T. C. Warren
Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
Mr. T. C. Warren has opened a harness and saddlery store in the building formerly occupied by C. R. Sipes, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Mr. Warren is a number one workman, and intends to make a specialty of manufacturing fine work himself, as well as having in stock everything usually kept in a first-class harness store. His advertisement will be found in another column. If you need anything in the strap line, call and see him.
AD. T. C. WARREN, Manufacturer of and dealer in HARNESS, SADDLES, ETC.
A full line of bridles, whips, halters, horse covers, fly nets, brushes, combs, etc., always on hand.
Fine work of every description furnished, and special attention given to repairing. All work warranted. Shop in C. R. Sipes’ old stand.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
The Methodist folks will have a Christmas tree for the children of their Sabbath school on next Friday evening, December 24. A merry time is guaranteed, and a cordial invitation extended to all. Following are the various committees.
On Decorating Tree: Mrs. T. C. Warren.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1881.
Mr. Warren has moved his harness shop into the building formerly occupied by Judge James Christian, northwest corner of Summit street and Central Avenue. A restaurant has been established in the building vacated by Mr. Warren.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
T. C. Warren, a former harness maker of this city, who left for Colorado a short time since in too big a hurry to settle his accounts, put in an appearance on our streets last week.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Fred Banks, a colored boy, and Mr. T. C. Warren had an altercation Tuesday in which the boy used some threatening and abusive language. He was taken before the police judge Wednesday, fined $5 and costs, and being unable to pay, was taken to jail.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1883.
George Liermann has purchased the harness establishment of T. C. Warren, back of the
post office, and will restock with a first-class line of goods.
T. C. Warren is mentioned again...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Letter from Dexter.
MR. EDITOR. Perhaps you would like to know something about the way things are going in this part of Cowley. Doubtless you have noticed the stand taken by the Dexter Eye, of late, against Prohibition. The action of which called fourth some little rebuke from the Friends of Temperance in this vicinity; which has been thrust back through the columns of this paper, in a strain of threatenings and abuse. This has been quite a surprise to the good people of Dexter and represented himself to be a temperance man, and a strict prohibitionist, and exhibited to the writer at the same time that he made his statement, a certificate of membership to the I. O. G. T. and an officer of the order. But like Judas of old, he has betrayed the innocent blood and sold his inheritance for a few pieces of silver.
That an action so treacherous should be denounced by all lovers of Prohibition is beyond a doubt, and because there are people in this community who are advocating the cause of prohibition and they are denouncing his course. They have been grossly insulted and falsely accused, such has been the course of this paper, that it is deemed necessary for a number of the best citizens of Dexter for someone of the community to answer some of the accusations made against us, and give an explanation of some kind why such things should have been said. But doubtless the reader of this letter has already suspected the reason from what has already been said.
Now Mr. Editor, we are called fanatics, ring nose clicks; Idiots, anxious to be called Godly ministers. Guilty of kicking up a fuss and stealing the livery of Heaven, to serve the Devil in, and indeed if the decision he has rendered against us to be final, we are guilty of the grossest crime, and deserve to be banished from the land.
Now when people are accused the thing to be done is to inquire into the cause of the accusation, and from whence it cometh, and what are the facts in the case and this is just what we desire the people to know. In the first place, we do not deny having done something—for we have not been idle since we came to Dexter, neither do we intend to be in the future. One among other things we have done, and not the last either, is we have been
guilty of holding a Temperance meeting in this place, and advocating the cause of Prohibition, and have declared war against King Alcohol and denounced whiskey, beer, and ale. We have sent out a decree to the effect that he shall not reign over us, and that we intended, God helping us, to do all we can to overthrow him.
We have even gone so far as to invite a citizen of Winfield, Mr. Soward, to come to Dexter and advocate this doctrine to the people we have been advocating, a reform which is near and dear to the hearts of every American citizen, who loves his country and that ought, to be dear to every man, woman, and child in the land. We have been publicly denouncing every Practice and Principle that recommends anything less than a strict Prohibitory law in the state of Kansas. We have declared our intention to vote for and lend our influence to assist Temperance candidates who are strict Prohibitionists in preference to all others who are not.
And when the Dexter Eye came out denouncing our cause, pronouncing it a failure, and advocates the cause of the liquor traffic and declared war against prohibition, we withdrew our support from that paper and condemned the course it had taken. If this is kicking up a fuss, we do not deny the charge. If this is stealing the livery of Heaven to serve the Devil in, we expect to keep on serving him right along in this line. If this is fanaticism, may the Lord give us more of it for the country is just now in need of more such fanatics. Nay, we have been watching the course of this paper for some time, which has been full of the abuse of man, and in fact contains scarcely anything else of late, at least in the editorial department. Some time ago this little sheet began this dirty work by assailing one of the best citizens of Dexter, for the only reason that he was a supporter of Mr. Asp, who is not the Eye’s candidate; and he is a man who advocates prohibition. Next came the continued effort to injure Mr. Asp, who is a well known gentleman of your city, and an honored citizen of Cowley County. But this foul sheet could scarcely find language suitable to gratify its lust or desire in defeating any man towards whom he does not lean, and now simply because we denounced the course of this paper although we did it in an honorable way and told him of his fault in the presence of others, he has sailed out upon us as though he would endeavor to stop the mouth of everyone who dared to say anything against his course and with threats if he hears anything more he will trace up men’s records and publish to the world.
Now we want to let this man know that all his threats and bulldozing will not keep people from expressing their opinion upon the course he has taken. And we also wish the Editor of the COURIER and people in general to know that the Dexter Eye does not represent the opinion of but a small part of the people of this community, and the cause of prohibition still lives in Dexter. There is a large number of our best citizens who are enlisted in the glorious cause, and in spite of all the opposition which may be brought to bear, they will be found true to its principles. Respectfully, T. C. WARREN.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
DIED. Bryant Warren, fourteen year old son of Rev. T. C. Warren, of Dexter, died last week from injuries received by a runaway team. The funeral was held Saturday from the residence of Mr. Lundy, of this city.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Rev. Warren preached at Windsor last Saturday night. The Sabbath school at that place is also in good condition.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Mr. Warren occupied the pulpit on last Sunday.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
Rev. Warren of Dexter has been holding a series of meetings at Windsor Schoolhouse and doing much good.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Our Torrance correspondent, though usually very terce and correct, seems to have made an unintentional misstatement a few weeks ago in reporting that Rev. Warren failed to put in an appearance at one of his regular appointments to preach at that place. The following explanation from a Torranceite relieves the Reverend.
“Rev. Warren arrived in Torrance in due time and called at the house of one of his members to await the building of the fires and the ringing of the bell, which was not until twelve o’clock, when it was too late for him to preach, provided there had been a congregation, but there was none; only two gentlemen being present beside the sexton. It is true that the people here have several times been disappointed, but I will say in behalf of Rev. Warren that in no instance where he has failed to “put in an appearance” has he not beforehand notified the stewards that he could not be with us, or tried to procure a substitute. He has labored under a great many discouragements since he has been on the work and is deserving of much praise in the patient manner in which he has served the faithful few who have stood by him thro’ it all. I can truthfully say that it is the fault of the citizens here and not the minister; and I can safely say that in no case where anyone has listened to his preaching that they have gone away feeling that they were not well paid for having gone. I don’t suppose there is another place in the state where denomination prejudice runs higher than in this little burg, and so much more noticeable because it is a small place. Of course, there are a few professing Christians that will go to hear all; but there are a much larger number who positively will not go or hear any but their own. Therefore, I hope the public will not attach any unmerited blame on Bro. Warren. TORRANCEITE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Rev. Warren filled his appointment at the schoolhouse on last Sunday at 11 o’clock. He had a large audience and a very attentive one. In the afternoon the Sunday School was largely attended and the school is progressing finely.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Rev. Warren preached at Windsor Sunday week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Rev. Warren has been holding an interesting series of meetings in our town the last week. And I am informed they will continue through this week. Rev. Tull, of Cambridge, conducted the service Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The following is a list of the appointments of the South West Kansas Conference made by Bishop W. X. Ninde.
Argonia, F. M. Romine; Arkansas City, N. S. Buckner; Arkansas City circuit, V. H. Brink; Andover, J. W. Anderson; Belle Plaine, N. Asher; Burdenville, C. K. Woodson; Caldwell, W. H. Rose; Conway Springs, Samuel McKibben; Dexter, T. C. Warren; East Wichita, J. D. Woods; Goddard, Emory C. Beach; Haysville, J. L. Rose; Mulvane, James Lull; New Salem, to be supplied by J. Q. Knight; Oxford, N. J. Burton; South Haven, A. B. Cluckner; Wellington, W. H. Cline; Wellington circuit, C. N. Bottorff; Wichita, T. S. Hodgson; South Wichita, to be supplied; Winfield, B. Kelley.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Rev. Warren, of Dexter, is in town making pastoral calls and helping in the arrangements for the building of the M. E. church. Mr. Warren is an earnest worker in any cause for the upbuilding of Christianity. He will preach at this place every other Sunday in the afternoon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Rev. Warren preached at Windsor last Saturday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Rev. Warren preached to a small but appreciative audience Sunday afternoon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The population of Dexter is increasing. The latest arrival was in the family of Rev. Warren: a son of average weight. All parties concerned are doing well.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Rev. Warren preaches at Windsor every two weeks.