Anthony J. Walck


Maple Township.

[JULY 9, 1871.] PAGE 497.
ANTHONY J. WALCK resided on his present property in Maple Township, Cowley County, Kansas—comprising the east half of the northwest quarter and the west half of the northeast quarter of section 22, township 30, range 3 east, since July 9, 1871; he was one of the highly respected farmers of the community.
His father, Andrew Walck, and his mother were born in Bavaria, Germany, and in 1831 they came to the United States. Andrew Walck first located in Stark County, Ohio, where he rented land and carried on farming. He afterward moved to Allen County, Ohio, in 1838, where he passed from this life. His widow died in 1864. They were the parents of the following children: John, who was a retired farmer, residing at Winfield, Kansas, in 1901; Anna M., who died in 1872, and was the wife of Michael Busch, a farmer of Maple Township; Anthony J.; Adam, who was a retired farmer and merchant living in Oklahoma; and Andrew, who died in 1874.
Anthony J. Walck attended school until he was fourteen years of age, when he went to work on a canal boat; he next learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed until 1856. In that year he located in Fayette County, Iowa, where he worked at his trade until 1866. The next four years were spent in Dent County, Missouri, where he made shingles. He then took up a farm in Cowley County, Kansas, and later purchased 10 acres in Rock Township, section 18, township 30, range 4 east, and rented the farm to his son, Andrew J. Mr. Anthony J. Walck was a hard and conscientious worker and consumed years in getting his place into its fine condition.
Mr. Anthony J. Walck married October 13, 1851, Mary A. Bever, of Lebanon, Pennsylvania, who passed away November 3, 1873. They had the following children: John A., who married Sarah J. McMillen, and became a farmer of Maple Township; Samuel, who moved to Oklahoma, where he was a farmer; Anna M., who was the wife of Robert Winkley, of Marion County, Kansas; Andrew J., who married Malvina Rader, and resided on his father’s farm; Malvina H., who lived in Denver, Colorado; and Lavina H., the wife of Henry L. Moore, of Sedalia, Missouri. The two last named were twins.
Mr. Walck was a staunch Democrat. He held the office of school director and township clerk.