Vermilye Brothers


Winfield and South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township.
Handled Horses, Cattle, Hogs on “Magnolia Farm.”
Mentioned later as being a resident of Magnolia Farm: Arthur H. Greene.
Note: Newspapers of the 1880s could not decide whether or not the first name of H. P. Vermilye was “Hobart” or “Hobert.” I stayed with “Hobart.” MAW
Pleasant Valley Township 1882.
Hobart [or Hobert] Vermilye, 42; spouse, Elizabeth R., 27.
R. C. H. Vermilye, 27. Also listed: [mother of Vermilye Brothers], Josephine, 65.
Hobart P. Vermilye...
Winfield Courier, March 18, 1880.
The members and adherents of the Episcopal Church in Winfield held a meeting yesterday morning to organize a parish. Rev. J. T. Colton, of Wichita, presided, and J. E. Snow was elected Secretary of the meeting. A parish was organized under the name of Grace Church, and the following officers were elect­ed: Senior Warden, G. A. Scoville; Junior Warden, T. C. Woodruff; Vestrymen, R. E. Wallis, T. K. Johnston, W. H. Smith, H. P. Vermilye, F. J. Sydal; Parish Clerk, J. E. Snow. The parish hopes to secure the services of a settled clergyman at an early date. Telegram.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The Williams House has had its hands full for the past week. Hobart Vermilye sits up nights and lets the poor, over-worked drummers have his couch.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Arthur Bangs is chief clerk at the Williams House since Hobart Vermilye’s departure.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
Hobart Vermilye left for St. Paul, Minnesota, last week, where he will take a position with some railroad company. Robert has been with us for nearly two years, is a capable and efficient young man, and has a bright future before him.
Robert H. Vermilye...
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Bob Vermilye and Miss Southard, a sister of Tuck Southard, were married by Rev. Canfield. The happy couple arrived here Thursday from Howard, and will make Winfield their future home.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Bob Vermilye is already a widower for a few days. His wife was called home Saturday to attend her father, who was quite seriously injured by having a corn crib fall on him.
Joseph H. Vermilye: brother of Robert and Hobart Vermilye...
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The gentlemen associated with Mr. Frank Williams in the Metropolitan Hotel in Kansas City are Judge Martin of Indepen­dence and J. H. Vermilye of New York. Mr. Vermilye is a brother of Bob and Hobart.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.

Dr. Southard, of Elk City, father of “Tuck” Southard, who used to live here, and of Mrs. R. H. Vermilye of this city, died at his home last Saturday, from the effects of injuries received by a corn-crib falling upon him several weeks ago. He was about sixty years old, and has been a resident of Kansas for twenty years or more. Next to the death of our own father, we know of none whose death we would be more sorely pained to hear, as the Doctor and his estimable wife have, for eight years, been like a father and mother to us. Mr. Southard leaves a host of friends over Kansas, who will with sorrow learn of his demise.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
We are only too happy to correct the item published in Friday’s daily announcing the death of our old and respected friend, Dr. Southard, of Elk City. We learn from his son-in-law, R. H. Vermilye, of this city, that the old gentleman is still alive, and when last heard from strong hopes were entertained of his recovery. We sincerely trust that Mr. Southard may get well, and ere long be able to come over and kick the stuffin’ out of us for writing him up in such glowing colors.
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
It was Hobart Vermilye who stopped John Pryor as he was running home in the storm Friday night. He stopped him on his mouth and nose, but it was sometime after John was in bed with a plaster on his mug before Hobart knew he had been knocked down, and not until Saturday evening did he ascertain the cause of his soreness. Pryor looked around for his friend a few minutes after the collision, but could not find him, and supposed he had run. But all the while Hobart was lying there upon the ground sense­less. It was not until after he had been rained on for an hour or so that he came to and got up. Each thought he had been struck by lightning. There is a little moral to this whole business, boys! Hereafter, when it is so dark that you can’t see anyone in front of you, don’t run into them.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.

A Collision. Two of our citizens met with a serious mishap Friday night, which although not very pleasant to the parties concerned, is laughable in some respects. Mr. John D. Pryor had been uptown quite late attending lodge. Hobart Vermilye had been downtown quite late attending a small mass meeting. He started home about the same time John did. The wind was blowing a gale and the rain was coming down in fitful gusts that almost chilled the marrow in the bones of these two midnight ramblers. Persons out on a night like this are wont to tuck their heads down, shut their eyes, and go bowling along without regard to surroundings, and this is what the aforesaid gentlemen did. Even this would have been all right had the sidewalk in front of Charlie Bahntge’s been made wide enough for two to pass, but it wasn’t and they came together like two animated goats. The recoil was terrific and both were landed in the mud beside the walk about a hundred feet apart. John came to in about three minutes, and after crawling around for a time to find his assailant, went on home enveloped in mud and darkness, and breathing imprecations on the man who would lay in wait for a fellow and hit him with a stuffed club. Hobart Vermilye was not so fortunate. He was knocked senseless by the concussion and laid in the road as much as an hour before he was able to get home. Two of his front teeth were broken off, another knocked out, and the balance so roughly dealt with that they rattled when he walked. His face was cut up considerably. Hobart was also of the opinion that someone had waylaid him; but as an inventory found him possessed of forty cents, a pocket knife, and ten toothpicks, he was compelled to admit that he had not been robbed. The next morning each arose, bandaged up his head, and resolved to keep an eye open for suspicious looking characters. About noon they came together, when the true facts as above narrated came to light.
W. G. Vermilye, Chicago, cousin of Vermilye brothers, makes a visit...
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
W. G. Vermilye, of Chicago, came down on the Santa Fe train this forenoon, and will visit sometime with his cousins, the Vermilye brothers, of this county.
G. Bayard Lott, Kansas City, cousin of Vermilye Brothers, visits...
Cowley County Courant, June 1, 1882.
We were pleased to meet our old-time friend, G. Bayard Lott, of Kansas City. Mr. Lott is a cousin of the Vermilye brothers, of this county, and a first-class fellow.
Vermilye Brothers: Have ranch on Otter Creek, near Cambridge...
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
We have for sale on our ranch on Otter Creek, six miles southeast of Cambridge, eighty-five head of three and four year old native steers. VERMILYE BROS.
First entry found on Arthur H. Greene. Note reference to “farm of Arthur H. Greene” nine miles south of Winfield and reference to “V. B. Agents.” Am positive that the “V. B.” stands for Vermilye Brothers and the farm was “Magnolia Farm.” MAW
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1882.
Sealed proposals will be received at Room No. 2, McDonald building, until 6 P. M., July 15th, 1882, for the erection and completion of a two story stone dwelling house and stone barn, on the farm of Arthur H. Greene, nine miles south of Winfield. Bids will be received for the house and barn as a whole, or separately. Plans and specifications to be seen at the above stated office. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.
For some reason Arthur H. Greene was not mentioned in the following item Perhaps his interest was only in the dwelling house and barn???...
Vermilye Bros., South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township (formerly Keck place).
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
We spent Thursday night at the magnificent farm of Vermilye Bros, in South Bend, Pleasant Valley Township. It is what was known as the “Keck place,” and contains over six hundred acres of the finest land in the world. The boys are raising horses, cattle, and hogs, work a bevy of hands, and are doing well.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Vermilye Bros., have put out twenty-five thousand magnolia trees on their South Bend farm. Their place is justly entitled to the name “Magnolia Farm.”
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Vermilye Bros. brought in two car loads of thoroughbred cattle Friday and will place them on their stock farm south of town. The cattle are very fine. By the way, it is astonishing to note the number of fine cattle being brought into the county this spring. A car load or two is unloaded here almost every day.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.

Fine Stock. The importation of fine blooded cattle into the country continues. We regard it as one of the best signs of our prosperity. When our people get more into the better grades of stock, farming will become vastly more remunerative. Among the finest lot of thorough bred cattle yet brought in was that of Vermilye Bros, referred to last week. The two bulls at the head are “Red Bud,” a red of April 1882, a very long, level and even bull, of fine form and breeding got by “Oakland Chief,” a son of J. H. Polts & Son’s great “Duke of Richmond,” and “Alonzo,” also a fine red of November 1881, got by “Noble Airdrie,” 7751, and out of “Allie Thorndale,” Vo. 6 short H. R. These two bulls ought to leave their impress upon any herd in the country. Indeed the young one, “Red Bull,” is said to be one of the best ever brought into the country. The cows and heifers are very fine and selected from the best herds.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Stock Notes. Vermilye Bros. are in the east looking for the best imported Clydesdale Stallion in the United States. Price will be no object with them if they can find one that suits. Go ahead; bring on full bloods, boys.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
More Fine Stock Imported.We again have occasion to note the importation into the county of some fine stock by the Vermilye brothers. Mr. R. H. Vermilye returned on Thursday last from a three week’s trip, bringing with him the fine little imported Galloway bull, “Plowman,” that he purchased at the Matthews & Geary sale on the 11th ult., in Kansas City, and the stallion, full blooded and pedigreed imported English draft, “Prince of the Valley,” that he bought of the Powell Brothers at their celebrated stock farm, “Shadeland,” near Springboro, Crawford County, Pennsylvania. This horse, six years old this spring, is a perfect beauty in form, according to all the accepted models for strength and durability. He weighs 1750 pounds and is of a steel gray color.
Some few weeks ago we credited Vermilye Brothers with bringing in two car loads of pure blooded short horns with two pedigreed bulls, but in this we were somewhat inaccurate, as they took only one car load of cows and heifers, the other car load being divided into the two herds we mentioned; and the one herd, headed by the bull, “Alonzo,” going to Col. Jos. Mac, of Liberty Township; the other herd, headed by “Red Bad,” going to the care of H. T. Shivvers and son, of Pleasant Valley.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
AD. The Pure bred English Draft Stallion, KING OF THE VALLEY, will make the season of 1883 at Magnolia farm, 10 miles southeast of Winfield (Section 31, Township 33, Range 5 East). Terms, $20 to insure mare with foal.
KING is 5 years old, weighs 1750 pounds, 17½ hands high, of an iron-gray color.
Can be seen at Wm. Hand’s stable Saturday, May 26, and June 3.
For any particulars or information, call at the farm, or address,
VERMILYE BROS., Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
Mrs. Vermilye, mother of the Vermilye boys, in Pleasant Valley Township, had the misfortune to fall down a flight of stairs last week, severely injuring herself. She is getting along nicely so far, and we hope may speedily recover.

Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
BIRTH. And now comes Bob Vermilye with the announcement that he is the proud parent of a handsome daughter. Numerous and many are the congratulations extended by his friends here.
The early newspapers constantly gave me trouble! The following item showed that the name of the owner of residence on “Magnolia Farm” was “Arthur H. Green.” This created a lot of confusion on my part until I realized they were talking about Arthur H. Greene and not Gen. Adolphus H. Green. Have corrected item to show that the residence was being built for A. A. Greene under the guidance of Architect S. A. Cook of Winfield on Magnolia Farm. MAW
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
Mr. Cook, architect, brought us in a block of polished stone Tuesday, of the kind and quality now being put into the walls of Mr. Arthur H. Greene’s splendid new residence, in Pleasant Valley Township. It is a mottled gray limestone, very firm and the handsomest stone we have seen in the west. It looks like granite. Mr. Greene’s residence when completed will be the finest private house in the county. It is 35 x 50, two stories with attic story and basement, and contains fourteen large rooms. It is built of the stone above described, cut in the style known as “pitch face.” In addition to this building, large and commodious barns and out buildings are being erected, mostly of stone. He is investing a large amount of money and proposes to make “Magnolia” a model farm.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
PLEASANT VALLEY: M. H. Markcum, Robt. Vermilye, S. J. Johnson, A. B. Meyer.
Alternates: T. E. Axtell, A. H. Broadwell, Daniel Groome, Sol. Becker.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Single stallion 4 years old and over, Vermilye Bros., Pleasant Valley, 1st premium;
R. P. Noble, Dexter, 2nd.
The Vermilye Bros. of Pleasant Valley carried off the blue ribbon on their draft stallion. He was one of the finest horses on the ground.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
Five Dollars Reward for the return of a brownish yellow shepherd dog answering to the name of “Rover.” The reward will be paid for his return or information leading to his recovery. Vermilye Bros.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
For Sale or Trade. One breaking attachment to Cassady plow and three shares. Will sell or trade for good walking breaker. Vermilye Bros., Winfield, Kansas.
P. S. Reason: it cramps the hired man’s legs to ride all the time.

E. E. Greene, nephew of Arthur H. Greene, pays a visit to him at Magnolia Farm...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
E. E. Greene, a nephew of Arthur H. Greene, accompanied him on his return from the east and will make a stay of some months at Magnolia farm.
The next item refers to Vermilye Brothers making a contract for new mansion on Magnolia Farm: Greene is not mentioned in article...
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1884.
Spence Miner, of McDonald & Miner, made a contract Saturday with the Vermilye boys to furnish the new mansion on Magnolia farm with carpets and window hangings. The carpets will be made for the rooms and of the best material. The carpet bill amounts to $400.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
The splendid stallion, “King of the Valley,” owned by Vermilye Bros., has wintered in good shape and is now thoroughly acclimated.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Hobart Vermilye has been in New York investigating the horse market, and finds that a first-class span of draft horses brings from six to seven hundred dollars. He is now in Missouri buying blooded stock to place on Magnolia farm in Pleasant Valley Township. Cowley is being rapidly filled with fine stock, and among her largest future stock raisers will be Vermilye Bros., who are going into the business systematically and will succeed. They have one of the best farms for the business in the west.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Vermilye Bros. received from Iowa Friday seventeen head of the finest brood mares they could pick up in that state. They are all very large and heavy draught.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
Pure Bred Imported English Draft Stallion, KING OF THE VALLEY (274) will make the season of 1884 at Magnolia Farm, ten miles southeast of Winfield. For terms and pedigree address VERMILYE BROS., Winfield, Kansas.
N. B. The terms to insure a mare with foal by our Jack are ten dollars, and we are not afraid to compare his mule colts with any, of their age, from any Jack in this or adjoining counties.
Pasture and all possible care furnished mares from a distance. V. B.
Next item refers only to “Arthur H. Greene”...
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1884.
MAGNOLIA FARM, April 11th, 1884.
Messrs. Shivvers & Linn, Winfield:
DEAR SIRS: I have received from the Home Insurance Co. of New York, Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars in payment of damage done to my shed by wind storm of March 27th, the shed being a part of the property insured in your office March 22nd. The promptness and liberality of the home Co. in settling my loss is very satisfactory, and I congratulate you on representing so reliable a company. Yours Respectfully, ARTHUR H. GREENE.

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Listed as stockholders: Vermilye Brothers.
One of the Vermilye Brothers dies: Joseph H. Vermilye...
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
DIED. It was with feelings of great sorrow that we learned on Monday of the death of Joseph Vermilye, which occurred at Magnolia Farm Sunday night. He was one of Cowley’s brightest and best citizens, possessing many qualities of mind and heart, endearing him to relatives and friends. He was unmarried and in the prime of life. His death occurred after an illness of two weeks with Malarial fever. The funeral occurred Monday afternoon and was attended by a large number of friends from Winfield, and by Mr. Williams, who came down from Wichita. He was thirty-four years of age, and a graduate of both the literary and law departments of Columbia College. In intelligence and moral worth he had few superiors, and Cowley loses in him one of her most promising sons.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Card of Thanks. The family of Joseph H. Vermilye desire us to extend their heartfelt thanks to the many friends who so kindly assisted in caring for their loved one, during his illness, consoling them in the dark hours of bereavement and doing so many acts of neighborly kindness and friendly sympathy. Remembrance of these kindly acts will ever be cherished by each and everyone of the family.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Memorial services on the death of Mr. Jos. H. Vermilye were held at the Courthouse last Sunday morning by Rev. Brittain, rector of Grace Church.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Grace Church.
A service memorial of the late Jos. H. Vermilye was held in the Courthouse on Tuesday last, before a sympathetic congregation. After the singing of a Processional, the Rector read portions of the Burial Service, also the Psalter of the day. The first lesson was the 40th chapter of Isaiah, the second from 1st Corinthian 15th chapter. In the course of his sermon the Rector made feeling allusions to the deceased, but, said he, “We are comforted with the thought that our loss is his gain, and humbly should we bow our heads and say, the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessed be the name of the Lord.”
Immediately after the service the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased Almighty God with whom are the issues of life to take to the rest of Paradise the soul of our brother, Jos. H. Vermilye, late junior Warden of this parish; therefore
Resolved, That while we bow submissively to our Father’s will, we still are comforted when we reflect upon the good example left us by our departed brother—his amiability of manners, his unostentatious piety, and his zeal and love for the church.
Resolved, That in offering to his aged mother, and the other members of the family our deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement, yet we cannot but believe that the deceased is now enjoying the rest that remaineth for the people of God.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased and that they be published in the local papers, also in the Churchman, in the Living Church, and in the Kansas Churchman.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Stallion, 4 years old and over: Vermilye Bros., 1st; R. B. Noble, 2nd.
Best Polled-Angus bull 2 years old, Vermilye Bros., 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Mr. Broadwell has bought twenty head of grade short-horn cattle from the Joseph Vermilye estate. Mr. Broadwell is assuming a business attitude, and like other cowboys, longs to be near the “range.”
Mr. Ray, of New York, visited Messrs. Vermilye a few days last week. Mr. Ray, of course, is very well impressed with our country after viewing Cowley’s advantages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Messrs. Vermilye Bros. have put up sixty tons of excellent ice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
Messrs. Vermilye Bros., of Magnolia farm, recently ordered 100 bushels of orchard grass seed, 30 bushels of blue grass, and six bushels of timothy and clover seed. This is probably the largest order ever given by any one farm in Cowley County. Vermilye Bros. are wide awake businessmen and worthy citizens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
“Mark” enjoyed a pleasant visit with “G. V.,” last Sunday, and with him as escort “took in” the Magnolia farm of the Vermilye Bros. This farm has been written up so often that I will not attempt a description of it. Suffice to say, however, that it is the best equipped farm of 600 acres in the county and perhaps, southern Kansas. Stock raising is made a specialty, and the farm possesses a good representation of fine blooded animals. It is well worth one’s time to make a tour of inspection of the premises. The visitors will be cordially received and kindly treated by the Messrs. Vermilye, who are agreeable and sociable gentlemen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Road petitions of Thomas Cooley, W. H. Rathbun, E. E. Foley, W. E. Merydith, T. M. Graham, M. Scofield, A. Buzzi, Joseph Jackson, and R. H. Vermilye were granted and surveys ordered.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.

KING OF THE VALLEY. The Imported English Draft Stallion “King of the Valley” will make the season of 1885 at Magnolia Farm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, and Friday and Saturday at Hands & Garry’s stable, Winfield, Kansas. VERMILYE BROTHERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Vermilye Bros. have built a beautiful yard fence around Magnolia mansion. Other improvements have been added also.
Newspaper item showed “Arthur M. Green” of Pleasant Valley. Believe this should have shown “Arthur H. Greene” of Pleasant Valley. Have corrected the next item...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
We are in receipt of a handsome circular announcing the change of the Winfield Bank to the Winfield National Bank, with a paid in capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and an authorized capital of five hundred thousand dollars. H. B. Schuler is president and E. T. Schuler, cashier. The directors are H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, C. Perry, Dr. Geo. Emerson, Arthur H. Greene, of Pleasant Valley; H. R. Branson, of Dexter; and George H. Williams, of Rock. The new National opens up under the most favorable auspices. Mr. Schuler is a banker of long experience and is conservative and careful as a manager. The directors are among our best businessmen and capitalists. The old Winfield Bank has long enjoyed the confidence and a large share of the business of our people and THE COURIER predicts for the Winfield National, into which it has merged, long continued success and prosperity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
R. H. Vermilye road petition was withdrawn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Mrs. Vermilye, of the Magnolia farm, was the guest of Mrs. Archer last week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Hobart Vermilye’s sister, Mrs. Rinchel, from Springfield, Illinois, arrived on Tuesday on the S. K., to make a visit among relatives.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
PUBLIC SALE. We will sell at Magnolia farm, 10 miles southeast of Winfield, on Wednesday, September 9, 1885, 45 head thoroughbred and high grade Short Horn cows, and 10 head of 2-year old heifers, all of which are in calf by Imported Galloway Bull; 9 cows having calves by their side, served by same bull; 5 yearling half-blood Galloway bulls; 9 half-blood Galloway bulls 4 months old; 5 yearling steers; 4 head 2-year-old mules, broke to work; 3 head yearling mules; 4 brood mares bred this spring. Terms of sale—A credit of ten months will be given purchasers giving bankable notes bearing 10 per cent per annum. A discount of 10 per cent will be given on cash sale. VERMILYE BROS.
Walter Denning, Auctioneer. Free lunch at 12 o’clock.
The following item showed “A. H. Green.” Believe this should have shown “A. H. Greene.” Have corrected item. MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Winfield National Bank.
NO. 3351.

CAPITAL, $100,000.
President: H. B. Schuler
Cashier: E. T. Schuler
DIRECTORS: C. Perry, H. B. Schuler, Geo. H. Williams, J. B. Lynn, A. H. Greene, Geo. Emerson, H. R. Braum.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Delegates: D. S. Sherrard, B. W. Sitter, J. P. Henderson, Sampson Johnson.
Alternates: R. H. Vermilye, S. S. Linn, C. R. Croco, M. H. Markcum.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
R. E. Wallis, D. L. Kretsinger, and Hobe Vermilye are prospecting in Kansas County and other places in the “wild west,” to return next week.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Recap Notice of Final Settlement in the matter of the estate of Joseph F. Vermilye, deceased, by Robert H. Vermilye, Administrator.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Recap. Robert H. Vermilye, Administrator with will annexed, Jennings & Troup, attorneys, Notice to creditors re estate of Joseph F. Vermilye, deceased, of final settlement of said estate January 9, 1886, at Winfield Court House. Property to be distributed according to provisions of will.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
Robert H. Vermilye, administrator with will annexed, Jennings & Troup, attorneys, notice of final settlement January 9, 1886.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Never did Winfield have as lively New Year’s festivities as those just spent. In fact, it has come to be conceded generally that, though the Queen City has always had much social life, the sociability of this winter exceeds by far. Entertainments, private and public, come thick and fast. And they are all largely attended and thoroughly enjoyable. The wonderful life on the beginning of this New Year is what we will deal with now.
NEW YEAR’S. R. E. Wallis, Jr., E. M. Meech, and Hobe Vermilye were members of one party that celebrated the New Year.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Robert Vermilye made final settlement in estate of J. F. Vermilye, deceased.
Paper again indicated that one of the stockholders was Arthur H. Green. Have corrected item to show that it was “Arthur H. Greene.” MAW
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
A meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield National Bank was held Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1886. C. Perry, Arthur H. Greene, Geo. Emerson, J. B. Lynn, Geo. H. Williams, Henry R. Branson, and H. B. Schuler were elected directors. The officers elected are H. B. Schuler, President; Everett Schuler, cashier; and Geo. H. Schuler, assistant cashier.

Entry on Arthur H. Greene of Magnolia Farm...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
Arthur H. Greene, of the Magnolia Farm, left Monday for a month or so in New York.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Hobe Vermilye left Tuesday for Kansas County, taking along six horses, a breaking plow, frying pans, and all essentials for opening up his fine claim.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Mr. R. E. Wallis has his residence in the west part of town enclosed and himself and carpenters, together with Hobe Vermilye and hands are occupying part of it and Dave Harter and family the other rooms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, was duly celebrated at Magnolia farm. The special event of the day was the advent of an infant daughter in the hearts and home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. H. Vermilye.
NOTE: The above facts about the “Vermilye Family” and “Arthur H. Greene” of Magnolia Farm are all that I have been able to gather. RKW had news clippings filled with FICTION.
We need someone to check the newspapers after March 1886 to learn more of the FACTS. I believe that the mother of the Vermilye Brothers was a sister of “Arthur H. Greene,” but nothing in the early papers indicated whether she was or not let alone when she died.
This much we have learned.
The mother of the Vermilye brothers was Josephine Vermilye, who was 65 years of age in 1882, and lived with the brothers on the Magnolia Farm, and Joseph H. Vermilye, one of the brothers, lived in New York in 1881when he became a partner of Frank Williams and Judge Martin in the Metropolitan Hotel in Kansas City.
Unknown: What happened to the remaining “Vermilye Brothers.” Did they both move elsewhere?
In August 1905 the Magnolia Farm was sold.
The newspaper which printed the following is not known. This newspaper referred to the sale of “A. H. Greene’s personal property at Magnolia farm. (Like so many items the article later called him “Mr. Green” and stated he was leaving soon for an extensive tour of the west.)
August 3, 1905.
Sale at Magnolia Farm.
The public sale of A. H. Greene’s personal property at Magnolia farm on August 2, was the greatest event of the kind in the history of South Bend. The amount of the sale was several thousand dollars.
Mr. Greene sold everything. The spacious houses were emptied of their entire furnishings, which, with the farm machinery, tools, etc., made one of the largest exhibits of the kind ever seen in Cowley County.

The day was very warm, but the crowd, which was very large, was well supplied with ice water, which was constantly carried through the crowd to the thirsty.
The bidding was spirited and taken as a whole, the sale was a great success in every particular.
People from all quarters of the county were in attendance. Among the number from Arkansas City were Banker Hartley and Lawyer Cunningham. They both took lunch with the common crowd and enjoyed it. Mr. Cunningham was detailed to assist Clerk Hanly and did so handsomely, handling the records during the sale of the cattle, horses and mules.
The auctioneers of the sale, Col. W. Hoover, of Cambridge, and Col. E. A. Savage, of Winfield, succeeded in selling all the property in one day, a task that was pronounced impossible by many after a sight of the property offered. The gentlemen in question, are without superiors in their profession, and, besides, re fine men socially. They surely made a glorious record on August 2 at Magnolia farm.
Mr. Green leaves soon for an extensive tour of the west.
And now we come to an article that contains FACTS and FICTION and misses entirely the history of the Vermilye Brothers and their mother...
The Arkansas City (Kan.) Traveler, Friday, June 25, 1976.
History Blooms In Magnolia Ranch.
Magnolia Ranch was one of Kansas’ farm showplaces at the turn of the century. The stone ranch house still stands near Winfield and is currently being renovated. The following article was written by the current owner of the home, Mrs. Jim McFarland, who has done extensive research about the renowned ranch. Note that article refers to “Colonel Arthur Green” rather than “Greene” and mentions “Vermilia brothers”...
The history of Magnolia starts back in 1869 when the land was claimed by Pete, Bill and Lem Cook. They sold the land to John Keck, who in turn sold it to Colonel Arthur Green of New York City.
Colonel Green was an officer in the Union army and had lost a leg in the war. He was a wealthy coffee broker, but after the war between the states, he sold his business to his partner and decided to come west to increase his fortune. He sent two nephews, the Vermilia brothers, ahead and ordered the house to be built and ready for his arrival in 1883.
It was speculated that the 23-room mansion was built on such a large scale because Col. Green was bringing a bride from the east, but no bride ever appeared. It is more likely that he built the home in keeping with his financial status.
Building the ranch was quite an undertaking. The white pine used for the frame of the house was brought from Abilene, Kansas, in covered wagons. A tent city was set up north of where the house would be built, and the stone masons and carpenters lived here while the ranch was being constructed. The stone was quarried from nearby hills, and the Walnut used throughout the house and in the barns was cut from nearby trees.
The result was said to be one of the finest homes in the area and one of the first to boast a bathroom. Water was gathered and stored in a large tank above the copper, wainscoted tub. (Originally it was thought that this was collected from rainwater gathered from the roof, but our carpenters discovered a system of pipes in the walls which led to the kitchen area. So it was evidently pumped from there.)

Even though the house had a marble washbasin and a copper bathtub, it still relied upon the old standard outhouse. Col. Green’s outhouse was constructed of stone—and seated six! (Three on the ladies side and three on the gents.)
Magnolia has a basement, 2 floors and an attic. In the basement are six large rooms with arched, stone doorways. Two of these rooms have floors of quarried stone. (I enjoy taking people to the basement to get their reactions. I’ve had some who thought it looked like a dungeon; one said it would make a terrific wine cellar; and my niece took one look and said, “I don’t like this spooky old house!”)
The main foyer contained 6 large rooms, a pantry and originally had 2 entrance halls. One hall was an area for washing up and it led directly into the kitchen and dining room. The other hall was the foyer and contained a large stairway. This stairway is made of walnut as is the wainscoting in the foyer, dining room, and study. There are three fireplaces on this floor: one in the dining room, one in the parlor and a small one in the office.
The second floor contains a long hall extending the length of the house. There are bedrooms on either side of it. The copper tub was located on this floor at the west end. (One of the most interesting things about this floor was that Col. Green had numbers painted on all of the doors. There were originally 9 doors lining this hall. I guess it was easier to say your room is No. 1 and the bathtub is No. 4 than to try to give directions.)
The attic is a large room on the 3rd floor, and has 2 cupolas in the roof. Rumor has it that the cupolas were used as a lookout for Indians. However, since Col Green had a wooden leg it is easier to assume that he used the cupola to watch his land and to keep an eye on his hired men. (Reportedly, if he caught anyone loafing, he would have him called in and discharge him on the spot.)
At the present time there is no way to look out of the cupolas. But I was told that originally Col. Green had a seat and some type of pulley with which he pulled himself up to the window. Then he used an attached spyglass to view his farm.
At the height of its glory, Magnolia was one of the most magnificent and best equipped estates in Kansas. A picture sketched for the Kansas Atlas of 1885 shows how beautiful and productive the farm was.
The name Magnolia was derived from magnolia trees which had been planted about the premises. There were not many magnolia trees in the area at that time and they were a source of interest. However, not being hardy and compatible with Kansas weather, they soon died.
Col. Green and his nephews were very sociable people and loved to entertain. They were well known for their grand parties costing up to several thousands of dollars. The doors in the parlor are unique in that they could be pushed up into the ceiling. Thus the band would line up on the stairway and people would dance in the parlor and out the doors and onto the veranda which went three-quarters of the way around the house. This made enough room that 16 squares of people could be dancing at the same time.

One interesting story of Magnolia concerns George Templar. His father, John Templar, came from Holland and worked a number of years for Col. Green. They became close friends and John Templar moved into the house and was treated as a son. After a while, John married and moved out and established a home of his own. However, he and his wife were driven from this home due to a devastating flood and came to stay at Magnolia again. During this time George Templar was born. The birth was a great occasion and Col. Green insisted upon an unusual custom. He instructed the baby’s grandmother to carry George to the top of the house immediately. “He must be taken up as high as possible.! Then he will surely gain high position in the world.” With great misgivings the grandmother carried the baby up through the attic to the cupolas—thus assuring his success among fellow men.
Unfortunately, for its founder, Col. Green, the ranch proved to be an impractical dream. He lost the property to creditors and moved on to California where he later died.
The ranch was sold to a Mr. McKowen who did not live there but rented it to various people. It remained in an estate and through the years, time began to take its toll upon Magnolia. By the time Kent and Jessie Chesbro started farming it in 1945, the veranda had rotted away and the shutters had begun to fall. Weeds had grown up and neglect was apparent. The Chesbros spent many hours clearing away debris, taking off the old porch, and making many repairs to the house and barns. They purchased the ranch in 1960, then sold it to us in 1974. When we bought Magnolia, we immediately wrote to the Kansas Historical Society as we did not want to do any remodeling which would detract from the historical aspects of the ranch.
We received a letter from Mr. Pankratz stating that they would like for us to retain the outward appearances of the house and barns as much as possible because they had changed little since 1883. However, he realized that we would have to make changes inside to make it more liveable to us. We did remodel extensively inside. We hope to be able to rebuild the porch and do some landscaping and repairing on the barns.
In remodeling we found a few treasured items to help recall the era of Col. Green: a disintegrating baby shoe, 3 old bottles, and 1882 nickel, and an old pair of eyeglasses which had been carried into the eaves by a packrat. In removing some wood trim around the windows, the carpenters came across the following message scrawled with pencil on the back of the wood: “You must stay at your work and get along faster or I will be compelled to let you go.”
[NOTE: Excerpts about deceased U. S. Judge George Templar found on Pages 304-305 of the book, Cowley County Heritage, 1990.]
United States Judge George Templar.
U. S. Judge George Templar was born at Magnolia Ranch, Cowley County, Kansas, October 18, 1904, to John and Carlotta (Linn) Templar. A Walnut river flood forced his parents to seek refuge in the ranch house of John’s former employer, Colonel Green, until they could get settled again. He was a generous bachelor and ranch owner. John had worked sixteen years at the ranch. Colonel Green was a Civil War soldier, who lost a leg in the war at Bull Run and walked on a peg leg.
The father, John Templar, had been an orphan immigrant from the Netherlands. The family name had been Tempelaar, clearly Holland Dutch, but a more anglicized version was adopted because of the frequent misspelling of the original name.
George’s paternal grandfather had been a court interpreter for the provincial courts in the Holland province of Gelderland on the River Rhine.

The parents of George were farmers and engaged in this occupation during the years of his childhood and youth. He attended the usual one room country school, where one teacher undertook the task of keeping order and teaching the basic subjects to as many as twenty students through nine grades. He completed the rural grade school courses and thereafter attended Arkansas City High School, where he played football and graduated in 1923.
He entered Washburn University that fall, playing football and having a scholarship for four years. He worked as a Topeka Motorcycle Patrolman assigned to police the city parks. Athlete were not provided with any inducements at that time other than a job to pay expenses.
After completing the pre-law course required at Washburn, he entered Washburn School of Law in the spring of 1925, and graduated in 1927, with a LLB degree cum laude. He returned to Arkansas City in the summer of 1927 and discovered that the joke about the “starvation period” for young lawyers existed in reality, and was no laughing matter.
Good friends came to his rescue and arrangements were made for him to become a Deputy State Oil Inspector. This proved a life saver for two years and probably salvaged a dismal career in law from total abandonment.
He practiced law until he was appointed to the U. S. Court in 1962. He had been elected to the Kansas State Legislature, four terms in the House of Representatives and three terms in the Senate, representing the people of Cowley County, Kansas. . . .
On November 1, 1974, Judge Templar had reached the age of seventy years, and elected to take Senior status. He continued to perform judicial tasks.
In 1985 Judge Templar closed his office in Topeka and moved with Helen, his wife of more than sixty years, back to their home town of Arkansas City. Their son, Ted, is an attorney in Arkansas City, and their daughter, Joan Templar Smith, a PhD graduate of Eastman School of Music, Rochester, New York University, lives and teaches in Norman, Oklahoma. . . .
George’s great grandfather, Christian Harader, a Dunkard Minister, built the Dunkard Mill on the Walnut river in 1874, northeast of Arkansas City. He was a member of the Dunkard sect, which believed in a full beard for men. A grandson “doubted whether his grandfather ever used a razor.” Christian Harader was one of a sizable colony of the Order living in that vicinity.

News Items Relating to “Magnolia Farm,” which became known in time as “Magnolia Ranch.” The following items gathered by RKW years ago.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
MR. L. S. COOK, the first white man who ever drove a stake on the townsite of Arkansas City, called on us yesterday, with J. P. Short, another old settler. It was on the 4th day of November, 1869, when Chetopah was camped on the Walnut, and the Indians had full sway. They took their wagon to pieces in order to get over the bluff near Tom Callahan’s. There were no whites in this part of the county then. Soon after Prof. Norton and others came, jumped the claims, that had then been abandoned, and started the town.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.

Our friend, Lemuel S. Cook, one of the first settlers in the county and since for years an enterprising merchant of Topeka, but more recently a resident of a splendid farm of 480 acres in South Bend in this county, has sold the said farm to Keck Broth­ers, late from Martinsville, Indiana, for $4,500 cash. We hope he will invest his money in this county and remain, for he is one of the men we cannot afford to spare.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 26, 1879.
Lem Cook has sold his farm in South Bend and returned to Shawnee County. Farming was a little too slow for him.

BOOK: Winfield and The Walnut Valley.
Author: Sally Wilcox. 1975.
Page 64. [Photograph of house given preceding article.]
Not all early farms were simple family affairs. For example an early area showplace, Magnolia Farm, was built in 1883. Magnolia Farm featured a twenty-three room house of native stone. The house has recently been modernized but looks much the same on the outside. The land was originally claimed by three Cook brothers, Pete, Bill, and Lem, sometime before 1869. The sold their claim to John Keck, who sold it to Colonel Arthur Green of New York City. Colonel Green was a Union Army officer and had lost a leg during the war. A wealthy coffee broker, he sold his coffee business and came west, depositing fifty thousand dollars in cash in the Winfield National Bank to check on.
He was joined by a nephew and the Vermilia [? Vermilye] family, also relatives of his. The large three-story house contains five rooms in the basement, each with an arched doorway and stone walls two feet thick. All except one has a stone floor. Originally the main floor had six rooms, as did the second floor. A large attic on the third floor had two cupolas for lookout windows. Some folks say the lookouts were for watching the field crews at work, others think they were used to spy the formation of possible Indian raid parties. Since the Colonel had a peg leg, the first reason is the most likely.
The family did much entertaining and the Colonel was famous for his parties which were said to cost between five and six thousand dollars. Guests from New York, Topeka, Wichita, and Winfield attended.
The old farm is a rich source of legend. The old smoke house, out-house, ice house, and stone barns still surrounding the living quarters provide romantic atmosphere for background to these stories, but the original orchard and maple grove are gone and the farmland is mainly in crops instead of pasture. With the modernization of the house by the present owners, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McFarland, the ranch is beginning to take on a look of prospering once more.

Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, October 6, 1994.
Fables and Folklore.
With Halloween approaching, there’s no shortage of local lore and legend to keep story-lovers at the edge of their seats.
Mysterious beginnings shroud Magnolia Ranch.
By William Ramsey, The Traveler.
It began as a wedding present.

The old colonel, a proud Civil War veteran, brought his bride to Cowley County in the late 1860s. For her, the colonel built a sturdy stone house with many rooms—13, as legend has it.
The honeymoon house, Magnolia Ranch, was given its name because of the type of trees planted around the home. The young bride was from the south, and the magnolias reminded her of her beginnings.
But Kansas weather being what it was, the summer was a dry one. And the trees withered and died under the hot winds.
The bride died too—of a broken heart and homesickness.
The legend is an old Cowley County tale that is told, among other places, in Mary Louise Beard Fine’s “I Remember How Simple Life Used to be in Arkansas City.”
Other people remember the story from its retelling and from visits to the still-standing house.
Sparky Barker, Arkansas City, said it used to be one of the best “haunted houses” to trek to as youngsters.
He said a whole group of kids used to make the trip up to Magnolia Ranch.
“Now it didn’t frighten us boys any,” Barker said. “But it sure was nice to console those girls.”

I REMEMBER How Simple Life Used To Be In Arkansas City, Kansas
By Mary Louise Beard Fine. 1982.
Edited by Henry Fine.
Artwork by Betsy Colleen Fine Pyle.
Keefe Printing & Office Supply, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Page 6.
I remember . . . . the old Magnolia Farm (which has now been renovated beautifully) that the old military captain built for his bride in the late 1860's. She loved magnolias, being from the south, and he planted magnolia trees around the entire yard; hence, the name of the place. The trees died from the hot Kansas winds, and his bride died of a broken heart and homesickness—so goes the myth. It was also said that he had a wooden leg from an injury received in the Civil War, and he would sit in the cupola on top of the house with a gun, and look over that beautiful valley. If any of his hired hands stopped to rest, he would shoot them. At least it makes a good story!
COMMENT BY MAW: As has often been the case about early Cowley County history, FICTION replaced FACTS and for the most part county citizens loved the fiction more than the facts.