George Whitney


Creswell Township.

[SEPTEMBER 1870.]  PAGE 435.
GEORGE WHITNEY owned the northwest quarter of section 32, township 34, range 4 east, in Creswell Township. He entered the borders of Cowley County, Kansas, in September, 1870. Farming was the occupation of his life.
George Whitney was born in Chautauqua County, New York, March 16, 1843, a son of Streeter and Harriet (Ransom) Whitney.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Streeter Whitney were natives of New York State. The former, whose occupation was farming, died in 1887; and the latter died five years later. They were the parents of the following children.
1. Orwell Whitney: Born in 1840; died in the Union army in 1862; he was first a member of the 112th Reg., N. Y. Vol. If., and at the time of his death was in the 7th Massachusetts Battery.
2. Rachael Whitney; deceased.
3. Lurency (Cornish) resided in Sherman, New York.
4. Nelson Whitney lived in the same state, New York.
5. George Whitney.
George Whitney was next to the eldest child born to Streeter and Harriet Whitney, and attended the common schools of his district during his early youth. In 1861 he enlisted in the 9th Reg., N. Y. Vol. Cav., and after serving eight months was discharged on account of disability, being afflicted with weak lungs. Returning home, he was confined to his bed for nearly two years.
In the spring of 1865, he went to Buchanan County, Iowa, where he spent two years in farming. After his marriage, he returned home, and there remained for a period of three years.
In 1869 he entered the borders of Kansas, and located at Emporia. This change was made on account of his weak lungs. From Emporia he moved to Cowley County, and took up, in Creswell Township, his present farm—comprising the northwest quarter of section 32, township 34, range 4 east—which he still owned in 1901, with the exception of 17 acres. This farm bordered the Walnut River, and in 1901 still contained 20 acres of natural timber. Mr. Whitney erected his present buildings himself, the lumber for which was obtained at Wichita. After many years of hard labor, he made his farm one of the best in Creswell Township, raising considerable wheat, and some hogs and cattle. In hogs, he favored a strain made up of three-fourths Poland-China, and one-fourth Berkshire. During the real estate boom in Cowley County, he sold his farm at $150 per acre, and in 1890 took it back. He later rented most of it, retaining only the pasture land. In 1890 he purchased a lot, and built a fine home in Arkansas City, where he resided thereafter.
Mr. Whitney married Delia Connel, of Illinois. They had two children: Lida and Edna, both living at home in 1901.
Mr. Whitney was a Republican, and served as road overseer.


Kansas 1875 Census Creswell Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color   Place/birth Where from
Geo. A. Whitney 32 m w New York New York
Adelia Whitney 28 f w Illinois New York
Lida Whitney 4 f w Illinois New York
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
M. R. Leonard and George Whitney returned from Arkansas last Monday. They will remain with us awhile.
Whitney’s hill...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1876.
SEVERELY HURT. J. C. SCHUSTER was thrown from his horse one week from last Sunday while riding after dark, near Whitney’s hill, and severely injured. His scalp was cut and head bruised, but for a few days he felt no unusual pain, until swelling set in, when he suffered terribly. Dr. Hughes has charge of the case, and he is recovering slowly.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 23, 1877.
We had occasion to cross the Walnut yesterday, and got in the boat from the southeast corner of the townsite, and were rowed to near the foot of the bluff at Whitney’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
MARES FOR MULES. I have a team of good brood and work mares I will trade for a team of good mules. GEORGE WHITNEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
DIPHTHERIA among hogs has manifested itself in this vicinity. Geo. Whitney lost one hog last week. They seem to choke to death.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
GEO. WHITNEY will please accept our thanks for the very fine sample of peaches left on our table. The boys thought them the best of the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 30, 1879.
George Whitney starts for Colorado next Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
George Whitney is at Manitou Springs, Colorado.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1879
George Whitney is coming back from Colorado.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
Mr. George Whitney, who has been in Colorado for some time, returned last Saturday evening, satisfied that in the long run, Kansas is a better State.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1879.
Some Iowa men purchased Houghton and McLaughlin’s tract of land, just above Whitney’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 17, 1880.

A number of the farmers living east of the Walnut met at the residence of R. L. Marshall on November 11, and organized a Bird Protective Club, with R. L. Marshall as president, J. R. Perry as secretary, and Uriah Spray as treasurer. They complain very much of the way in which the game has been ruthlessly slaughtered, and express themselves as determined to put a stop thereto. In witness of the sincerity of their efforts we refer our readers to the “Notice to Hunters,” and advise them to govern themselves accordingly.
NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Notice is hereby given that all hunting and gunning is strictly prohibited on the farms owned or occupied by the undersigned. Trespassers will be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1882.
What haven’t we in Cowley County? In our office is a specimen of zinc ore, from the quarry on Mr. Rathburne’s farm near the head of Cedar Creek, which, in time, will be developed and prove of great value. Lead has been discovered in the same region, and coal has been taken from the hillsides for the past six years. A vein of coal, one-fourth inch in thickness, has also been discovered on Mr. Spray’s farm, three miles east of town, and another vein crops out near the “cut-off” on George Whitney’s and C. M. Scott’s lands. The new foundry men find that the very best of moulding sand can be dug up, by the wagon load, on the Arkansas River, and every enterprise that is started seems to find just what they want right here on our own soil.
Lida Whitney...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1882.
Library Benefit. A literary, musical, and dramatical entertainment will be given Friday evening, June 9th, 1882, at the High School build­ing, of Arkansas City, Kansas, by the members of the senior department of the City High School.
LISTING PARTICIPANTS ONLY: Miss Lida Whitney, C. T. Atkinson, C. L. Swarts, J. W. Warren, Miss Hannah Gilbert, Miss Myrtle McNelly, Miss Emma Theaker, H. G. Vaughn, Misses Sarah Hill, Ella DeBruce, E. S. Donnelly, H. L. Finley, W. D. Mowry, Charley Chapel, Miss Linnie Peed, Miss Mollie Christian.
Admission 25 cents. Children under 12: 15 cents. Doors open at 7 p.m., performance to commence at 8. Pro­ceeds for benefit of School Library.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1882.
The entertainment at the schoolhouse last Friday evening was well attended and the programme, though slightly varied from that announced, was very interesting. Miss Myrtle McNelly and Miss DeBruce favored the audience with well rendered vocal and instrumental music, while Miss Lida Whitney and Miss Emma Theaker recited selected pieces in a pleasing manner. Messrs. Warren and Vaughn favored the company with a reading and declamation, and Professor Atkinson gave the “Boys in Blue.” The evening’s enjoyment was terminated by the Drama “Once Upon a Time,” all the characters in which were well supported, but Miss Mollie Chris­tian in the sugar scene and Charlie Chapel’s chicken scrape were simply immense, bringing down the house. The house was crowded to the utmost and the net proceeds of the evening amounted to about $24, which will be devoted to purchasing books for the school library.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1882.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Whitney, on Friday last, a daughter. Regulation weight, and we are pleased to state that mother and child, as well as the father, are doing first-class.
Lida Whitney...
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 12, 1883.
The following named pupils were perfect in deportment during the third month: Mahlon Arnett, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Minnie Kirtley, Fred McLaughlin, Howard Maxwell, Dora Pearson, Carry Rice, Mountferd Scott, Emma Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Alice Warren, Sarah Crocker, J. C. Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, Ida Hackleman, John Kirkpatrick, Minnie McIntire, Jessie Norton, Lillie Purdy, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Stella Wilson.
The following were imperfect and received 65 percent: Sarepta Abrams, Sammie Beall, Alice Lane, Robert A. Nipp, Frank Wright, Lida Whitney, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Edith Marshall, W. S. Pickering, Edna Worthley, Mary Dakin. C. T. ATKINSON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1884.
The following pupils of the High School department were perfect in deportment and received 100 percent: Mahlon Arnett, Frank Barnett, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Jacob Endicott, Lizzie Gilbert, Flora Gould, John Kirkpatrick, Rose Morse, Fred McLaughlin, Jessie Norton, Dora Pearson, Carrie Rice, Mountferd Scott, Horace Vaughn, Martin Warren, Clarence Thompson, Sarepta Abrams, Sammy Beall, Sarah Crocker, Mollie Duncan, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Laura Holloway, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Robert Nipp, Walter Pickering, Alvan Sankey, Emma Theaker, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, Lillie Purdy, Eva Splawn. C. T. ATKINSON, Teacher.
Arkansas City Republican, February 16, 1884.
We publish the following names of pupils carrying the highest grades in the different classes: History, Loyd Ruby, 100; Grammar, Eddie Marshall and Eva Splawn, 97 each; Spelling, Eva Splawn and Mollie Duncan, 100; Arithmetic, Frank Armstrong, Jacob Endicott, and Richard Hutchison, 100 each; Geography, Sammy Beall, Mollie Duncan, Flora Gould, Lida Whitney, and Joseph Campbell, 100 each.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.
The following pupils of the high school department were perfect in deportment during the sixth month of the term.
Mahlon Arnett, Cora Armstead, Sammie Beall, Joseph Campbell, Sarah Crocker, D. C. Duncan, Jacob Endicott, Effie Gilstrap, Laura Gould, Ida Hackleman, Richard Hutchins, Alice L. Lane, Eddie Marshall, Minnie McIntire, Howard Maxwell, Birdie Martin, Dora Pearson, Sarepta Abrams, Frank Barnett, Viola Bishop, Ella Crocker, Mary Dakin, Mollie Duncan, Lizzie Gilbert, Eddie Ganes, Flora Gould, Laura Holloway, John Kirkpatrick, Hattie Laird, Rosa Moore, Fred. McLaughlin, Mettie Marbin, Jessie Norton, Walter Pickering, Lillie Purdy, Lloyd Ruby, M. J. Scott, Emma Theaker, Clarence Thompson, Martin Warren, Lida Whitney, Frank Wright, Carrie Rice, Alvan Sankey, Eva Splawn, Frank Theaker, Horace Vaughn, Edna Worthley, Constance Woodin, Frank Wright.
Arkansas City Republican, March 15, 1884.

The following pupils received the highest grades in examination last month: Arithmetic—Jacob Endicott, Lloyd Ruby, Mountferd Scott, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, each 100 percent. Those who received 100 percent are: Sammie Beall, Sarah Crocker, Campbell Duncan, Mollie Duncan, Flora Gould, Hattie Laird, Eddie Marshall, Rosa Morse, Lloyd Ruby, Eva Splawn, Clarence Thompson, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney; Miss Lizzie Gilbert received 99 percent in geography. Mahlon Arnett, Sammie Beall, and Lida Whitney received 97 percent in English grammar. Those who averaged 95 percent through the whole examination are Lizzie Gilbert, Mountferd Scott, Lloyd Ruby, Ida Hackleman, Edna Worthley, Lida Whitney, and Sarah Crocker.
George Whitney...
Arkansas City Republican, March 29, 1884.
THE PROPOSED BRIDGE AT HARMON’S FORD. An election has been called by the authorities of Creswell Township, for April 5th, 1884, for the purpose of voting $5,000 in bonds for the erection of a bridge at Harmon’s Ford. Many reasons can be adduced in favor of this measure. The farmers of eastern Creswell have aided the other portions of the township in building bridges. The bridge west of town, the one south of it, and the one at Searing & Mead’s flouring mill. These parties who now seek the bridge at the ford have received but little benefit, while their [WORD BLANKED OUT] have contributed to the erection of these necessary structures. Since the canal has been built, much mud and sand have accumulated at the mouth, and but a slight rain causes the Walnut to be impassable. These persons must then go to our city by the way of the mill, or return home. Someone may say, “Who travels this road?” We would say that the farmers of eastern Creswell, southern Silverdale, and in fact, all the residents of Grouse Creek and the lower Arkansas travel this road. The trade and traders from the Kaw and Osage agencies come to Arkansas City by this route. There is a prospect that the county will assume all responsibility for this bridge, but it may not, and it will not do for us to await such tardy action. If it does, so much the better, but we need run no risk. Much of the grading will be done by private parties. The assurance of such action is the word of such men as George Whitney, F. M. Vaughn, R. L. Marshall, and others, whose words are as good as their bond, and the bond or word of any of these gentlemen is always at par.
Lida Whitney...
Arkansas City Republican, April 19, 1884.
Miss Lida Whitney wrote an essay entitled “Scotland,” considered the best essay for the month.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
Edna Worthley and Lida Whitney are again coming to the front in geography.
Arkansas City Republican, May 24, 1884.
Miss Lida Whitney has been absent the past week on account of sickness.
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.

The teachers, patrons, friends, and pupils of our schools have decided to dispense with the literary entertainment, for the present, and substitute a social and festival. Accordingly the Perry House has been secured and active preparations are making for an agreeable and pleasant time. The young ladies of the school secured a considerable sum from our businessmen. This amount will be expended in strawberries, ice cream, lemonade, and other delicacies. The following committee on arrangements has been secured: Mrs. W. M. Sleeth, Mrs. A. Worthley, Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Mrs. J. L. Huey, Mrs. Beall, Mrs. C. T. Atkinson, Mrs. J. C. Loveland, and Mrs. C. A. Howard. The committee itself is sufficient guarantee for an excellent supper.
The supper, consisting of cold meats, cold chicken, cold turkey, light bread, rolls, buns, pickles, etc., will be served for 25 cents for each person. Ice cream and strawberries will be 10 cents a dish, extra. Gentlemen are requested not to wear buttonholes bouquets, as Misses Edna Worthley and Lida Whitney will preside over the flower stand, and be able to supply all wants. All are cordially invited to attend.
George Whitney...
Arkansas City Republican, October 4, 1884.
A letter from Canton Bridge Company to Geo. Whitney states that the piers and irons started from Canton on the 25th of last month.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
Trustee Whitney informs us that the material for the bridge to be built over the Walnut River at Harmon’s ford is now on the road and the bridge builder is expected daily, when the work will be commenced and pushed to completion without delay.
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Geo. Whitney’s team ran away Wednesday, south of town. He was putting a road scraper in the wagon and the rattle of chains frightened the team. They ran about a quarter of a mile and were stopped by running into a stack of millet.
Mr. Whitney was knocked down by the wheel running against him. His face was bruised pretty badly. The wagon was considerably damaged.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.
Geo. Whitney says he has had very few applications from the poor for assistance in the last three weeks. They are coming more rapidly now, however, since the cold snap.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Frost Bitten Boomer. Frank Martin, of Hutchinson, Kansas, went with Capt. Couch to Oklahoma about five weeks ago with the intention of securing himself a home. On arriving there Dec. 16, he went out hunting, lost his bearings, traveled two days and nights without fire or food, and, becoming completely tired out, laid down and fell asleep. When he awoke he found that his feet were frozen. But being determined to save his life, he pushed forward till he came to Berry’s ranch, arriving there on the 18th. Here he was provided with a pony and he reached Couch’s camp the same day. He received medical treatment for two weeks and then came to Arkansas City and placed himself in charge of Dr. Sparks, who amputated four of his toes. He is at this time doing well although his feet are in a fearful condition and there is some danger of blood poisoning. He has been well provided for by our humane trustee, Geo. Whitney.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.

Notice. To all the voters in Creswell Township, outside of the city limits, that there will be a township election held in said township at Fitch’s house, north of Cal Swarts’, on Winfield road, on the First Tuesday in February. All the township officers will be to elect.
GEO. WHITNEY, Trustee.
Arkansas City Republican, January 31, 1885.
The recent bad weather has delayed the work on the bridge at Harmon’s Ford. Trustee Whitney informs us that should good weather prevail a few days, the bridge would soon be completed.
Arkansas City Republican, October 3, 1885.
Geo. Whitney left Wednesday on a business trip to Buffalo, New York. He will be gone 30 days.
Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.
George Whitney came home from Buffalo, New York, the latter part of last week, where he had been on business. Mr. Whitney says people complain here of hard times, but just let them visit through the east and they will return to Kansas contented. True, money has been and is somewhat close, but it is becoming looser. No one is more able to judge than the printer, for when the merchant begins to experience a dullness in trade, he ceases to advertise. But let anyone take a casual glance at the advertising columns of the REPUBLICAN and they can really see a difference in the patronage at the present time and three months ago.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 12, 1885.
The windstorm of last Friday blew Geo. Whitney’s windmill on his farm down, completely demolishing it. Damages $200.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Mrs. Mollie Owens, a wealthy lady from Ohio, has made the purchase of the Geo. Whitney farm across the Walnut River. She paid $150 per acre for 133 acres. The entire consideration was over $19,000. Mrs. Owens also purchased the E. B. Parker 80 acre tract of land for $30 per acre.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 25, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Geo. Whitney left for New York this morning, where he was summoned to attend to business matters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Geo. Whitney returned Saturday night from his trip back to New York. He was called there by the illness of his father, which resulted in his death last week.
Lida Whitney...
Arkansas City Republican, October 23, 1886.
Program of the October Recital given by the pupils of Mrs. Meeker, at her residence, October 23, 1886, at 8 p.m.: Miss Beck, Mrs. Meeker, Miss Lida Whitney, Miss Grace Keeler, Grace Love, Rowie Fowler, Miss Amy Landes, Miss Ploma Beck, Miss Mae Shindel.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 30, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.

S. Matlack, wife, and children were out driving yesterday afternoon. In crossing a ditch over near the Whitney farm, the buggy was upset and the occupants thrown rudely upon the ground. Fortunately, the horse was a gentle one; and when the buggy became upset, he stopped. Mrs. Matlack and children were severely bruised. Mr. Matlack thought he was in the same condition until he arrived home and went to remove his coat. Then, upon calling Dr. Chapel, he ascertained that his collar bone was broken. The fractured bone was repaired, and although still suffering from the injury, Mr. Matlack appears on the streets today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 26, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Geo. Whitney will have a public sale of personal property April 5th.