A. S. Tripp


Vernon Township.
   [Handled Sheep.]

Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from A. S. Tripp and wife, of Vernon Township, who strolled through the office and took in what few sights there were. Mr. Tripp is the owner of a large sand bank, from which a great deal of our building sand is secured. Mr. Tripp is also handling sheep, and has induced some friends to come to this county and go into the sheep business.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
N. O. Peterson arrived in this county from Michigan last Wednesday. He brought with him three car loads of blooded sheep which he is keeping at present on the farm of A. S. Tripp in Vernon township. We are glad to welcome such additions to this county.
[The Courant was the only paper to print items about Tripp. Tripp did not appear on any of the early census rolls.]
[A check on “N. O. Peterson” reveals that the only mention of him was in the March 16th issue of the Cowley County Courant.]