in convention at the courthouse, in the city of Winfield, on Saturday, Sept. 22, 1877, at 11 o’clock a.m.
On motion a county central committee consisting of one member from each township was chosen by the delegates from the respective townships. The following gentlemen were selected:
Maple, W. B. Norman; Winfield, L. J. Webb; Ninnescah, H. Martin; Harvey, L. L. Newton; Spring Creek, J. B. Callison; Richland, N. J. Larkin; Vernon, P. M. Waite; Sheridan, B. Longshore; Tisdale, S. W. Chase; Silverdale, John Tipton; Beaver, C. W. Roseberry; Windsor, S. M. Fall; Bolton, Reuben Bowers; Omnia, W. H. Gilliard; Otter, C. R. Miles; Liberty, Justus Fisher; Rock, Frank Akers; Creswell, C. R. Mitchell; Silver Creek, A. P. Brooks; Dexter, H. C. McDorman; Cedar, W. A. Metcalf; Pleasant Valley, T. J. Harris.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
SILVERDALE, Oct. 23, 1877.
A slight flutter was caused in our quiet neighborhood by the meeting at Mr. Butterfield’s, on the caucus for the nomination of township officers. The results will be found below.
Trustee: J. B. Musselman.
Justices: D. Francisco, W. Butterfield.
Clerk: S. Cattrell.
Treasurer: W. T. Estus.
Constables: I. Tipton, T. Butterfield.
The store at this place, and with it the post office, has been bandied about somewhat unmercifully of late.
W. T. Estus, successor to Mr. Tipton, sold the twin concern to S. Cattrell, who has been serving Uncle Sam for about a week, but at this writing, Dan Grant is spoken of as the coming merchant and postmaster.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Israel Tipton to John Tipton, e. ½ of s.e. 31 34 5, 80 acres, $1,000.
John Tipton and wife to Peter F. Haynes, w. ½ of s.e. 31 34 5, 80 acres, $800.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Court Proceedings.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
The following is a report of the disposal of the cases which have come up so far during this term.
Albert W. Hoyt vs. Israel Tipton, et al, judgment.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
The call of the Republican State convention to meet at Topeka on the 28th day of August recommends that the county central committee call a meeting for the purpose of electing delegates to the state convention, to be held on Wednesday, August 21. . . a district convention to choose delegates to be held Saturday, August 10th, at the call of the central committee of the county.
The Republican County Central Committee is as follows:
John Tipton, Silverdale.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Mary H. Buck vs. John A. Tipton, et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
The following cases were tried before Judge Campbell during the term of court, up to September 5, 1878.
Mary H. Buck vs. John Tipton et al. Judgment and foreclosure.
Mary Buck vs. John A. Tipton et al. Judgment for plaintiff $220.80 and foreclosure.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 12, 1879.
Mrs. John Tipton and Jacob Beal, of Grouse Creek, gave us a call on Tuesday last.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)
John A. Tipton J. E. Allen
J. H. Finch Hackney & McDonald
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
See the notice from Grouse Creek with reference to hunting and shooting on the farms in that vicinity.
LOWER GROUSE, Nov. 29, 1880.
We, the undersigned, hereby give notice that all persons found hunting or shooting on our respective farms on or after this date will be prosecuted for trespass.
One of those who signed above notice: J. A. TIPTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Stockmen’s Meeting.
Pursuant to call a number of stockmen met at the office of C. M. Scott, in Arkansas City, Kansas, and organized by calling Mr. John H. Tomlin, of Winfield, to the chair and C. M. Scott, Secretary.
The following gentlemen were present: W. J. Hodges, John Myrtle, John Love, J. M. Love, Weathers, Tipton, Chinn, Wicks, D. Warren, Hugh McGinn, J. H. Saunders, Moorehouse, Dr. Carlisle, and others.
On motion a committee of three was appointed to settle all claims of stockmen with the parties proposing to fence, or any other whose interests might conflict.
Committee: W. J. Hodges, Chairman; Drury Warren, and C. M. Scott.
Mr. Weathers thought the Oil Company had no right in the Territory, and did not believe in adjusting matters with them. Thought they should not be recognized in the meeting at all.
Mr. Hodges thought if they paid the tax and complied with the law, they had as much right as anyone to the unoccupied range, and that we should not expect the range to lay idle, and that it would not, and anyone claiming it and paying for it would be protected, whether they were of Kansas, Pennsylvania, or England.
Mr. Chinn said if a man paid, he had no protection against Texas cattle, to which Mr. Hodges replied; only through the Stock Association.
Mr. Warren didn’t see any harm in the Oil Company occupying the range as long as they interfered with the rights of no one legally there.
Mr. Love is on the west side of the range they propose to fence. He hasn’t paid his tax. When he stopped there, he did not expect to remain long—was going farther west, but finally concluded to remain. He then rendered payment to the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, and his offer was refused, although he was first on the ground, and had conflicted with no one; and after they had refused, the grant and privilege was given to Mr. Gore. He did not believe in discriminating in favor of a monopoly, and that too, when they were not on the ground, and have not yet a hoof of stock on the range. He said there was no fairness in it, and that the Oil Company were only acting fair since they could do no better. That they had tried to shut out all alike and would have done it if they could, and he appealed to the stockmen to stand by him as he had stood by them.
Mr. Hodges thought Mr. Love’s case one of merit, and that his right would not be ignored.
On motion the meeting elected Mr. Tomlin, Mr. Love, and C. M. Scott a committee of three to forward the grievance to Major John Q. Tufts at Muskogee, Indian Territory.
On motion Drury Warren, Mr. Wicks, and Mr. Weathers were appointed a committee of three to attend the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, to be held at Caldwell March 6, 1883.
The following resolutions were introduced and passed.
Resolved, That it is the sense and desire of this meeting that no quarantine ground be established east of Bitter Creek.
Resolved, That no through Texas cattle be permitted to be driven along the State Line east of Bitter Creek, or within four miles of the line during the summer months and that we will use our best endeavors to prevent such doing.
Resolved, That each and everyone of us become a member of the Cherokee Strip Association, and that we stand by one another in the protection of our rights.
On motion the meeting adjourned.
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tomlin, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Israel Tipton is building a fine residence near the canal.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
MARRIED. Again the nuptial roll: Curtis Tipton and Tight Bousman were married Monday last.
M. H. Tipton...??? M. M. Tipton...???
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for Saturday as taken from the Records of the Register’s office.
J. N. Fleeharty ex ux to M. H. Tipton, tract n w ¼ of 15-34-5. $2,500.
M. M. Tipton and wife to J. N. Fleeharty, tract n w ¼ 15-34-5. $200.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
BIRTH. A boy babe came to the home of L.[I.?] Tipton last Saturday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
I J Tipton and husband to Isaac D Harklewood, s hf of the nw qr of the nw qr sec 3-21-14e, 140 acres: $100
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
About the 1st of June from Tipton’s camp in the Territory, one brown mare with small T on left shoulder, about four years old; supposed to have gone toward Oxford. A liberal reward for information leading to her recovery either at this office or Tipton Bros.