Wirt W. Walton and Family


Walnut Valley Times, October 27, 1871.
The following are the nominations of the Cowley County “REPUBLICAN CONVENTION.” For Representative, E. C. Manning; for County commissioners District No. 1, Frank Cox; District No. 2, Lucius Walton; District No. 3, R. Maurer; for Sheriff, Thomas A. Blanchard; for County Clerk, John W. Hornbeak; for Register of Deeds, John Irwin; for Treasurer, A. H. Green; for Superintendent Public Instruction, John Dudley; for Surveyor, W. W. Walton; for Coroner, Dr. G. P. Wagner.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
Last Saturday the Republican Delegate Convention met at this place and, notwithstanding the day was stormy and disagreeable, all the townships were represented except Creswell. The follow­ing named gentlemen were the delegates.
Representatives: E. C. Manning and S. M. Fall.
Sheriff: T. A. Blanchard, Warren Ablen, J. M. Pattison and E. M. Conklin.
Register of Deeds: John Irwin, F. A. Hunt, G. C. Swasey, and J. W. Tull.
Treasurer: A. H. Green, W. H. Grow, and G. W. Bullene.
Coroner: G. P. Wagner.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
County Clerk: J. W. Hornbeak and J. A. Myton.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Jno. Dudley and A. B. Lemmon.
Dexter township, James McDermott.
Creswell township, G. H. Norton.
Beaver township, L. M. Kennedy.
Rock township, John Irwin.
Winfield township, L. J. Webb.
E. C. MANNING. The nominee for Representative is so well known to the people of this county that it hardly seems necessary for us to say ought concerning him. Were it not that his personal and political enemies have said and done so much to place him in a false light before the people it would be wholly unnec­essary for us to do so.
Col. Manning has resided in this State about twelve years. During that time he has been five winters in the Legislature; he is thoroughly posted in parliamentary usage and it is conceded by all who know him that as a legislator he has but few superiors. He came to this county two years ago, long before its organiza­tion, in which he took an active part, devoting his energy, time and means in making it what it now is, one of the leading coun­ties on the southern boundaries of the State.

Last winter he represented the county in the Legislature, and the zeal with which he watched after its interests was commended by the members from all parts of the State, and the press at the capitol acknowledge his services in flattering terms. Upon his return he found those who were endeavoring to supplant him, using all means in their power to do so; he has at all times worked for the interests of the county, and not being willing to submit to the charges made against him, he challenged his defamers to meet him face to face before the people; he stood upon his record and no one appeared for the purpose of substanti­ating the charges made against him. His enemies knew it was folly to attempt it, and the Colonel stands unimpeached before the people.
W. W. WALTON. The candidate for Surveyor has so often been spoken of that little more need be said. He is a practical Surveyor, having graduated at the State University of Missouri about one year ago, since which time he has been actively engaged in his profession.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
W. W. WALTON, DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR OF COWLEY COUNTY. All orders promptly attended to. Office in Fuller’s Bank.
Believe the Walton referred to in next item is Wirt W. Walton...
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
Agreeable to appointment a number of citizens met at the courthouse in Winfield to take measures for holding a celebra­tion. After considerable discussion it was decided not to celebrate at Winfield, whereupon a committee, consisting of Messrs. Walton, Boyle, and Bryant, was appointed to procure teams for the accommodation of persons wishing to attend celebrations elsewhere.
A sufficient quality of powder was donated for the national salute, to be given at day-break on the morning of the fourth, and a committee was appointed to superintend the firing.
The meeting then took into consideration the subject of
in which much interest was manifested by all present. On motion, J. B. Fairbank, S. H. Myton, and A. T. Stewart were appointed as a committee to draft petitions and circulate them.
On motion the meeting adjourned. J. D. COCHRAN, Chairman.
ALBERT YALE, Secretary.
Believe the next item refers to Wirt W. Walton...
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
That Road, and What are We Going to Do About It?
Some forty or fifty legal voters and land owners living in town and in the Walnut Valley north of town, some weeks ago petitioned for a county road commencing at the northwest corner of section 16, at a point on the Oxford road, immediately north of Winfield, thence running south to the southwest corner of Judge T. H. Johnson’s farm, thence east on his south line to a point north of the present ford on Timber Creek, thence south till it intersects the Winfield and Augusta State road, thence on said road to Winfield.

Viewers were duly appointed who viewed the route as peti­tioned for, and reported that the route was a good and practical one, but of no public utility, not convenient for the use of the general traveling community, because the present State road running so near and parallel with it would answer every purpose that the proposed County road would.
But when we take in view the fact that the State road runs diagonally thro’ section 16, entering at the northwest and leaving at the southeast corner, and that a heavy petition is before the “Board” to move that road to the east or west line of said section 16, then we must admit that the farmers living in the bend of the Walnut north and west of Mr. Johnson’s farm must have a road by which to come to town, and the shortest route by one mile is on the line petitioned for.
Mr. Johnson claimed heavy damage, and we think very justly too, for running the road on his west and south line, as it cuts off an 80 acre lot recently added to his home place, and causes him to build three fourths of a mile of extra fence, and injures a very fine farm by having a public road run through it.
Now the question is, can we of Winfield afford to lose the custom and patronage of twenty or thirty of our best farmers, living so near and yet so far away from us, for the simple reason that they can’t have a direct road to town?
Three fourths of the wood we burn in winter is hauled from the valley north of town. Now must we pay for hauling it one or two miles farther, when we haven’t a more direct road? Certainly we must, or do without it.
Then again, Oxford is bridging the Arkansas River, and a high, dry road connects that place with the starting point mentioned in the petition. Her businessmen are doing all they can to draw custom away from Winfield, and our friends up the Walnut feeling a little sore over the failure of their road project, are going en masse to Oxford to spend the 4th, where they can and will be treated with all the respect due to the farmer, “the lord of the soil.”
Now to be brief, we have the interests of one individual on one side and that of several of our best farmers in the county, and the businessmen of the town, and the town interests generally upon the other to look after and take into consideration. Had we better not then allow Judge Johnson liberal damages and have a good and direct road to town and keep peace and harmony between town and country, than to have continual strife between citizens whose interests are one and the same? I think we had. Then I would suggest that at the July meeting of the County Commission­ers, they appoint a new board of viewers, to take that matter into consideration, and act as in their judgment they may deem best for all parties interested. Respectfully, WALTON.
Winfield, June 25th, 1872.
Believe next item applies to Wirt W. Walton...
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
We learn from Mr. Walton, who has been to Wichita this week, that a man was shot there a few nights ago.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
W. W. Walton, our deputy surveyor, has been appointed to the same office in Sumner County. This appointment will not inter­fere with his office here.
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.

On their return trip from Augusta, the morning of the fifth, the “Frontier party” met with quite an accident, about three miles this side of that place. One of the teams became unmanage­able and frightened the second. Both dashed down a rocky hill to a creek near the bottom when they collided and upset; the entire eight of the party being thrown out. One pair of horses with the running gear only of the buggy ran on until they were very suddenly stopped by precipitating themselves into the back of a third carriage only a quarter of a mile ahead, but not doing much damage—only slightly frightening its inmates. The horses were caught and tied and the carriages driven back to find the scene of the smash up. They then found seven out of the eight hurt, one young lady lying senseless, and one young gentleman with his leg considerably bruised, the remainder of the party only slight­ly bruised, shocked, and greatly frightened. The young lady was picked up and immediately driven back to town; when all the assistance necessary for her recovery was rendered; the rest of the party were then sent for who soon arrived at the hotel looking in their torn and soiled clothes considerably worse for wear; the carriages seemingly to have suffered the most of the party. Through the kind treatment of their Hotel friends and the mutual care of each other, they were all ready to start for home again the next morning and are now well and able to talk and laugh over the incident of their trip. The general remark is: “It’s a wonder that ‘twas not worse.”
Winfield Messenger, July 19, 1872.
THANKS. The “Frontiers” of this place choose this manner of expressing their gratitude toward Messrs. Stewart, liveryman, Phillip Kochier and family of the National Hotel, and Col. Davis of the Republican, of Augusta, for their marked attention and kindness, and their expressions of sympathy in behalf of those who were unfortunately connected with that little accident on the road the morning of the fifth.
Especially would be recommend the hospitality of the “Na­tional” and kindness and liberal “bills” of Messrs. Stewart and Kochier to the traveling community generally.
By order of the club. W. W. WALTON, Secretary.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
See the announcement of W. W. Walton for District Clerk.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
Winfield has a brass band at last, under the leadership of Prof. Stewart. The band has been engaged to play during the Fair. The citizens will be called upon to assist the boys in getting instruments.
Winfield Messenger, August 16, 1872.
We, the undersigned, believing W. W. Walton to be in every way well qualified to fill the Office of Clerk of the District Court, would present his name from the County at large, before the Republican County Convention to be held in Winfield on the 29th inst., subject to their decision.
C. H. Mitchell, Creswell Tp., John M. McClay, O. C. Smith, Alfred Pruden, Bolton Tp., B. H. Johnson, Beaver Tp., P. M. Wait, Wm. Bonnewell, Vernon Tp.; C. Dewith Spaulding, Moses Herod, Tisdale Tp.; Needham Rogers, Adam Walck, Rock Tp.; Manley Hemenway, Windsor Tp.; Robert Turney, Cedar Tp.; Geo. Melville, Pleasant Valley Tp.; B. Darnall, Silverdale Township. August 20th, 1872.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.

The Convention held at Winfield, Wednesday, August 20, for the purpose of nominating county officers, etc., was organized by electing J. B. Parmlee temporary Chairman, and J. P. Short temporary Secretary. A committee of one delegate from each Township was appointed on credentials; during their absence the Convention call was read by the secretary, and speeches were made by the different candidates notable among which was that of Capt. McDermott. Committee on credentials reported the names of sixty-six delegates entitled to vote, and at being present, or repre­sented by proxy. Report received and committee discharged. J. B. Parmlee was then unanimously elected permanent President of the Convention and J. P. Short was elected permanent Secretary. On motion L. J. Webb was elected Assistant Secretary.
A committee of three on resolutions was appointed consisting of the following named delegates.
P. G. SMITH, Dexter, Chairman.
C. A. EATON, Windsor, Chairman.
S. W. GREER, Winfield, Chairman.
On motion it was ordered that the nomination be made as in the published call.
Skipped all of the resolutions!
On motion the Convention proceeded to an informal ballot for Representative, with the following result.
JAMES McDERMOTT, 32; M. M. JEWETT, 16; S. M. BALL, 10; A. H. BECK, 4; J. B. BROWN, 3; J. B. FAIRBANK, 1. On motion the nomination of Mr. McDermott was made unanimous.
Convention proceeded to ballot for the following officers.
County Attorney:
E. S. Torrance 37; J. I. Mitchell 29.
District Clerk:
James Kelly 35, E. P. Hickok 19; W. W. Walton 12.
Probate Judge:
T. H. Johnson 52; ___ Millspaugh 13; J. B. Parmlee 1.
Superintendent of Public Instruction:
T. A. Wilkinson 38, J. B. Parmlee 25; S. W. Greer 3.
The ballot for delegates to the Congressional Convention at Lawrence to nominate three members of Congress and State Presiden­tial electors, resulted as follows—four delegates: J. P. Short; F. E. Collins; and E. C. Manning and W. M. Pickering as alter­nates.
The ballot for delegates to the State Convention at Topeka to nominate State officers, etc., resulted in the election of J. A. Myton and H. O. Meigs as delegates, and Messrs. Webb and Bonnewell as alternates.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.

Board of County Commissioners met in adjourned session in County Clerk’s office, September 16th, 1872. Present: Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer. Proceeded to levy the tax for assessment year ago. Ordered that a county tax of one mill on the dollar levied on the Township of Vernon as a Township tax; also of one and one half for Dexter Township; also one and one half for Beaver Township; Richland, two mills, Bolton, two mills; Windsor, one; Cedar, one mill; Creswell, one mill, Posey Creek one and one half; Pleasant Valley, one mill, Nenescah, two mills; Silver Creek, two mills; and Tisdale, two mills.
And, also to meet the interest and principal on school bonds. The following was levied in the following names school districts:
District No. 1, 3-1/2 mills; No. 7, 27 mills; No. 9, 25 mills; No. 10, 26 mills; No. 12, 6 mills; No. 14, 11 mills; No. 15, 19 mills; No. 20, 27 mills; No. 21, 33 mills; No. 25, 18 mills; No. 26, ___ mills; No. 37, 5 mills; No. 49, 9 mills; No. 14, ___ mills; No. 42, 9 mills; No. 45, 9 mills; No. 46, 32 mills; No. 49, ___ mills.
Adjourned until 1 P.M.
Board met as adjourned, at 1 o’clock p.m.
The case of school district No. 30, on appeal from Septem­ber, was then taken up and confirmed.
Report of viewers on the county road of A. S. Williams, was adopted and ordered opened, fifty feet wide, and damages allowed T. H. Johnson to the amount of $350.
Report of viewers on the county road of Topliff was adopted and ordered opened across the range line (3) east.
Viewers report on the county road of C. R. Mitchell was adopted, and also one petitioned for by W. B. Nichols was adopted as surveyed May 6th.
Report of viewers on the county road of Charles Parker was adopted and ordered opened.
Petition of citizens of Winfield Township asking for dramshop house for McCormick & Hayes was granted with license fixed at $200 per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Bond approved in the sum of $2,000.
Petition of citizens of Winfield Township, asking for dramshop license for G. Triplett was granted with license fixed at $200 per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Bond approved in the sum of $2,000.
Petition of citizens asking for dramshop license for S. A. Wier & Co. was granted with license fixed at $200 per annum, payable quarterly in advance. Bond approved in the sum of $2,000.
The following bills were acted upon:
James Parker, sheriff, allowed $21.05.
James Parker, sheriff, laid over $89.
James Parker, sheriff, rejected.
S. M. Morgan was allowed 50 cents per day additional, for boarding persons on old bill, amounting to $11.00.
Kellogg & Scott, County Printing, allowed $7.00.
Bill of Thompson and others for County roads, allowed $16.50.
W. W. Walton, County surveyor, allowed $26.00.
T. B. Ross and others, for County road, allowed $8.00.
Cost in the case of Crane before W. M. Barger, allowed $13.00.
State of Kansas vs. Crane, District Court, allowed $227.00.
A. A. Jackson, County Clerk and abstract from U. S. Land Office, $354.70.

Frank Cox, County Commissioner, $18.30.
J. L. Maurer, County Commissioner, $6.40.
Board adjourned to meet in regular session October 7th, 1872. FRANK COX, Chairman.
Attest, A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Mrs. W. J. Walton...could this have been Wirt W. Walton’s mother?
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
Class O—Domestic Manufactures—Thirty-seven Entries.
Premiums awarded to Mrs. W. T. Tucker, Miss E. Tusker, Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Miss E. A. Graham, Mrs. J. H. Curfman, Mrs. W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. C. M. Wood, Mrs. W. J. Walton, Mrs. A. Bullen, Mrs. L. Lowrey, Mrs. W. W. Andrews, Mrs. H. Y. Churchill.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
E. C. Manning and W. W. Walton have gone to Topeka.
Walnut Valley Times, October 10, 1873.
The following gentlemen were nominated at the Republican Convention in Cowley County last week for the offices named: Representative, James McDermott; County Clerk, M. G. Troupe; Treasurer, E. B. Kager; Register of Deeds, N. C. McCulloch; Sheriff, R. L. Walker; Coroner, Sim Moore; Surveyor, W. W. Walton; Commissioners, Messrs. L. E. Manley, J. G. Titus, and R. F. Burden.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
The following bills were presented and rejected.
Jackson & Myers, coffin for R. M. Boyer.
Newman & Houghton, laid over endorsing the County Attorney’s decision.
L. M. Laughlin, laid over with same action as Newman & Houghton.
John Prewitt, bill laid over on same endorsement.
Judge Lillie of Greenwood County, for assisting in the case of Cram, was rejected in the sum of $150.
Daniel Read’s assessment was corrected by reducing $100.
Bills allowed:
Myers & Johnson, coffin for pauper: $20.00
J. M. Jackson and others: $6.00
J. P. Short, pauper bill: $13.15
Hitchcock & Boyle, goods for prisoners: $2.25
Newman & Houghton, goods for pauper: $7.45
Myers & Johnson, Surveyor’s desk: $35.00
W. M. Allison, printing: $17.75
James Parker, Sheriff services: $9.00; $42.00; $27.25
E. P. Hickock, office rent: $98.49
R. R. Turner, Coroner’s services: $9.60
D. V. H. Ward and others, viewers: $22.00
J. E. Dunn, assessor Vernon Township: $54.00

The following jurors were all paid $2.00: R. L. Johnson, E. Fredrick, W. Whitehead, Amos Smith, J. Wells, R. D. Wood, H. Wolfe, A. O. Porter, W. Voris, G. H. Bronson, H. S. Ireton, B. Clover.
E. S. Torrance, serves as Co. Attorney: $250.00
J. P. Short, rent: $25.00
R. R. Turner, viewer: $8.50
W. W. Walton, making Surveyor’s record of 1871 and 1872: $137.20
T. H. Johnson, Probate Judge for 1872: $500.00
S. D. Klingman sawing wood for county offices: $28.50
E. Kager, office rent: $10.00
A. A. Jackson, service Co. Clerk, one quarter: $75.00
E. P. Hickock, services as District Clerk, ending January 1st, 1873: $6.50.
E. P. Hickock, services as Supt. Pub. Instruction: $200.00
J. W. Curfman, as witness: $2.70
Crane & Byron, book for Recorder: $9.00; $32.40.
D. J. Coburn, judge of election: $2.00
Frank Cox and J. D. Maurer, services as County Commissioners: $18.50.
Cost case of State vs. Boswell E. Jones: $14.75
Cost in case of Vannacher allowed.
Board adjourned until February 4th, 1873.
FRANK COX, Chairman.
Attest: A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman; O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.
County Clerk: A. A. Jackson.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds: J. F. Paul.
Deputy Register: Jno. W. Curns.
Sheriff: James Parker.
Deputy Sheriff: W. E. Dowd.
Coroner: G. P. Waggoner.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court: James Kelly.
County Surveyor: Manley Hemenway.
Deputy: W. W. Walton.
Trustee: J. P. Short.
Treasurer: J. D. Cochran.
Clerk: D. A. Millington.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
[For the COURIER.]

   James McDermott.
Our Representative in the state Legislature has found enough to do in Topeka and has gone to work with a will. His work before organization was to help W. W. Walton through as journal clerk, in which he succeeded so completely that there was no opposition when the vote was taken. On the first day after organization, he presented a bill to amend and define the laws in relation to voting bonds, so as to remove all doubt as to what must be done to make an election legal, and a bill to fund the county indebtedness. Both of these measures are of great impor­tance to this county. COWLEY.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
The friends of W. W. Walton will be pleased to learn of his success in obtaining the appointment of Journal Clerk of the House. He acquitted himself well in whatever he undertook in this county, and gained many very warm friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873.
Read the latest legislative news from the pen of our fellow-townsman, W. W. Walton, now Journal Clerk of the House of Repre­sentatives, entitled “Legislative.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 24, 1873.
W. W. Walton has moved his office upstairs in the District Clerk’s office over the old log store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 15, 1873.
Oxford Items.
Mr. Tell W. Walton of this place started for Stevenson, Barbour County, last Saturday. He has been appointed Surveyor of that county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 22, 1873.
To Claim Jumpers. Our efficient Surveyor, W. W. Walton, started yesterday to Floral to lay out a cemetery for the good people of that locality. Those who want claims of that kind can jump one without risk of contest.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 12, 1873.
Wheat. W. W. Walton brought into the office on last Tuesday some of the finest wheat we have seen in the county. He plucked the heads from a forty acre field belonging to Mr. C. S. Smith, who lives seven miles west of town in the Arkansas River bottom. Mr. Smith has 22 acres of May wheat and 18 of Mediterranean, besides quite a large field of spring wheat. The winter wheat was sown on corn stubble and plowed in with a turning plow last September, and the yield from present indications will not be less than thirty bushels per acre.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 17, 1873.
We are made happy this week with the presence of our jolly friend, E. S. Bedilion, in this office. He is filling the place of the Deputy District Clerk, W. W. Walton, who is in the east part of the county this week on a surveying expedition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
W. W. Walton and E. S. Bedilion are helping do the clerical work at this term of Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
Read this week’s correspondence from “Our Home,” also one from the pen of a new correspondent, Thos. A. Walton, (uncle of our Surveyor Walton), of Lawrence County, Ohio.

Think this refers to Tell Walton, Wirt’s brother...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
Last Sunday Messrs. Anderson, Hays, Houx, and Walton accept­ed an invitation to dine with the “Surveyor boys,” at Arkansas City, where they have just arrived after completing their long and tedious contract in the Indian Territory. They say that they were well entertained and had a pleasant time, and will, we understand, soon give the boys’ a complimentary supper and dance at this place.
Another brother of Wirt W. Walton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 21, 1873.
We received a call Tuesday morning from Mr. P. T. Walton, a brother of our surveyor. He is a resident of Parsons near which place he has 200 acres of broom corn growing. He likes this country very much and thinks some of locating here, and entering largely into hog raising business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Please announce the name of Dr. Samuel Thompson of Tisdale as a Republican candidate for the office of Representative. Subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention.
W. W. WALTON: Candidate for the office of County Surveyor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
For Representative: JAMES McDERMOTT.
For County Commissioners—
1st District: JOHN MANLY.
2nd District: J. G. TITUS.
3rd District: R. F. BURDEN.
For County Clerk: M. G. TROUP.
For County Treasurer: E. B. KAGER.
For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCULLOCH.
For Sheriff: R. L. WALKER.
For County Surveyor: W. W. WALTON.
For Coroner: S. S. MOORE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 2, 1873.
E. B. Kager was nominated for Treasurer on first ballot. Mr. Kager is a young man of sterling integrity, has been an efficient officer, and made many fast friends by his gentlemanly conduct while in office.
N. C. McCulloch is a young man, and has made many friends by his upright, manly conduct during his residence in our county. He is honest and capable, etc.

Capt. R. L. Walker was nominated for Sheriff after a sharp fight; it seemed that many applicants for that position were determined not to yield the point, but all acquiesced in the choice of the convention. Capt. Walker was one of the boys “in blue” during the rebellion, and no doubt did valuable service for the country then as he will now after his election to the office of sheriff of Cowley County.
M. G. Troup, of Tisdale, is a man of business, and knows how to attend to it.
Wirt W. Walton has been deputy surveyor for the past two years, and attended to all the business of the office during that time, and has done the work well and faithfully. Wirt has the reputation of being the best surveyor in the county. His books speak for him as a skillful draughtsman, as anyone can see by calling, and examining them. Wirt is a jolly good fellow, and we make him our best bow as County surveyor, and wish him all good luck.
Mr. S. Moore was nominated for the position of Coroner, by acclamation. Mr. Moore is a good man, and fitted to fill any position in the gift of the people.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Last Monday night as Capt. McDermott and W. W. Walton were returning from Tisdale, where they had been speaking, the buggy overturned and they were emptied carelessly into the road. W. W. landed upon his head and therefore his injuries were very slight, but the Captain, less fortunate, struck on his face with such force as to lose consciousness for a time. His injuries were not serious, however, although his proboscis is somewhat the worse for wear, and looks as though somebody had been putting a head on him. On the same night E. B. Kager came into town balancing on a single spring.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 13, 1873.
   County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County met in the County Clerk’s office November 7th, 1873. Present: Frank Cox and O. C. Smith.
Proceeded to canvass the votes of the election held Nov. 4th, 1873, which resulted in the election of the following officers who were declared duly elected.
For representative of 75th district: William Martin.
For County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
For County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
For Register of Deeds: N. C. McCulloch.
For Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
For Coroner: Sam Moore.
For County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
For Commissioner, first district, John Manly.
For Commissioner, second district. M. S. Roseberry.
For Commissioner, third district, R. F. Burden.
Petition of A. A. Mills for county road was granted with E. H. Boyer, James Utt, and G. W. Gordenhein appointed as viewers. Survey ordered Dec. 1st, 1873.
Time was extended on William Steel’s road to Nov. 26th, 1873.
Ordered that the contract with L. J. Webb for County print­ing, be declared void.
Ordered that the County printing be awarded to C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, and James Kelly of the Winfield COURIER as per agreement on file in the County Clerk’s office.
Bill of E. P. Hickok, rejected.

Bill of A. A. Jackson, County Clerk’s fee, allowed $218.20.
Bill of J. P. Short et al, road viewers, allowed $14.50.
Bill of A. H. Green, office rent, allowed $40.
Bill of W. W. Walton, surveyor, $4.00.
Bill of Judges and Clerks of election Nov. 4th, 1873, allowed $286.80.
Bill of Frank Cox County Commissioner allowed $12.40.
Bill of O. C. Smith County Commissioner allowed $8.00.
Board adjourned. FRANK COX, Chairman.
A. A. Jackson, Clerk.
Do not know who E. C. Walton is, listed below along with Wirt W. Walton...
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met in Clerk’s office, Decem­ber 9, 1873. All present. After a thorough inspection of the work, the Courthouse was accepted from the contractors, and the bondsmen discharged.
L. J. Webb appeared for school district No. 45, asking to have one percent of the school tax remitted, it appearing that the same was taxed illegally. County Clerk was instructed to make the necessary change at the district’s expense. In the matter of dividing tracts of land on tax roll, clerk was also instructed to make the change when applied to by the Trea­surer.
Ordered that the County Treasurer be allowed to cancel $590.04 in county warrants.
Bond of Sheriff fixed at $10,000.
Petition of W. B. Norman for section line road was laid over under the rule, for want of affidavit.
Petition of James Stewart for change in road granted.
Time on Wm. Steeles’ county road extended at request of viewers to December 18.
Petition and affidavit of M. A. Graham on personal property laid on the table.
District Clerk authorized to procure blanks for his office.
Superintendent of Public Instruction was authorized to procure a black board and stationery for his office.
The county officers were assigned to the Courthouse on Monday, December 15, 1873. After that date no bills for office rent will be allowed.
James Kelly was directed to procure appropriate signs and place the same on the office doors of the Courthouse.
The County Clerk was directed to have the wood prepared for the stoves in the county offices.
The sheriff was ordered to set up the county stove that is in the District Clerk’s office in the courtroom of the Courthouse.
The following bills were audited and allowed.
A. A. Jackson, Co. clerk’s fees: $449.00
T. A. Wilkins, Co. Supt.: $27.00
E. B. Kager, for tax sale: $8.05
J. M. Young, jailor and sundries: $41.07
James Kelly, Co. printing: $19.50

W. W. Walton, Co. surveyor: $64.80
L. D. Jacobs attending’ prisoner Lyon Co. jail: $4.00
T. A. Wilkinson, stationery: $21.60
S. H. Myton, Co. wood: $45.00
S. H. Myton, stoves and pipe: $174.55
A. T. Stewart, ice bill: $6.00
O. C. Smith, gopher scalps: $2.40
E. C. Walton, gopher scalps: $4.20
James Parker, sheriff: $41.50
J. F. Paul, repairing seal: $2.05
Stewart & Simpson, last payment on Courthouse: $4,390.00
Stewart & Simpson, extra work: $131.00
Crain & Byron, books: $206.00
A. S. Williams, juror: $2.80
A. D. Keith, pauper bill: $20.75
W. S. Mullen, chamber for jail: $1.50
H. & Boyle, blankets for jail: $12.75
J. G. Bullene costs in case allowed.
Braden & Buford laid over.
McMillen & Shields paupers bill rejected.
C. M. Scott county printing laid over, not itemized.
A. J. Williams guarding prisoner rejected.
D. A. Byers juror rejected.
O. C. Smith, Commissioner: $12.00
J. D. Maurer, Commissioner: $12.40
Frank Cox, Com. and Supt. Courthouse: $49.40  A. A. JACKSON, Clerk.
Per J. P. SHORT, Deputy.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
Every person in Cowley County who can raise enough money to pay half fare is going to Topeka as a delegate to the third house. Our worthy legislator, Hon. Wm. Martin, and his noon-day shadow, Allison, have already taken their departure and they will be followed in due time by W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, E. B. Kager, James McDermott, James Kelly, and others too numerous to mention.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
The Board of County commissioners met in Clerk’s office. All present.
Resignation of J. W. Tull, of Windsor Township received and accepted and Wm. Fritch appointed to fill the vacancy.
Resignation of H. H. Martin, clerk of Vernon Township, and W. Nixon appointed to fill vacancy.
Resignation of D. C. Onstott, trustee of Ninescah Township and L. B. Walmsey appointed to fill vacancy.

R. Shoen and L. Baldwin were appointed road viewers on A. A. Mills county road to date from Nov. 7th, 1873.
Report on A. A. Mills county road received, and accepted, and the road ordered opened 40 ft. wide.
Report on Wm. Steele’s county road received and accepted as far as station 24 as per Surveyor’s plat and report.
Report of County Surveyor on the re-survey of a portion of the T., A. & Winfield state road received and accepted as reported.
Petition of E. K. Kouty for Co. road laid over, bond being deficient.
Petition of M. R. Leonard for sec line road. Granted.
Sec line road of W. R. Wadkins laid over under the rule for want of affidavit.
Official bond of R. L. Walker, Sheriff, received and ap­proved January 6th, 1874, amount of Bond $10,000.
Proceeded to take up bills.
Perry Knote, atten­dance on pauper, allowed. $40.75
Sam’l Khens, for pauper: $28.00
Lyon County boarding prisoners: $113.00
M. Hemingway et al road viewers: $62.00
J. P. Short, office rent: $48.00
Stewart & Simpson, grading: $4.75
E. C. Manning, office rent: $19.00
J. T. Stewart, Sawing wood: $18.00
Shoman & Purcell, court house seats: $297.70
M. L. Read, office rent [claimed $165.00]: $142.08
E. B. Kager, office rent: $30.00
Hitchcock & Boyle, brooms: $2.00
Braden & Burford, stationery: $26.25
Jas. Kelly, office signs: $5.00
H. H. Beck, Road damages: $5.00
Rice & Ray, building outhouse: $85.00
C. M. Scott, Co. printing: $15.25
Jas. Parker, Sheriff: $5.00
Coroner’s inquest: $23.10
W. D. Roberts et al road viewers: $16.50
Jas. Parker, repairing chair: $1.00
A. A. Jackson, Co. Clerk [claimed $290]: $190.00
W. W. Walton, Co. Surveyor: $6.00
J. M. Young, Jailer [claimed $10.80]: $7.65
E. S. Bedilion, desk for blanks: $6.25
D. M. Patton et al road viewers: $43.00
A. H. Green, office rent: $7.50
J. W. Johnson, repairing desk: $4.50
T. H. Johnson, office rent: $57.50
H. Chamberlain, treasurer’s desk: $50.80

S. Dodsworth, stationery: $149.00
W. W. Walton, Co. Surveyor: $89.76
T. A. Wilkinson, Co. Supt.: $310.00
Jno. Dudley, road commissioner: $14.60
O. C. Smith, gopher scalps; Co. Commissioner: $16.20
T. A. Cowles, gopher scalps: $.80
Jas. Parker, Sheriff: $10.60
J. D. Maurer, Co. Commissioner: $12.40
Frank Cox, Co. Commissioner: $18.40
The following bills were laid over and rejected.
Samuel Khens, boarding pauper laid over: $7.00
E. P. Hickok Co. Supt. rejected: $12.00
McMillen & Shields pauper bill rejected: $19.00
Geo. Millen rejected: $9.22
G. P. Wagner, medical attendance on pauper rejected: $43.50.
E. C. Manning, Probate Judge, office rent rejected: amount not given.
S. Tarrant boarding jury rejected: $9.10
Geo. W. Crane letterheads rejected: $9.00
E. D. Eddy, pauper bill, rejected.
T. A. Blanchard, bailiff, laid over.
G. W. Craine, stationery, rejected.
J. G. Titus, Pauper bill, rejected.
Farrar, Houghton & Sherburne, supplies for pauper Welch, rejected. Endorsed that Cowley County does not feel able to sustain this family any longer.
Ordered that the personal property assessed to James Kelly be transferred on the tax roll to R. W. Waddell & Co.
Jas. Kelly was permitted to withdraw from the files a bill enacted upon filed January 7th, 1874.
E. C. Manning was allowed to withdraw a claim for office rent for probate judge filed January 6th, 1874.
County Attorney was instructed to notify parties who had been ruled for costs on county roads to come forward and pay costs on same.
Board adjourned. A. A. JACKSON, Co. Clerk.
By J. P. SHORT, Deputy.
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Our fellow townsman, W. W. Walton, was defeated in his race for assistant Chief Clerk of the House. He received ten votes and Mr. Allison of the Telegram received ten votes for the same place, but they were both beaten. Representative Martin support­ed Allison very warmly, so that it appears that a man can get just as many votes who is a candidate for a position from Cowley County without Martin’s assistance as with it. Before the result of the vote was announced, several men had changed their votes, thus making the record show that Allison received six votes and Walton only two.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1874.

James McDermott, E. S. Torrance, W. W. Walton, and James Kelly returned home last Monday night.
Lucius Walton not related to Wirt Walton...from Pleasant Valley Township...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874. Commissioner’s Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
Judges of Election.
Wm. Adkinson, $2.00; J. M. Barrick, $2.00; T. W. Blanchard, $2.00; John Boon, $7.00; A. P. Brooks, $4.80; T. R. Bryan, $2.00; G. L. Burdett, $2.00; H. L. Busher, $4.80; W. M. Butter-field, $2.00; T. P. Carter, $2.00; J. D. Cochran, $2.00; H. H. Constant, $3.60; P. J. Copple, $4.00; B. A. Davis, $5.00; W. H. DeMott, $4.50; M. L. Devore, $2.00; S. F. Draper, $2.00; J. N. Fleharty, $2.00; G. W. Foughty, $3.80; W. A. Freeman, $3.90; H. D. Gans, $2.00; W. M. Gillard, $2.00; S. D. Groom, $2.00; M. Hemenway, $2.00; T. H. Henderson, $2.00; M. B. Hennon, $5.80; I. How, $2.00; Wm. Jenkins, $2.00; S. B. Johnson, $2.00; W. Ketcham, $2.00; N. J. Larkin, $4.30; John Liston, $2.00; J. M. Marks, $2.00; Tim. McIntire, $2.00; A. McKinley, $2.00; D. A. Merydith, $5.00; J. W. Miller, $2.00; A. A. Mills, $2.00; T. H. Morris, $2.00; John Mosier, $2.00; Isaac Onstott, $2.00; D. M. Patton, $6.00; J. H. Patton, $2.00; J. H. Pricket, $5.70; A. J. Pyburn, $2.00; F. M. Ross, $2.00; J. Q. Searle, $2.00; Thos. Shaver, $7.00; J. P. Short, $3.00; J. B. Smith, $4.20; J. J. Smith, $2.00; C. Sprague, $2.00; G. C. Swasey, $3.90; R. S. Strother, $5.00; D. Terrill, $2.00; R. I. Theaker, $2.00; Robert Thirsk, $2.00; D. Thompson, $4.50; T. L. Thompson, $2.00; Adam Walk, $5.00; D. B. Ware, $2.00; A. Weatherhead, $2.00; Wm. White, $4.40; H. D. Wilkins, $5.00; C. D. Willeston, $2.00; G. H. Williams, $2.00; W. Williams, $2.00; Warren Wood, $2.00; J. G. Young, $2.00.
Clerks of Election (each paid $2.00). [Two names not listed.]
Samuel Adams, T. H. Aley, Alvin Barris, J. W. Blair, M. L. Brooks, D. A. Byers, W. H. Clay, T. W. Emerson, W. Estes, J. C. Felton, L. Goodrich, J. N. Groom, C. B. Hall, J. W. Hamilton, Peter Hansen, Jessie Hines, L. Holcomb, S. J. Holebrit, H. H. Hooker, A. H. Hornemann, S. M. Jarvis, L. P. King, J. W. Ledlie, Chas. McClung, Jas. McDermott, G. H. McIntire, C. R. Miles, Ed Millard, S. S. Moore, A. J. Pickering, Isaac Shuster, John Stockdale, Wm. R. Stolp, C. M. Stowe, John Swain, J. B. Todd, J. B. Waggoner, J. Walbert, A. J. Walck, Samuel Watt, F. H. Werden, W. M. Wilson, C. M. Wood, Geo. Wright.
Other bills.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15; $135.20; $108.60.
District Clerk: James Kelly, $12.00; $2.00.
Justice of the Peace: W. M. Boyer, $10.75; $7.50; $5.75; $2.20; $9.00.
Justice of the Peace: Timothy McIntire, $3.70; $5.25; $4.40.
Sheriff, R. L. Walker, paid as follows: $79.60; $30.25; $2.25; $14.25; $56.00; $2.00; $32.00; $73.50; $3.55; $4.15; $2.25.
Deputy Sheriff: J. L. M. Hill, $1.50; $2.00; $10.00.
Bailiff: Geo. L. Walker, $22.00; J. L. M. Hill, $18.00; T. A. Blanchard, $8.00.
Constable: Burt Covert, $55.60.
Constable: G. H. McIntire, $6.80, $12.50, $4.40, $11.80.
Constable: J. L. M. Hill, $9.65.
Jailor, Burt Covert: $36.00; $104.88; $17.77; $52.44; $8.00; $6.75.
Jailor, John M. Young, $21.33.

Guarding prisoner: C. Brintzenhoffer, $3.00; R. Fitzgerald, $3.00; W. Fritch, $2.00; Elmer Kinney, $1.00; G. M. Rouse, $1.00; Isaac Taylor, $1.00; J. W. Tull, $11.80; Fred  Ward, $2.00.
Witnesses: Robert Bailey, $7.50; G. W. Ballou, $8.50; Harrison Barton, $3.50; W. M. Boyer, $6.35, $3.00; Napoleon Bryant, $4.50; Burt Covert, $4.50, $.50, $1.50; W. E. Doud, $4.00; Wm. Fritch, $6.10; H. D. Gans, $6.10; Arthur Hane, $4.50; A. A. Jackson, $7.50; T. H. Johnson, $6.90; C. W. Jones, $5.70; T. J. Jones, $1.50; James Kirk, $3.00; Thomas Lawson, $4.50; C. Mayes, $7.70; Geo. Mayes, $7.70; J. E. Mayes, $7.70; G. H. McIntire, $9.50; E. Parker, $1.30; James Parker, $1.00; W. Parker, $1.30; Joseph Requa, $4.50; R. B. Saffold, $.50; Barney Shriver, $4.50; H. S. Silver, $3.00; C. S. Smith, $2.30; T. A. Suits, $3.00; T. H. Suits, $1.50; S. Tarrant, $3.00; Ben Townsend, $3.30; Geo. Walker, $4.50; R. L. Walker, $4.50; John Weiss, $2.50; A. Wood, $1.50; B. Wood, $1.50.
Gophers: A. J. Burrell, $3.00; A. C. Holland, $4.60; Stephen Mann, $1.70; T. W. Morris, $3.50.
Jurors: F. Brown, $93.80; W. H. Brown, $24.80; Wm. Burkey, $24.80; D. A. Caulfield, $22.00; J. E. Davis, $4.60; J. R. Davis, $4.60; Wm. Fowler, $24.80; G. W. Gardenhire, $16.60; S. M. Jarvis, $6.80; J. L. King, $4.80; J. H. Kinney, $22.80; W. R. Land, $4.40; H. C. Loomis, $22.00; C. A. McClung, $22.60; H. S. Millard, $25.00; J. H. Phenis, $22.00; C. M. Sloan, $24.20; J. W. Tull, $26.60; Benj. S. Turner, $24.40; S. C. Wood, $24.80; W. A. Wood, $24.00.
Agent, A. T. Shenneman: $136.65.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance, $250.00.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup, $90.15, $135.20, $108.60.
County Commissioner: R. F. Burden, $40.05; M. S. Roseberry, $30.00.
County Superintendent: E. P. Hickock, $12.00.
County Surveyor: Wirt Walton, $70.33; $73.45; $4.00.
District Clerk: James Kelly, $2.90, $2.00; $9.30; $12.00; $2.00.
Examiner: J. P. Fairbank, $27.00; H. B. Norton, $6.00.
Investigating Committee: W. H. Grow, $60.00; Lucius Walton, $60.00.
Land Abstract: M. G. Troup, $72.95.
Board: S. Tarrant, $6.50.
Book Rest: E. S. Bedilion, $1.50.
Carpenter: T. A. Rice, $10.90; $7.10; John Swain, $18.00.
Chairs: Sweet & Lewis, $5.50.
Coffin: J. W. Johnson, $8.00.
Goods: Hitchcock & Boyle, $6.25; $12.50; $6.25; $32.50.
Furniture: J. W. Johnson, $7.50.
Grave Digging: Robert Robinson, $2.00.
Lantern: R. L. Walker, $1.75.
Meat: J. G. Titus, $3.80.
Medical service: D. C. Cram, $8.00; G. Black, $25.00.
Medicine: E. D. Eddy, $12.30.
Pauper: Samuel Kuntz, $29.50.
Printing: James Kelly, $35.00; $12.50; $7.90; $2.25; $6.25; $6.75.
Printing: C. M. Scott, $18.10.
Repairing Table: J. W. Johnson, $3.50.
Road Damage: Chas. Brush, $10.00.
Stationery: Braden & Burford, $50.90; W. M. Boyer, $3.85.
Washing: Margaret Winner, $4.50.

Wood, etc.: C. M. Wood, $43.50; S. H. Myton, $50.86.
Wood (sawing): J. T. Stewart, $38.00.
George W. Crane, $83.85; $45.00; $9.80; $190.50;
A. M. Patterson, $.50
Sweet & Lewis, $7.50.
T. A. Wilkinson: $308.00.
I, M. G. Troup, County Clerk in and for Cowley County, Kansas, do hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all the claims against Cowley County at the last regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners.
Witness my hand and official seal this 20th day of April, A. D. 1874.
M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1874.
County Commissioners Proceedings.
The following is a list of the bills allowed by the board of County Commissioners at their meeting commencing on the 18th day of May A. D. 1874.
R. L. Walker, sheriff: $10.50; $11.00; $25.00.
A. T. Shenneman, bailiff: $10.00
McMillen & Shields, pauper bill: $20.57
Jurors: J. E. Jarvis, $4.80; W. B. Norman, $5.60; J. H. Curfman, $3.10; F. M. Vaughn, $5.00; James G. Utt, $9.00.
Wm. Slater, witness: $10.00
Burt Covert, Jailor: $2.21
Farrar, Houghton, & Sherburne,  pauper bill: $36.50
Braden & Burford, books: $28.00
G. W. Crane, books: $39.00
A. S. Thomas, fee bill: $40.45
N. C. McCulloch, lock: $1.00
W. H. Grow, investigating com.: $102.00
Braden & Burford, books: $28.85
Burt Covert, bailiff: $18.00
J. W. Johnson, furniture: $2.50
J. L. Mitchell, pauper bill: $10.00
R. F. Burden, commissioner: $1.00
M. S. Roseberry, commissioner: $12.00
John Manly, Commissioner: $12.00
M. G. Troup, Co. clerk: $144.40
Road Viewers: G. W. Melville, $2.00; S. W. Greer, $2.00; D. W. Mumaw, $2.00.
W. W. Walton, Surveyor: $8.00; $12.00; $8.00.
Road Viewers: A. J. Dawson, $2.00; A. J. Reeves, $2.00; W. W. Limbocker, $2.00; J. F. Graham, $2.00; John Worthington, $2.00.
John Worthington, Marker: $1.50
J. P. Allen, Road Chainman: $1.50

Joel Stewart, Road Chainman: $1.50
Hitchcock & Boyle—Locks $4.85; wood $4.75.
George Gray, sawing wood: $1.00
James Kelly, county printing: $242.65; $17.00; $2.50; $34.00.
C. M. Scott, county printing: $242.65; $20.26.
W. M. Allison, county printing: $2.00
J. L. M. Hill, Bailiff: $20.00
   Total amount allowed: $1,235.34
I hereby certify that the above is a correct statement of all the bills allowed by the “Board” at their last meeting.
In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my name and official seals this 20th day of May, A. D. 1874. M. G. TROUP, Co. Clerk.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
A complete organization of the first nine of the “Frontier” base ball club was effected last Saturday. The officers are E. C. Manning, President; W. W. Walton, Secretary; A. H. Hane, Treasurer; and L. J. Webb, Captain. The second nine should, and doubtless will, organize tomorrow.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Proceedings of the Meeting held Monday, June 8th, to
Provide for the Celebration of the 4th of July.
Public meeting of the citizens of Winfield, was held last Monday evening at the office of Curns & Manser for the purpose of preparing for a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield.
On motion G. S. Manser was chosen chairman and L. J. Webb, Esq., Secretary.
C. M. Wood offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved, By the citizens of Winfield and vicinity that we celebrate the 4th of July at this place, and that we extend a cordial invitation to the citizens of the county to participate with us in the celebration.
N. H. Wood, James Simpson, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to confer with the Soldier’s Association and invite them to take part in the celebration.
On motion it was resolved that the celebration be a basket picnic.
T. K. Johnston, Enoch Marrs, and C. M. Wood were appointed a finance committee.
M. L. Robinson, James Kelly, and J. T. Hall were appointed a committee to procure speakers.
A. T. Stewart, Max Shoeb, and H. B. Lacy were appointed a committee on grounds.
J. T. Hall, T. A. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Miss Mary Stewart, and Miss Baldwin were appointed a committee on music.
H. B. Lacy, C. M. Wood, and J. P. McMillen were appointed a committee on ice water.
J. P. McMillen, Wirt Walton, and L. J. Webb were appointed a committee on fantastics and amusements.
L. J. Webb and James Kelly were appointed a committee on artillery.
Captain R. L. Walker was appointed Marshal of the day.

James Kelly offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That we extend a cordial invitation to the several Granges of the county to attend and participate in the celebra­tion.
The meeting then adjourned to meet Monday evening June 15th at 8 o’clock P.M.
G. S. MANSER, Chairman.
L. J. WEBB, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
W. W. Walton has one of the “nobbiest turnouts” in the city.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
   The Salt Springs.
In company with W. W. Walton, our efficient county surveyor, who kindly furnished the rig, we tripped over to the Salt Springs last Monday, where we arrived just in time for dinner, of which we were bountifully supplied at the “Mills” House. There we met J. T. Hall, formerly of the Valley House of this place, who expects to do the honors for the new Hotel, which they hope to build in a short time. After dinner we went down to see the “Springs,” which spurt out in a low flat, near the Arkansas River. There we found Judge McIntire and son, busy filling and refilling the vats, in which, by the action of the sun, the brine is crystallized.
There is plenty of salt in the water there; we know for we drank an abundance of it, and one or two of the springs seem to be impregnated with sulphur, for the water tastes just like rotten turkey eggs mixed in wet gun powder. It isn’t considered the most delicious drink in the world; in fact, few strangers take more than a taste, sometimes contenting themselves with the smell. But the people over there are hopeful that a fortune is certainly in store for them, and he would be foolhardy, indeed, who would intimate, to a dweller near the salt marsh, that such is not the case. Yea, better not say, that even gold and silver ore, is not to be found in plenty, when by the aid of machinery the bowels of the earth be properly torn up.
We were shown a handful of black sand by an enthusiastic individual, who insisted that we must have poor eye sight to fail to detect the golden particles mixed therewith.
Todd and Royal of Wichita have bought a quarter section of land near the springs, and expect, so we learned, to bore for coal in a short time. All agree that the coveted anthrax can be found at the trifling distance of from 700 to 1,000 feet.
The town is laid out very nicely on the hill a mile or so south of the Springs. There is one store, one saloon, and one blacksmith shop. The capacity of the works at present is about one ton per week, but it seems to us that it could, with the proper fixtures, be made to turn off 100 ton just as well. We do not predict any very great future for Remanto on account of the Springs alone.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
Base Ball.
The Eldorado base ball club of Eldorado, played the Fron­tiers of this place a match game of ball on the grounds of the latter last Saturday, which resulted in the victory of the Frontier’s by a score of 35 to 38. Play was “called” at 3 o’clock p.m., and the game was called at 7, in the middle of the ninth inning, it being too dark to finish the game with safety. According to the rule, therefore, the score was counted at the end of the eighth inning.

The game was a very poor one, which was mainly owing to the strong wind which blew from the south, carrying the dust into the eyes of the catcher, and taking the ball whereso’er it listeth. The Winfield boys in none of their scrub games ever played so poorly. Not a whitewash was made on either side.
Bob Shethar of the Frontier’s, made the only home run, and put ten men out on first base, Cruden assisting six times. Walton caught two fouls and put two men out on 3 strikes, but at the fifth inning, having badly bruised his hand, he took second base and Cruden took his place behind the bat. Cruden caught one fair fly, five fouls, put one man out on second base, and one on three strikes. Hane put one man out on second base, and Morris one on third. Webb assisted once, Morris once, Walton once, Siemmons once, and Kenan twice.
On the side of the Eldorado’s, Gossard caught two fair flies, Shryer two, and Myers one. McIntire caught nine fouls, put one out on three strikes, and one out on home base, etc.
Walton, Kenan, Siemmons, Shethar, Cruden, Morris, Webb, Hane, and Stewart.
Scorers: Frontier—V. B. Beckett. Eldorado—J. C. Elliott.
The ball in the evening was not as great a success as it would have been if Sheriff Walker had allowed the use of the courthouse, which he refused to do, whereupon the Valley House was procured and used, and a select, though small crowd, was in attendance. But everything passed off pleasantly, and as far as we know, the boys were well pleased with the entertainment.
The third game will be played at Douglass, on one of the days of the fair, which will be held in the middle of September next.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
W. W. Walton has gone to the east part of the county on an extended surveying trip.
Remember...Lucius Walton not related to Wirt W. Walton.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
The C. S. Smith Road.
One of the most important roads in the county, petitioned for by C. S. Smith, and two or three hundred others, was located last Friday by Messrs. Lucius Walton, E. G. Willett, and Jas. Vanorsdol as viewers, and W. W. Walton, as Surveyor, from the Arkansas River eight miles east via the brewery, and Lowrey’s ford, on the Walnut River, to the West end of Court House Street in Menor’s addition to Winfield.
This road has put the county to considerable expense, there having been two surveys during Mr. Hemenway’s term of office, the report of each irregular. Not being discouraged, however, the petitioners employed A. H. Green as counsel and commenced again, the result being the order for a new survey.
The citizens of Vernon and Beaver townships turned out en masse and showed the viewers by their presence how much in earnest they were in regard to the matter, as they have been compelled for three years to travel three or four miles in a roundabout way to get to their market town and county seat.

The viewers reported “the route practicable, of great public utility, and much needed by the traveling community,” and advised its immediate opening. On the one-thousand dollars damage claim of John Lowrey, Esq., (the road having cut off about three acres of his land) they awarded him $50, to which of course he excepts, and consequently the end is not yet. Mr. Green has had prepared by the Surveyor an elaborate plat, showing Winfield and the roads for miles around it, in order to better impress the commissioners of the importance of this one. We await the action of the County Commissioners for further information.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
Right Front in Line. March!
Pursuant to a call, the citizens of Winfield and vicinity met at the courthouse on Monday evening, the 24th, electing J. J. Williams as chairman, and W. W. Walton Secretary; E. B. Kager stated the object of the meeting to be the organization of a company of State Militia.
Capt. J. B. Nipp, being called upon, made some very good suggestions besides giving the latest news from the frontier. He thought that there was more danger of an invasion by the Indians now than there had ever been. The Osages demanded the return of the ponies and one thousand dollars each for the Indians killed in the recent engagement with the MilitiA. These terms will not be conceded by the Governor, and an open war on the extreme border this fall and winter is threatened.
A sufficient number having signed the necessary oath, they were sworn in by Capt. Nipp. They then proceeded to the election of officers, resulting as follows.
Capt., E. B. Kager; 1st Lieut., A. T. Shenneman; 2nd Lieut., L. J. Webb; Orderly Sergeant, W. W. Walton.
Recruiting has begun in earnest, and a large company will be formed here, the necessary arms and accouterments will be sent on immediately. Yesterday Capt. Kager received the following from Col. Norton which explains itself.
ARKANSAS CITY, August 26, 1874.
CAPTAIN KAGER: Please report to me the number of effective men in your company that you can count on to go, both mounted and unmounted. This is by order of the Adjutant General. He says: “Have all the companies carefully inspected and accept none but first-class men for service.” Yours, G. H. NORTON, Lieut. Col. Kansas Militia.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Quite a number of “the boys” of this city are serving in the Arkansas City militia: Wirt Walton, Bob Sheather, Billy Ander­son, and Douglas Hite, a former employee of this office. They are now doing their duty as soldiers. L. J. Webb went down to the City to enlist, but was taken sick and brought home. The militia brought the Kickapoo squaws up to Arkansas City for “protection” last week, and now they are patrolling the border and running down into the Territory occasionally.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
The following bills were presented and acted on as follows.
J. J. Williams, courthouse repairs: $33.00
J. W. Strickland, courthouse repairs: $9.50
Stewart & Simpson, courthouse repairs: $26.00

M. Miller, courthouse repairs: $14.62
S. H. Myton, courthouse repairs: $2.17
Road Viewers: $2.00—Lucius Walton, James Vandersol, E. Willet.
Road Chainmen: $1.50—F. J. Jones, L. D. Randall, J. M. Midkiff.
Surveyor: W. W. Walton—$8.00
A. H. Green, drugs for prisoners: $15.00; $14.47.
T. G. Peyton, phy. for pris.: rejected.
[Skipped the rest of bills presented and acted on.]
Ordered that the County Clerk notify the trustees of each township to furnish this office a statement of the necessities of their townships with a view to furnish the Legislature the necessary data upon which to disburse relief.
Report of J. I. Mitchell, Township Trustee, presented and approved by the Board.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Wirt W. Walton was appointed chairman of the committee on resolutions at the late Republican Senatorial Convention, which position he filled in a manner creditable to himself and the county which he represented. Mr. Walton is a young man of acknowledged ability, with an experience far beyond his years, and will undoubtedly make his mark in the world in future years.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
De Bois’ surveying party left Wichita yesterday en route for the Indian Territory. Their work lies southwest of Ft. Sill. Several citizens of this county go with them, among whom is Tell Walton, taking the chances on losing their scalps for forty dollars per month.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Proceedings of the Meeting of the Winfield Literary and Scientific Association.
A meeting of the citizens of Winfield was held at the Courthouse September 22, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a Literary Society.
W. Q. Mansfield, M. L. Robinson, J. C. Fuller, Rev. Mr. Platter, Rev. Mr. Rigby, W. W. Walton, and E. B. Kager were appointed a committee to prepare a plan of organiza-tion to present at a future meeting to be called by a committee.
We hope all the citizens will take an interest in this society for such an institution, well sustained, can be made a source of much pleasure during the winter, of great and lasting profit.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher’s Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.
Listing participants only.
Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, son by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. A. C. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowry and T. A. Wilkinson.

A farce in one act, “Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself,” was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.
Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
The Literary, Musical, and Dramatic entertainment came off Wednesday evening as advertised. The music was good. W. W. Walton’s “Philosopher of Paint Creek,” was hard to best. Miss Melville followed with an essay which indicated deep pure thought in the preparation of it, and it was well received and fully appreciated by the audience. Miss Jennie Greenlee’s rendition of “The Launching of the Ship,” was excellent, and by far the best we have ever heard. Mrs. Russell of Wichita, whose fame as a sweet singer had preceded her here, sang some beautiful songs which completely entranced her hearers and elicited storms of applause. Prof. Hulse of Arkansas City also sung a few of his excellent songs, which as usual delighted his hearers. The proceeds amounted to something over $67.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Oct. 5th, 1874.
Institute met per appointment at schoolhouse. 1 o’clock p.m., Prof. Wilkinson in the chair. After singing and appoint­ment of Committees, the rhetorical exercises of the day were entered upon.
1st. Class drill in grammar by Miss N. M. Aldrich.
2nd. Object lesson by Miss Anna Melville.
3rd. Class drill in mental arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
4th. A short lecture on theory and practice by Prof. Wilkinson, which was both interesting and instructive. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of a complete system of uniformity of government, in which he gave several useful hints about calling and dismissing classes. The treatment of different temperaments met in our common schools—
making his remarks more effective by illustrations from former schools of his own.
Prof. Robinson’s exercise in mental arithmetic was one that could be practiced in all our district and graded schools with great success, and as he told us, it will always prove diverting and instructive, strengthening the mind as no other one method can. And we have no doubt the teachers will introduce it into their schools. . . .
Oct. 6th, 1874.
After the devotional services the following exercises took place.
Class drill in spelling by E. A. Millard.
Class drill in drawing by Miss Lillian Norton.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
Class drill on the organization of country schools by Prof. Kellogg.
Class drill in penmanship by Geo. W. Melville. . . .
Prof. Kellogg’s class drill was excellent. He awoke life and interest among the teachers. He drew methods and idea from the teachers—deciding upon those that he thought best for adoption, and presenting them in clear concise language. His remarks were spicy and entertaining.

Lesson in penmanship by Mr. Melville, good. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of some one system of penmanship, and the adoption of that by the whole school, devoting a portion of each day to a thorough drill causing pupils to improve slowly but surely. He recommended the Spencerian system. His lesson was given from that.
Miss Norton’s method on drawing was a happy combination of instruction and pleasure, as it calls out ideas from each and every pupil, teaching at the same time the beauty of invention and the training of the eye and hand.
Class drilling in spelling by Mr. Millard, was well conduct­ed, and the teacher seemed to understand his work. The method presented for teaching spelling was really a superior one, and cannot fail to awaken interest in the dullest of classes. The teachers could not help noting the difference between the method presented by Mr. Millard and the old method of oral spelling from text book. The lesson consisted of the spelling of an object, its parts, and description of parts, the teacher pronouncing and the pupils writing the words upon their slates, which were to be corrected by the teacher after school closed. He believes the Analytical speller to be the standard.
Class drill in arithmetic by Prof. Robinson. The Prof. dwelt at length upon the necessity of a thorough drill in numera­tion and notation, holding them as the only key by which arithme­tic can be taught successfully. After which followed an explana­tion about inverting the terms of the divisor in division of fractions, which he did full justice to as it is one of the most difficult parts of arithmetic to teach, and the teachers were glad to hear his method, which can be found in “Robinson’s Practical Arithmetic.”
Miss Greenlee’s class drill in primary arithmetic was short, but excellent and to the point. It was something that we needed—how to teach primary arithmetic. Her plan was new and simple. She commenced her work energetically, and by being greatly interested herself produced a like interest among her pupils.
Reading by Miss Daggett was good. The method she presented was a combination of the letter and word method combined—having the pupil learn the name of the object by first placing the object before them and then the names used in the description of the object, and after that they are required to learn the letters of the different words, thus doing away entirely with the method of “learning the letters first.”
Oct. 7th, 1874.
Institute called to order by Miss Greenlee.
Singing and devotional exercises.
Appointment of Miss Melville as critic.
After appointment of critic, the following exercises were conducted.
Class drill in language by Miss Lillian Norton, was both interesting and instructive. The blackboard exercise was full of practical hints and illustrations, and one we would recommend to all teachers.
The next exercise was a general debate on the subject of orthoepy. Many opinions were offered, a few of which might bear adoption. The general conclusion being that authors differ very materially.

Mr. W. W. Walton, our county surveyor, then presented to the teachers the subject of map drawing, introducing for their benefit, what he termed the circular system, which was entirely new to many and combining simplicity and beauty, and on the whole a very easy and practical method. We would say to Mr. Walton, when we have another Institute, do so again.
Miss Melville then gave the teachers a short drill in calisthenics. Something very much needed in our schools after a period of hard study.
Mr. Hall then took up the subject of spelling. His method is to have the lessons written on the pupils’ slates, assigning only as much as can be learned thoroughly. He would do away with the old method of oral spelling in the class.
Mr. Melville’s method of the study of history was calculated to amuse as well as instruct, and to keep the mind of the pupil actively engaged in searching after interesting historical facts and events.
Mr. Lee in his class drill in arithmetic said he would dispense with the text book almost entirely and substitute work from general knowledge already acquired only referring occasionally to text books, and confine the pupils to work he would give from his own mind.
[Similar matters were covered on October 8th, the last day of Institute.]
The following teachers were present at this Institute: Lizzie Landis, Anna Mark, Justus Fisher, J. C. Armstrong, T. B. Hall, E. G. Water, Nellie M. Aldrich, Estella Thompson, Lillian Norton, Ida Daggett, Nettie Porter, E. J. Pepper, Wm. Lee, C. H. Eagin, Wm. E. Ketchum, N. S. Mounts, Ettie Fowler, S. Bucher, R. B. Corson, Mary Graham, Lizzie Graham, J. W. Tulles, Jennie Hawkins, E. W. Hulse, J. S. Stratford, E. A. Small, Gertie Davis, Thomas Maginnis, W. C. Robinson, T. J. Conner, S. E. Aldrich, Addie Holister, Lizzie Ireton, Annie Melville, M. E. Dudley, E. A. Millard, W. H. H. McKinnon, H. J. Sandfort, E. J. Greenlee, E. A. Goodrich, Katie Fitzgerald, Carrie Morris, R. C. Maurer, Carrie Dixon, Libbie West, Lizzie Stine, E. C. Seward, Mary Huston, G. W. Melville, A. K. Stevenson.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
FT. SILL, INDIAN TERRITORY, Oct. 21st, 1874.
DEAR BECKETT: After a long and tedious trip our party arrived here last night.
We saw plenty of Indians at a distance but lost no scalps however, and in consequence the Cowley boys are in good spirits. Part of our outfit leave for the “field” today. Gen. Sheridan arrived here last Saturday and took command of the forces and immediately dispatched nine companies to reinforce Gen. Miles on the Staked Plains. A lively time may now be anticipated.
Satanta, Big Tree, Lone Wolf, and ten or twelve other chiefs are here in the guard house, all heavily ironed. Kicking Bird, chief of the Kiowas, also wears the same kind of “jewels.”
This is a beautiful country, well timbered, plenty of water, and an abundance of stone. The Wichita Mountain range, fifteen miles wide by fifty in length, a very rough broken plateau, treads in a northwesterly direction from here. From the U. S. Signal station on their summit, a distance of sixty miles can be seen in any direction.
We are all well armed with Remington rifles, but since Sheridan’s appearance at the front, we apprehend no immediate danger from the Indians.
When we reach the field of work, I may write to you again; till then, I am
Very Respectfully, TELL W. WALTON.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.

Governor.—Thos. A. Osborn.
Lieut. Governor.—E. S. Stover.
Secretary of State.—W. H. Smallwood.
Attorney General.—A. L. Williams.
Supt. Pub. Inst.—H. D. McCarty.
Treasurer of State.—John Francis.
Auditor of State.—D. W. Wilder.
State Printer.—Geo. W. Martin.
Adjutant General.—C. A. Morris.
State Librarian.—D. Dickinson.
Supt. of Ins. Department.—Ed. Russell.
Chief Justice.—S. A. Kingman.
Associate Justice.—L. M. Valentine.
Associate Justice.—D. J. Brewer.
   County Officers.
Judge 13th Judicial District.—W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners.—R. F. Burden, M. S. Roseberry, John Manly.
County Clerk.—M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer.—E. B. Kager.
Deputy Treasurer.—Frank Gilotti.
Probate Judge.—T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds.—N. C. McCulloch.
Supt. of Pub. Inst.—T. A. Wilkinson.
Sheriff.—R. L. Walker.
Coroner.—Sim. Moore.
County Attorney.—E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court.—James Kelly.
Deputy Clerk.—E. S. Bedillion.
County Surveyor.—W. W. Walton.
Examining Surgeon, U. S. Pensioners.—W. Q. Mansfield.
  Township Officers.
Trustee.—H. S. Silver.
Treasurer.—O. F. Boyle.
Clerk.—E. S. Bedillion.
Justices of the Peace.—N. H. Wood, W. M. Boyer.
Constables.—A. T. Shenneman, Burt Covert.
City Officers.
Mayor.—S. C. Smith.
Councilmen.—J. D. Cochran, Samuel Darrah, Hiram Silvers, R. B. Saffold, J. P. McMillen.
Clerk.—John W. Curns.
City Attorney.—W. P. Hackney.

Marshal.—Z. T. Swigart.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
  A Rare Collection.
Our County Surveyor, Mr. Wirt W. Walton, besides being one of the best county surveyors in the state, is also a lover of rare and curious things. He has in his office now the finest collection of curiosities and specimens to be found in the southwest, consisting of geological, mineralogical, entomological, and several other ogicals, of which we are pro­foundly ignorant. He has a stuffed wild cat, the largest of its species, measuring 3 feet 4 inches in length. A hard-shell turtle, the shell of which exactly covers the head of a barrel, besides many other rare specimens of beasts, birds, and reptiles. Seventeen states and territories besides foreign countries have contributed their share to this splendid collection. We have neither time nor space to give the reader more than a general idea of the many curiosities contained in this extensive cabinet. Gold, silver, and copper, from Australia, California, Nevada, and Washington Territory. Lead from our own and other mines. Gypsum, mica, and marble, from this and Sumner County, as well as native cannel coal, salt, and iron ore. Petrified wood in all manner of fantastic shapes. Petrified animals representing the Permian strata. Specimens from Alaska and Greenland. Granite from the Mormon temple, Utah, and the Masonic temple, Philadel­phia. Petrified rice from Destruction Island, Pacific Ocean. Meteoric bullets found in our county, curiosities from Indian mounds of the old Aztecs, and some hundred others which— if properly displayed—would equal if not excel the extensive collec­tion at Topeka.
Our friend Wirt deserves great praise for the knowledge and industry exercised by him in his selection of specimens.
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
In company with Mr. Ira C. Moore, we yesterday paid a visit to the new cemetery, situated just south of the Tunnel Mills. There we found our able county surveyor, W. W. Walton, busily engaged laying off the ground into lots. The plat contains about twelve acres, and is certainly one of the most beautiful spots, for a public burying ground, to be found in Cowley County. The plat is a beautiful design.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
We have received, through private source, news of a sad accident which befell our friend, Tell W. Walton, who it will be remembered, joined a government surveying party, which has been at work in the Territory several months. The accident, as we learned it, happened thus: Sometime between the 7th and 9th inst., while Tell was handling a gun, it was either carelessly or accidentally discharged. The first barrel carried away part of his left forefinger, while the contents of the other barrel struck him fairly in the eyes, but fortunately, it contained nothing but powder and wadding. His sight is despaired of.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
News has been received from the Surveying Corps in the Territory, of which Tell Walton is a member, contradictory of the report which we published a few weeks since. According to the last report, being from Tell himself, he is well and his eyesight all right.

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
We neglected to note the fact last week that the examining board, consisting of Probate Judge Johnson, John B. Fairbank, and Wirt W. Walton, “went through” the Treasurer’s office week before last. They found everything, we believe, as contemplated by the late law, except that Mr. Kager had in lieu of the currency which the law requires him to have on hand, some $700 or $800 in post office orders and bank checks. We cannot well see how the law can be complied with in this respect. Nevertheless it is the law. The committee will make their report to the county board at its April meeting.
Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
Seven granges along the Arkansas River have combined their means for the purpose of erecting a flouring mill at what is known as the big bend on the above mentioned stream, if it shall be deemed feasible by the engineer—county surveyor Walton—who is now surveying the proposed site. This looks like business and we would like to see more of the granges adopt the same plan.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.
W. W. Walton returned from Boston last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.
Peter T. Walton, of Parsons, passed through here last Saturday, en route for Fort Sill and Western Texas, where he expects to buy up a herd of match ponies, and ship them East this fall. Tell Walton, his brother, went from here with him. Hope they will have success and return to the State with their “top hair” in due course of time.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1875.
Frank Gallotti wants another Indian war since he is Quarter­master Sergeant of company “G.”
At the meeting held by Company “G,” last Saturday night, A. T. Shenneman was elected Captain, W. M. Boyer, 1st Lieut.; and J. E. Saint, 1st Sergeant. 2nd Lieut. Webb gave notice of his intention to resign, and Wirt W. Walton was recommended to fill the vacancy.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Tell W. and Peter Walton passed through town yesterday with a herd of match ponies. They had some very fine ones. Tell amused the boys awhile by lassoing and riding the wildest.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.
And now we learn that Tell W. Walton has been struck by lightning. What with shooting himself, being thrown from Coman­che ponies, arrested by the U. S. soldiers, writing for the Plow and Anvil and now being struck by lightning, all within six months, we begin to think that boy can stand anything. He was a brother of ours before he wrote for the above mentioned machine shop.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1875.

To Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Klingman and their fair and accom­plished daughter, Miss Allie, for their kind and generous treat­ment and well appreciated hospitality to their visitors of last Tuesday evening: Will S. Paul, Miss Kate Millington, A. B. Lemmon, Clara L. Flint, Jno. D. Pryor, Jennie Greenlee, O. F. Boyle, Annie Melville, Will C. Robinson, Ella Silvers, J. E. Saint, May Deming, D. Frank Baldwin, Ada Millington, James Simpson, W. W. Walton, and Miss Dollie Morris. They desire to express their sincere thanks. May they live long, enjoy life, and always be as happy as were their visitors of last Tuesday evening, is the wish of their friends enumerated above.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
Traveler Items.
W. W. Walton—not “Amos,” but the man that gets away with him—and Frank Gallotti, called Monday.
R. S. Damewood presented us with some very beautiful peach­es, of his own raising on Grouse Creek. One of them weighed 4-1/2 ounces; it was of the Reed variety.
The new mill at Dexter has been named Dexter Mills, and the flour sacks will be branded with a cut of Dexter, the fast horse. The machinery is extra good, and the men conducting it thoroughly reliable.
We learn from John McClaskey that considerable of the wheat brought in contains weevils, and a large white flour worm, about half an inch long, with a reddish head, that is very destructive to flour. A quart of common salt sown over the bin will protect it from weevils. They will not remain where salt is plenty.
Hon. James Christian, of Lawrence, and one of the oldest settlers in Kansas, made a stay of several days at this place last week, with a view of locating. Mr. Christian is a prominent Kansas attorney, a man of great practical experience, and just such as is most needed on the border at this present time. We hope he may settle with us.
Word was brought from the flat boat last Sunday, which is now near the Pawnee Agency, almost one hundred miles from this place, by the river. They report no less than three feet of water in the channel of the river, and are fully satisfied that a small steam tug could be run between Little Rock and this place. They have experienced considerable difficulty in manag-ing the boat so as to keep it in the channel, but claim they can make a successful voyage.
Wirt W. Walton’s parents lived in Oxford...
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
WALTON. At Oxford, on Wednesday, September 15th, 1875, of typhus fever, Annie G., youngest daughter of George T. and Mrs. V. J. Walton, aged 11 years.
The deceased was a sister of the local editor of the COURIER [WIRT W. WALTON]. To their many friends of Oxford and vicinity for their uniform kindness and Christian sympathy in their bereavement, Mr. and Mrs. George T. Walton desire to express their heartfelt thanks.
Last week we were placed under obligations to O. F. McKimm, J. L. Abbot, Capt. Brown, Messrs. Richmond Bros., Dr. Maggard, and many other good citizens of Oxford and vicinity for courtesies received during our temporary stay with them. WWW
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
RECAP: N. A. Haight runs for county surveyor—Republican.

Wirt W. Walton runs again for county surveyor—Republican.
Ezra P. Kinne, Arkansas City, runs for register of deeds for Cowley County—
N. C. McCulloch runs for re-election as register of deeds for Cowley County—
Winfield Courier, October 7, 1875.
The ticket nominated last Saturday by the Republican County Convention is, all things, considered, one of the strongest and best ever nominated in the county.
Of Col. Manning, whose name appears at the head of the ticket, we need say but little. As a representative of tact and ability he has few, if any, superior in the State of Kansas. Whatever he undertakes to do he does manfully and well. The poisoned barbs of cruel unscrupulous enemies has never yet turned him aside from the path of duty, honor, and integrity. We predict that the people of Cowley County, regardless of the malicious persecutions of malignant enemies, will prove their appreciation of Col. Manning’s worth as a man and his ability as a legislator by giving him a rousing majority next November.
Of Sheriff Walker and M. G. Troup we need say nothing; they have each served one term and their work speaks for them. The people of Cowley County believing in genuine reform, will see to it that these men who have served them so faithfully and well will still continue to serve them.
T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, E. P. Kinne, of Arkansas City, Wirt W. Walton, and Dr. John Hedrick, of Winfield, are gentlemen in every way worthy of the support of every voter in Cowley County, for the several offices for which they have been nominated.
The most important office by far is that of Commissioner. For this office we have three gentlemen in every respect perfect­ly capable of managing the affairs of the county.
William White, of Rock, although still young, is a man of mature judg­ment, good qualifications, and with a little experi­ence will make a splendid Commissioner.
Of Mr. Sleeth we know but little, but his friends in whom we have full confidence, assure us that he is a gentleman of ac­knowledged ability and experience, who will bring to the dis­charge of his duties that practical business knowledge which is so essential a requisite in a County Commis­sioner.
R. F. Burden is the present Chairman of the County Board, whose services are before the public. He is a gentleman of good heart and sound judgment, and with an experience of two years cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, at least as much so as mortal man could give on the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County.
We have neither the time nor space this week which we would like to devote to the different candidates, but will have more to say in the future.
As a whole the ticket is unusually strong. In its selection the Convention showed itself fully alive to the wants and wishes of its constituents, and we have no shadow of doubt but the good work will be fully ratified at the coming November election.

Since the above was put in type, we have been handed Col. Manning’s card declining the nomination for Representative. We are extremely sorry, as will be all his friends, that the Colonel sees fit to take this step. Believing as we do that he would be a representative of which not alone Cowley County, but the State of Kansas, would be proud, we most reluctantly consent to his withdrawal from the canvass.
E. C. MANNING, WM. P. HACKNEY, NATHAN HUGHES, AND WILLIAM WHITE. The first was an informal ballot, which resulted as follows: Manning 32, Hackney 11, White 5, Hughes, 12. After considerable sparing, Col. Manning, for the sake of harmony, declined the nomination. The names of L. J. Webb and James McDermott were placed before the Convention. The friends of Manning insisted on still voting for him and so declared their intention, whereupon the names of Webb and McDermott were withdrawn. The first ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 29 votes, Hackney, 22, Hughes, 9. No choice, Hughes withdrew his name in favor of W. P. Hackney. Second ballot resulted as follows: Manning, 32 votes; Hackney, 28. Manning declared nominated.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
The advertising columns of the COURIER show a new real estate firm in Winfield. MANNING & WALTON will do a real estate business in the office next north of the post office. Their familiarity with the people and land of the county ought to enable them to be useful to their customers. Persons having land or town property for sale should consult them for purchasers.
Pay taxes for non-residents, furnish abstracts of title, procure patents for land,
A General Real Estate Business.

   In Cowley County
For Sale to actual settlers at $1.25 PER ACRE
on one years’ time without interest.
For information as to its location apply to
Persons wishing to FILE ON LAND or MAKE THEIR PROOFS for entry should call on us.
The following Lots and Tracts of Land are in our hands for sale.
Block 148, lots 17, 18, at $50 each.
Block 147, lot 6, at $75.
Block 146, lots 3, 10, 11, 12, at $50 each.
Block 145, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, at $45 each.
Block 131, lot 2, at $75; lots 7 and 8 at $60 each.
Block 130, lot 7, at $80.
Block 127, lot 17, at $75; lots 18 at $100.
Block 126, lot 14, at $75.
Block 111, lot 6, at $80.
Block 91, lots 4, 5, 6, at $60 each.
Block 89, lots 7, 8, 10, at $50 each.
Block 88, lot 12, at $50, and 176, 18 at $80 each.
Block 70, lots, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, at $35 each.
Block 185, lots 7, 8, 9, at $40 each.
Block 186, lots, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, at $40 each.
Block 271, lots, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, at $40 each.
Block 170, lots 7, 8, at $40 each.
Block 169, lots 11, 12, at $40 each.
Block 168, lots 9, 10, 11, at $40 each.
Block 166, lots 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, at $40 each.
Block 151, lot 4, at $50.
Block 149, lot 1, at $50; lot 6, at $75, and lot 11, at $100.
1. TEN ACRES in the town site of Arkansas City, beautifully located, for $1,000.
2. SIXTY ACRES of bottom land within eighty rods of the town site of Winfield for $1,500; all under fence, 16 acres in cultivation, timber for firewood.
3. TWENTY-FIVE ACRES adjoining the town site of Winfield for $1,000.
4. SIX ACRES adjoining the town of Winfield for $400.
5. AN UNENTERED 80 ACRE TRACT, 8 miles from town, with house, well, and ten acres in cultivation for $120.
6. AN UNENTERED 160 ACRE TRACT, 5 miles from town, with house, and 20 acres in cultivation for $50.

7. TWO HUNDRED ACRES ten miles north of Winfield on the west side of the Walnut River. 110 acres of bottom land, 30 acres timber, 115 acres in cultivation, 45 acres in wheat, 40 acres fenced, good frame house, well, stable, 40 fruit trees. Low for CASH.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
[Note: Wirt W. Walton mentions earlier “Six Weddings in one week.” Wonder why he did not record the other three weddings?]
COCHRAN - PRATER. On the 10th inst. by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Jethro Cochran to Miss Frank Prater, all of this township.
IRVIN - BURT. On the 8th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Adams, Mr. H. C. Irvin  to Miss Ruie Burt, all of Sheridan Township.
FOWLER - SIMMONS. On the 19th instant, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. N. Fowler to Miss L. Simmons, all of this county.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
A two story stone house and block of land in Eudora, Kansas, for sale or exchange for land in Cowley County or property in Winfield. Enquire of
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
If you want to rent your house, Manning & Walton will find you a tenant.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1875.
You will notice in our columns the “ad” of Messrs. McBride & Green, brick-makers, late of Parsons, Kansas. They have pur­chased 9 acres of land of Manning & Walton, lying on Timber Creek adjoining the city, and have commenced work thereon. They are enterprising young men, and have come here to stay. We bespeak for them financial success in their undertaking. Give them your orders.
AD: Brick! Brick! McBRIDE & GREEN are now ready to take orders to furnish brick in any quantity from 100 to 100,000. They have purchased land at the edge of the Winfield townsite and have commenced the necessary improvements thereon. A Kiln of 150,000 will be burned as soon as the weather will permit. They are experienced in the business and Will Guarantee all orders filled. Those contemplating building in the spring should Send in Their Orders at once. Prices as Low as the Lowest. McBRIDE & GREEN, Winfield, Kansas.
[Covering Period January 6, 1876 - December 28, 1876.]
VOL. 4, NO. 1.

H. L. BARKER Nov. 8, 1870; resigned July 1, 1871.
D. A. MILLINGTON July 1, 1871. Jan. 8, 1872.
M. HEMINGWAY Nov. 7, 1871. Jan. 11, 1874.
W. W. WALTON Nov. 4, 1873. Jan. 11, 1876.
W. W. WALTON Nov. 2, 1875.
Is situated in the valley of Grouse Creek 18 miles from Winfield and contains a population of 66. It contains two general stores by Hardin & Co. and F. Henrion, both carrying large stocks; one dress-making and millinery establishment, by Mrs. Black; two physicians, G. P. Wagner and Dr. Rood; one lawyer, James McDermott; one hotel by J. Williams; one blacksmith by J. Graham, and one steam saw and flouring mill; one resident minister, P. G. Smith. It has also a frame schoolhouse in which a school, free to all, is kept for nine months in the year, and having, at the present time, an attendance of 65. It is the intention to grade this school at the beginning of the year. Two churches, the Methodist and Christian, have organizations at this point and maintain regular preaching. There is a considerable sprinkling of other denominations but no organizations as yet. Dexter Grange, No. 1195, P. of H., and Dexter Lodge, No. 156, A. F. & A. M., are both located here and both are prospering.
The town plat covers an area of 23 acres and contains about 100 lots. It was surveyed and platted by W. W. Walton, county surveyor, Nov. 13th, 1875, and the plats have not been filed for record yet, but will be in a few days, after which the lots will be offered for sale. Lots will be donated to parties who desire to improve them. The lots on Main street are 25 feet front by 160 deep. The other lots are 50 feet front and of the same depth. The vacant lots are the property of the “Dexter Town Association,” and information in regard to them or the town, or county, can be obtained either of P. G. Smith, President, or James McDermott, Secretary of the association.
In the early spring of 1870, when there were scarcely a half dozen families in the fifty miles from the head to the mouth of Grouse Creek, but a great many bachelors living in their rude cabins with scarcely a sign of civilization around them, it was thought by some that the beautiful valley just below the conflu­ence of a stream, which they called Plum Creek, would be a good place to build a town, which should become, in time, the metropo­lis of Grouse Creek and possibly the county seat. The county was not surveyed at that time and this point was believed to be near the center. All mail for this section was received through the Post Office at Eureka, 65 miles northeast, and the railroad was reached at Emporia, 50 miles further north.
Certain parties at Emporia, hearing of this desirable spot, organized the “Dexter Town Company” in July, 1870. C. B. Bacheller, George W. Freder­ick, and L. N. Robinson, of Emporia, Alex. Stevens, and Thos. Manning, of Grouse Creek, were the incorporators. This company paid the secretary of State five dollars for their charter and then ceased active operations. It hasn’t been heard from since.

The settlers erected the body of a log house and covered it sometime in the spring of 1870. In July of that year Tyler & Evans opened a small store in it. The first house, on what is now the town plat, was built by James McDermott, who moved into it January 25th, 1871. In September, 1870, the post office was established with I. B. Todd as Postmaster, and in March, 1871, the first mail carrier arrived from Eureka. There is now a regular mail three times a week from Winfield. In the fall of 1871 a frame schoolhouse 26 by 40 feet was erected at a cost of $2,000. A six months school was sustained each year until 1874 when the term was increased to nine months.
In February, 1874, Dexter Grange, No. 1105, was organized; and on the 28th of May, 1874, Dexter Lodge, U. D. A. F. & A. M., was established, being constituted under a charter with the number 156, on the 18th day of the next November.
During the summer of 1875 a steam mill was erected, the building of stone, with two run of burrs and a circular saw.
October 21st, 1875, the “Dexter Town Association” was incorporated, and shortly afterwards purchased the land and laid out the town as above set forth. This is a good point for business and businessmen, and mechanics of all kinds will do well to locate at this point.
[Continues...skipped rest on Dexter. MAW]
From same issue (Centennial Issue)...
On the 11th day of January, 1873, R. S. Waddell & Co. started the COURIER at Winfield and continued its publication with R. S. Waddell editor and J. C. Lillie local editor until March 27th following, when James Kelly purchased the office. Kelly at once assumed the publication of the paper, editing it himself, with V. B. Beckett local. Beckett did the locals until March 4, 1875. Kelly conducted the paper alone from that time until July 1st, when Wirt W. Walton became and has ever since been local editor. On the 11th of November last E. C. Manning became editor and publisher.
From same issue (Centennial Issue)...
Last Friday we undertook the task of issuing a Centennial COURIER this week. From various sources and at different times a history of the county has been suggested. An intention exists somewhere to present the January, 1876, issue of the Kansas journals in a bound volume at the Centennial. It has been suggested that these volumes contain histories of the counties and cities in which they are printed. We waited until the very last hour before moving to issue such a sheet, in the hope that other and abler hands would undertake the enterprise. In common with all others, we are proud of the progress Cowley has made. We were in at its birth, it will be in at our death. We helped to cut its swaddling clothes, it shall furnish our winding sheet. Containing as it does the elements and resources of an empire, if wisdom prevails in the councils of its people, an unequaled future awaits it.

The most gratifying encouragement has been extended us by all with whom we have come in contact in our efforts to secure data and information for this issue of the COURIER. We do not now remember a single ungenerous or discouraging word. We hope it will be received in as kindly a spirit. Gotten up in such haste, of course it could not be perfect. We have done the best we could in the time given us. By consent of patrons we have left out this week three columns of regular standing advertise­ments. We hope our readers will not forget them. Boyer & Co.’s news depot and book store, the best and most complete institution of the kind in the county, is one that was set aside; a long list of lots and land in Manning & Walton’s double column real estate advertisement is another. The last named firm have some very choice tracts of land for sale at exceedingly low prices. A list of land furnished applicants and correspondence promptly answered.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
At their regular meeting last Friday night, No. 282 of the A. G. J. S. Bazique, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: J. D. Pryor, King; James Simpson, Grand Khedive; F. Gallotti, Sir Scribe; J. Ex Saint, G. Master C.; W. W. Walton, G. Commander; B. F. Baldwin, G. Generalissimo. After which work was done in the Marquis degree and brother W. C. Robinson made Knight of the Red Hand. Refreshments were taken at the St. Nicholas.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
For Journal Clerk.
What they say about us in connection with the Journal Clerkship of the House:
“Wirt W. Walton, of Winfield, Kansas, will be a candidate for Journal Clerk of the House. He filled that position with credit during the session of 1873 and 1874. He is a newspaper man of good ability, and will probably be elected.” Commonwealth.
Mr. Walton is a good and rapid penman, a correct accoun­tant, and can be relied on. We should like to see him go in. Arkansas City Traveler.
*** Is one of the ablest and most reliable young men of the southwest. Parsons Sun.
*** Has filled the place with credit to himself and the House. Spirit of Kansas.
*** Local editor of the Winfield COURIER, has filled the position once, rendering satisfaction to everybody. He is a good scholar, wields a facile pen, etc. Sumner Co. Press.
*** We do not believe his superior for that position can be found in the State. Larned Press.
*** Besides being a Southwestern Kansas editor, he has had experience in the discharge of the duties of the position, which is invaluable in a clerkship. Wichita Eagle.
*** We vote “Aye!” North Topeka Times.
*** We insist that the members of the South, if not those of the entire State, give him their warmest support. North Topeka Times.
*** We insist that the members of the South, if not those of the entire State, give him their warmest support. Elk County Courant.
Thanks, gentlemen, thanks! Meet us at Popindick’s on the evening of the 10th inst.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons.
In beginning the “Centennial year,” with an enterprise like the one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that we make honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, have greatly helped us in the “financial” part there­of.
Alphabetically arranged, they appear as follows.
ALLEN, JNO. E., ex-Deputy U. S. Collector, and County Attorney of Putnam County, Illinois, came here in March, 1874, and engaged in the practice of his profession—is now City Attorney. He commands the respect of many acquaintances.
AUSTIN, DR. W. E., has been here but a year and a few months, yet he has a good practice. He moved from Oxford here, and from Oswego to Oxford.

BAKER, THOS., City Tonsorial Artist, has the best shop in town, and, as he deserves, the best custom.
BALDWIN, B. F., Druggist, City Clerk, etc., successor to Maris & Baldwin, moved from Cherryvale, Kansas, February, 1873, bringing his goods in one wagon. He now has the largest and finest drug store in the city. To those who do not know Frank Baldwin, we will say that he is a reliable, accommodating young gentleman and one of the promising businessmen of our city.
BLACK, C. C., Merchant, City Councilman, and a “jolly good fellow,” graduated at Hampton College, Rock Island Co., Illinois, and came to Cowley and herded forty “cattle on a thousand hills” during the fall of 1875, engaged in the mercantile business January, 1873, with J. J. Ellis, whom he has since bought out. He now runs his mammoth store, assisted by the clever Charley Harter as chief salesman, and Fred C. Hunt as assistant, singly and alone. It’s useless to wish that trio success.
BLACK, DR. GEO., is a graduate of the Cincinnati, Ohio, Medical College. Is an old and reliable practitioner and has his share of the practice here.
BLISS, C. A. & Co., of which C. A. is “which,” is made up chiefly of those western elements, called faith, pluck, and grit—the greatest of which is “grit.” The elements he has had to contend with would have sunk an ordinary businessman, but he still swims. At the time he built, his was the largest store in the county, the finest residence in the county, and his mill, of which we are all so proud, is one of the best in the state. He furnishes employment for a dozen hands—is always improving and enhancing the value of his property, thereby adding much to the material wealth of our city. He has done more toward building up the town of his adoption than any one man in it. Success to C. A. Bliss, his salesman, J. Ex Saint, and all the boys connected therewith.
BONANZA BILLIARD HALL, recently opened up with A. O. Baily, proprietor. It is an orderly-kept room, and is a good place to spend an idle hour.
BOYER & Co.’s News Depot and headquarters for stationery, notions, etc., is the neatest room in the city. W. M. Boyer is one of the pioneers of the town, has held the office of J. P. continuously—is now Police Judge, attorney at law (does not practice), and one of the most popular businessmen in the city.
BROWN, GEO., was the first wagon maker in the county—has worked here at his trade ever since. He is honest—well, every­body knows Geo. Brown.
BROTHERTON & SILVER represent the only exclusive grain and feed store in the Valley. Mr. Brotherton has been a merchant in Winfield since it was a city and long before. Mr. Silver, ex-Township Trustee, is a live go-ahead man. The pair go well together. Give them your patronage.
CEDAR GROVE Nursery, with Judge Gans as proprietor, has the lead of anything of the kind in the county. Buy of Gans, he will do well by you.
CENTRAL AVENUE HOUSE of Arkansas City, is the most popular house, has the most popular landlord, viz.; Will D. Mowry, and is in fact the best hotel in the Walnut Valley.
CHANNELL & Co., hardware merchants, Arkansas City, have the reputation of being fair dealing men. They have the best store in the city and hence have the largest trade. S. P. Channell is the present mayor, one of the “antique” fellows, and his partner, R. C. Haywood, is a live business young man.

COMFORT, I. L, still liveth, and the “Old Boy,” as we printers call him, handles the saw or the roller as nimble as a 19 year old. He is the best type-roller or wood sawyer in Southern Kansas. “Good day, sir; I must be going.”
CURNS & MANSER do a general real estate and abstract busi­ness. They are reliable, live businessmen, and as such succeed in anything they undertake.
DEVER, J. M., is one of the aborigines, as it were; is always ready to help in any public enterprise. When you want anything in the Notion line, call on him and he’ll call on you.
EASTON, John, the only gunsmith in the county—you have to patronize him; but John is a good workman and will do the fair thing for you.
FRIEND, F. M., watchmaker and jeweler, having just arrived from Carthage, Missouri, stands ready to make his work speak for itself. Having begun right, advertising in the leading paper, we bespeak for him success.
FULLER, J. C., is the proprietor of the Winfield Bank, the first bank in Cowley County; established in the spring of 1871. Of it we need say nothing; words of ours would add little to its prestige. He is also a co-partner of the town and one of its leading citizens. May the town become full of Fullers like J. C.
GILLELAND, T. E., the first boot and shoe man, exclusive in the county, has a large trade and is doing a thriving business. He has just finished a residence and is now one of us “for life or during the war,” in prices.
GRAHAM & HARE, physician and dentist. Dr. Graham was the first M. D. in the county; came here in October, 1869, and has been identified with every public interest since. He was one of the few men who had the grit to stay here and see this country through its chrysalis state. He reaps the reward now. Dr. Hare is a young man of good business habits and is a professional dentist.
“GRANGER Saloon,” is one of the most quiet, orderly saloons in the valley; Joseph Likowski, proprietor. It is the oldest in the county; has paid an immense revenue into the city coffers.
GREEN, A. H., ex-Postmaster, ex-Captain, U. S. A., etc., lawyer, druggist, and insurance agent, arrived here February 8, 1871, and commenced selling drugs the following day.
HILL, JAMES. Everybody knows “Jim” Hill, of the popular St. Nicholas restaurant.
HILL & CHRISTIE are the champion butchers of the city. They are straight forward businessmen and, although “new comers,” are doing well.
HUDSON, ROBERT, contractor, has put up more substantial buildings than any man in town, and the best of it is, he fur­nished the “wherewith” to do it. He owns them. He will soon take charge of the “Valley House” and run it on Canadian princi­ples. He is one of the original originals.
HUDSON & BROWN do a prospering business at blacksmithing. They are accommodating and reliable. “Give the boys a chance.”
HUNT, G. W., is the best tailor in town.
HOUX, DR. JAMES O., is the oldest dentist in the county; keeps a neat office, does good work, and is “one of the boys.” Give him a chance, too.
HOWARD, Mrs., milliner, has a suit of nice rooms on main street filled with goods pleasing to the ladies’ eyes; call and see them.

JOHNSTON, J. W., cabinet maker, built the first shop in the city; does good work; is reliable; came here to stay; is glad of it. Bully for Johnston!
KENNEDY, Mrs., has a lady’s furnishing store and millinery rooms; keeps up with the styles, buys the best and sells the best. Is the widow of the late L. M. Kennedy, who was one of the pioneers of Cowley and the first settler in Beaver Township.
KINGSBURY, C. H., says it in poetry better than we can tell it in prose.
LYNN, J. B. & Co., one of the leading houses in the county; is progressive and liberal. Hurrah for Lynn!
MANSFIELD, DR. W. Q., the oldest druggist and physician in the city, sold drugs to the aborigines; is one of Winfield’s best citizens and warmest friends. Nothing that will materially aid in the prosperity of the town or country escapes his notice. Long live the Doctor!
MARIS, W. H., the leading lumberman in the county, is a popular gentleman and commands the confidence and respect of the entire people. His business increases with years. He came here when Winfield was in her swaddling clothes.
MILLINGTON, D. A., co-proprietor of the town; one of its strongest helps in its hours of need and now its mayor, is one of the leading lawyers in the city; invested his capital; brought his family; risked his all in an early day; he now begins to “reap the harvest.” We most heartily wish those old pioneers, pater families of this town, of which he is one, unlimited success.
MITCHELL, C. R., is the leading lawyer in Arkansas City. All business left to brother Mitchell will receive due attention. He is one of the rising young men of the southwest, “furthermore, deponent sayeth not.”
MORRIS & ROBINSON, liverymen. O. N. Morris came from Grantville, Kansas, two years ago, entered the above mentioned business immediately, and has continued in it ever since. He is prosperous—consequently happy. Will Robinson, his partner, came here in an early day; his marriage notice will be seen in another column.
MULLEN, W. L., is closing out his stock of dry goods; he will engage in the pleasant occupation that Abraham of old followed for a living, viz.; keeping cattle. Success to him in the new enterprise.
McBRIDE & GREEN, brickmakers, having just come among us, we will say that they are enterprising, live boys, and we predict for them financial success.
McMILLEN & SHIELDS left Ohio in November, 1872, and after taking a general look through the entire western country, con­cluded that Cowley County and Winfield was good enough for them, so they drove their stakes accordingly. They are now taking the annual inventory of their dry goods, groceries, etc., to see how much they have lost; and still they are happy.
McMULLEN, J. C., the first banker in Arkansas City, built the first brick residence in the town. He came from Clarksville, Tennessee (but not a native thereof), September, 1871. The bank is in a flourishing condition, pays more taxes than—but we promised not to draw comparisons.
NATIONAL Saloon of R. Ehret, east side Main street, Winfield, is run in a manner creditable to the proprietor and the town.

PRYOR, JOHN D., is the agent for the several musical instru­ments, several insurance companies, and a resident land agent at Winfield; is junior member of the Bar firm of Pryor, Kager & Pryor; is a graduate of the Chicago commercial college and consequently “one of the boys,” with a full-grown business head on him. (Copyright secured.)
PRYOR, KAGER & PRYOR, attorneys at law, successors to Pryor & Kager, are classed among the best firms that practice at our Bar. They are solid and reliable.
RANDALL, I. W., shoves the jack-plane and does good work. Try him and see.
READ’S BANK is conducted on business principles; does business in the first brick building built in our town, and is owned by M. L. Read, Esq., one of our leading citizens. M. L. Robinson is the urbane cashier and Will C. Robinson his gentle­manly assistant. The bank is in a flourishing condition.
ROBERSON, N., harness dealer, everyone in Cowley knows “Nate.” He keeps a No. 1 shop, is accommodating and energetic. It’s useless to tell you to trade with him—you’ll do it anyhow.
RODOCKER, D., photographer; the only one in the city. His work speaks for itself; praise not necessary.
SHERBURNE & STUBBS, of Arkansas City, is one of the leading dry goods and grocery firms of that place. They are clever young men and have done much toward the building up of their town.
SHOEB, MAX, the first “pioneer” blacksmith in the county; built first stone building in county (his present shop), when the wolves howled their requiems to the tune of his busy hammer. (Patent applied for.)
VARNER, S., dealer in harness, etc. Sol came here early, worried through the grasshopper year, and now stands flat-footed with any of them. “Pluck will win.”
WALKER, W. H., proprietor of Arkansas City livery stable, is one of the ancient land-marks of that place. He knows every traveling man from St. Louis, west. Stop with him, he will do the fair thing by you.
WEBB, L. J., the irrepressible, ex-newspaper editor; the jolly, hilarious, “one of ‘em” when among the boys; the solid businessman, when “it’s business,” and the acknowledged leading criminal lawyer in the district, still liveth. His origin, like “Topsy’s,” we know not. He has always been here and expects to remain here till he is—translated.
WHITEHEAD, Mrs. S., keeps a good stock of millinery goods at the old stand. The ladies all know where it is.
YERGER, J. N., the oldest jeweler in the city. Orders promptly filled.
MANNING & WALTON (that’s us) do a general real estate and intelligence office business. Correspondence solicited. Send stamp for reply. All questions promptly answered.
Thanking the above named advertisers, one and all, for their liberal patronage, we wish them a Happy Centennial, a Happy New Year, and many returns of both.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
A SAFE TOWN. Besides the two immense safes belonging to the banks in Winfield, the following firms have first-class safes for the secure keeping of business papers: C. C. Black, S. H. Myton, Curns & Manser, and Manning & Walton. Probably no town of its size in the State has more money invested in safes and musical instruments than Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
Items of Interest from Our Special Correspondent.
Skipping portions of this lengthy report—
Hackney has introduced a bill, providing for the disorgani­zation of the counties of Harper, Barbour, Kingman, and Comanche, and the attachment of the territory thereof to the county of Sumner for judicial and other purposes. It also provides for the punishment of offenses already committed with those counties. It makes provision for the appropriation of six thousand dollars for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the capture, prosecu­tion, and conviction of those horse thieves, bond thieves, and other gentlemen (?) who have been operating so extensively in these afflicted regions for the past few years.
Lawyers of Winfield and surrounding towns, cheer up, the summer is not ended. There may yet be “balm in Gilead,” in store for you. Mr. Hackney has also introduced a bill authorizing school district No. 70, in Maple Township, to vote four hundred dollars in bonds to complete their unfinished schoolhouse. It will no doubt become a law.
The railroad memorial asking Congress to grant the right of way through the Indian Territory to TWO CERTAIN LINES OF RAIL­ROAD, as offered by Hackney, provoked considerable discussion last Thursday. Mr. Cook’s amendment granting the right of way to the Mo. R. Ft. Scott & G., and the L. L. & G. railroads was adopted. Mr. Reynolds then moved to amend by adding that “the same right be granted to any railroad company or corporation, subject to the rules and regulations governing other Territories in the United States.” This was done to kill the resolution, at least its friends thought so, and they immediately proceeded to decapitate said amendment. The resolution is now before the railroad committee and will be brought up again next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
The court house came near being destroyed by fire Sunday morning. Mr. Tell Walton had taken up the ashes in a nail keg, which he placed in a corner of one of the offices, and then left the room. Returning some time after, he discovered the keg to be all ablaze, and the flames already making rapid progress upon the wooden structure of the building. The alarm was given, water procured, and in a few minutes the would-be conflagration was extinguished. This little accident should serve as a lesson to all who are in the habit of taking up ashes in wooden vessels and not emptying the same immediately. Ashes often contain fire when it is supposed they are entirely free from it, and our advice to one and all is, never habituate yourself to leaving ashes setting in vessels of any kind inside of any building. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.
[Highlights only of January 29, 1876 report.]

Senator St. Clair’s bill providing for the holding of the terms of court in the 13th Judicial district, passed through the House under a suspension of the rules in just four minutes. It provides for the first Mondays in April and October, for Cowley County sessions. It will become a law after its publication, once, in the Wichita Eagle.
Hackney’s memorial to Congress asking for the right of way through the Indian Territory to two certain lines of railway, passed the House yesterday, with little amendment. The Senate will concur on it on Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 10, 1876. Front Page.
[Recap only of pertinent items.]
Substitute for H. B. No. 19—”Poor Man’s Bill.”
That section 13, chapter 87, of the laws of 1870 be amended so as to read as follows...
“Sec. 2. That in all cases or actions now pending where no sum is mentioned as attorney’s fees, for the foreclosure of mortgages or other liens upon real estate, no ATTORNEY’S FEE SHALL BE ALLOWED, or taxed, or charged in judgment exceeding ten dollars. Mr. Hackney’s amendment adds, that hereafter it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to contract for an attorney’s fee in mortgage, and such stipulation for payment of attorney’s fees SHALL BE ABSOLUTELY VOID, and that the jurisdiction of the courts of this State is hereby restricted so that hereafter no judgment shall be made by them in actions where attorney’s fees are provided.”
This is the kind of a bill our people have been wanting a long time. If it passes and becomes a law, it will send some of our COWLEY COUNTY “SHYSTERS” over on the other side of Jordan.
. . . Mr. Hackney offered a resolution today granting the use of the Hall for railroad meetings. A meeting to discuss the propriety of building more railroads in this State will probably be held some night this week.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.
The organization of the House includes—
Journal Clerk: W. W. Walton, of Cowley.
Mr. Hackney introduced a bill for the relief of Geo. McIntire, appropriating $100. It is for that militia horse, and he ought to have it.
Mr. Hackney offered a resolution memorializing Congress to grant the right of way through the Indian Territory to certain railway companies.
Mr. Hackney, in support of the resolution, said that inas­much as a bill providing for the organization of the Indian Territory was now pending in Congress, resolutions of the kind just submitted might have a beneficial effect. Mr. Franklin, of Missouri, has already introduced such a bill in the National House of Representatives for the organization of this Territory.
Mr. Hackney wanted the rules suspended, and the resolution considered at once, and moved to that effect.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

A BARGAIN. We have for sale, for a few days, a first class farm at a very low price. Call and get the information of MANNING & WALTON.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
SUMMIT HOTEL, PUEBLO, Col., Midnight, March 8th, 1876.
The Legislative excursion train arrived here this morning at 8 o’clock. The Kansas citizen’s train, consisting of 14 passen­ger cars, preceded us only a few minutes. This latter train carried over five hundred persons more or less known to Kansas fame, who took advantage of the low rates offered by the road [A. T. & S. F.]. This train was entirely independent of, and had nothing in common with the excursion train proper, consisting of the Legislature, members of the press, and members (?) of their families. We found it engaged with a snow storm near Larned, 350 miles east of this point. Two snow plow engines were with it clearing the track. They had succeeded and were pushing on when they ran onto the only cow in Edwards County, which happened to be on the track. Both engines were badly ditched and a delay of twenty-four hours was the result.
Smith, of Cherokee, “moved a call of the house,” but we couldn’t pass the wreck. The engines lay like two great monsters barring the road to the “Eldorado of the west.” It might be well enough right here to say that there was not enough of that cow left to tell the color of her hair. She was a total wreck. During our temporary imprisonment, we occupied the time in a game of old fashioned snow balling. A few, however, preferred to walk  a half mile to a ranch and fight over a fifty cent cup of coffee, which very forcibly reminded one of dirty water at boiling point. At last through the indomitable pluck of Maj. Tom Anderson a side track was built round the crippled giants and we all steamed on, arriving here this morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: R. F. Burden, Robert White, Wm. Sleeth.
County Clerk: M. G. Troup.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Deputy Treasurer: Jas. L. Huey.
Probate Judge: H. D. Gans.
Registrar of Deeds: E. P. Kinne.
Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
Sheriff: R. L. Walker.
Coroner: Sim. Moore.
County Attorney: A. J. Pyburn.
Clerk District Court: E. S. Bedilion.
County Surveyor: W. W. Walton.
Examining Surgeon U. S. Pensioners: W. Q. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
A few choice school district bonds wanted at the office of MANNING & WALTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 5, 1876.
W. W. WALTON has been drawn as one of the Grand Jurors to serve at the coming term of the U. S. District Court, to be held at Topeka, beginning Monday, April 10th.

Winfield Courier, April 6, 1876.
Capt. Barker, of Floral, has sold his farm at a good price. It all comes of advertising in the COURIER, with Manning & Walton as agents. He will purchase a wheat farm nearer town.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
County Surveyor Walton, now has the U. S. field notes for the Township, in your section of the county. And now is the time to have your lines established. Don’t forget or neglect to have it done this spring.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.
IN TOWN. Judge Gans, Tell Walton, Amos Walton, James Kelly and wife, and two other Winfield people were in town last Monday.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
City Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, April 17th, 1876.
City Council met at the City Clerk’s office April 17th, A. D. 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, and A. B. Lemmon, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The Mayor read his annual inaugural address to the Council stating the financial condition of the city for the past year, its present condition, and making many suggestions as to its future.
On motion of A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup was elected President of the Council for the coming year.
On motion the Mayor appointed three standing committees of three members each, as follows:
Finance committee: M. G. Troup, H. Brotherton, T. B. Myers.
Committee on streets, alleys, and sidewalks: C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, and A. B. Lemmon.
Committee on fire: A. B. Lemmon, T. B. Myers, C. A. Bliss.
The official bond of John W. Curns, Police Judge, was read, and on motion of A. B. Lemmon was approved by the Council.
Bill of Wirt W. Walton, two dollars, for Clerk of City Election April 3rd, 1876, was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Bill of Burt Covert, services as City Marshal from March 25th, 1876, to April 17th, 1876, five Saturdays at two dollars a day, was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Bill of W. M. Boyer, six dollars and ten cents, Police Judge’s fees in case of city of Winfield vs. Wm. Hudson, was read, and on motion of M. G. Troup was approved for five dollars and sixty cents, being the amount of the bill except the witness fee of M. G. Troup, fifty cents.
Bill of E. C. Manning for city printing was read, and on motion was referred to finance committee.
On motion Council adjourned. B. F. BALDWIN, City Clerk.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1876.
Wirt W. Walton, of the Winfield Courier, and Dornblaster will make a match of it yet.

Winfield Courier, May 11, 1876.
Deputy Surveyor Tell Walton is busily engaged surveying roads over about Dexter.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
W. W. WALTON has been taking his bed and board at the Central Avenue for two or three days past.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
Wirt W. Walton, of the Courier, has returned.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Last Saturday, pursuant to call, the citizens of Winfield met at the Courthouse and organized a meeting by calling D. A. Millington to the chair and electing C. M. McIntire secretary.
After deliberation as to what steps should be taken to appropriately celebrate the 4th of July of the Centennial year, the following committee was appointed to draft a plan of proce­dure and report to a meeting of citizens last night: James Kelly, J. P. Short, C. M. McIntire, W. B. Gibbs, and W. C. Robinson.
At the appointed hour, Wednesday evening, the meeting assembled at the Courthouse and organized by selecting C. A. Bliss, chairman, and J. E. Allen as secretary. The committee made a report which, after some amendments made by the meeting, was finally adopted.
Gen’l Supt.: Prof. A. B. Lemmon.
County Historian: W. W. Walton.
Committee of Arrangements: C. M. Wood, M. L. Bangs, W. B. Vandeventer, John Lowry, J. D. Cochran.
Committee on Programme: H. D. Gans, E. P. Kinne, James Kelly, B. F. Baldwin, W. M. Allison.
Committee on Speakers: E. C. Manning, L. J. Webb, Chas. McIntire.
Committee on Finance: W. C. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, O. F. Boyle, M. G. Troup, J. C. Fuller.
Committee on Music: J. D. Pryor, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Mollie Bryant.
Committee on Toasts: A. J. Pyburn, J. E. Allen, J. P. Short, Dr. J. Hedrick.
Committee on Stand: W. E. Tansey, T. B. Myers, W. B. Gibbs.
Committee on Decoration: Frank Gallotti, John Swain, I. Randall, Mary Stewart, Jennie Greenlee, Ada Millington, Mrs. Rigby, Mrs. Mansfield.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaw.
Committee on Fireworks: G. S. Manser, T. K. Johnson, C. C. Haskins.
Meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the General Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Deeds can now be found at Manning & Walton’s office for lots in the Valley View Cemetery.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.
Mr. J. P. Woodyard, of the Arkansas City Water Mills, lost last Saturday on the road from the mouth of Grouse to Winfield, a large pocket book containing some valuable papers. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office.
The ford across the Walnut near Moore’s Mill is in a very bad condition, and should be attended to immediately. It is unsafe for loaded teams to cross, and quite a number of buggies have already been upset and the occupants thrown into the river by attempting to cross.
There are two families of Gipsies camped across the Walnut near Bliss’ Mill. They are in town every day, going from house to house and telling fortunes. They have come all the way from Texas through the Indian Territory by wagon, and are going from here to Arizona.
A. J. Pyburn, our County attorney, met with quite a sad accident last Sunday. He was opening a bottle when the neck of the bottle broke off, and a piece of the glass cut a gash in his right hand almost to the bone. Dr. Davis dressed the wound, and it is getting along as well as could be expected, but he will probably be unable to use his hand for several weeks.
He should call in a friend when he wants to open a bottle, or send it down to Wirt Walton, if he wants it neatly opened.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.
THE CALITHUMPIAN committee, for the 4th, is J. D. Pryor, W. W. Walton, J. L. M. Hill, J. P. Short, F. C. Hunt, and J. E. Saint.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
1776 1876
  One Hundred GUNS at Sunrise!
STATES and TERRITORIES represented by
SUNDAY SCHOOLS in array with Mottos and Banners.
Harvesters and Threshers of 1776.
Harvesters and Threshers of 1876.
The various orders will form in procession at 10 o’clock a.m., and, led by the Band, march to the Grove.
The Officers of the Day, and the Ladies representing the States, will join in the Procession.
At 11 o’clock a.m., Declaration of Independence to be read by A. B. LEMMON.
MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental.
ORATION. By: ___

MUSIC. Vocal and Instrumental.
History of Cowley County by Wirt. W. Walton.
Grand Pic-nic Dinner at 1 o’clock p.m.
At 2½ o’clock P. M., the
  will appear.
Base Ball,
Boat Rides,
In the evening a magnificent display of
  At the Court House.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
The following letter explains itself. It is the opinion of the ablest young lawyer in the State, on a question that has sorely vexed the surveyor of this and adjoining counties. The fact that the original survey was so poorly made and the corners and lines so indefinitely established, has been the cause of much trouble among the people of this county. The County Surveyor is not to blame for these crooked lines. In many cases the corner stones have been moved and kicked about by the old “claim jump­ers” who infested this country in an early day. In our opinion it is the duty of the Surveyor to determine the proper location of such corners in the manner described as follows.
  TOPEKA, KANSAS, May 18, 1876.
TELL W. WALTON, Esq., Dep. Surveyor,
Oxford, Sumner Co., Kansas.
DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your letter of the 20th inst., containing the following interrogatories:
“1st. Should I not, in determining the true location of effaced, destroyed, or doubtful government corners, be governed wholly by well authenticated lines and corners properly identi­fied by the original plats and notes and re-establish them to correspond therewith, as near as ordinary professional skill admit?
“2nd. In such cases are not the original field notes and plats, or certified copies thereof, my only guide in determining the true location of such lines and corners?

“3rd. Should a stone or other monument found near the point designated as the original location of a corner be considered as prima facie evidence of its having been thus established by the Dep. U. S. Surveyor, or should the field notes, coupled with properly identified lines and corners, be equally considered in the matter?”
In reply to the first interrogatory, I am of the opinion that the true location of effaced, destroyed, missing, and doubtful corners must be determined by the original plats and notes and well authenticated monuments.
To the second interrogatory I answer, yes, qualified by an observance of the above mentioned rule.
To the third interrogatory I reply, always bearing in mind, as a governing rule, that course and distances must yield to undoubted monuments. That much depends upon the circum-stances. If the stone or monument is of such type and permanency as to indicate that it was placed there as a monument, it should be regarded as prima facia evidence of having been so established by competent authority, especially if it be near the point designat­ed as the original location of a corner. But if such stone or possible monument is of a movable, uncertain, and doubtful character, the field notes, coupled with clearly identi­fied lines and corners, should be consulted. Very Respectfully, GEO. R. PECK, U. S. Attorney.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
Every citizen of the county, whether present or not, has occasion to feel proud of the Centennial Celebration held in Winfield last Tuesday. There were present about three thousand people. Everybody looked clean, well clad, and contented. They appeared to feel that “it was good to be here.” Each seemed inspired with the glory of American citizenship and pride in the county of Cowley. They seemed to feel that this was “our day,” and this “our county,” and this “our occasion,” and that it might not transpire again in a hundred years. The general good appear­ance of the immense throng was the occasion of flattering remarks from several strangers present. One obtains a higher and better opinion of our county and people after witnessing such a display of national pride and patriotism than he could have possibly entertained from ordinary observation and intercourse.
The order of exercises at the grove on the Fourth was carried out according to programme in a successful and happy manner. The intellectual entertainment was first-class. The prayer, by Rev. A. H. Croco, the reading of the Declaration of Independence, by Prof. A. B. Lemmon, the oration, by Rev. J. L. Rusbridge, and the history of the county, by W. W. Walton, were each worthy of the occasion and fully up to the anticipations of the most patriotic. Although Rev. Rusbridge was called upon late on the Saturday evening previous, to occupy the office of orator of the day, thereby giving him but one working day in which to prepare for the occasion, his oration was a magnificent enter­tainment in language and delivery. The happy bits and interest­ing reminiscences contained in the historical sketch read before the multitude by W. W. Walton, historian, drew forth frequent applause from the audience. The history will speak for itself in next week’s issue of the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.

WIRT W. WALTON, local editor of the Winfield Courier, represented that journal in Wellington last Saturday, and of course visited the PRESS family. Wirt is a racy and ready writer and the local columns of the Courier fairly sparkle with scintil­lations from his faber. In addition to his literary labors, Mr. Walton fills the office of County Surveyor of Cowley, and was also Journal Clerk of the House last winter. Sumner County Press.
Winfield Courier, July 6, 1876.
  A Proud Day for Winfield.
3000 People present.
A Procession reaching from Town to Country,
in which “Brave Women and Fair Men”
and everybody else joins.
Music, Speeches, Dinner, Toasts and a
   Grand Hallelujah by 3,000 Citizens.
What they did, said, and how it was all done.
Tuesday, as the sun stole softly out and the grey streaks of morning lit up the eastern horizon, a hundred guns pealed forth the dawn of the Nation’s one-hundredth birthday. The firing had barely ceased when the roads and by-ways for many miles around could be seen lined with sturdy yeomen of our county, all hurry­ing to Winfield to join in the festivities of “The day we cele­brate.” Soon the streets, avenues, and vacant lots of our young city were swarming with a moving mass of happy people. And still they came till it seemed the Walnut Valley would scarcely contain the vast multitude that were entering it from every side.
They came in wagons and carriages. They came on horse-back and they came on foot. They came from the prairies and valleys, and from the towns and surrounding neighborhoods. Old folks, young folks, big folks, and little folks, all came. Everybody came and
and sweethearts, their friends and relatives, their neighbors and their neighbor’s children. They brought wagons full of baskets, and baskets full of dinner. They brought everything they wanted, and were happy.
They made big preparations to celebrate the 4th of July. Held meetings, appointed good men on committees, and set them to work. They arranged a programme and furnished the funds with which to carry it out. They filled their baskets; invited strang­ers to help empty them, unfurled the starry banner, burnt powder, turned the American Eagle loose, and were happy too.

They formed a procession—a procession reaching from the center of town far out into the country—a procession in which everything, from a country editor to the Congress of the United States was represented. Led by the Winfield Silver Cornet Band, and following, in the order named: By the Goddess of Liberty, the American Congress, the Sisterhood of States, and a long, unbroken line of Masons, Odd Fellows, Good Templars, Grangers, and citizens in carriages, wagons, and horse-back, the procession marched out to and around the race track, back by way of Ninth Avenue to Main street, up Main to 8th, across to Manning, down Manning to the brewery road, and thence along it a half mile to the grove.
The Silver Cornet Band made a festive appearance in their sky-blue uniform, mounted on a wagon covered with the “red, white, and blue,” drawn by four horses, as they led off in the procession to the tune of “Hail Columbia” and other familiar hymns. The boys played well and added “fresh laurels” to their old wreath.
was represented in the person of Mrs. L. J. Webb, dressed in a beautiful white robe, from which glittered hundreds of golden stars. She wore a crown or head-dress, upon which was emblazoned the word “Liberty.” Over her floated our country’s flag, and around her, seated on the platform, were some of Winfield’s leading men, representing the Congress of the United States. The wagon, drawn by four white horses, presented an imposing appearance.
agreeable to a suggestion of ours made a few weeks ago, was represented by about fifty ladies on horse-back. This, without doubt, was the most interesting and attractive part of the procession. The ladies, be it said to their credit, without a single exception, rode well, although several of them had not been in a saddle more than once or twice for years. They managed their steeds with an easy grace, entirely surprising to that male portion of the lookers on, who, so vainly imagine that they alone can sit and guide a horse correctly.
The States and Territories appeared in the order of their admission into the Union. The “original thirteen” led off, with New Hampshire represented by Mrs. Hickock; Massachusetts, Miss Thompson; Connecticut, Mrs. Bliss; Rhode Island, ___; New York, Mrs. Mansfield; New Jersey, Mrs. Dever; Pennsylvania, Mrs. McClelland; Delaware, Mrs. Hunt; Maryland, ___; Virginia, Mrs. Klingman; North Carolina, ___; South Carolina, Mrs. W. D. Roberts; Georgia, ___; Vermont, Miss Jennie Greenlee; Kentucky, Mrs. Maris; Tennessee, Miss Mary Greenlee; Ohio, Mrs. Bedilion; Louisiana, Mrs. A. J. Thompson; Indiana, ___; Mississippi, Miss Sophia Loubner; Illinois, Mrs. Godard; Alabama, ___; Maine, Mrs. Bates; Missouri, Miss Lizzie Thompson; Michigan, Miss Clark; Arkansas, Mrs. Ireton; Florida, Miss Ella Pierce; Texas, Miss Florence Prater; Iowa, Mrs. G. W. Martin; Wisconsin, Miss Mary Stewart; California, Miss Marks; Minnesota, Miss Mollie Bryant; Oregon, Mrs. Simpson; Kansas, Miss Allie Klingman, West Virginia, Mrs. T. B. Myers; Nevada, Miss Kate Millington; Nebras­ka, Mrs. Lemmon; Colorado, Miss Etta Johnson; New Mexico (Terri­tory), by Miss Seely; Arizona, Miss Sue Hunt; Dakota, Mrs. Stansberry; Wyoming, Miss Robertson; Montana, Miss Snow; Washing­ton, Miss Norman, Indian Territory, by an Indian Squaw; Utah, by “Brigham Young and family,” and Alaska, by Miss Hess.
Among the ladies who represented their respective States or Territories by costume suggestive of the wealth, products, or peculiar characteristics of the people, we find, taking them in the “order of their admission” (we don’t want to get into any trouble) that Miss Jennie Greenlee rode a horse completely enveloped in a green cover, to indicate her preference for Vermont.

Mrs. Maris, for Kentucky, wore a blue riding habit, hat trimmed in blue grass and bound in hemp, and carried a banner with the words, “Daniel Boone, Henry Clay, Zach Taylor, Crittenden, and Breckenridge” on one side and upon the other, the motto, “United we stand, divided we fall.”
For Tennessee, Miss Mary Greenlee bore a banner with the “Home of Jackson, Polk, and Johnson” printed in large letters upon it.
Miss Highbarger, for Indiana, had printed in bold letters upon her saddle skirt this suggestive sentence, “Divorces granted in five minutes.”
Another beautiful banner was the one carried by Mrs. Goddard, for Illinois, which bore the words, “The home of our martyred President.”
The nine months’ winter of old Maine was suggested by Mrs. Bates, riding enveloped in a heavy set of furs.
For Florida, Miss Pierce held aloft a branch with a dozen live, genuine luscious oranges.
Miss Florence Prater, mounted on a wild looking colt without a saddle, carried an ugly looking revolver in one hand and swung a lasso with the other, just as they do down in Texas.
California, the “field of gold,” was well characterized in the rich costume and bright trappings of Miss Marks. Everything about her seemed to glisten with the precious metal.
Our Kansas, by Miss Allie Klingman, could scarce have been better. Her costume, “lined and bound” with a bristling row of golden wheat heads, readily suggested the wheat growing state of the Union. Hat, habit, and horse were all arrayed in wheat. She did well by Kansas.
Miss Kate Millington rode a fine black horse richly capari­soned with both gold and silver. Her black riding suit was also trimmed in the same manner, and the name of her state printed in gold letters on her hat. It was not difficult to recognize in this brilliant costume, the leading mining State, Nevada.
Arizona, the silver district, was honored by Miss Sue Hunt’s attractive habit trimmed in that metal alone. It was very pretty.
The Colorado transformation, from a territory to a state, while the procession was in motion, deserves special mention. Miss Ettie Johnson, a little girl, represented her in her chrysa­lis state by standing in the midst of “Congress” on the platform. Her pony followed close to the wagon all saddled, ready for the word. It was given just as the procession moved up Main street, and Miss Ettie was lifted into the saddle and escorted back to the line to her place in the sisterhood of States. It was certainly a rare piece of public legislation and the originator of the programme should be presented with a chromo.
The Indian Territory, by Samuel Davis, was a complete success. The angle described between his feet was just ninety degrees with a good-sized pony between them. That is the way Mrs. “Lo” rides; hence it was that there were no bidders for this character among the ladies. Sammie made a good squaw, and was lots of fun.
Utah, the home of “Brigham,” was the last in the train. A little runt of a mule walked along between the legs of Charlie Floyd, Will Finch, and Allen Bates. The latter two, dressed in female harness, occupied the after deck of the brute, while Brigham sat in front and steered the craft. It was the most comical representation in the “sisterhood,” and was properly placed in the rear.

The MASONS, ODD FELLOWS, GRANGERS, CITIZENS, etc., without regalia or any particular position, brought up the other end of the lengthy procession.
the order of the day was followed out strictly as per programme.
Music: By the Silver Cornet Band.
Prayer: By the Chaplain, Rev. Croco.
Song: Hail Columbia, led by the Glee Club, assisted by the entire audience.
After which came the reading of the Declaration of Indepen­dence by Prof. A. B. Lemmon, followed by vocal and instrumental music.
The oration of the day was then delivered by Rev. Rushbridge. More music by the Band. Then followed an address, “The History of Cowley County,” by Wirt W. Walton, and some more music by the band.
Dinner was then announced and everybody joined in the exer­cise without regard to race, color, or previous condition of their appetites. It is hardly necessary to say that this exer­cise was a success.
came songs by the Glee Club, music by the Band, and volunteer speeches.
To the toasts.
“The Patriots of 1776.” Judge Christian, of Arkansas City, entertained the audience for twenty minutes, with a review of the heroes of Valley Forge and Bunker Hill. His speech was well received.
“The Day We Celebrate,” was replied to by Mr. F. S. Jennings in a manner creditable to himself, the toast, and the occasion. It was, in our opinion, the most brilliant short speech of the day. The audience appreciated it, as was shown by their renewed acclamation.
Judge W. P. Campbell made one of his characteristic speeches in reply to the toasts: “Our Country.” A man that would say that our country was retrograding in any manner whatever, after hearing the Judge’s speech, ought to be banished forever.
To Dr. Headrick we were indebted for the eulogy on Cowley County, in response to the toast: “Cowley, the banner county of the State.” He convinced his hearers that the toast was
literally correct.
Our county’s greatest need—a railroad, was responded to by Col. Manning in a manner as only a person could, whose time, money, and influence has been used to bring about the era we all so much desire.
“Our Early Settlers,” by Judge T. B. Ross, was a review of the pioneers of Cowley, of which he stands, figuratively, the oldest tree in the forest. His speech was long and vocifer-ously applauded.
The regular proceedings of the day being over, the people resolved themselves into a committee of the whole, for pleasure, handshaking, and a general good time, and came back to town to watch the base ball game and other amusements.
In a few moments a band of outrageously dressed beings issued from the Courthouse, jumped upon wagons, horses, and oxen, and started up Ninth Avenue to the tune of “Yankee Doodle” and “Auld Lang Syne.” As they rushed up the avenue, followed by wonderful crowds of people, horses frightened, men whooped, and women cried:

have come. The “band” consisted of a fife and drum, a yoke of oxen, three “niggers,” and a big horn. The driver beat the drum, the drummer the oxen, and they all yelled vociferously. A little negro boy, the whites of whose eyes could be seen a half-block, sitting on a dry goods box on the top of another wagon drawn by oxen, had on his back a placard written in large letters, “The God of Liberty.” The ragged end of this motley crew was composed of masqued horsemen, Indians, Revolutionary soldiers, wild border rangers, and hoodlums; all went whooping along together. The procession was headed by a masqued leader dressed in a bed-ticking suit, with an immense paste-board hat. He blew a long dinner horn and kept his hoodlums in good shape. They marched and counter-marched up and down the streets for an hour, much to the amusement of the thousands of spectators, and then disap­peared. The Calithumpians were a complete success.
This ended the day’s enjoyment, after which came the
The “fire works” were not a complete success. The committee on fire works were appointed to make a grand fizzle, not a success. They accordingly made a fizzle. It was not in accor­dance with the “programme,” nor with the wishes of the hundreds of people who lay around the courthouse and nervously watched the platform where the roaring rocket was expected to scoot till a late hour that night. We don’t see why the fire works didn’t come. We know they didn’t come, however, and the committee alone must bear the blame.
With the single exception of the “firework” business, the entire programme was a complete success, from beginning to end. From the estimates of careful observers, we find that there must have been nearly three thousand persons in attendance at Winfield’s Centennial Celebration. They with one accord, we believe, will say that it was the biggest day that our County has ever seen.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
  [VOL. 2, NO. 34.]
Read at the Centennial Celebration, July 4th, 1876, at Winfield, Kansas.
On a beautiful morning in July, in the year 1776, the iron tongued bell in the old State House of Philadelphia, rang out to a few thousand wearied souls the joyous tidings of a nation’s birthday.
To-day, from the thousands of villages and hamlets throughout the length and breadth of our land; from the Great Lakes of Michigan to the everglades of Florida; from the rock bound coast of New England to the golden sands of Oregon, there swells up in one grand acclaim, the voice of forty millions of grateful people, in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of that event.

To-day, wherever there is a band of Americans, whether they be in inland port or on foreign sea; whether scaling the frozen Andes, or crossing the burning desert of Sahara, that starry banner, mid the booming of guns and the shouts of a liberty loving people, will be unfurled to the breeze.
To-day, proud young Kansas, with her six hundred thousand happy people, sends a kindly greeting to old Pennsylvania, the mother of our Magna Charta, the Declaration of Independence.
To-day, the people of Cowley County, laying aside the duties and cares of a busy life, have come up from the office, the shop, and the field, to join together in celebrating this, the most glorious day of all the years.
In conformity with the (implied) wish of the President of the United States, as will be seen by his proclamation of May 25th, and in accordance with the spirit of a joint resolution passed by Congress at its present session, which reads as follows:
“Resolved, By the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it be and is hereby recommended by the Senate and House of Representatives to the people of the several States that they assemble in their several counties or towns on the approaching Centennial anniversary of our National Independence, and that they cause to have delivered on such day a historical sketch of said county or town from its formation, and that a copy of said sketch may be filed in print or manuscript in the clerk’s office of said county, and an additional copy in print or manuscript be filed in the office of the Librarian of Congress, to the intent that a complete record may thus be obtained of the progress of our institutions during the first century of their existence.”
But more particularly in compliance with the “printed bills” and “mammoth posters” circulated by the “Fourth of July Committee,” do I appear before you to-day, to attempt the delivery of a historical sketch of Cowley County.
Had I been informed that I was expected to write a thesis on the Coleoptera of the moon, or prepare a lecture demonstrating the Darwinian Theory of Development, I could not have been more surprised than when notified by the committee of the appointment. In either case it might have been less embarrassing. I might have found a precedent for the former, and drawn upon my friends, the Winfield Bazique Club, for the latter. As it was I was at a loss to know what to do. I asked the Committee what would be acceptable. They didn’t know. I rushed frantically to a friend and inquired. He said: “Never mind the truth, give us something flowery, something characteristic.” I turned to another (he was an old settler and wanted to be mentioned in the history); and he said: “Give ‘em the facts, young man, dry facts: tell them that when I came to this county it was a wilderness; that for months I lay upon the borders of civilization, with mother earth for a bed and the blue vault of Heaven for a coverlet; that for weeks and weeks I was nightly lulled to sleep by the wicked shriek of the terrible coyote and waked to morn again by the wild war-whoop of the bloody Indians. Tell them that I have fought, bled, and died to secure them the peace they enjoy to-day. That I ask no recompense at their hands. They have no gift to bestow that would sufficiently reward me for the privations I have endured—unless, perchance,” he added in an undertone, “they would elect me to the position of Probate Judge, an office to which I have long aspired.”
I grew discouraged and resolved to fall back upon my own resources, coupled with the information I might gain from the less ambitious of the “old settlers.” I quitted the “field of fact” and reluctantly turned to the mouldering archives of antiquity.

From the dim traditions of the past, then, I learn that a few thousand years ago the fertile valleys of the Arkansas and its tributaries, was the home of a mighty people. Not such a live, rushing people as dwell here to-day, but a happy, contented people. A people who “fed their cattle on a thousand hills” and lazily watched the birth and death of centuries. Their names we know not and even their origin is veiled in the abyss of the great unknown past. This we do know, however: they were a people well versed in the arts and sciences and stood far in advance of the savage tribes that occupied this beautiful land, when the continent was first discovered by Columbus. The time-worn mounds and aqueducts of the aborigines still standing, from the Mississippi to the Colorado in the west, speaks in a language not to be misunderstood, of the wealth and industrial power of these pre-historic people. A people who caught the torrents from the mountain tops and carried them down an easy prey to fertilize the plains below.
Coming down a few years we learn that in the year 1492, when Judge Ross, old Nump-ka-walla, Col. Manning, Judge McIntire, Chetopa, Cliff Wood, and a few others left Spain, passed up the Mediterranean, out by Gibraltar and into the unknown seas to find the New World; that after enduring the heat of a tropical sun by day and storms by night, finally landed safe on Alexander’s mound near Winfield, where they found that one Christopher Columbus, with a band of half-breed followers, was occupying this lovely valley under the original “Homestead Act.”
Being peaceful sort of fellows these newcomers set sail, followed down Black Crook and thence by the Walnut to its confluence with the Arkansas River, and there, upon a sightly eminence pitched their tents again. Here they found they were too late again. The original “Arkansaw Traveler” had filed on that particular quarter, named it Creswell, and was running it for the county seat. By way of parenthesis, I might say that the Arkansas Traveler has been running it ever since. Judge McIntire remained there, “stood in” with the Traveler, and was finally elected chief (representative) of the tribe. Manning, Ross, Chetopa, and the rest returned, swapped some ponies to Mr. Columbus for his interest in this valley, and started a town of their own. (This eventually became the county seat of Cowley.)
Nump-ka-walla lived to see Manning in the legislature; Ross, Probate Judge; Cliff Wood, a government stone contractor; and Chetopa at the head of a gang of Osage Indian horse thieves. And as he could not bear to see his comrades thus disgraced, he gave up his Kinnekenick and passed to the spirit land. He was buried with Indian (summer) ceremonies. Dr. Graham, Dr. Mansfield, Will Hackney, and James McDermott were the pall bearers. James Renfro, J. P. Short, E. G. Nichols, J. B. Fairbank, Frank Hunt, W. D. Roberts, A. T. Stewart, and J. D. Cochran were the chief mourners. They mourned because it wasn’t the last Indian on earth that they were called to bury. This mourning party was led by Dick Walker and the Tisdale string band, and accompanied by the Patrons of Husbandry in full regalia. This was the first high toned funeral in the county.

About fifty years afterwards, in the Summer of 1542, Francis Vasquez de Coronado, in company with Jimmie Simpson and Frank Gallotti, three Spaniards of royal blood, started on an exploring expedition from Old Mexico to the northward, in search of gold and silver. They traversed the western portion of Kansas and reported finding “many crooked backed oxen (meaning buffalo), and grapes and mulberries in abundance. On reaching this county, they liked it so well that they had about concluded to stay, and grow up with the country; but on learning that men here loaned money that didn’t pay taxes, that the newspapers fought each other like “kilkenny cats,” that Tisdale and Arkansas City were both striving for the county seat, and lastly, that we had no railroad, they became disgusted, returned to Mexico, and until quite recently this country was not known to the outside world.
[Skipped the rest at this point.]
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1876. Editorial Page.
The necessary steps are being taken to organize a Hayes and Wheeler Club in this city. At a public meeting held at the Courthouse, on the evening of the 16th inst., Capt. W. E. Tansey was chosen chairman and Wirt W. Walton secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Capt. E. R. Evans presented a roll containing the names of over sixty persons who had agreed to join such an organization and provide themselves with a suitable uniform for campaign and gala day purposes. Speeches were made by several prominent Republicans. After which a committee was appointed to draft a constitution and report at a subsequent meeting. Considerable enthusiasm is manifested by the getters up of the club. It is thought the name of the club will be “The Winfield Scalpers.”
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
County Clerks—A. A. Jackson and M. G. Troup; Treasurers—G. B. Green, E. B. Kager, and T. R. Bryan; Probate Judge—T. B. Ross, L. H. Coon, T. H. Johnson, and H. D. Gans; Sheriff—J. M. Patison, James Parker, and R. L. Walker; Register of Deeds—W. B. Smith, J. F. Paul, N. C. McCulloch, and E. P. Kinne; District Clerk, E. P. Hickok, James Kelly, E. S. Bedilion; Surveyor—H. L. Barker, D. A. Millington, M. Hemenway, and Wirt W. Walton; Coroners—H. B. Kellogg, G. P. Wagner, S. S. Moore, and J. Hedricks; Supt. of Pub. Inst.; L. B. Walmsly, A. S. Blanchard, E. P. Hickok, and T. A. Wilkinson. Our representatives in the state legislature have been in 1871, Col. E. C. Manning; in 1872, Judge T. McIntire; in 1873, Capt. Jas. McDermott; in 1874, Rev. Wm. Martin; in 1875, Hon. Thos. R. Bryan; and in 1876, Hon. W. P. Hackney.
The first political gathering in the county took place at the raising of the “old log store” (now the Winfield Courier and Post Office) on the 1st day of April, 1870. This was a citizen’s meeting and was held to nominate candidates to be voted for on the 2nd day of May.
Cowley County Democrat, Winfield, Kansas, Thursday, July 13, 1876.

The “Dexter Town Company” was organized by leading citizens of Emporia sometime in July 1870. C. B. Bacheller, Geo. W. Frederick, and L. W. Robinson, of Emporia, and Alex Stevens and Thos. Manning of Grouse Creek, Cowley County, were its incorporators. After obtaining a charter nothing more was done by the company. The first house built on the Dexter town site was erected by James McDermott, who moved into it June 25, 1871. In September, 1870, the Dexter post office was established with I. B. Todd as postmaster, and in March, 1871, the first mail carrier arrived from Eureka. Previous to this time the mail for the settlers was brought down in the pockets of travelers and distributed. In February, 1874, Dexter Lodge of A. F. & A. M., under a dispensation began its work. On the 18th day of November following, it received a charter bearing number 156. It is now in a flourishing condition.
On October 21, 1875, the Dexter Town Association was incorporated; and in November following, the land purchased by it was laid out into lots and blocks by Wirt W. Walton, county surveyor.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
The first newspaper published in the county was the Cowley County Censor, the first two numbers of which were printed in Augusta, the type having been set up here and sent in galleys to that town. A. J. Patrick was its editor and proprietor. Number “3" was printed at Winfield on the historical press of Kansas, the first printing press ever within its territory. August 13, 1870, was the date of the Censor’s first issue. On the 3rd day of June, 1871, L. J. Webb succeeded Patrick as its editor, and on the 5th day of August, 1871, Webb & Doud (Doud of the Censorial, at Eureka) bought Patrick out and continued the publication of the paper until the 26th of the month, when E. G. Nichols succeeded Doud and the firm became Webb & Nichols. On January 6, 1872, Webb & Nichols sold to W. H. Kerns and the Censor ceased to exist. On the 13th of January, Kerns issued the first number of the Winfield Messenger; and on the 4th day of July, 1872, Kerns was succeeded in proprietorship by Yale Bros., who published it until the 5th day of December, 1872, when they broke up. The office and material (except the old press) was moved to McPherson County.
The next paper after the Censor was the Traveler, published at Arkansas City by M. G. Mains, with H. B. Norton as special contributor and C. M. Scott as local editor. August 24, 1870, was the date of its first issue. This was the first paper printed wholly in Cowley County. On December 15, 1870, L. B. Kellogg succeeded Mains as proprietor, and on September 1, 1871, C. M. Scott bought Kellogg’s interest, since which time he has conducted the paper alone.
On the 12th day of September, 1872, Will M. Allison published the first number of the Telegram at Tisdale. Five numbers were published at Tisdale; and the sixth, published on the 28th day of November, 1872, was issued at Winfield. In the month of January, 1873, Allison associated with A. H. Hane, under the firm name of Allison & Hane; and they published the paper until the 20th day of March, 1873, when Hane was succeeded by A. B. Steinberger (now of the Howard City Courant). Allison & Steinberger dissolved on July 3, 1873, since which time Allison has published the Telegram.
R. S. Waddell & Co. started the Winfield Courier on January 11, 1873, with R. S. Waddell as editor and J. C. Lillie, local. On the 27th day of March, 1873, James Kelly purchased the office and assumed the editorial chair. He associated with him V. B. Beckett as local editor until March 4, 1875. From March 4th to July 1st, Mr. Kelly conducted the paper alone, at which time Wirt W. Walton became, and has ever since been, its local editor. On the 11th day of November, last, Col. E. C. Manning became the Courier’s editor and publisher.

On November 19, 1874, the Plow and Anvil made its appearance in Winfield, with Col. J. M. Alexander as its editor and proprietor. On the 22nd day of April, 1876, Messrs. A. Walton and C. M. McIntire purchased the office and continued its publication together, till the 17th day of May, the present year, when Walton retired, leaving it in sole charge of Mr. McIntire. On the 24th day of February, 1876, its name was changed from the Winfield Plow and Anvil to the Cowley County Democrat; the name it bears to-day.
The Censor was, and the Traveler and Courier are, Republican in politics. The Messenger and Plow and Anvil were, and the Telegram is, Independent in politics. As its name implies, the Democrat is Democratic in politics.
I would be unfaithful to my trust, should I, in noting our history up the present time, fail to mention our long-legged, hooked-nosed, India-rubber-sided visitors of 1874. True, they did not come by invitation, but let it be recorded, that they came, nevertheless; that they came in countless millions and all brought their relations and their wife’s people.
Ah, distinctly we remember,
‘Twas on a hot September
Afternoon of eighteen seventy four,
The grasshoppers fell upon us
With their war-paint and harness,
Like the crusading Knights
Of the brave days of yore.
It is useless for us to say here they ate up what the “drouth” left; that in consequence of their visit, many newcomers were thrown upon “half-rations” and the charity of eastern friends; that with difficulty, in many instances, the wolf was kept from the door. These facts are a matter of history—facts we all well know—facts upon which we do not like to dwell. But to-day, as we rejoice over the blessings of a bountiful harvest, it is but mete and proper that we kindly remember those unknown friends beyond our borders, who did not forget us in our hour of need—the grasshopper year.
It is with feelings of pride, that I look back over the few short years of Cowley’s history—a history filled, not with the deeds of warriors, reaching back to the revolution or later war of the rebellion—but a history filled with the industrial workings, the growth and progress of an agricultural people.
And as I look abroad to-day and see her ten thousand citizens, reaping the annual harvest of her million bushels of golden grain; see her churches and schoolhouses in every valley; her rich, broad prairies dotted all over with happy homes—a vision only surpassed in wealth and beauty by the diversity of scenery spread out upon every side—I cannot help but exclaim: Behold Cowley county—
Beautiful land of fragrant blooms,
Emerald carpet and rich perfumes,
Land of the brave, leal, the true,
Whose skies are softer and deeper blue,
Than the mellowed light of a moonlight pale,
‘Neath the starry gleaming of midnight’s veil.
Land of the prairies, the wide, the free,
That sleeps to the hum of the droning bee,
Where the day-god raises his jeweled crest,
Or sinks in dreams on the twilight’s breast,

With a sweeter grace, and a kindlier power
And a dainty guilding of tree and flower.
Land where the live oak rears its head
With a kingly bearing, to list the tread—
The steady tramp of the myriad feet,
That seeks its shade, with hoofs as fleet,
As the wild gazelle where the lightning’s play.
Land where the seasons gently flee
To the measured march of eternity.
Soft as the babe, that sinks to rest
Now cradled and lulled on its mother’s breast;
Where ambered grain, steals the winter’s kiss,
And spring-time warms it to newer bliss.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
   The Procession and Full Proceedings of the Day,
  The Parade and Line of Procession.
The morning of the Fourth dawned with threatening clouds looming up from the horizon. The general exclamation was, “I’m afraid it’s going to rain and spoil our Fourth;” but by
10 ½ o’clock the clouds cleared away, and the citizens of Cowley County with their families and many from the adjoining counties, notwithstanding the threatening clouds, came en masse to our city to celebrate the Centennial anniversary of our birth as a nation; and the grand turnout under circumstances so unfavorable as the morning presented, shows that the people of Southern Kansas cherish deep in their affections the memories of those sainted heroes, who midst turmoil and strife, launched the then frail bark of our nation out upon the rough stormy ocean of the world; that they performed their part well, the thousands upon thousands of happy home circles, and firesides, and the high rank of the United States among the nations of the earth, are always present witnesses, and the everlasting monuments of their wisdom. But we must turn from our eulogizing to our theme. First on the programme came the GRAND PROCESSION
which formed at Court House Square, circling out on the prairie east of the city, they turned again, and entered the city parading through all of the principal streets, headed by the Winfield Silver Coronet Band, which furnished music for the day and thrilled the hearts of the vast throng with those patriotic airs so well calculated to stir up the blood in the veins of the loyal sons and daughters of America. The boys proved themselves equal to the occasion, and presented a beautiful appearance in their blue uniform. Next came the

represented by Mrs. L. J. Webb, bearing aloft the flag of her nation; on her crown was emblazoned her motto, “Liberty.” Her beautiful white robe was caparisoned with golden stars. She was surrounded by the Centennial Congress. Next came the
by ladies on horseback, each bearing the mottos of their respective States. This was one of the most interesting features of the procession, and the ladies deserve credit for their indefatigable efforts to make it a success, which they did, as the many compliments and remarks of admiration received from the throng of lookers on will attest.
was composed of citizens of Cowley in carriages, wagons, and on horseback; and as we reached the end of the procession, we found that it was over a mile long.
reached at last, and the exercises of the day commenced in earnest. A printed programme was circulated in the morning, which was carried out during the entire day with the exception of the expected display of fireworks.
Music by the Band.
Prayer—By the Chaplain, Rev. Croco.
Song, Hail Columbia—By the Glee Club, in which all joined.
Reading of the Declaration of Independence—By Prof. A. B. Lemmon; read in that attractive style which  is so characteristic of the Professor and was well received by the auditory. Next followed vocal and instrumental music, after which the oration of  the day was delivered by Rev. Rusbridge, who has lately linked his fortunes with those of the  citizens of Winfield and Cowley. He had but a single day to prepare for the occasion. Thinking that it might interest some of our readers, we give it at length.
“The spirit of patriotism has brought us together to-day to celebrate the one hundredth birthday of American Independence.
“A little over a hundred years ago, the hand of oppression was laid upon a people who had sought these lands for freedom. The fires of rebellion were kindled in the hearts of otherwise peaceful men. The patriot cried, ‘Give me liberty or give me death.’
“The martyr blood of seven of America’s noble sons was shed, and the people flew to arms.
“For the first blow from an arm unused to warfare, it told what might be expected; and nearly three hundred of the enemy were slain. By the battle of Lexington, the Royal power was broken from Massachusetts to Georgia.
“Following this came the fearful conflict of Bunker Hill, when American hearts were again encouraged to fight for liberty.
“So deep was the consciousness of rights that infidel lips could command surrender ‘in the name of the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress.’ Through a terrible night of conflict and suffering lived these sons of liberty, determined to shake off the yoke of oppression.

“July 4th, a hundred years ago, the united colonies were declared free and independent States. The names of Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert H. Livingston, come to us to-day as household words. Through a long and tedious war our father fought, when the names of Washington, Arnold, Lafayette, and others are conspicuous.
“Valley Forge, Monmouth, and Wyoming revive sad pages in our early history upon which we will not dwell; neither will we allow the treachery of Arnold to disturb our breasts to-day. But go back to the scene of the surrender, October 19th. Cornwallis surrendered, sending his sword by General O. Hare.
“The historian says, ‘All the hardships of the past were forgotten in the thought that America was free.’ The news reached Philadelphia at 2 o’clock a.m. The people were awakened by the watchman’s cry, ‘Past 2 o’clock and Cornwall is taken.’  Before the dawn the streets were thronged with anxious crowds rejoicing in the end of war. The delight of the people knew no bounds; some were speechless, others wept for very joy, and the old door-keeper of Congress died of joy.
“After more than nine years of war, peace was declared, and America stood before the world an experiment in self-government on the broad principles of republicanism.
“April 30th, 1789, the people showed their appreciation of the services of Geo. Washington by making him the first President of the United States. It is not our purpose to follow the details of his administration, or to dwell upon the particulars of our history, but to ask and answer a few practical questions relative to our country.
“First: What have we done? Our system of government has been an experiment: wise political economists said it would fail; old monarchies hoped for its downfall. What are the facts? We are yet in our swaddling clothes, an infant among the nations. While the nations of the old world have the experience of centuries, we are but a century old to-day. Almost within the memory of living men, the old bell of Philadelphia rang out our freedom and independence. Have we learned to talk? Yea verily, stripling though we are, the sturdy eloquence of Patrick Henry, of Henry Clay, and Daniel Webster has shook the world. That we have had generalships, and statesmanships, of which any nation might be proud, we need only mention the names of Washington, Seward Adams, and Lincoln.
“There is no branch of literature or science to which we have not contributed. The names of Longfellow, Whittier, Saxe, Bancroft, Aggasis, and Greely, belong not to us only, but to the world.
“The inventions of Morse and Fuller have borne blessings to all mankind.
“The child has become the father of the man, and the youth has instructed the hoary head.
“That this was a mighty land, our fathers saw. And yet how little they knew of its vastness, or that in the future it should be the theatre of such mighty events. Great questions, which have disturbed the oldest and wisest nations of earth, have been settled in most satisfactory manner. We have proved that crowns and scepters are not indispensable to rules, that the divine right of Kings is a fallacy. That all men are free and equal, and in the government of a nation, the people are supreme. These questions have not always been settled by the voice, the press, or the vote, but sometimes in suffering and blood.

“The great problem of slavery, and the unity of the States came up for solution: how manfully and heroically it was met. Precious blood on both sides was shed, the fathers and brothers of happy families went forth at the country’s call. Every hearthstone was sad, as Southern battlefields were strewn with the brave dead, and many others turned their feeble steps homeward to die. Flowers bloom to-day on the graves where lies the mingled dust of Northern and Southern soldiers, and apple blossoms fall like quiet snow flakes upon those solemn resting places of the slain. High and low fell in the fearful conflict. From the lowliest cottage on these western prairies to the ‘White House,’ the cry of mourning was heard. Thousands of names are inscribed on marble slabs, and yet other thousands of unknown dead, with the epitaph of Abraham Lincoln, tell the sad tale of carnage and death. But though the family circle was broken, and the presidential chair made vacant, the slave was freed, the unity of the States preserved; and we came out from the fearful baptism of blood to enjoy years of peace and prosperity, and achieve other victories of a more peaceful kind. The principle of arbitration has prevailed among the nations by our example; and we, the youngest of them all, have received the praise of our brethren.
“Who among us does not, on this, the hundredth birthday of our nation’s life, thank the God of nations for what he has done for us?”
“Another question. What are we now? Are we full grown? Have we reached a ripe manhood? Are there gray hairs in our nation’s head? Are there symptoms of decay, of disease, and approaching dissolution visible?
“To all these questions, we answer no, emphatically, no. The genius of our nation has not perished with our dead orators and statesmen. All the virtue, truth, and honor of our nation’s life has not passed away. The streams of American thought, and life, and legislation, are not all corrupt. Though Winslows forge, and Belknaps steal, there are others at the nation’s wheel who will guide the ship aright. The nation’s blood flows healthy through its veins. And here while we, with full hearts join in the country’s universal observance of our Centennial ‘Fourth,’ regard ourselves as a giant among the nations. We are no longer an experiment, but an established fact.
“While we are still learning, we have commenced to teach, and older nations sit at our feet to learn the mystery of our wonderful growth, and our unparalleled success. Japan sends her children to our schools, and calls our citizens to administer its own affairs of State. The Brazilian Monarch comes to our Centennial Exposition and is astonished at what he sees. France in her struggle for freedom, borrows inspiration from our history and is encouraged. As a nation we are a success in every sense of the word. We are a prodigy with infant years, yet manhood’s strength. Made up of every people under the sun, yet united in one grand whole. And could we but wipe from our escutcheon the foul blot of drunkenness, as we have that of slavery, we would be the purest as well as the grandest nation on earth. The poet has asked—
Breathes there a man with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my native land?
“So we may ask, in view of our glorious past, and the healthful, happy, prosperous present: Is there one on this vast continent, who owns it as his home, who does not feel it a grand thing to live in such a nation?
“The waves of the stormy Atlantic and the more peaceful Pacific bear the story of our freedom and success to other shores, to inspire the millions of the downtrodden with hope. And to-day at home, the aged veteran of revolutionary recollections, with the soldier of the rebellion, look upon the dying embers of the first of our existence, and are glad.

“And the youth of our land from Boston to San Francisco catch the fire of enthusiasm: and every community and heart raises a shout of praise to Jehovah for what we are. And in the providence of God, the wife of the martyred President with restored reason joins in the nation’s jubilee to-day.
“What shall we be? With the climate of all latitudes, and the fruits of all the Zones, with majestic rivers and inland seas, with the varied scenery of mountain and vale, and soils the most productive in the world—what, that a nation can be, may we not become?
“With the bone and sinew and brain power of all people from pole to pole blended, to make our nation, we must have a glorious destiny. The most delightful parts of our lovely land are but just discovered. The communities of the great West are yet but young.
“The great prairie where but a few years ago the Buffalo roamed, and the Indian held undisputed sway, are to-day alive with industry.
“The prairie grass has given place to fields of golden grain, and the energy and intelligence of the East is pouring in, to open up the riches of the exhaustless Western mines. What immigration can picture our second Century’s growth? Who can tell what the bi-Centennial of our nation will be.
“While our resources are almost infinite and we rejoice in what we are, let us stand by the landmarks of our success. Let us not allow the nation’s Sabbath to be destroyed nor our system of common schools be overthrown nor the glorious institutions, for which our Father bled, be touched by the destroyers’ hand.
“Let us be determined, as men and women of this great land and as citizens of the grandest Republic history has ever known, that the future shall be, if possible, grander than the past. Let us be identified with the best interests of our country.
“Let us ask the God of our nation to bless all the elements of our life.
“Then let us hope that all the forces that are amongst us, political, educational, and religious, may be so wisely controlled that we may suffer no relapse; and that our growth may be unchecked until the highest destiny and the noblest history any nation could have, has been fulfilled.
“And as to-day no slave groans in his bondage or lifts his manacled hands to heaven to ask redress; but the millions of the freed enjoy with us this festal birthday, so may we all lift up our hands and hearts unfettered in the great ceremonial counsels of the nations above.
“May we by our sobriety, industry, intelligence, and purity, contribute to the nation’s peace and success, and celebrate in another life the conquests and triumphs on Earth.”
Then our friend Wirt W. Walton addressed the assembly on “the History of Cowley County.” It was highly creditable to himself, as was also the manner of delivery. It was highly appreciated by all. (We give it in full in our pages.)
After which came an old-fashioned basket picnic dinner, and as one looked about him, he could see happy groups of friends beguiling the time away in pleasant conversation, while partaking of the choice viands prepared for the occasion. When dinner was over, the Glee Club sang, the Band played, and the following toasts were responded to.
The Patriots of 1776—By Judge Christian of Arkansas City.
The day we celebrate—By F. S. Jennings of Winfield.
Our country—By Judge W. P. Campbell.

Cowley, the banner county of the State—By Dr. J. Headrick.
Our county’s greatest need—a railroad—By Col. E. C. Manning.
Our Early Settlers—By Judge T. B. Ross.
All of the toasts were well received.
The celebration at the grounds now being over, the vast throng began to separate, and soon the streets of the city were crowded with anxious faces waiting for the advent of that beautiful tribe of human beings called by the soul inspiring name of
Our pen falters at the task of describing them, how we long for some word to express the inexpressible. Well, they were led by a band, which alternately played and yelled; the leader of the band was a bass drum, performed upon by one of the most comical looking objects it ever fell to the lot of mortal man to see. They were marshaled into order by a knight of the nineteenth century, who was gorgeously attired in a suit of bed ticking; in his hand he carried a large tin horn that was upon a former occasion carried by the Sea God Neptune when he crossed the line. The “God of Liberty” was a small specimen of the Fifteenth amendment, seated upon a large dry goods box, on one of the first oxen-wagons in Cowley County, with a tongue that might some day be of service for one of the sleepers of the first R. R. bridge across the Walnut to Winfield. His dashing team of oxen was driven by one of the “poor white trash.” Conspicuous among them was a regular lantern jawed, dog eared, cutthroat of a Cheyenne. He whooped in Indian jargon and lassoed the dashing ox teams of the Calithumpian Knights. There was one remarkable characteristic peculiar to this Indian alone, which very much amused the crowd of lookers on; he had a knack of drinking whiskey out of an empty bottle, which is entirely unnatural with the genuine injun. They paraded through the streets for about an hour and then they mysteriously disappeared, no one knows where. We only hope that they will appear next centennial.
Next on the programme was the fire-works; but owing to some unaccountable circumstance, they did not reach Winfield in time, greatly to the disappointment of the multitudes of watchers, many of whom haunted Court House square until the wee small hours of the morning. We know of no one who is to blame for this failure; therefore, we cannot censure but only regret.
of the day, leads us to say that it was the grandest celebration ever held in Cowley County, and the proudest day of Winfield’s existence; the largest crowds she ever saw on her streets, she that day witnessed. Everything passed off pleasantly, not a run-away amongst the vast crowd of teams, and scarcely a drunken man did we see among all of that crowd of young “Americans,” celebrating the centennial 4th.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, July 13, 1876.
Jim Hill sold four barrels of lemonade and fifty gallons of ice cream the Fourth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1876.

WIRT W. WALTON, of the Winfield Courier, will be a candidate for Chief Clerk of the next House of Representatives. He will make an excellent Chief Clerk. Sumner Co. Press. There is one thing against Wirt—he allowed a woman to wallow him in the snow last winter. Topeka Blade.
Wouldn’t want any better fun, Swayze, and to us it looks as if your objection savored somewhat of sour grapes.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
TELL WALTON was over from Sumner yesterday. He reports politics as warming up. He thinks the Sumner County delegation will be divided between Campbell and Webb for the Judgeship. Sumner claims to have the votes that will elect.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
At the regular meeting of the Hayes and Wheeler Club last Thursday evening the following officers were chosen: President, A. B. Lemmon; Vice President, Dr. John Headrick; Secretary, Wirt W. Walton; Treasurer, John E. Allen. The club list now contains the names of nearly every Republican in Winfield. Uniforms for fifty Scalpers will probably be ordered this week.
Please note: Judge Geo. T. Walton was the father of Wirt, Tell, and Peter Walton.
One cannot wonder if Wirt got the idea for History of Cowley County from his father, George, due to the fact that the father was writing a history of Oxford Township. On top of that, George T. Walton’s brother, Thos. A. Walton, (Uncle of Wirt, Tell, and Peter), was writing a history of Lawrence County, Ohio.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876.
We publish a history of Oxford Township, hastily prepared for the 4th of July by Judge Geo. T. Walton. The Winfield Courier also publishes the history of Cowley County, written by his son, Wirt W. Walton. The Irenton Commercial, of Irenton, Ohio, publishes a synopsis of the history of Lawrence County, Ohio, by his brother, Thos. A. Walton. Each were selected by the different committees of their respective localities in the same week, as Local Historians, without their knowledge of the honor until after their selection for the position. It is quite a compliment to the family, and rather a peculiar coincident. Oxford Independent.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1876.
A house and three residence lots in Winfield to trade for land. Apply at the office of Manning & Walton.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
James Kelly and W. W. Walton have gone to Topeka to repre­sent the north district of Cowley in the State convention.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
   Eighty-Eighth District Convention.
Pursuant to call the delegates of the 88th Representative District met in Republican convention at the courthouse, in Winfield, at 10 o’clock a.m., Saturday, August 12, 1876.
R. C. Story, of Harvey Township, was elected temporary chairman, and C. H. Eagin, of Rock Township, temporary secretary.

On motion a committee on credentials was appointed, consist­ing of one delegate from each township present, to be named by the delegates themselves. The following named gentlemen composed the committee: E. S. Torrance, of Winfield; Alex. Kelly, Richland; J. W. Tull, Windsor; J. S. Woolly, Vernon; A. B. Odell, Ninnescah; and A. V. Polk, of Rock. Pending the report of the committee, Capt. James McDermott being called, came forward and made a brief speech, which was enthusiastically received, after which, a few remarks, in response to a call, were made by the temporary chairman.
The committee on credentials then submitted the following report.
“Your committee on credentials beg leave to report the following named persons entitled to seats as delegates in the convention.
Vernon Township: J. S. Wooly, F. W. Schwantes, and J. W. Millspaugh.
Winfield: R. S. Walker, A. B. Lemmon, Nels. Newell, T. B. Myers, C. C. Pierce, M. G. Troup, Jas. Kelly, E. P. Kinne, John Mentch, and E. S. Torrance.
Harvey: R. C. Story.
Rock: A. V. Polk, Frank Akers, J. C. McGowan, and Charles Eagin.
Windsor: C. W. Jones, D. Elliott, and J. W. Tull.
Richland: Alex. Kelly, M. C. Headrick, Daniel Maher, and J. H. Phelps.
Tisdale: S. S. Moore and A. B. Scott.
Nennescah: A. B. Odell and Wm. Bartlow.
Sheridan: E. Shriver and Barney Shriver.
Maple: W. B. Norman and H. H. Siverd.
Silver Creek: S. M. Jarvis and Z. W. Hoge.
On motion the report of the committee was adopted.
On motion the officers of the temporary organization were made the officers of the permanent organization.
The object of the convention being to elect two delegates and two alternates to attend the Republican State convention on the 16th inst., at Topeka, a ballot was had resulting in the election of James Kelly and Wirt W. Walton as such delegates, and A. B. Odell and J. P. Short as such alternates.
There being no further business before the convention, on motion adjourned sine die.
R. C. STORY, Chairman.
CHAS H. EAGIN, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Owing to the circumstance of my nomination as the Republican candidate for State Senator in this District, I am placed in an unpleasant position as the editor of the Republican paper of the county. This situation is brought about by the personal attacks that are being made upon me by malignant enemies. I desire to meet those men in public discussion, and hence cannot give the COURIER the attention it requires during the canvass. That I may be free to assist personally in canvassing the county, for the whole ticket, Mr. Wirt W. Walton will assume entire editorial control of the COURIER until after the election, at which time I shall resume, in part, the editorial duties. E. C. MANNING.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.

In assuming editorial control of the COURIER we have to say, that it will still continue to be the fearless outspoken Republi­can journal that it has been in the past. We shall support the Republican ticket from President down to road overseer. Our criticisms of the opposite party shall be fair. Personalities during the campaign will be precluded from our columns as far as possible. This county is largely Republican and we believe in keeping the party intact. Knowing that in unity there is strength, we shall do all we can to help harmonize the difference in the party, and bridge the breach that is daily being made wider among the leaders.
The success of our party this fall is worth more to us than the gratification of personal jealousies. If we work together, our success is assured. Will the Republi­cans of Cowley County stand by us? We think they will.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The disaffected Republicans in the county convention of next Saturday will attempt to repudiate the action of the Senatorial Convention. They could not control the former convention, hence denounce it as a fraud. These same men are running the Democratic central committee, or why should their convention be postponed. They do not want the Republican candidate for Senator to go before the people. They seek to kill him in convention. They are afraid if he makes a personal canvass that the people of this county will see who are the liars, the frauds, and perjur­ers. All we want is fairness. All we ask is to allow Col. Manning to appear before the jury, the voters of this county, and let them vote him up or vote him down, as they in their wisdom will do. We are for him, and we do not propose to allow any power, corporate, spiritual, or physical, to keep us from voting for the straight nominee in November.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
EDITOR COURIER, Dear Sir: I wonder if the people of this county fully understand the animus of the opposition in this place, to Col. Manning? Nobody doubts but that he would make an able, energetic, faithful worker for the interests of his con­stituents. But there is a certain bank and broker faction here, which never will consent that any man whom they believe will do anything to ameliorate the condition of the poor shall be placed in a position where he can be of any service to them. Who are they, who are so fearful lest Col. Manning be elected to the State Senate this fall?
Read & Robinson, bankers; R. B. Waite, S. D. Pryor, James Jordon, Curns & Manser, money lenders; with such fellows as A. H. Green and W. P. Hackney, attorneys. It is the same faction that are so violently opposed to the election of Judge Campbell.
Why do they oppose Judge Campbell? Because in every case of the foreclosure of their cut-throat mortgages, Judge Campbell, so far as he can do so legally, throws the strong arm of the law around the poor man. These men want the usury laws abolished; and consequently will not consent that any man go to the legisla­ture who they cannot use for that purpose.
They are afraid that Manning will be able, in some way, to do something to cut down their three percent per month. They will not consent that Manning shall go to the legislature, lest in some way he may obtain such legislation as will make it possible for Cowley County to secure a railroad. This three percent ring do not want railroads. They do not want anything that might by any possibility cut down interest on money below the present ruinous rates.

For these reasons these money changers and extortioners will spare neither time nor money, will stop at no slander or abuse to defeat both Col. Manning and W. P. Campbell. Hundreds of people in Cowley County are already beginning to feel the grip of this soulless money power at their throats. Will they stand still and allow themselves to be choked to death without an effort? CITIZEN.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876. Editorial Page.
From Tisdale.
TISDALE, Sept. 11, 1876.
DEAR COURIER: Tisdale is not only the center of the county, but it appears to be the center of attraction just now. Politics are all the rage with an occasional sensation of slander. Hardly had the pen of “Beecher” been laid away to rest after describing the late Newton scandal, until his better-half, from some cause, to us unknown, left his bed and board, and, at this writing, still refuses to return, and Beecher now has the sympathy of those who but a week ago were sympathizing with Hedges and Mrs. Newton.
“Scalper No. 2" was right in his prediction that the Tisdale Democrats would not want any more discussions. They are free to confess that their champion of Democracy was badly cleaned out by the gallant Captain of the Grouse. They are so badly demoral­ized, that in an attempt to hold a Democratic caucus, last Saturday, but three men were present, and one of them declared his intention to vote for Hayes and Wheeler. The Hayes and Wheeler club is doing good work, the false statement of the Telegram to the contrary, notwithstanding. Already those who were talking Cooper are coming up manfully and joining the Hayes and Wheeler club, bound to stick to the party of freedom and true reform. The true Republicans of Tisdale cannot be persuaded from the party by petty spite or personal ill will.
I see by the last issue of the Telegram that the statement of the COURIER that the editor of the Telegram was totally deranged is fully corroborated. Will has already begun to imagine that there are ghosts in Winfield. I am not the least surprised that he should imagine strange sights and sounds in his immediate vicinity. The old adage that, “those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad,” may prove true in his case. We know he has been mad for sometime, and that he is about to be destroyed wholly, we can easily foresee.
Strongly suspect that this young lady could be a sister of Wirt W. Walton.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
Miss Veva Walton, of Oxford, is attending the Teachers’ Institute.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
TELL WALTON, accompanied by his brother, of Parsons, started for the Indian country last week to buy ponies. They go via the Osage Agency to the Chickasaw Nation, and will be gone some weeks.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
His Pursuers put to Flight!
His Opponents Reconciled.
The Senatorial Nomination Ratified.

The Nominee Vindicated!
Glory Enough for One Day.
The scenes at the Courthouse last Saturday will never be forgotten by the participators and the witnesses. That conven­tion will go into history as the most remarkable that ever assembled in Southwestern Kansas. Strong men alternately wept and cheered. Men who went there for a moment, simply to “see,” remained till night, as though held by a magic spell. Enemies, opponents, and friends alike sat for two long hours and listened to the electrifying speech of the man whose name heads this article, and at its conclusion arose and gave three long, loud, hearty cheers for E. C. Manning.
Ever since the nomination of Col. Manning for the State Senate his enemies have been at work, secretly in some localities and openly in others, trying to create a sentiment against him which would ultimately result in his withdrawal from the race. As we said in last week’s issue, they were afraid to allow him to appear before the people and vindicate himself. They wanted to repudiate his nomination, and yet not give him an opportunity to be heard. They secretly set to work. They organized an anti-Manning ring, with Winfield as the center, and the outer limits of the county its circumference. They selected a leader and invited everyone, regardless of party, to join them. They sent ambassadors into every township to help carry the primaries and influence them to send up anti-Manning delegates to the County Convention. Teams could be seen leaving and returning to the office of the chief at all hours of the night. The primaries were held, and it was ascertained that two or three townships had elected anti-Manning delegates, besides the two townships that had bolted the convention that had nominated him. The “antis” were jubilant and more courageous. They held midnight caucuses and daily conferences.
The leaders residing in Arkansas City met the Winfield delega­tion and agreed upon a plan of action. They telegraphed it to the lesser lights; “Annihilation of Manning and all his friends” was their watchword. The cry was taken up and resounded from the Flint Hills to the muddy Arkansas.
Staunch friends hitherto, quaked with fear. Brave outspoken leaders wanted to compromise, but the “antis” were merciless and would offer no quarter. The Traveler held up its clean hands in holy horror and repeated the old worn out charges of bribery and corruption against Col. Manning. Its editor thought he saw a tidal wave, and he jumped for it. He struck on a rock below the water line, as the sequel will show.

Saturday, long before the hour of convening, the courtroom, halls, and jury rooms were crowded with leading men from all parts of the county. There were at least five hundred people in and about the Courthouse when the convention was called to order. By intuition it would seem the “antis” arranged themselves in one part of the hall, leaving the remainder for the other delegates. Temporary officers were chosen and proper committees appointed. The committees retired from the room. Everything was quiet. A kind of deathless stillness—a stillness portentous of a coming storm seemed to pervade the atmosphere during their withdrawal from the hall. The chief of the “antis” had counted hands and was satisfied with the result. He calmly took a seat and cast his eyes admiringly upon his forces who were systematically arranged in the rear—those with the strongest lungs and largest feet in front—ready to cheer at the word. The committee on credentials reported, and after a little skirmishing, the report was adopted. The temporary organization was made the permanent, and then the chairman of the committee on order of business reported that a nomination for County Attorney should be first made, followed by the other officers, to be named. The “antis” on the committee presented a minority report in the shape of a resolution, asking Col. Manning to withdraw from the Senatorial nomination. This was their “order of business,” in fact, the only purpose for which they were there.
At this juncture Mr. Manning arose and requested that the convention proceed with the regular business before it, make its nominations, elect a county central committee, and then “go through him” at its leisure. The majority report was adopted and the convention named the candidates of its choice. The “antis,” still belligerent, were the first to open fire.
The charges, as published in the Traveler, of the 13th, were read and commented upon. These, it was thought, would be enough to frighten the little band of patriots in the west to an uncon­di­tional surrender.
In answer to the cry, “Where’s the man that made these charg­es?” their author drew himself up, folded his arms, and with an annihilating look and tragical mien, intended to strike dire consternation in the ranks of the “minority,” slowly said, “I AM THE MAN!” This was followed by an exultant yell from his back­ers. Twenty men from the other side arose simultaneously, and for a few moments the air was filled with cries, anathemas, and moving hands that boded no good to this self-styled leader.
The scene beggars all description. The “antis” saw what was coming; they saw that they had awakened a sleeping lion without his keeper. The “antis” moved to adjourn, but the cries of “No! No!” “Let’s hear Manning!” rang out from all sides. The effort to adjourn brought Manning to the rostrum. He dared them to adjourn, after making those charges, and not allow him an oppor­tunity to speak in reply. The motion to adjourn was voted down. So they were forced to remain and meet the issue they had courted. Order was restored, and Col. Manning began at “No. 1,” and boldly and fearlessly answered every charge that maligning enemies had bandied over this county for the past five years. He took them up one by one and went through them as only a man could do, who knows in his heart that he is innocent.
In answer to the “ninth charge,” of having demanded money from a certain candidate for his vote in the U. S. Senatorial contest of 1871, he opened and read a letter from the Hon. gentleman himself, pronouncing the charge as false from beginning to end. This was received with the wildest applause—cheer after cheer went up from that vast assembly, shaking the old Courthouse from cupola to foundation. It was the most complete and thorough vindication a man ever had. Everybody was wild with excitement.
“Three cheers for Manning,” were proposed, and amidst the wildest hurrah, joined in by both friends and opponents, the convention adjourned sine die.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
Minutes of the Cowley County Teachers’ Institute.
Agreeable to the call of the County Superintendent of Public Instruction, the teachers of Cowley County met in annual insti­tute on Monday, Sept. 11th, at 9 o’clock a.m. On account of sickness in his family, Mr. Wilkinson was unable to attend, and the duty of conducting the Institute devolved on Prof. A. B. Lemmon.

The Institute organized by electing the following officers: President, Mr. D. M. Snow; Vice President, Mr. H. M. Bacon; Secretary, Miss M. A. Bryant. Messrs. Robinson, Bacon, and Millard, and Misses Cowles and Roberts were chosen a committee on query box.
The summary of the work done by the Institute during the four days session is as follows: Prof. Lemmon delivered a series of lectures on school management, taking up and developing plans for the organization and government of schools. In connection with these lectures, the teachers were led to take a part in the discussion of the theories and plans advocated by the lecturer. This exercise was heartily appreciated by all, and it is hoped it will lead our teachers to a more careful and thorough study of their work.
Mr. Robinson led the teachers in three interesting lessons in geography. A complete outline was made of the location of the valuable minerals of the globe, and another of the government of the different countries of the globe. Such lessons, in which the entire subject is spread upon the black-board at a single exer­cise, afford the most complete and thorough review of the topic that can be given in a short time. Cannot all our teachers make such lessons valuable in their schools? They are the best possible general reviews that can be made. At a single glance the entire subject is brought to the eyes and mind of the student.
Valuable reviews in arithmetic, English grammar, and United States history were conducted by different members of the school. Most of the exercises in U. S. History were conducted by Mr. Bacon, of Arkansas City. The leading topics in our country’s history were assigned to different members of the Institute, and each took his place on the floor and elucidated the point that had been assigned to him, using the map and locating the place at which the events named occurred. In this manner everyone present had his own specified work to do, and at the same time got the benefit of studying that had been done by all the others.
The class in mental arithmetic was led by Mr. E. A. Millard in an interesting study of different plans for the analysis of problems.
Topics and problems in written arithmetic were suggested by Mr. Lemmon to different members of the institute, and in that manner all the leading principles of arithmetic were brought up in review. A short and practical rule for computing interest was developed and thoroughly analyzed.
Wirt W. Walton led the institute in an excellent exercise on the “surveyed divisions of public lands.” He showed the differ­ent methods of survey that had been adopted at different times, and then proceeded to illustrate the simple and excellent plan in use in our country. By means of diagrams and maps placed upon the board, the meaning and use of base and meridian lines, the manner of numbering townships and the sections of the township, and many other points valuable to all.
An interesting lecture on the “science of government” was delivered by F. S. Jennings, Esq., of Winfield. After comparing our government with others and showing the excellencies of our own, he proceeded to examine the different departments of our government and to make a cursory, but very satisfactory analysis of the same.
Of the exercises in English grammar we note the treatment of the agreement of the pronoun with its antecedent, by Mr. H. W. Holloway, as being quite worthy of mention.

Miss Mall Roberts, late of Oskaloosa, Iowa, illustrated her manner of teaching primary reading by introducing a class of little folks and leading them step by step through the lesson. For a half hour she held the attention of the members of her class riveted to their work. Observing members of the Institute learned a lesson from her plans that will be of value to them in their school rooms.
A part of the last afternoon was spent in discussing the necessity of having literary exercises in schools, and methods employed to make them successful. Many of the teachers had a bit of experience to relate; some had succeeded, many had failed, but, at the conclusion, all determined to make a greater effort than ever before to make this work as thorough and useful as any of the class exercises.
Before the adjournment on Thursday, the following resolu­tions were adopted.
Resolved, That we, the members of the Teachers’ Institute, held in Winfield, Kansas, from Sept. 11th to 14th, in token of our hearty appreciation of the untiring efforts of Profs. Lemmon and Robinson, in our behalf, hereby tender to them our hearty thanks, and extend to them our warmest congratulations for the marked success which has attended their efforts. The members of the Institute are further indebted to Messrs. Jennings and Walton for valuable assistance rendered.
Resolved, That a copy of the above be published in the papers of Cowley County.
In behalf of the Institute, E. WICKERSHAM, W. E. KETCHUM, H. M. BACON.
Friday evening at 8 o’clock the teachers and many of their friends in the city met at the courthouse for a social reunion. Every person present seemed a self-constituted committee of one to have a good time. Teachers, forgetting the times they endured during the last term of school, or the anxiety they feel over where they shall work next time, rubbed the wrinkles out of their foreheads and wreathed their faces in smiles; young attorneys put away all thoughts of injunctions, appeals, and bills of particu­lars, and went zealously in search of attachments; they came without demurrers or stays of proceedings; young merchants dropped the yard stick and scissors, forgot the price of a “new suit,” quinine, spelling books and paregoric, and sought “bargains” of a different kind; young bankers and money-lenders quit thinking about checks, drafts, and mortgages, and their hilarity would lead one to think their consciences are not troubled by reflections on thirty-six percents, but that quite likely “they loaned out money gratis;” editors and politicians laid aside the “care of State,” and took part in the general enjoyment. Thus closed a very successful session of the Cowley County Teachers’ Institute. It was emphatically a session for work. Everyone had something to do and did it to the best of his ability. The influence of the Institute will be felt on the schools of the county during the coming year. MARY A. BRYANT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
  “Vindication” Meeting.

On Friday morning of last week, Col. Manning came down to this place for the purpose of “making votes.” After interviewing a number of our citizens, he went to Bolton Township, but re­turned again to spend more time here—disgusting some who former­ly had a slight respect for him, by “Hurrahing for Manning” himself, thinking, doubtless, “He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.” To others, his favorite saying was “Vote for me for the State Senate, and I will build you a railroad,” but all to no avail. “Unless a tree has borne blos­soms in the spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in the autumn.”
In the evening he held a meeting at Benedict’s Hall, which was largely attended by an audience that treated him with the greatest courtesy, and hoped, for the good name of the Republican party and common decency, to hear him explain away the serious charges made against him. The attempt was made in a lengthy, labored, and able manner, but the records of the county and sworn statements of prominent men was too much to be contradict­ed, and his hearers went away satisfied that truth was mighty and would prevail. Those who had said during the day they did not believe the charges, went home convinced they were true, and pitied the man for his infamy.
During his speech he called on a member of the Winfield Grange, and asked him if he had joined the Grange for political purposes, and the response was: “I think you did, Colonel!” “But I got in, didn’t I?” “Partly in.”
Again, he denied his actions on railroad matters at El Dorado, where he did not vote with the Winfield or county dele­gates on several issues, when it was proven point blank that he grossly misrepresented the facts. Out of sympathy for his feelings, we did not call for a vote of the house, but know the result would have been five votes for Manning—two gentlemen of this place, a Beaver Township farmer, Wirt Walton (who was present to write up his “vindication” for the Courier), and Col. Manning. That was the sentiment.
We have claimed from the beginning that the Republicans made a mistake in permitting his friends to govern the primary meet­ings; made a mistake in nominating him, and made a mistake in not repudiating him, and taking up a man such as the resolutions call for.
We regret it for the party’s sake; for the honor of the county, and good name of the people that such is the state of affairs, but it will teach us an unworthy man cannot be forced on an intelligent and pure-minded people simply because he claims to be a Republican.
An honest Democrat is far better than a dishonest Republican.
The man nominated has not the slightest interest in the welfare of the party, and only endeavors to use the name of Republican for his own personal and selfish motives.
Such actions have driven many of the best men from our ranks. All over the county we can recall to mind men who affili­ated with us a few years ago, that are now identified with the most bitter opposition elements, simply because they saw the errors and did not have the courage to fight against them.
Let us make the fight for principle and show to our enemies and friends that the grand old Republican party of Cowley County has within itself the power and will of reform.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
“Vindication” Meeting.

On Friday morning of last week, Col. Manning came down to this place for the purpose of “making votes.” After interviewing a number of our citizens, he went to Bolton Township, but re­turned again to spend more time here—disgusting some who former­ly had a slight respect for him, by “Hurrahing for Manning” himself, thinking, doubtless, “He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.” To others, his favorite saying was “Vote for me for the State Senate, and I will build you a railroad,” but all to no avail. “Unless a tree has borne blos­soms in the spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in the autumn.”
In the evening he held a meeting at Benedict’s Hall, which was largely attended by an audience that treated him with the greatest courtesy, and hoped, for the good name of the Republican party and common decency, to hear him explain away the serious charges made against him. The attempt was made in a lengthy, labored, and able manner, but the records of the county and sworn statements of prominent men was too much to be contradict­ed, and his hearers went away satisfied that truth was mighty and would prevail. Those who had said during the day they did not believe the charges, went home convinced they were true, and pitied the man for his infamy.
During his speech he called on a member of the Winfield Grange, and asked him if he had joined the Grange for political purposes, and the response was: “I think you did, Colonel!” “But I got in, didn’t I?” “Partly in.”
Again, he denied his actions on railroad matters at El Dorado, where he did not vote with the Winfield or county dele­gates on several issues, when it was proven point blank that he grossly misrepresented the facts. Out of sympathy for his feelings, we did not call for a vote of the house, but know the result would have been five votes for Manning—two gentlemen of this place, a Beaver Township farmer, Wirt Walton (who was present to write up his “vindication” for the Courier), and Col. Manning. That was the sentiment.
We have claimed from the beginning that the Republicans made a mistake in permitting his friends to govern the primary meet­ings; made a mistake in nominating him, and made a mistake in not repudiating him, and taking up a man such as the resolutions call for.
We regret it for the party’s sake; for the honor of the county, and good name of the people that such is the state of affairs, but it will teach us an unworthy man cannot be forced on an intelligent and pure-minded people simply because he claims to be a Republican.
An honest Democrat is far better than a dishonest Republican.
The man nominated has not the slightest interest in the welfare of the party, and only endeavors to use the name of Republican for his own personal and selfish motives.
Such actions have driven many of the best men from our ranks. All over the county we can recall to mind men who affili­ated with us a few years ago, that are now identified with the most bitter opposition elements, simply because they saw the errors and did not have the courage to fight against them.
Let us make the fight for principle and show to our enemies and friends that the grand old Republican party of Cowley County has within itself the power and will of reform.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1876.
We give the evidence of Charges Number 9 and 10, against Col. Manning, on the first page; and will have proof of the remaining charges in due time. It is nearly one month before election, and ample time will be had to deny them, if they can be denied.

The fight we make against Mr. Manning is neither a fight of party or prejudice, but an open fight for principle. The Repub­lican party has suffered enough by such men, and if they are not shown the party will not carry them, the party may suffer. The vote this fall will settle the matter whether the reform element of the Republican party of Cowley County is in the majori­ty or minority, and teach honest men to look more closely after the Primary meetings that elect delegates.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
He is Afraid to Face the Music!
His Readers To Be Kept In the Dark.
Last week, October 4th, the Arkansas Traveler devoted about six columns of space to the object of misrepresenting Mr. E. C. Manning. As soon as Mr. Manning saw the Traveler, Thursday, October 5th, he wrote the following communication and sent it to Col. McMullen, of Arkansas City, accompanied with a request that he present it to Mr. Scott with the request that it be published in the Traveler. Mr. Scott refused to publish it, giving an excuse that he had not room in the paper. The letter was presented to him on Friday evening or Saturday morning of last week. We therefore publish the communication and shall send a copy of the COURIER to each of the Traveler subscribers in the county. The Traveler has room for six columns of misrepresenta­tion against a Republican candidate and no room for one column of reply. Let the readers be the judges. Scott’s refusal to make the publication and accept the propositions therein made, ought to close his lips and change the tone of his paper. Here is the communication: A Letter From E. C. Manning.
   WINFIELD, KAN., Oct. 5th, 1876.
Editor of Arkansas City Traveler:
In your issue of the 4th inst., you publish about six columns of reading matter which is a false presentation of history and facts concerning myself.
You select certain sentenc­es from what appears to be evi­dence (but which is not evidence) that are derogatory to my character and reflect upon my record, and publish them. Certain other sentences and paragraphs that contradict the unfavorable sentenc­es, or, which taken in connec­tion with the unfavorable sentences make me appear in a far different light, are left unpublished. You choose to present to your readers whatever portions of any act of my life as will make me appear to be a bad man, but you withhold such portions of the account of the same act or transac­tion as may give them a far different look or convey a favorable impression. If I should say, “I saw Mr. C. M. Scott stealing,” and end the sentence there, it would be rather a reflection upon Mr. Scott if I should complete the sentence by saying, “I saw Mr. C. M. Scott stealing—along the street to avoid meeting a personal enemy,” it would have quite a different meaning, though perhaps not less characteristic.
In a former issue of your paper of recent date you publish what you call ten charges against me. In your October 4th issue you startle the world with the 11th charge. Therein you say: “We charge that you (Manning) as a member of the State Senate of 1866, committed the gross offense of lying most shamefully, and by your vote, in connection with other members of the legisla­ture, you robbed the present and future unborn (the latter are Scott’s, the “present unborn” are better off—fatherless) genera­tions of the children of Kansas of 500,000 acres of land, worth $1,500,000.”

You further say: “How did he (Manning) do it? Just as he did later in 1871, by forthwith trying to use his position as the servant of the people to make money out of an office they elected him to. And how did he do it? At that time the state school fund owned the 500,000 acres of land referred to in the above section of the constitution, and that constitution says that it shall be a perpetual school fund which shall not be diminished, and shall be inviolably appropriated to the support of the common schools.”
You further say: “At the time he (Manning) voted for that bill (dividing the 500,000 acres of so called school land among four railroad companies); he (Manning) was a member of one of said corporations, and his company, under that bill, received by its provisions 125,000 acres of land, which the constitution he swore he would support and protect, said should never be divested from the common school fund of the state. By that act he (Manning) helped rob the children of Kansas and divided this property among the licensed plunderers of the public treasury, with whom he at that time was and ever since has been found.” But you say also, “personally we have no quarrel with Col. Manning.”
In reply to this “charge eleven,” I have to say:
1st. You are right about my vote and about my being at the time a member of one of the corporations.
2nd. The land did not belong to the school fund of the state.
3rd. If, under the constitution, it did belong to the school fund, the legislature could not by law dispose of it. A law conflicting with the constitution is void.
4th. Not one acre of the land, nor one dollar of the money arising from the sale of that land, ever came to me. For every acre that you can trace to me individually, or out of which I received any benefit, I will give you ten acres adjoining Winfield. For every dollar arising from the sale thereof that you can trace as coming to me, I will give you ten dollars.
I “stole” that 125,000 acres of land to build a railroad for my constituents in Marshal County. The company that built the road received the land, or the proceeds thereof, and my constitu­ents got the railroad; neither was I a member of the company that built the road.
And I might as well say right here that there are about 12,000 acres of land left as the property of the state of Kansas, and if I am elected to the Senate again, I will, if opportunity offers, “steal” it to build a railroad into Cowley County.
5th. Among the “licensed plunderers with whom he (Manning) at that time was” and who “helped rob the children of Kansas,” there were about seventy-five pretty good men, of which James M. Harvey was one; but the people of the state have since that robbery elected him twice Governor and once U. S. Senator.

And now Mr. Scott, without answering in detail all the infamous charges you make against me, I have this proposition to make to you: Let the Republican Central Committee of Cowley County be convened at once and then present to them all your eleven charges against me with all your evidence of their truth and I will present all of my evidence of their untruth. If they shall find upon hearing both sides that my conduct in any of the acts attributed to me by you has been dishonorable or disreputa­ble, I will then get off the Republican ticket, provided you will first agree to support my nomination and election and take back all you have said about me in case they shall exonerate and sustain me. Or if you object to the committee of twenty-two Republicans, then lay the matter before three disinterested Republicans who reside outside the limits of Cowley County, who shall be selected by said committee. Yours in earnest, E. C. MANNING.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
Tell Walton has returned from an extended trip through the Indian Territory and will once more resume his tripod and “stick, stuck” in Sumner and Cowley counties. The boys sold their ponies in St. Louis after which they “took in the sights.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 26, 1876. Front Page.
   A Topekan’s Opinion of Winfield.
WINFIELD, OCT. 15, 1876.
Capt. Ryan filled his regular appointment here yesterday, speaking to a large crowd of the Cowley County yeomanry, at the courthouse, in the afternoon. Mr. Ryan never disappoints the people, either in the time of his appointments or the character of his speeches.
His visit to the localities in the district distant from the railroad, has made him many friends, even among the Democrats, and you may expect to be surprised at the extent of the majority he will receive in these counties. The people here like to be noticed, and to have some attention shown them, even though they are not possessed of a railroad. They belong to the district “just the same,” and their votes will average twelve to the dozen all the way through.
Winfield is one of the best towns we have encountered on our route. The population is estimated at one thousand, and I think the estimate is small. Yesterday (Saturday) was a very busy day and the scores of teams on Main street, the gaily blanketed Indians, and the festive auctioneer on the corner, reminded me very much of our own Kansas avenue. The beauty of Winfield as a residence point cannot be excelled anywhere in the west, uniting, as it does, a fine elevation, a pure, bracing air, magnificent views, mountain wilderness, romantic streams, beautiful drives, and in short, all the charms of land and water combined. Wirt Walton is one of the institutions of Winfield. An impression is abroad in the land that Wirt is handsome. I think he must have acquired that reputation last winter in Topeka, while I was absent from the city. This is also the home of Prof. A. B. Lemmon, the Republican nominee for State Superintendent. In making the canvass of this county, we have been under many obligations to Mr. Lemmon for valuable assistance—for Lemmon aid, so to speak. I am going to take Lemmon in mine on the 7th of November. The indications are that Col. Manning will be successful in the race for State Senator. Webb will go to the House from this county, and the entire Republican ticket be triumphantly elected.

One of the grandest demonstrations of the year occurred here last night, in honor of the visit of Capt. Ryan and Col. Plumb, of Emporia. The courthouse was packed with ladies and gentlemen, and the enthusiasm was unbounded. An hour before the meeting the Hayes and Wheeler club paraded the principal streets of the city with torches and flags, headed by the Winfield brass band. About fifty blazing torches turned night into day, and lit up the handsome Continental uniforms of the men in fine style. All the anvils in the city were converted into cannon and kept up a ceaseless fire for hours. After a song by the glee club, Col. Plumb was introduced as the people’s choice for United States Senator, the announcement being received with mild applause, ranging from piping treble to alligator bass. After quiet had been restored, and the brazen instruments became silent as a synod of stars, Col. Plumb proceeded to make an address, which for thoughtfulness, sincerity, logic, and pertinence of illustra­tion, would do Bob Ingersoll no discredit. He spoke for two hours, and would have been listened to patiently for two more.
Col. Plumb is doing good work for the party and lots of it. He came down to Wichita on Thursday night at 9 o’clock, drove ten miles in the country that night on business, returned to Wichita the same night, arose early in the morning and rode out several miles to see a friend, returning to Wichita again at noon; in the afternoon he made a trip to Wellington, thirty miles, speaking there Friday night. Saturday morning he journeyed from Welling­ton to Winfield, twenty miles, stopped here for dinner, then secured a fresh team and went to Arkansas City, fifteen miles, returning here last evening and speaking until 10 o’clock, starting immediately after the meeting for Wichita, in order to take the 4 o’clock train for Emporia, where he expected to start without delay for a point in the interior of Osage County, speaking there on Monday afternoon, returning to Emporia Sunday night, and starting immediately on horseback for Eldorado, seventy miles distant, to fill an appointment on Tuesday. This is what I call campaigning in earnest.
Capt. Ryan’s route ahead is to Cedar Vale on Monday and Sedan on Tuesday; then through Chautauqua, Elk, Greenwood, and Butler counties. We are much rejoiced over the result of Ohio, but we are still without tidings from Indiana.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
Republican candidate for Governor, and other eminent speakers will be present and address the people of COWLEY COUNTY on the Political and other issues of the day.
Capt. Ryan, in his speech at Peru, Chautauqua County, among other things said: “The location of the Sioux and other hostile tribes in the Indian Territory would make a market for our surplus produce and be of material aid in developing our resources. The Government would also be obliged to locate two or three forts along the border for the protection of the people of Kansas, and that would likewise be of some benefit to the coun­ties along the border.”
The Captain’s head is always “level.”
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876.
   In the Arkansas City Post Office.
A Scrap of History from the Life of a High-Toned Purifier.
Our duty towards the nominees of the Republican party in Cowley County, impels us to rebuke the men who lie about its candidates.

C. M. Scott, of the Arkansas City Traveler, has made his paper a personal organ, and is using it to vent his personal spleen upon one of the Republican nominees. There seems to be no end to his lying; no measure to his hate. He would destroy the reputation of any man whom he dislikes. His pretense, that purity of heart and conduct is the motive of his action, does not comport with the story found in the following letter, which Mr. Manning has had in his possession for some time. Mr. Scott calls every man a “vagabond” who supports Mr. Manning. These vagabonds have been soliciting Mr. Manning to publish the letter for two weeks past. Last week’s Traveler contains another attack upon our Senatorial candidate, and, at last, the following letter is put into our hands to be used as we see fit.
WELLINGTON, KANSAS, Oct. 11, 1876.
DEAR SIR: I see by the Traveler that its editor, C. M. Scott, is opposing your race for the Senate. This Scott is a thief, and you may charge him with being one, and give myself and Mr. Topliff, of Arkansas City, as witnesses. In 1870 the theft was committed in the city of Emporia. Mr. Scott stole goods from the clothing store of Topliff & French, and I was a witness to the settlement of the affair. Mr. Scott acknowledged the steal­ing of the goods to Messrs. Topliff & French and paid for them to save an arrest. If this statement is worth anything to you, you may use it. WILL NIXON.
Mr. Scott compels the COURIER to answer the attacks that the Traveler makes upon Mr. Manning, and then the COURIER must go to the Traveler’s readers through Mr. Scott’s hands at Arkansas City. We don’t know whether those COURIERS reach their intended destination or not. A man that will steal is not too good to destroy mail matter.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876. Editorial Page.
Up to the present time we have not uttered one disparaging word against any candidate on the Democratic ticket in this county.
We thought from the high position the candidate for State Senator occupied in this county, that he at least, would not conduct the campaign in the usual “bush-whacking” style. We have learned that in the remote townships, instead of making speeches and coming out squarely on his own merits, he is circu­lating copies of the Telegram and Traveler containing the false and venomous charges of their editors against Col. Manning, his opponent.
These papers, it is said, he puts in the hands of little children on their way from school and tells them to give them to their parents. We hope this is not true.
We have always entertained a good opinion of Mr. Pyburn and we are loth to believe that he would stoop to such little, unprincipled tricks to gain an advantage over his opponent. It is a very poor recommend for a candidate to be compelled to vilify and traduce the character of his opponent in order to draw attention from his own. We might expect such banditti warfare from a man who, in correspondence, speaks of himself as “Judge Christian,” but certainly not from the dignified and gentlemanly Mr. Pyburn.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1876. Editorial Page.

We publish in another column Judge Campbell’s replication to the foul charges of the Augusta Gazette. His prompt, bold, and manly reply to the charges touching his judicial honor can but emanate from an innocent, though grossly outraged man. After reading the article referred to, his most bitter and violent personal enemies will be compelled to admit that the refutation is complete, thorough, and satisfactory. Judge Campbell may be considered at times, an immoral man, but no man can say that he is dishonest. If a man whose whole life had been as pure as that of an angel, should consent to run on the Republican ticket in this district for an office, some half-starved, brainless idiot would at once prefer a series of charges against him, and compel him to establish his innocence. Judge Campbell “takes the bull by the horns” and squarely meets his calumniators before their words are fairly cold. Read his reply and be convinced.
Complete and Satisfactory.
   WICHITA, KAN., Oct. 14th, 1876.
ED. GAZETTE: I have read with no little surprise and mortification your article in the issue of this date in which you make a number of “charges” against me, and demand that I shall “disprove” them within one week.
You are very peremptory, and give me very little time. Most of the “charges” are not suscep­tible of disproof, and do not need it. My time is too valuable, and the people do not require that I shall notice the thousand and one scandalous stories which my unprincipled opponent, Amos Harris, has raked up and is peddling over the district, as his only stock in trade. I could better afford to admit them then to be drawn into controversy concerning them.
I will take great pleasure in answering any accusations of official misconduct against me, and invite the closest scrutiny. For, while in a few isolated instances in my daily walk, I may have slightly deviated from the “straight and narrow path,” it is my pride and glory, that in my official conduct I have been scrupulously straight.
Amos Harris came from Iowa to Wichita about two years ago, and commenced to practice law. Not succeeding very well as a lawyer, he secured the agency for the Corbin Banking Company of New York, and engaged in the business of loaning their money to the poor settlers of Sedgwick and Sumner counties, receiving from the borrowers the usual stipend for his valuable services in procuring the loans.
After an exhibition by him of the most deplorable mendican­cy, he was grudgingly given a nomination for Judge of this district, by the Democrats, after the same had been offered to several very worthy gentlemen, who declined. Since his nomina­tion he has been sneaking around over the country, raking up and collating every idle rumor detrimental to me and has been using them as a means to lift his ungainly carcass into the Judgeship. Your article seems to be the sum of all the villainies, which he has succeeded in collecting against me.
1. You charge that in May, 1876, I adjourned court in Wichita, to take part in the “dedication” of Charlie Chatner’s saloon. This every lawyer in Wichita knows to be false. I do not remember the circumstances of the dedication, and am sure I was not there. Mr. Schatner’s books show that he opened on the night of July 17th, 1875. Court was not then in session, neither was there any court in Wichita in the months of June, July, and August.

2. Your charge that I decided the county seat cause between Eldorado and Augusta, in favor of the latter place, in pursuance of an agreement made at a meeting in Eldorado, on the night before the case was heard. This is absurd. I never heard of such a meeting. It was generally understood that it made no difference how I decided that case, as it would go to the Supreme Court in any event. I was desirous of making a decision that would be affirmed by the Supreme Court. That was all. There was nothing to prevent the people from holding another election while the case was pending in the Supreme Court, had they taken legal steps to do so.
3. You charge me with complicity in the election frauds at Eldorado in the fall of 1870. The old settlers of Butler County know this to be false. It was well known at the time that I knew nothing of it until about two hours before the polls were opened, and then learned of it by accident. That I protested against it and went home, and refused to work at the polls as I had intended to do. Ottentot did not charge me with it in his confession. I was not a candidate for county attorney at that election. The people who voted for me did so without my solicitation, and after I had publicly declined to be a candidate. As soon as my succes­sor was elected, he qualified and took possession of the office, which he had a right to do as I had merely been appointed to fill a vacancy.
4. Your next charge that I connived at the escape of a man convicted of crime and purposely failed to sentence him, and immediately afterwards received a deed to his farm. This is a very serious charge and if true, subjects me not only to impeach­ment and removal from office, but to a prosecution for felony. I will meet it squarely.
At the Spring term of the district court of Howard County, in the year of 1873, Aaron Wells was tried before me upon the charge of an assault with intent to kill. He was convicted of a simple assault, and was granted a new trial on the grounds of newly discovered testimony. At the succeeding term he was re-tried, and again convicted of a simple assault. As usual, judgment was deferred until a motion for a new trial was made and overruled. When the county attorney moved for judgment, Wells was absent. His attorney stated that he had been called away by sickness, and would be present the next day. It was ascertained that he had absconded. His bond was forfeited and an alias warrant issued. At the next term, May 1874, he was produced by his bail, and sentenced to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and stand committed, until the fine and costs were paid. He paid the fine to the clerk but could not or would not pay the costs. The Sheriff took him into custody, and obtained an order to take him to the jail of Allen County for safekeeping.
Wells’ wife had mortgaged her farm for money to pay the expenses of his defense, but refused to mortgage it for money to pay the costs assessed against him. I never spoke to Mrs. Wells in my life.
On the Sunday following, after Wells was sentenced, I was spending the day with Henry Welty, Esq., whose farm joined the Wells’ place. During the day, he suggested that there was a good farm that could be bought cheap, as Wells and his wife both were anxious to sell and leave the country, and Welty urged me to buy it. Through friends in the county who were anxious that I should own property there, I bought the place, and the character of the transaction is set forth in the following correspondence.
I paid Mrs. Wells five hundred dollars down, giving her a check on the First National Bank of Wichita for that amount, paid the costs in the Wells case, amounting to one hundred and sixty dollars, paid J. D. McCue for Wells, eighty dollars, gave my two notes for $500 each, and took the land subject to the mortgage to Turner for $650. Cummings afterwards purchased the land from me, and paid the balance of the purchase money. The fine I assessed against Wells was considered sufficiently severe, and was more than it would have been had he submitted to his sentence at the term at which he was convicted.

I was induced to write the letter which appears below, by being informed about the first of last of June, that Amos Harris, and the editor of the Beacon were intending to charge me with corruption in this matter just before the election. The follow­ing is the correspondence.
WICHITA, June 9, 1876.
Hon. E. S. Cummings, Elk Falls, Kansas.
My Dear Sir: Some of my political enemies are secretly circulating the report that I received a farm in Elk County as a bribe. Will you be kind enough to append to this letter a statement of the circumstances of my purchase of the Wells place, and also of my trade with you, and get some of your prominent citizens, who are conversant with the facts, to sign it with you. Yours Truly, W. P. Campbell.
I received the following answer:
“Elk Falls, June 11th, 1876.
Hon. W. P. Campbell.
Dear Sir: Yours of the 9th inst. is received and contents noted. In reply, I will say that it affords me pleasure to correct any false impressions or rumors that may have grown out of the purchase by you of what is known as the Wells’ farm, in Elk County, Kansas. The circumstances are briefly these: On the 11th day of May, 1874, you bought of Mary C. Wells, 200 acres of land for the sum of $2,400. You paid Mrs. Wells $500 in cash, assumed the payment of the court costs in the case of the State vs. Aaron Wells, computed at $250. You also assumed the payment of one promissory note for $650, given by Mary C. Wells to the order of L. L. Turner, dated May 4th, 1874. You also gave your notes, one for $500 due four months from date, and one for $500 due one year from date, all secured by mortgage on the property purchased. When I purchased the Wells’ farm from you, I assumed payment of the three last notes, which I now have in my posses­sion. I also gave you in part payment eighty acres of land in Elk Falls Township, Elk County, Kansas.
I believe this is all the land you own now, or ever did own in Elk County, or the old county of Howard. Hoping that this statement may be satisfactory to all persons, I remain, Yours Truly, E. S. CUMMINGS.
The above is correct and true. HENRY WELTY.
We have carefully read the foregoing statement, made by Mr. Cummings, and know the entire statement to be true. R. H. NICHOLS, F. A. STODDARD, DANIEL CARR.
Mr. Cummings is an old resident of Elk Falls, of wealth and position, and has been a member of the Legislature of this state. Mr. Nichols is a lawyer and has been a member of the Legislature, and is at present the Republican nominee for senator. Mr. Stoddard is a lawyer. Mr. Carr was the District Clerk of Howard County, where Wells was tried and sentenced. Mr. Welty has for several terms been Justice of the Peace, for Elk Falls Township. They are all men of well known integrity and of unimpeachable character.
Amos Harris has been exceedingly active in ferreting out this matter, and is as well acquainted with the transaction as anybody; and when he procured you to publish the above charge, he promulgated what he knew to be an infamous lie.

I have now answered as fairly as I can all your charges against my integrity as a judge or a man. Instigated, I have no doubt, by the devil’s image of a man who is permitted by some inscrutable dispensation of Providence, to outrage all delicacy and honor, and give off his slime and filth, in order that by breaking me down he can foist himself into a high and important office for which he is notoriously incompetent, in order that he may serve his masters who entertain designs upon the honest people of this district, which they have been unable to accom­plish through me.
As to the other charges, I ask you in all candor, would you under similar circumstances, by denying them, become involved in a fruitless effort to explain them, and thus subject yourself to the ridicule of all sensible people?
I apprehend that but few will believe them, and fewer still will be moved by them except in derision for the mendicant officer hunter, who has so little of his own merit to recommend him, that he must resort to the use of such base measures to accomplish his selfish purposes.
In conclusion, I want to say in justice to the intelligent people of this district, that I am of the opinion that before the above named “cracked bell” can be elected judge of this district, he must develop a higher order of talent than that of a common slanderer and wrecker of reputations.
The ides of November will demonstrate that the pursuit of this garrulous old gossiper after political honors, will be as vain as the attack of that famous knight of fiction upon the wind mills. Respectfully, W. P. CAMPBELL.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
Look out for bogus tickets next Tuesday. Republicans that make Democratic speeches will not hesitate at circulating “Repub­lican tickets” with Democratic nominees’ names upon them. Keep your eyes open and all will be well.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876.
   ONLY A “CAP.”
The Traveler comes out this week and denies that its editor stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat from the firm of Topliff & French, of Emporia, in 1870.

Mr. Nixon, in his letter as published in last week’s COURIER, did not charge that Scott stole a suit of clothes and an over-coat, but he did say that “Scott stole goods from the clothing store of Topliff & French.” It matters not to us whether it was a full suit, a half-suit, or simply a cap, as explained by the Telegram. The principle is just the same. A man who would steal a cap would steal an entire suit, if he had the chance. Mr. Topliff, in his letter, says that their firm did not keep clothing. Very well, they kept boots, shoes, hats, and caps, though; and Mr. Topliff will remember that, about two years ago, he told a citizen of this place, who was then a resident of Arkansas City, and a particular friend of his, that he (Scott) did steal a cap from their store, as set forth in Nixon’s letter. If Mr. Topliff or Mr. Scott want the authority for this state­ment, they can have it. If he had stolen all the goods in Emporia, it wouldn’t have altered the character of the offense. The principle of the thing is what the “vagabonds” are looking at, and they do not want Mr. Scott to crawl out of it by hiding himself behind his charges against Mr. Manning. The “vagabonds” have a right to know the character of the prosecuting witness in this continued assault upon them and their friends. His attempt to prove that Nixon is unreliable, simply because he gambles—won’t work. That’s a knife that cuts both ways. We know of several prominent politicians of the Traveler stripe that gamble and race horses, and are still held in high esteem by the “pure and better element of the party.” It’s too thin, Scott, it won’t wash. Bring in another horse.
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1876. Editorial Page.
Col. E. C. Manning
We see, by the Cowley County exchanges, that a few dissatis­fied Republicans of that county are sliding off with the opposi­tion and doing everything in their power to prevent the election of Col. E. C. Manning, the Republican nominee for the State Senate from that district. Of course, the result of the election in Cowley County does not materially interest us, but having resided in Winfield in the dark days of its beginning, we natu­rally have a kind feeling for its founders, and are sorry to see discord at our old home. We have many subscribers in Cowley County, and considering this fact, we may be excused for meddling (if it be termed such) with the politics of that county.
Now, to be plain, we think it is with very poor grace that any Winfield man should oppose Col. Manning’s election, consider­ing the fact that he is the father of their now flourishing little city, and has done more for its interest than any other ten men in the county. He has never been found away from his post of duty when the interest of Winfield and Cowley County was at stake, and in the name of common sense, what more could they ask of him as a citizen? As a Republican he has been tried for years, and has always proven himself worthy of any man’s steel. Of course, some localities, especially those which have fought the interests of the city of Winfield, from the time of its birth, oppose him on the grounds that he has spent his time and money in the advancement of Winfield, but this should make those at home think more of him, and vote for him, irrespective of party. Col. Manning is a gentleman, a scholar, and an honest and sober man, and in points of ability he stands, today, the peer of any man in Kansas. He is so much the superior of the man, Pyburn, who is undertaking to run against him, that a comparison would simply be a mockery to the idea of consistency. We would urge the people of Cowley to stand by the claims of Mr. Manning and it will be casting bread upon the waters. Elk County Cou­rant.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
I was called to hold an inquest on a body, found one mile west of Salt City, on the 26th ult. The deceased evidently had been murdered three or four weeks previous, and the body hauled to this pool in Salk Creek, and thrown into it.
The body had been floating some days, and the sun had changed that portion of the body which was above water. It was the body of a man about 25 years of age, with light complexion, sound front teeth, dark brown or black hair, little or no beard, appeared to have had light brown mustache—very thin and short—decomposed so this was not certain, height about 5 feet 10 inches, weight about 150 pounds; had on congress gaiter shoes, white cotton socks not mates, a cheviot striped shirt white and brown—some worn; nothing else was worn on the body.
Had been shot with a pistol—calibre about 22—near the crown of the head. The wounds were about two inches apart, one ranging directly down the middle of the neck, the other slanting toward the right ear. Neither came out. Either would have caused instant death.

A wagon, drawn by ponies, had passed from the road to the pool and stopped, where the grass had been broken on the bank, and then turned north and all traces were lost near the road. Believed to have been a land buyer, and to have been murdered for money and brought some distance, and stripped to hide his identi­fication, and thrown into the pond.
The above facts were found by the jury, and the conclusions were that of the people present when inquest was held. The body was interred in the Salt City cemetery. Any information concern­ing the matter will be given, by addressing George T. Walton, Oxford, Kansas. Independent.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 8, 1876. Editorial.
The County Surveyor Accepts $5 for Surveying Lands Fraudulently.
Charges sufficient to disqualify our present County Surveyor have been brought to our notice within the past ten days. While surveying a road from Wintin’s, up Silver Creek, he dined at the house of J. G. Titus, and was asked in reference to moving established Govern-ment corners, when he said:
“In my official capacity, it would not be advisable for me to advise anyone to move the Government corner stones, but I frequently tell them that if their lines do not suit them, if they would hide the Government stones, I would set one to suit.” J. G. Titus and John Brannon are witnesses to the fact.
Then Mr. Charles Seward testified that for five dollars, Mr. Walton moved a corner stone himself, on Squaw Creek, three miles below Winfield, so as to make a farm “take in water.” There are a number of other complaints afloat in reference to the gentleman’s actions that should be looked into and the perpetra­tor held accountable for “in his official capacity.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
The Republican Party of Cowley County, by its Own Vote, Shows to the World
That They Do Not, and Will Not, Countenance Corrupt Men,
Even Though They Have to Seek Outside of the Party for Honest Men!
The returns from Creswell Township this morning give Pyburn a majority of 220.
From East Bolton: 14
From West Bolton: 51
From Pleasant Valley: 26
From Rock: 29
From Tisdale: 33
From Windsor: 20
 Total:  393
In Maple Township Manning has a majority of 13.
In Richland: 31
In Sheridan: 15
In Vernon: 69
In Beaver: 23
In Winfield: 40
In Silverdale: 1

  Total: 192
At present writing, Pyburn has a majority of 201, and most of the townships casting large votes have been heard from. Dexter, Nenescah, and some other townships will give Manning a majority, but not enough to elect him by at least fifty votes.
The votes on Senator are here given:
ROCK 60   89
SHERIDAN 42   27
TISDALE 28   61
WEST BOLTON  14   65
Total for Manning: 250
Total for Pyburn: 595
Richland, Manning’s majority: 31
Vernon, Manning’s majority: 69
Beaver, Manning’s majority: 23
Silverdale, Manning’s majority: 1
Winfield, Manning’s majority: 40
Windsor, Pyburn’s majority: 20
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Tom Ryan’s majority for Congress, in this district, is not less than 10,000 votes.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Prof. Kellogg goes up to the House from Emporia in the interest of the State Normal School.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
J. W. Cottingham of Floral is added to the list of liars who turned loose on election day to defeat Manning.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
What a fitting rebuke the people of the 88th Representative district gave to Scott last Tuesday in the overwhelming majority polled for Leland J. Webb. This is the same Webb whose nomina­tion for county attorney the Traveler bolted two years ago, through purely mercenary motives and no other. His reason for opposing Webb was, that “he was afraid he couldn’t trust him.” The man whom he did support didn’t give him the “County Printing” after all.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Wirt W. Walton, of the Winfield COURIER, has the name of getting up the spiciest local paper in the State. We understand, Wirt, that you are a candidate for Chief Clerk of the House this winter. Success to you, we know of none other we would rather see honored with that position. Eureka Censorial.

Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The “as good a Republican as you are” element, which aided in the election of Mr. Pyburn, are now wondering what to do with the elephant which they have drawn. He cannot help the poor fellows to office nor keep any of their ring in office. He must serve his party and they cannot quite control its action. What will they do? They must either join the Democratic party and direct the animal or follow behind and gather up whatever drops and be contented with it.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Vernon is the banner township. Out of 138 votes cast 101 were Republican and 100 were straight. Vernon joins Winfield on the west. It has more schoolhouses, more farmers, more land in cultivation, more good dwelling houses, more reading people, and more conscientious people than any township in the county con­taining the same number of square miles. Of course, its people are largely Republicans. Besides this, they are better acquainted with Mr. Manning than the majority of the county, and hence gave him a solid Republican vote.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Is the Senator elect from this, the 27th district, for the coming term. The COURIER used all honorable means to elect his opponent and is not sorry for it. It will now do all that it can to make Mr. Pyburn useful to the people of the county and will aid him in anything that he may undertake for their interests. It will not attempt to destroy his influence, but to increase it. In a party sense we expect to disagree with his partisan measures, but for the building up of Cowley County we are with him first, last, and all the time.
Reference to Judge Walton, Wirt’s father, in Oxford, Walton Township, Sumner County...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. Editorial Page.
From the Oxford Independent we learn that “on the 26th ultimo, two boys, Walter J. Willard and Lucien Snyder, found the dead body of a man floating in a pool in Salt Creek, in Walton Township, Sumner County, one and a quarter miles west of Salt City. Judge Walton, of Oxford, held an inquest thereon on the 27th. He reports the facts as follows.

The body was of a man probably twenty-five years of age; probably had been dead three or four weeks; light complexion; dark hair; light moustache, or perhaps none, as the face was much mutilated; five feet ten inches high; sound front teeth; weight about 150; thought by the jury not to be a laboring man; pair Congress gaiters; instep cut as a flower; odd cotton socks on, a cheviot shirt brown and white, and no other clothes, rings, or marks—either on person or feet; had been shot in the top of the back part of the head, near the crown, with two pistol balls about No. 22; ranging down through to the base of the head. Either shot would cause instant death. The man it is believed had been dead some time when put in this pool, which is about ten feet deep, as the limbs are straight, as though he had died lying on a flat surface, as a wagon bottom. The trail of a wagon drawn by two ponies left the road, a little south, and drove west to the pool, where the six feet grass was broken, and then turned northeast and again drove into the road. It is thought that he had been a land buyer with some money, and had been in company with others who had killed him, hauled him some distance, and stripped off his clothes to prevent recognition. Friends in the East having friends missing should write.
This should be published in Iowa and Illinois, as it is believed that he probably was one of the many land buyers from those States.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. Editorial Page.
The old Border State has spoken for
And the party of true Reform.
She sends Ohio’s Governor a Compliment of 25,000 majority.
In the contest of Brains vs. Breeches
Geo. T. Anthony Walks Away With a Clean 12,000.
The “Stink-pots” failed to do their work and the State
is saved.
Liars will please take Notice, and a Back Seat
for four years more.
The entire Republican State Ticket Elected,
From Top to Bottom, With Majorities
Ranging from 20,000 to 30,000.
Winfield Furnishes the nest State Superintendent
of Public Instruction.
“We take Lemmon in Ours.”
   The Second District is Redeemed.
Haskell beats Goodin 2,000 votes, and “The Whang-doodles
     mourn for their first born.

Phillips walks Fenlon’s log up in the First District, and
goes back to Congress with a rousing majority.
Honest Tom Ryan goes to Washington from this
District with 15,000 to spare, and
“The Great Southwest” and Cowley County helped
to send him.
In the language of Geo. R. Peck “there is a bond of
sympathy between Shawnee and Cowley counties.”
Judge W. P. Campbell is re-elected by over
1,000 majority.
He wasn’t even Harr(I)ised by his opponent.
Cowley mourns the defeat of her Senator,
but rejoices over the election of the remainder
of the Ticket.
We have delayed the issue of the COURIER twenty-four hours to give you the latest and most reliable news. The COURIER ain’t sick! It ain’t that kind of a paper. The figures in the headlines above are correct and can be relied on. Official county may, of course, change the result a few votes either way. What do you think of it, Republicans, isn’t it a glorious victory?
From all around us the good news comes rushing in. Bent Murdock carried old Butler for the State Senatorship by 500, and is elected.
Sedgwick gave Campbell 400 to spare, and likewise every other county in the district.
The full Republican ticket is elected in Sumner.
Gen. T. T. Taylor is elected in the Senate from the Hutch­inson district, John Kelly from the Wichita district, and J. R. Hallowell from the Cherokee County district.
Shawnee County did nobly. Geo. W. Veale’s majority is greater than Archie William’s entire vote. Judge Metaker beat J. H. Moss (the Democratic speaker who visited us recently), by over 1,000 majority. Tom Ryan carried his county by 1,700 majority.
Geo. T. Anthony, in spite of the malicious calumny and bitter abuse heaped upon him in Shawnee, carried John Martin’s own county by nearly 900 majority. What a terrible rebuke that must be to his traducers. And better than that. He carried the 1st Ward in Leavenworth, the home of D. R. Anthony, by 44 majori­ty. There is certainly “a destiny that shapes” the liar’s ends rough, up in that corner of the State.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. Editorial Page.

The Republican nominee for the Senate is defeated by about one hundred and fifty majority. The falsehoods of his personal enemies and the hate of Arkansas City did the work. With the energy of desperation, time, talent, and money was spent to accomplish the result. While it is a mortification to him and a source of regret to his thousand friends in the county, yet there are many things connected with the canvass that are worthy of remembrance, and which contain some consolation.
Scott, of the Traveler, called Mr. Manning’s supporters vagabonds, and it appears that the “vagabonds” carried 13 out of 22 townships in the county.
The “vagabonds” are in a majority in the county outside of Arkansas City precinct.
The “vagabonds” were only defeated by the aid which “pure” Republicans gave to the Democracy.
The “vagabonds” have remarkable memories.
The “vagabonds” enumerate within their ranks a majority of the farmers and taxpayers of the county.
The “vagabonds” will follow to their political graves the liars and traitors who contributed to their defeat.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. Editorial Page.
Just as we go to press we see in the Traveler a base insinu­ation that we, as County Surveyor, have been surveying lands fraudulently. This is the remark attributed to us in reply to some question asked us nearly four years ago.
“In my official capacity, it would not be advisable for me to advise anyone to move the Government corner stones, but I frequently tell them that if their lines do not suit them, if they would hide the Government stones, I would set one to suit.”
That lie has been nailed twice at the ballot box in Silverdale Township, and by the people of this county, and we here nail it again.
Then he says:
“Mr. Charles Seward testifies that for five dollars, Mr. Walton moved a corner stone himself, on Squaw Creek, three miles below Winfield, so as to make a farm “take in water.”
That is a base lie, and the author of it knew it when he uttered it. Charles Seward never testified a word impeaching our official record in his life. We can produce a dozen men, living “three miles below Winfield,” who will say it is an infamous lie.
Then he winds up with a sweeping charge that,
“There are a number of other complaints afloat in reference to the gentleman’s actions that should be looked into and the perpetrator held accountable for in his official capacity.”
In conclusion we have to say, that for nearly six years we have been surveying in this county, and we defy any man, friend or foe, to substantiate a single charge reflecting upon our honor or integrity “in our official capacity.” This man, Scott, who is charged with stealing goods in Emporia, and whom we now charge with stealing the Arkansas City post office from one of the best, the bravest, and truest men that ever lived there, thereby throwing him out of employment and forcing him to leave the country or starve, seeks to drag every man who disagrees with him down to his own miserable level. By crying “Stop thief!” he hopes to turn the attention of the public from his own dirty, narrow-minded carcass.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.

The Republicans of Winfield Township met pursuant to call, at the Courthouse Saturday, the 4th instant, and proceeded to nominate the following township ticket:” For trustee, J. S. Hunt; for Clerk, Ed. S. Bedilion; for treasurer, B. F. Baldwin; for justice of the peace, W. M. Boyer; for constables, Ed. R. Evans and Burt Covert. After which the following township central committee was chosen: Wirt W. Walton, C. C. Pierce, and S. E. Burger.
J. M. ALEXANDER, Chairman.
E. S. TORRANCE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Total Vote.
Cowley County cast 2,000 votes.
Hayes received 1,625, Tilden, 925.
Anthony received 1,425, Martin 1,125.
Campbell received 1,600, Harris 1,000.
Manning received 1,125, Pyburn 1,275.
Hayes’ majority: 700.
Anthony’s majority: 360.
Campbell’s majority: 600.
Pyburn’s majority: 150.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
The Traveler, in speaking of the probable result in Bolton, on the evening of the election, used the following language.
“Word came over in the evening that Wilkinson and the other niggers would carry the township.”
Now he means T. A. Wilkinson, of this city; who was in Bolton on that day working for the Republican ticket. What a low, vile imputation there is meant to be conveyed in those words, “Wilkinson and the other niggers.” What a moral and social wretch the author of such a sentence must be. The Travel­er man seeks to associate the fair name of Prof. Wilkinson in the same “shadows” with his own “gold watch,” his lost charac­ter, and his “lover’s letters.”
Prof. Wilkinson is as far above the writer of that infamous libel, in all that goes to make a man, a good citizen, and a thorough, upright, honorable man, as the “Angels in Heaven are superior to the imps of Hell.” His daily walk, his manly and straight-forward course in his private as well as official life in this county for the past six years, has been such that com­mands the respect and friendship of more men than the editor of the Traveler will have if he lives to be a thousand years of age. Such statements are an outrage upon decency and common sense; and Prof. Wilkinson’s hundreds of friends in this county will yet live to see the down-fall of the traducer. He patiently bides his time.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.
Teacher’s Examination.
There will be a Teachers’ Examination held at the school­house in Winfield, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17th and 18th—last one held this year. T. A. WILKINSON, County Supt.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876.

The Democratic jollification last night, over the election of one man out of the thirty-one on the ticket, was a huge affair. At an early hour sundry dry goods boxes, barrels, etc., were fired at the crossing of Main and 9th, the band was brought out, and the unterrified proceeded to get together. They met to rejoice over the election of Mr. Pyburn for fear that they wouldn’t have anything else to rejoice over. Mr. Pyburn was called out and in a few words thanked the Democrats for his election, which cooled the ardor of the bushwhacking Republicans, who were hanging on the outskirts expecting to get a comforting crumb.
Mr. McDonald followed him, of course, and put on the finish­ing touches. By insinuating remarks he cast reproach upon the name of the defeated candidate for State Senator.
This was more than his hearers could stand, and the only applause he received at its close was loud and repeated cries for “Manning!” “Man­ning!!” Mr. Manning climbed halfway up the stairway that led to the speakers stand and stopped, remarking that it was a time for “the Republican flag of Cowley County to stand at half mast.” From this stand he gave the “bushwhacking” enemy in his own party such a raking as they will remember for years. He had no feeling against the honest Democrats, who voted their honest sentiments, but against the men who had been nursed and petted by the Repub­lican party until they thought they owned the entire thing.
Mr. Hackney, late of California, was then called out and tried to explain why he was furnished with a “sleeping car” to ride free from Topeka to Galveston last winter, while his con­stituents were holding mass conventions at home to persuade the same road to build them a line down this valley. He then spoke a few kind words to “my friends,” the Democrats and Republicans, whereupon a full fledged “Dymocrat,” about half “set up,” yelled out, “Which side yer on?” This brought our friend Hackney down, and after more music the next Democratic (?) orator took the stand.
L. J. Webb, who had carried his district by a Republican majority of nearly four hundred, gave the jollifiers a few words that convinced them they had missed their man again.
Dick Walker, the Republican wheel-horse of this county, next stood up and put on the “cap sheaf.” He spoke of Arkansas City’s going back on him, bolting Webb’s nomination, Kinne’s nomination, and every other nomination the Republicans had ever made that wasn’t dictated by them, and that loyal old Vernon, “the only loyal State in the Union,” would remember them for all time to come.
Dick was followed by Capt. McDermott, Prof. Lemmon, and Mr. Kelly. They all made Republican speeches, which the poor Demo­crats were compelled to swallow. Prof. Lemmon said that he thought the meeting was called to attend a Republican funeral. That thirty out of thirty-one corpses were Democrats, and the anthem singers were nearly all Republicans.
The crowd was good humored and everything passed off harmo­niously. The funniest thing is to find where the Democratic jollification came in. The meeting was captured by Republicans, and seven speakers out of ten were “true blue Republicans.”
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
A Little Evidence to Substantiate a Charge.

Mr. Walton, in last week’s Courier, denies the charge of fraudulent surveys, and says: “We defy any man, friend or foe, to substantiate a single charge reflecting upon our honor or integrity in our official capacity.” Now we do not desire a personal wrangle with the man, but since he openly defies anyone to “substantiate a single charge,” we gave place to the follow­ing, which can be verified by several others.
EDITOR TRAVELER: In the Courier of the 9th inst., I noticed an editorial making charges against you, and denying any charges made against Wirt W. Walton as County Surveyor.
In 1874 I employed him to survey a quarter section of land. On the east line, or near the line, there was a very valuable spring. I had my doubts about the spring being on my land, and so told Walton. I also told him that if, on surveying the land, he found the spring to be east of the line, I would like to have the corner so placed as to take in the spring, which would give me a chance to buy the land east of me. This he has sworn to in court in this town. He commenced the survey at a quarter section corner, and ran east 40 chains. This let the spring about ten rods off from me. The chainmen, O. C. Skinner and John Wooley, then stopped, when Walton shouted to them to go on, that he was running to the river. They then surveyed to the river, which was about thirty rods further east. From the river he ran back so as to give me the spring by two rods, and there placed a corner. He then changed the quarter section corner (which he stated he believed to be a Government corner) eleven rods, to correspond with the distance called for by the Government field notes. When the survey was over, he stated to A. H. Acton, of Salt Springs, in substance, that if trouble should follow, the corner he had removed would have to be put back.
I was not satisfied with the removal of the Government corner, and urged him to re-establish it. This he refused to do, stating as a reason that he had made other surveys to correspond with the removal, and it would be too bare-faced to do so. I then employed Mr. Kager to make arrangements to have him come down and re-establish the corner, or I would have him indicted in the United States Court at Topeka. He told Mr. Kager that as soon as the Legislature adjourned, he would come down and make the survey, so that I could establish or identify the corner in the future, as there would probably be litigation about it, and so mark it as a Government corner on the records. I do not say I paid Mr. Walton for making a corner to give me the spring, but I do say that to oblige me, as he thought, he changed a Government corner, or at least a corner that he swore in court had every appearance of a Government corner, and a corner that no one disputed. And if he so desires, a few facts not here stated, that can be sustained, might be given that will put an end to his acting as County Surveyor. WM. B. SKINNER.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
“TELL” WALTON is surveying the Woodyard road today.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
Pyburn is elected, and “still we have no railroad.”
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
HURRAH FOR HAYES! Thursday night’s mail brings the word that Hayes is surely elected.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
Bill Hackney stood at the polls in Winfield all day on election and peddled bogus Republican tickets.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.

Gov. Osborn should telegraph to Gen. Grant to draw on Kansas, at sight, for 25,000 men in case of necessity.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
Hayes carried every county in Kansas. His majority is 40,000. Anthony is elected Governor by 25,000. Twelve Democrats get into the House of Representatives. Three Democratic Senators are elected. Cowley, with a Republican majority of 700, elects one of them.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
A Traitor.
A. V. Polk, of Rock Township, has been anxious to have Mr. Manning represent Cowley County for four or five years last past. He supported Mr. Manning in the Senatorial and also in the county convention following. A few days before election he was hired to ride over Rock Township and electioneer against the Republican Senatorial nominee.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.
During the days of last week following the election, hun­dreds of people from different parts of the county called upon Mr. Manning and expressed their personal regrets upon hearing of his defeat. To them, and to all who stood by his nomination, either for personal or political reasons, he expressed and expresses gratitude and thanks. The profound sympa-thy manifested and the words of cheer and confidence expressed at once, to a great extent, reconciled him to the unhappy defeat.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876. Editorial Page.
How will you get it? With Pyburn in the Senate and Mitchell in the House, from Cowley, what will you do? They are both opposed to changing the present law. It now takes a two-thirds vote to carry any aid proposition. In the counties lying between Cowley and the railroads a two-thirds vote cannot be obtained. What will you do? Are you going to Wichita for four years more with your products? Are you going to die with the dry rot in Cowley, while the money loaners sell you out of house and home? Whom have you to blame for this situation? Will someone who through the late canvass scoffed at the idea that the Legislature had nothing to do with railroad building please suggest a way out of the shackles that hold us?
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1876.

The defeat of the Republican candidate for the State Senate, in this county, gave all true Republicans therein a shock of dismay. It seems to say that personal hate is stronger than love of principle; that men can be destroyed by falsehoods; that money can carry elections in Cowley; that local strifes threaten the future welfare of the county; that a man who has no sympathy with the money shylocks, and who is in sympathy with the farmers has been set aside for one who has no sympathy of any kind; that a man who is working for railroads is dropped for one who takes no thought of railroads; that one who is striving for markets, progress, and material development in the county is cast down, while one who manifests no zeal in these things is set up; that a representative of Republican principles is repudiated, while a representative of Democratic principles is endorsed.
The defeat of Mr. Manning as the Republican candidate for Senator is an unfortunate blow to the best interests of Cowley County. The method of his defeat has created a bitterness in the county that will last for years. A very large majority of the Republican farmers of the county desired his election. He could not have refused to run as their Senatorial candidate and re­tained their confidence and respect. It was plainly the duty of the minority of Republicans to second their choice.
In the effort to secure his election, no dishonorable methods were adopted. Mr. Manning even offered to withdraw from the ticket if his adversaries could prove that any of the wicked charges of dishonorable conduct made against him were true. He could not withdraw from the canvass without cause. He was desirous that Cowley should be represented in the State Senate by a Republican and was willing to put forward another candidate if good cause could be given for so doing.
The canvass in Cowley County became a personal controversy. All interest in the National and State ticket was lost in the war made upon Mr. Manning by his enemies and the defense made by his friends. The “robber’s roost” in Winfield furnished money to defeat him. Two newspapers in the county poured out column after column of lies about him. A flood of liars were turned loose in every township and in nearly every schoolhouse to defame him, and finally on election day the Traveler and Telegram offices fur­nished bogus Republican tickets at every voting place with Mr. Pyburn’s name printed thereon as the Republican candidate for State Senator.
As a culminating effort the opposition secured the services of pretended Republicans at every precinct, either volunteers or hired tools, to brow beat every man who intended to vote for Mr. Manning.
This combination of agencies, aided by a nearly solid Democratic vote, backed by the almost solid vote of Creswell Township (Arkansas City), caused the defeat of the Republican nominee.
Such disreputable means as those employed show who the “reformers” are in Cowley County. They are “spotted.”
We have a few words to say to a class of citizens in Winfield and a still smaller class in the county. The COURIER is not published for the benefit or destruction of one man or many men, nor for the purpose of rewarding the friends or punishing the enemies of its editor or publisher. Its first hope is to be a self-sustaining enterprise, paying something for the capital, time, and labor spent thereon. Its next ambition is to promote the welfare of its readers and the prosperity of Cowley County. Both of these objects are largely frustrated by the personal enmity shown by certain individuals towards the friends of the COURIER. Several persons in Winfield contribute freely towards supporting a disreputable sheet, called the Telegram. If they sustain a paper that persists in lying about the COURIER force, then will the COURIER tell some unwholesome truths about them.

Peace of mind and a decent reputation is as dear to the COURIER’S folks as to the men who support and endorse the Telegram in its villainy. A hint to the wise is sufficient.
On last election day the “reform” element of Cowley County caused five or six kinds of bogus tickets to be printed and circulated. One variety had the following heading.
Following this heading were the Democratic electors and the whole Democratic ticket. Thus the Peter Cooper voter, not being posted on the names of the electors, really voted for Sam J. Tilden & Co. “Reform,” is the watchword of the demagogues who fathered that ticket.
The branch railroad that the A. T. & S. F. Co. was to have built to Eldorado is for the present frustrated. The townships along the line were to have voted bonds in aid of the enterprise, but owing to the two-thirds rule, the bonds failed to carry in one or more townships. That law must be changed.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
WIRT WALTON wants to be Chief Clerk of the House this winter. Well, Wirt is ambitious, and with Pyburn in the Senate and Mitchell in the House, he ought to get two votes, by some turn or another, but it is doubtful.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
[From the Telegram of Nov. 17th.]
Ed. Cowley County Telegram:
DEAR SIR: Wirt Walton wishes me to call the attention of the citizens of Winfield and vicinity to the fact that he confis­cated $30 of the 4th of July fund (while acting as committee of “4th of July Ball”) and appropriated it to his personal use.
Should any person have an office of trust at their disposal, I would recommend the boy. (On trial.)   Yours Respectfully,
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
A Few More Facts for Our County Surveyor.
Editor Traveler:
For some inscrutable purpose, Providence sent W. W. Walton into the world, scarce half made up in brains, to vilify and abuse others through the columns of his dirty sheet, and as he has seen fit to attack me personally, I claim your indulgence to reply.
Every sentence contains a lie. To his first charge of leaving Illinois, I will only say that I was not the clerk in the House of Representatives who was kicked out of the back door of a fourth rate hotel at Topeka for having a mass of corruption in his room.
He lies when he says I sold land (or told him I did), describing it by metes and bounds. Walton swore that the corner he moved “had the usual marks of a Government corner.” You may believe him under oath or not, as you like.

He lied when he said I tried to steal land of Mr. Acton. I never claimed an acre of land that Mr. Acton claimed, or thought I owned any, until Walton, while surveying for Mr. Acton, cut off several acres of Mr. Acton’s land and gave them to me; and if I “tried to steal the land,” it must have been through this County official that I did it. I still hold the land, given me by this honest official, which (as he says) I tried to steal.
He was either a dishonest scoundrel in giving me Mr. Acton’s land, or a liar in making the charge.
I tried “to steal land from Mr. Myers.” Had he let the old corner stand, I should not have got the springs by eight rods, according to the field notes. He moved the corner about eleven rods and I now hold the springs (worth to my place five hundred dollars) by about three rods; so the fact still remains, that by moving the corner eleven rods, he gave me the spring by about three rods. Many thanks, Mr. Walton, whether you were paid for it or not.
Now, I assert that he lied, or ought to have known it was false, when he said I had a suit with Mr. Kay and had the costs to pay. The court, as the records show, ordered the costs on Mr. Kay, who paid them like a man. By his bungling, or ignorance of surveying (more likely the latter), he succeeded in getting us into trouble. Mr. Kay is out of pocket fully two hundred dol­lars, which he would have in his pocket today, but for that swell head, who promised to see him out, only to send him a bill of over ten dollars for his lordship’s attendance as witness.
He lied, and knew he was lying, when he said any one of the witnesses, either directly or indirectly, uttered a single word under oath that could be construed as reflecting on me.
He utters one truth when he says he was a witness in that case. He was, and he swore that “he had pencilings of the Government field notes.”
Finally, this brainless figure-head of the Courier says, “The TRAVELER gave Skinner a terrible skinning a short time ago.” This statement will be branded as a lie by every reader of the TRAVELER.
Come out, Wirt, for once, and act the man. Don’t try to cover your tracks by the old cry of “Stop, thief!” For your sake, and with the sincere hope that you may reform, I will not in this place ask you to explain how it is that your bills, to the extent of fifty dollars at a lick, are rejected by the County Commissioners. I will not produce the records to show that you have taken hundreds of dollars out of the tax-payers’ pockets, to pay for platting private surveys, and to which you had no legal right, whatever.
Now, Wirt, if you will reform, I will not speak of your survey where W. T. Estus, J. C. Smith, and others were interested—never lisp a word about little wash bills. And should you ever become a candidate again, you might get more than one vote in East Bolton—always provided that you can convince the public that you have truly reformed.
Not sure about this: think Wirt was attacking Jimmie Christian...
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
In reading over his tirade against us in this week’s issue of the Traveler, we are led to believe that Old Skinner has another severe attack of the bowel complaint. This is the first attack he’s had since his examination at Quincy, Illinois, after being drafted into the army during the late war. He staid at home.

Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
From Floral.
Mr. Walton: In your first issue after the Election, you say J. W. Cottingham is added to the Liars list by working against the dis(honorable) E. C. M. If my influence assisted in his defeat, I am satisfied with the result, so just let me remain on the list. Again last week someone of my friends made some charges. When said Belle Islander lets himself appear in his proper name, then he will probably hear from us.
Now to the friends of (the Late) political aspirant, a word. When you attempt another fraud let us know & we will come round. J. W. COTTINGHAM.
We give place to the foregoing just as it comes from the hand of Rev. Cottingham. He does not deny what his neighbors say of him; he does not make any excuse or apology for the crime he has committed. His only answer is a low fling at Mr. Manning.
Whenever a scullion in politics makes an unreasonable statement in a political campaign, it is heard with many degrees of allowance. If a floating vagabond, whose home is anywhere in which his lip and characteristics can find a market, one without principle or character, willing to give his services to the party that will pay most for them, circulates stories in a political canvass, they have little weight with candid, sensible men. But when a man pretends to be a follower of Him who says: “The bruised reed ye shall not break,” “it is better to suffer than do wrong,” “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neigh­bor,” and being accepted in society as one governed by his professions, such an one should be careful in speaking that he has the truth on his side. Can Rev. Cottingham say “Thus have I done.”
This seems to be the complaint of his neighbors: pretending to be a Republican, he attacked Republican candidates and thereby influenced Republicans in their votes; pretending to be a chris­tian, credit was given to a wicked and disgraceful falsehood which he oft repeated at the polls for the purpose of influencing votes. If Rev. J. W. Cottingham did not vote the straight Democratic ticket and often tell a wicked falsehood at the last election, why does he not say so? If he did not do so, his neighbors have no right to complain against him. If he did so wherein is he justified.
Censure attaches to no man who consci­entiously casts any votes let him be ever so mistaken in his notions. But malice or hate or crime or fear should not be in the heart of a Reverend when he opens his lips to speak. He has our unanimous consent to remain on the “liar’s” list if he so desires.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1876.
Tell Walton, deputy surveyor, is at work in the Grouse Valley this winter.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1876.
Burch, the Western editor of the Chicago Advertiser, in a seven-column article, description of the Walnut Valley, among many other grand things, says:

Winfield has a population of 1,400 and was settled in 1870, with the organization of the county. The population of the county was then only 700. Now it reaches 10,000. Winfield like the country, is settled mainly by Eastern people and has the brightness and sprightliness of a model Eastern town. There is not a sign of decadence or slothfulness in any part of it.
Probably no young city in the Southwest has more public enter­prise, and certainly none have more personal spirit than this. Situated in the heart of the Walnut Valley, at the conflu­ence of the Walnut and the Timber Creek, with tributary streams and valleys reaching out in every direction, it of course becomes a natural centre. That it has been made an artificial centre of trade and influence is easy enough to see. It is preeminently a live city. A group of live men came in here as pioneers and they have attracted other men of their kind, until Winfield has the reputation of being the most driving town of its class upon the border.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
In justice to Mr. Seward, more than for our personal vindi­cation, we give space to the following letter.
WIRT W. WALTON, County Surveyor.
DEAR SIR: The statements made in a recent number of the Arkansas City Traveler to the effect that you “moved a government corner stone on Squaw Creek for $5.00 so that a certain farm could take in water” is utterly false. I never made such a statement and the writer who gave my name as authority for such a statement uttered a falsehood. I have twice written to Mr. Scott to do myself justice by correcting the falsehood, and up to the present time he has refused so to do. In justice to you then, and to myself, I write this.
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1876.
ADELPHI Lodge, No. 110, of A. F. and A. M.’s of this city, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: Dr. Graham, W. M.; Ex Saint, S. W.; M. G. Troup, J. W.; Frank Baldwin, Treas.; and James Kelly, Secretary. The following appointments were then made: C. C. Black, S. D.; J. C. Roberts, J. D.; Jas. Simpson, S. S.; N. C. McCulloch, J. S.; Wirt W. Walton, Tyler.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
Charles A. Seward denies that he ever said “Wirt Walton moved a Government corner stone for $5,” and gives a letter to the Courier to that effect.

Now that he has so completely vindicated Mr. Walton, we have to say we can prove he did say so, and we give his letters as written to us Nov. 20th and Dec. 3rd. The Courier is noted for the faculty of “bringing men around,” and the cause of Seward’s change we can’t account for.
First Letter from Seward.
  Winfield, November 20, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott:
SIR. Today, for the first time, I find in the Cowley County Telegram a report said to have been published in your excellent paper, to the effect that I said W. W. Walton had moved a corner stone for money. Said statement is false, as concerning my having said so—though there has been such report.
For the facts, I would refer to G. W. Melville, now at Wichita, having a farm on Posey Creek, where said surveying is said to have been done. Now I have no particular regards for Walton, or the tribe he is now connected with, in proof of which, though I am a Republican, I helped to elect your townsman, Hon. A. J. Pyburn, instead of one of my own party in whom I had no faith. I say this to prove my interest in the welfare of the people of this county. Yet I cannot permit my name to be abused and scandalized as it has been in the Courier, a paper which I ceased to take on account of the low origin of its contents.
Please rectify said mistake of the reporter. Yours, with regard, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
Second Letter from Seward.
Winfield, December 3, 1876.
Mr. Scott:
Dear Sir. I do not want you to make a correction of the statement published in your paper in regard to Walton moving a Government corner stone for money. I have heard such a report. That is all. Your reporter made a mistake when he said I had made such report to him, knowing the same to be true. I did not, neither do I think Walton a proper person for County Surveyor, for in my opinion he is not an honest man. Trusting you will correct the mistake (?) made by your reporter, I subscribe myself, Yours, with respect, CHARLES A. SEWARD.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
From Winfield.
   WINFIELD, KAN., Dec. 23, 1876.
Our Christmas tree on Saturday evening, the 23rd, was a success; the most remarkable feature was the very large number of books distributed from it.
At the last regular communication of Adelphi Lodge No. 110, A. F. and A. M., the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: W. M., Wm. G. Graham; Sen. W., J. E. Saint; Jun. W., M. G. Troup; Sec., James Kelly; Treas., R. F. Baldwin; Sen. D., C. C. Black; Jun. D., J. C. Roberts; Sen. S., Jas. A. Simpson; Jun. S., N. C. McCulloch; Tyler, W. W. Walton.

They were installed at the Courthouse on the eve of the 27th, St. John’s Day, by Past High Priest, M. L. Read; at the close of the installation ceremonies, the retiring Master Hunt was directed to face the “East” when Bro. McDonald requested “permission to address Bro. J. S. Hunt,” which being granted, he advanced, while he held in his hand a beautiful casket, and proceeded to deliver a presentation address and invest Bro. Hunt with one of the most elegant and modest P. M. jewels that it has ever been our fortune to behold, and the speech and response was in such beautiful harmony with the present and the occasion, it was a surprise token of regard from the Lodge. After this all were called from “labor to refreshments,” and we turned to the tables where we found that the power and beauty of the culinary art had been exhausted to please the appetite and refresh the inner man.
On the morning of the 28th, Mrs. A. B. Lemmon and her sister, Miss Kate Millington, left our quiet city for Topeka, accompanied by W. W. Walton, our Chief Clerk and assistant State Superintendent, in embryo.
On the evening of the 29th we had a Rail Road meeting at the M. E. Church, which was largely attended by the businessmen of this city, which proceeded as follows. Dr. Davis was chosen chairman and B. F. Baldwin, Secretary. On motion a committee of three was appointed on resolutions, namely M. S. Robinson, E. C. Manning, and Judge McDonald, who reported a set of resolutions in favor of making an earnest effort to secure R. R. communication and recommending the appointment of a committee of five, whose duty it should be to devise some feasible R. R. project and report on or before Feb. 1st, 1877. D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, M. S. Robinson, Judge McDonald, and J. B. Lynn on said committee, when meeting adjourned to the call of the committee.
Don’t fret the “Wah Hoss’s” but give them peas and let us have a rest. Yours,   C.
LATER. Jan. 1st, 1877. Our R. R. committee met this morning and organized by electing J. E. Platter, President, and D. A. Millington, Secretary, and adjourned till this evening. C.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
It looks as though the whole Cowley County delegation at Topeka had gone back on the COURIER. Not a word from Walton, Lemmon, Webb, Pyburn, or Mitchell in two weeks. Even the ladies have not written. We are not so much surprised at the reticence of Walton, Lemmon, and Webb; but the silence of Pyburn and Mitchell is mysterious. Here we are all anxiety about the prospects of “our Wirt”—days and nights of suspense and no light. We think however the situation is safe or there would have been some “hollering.” But to the time of going to press this is our latest news, taken from the old, reliable morning Commonwealth, of January 9th.
“We are authorized to state that Judge Webb is not a candi­date for Chief Clerk of the House. This we suppose assures the unanimous election of Wirt Walton. He will make a No. 1 Clerk in all respects and is entitled to the office.”
Judge Webb is the only opposing candidate that we have heard of and consequently Mr. Walton must have a clear field.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.
Wirt W. Walton is listed as Chief Clerk of the House Organization, State of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
That Corner.
SQUAW CREEK, February 14th, 1877.

ED. COURIER. DEAR SIR: Having read about all the corre­spondence in reference to that Squaw Creek survey, we have come to the conclusion that somebody needs vindication, and not being able to make up our minds as to who that personage is, we have concluded to submit the facts and let the public draw its own conclusion.
W. W. Walton, after making a very careful survey of the lines between sections three and ten, found a very nice stone, very nicely set in the ground, about nine rods west and seven links north of a point midway between the east and west corners, and which Mr. Nauman told W. W. Walton, in the presence of the whole surveying party, that he (Nauman) set himself. Walton also found about one rod east of the center, one oak post, which Mr. Seward said Mr. Nauman showed him at the time he bought his land as being about the corner. Walton, with his good eye and quick perception, saw that by such an arrangement Mr. Nauman’s lands would not corner, but would lap ten rods, and remarked that it was “too thin.” After carefully examining the stone he failed to find any of Uncle Sam’s ear marks, and consequently, within the majesty of the law, proceeded to locate a corner in accordance with the Government field notes.
This letter is not written to bulldoze Judge Campbell, neither is it written by W. W. Walton, and “we uns” bulldozed into signing it.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
TELL WALTON, Deputy County surveyor, called yesterday.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
Cowley County is out of the woods on the railroad question. The Kansas legislature has cut the withes that bound us hand and  foot. It is not possible for sidewalk politicians, money loaners, town-rivalry, and present existing railroad lines to prevent the grain growers of Cowley County from obtaining cheap transportation over a direct line of railroad. We can help ourselves, and all know how it is with people who can help themselves; then there are plenty who are willing to help them. The men and communities who sought to bind the withes tighter now hang their heads in shame and are shaking in their boots.
Never since Cowley has been settled have its people experi­enced such a sensation as last week’s COURIER created—consterna­tion among the few, joy among the many. Such hand shakings and congratulations among the farmers over the news on the bond law question never was known in this new country. Last Thursday and Friday evenings men left their homes after dark to go two and three miles to read a copy of the COURIER containing the news. By word, by letter, and correspondence to the COURIER the warmest commendations and words of encouragement have poured in upon us for the persevering effort made and success obtained right in the jaws of seeming defeat.

Several times during the last three weeks our friends at Topeka had informed us that help was needed at Topeka to pass the bill changing the law from a two thirds vote on railroad bonds. The first step necessary seemed to be to get an expression of the people here in favor of the change. An attempt was made to obtain that expression. It was defeated. Our readers know by whom and how. While that meeting was held Senator Pyburn was here in person and informed all with whom he talked that the law could not and should not be changed. As soon as he arrived in Winfield private letters left here to the majority law friends in Topeka to push the bill through the Senate during Pyburn’s absence. It was done. On Thursday evening at 7 p.m., Feb. 22, word was received from Topeka informing us of its passage and advising that it was necessary that help should be present to put the bill through the House. In two hours from the time of receiving the letter, three “solitary horsemen” in an open buggy might have been seen leaving Winfield at a brisk trot. They drove to Wichita in six hours that cold, dark night, arriving about 10 minutes before the train started for Topeka. Arriving at Topeka at noon they found the bill in the hands of the “Com­mittee on Municipal Corporations,” which was hostile to its passage.
To get a favorable report out of a committee that was opposed to the passage of the bill, to lift the bill over the Committee of the Whole, to put it on third reading without amendment over the heads of two hundred bills, each of which had friends anxious for their passage, to overthrow and outwit the opposition of the older counties, the railroad terminuses, the lines which carry our products, the three members from Butler, one from Sedgwick, one from Greenwood, Mitchell and Pyburn from Cowley (for Pyburn had returned and opposed the passage of the bill through the House), and to finally obtain 67 votes, three more than was necessary, looks, now that the battle is over, an impossible task.
It would make a long story to tell it all; and furthermore, it would let our enemies into the mysteries of legislative legerdemain which might be of advantage to them hereafter.
But we cannot leave this subject without giving the names of those who were not members of the Legislature, but to whom the people of Cowley are under special obligations for this great favor; this quick, decisive, and glorious victory, with all the odds against us.
Here they are: A. B. Lemmon, W. W. Walton, R. L. Walker, B. F. Baldwin, and a State officer in high position who would not like to have his name mentioned in this connection. Modesty prevents our naming the other individual.
The heavy battle was fought in the House. It occupied the most of the day Tuesday. Of course, our own Webb was the only champion on the floor for the bill from the great southwest. Hon. Ed. Hewins, of Cedarvale, did noble work. Guy of Chautauqua, Dobyns of Elk, Hubbard of Sumner, Baldwin of Wichita, and Baker, one of the members from Greenwood, stood square up to the work in all the parliamentary dodges that were taken by the enemies of the bill to defeat it.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877. Editorial Page.
The article headed “The Kingdom of Wichita,” in another column, was substantially true at the date of its publication one year ago last November. But the situation is changed now. The power of the Kingdom is waning. The legislature has taken the cattle trade from that city; it has lost its political prestige; the Minister of State and the Eaglenewsandtimes are divided in their counsels; railroads are being constructed towards the outlying provinces; the heavens no longer rain manna; the day of Barbour bonds is passed. We owe Wichita no ill will, but its prosperity was our disadvantage. The march of empire will soon leave it as a monument by the wayside.

In the march of empire Cowley has been unfortunate. It has become a feeble and dependent province in the Kingdom of Wichita. It is located in an isolate region fifty miles from the head of navigation on the river called Atchisontopekaundsantafe. Its people are vassals to the tithe gatherers who swarm the wharves of the principal mart of that busy thoroughfare.
The Kingdom of Wichita is of modern establishment. Its political conquests are marvelous, its territorial accretions incredible. Insinuating and subtle in movement, its scepter bears away in all the fair region round about.
Its king, Enter­prise, is a descendant of Count Brains and Baroness Nerve. The Count distinguished himself in the days of the American Republic, and figures largely in its history; but was finally ruined in an effort to prove the Arkansas river (one of the streams of that Republic) navigable after the Almighty had pronounced it not navigable.
The Baroness Nerve lost her fortune in a struggle in the latter days of the Republic, wherein a few theorists attempt­ed to construct a narrow gauge railroad as a competing enterprise to the  Atchisontopekaundsantafe river.
Shortly after this the Count and Baroness were engaged in Barbour bonds, and out of this alliance, Enterprise, the King of the Wichitas, was born. He rules with a firm but cunning hand. If the heaven rains manna, he presents the imposing census rolls of Harper and other uninhabit­ed provinces to the Great Giver and receives a deluge of rations thereon.
Is there an international exhibition of the products of the earth? The King sends his runners into the fertile provinces of Sumner and Cowley, and plucks from the fields of his illiterate subjects the fairest specimens of fruits and grain and forwards them as the indigenous products of the soil immediately along the banks of the Atchisontopekaundsantafe river encompass­ing the capital city of the Kingdom.
Is a subjugating expedition planned against the barbarous tribes of an unconquered region? The forces must rendezvous, outfit, and march from the capital city of the Kingdom of the Wichitas. Does a stranger from a foreign land with richest raiment and purses of gold wish to enter the prov­inces of the Wichita Kingdom, he must first dis­perse his gold and part his raiment among the courtiers of the throne immediate­ly upon landing at the wharves at the head of navigation on the Atchisontopekaundsantafe river. If he escapes the covetousness of the capital city with life enough to move his naked body, he is ordered to go in to the outlying provinces, and settles upon unoccupied lands and raise wheat for the tollgatherers of the capital city.
Do the scribes and wise men of the east come in large trains to view the promised land? They are shown through the dusty streets of the capital city and marched beneath the tail of the eagle that perches above them, and are then admonished that the provinces are occupied, it is the King’s pleasure that you should go home to your people and invite them to come and abide at the seat of the Wichita government.
The King, through his Minister of State, Meundbentundjake, has great influence. He names the judges, and counselors, and land officers, and postmasters and officials throughout the provinces.

Notwithstanding the arbitrary conduct of the Minis­ter, Meundbentundjake, the provinces waxed strong and grew great harvests. This caused them to seek other outlets for their products than down the Atchisontopekaundsantafe river, whereupon the wicked Minister of the State, Meundbentundjake, caused an edict to go forth pronouncing the Atchisontopekaundsantafe the only navigable stream in the provinces and threatening destruc­tion to all crafts that should attempt to float upon other waters.
All intercourse with the provinces was interdicted save that which passed through the capital of the Kingdom and over the favored stream.
The most noble King’s subjects in the province of Cowley are becoming uneasy. There are signs of an insurrection in this isolated land. The husbandmen therein complain of the tithe-gatherers at the capital, and the tolls upon the navigable stream leading therefrom.
The tid-bits that from time to time have dropped from the King’s throne have been partially distributed among the centuri­ons. The Budget is searched in vain for a glimmer of hope or a straw to grasp. These mutterings come also from other provinces. The Kingdom of Wichita is threatened with downfall. A change in ministry or policy would scarcely save it from decay. The loaded barges that have floated so lazily on the bosom of the Atchisontopekaundsanta fe river are going to seek other channels. The motto of the uprising is: “That God help those who help themselves.” The rallying cry is: “Give us liberty or give us a rest.”
Hon. William Ross evidently has read the “Kingdom of Wichita.” He is a member of the House from Sedgwick County and sympathized with us in the struggle over the bond law, although voting against the change. He writes as follows to the Wichita Eagle.
“Among the distinguished visitors to the Capital this week was Col. Manning, Pasha of the benighted province of Cowley, accompanied by his ambassadors. He derived his name from once having been engaged in Manning a flatboat of the Atchisontopekaundsantafee river. His chief business here was the signing of the Declaration of Independence of Cowley, March 1, 1877. And that the event might be celebrated in a becoming manner, the Pasha, his High Priest Webb, Chief Secretary Walton, and Walker, High Sheriff of the Province, were escorted along Kansas Avenue in great pomp, each bearing in his hand a copy of the document that should make their people forever free. Filing into a photography they were received by the paint­ers with uncovered heads, who placed them in position. It was a night never to be forgotten. There stood the Pasha in the background, his shadow on the wall looking taller than usual. Near him stood the high priest, one eye watching the painter, the other watching a spider, who after several attempts reaching the ceiling, which was considered a favorable omen, that the day was near at hand when the Pasha and the Pashaers, the rest of the Cowleans, and their wives and little ones, should have the pleasure of spending the happy days “riding on the rail.”
“The chief secretary and the high sheriff of the Province sat cross legged on mats made from the pelts of the cashmere goat. The object accomplished, the Pasha returned by steamer to the head of navigation on the Atchisontopekaundsantafee river, to tell the glad tidings to the Cowleyites, and live in high hopes of the future.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1877.

W. W. WALTON has been tendered a position as clerk in the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877. Editorial Page.
Wirt Walton, chief clerk of the house, goes into the office of the State Superintendent of schools next Monday as clerk. He is an active, efficient man, and a good businessman. One who is a good journalist, and Wirt is one, is fitted for most any place. Commonwealth.
This very deserved promotion will be warmly endorsed by everybody who knows Mr. Walton. We are sorry to lose his company and assistance here in Cowley, but reconcile ourselves with the knowledge that it is but a temporary loss.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
[County Commissioner Proceedings...am only putting down amount allowed. Skipping amount claimed].
   County Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Winfield, Kansas, April 11th, 1877.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session. All the Board present with James McDermott, County Attorney, and M. G. Troup, County Clerk. Among other proceedings had, sundry claims were presented and passed upon as follows:
S. S. Moore, assessor: $42.00
M. G. Troup, Co. clerk salary: $343.05
T. B. Myers, pauper bill: $10.00
J. McDermott, Co. Attorney salary: $175.00
R. C. Story, Co. Supt. salary: $150.00
T. R. Bryan, Co. Treas. salary: $452.75
Houghton & McLaughlin, pauper bill: $7.80
W. G. Graham, pauper bill: $25.00
J. B. Lynn & Co.: $6.75
Geo. W. Robinson, school examiner: $10.00
E. P. Kinne, fuel: $2.00
B. F. Baldwin, lamp fixtures: $12.35
M. G. Troup, postage, express, etc.: $33.70
Boyer & Wallis, pauper bill: $11.50
A. H. Green, blank book: $.80
R. L. Walker, drawing jury: $2.00
J. W. Curns, drawing jury:  $2.00
W. M. Boyer, drawing jury:  $2.00
Tell W. Walton, deputy Co. surveyor: $30.00
R. L. Walker, sheriff fee: $3.00
George Gray, pauper bill: $2.00
C. B. Hamilton & Co., books and stationery: $276.60
J. W. Johnston, pauper bill: $10.00
R. H. True, pauper bill: $7.50
Road viewers—S. W. Phoenix, $4.00; H. Harbaugh, $4.00; C. Coon, $4.00.
Chainmen—P. T. Walton, $1.50; A. W. Lewis, $1.50.

Road viewers—J. A. Bryan, $2.00; J. D. Maurer, $2.00; W. W. Underwood, $2.00.
Chainmen—P. T. Walton, $1.50; R. C. Nicholson, $1.50.
Road Viewers—H. C. Catlin, $2.00; J. T. Conrad, $2.00; J. M. Mark, $2.00.
Chainmen—G. W. Stout, $1.50; J. B. Butt, $1.50.
Jacob Berger, road marker: $1.50
S. W. Buell, janitor service: $1.00
S. Dodsworth, stationery: $39.80
Calvin Dean, assessor: $24.00
Justus Fisher, assessor: $36.00
S. H. Myton, fuel and merchandise: $203.90
W. H. Clay, assessor: $39.00
H. D. Gans, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
T. B. Myers, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
M. S. Roseberry, Co. Treas. ex.: $2.00
J. W. Cottingham, pauper bill: $63.00
Thos. Baird, pauper bill: $12.00
C. G. Holland, pauper bill: $20.00
C. M. Scott, county printing: $ 9.10
B. F. Baldwin, stationery: $ 6.40
R. C. Story, stationery: $10.70
H. D. Gans, Probate Judge: $16.90
Jurors—[Each paid $1.00.]
G. Black, R. B. Pratt, A. G. Wilson, C. M. Wood, J. B. Lynn, J. F. Walker.
R. L. Walker, sheriff: $2.50
J. W. Cottingham, pauper bill: $75.95
Emma J. Wedding, pauper bill: $19.00
J. T. Shephard, pauper bill: $38.50
R. L. Walker, sheriff: $140.00
Houghton & McLaughlin, pauper bill: $10.00
D. W. Frew, pauper bill: $10.50 claimed [bill was rejected].
J. W. Johnston, furniture: $28.75
J. Headrick, coroner’s fees: $7.30
James Land, witness: $1.00
A. Land, witness: $1.00
Mrs. Austin, witness: $ .50
Jurors—[Each paid $1.50.]
T. R. Bryan, M. G. Troup, J. H. Finch, B. M. Terrill, S. C. Smith, F. S. Jennings.
E. R. Evans, constable: $2.50
J. W. Johnston, pauper bill: $10.00
C. M. Bliss & Co., pauper bill: $3.05
F. S. Jennings, school examiner: $15.00
W. R. Davis, pauper bill: $60.00
C. C. Stevens, pauper bill: $85.00

S. E. Burger, pauper bill: $46.50
Jno. D. Payden, sawing wood: $43.75
Kellogg & Hoyt, pauper bill: $12.50
R. F. Burden, Co. commissioner: $9.00
W. M. Sleeth, Co. commissioner: $9.00
Wm. White, Co. commissioner: $9.00
W. R. Stivers, tax sale index: $100.00
A. L. and J. Foster, witness fee: [$4.20 claimed: rejected.]
State vs. Chas. Ball, fee bill: [$31.25 claimed: laid over.]
State vs. E. J. Wilson, fee bill: [$9.70 claimed: laid over.]
J. W. Snyder, pauper bill: [$6.00 claimed: laid over.]
TOTAL PAID $2,890.90
I hereby certify the foregoing to be a true statement of all claims presented to the Board at their session held on the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of April, 1877.
Witness my hand and seal this 12th day of April, 1877.
M. G. TROUP, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
The many friends of Wirt W. Walton were exceedingly happy to meet him and give him a hearty shake when he made his appearance upon our streets on last Tuesday morning. We heartily welcomed him home, but regretted to learn that he only intends remaining one week, when he will return to the duties of his office at Topeka.
Believe this was Tell Walton...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 22, 1877. Front Page.
Scalp Raising.
Dr. W. McKay Dougan:
I found so much work awaiting me here, that it has been impossible to fulfill my promise sooner. However, the facts connected with the meeting of Alexander, Broome, and Walton, with a party of Osages, on Gray Horse Creek, June 19th, are as follows.
Upon approaching the creek, they were startled by yells and running horses from the rear, and were at once surrounded by a dozen Indians, who were mounted, armed, and painted.
They produced a trade dollar of Dunlap & Florer’s, and from signs made the whites understood that they wanted to trade it for hair. It was thought best to comply, under the circumstances, and Harry Broome, for and in consideration of the dollar check, allowed them to cut from his head a lock of hair.

The Indians were now satisfied and left while the whites crossed the creek and stopped for dinner. While in camp they discovered an Indian on a bluff in the distance, who seemed to be signaling someone on the opposite side of the stream, and as they were about resuming their journey, they were again approached by Indians; this time three in number. This party was unarmed, and one of the number spoke tolerable good English. They were talkative and said a large party of Osages were mourn­ing the death of a chief. They also stated that they were poor and had no money, but that they, too, wanted some hair,  so that they could have a dance that evening. Broome was asked to furnish the article.
They objected to Alexander’s hair upon the ground that it bore too close a resemblance to the hair of the horse and Walton was in no trouble as his hair was too short to admit of a close cut. I have written a faithful account of the affair as detailed to me by one of the party, in whose word I place implicit confidence. Very cordially, S. MATLACK.
Winfield Courier, August 30, 1877. [Editorial written by E. C. Manning.]
Cowley County is a sovereignty. If “State’s rights” are good as consideration against “National rights,” then “county rights” are better. But of course we Republicans abjure “State’s rights;” consequently “county rights.” But nevertheless, Cowley County is a sovereignty—in the following sense at least: the county, after paying its State tax, has performed all the duty it owes the State. It is expected to keep the peace within its own borders, and pay for the maintenance thereof. It is expected to support its own courts of justice, to protect life, liberty, and property; to contract and pay its own debts, to erect its own internal improvements, to promote the welfare and happiness of its own inhabitants. These duties she has performed.
The Republican party is a National party, a State party, a county party. Men who join its ranks believe that the American principle—”an inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”—can be best promoted and sustained by the maintenance and prosperity of the Republican party. Men who believe in caste and class, aristocracy in blood and color, the degradation of labor and the ignorance of the masses, and scorn national unity and American glory, have no affinity for or sympathy with Republicans.
A majority of the people of Cowley County are Republicans. Note the evidences on every hand: the schoolhouses on the hill tops, the humble homes and broad fields—built of sovereign hands—in every valley. Republicans rule in county and State. They should rule in nation. Their principals are right and safe in politics. By them—as Americans—they are willing to live and die. Another American principle is “rotation in office.” In every township of the twenty-two in Cowley, there are men as honest, as capable, as patriotic, as those who have filled the offices of state in Kansas, from Governor down. James M. Harvey, twice Governor and once U. S. Senator, Sam. J. Crawford, twice Governor and once candidate for Congress, and other ex-State officers of lesser fame and note, can find their peers in every respect in each township within the boundaries of our own fair Cowley. Our own Lemmon, who was but “one of the boys” with us, has proven himself the best State Superintendent of Public Instruction the State has had. Our own Walton, who was another of “the boys” with us, has proven himself the best Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives that was ever called to fill that difficult position in Kansas, a position that Governors Harvey, Crawford, and other “statesmen” could never have creditably occupied.

In maintaining a party organization someone in each of these townships must attend to party machinery; someone must keep booked up in county, State, and national matters; someone must spend time and energy for party—hence national—welfare. Every true American citizen has some public pride and ambition. Everyone would like at some time to be honored, respected, and famed to some degree. They would like, among a people like ours and in a county like this, to have an opportunity to show of what metal they are made, what their qualifications are, and further, if there be a lucrative office, they would like to enjoy that for a season.
There is nothing dishonorable in their ambitions; on the contrary, they are meritorious. These premises being true it is but right that they be put in force. It is not fair, not liberal, not generous, not American, not Republican, that the strong, those who can, those who have the opportunity, should get hold of the offices in a county, form a ring, establish combinations, and “run the machine” in their personal interest, instead of that of the party or the people who gave them the power. There are as good men, with as large hearts, as tender consciences, and as generous impulses, scattered about over this county who have not been honored or favored as there are among those who have.
After a man has enjoyed official honor and profit a reasonable period, he should be willing to give way to someone else. Give the worthy all a chance. This is a good platform in county politics; if it is not, let someone promulgate a better one. MANNING.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
Tell W. Walton is a candidate for the office of county surveyor in Sumner County.
Lillie Walton. sister of Wirt, Tell, and Peter Walton. Still do not know if Veva Walton, who is mentioned as attending Teacher’s Institute and then becoming a teacher at Oxford is a sister also of Walton brothers. Have not entered her inasmuch as I am uncertain about her. Further, she does not seem to be adding to picture of family.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
A line from W. W. Walton informing Mr. Lemmon that Wirt’s sister, Miss Lillie, was hopelessly ill at Oxford, and that Wirt was on the way to see her, caused Mr. Lemmon to start suddenly for Topeka yesterday. Later we learn that Miss Walton is better and Wirt has returned.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
For U. S. circuit court convening at Topeka Nov. 26th the following named persons were drawn as jurors [LISTING ONLY TWO]: Tell W. Walton, D. A. Millington.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
A. B. Lemmon and W. W. Walton came from Topeka to Winfield, voted, and returned, being absent from Topeka only 45 hours.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Wirt Walton informs us that Superintendent Lemmon left Topeka Monday to attend a call meeting of the Superintendents of the States and Territories at Washington. They will confer with the senate and house committees on education with a view of bettering the condition of the educational cause in the southern States and Territories. Other matters of importance will be discussed at the meeting. He will be gone some weeks.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Wirt W. Walton came down from Topeka on Monday to attend court. He is a witness in two important cases.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.

   Winfield Socially.
The coming winter bids fair to be the most pleasant, socially, that Winfieldians have ever experienced. Many changes have taken place in the circle of young folks since the good old frontier days. New and attractive young ladies and gentlemen have settled amongst us, giving to Winfield an air of city life and gaiety when they meet “in convention assembled.” The recent Thanksgiving ball was followed so closely by Miss Kate Millington’s “dancing party,” and both so largely attended, that the indications are that those “who look for pleasure can hope to find it here” this winter. The last mentioned party, to use a stereotyped expression, was a “brilliant success.” Probably of all the gay and charming gatherings that have “tripped the fantastic,” etc., in our city, this was the most pleasant. The music was excellent, the refreshments good, and the polite and attentive demeanor of the fair hostess most agreeable.
The following persons were fortunate enough to be present at this party: Judge W. P. Campbell, of Wichita; W. W. Walton, of Topeka; Herman Kiper, of Atchison; Fred C. Hunt, W. C. Walker, Bert Crapster, Ed. P. Greer, Charley Harter, J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Thompson, Miss Ina Daniels, S. Suss, Josephine E. Mansfield, G. E. Walker, Mary McGaughy, M. B. Wallis, Fannie Wallis, Wilbur Dever, Maggie J. Dever, W. C. Root, Jennie Hahn, W. Gillellen, Mattie Coldwell, J. N. Harter, Carrie Olds, T. C. Copeland, Katie McGaughy, O. M. Seward, Nora Coldwell, Dr. Strong, Amie Bartlett.
Of course, they one and all enjoyed themselves; wished the occasion might be often repeated, and voted (in their minds at least) Miss Kate to be the most “social campaign organizer” in the city.
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
Court convened on the 3rd inst., with an unusually small docket. Forty-three cases composed the term’s work. The criminal business was exceedingly light, there being but two or three cases for trail.
The Negro horse thief, Chas. Williams, charged with grand larceny, plead guilty, and was given the mildest punishment prescribed by law, one year’s hard labor in the penitentiary. The jury was only used in two cases.
Among the most important cases were the following.
Green vs. Requa, in which Green sought to recover $71 as a balance due on an account for legal services. The services were performed by L. J. Webb, and the account was assigned by Webb to Green. Mr. Webb had received $429 and claimed there was still $71 due him. The jury gave verdict in favor of Mrs. Requa, but a motion was made for a new trial, which was granted, and the verdict was set aside.

The cases of Dawson vs. Funk and Dawson vs. Brown, involving the title to about five acres of land, which Dawson claimed under a line, as he supposed, established by the government surveyor. Funk and Brown claimed the same land under a survey made by the county surveyor, Walton, and denied that the corner claimed by Dawson was the government corner. The land in dispute is worth probably $50; the costs in both cases is approximately $500. The court gave judgment in favor of Funk and Brown and established the line on the Walton survey. It is quite probable the case will go to the supreme court.
The case of Wilson vs. County Commissioners was brought for damages claimed by Wilson to be sustained from the fact that a road was laid out through his farm. The road viewers assessed Wilson’s damages at $20, but the court raised them to $640. Pretty dear road for the county.
The case of Newlin vs. R. L. Walker, sheriff, involved the question of the validity of an assignment made by A. A. Estlin to Newlin, as assignee, for the benefit of his creditors. Walker held part of the goods assigned under an attachment. The court held the assignment good and gave judgment in favor of Newlin. It will doubtless go to the supreme court.
The case of Tout vs. Headrick Adair was brought to recover back purchase money for land, sold by Headrick to Tout, on the ground the title had failed. Headrick had pre-empted the land as administrator for the benefit of the heirs and then sold it, under an order of the probate court for expenses of administration. The court held that the land belonged to the heirs and was not subject to the claims for which it was sold and gave judgment against Headrick.
The case of Gross vs. Funk was a foreclosure suit. Gross had purchased the note before due, and a plea of usury was put in. The court held that it makes no difference when a note is secured, whether it is assigned before due or not, so far as usury is concerned. Appealed to the supreme court.
Court adjourned on Saturday.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
Mr. Peter Walton is a sensible and substantial farmer of the Grouse valley. He came over to the Winfield mill the other day dressed suitably for handling flour bags. One of the mill boys asked him if he was Wirt’s brother, and was answered in the affirmative. “Well,” said the mill boy, “you don’t put on as much style as Wirt does.” “No,” said Peter. “I used to be just such a d fool as he is, had a three hundred dollar horse and wore brass toed boots, but I have got over that.”
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Tell Walton, of Oxford, called on us last week.
Believe this is Tell Walton...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.   Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Bailiffs: B. Covert, $9; J. H. Finch, $9; E. L. Walker, $9; G. L. Walker, $9.
Pauper bills: J. V. Hines, $6.35; G. P. Wagner, $47.50; M. D. Stapleton, $8.87; S. E. Burger, $97.40; T. H. Thompson, $5; Boyer & Wallis, $18.50; Houghton & McLaughlin, $14.80; W. G. Graham, $28.70; K. Cline, $20.
Sheriff: R. L. Walker, $74.50, $6.05; $14.75; $46.75; $13; $24; $10.50; $8.00.
Deputy Sheriff: H. W. Dunning, $3.75; G. H. McIntire, $4.00; G. L. Walker, $2.45.
Hardware: H. Jochems, $14.
Clerk’s costs: A. Hammatt, $16.30; E. S. Bedilion, $6.40; $8.70; $3.25; $11.05; $6.10; $6.75.
Sawing wood: G. B. Rowland, $75.

Witnesses: W. Dolby, $4.30; $3.80; T. Wright, $1.50; F. Greer, $10, $1.20; J. Wood, $12.40; J. R. Bush, $13; S. Johnson, $2.40; J. Woodin, $1.90, $.80; D. Goodin, $2.10, $1.10; C. H. Woodin, $.80; $1.90; M. Bausman, $.80; A. W. Patterson, $3.80; R. L. Walker, $.50; G. L. Walker, $.50; I. F. Moore, $4.10; C. W. Raim, $4.10; A. Walck, $12.10; A. J. Walck, $12.00; W. E. Seaman, $13.60; M. Fitzmorris, $7; D. V. Killion, $6.60; E. Fitzmorris, $7; A. M. Whipple, $5.10; W. H. Grow, $5.40; W. B. Norman, $10.60; J. W. Funk, $6; G. D. Akers, $6.80; W. C. Lett, $5.40; R. A. Lett, $5.40; E. Spraldin, $7.20; E. F. Widener, $5.40; I. Tousley, $4.50; W. L. Hands, $3.80, $7.50; J. L. Pitkin, $6; J. Christian, $4.50; W. D. Linton, $5.50; L. G. Brown, $8.50.
J. P. costs: W. M. Boyer, $7.80, $6,55; J. Christian, $4.80.
Co. Supt.: R. C. Story, $150, $15.
Postage: R. C. Story, $10.31.
Stationery and books: S. Dodsworth, $18; C. B. Hamilton & Co., $40.35; Johnson & Lockwood, $2.50.
Drawing Jurors: R. L. Walker, $2; G. H. Buckman $2; W. M. Boyer, $2.
Jailor bill: R. L. Walker, $73.
Fuel and merchandise: Wallis & Wallis, $1; Baird Bros., $3.10; W. Brown, $5; Mullin & Wood, $10; A. Brown, $4.50; S. H. Myton, $210.50.
Repairing: T. J. Jones, $85, $12.
School examiner: F. S. Jennings, $6; G. W. Robinson, $6.
County clerk: M. G. Troup, $50, $1.50.
Co. printing: E. C. Manning, $15.27; Millington & Lemmon, $62.25.
Road viewers: A. S. Williams, $2; J. Stansberry, $2; J. S. Chase, $2; R. Bowers, $4; W. Turner, $4; K. A. Henthorn, $2; R. S. Strother, $2; A. F. Smith, $2; H. L. Barker, $4; B. E. Murphy, $4; F. W. Schwantes, $1.50; S. D. Groom, $4; J. Stalter, $2; R. Boothe, $2; J. R. Owings, $1.50; T. W. Walton, $18.
Co. Attorney: J. McDermott, $175.
Judgment: P. Wilson, $660.
Counting fund: H. D. Gans, $2; S. H. Myton, $2.
Constable fees: W. J. Gray, $6.60, $1.25.
Jurors: W. Butterfield, $11.60; C. Roseberry, $10.40; A. Smith, $11; L. Baldwin, $14; G. W. Burnett, $10.40; G. B. Green, $11.60; N. E. Newell, $8.60; R. R. Longshore, $10.30; T. Hart, $10; E. Baldwin, $11.60; W. C. Lett, $4; A. J. Walck, $4; A. Walck, $4; L. P. Barnett, $2; J. Jones, $2.
Co. Treas.: T. R. Bryan, $454.90.
Co. Commissioners: W. M. Sleeth, $30; W. White $45; R. F. Burden, $45.
Total: $8,878.85.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our readers will not be surprised to learn that Wirt W. Walton was the best-dressed man at the Knight’s Templar ball at Topeka last week. It is rumored that he will be married soon to the daughter of a prominent citizen of the capital city and go to Paris to spend the summer.
Not certain if this is a reference to Tell, Wirt, Peter’s father...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.

Judge Walton’s head has recovered  from the effect of the gun shot jar, and he can again think clearly on the map question.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
There are no less than eight candidates for Secretary of State already in the field, among which is Wirt W. Walton, of Cowley County.
Father of Tell, Wirt, Peter:
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
Our ice men have quite abandoned the idea of securing even a small crop of summer comfort.
Many settlers are proving up and paying for their homes on the Strip. Some of the finest farms and best improvements in the country are to be found on these lands.
A suit for five thousand dollars damages, has been commenced in the District Court, against Dr. J. A. Maggard, of Oxford, by E. B. Foot, a former resident of that village.
According to a decision of Gov. Anthony, no vacancy exists in the office of County Surveyor, by reason of the failure of S. T. Wood to qualify in the time prescribed by law. The present incumbent, Geo. T. Walton, will hold the office till the next general election.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
It is rumored, says the Winfield Courier, that Wirt Walton is to be married soon to a charming daughter of the capital city, and will go to Paris to spend the summer.
Wellington Press.
This can’t be. Wirt is said to be engaged to two or three charming daughters in this county; besides, he proposes to sojourn in Topeka two years longer.
Still do not know...could this be a sister to Wirt, Tell, Peter?
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
WINFIELD, March 9, 1878.
The State fund for March, $3,042, is now on hand and ready for distribution among the districts. At the late examination Miss Veva Walton received an “A” grade, and C. C. Holland, C. L. Swarts, and John Bower got first grades. R. C. STORY.
Winfield Courier, May 16, 1878.
Tell W. Walton called on us yesterday. He is running the surveying business of Sumner County this year.
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
The people of Brown’s Grove showed good judgment in attempting to secure Wirt W. Walton as their Fourth of July orator. Failing to get him, they invited Judge Horton and Dr. McCabe, the latter accepting the invitation and delivering the oration. Good company that, Wirt. Always keep as good and you will do well.

The Commonwealth, Sunday Morning, September 20, 1878.
Attention, Capital Guards.
The Capital Guards will please take notice that the meeting at the armory tomorrow night, will be the most interesting of any ever held.

The Board of Directors will select the uniform for the company from samples on exhibition, and definite arrangements made for the immediate ordering of the same.
The Excursion Committee will make full reports.
Every member of the company should be present in fatigue uniform, and drill will be called promptly at 8 o’clock.
Come out boys and show your colors.
Honorary members especially invited to be present. By order of the Company
John Martin, Vice President.
W. W. Walton, Secretary.
The Commonwealth, Tuesday Morning, October 1, 1878.
Capital Guards to the Front.
The Capital Guards were out in full force last evening, and held the most harmonious meeting, considering the questions acted upon, of any organization ever convened in this city. Liberty Hall was well filled with both the active and civic departments of the company, the first being in command of Lieutenants Wilson and Hanback and the latter presided over by John Martin, Esq., Vice President of the honorary membership.
In addition to the regular drill of the company, which was unusually interesting, reports from the excursion committee were received, showing most satisfactory returns for that enterprise.
Over four hundred dollars was reported as the net profit on the trains run to Kansas City by the committee, and forty three dollars as commission on the sale of entrance tickets to the exposition, as reported by Secretary Walton, who had the matter under charge. A committee appointed for the purpose examined the reports and approved them as correct, whereupon the company tendered the committee a vote of thanks.
The question of a FULL DRESS UNIFORM for the Guards was then fully discussed, and after some time spent in its consideration the following was adopted by the Company.
Full dress cadet gray coat with pants to match, black cap with white plume, white waist belt and white epaulets. The coat is to be trimmed with gold lace on a handsome blue background, cuffs and collar of same pattern, with three rows of U. S. A. staff regulation buttons in military style. The patent leather cartridge box, belt plate, and cap front each to have the initial letters of the Company (C. G.) in monogram.
The uniform taken as a whole is one of the handsomest ever adopted by a company, and will appear well long after a solid suit of blue has passed into the period of the “sere and yellow leaf.”
In addition to adopting this uniform the Guards ordered fifty suits to be made at once, and authorized the Board of Directors to make immediate arrangements for securing the same. The Board will meet at Hon. John Martin’s office tomorrow evening to settle the details and name the house that is to furnish the clothes, and also to provide means for raising the balance of funds necessary for the purchase. The Guards mean business now, and we gladly chronicle the above interesting proceedings. Success to the boys.
The Commonwealth, Tuesday Morning, October 15, 1878.

Wirt W. Walton, Secretary of the State Central Committee, went to Lawrence on Sunday to meet Hon. D. C. Haskell and Senator Hallowell, and confer with them relative to the canvass in the Second District. Both gentlemen are wide awake and will make strong and successful efforts to carry that district solid for the party.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
We notice that many of our exchanges are highly compliment­ing Wirt W. Walton and urging his election as chief clerk of the House.
The Leavenworth Times says: “He is the best chief clerk Kansas ever had . . . . Has cast-iron ‘wind works,’ for he can read all day and till ten o’clock at night, against all the noise that a hundred and twenty-five members can make, and he never fails to make himself heard all over the hall and never shows any signs of weakening. He is an extra good officer, and it is only ‘fair play’ to say so.”
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
What Kansas Newspapers Have to Say About a Winfield Boy.
The Press of the State a Unit in Favor of the Re-election of Wirt W. Walton
  To the Chief Clerkship of the House of Representatives.
Below we give some of the endorsements that “our Wirt” has received from Kansas newspaper men during the past few weeks. They are certainly very flattering and we think all our people should feel a lively interest and be proud of the success achieved by this rising young “son of our soil.”
At present the indications are that Mr. Walton will be re-elected with very little opposition.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
Mrs. Mansfield’s parrot died last Monday. This is a histor­ic bird, having been immortalized by Wirt Walton when he was localizing for the Courier.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 22, 1879.
Hon. Sidney Clarke has been chosen Speaker of the House on the first ballot, and Wirt Walton elected Chief Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
The legislature has authorized the publication of a manual of parliamentary rules for the use and government of the two houses of the legislature and members at the expense of the State. The compilation is to be done by Wirt Walton. It gener­ally takes new members about the whole of one session to “learn the ropes” sufficiently to be able to do the country any good. This work is intended to help them to become useful much sooner. Wirt has become thoroughly well posted and our Solons could have done much worse than putting this work into his hands.
Reference to teachers...Misses Walton. Very Puzzling! Still do not know if the “Walton Teacher” Veva Walton and now another one...are related to Wirt in anyway!???
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1879.

Our Trip to Sac and Fox Agency.
Last week we made a trip to the Sac Agency, and met on our way many pleasant incidents. The first night after leaving town we stopped at the Ponca Agency where we found “the boys” of our acquaintance busy boosting the red man up the hill to civiliza­tion. Col. Whiteman was sick and we failed to meet him. Sherburne & Houghton are traders at the Ponca, and from the number of red blankets that hung on the noble sons of the forest, we conclude they are doing a good trade. Geo. Allen and Hank Nelson are drawing the brush in the schoolhouse, and giving cast [?] and complexion to the work.
From there we crossed the Salt Fork, and at 2 o’clock p.m. were at the Pawnee Agency. At this place, Berry & Bro. are in trade, and have done a large business in dealing in Indian supplies. We met Maj. Williams, acting agent, also Dr. Dougan who feels the pulse of the sick, Wm. Alexander, carpenter, Wm. Coffin, miller, and Chief of Police Westfall, all good men in the right place.
At night we accepted the invitation of the Agent, and with Dr. Dougan, had the plea­sure of visiting the Manual Labor School. Here we met, for the first, the Supt., Prof. Hyatt, and daughter, also the Misses Waltons, all earnest, active teachers in the school. The school took us by surprise. We did not dream of the like anywhere south of Kansas.
The music was excellent, while perfect time and order made everything complete. If the Department secures the services of the Misses Waltons and Miss Hyatt for a while longer, the Indian boy will soon be a peer of the white lad, and the problem of civilization will be solved. Visit this school of 147 pupils and then say, if you can, that nothing has been done to advance the cause of the Indian.
The next morning we left for the Sac Agency and reached there in due time. The country between the Sac and Pawnee Agencies is fit for nothing but pasturage, though in this, it excels. The Red man’s game now holds possession of that vast domain, and the deer stops short to look and wonder at the face of the white man.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879.
Wirt Walton, impressible Wirt, our Wirt, Chief Clerk of the late House (we would that it were later), has been down among his friends for a few days. The many kindly greetings for “one of our boys” given to Wirt show that he has many friends at home.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
Wirt W. Walton, president of the Capitol Guards of our city, has been elected an honorary life member of the “Easton Guards,” the crack military company of the Second regiment of the Connect­icut National Guards, located at West Meriden, Conn., and has been invited to attend a grand reunion, in June, of all the military companies of that State. This is quite a compliment to the Guards and to Mr. Walton. Of course, Wirt will not allow Kansas to be unrepresented.—Topeka Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.
We congratulate our friend Tell W. Walton on his position on the engineer corps of the C. S. & F. S. railroad. He will be close to home and among old friends and acquaintances.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1879.

Wirt W. Walton made a flying trip home to Winfield, arriving last Friday evening and leaving Sunday morning. His brother, Tell, had been in the employ of the A. T. & S. F. railroad company in the engineer corps at Grand Canon, Colorado, for a few weeks, and Wirt had got him transferred to the engineer corps on the Winfield branch. He came down with Tell and left him with the corps, which was at work a few miles this side of Wichita, establishing the line in this direction. Wirt is looking hale and hearty after his arduous services as chief clerk of the mob called the House of Representatives. He has finished up the journal of the House and left it with the state printer. He will now devote himself to his task of making a manual of rules for the guidance of our future legislators.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1879.
We have just received a letter from Wirt W. Walton, dated at Boston, Massachusetts, in which he says: “Having just crossed, diagonally, from N. W. to S. E., the entire length of your native State, I am not surprised that you took Mr. Greeley’s advice, long before it was given. I always did think that your judgment was as good as the Chappaqua Farmer’s and now I know it. Let me congratulate the girls who never saw a Vermont farm sheltered with a parasol during a thunder storm!”
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Champion: Colonel Wirt Walton, quartermaster general of Kansas, stacked arms at the Otis House last night; pounded some browned coffee in a tin cup with a bayonet; boiled it in Missouri river water; drew ten hard tacks, and a half pound of pork; ate supper, and slept on a gum blanket spread on the balcony. ‘Tis thus the hardy warrior doth disport himself.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.
Conklin credits Wirt Walton with the brains of the Superintendent’s office. As Conklin boasts of his own brains, this is rather a back handed compliment on Wirt. We hope Wirt furnishes something better.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
At Wellington, on the 22nd, by Rev. F. P. Berry, Tell W. Walton and Miss Alice M. Hutchinson.
Everybody around Winfield knows Tell. Few of his friends thought, when he was over last week shaking hands all around, that in a few short days he would be bound hand and foot with hymeneal chains.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
COMMONWEALTH: We see by the last Clay County Dispatch that Wirt W. Walton has purchased a half interest in that paper, and takes editorial control on the first of January. We are glad to of this because Mr. Walton, by education and practice, is a newspa­perman. Work on a paper is his forte. He has abilities which should command something different from a clerk in the Capitol. We congratulate him and the Dispatch. It has been a good paper under the management of Mr. Campbell, and will be still better under the control of Mr. Walton. It is a good opening for a bright active man such as Wirt Walton.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1879.

We learn from the Commonwealth that Wirt Walton has pur­chased a half interest in the Clay County Dispatch, and taken editorial control on the 1st of January. Wirt will make a No. 1 paper, and we wish him the best success with his purchase.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
Wirt W. Walton commences in his new field of operations at Clay Center, the editorial management of the Dispatch, on the first day of January. This paper, under the management of Mr. Campbell, brother of our Judge, has been ably edited, and is one of the best in the state. We think that Wirt will sustain its reputation and add something to its brightness. Mr. Campbell retains a half interest in the paper, but will devote his atten­tion mainly to banking.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
On the evening of the 15th, at Topeka, at a ball given by the Capital Guards, that company was presented with a very heavy silver pitcher elaborately inscribed and ornamented, by the National Temperance Camp Meeting as a Bismarck Grove memorial. Gov. St. John made the presentation address, to which Wirt Walton responded in a happy manner.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton has been appointed Adjutant First Regiment Kansas State Militia. Wirt evidently has not read Prentis’ squib on the “average militiaman,” or he wouldn’t be so rash about throwing himself among the dangers that beset their paths.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Tell W. Walton came over from Sumner last Tuesday and gave us a call. These Waltons naturally gravitate towards a printing office.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1880
Tell Walton is thinking of starting a paper at Grouse City.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
The Mulvane Herald is a new paper to be started at Mulvane by Tell W. Walton. Tell is the right kind of a “feller” to make a good paper, and we wish him unlimited success.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1880.
No. 1 of Vol. 1 of the Mulvane Herald, Tell W. Walton, editor and proprietor, is on our table. This makes the fifth paper for Sumner County and still others are talked of. Go in Tell and win your laurels; you have a broad field before you, but give us some more positive evidence of the political complexion of the Herald.
So now we know: Veva Walton, teacher, was a sister of Wirt, Tell, Peter Walton...
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Married. Mr. W. S. Chandler, of New York, and Miss Veva Walton were married at Wellington on last Wednesday. This leaves Wirt as the lone representative of the Walton family in the ranks of single blessedness.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton had a general time of hand shaking Saturday. His friends in Cowley will recognize him, even if he does wear a wig, dye his mustache, and vote for Blaine.

Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton estimates that Winfield is overdoing herself. He evidently supposes that there has lately been an extraordinary boom here, and that the great activity in building and business is a spasm brought on by the completion of the railroads to this place. He ought to know better. If this is a spasm, it is one of wonderful continuance, for it commenced ten years ago with the first settlement of the place, has continued up to the present time, and promises to continue another ten years or more. Since the very beginning of this town, there has been no year in which the percentage of increase of building and improvement was less than that of the past year.
The town was never, and is not now, in advance of the county. With a county steadily increasing in population year by year until it has reached a census of twenty-one thousand, and with a farming population now pouring in at the rate of three thousand a year, bringing wealth and energy with them, it is not strange that its capital should have a population of upwards of three thousand, and continue to increase and make improvements.
Really, Winfield has got a good, healthy start. She has just begun to grow.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1880.
Wirt Walton, of the Clay Center Dispatch, in speaking of Miss Clara Lemmon, the assistant State Superintendent of Public Instructions, says: “We cheerfully bear testimony of her compe­tency to discharge the duties of the office; and can safely add that what she accomplishes will be done in the most agreeable and satisfactory manner. The county superintendents and school principals of this part of the State, would almost be willing to favor the ‘State-House Ring,’—if there is such a ring,—if by so doing Miss Lemmon could have another term.”
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Tell W. Walton, the Mulvane Herald man, was in town last Saturday. The Herald is one of the spiciest little papers in the state.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton is a candidate for re-election to the office of Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives this winter. As no one else has been spoken of in connection with the place, we suppose he will get it. Will not the Clay Center Dispatch raise its voice in righteous indignation at this attempt at “third-termism,” or is this “a horse of another color.”
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton is talked of again for chief clerk of the house. For that position we do not think he can be beat. He will get the place without opposition if he will accept.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.
Among the COURIER graduates who have made their mark as editors are Vinnie Beckett, of the Norton Advance; Wirt W. Walton, of the Clay Center Dispatch; Tell W. Walton, late of the Mulvane Herald; Tom C. Copeland, of the Elk Falls Signal; Abe Steinbarger, of the Howard Courant; and Frank W. Frye, of the Labette County Democrat.
Winfield Courier, December 9, 1880.

Wirt W. Walton (our Wirt) is a candidate for re-election to the office of Chief Clerk of the House. He will be elected, and he ought to be. He has filled the office two terms, and has proved himself to be one of the best officers the House has ever had. We hope he will have no opposition.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
Wirt W. Walton, formerly of Winfield, surveyor, engineer, chief clerk, and editor of the Clay Center Dispatch, is visiting in this city and brightening the countenances of his many friends.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
We give it up. Wirt Walton failed to outfigure us on population, but he can out-maneuver Satan. In his issue of December 1st he offered a premium of a gold dollar for every baby born in Clay County during the month. The ruse was abundantly successful, and we concede him “the cake.” The only trouble about the matter is that his subscribers are clamoring for more time, and insist that the proposition was too precipitate.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1800.
With the earliest settlers of Winfield, came Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, since which time their hospitable home has been a favorite with our society people.
At their reception last evening an unusually happy and enjoyable time was had. Mr. and Mrs. Millington, assisted by their daughters, Misses Kate and Jessie, were truly at home in the manner and method of receiving their friends, with a smile and a pleasant word for all. No wonder the hours passed so quickly by. All restraint and formality was laid aside for an evening of genuine good feeling and pleasure.
Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Bedillion, Mr. and Mrs. Moffit, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Dr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. Scovill, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Short, Mr. and Mrs. Kretsinger, Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Millington, Mrs. Huston, Miss McCommon, Wirt W. Walton, and J. R. Conklin.
Refreshments were served to the satisfaction and praise of all, and not until a late hour came the “good nights” and the departure of friends for their homes, each of whom will not soon forget the pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Millington. Daily Telegram.
Besides its mention of Wirt Walton, the Monitor mentioned many other items of note in that day and age. Sure wish that the Monitor had been put on microfilm...
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Telegram has commenced war against the Santa Fe railroad.
There was a dance a few evenings since at Deacon Marris’, at Little Dutch. No ‘possum, there.
Mrs. W. C. Root is spending the holidays with her parents in McPherson, and Will in consequence pines in solitude.
The net results of the social held at Col. Fuller’s for the benefit of the library amounted to the handsome sum of $42.

The wool growers of Cowley County are in earnest in regard to the taxing of dogs out of existence, as can be easily seen from their report in another part of this paper.
Frank Manny always keeps us on the jump to know what he is going to do next. He is now engaged in making hot-houses and he already has three thousand exotics and is propogating thousands more. Hereafter it will not be necessary for us to go abroad for house plants.
76 Horning now has his house heated with steam. He uses a low pressure engine at the expense of half a gallon of water and three hods full of coal per day. While the original outlay is considerable, yet when done, the cost of fuel is the least of any other plan.
Sheriff Shenneman and Deputy Frank Finch returned from Leavenworth Wednesday morning last, having safely delivered to the warden of the penitentiary Tom King, Kenton Grimes, and Earnest Lewis, who were sentenced at the late term of court. Cowley County now has eighteen representatives in that institu­tion.
J. C. Topliff has been appointed postmaster at Arkansas City, vice Dr. Hughes removed. This course was first indicated by this paper at the close of our November election. The man appointed is an excellent one and fully meets the wishes and wants of the City people. [Ed.]
Weitzel is now the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in place of Major Baker, who left on Tuesday morning, leaving a large amount of unpaid bills. While such an occurrence is lamentable, we do not believe that the Major would intentionally defraud any man. He has been unfortunate in business, could not pay, and saw no way out except the course he took. We have a right to say this for he owes me quite a bill.
The farmers are complaining that it is no longer safe to leave any article loose in their wagons, that more than likely it will disappear during their absence. We fear that these thefts are committed by young sneak-thieves, and we warn the boys to cease or they will find themselves in the grasp of the law. The marshal and his officers are keeping a strict watch and propose to make an example as early as possible.
The Rev. J. Hyden next Tuesday will entertain a large number of guests at the parsonage. The dinner will be unique in many respects. It will be confined to men whose age is sixty or upwards. They will be of all nationalities and conditions in life, and the intention is “to have a high old time.”
Cal Ferguson started for Kentucky on last Thursday, and will be gone three weeks.
Miss Nannie Porter, daughter of Judge Porter, of Monmouth, Illinois, is visiting Mrs. W. P. Hackney.
Mr. and Mrs. Donohue, of Belle Plaine, spent a couple of days visiting the families of Messrs. McDonald and Hackney.
Dr. Parsons left Thursday morning for his former home, Evanston, Illinois, where he will spend the holidays with his parents and friends.
On the last three days of this month Father Kelly will give a fair for the purpose of paying off the debt of the Catholic parsonage. It is a worthy object, and the fair will unquestion­ably be a success.
The genial Wirt W. Walton has been making his old home a visit of business and pleasure. We felt the better able to take another tug at life’s tread-mill after being with him an hour.

The grand jury presented fifty-one indictments, and for almost a week five hundred guilty men, more or less, have been “on the ragged edge,” for no man excepting the officers of the court have been able to find out who are the accused parties.
Z. B. Myers, P. B. Lee, and Justin Fisher are entitled to the thanks of the Republicans of this county. Under trying circumstances they collected a large amount of money for carrying on the campaign, and absolutely without the loss of a cent, or the hope of any fee or reward. They will yet be remembered and rewarded.
Major Tom Anderson has resigned his position with the Santa Fe to go into the wholesale boot and shoe business. We esteem this resignation quite a loss to the Santa Fe, as Major Tom is blessed with as large a stock of good common sense as any man in the state of Kansas.
The Santa Fe has had their engineer go over the ground and report the cost of a road from Eldorado through Douglass to Winfield. If the people want to vote the necessary aid, they can have the road. Such a road would build up Little Dutch and Rock, and at the expense of Winfield.
Deacon Harris, of Little Dutch, says that Buckingham and others who started that ‘possum story will be indicted for criminal libel, if he has to go before the grand jury himself. Deacon, we would advise you to keep away from that grand jury; it is a two edged sword that cuts both ways.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Wirt Walton went in without opposition.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
It’s Chief Clerk Walton and Journal Clerk Hunt.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Among our exchanges are seven papers which are always eagerly looked for, and whose faces are as familiar to us as those of our most intimate friends. We glory in their prosperity and sympathize with them in adversity. They are published by boys whose first squibs were launched forth on the world through the columns of the COURIER to live or die by their own merits.
The first to throw down the stick and branch out was Abe Steinbarger. His first venture was in the mule business. He managed to get hold of a pair of old mules and an ancient wagon, and, unheeding the advice of Greeley, started east. But the mule business didn’t suit Abe. He found a man over by New Boston who had an old press, which might have been a near relative to the one Gutenberg and Faust practiced on. He was a mule man. He liked mules. Abe didn’t. In a mighty short space of time they “swapped,” and soon the New Boston Bugle tooted its first toot, with Abe’s name at the foot of a column and a half “salutatory.”
From that time to this Abe has flourished, and in spite of the old adage, “a rolling stone gathers no moss,” he rolled all over Elk and Montgomery counties and gathered in every “bonus” that was offered for the establishment of a newspaper in that vicinity. He finally brought up in Howard City and established the Courant, “which is today the handsomest weekly paper in the state. He bought a twelve hundred dollar cylinder press the other day.

Doud went next: and by the way, he proved to be the only black sheep in the flock. When he left us he was a Republican: a red-hot, roaring Republican. But he was of a melancholy disposition, and in his weaker moments, some corrupting influenc­es were thrown around him, and the next thing we heard of him he was editing a Democratic paper in Eureka. He’s there yet, running along in the same vein, and we have lost all hopes of his reformation.
The next to leave us was Vinnie Beckett, and we felt his loss in more ways than one. He was the boss store box thief of the western hemisphere. Many a cold winter’s evening, when the man who owed wood on subscription had failed to come in time, and “freezation” was staring us in the face, did Beck, steal forth, accompanied only by the “devil” and return loaded down with resinous pine, and after the fire had been kindled and the boys gathered around in friendly communion, Beck would light his old cob pipe, get his feet on the imposing stone, and puff away as complacently as though he had never seen a dry goods box in all his born days. But we could not keep him always, and one day he packed his trunk, bade us a tearful farewell, and went off up into Iowa, where he started a Sunday school paper; and called it the Courier, after his old Alma Mater. We were fearful of this first venture of Beck’s, and our fears were well founded. He couldn’t write Sunday school hymns, and the Courier, Jr., soon “climbed the golden stair.” Then he came over into Kansas, stated the Norton County Advance, and is getting wealthy and influential.
The itinerant spirit of our family seemed to have gone with Beckett, and for a long time the slightest indication of restless­ness on the part of one of the members was greeted with a frown that nipped his ambitions in the bud. But one day the mail brought a letter for the COURIER. It had the official stamp of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad on the envelope, and contained a pass from Wichita to Topeka. Equipped with this Wirt Walton sailed forth to see the capital of Kansas, leaving an almanac on the local hook in case he did not return before the next issue. He returned, but brought a “bee in his bonnet,” and from that time on we realized that he, too, must go. The next winter he was elected Journal Clerk of the House. The next Chief Clerk, and the next ditto. He now edits the Clay Center Dis­patch, one of the newsiest, most influential journals in the state, and steals his editorials from the COURIER, with as much “sang froid” as any of the seven.
Tom Copeland was our “ladies’ man,” and when he curled his blonde tresses, put on a clean paper collar, and started out, we knew that he went forth “to conquer or die,” and as he always returned, we made up our minds that he always conquered. But one day he came up with a sad face, and moisture dimmed his left eye, and he said he was tired of drudging out an existence, and was going to get a paper of his own and grow powerful and rich enough to buy the old concern and all of us with it. He didn’t let us know exactly how he was going to do it all with four dollars and twenty cents, but we believed everything he said, and he was so confident. That was three years ago, and he is now running the Elk Falls Signal, with an interest in the Cherryvale Globe, and has a gigantic scheme on foot to take in the Longton Pioneer.

The last to leave us was Frank Frye. He was a Democrat, and one day he learned that the Board of Commissioners of Labette County was Democrats. The next day found him negotiating for a press and type, and soon the “Labette County Democrat” hung its banner on the outer wall. Of course, Frank got the county printing, his personal popularity brought him advertising and subscribers and the Democrat is now the leading paper of the county, is solidly established, and is doing good work for the community.
This completes the list of “Our Boys,” and a brighter, more energetic set of fellows it would be hard to find. Overflowing with enthusiasm in the calling in which their labors have been so successful, their names will yet rank high among those who are instrumental in bringing Kansas to the front among the states of the Union. We are proud of them all, and we always will be.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
Tell Walton has gone to Clay Center to take charge of the local columns of the Dispatch during Wirt’s labors at the capi­tal. Tell is a “chip off the old block,” and consequently a lively paragraphist. By the way, he is one of “Our Boys” too, but we were ashamed to own him while he was in the Oklahoma business.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.
Fred Hunt, Jim Finch, and Wirt Walton went into office without opposition.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881. Editorial Page.
TOPEKA, January 22, 1881.
Editor Traveler: This legislature, like those preceding it, is the ablest gathering of law-makers Kansas ever had. There is no question but there are more leading men in the present legislature than were ever seen in Kansas before. There are probably more members of the 3rd House who want to be clerk of some committee, third assistant doorkeeper, or to get a legisla­tive, judicial, or congressional district in such a shape as to elect their man next time, than ever before. I refer to visiting statesmen. Of course, members of the House and Senate are not thinking of anything of that kind.
Prentis, with his usual amount of wit, is here, correspond­ing for the Atchison Champion.
Wirt W. Walton is the banner chief clerk of all chief clerks of all Houses of Representatives of all the States in the Union.
The committees have all been announced, and the legislature has commenced work in earnest. Five temperance bills have been introduced in the House and three in the Senate. Some are for fines and imprisonment, another for imprisonment alone, and one or two for establishing a State constabulary, or smelling commit­tee, with large discretionary powers to prosecute for violation of temperance regulations.
There are now five railroad bills and resolutions on the calendar, and the general feeling of the members of both Houses appear to be that some kind of railroad legislation ought to be passed, but just what kind is the serious question.
Up to date, 250 bills and 23 resolutions have been introduced in the House, and about 200 in the Senate.
Capt. Scott of your city, is reporting for the Commonwealth, and I understand his services are in demand. He is said to be the best reporter in either of the two Houses here this year. If any of your readers come up and want to get acquainted, by all means call on Capt. Scott, for he knows everybody and everything in Topeka.
J. E. Conklin, of Monitor fame, is here today. MARK WELL.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
One week ago last Tuesday we for the first time looked in upon our law-makers in session. Having been born in Kansas, raised in Kansas, and taught to believe that the all-wise Creator had made but one Kansas, and that He was satisfied with the job, we naturally have a veneration for Kansas institutions. It was then, with feelings of pride and pleasure, that we at last found ourself at Topeka, and turned our footsteps toward Capitol square. What Kansan has not seen on the first page of a long-winded public document the picture of the Capitol building? Did not your heart swell with pride as you looked at this beautiful structure with its broad steps and towering dome, which seemed to reach into the heavens? If this is a true statement of your case, take our advice and be satisfied with the picture. We were satisfied until an ill-fated desire to see the thing itself seized upon us. Now we feel like Mark Twain when he got his washing. The building is there, but without the dome. Then there is two of it, connected by a snow-shed. The main building is to be put up before many years, they told us. We hereby give notice that we will not be a candidate for governor until it is put up.
Equipped with a “complimentary” (our journalistic friends will know what that is) we climbed four flights of stairs, knocked at a door, and after an examination of our ticket, were admitted to the Hall of the House of Representatives. It is in the west wing and was being occupied that day for the first time. The walls and ceiling were unplastered and everything was “in the rough,” but when finished it will be a magnificent room. The members’ tables are placed in a semi-circle facing the Speaker’s desk, sloping downward, so that each row of seats is higher than the one in front of it. The Speaker’s desk is on a raised platform, and he’s got a cushioned chair to sit on. The members haven’t, consequently there is always a fight for the speakership.
Just in front of the Speaker’s desk and on a lower platform is the Chief Clerk’s desk, and here Wirt Walton reigns supreme. He is the best Chief Clerk we ever saw. At the other end of the desk sits Fred Hunt. Just below and in front of this is the reporter’s table, round which is congreated the jolliest set of fellows it has ever been our fortune to meet. Cowley County is represented here by C. M. Scott, whose comprehensive reports bring a smile to Father Baker’s face every day. Then there is Price of the “Capital,” Rowley of the “K. C. Times,” and John Coulter of the “leading daily.” Once in a while Noble Prentiss occupies a seat among them.

But the Speaker’s gavel falls, the members take off their hats and give “attention to roll-call.” After the chief clerk has waded through the 137 names on the roll, he announces a quorum present, and business commences. It is now in order for the member from Cayote to introduce his little bill. He rises to his feet, gesticulates with his right hand (which should contain three or four documents), and says, “Mr. Speaker?” If he is recognized by the chair; a page takes the bill to the chief clerk. The Speaker announces, “The gentleman from Cayotte introduces the following bill,” and the chief clerk reads, “A bill to change the name of Maria Jane Smith, etc.” This is the first reading of the bill. Next day it will be read again and referred to the committee on . The committee will report favorably, it will be passed upon, will go through the Senate, receive the governor’s signature, and sometime in the dim future Miss Maria Jane will be officially informed that she is not longer Smith, while the columns of the Cayote “Journal” fairly teem with the importance of their member.
The House is composed of 137 members. Such a large body must have a leader: one in whom the members have confidence, a good parliamentarian, a ready speaker, and possessed of suffi­cient discernment to see through a “job” as soon as it is pro­posed. The “leader” has not yet been settled upon, although there is some lively bidding among members for that position. Most of the talking is done by a half dozen members. When we first noticed this, we remarked to a meek-looking man on our left that unless a fellow “stood in” with the talkers he would eventu­ally get left. The meek-looking man smiled and said that after we had been around there several days, we would discover that legislative work was not done with the mouth.
The Senate now occupies the old representative Hall. It is a quite, dignified body, and has none of the hair-pulling, scalp-lifting qualities of the House. The members have all seen service, and seem filled with a desire to watch over the inter­ests of the State and keep in check their brethren of the Lower House. It sits from three to five hours each day and is composed of forty members.
Again...am printing all of the Monitor news...he really had a feel for giving a lot of news in his columns...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
Local Elongatus Greer, the big “I am” of the COURIER, has been in Topeka all week.
Our young friend, Grant Stafford, has been very sick with lung fever, but is now better.
It will require three thousand votes to legalize the sale of the railroad stock. If you want to reduce your taxes, see that you vote.
Ex. Saint is at home after a very successful trip. He has been absent since November, and sold immense quantities of flour and groceries.
Col. Alexander wants the registry law repealed. He says that it is the most expensive, cumbersome, and least needed of any law on the statute books.
With the absence of the Oklahoma boom, Tell Walton packed his other shirt and toothbrush and lit out for Clay Center, where he goes to take charge of the local columns of the Dispatch during the absence of Wirt at Topeka.
Col. E. B. Temple was billed for the Union Spy at Leavenworth on the 19th and 20th of this month. He left here and went to Iowa where he expected to stay a couple of years, but Kansas has become so attached to him, that she has prevailed on him to return.
The Brettun house is going to cost very much more than expected or intended. The agent is now trying to keep the expenditures down to $24,000. The cold weather has caused much delay. If this winter had been as mild as last, the house would now have been well night completed.
H. M. Zimmermann has bought the Star line of transfer drays from the firm of Smedley & Leighton. Mr. Zimmermann has been in business in Winfield for years. His present headquarters is at the coal office of G. A. Rhodes.

The evening of January 12th was the occasion of a very pleasant gathering at the home of J. H. Sorey, two miles and a half northeast of Winfield. It consisted of a festival given by the members of the Free Baptist church for the benefit of Rev. John Hogan. The net receipts were $30.40.
Time and again have the papers in this city called the attention of E. D. Skinner, the trustee of Vernon township, to the danger of the roads running to what was known as the Bliss bridge. At this end there is nothing to stop a team plunging down, as was the case on Saturday night last. The only reason that the trustee gives for not fencing the road is because the commissioneers changed the township lines. Legal authority says that this man, Skinner, is liable for all damage that may occur while he leaves the road in such a dangerous condition. We hope this is true, and that he will be obliged to pay for the horse killed last Saturday. He would have no sympathy in this country if he would lose every dollar’s worth of property he has in the world. He will probably learn that the acceptance of an office of trust entails certain duties that are incumbent upon him to perform. We now give you notice, Mr. Skinner, unless you attend to your duties as trustee, you will find yourself involved “in a sea of trouble.”
Never did we see punishment follow the commission of crime more quickly than we did last Tuesday. Alexander May, from near South Haven, Sumner County, went into Huey’s bank at Arkansas City and offered for sale a note signed, J. W. Brown and Pickett, with the name endorsed, John Long, his mark. Mr. Huey asked May if that was his mark, and he said yes. The note was for sixty dollars and not due. The bank offered him fifty-six dollars, which he accepted. In a few minutes afterward, Pickett was in the bank, and Mr. Huey carelessly remarked he had a piece of paper, which he had just bought, with his name to it. “Guess not,” said Pickett, “let me see it.” As soon as he saw it, he pronounced it a forgery. The man was at once arrested for forgery, he having had the money but a few minutes. He acknowl­edged the crime, gave up the money, and offered his team to compromise the matter; and gave in extenuation that his family was suffering for the necessaries of life. No compromise could be made, he had a preliminary trial, was bound over, and in default of bail is now in jail. If the man’s statement is true in regard to his family, steps should at once be taken to relive them.
Wm. Newton called our attention to the fact that we were considerably off on the wool clip of this last year for this and Sumner counties. That it is very much in excess of the figures that we gave. The truth of it is that Kansas editors are so often accused of exaggeration, that owing to our natural modes­ty, we would much prefer to be below the real figures than above, but we have no intention of letting our scruples do an injustice to one of our most important industries. Another reason for our error was the report of the Kansas state board of agriculture, which is wrong in its figures. The wool clip of Cowley County last year, instead of being thirty thousand pounds, was upwards of two hundred thousand, and Sumner, instead of fifteen, was upwards of a hundred thousand pounds. George E. Raymond alone had twelve thousand pounds, Mr. Meach ten thousand, Youie Broth­ers fifteen thousand, Yarbrough nine thousand, Parks, of Cam­bridge, about the same amount, and lots of fellows yet to hear from. The truth of it is, the sheep interest in Cowley has in three years sprung from nothing until it has reached such propor­tions that none of can keep the run of it.

Another Temperance Lectura: On Tuesday of this week, Robert Mark, a young man most respectably connected, started from town with his team for his home in Liberty township; and having imbibed too freely of the “necessary evil” at the necessary (?) saloons in town, his spirited team got the advantage of him and threw him out of the wagon on east 10th avenue on some rock, from which fall he died the next morning without having recovered consciousness. His aged parents, brother, and sisters, came in to escort his remains to the quiet little graveyard near his home: a sad procession that ought to fill the hearts of anti-temperance people with joy.  Every lover of humanity in this community sympathizes with the family of the deceased, and will pray for the passage of the Hackney bill on the amendment in the legislature.
Doctor Davis in last Tuesday’s Telegram has a very interest­ing article on boreing for coal. Many of our best businessmen are of the opinion that our future prosperity largely depends upon the solving of the question, whether or not we have coal within working distance. Doctor Davis’ plan is to organize a company at once, with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, make a small assessment on each share, and proceed to boring. He gives his own name and there are others who will each take one thousand dollars of stock. This starts the ball, let us keep it rolling. Later: The good work is started and the company organized.
Last Saturday was an unusually bad day for Winfield. Many men appeared to think it was the last day that a drink of whiskey could ever be procured; and in consequence, those drank who never drank before, and those who were in the habit of drinking, drank the more. The natural result was, lots of fellows got full. One would naturally, under such circumstances, have anticipated many accidents, but there was, as far as we know, but one serious one, and that was to George McIntire, who lives on the farm of his mother-in-law near Seeley.
George got blind drunk and started home about six o’clock Saturday evening: he started his horses on a dead run and instead of taking the road south, to cross the west bridge, the team made for what was the Bliss bridge, that being their old familiar road. In making the turn McIntire was thrown out without injuring himself. The team ran madly down the blind road and plunged down from the abutment fully twenty-five feet to the ice below; one horse fell on top of the other. The horse under­neath had his leg broken and laid on the ice and suffered for upwards of twenty hours before he was killed. The other horse loosened himself from the harness and went home. The wagon made a complete sommersault. A man saw the team go over and he rushed uptown for Dr. Graham, taking it for granted there was a dead man down on the ice. The doctor came, the man was found, taken into the office of Bliss & Wood, and our worthy coroner reported the man dead-drunk. The horse, the nobler animal of the two, suf­fered and was killed, while the man still lives. The ways of Providence are indeeed inscrutable and past finding out.
James Hill is not going to Colorado to live, for yesterday he leased from Mr. Hitchcock the building now occupied by John Ledhe, and will run it as an oyster house and confectionery. It fairly makes one’s mouth water to hear the old timers tell about “Jim’s” former efforts in this direction. We have no doubt of the success of the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
Wonder if Wirt Walton lost any money by the failure of that rattlesnake farm in Clay County.
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Wirt Walton, commenting upon the various newspapermen in the House, uses “our Fred” up in the following manner: “Fred Hunt is the ‘kid’ of journalism, that is, he has never seen the necessity of swapping subscriptions for cord wood or exchanging job work for cabbage. He has been attached to the Winfield COURIER of late years for poetical and Sunday school purposes, and has given that journal the bulk of the moral tone it possesses. He does not drink, chew, or profane, except with an occasional ‘By Gosh.’ Continuous service in his present line will tend to diminish his chances for final translation.”
According to next article, Wirt Walton was about 30 years old at this time...
Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.
The Mulvane Herald makes Wirt W. Walton thirty-seven years old, a native of Wales, and a scion of the noble house of Isaak Walton. He is about thirty, a native of Ohio, and we have been expecting every day that President Hayes would appoint him to some foreign mission. Perhaps such a slander as the above is what has so long kept him out of his birth-right as an Ohioan.
George: father of Tell, Wirt, Peter, etc. Walton...
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Mr. George Walton, of Oxford, made us a call Wednesday. It’s the first time he has visited Winfield for many months, and he expressed surprise at the rapid improvements. He left for Arkansas City on the noon train.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Tell W. Walton has purchased the Caldwell Post. Tell is a boss journalist, and will make the “Post” as lively as the town.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 13, 1881.
Tell Walton, founder of the Mulvane Herald, and an irre­pressible newspaper man, this week assumes the control of the Caldwell Post, having purchased the same of Mr. J. H. Sain.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Tell W. Walton makes in the last number of his paper, the Caldwell Post, the following statement.
“Last Saturday night, while enroute to Oxford from this city, we were compelled to patronize the K. C. L. & S. road from Winfield to Oxford. We applied at the ticket office for two tickets to Oxford, and tendered our money, a ten dollar bill. After marking the tickets and passing them over the counter, he found he could not make the change; so he said to get on the train and pay the conductor, or get the tickets after we had arrived at Oxford.
“Thinking it would be all right, and having his assurance that it would be, we boarded the train, and after we got out three-fourths of a mile from the station, the conduc­tor came through the car collecting tickets. We tendered our money a second time, but he refused to even look at it or hear an expla­nation of any kind, but stopped the train and compelled us to get off where we were, causing us, with our wife and child, to walk nearly a mile over the rough roads and cross the prairie back to the depot. We had some baggage with us, which we were obliged to carry too, or leave on the prairie. . . .

“This * * on the same evening beat a poor, lone woman out of the last cent she had, in making change for a ticket. She gave him a silver dollar, the last she had, and in return got a ticket for Oxford, costing forty cents, and ten cents in money. He claimed that she only gave him a half dollar, but the bystanders would swear that she gave him a dollar.”
John R. McGuire, of Tisdale, says that the other day he applied to the ticket office at Cherryvale for a ticket to Independence, the price of which was forty cents, and offered a half dollar piece, which was refused as not being the exact change. A feeble woman with two small children just then applied for a ticket to Independence, but failed for the same reason. Just then the train for Independence came along and McGuire and the woman got on board. The conductor came along and demanded tickets. The half dollars were offered and refused on the ground that the conductor would not take money but must have tickets. No amount would do. The only alternative was tickets or get off. The train was stopped and McGuire and the woman and her chil­dren were put out on the prairie two miles from Cherryvale, to which place they had to walk back. The woman could scarcely walk and her exertions would have been fatal had not McGuire been there to carry her small children.
The conductor of this train was not the same man with whom Tell Walton had to deal; but both are brutes, if these statements are true, which we cannot doubt, being made by men of undoubted veracity. We do not now give the names of these conductors because we wish to give them an opportunity to tell their ver­sions of these stories. It is no excuse for them that they were ordered at headquarters not to take money but only tickets for fare, no more than it would excuse them for assassinating a man because he had been ordered to do so. If these conductors believe that such acting is required of them by the company, they are venal hirelings or they would not work for such a company.
We do not believe the managers of this road desire such brutality on the part of their employees. We believe they are accommodating and obliging gentlemen who require their employees to be reasonable and obliging in carrying out such rules as are deemed necessary for the protection of the company and would discharge such brutes as these are alleged to be. Here were civil persons able and anxious to pay their fare and making due efforts to comply with all known rules of the company, and were treated worse than these same conductors would have dared to treat a party of Thugs who had attempted to rob the whole crowd. We do not blame the company for not daring to trust such men to solicit money, but we do blame them if they keep such in their employ knowing what they were.
We think that if the outraged parties should apply to Gen. Nettleton, stating the facts, the cases would be righted as far as possible.
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.

Commonwealth: W. F. White, the enterprising and indefatiga­ble passenger agent of the A., T. & S. F. Railroad Company, has devised a scheme and perfected arrangements by which through tickets are now sold at most stations on the line of the A., T. & S. F. to nearly all the minor stations of the east. By the old coupon system, tickets were sold only to important places, and the traveler had to pay local fare from such point or buy a through ticket to some large station beyond his destina­tion, and stop off at his intermediate station, thus paying for more than he received. All this trouble, annoyance, and loss is obviated by the new system. Passengers are ticketed clear through to their destination. The form of tickets is extremely simple, and easily understood, and the most careless traveler will be less likely to be diverted from his route than by the attempted study of the complicated forms heretofore in use. The Santa Fe is always foremost in inaugurating improvements which are likely to contribute to the convenience and profit of the traveling public.
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
Tell Walton and many other admiring friends will regret to learn that Jim Shannon has been given the “grand bounce” by the K. C. L. & S. company and that his vinegar visage will no longer haunt travelers over that road.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Tell Walton came over among us last Thursday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
Tell Walton, of the Caldwell Post, accompanied by his wife and child, spent Sunday in our city visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Chandler. Tell, of course, found time to call upon the TRAVELER, and helped us to pass a couple of hours very pleasant­ly, but unfortunately made us too late for church, for which he has our forgiveness, however, `till we get a chance to serve him the same way.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
We paid a visit to the District Court Thursday, with a view of taking in the situation so far as possible, and to see if District Court is the same in Cowley County now as it was in 1872, when our city was in embryo, and the brilliant attorneys and learned judges of today occupied about the same positions on the stage of life. On entering the room, many familiar faces, and more strange ones, turned toward us as if to say: “Wonder if he expects justice here!”
George Haywood was being tried for forgery. Judge Torrance sat in his cushioned chair, with a contented look on his beaming face, which would assure anyone that he was the boss, and pro­posed to run that shop. Sheriff Shenneman was looking extremely wise, and wore a satisfied smile on account of having two years more to rustle for criminals. Knight was taking down the ques­tions and answers, so as to be able to furnish a transcript for the Supreme Court, and get $75 or $100 from the defendant, who would receive in return about ten years in the penitentiary.
Frank Jennings, who would rather succeed in convicting a man then to go home to his family before ten o’clock at night, was asking all manner of questions of an Arkansas City banker, who was so unfortunate as to pay out $500 last May on a forged draft, and Henry Asp set to his side yelling, “We object” to every question, and would then turn and look Joe Huston uneasily in the face until the court would remark, “Objection overruled.”
In fact, everything seemed different from the good old days of yore, and we imagined there would have been more merriment in the proceedings had R. B. Saffold and L. J. Webb been there, throwing law books across the room at each other, Judge Campbell leaning back utterly indifferent, gnawing a musty hunk of dried buffalo meat, and Sheriff Parker dodging around under the tables like a cat shot in the eye with a paper wad. In the good old days of these kind of court proceedings, there were no strings around the lawyers nor rocks suspended to the court’s coat-tail, and every­one seemed to enjoy himself, no matter how many cases he had in court.

Then Torrance, a smooth faced lad, gave but little thought of anything save the day when he would get sufficient funds to send back east for his first love.
Fairbank’s only pride was to prepare a neat little talk for his Sunday school, held at 9 o’clock every Sabbath morning in the little white church on Ninth Avenue, which now supports a board­ing house sign.
Wirt Walton cared only to get on his soldier jacket and talk about the swimming times he would have among the country lasses when elected County surveyor.
Allison kept an eye peeled on his Tisdale girl like a youth who had trusted humanity once too often, and been everlastingly and unanimously left.
Billy Anderson would work hard all day in the lumber yard, and then at dusk, tuck the robes around his sweetness in a four dollar a day buggy, and skip out for Thomasville to a dance.
Judge Campbell would tell a lawyer to sit down, in the middle of a carefully studied and written speech, because the verdict of the court had been rendered before the argument began.
A jury would retire to the rear end of Triplett’s saloon, order a bucket of beer, and return a verdict of “not guilty” by ten o’clock next morning.
Jim Kelly, then editor of the Courier and Clerk of the court, would work in the courtroom all day and then sit up till midnight pouring over his exchanges, trying to get a few pointers from which to write a handsome notice of the birth of a cross-eyed infant.
Father Millington was holding justice court in the front end of Fuller’s little frame bank, and would tax up the cost with as much coolness as he now writes column after column of editorial matter on the grand jury system, five days after it is too late for the article to be of any good.
T. H. Johnson was about the only man in town who was really paying strict attention to business, and the way he would stick to the claim jumper until he got his last nickel as a retainer, would shock the modesty of a more cheeky demagogue than Gov. St. John.
But he is gone as well as many other shining lights of that day, and while only about half of the free and happy boys of then have raised to wealth and prominence, with chubby babies growing up to call them blessed, Winfield has become a live little city indeed, and hundreds of energetic citizens, who can never know the trial and pleasures of the early settlers, have made their homes here, and all join hands in the good work of pushing ahead, until death shall call us to that celestial shore from which no tramp printer returns.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.

The Democrat notices the death of S. C. Winton, who died recently at Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. Winton was one of the pioneers of lower Silver Creek, in Silverdale Township, where he kept a store in early days. His two-story log house was a landmark in that section in those days. Elections were held there, and it was the general stopping place for travelers. The writer has a vivid recollection (and Wirt Walton must have too) of the deli­cious corn pone that Mrs. Winton used to serve up to the hungry travelers who would make a long drive to get there, always being assured of a square meal. Mr. Winton met with reverses, princi­pally three percent, per month, and moved to Arkansas City, and from there to Colorado, where he died. He is entitled to more than a two-line death notice from the Arkansas City papers.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
When the safe of Danford’s bank was broken open, all that was found was a pile of nickels and a newspaperman’s note for ten dollars. They seem to have carried away everything in which the bulk anywhere near equaled the value.
Left this in...humorous...could be used in story form somewhere...
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
According to George Miller, Winfield is blessed with one of those “too awfully utter” girls about which our exchanges rave so much. She went into George’s butcher shop the other day while he was skinning a calf, and after watching for a moment, she ex­claimed: “Oh, what a cute little beefe-weefe.” George was so impressed with the remark that he made her a present of the beefe-weefe’s tail.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Tell Walton dropped in Monday morning fresh from the seat of war at Caldwell. Having deposited all his money in Danford’s Bank, it is fair to presume that he walked over. The conductor wouldn’t accept a certificate of deposit as legal tender.
Several items of interest besides Tell Walton...Danford...
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
J. P. Baden of Winfield wants turkies till you can’t rest. He must have 300,000 between the 18th and 21st for cash at the highest prices. This means business.
The story that Judge Campbell escaped from Caldwell by riding a bicycle all the way to Wichita is a base slander.
The reform school has forty inmates.
Wirt Walton is trying Webb’s “onion cure.”
J. S. Danford was once a strict member of the M. E. church at El Dorado.
The State Institution for Imbecile Children, located at Lawrence, has eleven inmates, and applications for twenty-seven more are on file.
Danford is at home at Osage City with his family. It is thought that his matters will be amicably settled.
Sixty-five distillers in Kentucky have been indicted for manufacturing distilled spirits without complying with the requirements of the law.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
It seems that Tell Walton, of the Caldwell Post, was slight­ly mixed up in the Caldwell trouble. Friday night before the affray, during the rendering of the play of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Jim Talbot, the man who shot Meagher, indulged in obscene re­marks, and was requested by Walton to desist. Talbot cursed and threat­ened to “fix” him next day.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Jim Talbot, who shot Meagher at Caldwell, also threatened to “fix” Tell Walton, of the Post.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
The worst is to come. It is said that Danford, the ex-banker of Caldwell, will enter the lecture field.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Coroner John H. Folks, accompanied by County Attorney Charles Willsie and Dr. E. P. West, went to Caldwell last Satur­day and during Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, held inquest on the dead bodies of Mike Meagher and George Spear. The jury in the Meagher case returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by Jim Talbot, and held Jim Martin, Bob Munson, Doug. Hill, Bob Bigtree, Dick Eddleman, and Tom Love responsible as accessories to the crime. The verdict in the Spear case was that he was shot by some unknown person. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Will give twenty-five cents for authentic information as to the whereabouts of one Tell W. Walton while the cowboy fight was raging in Caldwell.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Tell Walton, among others, has been sued by Danford for $10,000. As Tell lost some money in the bank failure, he is sitting up nights trying to figure the thing out. Can’t you do it, Tell?
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
We are told that Tell W. Walton, the bright editor of the Post, is one of the defendants in Danford’s suit for damage in the sum of $100,000. If in addition to the loss of his $180 deposit, he should have the whole $100,000 to pay, it would cut down his profits for 1881 at least one half.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
Tell Walton, of the Caldwell Post, is the most unlucky publisher we know of. During the past ten days one pair of twins and six other children have been born in the same block Tell lives in, and now Mrs. Tell is having a three-strand barb wire fence put up around their home to keep Tell in at night. Tell went through this city today, making a little trip to Arkansas City.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
The half forgotten excitement incident to the Caldwell bank failure, in which Danford so conspicuously figured, has been revived by the arrest of W. D. C. Smith, late bookkeeper of the bank, at Fort Worth, Texas, upon a charge of grand larceny.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
The meeting of the Stockmen on the Cherokee Strip, held at Caldwell last week, was largely attended, and most of the stock owners were represented. They decided to have a brand book published, and will set the time for the spring “round-up.” The following newspapermen were present:
W. P. Brush, of the K. C. Indicator, Tell W. Walton, Caldwell Post, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell Commercial, T. A. McNeal, Medicine Lodge Cresset, Will Eaton, Cheyenne Transporter, J. H. Carter, Hunnewell Independent, W. M. Allison, Wellingtonian, J. C. Richards, Wellington Press, W. P. Tomlinson, Topeka Commonwealth, Tom Richardson, cor., Leavenworth Times, and Halsey Lane, cor., Texas Live Stock Journal.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.

The Dispatch Hotel at Clay Center is completed and was thrown open to the public February 1, 1882. It is a fine building three stories high, and costing $20,000. Its young proprietors, Messrs. Wirt W. Walton and Del A. Valentine, deserve much credit for the energy they have displayed in erecting this magnificent building. We hope it may prove a successful venture, and fill the “long felt want.”
I am at a loss. Do not know who W. A. Walton is?... Might be W. W. Walton?...
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
The social party at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson Thursday evening was one of the most enjoyable affairs within the history of Winfield. The Dr. and his estimable wife seem to thoroughly understand the art of entertaining their guests, and on this particular occasion, they were at their best, as it were.
The guests present were Miss L. Curry, Miss Andrews, Miss I. Bard, Miss I. McDonald, the Misses Wallis, Miss F. Beeney, Miss Jennie Haine, Miss A. Scothorn, Miss I. Meech, Miss Sadie French, Miss Julia Smith, Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Will Robinson, Ivan Robinson, Harry Bahntge, Eugene Wallis, W. H. Smith, W. A. Smith of Wichita, E. C. Seward, O. M. Seward, C. Campbell, C. H. Connell, Sam Davis, Capt. Whiting, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Baird, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bedillion, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bahntge, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harter, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Speed, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt, W. A. Walton, and Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, June 8, 1882.
WINFIELD NEXT. Ed. Greer writes us from Lawrence that Winfield has been selected as the next place of meeting of the State Press Association. Wirt W. Walton was chosen orator for the occasion.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
The State Press Association at Lawrence elected as officers for the ensuing year: F. P. Baker, president; J. H. Downing, secretary; John A. Martin, treasurer.
Webb Wilder was appointed to write a history of the Press of Kansas.
W. W. Walton was chosen orator at the next annual meeting, which will be held at Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 16, 1882.
TOPEKA, Kas., Aug. 12, 1881.
The celebration of the 21st anniversary of the battle of Wilson’s Creek was held in Leavenworth last Thursday. Gen. C. W. Blair, Tom Fenlon, and others made addresses.
The State Convention is over and is beginning to settle down to its normal state again. A great deal of the ill feeling engendered by the late canvass will soon pass away and the party will get down to earnest work again.
The committee of thirty-eight have secured one thousand army tents from St. Louis for the Soldiers’ Re-Union instead of building a barracks, as was at first contemplated. Five hundred tents have already been received from Washington.

The new State Central Committee organized last Thursday by electing Hon. A. L. Redden, of Butler County, chairman, and Wirt W. Walton, of Clay Centre, secretary. The committee then ad­journed to meet again in this city next September, during the fair and soldiers’ reunion. This will give them an opportunity to consult with the thousands of visitors and local politicians of the State and determine what the different localities need so as to be able to inaugurate an effective campaign at once.
A strange freak of nature was reported yesterday. A child was born in this city with three faces, one in front where the face generally is, one directly behind on the back part of the head, and one on the left side; all the faces are nearly natural, except the eyes in the two superfluous faces.
Gen. C. W. Blair of Fort Scott has been elected commander-in-chief of the soldiers’ reunion. He is an earnest, dignified man and will make an efficient officer.
Capitalists from the east are talking of erecting a packing house in this city.
A number of the veterans who were in the city attending the convention met in confer-ence with the committee and decided to divide the State into three departments; one for each congressio­nal district, and appoint a command­er for each. Col. J. C. Carpenter was appointed commander of the department of the North; Col. W. Shoakley, of Fort Scott, of the Southeast; Col. H. L. Millard, of Sterling, of the Southwest. From these veterans we also learned that the entire State was enthusiastic over the reunion, and that at least 30,000 old soldiers would be present. . . . CHARLES.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 28, 1882.
Sixty thousand miles of wire fencing were put up in 1881 at a cost of $40,000,000.
Hon. Wirt W. Walton, Secretary of the St. John Central Committee, has kindly offered to provide some speakers for Sumner, Sedgwick, and Cowley counties. The state might possibly exist without Wirt, but we confess it don’t look at present as though it could.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Wirt W. Walton is the Republican nominee for Representative of the Clay County district.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
The next House will contain two of the brightest young Republicans in Kansas. Wirt W. Walton and J. R. Burton were elected by good majorities.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Wirt W. Walton was elected representative from his district in Clay County over one of the strongest men in the county by 300 majority. Wirt is worthy of every honor his people heap upon him. He is one of the fellows who make themselves worthy of a position before they ask for it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, November 23, 1882.
Mrs. Walton, of Oxford, is here on a visit to her son, Tell W. Walton, editor of the Post.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 7, 1882.
Last week, Tell W. Walton went to Tahlequah, Cherokee Nation, on business and will be absent till the latter part of this week. Halsey Lane will make the paper sparkle during his absence with local and editorial items.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1883.
Doings at the State Capital.
Senator Hackney is located at the new Copeland House for the session.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell is located at the Windsor.
Judge John T. Morton has resigned the judgeship of the Third District, an office which he has held for fourteen years, to take effect Feb. 9th. Ill health is the cause.
Col. Thomas Moonlight is appointed Adjutant General of the state militia by Gov. Glick.
Auditor E. P. McCabe and Treasurer Sam T. Howe were inducted into their respective offices last Monday.
Sam L. Gilbert officiated as usher during the inauguration ceremonies.
Wirt W. Walton was chairman of the Republican Representative caucus at Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
Wirt W. Walton has introduced a bill in the House appropriating $90,000 to erect at Clay Center a prison for short term convicts of the state.
The mention of Walton in next item refers to Tell Walton...
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, February 1, 1883.
Official Report of Proceedings.
A special meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association was held in Caldwell, Kansas, January 27, 1883.
The meeting was called to order by W. E. Campbell, vice-president of the association; John A. Blair, Secretary.
The object of the meeting was stated by the chair and letters were read by Mr. Walton from E. M. Hewins concerning matters pertaining to the vital interests of the association.
On motion a committee of five was appointed by the chair to draft resolutions. Messrs. M. H. Bennett, A. McClain, S. Tuttle, Marion Blair, and O. Ewell were appointed as such committee.
On motion, a committee of five was appointed on reception of Major John Q. Tufts upon his arrival in this city, February 7th, 1883. E. M. Hewins, I. S. Ballinger, S. Tuttle, J. W. Hamilton, and M. H. Bennett were appointed as such committee. On motion the committee was increased to eight and A. McClain, Ben S. Miller, and A. M. Colson were appointed as such additional committeemen.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed to make a draft of the Cherokee Strip, showing the quarantine grounds, trails, fencing, etc., and report the same to the annual meet-ing of the Association on March 6th, 1883, together with such recommendations as they may deem best for the interests of the association.
Messrs. A. M. Colson, M. H. Bennett, J. A. Blair, H. Hodgson, and S. Tuttle were appointed as such committee.
The committee on resolutions submitted, through its chairman, the following report, which was adopted.

WHEREAS, It is to the interest of every person, company, or corporation grazing cattle on the Cherokee Strip, that that scope of country known as the quarantine grounds be left open for the use of Texas cattle drovers and local shippers, and that the trails across said Cherokee Strip used by Texas cattle drovers and local ranchmen be left open and free from all barriers of any kind. Therefore, be it
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that all the trails across the Cherokee Strip, leading to all shipping points in Kansas and the northwest be left open and free from all barrier, such as wire fences, board fences, or any kind of fences whatever.
Resolved, That we, as an association and as individuals, deprecate and discountenance the actions of any person, company, or corporation in building any wire fences or other bar-riers upon the ground set apart as quarantine grounds for through Texas cattle or for shipment of Territory cattle, and that we will use our individual efforts to discourage any further occu-pancy of the said grounds for ranch purposes by local stockmen.
Resolved, That this association recognizes the rights of the Cherokee Nation in collecting a grazing tax upon cattle grazed on Cherokee lands in the Indian Territory, and that under the permits issued by the Cherokee Nation is our only legal right in said Cherokee country.
Resolved, That it is the earnest wish of this association that the title and control of the said Cherokee Strip be definitely settled and the unquestionable legal control of it be determined that we may be the better enabled to conform to all the laws governing it.
Resolved, That this association fully endorses the action of the official meeting of the association held at Topeka, Kansas, on January 8, 1883, and that we re-affirm the resolutions there adopted as the sense of this meeting.
Resolved, That the thanks of this association are due and are hereby tendered Hon. E. M. Hewins and Major A. Drumm, for the able and efficient manner in which they represented our interests before the Secretary of the Interior, and that we full endorse their actions and statements in the matter; and that the association is entirely satisfied with the action of the Secretary of the Interior Department in appointing a special agent to investigate fencing matters on the Cherokee lands, and will give said agent all the assistance in our power to arrive at an equitable conclusion in the matter. M. H. BENNETT, Chairman.
There being no further business before the meeting, a motion to adjourn prevailed.
W. E. CAMPBELL, President.
J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.
Tell W. Walton, of the Caldwell Post, and Marion Blair, a jolly cattle man, left their autographs on our table Monday, together with one of the most wretched-looking, ungainly conglomerations of curved lines we have ever seen. The boys said it was a pencil sketch of a range-fed Texas steer. It looked as if it had been subsisting on a cockleburr and barbed wire during the winter, and that the melancholy days of its existence were fast drawing to a close.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Echoes From the Past. We have before us bound files of the COURIER from the first copy, issued ten years ago. They contain an ever-varying panorama of the life and growth of Cowley and her people, of peculiar interest to the old residents, and replete with incidents and anecdotes of early life for the new-comers.
In the issue of March 27, 1873, Mr. James Kelly modestly announces in a half column salutatory that he has bought the COURIER, and has “no friends to reward or enemies to punish;” and in a card below R. S. Waddell, the founder of the paper, says his last say.

January 25, 1873, we learn that “Wirt W. Walton has been successful in his canvass for Journal clerk of the House of Representatives.”
A little farther on we learn that “Dr. Geo. Black, hailing from Iowa, has settled among us.”
April 24, 1873, was the COURIER’s first experience in house-moving, and we are informed that “The COURIER office is now removed to the Old Log Store, and we are now in better shape than ever to entertain our friends.”
For many years the Old Log Store continued as the COURIER headquarters, and from it each week issued scathing articles on the “Post Office Ring” and the “Court House Ring,” and various and sundry other “rings,” which then, as now, tried to gobble up everything in sight.
The subject which seemed to engross most of its attention during these pioneer times was that of encouraging immigration and railroads. Week in and week out we find one, two, and three column articles setting forth the beauty and fertility of Cowley County and the splendid commercial advantages of Winfield, while upon the fourth page was kept standing a long “Description of Winfield and Cowley County.”
The issue of April 17, 1873, seems to disclose the COURIER’s first leaning toward prohibition, as we find that “Mr. Bellmore sent us a keg of beer and we have been happy ever since—salubriously happy.”
The first authentic railroad boom appears in the same issue, and stunning article in flaming head-lines announces “Glory Enough! Cars are Coming!!” In the light of the present, we find that it took the cars six years to get here.
June 12, 1873, we learn that “Rev. J. E. Platter, our new Presbyterian minister, preached a very able sermon at the stone church last Sabbath,” and that “another shanty is being stuck up on Main street.”
In the issue of July 10, 1873, we find a half column description of M. L. Read’s new bank, which concludes by saying: “The business energy and willing disposition manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public.”
July 24, 1873, we learn that “E. P. Young, late of Pennsylvania, is building a fine stone house on his farm near Tisdale.” We are also informed in three words the astonisher that “Winfield still alive!” and that “Ed. Bedilion was made happy the other day by a little ‘incident.’ It’s a girl.”
August 21, 1873, attention is called to “the announcement of A. T. Shenneman for the office of sheriff,” and the editor adds, by way of endorsement, “We are glad to see such men asking for the suffrage of the people. Mr. Shenneman has made a good marshal and will make an honest, sober, and impartial sheriff.” How little did the writer realize what the future would bring forth.
In the same paper appears the announcement of M. G. Troup as a candidate for county clerk “without regard to rings or cliques.”
We also find that it is “hot and dusty,” and that “Sam Myton is digging a well.”
The “walls of the new Court House are now one story high.”

The same issue contains notice of the marriage of Abe Steinberger and Ida Mann, and that “the bride in losing a short Man gains a long one.”
September 4, 1873, we learn that “the Commissioners changed the plan of the Court House so that it has a double gable instead of a single gable roof.”
In the same paper is a notice of the death of Mrs. Robert Hudson.
In the issue of September 11, 1873, the announcement is made that “J. W. Curns, of this place, and G. S. Manser, of Arkansas City, have formed a co-partnership to do a general land office business.” We also learn that “Democrats are on their ear.” They are in the same position yet. This paper also contains the announcement of R. L. Walker for sheriff.
September 18, 1873, “Richland Township wants a threshing machine.” That was before she got Sam Phenix. We also learn that “Mr. Menor threshed 380 bushels of wheat from twelve acres.”
Sept. 25, 1873, “Capt. Hunt, of South Haven, is in town purchasing seed wheat for his farm. He is a stranger now.” Oct. 2, “First frost of the season,” and “Spaulding’s store at Tisdale burned.” Oct. 9th we learn that “two cells of the jail are now in readiness to receive any of our citizens who can’t behave themselves outside.”
From the issue of October 16, 1873, we learn that “J. C. Fuller wants it distinctly understood by those parties in the east part of the county who think all the banks in the county have suspended, that the Winfield Bank has been open for business every day, has paid all demands and checks in cash, has continued to loan to its regular customers and is prepared to do the same in future.” Mr. Fuller’s bank was about the only one in the State which was paying currency on demand at that time, it being the time of the great panic.
October 23, 1873, it is announced that “the jail will be dedicated by a dance tomorrow night,” and “this week the Telegram enters on the second year of its publication—if it gets out.” This issue also contains a lengthy local, “To correct any erroneous impressions that may have been created in the minds of the readers of a small paid local in last week’s COURIER and Telegram, Read’s Bank wants it distinctly understood that it, also, has been open for business at all hours during the panic,” etc.
April 8, 1874, “C. G. Grady’s mammoth circus” exhibited. This was Winfield’s first circus. In the same issue, “J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, has opened out a stock of dry-goods and groceries.”
May 1, 1874, we find that “Tom Blanchard has discovered lead.” This seems to have been Tom’s first mining enterprise.
July 3, 1874, the announcement is made that “R. C. Story, of Indiana, is now here looking up a location. We hope he will conclude to remain with us.”
July 31, 1874, “James Harden, of Dexter, threshed his wheat and got 28-1/2 bushels per acre.” This was early threshing.
July 17, we find a card from Jim Hill denying charges made by Allison that his dog caused the runaway of a lady’s team. Jim says: “Please allow me to say, that my dog is not a worthless, contemptible cur, as he would have his readers believe, nor does it bark at him. My dog never barks at such insignificant objects. I have no dog and never owned one.”

August 28, 1874, the types say, “We are happy to welcome to our town Mr. W. P. Hackney.” On the 7th of the same month the editor felicitates himself with the thought that “This week’s issue of the COURIER reaches the handsome figure of 441 copies. This gives it much the largest circulation in the county.”
Oct. 22nd we find that “There was a dance at Thomasville last night.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Tell Walton, editor of the Caldwell Post, and Marion Blair were over last week as a committee of the Stock Association to confer with our stockmen here, regarding wire fences.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
No Show for Monopolists.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller, who made the following remarks.
It becomes my painful duty to call this Association to order again. Painful, because it will be a rehash of what we have done, the past year, some of which has come to light, and some of which may never show up. On looking to my right, I miss the face of one who, in life, was one of the best supporters the chair had, and whose council and suggestions were always so timely. I refer with sorrow to our friend and brother, A. H. Johnson, who was stricken down in the prime of life last summer, without a moment’s warning, by the Power that controls the elements. He has gone to a place where “scattering,” “gatherings,” and “round-ups” are no more. Whether to a range that is fenced or open, we know not; but we do know that if it is fenced, no Congress, Secretary of the Interior, or Indian Commission can tear it down at their pleasure.
The roll was called and the following officers reported.
Ben S. Miller, president.
John A. Blair, secretary.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer.
The reading of the minutes of the previous meetings was on motion dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, presented his report, showing the receipts to be $3,645.16; expenditures, $1,537.12, leaving a balance in the treasury of $2,108.04. Report accepted.
On motion, Messrs. W. E. Bridge, T. F. Pryor, P. Carnagie, J. W. Carter, and Cid. Eldridge were appointed as committee on membership.
On motion, Messrs. Hodson, Eldridge, Drumm, Hewins, and Tuttle were appointed a committee on permanent organization.
On motion the president appointed W. S. Snow, James Hamilton, and Ed. Hewins a committee on constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Hewins moved that the president appoint a sergeant at arms, whose duty it shall be to see that bonafide members of the Association are seated together and apart from specta-tors. Carried.
The Association then adjourned to meet at 2 p.m.

On re-assembling at 2 p.m., the committee on credentials reported the following list of new members, which report was accepted.
D. R. Streeter, Northup & Stephens, C. W. Blaine, F. M. Stewart, R. B. Clark, R. H. Campbell, W. J. Hodges, G. A. Thompson, S. A. Garth, W. H. Harrelston, W. M. Dunn, G. B. Mote, Crutchfield & Carpenter, Walworth, Walton & Rhodes, W. B. Lee, W. W. Wicks, J. A. Emmerson, John Myrtle, J. H. Hill, A. J. Snider, A. G. Evans, R. W. Phillips, E. W. Payne, Tomlin & Webb, H. W. Roberts, E. P. Fouts, W. W. Stephens, A. Mills, C. M. Scott, H. P. Standley, Lafe Merritt, J. N. Florer, D. W. Roberts, C. H. Dye, M. W. Brand, Drury Warren, W. P. Herring, S. T. Tuttle, E. W. Rannols, N. J. Thompson, W. H. Dunn, E. A. Hereford, J. Love, Johnston & Housner, S. T. Mayor, D. A. Streeter, M. H. Snyder, P. S. Burress, C. C. Clark, K. C. Weathers, G. V. Collins, and H. H. Campbell.
The committee on permanent organization reported the following officers.
President, Ben S. Miller.
Secretary, John A. Blair.
Assistant Secretary, Tell W. Walton.
Treasurer, M. H. Bennett.
Report adopted.
Mr. Hamilton from committee on constitution and by-laws, asked for further time. Granted.
The committee on membership reported names received as temporary members until the constitution and by-laws were adopted. Report accepted.
On motion of Mr. Cooper, the report of committee on permanent organization was adopted. Whereupon Mr. Ben S. Miller thanked the convention for their united confidence in him as a presiding officer, and without any flourish, announced that the next order of busi-ness would be the appointment of a sergeant-at-arms, and therefore appointed Marion Blair.
On motion, the Association resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and on motion of Major Drumm, the following committee on round-ups was appointed.
A. Drumm, W. E. Campbell, Marion Blair, H. W. Timberlake, Syl. Fitch, J. W. Carter, Tony Day, M. K. Krider, Oliver Ewell, Pat Carnegie, and E. W. Payne.
On motion, W. B. Hutchison, Caldwell COMMERCIAL; H. P. Standley, Arkansas City Traveler; T. A. McNeal, Cresset; E. W. Payne, Index, Medicine Lodge; H. A. Heath, Kansas Farmer, Topeka; J. J. Jewett, Kansas City Indicator; H. H. Heath, Kansas City Price Current; R. L. Owen, Indian Chieftain, Vinita, Indian Territory; Lafe Merritt, Transporter, Cheyenne, Indian Territory; J. C. Richards, Press; C. T. Hickman, Democrat, Wellington; were elected assistant secretaries of the convention.
Report of H. B. Johnson, inspector at Kansas City, was read and accepted. The report sets forth that Mr. Johnson has caught 207 cattle wrongfully shipped, valued at $75.00. [Wonder if they meant $75.00 each???]
A vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Johnson, and various other inspectors, for their efficient work on behalf of the Association.
On motion the following gentlemen were appointed as a committee on programme for tomorrow’s work: Ben. Miller, Carnegie, Bridge, Hodgson, Hamilton, and John Blair.
Messrs. John Reese and John Volz were instructed to furnish the Association with an exhibit of expenses incurred in pursuing cattle thieves.

A telegram dated Kansas City, March 6, to W. B. Hutchison, from Agent Miles, was read as follows: “Agent Tufts recommends that fences be permitted to remain and others with the consent of the Cherokees.”
The convention adjourned until ten o’clock Wednesday morning.
Convention called to order at 11 a.m., on Wednesday morning by President Miller.
Mr. Hamilton, chairman from committee on constitution and by-laws reported progress.
The following report of committee on round-ups was presented by its chairman and on motion of Mr. Hodgson was adopted.
We, the assigned committee on round-ups, appointed by the Convention of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, held in Caldwell on March 6th, 1883, herewith submit the following report.
Division No. 1. To be composed of what is known as Red Rock and Salt Fork country, including the territory of, and then to the south line of Kansas, and thence west, including all tributaries of the Salt Fork, in the west line of the Comanche County Pool. Said division to meet at the Red Rock crossing of the Arkansas City road, and Thomas Wilson to be appointed as Captain of said division.
Division No. 2. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 1, and extend as far south as the division between the Cimarron and the North Fork of the Canadian, and to commence work at McClellen’s pasture, and, if necessary, to work on the North Fork, east of the crossing of the Chisholm trail, and work west as far as the west line of the Comanche County Pool. This division to meet where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeleton Creek, and Howard Capper to be appointed captain of said division.
Division No. 3. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 2, and as far south as the Washita River; and to extend as far west as A. J. Day’s range. Said division to meet at the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Fork of the Canadian, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain.
We also recommend that the captains of the several divisions be empowered to discharge all parties not doing their duty or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be autho-rized to employ other men to fill vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were repre-sented by the parties discharged.
We also recommend that Marion Blair, A. J. Day, W. E. Campbell, J. W. Carter, H. W. Timberlake, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed as a committee to confer with the round-up committee appointed by the stock meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 28th and 29th of the present month, and that the joint communities then decide upon a date for the beginning of the spring round-up, together with such other recommendations as they may desire to proffer; and that the report be published in the Caldwell, Anthony, and Medicine Lodge papers. A. DRUMM, Chairman.
The President read a communication from W. W. Cook, chairman of the Barbour County Stockmen’s Association, inviting the stockmen of the Cherokee Strip, and all others, to attend their meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge, March 28 and 29, 1883.

The committee on credentials reported several new names for membership, which report was received and the members admitted.
Mr. H. S. Lane, inspector at St. Louis, reported 105 head picked up, which sold at an average of $75 per head.
The bill of Stoller & Reese, amounting to $213.00, and of John Volz for $216.00, for expenses in recovering stolen stock and prosecuting thieves, were referred to committee on finance.
The questions of continuing the reward offered by the inspection committee for the con-viction of stock thieves was discussed by Messrs. Buzard, Snow, Heran, McDowell, and others—the general feeling being that the reward ought to be increased.
Mr. Hodges asked leave to file paper for consideration of the convention at the proper time concerning Oil Company troubles. Paper was read and discussed.
Mr. Gore, representing the Company, supposed to be the Pennsylvania Oil Company, stated that it was not a part of said company, but was a private enterprise, and that they were willing to agree to anything reasonable concerning the ranges.
Mr. Hewins thought the paper should go to the committee on arbitration.
The following resolution was read and adopted.
Resolved, That as the Kansas Legislature has adopted a railroad bill providing for com-missioners, the stockmen of Southwestern Kansas request that in the appointment of said commissioners, the stock interests of the State shall be taken into consideration; we, there-fore, request that Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Sumner County, be appointed as a member of said commission.
The convention was called to order at 11 o’clock a.m.
James W. Hamilton from the committee on organization, reported that articles of incor-poration had been adopted and filed with the secretary of state as the Cherokee Live Stock Association, that the board of directors for the first year were Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, John A. Blair, S. Tuttle of Caldwell; W. Payne of Medicine Lodge; and Charles H. Eldred, of Carrolton, Illinois; and others. The committee also reported a code of by-laws.
The report was read at length, and after a warm discussion, adopted; and the convention adjourned until three o’clock p.m.
At the three o’clock session seventy-three stock men came forward and paid their mem-bership fee of $10, after which a meeting of the board of directors was called, the names passed upon, and then adjourned until Friday morning.
Just at this point, we desire to say that the new organization is a move in the right direc-tion. Through it, the rights of the smallest stockman in the Territory will be as fully protected as those of the powerful combinations. In fact, it makes of all parties one complete organiza-tion, wherein the weak will have a show for the capital they may have invested.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Wirt W. Walton was presented with a magnificent gold watch by his constituents at Clay Center Monday. It was a fitting testimonial to his efficient and energetic labors in the session of the legislature just closed.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.

Register Nixon is receiving piles of letters and propositions regarding his new traction engine from persons who want to buy machines or become interested in the patents.
Wirt W. Walton was presented with a magnificent gold watch by his constituents at Clay Center Monday. It was a fitting testimonial to his efficient and energetic labors in the session of the legislature just closed.
The County Treasurer has been notified of the intended consolidation of the Caldwell, Arkansas City, and Newton branches of the Santa Fe railroad. Our stock will be taken up and consolidated stock issued instead. The matter will be brought up at the April meeting of the Board of Commissioners.
Every schoolhouse in Kansas should be surrounded by a grove of trees—cottonwoods will do; elms, ash, and catalpas are better. County Superintendents should appoint a day to be devoted by the patrons and pupils to decorating and beautifying the school grounds. A handsome school building in a grove of thrifty young trees is a “thing of beauty and joy forever.” In no other way will a small amount of work and the investment of a small amount of money do so much good for the school and the town as in the planting and cultivating of trees in our school grounds.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Wirt W. Walton is to deliver the annual address before the State Press Association. Last year’s address was from Mr. Rothacker, the editor of the Denver Tribune.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 2, 1883.
Tell W. Walton has severed his connection with the Caldwell Post, and the new pro-prietor, H. S. Lane, took charge of the office last Monday. We wish the retiring as well as the incoming editor success in the future.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
Wirt Walton will deliver an annual address to the editors at Winfield.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
The Texas cattle drive this year is estimated at 210,000 head as against 350,000 last year.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
The business of Caldwell is said to have doubled during the past year. Caldwell is a great and good town.
Winfield Courier, May 3, 1883.
T. W. Walton has sold the Caldwell Post to H. S. Lane and will retire from the newspaper publishing business.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
It is said that Wirt W. Walton could not come down to Winfield because the walking was bad and his railroad passes do not materialize, but it seems that Geo. W. Martin got here somehow.
I have in hand for sale a few very desirable Ranch properties and range stocks.
One lot of wintered heifers.

One lot of wintered 2-year old steers.
One Cattle Ranch [deeded land] with 1900 cattle, 50 saddle horses and lots of good bulls on it. A full description furnished on application.
A fine stock range in the Indian Territory for sale.
126 head of stock horses for sale.
A 1600 acre stock ranch, title perfect, with 250 stock cattle for sale.
Tell Walton came up from the round-up Tuesday, and informed us that work on the first division would commence at Colson’s range yesterday.
Tell Walton has sold his bunch of mares and colts to parties who shipped them north.
J. S. Tate & Bro. sold the remainder of their horse herd—67 head—to Tell W. Walton last Friday, and left for Texas on Monday. Tell sold the stock to Mr. A. Dorsey on Friday evening.
Tell Walton returned last Sunday to take a little rest and renew his acquaintance with his wife and baby. In forty days, the time employed until he left the range, he has run over 400 miles in surveying the lines for pastures in the middle division of the Strip. He has considerable more work to do, and will return next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, August 15, 1883.
Wirt Walton thinks he won’t be next secretary of State, because he ain’t a railroad man.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee Strip. Tell has done his work satisfactorily to the stockmen, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed, in order that the Live Stock Association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee strip. Tell has done his work satisfactory to the stock men, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed in order that the Live Stock asso-ciation may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
Pursuant to notice the Board of Directors of the C. S. L. S. Association met on Thursday of last week to receive the reports of the surveyors selected to run the lines of the pastures in each division, and to fix the amount to be assessed against such holder, and make a levy to raise the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation.
The report of S. T. Wood, surveyor of the eastern division, the survey being incomplete, showed 1,909,000 acres. Mr. Wood is still at work, but it will require a couple of weeks to finish the job; so as to obtain the exact number of acres in the division.

The middle division surveyed by Tell W. Walton, showed an area of 1,764,446.49 acres. The report also shows that there are 23 ranges in the division, running from 8,500 to 299,526 acres. All but three ranges are entirely enclosed with barbed wire fencing, and the three are fenced on each side.
Mr. C. H. Burgess had the east half of the western division, running west to the V range. West of that was under charge of Fred Erkhart, who has not completed his survey. The district surveyed by Mr. Burgess comprises 1,108,390 acres.
This makes a total of 4,781,865.49 acres surveyed and platted on the Strip. When the surveys are completed on the extreme eastern and western ends of the Strip, it is altogether likely the total acreage will exceed 6,000,000 acres.
From these reports, the Board levied an assessment of two cents an acre upon each occupant, in order to meet the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation, and to meet other expenses, and on Friday morning the Treasurer, M. H. Bennett, began the collection of the amounts due from each occupant. We did not learn the total sum paid in, but by Friday night there were sufficient funds in the Treasurer’s hands to meet all obligations due the Cherokees, and on Saturday morning he started for Tahlequah to make the first payment in accordance with the terms of the lease.
Since Thursday afternoon the Board has had under consideration cases appealed from the Board of Arbitration. In the case of Broadwell vs. The Eagle Chief Pool, the Board rendered a decision making Broadwell’s west line begin on the southwest corner and run north seven miles, leaving his west fence in a different shape from what he had it built.
In the case of Chase against Ewing, the Board affirmed the decision of the Board of Arbitration, giving Chase his range.
Wednesday morning the Board of Directors adopted the following resolution.
Resolved, That the Caldwell JOURNAL, be and is hereby adopted as the official organ of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the St. Joe Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford was referred to the parties in contest, and settled by the Wyeth Cattle Co., purchasing all the interest of the St. Joe Company.
In the case of Peter Stewart vs. E. M. Ford, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, giving Stewart nearly all he asked.
The Board meets this morning at 9 o’clock, and will continue in session from day to day until all disputes regarding range are settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Messrs. Burgess & Walton are preparing a map of the ranges on the Cherokee Strip, made up from surveys by the various parties recently engaged in that work. The map will be invaluable to every stock man on the Strip, and no time should be lost in making subscrip-tions, as no extra copies will be published. If the plats made and submitted to the Directors are any criterion, the map will not only be a beauty, but a necessary adjunct to every well governed ranch.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.

Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed the survey of the various pastures in the central division of the Strip. Tell had a hard time of it, owing to the beastly weather, as the English would say; still he looks none the worse for all his hard work.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1883.
Tell Walton was in the city yesterday. He is now surveying in the Indian Territory.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Tell Walton is surveying the cemetery, which has become the property of the city. The manner in which it was laid out makes it a difficult job to get the lines run in proper shape, but Tell will worry through, and make everything satisfactory.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
Tell Walton has completed the survey of the cemetery, and made an excellent map of the same. The map can be seen in the council room.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
D. A. Valentine has sold his interest in the Dispatch newspaper, Dispatch hotel, and other property to J. P. Campbell and E. L. Runyan, late of the Independent paper, the Times, of Clay Center, for $12,000. Valentine bought the Times and will run it. Wirt Walton still retains his interest in the Dispatch properties and will continue as editor of the Dispatch. Of course, it will be a straight Republican. The new firm will make valuable improvement in both the hotel and printing office. The addition of two excellent printers and successful businessmen to the Dispatch firm assures increased success to the enterprises under its management.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
Mr. J. W. Householder, of Clay Center, gave us a pleasant call on Monday. He is visiting his brother, J. M. Householder, of Vernon. Their mother, from Ohio, is also visiting at J. M.’s. Mr. Householder speaks very highly of the success and ability of Wirt W. Walton, late of Cowley, with whom he is well acquainted.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Wirt W. Walton, of the Clay Center Dispatch, has on his hands a $10,000 libel suit; and his neighbor of the Times, Del Valentine, has one for $6.000; the results of imaginary newspaper wounds. The parties who brought those suits are certainly unfamiliar with the newspaper business. They are striking for too small a “stake”—a million would have been small enough.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Del Valentine, of the Clay Center Times, was the victim of a “surprise” party on the occasion of his twenty-eight birthday. His office was invaded by a number of lady and gentleman friends, who left many substantial tokens of their esteem, among which was a large easy chair, frescoed with a speech from Mr. Walton, of the Dispatch.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 4, 1884.

The TRAVELER is indebted to Mr. Tell W. Walton for one of his new range maps of the Cherokee Strip. This map is a treasure in every respect to anyone desirous of keeping posted on cattle interests in the Territory. It should be in the hands of every stock man, or man interested in stock. It is as near correct as it is possible to make it. It is compiled from surveys made in 1883 by S. T. Wood, Tell Walton, Fred Eckert, and C. H. Burgess, and shows the location of about 100 ranges. We have two of the maps for sale at $6 each, the regular price. They are well worth the sum to anyone having occasion to use them.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
A Winfieldite at Burden.
The writer visited Burden on Wednesday, June 4th, for the first time, and was agreeably surprised with the general appearance of the place. Like all other young Kansas towns, it bustles with activity and holds forth abundant promises of future prosperity. We noticed several fine new residences and others under process of erection. Peter Walton is putting up a stone bank building, which will be a great improvement to Main Street. It is being built from stone, which is quarried about a mile and a half from Burden, and is, we judge, of about the same consistency as that found in the Winfield quarries.
Our stay was so limited, we did not have time to note all the improvements.
While meandering down street, we caught sight of the words, PRINTING OFFICE, in huge letters reaching clear across the top of a building on Main, and at once headed that way, but on reaching the door we found ourselves upon the threshold of a “tonsorial” estab-lishment, and knowing the art of “shaving people” was not the legitimate work of the noble brotherhood, we made a hasty retreat. However, we soon found the Enterprise man, sanctum and all, in Uncle Sam’s “post office.” The mechanical department, especially, is crowded and very much in need of room. Mr. Henthorn informed us there was a prospect ahead of getting in better quarters soon, and for his own convenience we hope such is the case.
We noticed several Winfield ladies there, who were in attendance upon a convention of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Societies of Southwest Kansas conference, among whom were Mrs. S. S. Holloway, Mrs. Gridley, Mrs. John C. Curry, and Misses Jessie Meech and Ida Byers.
Upon the arrival of the evening passenger train, we noticed many Winfield gentlemen, whose faces were familiar, but whose names we did not get, who, we understand, intended organizing an Odd Fellow Lodge at Burden that evening.
We were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. Brooks during the dinner hour, and in the afternoon were greatly pleased to become the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Walton—parents of Tell and Wirt Walton, well known to Winfield people and Kansas newspaper men generally—at their new home. We have rarely had time pass more pleasantly. While waiting for the evening freight, through the courtesy of Mr. Walton, we were enabled to “Look over” the thriving little city, and we returned home with many pleasant memories of Burden and Burden people. JESSAMINE.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
[From Neighboring Exchanges.]
Miss Fannie Stretch, of Winfield, spent a few days of last week visiting the family of J. K. Woods.
The Enterprise received a pleasant call last week from Mrs. J. C. Curry and Mrs. Gridley, of Winfield, and Mrs. G. T. Walton of Burden. Mrs. Curry was formerly a typo in the Winfield COURIER office, and is one of the most entertaining visitors that has favored this print shop for many a day.
Love the description which follows...

A trip through Cowley County just at this time would upset the local pride of residents of any state east of Kansas, and is a veritable revelation to the thoroughly acclimated Kansan. The acres, fields, miles and miles of wheat—so thick that a rabbit could almost run over the even surface of waving heads—just beginning to assume the golden hues of harvest; the immense fields of corn knee high and growing so fast one can almost see the blades elongate and widen; the peach and apple trees beginning to bend with their wealth of fruit, the fine large plats of strawberries, crimson with suggestions of cream and sugar; the herds of cattle wading up to their knees in luxurious grass and rounding out with fatness; the neat and substantial schoolhouses filled with bright and healthy children; and the farms and comfortable and substantial homes of the thrifty settlers, all help to make up a landscape picture which no country under the shining sun of the age of this county can rival.
Arkansas City Republican, September 13, 1884.
Tell. W. Walton, secretary of the Caldwell Driving Park and Agricultural Association, presented the REPUBLICAN with the premium list of the society. It was printed by the Caldwell Journal, and is one of the neatest specimens of typography in the premium list line we have seen this season.

12/10/99...had to skip after previous entry and failed to put in more. Need to go back and pick up any missing additions. Found the following important items about WIRT WALTON.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.
Fatal Railroad Accident.
Junction City, Kansas, September 6, 1886.
Yesterday a passenger train on the Fort Kearney branch of the Union Pacific jumped the track between Alida and Milford. Hon. Wirt W. Walton, of Clay Center, was on the engine with Engineer Mullis and Fireman Fries. The engine landed on its side. Mr. Walton was thrown out of the left side window and severely scalded. No other person hurt. Mr. Walton died at 6 p.m.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 11, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
DIED. Hon. Wirt W. Walton, of Clay Center, died Monday evening. His death was caused by the severe scalding received in a railroad wreck near Junction City a few days ago. The deceased was a prominent Republican. His demise will be felt by his party.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
The engineer of the engine on which Wirt Walton was killed has been discharged by the Union Pacific Company for having violated the rules of the company by permitting Mr. Walton to ride upon the engine.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.

Tell Walton, of the Caldwell Journal, had his trial yesterday in the U. S. Court at Wichita. He was charged with burning a house containing a printing press, within the Oklahoma country, about two years ago. The judge heard the evidence of the witnesses for the state, and, as it was in no wise sufficient to sustain the charge, he ordered the jury to bring in a verdict of not guilty, which was immediately done.