J. H. Doty


Walnut Township 1881: J. H. Doty, 23.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has purchased the Hoenscheidt property on Millington street.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. John Hoenscheidt left Monday morning for Topeka to look after his newspaper.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Mr. J. H. Doty has opened an exclusive cigar and tobacco store on Main street in Mrs. Harris’ old stand.
Mrs. Harris resided on Main Street, west side, between 9th and 10th avenues in 1879, two doors north of Bliss & Co. She moved to a new building next door to her old stand in December 1879.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1880.
J. H. Doty, tobacco and cigar dealer on Main street, is about to dispose of his interest in the business. He has been made a liberal offer as engineer on an eastern road by his former employers.
Note: There were no many entries for “J. H. Doty.” Furthermore, the paper failed to provide information relative to who succeeded him in his store. MAW