Dr. Allen White


Dr. Allen White was the father of William Allen White.
The following items were found by me in the Walnut Valley Times.
He was associated with Dr. H. D. Kellogg, who moved to Arkansas City, Kansas.
Dr. H. D. Kellogg is mentioned in Volume I. I did not know it at the time, but he was a brother of Prof. Lyman Beecher Kellogg, of Kansas State Normal. The Normal is now known as Emporia State University.
Sam Dicks wrote an article entitled “A Sower Went Forth” that concerns L. B. Kellogg and Kansas State Normal. Article was the first item in “KANSAS HISTORY,” Volume 24, Number 4, Winter 2001-2002.
J. S. Danford was co-editor with T. B. Murdock when the Walnut Valley Times was started and it appears that Danford also was a member of the first Town Company group that started Arkansas City, although none of the books thus far printed about Arkansas City show that revealing fact. Danford became known as a CROOKED BANKER. Have information on him. Murdock soon shed himself of Danford as co-editor of the Walnut Valley Times. He then ran the newspaper entirely by himself.]

Walnut Valley Times, March 4, 1870.
Wilson’s Addition comes last in order, but greatest in point of importance. It is eminently more essential to have a location of health and beauty, with salubrious air and water, and fertile soil on which to build your residence, grow your orchard, and make your home than to own a whole block of business lots on Main street.
Wilson’s addition offers all these attractions and induce­ments. It joins the old town site on the west, and contains 86 acres of good undulating prairie, affording natural building sites, and especially adapted to parks, gardens, vineyards, etc.
Prof. T. R. Wilson has for this purpose very generously disposed of this land to the following company: Drs. H. D. Kellogg and A. White, J. S. Danford, J. K. Finley, and Mr. Knowlton, who have had it surveyed into blocks of two acres each, and sub-divided into lots of one quarter acre each, and now offer it for sale in lots of any size to suit their customers, and at prices so reasonable, that the poorest man may buy a home, while the rich and noble will have all the guidance of nature to enrich, magnify, and display their improvements. Were they to traverse famous Italy, they could not find a building site more surpassing in beauty, loveliness, and healthiness than now offered in Wilson’s addition.
Walnut Valley Times, April 1, 1870.
REMOVED. The Post office from Dr. A. White’s drug store to Bronson & Kellogg’s office adjoining the Eldorado Hotel.

Walnut Valley Times, April 22, 1870.
We the undersigned, voters of Butler County, Kansas, hereby express our willingness to aid all in our power in the formation of a new county out of the territory now composing the counties of Butler and Cowley; and to that end we will vote to spare from the county of Butler a fair, equal, and just proportion of our territory to form said new county, taking into consideration the arable land in the county.
Allen White Wm. D. Show
J. P. Gordon W. R. Lambdin
Henry Small Madison Nelson
W. P. Campbell I. S. Sine
S. D. Lyon F. A. Price
Squire Stewart George M. Bowman
J. W. Crocker R. M. Lambdin
N. F. Frazier John W. Gilmer
J. H. Betts   R. Whelpley
Wm. Crane S. P. Barnes
G. W. Tolle J. L. Cupples
Isaac Mooney W. N. Clifton
C. M. Foulks Wm. Crimble
J. C. Lambdin Edwin Cowles
J. S. Danford M. K. Ferguson
S. H. Rodgers Benj. Thomas
J. B. King S. F. Hyde
J. E. Anderson E. S. Lower
D. O. Markham W. K. Robson
W. Shore John Friend
John Strickland E. S. Gordon
Henry Martin Samuel McFeeley
C. C. Bowers E. Howe
H. H. Gardner Francis Brown
James Thomas E. Grant
Joseph Potter D. H. Sleeth
N. Allspach A. Stine
P. B. Warner T. G. Boswell
J. Gibson L. P. Friend
J. A. McKinsey S. F. C. Garrison
John Green T. B. Murdock
Eldorado, Kansas, April 22nd, 1870.
Walnut Valley Times, February 10, 1871.

At a meeting of the citizens of Eldorado, held in the Masonic Hall on February 6th, 1871, in which Allen White was chosen chairman and T. B. Murdock, secretary, after speeches were made, for and against, by J. J. Wingar, W. T. Galliher, Elder Small, T. B. Murdock, Dr. White, and others the following resolu­tions were adopted.
Resolved, That we the citizens of Eldorado, in Butler County, are in favor of the division of the territory comprising the counties of Butler and Cowley into three counties, taking into consideration the population, nature of the country, and the streams in said territory.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to circu­late petitions to the above effect, and to confer with the citizens on the streams in the south part of this county, and vicinity of Douglass as to where a fair and just division of said territory would be.
Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be published in the WALNUT VALLEY TIMES. ALLEN WHITE, Chairman.
T. B. MURDOCK, Secretary.
Walnut Valley Times, October 25, 1872.
H. B. Norton, of Arkansas City, was at our Teachers’ Insti­tute during its session and thus writes of us in the Arkansas Traveler.
The town was full of handsome school ma’ams and their cavaliers. An Institute of over seventy teachers convened on the 23rd prox. It was a gala week. Everybody kept open house, hospitality ran rampant, and we “boarded round” right royally. Our bighearted and digestive friend, Bent Murdock, gave away a big edition of his paper to the teachers.
The TIMES is building a cut stone block, and waxes fat. Eldorado is the largest and most wealthy town in the valley. Judge Campbell is opposed to the one term principle, and is going to be re-nominated. So be it. Dr. White resembles Jeshurun, and sells infinite piles of quinine. His lady’s ministrations of hospitality will be remembered for a long time to come. They are glorious hosts.
Walnut Valley is full of people, full of corn, full of grit; but hogs are scarce, fruit scanty, and money wanting. We wait for a railroad with anguished hearts. Heaven speed the day.