E. B. Weitzel


Winfield, Kansas.
Kansas 1875 Census Beaver Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
David Weitzel 71 m w Pennsylvania Indiana
Hannah Weitzel 69 f w Pennsylvania Indiana
Edward Weitzel 27 m w Ohio Indiana
Mary Weitzel 16 f w Ohio Illinois
Tilly Weitzel 18 f   w Ohio Illinois
BEAVER TOWNSHIP 1878: [Name shown as Wetzel. Believe this should be Weitzel.]
D. M. Weitzel, 72; spouse, Hannah, 72. [P. O. Address: Winfield.]
E. B. Weitzel, 30. [P. O. Address: Winfield.]
E. B. Weitzel, 32; spouse, Mary, 32.
Weitzel, E. B., clerk, r. Menor, w. s. between Court House and Maple.
Tilly Weitzel...
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The thirtieth grange in this county was organized by deputy Worden at Pleasant Grove schoolhouse on the night of Feb. 21st. The Charter members number 28.
J. M. Midkiff, Master; Dr. J. P. Taylor, Overseer; Dr. C. G. Holland, Lecturer; Wm. Bonnewell, Steward; Enos P. Copple, Asst. Steward; Lit Bonnewell, Chaplain; Jessie Chatfield, Treasurer; S. B. Littell, Secretary; R. L. McCulloch, Gate Keeper; Kate Kizer, Ceres; Mrs. Lou Oliver, Pomona; Tilly Weitzel, Flora; Mrs. Susan M. Taylor, Lady Asst. Steward.
Members of other granges are invited to visit us. J. M. MIDKIFF, M.
S. B. LITTELL, Secretary.
E. B. Weitzel...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, Cowley County, Kansas, to be held on and from the 28th, inst., and have been placed upon the Trial Docket in the following order.
E. B. Weitzel vs. Wm. Chase.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Cowley County District Court.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.

  Edward B. Weitzel vs. Joseph Smalley.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
DEATH. A distressing accident occurred in Beaver Township on the night of the 25th ult., resulting in the death of Nellie, an infant, 13 months old, child of Ed. Weitzel. The parents, with infant and several other persons, were in a wagon returning from a Christmas party, and were approaching the Arkansas for the purpose of crossing. Before arriving at the stream, the wagon passed over some object and upset, throwing its contents upon the ground and frightening the team to a runaway. The child’s clothing caught in the wagon some way and it was dragged violent­ly along and far out into the stream, where the team stopped from exhaustion, before its distracted parents could recover the little one. It was so injured that it died on the 27th.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
D. M. Weitzell and wife to E. B. Weitzell, n. ½ of s. w 4 33 3, 80 acres, $1,200.00.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
For the week ending May 27, 1878.
Robert Allison and wife to E. B. Weitzel, in se. 29-32-4; ½ acre, $250.00.
H. E. Gates to E. B. Weitzel, ½ of lot 6, block 110, Winfield; $250.00.
Winfield Courier, September 12, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
E. B. Weitzel and wife to Hannah E. Gates, part of se. 28, 32, 4; $250.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
Ed. Weitzel, residence, frame: $200.00.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable “scratching” on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.
J. H. Finch: 82; J. T. Quarles: 63; D. F. Kerr: 50; Bert Covert: 49; Thos. Benning: 35; Ed. Weitzel: 26.
J. H. Finch: 82; J. T. Quarles: 92; T. H. Benning: 28; Bert Covert: 82; D. F. Kerr: 34; Ed. Weitzel: 53.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.
Ed. Weitzel is building a stone and brick store room on his lot next to Snyder’s grocery.
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Ed Weitzel is letting the contract for his new building on south Main street. The plans are first-class.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Ed. Weitzel’s building is fast approaching completion. The front is one of the most elaborate in the city, and attracts much attention.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
Mr. Baker has rented the Weitzel building, and will move the Baker House “uptown.”
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880 - Front Page.
A new brick block has just been completed by Weitzel and occupied by Major Baker, who is running the Commercial House. Your correspondent found the house full, and had to content himself with a cot in the parlor.
Business houses in other parts of the town and several very fine residences have been erected this summer. Leavenworth Times.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.
The Baker Hotel has changed hands. Mr. Ed. Weitzel is now the proprietor. Mr. Baker left for the East Tuesday morning.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Weitzel is now the proprietor of the Commercial Hotel in place of Major Baker, who left on Tuesday morning, leaving a large amount of unpaid bills. While such an occurrence is lamentable, we do not believe that the Major would intentionally defraud any man. He has been unfortunate in business, could not pay, and saw no way out except the course he took. We have a right to say this for he owes me quite a bill.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Ed. Weitzel of the Commercial House, opened out with a grand ball last Thursday night. Over forty couples were present and everybody enjoyed themselves hugely. Ed. has got the Commercial fixed up in first-class style and is doing a good business.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
One of the 59 criminal cases: E. B. Weitzel.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
   Contributed by E. B. Weitzel: $2.50.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
Mr. Weitzel has rented the Commercial Hotel to a Mr. La Motte. He retired from the proprietorship Monday.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
Ed Weitzel and family have gone to Pueblo, Colorado, for the benefit of their child.

Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
Ed Weitzel has located in north Pueblo, Colorado.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
NINTH AVENUE HOUSE. E. B. WEITZEL, PROPRIETOR. Have just opened the house new, and offer the public better accommodations for the money than any hotel and restaurant in the state. $1.50 per day. Day board, $3.00 per week. House fitted throughout with new furniture. Five doors east of the Post office, Winfield, Kansas.
Miss Weitzel...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
At 11 o’clock the command was given to form in procession for a march, a grand circle was formed in the hall, the order to face in was given, followed by the order to unmask, and for the first time the parties knew each other, face to face. The ejaculations of surprise, the mutual exclamations of “Well, I declare! Is that you?” attested the excellent manner in which the disguises were gotten up.
At twelve o’clock the hall was deserted for supper, after which the dancing was resumed until the—well, that is—the wee—or rather—oh, what’s the difference?—”until the wee sma’ hours,” according to Hoyle, when everybody went home, rather broke up for the next day, but having had a glorious, happy time. The names and characters of those participating we give as follows as near as we could find out, with running comments.
Miss Weitzel, sailor girl, pretty.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Mr. Wm. McGinnis has purchased Ed. Weitzel’s interest in the Ninth Avenue house, and will endeavor to make it in every way worthy of the patronage of the public.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
As Mrs. Bovee of Tisdale Township was walking along the street Tuesday, she slipped on one of the crossings and fell, wrenching one of her limbs severely. She was taken up and carried into Ed. Weitzel’s house. The injuries were not serious and we hope Mrs. Bovee will soon recover.
Ed. Weitzel’s mother dies...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
DIED. Mrs. Hannah Weitzel, of Beaver Township, mother of Ed. Weitzel, aged seventy-five, died Sunday afternoon and was buried Monday.
Cowley County Courant, June 8, 1882.

A man went into Ed. Weitzel’s billiard hall sometime Wednes­day, and to avoid the “concealed weapon” ordinance, gave Ed a revolver to keep for him, and went out. Soon he returned and asked Mr. Weitzel if he didn’t want to buy a pair of horses. To the credit of Ed’s shrewdness, be it said he took in the situa­tion, and to better accomplish what passed in his mind told the man that he didn’t want two little spotted horses, but would be pleased to purchase horses that would suit. The fellow hastened to assure him that these were not small spotted ponies but a pair of large bay mares. Ed then told him that he could do nothing until morning as his money was all in the bank. Thus he found time to apprize the Sheriff of his suspicion. The finding of a dead body with a terrible suspicion of foul play, or a big scandal in the background, is to the average reporter no more savory morsel than the smell of a horse thief is to Shenneman. Of course, he acted, and at once. The horses were found a short distance from town, on the grass, and the young man who was in town was promptly arrested. It also turns out that there was a pair of them and the other young man took a saddle and left for Hunnewell last night. He will probably be taken in too in a short time. The horses were stolen somewhere in Nebraska, and show hard usage. Ed Weitzel and Sheriff Shenneman deserve credit for the shrewd manner in which the thing was accomplished.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.
The Commercial Hotel is closed up, and Ed Weitzel and the lessee are in trouble over the possession of the furniture.
Eddie Weitzel (baby)...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
The next thing in order was a free for all baby show on a $2.50 purse. There were eleven entries, and a lot of prettier, brighter babies were never gathered together. The judges realized this, and it was with great difficulty that they were enabled to make a decision. The babies competing for the prize were: Maud Lahr, Edward E. Thorpe, Ethel Wright, J. H. Daugherty, Lula Woods, Morris Brown, Belle Crawford, Mable Kinzie, Mamie Murphey, Eddie Weitzel, Gracie Crabtree. It was a trying hour for Messrs. Loomis, Cox, and Seward, and as they went from one baby to another, and the full measure of the task in hand dawned upon them, the perspiration stood out on their massive foreheads as prominent as points in a democratic platform. They finally awarded the prize to Edward E. Thorpe. The judges disappeared immediately after the decision was rendered.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
It Does Prohibit a Little.
Ed. Weitzel was tried last week before Justice Buckman for selling beer and whiskey contrary to law. The trial lasted three days. Jennings & Troup and Henry E. Asp prosecuted and J. Wade McDonald and S. D. Pryor defended. Saturday evening the jury of twelve, after consulting two or three hours, brought in a verdict of guilty. The Justice assessed a fine of $200, and costs. The costs, attorney’s fees, and some little outside matters which he would not like to mention, must have cost him about $250, and there are yet five complaints against him to be tried. He took an appeal with a thousand dollar bond. If tried in the District Court, the witness who happened (?) to be absent will be present, there will be no doubt about the result, and it will probably cost him $1,000 in all. Frank Manny says that Ed. was an officer of the Good Templars and a warm advocate of the prohibition amendment and that he is now taking his own medicine so he must not squeal.

It seems that Ed. commenced selling at his hotel stand, which he was using as a billiard hall, during fair week. He hired W. D. Smith to tend bar for him at $25 per month. He kept his business so close that it did not get out on him until last week. He had then sold intoxicating liquors to the amount of about $60. Frank Jennings got hold of it, investigated the matter, and made six complaints against him and one against the boy, Smith, his bar tender. Ed. got bail for himself, but let Smith go to jail. Ed. was tried on one case, convicted and fined $200, and cost. Smith plead guilty and was fined $100. Ed. then plead guilty on another complaint and was fined $100. The fines and costs in all amounted to over $600, besides attorney fees and other expenses, with four complaints standing against. Verily the way of the transgressor is hard.
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Please say to your readers that E. B. Weitzel is not a Good Templar and has not been for several months, Frank Manny to the contrary, notwithstanding. As Frank himself is not an active member of the Order, his statements concerning its membership ought not to be taken by the COURIER or its readers as entirely accurate.
D. C. B.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Billiard Hall for sale, doing good business; also city residence property on monthly installments. E. B. WEITZEL.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Billiard Hall for sale, doing good business; also city residence property on monthly installments. E. B. WEITZEL.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883. [City Council Meeting.]
E. B. Weitzel was given permission to remove a wooden building from lot 8 to lot 6 in block 110.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Ed. Weitzel is opening up his new hotel in fine style, and sets the best table to be found in the city. He has refitted and refurnished the house throughout.
Mrs. Weitzel...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best specimen wax work, Mrs. Weitzel, city, 1st premium.
Hannah Weitzel...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
Weitzel, Hannah, Winfield, mother, $11.00.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Ed. Weitzel bought the lot just south of his hotel on which the hide house stands, Monday, for fifteen hundred dollars. The purchase was made through H. G. Fuller.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.

The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.
E. B. Weitzel had 2 shares of stock.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The Grand Central Hotel, Ft. Smith, Arkansas, of which Ed Weitzel, formerly of Winfield, was landlord, burned down last week, consuming all furnishings. There was no insurance, and Ed’s loss was heavy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
We understand Robinson & Randall will at once commence the erection of a number one stone building on the corner where Mann’s blacksmith shop stands, and that Ed. Weitzel will put up a good building on the lot adjoining the Commercial Hotel. Verily we boom. Let the good work go on.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Things are shaping about for a boom in the way of new business buildings. Mr. Schuler is clearing the ground for the immediate construction of four twenty-five foot store buildings, at the rear of the Winfield National, to the alley, with offices in the second story. John A. Eaton will soon be at work on his fine bank building. Irve Randall and Ed. Weitzel have about determined to erect two store buildings, two stories and one hundred feet deep, on the lots just south of the Commercial Hotel. George Crippen will also soon erect a good building on the corner of Main street and 8th avenue, while a number of others are being projected. And many valuable new residences are being planned for erection soon. Verily, the great impetus made by our grasp of various big enterprises begins to materialize. Dozens of men of money and influence are daily visiting the Queen City with a view of location and investment. They all want to live in a city with the “git up and git” that ours exhibits.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Ed Weitzel is formulating plans for a fine hotel building of forty-two sleeping rooms, and commodious ground floor apartments. He will erect an addition 25 x 140 to the Commercial, run it, with the old building up three stories high, making a building 50 x 140, and over all put an artistic mansard roof. He begins the addition at once. This will make one of our finest buildings and for a hotel couldn’t be excelled. The location will always be one of the best.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Irve Randall commenced throwing dirt on Tuesday for his new building just north of Kyger’s second-hand store. It will be a two-story building of brick and stone. Ed Weitzel will commence a similar building adjoining the Commercial Hotel. Ed is thinking of making it a three-story, and will go to work just as soon as the hide house is removed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Ed. Weitzel moved the old hide house building off the lot next to the Commercial Friday. It is one of Winfield’s earliest settlers, will rusticate on Ed’s lots on Ninth avenue, next to Mrs. Blair’s cottages, and be fixed up for a business house of some kind. Ninth is catching all the old Main buildings. Ed will commence his addition to the Commercial at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
A. J. Havencamp, formerly proprietor of the Lindell, is assisting Ed. Weitzel at the Commercial this week.

Some Pointers for Strangers Looking for Homes, Investments, Etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Although times are dull and money scarce, generally speaking, Winfield has not lost her grip and the expressions and opinions of strangers who have been visiting our Fair verify our statements regarding the advantages our city enjoys over her neighbors. No stranger can walk our miles and miles of sidewalks without seeing the busy mechanics and hearing the music of the saw and hammer on every hand. The building season is just beginning and before the winter sets in there will be a marked improvement all over the city. The large and elegant building of the Farmers’ Bank and J. P. Short, on the corner of Ninth and Main, the Weitzel extension to the Commercial hotel, the Winfield National Bank addition, the fine residences of John A. Eaton, Mrs. Silliman, and numerous others equally as good, are a true indication of the boom we are experiencing and shows that our capitalists are not timid with their money. No stranger looking for a location can note all this without readily deciding on Winfield as the proper place to locate. She enjoys school facilities unexcelled by any city in the State. Aside from these two most important factors in the make-up of a live, moral city, we can point with pride to our inexhaustible water-works, our gas works, our shipping facilities—a better place could not be found to bring up your girls and boys. Within the shadow of our Methodist college and various churches, where can be found a better place to raise a family? We are proud of Winfield, we are proud of her magnificent buildings, of her churches and enterprising citizens.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Mrs. Ed Weitzel is off for a week or so at Ft. Smith, Arkansas. Ed will have all his Ft. Smith effects moved to Winfield, for which purpose Mrs. Weitzel went down.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Mrs. Ed Weitzel got home from Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Tuesday, and the melancholy shades of the Commercial house have disappeared. Ed found it up-hill business doing the landlord and landlady act all at once.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The cellar walls of the Weitzel-Randall and the Curns and Manser-Wallis blocks, on south Main, are about finished and the main walls will soon be looming.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Ed Weitzel deposited $12.25 this morning with Judge Turner, for the little picnic of last evening, and had warrants issued for Harter and Hill and the kid of the fray.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Charley Long was before Judge Turner $12.25 worth today, for disturbing the peace of Will Schell by flourishing his revolver too promiscuously in his vicinity. Ed Weitzel and Charley Harter met this morning and Ed took occasion to “cuss” Charley over the racket of a few days ago, when Harter had him “pulled.” It cost Ed $12.25, in addition to $24 already paid. The third time is usually the charm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.

Saturday evening a bad accident occurred at Randall and Weitzel’s new buildings on South Main. Our report of it yesterday got on the “unimportant” hook instead of “important,” in some way and failed to appear. W. H. Weber, a stone mason, some forty-five years of age, had been employed on this building three days last week. Thursday he quit on account of sickness. Saturday after he went up, it is thought, for his pay, and climbing the ladder that leads to the second story, attempted to walk across the building upon an inch board when the board gave away, landing Mr. Weber upon the joist of the floor beneath. He was taken up unconscious. His skull was not mashed in but it is feared he is hurt inwardly. Mr. Weber just moved into town some weeks ago and we understand has a large family to support, which depends upon his day labor. He is a member of the G. A. R. here, who have been looking after him. From what we can learn, no blame can be attached to McKinzie and Stewart, the contractors on the building. The injured man is resting some easier today, but still in a dangerous condition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Ed Weitzel, charged with fighting with Jim Hill, was fined three dollars and costs. Weitzel appealed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
W. H. Weber, the man who fell off the Weitzel Randall building, a few days ago, is fast recovering and will be out soon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
P. E. Farrell and Thos. Dungavis are here with landlord Weitzel.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Ed B Weitzel et ux to Sarah Squellman [?], e hf se qr 6-31-5e: $1,100.00.
Commercial Hotel to become St. James Hotel when completed...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Ed. Weitzel, when he gets his big three story hotel done, will change its name from the Commercial to the St. James. The third story is now going up.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Ed Weitzel has changed his cognomen of the Commercial to “The St. James.” Sounds tony, don’t it?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road.

Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
E. B. Weitzel donated $5.00.
Old Weitzel building on East Ninth turned into a meat market...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
C. C. Kennedy is opening a meat market in the Weitzel building, east Ninth, just this side of the Court House square.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
Ed Weitzel left, via the K. C. & S. W., Tuesday morning, for Chicago. He goes to buy the furniture for his new hotel, which he is determined to have furnished in modern and complete style—as fine as any hotel in the Southwest.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
McKinlay & Stewart have finished the mason work on the Randall-Weitzel building, entirely to the satisfaction of all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The St. James Hotel, with its three stories, and forty-five rooms, is progressing finely. Mr. Weitzel will furnish it with electric bells and all modern conveniences—as fine a hotel as the Southwest affords.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Ed Weitzel is dividing the office room of the old hotel building into two good store rooms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Two car loads of general furnishings for the St. James hotel came in last night over the Frisco. This large three-story hotel has just been completed and contains 63 commodious and well ventilated rooms, and will be one of the largest and best hotels in Southern Kansas. Mr. Weitzel has spared no time or means in the furnishing of this house, which will make it one of the best finished houses in this portion of the state. Their opening is just in time to catch the spring immigration, and we are safe in saying that this hotel will catch its portion of the trade, which will be large.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
Ed. Weitzel has received two car loads of fine goods for the St. James, and still there’s more to follow.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Landlord Weitzel is expecting to open the St. James Thursday night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
We wish to extend our thanks to Mr. Weitzel and wife for their kindness in the use of their elegant house and the supper given Thursday evening.
Ladies Aid Society, M. E. Church.
M. E. Social at the St. James.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.

The St. James was filled to overflowing Thursday, and this means a big crowd. The house was thrown wide open to all and expressions of surprise were heard upon all sides as the guests strolled through the elegant suites or rooms. As is well known, this social was given by the Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church, through the kindness and generosity of Mr. Weitzel. The house and supper were free to the Society, so all the expense they were too was for the ice cream. About $75 was netted, which will be used towards the erection of a parsonage. The supper was excellent, after which the guests made themselves at home. Some excellent music by Messrs. Buckman, Forsythe, Slack, and Brown and Mrs. Blackman and Mrs. Brown, assisted by Miss Maud Kelly on the piano, with fine violin music by O. F. Hopkins, made the occasion more pleasant. “Little Maud” also gave a couple of recitations in her inimitable manner. The crowd left about 10 p.m., feeling at though they had spent a very pleasant evening through the hospitality of the Ladies Aid Society, Landlord Weitzel and wife, and Clerk Millington and wife.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
Landlord Weitzel is out after a severe struggle with a sore throat.