A. W. Tousey


Winfield, Kansas.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
Have removed to their MAMMOTH BUILDING, which, when completed, will be Eighty-four Feet Long and Twenty-two in Width.
Cowley County Censor, Saturday, March 18, 1871.
Discussion of the Herd Law.
According to appointment the Winfield Institute met at the schoolhouse last Wednesday night for the purpose of hearing the merits and demerits, advantages and disadvantages of the proposed Herd Law discussed. By a vote of the previous meeting this subject had been selected for the evening and Messrs. J. B. Fairbanks and E. C. Manning had been chosen leading disputants.
Mr. Manning having given Mr. Fairbanks the choice of sides in the discussion, the latter gentleman chose the affirmative of the question, and when the time appointed arrived, Mr. Fairbanks opened the debate and made a close, good argument in favor of the adoption of the law. The house was crowded and the fullest attention was paid to the remarks of the speaker. Several citizens had come in from the country to hear the debate. Mr. Manning then followed, first prefacing his remarks with the announcement that whatever might be his private opinion on the subject, the negative had fallen to his lot and he should without previous thought or experience in the matter attempt to sustain his side of the question. His arguments demonstrated that herd law was in conflict with the welfare of the county, and especial­ly with the interests of the settlers of small means and owning but few cattle and cultivating but small fields.
Rev. Johnson made a few remarks. He said that he was pleased to have been present at the meeting. That he came there in favor of the herd law. That after hearing what had been said, his conclusion was that a herd law was not desirable; that it seemed like an impracticable delusion.
Messrs. James Renfro, W. W. Andrews, and others spoke against the herd law. Mr. Tousey balanced on the fence awhile: could not make up his mind in the case.
Mr. Fairbanks then closed the debate with some excellent arguments in favor of the law, provided his premises were cor­rect; they being erroneous, his arguments did not have the desired effect.
The following question was then put to the meeting:
“Resolved, That it is desirable to adopt the herd law in Cowley County,” which resolve did not obtain a single vote in its favor; but when the negative vote was taken, nearly the entire audience rose to their feet and voted against the resolution.

Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
GOOD. Maj. Beebee of Thayer has visited this place and established an immense lumber yard here, at which lumber can be bought cheaper than in any other place in the Walnut valley. He is now delivering 100,000 feet which includes everything of the kind wanted in the country. This is no puff, but a fact. This is the cheapest place to buy lumber in the Walnut valley. Bliss, Tousey & Co., agents.
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
20,000 pounds of goods received this week at Bliss, Tousey & Co.’s, mostly dry goods. Whew! What a stock!
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
A military salute will be fired at sunrise.
The procession will be formed on Main Street at 10 a.m., by the Marshal of the day, and march to the grove at 11 o’clock accompanied with a band of music under the management of Prof. Palmer.
On arriving at the Grove the following order of exercises will be observed.
1. Song: Star Spangled Banner, by the Winfield Quartette Club.
2. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Johnson, Chaplain of the day.
3. Reading of the Declaration of Independence by Mr. L. J. Webb.
4. Music by the Band.
5. Oration.
6. Song: “God Bless Columbia.”
7. Music by the Band.
8. Dinner. After which music by the Band.
1. “President of the United States.” Response by Mr. A. W. Tousey.
Song: American Flag Song.
3. “The Day We Celebrate.” Response by Judge Ross.
Song: “Firmly Stand.”
5. “Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. Mr. Inman.
Music by the Band.
7. “Lo! the Poor Indian.” Response by Col. Alexander.
Song: Shout for the Banner.
8. “The Ladies of Cowley County.” Response by the Rev. E. P. Hickok.
9. “Our Railroad Enterprises.” Response by Mr. D. A. Millington.
Song: “National Hymn.”
10. “The Rising Generation.” Response by Mr. Lemmon.
Song: “Sweet Spirit hear my prayer.”
Music by the band.

Conclusion. Doxology.
N. B. — All are invited to join in the procession and march to the Grove.
Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.
Ohio stoneware: jars, crocks, churns, jugs at Bliss, Tousey & Co’s.
Mrs. Tousey, Librarian...
Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.
UNION SABBATH SCHOOL. At the Sabbath school on last Sunday a week ago the following organization was effected: J. B. Fairbanks, Superintendent; J. M. Dever, Assistant; Miss Ellis, Secretary; Mrs. Tousey, Librarian; S. Bliss, Treasurer, Music Committee, Mrs. Manning and Miss Blandin. Visiting committee, Miss Tucker and Dr. Egbert. Committee on class organization, Miss Tucker, Mrs. Hickok, and Dr. Egbert. A full attendance is hoped for on next Sunday. The school opens at precisely three o’clock in the afternoon at the Methodist church.
Mrs. Tousey...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrew’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To obtain the grove: E. Freeland and Cora Andrews.
To invite Brass Band: Callie Blandin and Nettie Quarles.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Marris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. W. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles, Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.
To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas. Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.
To arrange the swing, croquet, etc.: J. D. Cochran, Spencer Bliss, Mrs. Flint, Miss Mary Stewart, Rev. Lowry, and T. A. Rice.
Committee to see that the trees are not injured in any way: A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Parker, M. L. Robinson.
On invitation: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, O. Lowry, M. Dever, Laura McMillen.
Chief Marshal: E. P. Hickok.
The children of the town and vicinity will meet in the Methodist church on that morning so as to start for the grove at 9 A.M. Outside districts are cordially invited to come and join with us in enjoying the day. Per order of the committee.
Winfield, August 27, 1873.
Next entry indicates that A. W. Tousey has died and his widow, Jennie S., is in charge of his estate...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey, Adm’x et al.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.

Proceedings of the Cowley County District Court, to Oct. 29th, 1873, the Following Causes having Been Disposed of.
Wm. Bartlow vs. Jennie S. Tousey Adm’x et al, dismissed.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton, I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B. Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs. Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry, W. W. Limbocker.
The next entry reveals introduction of Mrs. Tousey to Rev. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
The representation of the Pilgrim’s Progress was concluded last Tuesday evening and the size of the audience warrants the belief that the first night had been fully appreciated. We have neither time or space to notice each participant separately as we would much like to do. Mrs. Dr. Andrews, as Christiana, entered into the spirit of her part in a manner entirely creditable, and Mrs. James F. Paul, as a Pillar of Salt, was indeed beautiful and fully sustained her reputation of the evening before. The music, if possible, excelled that of the previous evening. Rev. N. L. Rigby, the projector, brains, and manager of the entertainment, assisted by Mrs. Jennie Tousey, worked with an energy truly refreshing. It is no small matter to manage one hundred and fifteen persons, big and little, and raw material at that. Mr. Rigby and Mrs. Tousey are certainly entitled to the thanks of every lover of the beautiful and good for giving them so excel­lent a representation of the production of John Bunyan’s fertile brain while in jail at Bedford. Everyone connected with it did nobly, and gave the good people of Winfield such an entertainment as they have never seen before. May we soon have another.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
RIGBY - TOUSEY. In this city March 31st, by Rev. A. M. Averill, of Emporia, Rev. N. L. Rigby, pastor of the Baptist church in this city, to Mrs. Jennie S. Tousey.
Next item came much later and explains that the sister of C. A. Bliss, Jennie S., married Mr. Tousey. After his death she married Rev. N. L. Rigby...
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
The firm of Bliss & Co. has sold out. The members of this firm retire from the business with the respect and kindest wishes of their wide circle of friends. C. A. Bliss came to Winfield in 1870 and became one of the few settlers at that time. In company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Tousey, he purchased of E. C. Manning the only stock of general merchandise in the city, and has ever since been one of the leading business men in the place. Mrs. Tousey, now Mrs. Rigby, continued her means in the business for some time, and they have built the best flouring mill in the county and several valuable buildings, adding materially to the grandeur of our young city. E. S. Bliss and E. H. Bliss are straight, energetic business young men without a bad habit and enjoying the respect of all, such men as these cannot sit idly down to enjoy the fruit of their successes but will undoubtedly soon again be found in active business.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.

For the first time since its erection, the old Bliss store room is empty. It was built in 1870, and was at that time the only store in town. Bliss & Tousey purchased the Manning stock and moved it into the new building. It was at this store where, in the spring of 1871, we purchased a 50 pound sack of flour for $6.00, and frequently paid $1.00 for 3 pounds of bacon. The store did a large business during the years of 1871, 1872, and 1873, while pre-emptors were coming in by the hundreds. The post office and express and small officers were also there, and it was the depot for information of the outside world.
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
Gazing upon the vast congregation that filed out of that noble pile at the close of the service, our mind wandered back to the handful of communicants who assembled to hear the Rev. Winfield Scott preach the first sermon, which gave our beautiful little city a name.
The Baptist congregation was organized in the fall of 1870, with six or eight charter members, and Alvin W. Tousey as pastor. The meetings were held anywhere, wherever an empty shanty could be found, but often in the then new store of Bliss & Tousey, until the year 1872, when the stone building which stands on the old Lagonda block and now used for a boarding house, was erected and occupied.
The report of the Building Committee accompanied with the key, was handed to the pastor, Rev. James Cairns, who turned the same over to the trustees. The report shows that the house cost in round numbers, $13,000, which had all been paid, and a balance of $43.17 still remained to the credit of the committee. Is there another church in the state that can make such a showing? No call for money, no frantic appeal for promises to pay in the future; none but the collection for ordinary expenses taken up.
The choir was composed of Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Misses Zulu Farringer, and Josie Bard, and Messrs. H. E. Silliman, Richard Bowles, E. H. Bliss, Forrest Noble, and John Roberts, with Ed. Farringer as organist.
[Note: The rest of the story pertaining to Mrs. Jennie S. [Bliss] Tousey Rigby is told in the Rev. N. L. Rigby file. I placed the Rev. Rigby in “sheep” file inasmuch as he had an interest in sheep as well as being a Baptist minister and inventor of the “Rigby lamp.”]