Chester Van Meter
Note: Must be careful with last name. It is sometimes spelled Vanmeter in papers.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The jury in the Van Meter case brought in a verdict of not guilty Monday after having been out about forty-eight hours. The verdict was rendered on a technicality, the prosecution neglecting to prove Man-walking-above’s name. The facts of the stealing were clearly proven, but the law steps in and clears the culprit. The result will be that he must be tried on a new case at a heavy additional cost to the county. The workings of law to the uninitiated are very queer.
Winfield Courier, November 23, 1882.
The Cheyenne Indians, Man-walking-above and Lone-Dog, who have been attending court as witnesses in the Van Meter case, are remarkably fine looking, well dressed fellows. Their blankets are of fine texture and their trappings gaudy. The interpreter who accompanied them was Ed Carter, a noted character, and for years one of Custer’s main scouts. He is a half-breed, a fine looking man, and seemingly very intelligent.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
Judge Torrance entertained Man-walking-above, Crow-dog, and another Cheyenne Indian at his residence Monday. His sister, who is visiting with him, had never seen an Indian, and the Judge, after many inducements, got them down to his house. Man-walking-above insisted that he had holes in his moccasins and was therefore not presentable.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
DIED. Chester Van Meter, the young fellow who shot at Sheriff Shenneman here once, was killed near Caldwell last week. He had got into an altercation with his wife, beating her, and when her father interposed, turned on him. The officers of Caldwell went out to arrest him. He resisted and was killed. He was one of the “blood-and-thunder” kind of young men, and while in jail here entertained the prisoners with the plaintive melody of “The Outlaw’s Bride,” and kindred compositions. All such men end the same way—beat their wives and die with their boots on.