John Whistler
Arkansas City Traveler, August 14, 1878.
[Article by C. M. Scott, Traveler Editor.]
About three miles west of the Sac Agency, we saw the brick house of Keokuk, the grandson of the old chief by that name, and for whom one of the largest towns of Iowa was called. The Sac and Fox Agency buildings are substantially built of red brick, with shrubbery and trees surrounding them. At this place we met our friend, Gen. McNeil, and were introduced to Agent Woodard and sons, whom we found pleasant, agreeable gentlemen.
As we stopped to leave our wagon at a store, we were informed that the house was that of Mister Whistler’s. That name excited our curiosity at once. We had heard of Whistler, and Whistler’s ranch so long and often that we wanted to see him. Instead of the half breed we heard he was, we found him a white man, possessed of that easy grace common to ranchmen, and attired in civilized clothing. His style and stature suited our fancy of a border man, although his ways and dress were far from what we expected. We should not have imagined there was a drop of Indian blood in his veins if he had not informed us. He told us his ranch was on the Cimarron, and on our return we “took it in.” Finding it was off our road, and after journeying half a day among the rocks and “breaks” of the river, our desire to see the ranche no more was expressed in words:
“You may whistle for me at Whistler’s ranche,
But I’ll not be there to whistle.”
While we were at dinner the Indians were chasing a bear backwards. That is, they had been chasing a bear, and the bear enjoyed it so well that when they quit, it was chasing them. A few days before a panther disposed of a calf and a sow with seven pigs. They told us where its den was, and that we could almost punch it with a pole, but our aversion for cruelty to animals persuaded us to let it alone.
From Sac and Fox Agency we followed the old Shawnee trail to Shawnee Town, thirty-five miles south. At this Agency they have a large brick schoolhouse, but most other buildings are very shabby.
This cannot be John Whistler. Could it have been a relative?...
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
SALT CITY, JUNE 20, 1879. During our stay of one day in your city last week, we met several of your citizens who had been using the mineral water from this place, and everyone spoke in very flattering terms of it, as they had been testing it themselves.
It would astonish you to see the number of persons that come here to use it and carry it off, and Mr. Whistler has worked up quite a business marketing it at the different cities and towns around here. Has found ready sale for it in Wichita, Winfield, Wellington, Oxford, Arkansas City, etc. Dr. Allen still continues to improve by its use, and is now able to take as long a walk as the average man. Others in the vicinity are digging with the hope of either tapping the vein, or developing more of a like character; some claim success in this direction, but we think with the supply at present exhausted, they will either have to fill up again or abandon their hopes.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
Dr. Hughes, recently appointed trader at Sac and Fox Agency, has purchased the stock of John Whistler, former trader at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1879.
John Whistler, for many years trader at the Sac Agency, and a large property holder at that place, gave the TRAVELER a call on Saturday, and left here on the new route on Sunday morning.
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
John Stuart came up from the Territory Tuesday. He is in charge of John Whistler’s Cimarron ranch.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Maj. John S. Shore, agent of the Sac and Fox Indians, accompanied by Mr. John Whistler, spent a few days of last week in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Messrs. Dorley & Myers have the credit of establishing Winfield’s manufacturing enterprise. Their first carload of material arrived Tuesday evening. With the new additions they now have five rooms: a blacksmith shop, a wood-work shop, a paint shop, an office, and stock room. They will manufacture light work exclusively, such as buggies, phaetons, carriages, and light wagons. They are now building six light wagons, most of which are sold. They have already turned out two buggies, one of which was sold to John Whistler, of the territory. They will work at present from six to eight men and will add more help as a market is created for their work. Mr. Dorley is a thorough carriage builder and has at different times superintended many of the largest establishments of the United States. His object is to build up a large manufactory here, and in this he will be heartily seconded by our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
The Arkansas City & Southern Express Co., will carry passengers between this city and Willow Springs, Ponca, Otoe, Pawnee, Sac & Fox Agencies, Whistler’s Ranch, Shawnee-town, and Okmulgee. R. J. MAXWELL, Agent.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
Johnny Stuart came up from Whistler’s ranch last week. He was clad in a full suit of Buckskin, trimmed with fringe, and looked like a “roving ranger.” He returned Sunday.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
Mrs. Stuart, in company with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kephart, left on last Sunday for a visit to her son, who lives on Col. Whistler’s stock ranch, near the Sac and Fox agency, Indian Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
John Whistler, of Sac & Fox Agency, is stopping at Geuda Springs for the benefit of his eyes.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1882.
We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. John Whistler, licensed trader at the Sac & Fox Agency, last week, as he passed through our city en route for Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
John Whistler has commenced work on his hotel at Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
John Whistler, a wealthy merchant at the Sac & Fox Agency, has bought the Geuda House and is moving it to the next lot. He will build a large hotel on the three lots adjoining Dr. Cutler’s drug store, making a front of seventy-five feet. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
Tom Braggins and wife are at Geuda. Tom is doing the painting on John Whistler’s new hotel.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
John Whistler passed through town last week on his way home from Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
John Whistler shipped in a car-load of fine graded Durham bulls Monday, for his ranches in the Territory. He purchased them in Missouri.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
John Whistler, of Sac & Fox, is in town today.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
Mrs. Hubbell, of Cheyenne Agency, John Whistler and his niece, and Mrs. Capper, of Sac & Fox, and John Gooch, of Otoe, were here this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
John Whistler, the well known Sac and Fox gentleman, was in the future great this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 29, 1884.
W. E. Little and John Whistler, of Sac and Fox Agency, came up from the Territory last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 31, 1886.
Round-Up. The Sac and Fox Agency Live-Stock Association, through its executive committee, have decided to begin round-up work on May 1st, 1886. They have divided their territory into districts, appointed captains, and set dates for beginning the drive in each district as follows.
1. Canadian and Little River District, Sam Clay, captain. Meet at Sacred Heart Mission, on May 1st, and drive west, working all the country as far south as the Canadian river, and as far north as the water shed between Little River and North Fork.
2. North Fork District, Dick Hartshorn, captain. Meet at Davis’ store, at Arbeka, on May 14th, and drive west, working both sides of North Fork and all the tributaries of that stream as far as necessary.
3. Deep Fork District, Walter Martin, captain. Meet at Sac and Fox Agency, May 25th, and drive west, working Deep Fork and all its tributaries as far west as necessary.
4. Cimarron District to include the Cimarron River and its tributaries as far north as the Cherokee Strip. This district is to be worked in the general round-ups, with the foreman of each range as captain while his range is being worked.
The order and dates of the general round-ups are to be fixed by the executive committee at Sac and Fox, on May 25th, as they can then be filed with greater accuracy and to better advantage. This being the day on which work begins in the Deep Fork District, due notice of the remainder of the work will be given.
The following regulations will be sustained, viz.:There is to be no card playing or gambling of any kind, no horse racing, no buying or trading in cattle by anyone, unless he be a member of the association or an employee.
Executive committee: John Whistler, Andrew Berry, H. W. Burke, Chris Boyer, E. B. Townsend, Jos. Reginer, Steve Pensenean, Moses Keokuk, C. C. Pickett, Chairman; V. B. Paine, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1886.
CALDWELL JOURNAL. The Whistler cattle from Sac and Fox were shipped last week to Chicago by their owner. They made fourteen cars and weighed 919 pounds. They struck a good market.