Wilson and Zimmerman


Cattlemen in Indian Territory.
[Note: I could not find a “Levi Wilson” who had a hog farm, from which he supplied bacon contracts. The Wilsons I found were cattlemen. MAW]
First item found shows “Zummerman” rather than “Zimmerman.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881. Editorial Page.
THE ROUND UP. It was decided by the convention of stockmen at Caldwell that the round up would commence on the first day of May, at Monfort Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian. The range was divided into six districts, the following account of which we take from the Commercial’s report.
District No. 1—includes the country on the North and South Canadians. Tony Day, Captain.
District No. 2—includes the range of the Kansas City company, Quinlan & Crawford, Greene & Co., Mahone, Stiff & Watkins. R. F. Crawford, captain.
District No. 3—includes the range of Wilson & Zummerman [Zimmerman], Snow, Hatfield, Wood, Hutton, McClellan, and Stewart, the coun­try east of Arkansas City and Chisholm trail road, and as far north as Red Rock. Thos. Hutton, captain.
District No. 4—includes the range of Messrs. Malaley, Hamilton, Bennett, & Blair; Blair & Battin, Kincaid, B. F. Buzzard, colored; Manning, Rock & Sandborn; Stoller & Reese; Flitch, Birchfield, Warlo & Garland; Beard & Day; Raymond & Lewis; Cooper, and B. Campbell. H. H. Bennett, captain.
District No. 5—includes the range of Messrs. Pryor, Miller, Drumm, Timberlake & Hall, Schlopp & Billenger, Jewell Bros., Streeter, Erwin Bros., Green & Preston, Blackstone and Campbell. A. Wilson, captain.
District No. 6—includes the range at Elm Springs and that of Hunter & Evans. J. B. Doyle, captain.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1882.
Mr. Ed. Hewins has purchased Wilson & Zimmerman’s stock and range on Skeleton creek, Indian Territory, paying the enormous sum of $200,000.
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, September 14, 1882.

Big Stock Sale. One of the largest cattle transactions which has occurred in this part of the county was consummated last week, being no more or less than the sale of the Wilson & Zimmerman herd and range to Ed. W. Hewins for the round sum of $200,000. The range is located between the Cimarron and Salt Fork, and east of the Fort Reno road, and contains 25 miles square of pasture fenced in with barbed wire, and is considered one of the best, if not the best, range on the strip. The herd numbers about 7,000 head of cattle. Messrs. Wilson & Zimmerman go away on foot, but they can afford to do so, because the purchase money which they carry with them represents the earnings of but a few years in the cattle business, but during that time they gave their undivided attention to the work in hand, and now they are able to retire from trials, troubles, worry, and isolation with a sufficient amount to take life in a more easy manner, but we have no idea they will remain out of the business any length of time. It has become their second nature and we shall not be surprised at any time to learn that they have put their clamp upon another bunch of stock in some portion of this great west.
“Thomas Wilson” shows up in the next article...
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 8, 1883.
The third annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Stockmen’s Association met in the Opera House on Tuesday, March 6, 1883, at 11 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Ben S. Miller. . . .
The following report of committee on round-ups was presented by its chairman and on motion of Mr. Hodgson was adopted.
We, the assigned committee on round-ups, appointed by the Convention of the Cherokee Strip Stock Association, held in Caldwell on March 6th, 1883, herewith submit the following report.
Division No. 1. To be composed of what is known as Red Rock and Salt Fork country, including the territory of, and then to the south line of Kansas, and thence west, including all tributaries of the Salt Fork, in the west line of the Comanche County Pool. Said division to meet at the Red Rock crossing of the Arkansas City road, and Thomas Wilson to be appointed as Captain of said division.
Division No. 2. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 1, and extend as far south as the division between the Cimarron and the North Fork of the Canadian, and to commence work at McClellen’s pasture, and, if necessary, to work on the North Fork, east of the crossing of the Chisholm trail, and work west as far as the west line of the Comanche County Pool. This division to meet where the Arkansas City wagon road crosses the Skeleton Creek, and Howard Capper to be appointed captain of said division.
Division No. 3. To be composed of the country lying south of division No. 2, and as far south as the Washita River; and to extend as far west as A. J. Day’s range. Said division to meet at the Chisholm trail crossing of the North Fork of the Canadian, and H. W. Timberlake to be appointed captain.
We also recommend that the captains of the several divisions be empowered to discharge all parties not doing their duty or refusing to obey orders, and that the said captains be authorized to employ other men to fill vacancies, at the expense of the parties who were represented by the parties discharged.
We also recommend that Marion Blair, A. J. Day, W. E. Campbell, J. W. Carter, H. W. Timberlake, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed as a committee to confer with the round-up committee appointed by the stock meeting to be held at Medicine Lodge on the 28th and 29th of the present month, and that the joint communities then decide upon a date for the beginning of the spring round-up, together with such other recommendations as they may desire to proffer; and that the report be published in the Caldwell, Anthony, and Medicine Lodge papers. A. DRUMM, Chairman.

Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Briggs [Bridge] & Wilson listed as members.

A. T. & T. P. Wilson listed as members.
L. Banks Wilson...
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Death of P. Carnegie. On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. P. Carnegie, of the firm of Frazier & Carnegie, left Caldwell for Texas to bring up a herd of cattle he had bought. He left in the best of spirits and to all appearances in the best of bodily health. Arriving at A. M. Colson’s camp, thirty-five miles south, he stopped for the night, ate a hearty supper, and retired. Shortly after he complained of being ill, and by Friday morning his symptoms were dangerous. Word reached here on Monday regarding Mr. Carnegie’s condition, and arrangements were at once made to have him brought up. The services of Dr. Noble were secured and he went down, returning late Tuesday night, and a few minutes after 10 o’clock on Tuesday night, March 13th, the soul of Pat Carnegie was called to the final round-up.
Yesterday morning Ben S. Miller called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, of which the following is a report.
At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, held in the city of Caldwell, March 14, 1883, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, and L. Banks Wilson were appointed a committee on resolutions regarding the death of P. Carnegie.
Bridge & Wilson...
Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
THE WIRE FENCES. Agent Tufts’ Report to Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
SIR: Referring to cattle letter dated January 6, 1883, I have the honor to report that I have visited the lands known as Cherokee land, west of 96 degrees, and find there a large number of cattle, estimated to be 300,000, ranging on the Strip. About 200,000 are there by and with the consent of the Cherokees, and on which there was paid a grazing tax to the Cherokee authorities of about $41,000 during the year. About 100,000 cattle on these lands belong to citizens of Kansas, who turn them loose on these lands and pay no tax.
After a careful investigation, I have to answer the questions submitted in the above official letter as follows.
1. How much fencing has been done?
Answer: 950 miles.
2. To whom do the fences belong?
Answer: To citizens of the United States and a few citizens of the Cherokee Nation.
3. Name each and all companies or organizations claiming to own fences and the quantity of wire in each.
Comanche pool, 55 miles.
Bollinger & Schlupp, 60 miles.
Drumm & Snyder, 50 miles.
Miller & Pryor, 45 miles.
B. H. Campbell, 30 miles.
George Thompson, 40 miles.
S. & Z. Tuttle, 58 miles.

Bridge & Wilson, 45 miles.
Bates & Co., 33 miles.
Hewins & Titus, 60 miles.
Cobb & Hutton, 56 miles.
C. H. Moore, 24 miles.
George Miller, 72 miles.
H. Hodgson, 35 miles.
Dean Bros., 40 miles.
E. M. Ford, 87 miles.
C. H. McClellan, 72 miles.
G. Greever, 60 miles.
T. Mayhew, 37 miles.
4. How long since fencing was commenced?
Answer: During the spring of 1882.
5. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate travel and upon mail routes?
Answer: There are but two mail routes through the land in question: from Caldwell, Kansas, to Ft. Reno and points beyond; from Arkansas City to Nez Perces Agency. There are no fences within two miles of either road. There are no other roads for legitimate travel across these lands. Pastures are supplied with gates for the use of parties traveling through.  The fences do not interfere in any manner with legitimate travel or mail routes.
Caldwell Journal, May 17, 1883.
BRIDGE & WILSON. Range on Little Sand Creek, south of Salt Fork.
  P. O. Address, Caldwell, Kansas.
(?) Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Two Deaths by Drowning.
We have to record this week the loss of two lives by drowning last Friday.
One was that of Green Wise, in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey. Mr. Campbell had sent him from Arkansas City with a message to Mr. Dorsey, who was in Caldwell. Wise rode one horse and led another, and when last seen he had stopped at Mr. Gilbert’s, on the east side of Chikaskia, late Friday afternoon and inquired as to the crossing. From there he went to a rock crossing at Mr. Gillett’s place. At all events the tracks made by his horses where they went in on the other side and came out on this side were plainly seen. The horses were found by Mr. Gillett about dark that evening, and it is supposed that Wise was swept off the horse he was riding, and carried down the stream, as the current was very strong at the point where he attempted to cross.
Word was brought to Mr. Dorsey on Friday night, and on Saturday morning he engaged Messrs. Bates, Fletcher, and Wilson to search for the body. They worked all day Saturday and Sunday, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of the unfortunate young man’s remains could be found.
Green Wise was a young man who had been in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey for over three years, and enjoyed their confidence and respect. We understand he has some relatives living a few miles west of this city.

Frank Wynant, who was well known to many of our citizens, and who bore an excellent character as a young man, was the other unfortunate who lost his life in the wild waters. In company with two others, whose names we did not learn, he attempted to cross the Arkansas river near Geuda Springs. At that point there are two wire cables stretched across the river about fifty feet apart, the upper one being used by the ferry boat. When nearly in the middle of the river, the boat was upset by the angry flood, and the men drifted down to the upper cable, which they managed to grasp and hang onto, with their backs up stream. They had not been in this position more than a couple of minutes, when a large log borne on the tide struck the men, throwing them over the wire and breaking their hold. They were carried down to the second wire, which they succeeded in grasping; but Wynant held on for a moment, when he dropped down, never to be seen again by his companions or the people on the shore. The other two worked their way along the cable toward the east shore, and were finally rescued. Two others started out in a boat from the west side to rescue the men, when their boat was swamped, and had it not been for the timely assistance of those on shore they would also have been swept down the stream.
Frank Wynant was the support of his family, his mother having been an invalid for the past two years. Mrs. Wynant was at the Springs receiving treatment when tidings were brought her of the fate of her son. She was almost heart-broken with grief, and it was feared that she would not survive the terrible blow.
Banks Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, June 14, 1883.
Banks Wilson had quite an experience in the Chikaskia river at the South Haven crossing, last Saturday. He attempted to cross on horseback, and was thrown off, one of his spurs catching in the rope on the saddle. After considerable difficulty, he managed to extricate himself and reach the west shore, where he undressed, left his clothes on the bank, and started back after the horse, which by this time had turned back and swam to the east side. Mounting the horse, Banks rode down to the mill, got a pair of pants, and requested the miller to send after his clothes. A boy was sent up, but when he arrived at the place where the garments had been left, someone had found them, and the story was stated that another man had gone down in the flood. Banks went on to Hunnewell, where he obtained another suit and came home by rail, leaving his horse at Hunnewell. He says he did not get frightened until he was safe on dry land, when the thought of what he had gone through and how near he came to being drowned scared him so that he shivered. Up to the present the clothes he left on the bank have not been returned to him, but he thinks they will turn up in a few days.
Caldwell Journal, July 5, 1883.
Perry Ewing, T. S. Hutton, Banks Wilson, H. Hodgson, W. Butler, and H. E. Bridge, came up from the range last Sunday for the purpose of taking in the Fourth.
Bridge & Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, July 12, 1883.
The Board met on the 5th day of July.
The following cases were continued, until next meeting of the Board.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros.

Caldwell Journal, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Notes. Since our last issue, the Board of Arbitration have decided the following cases.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros. Board gave all the range in controversy to Bridge & Wilson.
Foss & Wilson...
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1883.
Messrs. Foss & Wilson, two B. I. T. Men, were in the city last week and purchased of Howard Bros., two car loads of wire, with which to enclose their Territory range south of this city.
E. Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Cattle Deals.
The JOURNAL has had to record few heavy cattle deals for some time, but this week it can state that M. H. Bennett has bought the Hewins & Titus cattle in charge of Sam Garvin, paying therefor, in cash, the modest sum of $90,000. The herd numbers between 7,000 and 8,000 head. Some time next month Milt will go below, round up, and brand his calves.
Hewins & Titus, in turn, have purchased all of E. Wilson’s interest in the Indian Springs Range, paying therefor, as we understand, the sum of $135,000. Mr. Wilson, we understand, has made up his mind to locate in Colorado or New Mexico.
Bridge & Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
BOARD OF ARBITRATORS. Decisions Rendered.
The Board adjourned last Friday until the 13th of November. The following is the action of the Board during its late session, as furnished by the clerk, Mart Miller.
M. H. Northrup vs. Bridge & Wilson. Board decided that Northrup was entitled to the right of holding 400 head of cattle in Bridge & Wilson’s pasture, said Northrup paying his pro rata share of all expenses connected with said pasture. Whenever Northrup refuses to pay his share of the expenses, he shall forfeit his rights within said pasture.
Tom Wilson, of Wilson Brothers...
Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Southwest Items.
Medicine Lodge Cresset: “Tom Wilson, well known to all the boys in this county, was in the city on Monday. The Wilson Bros., a short time since, disposed of their three- and four-year-old Texas and half-breed steers to Ed Hewins at the rate of $50 for half-breeds and $40 for Texans.”
Abner Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Abner Wilson, foreman for Major Drumm, called on us yesterday.
L. Banks Wilson...
Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Proceedings of the Board of Directors.

The Board met in Caldwell on Tuesday, November 13th, pursuant to adjournment, and met from day to day until Monday, November 19th.
L. Banks Wilson, W. B. Helm, and J. P. Richmond were appointed a board of arbitrators to settle all disputes between Windsor & Roberts and all other parties contesting, and disputing ranges with them, and that all expenses of arbitration shall be paid by the parties in interest, and the arbitrators to view the grounds.
Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Board of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association cleared up the docket and closed its labors on Monday.
In the case of Hollenback vs. C. M. Crocker, the Board decided that Crocker was entitled to all the range in dispute.
The case of Gorton & Munger vs. Moores & Weller, the Board disagreed on Saturday night, and on Monday a Board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Asa Overall, and Gid Rowden, was appointed to try the case. After going over the evidence, the Board divided the range in dispute between the two parties.
In the case of Windsor & Roberts vs. N. J. Thompson, the case was settled satisfactorily by the parties in dispute, on the advice of the special board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Helm, and Richmond.