Samuel Tull
Richland Township.
1874: Tull, Samuel, 33. No spouse listed.
1881: Tull, Samuel, 44. No spouse listed.
Tisdale Township.
1873: Tull, Samuel, 32. No spouse listed.
1880: Tull, Samuel, 30. No spouse listed.
Samuel Tull wrote a letter from the Black Hills...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877. Front Page.
From the Black Hills.
[From the Cowley County Telegram.]
The following letter, from the Black Hills, we are allowed to publish through the courtesy of the gentleman to whom it was addressed.
DEADWOOD, Feb. 15th, 1877.
WM. C. BRIANT: I received yours, of December, and laid it by, as I had not time to answer it at that time, and it has got misplaced; and in consequence, will have to answer your many questions from memory. If I do not answer all, do not think that I did not want to do so. The first, if I remember, was, would it pay you to come out in the spring? That would be a hard question for me to answer—but I will just say that if I was there, I would not come—
you can do as you please.
2d. You could not get anything to do at this time. I think wages will be from $2 to $3 per day.
3d. Green hands have done as well as old miners, so far.
4th. Board is from $3 to $16 per week.
5th. Shoe making and carpentering is over done here, the worst of any place I ever saw.
6th. I would not advise anyone to come; but if they are bound to do so, I would say, come with a team and leave the railroad at Sidney.
7th. If I was coming with a wagon, I would bring flour, bacon, sugar, and coffee.
8th. That would depend on how you were coming. If you come by wagon, I would start by the first of April—if by rail and stage, you can start as soon as you please, as the stage comes in three times a week.
9th. There is a paper printed here and I have been sending it to the New Salem Free Press, in care of C. P. all winter. Let me know if they have been receiving them. I will send you a copy. Yes, send me all the reading matter you can, for we don’t get much here.
Now if I have omitted any question you asked, just write again and I will try and save it until I answer. Now, let me say a word—the mines are not half as extensive as the papers report them. We have a very small mining country. There was nothing discovered last summer or this winter in the shape of gulch or placer diggings. There has been some quartz lodes discovered here that I think are tolerably good but nothing extra.
* * * * *
Send along the papers. I will be thankful for them. Respectfully, etc., SAMUEL TULL.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
J. M. Hooker, J. H. Phelps, and Sam. Tull will bid us all adieu and file out for New Mexico in about a month. They intend to be absent during the summer only, and will return home with their pockets full of (gold) dust.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 6, 1881 - FRONT PAGE.
Below will be found the proceedings of township meetings, organizations, and muster rolls as far as heard from. The last week before the reunion we will publish the muster rolls
In pursuance of an invitation extended to the old soldiers of Silver Creek township by the Central Committee at Winfield, on the 21st and 22nd of October in a grand reunion, the old soldiers met at Burden the 27th inst., and organized a company of veterans. Below will be found the names of officers chosen and roll of members, which includes a number of ex-confederates who wish to participate. The following officers were elected.
Captain: Richard Fitzgerald, Co. A, 14 Ind. Inft., private.
1st Lieut.: Harvey Smith, Co. B, 44 Ind., Sergt.
2nd Lieut.: Samuel Tull, Co. H, 16 Ind. Inft., Lieut.
Ord. Sergt.: John Stout, Co. K, 20 Va. (confederate), private.
Color Bearer: Ed. Pate, Co. C, 53 Ind. Inft., Sergt.
Color Bearer: Thomas McGraw.
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1882.
Messrs. Walker, Tull, and Gardner each have a nice pasture fenced with wire.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
We have been informed that Mr. Samuel Tull has sold his farm, but cannot tell to whom (if it is really sold).
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Mr. Samuel Tull, of old Salem, is visiting relatives and friends in Indiana.
[Note: There is no evidence that Samuel Tull was related to John W. Tull.]
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
Inform your correspondents that the correct name of this post office is Burden, and not Burdenville.
Mr. Sam Tull has just returned from a visit of several weeks to friends in Fairland, Indiana. He reports crop prospects very bad. Corn and wheat do not begin to compare with Kansas crops. Mr. Tull also comes home with a higher regard for the prohibition law of our State than he ever entertained before, and knows that prohibitionists can look to no other party than the Republican for aid. We believe with him that it only requires a visit to the saloon towns of other States to give a person enough of anti-prohibition to last them a long time.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Mr. Samuel Tull is suffering with a badly sprained ankle.
Daily Calamity Howler, Tuesday, October 6, 1891.
One of the Courier’s “prosperity yawpers” from North Richland township was in town this week and gave that paper some figures that will do to display before his friends from the east, but any sensible man in Kansas knows they are rather “fishy.” The gentleman, Mr. Sam Tull, told “the thing over the way” that he had a farm of 160 acres which he rented this year and received $1,200 for his rent and his renter got $2,400 for his labor. This makes $3,600 made this year from 160 acres, not including the fruit which Mr. Tull says if he could have saved was worth $500. Here $4,100 of grain and fruit is raised on 160 acres in one year. This is a little over $25 to the acre. What could this renter raise to have brought so much at present prices? Any farmer in Richland township knows these figures won’t work. Mr. Tull says his neighbors clear $10 and $11 per acre. Nothing short of a few affidavits from these “prosperity” farmers will settle this matter. We give those figures to show to the balance of Richland township that Mr. Tull and his neighbors are “extra good farmers.”
Daily Calamity Howler, Thursday, October 29, 1891.
Another man has been in and explained to the Courier just how to borrow money on land and clear the amount he borrowed the first year. This time the victim is Martin V. Casaday of Beaver. The whole thing is so foreign from facts that it must be counted in with Sam Tull’s exploits near New Salem, whose neighbors say was a preposterous stretch on facts. We notice Mr. Casaday don’t figure what it cost to board teams and hands, and wear and tear and interest on machinery.