Warren Family


[Drury and Amanda Warren and Children.]

Kay had the following notes, some of which are incorrect. MAW
Mary Warren, mother of Drury Warren died January 16, 1897 in Cowley County.
Drury Warren was born February 6, 1837, and died December 20, 1901 at Silverdale, Kansas.
Amanda, wife of Drury Warren, was born December 23, 1839, and died February 16, 1912, at Silverdale, Kansas.
J. M. Warren, son of Drury Warren, was born January 18, 1856 and died January 16, 1884.
Robert Drury Warren, son of Drury Warren, was born April 13, 1868, and died January 24, 1944.
L. L. Warren, son of Drury Warren, was born August 20, 1876, and died February 7, 1884.
W. H. Warren, son of Drury Warren, was born May 5, 1880, and died February 17, 1884.
[Note: In the newspaper coverage of Drury Warrens’s son, James, his full name is given as “James Edman Warren,” which does not agree with names that Kay listed above. MAW]


Kay’s entries start with 1883...
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Drury Warren and J. J. Beach had a set to with carving knives at Hodges and Stewarts ranch in the Territory Tuesday evening. Drury had his shoulder and part of the muscle of his left arm cut, but not seriously.
Two different versions about drowning of two children...
Warren Family.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1884.
DROWNED. A terrible affliction befell Mr. and Mrs. Drury Warren, of Grouse Creek, last Thursday, in the loss by drowning of two boys, aged respectively three and eight years. Three children were guarding a ford to prevent the cattle going on the ice, when the little one walked on the ice, and broke through, and his heroic brother lost his own life in attempting to save that of the little one. The funeral took place the following day. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in this their hour of sorrow and trial.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
A sad accident occurred on Grouse Creek, last week. The two little sons, aged four and seven years respectively, of Mr. Drury Warren, went to the creek for the purpose of playing. Mrs. Warren soon missed them and went in search of them. She found them struggling in the water. The distracted mother plunged into the stream, and doubtless, would have been drowned, but for the intervention of her daughter. The little boys were reached by the neighbors, but not until life was extinguished. Mr. Warren was in Kansas City at the time. He was telegraphed and reached home in time to see his dear children interred. Words cannot express the sorrow of the community in this sad bereavement of such an excellent family.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.
Drury Warren is home from his stock ranch in Arizona on a visit. A week or so ago Mr. Warren had some ponies stolen by the Navajo Indians, and in trying to capture the animals, a small battle was waged between his herdsmen and the Indians. Mr. Warren came out victorious
The Discovery of Coal.
Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.
Drury Warren, who resides in Silverdale Township, on his farm, near the mouth of Grouse Creek, about nine miles east of here, was in the city Wednesday, and informed a representative of the REPUBLICAN that an employee on his farm had found an 18 inch vein of coal, but refused to divulge its whereabouts unless well paid. Mr. Warren refused to credit the story and thought it was only a scheme to extort money. Waldon, the name of the employee, made the discovery while Mr. Warren was in Arizona looking after his cattle interests, and it was only last week that he learned of it. Waldon was so positive in his assertions and made them in such a way concerning the discovery, that later on, Mr. Warren was induced to take some stock in the matter. While in the city Wednesday, he met an ex-coal miner, with whom he made arrangements to have him visit his farm and search for the black diamonds. Waldon has left Mr. Warren’s employ, but says he is ready at any time to go and show the whereabouts of the vein, provided he receives the sum of money he asks. If it is not just as he represents it, he asks no pay. We were shown samples of the coal by Mr. Warren, which was furnished him by Waldon, and they in appearance resemble the Canon City coal. It was very hard and the black would not rub off. The miner whom Mr. Warren engaged to visit his farm and make the research, tested the coal, and pronounced it of a better quality than any soft coal we are burning in this vicinity. The REPUBLICAN has always held that there was coal lying imbedded in the hills east of the Walnut, and at different times advocated the boring for it. It was only a few days since that some quarrymen north of town struck a small deposit and brought samples, which are now on exhibition at Ridenour & Thompson’s jewelry store and Snyder & Hutchison’s real estate agency. Should the discovery on Mr. Warren’s farm prove to be a realism, the future destiny of Arkansas City is fixed. With her grand water power facilities, aided by cheap fuel being obtained right here in our midst, there would be no bounds to our growth. We would suggest that the board of trade take steps to assist Mr. Warren in bringing this discovery to light, for the question of getting a cheaper fuel here has long been one of vast importance. Coal is known to exist plentifully in the Indian Territory, and this fact alone is good evidence that there is coal in this vicinity.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
APRIL 13, 1886.
DIED. Grace Warren, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Drury Warren; she was a sufferer for a long time before her death. She has gone to the land of rest, “where the wicked cease their troubling and the weary are at rest.”
Mrs. Drury Warren is reported on the sick list.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
Drury Warren, who removed his herd of cattle from this vicinity to a range in Arizona, has sold out, and returned home Thursday. Mrs. R. D. Warren came with him. Her husband has gone to Texas to go into the stock business.

Arkansas City Republican, July 10, 1886.
Drury Warren has secured another cattle ranch down in the Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, July 24, 1886.
Dan Bunnell has sold his farm to Drury Warren for $7,900.
Kay then had me get data about death of Drury Warren...
Arkansas City Traveler, December 11, 1901.
Drury Warren is reported a little better, but he is not yet out of danger.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1901.
It is reported this evening that there is but little hope for the recovery of Drury Warren.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1901.
Drury Warren was reported a little better today but he is not quite out of danger.
An Old Cowley County Citizen Died Last Night.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 21, 1901.
Drury Warren, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Cowley County died at his home near Silverdale at 7:55 last night. Almost ten days ago Mr. Warren met with an accident which caused his death. He had been to Arkansas City on business and just as he got out of his buggy, after returning to his home, he fell, striking the back of his head on a rock. This caused a fracture of the skull from which he never recovered. Drury Warren came to this county in 1876 and located upon his farm near Silverdale station where he has lived ever since. He has accumulated considerable property and was regarded as one of the most well to do farmers in this part of the country. He leaves a wife and five children.
The funeral will take place tomorrow at 1 o’clock from the residence with burial in Silverdale cemetery.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1901.
The funeral of Drury Warren took place yesterday afternoon at the late residence of the deceased with burial in the Silverdale cemetery. There was a delegation of Masons attended from this city and took part in the services.