C. S. Van Doren, Dentist
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield 1880: C. S. Van Doren, 59; spouse, A. T., 45.
Winfield Directory 1880.
Van Doren, C. S., dentist, Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues;
r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Mansfield.
VAN DOREN, C. S., Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Rooms over A. T. Spotswood’s grocery. Open Wednesday p.m. and Saturday p.m. of each week. Mrs. Dr. Van Doren, President; Mrs. Mullen, Librarian.
[Note: Winfield Directory 1885 did not reach the name of Van Doren.]
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
Mr. C. S. Van Doren with his wife and daughter has lately located in Winfield and intends to practice his profession of dentist. He has been traveling for his health, having formerly resided at Denver. He is an intelligent gentleman, formerly of the Empire state, and is well pleased with the town and the surroundings.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
We would call attention to the dental card of Dr. Van Doren in this issue. He is one of the best dentists in the state, and skilled in the use of the new celluloid material as well as gold and silver for plates. Give him a call.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
Notice the new card of Mrs. Van Doren, dress maker. She has been practicing the art of dress making in Lawrence for many years, where her reputation for perfect fits is well known. She has S. T. Taylor’s new system for dress fitting, which is considered complete.
MRS. VAN DOREN’S DRESS MAKING PARLORS in the Page building, upstairs, Cutting and fitting by the system of S. T. Taylor of New York City.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
The Fair. We shall not be able to give the awards of the committees this week nor a complete report of the Fair in other respects, but we can say here that it was a success.
We had a display of fine blooded hogs, cattle, and sheep. In fact, this county is noted as having a greater proportion of fine stock in these lines than any other county in the southwest. It is also a fact that our horses are mostly small—too much of the pony order. We were glad to note, however, some very large, heavy Norman horses, weighing near 2,000 pounds each. These horses, we think, will be the kind for farm horses and for hauling loads to and from market. Altogether the show of stock was excellent.
But little farm machinery was displayed on the ground. We noticed the hedge-crusher invented in Butler County; now in the hands of W. W. Limbocker, of which we shall speak at another time. The display of fruit was very fine but not large. A pear exhibited by Mr. Manwell, of Greenfield, was the largest we ever saw. J. H. Curfman and others exhibited fine peaches, and the apples shown were large and fine. Mr. Manwell had a fine assortment of cheeses; C. A. Bliss of flour, F. Gallotti of shoes and boots; Dr. Van Doren of dental work; and various ladies exhibited specimens of various handiwork, preserved fruits, bread, etc. The usual display of organs and sewing machines was on hand. But we do not propose at this time to attempt to do justice to the exhibit. When we shall get the awards from the secretary, we will try to do better. There was considerable attention paid to the trials of speed each day. On Saturday, the last day, there was a large concourse of people on the grounds. All seemed to enjoy the occasion.
Winfield Courier, October 17, 1878.
Just received. Anaesthetics by which teeth are “extracted” without pain or danger at Dr. Van Doren’s.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Disbursements: J. Van Doren, police.
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Office and resident in the Page building, upstairs.
Pearl Van Doren...
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
The following are the names of the scholars in the Second Intermediate Department of the Public Schools in this city who have been perfect, both in their lessons and deportment: Pearl Van Doren, Cora Finch, Ella Trezise, Emma Rodgers, Mary Kingsbury, Noah Davis, George Heisinger, Eddie Kelley, Paris Hittle, Jerome Vandeventer, and Jay Bryan.
EMMA SAINT, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
[This issue listed Courier advertisers.]
VAN DOREN, DR., is a skillful dentist, has all the appliances of his profession, and is thoroughly well posted in his business. His work is very neat, and he is a pleasant gentleman to deal with.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
DENTISTS. Dr. Van Doren, Dr. F. H. Bull.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1879.
Mr. Stiles, the agent of the Adams Express company, is in town, and will rent an office as soon as possible. Mr. Stiles has been the agent of the Adams company at Pueblo, Colorado, for several years, and had some acquaintance with Dr. Van Doren and druggist Brown, while there. He had heard so many and such favorable reports of Winfield, while in Pueblo, that he concluded to come here as soon as possible and see for himself.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
On January 17th, the ladies who met for the purpose of organizing a public reading room and library, received reports from the four ward committees who had been canvassing the city.
The city had obtained 63 lady members at $3 per year and received $175.00 in books, $77.75 in cash, 10 papers (daily, etc.), 1 clock and bracket, 2 window shades, and several pictures. The southwest ward has been but partially canvassed.
A committee on constitution was appointed, consisting of Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Dr. Davis, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Trimble, and Mrs. Holloway. This committee is to report at next meeting.
Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Hickok and Mr. Beach were made a committee on procuring a suitable room, to report at next meeting.
Meeting adjourned to meet at 4 p.m., Jan. 22nd, at the Baptist church.
Everybody interested in this important enterprise is earnestly requested to be present at this meeting. MARY A. BRYANT, Sec’y pro tem.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Mrs. N. L. Reeder, of Burlingame, Kansas, addressed the people of Winfield at the M. E. Church, on Monday evening, in the interest of the Kansas Orphan Asylum at Leavenworth. Notwithstanding the attendance was very meagre, the pathetic appeal of the speaker seemed to go straight to the hearts of all present, and as a result an Auxiliary Society was declared organized and the following officers elected.
President: Mrs. M. G. Melville.
Vice President: Mrs. E. T. Trimble.
Cor. Secretary: Mrs. Anna Cooper.
Rec. Secretary: Mrs. Van Doren.
Treasurer: Mrs. Col. McMullen.
Due notice will be given in the morning papers, of the time and place of the first general meeting of this Auxiliary which, we are informed, sub rosa, will take the form of an evening social at the pleasant house and grounds of Col. McMullen. Ladies, it is hoped, will not fight shy of this society for the drafts upon their time and purse will be but light, while the gentlemen, although expected to contribute a nominal fee for membership, will find it less expensive than a Sunday stroll to the brauerei, and at the same time have the satisfaction of assisting in establishing, prospectively, a home for their orphan children. We commend this view of the case to our young men about town.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Dr. Van Doren has removed his dental office to rooms vacated by Dr. Smith, two doors west of the post office.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Married in this city, at the residence of C. S. Van Doren, December 23rd, 1880, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Isaac E. Johnson, of Tisdale township, and Miss Lillie B. Ford, of this city. No cards.
We are pleased to notice this erection of a new family altar and the formation of a new unit of government, even though from Winfield’s social circle one of its gems has dropped away. Mr. Johnson has taken his bride to the home of his father, Mr. J. J. Johnson, in Tisdale township, and while the many friends of nee Miss Ford will miss her presence, they cannot but wish her all the happiness her new life can bring.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
MR. AND MRS. J. C. FULLER. Socially this has been one of the gayest winters in the history of our city. Almost every week has been made pleasant by a social gathering of some sort or other. One of the most pleasant of these was the reception by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller last Friday evening. The guests were many and the arrangements for their entertainment were complete.
Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Loose, Mr. and Mrs. James Harden, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges. Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Eastman, Rev. and Mrs. T. F. Borcher, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Dr. and Mrs. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Short, Dr. and Mrs. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Moffitt, Mr. and Mrs. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Shreves, Mr. and Mrs. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Scoville, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Fuller, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Williams, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Mullen, Miss Mary Stewart, Miss May Williams, Father Kelly, O. F. Boyle, and Charles Fuller.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
The Ladies’ Library Association met at the library rooms on Tuesday, January 25th, and elected the following members as directors. Mesdames D. A. Millington, T. R. Bryan, T. G. Ticer, W. R. Davis, W. O. Scoville, J. C. Fuller, J. Swain, Eastman, J. P. Butler, George E. Raymond, W. P. Hackney, Wallis, A. E. Baird, M. L. Read, E. S. Bedilion, A. H. Doane, G. Emerson, J. A. Hyden, A. T. Spotswood, C. S. Van Doren, J. W. McDonald, J. S. Mann, J. S. Loose, J. A. Earnest. The six last hold over under the constitution. The three first are re-elected.
The following officers were re-elected: Mrs. W. L. Mullen, president; Mrs. N. L. Rigby, vice president; Mrs. E. T. Trimble, secretary; Mrs. M. L. Robinson, treasurer.
The officers and directors voted upon themselves a tax of three dollars each to raise funds for the purchase of books and other expenditures of the association.
The editor congratulates the people of Winfield on the presence as citizens of such an array of self-sacrificing, intelligent, and enterprising fair ladies, and hope the city council will make a liberal appropriation and men having money will assist them in their noble work.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
CRYSTAL WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Shreves celebrated the 15th anniversary of their marriage by inviting their friends to attend their crystal wedding on Tuesday evening, February 8th. Accordingly a merry party filled the omnibuses and proceeded to their residence, one mile east of town, and spent an evening of unalloyed pleasure. Mrs. Shreves, assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Wm. Shreves, entertained their guests in a graceful and pleasant manner. Although invitation cards announced no presents, a few of the most intimate friends presented some choice little articles in remembrance of the occasion. The following were present: Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Butler, Miss Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Rev. and Mrs. Platter, Mrs. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, Rev. and Mrs. Borchers, Mr. and Mrs. Meech, Mr. and Mrs. Millhouse, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. Hendricks, and John Roberts.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
On last Thursday evening was gathered in the magnificent salons of M. L. Robinson one of the largest parties which have assembled in Winfield this past season. The honors of the occasion were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood in the most graceful and pleasing manner, making each of the guests feel delighted and happy. A new departure was made in the hour for reception which we cannot too highly commend, that of substituting 7 o’clock for the late hours which usually prevail, but the habits of some were so confirmed that they could not get around until nine o’clock. The banquet was excellent beyond our power of description. Nothing was wanting to render it perfect in all its appointments. At a reasonable hour the guests retired, expressing the warmest thanks to their kind hostesses and hosts for the pleasures of the evening. The following are the names of the guests as we now remember them.
Miss Nettie McCoy, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. S. H. Myton, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Ticer, Mr. M. G. Hodges, Mr. C. A. Bliss, Mr. W. C. Robinson, Mr. W. A. Smith, Mr. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Loose, Mrs. Herrington, Mr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Platter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harden, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Dever, Mr. and Mrs. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. W. F. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baird, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
To meet the increasing demands in his business, Dr. Van Doren has added more room to his apartments and secured the services of Dr. C. B. Gunn, of Cincinnati, who comes highly recommended both as to character and skill in his profession, having received a thorough dental education together with several years practice. Drs. Van Doren and Gunn keep pace with all modern improvements in the use of appliances for facilitating the various operations on teeth, lessening pain, and make a specialty of treating teeth which have heretofore been considered worthless and restoring them to their original beauty and usefulness. They also carry a large stock of artificial teeth from which to select, and are prepared to insert them on gold, platina, continuous gum, celluloid, and rubber.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Mr. N. G. West, from Winnebago City, Minnesota, was introduced to this office two days ago by Dr. Van Doren. Mr. West is an experienced young merchant and thinks of locating in this place or vicinity.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Rev. J. E. Platter was chosen chairman and made one of his neat and impressive speeches followed by Messrs. Hackney, Troup, Beach, and others.
A committee of ten gentlemen was appointed by the chair to canvass for subscriptions, consisting of Messrs. C. C. Black, J. S. Hunt, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, D. A. Millington, D. L. Kretsinger, J. P. Short, R. E. Wallis, W. H. Smith, and H. D. Gans.
A committee of ladies was appointed to canvass for clothing, bedding, etc., consisting of Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. J. D. Pryor, Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Jewell, Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Horning, Mrs. Albro, Mrs. Spotswood, Miss Nellie Cole, and Miss Mary Steward.
The committee of gentlemen organized with C. C. Beach, chairman, J. P. Short, secretary, and R. E. Wallis, treasurer.
Early on Tuesday morning a wagon load of provisions was sent to Floral under charge of Messrs. Black and Short.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Van Doren & Gunn, Surgeon Dentists, one door west of post office.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Van Doren & Gunn, surgeon dentists, Office on Ninth avenue, west of post office. Laughing gas constantly on hand for the painless extraction of teeth.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Dr. Gunn, who has formerly been in partnership with Dr. Van Doren in the dental business, left for Ohio last Wednesday. We are sorry to see Doc go. He is a gentlemanly fellow, can take a joke with the best of grace, is a first-class dentist, and has other good qualities too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Mr. Doolittle was obliged to visit Drs. Van Doren & Gunn this week. An offending molar was the trouble.
Well, I’ll cease for the present. Yours as ever, OLIVIA. Feb. 25th, 1882.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Quite a number of our citizens and interested parents assembled at the parlors of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood Monday evening on invitation of Miss Nettie McCoy, who had prepared a concert for her little scholars. The exercises were very interesting to all assembled, and especially so to the parents of the children, who were given this occasion to judge of what musical progress had been made under Miss McCoy’s instruction.
SOME OF THE PARTICIPANTS WERE MENTIONED: Alma Miller, Frank Curns, Mable Silver, Mary Spotswood, Pearl Van Doren and Margaret Spotswood, Mary Orr, Malcolm McDonald, A. S. Higgins, Maggie Bedilion, Anna Doane, Katie Shearer, Mrs. Earnest, and Miss McDonald.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Mr. M. J. Darling, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Van Doren, returned to her home at Decatur, Illinois, Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
The Presbyterian Church is in need of some interior repairing and the ladies have decided to have it papered as well. To gain the money for such purpose, they held a Paper Festival at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, which was a decided success. The hall was beautifully decorated and the tables were temptingly arrayed. A number of young ladies were dressed in becoming costumes of paper. At the paper booth Mrs. Bahntge, a charming Rosebud in red and green tissue presided, assisted by Miss Amanda Scothorn representing a glowing Poppy, Miss Lizzie Wallis, a blushing sweet Carnation, Miss Jennie Hane, “The Queen of Flowers,” the Rose, and Miss Jessie Millington a gorgeous Sunflower, attracted much attention. They sold all manner of pretty paper trifles, fans, parasols, and baskets.
Miss Ida Johnson, Nina Anderson, and Anna Hyde sold button hole bouquets, and other flowers, and wore also beautiful paper dresses and were a success.
The Tea booth probably attracted more attention than anything else. Each person who purchased a cup of tea was presented with the cup and saucer containing it, but the attraction was the ladies who attended and poured the tea. They were Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Shreves, and Mrs. Spotswood.
Miss Margie Wallis and Chas. Bahntge made lots of fun selling soap bubbles at five cents a blow.
A bevy of bright young ladies, in fancy caps and aprons, attended at the fancy tables, and sold all manner of pretty things made by the ladies of the Ladies Aid Society. They were: Misses Mary Shivers, Mate and Belle Linn, Mattie and Mary Gibson, Emma Howland, and Ella Johnson.
“Rebecca at the well,” was successfully carried out by Mrs. Buckman, who sold gallons of choice lemonade.
Ice cream and cake were sold by the quantity and, although not a new feature, was none the less a profitable one. Mrs. Doane, Mrs. Kretsinger, Mrs. Shearer, Mrs. Allen, and Mrs. Van Doren attended at one table while Mrs. Green, Mrs. Caton, Mrs. Manser, Mrs. Schofield, and Mrs. Cochran attended at the other.
The gross receipts of the evening were $130. The ladies also had a dinner at the Opera House Wednesday noon, but we have not been able to learn what success attended it.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Winfield, July 15, 1882. The business relations existing between Drs. Van Doren & Jones are this day dissolved. Dr. Van Doren will continue the business at his old stand in the POST OFFICE BLOCK.
Anyone having claims against, or indebted to said firm, are requested to call immediately and settle the same at Dr. Van Doren’s office.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Dr. Van Doren left with us yesterday morning some fine samples of Prentiss white grapes from his vines two years old. The grapes are of medium size, but the bunches are well filled and occur about two inches apart on the vines, loading the vines more heavily than any other grapes we have ever seen.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren desire to thank their many friends for the agreeable surprise and beautiful presents, on the evening of the 26th inst., at their residence.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
China Wedding. On last Saturday evening the home of Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren was surprised and captured by an assemblage of friends numbering about fifty, who gathered to do honor to the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of the host and hostess. The surprise was complete and the occasion will long be remembered as a most enjoyable and successful celebration of a marriage ceremony. The presents were elegant and costly, one being a beautiful china tea-set of fifty-six pieces. The host and hostess entertained the party royally and demonstrated in a pleasant manner their appreciation of the company’s presence, their congratulations, and tokens of friendship and good will.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Dentistry reduced to half price at Dr. Van Doren’s. Full set teeth, only $6.00. Full set best, rubber, $8.00.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
Mr. C. H. Topping, from Delavan, Wisconsin, a nephew of Dr. Van Doren, has been visiting in this city. His wife was with him and both are highly pleased with Winfield and its surroundings.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
LADIES’ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION holds its regular monthly meeting on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 3 p.m. Rooms open every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon from three to six o’clock.
MRS. C. S. VAN DOREN, President, MRS. W. L. MULLEN, Librarian; MRS. R. T. TRIMBLE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
DIED. Dr. H. N. Jones, a young dentist who was in business here for some time, died in Kansas City last week with typhoid fever. He was formerly in partnership with Dr. Van Doren.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
Dr. Van Doren exhibits at this office a slip of grape vine seven inches long bearing four large stems or clusters of the Prentiss grape. It is a very rich and beautiful specimen of what Cowley can produce in that line.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best display of surgical and dental instruments, Dr. Van Doren, city, 1st premium.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Corrections. Since our last issue, in which was published a list of premiums awarded at the fair, we have had a good many corrections made in the list. In the dentistry exhibit Dr. Van Doren was awarded the first premium for the best set of teeth, instead of Dr. Bull, as published.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Dr. Van Doren took the blue ribbon at the Cowley Co. Fair, both for the best set of teeth, and best display of dental instruments. Moral: Patronize the best.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
Misses Willie Wallis, Pearl Van Doren, Maggie Bedilion, Allie McDonald, and Annie Doane will receive their friends with Miss Margaret Spotswood New Year’s day, at the residence of A. T. Spotswood.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1884.
On Tuesday evening of last week Mrs. M. L. Whitney threw her pleasant home open for the reception of invited friends. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Kirkwood, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. McCloud, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beeny, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randall, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mrs. Dr. Van Doren, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. ___ White, Miss Martin, and Miss Mary Hamill. Refreshments formed an interesting supplement at the proper hour and under the royal entertainment of the hostess and family, the company pronounced it one of the most pleasant social gatherings of the winter.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1884.
Ladies’ Library Association. The next regular monthly meeting of the Ladies’ Library Association will be held on Tuesday, March 4th, at 3 p.m. At the last semi-annual meeting the following named ladies were elected as officers and directors for the ensuing year.
For president, Mrs. C. S. Van Doren; vice president, Mrs. T. B. Myers; secretary, Mrs. N. J. Lundy; treasurer, Mrs. C. B. Millington; librarian, Mrs. W. L. Mullen.
For directors: Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, Mrs. A. E. Dawson, and Mrs. F. W. Finch. Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
A Vote of Thanks. At a meeting of the Ladies Library Association held at the library rooms on the 5th of March, 1884, it was unanimously Resolved: That the thanks be tendered to the Rev. W. R. Kirkwood for his very able, instructive, and entertaining address, delivered gratuitously for the benefit of this association at the opera house on the evening of February 18th. MRS. VAN DOREN, President. MRS. N. J. LUNDY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
A Vote of Thanks. The Ladies Library Association tender their thanks to the Courier Band for their fine and entertaining music given for the benefit of this Association at the Opera House on April 4th. Mrs. C. S. Van Doren, President; Mrs. N. J. Lundy, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
The semi-annual meeting of the Ladies Library Association was held last Tuesday and elected six directors, as follows: Mrs. Whiting, Mrs. Bullene, Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mrs. I. W. Randall, Mrs. Kate Wilson, and Mrs. Geo. Rembaugh. Those directors holding over are: Mrs. W. H. Shearer, Mrs. M. J. Wood, Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, Mrs. H. E. Dawson, and Mrs. F. W. Finch; the president, Mrs. C. S. Van Doren, and the secretary, Mrs. N. J. Lundy. The Association is in a flourishing condition.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
C. S. VAN DOREN. DENTIST. Office on 9th Avenue. “Laughing Gas” constantly on hand for the painless extraction of teeth.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Monthly Meeting of the Horticultural Society. September 6, 1884.
The Horticultural Society met in regular monthly session on the above date.
The Society was called to order by R. I. Hogue, President, Martin being absent.
Meeting appointed John Mentch, Secretary pro tem, in the absence of the Secretary.
President appointed committee on fruits and horticultural products on the table.
Messrs. G. W. Robertson, A. DeTurk, and Richards, committee.
Report of committee as follows:
J. R. Richards has apples of the following varieties: Fall Pippin, Priors Red, Pen Red Streak, two varieties unknown; all very large and fine.
Mr. Jennings: Fall Pippin and Pen Red Streak, fine.
G. W. Robertson: Rambo, Grimes Golden, Willow Twig, Jonathan, Rome Beauty, Finks Seedling, Maiden Blush, English Russet, Domine, Ben Davis, and Medium.
Mr. DeTurk: Apple unknown, Peon, Duchess De Angolene, Clapps Favorite. Grapes: Norton’s Virginia. Peach: Gross Mignonna, Ward’s Late, Foster, Late Delaware, unknown; all fine.
C. J. Brane: Jonathan Gravenstein, Ben Davis; all very large.
J. Nixon: Apples, Pa Red Streak or Wine, Autumn Strawberry, two varieties unknown.
Wilson Shaw: St. Lawrence apple; very large.
Dr. Van Doren: the grape “Prentiss.”
JOHN MENTCH, Secretary pro tem. R. L. HOGUE, President.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
Dr. Van Doren brought us some splendid specimens of the Prentiss grape last week. The flavor is as fine as any grape we have tasted.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Dr. C. S. Van Doren has associated with himself in dentistry H. C. Baily, of Knoxville, Indiana. Dr. Baily appears to be a man of experience and business ability and the firm of Van Doren & Baily will no doubt soon win public favor and continue the excellent patronage Dr. Van Doren has so well established.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
DRS. VAN DOREN & BAILY. SURGEON DENTISTS. Office two doors west of Post Office on 9th Avenue.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
Udall Sentinel: “Dr. Baily, of the firm of Van Doren and Baily, dentists, Winfield, was skirmishing about these parts Monday. The doctor is a genial gentleman, and says that firm may make Udall a point in their practice. We trust they will.”
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Society. A very pleasant entertainment was given by Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, at their splendid residence in this city, on Thursday evening, December 10th. About sixty to seventy guests were present, among whom we remember by name the following.
Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Kirkwood, Prof. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Buckman, Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Williams, Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Hunt, Dr. and Mrs. C. S. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mrs. Frank Williams of Wichita, Mrs. J. H. Bullen, Mrs. W. H. Albro, Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Arthur Bangs, Miss Nettie McCoy, Miss Anna McCoy, Mr. W. H. Smith, Mr. Lew Brown, and Mr. W. C. Robinson.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, made up of rain, mud, snow, and cold, the guests enjoyed themselves to the utmost, and after partaking of a magnificent supper, music, and mirth, the guests separated with warm thanks to their host and hostess, who had afforded them so much pleasure, and with the aid of Arthur Bangs, most of them, we presume, found their own domiciles in due time.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
The Presbyterian Sunday School elected its officers for the ensuing year last Sunday as follows: Superintendent, Capt. T. B. Myers; Assistant Supt., Mr. J. O. Taylor; Secretary, Addison Brown; Librarian, Perry Tucker; Organist, Miss Pearl Van Doren.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Office 2 doors West of the Post Office, on 9th Avenue.
“Nitrous Oxide Gas” always at hand for the painless extraction of teeth.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Wanted. A few more boarders at Mrs. Van Doren’s.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Miss Pearl Van Doren will entertain the Young People’s Social and Literary Society on Friday evening next.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The Young People’s Social and Literary Society met last evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns. Dr. Kirkwood gave a sketch of the life and works of J. G. Holland, with a selection from his writings; beautiful instrumental and vocal music was given by Misses Mamie Baird, Pearl Van Doren, and Laura Hendricks, and voluntary performances of a literary and musical character were presented by others. Mrs. Curns provided palatable refreshments and entertained the company in a manner most agreeable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.
Table scarf, any design or make. Pearl Van Doren 1st, Miss March 2nd.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shearer, 917 Mansfield street, was the scene of a most happy gathering Monday evening. The occasion was the celebration of the 20th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer. Though the rain interfered with the attendance of a number, by nine o’clock over eighty were present, in their happiest mood. Soon after nine o’clock the “bride and groom” were presented and re-united in the bonds whose sweet and bitter they had thoroughly experienced. Rev. J. H. Reider re-tied the knot in a novel and jolly ceremony, the groom consenting to all the compulsory vicissitudes of a “hen-pecked” husband, and she to clothe, feed, protect, scold (in foreign language) until death. After the ceremony and hearty congratulations, a collation of choicest delicacies was served in profusion and most thoroughly enjoyed. The presents were handsome and valuable, the most prominent being an exquisitely painted china dinner set. It embraced a hundred and twenty-five pieces—the handsomest thing obtainable in china ware. It was a token from the following persons: Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Reider, Rev. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Soward, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dalton, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bliss, Mrs. R. B. Waite and Mrs. Hartwell, Mrs. E. M. Albright and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman, Col. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nelson, Prof. and Mrs. I. N. Inskeep, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Arment, Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. D. Taylor and Miss Minnie, Mr. and Mrs. A. Herpich, Mr. and Mrs. L. Conrad, Mrs. A. Silliman and Miss Lola, Mrs. C. Strong and Miss Emma, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, Misses Fannie, Jessie, and Louie Stretch, Miss March, Misses Mattie and Mary Gibson, Nettie and Anna McCoy, Lydia Tyner, Maggie Herpich, Maude Kelly, Ida Johnston, and Maude Pickens, Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins, and Miss Lena Walrath. Among the other presents were: Fruit holder and saucer, by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Burgauer; individual pepper and salt holders, Miss Burgauer; cup and saucer, Wm. Statton; fruit dish, Dr. and Mrs. C. Perry and Mrs. Judd; China Plaque, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Balliet; soup bowl, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Newton; pickle dish, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harrod; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lynn; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Johnston; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. R. Bates; fruit plate, Geo. D. Headrick; fruit plate, John Roberts and Mrs. Reed; fruit plate, Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randall; cut glass fruit and pickle dish, tooth-pick holder and finger bowl, Mesdames G. H. Allen, D. L. Kretsinger, A. H. Doane, C. S. Van Doren, and John Tomlin; plate, bowl and pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bullene; water pitcher, Mr. M. Hahn; cake stand, Kate Shearer; $20 gold piece, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shearer of Geneseo, Illinois. A good majority of the donors were present, and under the agreeable hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Shearer, nicely assisted by their daughter, all passed the evening most enjoyably, departing at a late hour, wishing that the bride and groom might have many more such happy anniversaries, clear down to the one of gold, with its silvery locks and ripened years.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Friday night was an unusually lively one in social circles, and the entire winter shows promise of being livelier socially than for years. Various clubs, literary societies, etc., are being inaugurated to entertain, amuse, and instruct during the long winter evenings. Winfield is noted for its sociability. In the strife for gold and fame, our people don’t forget the refining and social side of life.
The spacious parlors of Mrs. J. E. Platter’s home were the scene of a very enjoyable gathering Friday evening. An opportunity to spend an evening in Mrs. Platter’s pleasant home is always delightfully received. The occasion was for the organization of a Literary and Social Society to meet semi-monthly during the winter, composed principally of young folks, with a sprinkling of ripened age as an agreeable balance. Mrs. E. D. Garlick was elected president; Mrs. J. E. Platter, vice-president; P. T. Bertram, secretary, and Addison Brown, treasurer. The committee on literary program—Misses Belle Linn and Ida Johnston; Messrs. S. D. Harper and Moore Tanner. On music—Misses Pearl Van Doren and Bertha Wallis. During the evening, a large variety of stereopticon views were a source of pleasing and instructive entertainment. The place of the first regular meeting of the Society, at the home of one of the members, will be announced in THE COURIER.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
The Young Folks Literary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet at Dr. Van Doren’s Friday evening. This is the society organized at Mrs. Platter’s two weeks ago.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
The Social and Literary circle met Friday eve at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird and passed two or three hours most pleasantly. The literary program was highly entertaining and instructive, and notwithstanding the tender age of the Society, the individual efforts of its members on last evening show the vim, interest, and determined spirit which animates them in the discharge of their duties. The vocal duet, “Larboard Watch,” was very nicely given by Misses Josie Pixley and Bertha Wallis. The address by Rev. Miller was full of good sense and instruction to the young people as to the proper mode of conducting the society. The paper, The Chautauqua, Vol. 1, No. 1, was full of interesting and humorous items, and can be made a very prominent and useful adjunct to this social. Music by Misses Pearl Van Doren and Mamie Baird was excellent and applauded by all. The recitations of Misses Pixley and Baldwin were simply great. This is the first time Miss Baldwin has permitted herself to recite before the society for a number of months, owing to a serious affectation of the throat. Her delivery of “Mary, Queen of Scotts,” last evening, however, was as fine a recitation, in point of expression and sentiment, as we have listened to in a long time. A little extravagant in gesture, which is well balanced, however, by her modulation, she shows herself a master of elocution, and would appear to good advantage in emotional characters of any kind. A. F. Hopkins’ address, “True and false ambition,” was forcibly presented and listened to by the society with interest and, we hope, benefit. To Mrs. Baird and her charming and indefatigable daughter, Miss Mamie, the society expressed their thanks for their reception and entertainment. Visitors and new members, who elsewhere might have felt themselves to be strangers, were made to feel perfectly at home and among friends. Everybody enjoyed themselves and all regretted that the evening passed so quickly. It is to be hoped that it will not be too long before we are invited there again.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Dr. Van Doren has fitted up dental rooms over Curns & Manser’s. The Doctor is well known here and will receive his share of the custom.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The Presbyterian Sunday School elected officers for 1886 last Sunday, as follows: H. T. Shivvers, supt., Addison Brown, secretary; Hop. Shivvers, treasurer; Perry Tucker, librarian; Miss Mary Bryant, teacher infant class; Miss Pearl Van Doren, organist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Never did Winfield have as lively New Year’s festivities as those just spent. In fact, it has come to be conceded generally that, though the Queen City has always had much social life, the sociability of this winter exceeds by far. Entertainments, private and public, come thick and fast. And they are all largely attended and thoroughly enjoyable. The wonderful life on the beginning of this New Year is what we will deal with now.
At a number of places the preparations were great, with grand banquets, among these being the home of Mrs. Black, she being admirably assisted in receiving by Mrs. B. H. Riddell, Mrs. A. C. Bangs, Mrs. Ada Perkins, and the Misses Lizzie and Margie Wallis, who had sent out neat “at homes” and entertained over fifty guests; at the home of Chas. F. Bahntge, where Misses Nona Calhoun and Bert Morford were kept busy receiving from four to eight; at Mrs. Dr. Emerson’s, where she was assisted by Mrs. W. L. Webb, and Miss Anna Hunt; at Mrs. L. G. and Miss Nellie Cole’s; at the residence of R. E. Wallis, where Miss Willie Wallis was assisted by Misses Jennie Snyder, Annie Doane, Lillie Wilson, Pearl Van Doren, and Margaret Spotswood—the happiest bevy imaginable. The spreads at all these places were simply immense, embracing about everything. At the numerous other places the greeting was not supplemented by refreshments, a happy thought to the callers after they had got through with the wedding dinner and the “layouts” above given. Some of the ladies gave their callers very fine cards—cards exquisite as New Year’s souvenirs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Silver and pearl agate water service, Rev. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Misses Nellie and Alice Aldrich, W. C. Robinson, A. F. Hopkins, and Will E. Hodges.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
No city in the Union has more generous-hearted, public spirited people than Winfield. Their interest and energy in every good cause is wonderful. And no city can excel us in diversity and superiority of literary and musical talent. Last Thursday evening THE COURIER had an article calling attention to the fact that a number of families, as a result of the long, hard winter, with all avenues of labor closed, were in abject want, and suggesting a charity concert for the raising of a benefit fund, and stating that Judge Albright, with his characteristic public spirit, would furnish the Opera House for one or two nights for such purpose, as his donation. The Ladies Local Relief Society, of which Mrs. J. L. Horning, one of the city’s noblest workers in every good movement, is president, took the matter in hand, and the concert was determined on for Saturday evening, just two days after. Friday, E. F. Blair, on behalf of the ladies, began the arrangement of a program. There was no time for rehearsal. Each one assumed a part of their own selection and responsibility and the result was marvelous—a perfect index to the superiority of our home talent. The willingness and zeal with which the performers and citizens generally responded to this call was fully in harmony with the culture, refinement, and enterprise that have made our city famous. The ladies sold over seven hundred tickets the first day they were out, Friday, and Saturday evening the Opera House was a jam, and yet many who bought tickets were unable to get there.
The instrumental selection of Miss Pearl Van Doren, “Old Grimes,” with novel and beautiful variations, elicited high praise. Miss Pearl has advanced from the beginning under one of our best home instructors and has reached great proficiency. She touches the keys with a grace and ease at once noticeable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pixley, 221 west 7th, was a happy scene Monday evening. It was a reception given by Misses Minnie and Estella Pixley—a gathering of Masters and Misses of that gay age to which all look back as the most genuinely enjoyable and hilarious of life—almost the last step to the threshold of womanhood and manhood; the days of reveling in the first thoughts of a “best birl” or a gallant “beau.” Yes, we can all remember what immense times we had in those days—days that will never return, but always remain among our brightest memories. Such a party was that last night—free from restraint and stilted dignity—all in for a good time; and they had it. Those participating were Misses Maggie Bedilion, Lillie Wilson, Mabel Myers, Willie Wallis, Maud Pickens, Mattie Tulley, Margaret Spotswood, Mamie and Nona Greer, Pearl Van Doren, Anna Doane, Pauline Baird, Eva Berkey; Masters Willie Farringer, Fletcher Johnson, Dick Harper, Fred Wilber, Frank Wilber, Fay Latham, Malcolm McDonald, Wallie Johnson, Willie Doane, Dudley Eaton, Harry Park, Gus McMullen, John Pugh, George Gary.
The nicely furnished home of Mr. and Mrs. Pixley is well arranged for such a gathering. Misses Minnie and Stella, pleasantly assisted by their sisters, Misses Josie and Louise, did the honors of the occasion very gracefully. Music and various amusements, supplemented by a choice luncheon, filled the evening delightfully to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The most fashionable novelty is five o’clock luncheon, a full-dress reception of ladies only, for tea and an hour or two of social chat, such as only ladies, when untrammeled by the awkward presence of men—who were never made to talk—can enjoy. Last evening Winfield had the first full-fledged introduction of this pleasurable novel. It was a reception by Mrs. A. H. Doane and Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, two of the city’s most delightful entertainers, at the home of Mrs. Doane. A little after four the invited guests began to arrive and by 5 o’clock the parlors were a scene of the liveliest mirth and social freedom, the following prominent ladies being present: Mesdames C. H. Taylor, C. L. Harter, Ray Oliver, George Raymond, George Rembaugh, J. F. Balliet, G. H. Buckman, O. Branham, W. H. Albro, Ela Albright, E. M. Albright, J. J. Carson, L. M. Williams, J. A. Eaton, J. C. Miller, Col. McMullen, J. F. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, C. C. Collins, Henry Brown, Lewis Brown, J. H. Tomlin, E. P. Young, J. N. Young, Dr. Van Doren, M. J. Darling, W. H. Shearer, R. E. Wallis, D. A. Millington, Wm. Mullen, H. L. Holmes, W. P. Hackney, Dr. Brown, M. L. Robinson, Geo. Robinson, S. D. Pryor, Dr. Emerson, M. L. Whitney, J. L. Horning, J. D. Pryor, Geo. W. Miller, Edwin Beeny, Frank Doane, and Miss Lena Oliver. At the appointed hour a luncheon of choice delicacies, with a sprinkling of appropriate substantials, was bounteously and gracefully served. It was one of the happiest gatherings imaginable. The ladies were all handsomely and fashionably attired. By half past six all had departed, realizing the pleasantest reception for many a day. The main object of the “five o’clock luncheon” is to dissipate the inconveniences of the “fashionable call,” where all is prim form, with little opportunity for forming genuine friendships. It is certainly a most admirable mode of widening friendships among the ladies of the city, as all will attest who experienced the very agreeable hospitality of Mrs. Doane and Mrs. Kretsinger, on this occasion.
Professional Cards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
F. H. BULL, DENTIST. 910 Main Street. Teeth extracted without pain.
T. S. BROWN, DENTIST. Graduate of the Ohio College of Dental Surgery. Office corner 10th and Main streets, over Baden’s.
DR. J. O. HOUX, DENTIST. Office in Torrance-Fuller block. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of nitrous-oxide gas—perfectly harmless.
DR. VAN DOREN, DENTIST. Office on Main Street over Curns & Manser’s. Teeth Xtracted without pain. References: His numerous patrons in and about Winfield.
DR. H. C. BAILY, SURGEON DENTIST. Office 2 doors west of post office. Nitrous Oxide Gas. Teeth examined free of charge. All work warranted. Having secured the exclusive right to use Dr. Baldwin’s Preparation for the painless extraction of teeth, for this city, I am prepared to apply it to any person that has teeth requiring extraction.
Note: Baily stayed in the old office of Dr. Van Doren. Unknown when the two dentists split up.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
The National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union specified Sunday, April 11th, as a day for meetings all over America in honor of that great temperance advocate who laid down his early armor March 18th. The Winfield Union, with its usual zeal and enterprise, was of course to the front and arranged for exercises at the Courthouse Sunday evening. The room was nicely decorated with a background of the stars and stripes, inscribed thereon, “Prohibition,” the Union’s motto, “For God, For Home, and Native Land,” with an appropriate likeness of Gough in the center of a banner bearing, “Young men, make your record clean; Our Leader, John B. Gough.” The floral decoration was also good.
The audience was large—too large for the rooms, a large number being unable to get in. The Opera House would have been none too large. The president, Mrs. C. H. Greer, presided, while fifteen members of the Union, Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Mrs. J. C. McMullen, Mrs. E. M. Albright, Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. H. Beck, Mrs. Flo Williams, Mrs. S. J. Hepler, Mrs. C. Strong, Mrs. Ed. P. Greer, Mrs. Dr. Elder, Mrs. M. L. Gates, Misses Mary Bryant, Ella Kelly, Emma Strong, and Fannie Stretch occupied seats together and gave responsive readings relative to the life of Gough, a very thorough synopsis of the history and work of this great temperance orator. A male quartette, Messrs. Dr. Gay, J. S. R. Bates, C. I. Forsyth, and Joe Holiday, with Miss Pearl Van Doren at the instrument, gave beautiful and appropriate music.
Rev. S. R. Reese delivered the address of the evening. It was clear cut and finely founded, taking up the life of the man, the meeting was held to commemorate. The speaker took him from youth to the grave, drawing practical lessons. Gough was a learned man only in nature. He had no polish and was not a broad thinker. On the rostrum he violated every established rule of rhetoric, logic, and gesture. But he had his heart in the cause; it was the great theme of his life. He was an inimitable personator, often taking a dozen characters in a single lecture. His magnetism, zeal, and eloquence drowned all imperfection in manner—he was John B. Gough and nobody else. He had been to the lowest depths of human degradation and as he held the mirror up to his vast audiences, in dramatic and enticing though rough manner, he wielded his audience with a sovereign scepter. If he wanted his hearers to cry, they cried; if he wanted them to laugh, they laughed; if he wanted to thrill them, the dramatic effect was wonderful. He was nature’s orator, nature’s noble man. He drew all his inspiration, all his eloquence, all his influence, all his greatness from nature itself. With natural gifts of speech, human instinct, and enticing oratory—oratory which in men less magnetic and earnest would have possibly been mediocre, but which to his hearers was grand, he did a work that no other living man could have done. The speaker cited the fact that dozens in his audience were more brainy than Gough was, but they couldn’t make a ripple on such a sea as he fathomed. He bent all his energies to one grand purpose. It was ground in his being and the good he wrought will go down and down and down the ages as the greatest spark in one of the greatest reforms the world ever knew. Having been in the gutter, writhing in delirium, Gough raised to the apex of reformatory grandeur. His natural gifts and great work will be extolled to the end of time. Here Mr. Reese showed up the weighty mantle Gough had let fall on others who must carry on the work in which he died. All must be up and doing, reverses may come, the ground may possibly have to all be fought over. The cause is now going onward, especially here in Glorious Kansas, but the armor must be constantly girded on. The language and arrangement of the lecture were very thorough and showed deep thought. Mrs. Flo. Williams, during the evening read a selection from Gough, “What is a Minority?” and Mrs. Greer made remarks of local application. The W. C. T. U. scored a fine success in its meeting last night—one in harmony with the enterprise of the ladies of the Union and of Winfield.