Wilkinson Family
Emporia News, February 25, 1870.
This new town (formerly called Delphi) at the mouth of the Walnut seems to promise good things. The town company consists of Messrs. Plumb, Stotler, Norton, Eskridge, and Kellogg, of Emporia; Judge Brown and H. L. Hunt, of Cottonwood Falls; Kellogg & Bronson, of El Dorado; Baker & Manning, of Augusta; and Messrs. G. H. Norton, Strain, Brown, Moore, and Wilkinson on the site.
Mr. John Morris, of this place, is intending to open a grocery store there speedily. The company have the material to start a newspaper as soon as circumstances will permit. The company have not yet received a title to the land, but hold it as yet by the border law. They make good offers to all actual settlers. Having 160 acres of timber adjacent to the town site, they offer a lot and the necessary timber to any person who will build a log house, and proportional bounties to those who make more costly improvements.
Mr. Clarke’s bill, to remove the Osage Indians and open the land to actual settlers, recently received a decided majority in a test vote in the House of Representatives; and the Senate committee has reported favorably upon a similar bill. It is almost certain that this will speedily become a law, and that the land will be dedicated to civilization within the next thirty days. There is already an immense rush of settlers in that direction. Thousands on thousands of fertile homesteads await the coming of the pioneer.
A considerable Welsh colony is already located upon the Arkansas bottoms, a short distance above Cresswell, the vanguard of a great host of most worthy, moral, industrious, intelligent people.
Cresswell is an excellent site for merchants, mechanics, mill-wrights, and all classes of workers. Owing to its position at the convergence of several of the finest valleys in Kansas, and only seven or eight miles from the southern border, it must be the center of a great traffic with the Indian tribes and the military posts. The soil and climate are especially adapted to livestock, hoed crops, and fruits.
Messrs. Hunt & Fawcett, of this place, have located there, intending to embark in the fruit and nursery business. No point in the State is better provided with building materials—
sand, timber, clay, sandstone, and the choicest magnesian limestone. For young men of energy and enterprise, seeking new homes on the border, we know of no better site than Creswell.
The place wants, immediately, a hotel, stores of different sorts, a sawmill, and a full representation of the various mechanical trades. For all these, the town company offer good inducements. Who speaks first?
Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.
We publish on the first page of this issue a communication by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, of Creswell. His letter is of much importance to the many who are interested there.
Walnut Valley Times, March 11, 1870.
[Correspondence of the Times.]
A Description of Delphi and Vicinity.
MESSRS. EDITORS: As I have been requested by many to give you an impartial description of the country near the mouth of the Walnut River, where we are now executing the plan of establishing a thriving town, I know of no better way to meet the wants of all who are now looking in that direction than through the columns of your paper.
The incidents of our trip from Emporia to this point were only such as one might expect on a pioneering trip like ours. But for the benefit of those who will read your paper in Wisconsin and other States of a more northern climate, I will say here that pioneering in Kansas does not signify hardships; and if we may take the present winter as a type by which to judge the climate during that season, Kansas is truly a most delightful country to live and dwell in.
Our party carried tools with which to build our houses, as well as provision for man and beast. So it became necessary for us to walk most of the time. The roads, however, were quite dry all the way down, which made that part of the performance rather more pleasant than otherwise.
Captain Norton, our worthy leader, blistered one heel, but being of the plucky sort, he sat down by the wayside, and with a pin “took the conceit out of it,” and then came on rejoicing to think that brass instruments could make heels shed tears as well as play Hail Columbia; i.e., by simply modifying them to suit the performance.
Our town site is blessed as is your own Eldorado, by being situated in one of the finest river valleys in the State. It is about sixty miles south of Eldorado, and one hundred and twenty from Emporia. It is about two miles from the mouth of the Walnut, and one-half mile from the banks of that and the Arkansas River. The natural local advantages for a town here, aside from its commercial importance, are actually unlimited. Everything that nature can do for the happiness or prosperity of man has been profusely done here.
The undeveloped resources which are crowded together at the junction of the Walnut and Arkansas have no equal in this State. The Walnut Valley increases in size and beauty from its source to its mouth, and the timber and bottom lands increase in the same proportion until they spread out near the mouth and join the bottoms of the Arkansas, forming a vast tract of rich, deep soiled arable land.
This tract is skirted on every side except the northwest by heavy belts of all kinds of timber, and terminates at its southern extremity by a beautiful mound like Watershed nearly four miles in circumference, and upon this our party, under the supervision of Prof. Norton, has surveyed out one mile square for a town site.
One mile from the northeast corner of said site, we have discovered an excellent water power on the Walnut. A good ford immediately opposite the east side we have nicely improved, which leads to a splendid body of limestone, where we have just this evening completed a kiln which we will fire tomorrow.
The Walnut affords every variety of timber, many trees large enough for four cuts of saw logs four feet in diameter. The principal growth on the Arkansas is cottonwood, but very tall and straight, affording the best material for log house building.
Both rivers abound in fish, and Captain Norton’s heel affording him the opportunity of laying up the afternoon we arrived here, he improved the time by hauling in a large catfish, weighing nearly seventy pounds. Since then we have caught any quantity, and for once, we must admit, that we have had a genteel sufficiency of fish.
All along the lower Walnut, the action of the current in high water has thrown upon curves of the banks immense beds of gravel, which are beautiful to behold, and will be valuable for many purposes, as they can be readily reached with teams and wagons.
The different kinds of game which have come under my notice are deer, antelope, wild turkeys, ducks, prairie chickens, quails, wild cats, and beaver. The first two and last, judging from their tracks and work upon trees, are very numerous. Many cottonwood trees along the banks of both streams have been gnawed down by the beavers. They don’t always choose the smallest, for we have found many cut off measuring ten inches in diameter. The deer tracks along the Arkansas are as thick as sheep’s tracks in a pasture. We have seen a great many, but have had no time to spare in organizing a systematic hunt for them.
Opposite the town on the west, and about one-half mile distant, there is a fine sandstone ledge, and the sand bars of the Arkansas afford as good sand for building purposes as one needs to ask for. There are also clay beds which offer every facility for making brick.
The chances for water on the town site are very promising, and as soon as the six buildings now in process of erection are completed, we intend digging a well.
Speaking of water reminds me of a ludicrous accident which occurred to your humble servant this evening. Our boys had been at work across the Walnut getting out shingles for our houses. In the morning our team had crossed us over the ford, but Capt. Norton had gone to Winfield after some supplies, and it became necessary for us to cross in some manner the most agreeable to ourselves. The rest of the party had tight boots, and as the river is not more than one foot deep, they crossed over very nicely; but mine being rather the worse for wear, I thought it would be quite romantic to cross on stilts, as I used to be quite an expert with them when a boy, but I soon found that instead of being romantic, it was more antic than anything else, for in the center of the stream my stilts stuck in the gravel, and I being very obedient to the laws of gravitation, just then made a splashification, and came out somewhat liquified, if not liquidated.
I meant to have said something about the Indians, but I have said too much already. In my next, I will commence where I now leave off. Suffice it to say that the Indians have all gone to the Mission from here, and have taken their dogs (of which they have many), with them. Why I mention their dogs, is because of their peculiar individual characteristics as dogs. They are a very poor, long, lean, snapping, grinning kind of dogs; reminding me very much of a piece of rope with one end frizzled for a tail, with a knot in the other for a head, and four small sticks stuck anywhere in the rest of the rope for legs. In fact, I think they would look better roped up to a tree than any other way.
And now, dear editor, as it is 11 o’clock, P. M., while you “press” on with the labor of the press, I will press my overcoat for a pillow, and dream of the future greatness of Delphi.
Walnut Valley Times, March 18, 1870.
We were called upon this week by Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, and his brother of Creswell. They are holding good claims near the town which will ere long make them independent. Success, gentlemen.
Walnut Valley Times, June 3, 1870. Front Page.
[Correspondence of the Times.]
MESSRS. EDITORS: In my last I promised to begin where I left off, but as events of that time are now in a fossil state compared with those of the present, I will merely state that since the Indians went to their mission east of here, we have seen nothing of them. Everything we once hoped for in regard to our town enterprise, is being reduced to practical tangibility.
Stores are being erected by parties who fully appreciate the importance of our location, and who mean business. Capt. Norton has a store well stocked with groceries, dry goods, and provisions, and is having a brisk trade.
Mr. Sipes has just opened his new hardware store on Summit street, and presents a fine display of goods in his line.
Mr. Walsey [Woolsey], of Iowa, has returned with his family, and will soon begin the erection of a large hotel. Mr. Wolsey [Woolsey] is a very fine appearing gentleman, and brings with him a son and two beautiful daughters, who share in a great degree their worthy parent’s polite and cultivated manners. And what makes him extremely welcome among us is the fact that he will start his house on the temperance principle.
The teams, we understand, have gone to your town to aid Mr. Sleeth in bringing down his mill, and we hope soon to manufacture our own lumber, which will certainly enhance the energy already manifested among businessmen here.
Mr. Bowen has the lumber on hand for another grocery store, and Mr. Goodrich hopes to complete his store the coming week. He tells me he has a thousand dollar stock ready packed in Emporia, and is only waiting to complete his building when he will have them sent down.
But I will pass over the business prospects of the town as an established fact, needing no further comment, and speak on a subject quite as important to us.
Society in all new countries necessarily is somewhat chaotic, and takes time to settle down to a permanent basis. It is therefore difficult under such circumstances for order loving and moral people seeking homes to always find a location suited to their past customs of life, and one where society will improve with age. Business prospects are important to all, but those bringing in families and wishing to educate them, and also realizing that influence outside of the family circle has much to do in moulding the character of their children, look for locations that ultimately promise something aside from mere money making.
As I said before, it is difficult to always find just such locations. But as we can nearly always judge the character of any whole by being familiar with its component parts, so we can of society; regarding each individual as an element, and easily determine the general character of any settlement or community.
Old Mr. Endicott, familiarly known among us as Uncle H., comes properly upon our list of permanent residents, as he is the first pioneer we found when we came, is a man in every sense of the word, a gentleman—generous, hospitable, solicitous for the welfare of all whose good fortune it is to share his acquaintance, and the number is truly legion, for his claim on the banks of the Walnut has been the general rendezvous for claim hunters during the past winter; and the old gentleman is still ready to accommodate newcomers to plenty of wood, and has always a kind word of welcome to offer to everyone. He has settled around him several sons and step sons, some of them with their families, and the old adage “a black sheep in every family,” does not apply to them in any respect whatever, for they all seem to be moral, energetic, and intelligent, and well suited to the work of building up and improving a new country.
Our worthy minister, Elder Swarts, knows not only how to instruct us in the ways of truth and religious duty, but also makes his religion practical by his examples of honest industry, which, though they sometimes soil his hands and outer garments, never seem to ruffle his well balanced mind; for under all circumstances, one is improved by his presence. He amuses while he interests, blending truth and good humor together in such harmony as to always please while he convicts. He holds a fine claim a half mile from the town site, and having just completed his house, he has offered it as a place of public worship each sabbath until a suitable house can be erected elsewhere. We understand that his standing as minister of the gospel was a very important one in Illinois, from whence he came, he having held the position of presiding elder for several years.
His daughter, a very fine looking, intelligent young lady, proposes to open a select school as soon as the condition of the town demands it, and from the recent numerous arrivals, that time is not far off. She is also prepared to give instructions in music and painting, and brings a fine piano with her. Having had the pleasure of examining some of her oil paintings, I simply add my testimony to that of many others, when I say they manifest very much artistic skill and workmanship; not only in the choice and blending of colors, lights and shades, etc., but in the design and general execution of the work. Painting, like poetry, is a natural gift, and those elegant and graceful touches which so much enhance the beauty of a picture, can only be accomplished when the brush is in the hands of one whose mind has an instinctive adaptation to the work.
Dr. Alexander and wife, recently from the best ranks of society in Wisconsin, show by their general deportment that they are well calculated to adorn it here, and make it better by the addition of themselves as members.
More recently among us is Professor Norton, with his family, who is so well known that we need hardly repeat that he is a leading spirit and general favorite, because of his impartiality, his mild and unpresuming deportment, his unlimited generosity, uniform urbanity, and constant self-control and good nature, and greatest of all his eminent knowledge on all scientific as well as general topics, making him doubly important to us as a citizen, for the simple reason that we are always benefitted when we enjoy the privilege of associating with our superiors.
Capt. Norton, the Professor’s brother, of whom we have spoken before, is noted for his energy and perseverance, and is doing much for the enterprise by imparting to others considerable of that go-ahead spirit which characterizes his general movements, and which is so necessary to give vitality to any great project when in an embryo state.
Thus you can easily see that we are not even now devoid of the advantages of good society, and I might say in a general way that Kansas is not being settled up after the old order of things.
In this State, under the present system, we are simply transplanting in great numbers, very rapidly, too, the youngest, best, and most enterprising portion of eastern society into new and better soil, for development. Kansas is being settled up by people who have left their aristocratic armor behind, and have come with open hearts and hands to aid in building up society, and seeking only to draw lines of distinction between virtue and vice, morality and immorality.
The poor man here actually enjoys what he simply hears tell of in the more eastern States in a sort of beautiful theory, or tradition of times gone by, viz: opportunity to improve his condition if he will. There is a kind of mutual dependence existing in all new countries that compels humanity to manifest its noblest and most liberal, whole-souled, benevolent qualities. Liberality, generosity, and charity pervades the public mind, of necessity, and the best impulses of our nature are developed and brought into action by the very requirements of our social condition.
In the east men’s fields are fenced to keep out their neighbor’s stock, and their hearts are also hedged in by a wall of selfishness and aristocratic austerity that prevents their neighbors, if they happen to be poor, from offering, or obtaining that sympathy that binds human hearts together.
As far as my experience goes, society in Kansas is free from such corruption, and being no longer infected by border ruffianism, Quantrell raids, or drouth, she will this year receive an impulse which shall continue to move her onward and upward until she attains the rank of one of the first States in the Union.
I have endeavored to give you a fair idea of the progress of events with us in this article. There are many other items which I might mention, but time and space will not permit.
Among the many projects in view, however, I will mention that of constructing a bridge across the Arkansas, and another important item which I almost forgot, is the new well. The first attempt by the town company was a failure, but they have just completed an excellent well, which furnishes plenty of good water.
Before many months we shall have a brass band connected with our settlement. We have now three players, Messrs. Baker, Chapin, and Max Fawcett.
Since I began this article, Mr. Page, a gentleman from Emporia, has taken a lot, and will commence a butcher shop shortly. More anon. T. A. WILKINSON.
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
The third morning of our journey finds us, at an early hour, on the road leading from El Dorado to Wichita.
But we must abruptly break loose from Wichita and move suddenly down the river sixty miles to Arkansas City. This place is situated on an eminence; the former is in the valley. Here, we gain a splendid view of the whole surrounding country; there, no such privilege is afforded. Here, the valley is comparatively narrow; there, it is extremely wide. Here, there is quite a large quantity of timber; there, there is almost a total absence of it.
As to size, Wichita is about five times as large. But the place is growing just as rapidly as it can, with the present facilities for getting lumber. Two large steam saw mills are now at work and the supply cannot keep pace with the demand. Here, also, we find several of our former townsmen. In fact, the majority of the citizens came from Emporia. Prof. Norton of the State Normal School is the leading spirit. He is full of energy and enterprise, and is determined that the new town shall grow and the country develop. Max. Fawcett is laboring with a zeal that is truly commendable. The stranger has not been in town one hour before the question is asked him, “Have you seen Max Fawcett’s claim?” If not, you must go at once. When you get there, you are glad you came. With Mr. T. A. Wilkinson as our guide, we visited it early Sabbath morning. We reached it at a distance of one and one-half miles west of the town. It lies along the banks of the Arkansas. We first hasten toward the spring for we are thirsting for a drink of pure, cold water. A strip of timber lines the bank of the river ten or fifteen rods in width. We reach the edge of this timber and find ourselves on the brink of a precipitous bluff. Our guide directs our attention to a path that leads down the hill through the trees. Our eyes follow it gladly down farther and farther until they behold away down ever so far the most beautiful stream of pure, cold water flowing from out the hillside that it was ever our good fortune to see. The path has steps of stone carefully adjusted by the hand of Max. himself. Descending we find that an artificial reservoir made of stone receives the water to which it is conducted by means of wooden troughs extending back to the hillside. From this reservoir another trough carries the water eight or ten feet and precipitates it down a descent of three or four feet, where another smaller basin carved out of the rock receives it. A cup attached to a chain hangs by the side of a tree near the main basin. While you are drinking you look eastward and a few rods in front of you, carved on a big rock, you read:
“Stranger, you are welcome here.”
You look southward and on another rock you read:
“Better than gold
Is water cold,
From crystal fountains flowing.”
You turn to the west and a few feet from you, you find two natural chairs formed of rock. On one is written “easy chair”; on the other, “hard chair.” You sit down on the easy chair and sure enough you sit as comfortably as on the softest easy chair in your parlor at home. A path leads you along the foot of the bluff in a westerly direction until you come to the mouth of a great cave whose inner chambers have not yet been wholly explored. We wish we had time and space to tell about this cave, other springs, and other pleasant retreats.
But we must say farewell to Max and his beautiful claim, with the advice to everyone who goes to Arkansas City to be sure to go and see Max.’s fountains, springs, and caves.
We are now on the road homeward bound. Between Arkansas City and Winfield, twelve miles north, you pass over some very fine prairie. The land is all rich, the grass tall and luxuriant. Winfield is on the Walnut, has a splendid location, plenty of timber in close proximity, and is the county seat of Cowley County. We remain overnight with an old friend of ours, Dr. Wm. Graham, in whose pleasant home we spend a happy evening, talking of the good old times. The next morning we are on the road bright and early, anxious to get back to Emporia. It is the glorious fourth. At Douglass the stars and stripes are flying to the breeze. They are making big preparations for a celebration. This is at present the best town south of El Dorado. We hurry on toward Augusta. Reach it at noon. We find several hundred people assembled in a pleasant grove celebrating our national anniversary in dead earnest.
Emporia News, July 15, 1870.
Our celebration on the Fourth was a success; weather cool, no mosquitos, large attendance, and much applauded; instructive and entertaining orations, delivered by Prof. Norton, of Arkansas City, and Mr. Cunningham, of Emporia. A number of Emporians were present. The programme was carried out to the letter, and all were “gay and happy.” In the evening a large number repaired to Col. Woolsey’s commodious hotel, where many feet kept time to enchanting music till late in the evening, when supper was announced by Col. Woolsey, and all sat down to one of the best suppers ever gotten up in Southern Kansas. The Colonel is one of our most enterprising and accommodating men.
Prof. Norton (who is the mainspring of Arkansas City’s prosperity) and lady arrived home on the 2nd.
Mrs. Slocum and daughter, Mrs. F. B. Smith, and a number of others came down with them. Mrs. Slocum has a claim near Arkansas City, and intends making it her future home, and judging from what she has already done, we believe that in a few years she will have one of the finest places in Kansas. She went to Emporia in 1858, and immediately commenced planting fruit and forest trees, small fruits, shrubs, and flowers. She now has one of the most beautiful places near Emporia. Very few men have done as much.
Mr. Mains, of the Emporia Tribune, will commence the building for a printing office next week, and as soon as it is finished he will commence the publication of a first-class paper, worthy of the patronage of an intelligent people like ours of Southern Kansas. It should and will be supported. Suppose it will be called the Arkansas Traveler. The first number is to be out August 1st, 1870.
The following are among the more than fifty houses now being built, or under contract to be built in Arkansas City.
Norton & Co., a dry goods and grocery store.
Mr. Sleeth, one neat residence finished and another commenced.
Livingston & Gray, a clothing store, building 18 x 26.
S. P. Channell, a dry goods and grocery store.
H. O. Meigs, a building 20 x 32, two stories, with cellar under the whole building.
T. A. Wilkinson, building to rent.
Beck & Woolsey, restaurant and bakery.
E. I. Fitch, millinery and dressmaking establishment.
Mr. Walker, dry goods and grocery store.
D. Lewis, stone store building, 21 x 31 feet.
S. A. Moore, paint shop.
Mr. Johnson, carriage shop.
Harmon & Endicott, a building 20 x 50 feet, two stories, the lower for a store; and the upper for a hall.
Paul Beck, blacksmith shop.
C. E. Nye, harness and saddle shop.
A. D. Keith, drug store.
Dr. Alexander, office and drug store.
Mr. Groat, a restaurant. [Name was misspelled: Should be Grote.]
F. H. Denton, store 18 x 24.
Mr. Bridge, a hotel and bakery.
Pond &. Blackburn, of Emporia, have established a real estate agency here. Persons wanting to buy or look up claims will find it to their interest to call on them. They are accommodating, and are well posted as to the location and quality of nearly all the claims that are vacant, and those that are for sale. They are honest and upright young men. They are building a neat office.
The citizens of Allen, Wilson, Howard, and Cowley Counties will meet in general and mass convention at Fredonia, on Saturday the 16th of July, 1870, for the purpose of effecting a railroad organization and electing directors of the Humboldt, Fredonia & Arkansas City railroad. Eminent speakers from a distance will be present.
We had another splendid rain last evening, and the weather is now delightfully cool.
There is little or no sickness here now, not a case of ague in this vicinity. Our doctors and lawyers are the only men that look downcast and discouraged.
The Arkansas River is rising, and is nearly or quite past fording.
We were unsuccessful in finding the State line when we went to look for it a week or two ago. We are going down again this week to try to find the marks on the east side of the Arkansas. We found plenty of mounds while on our last trip, but they had “dead Ingins in ’em.” M. F. [MAX. FAWCETT, I am certain.]
Emporia News, September 2, 1870.
Arkansas City, July 31, 1870.
MESSRS. EDITORS: When we left Emporia in January last, I promised you that I would try to write frequently the progress of events connected with our town project; but as I passed through El Dorado, my good friend, Danford, took a potent grasp upon my sympathies by means of an excellent dinner, and I must needs have written for his paper, or incur the lasting displeasure of my lacteal system. So I “writ,” and my wants being all supplied (physically, I mean), I forgot my moral obligations to you, and to you I did not “writ,” hence the theorem, etc. And I now return as did the prodigal, full of repentance and literary husks, to eat the fatted calf which, of course (following the example of Scriptural injunction are in duty bound to kill for me), will have in readiness. If I should set out to write a fairy story, I could find no fitter subject for my plan than to describe a wild region of country, inhabited by savage beasts and a degraded and ignorant race of human beings, transformed in an inconceivably short time, as it were, by some mysterious hand, into a lively town of civilized people, bringing with them refinement, moral culture, and social advantages far superior to a great many towns of a number of years standing in the east.
Such it is the brief history of Arkansas City, as she now stands without a rival this side of Emporia. Many others, realizing the importance of this point, came here soon after our town company did, and on finding the ground occupied and themselves disappointed in their plans, instead of wisely taking claims nearby and cooperating with the company, they made the vain attempt to discourage our efforts, by various detrimental rumors and insinuations. Good judges of human nature would have known that such a course of conduct, if it had any effect whatever on enterprising men, would be to stimulate to greater achievements. But it has not had even that much effect. The town company have treated all of their blowing with silent contempt, not even giving it a passing remark. No more than does a train of cars notice the whiffit that comes on its track and barks in ignorant impudence, until the engine, wholly unconscious of its presence, crushes the insignificant creature out of existence. No trivial cause can retard or accelerate the growth of this place, for it is simply the unfolding or developing of a preconceived plan by men who have fully proven in a former enterprise that they well know when and how to make the most of a good opportunity. I refer to the rise and growth of Emporia. I have before mentioned that our project actually began on the 1st of January. But the principal work up to about March 1st was simply to hold the claims in the interest of the town company. Before the latter date the town project was all ideal, but since then it has actually sprung into existence, and when we consider the time since the first family (that of Capt. Norton) moved onto the town site, and behold the change that has been produced since then, we cannot but express our candid admiration of the genius and energy of the men who are operating the machinery so successfully in this great scheme. Nor do we think it detracts from their credit at all to say that they have every natural advantage in their favor, simply because it was their wise foresight which enabled them to discriminate in choosing from the many inviting points in the Walnut Valley the one having all these natural commercial advantages, which, when combined, enhance the importance of any location.
A mountain’s peaks catch the first gleam of the morning sunlight long before it reaches the valleys below. So great minds illumined by superior wisdom acquired by long experience, which enabled them to see the possibilities and advantages of this section long before it entered the minds of the great mass of immigration now pouring into the country, foretold the future greatness of this point, and are now simply fulfilling their own prediction, much more rapidly, however, than the most sanguine expected. Nor shall we be unmindful of the credit due to the many individual enterprises now in successful operation, each of which may be regarded as an important spoke in the wheel of town building.
Our principal hotel, Mr. Woolsey, proprietor, is doing a flourishing business. We also have a good-sized boarding house with daily increasing patronage; a hardware store by Mr. C. R. Sipes, a young gentleman noted for promptness in business, and whose general address is candid and right to the point. Mr. Bowen has a very good stock of groceries and provisions; and bids fair to come out a successful merchant as the town advances. Mr. Goodrich has a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, and ready made clothing, and no one who goes there to trade comes away dissatisfied with either price or quality of goods. Capt. Norton and brother still hold forth at their old stand, but soon intend to move into a large and commodious building on Summit street. The increase in the number of stores has not diminished their custom, because the influx of immigration more than keeps up the demand, and their sales, which have been heavy from the first, are constantly on the increase.
Several new buildings are now looming up, the most important of which is Mr. Meigs’ store, a fine two-story building, 20 x 32, with nicely finished paneled open front. Messrs. Gray and Livingstone have just opened their new store, inviting the public to invest in a new stock of ready made clothing. Their building is a fair-sized two story square front, with fine walnut finish. Mr. Freeman will soon commence the building of a ferry across the Arkansas, the timbers for which are now being sawed at the mill.
Our reliable blacksmith, Paul Beck, has commenced blowing his bellows for Southern Kansas, and one would think, from the manner in which he opened up his business a few nights ago, that he was obeying the divine commandment of “Let there be light.” And as it shone out into the street and flashed upon his sturdy figure, with his right arm raising the hammer to strike an additional blow for the advancement of Arkansas City, and
Our hearts kept time to the clinking sound,
And throbbed a welcome to him,
While a horse near by came up with a bound
And neighed for Paul to shoe him.
Thus man and beast, to say the least,
Were thankful for the favor
Bestowed upon our busy town
By this new branch of labor:
For labor is life, and life is joy
To man or beast, in season;
But the sluggard hangs back like a snail on his trek,
Or a drone devoid of reason.
Then to each branch of industry
A welcome we will give;
Our motto now, and e’er shall be,
“To labor is to live.”
Then hail to the sound of work and mirth,
May they ever be found together!
Fibres of life’s golden thread on earth
’Til death that thread doth sever.
For labor gives strength to head and heart,
To bone and brain and muscle,
And mirth chimes in her cheerful part,
Adding joy to toil and bustle.
Messrs. Channell and Thompson are still pushing the work they so nobly began, as architects and builders. To the three Thompson brothers, Channell, and Capt. Smith, belongs the credit and honor of building the first several buildings on the town site, and like the first volunteers who went into the army without bounty as an inducement, they should properly be regarded as the veterans of the cause.
Mr. Chamberlain [they had Chamberlin] expects soon to open a cabinet shop. He has shown himself to be a first-class workman in a general way, and fully competent to conduct his special business in a successful manner.
Pond & Blackburn are on the ground to act in the capacity of claim and insurance agents. They seem to have that peculiar tact that wins friends, and which is so essential to success in their peculiar department of business. They have erected a very neat building for an office, and are ready to accommodate newcomers in finding claims suited to their wishes.
A new hotel is about to be erected by the town company.
Our weekly newspaper will be out next Wednesday, August 24th.
There are still plenty of good prairie claims to be had for the taking.
One more item and I will cease for this time. I visited Mr. P. F. Endicott’s home not long since, and was very much pleased as well as surprised to find several large bunches of grapes on this year’s sets of the style Concord. This speaks well for this locality as a place for grape culture. T. A. WILKINSON.
Emporia News, October 7, 1870.
MARRIED. Married at the Buckeye House, Emporia, September 29th, by Rev. J. D. Bell, Mr. J. O. Wilkinson, of Arkansas City, and Miss Kittie Cline, of Lyon County, Kansas.
Emporia News, May 19, 1871.
Bell Plain. [Later called Belle Plaine.]
MESSRS. EDITORS: To those unacquainted with the rapid growth of this part of the State, and with the enterprising spirit which characterizes the greater part of the people now immigrating, the changes which have taken place may seem incredible, but they are nevertheless facts. Newcomers expect to find a wilderness, but find a garden. Men of ability and sagacity, who came down here in advance of spring immigration, have traveled this strip over thoroughly, and have become familiar with all the best land, and points where soil, timber, water, building material, and commercial advantages were centered; they have located and surveyed out town sites, and are keeping pace with the tide of immigration, building up places of business as fast as the country settles up around them. And it now bids fair to be a lively race between the town and country to see which shall grow the fastest.
After examining the whole county of Sumner, a party of men have organized a town company, and chosen the most favorable location in that county for a town site. This enterprise I am told started sometime during the past winter, and since then few towns have grown so fast as Belle Plain. It is situated in the richest and most fertile part of the county between the Arkansas and the Ninescah Rivers, about ten miles from the mouth of the latter, and surrounded by a vast tract of bottom land extending from river to river. They are quite sure of the county seat, and bid fair, judging from their present progress, to rival any town in the Arkansas valley. The main current of emigration into this strip seems to be heading in that direction, and inasmuch as I judge from a disinterested standpoint, I must say their part of the country is getting more than its proportion. Businessmen of moderate capital will find there an opening not to be found in older towns where the requirements for building call for too much expense.
There are a great many who come into this State with capital just sufficient to put up an inexpensive building, and have enough left to go into trade; but many of our western towns, when donating a lot, place the conditions upon which the lot is given beyond the reach of men with ordinary means. For the present this is not the case at Belle Plain. The town company have appropriated a large number of lots to be given to men wishing to start in any honorable business, and those who wish to make a sure investment, and a large percentage on their money, whether the amount be great or small, cannot do better now than either to go and see or write to the proprietors of the Belle Plain townsite. The country adapted to general farming or stock raising is so extensive in their vicinity that trade cannot be overdone for the next year at least. Business houses are going up quite fast, and trade is thriving.
The following buildings are either filled with goods, or expecting to be in running order soon: Town Hall, Thurman and Richards, 20 x 40; Lambertson, livery stable, 40 x 60; Hotel, Barton and Son, main building, 30 x 30, two stories high with an ell 16 x 24; J. Hamilton’s store, 16 x 20, general assortment of groceries; George Hamilton, 16 x 20, dry goods; J. Kellogg, 18 x 30, drugs; Davenport, first class stock of hardware, 20 x 40; Miller, 16 x 20, flour and feed; Kinne, 16 x 20, groceries; Chamberlain, 16 x 20, land office. A good ferry crosses the Arkansas near the town.
A mail route has been established from Wichita to Arkansas City, and stages will soon be running. A stage route from Thayer, via Winfield, to Belle Plain has been surveyed out, and it is expected that stages will be running on that route also soon.
Winfield Messenger, August 30, 1872.
Convention proceeded to ballot for the following officers.
Superintendent of Public Instruction:
T. A. Wilkinson 38, J. B. Parmelee 25; S. W. Greer 3.
Winfield Messenger, September 20, 1872.
For Supt. Pub. Inst.: T. A. Wilkinson.
Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.
There will be a joint discussion of the political questions of the day between the candidates on the Republican and Liberal County tickets, at the following times and places.
Bolton, at Wilkinson’s, Saturday, Oct. 26th, 7 o’clock p.m.
Mr. T. A. Wilkinson, candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction, is one of the leading educators of the county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 20, 1873.
Public Notice. The County Superintendent, after consulting with the Board of Examiners, wishes to announce that it has been decided to hold a Teachers’ Institute and Examination at Winfield, sometime during the month of April. All teachers who at that time shall be engaged in teaching, or who expect to during the year, are requested to be present and take an active part in such Institute. The definite time of holding such Institute, a programme of exercises, and the preliminary arrangements, will be published in due time.
There will be no more special examinations until the time of holding such Institute.
T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Supt. Public Instruction.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
MARCH 9TH, 1873.
Board met in county clerk’s office. Present: Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and J. D. Maurer.
The following orders were also made.
That T. A. Wilkinson procure a county map for his office.
T. A. Wilkinson, for Co. map. Claimed: $12.00. Allowed: $10.00
T. A. Wilkinson, stat. & let. heads: $8.00
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
Charles Williston, J. B. Parmelee, Mrs. Bostwick, Mrs. J. C. Graham, J. B. Fairbank, Prof. Wilson, Prof. E. P. Hickok, Mrs. N. J. Ferguson, Prof. L. B. Kellogg, Mrs. Mina Hawkins, Prof. H. B. Norton, H. H. Martin, C. L. Rood, J. W. Cowgill, Alexander Limerick, Mrs. Bostwick, Miss Helen Parmelee, Miss Lizzie Swarts.
Efforts are being made to secure the presence of our State Superintendent, H. D. McCarty. T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 10, 1873.
Through Superintendent Wilkinson’s efforts, Winfield was honored with the location of the Teachers Institute.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1873.
The Teacher’s Institute of the 13th Judicial District, convened at the Academy in Winfield, on the evening of the 15th. Superintendent Wilkinson was chosen chairman, and Mr. Walton, secretary.
The room was quite full; most of whom were citizens of Winfield. The attendance of teachers was not very full on account of the inclemency of the weather. The chairman stated that Mr. Parmelee, who was expected to lecture to the meeting, was unable to do so.
Participants: Prof. Felter, author of Felter’s arithmetic, sent by State Superintendent McCarty; Major Durrow; Mr. Fairbank.
The following is a list of the names of Teachers present from abroad, who are in attendance at the Institute.
David Coon, of Douglass, Butler County; J. C. Fetterman, of El Dorado, Butler County; S. A. Felter, Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction; Ida Myres, of Augusta, Butler County; H. C. Snyder of Augusta, Butler County; John Tucker, County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Sedgwick County; Mrs. S. E. Dunhan, of Sumner County; Maj. D. W. Durrow, of Junction City.
The following is a representation of our own county.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hickok, Miss Tucker, Ira D. Kellogg, S. W. Greer, Effa Randle, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Graham, Miss Mollie Bryant, and Maj. J. B. Fairbank, of Winfield; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent of Public Instruction of Cowley County; Misses Hawkins and Worden, of Vernon Township; Miss Ida Daggett, of Floral Township; Mrs. W. E. Bostwick, of Winfield Township.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 5, 1873.
There will be a special examination of teachers held at Winfield on Saturday, June 14, 1873. T. A. WILKINSON, County Supt.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
We take pleasure in noting the completion of M. L. Read’s new bank building. The contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, deserve every credit as experienced mechanics, as this piece of their work will fully testify. The material used in the construction is an extra quality of limestone rock for the foundation, and also used in the walls of the basement. The main building is of brick structure, and exhibits as fine an appearance exteriorly, as any brick block in the eastern States. The front has iron columns to support it, and the window sills are of white limestone rock and are capped with the same. The folding doors at the entrance are magnificently constructed of fine material, and grained and finished in modern style; while the large windows on each side of the door will be one solid glass, French plate, 4-1/2 feet in width and 9-1/2 feet in height.
The appointments of the building consists of basement full size of building, which is now occupied by Messrs. Miller & Meyers in the restaurant business. The second floor is exclusively occupied by the bank, and has attached every convenience desired in a banking house. The third floor is cut into rooms for office purposes, and is occupied by Messrs. Scull & Michener, attorneys; Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys; J. F. Paul, Esq., County Recorder; John Curns, City Clerk; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent; and E. B. Kager, Esq., County Treasurer. The building is completely occupied, and its interior, in point of finish and adaption to the business for which it is used, is not excelled by a like structure in any city.
The business energy and willing disposition so liberally manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town since he became a citizen, endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 31, 1873.
Continuation of raising land valuations in townships, followed by bills acted upon.
Ordered by the Board that J. F. Paul, Register of deeds, and E. B. Kager, County Treasurer, and Wilkinson, Superintendent of Public Instruction are assigned to the three office rooms over M. L. Read’s bank at rent $27.50 per month.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
A literary and musical entertainment will be given a week from next Thursday and Friday in aid of the Congregational Church building fund under the directorship of Messrs. Ed. Johnson and T. A. Wilkinson.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
The directors of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Fair Grounds, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o’clock P. M. They earnestly desire that the Superintendents of all the departments meet with them to acquaint themselves with their duties. The following are the names of the various Superintendents.
Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill; J. P. Short; John R. Smith; E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams; Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton; Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land; T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin; W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith, Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs. J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs. Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton; D. A. Millington; E. B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.
The Superintendents are desired to study carefully the rules and regulations of the society so they may be able to render assistance to exhibitors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
There will be a public examination of teachers held at Tisdale, Monday, November 10, for all those who were unable by reason of sickness or absence from the county to attend the Teachers Institute held at Arkansas City, Oct. 13, 1873.
T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
Committee on Music. T. A. Wilkinson, Chairman, Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Miss Emma Leffingwell, L. J. Webb and John Kirby.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
There will be a public examination of teachers held at Winfield on Saturday, November 30th. All teachers desiring certificates for the winter term, will be present as this will be the last public examination until the one following the county institute in the spring.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
T. A. Wilkinson, stationery: $21.60
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 26, 1873.
That school land sale that operated so seriously on the spleen of Mr. Nixon as to cause him to give Mr. Wilkinson a punch when he thought Hopkins had him down, is so throughly explained by the State Superintendent and Attorney General, that we hope Nixon will take the dose quietly, go to bed and sweat it off.
RECAP: Wilkinson obtained affidavit from David M. Hopkins, stating: “David M. Hopkins, being first duly sworn, deposes and says, that he is a resident of Vernon Township, in said county of Cowley and state of Kansas. That he is acquainted with the northeast quarter of section sixteen in township thirty-two south of range three east...to the best of his knowledge and belief said quarter section belonged to the state of Kansas as school land prior to May 13, 1873, and that on the said day, one Charles Tilton made an application before the Probate Judge of said county to enter the same and did enter the said land upon complying with the Statute made and provided for the entry of school land, and that said entry, he believes, was fraudulent and void.” H. D. McCARTY, STATE SUPERINTENDENT, responded to Wilkinson, who sent him Hopkins’ affidavit: “I have submitted the affidavit to the Attorney General. He says the affidavit amounts to nothing—no decision can be given—the question is open to the courts.”
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1874.
By request of T. A. Wilkinson, I would like to state that the bill of T. R. Wilson was credited to T. A. Wilkinson, in the amount of $27.00 of the last commissioners’ proceedings, and the Journal Record shows the same not to be T. A. Wilkinson’s.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1874.
T. A. Wilkinson has a splendid team of horses which he will trade for city property.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1874.
T. A. Wilkinson, Co. Supt.: $310.00
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1874.
Minutes of the Teachers’ Association, Held at Winfield, Friday, Feb. 27th, 1874.
The Teachers’ Association of Cowley County, Kansas, met in the council room of the Courthouse, according to published arrangement, Supt. Wilkinson presiding.
Supt.. Wilkinson made the suggestion, or rather requested the teachers of Cowley County, to teach the map of the county by townships and ranges, and gave the method of doing it.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
Last Monday evening, the most brilliant assemblage of “fair women and brave men” was gathered together at the residence of the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, that has ever assembled in the Walnut Valley. The occasion was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee, what the knowing ones call the “china wedding.” J. C. Blandin, with malice aforethought, enticed the unsuspecting couple to town and there kept them, not altogether unwilling, prisoners at his house. Taking advantage of the absence of the Rev. gentleman and his estimable lady, the “company” to the number of about one hundred and fifty persons gathered in with buckets, baskets, sacks, etc., each containing something calculated to gladden the inner man.
At the proper time Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee having arrived, were peremptorily ordered to prepare for the trying ordeal, which they calmly and resignedly proceeded to do. When all was ready the bride and groom were led into the parlor. Enoch Maris, D. A. Millington, Esq., and T. A. Wilkinson acted as Groomsmen, and Mrs. Enoch Maris, Mrs. ___ Johnson, and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson as Bridesmaids. Rev. James E. Platter, of the Presbyterian Church, then proceeded to “lecture” the happy pair substantially as follows. . . .
Rev. N. L. Rigby then pronounced them “man and wife,” and offered up a short prayer. $103.00 in greenbacks was made up, enclosed in a soap dish, and presented to Mr. Parmelee by Maj. J. B. Fairbank, on behalf of the company. . . .
A splendid supper was served and everybody felt that it was “good to be there.” The party broke up about 12 o’clock M., everyone boasting that it was the most enjoyable affair ever got up in the romantic Walnut Valley.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
AFTER consulting with the Board of Education and the State Superintendent, I hereby announce that it has been decided to call a convention of all the school district officers who shall be elected on the last Thursday in March, next, in this county, with a view to promoting the educational welfare of the county. A full detail of the objects and aims of said convention together with the time of meeting will be announced in connection with the programme of the Teacher’s Institute, to be held at Winfield some time in April, 1874.
T. A. WILKINSON, Co. Supt.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The public schools of this city will commence Monday, April 6th. Miss Helen Parmelee teaches the higher department and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson the lower.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
As Mr. T. A. Wilkinson with his wife and baby were returning from Arkansas City last Monday, the fore wheels of their carriage suddenly dropped into a deep rut precipitating the occupants over the dashboard upon the heels of the horse, who taking fright, began to kick vigorously. Mrs. Wilkinson received a slight bruise upon the head, and Mr. Wilkinson’s hand was bruised considerably, but no further damage was done other than the ruining of the clothes of the lady and child by the mud into which they plunged.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Through the energy and efficiency of Prof. Wilkinson, Superintendent of Schools, this county has received $469 more money from the state fund, than was received last year. The Prof. has also ferreted out 238 more school children than were reported last year.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
T. A. Wilkinson: $308.00
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
It having been left with the various school Superintendents in each county to select representatives to the July session of the Musical Academy which meets in Leavenworth, Messrs. C. C. Black and C. A. Hays have been appointed by Prof. Wilkinson. No better selection could have been made.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
Ye Editor went to Arkansas City last Monday. Here is what he says. “In company with W. M. Boyer, Esq., we borrowed one of Darrah & Doty’s splendid rigs and went on a flying trip to Arkansas City. Of course, we called on C. M. Scott of the Traveler, and found that gentleman in one of the finest furnished offices we have seen anywhere; we concluded that C. M. was making money, and that his patrons were that kind of men that make a city.
The Traveler is a good paper and well sustained. The businessmen of that town know the worth of a good newspaper and use its columns to some purpose. We met several old friends, but our time was too limited to look around much. Arkansas City can boast of one of the finest school buildings in the state, and it would be well for us to imitate her example in this respect. Prof. E. W. Hulse from the state university of Wisconsin has just arrived to take charge of it, and we learn from Prof. T. A. Wilkinson, who brought him here, that Mr. Hulse is in every way well qualified for the position.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
Forty acres of land from the farm of W. W. Andrews and adjoining the town site on the north is being laid off into town lots preparatory to being made a part of the City of Winfield. The addition embraces the residences of M. L. Read, T. A. Wilkinson, E. B. Kager, Dr. Graham, N. C. McCulloch, and J. J. Ellis, and will be one of the prettiest portions of the City.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
Orin Wilkinson, formerly of this place, but late of Arkansas, writes that the whole country is under water, and the Mississippi and Arkansas Rivers still rising, and people and stock are being drowned and starving to death. During all this the Governors are fighting for their positions. That would be a lively state to emigrate to, surely.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
There will be an examination of teachers held at Lazette on Monday and Tuesday, May 18th and 19th, 1874. T. A. WILKINSON.
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
No. of pupils enrolled during the month: 48. Average daily attendance: 30. No. cases of tardiness: 30. Average time lost by tardiness: 5 minutes.
Names of scholars neither absent nor tardy: Oliver Newland, Jordan McDonald, Mary Davis, Sylvia Darrah, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Jennie Hulshopple, Alice Hill, Jennie Weathers. MRS. T. A. WILKINSON, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
The teachers of the Winfield graded schools together with Superintendent Wilkinson’s singing class, will close the spring term of school with a musical and literary entertainment. It is proposed by combining outside talent with that of the school children, to make this entertainment worthy of the patronage of the parents and friends of education. Prof. Hulse, Principal of the Arkansas City schools, will aid Mr. Wilkinson; also, Prof. E. J. Hoyt, with the musical part of the entertainment. A paper will be read by Miss Helen Parmelee and Superintendent Wilkinson, and essays by Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson and Miss Bryant. The proceeds of the exhibition will be expended in purchasing an organ, for the use of the public schools of Winfield. Therefore, all are directly interested in the success of the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Proceedings of the Meeting held Monday, June 8th, to
Provide for the Celebration of the 4th of July.
J. T. Hall, T. A. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. John Swain, Miss Mary Stewart, and Miss Baldwin were appointed a committee on music.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
The ladies of the Congregationalist church will give their next ice cream social at the residence of Mr. T. A. Wilkinson on next Wednesday eve.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
Committee to procure speakers reported progress. Same report from committees on grounds and music. Prof. Wilkinson, of the latter, requested to be excused from serving on the committee on account of a previous engagement, and was excused.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
T. A. Wilkinson has returned, bringing with him his brother, who reports that in Arkansas, what with the drouth and flood, etc., there is a large proportion of the inhabitants of that state who will starve to death next winter if they do not receive assistance.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1874.
The following will be the programme for the grand social feast, August 22nd, 1874, to be held on the grounds of T. H. Johnson, C. M. Wood, and J. F. Graham, one-half mile north of the city of Winfield.
1st. Each subordinate Grange will come in procession, accompanied by its Marshal, or his assistants, who will be at the courthouse.
2nd. The grand procession will form on the courthouse commons, at 11 o’clock a.m. sharp, and march through the principal streets of the city, thence to the picnic grounds in the following order.
Winfield Cornet Band, Patrons of Husbandry in regalia.
Arkansas City Cornet Band, Patrons of Husbandry in full regalia.
Song by Supt. T. A. Wilkinson.
Instrumental String Band, Supt. T. A. Wilkinson.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
The afternoon exercises were opened by music from both bands followed by a song from T. A. Wilkinson and others. Prayer by Rev. Martin, of Vernon Grange, and a speech by Amos Walton.
The following toasts were then given by the Toast Master, A. N. Deming.
“The laboring class.” Responded to by T. A. Wilkinson of the Winfield Grange.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
The Winfield Literary and Dramatic Club will give an entertainment under the management of T. A. Wilkinson, on Thursday, Sept. 30. A full programme will appear in next week’s issue. The proceeds are to be applied in paying for the Public School Organ. Great pains will be taken to make this the best affair of the kind ever held in Winfield. Mrs. Russell of Wichita, one of the finest singers in the state, and Professors Hulse and E. J. Hoyt are expected to aid in the entertainment.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Programme of the Literary and Musical Entertainment to be given at the Courthouse in Winfield, in connection with the Teacher’s Institute, for the benefit of the Public School Organ fund, on Wednesday evening, October 7th, 1874.
Listing participants only.
Prof. E. J. Hoyt, leader, orchestra; Glee club; poem by W. W. Walton, essay by Miss Melville of the Emporia State Normal School, son by Mrs. Russell of Wichita and Prof. E. W. Hulse, essay by Miss Jennie Greenlee, duet and chorus by Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson, instrumental music by Miss Ora Lowry and T. A. Wilkinson.
A farce in one act, “Specter Bridegroom, or a Ghost in Spite of Himself,” was put on by T. A. Wilkinson, James Kelly, W. W. Walton, V. B. Beckett, A. H. Hane, Fred C. Hunt, Mrs. James Kelly, Mrs. Flint.
Single tickets 50 cents; 75 cents for gent and lady. Children half price.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
The Teachers’ Institute held here this week unanimously resolved that T. A. Wilkinson ought to be re-elected; and call upon the friends of education throughout the county to re-elect him to the office of county superintendent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1874.
Institute met per appointment at schoolhouse. 1 o’clock p.m., Prof. Wilkinson in the chair. After singing and appointment of Committees, the rhetorical exercises of the day were entered upon.
1st. Class drill in grammar by Miss N. M. Aldrich.
2nd. Object lesson by Miss Anna Melville.
3rd. Class drill in mental arithmetic by Prof. Robinson.
4th. A short lecture on theory and practice by Prof. Wilkinson, which was both interesting and instructive. He urged upon the teachers the necessity of a complete system of uniformity of government, in which he gave several useful hints about calling and dismissing classes. The treatment of different temperaments met in our common schools—
making his remarks more effective by illustrations from former schools of his own.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1874.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction: Thomas A. Wilkinson, of Bolton Township.
And last, though by no means the least, we have for County Superintendent of Public Instruction, THOMAS A. WILKINSON, of Bolton Township. Prof. Wilkinson has served the people of this county in the same capacity for the past two years. Finding, on coming into office two years ago everything in chaos and confusion, it required all the energy and ability of which he is master to get things in working order, until now, under his administration Cowley County can boast of better schools than any of her sister counties. A man of untiring energy, of excellent ability, a thorough scholar, we know of no man so well qualified to discharge the duties of the office of Superintendent as Prof. Wilkinson.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
Mr. Julius Woollen was called for, and his judgment was, that as Mr. Wilkinson had done good service for the county in the cause of common schools, it would be a matter of justice to re-elect him to the office of Superintendent.
Winfield Courier, October 29, 1874.
Lazette News.
Judge Moore, L. J. Webb, and T. A. Wilkinson paid our village a short visit last week. The notices of the coming of these gentlemen were not received and the crowd was small which met with them here. But they thus got better acquainted with the citizens whom they did meet.
Winfield Courier, November 19, 1874.
A Pleasant Time.
Upon the invitation of the Maple Grove Grange of this county, a party consisting of Prof. Wilkinson, Mrs. Wilkinson, E. S. Torrance, Esq., Miss Helen Parmelee, ourself, and Mrs. Kelly attended the open session of that grange last Monday evening. This grange is held at what is called Ferguson’s schoolhouse in district 45. The schoolhouse is, perhaps, one of the best in the county outside of Winfield and Arkansas City. It cost the district nearly $1,000 in bonds. On our arrival we found the house full to overflowing with big and little grangers, the sons and daughters of honest toil.
The Grange was called to order by the Worthy Master, Mr. James H. Land, who briefly announced the object of the open session. An opening song being sung by the members, and prayer by the Chaplain, the grange was declared ready for business.
First a lecture was given by Mr. Frazier, in which he depicted the oppression and tyranny of today as equaled only by the oppression of the colonists in the days of King George the III. That it was the laboring men and farmers of that day who threw off the galling yoke just as the farmers and laborers of today would break the chains with which they are bound.
Next came a song by Mr. McCune. Then instrumental music by Professor Wilkinson and Mrs. Kelly. An essay was read by Mrs. Amanda Roberts on the old, old theme of “Woman’s Work.” This to our mind, was the best production of the evening. Her essay was well prepared, and aside from a pardonable embarrassment, well read. The whistling “Plow Boy,” was then sung, after which a speech by Mr. T. J. Johnson. Then a paper entitled “Boys on the Farm,” was read by Mr. C. A. Roberts, which was quite humorous.
Prof. Wilkinson made a short speech in which he advised the farmers to begin the work of reformation at home, and not mix the “tailings” with good wheat, nor sell half hatched, for fresh eggs. When the regular order had been gone through with E. S. Torrance, Esq., ourself and several others were called out but declined to make speeches. The thanks of the Grange was voted to the party from Winfield for the music furnished, when the meeting was closed in Grange order. The Winfield party are under obligations to Mr. David Ferguson for transportation to and from the meeting.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
T. A. Wilkinson is about to organize a singing class in this city, which will meet on Friday evening of each week, commencing tomorrow evening, and continuing for twenty-four weeks. The school will close with a three day’s drill and a rousing concert, which it is intended shall eclipse anything of the kind ever before given in this city.
Winfield Courier, November 26, 1874.
of the open session of Winfield Grange, No. 865 P. of H., to be held at the Courthouse Thursday evening, Dec. 8th, 1874.
Opening address by the Worthy Master.
Prayer by the Chaplain.
Essay, by Brother N. C. McCulloch.
Instrumental music.
Paper by brother J. F. Graham and sister T. A. Wilkinson.
Essay, the private indebtedness of Cowley County, by brother T. A. Wilkinson.
Address by brother A. S. Williams, Master of County Council.
Essay by brother J. B. Evans of Vernon Grange.
Address by brother A. Frazier, of Maple Grove Grange.
Address by brother A. N. Deming.
Speeches by volunteers.
An invitation is extended to the general public.
T. A. Wilkinson
J. F. Graham
R. H. Tucker
A. T. Stewart
N. C. McCulloch
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
There will be an examination of Teachers at the office of the undersigned in Winfield, on Tuesday, Dec. 15th, 1874, at 11 o’clock a.m. T. A. WILKINSON, Supt. Pub. In.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
There will be a literary, musical, and dramatic entertainment given in behalf of the public school organ fund of Winfield, under the management of the Winfield and Arkansas City literary and dramatic clubs, at the courthouse in Winfield, immediately following the holidays. A full programme will be appear in the next issue of the COURIER.
JAMES KELLY, T. A. WILKINSON, E. W. HULSE. Committee on management.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
A Good Time.
The Winfield Grange held an open session last Monday night, but owing to the inclemency of the weather was not so well attended as it otherwise would have been. We were somewhat surprised that there were so few of the citizens of Winfield out to witness the delightful exercises of the occasion. The house was called to order by A. T. Stewart, the worthy master, who stated the object of the open session. Prayer was offered by the Chaplain, R. H. Tucker. An essay on “Fruit Growing in Kansas,” was read by N. C. McCulloch. A paper by Mrs. Wilkinson was then read; next an essay on the private debt of Cowley County, by Mr. Wilkinson, after which a short recess was in order. After recess a lecture was read by J. B. Evans of Vernon, after which several who did not belong to the grange were called out among whom was Col. E. C. Manning, who made a few remarks as to his preconceived notions of the grange and how he obtained them. Remarks were also made by A. S. Williams on the duty of the grange. Where there is so much to commend, we dare not make any distinction. All did well. The performance was interspersed with music both vocal and instrumental by the Winfield Glee Club, led by Prof. Wilkinson. Everybody, so far as we know, was well pleased with the whole affair.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
A Free Supper.
The citizens of Winfield are invited to partake of a free supper given by the brethren, sisters, and friends of the Christian church at their new meeting house Thursday evening, Dec. 31st, 1874.
Committee of Arrangements: Mr. and Mrs. J. Newman, Mr. and Mrs. W. Maris, Mr. and Mrs. Meanor, Mr. and Mrs. McClelland.
Committee on Tables: Mesdames South, McRaw, Miller, Wilkinson, Sr. Barnes, W. L. Mullen, C. A. Bliss, Cochran, and Mansfield.
Committee on Reception: Miss Jennie Hawkins, J. Lipscomb, Annie Newman, J. Cochran, Charlie McClellan.
Committee on Music: Misses Stewart, Bryant, Hawkins, Newman, Mrs. Swain, Mrs. W. Maris, Messrs. Swain, W. Maris, and Cochran.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
At a regular meeting of the Winfield Grange No. 866 P. of H., held at the Courthouse on the evening of December 22nd, A. D. 1874, the following officers were duly elected for the ensuing year: Brother A. T. Stewart, Worthy Master; brother A. N. Deming, Overseer; T. A. Wilkinson, Lecturer; H. N. Banner, Steward; J. F. Graham, Asst. Steward; W. R. Land, Chaplain; N. C. McCulloch, Treasurer; S. E. Burger, Secretary; Marshal Land, Gate keeper; Sister T. A. Wilkinson, Ceres; Mrs. McCulloch, Flora; Pearly Burger, Pomona; Bertha Land, Lady Asst. Steward. A. T. STEWART, W. M.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
In this issue we publish a communication from school district number 63, in Otter Township, in reference to a slight difficulty they are having with their teacher, Mr. Aley. We are not personally acquainted with the circumstances of the case, and only know Superintendent Wilkinson, and School Examiner Fairbank, after hearing the evidence, gave it as their opinion that although the punishment might have been rather severe, it was deserved.