W. A. Tipton
First name or initials of “Mr. Tipton” not given in next item...
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Monday evening Mr. C. A. Bliss was purposely invited out to tea, and, returning home at about 8:30, found his parlors filled by about fifty of his personal friends.
When he entered, the Rev. Mr. Cairns, on behalf of the guests, in an appropriate address, presented him with twelve richly-bound volumes of standard literature. Mrs. Bliss, though absent, was remembered with a magnificent illustrated volume.
Mr. Bliss responded in a feeling manner: after which the leader of the surprise was himself made the victim of a surprise, by the presentation by Captain McDermott, on behalf of friends, with a splendid volume of “The Life of Christ.”
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann acted the part of host and hostess; and ice cream, strawberries, cake, etc., were served amid music and general social enjoyment.
The whole affair was a neat recognition of the Christian, social, and business character of the recipients of the mementoes, which they so justly merit.
The married couples present were Mr. and Mrs. Wright, McDermott, Story, Johnson, Hendricks, Trimble, Wilson. D. Bliss, Baird, E. H. Bliss, Gilbert, Cairns, Jarvis, Adams, Tipton, Silliman, Stevens, Tresize, and Fuller. There were also present Messrs. Borchers, Arment, Applegate, Rigby, Wood, F. Finch, and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mrs. H. Bliss, Mrs. Jewell, Miss S. Bliss, Miss Smith, Miss Corson, and others, whose names we failed to obtain.
W. A. Tipton. [Noted that papers at times called him “J. W. Tipton,” confusing his initials with those of J. W. Millspaugh. Have corrected papers, but wrong initials will probably be shown in other accounts. MAW]...
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
Messrs. Tipton & O’Hare have formed a co-partnership in the practice of law. They will make a strong team.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Messrs. Tipton and O’Hare have formed a partnership in the law business.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
TIPTON & O’HARE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, office in post office block, upstairs, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
Judge Tipton is following the footsteps of Payson and Nat Coldwell in making greenback speeches and organizing clubs. He started a club of four members at Rose Valley last week.
Mamie Tipton...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
Masquerade Ball.
Miss Mamie Tipton, country maiden, surprised her friends.
W. A. Tipton...
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice in all the Courts. Prompt attention given to collections. Office over Post Office, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
Pursuant to call, a number of gentlemen interested in the organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society, met at the Court House Saturday, April 15th, 1882, and were called to order by T. A. Blanchard. Thereupon, J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon Township, was elected Chairman and T. A. Blanchard, Secretary. F. H. Graham stated that the object of the meeting was to organize for the purpose of holding a county fair this fall. On motion of J. B. Jennings, the meeting unanimously resolved to hold a fair, and a committee of six gentlemen consisting of J. C. Roberts, W. P. Hackney, W. J. Hodges, J. W. Millspaugh, J. L. Horning, and W. A. Tipton was appointed to draft articles of incorporation and report at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 22, 1882, at 2 o’clock, at which time all feeling an interest in the fair are requested to attend.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Pursuant to call, a number of gentlemen interested in the organization of a Cowley County Agricultural Society met at the Courthouse Saturday, April 15th, 1882, and was called to order by T. A. Blanchard. Thereupon, J. W. Millspaugh, of Vernon township, was elected Chairman and T. A. Blanchard, Secretary. F. H. Graham stated that the object of the meeting was to organize for the purpose of holding a county fair this fall. On motion of J. B. Jennings, the meeting unanimously resolved to hold a fair, and a committee of six gentlemen, consisting of J. C. Roberts, W. P. Hackney, W. J. Hodges, J. W. Millspaugh, J. H. Horning, and W. A. Tipton, was appointed to draft articles of incorporation and report at the next meeting. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Saturday, April 22nd, 1882, at 2 o’clock, at which time all feeling an interest in the fair are requested to attend. All Cowley County papers requested to copy.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
This is Court week and our lion-like attorneys are in clover. The following gentlemen are present: A. J. Pyburn of La Mars, Missouri; C. R. Mitchell, of Geuda Springs; Senator Hackney, Judge McDonald, Judge Tipton, Jas. O’Hare, Henry E. Asp, S. D. Pryor, J. F. McMullen, D. C. Beach, O. M. Seward, J. E. Allen, A. P. Johnson, James McDermott, P. H. Albright, T. H. Soward, Geo. H. Buckman, M. G. Troup, and County Attorney Jennings.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The Fair Association held their second meeting at the courthouse Saturday afternoon, and the meeting was called to order by the president, J. W. Millspaugh. The committee appointed on permanent organization made their report, which embraced a carefully prepared constitution and by-laws, and the following officers were then elected: President. W. A. Tipton; Vice President, H. Harbaugh; Secretary, T. A. Blanchard; Treasurer, J. W. Millspaugh. The meeting adjourned to meet again, according to the minutes, “at two o’clock in two weeks,” which means of course, Saturday, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P.M.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
The officers elected for the Fair Association are W. A. Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer. The Directors are J. C. Roberts, J. J. Johnson, H. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, Chas. Schiffbauer, S. Phoenix, H. Harbaugh, W. J. Hodges.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The board of directors of the Agricultural and Horticultural society met at the Courier office, in Winfield, May 6th, 1882, at two o’clock P. M.
Present: J. C. Roberts, R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S. W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing term: W. A. Tipton, President; Henry Harbaugh, Vice President; T. A. Blanchard, Secretary; J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer; W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.
The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to have the same ready for approval at the next meeting.
The following committees were appointed.
Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, James Schofield.
Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.
Grounds: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.
Bylaws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.
Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.
Committee on premium list, the board.
The secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing the legend, “Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal.”
The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the county papers.
Adjourned to meet May 20th, 1882. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Judge Tipton is one of the soundest lawyers at the bar and shows a knowledge of law that is only gained by years of experience.
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
About the Fair!
The Board of Directors of the Cowley County Agricultural Association met at the COURIER editorial rooms Saturday afternoon for the purpose of organizing and getting into working order. The directors present were Messrs. J. C. Roberts. R. B. Pratt, P. M. Waite, W. A. Tipton, W. J. Hodges, S. W. Phoenix, and J. W. Millspaugh. The following officers were elected for the ensuing term.
W. A. Tipton, President.
Henry Harbaugh, Vice President.
T. A. Blanchard, Secretary.
J. W. Millspaugh, Treasurer.
W. J. Hodges, Superintendent.
The Treasurer was required to enter into a bond of $2,000 and to have the same ready for approval at the next meeting.
The following committee was appointed.
Finance: W. J. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, James Vance, J. L. Horning, James Schofield.
Printing: T. A. Blanchard, E. P. Greer, W. A. Tipton.
Grounds: W. S. Hodges, J. C. Roberts, J. W. Millspaugh.
By-Laws: W. A. Tipton, F. S. Jennings, Henry Asp.
Committee on grounds were directed to meet May 8th, 1882.
Committee on premium list, the board.
The Secretary was directed to procure a rubber stamp seal bearing the legend, “Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society Seal.” The Secretary was directed to publish the proceedings in all the county papers. Adjourned to meet May 26th, 1882.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Judge Tipton disposed of a large amount of business Monday.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Judge Tipton was elected Judge pro tem by the bar Saturday and held court Monday. The Judge presides over the refractory gentlemen below with dignity and grace, and his prompt and effective manner of dealing with points of law shows him to be possessed of a well balanced legal mind.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
CARD NO. 2. Mr. Editor: It will be remembered that immediately after the difficulty between myself and Tucker, there were individuals in this town misrepresenting me and trying to create the impression that the said trouble was the forerunner or the initial step of an organized fight against the ministers of the gospel, or in other words, the commencement of a war between ruffianism and vice, against Christianity and morality. Upon hearing this I published a card denying the same in toto. Now that the matter is all over and the smoke has cleared away, and, as many are daily enquiring of me as to the particulars, I desire to recapitulate this huge affair briefly.
On the morning of the 24th of October last, I was told by many of our reputable citizens that on the night previous, Tucker, a professed christian minister, in a speech in the opera house before an audience of some five or six hundred persons, had singled me out, named me, and charged me with having misrepresented and lied to obtain signatures, to a certain paper circulated a week previous by Mr. Lynn and myself. That day I met the Reverend gentleman and quietly told him what I had heard, whereupon he in a very haughty, sarcastic, and insulting manner, said “he guessed I had heard what he said about me.” At this time I took occasion to slap the gentleman, which of course I do not claim to have been a christian act nor even right in a moral sense, but yet I believe the average mortal under like circumstances would have done the same.
Now, I have the word of a resident minister that Tucker told him about the time the suit for damages was instituted against myself that a certain lawyer had volunteered his services to prosecute the case against me. This minister asked Tucker who that lawyer was, and Tucker replied it was Capt. McDermott. I have the word of a lawyer in this town that about the time said suit was started that the said volunteer attorney boasted on the street that he would make me sick before he got through with me.
These acts of an eminently moral gentleman will evidently be considered by the community at large as emanating from a true christian spirit, especially when they learn that of $250 damages allowed by the jury and already paid by me, Mr. Tucker gets nothing, but that the same is divided up among the lawyers who tried the case, McDermott & Johnson, as I am informed, getting $150, and Hackney & McDonald getting $100 of the spoils, leaving poor Ben. Henderson, who made the only legal on the side of the prosecution, out in the cold, without a penny for his services.
And I also was reliably informed that Mr. Tucker is honorable enough to object to this course and demands that Henderson must have at least a small portion, but our Winfield christian lawyers, I understand, don’t like to give any money up. It’s too soft a thing especially when ordinary law practice is light. I have paid the money and the lawyers and their client are now quarreling over it. Of course, it is hard to pay out hundreds of dollars to such a purpose, but I do not regret it. I would feel that I had lost my manhood and disgraced my parentage if I would take such a wanton insult slung at me without cause or provocation without resenting it. If I had been permitted, I could have proven that I was not guilty of the charges made against me by Mr. Tucker, and that they were entirely without foundation. I love a christian gentleman, but a hypocrite I hate.
I believe the community will bear me out in the assertion that my actions have proven that I have no fight against churches or christians, but to the contrary have always endorsed all religious organizations and helped them financially. My father and mother have been members of the M. E. church ever since I can remember. I believe they are christians, but the religion they taught me was not the kind practiced by some in this town. The question is, has this affair had a tendency to strengthen the cause of christianity? Did the language used by Mr. Tucker in the hall, with reference to myself, indicate a christian spirit, or did it sound like the ranting of a third-rate ward politician?
Did the money I paid into court belong to Mr. Tucker or myself, or was it confidence money? If the suit was brought through good and honest motives, for the good of the community, and for the benefit of society and Mr. Tucker combined, why was it the lawyers forgot Mr. Tucker in dividing the spoils? I may be wrong, and hope I am, but it appears to me that the whole affair would look to an unbiased mind like a robbery under the cloak of a prosecution in the interest of morality and in vindication of the law. Again, is it not a strange coincidence that after Judge Campbell and Mr. Tipton (two gentlemen who never made any pretension toward being possessed of an extraordinary degree of moral virtue) had addressed the jury in my behalf, without making use of a single expression reflecting upon the character of Mr. Tucker. That in the closing argument the gentleman who professed to have the love of God in his heart should so far forget himself as to resort to blackguardism and billingsgate as I am informed he did. Among other things referring to myself and insinuating that I was a coward. Now I desire to address myself to this christian statesman and say to him kindly, but firmly, that he dare not undertake to substantiate that charge of cowardice on any ground, at any time, or in any manner he may choose. A. H. GREEN.
W. A. Tipton [often referred to as Judge Tipton]...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Judge Tipton returned from a business trip to Indiana last week. The Judge says he knew Cowley as soon as he struck it by the forwardness of the crops.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Notwithstanding the failure of the committee on the 4th of July celebration, and now that the thing is over, we will say they were wholly and utterly inexcusable. A large crowd gathered at Riverside Park, to enjoy themselves in exercises peculiar to the day. The first thing on the program was singing by the Glee club, composed of Messrs. Buckman, Snow, and Blair, and Misses Bard and Tresize, with Miss Nettie McCoy as organist, which of course insured the best of music. After prayer by Rev. J. Cairns, the declamation of Independence was read by W. C. Robinson, in a clear, forcible manner. Then came the oration by Samuel Davis, Esq., this being his first effort, or as it is generally written, “maiden speech.” Sam astonished everybody except those who knew him best. Few young men are born with so much ability, and fewer still put it to so good account. Mr. Davis comes of pure Kentucky stock, and closely related to some of the greatest orators that state ever produced, which is saying a great deal when we remember that Clay, Murhall, Breckinridge, and Crittenden were natives of Kentucky. Sam will yet make his mark.
After more music an eloquent speech was made by Judge J. Wade McDonald, followed by Judge Tipton. We will not stop here to particularize, for it is not only expected, but understood, that these gentlemen always acquit themselves with distinguished credit.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Winfield’s Celebration.
A number of our public spirited citizens concluded that it would not do to let the Fourth pass without the citizens of Winfield and vicinity celebrating in some way, the 100th anniversary of the Nation’s birth, so they got up a picnic at Riverside Park and arranged a program which proved a success, and drew a very large crowd with well-filled baskets from the city and surrounding country. The forenoon was passed in a very agreeable manner with music, singing, and various amusements. At 1 o’clock, after all had feasted sumptuously, the afternoon exercises began with music by a quartette selection from Winfield’s best musical talent, consisting of Messrs. Buckman and Snow and Mrs. Jewell and Swain, with Miss McCoy as instrumentalist, after which was the opening prayer by Rev. Cairns. The Declaration of Independence was read in a very able manner by Mr. Will Robinson. Samuel E. Davis then made his first appearance before the public as a speaker in a very eloquent and poetical oration. Sam astonished the audience by his pleasing manners and the ability with which he handled the subject of our Country’s Greatness, and it was a production that is not only a credit and an honor to himself, but one of which everyone may feel proud, coming as it did from a young man who has grown up with Cowley County, and whom we all feel is one of “our boys.” He was followed by Judges McDonald and Tipton, who delivered very sound and flowery addresses, overflowing with eloquence and true sentiment. These gentlemen are too well known throughout Cowley as able orators to make further comment necessary. After more music came the most interesting feature of the program to the mothers—the “baby show.” Three of our best looking old bachelors had been selected as judges: Messrs. Will Robinson, S. C. Smith, and Henry Goldsmith. They were to award the $3.00 premium to the prettiest cherub, $2.00 to the next, and $1.00 to the third. The boys gave the mothers a “fair and impartial” chance, and did their duty manfully, though their faces at times resembled a full bloom rose. A decision was finally reached and the following happy mothers received the premiums. Mrs. David Wilson, first premium; Mrs. Rev. Lahr, second; and Mrs. Thorpe, third. There were several foot races, boating, and many sources of amusement afforded those present. Taking the affair as a whole, it was a decided success, and the originators are entitled to much credit for the patriotic spirit shown in getting up the picnic.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Notice. The Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society will receive bids at the COURIER office on the 29th day of July, 1882, for the privilege of keeping eating houses, ice cream, and lemonade on the grounds of said Society during the fair. The bids may be made to include all, or may be separately for each. W. A. TIPTON, President.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.
Anti-Monopoly Picnic.
We attended the Anti-monopoly rally at Baltimore last week. The day was pleasant, the people we met were most hospitable, and altogether we could hardly believe it was not a grand republican rally. The republicans certainly had a majority of the procession. The meet-ing was held in Cottingham’s grove, a very nice place, with Timber Creek running through it. We listened for an hour to a speech by Mr. Cole, an alleged candidate for Congress. He is a very pleasant gentleman but makes a very poor speech. The speech was a good appetizer, and we did full justice to an excellent dinner furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham. After dinner Judge Tipton made the only speech that was made during the day. The Judge would be a successful stump speaker if he belonged to a party whose positions were even tenable. After Judge Tipton, the Hon. Sam Wood, better known over the state as “Slippery Sam,” delivered his speech. Sam is still as voluminous as ever, and his howls for “the poor, down-trodden farmer” are loud and deep. Sam ought to be rewarded for his disinterested (?) Labors with something better than twenty-five cent subscriptions to his paper. On the way home we had the pleasure of taking tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson. They have one of the finest places in the county, and neither monopolies or lack of greenbacks worry them. Such farmers as J. J. Johnson are living arguments against Sam Wood’s doctrine.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: As there isn’t anything appearing in the COURIER from this neck of the woods, I will try to dot down a few items.
Wheat in this vicinity is all stacked and some threshing has been done. Some are preparing ground for next year’s crop. Corn is splendid, health good, and everybody prosperous.
I had the pleasure of attending the anti-monopoly rally on Timber Creek last Thursday. Good order prevailed and excellent addresses were delivered by Messrs. Cole and Tipton, followed by Mr. Wood, who hadn’t anything to say and occupied about two hours and a half in saying it.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
The First Annual Fair of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Association will be held at the Fair grounds in Winfield, September 21st to 23rd. The Fair grounds of the Association are conveniently situated one-half mile north of Winfield, and for natural advantages are unsurpassed. An abundance of water and a large grove make them the most desirable, for fair purposes, of any in the state. The Association offers over $1,500.00 in cash premiums. Adjoining the grove and within the grounds is a first-class speed ring, one-half mile in length. Liberal premiums are offered by the Association for trials of speed. Entries of articles for exhibition may be made up to 9 o’clock a.m., of the second day. Entrance fee for all articles for exhibition. In speed ring competitors will be requested to pay 10 percent of the premium to be competed for, as an entrance fee. An ample police force will be furnished by the Association to protect the property of patrons from loss or injury.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
W. A. TIPTON, President.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Greenback Convention.
The mass convention called for last Saturday met, as per agreement, and after taking up a collection proceeded to nominate a county ticket as follows.
For County Attorney: W. A. Tipton.
For Probate Judge: W. E. Tansey.
For Clerk of the District Court: A. G. Wilson.
For Superintendent: Miss Aldrich.
No candidates for representative were placed in the field.
The resolutions were carried off by someone and we were unable to get a copy of them.
J. D. Hon, of Pleasant Valley, was chairman and H. J. Sandfort, secretary.
The committees were as follows.
Resolutions: W. A. Tipton, H. C. Werden, W. Heineken, A. L. Crow, D. B. McCollum.
Apportionment: R. W. Stephens, C. C. Krow, Mr. McCurley, F. W. Schwantes, J. C. Stratton.
Permanent Organization: Wm. Bryant, M. L. Martin, Jas. Moore, F. H. Gregory, F. A. A. Williams.
The meeting was not large or enthusiastic.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Judge Tipton will speak at the Centennial schoolhouse Sept. 15th at 2 p.m., and at Estus’ schoolhouse in the evening. An earnest invitation is extended to all, regardless of politics.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
Mass Meeting.
The Mass meeting announced for last Saturday came off as per programme, and was held in McLaughlin’s Hall in this city.
The meeting was called to order by J. B. McCollum, and then proceeded to elect officers, the result being that Judge W. A. Tipton, of Liberty township, was elected President and George O. Allen, of Creswell township, Secretary of the Meeting.
H. D. Kellogg was nominated for Representative of the 67th District by acclamation. The following gentlemen were put in nomination for County Commissioner: Amos Walton, I. D. Harkleroad, and Will Green. Messrs. Walton and Harkleroad withdrew in favor of Mr. Green, who was thereupon nominated by acclamation.
The following gentlemen were appointed to look after the interests advocated by the Convention in their respective townships: Wm. Clark, Bolton; J. F. Miller, Beaver; H. D. Kellogg, Creswell; W. A. Tipton, Liberty; Richard Courtwright, Cedar; J. I. Felton, Silverdale; J. W. Adams, Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
On the beautiful grounds leased by the Association adjoining the city of Winfield on the North, and will CONTINUE FOR THREE DAYS.
The officers of the Association are doing all in their power to make the Fair an honor to the county and confidently expect the citizens of the county will take such an interest in seconding their efforts so as to make the coming Fair a pride to the banner county of the State.
Come one, come all, come everybody, and compete for the premiums, and you all will receive a warm welcome. T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary. W. A. TIPTON, President.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Our correspondent says that Hon. W. A. Tipton in a speech at Silverdale promised his hearers that if they would elect him County Attorney, he would not make a smelling committee of himself and will not be controlled by the old women of Winfield. That means, if it means anything, that he will not try to enforce the prohibition law but will let as many saloons and drugstores as may choose, sell with impunity so far as he is concerned and that the temperance organizations will not be able to stimulate him to do his duty. He would make a beautiful prosecuting attorney, wouldn’t he?
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: We attended the Greenback speaking at the Centennial schoolhouse in this township on the eve of Sept. 26th. W. A. Tipton and H. D. Kellogg were the principal speakers although our local advocates of the cause made a very able effort. Judge Tipton occupied about two hours’ time in abusing the two old parties, being particularly severe on the Republican party. His speech was fully up to the average of his party and I think he had committed his lesson well as it was nothing more nor less than a repetition of Gen. Weaver’s speeches. He accused our party with having enacted laws favoring the rich man and ignoring the poor; with having deliberately robbed the poor soldier by only paying him $5.00 per month and giving the difference to the Shylocks. Now we most assuredly thank the Judge for his sympathy, but assure him that it was not a money consideration which caused us to enter the army in October, 1861. It was for the union of the states that caused us to put ourselves up for a target on nearly every battlefield from Louisville, Kentucky, to the Gulf. When we enter suit against the government for an equalization of pay, we will be glad to have the Judge take our case. He told us further our party had depreciated our greenbacks. Now we always thought it was Gen. Lee’s democratic army that did it; and if we had only had a few more thousand men to prevent his success, we would probably have been able to maintain them nearer on a par with gold, notwithstanding Seymore, Hendricks, Vallandingham, and Voorhees persisted in saying they were unconstitutional and worthless, and we have no doubt but what Judge Tipton voted with these worthies all the time. I shall refrain from following him through his entire speech for it would be a great waste of printer’s ink, but anyone who desires may read his speech by getting one of Weaver’s; except the part referring to Representative Ryan, who he accused of building the finest residence in the state on a salary of $5,000 a year, but said Ryan was a Republican, which accounted for it. He also assailed the public career of Mr. Jennings, and said if we would elect him, he should do the business of attorney much cheaper to the county, for he would not make a smelling committee of himself, besides the old women of Winfield could not control him. We know who will control him. The seven or eight hundred Republican majority will do it, and we regret to think it, too, as he is a stranger and it is his first effort to secure an office. I mean his first effort here, but it is
“Sweet to run, but oh, how bitter,
For an office and then not git’er.”
Doctor Kellogg followed and his effort at speech making was not equal to Blaine or Conkling, and we do not think the Greenback party committed much waste of talent by nominating the doctor. He made it his chief point to favor the recording of a certain road. A few nights ago when he spoke in this township he was going to have the Arkansas River opened for navigation, which is of much importance to Southern Kansas. About the next time the Doctor comes he will be in favor of the legislature making an appropriation to buy pipes for all the old women, but he will hardly succeed in this as the State Treasury will be severely taxed to buy pants for the small members of the legislature who are trying to straddle the Republican, Democratic, and Greenback parties, prohibition, and anti-prohibition. The doctor says when he goes to the legislature he will not accept a pass from the Santa Fe road. It occurs to us that he is going by water, up “Salt River,” for he is sounding his political fog horn now but it will avail him nothing. His political aspirations are forever wrecked, as they should be for deserting his party.
When an opportunity presents itself, your reporter will always be present to chronicle the speeches of such illustrious men. REPORTER.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
A gentleman the other day wanted to know whether P. H. Albright & Co.’s premiums were offered in good faith or not. Each and every premium they have offered so far have been paid in cash without delay. They are reliable and the man who has the ear of corn with the largest number of grains on Nov. 1st will get a cent a grain for it, even if it has fifty thousand grains on it. So now bring on your big corn.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Notice! The directors of the Cowley County Agricultural and Horticultural Society are notified to meet at the COURIER office Saturday, Oct. 7th, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of winding up the affairs of the Society. Let each and every director be present.
W. A. TIPTON, President.
T. A. BLANCHARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
The Board of Directors of the Agricultural Fair Association met at the COURIER office last Saturday to close up the business of the late fair. Present: Judge Tipton, president; T. A. Blanchard, secretary; J. J. Johnson, J. C. Roberts, W. J. Hodges. After transacting such business as came before it, the Board adjourned until Saturday, October 28th, which is the regular meeting.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1882.
Judge W. A. Tipton, Frank Jennings’ opponent for County Attorney, last week put himself upon record as “unqualifiedly opposed to Prohibition,” but said, “If I am elected, I will enforce the law.” That is not the kind of a temperance man to tie to in our opinion.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Democratic Enthusiasm.
Last Saturday was set apart by the Democracy of Winfield for a grand love-feast. For twenty-five years they had been occupying a “cave of gloom,” cut off, politically speaking, from the good things of this world, and were in excellent shape to rejoice over a streak of sunshine, even if they couldn’t tell where it came from. So Saturday morning cannons were fired, bands were hired, and the decks cleared for action. The clerk of the weather did not seem to partake of their enthusiasm and gave them a cold, raw day. No exercises were held during the day, but in the evening several hundred gathered at the Opera House, when, after some excellent music by the Dexter and Courier Bands, the speaking began. The chairman, Mr. Chas. C. Black, after a neat little speech congratulating Democrats on their victory, introduced as the first orator, O. M. Seward, an alleged Republican. In respect to Mr. Seward, we pass over his remarks. They were disgusting alike to Republicans and Democrats and decidedly out of place in a ratification meeting. The audience seemed to realize the pitiful position in which he had placed himself and sat through his desultory and rambling address in painful silence. Its brevity only was commendable.
The chairman then introduced Hon. J. Wade McDonald. His speech was well-timed, clear, and concise, and delivered with that purity of diction and elegance of rhetoric which he alone can command. He followed the history of his party from its inception to the present time, told in vivid language of the glories it had achieved, and drew a bright and attractive picture of what it would do in the future. He made many bright, telling points and was applauded to the echo. After paying a glowing tribute to the church and the good it had accomplished for the world, he went for the ministers and church members for their participation in the prohibition agitation, in a lively manner, charging them with “sinking below a common level by going arm in arm with the ward politician and political shyster who was betting his money on the results for whose success they were praying.” His position on this question was illogical. It is the duty of the minister of the gospel and christians generally, to work for any cause that tends to ameliorate the condition of mankind and raise them to a better and happier sphere, whether it be in the pulpit, at the prayer meeting, in the highways, by-ways, or in politics; and the only way to prove that they were out of place in working for the success of prohibition, is to show that it was morally and socially wrong. In this Judge McDonald was arguing against his own convictions, for he is himself a prohibitionist, and believes it is right. Judge Tipton made quite a lengthy talk after which the meeting adjourned. Altogether it was a cold, unfeeling sort of a ratification, without enthusiasm or spirit, and was a severe disappointment to the more exuberant Democrats.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
Robinson in the Role of Prohibition Leader of Antis.
Another Crank.
When the COURIER of last week came out with the petition to Senator Hackney, his answer and our remarks, some few of our anti-prohibition friends were red hot, particularly those few who were specially hit. Our friend, Robinson, was the hottest of them, and after the call of the meeting for the following Monday evening of all citizens, irrespective of their opinions on the prohibition question, to consider the petition to Hackney, he spent about four days on the street, trying to infuse his anger into other citizens, particularly to show those who signed the petition and were not hit that they were hit; and in organizing a crowd to attend the meeting and defeat prohibition resolutions. A plan was adopted and was carried out in the meeting of Monday as far as the noise and howling was concerned.
On last Monday evening, at an early hour, the Opera House was packed full of people. Every seat and every foot of standing room was filled. There were not less than eight hundred, and possibly one thousand, present.
Judge Tipton, not one of the callers of the meeting, pushed himself into the position of temporary chairman, and nominated Rev. J. E. Platter as Chairman, who was elected. Mr. Platter refused to be silenced in that way, and nominated Hon. T. R. Bryan for Chairman, who was elected and took the chair.
Millington offered a resolution to the effect that this meeting is utterly opposed to the establishment of saloons in this city, and moved its adoption, which was seconded by numberless voices all through the hall.
Robinson jumped up and made a long, loud, and excited speech to show that the resolution was unfair and unjust.
Tipton moved to lay the resolution on the table. A vote was called on Tipton’s motion, and the saloon element set up a tremendous howl of ayes, repeated by comparatively few voices. The nays were general throughout the house. The Chairman could not decided, and a rising vote was taken. About 150 rose to lay on the table, and nearly the whole congregation rose on the vote against the motion. The prolonged howling prevented the Chairman from deciding the motion, and Millington withdrew his resolution temporarily.
Robinson then got the floor and read in a loud tone, very slowly and excitedly, a long speech abusive of Senator Hackney, and stating, substantially, that he drew the petition to Senator Hackney, and knew what it meant; that it simply meant that the prohibition law was not as well enforced in other cities as in Winfield, and that somehow this operated against Winfield; that he was enthusiastically in favor of the “glorious prohibition amendment and law,” and the petition was to urge Senator Hackney to procure the passage of a law that would strictly enforce prohibition everywhere in the State; and that the closing clause, “If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle, did not mean anything at all, but was only some big words which he had on hand, left over, which he threw in merely to round off the paragraph.
During this tirade of three-quarters of an hour the audience sat quietly and heard him out, except that Mr. B. F. Wood raised the point of order that abuse of Hackney was foreign to the object of the meeting as stated in the call. The Chair ruled the point well taken, but the orator was permitted to proceed.
When he yielded the floor, Millington remarked that, as the originator of the petition meant only prohibition in its strictest sense, there seemed to be no controversy, and he there-fore offered the following resolutions as the sense of the meeting, and moved their adoption after debate, which motion was seconded by hundreds of voices.
We, citizens of Winfield and vicinity, in mass meeting assembled, to express ourselves in relation to the matter of the late petition to Senator Hackney, do hereby declare;
First—That we are utterly opposed to the establishment of saloons in Winfield, or in this county.
Second—That we are opposed to the re-submission of the prohibitory amendment.
Third—That we are earnestly in favor of such legislation as will make the prohibitory law more effective.
Fourth—That we heartily endorse and will stand by Senator W. P. Hackney in his efforts to make the prohibitory law more effective, and honor him for his fearless and manly course on this question.
Fifth—That we request our Senator and Representatives to continue their efforts to strengthen this law and to guard against unfavorable legislation.
Sixth—That the prohibition law has been much better enforced in this city and county than any former law in relation to the sale of intoxicating drinks.
Seventh—That, through the operation of the prohibitory law, drunkenness and the sale and use of intoxicating drinks have very largely decreased in our midst; that our city has become largely more orderly and moral than before it went into operation, and that all legitimate business is more prosperous and flourishing than it could have been in the presence of saloons.
Eighth—That it is our honest conviction that the temperance movement in Kansas has been a blessing to thousands of our citizens.
Rev. J. E. Platter then made a short, concise, and practical speech showing the obvious meaning of the petition as interpreted by almost everybody and expressing his strong and earnest dissent from its evident objects.
Mayor Troup then got the floor and spoke loudly and slowly for about an hour and a quarter with the evident intention of worrying out the temperance people in the congregation and making them leave the hall, but they quietly heard him out. He took an entirely different view of the meaning of the petition from that of the originator. He signed that petition because it meant to him that the prohibitory law is an utter and absolute failure; that the amendment ought to be repealed; that it urged Hackney to vote for the re-submission of the amendment, and for revenue purposes, saloons ought to be re-established in Winfield. He knew that prohibition in Winfield was an utter failure; for there were two of the dirtiest saloons here, where the stench of liquor offended the nostrils of the noble mayor (who is also assistant county attorney and don’t prosecute) and that three awful saloons are known as Express offices, and are bringing in intoxicating drinks by railroad every day.
Mr. T. H. Soward was called out and took the floor. Troup tried to choke him off by interruption and the audience tried to yell Troup down. Soward in a gentlemanly manner got through with his remarks in a few minutes.
Judge Tipton took the floor for the purpose, evidently, of worrying out the temperance people, for he had absolutely nothing to say but rambled on for fifteen minutes with the most wishy-washy and senseless jargon we had ever heard from the lips of a sane man.
Another old crank got up with a nose about three by six and as red as a beet, and howled about Hackney.
It was evident from the first that three-fourths of the audience at least, were in favor of passing the resolutions offered by Millington, and the scheme of Robinson was to prevent a vote being taken on them by howling. This was kept up until the chairman got so disgusted that he pronounced the meeting adjourned, and the crowd began to move toward the door and go out.
Robinson sprang upon a chair and called the meeting to order. Millington sprang upon another chair and called out swinging a paper in his hand. The audience halted a few moments in quiet, and Millington said in a loud voice:
“The question in order before the house is on the passage of the series of resolutions presented by me. All in favor of the passage of these resolutions will say, Aye—meeting with a general response of “Aye” by nearly the whole crowd. He then said; those opposed will say, “No.” A few feeble responses were heard and he proclaimed that the resolutions were carried by an overwhelming majority. The crowd then continued to pass out amidst such a noise that nothing could be heard.
Robinson sprang upon the stage and swung his arm yelling something at the top of his voice about coming to order, but he could not be heard and the audience continued to pour out.
The writer remained until nearly all the audience had passed out and the lights were turned down. Nothing more was done and he left.
This meeting demonstrates that the people of this city are overwhelmingly in favor of all the above resolutions, and particularly enthusiastic in their endorsement of Senator Hackney.
Excerpt from lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.
How ’Twas Done!
The Evidence Before the Coroner’s Jury and the Verdict.
The investigation by the Coroner on the body of young Cobb was commenced Thursday morning and lasted until Friday noon. The courtroom was constantly thronged with people during the inquest. The Coroner secured the services of Judge Tipton as attorney and David C. Beach as clerk.
Attest: E. S. Bedilion, Clerk. May 28, 1883. [SEAL.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, June 13, 1883.
WHEREAS, A. T. Shenneman, Esq., late sheriff of Cowley County, Kansas, and as such an officer of this court, died in this county on the 25th day of January, A. D., 1883, being stricken down by the hand of an outlaw, while in the act of arresting him, and
WHEREAS, the said A. T. Shenneman fell at his post while in the noble and faithful discharge of his duty as an officer of this court,
Now therefore, be it resolved by this court and all the members of the bar thereof, that in the death of the said A. T. Shenneman we have suffered the loss of an honorable, faithful, and efficient officer of this court, and one whom we have ever found faithful to his trust, whether as an officer or as a private citizen; and
Be it further resolved that the clerk of this court be instructed to spread these resolutions upon the journal of this court, and furnish a copy thereof to the widow of the said A. T. Shenneman under the seal of the court.
Signed: M. G. TROUP, J. F. McMULLEN, W. A. TIPTON, Committee.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Proceedings Third Congressional District Anti-Monopoly Convention.
CHERRYVALE, KANSAS, June 20, 1883.
The convention of Greenbackers and Anti-monopolists of this, the Third Congressional District, met in this city today. W. A. Tipton, of Cowley County, was elected chairman and James J. McFeely, of Labette County, secretary. All the counties in the district were represented. After the regular order of business was transacted, the following gentlemen were appointed as members of the Congressional Committee of the District, to-wit:
1. D. W. Bray, Neosho County, Erie.
2. W. A. Tipton, Cowley County, Winfield.
3. W. H. Anderson, Crawford County, Beulah.
4. G. W. Stone, Montgomery County, Independence.
5. B. L. Brush, Elk County, Howard.
6. R. T. Shinn, Wilson County, New Albany.
7. S. Booth, Chautauqua County, Chautauqua Springs.
8. J. T. Stewart, Cherokee County, Stillson.
9. James J. McFeely, Labette County, Parsons.
After the appointing of the above committee, the following resolutions were adopted.
1. Resolved, That we view with alarm the rapid strides which corporate power under protection of the law has made and is now making towards the complete subjugation and enslavement of the labor interest of the country, whereby labor is being systematically robbed of a large portion of its earnings without hindrance or protest from our law-makers. We demand in the name of the laboring millions of the country that the powers of all corporations be restricted and controlled by law so as to fully protect labor from corporate greed and rapacity, so that he who produces wealth by labor shall not be unjustly deprived thereof, but shall enjoy the fruits therefrom.
2. That we oppose the further sale of public lands to speculators, or the granting of any portion thereof to railroad or other corporations; we demand that all public lands be held and disposed of to actual settlers only, and any lands heretofore granted by congress to railroads which have been forfeited by failure to comply with the terms of the grant should be reclaimed by the government and declared subject to settlement as other public lands.
3. That all money should be issued directly by the government without the intervention of a national bank or other medium, and should be a full legal tender for all debts and obligations, and all banks of issue should be suppressed and their circulation retired, and the place of such circulation supplied by the money issued directly by the government.
4. That we are opposed to the taxation of all industry for the benefit of favored enterprises under the garb of a protective tariff, and we believe that no more tariff should be levied on imports than will raise a revenue sufficient for the annual exigencies of the government in a time of peace, and such tariff should be placed on luxuries only; all necessaries of life should be free.
5. We oppose all monopolies and all systems and laws made in the interest of a few and against the many.
6. We are in favor of the election of the president, vice president, and United States senators by a direct vote of the people.
7. We favor the suppression of gambling in the necessaries of life, and of combinations which fix prices against the natural laws of trade.
8. We are in favor of the reduction of fees and salaries in state, county, and national offices, and we favor the reduction of the salary of the president of the United States to $25,000 per annum.
9. We favor the payment of the public debt as speedily as possible and demand that all surplus revenue of the government be applied to the extinction of the debt as fast as such revenue accumulates.
10. We hereby reaffirm the platform of principles adopted by the National Labor Greenback Convention in Chicago on June 9, 1880.
11. We demand the strictest economy in the public service, a general reduction of taxation, and that all the public servants be held to a strict account for the discharge of these duties, and we demand that no guilty man shall escape.
12. That all who are in sympathy with this convention be requested to forward to the chairman, W. A. Tipton, of Winfield, Cowley County, or to the secretary, contributions on or before July 1st to help defray the expense of the delegates to Chicago.
After some discussion it was decided that we elect four delegates from this district to attend the Anti-Monopoly Convention in the city of Chicago on July 4th, 1883, and the following gentlemen were elected as delegates in the following order.
James S. McFeely, of Labette County, and Geo. Campbell, of Mound Valley, as his alternate.
D. M. Bray, of Neosho, and J. M. Allen, of Neosho, as his alternate.
S. Booth, of Chautauqua, and J. T. Stewart, of Cherokee, as his alternate.
The convention then adjourned and the district organized by electing W. A. Tipton, of Winfield, Cowley County, chairman, and James J. McFeely, of Parsons, Labette County, secretary, and further ordered that the proceedings of the convention be published in the Chicago Express and in all other Anti-Monopoly papers.
Committee then adjourned to meet at the call of the chairman.
JAMES J. McFEELY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Peas! Peas!! Peas!!! Official count of Peas. A Jar Contains the Peas. Guess how many there are. Bryan & Lynn have the jar. BRYAN & LYNN, GROCERS, NORTH MAIN STREET. Have something new to offer. They have a glass jar that contains thousands, yet “there are millions in it”—peas they mean. Go and see it and make a guess how many there are.
Each one buying one dollar’s worth of goods, or more, and paying cash therefor, will be entitled to a guess. The one coming nearest to the number will be presented with a handsome bed-room set. The jar and set now on exhibition at their place of business, North Main Street, Winfield, Kansas. Official count to take place November 29th, 1883, at 7 P. M.
Committee to make count: C. C. BLACK, E. P. GREER, W. A. TIPTON.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Judge Tipton is passing as the leader of the Antimonopoly, alias Greenback party. He is essentially a Democrat, but as a Democrat he could not expect to influence Republican votes, therefore he is an Antimonopolist as nearly all Republicans are, and he proposes to lead as many Republicans as possible to throw away their votes on a third party ticket, thus giving the Democrats a chance to elect a part of their ticket. We predict that he and his followers of Democratic proclivities will all vote the straight Democratic ticket and only Republican anti-monopolists will vote the third ticket, and they ought to be too smart to be caught by his little game.
When the time comes Tipton and his allies will drop their candidate for sheriff and trade everything they can for Gary. No one imagines it possible that any candidate for sheriff can trade everything they can for Gary. No one imagines it possible that any candidate on the third ticket has the slightest chance for election—and every vote should be cast in reference to the candidates on the two other tickets.
Mary Tipton Crenshaw...
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
MARRIED. John V. Crenshaw, formerly of Winfield, but now one of the proprietors of Philips House in Wellington, and Miss Mary Tipton were married in Wellington on last Tuesday evening. A reception was given and a gala time enjoyed. Both parties have many friends in Winfield who wish them a smooth journey and a happy life.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883. [Editorial. Front Page.]
We suspect that Judge Tipton is a “lying fossil,” whatever that is, for that is what he calls us because we predicted that he and his allies will drop their anti-monopoly candidate for sheriff and trade everything they can for Gary. It must be that we guessed his intentions very closely from the spiteful way in which he answers it: But as Teter is not that kind of a man and stoutly asserts that he will not get off the ticket for anybody, we conclude that no such program will be fully carried out. But we do not yet believe that the irate Judge will vote for either Teter, Walck, or Sandfort.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Judge Tipton says that “a large number of Anti-monopolists voted the Democratic ticket in the hope of defeating the Republican ticket,” and hopes they will see their error. We do not doubt the statement. We expected as much and have claimed that the only thing the Anti-monopoly party could effect was to assist the Democrats.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
BRYAN & LYNN, GROCERS, NORTH MAIN STREET, Have something new to offer. They have a glass jar that contains thousands, yes “there are millions in it”—peas they mean. Go and see it and make a guess how many there are.
Each one buying one dollar’s worth of goods, or more, and paying cash therefore, will be entitled to a guess. The one coming nearest to the number will be presented with a handsome bed-room set. The jar and set now on exhibition at their place of business, North Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Official count to take place Nov. 29th, 1883, at 7 P.M.
Committee to make count: C. C. BLACK, E. P. GREER, W. A. TIPTON.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Number of peas in jar 13,242. Prize awarded to Mr. John Shields, of New Salem, his guess being 13,247.
Ten next nearest guesses are:
Mrs. Cal Ferguson: 13,275
J. R. Taylor: 13,283
Sam Slate: 13,331
F. M. Freeland: 13,333
J. F. Miller: 13,333
Mrs. Van Way: 13,333
D. L. Kretsinger: 13,333
W. M. Palmer: 13,160
C. W. Saunders: 13,400
J. A. Patterson: 13,407
Total number guesses: 901. Highest guess: 5,000,000. Lowest guess: 700.
We, the undersigned, certify that we have counted the contents of the glass jar in Bryan & Lynn’s window, personally and carefully, and find the number of peas to be 13,242.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
Judge Tipton is removing his Printing office to Hopkins, Missouri. While the Judge has not succeeded very well here, he can undoubtedly fill creditably a field not already occupied. He is a stirring, forcible writer, and will, if reasonably encouraged, give the people of Hopkins a good paper.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
We have just received the first copy of the Hopkins Herald, Judge Tipton’s newspaper. It is a neat six column folio and looks well typographically and editorially.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.
One Share of Stock: W. A. Tipton.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Mrs. W. A. Tipton, now of Hopkins, Missouri, is visiting friends in the city. She dislikes the new home in Missouri and would like to again reside in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
W. A. Tipton has retired from the newspaper business and will again resume the practice of law in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Mr. M. A. Bates, lately connected with the Telegram, left Monday for Hopkins, Missouri, to take charge of the Herald, which he recently purchased of W. A. Tipton. Milt is familiar with everything pertaining to a printing establishment, is a good writer, and will make the people of Hopkins a paper which they can be proud of and which will deserve, and no doubt receive, a liberal patronage. During his residence here his genial manners and sterling worth have made him many friends, the best wishes of whom follow him to his new home.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Judge W. A. Tipton returned from Hopkins, Missouri, last week and is again a resident of the Queen City.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Interesting Items Gathered From Our Neighboring Exchanges.
Judge W. A. Tipton has sold his Hopkins, Missouri, Herald, and returned to Winfield. We regret to see the Judge laying aside the harness of the journalist, but gladly welcome him back to Cowley, the finest county the sun ever shone upon. Personally we are unacquainted with Judge Tipton, but we admire his bold style as a writer, and cordially extend the right hand of fellowship as we congratulate him upon his return to “God’s country.”
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
Judge Tipton has again entered the law business in Winfield, with rooms over the post office.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
The Greenbackers.
Proceeding of the Greenbackers Delegate convention which met in Winfield, Aug. 16th, 1884. Meeting called to order by Mr. Wallis.
On motion F. W. Schwantes was elected chairman and W. C. Briant was chosen Secretary. On motion the following named members were elected delegates to District convention which meets at Independence Aug. 21st, 1884. J. J. Johnson, F. W. Schwantes, C. C. Kronk, N. H. Brown, and W. C. Briant. On motion, R. C. Stevens, Mr. Wallis, W. A. Tipton, L. Walton, and J. A. McCullen were elected delegates to State convention at Topeka, Kansas, August 27th, 1884. Moved that we invite the Independent voters of Cowley County to meet in mass convention at Winfield Saturday, September 20th, 1884, to nominate a county ticket.
On Motion, the Secretary be instructed to send proceedings to County Papers with request to publish. On motion, adjourned.
W. C. BRIANT, Secretary. F. W. SCHWANTES, Chairman.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
The Greenback-Labor convention for this congressional district met last week and nominated Judge W. A. Tipton, of this city, as their candidate for congress.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
People’s Convention.
A Mass Convention of the people of Cowley County without regard to past political affiliation who are opposed to monopoly rule in the government, and who favor a rule of the people and the election of Gen. Butler to the Presidency will be held at the Courthouse in Winfield on Saturday, September 20, 1884, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of placing in nomination a county ticket. By order of Committee. W. A. TIPTON, Chairman.
Mrs. Judge Tipton...
A Pleasant Surprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, who have just passed the twentieth mile stone in their married life, were enticed away from their home on the evening of the 2d inst., ostensibly to take tea with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller. Before tea was announced, however, a messenger arrived and informed them that some parties had called to see them on very important business and that they must hasten home. Imagine to their surprise at being met at the door by Mrs. G. W. Miller, whom they had just left at her home, and being ushered in and greeted by about fifty of their friends. The raiders had captured the entire premises, even to the kitchen and dining room, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were made to understand that a china wedding was on hand and that they were the victims. Mrs. Bryan was spirited away to an upper chamber, where she was soon attired in her wedding dress of twenty years ago. The wedding pants were produced by Mr. Miller, but alas, the increased rotundity of the bridegroom forbade the thought. They were led to the parlor and a pleasant ceremony pronounced by Elder J. S. Myers. After congratulations the company was invited to the dining room, where a feast such as only the ladies can prepare, was greatly enjoyed. The table was spread in elegant style with a very handsome set of Haviland china, which was presented to the bride and groom by their many friends. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Buford, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Journey, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham, Dr. D. Gans, Elder and Mrs. J. S. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smock; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. French; Mrs. Dr. Capper, Mrs. Galbreth, Mrs. Judge Tipton, Mrs. Grinnell, Mrs. Iles, Miss Emma Fulton, Misses Ida and May McGhee, Miss Atha Suess, Miss Bessie Graves, Mr. C. G. McGhee, Mr. J. F. Miller, Mr. Frank Miller, Mr. J. T. Hackney, Mr. R. Hackney, Elder Hopkins, and others whose names we did not get. It was a very enjoyable evening and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan desire to express their sincere thanks to their friends for their kind remembrances and will ever cherish the memory of that occasion as one of the greenest spots in their lives.
W. A. Tipton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Winfield never experienced an election day like Tuesday. But one candidate had opposition—Capt. H. H. Siverd. Every man on the ticket was such as would honor the position for which he was nominated—representative men selected from the tried and trusted of the city by a non-partisan caucus—a caucus the like of which Winfield never had before and will probably never have again. There was nothing to draw out a full vote. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The only riffle was caused by the feeble attempt of a certain element to down the irrepressible Capt. H. H. Siverd. But the Captain didn’t down worth a cent. The colored voters of the city made a mistake in allowing the whiskey mugwumps to cajole them into running their candidate after this honest defeat in the people’s convention.
Graham, 212; M. G. Troup, 1; W. H. Turner, 234; W. A. Tipton, 1; John D. Pryor, 223; Geo. W. Robinson, 226; H. H. Siverd, 176; T. H. Harrod, 199; Archie Brown, 51; James Connor, 224; A. G. Wilson, 224; W. O. Johnson, 218. TOTAL: 231.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
New Salem and Tisdale were down in force today to place their township matter before the Board of County Commissioners. They were represented by Attorneys Troup, for the Tisdale folks and Tipton for New Salem. Mr. Troup drew a statute of 1881 which made three months’ notice necessary before the formation by the Board of a new township whereupon the matter was laid by. After three months it will come up again.
Trial Docket Cowley County District Court,
September Term, 1885, Commencing Sept. 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
1980. F W Schwantes vs C A Bliss et al. S. D. Pryor, W. A. Tipton, Jennings & Troup for plaintiff.
1989. Appeal of R B Waite. S. D. Pryor, W. A. Tipton for plaintiff; McDonald & Webb for defendant.
1994. Appeal of F W Schwantes. S. D. Pryor, W. A. Tipton for plaintiff; McDonald & Webb for defendant.
1995. Appeal of F W Schwantes. S. D. Pryor, W. A. Tipton for plaintiff; McDonald & Webb for defendant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Judge W. A. Tipton and family left Sunday to reside in Springfield, Missouri, where the Judge will open a law office.
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
F W Schwantes vs C A Bliss et al, S D Pryor pros; W A Tipton and Jennings & Troup defense.