Joe F. White


First Editor and Publisher of Geuda Springs Herald: Joe F. White.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Will White, who has been publishing the Mulvane Herald, will start a paper at Geuda Springs in a few days. Will is a live, energetic young man, and knows how to make a paper valuable to its readers.
[Note: “Will White” turned out to be “Joe F. White.”]
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Joe White and wife, of Geuda Springs, were in town on Monday and Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1882.
Geuda Springs Items.
Geuda Springs now has a daily mail from Arkansas City.
The Geuda Springs Herald will make its appearance this week.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald, published by Joe F. White, at Geuda Springs, Cowley County, Kansas, is before us, and is a neat and well printed 7 column paper. We congratulate Geuda upon their very own journal, and will gladly exchange.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
More Truth. The attempts made by the A. V. Democrat, in last week’s issue, to mislead the public as to the qualifications of the Hon. C. R. Mitchell, to represent us in the Legislature are doughtily taken up by the Geuda Springs Herald in the following, which, while being highly complimentary to the Republican nominee, are decidedly the reverse to Dr. Kellogg, the self-styled, “Indepen­dent” candidate.
“That ole cry of ring, by the hungry outs, has been heard from sore headed idiots until it is quite stale. We suppose there never was a time in politics when the morbid desire of the “outs” for office, did not raise the cry of ring, against those in the majority.
“As for Kellogg being in favor of such stringent railroad legislation, the different political parties have laid down the principles which they are bound by, in their platforms, and Mr. Mitchell is nominated upon the most stringent platform of the three, while Dr. Kellogg has pompously assumed to announce himself a candidate without a platform, principle, or precedent to be governed by, or upon which his constituents can rely that he will act or support if elected, and hence you cannot tell what his action may be on the question of legislation.
“Dr. Kellogg may be a bitter enemy of railroads so far as we know, and, on the other hand, he may be their abject tool. Railroads are as necessary as a druggist is, and to pass such legislation as would cripple or bankrupt them would be to bring bankruptcy to business, bankruptcy to farms.
“We want our grain taken to market as much as the railroads want to haul it, and we want some fair-minded man in the legisla­ture who will help to pass such laws as will compel railroads to carry our produce as cheaply as they can afford to do it, and in order to be sure that we have such a man, we must have him bound by the declaration of his friends in a platform to that effect.

“As to Kellogg always being a worker for the public inter­est, and Mitchell on the other hand standing aloof, even your best friends will accuse you of downright lying, if you don’t quit stretching things in that manner. No one that we are aware of has ever heard of Kellogg doing anything for the public good. We do not know how much Mr. Mitchell has done personally, but have been told by some of the best men in Arkansas City that he has been the originator and prosecutor of most of the public benefits the 67th district has received, and he is generally known all over the State to be full of enter­prise, and to have the energy to carry out the plans advocated by him, and we have never yet found him backward about advocating any principle in which he believed.
“A few more articles like that in the last Democrat will dig the political grave of Kellogg so deep that he will scarcely be able to find that he has been a candidate.”
Arkansas City Traveler, October 4, 1882.
Your reporter made a flying visit to Geuda Springs yester­day, but promises the editor of the Herald not to do so any more (soon); for the electrical shock he gave the Herald man set him to shaking, and he shook all the afternoon, and was still shaking when your humble servant came away. The editor may forego the preliminary as a recognition of the writer’s visit next time, for no such uncomfortable attentions are expected. MARK.
September 29th.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, December 14, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald finds fault with Dr. Geo. Cutler, postmaster at the Springs, for the manner in which he conducts the business of the office. How Cutler ever came to be appointed postmaster, is a mystery. He may be a tip-top man, but as an official, he is about as poor a stick as one could find in a six weeks’ journey.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1882.
The Geuda Springs Herald man charges the postmaster at that point with some very serious official crimes. Probably he is able to substantiate them, but if he is not, there is likely to be fun ahead. Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White and son, of Geuda Springs, were in the city Saturday last. Joe reports everything at Geuda as in a prospering condition which we are glad to hear.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 31, 1883.
DIED. More Pistol. From Mr. J. F. White, of Geuda, we learn the following particulars of the fatal shooting of W. Drury, of that place on Friday night last. A dance was in progress at Geuda, in the course of which Mr. Drury stepped out of the room and went to the saloon, when for some reason he took out his pistol and in attempting to replace it, let it fall, when it struck the ground and exploded, lodging a ball in his body, from the effects of which he died in about half an hour. He had formerly been employed as a bar tender in Geuda but had his home some six miles west of that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1883.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. White and son, of Geuda Springs, were in the city yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1883.

Communicated. Editor Traveler: DEAR SIR: You will confer a favor by giving publicity to the accompanying preamble and resolutions adopted by the “Law Enforcement Club” of this place, consisting of some fifty or sixty members, including a majority of the leading citizens in the community.
These resolutions were presented to the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald, with a request for publication, by the Club, and were not published, for reasons which he has not explained, and which he is not asked to explain.
The resolutions will fully explain themselves.
Up to last week the saloons were running in Geuda, in open violation of law, but they are both closed now, and will remain closed. This result has been brought about by the influence of the “Law Enforcement Club,” and that without a single prosecution.
The saloon keepers comprehended the fact that the “Club” meant business, and hence, very wisely, made up their minds that the risks to be taken in running their business were too great for the profits which they would probably receive.
They have both closed with a promise never to engage in the business again, and Mr. M. David has opened a meat market, and will, no doubt, receive a liberal patronage.
I firmly believe that if a similar course would be pursued, that there is not a place in the State of Kansas where the liquor law cannot be enforced.
Moral and legal suasion must go hand in hand in order to make prohibition a success. Very Respectfully, J. H. BERKEY.
1st. The fundamental principle of American Institutions is, “equal and exact justice to all.”
2nd. Every true American citizen will abide by the laws of his country.
3rd. Any person who refuses to obey the laws of this country becomes an outlaw and forfeits his rights as an American citizen.
4th. There is at the present time in the State of Kansas and in this vicinity a class of individuals which is receiving the benefits and protection of her laws and at the same time defying and trampling under its feet certain of her laws, thus endangering the rights, peace, and prosperity of the law abiding citizens of this State and vicinity.
Therefore, be it resolved that, in view of the above facts, we the undersigned do hereby form ourselves into an association to be called the “Law Enforcement Club,” of Geuda Springs, Salt City, and vicinity, and do solemnly pledge our sacred honor as men and American citizens to use every lawful and honorable means to apprehend and bring to justice every violator of local, State, or National law. This organization earnestly solicits the cooperation of all law abiding citizens, and will deem it a favor at any time to receive reliable information in regard to any person who may be violating the laws of this country.
The adoption of the above resolutions have been prompted by no other motive than a desire to promote the best interests of society and establish such a reputation as a community as will have a tendency to draw into our midst an honorable and respectable class of people.

However, if the present system of outlawry and debauchery is permitted to exist in our vicinity, the reputation of this community will be such as will repel all respectable people, and attach to it the most degraded, worthless, brutal, and dangerous elements of society.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 11, 1883.
Communicated from Geuda Springs. The Traveler publishes a communication this week from J. H. Berkey in regard to the law enforcement club and also some resolutions adopted by the club. In his communication he says: “These resolutions were presented to the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald, with a request for publication; for reasons which he has not explained, and which he is not asked to explain.”
If J. H. Berkey would like to know why these resolutions were not published, he can easily find out by calling on us. Our idea of the club was that it was gotten up more for the purpose of benefitting the originator of the scheme, than for the benefit of the community, and, although the club has certainly done some good, we still hold the same opinion. It would not at all surprise us to hear of him as a candidate for some office in the near future.
Geuda Springs Herald.
I am very glad that the editor of the Herald has explained why he did not publish the resolutions referred to, and I sincerely hope he was prompted by no other motive than a holy fear that I would in some mysterious way become a candidate for office, and thus spread desolation and terror among the helpless and innocent women and children throughout the United States, and perhaps Texas.
I must acknowledge that I have been thwarted in my deep laid scheme by the “Great Mind Reader of the West,” whose ponderous intellect enabled him with his mental microscope to analyze my motives, which the entire membership of the “Law Enforcement Club” had failed to discern.
For a number of years, I have been an earnest and somewhat enthusiastic adherent to the great cause of temperance, using my limited means and talents at all times and under all circumstances, for the emancipation of my fellowman from the curse of drunkenness. In pursuing such a course, I have had the same silly and unwarrantable charges made by the editor of the Herald thrown at me by liquor dealers and their hirelings from time to time, but never before from a professed temperance man. However, I have never allowed myself to be diverted by any senseless personal thrusts from doing what little I could in the cause of right, and thus some good has been accomplished, as has been the case in this vicinity—not by myself but by placing my shoulder to the wheel with my friends and neighbors working in unison for the same purpose.
Had the editor of the Herald been imbued with a desire to work for the best interests of his community, he would never have been deterred from uniting with his neighbors simply from the fact that he supposed there was one designing person in their number.
As I have neither the time nor inclination to engage in an uninteresting, unnecessary personal controversy, the editor of the Herald will not be referred to by myself in the future.
The good which has been accomplished in this community by organization demonstrates what may be done all over the country, and if the newspapers throughout the State will call the attention of the people to the fact, it will only be a short time before prohibition, in Kansas, as far as tippling houses are concerned, will be an entire success.
The liquor dealer follows his business for the profit there is in it and just as soon as you make it unprofitable, he will go out of the business.

The temperance people in Kansas have the power by organizing to make the illicit and damnable business of every liquor dealer in this State unprofitable by persistently following them up. Very respectfully, J. H. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1883.
Joe F. White, of the Geuda Springs Herald, passed through our city yesterday on his way home from Halstead, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
Lute Coombs, of Arkansas City, has accepted a position in the post office drug store at this place. Lute understands the drug business thoroughly and will prove a valuable assistant in the store. Geuda Springs Herald.
Next item is most puzzling. It indicates that the post office was discontinued at Salt City on September 19, 1883. It also indicates that the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald was made the Postmaster at Geuda Springs???
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
We received official information from the post office department today of our appointment as postmaster of this place. We also understand that the postmaster at Salt City received official notice of the discontinuance of that office. Geuda Springs Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
Geuda Springs wants half a dozen more newspapers. So says the Herald.
C. G. Furry purchases interest in Geuda Springs Herald...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Mr. C. G. Furry has purchased an interest in the Geuda Springs Herald. He has been one of the best of the COURIER’s corps of correspondents for some years and will now take up journalism on his own account.
Arkansas City Republican, February 23, 1884.
We were honored last week by the presence of Mr. White, one of the excellent editors of the Geuda Springs Herald. Press of business rendered our time for entertainment scant. As the local editor arrived last Wednesday, if Bro. White will call again, we trust to be able to show him the courtesy so becoming toward so distinguished a guest.
Arkansas City Republican, March 8, 1884.
The last issue of the Geuda Springs Herald discloses the fact that Mr. White retires and Mr. C. G. Furry takes entire control. Mr. White has aided the springs materially, and has edited an able and interesting paper. From what we know of the new proprietor, we feel safe in saying that the paper will fully sustain its reputation and continue to advance.
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.
Messrs. C. G. Perry, Joseph White, and D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, were in the city Tuesday.
Roney & White, drug store at Geuda Springs??? Could this be Joe F. White???...
Arkansas City Republican, May 3, 1884.

It was our pleasure to visit Geuda Springs, last Friday afternoon, with Rev. N. S. Buckner, who went over there to deliver a lecture on “Church Building in the West.” We found the town improving much more than we expected; several nice residences, a large hotel, a large store house, and a Methodist Church now being under construction. The merchants seemed to be doing a fair business, and the town generally, showed prosperity. John C. Holton has recently purchased the “City Drug Store,” and is doing a good business. He is a young man of pleasant address, attentive to business, and we think he is certain to succeed. We visited Messrs. Roney & White at their drug store and found them very agreeable gentlemen. They keep a full line of drugs, are well and favorably known in the community, and are doing a large business. Mr. Biggs, at the livery stable, is a pleasant and accommodating gentleman, and treats his customers well. We ate an excellent supper at the Grand Central Hotel, and found the proprietor, Mr. D. F. Hall, one of the kindest and most genial landlords with whom it has ever been our pleasure to stop. He is running two hotels there, and is doing an immense business. We shall certainly not fail to see him on our future visits there. We visited the sanctum of Mr. Furry, editor and proprietor of the Herald, and found him busy as it was publication day. The Herald has a good circulation for a paper published in a town the size of Geuda Springs. Revs. Rovine and Lundy will please accept our thanks for the kindness we received at their hands while in the town. We are sorry to say that Rev. Buckner failed to get an audience large enough to justify him in delivering his lecture. The lack of interest in church building was the most unfavorable indication that we noticed while in the town. Churches help to build up towns and all residents should be interested in their erection.
J. F. White mentioned in next item??? Could this be the ex-editor???...
Arkansas City Republican, August 2, 1884.
Monday evening, a disturbance was caused by a cowboy going to Braden’s livery and evidently seeking an affray. The manager, Mr. Ed. Pentecost, endeavored to avoid any conflict, but the cowboy insisted and pulling his revolver partially from his hip pocket and drawing back the hammer, began a volume of abusive oaths. Mr. Pentecost left the stable, secured a revolver, and returned to his duties, but finding the party unarmed, laid his own revolver aside. The stranger continued his abuse, and finally struck at Mr. Pentecost. It was only the work of a moment for Ed. to deal him a blow which sent the cowboy  sprawling in the dust. Believing that the cowboy would inflict some serious injury upon him, Ed. followed up his advantage and was fast disabling his opponent, when someone interfered and pulled him off. Billy Gray was promptly on hand and arrested the assaulter. The latter swore violently and refused to be arrested, but upon Billy’s drawing his cudgel persuasively, the stranger changed his mind and proceeded with Mr. Gray to the police court. After Mr. Gray left, the stranger became intolerantly profane, and Judge Kreamer fined him $10 for contempt of court, and ordered him taken to the calaboose. The Judge deputized J. F. White to assist the night-watch to carry out the mandate of the court, but we understand afterwards countermanded the order. The stranger proceeded downtown, insulted non-interfering gentlemen, and acted generally as though he had the police in charge. We think the order of the court should have been strictly carried out, and the offender placed in the calaboose, where his drunken conduct and hideous oaths could no longer have insulted the ear of the public.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
Joe F. White, of Geuda, registered at the Leland Saturday.

Note: the above item (Dec. 17, 1884) was the last item found on Joe F. White.