Walker Meacham Family


George Walker.
Samuel Meacham.
[Note: I could not find any information on Samuel Meacham. MAW]
[1871/1872] PAGE 144.
GEORGE WALKER, deceased, was a prosperous farmer of Rock Township, Cowley County, Kansas, and performed his share of the work in making this county one of the leading agricultural counties in the Sunflower State. At his death he owned about 500 acres, all in Rock Township, and his home was situated in section 19.
George Walker was born in Mercer County, Pennsylvania, November 4, 1824, a son of Harvey Walker.
His father, Harvey Walker, was a native of Pennsylvania, and moved in 1853 with his family to Knox County, Illinois. He was a mechanic all his life. He married Mary Ann Carr, who was born in London, England, and whose parents came to the United States when she was a girl of twelve years. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walker died in 1863. They were the parents of the following children:  James, Eliza, Harvey, Samuel, George, Caroline, Sarah, William, and John.
The early life of George Walker was spent in his native county and after his marriage he remained in Greenville, Pennsylvania, two years. He was a blacksmith by trade and followed farming during the major part of the time. He moved to Knoxville, Illinois, from Pennsylvania, and later on moved to Page County, Iowa. In the fall of 1870, he became a resident of Kansas, and first located near Topeka. In the following spring, he located in Butler County, and from there he entered Cowley County. He settled in the Walnut Valley, in section 6, Rock Township. He filed on 80 acres located by an old German settler, named Hamilton, who was the first to take up land in that district. This man was very homesick and longed to return to his native country. Accordingly Mr. Walker had no difficulty in securing the tract. On the farm a 14-foot square cabin had been put up, and Mr. Walker lived in it while residing on the place, having built a small addition to it. In April 1876 he bought 160 acres, which in 1901 comprised the old homestead, and to this he added adjoining lands until he was the owner of over 500 acres. He first lived in a small house, 16 by 18 feet, and a story and a half high, and 12 acres had been broken on the homestead property. By hard and constant toil, he succeeded in getting his place into a high state of cultivation and became a large producer of grain, also of livestock.

Mr. Walker married July 3, 1851, Sarah Meacham, of Erie County, Pennsylvania, and a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Ball) Meacham. Her father was born in New Hampshire, and her mother in Pennsylvania. They lived in Erie and Mercer counties many years and in 1851 moved to Knox County, Illinois, where Samuel Meacham spent ten years. His wife died there in 1856, and he then located in Lyons County, Kansas. He moved to Cowley County in 1877, and died in the county February 1881. He was a lifelong farmer. Fifteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Meacham:  William, who lived in Illinois; Mary; Moses, who was a Baptist preacher in Nebraska; Edward, who died in the Mexican War; Harriet, deceased; Sarah (Walker); James, who lived in Topeka, Kansas; Cornelius, who lived in Idaho; Samuel, a minister, who lived in Missouri; Phylinda, who was a resident of Michigan; Gerry, deceased; Perry, deceased; Hannah, who died in December 1899; Elizabeth, who died aged ten years; and Joel, who died in infancy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker had the following children:  Isaphien, the eldest child, who died in infancy; Cecelia, who died in infancy; Samuel H., who died aged 17; Sylvia Elizabeth, who was the wife of David McKibben of Oklahoma; George W., an implement dealer in Coyle, Oklahoma, who married Lillie Daniels; Ida M., who was the wife of James Atkinson of Coyle Oklahoma, also an implement dealer; Minnie M., who was the wife of J. C. Martindale; and Mary L., the wife of M. W. Bentley, who farmed the old homestead.
Mr. Walker was a soldier in the Union Army, being a corporal in Company H, 102nd Reg., Ill. Vol. If., in which he served three years. When he was mustered out of service, his health was very much impaired, and he never afterward regained a sound condition. He was a member of the G. A. R. at Udall. He formerly belonged to the Methodist church but later became a Spiritualist. Mr. Walker was a man greatly esteemed for his many good qualities, and his death, which occurred December 9, 1897, was deeply deplored by his numerous acquaintances, who knew him as having led an honorable and virtuous life.
Note: George Walker and family lived in Maple Township instead of Rock.
Kansas 1875 Census Maple Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name    age sex color   Place/birth Where from
Geo. Walker 50 m w Pennsylvania Illinois
Sarah N. Walker 45 f w Pennsylvania Illinois
Ida M. Walker 13 f w Illinois Illinois
Minny M. Walker 8 f w Illinois Illinois
Mary J. Walker 5 f w Illinois Illinois
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1876.
MAPLE, the northwest corner township of the county, and one whose prairie lands were not occupied till within the last two years, has one of the most prosperous and contented body of citizens within the limits of Cowley. Hundreds of acres of wheat are now ready for the harvester. Messrs. Storey, Cooley, Gayman, Houser, Walck, Heath, Walker, Haynes, Moe, and several others on the north side of the township have large fields, while Messrs. Beech, Atkinson, Kuntz, Wilson, Norman, and others have equally as large in the southern part. Breaking teams are rushing along turning over the virgin sod with a recklessness only known to a Southern Kansan. The Maple Township boys may well feel happy.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
While harrowing down weeds the other day, George Walker left his team to get a drink, and on returning a few minutes after­wards, he could not find them. They had hidden so effectually that George didn’t do any more harrowing that day. That’s the kind of vegetation they have in the “Great Arkansas Valley.”
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The following marriage licenses have been granted since March 1st.
James G. Atkinson to Ida M. Walker.

Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
During the past two weeks the matrimonial market has been quite active. There have been fourteen licenses issued.
J. C. Martindale and Minnie M. Walker.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
MARRIED. Miss Minnie Walker and Mr. J. C. Martindale were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Saturday at Winfield. Miss Walker is one of the brightest and prettiest little ladies it has been my lot to meet, and Jack secures a prize. May they live long and enjoy all the pleasures that this world can afford.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Geo Walker et ux to Ida M Atkinson, lot 4, sw qr 9-30-4e, 39 acres: $600.00.