Wallace, Josiah and Ameria Ross
Wallace and Descendants


Josiah Wallace and Ameria Ross Wallace and Descendants.
The first record of the Wallace family is that of Josiah Wallace and his wife America. They came to Cowley County in 1878. They are not in the 1881 census but are in the 1882 census of Pleasant Valley township. His age is 55 and hers is 56.

America Wallace's maiden name was Ross. She was a daughter of Thomas Benton Ross and his first wife. She was born in 1827 and died in 1901 and is buried in Union cemetery. Josiah and America Wallace had 12 children. Two of their children was Charles M. Wallace and Joshua N. Wallace.

Joshua (Josh) N. Wallace was born in Shelby County, near Windsor, Ill., Jan. 15, 1868. He was only 10 years old when his parents, Josiah and America (Ross) Wallace, came to Kansas in 1878. He attended the city schools and Southwestern College and he was captain of the first football squad at the college.

On October 28, 1896, at Wilmot, Joshua N. Wallace was united in marriage to Emma Elliott. The Wallace family home for years was located at 221 East Eleventh, Winfield, Kansas.

Mr. Joshua N. Wallace died at the age of 83. His death occurred at 3:20 a.m., Sunday, June 29, 1952, at Wm. Newton Memorial Hospital, where he had been a patient since April 12. He had been in failing health for a long period.

In his early years he learned the men's furnishing business under Eli Youngheim, who had a clothing establishment. Later Wallace had a clothing store of his own. (It was located at the northeast corner of Main and Tenth.)

Joshua N. Wallace was interested in Winfield's schools and colleges, its churches and city management. After Winfield adopted the commission management form of government, Wallace was a member of the first commission and served with Dr. H. L. Snyder and W. T. Irvin from1921 to 1924, Wallace becoming mayor in 1924.

On May 6, 1924, Mr. Wallace was appointed a member of the William Newton Memorial Hospital board and served until 1927. While he did not have an office on any boards at Southwestern, he was generous with his financial support.

A member of the First Methodist Church most of his life, he had served on the official board and at one time was chairman of the board of trustees and remained active until his health failed. He was one of the first presidents of the Chamber of Commerce, a charter member of Rotary and a member of the Masonic Lodge.

He was principle owner of the Winfield Hotel Co. ( Lagonda Hotel ), and was prominent in the early oil development in Cowley County.

Mr. Wallace was survived by his wife, Emma, and two daughters, Mrs. Robert (Margaret) Mosby of Birmingham, Mich., and Mrs. Wade (Virginia) Wilcoxen of Arkansas City; three grandchildren, Jan and Jim Mosby and Warren Wilcoxen. He was also survived by one brother, Charles M. Wallace of South Gate, California.

Swisher Mortuary was in charge of the funeral at the First Methodist Church with Reverends W. E. Shuler and C. A. Kitch officiating. Burial was in Block A, lot 28, in the Union Cemetery.

Emma Elliott Wallace was born July 13, 1874, and died July 7, 1963. She was buried beside her husband in the Elliott plot in the Union Cemetery.

Children of Joshua N. and Emma Elliott Wallace.
A son, Charles Elliott Wallace, was born in 1897. He died October 12, 1929, and was buried outside the Elliott - Wallace plot next to John and Amanda Irwin. His burial site does not have a head stone. Charles Elliott Wallace was killed at the age of 32 in an automobile accident. He had enlisted in the first World War as a private and was discharged as a Second Lieutenant. He had married Margaret Tredway and they had no children.. He was commander of the American Legion Post 10 in 1922 and 1923.

A son, Charles M. Wallace, was born Feb. 9, 1870, in Shelby County, Illinois, near Windsor.

"Charles Wallace was a member of the First Methodist church in Winfield, Winfield Masonic and Commandery of Knights Templar, and served on the city council. Charles M. Wallace was mayor of Winfield from April 7, 1908 to April 17, 1911. Wallace spent many of his active adult years in Winfield, leaving for California in 1932, where he lived until 1956.

"Charles M. Wallace, 88, former Winfield mayor, city councilman and Tunnel mill operator here, died Monday afternoon January 5, 1959, in Wichita, where he had been living since 1956.

"Funeral rites will be conducted Thursday at 2 p.m. at Morris Memorial chapel. Interment will be in Union cemetery with graveside services conducted by the Winfield Masonic Lodge.

"He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. James Greenbank, El Dorado; a son, Dr. Raymond Wallace, Wichita; three grandchildren and 8 great grandchildren."

RKW made a trip to the Union Cemetery and located the Wallace tombstone.

"The lot is surrounded by a cement curb. There are two steps up on either side of the big stone that says Wallace. One north step states Alexander and the south step states Wallace. Inside are two small stones; one reads A. T. Wisdom, Co. 1, 4th Cal Inf., and the second reads Sadie wife of C. M. Wallace 1868 - 1906.

"A. T. Wisdom was the stepfather of Sadie Hamilton Wallace. Her mother and two brothers were in Tucson, Arizona. Mrs. Wallace was born March 9, 1869, in Rockford, Illinois. She came to Winfield in 1885 to make her home with her invalid aunt, Mrs. Mary J. Kirk, and remained with her until her death and after that with her uncle, M. Alexander, until her marriage. Her living children are Earl, Lucile, Raymond and Nadine. One is dead. He was named Alexander Hamilton after her uncle and her own family name. Lucile Olga Wallace was born June 21, 1897, on a farm five miles from Newkirk, Oklahoma. Her parents moved to Winfield when she was a baby less than a year old. She died March 26, 1923. She was bereft of her mother at the age of nine years. She was survived by her father, stepmother, sister, Miss Nadine, and three brothers, Raymond and Earl Wallace and Robert Contraman and an uncle, M. Alexander. (Note that the brother was named Contraman. Perhaps the mother was previously married to a Contraman.)

For some reason dissatisfaction arose, resulting in a suit for dissolution of partnership of the Clarkson and Alexander milling company and distribution of the property. The suit was brought by M. Alexander on June 30, 1904.

With demurrers, replies, demurrers to replies and amendments to petitions and replies, the case dragged on for years. J. Mack Love, of Arkansas City, was appointed referee. On his report, the court rendered judgment June 30, 1913, finding that the Alexander Milling company partnership (formed in July 1893) provided that Matt Clarkson should have 2/12 , John Clarkson should have 3/12 and M. Alexander should have 7/12 of the proceeds. Sale of the ( Tunnel ) mill to Charles M. Wallace, for $2,900, was concluded September 30, 1913.

On November 24, 1922, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wallace deeded the mill property to Joshua N. Wallace for $3,500. By that time the mill building, reduced to a skeleton, was empty and dismantled. Tempests and floods had got in their work. In 1923 or there about, a start was made toward its repair and use as a custom mill. But another big flood came along, and another and another. So the enterprise languished. Sometime in late fall of 1938 the building was torn down and the land became a rubbish dump.

[Note: RKW circa 1996 stated that the mill location (Tunnel Mill) is now known as the "Tunnel Mill Dam" and is a city park and a well known fishing site.]

A photograph of the "Wallace Family" was given to RKW by Mrs. Ona Wallace Bruner on May 22, 1996. I am sure that Kay meant to do more work on the Wallace Family, but he never got the opportunity. MAW 4/21/2000


Back Row (Left to Right):

Charlie, Hugh, Josh, Frank, Amanda.

Front Row (Left to Right):

James, America, Thomas.




First part of newspaper cut out...all I can read is "ANSAS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1906."

Casket Hidden by Mass of Floral Offerings.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles M. Wallace, who died Friday night, August 10, at Eureka Springs, was held from the home at 1010 East Ninth Monday afternoon at half past two. The spacious house was crowded with those who came to pay their last tribute of affection, and even the lawn was thronged with many who could not get inside.

The funeral services were in charge of the Fraternal Aid, of which she was a member. An effort was made to get Rev. J. C. Miller, her former pastor and Sunday school teacher here from Osborne, Kansas, to officiate, but he could not come. Then Rev. E. C. Beach, pastor of the First M. E. church and also a member of the Fraternal Aid, was obtained in his stead.

The singing was by Lewis Allen, Bert Wycoff, Miss Rhoda Brown, and Mrs. Frank Siverd. The selections were "Lead Kindly Light," "Asleep in Jesus," and "Home, Sweet Home." The second named was the one she selected at the funeral of her husband's mother. The text was "In my Father's house are many mansions. I go to prepare a place for you. If it were not so I would have told you." The sermon dwelt on the home life and the home making qualities of wifehood and motherhood so strongly exemplified by Mrs. Wallace. All things pure and beautiful appealed to her. She loved flowers, pictures, and all the accessories of beautiful home interiors, and ever strove to make her home delightful to all her loved ones.

The interment was in Union cemetery. A long line of sorrowing friends accompanied the bereaved family to the last resting place of the departed sister, wife, and mother.

At the house the casket reposed on a low support along the octagonal south side of the parlor. It was beautifully draped with a canopy and hangings, and almost buried under a mass of wreaths and other floral offerings. A splendid photograph of it all was made by George Dresser.

Among the floral tributes noted were:

Board of education--M. L. Wortman, W. H. Somermier, Harry Plagmann, A. S. Kininmonth, A. F. Dauber, Chas. Garver, Travy Irvin, Otto Williams, S. J. Neer, Earl Hartley, wreath, carnations.

The Hutner [Hunter?] Milling Co., The Wellington Mill and Elevator Co., The Aetna Mill and Elevator Co., wreath, roses.

A. J. Hunt, New Era Milling Co., Arkansas City, festoon asters and tube roses.

B. P. O. E., wreath, carnations.

J. P. Baden Mill, wreath, myrtle.

Ferguson and Dorman Grain Co., wreath.

Employees, Alexander Milling Co., two wreaths.

J. A. Millspaugh and Miss Ona, carnations.

Winfield Commandery, Knights Templars and Winfield Lodge No. 110, A. E. and A. M., two wreaths.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Robinson, wreath.

J. O. Tomlinson and family, white roses.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, hydrangeas and lilies.

Mrs. M. E. Ford's circle, M. E. church, star design in carnations.

Mrs. S. G. Guy, roses.

Mrs. L. A. Jacobus, roses.

Pauline Wolf, Pansy Skinner, Grace Skinner, Bessie Bookwalter, Lyle Ford, and Alice Murphy, carnations.

Arthur Appling, roses.

Mr. and Mrs. Mart Jarvis, white roses.

Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Bull and Mrs. F. H. Bull, roses.

U. C. T.'s floral pillow, roses, carnations, ferns, and myrtle.

Earl Wallace, design in carnations and maiden hair fern with portrait and word "MAMA."

The three white carnations that she had in her hand were removed before the casket was finally closed, and sent to her mother, Mrs. Anna Wisdom, Tucson, Arizona, together with the wreath of myrtle. Mrs. Wisdom was unable to come to the funeral and the two brothers of Mrs. Wallace are out in the mines and will not know of her death until next Saturday. Her sister, Mrs. Jennie Contraman, with her son Robert, arrived from El Paso, Texas, Monday morning.

Mrs. Wallace was born March 9, 1869, in Rockford, Illinois. She came to Winfield in 1885 to make her home with her invalid aunt, Mrs. Mary J. Kirk, and remained with her until her death, and after that with her uncle, M. Alexander, until her marriage. Her children living are Earl, Lucile, Raymond, and Nadine. One is dead, named Alexander Hamilton, after her uncle, and her own family name.

She gave up all social privileges for her home life, devoting herself entirely to her husband and children. She was a member of the Presbyterian church which she joined early in life.

About two weeks before her death, Mrs. Wallace, with her children, had gone down to Eureka Springs to spend a vacation. She was in good health when she left here, but was taken violently sick the Monday preceding her death. Mr. Wallace, who had come back from there a few days before, hastened to her and was there the last few days. The cause of death was a hemorrhage. The most skillful physicians were employed, and Dr. Emerson was sent for, but he was stopped on the way by the message announcing the end.

At Eureka Springs where her last hours were spent she was taken care of by Mrs. H. E. Russ, proprietor of the Russ cottage. A mother could not have been more kind in the way Mrs. Russ looked after her. The nurse Miss Riley, of St. Louis, also won the affection of the invalid and the family by her devotion. Drs. Ellis and Floyd gave the utmost of their professional skill to the task of alleviating her suffering.

When the report of Mrs. Wallace's death reached Charles Dorman of the Furguson and Dorman Grain Co., here, he at once notified the Southern Kansas Millers' association at Wichita. By him word was sent to all the members of the association. Every mail brings letters of sympathy and condolence to the bereaved husband, who is exceedingly popular with his association. C. H. Searing, president of the Arkansas City Milling Co., is down with appendicitis, but he designated his representative here, R. T. Bull, to personally convey his sympathy and condolences.

[RKW also had another clipping on which he penciled "Courier 4-20-1928" which contained an article concerning Matthew Alexander.]

Matthew Alexander.
Many friends attended the funeral services for Matthew Alexander held Thursday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wallace on east Ninth avenue. They were not gathered there for curiosity but to pay their tributes of love and respect to the memory of one of Winfield's pioneer citizens.

The Rev. Daniel H. Switzer, pastor of the First Methodist church, gave the funeral oration and a quartet composed of Clinton W. Swengel, O. G. Congdon, Mrs. P. W. Gibson, and Miss Gladys Saunders furnished the music. They sang, "Asleep in Jesus," "In the Garden," and "Crossing the Bar."

The body was laid to rest in Union cemetery. The pall bearers were members of the Masonic lodge and were: J. B. Goodwin, Ellis Fink, R. T. Richardson, S. H. Myton, Felix Sloan, and J. H. Hamilton. They gave their ritualistic burial service at the grave.

The out of town relatives attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. James Greenbank of El Dorado and Raymond Wallace of Caldwell.

Matthew Alexander was born in Glasgow, Scotland, on January 19, 1850, and after a long and well spent life, he died in Wichita, at 7:30 p.m. on April 17, 1928.

Mr. Alexander came to America in 1868, locating in Rockford, Illinois, and came to Winfield in 1870. He established his home here and remained for about a year and returned to Rockford for an extended visit, returning to Winfield in 1883. In 1884 he engaged in the milling business and for 44 years was connected with the Alexander mills of this city. For the last four months of his life he had made his home in Wichita.

Mr. Alexander was a Christian man, having united with the Presbyterian church in Rockford, Illinois, and united with the Presbyterian church here when he came to make his home in Winfield. In his later years he had attended the Methodist church with his relatives, and in Wichita, had attended the services of the Trinity M. E. church.

He was a member of the Winfield chapter, No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, and a member of the Winfield Commandery, No. 15, Knight Templars, having been a member of both organizations since 1892.

Mr. Alexander was a man of unselfish spirit; he lived a quiet, retired, and unassuming life. He lived a Christian life, was a splendid Bible student, and in many kindly deeds showed forth the spirit of a real Christian. He was a patriotic citizen and always spoke in terms of highest appreciation of the land of his adoption and cherished her institutions and was a good citizen of this community for 57 years. He was a widely read man and a close observer and could talk most interestingly and informatively on topics connected with many phases of life.

Of a family of seven children, Mr. Alexander was the only boy. Of the six sisters, all have preceded him in death except the youngest sister, Mrs. Jean Glacken of this city. There also survive him four nephews, James Clarkson, John Clarkson, Matt Clarkson, and Matthew Miller. Also six nieces, Mrs. Miller of Utah, Mrs. Brown of Arkansas City, Mrs. Tom Parker, Mrs. Anthony Snyder, Miss Mary Glacken, and Mrs. Chas. M. Wallace, all of Winfield.

[Note to file: James Clarkson was shot by Gilbert Twigg in 1903 at Winfield. Clarkson was shot in the back and arm. He survived.]



Charles Wallace Victim of Tragedy Near Houston.
Charles E. Wallace, 32, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua N. Wallace, of this city, was killed in an automobile accident near Houston, Texas, Saturday evening. His parents were notified early Sunday morning.

Few details of the tragedy could be learned here, but according to information received Mr. Wallace was pinned under his burning car after a collision with another machine containing a man and a woman. The woman was reported to have been killed instantly and the man was not expected to live.

Mr. Wallace, who was assistant sales manager for the Morning Glory creameries at Houston, had left that city at 6 p.m., alone in a company car for Galveston on a business trip, and it was on the Galveston-Houston road near Houston that the accident occurred.

Funeral Is Tuesday.
The body is being brought to Winfield by Ambrose Smith, a former resident of Winfield and a high official of the company which employed Mr. Wallace. It will arrive at 8:55 p.m., today on the Santa Fe.

Funeral services will be held at 11 a.m., Tuesday from the Methodist Episcopal church with the Rev. J. M. McClelland of Wichita, a former pastor of the First M. E. church here, and the Rev. D. H. Switzer officiating. The American Legion, Winfield post No. 10, will take part in the service. Arrangements are in charg e of Durrin and Swisher.

Surviving are his wife, Marguerite Tredway Wallace, the parents, and two sisters, Mrs. Margaret Mosby, of Detroit, Michigan, and Virginia Wallace of the home.

Mrs. Wallace and her parents arrived here Sunday from Hominy, Oklahoma, where Mrs. Wallace had been visiting, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mosby are expected to arrive tonight.

Served in France.
Mr. Wallace was born and raised in Winfield. After being graduated from the high school here he attended the University of Kansas, leaving school April 1917 to enlist in the United States army as a private. He served for two years in France with the 129th infantry, 33rd division, attaining the rank of second lieutenant before his discharge in July 1919. While in France he participated in the Meuse-Argonne and Somme-Amien offensives.

After returning to the United States, he returned to the university and received his degree, then took over the management of Wallace's clothing store here. He left in March 1923 to take his position with the Texas company. Wallace's store will be closed all day Tuesday out of respect to Mr. Wallace, who is still a partner in the concern.

Mr. Wallace was a member of Delta Upsilon fraternity, the Methodist church, and of the American Legion. For two years, 1922 and 1923, he was commander of the local post of the legion.

[RKW penciled in Courier, February 1, 1910.]
James Wallace Dead.
James Wallace, of Dexter, died in Winfield shortly after midnight the morning of Tuesday, February 1, 1910, at the age of fifty-nine years. His body was taken to Dexter Tuesday afternoon for burial, at that place, Wednesday. The cause of death was diabetes complicated with a stroke of paralysis. He was born in Illinois, and came to Cowley County in 1886, living for awhile at Arkansas City before going to Dexter. His brothers, Charles M., Hugh, and Josh live in Winfield. Another brother, Frank, who lives at Ponca City, was here for the funeral.

[RKW penciled in Courier, April 30, 1947.]
Funeral. Mrs. Jessie May Wallace.
Funeral services for Mrs. Jessie May Wallace, widow of the late Hugh Wallace, who died Monday at the home of her son, Harry Wallace in Wichita, will be held Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Frank Funeral home in Wellington. Rev. O. R. Henderson of the Methodist church will officiate.

Burial will be in Highland cemetery at Winfield, beside her husband, who died July 11, 1941.

Mrs. Wallace was born in Illinois Dec. 27, 1872. She lived in Winfield prior to going to Wellington to reside. Mrs. Wallace is a sister-in-law of Josh Wallace.

[RKW penciled in Courier, March 26, 1923.]
Wallace--Miss Lucille Wallace, eldest daughter of Charles M. Wallace, died at the family home on East Ninth Avenue, Sunday morning at 3:30 o'clock, after an illness of four months. The cause of death was septicemia, and she had been in a critical condition for many weeks. Announcement of the death of this attractive and beloved young woman cast a deep spell of sadness and gloom over all who knew her.

Lucille was a young woman of charming personality and sweet disposition and was never happier than when doing for others and was a lover of music and things beautiful, and her loss is a heavy one at such an early age, not to her immediate family only, of which she was such a comfort, but to a host of friends. She radiated sunshine and cheer to people in all walks of life and the spirit of such a one will linger in the hearts and minds of all who were so fortunate as to know her.

She was one of the most popular young women of the city. She fitted herself for a business career and for several years has been a most valuable assistant to her father in managing the Alexander Milling Company, where her faithfulness and loyalty were manifested in the interests of the business.

Lucille Olga Wallace was born on a farm five miles from Newkirk, Oklahoma, on June 21, 1897, and at death was 25 years, 9 months, and 4 days old.

Her parents moved to Winfield when she was a baby less than a year old and she has lived here ever since.

She attended the city schools, graduating from the Winfield high school in 1916 and from the Winfield College of Music the same spring, and was a pianist of unusual ability.

Early in life Miss Wallace became a Christian, uniting with the First Methodist Episcopal Church and was active in all church organizations. She was a member of the choir and Philathea Class of the Sunday school and seldom missed. She was a member of the Winfield Apollo and Philharmonic Music Clubs, Winfield Delphian Chapter, Business and Professional Woman's Club and Queen City Chapter of the Eastern Star.

Miss Wallace was bereft of her mother at the age of nine years. She is survived by her father, stepmother, sister, Miss Nadine, and three brothers, Raymond and Earl Wallace and Robert Contraman and an uncle, M. Alexander.

The funeral was held from the home Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by Dr. J. M. McClelland.
