Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
FEBRUARY 11, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Dear Sir: The Town Company of Torrance was organized on the 2d inst., and has among its members some of the most substantial businessmen of the county, and a lively interest is being taken by the people of this vicinity in the success of the town. This is undoubtedly the best location for a town on the line of the railroad east of Winfield, and the company cannot fail to realize this fact. When men of business put their capital and brains together, nothing but success can await their efforts. Torrance has more capital, more friends, and more energy than any town in the county east of Winfield, and I say let the few who oppose the town look well to their interests, for inside of five years the queen of the Grouse Valley will be the town of East Cowley, and where the town sites of Burden and Cambridge have been laid out will be nothing but fields of waving grain, to be manufactured through the mills and carried through the elevators of TORRANCE. Some of the most substantial businessmen of the state are seeking investments at this point, and have flatly refused to invest a dollar either at Burden or Cambridge.
Very respectfully, EDWARD.
Winfield Courier, February 26, 1880.
Correspondents from this part of the county have from time to time sent items to the Semi-Weekly for publication that have deserved severe criticism, but the citizens who feel an interest in the new town, Torrance, thought it best to let it go—envy would punish itself. But that of the 7th contained three significant articles, one a correspondence, and two editorials which are a libel on both country and people. I do not own a foot of land in Cowley County, and don’t know that I ever shall; but being an old settler and throughly acquainted with both people and country, no wonder my sympathies are identified with their interests, and it is with no little interest that I have watched the progress of Torrance, and our neighboring towns, Burden and Cambridge.
I have often heard it repeated, “but now is the times that try men’s souls”; but now is the time that tries men’s principles; but fortunately, too, many in this county know how the sanction of the railroad company was obtained in favor of Burden and Cambridge. It was through deception, fraud, and misrepresentation, and when the editor of the Monitor, as it is now called, devotes his columns to the prosperity of such ill-born schemes, he gives a flat contradiction to the editorial entitled “Redivivns,” and is also injuring the circulation of his paper, which is to be regretted on account of its sound republican principles. He has too fine a talent to be used in an undertaking that can certainly do him no good. Notwithstanding all this Torrance is going ahead, and will make a good town without a switch; though the people are not without hope and prospect of getting a switch and depot. E. M.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 7, 1880. Front Page.
This town is only six months old, and has sprung into existence like a mushroom. It is situated one-half mile west of Grouse creek and is almost encircled by this beautiful stream.
The scenery is both romantic and grand. Torrance is on an elevation overlooking the stream and valley, and at a distance on both sides of the stream are a range of bluffs which would meet the eye of a landscape painter very favorably. I think the citizens of Burden and Cambridge made a mistake by not combining and making this place the center of attraction. All kinds of fish are caught in the stream. The K. C., L. & S. R. R., with its usual liberality, intends to erect a depot here.
There is every facility here to make it one of the most populous towns. There is an extensive flag and limestone quarry within a distance of one-fourth of a mile. The Town Company, which owns 80 acres of ground where the town is built, is composed of gentlemen of wealth and prominence; and who extend a welcome to all settlers. Mr. Campbell, who is solicitor and notary public, is almost constantly employed making out deeds for settlers who are continually coming here. No person can appreciate this place without coming and judging for himself. The springs are as fine as any I have ever seen. The town has a steam saw mill, grist mill, good school facilities, doctors, drug stores, etc. The number of dwellings is about 25 all told.
D. Campbell, Esq., solicitor and notary public, is postmaster here. Mr. Campbell is in the real estate business and has several farms in the valley for sale. He is a gentleman in every respect; people in general place the most implicit confidence in his integrity. Every person coming here should call on Mr. Campbell respecting real estate and other information.
H. M. Branson runs the Torrance supply store (where the post office is located). He keeps a general assortment, comprising dry goods, boots, and shoes, groceries, furnishing goods, confectionery, tobacco, and every article contained in a general store. Mr. Branson is a gentleman well and favorably known throughout the county. The people of the town have implicit confidence in him.
Of course, the city has a hotel, the “Torrance House.” James Lyons is the proprietor. This house has been lately erected by the proprietor for the accommodation of the traveling public. It contains ten rooms, large, spacious, well ventilated, and furnished in the best manner. The table is always provided with the delicacies of the season. Mr. Lyons is a gentleman who is well known, and one of the first to appreciate the advantages of the place. A livery, feed, and sale stable is run in connection with the house for the accommodation of commercial men and others.
Messrs. Bryant & Baker keep a general store, groceries, dry goods, boots and shoes, tobacco, confectionery, meats, etc. Their increasing business demands more room, and they are building a 40 feet addition to their store. These gentlemen have had considerable experience in the mercantile business, and are convinced of the advantages of this place as a business point. They are well provided with means to carry on an extensive trade, and from appearances they are taking advantage of the opportunity. Their motto is “quick sales and small profits.”
G. W. Ballou, Esq., one of Cowley’s oldest citizens and an enterprising man, is now erecting a handsome cut stone store and warehouse, 25 x 60, two stories with basement, which compares favorably with any building in Kansas, and is a credit to the town. Some of the most artistic styles of stone cutting have been executed on the keystone arch of this building by Michael Walker. David Walsh had the contract for the building. Mr. Ballou expects the building to be ready in six weeks from date, when he will open out with a general supply of merchandise suitable for the city trade and farmers in general. Mr. Ballou is very favorably known in the county, and formerly owned the town site. His word is as good as his bond with this community.
W. E. and J. C. Gates, contractors and builders of this place, are now building at Grenola, Elk County, a large stone schoolhouse, which is a credit to their architectural skill. They furnish estimates and specifications at short notice, and have become very popular in the surrounding country through their strict attention to business. They are always engaged in building, from the fact they complete the work to the satisfaction of those who employ them. Their motto is “Live and let live.”
William Milton runs a general blacksmithing business and is an excellent mechanic. He does all kinds of wagon work and agricultural implement repairing on short notice. Work guaranteed and prices reasonable.