Coulter's Winfield City Directory 1880


This document was originally scanned from the collection of Larry Rhodes by Bruce Hedrick and has now been painstakingly typed into this html file by Mary Ann Wortman. Thus it is now searchable and much more useful. The original scans are still available HERE

add: addition. agi: agricultural. agt: agent. av.: avenue. bet: between. bds.: boards.
bk: bar-keeper. bkkpr: book-keeper. blk: block. clk: clerk. cor: corner. e.: east.
e. s.: east side. far: farmer. imp: implements. lab: laborer. mkr: maker. mufr: manufacturer.
n.: north. n. e.: northeast. n. s.: north side. n. w.: northwest. op: opposite. pres: president.
prin: principal. propr: proprietor. r: resides. s.: south. s. e.: southeast. s. s.: south side.
st: street. s. w.: southwest. sec: secretary. supt: superintendent. treas: treasurer.
w.: west. wks: works. w. s.: west side.
Note: The classification by business will be found immediately following the alphabetical arrangement of names. For full indices to the contents of the work, and names too late for regular insertion, see preceding pages.
Adams Express Co., C. F. Stiles, agent, 9th ave., bet. Main and Manning.
Adams, H. A., sadler, W. Newton.
Ahrand, P., carp., boards Miss M. J. McGee.
Albert, Gilson, clk, American House, bds. Same.
Aldrich, Mrs. R., r. Menor, s. w. cor. 7th av.
ALEXANDER, J. M., lawyer, 9th ave., n. s., bet. Main and Millington; rooms same.
Alexander, Mollie, waiter, Central Hotel; bds. same.
Allen, H., teamster, bds. B. H. Lane.
ALLEN, J. E., lawyer, 9th ave., n. s., bet. Main and Millington; r. Main, w. s., bet. Maple and
Allen, J. L., Lindell Hotel.
Allen, Mattie, teacher, r. J. E. Allen.
Allen, Mrs., Dr., Allie, eclectic physician, Millington, w. s., bet. 7th and 8th avenues.
ALLISON & CRAPSTER, proprietors, TELEGRAM, over M. L. Read’s Bank.
ALLISON, W. M., Editor TELEGRAM, r. Maple, s. s., bet. Thompson and Cherry.
Allison, R., r. 10th ave., s. s., bet. Millington and Loomis.
Alverson, T. J., painter, bds. D. F. Kerr.
American House, T. F. Axtell, prop’r, Main, s. e. corner 7th ave., r. same.
Anderson, Miss B. M., r. J. S. Anderson.
Anderson, D. S., clerk, r. J. S. Anderson.
Anderson, J. B., stone cutter, Dawson and Sons, r. 8th av., n. s., bet. Bliss and Platter.
Anderson, J. S., mason, r. Manning, w. s., bet. Court House and Maple.
Anderson, M., shoemaker, A. Bisbee; bds. City Restaurant.
Anderson, W. D., carp., r. Manning, w. s., bet. 7th and 8th avenues.
Andrews, Cora, r. Wm. W. Andrews.
Andrews, Wm. W., miner, r 5th av., n. e. corner Millington.
Appleby, E. R., carp., r. Mansfield, e. s., bet. 10th and 11th avenues.
Appleby, V. E., carp. bds. E. R. Appleby.
Appling, E. H., pump dealer, r. 12th av., s. s., bet. Mansfield and Stewart.
Armstrong, C. W., carp., r. Main, e. s., bet. 11th and 12th avenues.

Armstrong, F. E., miller, bds. L. C. Rice.
Armstrong, John, bds. J. L. Allen.
ARMSTRONG, JOSEPHINE, artist and dressmaker, r. C. W. Armstrong.
Armstrong, Wm., printer, r. C. W. Armstrong.
Arment, A. B., carp. r. Osage, bet. Maris and Davis.
ASP, HENRY E., lawyer, over postoffice; bds. Central Hotel.
Ausbrooks, Wm., lab.; bds. T. H. Miller.
Austin, C. B., apprentice C. D. Austin, r. Manning, s. e. cor. 12th av.
Austin, C. D., house, sign and carriage painter, 9th av., s. s., 2 w. Millington; r. Manning, s.
e. cor. 12th av.
ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE R. R. Depot, W. C. Garvey, agent; depot,
Court House, bet. Lowry and Reed.
Avery, Mrs. L. J., laundry, r. 9th av., s. s., bet. Millington and Loomis.
Axtell, T. F., American House, r. same.
BACON, MRS. MARY J., restaurant, 9th av., n. s., bet. Main and Millington.
BACON, E. E., jewelry, 9th av., e. of Main.
BADEN, J. P., dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, Main, s. w. cor. 10th av., r. 10th av.,
s. s., bet. Main and Manning.
Bahntge, Chas. F., ass’t bkpr., M. L. Read’s Bank, r. Manning, w. s., bet. 10th and 11th avs.
BAHNTGE, HARRY, merchant, r. Manning, w. s., bet. 10th and 11th avs.
Bailey, L. (Bailey & Rinker), r. Main, w. s., n. of 5th av.
BAILEY & RINKER, groceries and provisions, Main, w. s., bet. 7th and 8th avs.
Baird, A., bds. W. F. Baird.
Baird, A. E. Baird Bros., r. 11th av., n. s., bet. Loomis and Fuller.
Baird, F., grain buyer, bds. Mrs. M. Cochran.
Baird, W. F. (Baird Bros.), r. 12th av., s. s., bet. Millington and Loomis
BAIRD BROS. (W. F. and A. E. Baird), dry goods, boots and shoes, carpets, Main, w. s.,
bet. 9th and 10th avs.
Baker, Anna, servant, O. F. Weeks.
Baker, M. C., clerk. Baker House.
Baker Hotel, E. A. Baker, propr., Main, w. s., bet. 11th and 12th avs.
Baker, E. A., Baker Hotel, Main, w. s., bet. 11th and 12th avs., r. same.
Ballou, Hannah, student, r. H. K. Ballou.
Ballou, H. K., farmer, r. Manning, w. s., bet. 11th and 12th avs.
Ballou, D. V., farmer, r. H. K. Ballou.
Balston, George, blacksmith, bds. Wm. Frederick.
Baltzell, G. J., blacksmith, shop 8th av., n. s., bet. Main and Manning.
Ballien, Frederick, clerk, J. P. Baden, boards same.
Bangs, A. C., agent South West Stage Company, r. G. Black, M. D.
BANGS, M. L., agent South West Stage Company, r. 9th av., n. s., bet. Menor and Manning.
Bank, A. (colored), laborer, r. 5th av., n. s., bet. Menor and Mansfield.
Banks, Fannie E. (colored), r. N. H. Banks.

Banks, N. H. (colored), laborer, r. 5th av., n. s., bet. Menor and Mansfield.
BANNAN, J. M., architect and builder, r. 6th av., n. s., bet. Manning and Menor.
Barclay, F. W., plumber, r. F. Barclay.
Barclay, F., plumber, r. 10th av., s. w. corner Maris.
Barber, E., barber, F. C. Nommsen, boards Lindell Hotel.
Barnett, John, trackman, boards J. A. Maus.
Barnett, D. B., teaming, r. 8th av., s. s., bet. Bliss and Platter.
Barney, J., lab., A. T. and S. F. R. R.
Barr, W. A., r. Main, w. s., bet. 7th and 8th avs.
Barricklow, G. R. (C. H. Lovejoy & Co.)
Bartlett, Anna, r. V. R. Bartlett.
Bartlett, Lena, r. V. R. Bartlett.
Bartlett, V. R., grain dealer, r. 4th av., n. e. corner Andrews.
Bartlett, E., clerk Smith Bros.
Bass, Mrs. M. M., r. with A. T. Spotswood.
Batchelder, John W., head clerk grocery department, Lynn & Loose, r. Menor, w. s.,
bet. 6th and 7th avs.
Bates, Miss M. E., student, boards Mrs. E. Bates.
Bates, A. J., clerk, boards Mrs. E. Bates.
Bates, A. J., clerk, boards Mrs. E. Bates.
Bates, J. E., farmer, r. 10th av., s. e. cor. Davis.
Bates, Mrs. E., r. 10th av., s. e. corner Davis.
Bates, Wm., laborer, r. 9th av., n. s., bet. Loomis and Fuller.
Bats, A., colored, laborer, r. Main, e. s., bet. Park and Osage.
Baum, Jennie, student, r. F. M. Baum.
Baum, Miss O. r. F. M. Baum.
Baum, F. M., dray, r. 5th av., s. s., bet. Manning and Menor.
BEACH, DAVID C., lawyer and notary, Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
Beach, Mrs. Clara T., notions, Main, w. s., bet. 9th and 10th avenues;
boards Millington, corner 12th avenue.
Beall, Miss M., r. Mansfield, e. s., bet. 10th and 11th avenues.
Beall, J. W., plasterer, boards Miss M. Beall.
Beck, L. L., expressman, r. Millington, n. w. cor. Court House.
Beck, Charles, student, boards L. L. Beck.
Beck, Elgy, teamster, boards L. L. Beck.
Beck, W. S., student, boards L. L. Beck.
Beck, Mary J., student boards L. L. Beck.
BECK & DILLON, photographers, 10th av., s. s., bet. Main and Manning.
Beck, H., photographer, r. Menor, e. s., bet. Blanden and Court House; will move to
Court House, s. e. cor. Mansfield.
BEDILION, E. S., District Clerk, r. Fuller, n. w. corner 11th av.
Beeny, R. M., billiards, bds. E. Beeny.
Beeny, E., clerk, Horning, Robinson & Co., r. Loomis, n. e. cor. Maple.

Beers, J. A., mason, bds, 10th av., n. e. corner Platter.
Beggs, Miss E. R. servant, W. O. Johnson.
Beir, J. M. painter, T. J. Jones.
Bench, D. [no information given].
Benning, T. H., deputy constable, bds. Manning, cor. 9th av.
Bergan, Celestia, r. Main, e. s., bet. 8th and 9th av.
Bergdorf, George, bartender, Joe Likowski [they had Likousky], r. 7th av., s. s.,
bet. Fuller and Andrews.
Berkey, A. W., Teller Winfield Bank, r. 9th av., n. w. corner Mansfield.
Berkey, J. L., clerk (J. P. Baden), r. 11th av., s. e. cor. Millington.
Berkdorf, John, mason, r. Menor, e. s., bet. 10th and 11th avs.
Besant, D. J., vinegar maker, Court House, west of A. T. S. F. R. R.; bds R. Ehret.
Best, Mrs. A. C., D. F. Best; r. same.
Bethel, James, teamster, r 9th av., n. s., bet. Me [missing type] Manning.
Bickett, J. A., laborer, bds. T. S. S. Bickett.
Bickett, T. S. S., well-digger, r 4th av., n. s., bet Lincoln and Andrews.
Bisbee, Alvin, bootmaker, Main, e. s., bet 9th and 10th; r 9th av., bet Loomis and Fuller.
Bishop, N. D., lab., r 9th av., s. s., bet Maris and Davis.
Bitting, Wayne, with E. E. Bacon, r Manning [missing type] bet. 10th and 11th avs.
Bixby, Mrs. P., r. Dr. G. Emerson.
BLACK, CHARLES C., lawyer, upstairs, Main, s. w. corner 8th av.; r. Millington,
s. w. corner 8th avenue.
BLACK & BEACH, lawyers, Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
Black, George, physician, r. Millington, s. w. cor 11th.
Black, G. M., student, r. G. Black, M. D.
Blair, E. F., printer, “Courier.”
Blasier, James, R. R. employee, bds B. K. Stallcop.
BLISS, C. A., Winfield City Mills, r. 10th av., cor Fuller.
BLISS BROS., dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, hats and caps, groceries and
queensware, Main, w. s., bet 9th and 10th avs.
Bliss, D. W., carpenter, r. 8th av., n. e. corner Reid.
Bliss, E. S. (Bliss Bros.), r. Davis, n. w. corner Maple.
Bliss, E. H. (Bliss Bros.), r. Millington, w. s., bet [missing type] and 11th avs.
Blue, James, hostler, M. L. Read.
Boardman, M. J., R. R. contractor, bds Lindell Hotel.
Boatwright, A. C., mason, boards F. F. Buck.
Bodine, George, real estate, bds. Baker House.
Bollman, John, eng., bds H. Sachumann.
Boothe, R., Sr., farmer, r. 6th av., s. s., bet Fuller and Andrews.
Borchers, Thomas F., minister, r. 12th av., s. s., near Cherry.
Bosley, James, Jr., Miller, C. A. Bliss, Lowry, w. s. [missing type] and 9th avs.
Bosley, C. H., livery, r. J. H. Bosley.
Bosley, Cora, student, r. J. H. Bosley.

Bosley, A., miller, r. J. H. Bosley.
Bosley, J. H., butcher, r. 11th av., n. e. corner Menor.
Boswell, E., R. R. cont’r., bds Wm. A. A. Rankin.
Boswell, M. S., printer, “Telegram,” bds. Lindell Hotel.
Boulby, R., hostler, bds. S. Burkhalter.
Bourdett, E. O., clerk, R. M. Snyder, bds. J. R. Bourdett.
Bourdett, James R., clerk R. M. Snyder, r. 9th av., n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Bowen, Lillie, r. with W. F. Bowen.
Bowen, W. F., teamster W. T. Ekel, r. 8th av., n. w. corner Platter.
Bowman, John R., teamster, r. Millington, w. s. bet Park and Osage.
Bowman, Mary, servant, T. A. Wilkinson.
Boyer, W. M., Police Judge, office Page building, Main e. s. bet 8th and 9th avs.,
r. Millington e. s. bet 7th and 8th avs.
Boyle, O. F., bds, Mrs. R. Aldrich.
Bradish, Mrs. C. M., r. Lowry, w. s. bet 7th and 8th avs.
Bradish, Miss P., student, r., Mrs. C. M. Bradish.
Brass, Clara A., with Mrs. S. E. Kretsinger, r. same.
Brennan, J., laborer. [No further information.]
Briggs, Mary, waiter, American House.
Brooking, Robert E., clerk, W. C. Root & Co., room same.
BROTHERTON & SILVER, (H. Brotherton and H. S. Silver), agricultural implements
and seeds, Main w. s. bet 7th and 8th av.
Brotherton, H., (Brotherton & Silver), r. Manning n. w. corner 7th av.
Brown, A., colored laborer, bds. J. W. Nichols.
Brown, Allen, porter, Williams House.
BROWN & SON, drugs, books and stationery, Main w. s. bet 8th and 9th avs.
Brown, Henry, (Brown & Son), r. e. 5th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Brown, J. D., blacksmith, 7th av. n. e. bet Main and Millington.
Brown, L. C., clerk, bds H. W. Stubblefield.
Brown, Lewis (Brown & Son), r. e 5th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Brown, George, laborer, bds. L. Wise.
Brown, Wm., stone cutter, bds. Samuel Wise.
Brown, J., laborer, r Reed e. s. bet 12th av and Blanden.
Brown, Joseph, stock dealer, bds. Baker House.
Bruce, J. C., laborer, r. 10th avenue s. w. cor Loomis [they had Coomis].
Bruce, George, farmer, bds. H. Lawrence.
Bruce, G. W., lightning rod agent, r. 7th av n. s. bet Main and Millington.
Brusch, Wm., brewer, bds. Frank Manny.
Brush, B. L. (Pyburn & Brush), room Bahntge building.
BRYAN, T. R., County Treasurer, r. 4th st. n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Buck, F. F., r. Fuller e. s. bet 7th and 8th avs.
Buckman, G. H., Justice of the Peace, lawyer, Main, w. s. over Read’s Bank,

residence Menor e. s. bet 11th and 12th av.
Buckwalter, Charles, bricklayer, bds. G. E. Constant.
Buckman, N. A., clerk, bds. S. J. Haines.
Buell, C. W., carpenter, bds. American House.
Buell, S. W., laborer, r. 9th av., s. s., bet Millington and Loomis.
Bull, F. H., Dentist, Main, e. s., bet 9th and 10th avs.; r 9th av., cor Thompson.
Bullen, J. G. contractor and mason, r. 10th av., n. e. corner Manning.
Bullock, Alice, teacher, bds. Mrs. R. Randall.
Bulmer, Wm., farmer, r. 9th av., n. e. corner Platter.
Burden, Lizzie, student, r. with S. G. Gray.
Burgauer, A. J. (M. Hahn & Co.), bds. Thompson’s Restaurant.
Burge, F. M., policeman, r. Thompson, e. s. bet 10th and 11th av.
Burgess, Clark, bartender, R. Ehret.
Burkhalter, S., livery stable, 8th av., n. s. bet Main and Millington; r. 7th av., n. s. bet
Loomis and Fuller.
Burlingame, P. L., lawyer, Page Building, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avs.
Busby, Mrs. Imogene, dressmaker, Josephine Mansfield, bds. F. Sydal.
Burnett, E. G., pump and lightning rod agent, r. 12th av s. w. corner Mansfield.
Butler, J. P. M., watches and jewelry, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avs.; room same.
Byers, D., miller, r. 12 av n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Byers, Fannie A., student, r. D. Byers.
Byers, G. H., baggage-master, A T & S F R R; Blanden, s. s. bet Stewart and Lowery.
Byers, J. E., farmer, r. D. Byers.
Byers, Laura E., student, r. D. Byers.
Byers, Mary A., student, r. D. Byers.
Byers, Wm., Carpenter, r. Maple, s. s., bet Thompson and Cherry.
Byers, M. P., farmer, r. D. Byers.
Cairns, John W., farmer, r. Millington, s. w. cor 7th av.
Cairns, James A., r. Millington, s. w. cor. 7th av.
Cairns, James, clerk, E. G. Cole, bds. Millington, s. w. cor. 7th av.
Cairns, Rev. James, Baptist Minister, r. Millington, s. w. cor. 7th av.
Cambrane, Joseph, employee K C L S W, bds. Valley House.
CAMPBELL & CO., wines, liquors and cigars; Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avs.
Campbell, John, Carpenter, r. 8th av., n. e. corner Maris.
Campbell, D. T., bds. American House.
Campbell, C. L., harness maker, Wm. Newton, bds. Fuller, cor 12th av.
Carnine, I. J., blacksmith, shop 9th av. and Millington; r., 12th av. s. e. corner Menor.
Carnine, Sydney, apprentice W. F. Roland & Son, r. 12th av., s. e. corner Menor.
Cary, G. R., implement agent, boards R. S. Graham.
Caskey, James, clerk, boards J. Flickinger.
Caton, Harry, tailor T. Timme, boards Baker Hotel.
Caton, William B., groceries and provisions, Main, w. s., bet 10th and 11th avs.

Caubaski, Martin, tailor T. Timme, boards Baker Hotel.
Cavanaugh, J., mason, r. S. Cavanaugh.
Cavanaugh, S., mason, r. Court House, s. s., bet Menor and Mansfield.
Caywood, A. H., laborer, r. 10th av., s. w. corner Loomis.
Caywood, J. W., laborer, r. 10th av., s. w. corner Loomis.
Caywood, O. J., laborer, r. 10th av., s. w. corner Loomis.
CENTRAL HOTEL, Major & Harter, proprietors, Main, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
Chambers, J. B., harness-maker, F. J. Sydal, r. Manning, e. s. bet 7th and 8th avs.
Chamberlin, J. F., carpenter, r. 10th av., n. e. corner Mansfield.
Chamberlin, Wm., brewer, boards F. Manny.
Cheek, A., railroad repairer, r. Menor, e. s., bet. Blanden and Court House.
CHICAGO LUMBER CO., office 9th av., n. w. corner Manning.
Chiles, Nannie, r. Samuel Chiles.
Chiles, Samuel, laborer, r. Lowry, n. s. bet. 12th avenue and Blanden.
Christie, Maple, s. s. bet Davis and Thompson.
Christopher, Ed., student, boards H. W. Stubblefield.
Christopher, Wm., student, boards H. W. Stubblefield.
Christie, W. E., miller, r 8th av., n. e. corner Lowry.
Christy, W. V., railroad contractor, boards W. R. Shepherd.
Cleaves, C. H., carpenter, r. Court House, n. s., bet Menor and Manning.
CLEMENTS, MISS NELLA C., millinery and fancy goods, Main, e. s., bet 8th and 9th avs.;
boards 8th avenue, n. s., bet Main and Manning.
Clarke, Samuel (Clarke & Dysert), r. Manning, w. s., bet Blanden and Court House.
CLARKE & DYSERT (Samuel Clarke & L. E. Dysert), Southwestern Machine Works,
Main, corner 6th avenue.
Clarke, Jno., machinest, Clarke & Dysert, r., Samuel Clarke.
Clarke, E. M., blacksmith, r. Loomis e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Clarke, D. F., carpenter, r. 9th av., bet Millington and Loomis.
Clarke & Carnine, blacksmiths, shop, 9th av., n. e. corner Millington.
Clarke, W. D., trader, r. 10th av., n. w. corner Stewart.
Clarke, Geo. W., plasterer, r. Menor e. s. bet 9th and 10th avs.
Clarke, P., carpenter, boards Farmers restaurant.
Clarke, Mrs. A. E., boards W. P. Clarke.
Clarke, W. H., clerk, Baird Bros., rooms same.
Clarke, Mrs. M., A T & S F R R restaurant.
Clarke, Mary, student, r. Samuel Clarke.
Clary, Geo., laborer, r. 9th av., e. s. bet Platter and Maris.
Clausson, H., carpenter, r. Main e. s. bet Blanden and Court House.
CLAYTON, CHAS., lawyer and insurance, over Post Office, boards 8th av s. w. cor Fuller.
Cochran, J., r. Mrs. M. Cochran.
Cochran, Mary, r. Mrs. M. Cochran.
Cochran, O., clerk, r. Mrs. M. Cochran.
Cochran, Mrs. M., r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Main and Manning.

Cochran, T. E., A. T. Spotswood & Co., r. 7th n. s. Main and Manning.
Cochran, W. J., miller, r. 8th avenue bet Lowry and Walton.
Cody, Mrs. C. J., r. Main e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Cody, Mrs. S., r. Mrs. C. J. Cody.
Cole, D. V., physician and surgeon, over E. G. Coles drug store, rooms same.
Cole, E. G., Drugs and medicine, Main w. s. bet 8th and 9th avenue, rooms same.
Collman, Mrs. J., r. with J. C. McMullen.
COLDWELL, C., lawyer, Main s. w. cor 10th av., Bahntge block.
Coldwell, N. C., lawyer.
Coldwell, Miss M., r. Judge C. Coldwell.
Conely, R. M., carpenter, boards J. W. Holden.
Coney, A., laborer, r. Reed e. s. bet 12th and Blanden.
CONKLIN, JOS. E. (Editor Monitor and proprietor), r. Millington w. s. bet 7th and 7th avs.
Conklin, R. R., bkkpr Gilbert and Jarvis, r., Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avs.
Conklin, Mrs. J. L., r. Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avs.
Connell, C. H., law student, boards J. F. Graham.
Connor, J. W., mason, r. 7th av s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Connor, J. M., marble cutter, boards J. W. Connor.
Constant, G. E. boarding, r. 9th av s. s. bet Millington and Loomis,
will change to 10th same block in two months.
Gilbert & Jarvis, agents, Bahntge building.
Cook, Emma, r. W. C. Wood.
Cooney, Jno., mason, boards Farmers restaurant.
COOPER, F. M. (Wright & Cooper), r. 9th avenue s. w. corner Loomis.
Cooper, J. A. (Rhodes & Cooper), r. Mansfield e. s. bet Blanden and Court House,
will move to northeast corner Menor and Blanden.
Copelan, Thomas, boards City Restaurant.
Corbin, R. T., clerk, Elder House, boards Elder House.
Corcran, A., mason, r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Corn, W. M., farmer, r. Manning s. w. corner Court House.
Corwin, G. F. Sale and Feed stable, Main w. s. bet 6th and 7th, boards American House.
Corwin, Joe, laborer, boards Winfield House.
Corgell, M., proprietor Valley House.
Cosby, Jno. A., painter, O. H. Herrington, r. Blanden s. s. bet Stewart and Lowry.
Cotton, J. T., engineer, Southwestern Machine Works, boards Lindell Hotel.
COULTER, G. S., publisher, WINFIELD DIRECTORY, boards Walter’s Restaurant.
COULTER, MRS. M., physician, boards Walter’s Restaurant.
COWLEY COUNTY MONITOR, Conklin Bros. publishers, office 9th av. corner Millington.
Cox, B. F. (Miller & Cox), boards Main e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Crain, J. W., mason, r. 12th avenue n. e. corner Millington.
Crapster, Brettun (Allison & Crapster), rooms Millington corner 11th avenue.

Crawford, F., mason, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Crawford, S. H., carpenter, boards American House.
Crenshaw, John V., stock dealer, boards Baker Hotel.
Crichfield, H., stone mason, boards G. E. Constant.
Cropp, A. F., house mover, boards Mrs. S. W. Whiteneck.
Crosby, A., hostler, boards Mrs. M. E. Payton.
Crowell, A., sheep dealer, boards G. A. Scovill.
Cummins, Jose, student, r. N. T. Cummins.
Cummins, M., farmer, boards N. T. Cummins.
Cummins, N. T., farmer, residence 9th avenue n. s. between Platter and Maris.
Cummins, Jas., paper hanger, boards Mrs. A. McClellan.
Cummings, James, porter, G. W. Rogers, boards same.
CURNS & MANSER real estate, loan and insurance, Main e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Curns, J. W. (Curns & Manser), r. 8th avenue n. e. corner Loomis.
Curr, D., mason, r. Loomis e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Curry, J. C., freighter, r. 11th avenue n. e. corner Menor.
Curry, Joe, tailor at Timme the tailor, boards English Kitchen.
Curry, H., carpenter, boards H. Schumann.
Custer, J. M., bartender, F. P. Merril.
Cutlip, Miss Dovie, servant G. A. Scovill.
Daggett, L., laborer, r. Manning w. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Davenport, Hattie, servant, Dr. W. T. Wright.
Davey, Jennie, student, boards G. E. Constant.
Davis, A. W. (Vance & Davis), r. Millington s. e. cor 12th av.
Davis, Miss B., boarding, r. 11th avenue n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Davis, Jno., farmer, boards Miss B. Davis.
Davis, J., laborer, boards B. H. Lane.
Davis, Mollie, teacher, boards Miss B. Davis.
Davis, Mrs. M. J., r. 10th avenue s. s. bet Platter and Maris.
Davis, N. B., laborer, r. Maple, s. e. corner Menor.
Davis, Sarah, waiter, Williams House.
Davis, Samuel E., student, Hackney & McDonald; r. Manning w. s. bet 12th av. and Blanden.
DAVIS, W. R., physician and surgeon, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington;
r. Manning w. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
DAWSON & SON, Winfield Marble Works, 9th avenue s. w. Millington.
Dawson, Wm. H., (Dawson & Sons), boards 9th avenue, s. s. e. Millington.
Dawson, Wm. (Dawson & Sons), r., Independence, Kansas.
Day, W. G., boards Baker Hotel.
Dayton, A. B., clerk, Bliss & Co., boards E. H. Bliss.
Defenbaugh, [They had Defebaugh] A., laborer, r. 11th avenue s. e. corner Thompson.
DeGrasse, Miss F. M., music teacher, r. T. A. Wilkinson.
Dempsey, J. T., R. R. contractor, r. 10th avenue s. w. corner Platter.

DEVER, E., Star Bakery and Confectionery, Main corner 10th avenue;
r., Millington corner 10th avenue.
Dever, Wilbur, bookkeeper, M. L. Read’s Bank, r. 10th avenue s. w. corner Millington.
Dewey, Mary, r. with J. W. Sickles.
Dickerson, A., mason, boards W. B. Dickerson.
Dickerson, J. W., farmer, boards B. K. Stallcop.[?] [They had Stallcot].
Dickerson, W. B., mason, r. 5th avenue n. s. bet Manning and Menor.
Dillingham, Mrs. H., dressmaker, r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Manning and Menor.
Dillingham, Miss L. P., r. 9th avenue bet Manning and Menor.
Dillon, G. W. photographer, r. Lowry Street foot of 11th.
Dillon, J., engineer, A T & S F R R, boards Valley House.
Dillsaver [? They had Dillsavor], Mrs. Mary, r. 4th avenue s. w. corner Davis.
Dix, D. H., laborer, r. 8th avenue n. w. corner Davis.
Dix, Jno., butcher, Miller & Cox, boards Main e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Dixson, J., K C L & S R R, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Doan, Chas., clerk, boards Wm. M. Cochran.
Doane, A. H., boards W. L. Mullen.
Dodson, W. B., mason, r. Davis e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Dodge, Wm., laborer, r. 11th avenue, n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Dorley, Mrs. M., dress maker and hair work, Main e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
DOUGLAS, SCOTT & WILSON, barbers, Main e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Douglas, D. E., (Douglass, Scott & Wilson), shop 6th avenue, r., Main, w. s. between Walnut
and Park.
Douglas, W., blacksmith, Terrill & Ferguson, boards McDonald & Co.
Downing, B. J. well driller, r. 5th n. s. bet Andrews and Bliss.
Doyle, W. H. painter, boards Valley House.
Drew, S., lumber dealer, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Ducher, John, foreman construction train A T & S F R R, boards Valley House.
Duncan, G., carpenter, boards J. W. Smiley.
Dunbar, Ed., mason, r. 4th avenue s. s. bet Lincoln and Maris.
Dunham, J. C. (Pratt & Dunham).
Dunkin, P. M., r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Dunn, Mrs. F. M., laundry, r. Manning, w. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Dunn, F. M., teaming, r. Manning, w. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Dunn, Mrs. C., r. with M. L. Bangs.
Dunnington, W. L., bartender, J. M. Campbell & Co., boards Olds House.
Dysert, L. E. (Clarke & Dysert), boards Lindell Hotel.
Early, D., blacksmith, r. Menor, e. s. bet Court House and Blanden.
Early, W., harness maker, r. D. Early.
Ebenback, Wm., clerk, Horning, Robinson & Co., r. J. Hoenscheidt.
Ebenback, Mary, r., John Hoenscheidt.
Ebenback, Frank, r. John Hoenscheidt.

Ebenback, Mrs. M., r. John Hoenscheidt.
Elbert, J. R., Farmers restaurant, Main, w. s., bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Edwards, S., laborer, r. 3rd avenue s. s. bet Lincoln and Maris.
Ehret, R., saloon, main e. s. bet 9th and 10th; r. Menor e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
EKEL, W. T., lumber, laths and shingles, 8th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning,
residence, Wichita.
Elder, Annie, waiter, Central Hotel.
Elder, Jos., r. Elder House.
Elder, Miss M., r. Elder House.
Elder, T. S., printer, boards Elder House.
Elder, Wm., Elder House, 11th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning.
Ely, , carpenter, boards E. Harter.
EMERSON, GEORGE, physician and surgeon. Main n. e. corner 9th avenue upstairs;
residence 11th avenue s. w. corner Fuller.
Ennis, A., laborer, r. Lowry e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Enright, B., feed and sale stable, r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Evans, J., r. Stewart s. w. corner 12th avenue.
Evans, John, fruit tree agent, boards J. L. Allen.
FAHEY, JAMES, wines, liquors and cigars and billiards, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and
Millington; r. 9th avenue bet Millington and Loomis.
Fahnestock, J. J., carpenter, r. Lowry foot 11th avenue.
FARRINGER, CHAS., music teacher, Main n. w. corner 12th avenue; r. same.
Fawcett, Miss E., r. G. S. Manser.
Fell, Chas., brewer, boards F. Manny.
Ferguson, C. (Terrill & Ferguson), r. 9th avenue n. e. corner Millington.
FINCH, J. H., Constable & Deputy U. S. Marshal, r. Stewart e. s. bet 12th av. and Blanden.
Finch, Frank, deputy sheriff, r. J. H. Finch.
Finch, Wm., student, r. J. H. Finch.
Finkbeiner, Mrs. M. D., washing, r. Main e. s. bet Park and Osage.
Finley, D., sec lab A T & S F, r. Reed e. s. bet 12th and Blanden.
FITZGERALD, S. C., physician and surgeon, Main w. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
FITZGERALD, TAYLOR, lawyer. Main s. w. corner 10th avenue, Bahntge block;
r. 11th avenue s. e. corner Fuller.
FLEMING, M., drugs and medicines, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Manning; rooms same.
Flick, tinner, Horning, Robinson & Co.
Flickinger, J., tinner, r. 12th avenue n. w. corner Cherry.
Floyd, C. A., r., Mrs. M. A. Lappon.
Floyd, Chas., laborer, W. M. Allison.
Floyd, Mrs. A., r. Millington w. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Foote, J., carpenter, boards G. Van Way.
Ford, S. J., r. Millington e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
FORGAY, JNO., meat market, 9th avenue bet Main and Millington,

r. Maple bet Main and Manning.
Forgay, M., butcher, r. Jno. Foregay [They had FORGAY, FORGRAY, FORGEAY??].
Foulks, J. M., mason, r. 12th avenue n. w. corner Cherry.
Foults Bros., barbers, Main w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Foults, J. A., barber, r. Manning w. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Fouse, Miss L., r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Fowler, N. J., laborer, r. 6th avenue bet Fuller and Andrews.
Fowler, Chas., laborer, resides with N. J. Fowler.
Franklin, H., laborer, r Main e. s. bet Park and Osage.
Frazer, Mrs. M. J., music teacher, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Fraser, Jno., farmer, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Frazier, J. C. F., boards Valley House. [Occupation not given.]
Frazee [?Frazer], F. M., carpenter, r. 11th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
Fredrick, A. A., farmer, r. Oage, n. s. bet Thompson and Cherry.
Fredrick, D. A., printer, Telegram, r. A. A. Fredrick.
Fredrick, Mary, student, r. A. A. Fredrick.
Fredrick, Rosa, student, r. A. A. Fredrick.
Fredrick, Wm., teamster, r. 4th avenue n. w. corner Lincoln.
Freeland, F. M., laborer, r. 9th avenue bet Main and Manning.
Freeman Bros., meat market, Main w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Freeman, H., Freeman Bros., boards J. Freeman.
Freeman, J., Freeman Bros., r. Manning w. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Freeman, Van (Freeman Bros.), boards J. Freeman.
Freeman, E. A., farmer, r. Wm. A. Freeman.
Freeman, Wm. A., farmer, r. 15th avenue, n. e. corner Maris.
French, Miss Sadie, clerk, Lynn & Loose, boards same.
Frey, Mrs. E., boarding, r. 7th avenue s. e. corner Manning.
Friend, F. M. (Harris & Friend), r. Fuller s. e. corner 6th avenue.
Froelich, Joseph (McDonald & Co.), r. 9th avenue, n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Fronefield, Joseph, carpenter, boards Wayne Bitting.
Frye, Will W., printer, boards Walters Restaurant.
Fuller, Chas. E., bookkeeper, Winfield bank, r. H. G. Fuller.
Fuller, H. G., collection clerk, Winfield Bank, r. Court House, ss bet Menor and Mansfield.
FULLER, J. C., cashier, Winfield Bank, r. 10th avenue s. e. corner Fuller.
Fuller, Mrs. C. A., r. with T. J. Martin.
Fuller, E. H., laundry, r. Millington, w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Funk, W. H., farmer, r. Millington e. s. bet 12th and Blanden.
Gaddis, Belle, servant, Mrs. H. Newman.
Gale, Miss M. E., r. Loomis s. w. corner 7th avenue.
Gallotti, Frank, boards Central Hotel.
Galloway, E. F., laborer, boards American House.
Gannon, Jno., section foreman A T & S F, r. 5th avenue n. s. bet Andrews and Bliss.

Gannon, Jno., section foreman, A T & S F R R, r. Blanden s. e. corner Reed.
GANS, H. D. Probate Judge, r. 5th avenue n. s. corner Loomis.
Garoutte, C. W., livery, r. 4th avenue s. w. corner Maris.
GARVEY, W. C., freight and ticket agent, A T & S F R R.,
boards Mansfield, s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Gary, S. G., carpenter, r. 9th avenue s. w. corner Thompson.
Gates, D. R., mason, r. 11th avenue n. s. bet Davis and Thompson.
Gensee, D. B., grain buyer, boards Mrs. M. Cochran.
Gentry, Mary, servant, Mrs. A. A. Rankin.
Getz, Jno., laborer, r. Main w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
GILBERT & JARVIS (S. L. Gilbert and S. M. Jarvis), land, loan and insurance,
Main s. w. corner 10th avenue, Bahntge block.
Gilbert, S. L. (Gilbert & Jarvis), r. 9th avenue bet Manning and Menor.
Gilbert, A. J., carpenter, r. 6th avenue s. w. corner Andrews.
GILES BROS. (G. T. Giles, Jr., and H. D. Giles), drugs and medicines,
Main w. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Giles, G. T., Jr. (Giles Bros.), r. Millington e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Gill, , farmer, boards D. F. Kerr.
Gillett, A., carpenter, r. 6th avenue s. w. corner Loomis.
GLASS, QUINCY A., druggist, Main w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues,
r. Manning w. s. 2nd north 8th avenue. [? Residence address very odd.]
Glasgow, N. M., stock dealer, r. Walton e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Glaze, Mrs. F. R., r. Main w. s. bet 5th and 6th avenues.
Glaze, Thos., miller, r. Mrs. F. R. Glaze.
Goodrich, J. B., clerk, J. P. Baden.
Goodrich, E. C., clerk, J. P. Baden, boards Olds House.
GOODELL & TRUMBLE, implement dealers, office and ware room Court House,
n. s. between Manning and Menor.
Goodard, Joe, harness maker, boards Williams House.
GOLDSMITH, HENRY, books, stationery, and news, in Post Office, Main, n. w. cor 9th av.
Goodell, O. E., boards Baker House.
GRAHAM, R. W., lawyer, Page building, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues;
r. Main, e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Graham, Geo. Clerk, J. S. Mann, boards Mrs. Bacon’s Restaurant.
Graham, W. G., physician and surgeon, Homeopathic, Main, cor 8th avenue over J. B. Lynn;
r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Graham, Miss E. A., r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Grant, Jas., carpenter, boards Lindell Hotel.
Graves, Jesse A., Tunnel Mill. [They had Tunnell Mill.]
Gray, Mrs. E. J., r. 6th avenue Main [?] s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Green, A., apple stand, Main, s. w. corner Walnut.

GREEN, A. H., real estate and attorney, Main, l s Read’s Bank,
r. Manning n. w. corner 11th avenue.
Green, E. E., apprentice, Telegram, r. Loomis addition.
Green, Fannie, student, r. F. M. Green.
Green, F. M., stock dealer, r. Maple s. e. corner Platter.
Green, James, plasterer, boards G. Wilson.
Green, W. W., drayman, r. 8th avenue n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Greenlee, Wm., clerk, S. H. Myton.
Greenlee, Wm., clerk, r. J. D. Pryor.
Greenlee [?They had Greenles], J. H. stock dealer, r. Menor e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Greer, S. W., farmer, r. 9th avenue n. w. corner Davis.
Greer, F., clerk, boards S. W. Greer.
Greer, E. R., student, boards S. W. Greer.
Greer, F. H., clerk, Baird Bros., r. 9th avenue corner Platter.
Greer, Ed., Local Editor, Courier, r. east end 9th avenue.
Gretsinger, Paulina, servant, W. P. Hackney.
Griffin, E., carpenter, boards American House.
Griffith, Chas., driver, Terrill & Ferguson, boards McDonald & Co.
Griffith, Wm., bus-driver, boards McDonald & Co.
HACKNEY & McDONALD, lawyers, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington.
Hackney, W. P. (Hackney & McDonald), r. Millington n. w. corner 12th avenue.
HAHN & CO. (M. Hahn & A. J. Burgauer), dry goods, notions, boots and shoes and
clothing, Main w. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Hahn, M. (M. Hahn & Co.), boards Williams House.
Haight, N. A., county surveyor, r. 11th avenue n. e. corner Stewart.
Haines, C. E., laborer, boards S. J. Haines.
Haines, Miss E. J., student, boards S. J. Haines.
Haines, S. J., mason, r. Millington, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
Hamilton, J. W., real estate, r. Menor, n. w. corner Maple.
Hamilton, L. S., R R contractor, r. G. Black, M. D.
Hamilton, W. A., stone cutter, r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Hamilton, , boards E. Harter.
Hane, Jennie B., r. H. H. Brotherton.
Hane, Mrs. S. P., r. H. H. Brotherton.
Hanlan, A., laborer, boards American House.
Hansard, W. W., laborer, boards F. F. Buck.
Hardin, John, Winfield Restaurant.
Hardzog, H., teaming, r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Platter and Maris.
Harman, Jas., farmer, boards Mrs. J. McGee.
Harper, R. C., printer, Monitor, boards Millington, corner 8th avenue.
Harrelston, Capt., wheat buyer, boards Winfield House.
Harris, A., Adams Express driver, boards American House.

HARRIS, MRS. A., millinery and notions, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues,
r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Manning and Main.
Harris, C. C., speculator, boards Williams House.
Harris, Geo. P., clerk, Wallis & Wallis.
HARRIS & FRENCH, Sewing machines, etc., Main w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
HARRIS, T. J. (Harris & French), Sewing machines, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Harris, Thos., sewing machine agent, r. 10th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning.
Hart, , laborer, A. G. Wilson.
HARTER & HORNING, Tunnel Mills, half mile south city limits.
Harter, E. (Harter & Horning), r. Main s. w. corner Court House.
Harter, L. C. (Harter & Horning), r. Manning s. w. corner 12th avenue.
HARTER BROS., drugs, books, stationery and news, Main n. e. corner 9th avenue.
Harter, David (Harter Bros.), boards Central House.
Harter, Jos. N. (Harter Bros.), r. Main s. w. corner 5th avenue.
Harter, Charles, Central House.
Harter, David, clerk, Central Hotel.
Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Hartman, B. F., laborer, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Hartman, E. A., student, boards B. M. Terrill.
Hartley, Jno. A., farmer, boards W. T. Hartley.
Hartley, M. L., laborer, boards W. T. Hartley.
Hartley, W. A., hostler, boards W. T. Hartley.
Hartley, W. T., farmer, r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Haycraft, Theresa, waiter, G. W. Rogers & Son, boards same.
Haycraft, C., laborer, boards Mrs. M. Dillsaver [They had Dillsavor].
Hayes, Q. R., boards J. L. Allen.
Hayworth, Jane, servant, W. M. Allison.
Headrick, G. D., clerk, boards 7th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Headrick, Geo., clerk, Lynn & Loose, boards Rogers Restaurant.
Headrick, J., physician, 7th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Heilman, Thos., shoe maker, boards S. Buckhalter.
HENDRICKS & WILSON, hardware stoves and tinware, Main e. s. bet 10th and 11th avs.
Hendricks, A. D. (Hendricks & Wilson), r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Henisley [? Hensley], G., brick moulder, r. Fuller n. e. corner Osage.
Hepler, S. J., meat market, Main, e. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Herneman, [? Horneman] H., teamster, boards G. C. Lilley.
HERRINGTON, O. H., house and sign painter, Main e. s. bet 11th and 10th avenues;
r. Stewart w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Herrington, Miss A. H., r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Walton and Mansfield.
Hess, Aaron, miller, Tunnel mill, boards L. C. Harter.
Hess, Anna A., r. L. C. Harter.
Higgins, M. F. (Pratt & Higgins), r. Court House, s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.

Hill, H. M., well digger, boards Mrs. M. Dillsaver. [They had Dillsavor].
Hill, J. L. M. (Johnston & Hill, boards J. W. Johnston.
Hill, P., teamster, r. Osage n. e. corner Cherry.
Hill, Wm., laborer, boards Geo. Clary.
Himeback, Emma, r. J. L. Horning.
Hines, Jos., laborer, boards Mrs. M. E. Payton.
Hipp, F. O., student, r. with J. W. Hipp. [Next item indicates “Hipps” as being correct.]
Hipps, J. W., laborer, r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Hittle, Miss N. E., student, r. W. K. Hittle.
Hittle, Thos., farmer, 12th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Hittle, W. K., farmer, r. 12th avenue n. w. corner Thompson.
Hocom, D., well digger. [No other information.]
HODGES, W. J., stock dealer, r. Blanden s. w. corner Menor.
Hodges, Chas., student, r. W. J. Hodges.
Hodges, Ella, r. J. A. Cosby.
Hodges, Sarah, teacher, r. W. J. Hodges.
HOENSCHEIDT, JNO., architect and civil engineer, Justice of the Peace, Bahntge building,
r. Lincoln s. e. corner 3rd avenue.
Hoffman, L, bell-ringer, r. Millington s. s. bet Park and Osage.
Holden, J. W. carpenter, r. Menor w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
HOLDEN, W. R., carriage trimmer, 9th avenue s. s. bet Main and Millington.
Holland, Mattie, waiter, Central Hotel, boards same.
HOLMES & SON, meat market and packers, Main s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Holmes, Ira N. (Holmes & Son), r. Main s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Holmes, Chas. F. (Holmes & Son), r. Main s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Holmes, J. M., chief clerk, A T & S F R R, boards Mansfield, s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Holmes, Eugenia, r. Mrs. C. Holmes.
Holmes, Mrs. C., farming, r. Main s. s. south end of Millington.
Holman, H., carpenter, boards Olds House.
Hood, A., carpenter, r Main, w. s. upstairs, bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Hood, Ida, r. A. Hood.
Hood, R., r. A. Hood.
Hook, J. T., laborer, boards J. H. Nichols.
Hooper, M. S. (Wells & Hooper), r. 12th avenue corner Maris.
Hopkins, Emma, servant, N. M. Powers.
Hopkins, J. J., boards Lindell Hotel.
Hopkins, T. J., R R employee, boards B. K. Stallcot [?Stallcop].
HORNING, ROBINSON & CO., hardware, stoves and tinware,
Main e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Horning, J. L. (Harter & Horning; also Horning, Robinson & Co.),
r. Main w. s. bet 12th and Blanden.
Hornor, Miss S. A., servant, W. W. Perkins.
Hough, Eva, student, r. H. A. Hough.

Hough, H. A., carpenter and joiner, Southwestern Machine Shops,
r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.
Houston, Mrs. E. J., with J. E. Platter.
Houston, J. D., clerk, Gilbert & Jarvis.
Howard, D., carpenter, boards Winfield House.
Howard, N. E., r. W. M. Allison.
Howe, Ed., laborer, r. Manning, w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Howe, B., laborer, r. Manning, w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Howe, Mrs. M., r. B. Howe.
Howie, J. E., clerk, Lynn & Loose, boards Lindell Hotel.
Hubbard, G. W., carpenter, boards A. Requa.
Huber, Mrs. E., r. Nick. Schaffhaus.
HUDSON BROS., jewelers, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Hudson, George (Hudson Bros.), r. 9th avenue corner Millington.
Hudson, Wm. (Hudson Bros.), r. Manning Street.
Hudson, Robt., house mover, r. 8th avenue bet Main and Millington.
Hudson, Robt, Jr., student, r. 8th avenue bet Main and Millington.
Hudson, Joseph, student, r. 8th avenue bet Main and Millington.
Hudson, W. H., carriage maker, boards Mrs. Dillingham.
Hughes, A., carpenter, r. Stewart e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Hunt, A., carpenter, r. Stewart e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Hunt, Anna, student, r. with J. S. Hunt.
Hunt, F. C., Deputy County Clerk, r. Loomis s. e. corner 7th avenue.
HUNT, J. S., County Clerk, r. Loomis s. e. corner 7th avenue.
Hunt, Miss S., r. J. Evans.
Hunt, Wm., mason, r. Stewart, w. s. bet 11th and [REST OF LINE NOT PRINTED.]
Hutchinson, Jona, servant, Wm. McRaw.
Hutchinson, Miss E., servant, r. with D. W. Willey.
Hutchinson, Miss L, servant, r. with D. W. Willey.
Hutchinson, Mrs. L, r. with D. W. Willey.
Hyde, Anna, r. A. Hyde.
Hyde, A. H., carpenter, r. Manning, s. e. corner [REST OF LINE NOT PRINTED.]
Hyde, B., teamster, r. . H. Hyde.
Hyde, S. L. carpenter, r. A. H. Hyde.
Hyden, Jno. A., clerk, S. H. Myton, boards Millington e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Hyden, William, clerk, M. Hahn & Co., r. Millington e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Hyden, Rev. J. A., Methodist minister, r. Millington, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Ingham, Samuel, r. Park s. s. bet Thompson and Cherry.
INSURANCE CO., OF NORTH AMERICA, Curns and Manser, agents,
Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.

JACKSON, A. J. (Campbell & Co.), boards Mrs. Olds.
Jackson, W. M., conductor, K C L & S R R, boards Mrs. F. K. Glaze.
Jarvis, S. M. (Gilbert & Jarvis), r. Maple, s. w. corner Manning.
Jenkins, Mrs. S., r. 7th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Jennings & Buckman, lawyers, Main w. s. over Read’s Bank.
Jennings, Frank, lawyer, r. Walton, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Jochems, H., merchant, r. 8th avenue, n. e. corner Andrews.
Johns, O. H., sheep dealer, boards A. M. Myton.
Johnson, Allen, grain buyer, r. 9th avenue n. e. corner Walton.
Johnson, A. P., (McDermott & Johnson), r. 8th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Johnson, B. E., clerk, r. Mansfield n. w. corner 10th avenue.
Johnson, E. W., pile driver, boards Winfield House.
Johnson, Miss E., r. with Rev. J. E. Platter.
Johnson, Ida, r. H. H. J. Johnson.
Johnson, Jennie, r. H. J. Johnson.
Johnson, H. H. J., carpenter, r. 12th avenue n. e. corner Davis.
Johnson, J. M., dray, r. 5th avenue n. s. bet Menor and Mansfield.
Johnson, J. S., teamster, Rhodes & Cooper.
Johnson, L. S., dray, r. 11th avenue n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Johnson, Mrs. S. D., r. I. L. McCommon.
Johnson, O. P., government scout, r. 7th avenue s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Johnson, W., student, r. I. L. McCommon.
Johnson, W. O., carpenter, r. Loomis e. s. bet Blanden and Court House.
JOHNSTON & HILL, furniture, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
JOHNSTON & LOCKWOOD, drugs, stationery, and wall paper,
Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Jones, A., painter, r. 6th avenue s. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Jones, Miss Nannie, servant, Valley House.
Jones, A. J., laborer, r. 6th avenue, n. e. corner Fuller.
Jones, James, apprentice, Courier.
Jones, T. J., painter, Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue; r., 11th avenue corner Thompson.
Jordan, C. W., clerk, Baird Bros., boards Central Hotel.
Jordan, John, loan agent, Main, w. s. over Read’s Bank.
Jillson, R. D., check clerk, A T & S F R R, r. 9th avenue s. e. corner Stewart.
Jillson, W. R., telegraph messenger, r. R. D. Jillson.
Judy, Oscar M., telegraph operator, K L & S R R depot, boards Dr. Munger.
Kadau, August, boot-maker, 9th avenue s. s. bet Main and Millington, boards City Restaurant.
KANSAS CITY, LAWRENCE & SOUTHERN R R, depot, corner 5th avenue and Main;
W. C. Carruthers, agent.
Kapp, J. D., cabinet maker, F. Leuschen, r. Loomis w. s. bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Kearney, P., clerk, boards T. A. Wilkinson.
Keef, C. W., laborer, r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Platter and Maris.

Keefer, Henry C., blacksmith, Mater & Son, r. 9th avenue, n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Kelly, Chas., night clerk, Post Office, boards Lindell Hotel.
Kelly, Jas., r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.
Kelly, J. E., shoemaker Wm. Kelly, boards Millington, w. s. bet 5th and 6th avenue.
Kelly, J. C., engineer, K C L & S., r. Main w. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Kelly, Wm. Boot maker, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington;
r. Millington bet 5th and 6th avenues.
Kellar, P., laborer, boards Chas. Shue.
Kemerling, C., brakeman, A T & S F R R, boards Valley House.
Kennedy, D. M., student, r. Main e. s. bet 10th and 11th.
KENNING BROS., blacksmith, shop Court House n. e. corner Menor.
Kenning, David, machinist, r. Court House n. e. corner Menor.
Kenning, E., veterinary surgeon, r. Court House n. e. corner Menor.
Kenning, J. W. blacksmith, r. Court House n. e. corner Menor.
KENYON, C. C., lumber dealer, r. 9th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
Kenyon, T. J., barber, Douglas, Scott & Wilson.
KERR & ALVERSON, painters, Main, n. w. corner 11th avenue.
Kerr, D. F., painter (Kerr & Alverson), r. 6th avenue, n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Kester, J. B., tinner, Horning, Robinson & Co.
Kieser, H., hostler, boards S. Buckhalter.
Kimerer, J. D., carpenter, r. Mansfield, w. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Kingsbury, Burt, mason, boards E. B. Weitzel.
KINNE, E. P. (Pryor & Kinne), r. Stewart, n. w. corner 11th avenue.
Kinney, J. W., laborer, r. 8th avenue, s. s. bet Mansfield and Walton.
Kinney, Wm., feed stable, r. J. H. Kinney.
Kinney, J. H., feed stable, r. Manning w. s. bet 11th and 12th.
Kinney, Maggie, student, r. J. H. Kinney.
Kirsch, Jacob, baker, G. W. Rogers, r. 10th avenue s. e. corner Stewart.
Klaus, G. H. dray, r. 11th avenue s. e. corner Loomis.
KLINGMAN, S. D., wagon maker, Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue;
r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Menor.
Knapp, J. R., grain dealer, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington, boards Lindell Hotel.
Knight, L., stenographer, boards Baker House.
KRETSINGER, MRS. S. E., millinery and fancy goods, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues;
r. Mansfield w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Kretsinger, D. L., local editor, Telegram, r. Mansfield, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Knowel, Lizzie, Bacon’s Restaurant.
Knowels, P., farmer, r. 11th avenue s. e. corner Lowry.
Labounty, R., root beer, r 5th avenue bet Platter and Maris.
Ladow, J. W. stock dealer, r. Lowry w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Lander, D. S., lawyer, boards H. B. Lander.

Lander, H. B., wheat buyer, r. Mansfield w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Lane, B. H., carpenter, r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Lang, D. P., butcher, Miller & Cox, r. city limits bet Manning and Menor.
Lang, P. D., farming, r. Osage s. s. bet Manning and Menor.
Lang, Willie, student, r. P. D. Lang.
Lang, Ida, student, r. P. D. Lang.
Lang, Minnie, student, r. P. D. Lang.
Lang, Minnie, servant, r. A. T. Spotswood.
Laopohl, Geo., butcher, Miller and Cox, boards City Restaurant.
Lappon, Mrs. M. A., r. Millington, n. w. corner Blanden.
Lappon, Lillie B., r. Mrs. M. A. Lappon.
Lappon, Wm. W., student, r. Mrs. M. A. Lappon.
Larson, W. H. teaming, r. 8th avenue, s. w. corner Mansfield.
Lason, P., farmer, r. Lowry, e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Lathrop, C. W., shoe maker, boards American House.
Latta, Wm. R., carpenter, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Lawrence, H., farmer, r. Millington w. s. bet Park and Osage.
Lawrence, Jennie, r. H. Lawrence.
Lawrence, Louisa, cook, Williams House.
Lawrence, Samuel, r. H. Lawrence.
Lay, John, wagon maker, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Laycock, D., carpenter, r. 10th avenue n. w. corner Cherry.
Laye, J., painter, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Lazzell, Thomas, r. 8th avenue s. s. bet Mansfield and Walton.
Lebow, S., laborer, boards A. Gillett.
LEDLIE, JNO. W., Winfield Restaurant, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues, r., same.
LEE, JNO. A. & Co., lumber dealers, office, Main e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Lee, John A. (John A. Lee & Co.), boards Mrs. A. A. Rankin.
Lee, W. A., implement dealer, 9th avenue, bet Main and Manning,
r., 9th avenue, n. s., bet Platter and Maris.
Lee, Emma, servant, r. J. S. Hunt.
Lee, W. E., stage driver, boards American House.
Leffingwell, W. W., clerk, boards Mrs. M. J. Davis.
Ligg, B. M., blacksmith, r. 9th avenue bet Walton and Mansfield.
Lent, B. C., merchant, r. G. W. Cunningham.
Lent, O. H., merchant, r. G. W. Cunningham.
Leonard, Jos., colored laborer, boards D. E. Douglas.
Lester, Matilda, works Lindell Hote.
LEUSCHEN, FRED, furniture and undertaking, 8th n. s. bet Main and Millington, r. same.
LEVY, ISAAC, clothing and gents furnishing goods, 1st door north of Post Office.
Lewarst [?Hard to read], Ed., farmer, r. 8th avenue s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Lewis, W. N., (Pratt & Dunham)
Lewis, R. E. (Pratt & Dunhm)

Leyerly, Wm., laborer, r. Thompson s. e. corner 11th avenue.
Libby, N. J., mason, r. 11th avenue s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Licks, L., laborer, boards Farmers Restaurant.
LIKOWSKI, JOE, & SON, wines, liquors, and cigars, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues;
r., s. e. corner Millington and 8th avenue.
Likowski, Emma, r. Joe Likowski.
Likowski, Frank, stock, boards Jos. Likowski.
Likowski, Jno. W., confectionery, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues, bes Jos. Likowski.
Likowski, Edward, confectionery dealer, boards Jos. Likowski.
Lilly, G. C., mason and contractor, r. Manning, w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Lindsay, Samuel, boarding, r. 6th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning.
Lipscomb, W. O., painter, s. 10th avenue, s. s. bet Menor and Mansfield.
Lipard, D. ?, laborer, boards Thos. Hittle.
Linscott, F. M., farmer, r. Manning, n. w. corner Court House.
Linticum, Mrs. ? A., r. Millington, s. e. corner 7th avenue.
Lobdell, Jas., hostler, Speed & Moffit, r. 6th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Locker, Millie, servant, Joe Harter.
Loder, J. S., boiler-maker, Southwestern Machine Works, boards American Hotel.
Loomis, E., carpenter, boards American House.
Loomis, Col. H. C., farmer, r. Maple s. e. corner Platter.
Long, D. F., carpenter, r. 7th avenue n. w. corner Fuller.
Long, Miss Maggie, servant, S. H. Myton.
Loose, J. S. (Lynn & Loose), boards Olds House.
Loper, Dora, waiter, Williams House.
Loper, Mollie, waiter, Williams House.
Lord, Ed., teamster, boards A. Requa.
Lorenze, Mrs. S., r. J. D. McGinnis.
Lorton, James, student, boards J. C. McMullen.
Loor, C. E., Second Hand Store, Main, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues;
boards Menor bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
LOVEJOY, C. H. & CO. (C. H. Lovejoy, S. Lovejoy, and G. R. Barricklow), general
merchandise, Main, w. s. bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Lovejoy, C. H. (C. H. Lovejoy & Co.)
Lovejoy, C. J., manager, C. H. Lovejoy & Co., r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Manning and Walnut.
Lovejoy, S. (C. H. Lovejoy & Co.)
Low, Allie, r. L. C. Rice.
Lowry, John, farmer, r. Stewart w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Lundly, Wm. J., mason, r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
LYNN & LOOSE, dry goods, groceries, clothing, hats, caps, etc.,
Main, southwest corner 8th Avenue.
Lynn, J. B., mayor (Lynn & Loose), r. 7th avenue n. w. corner Menor.
McBee, Allie, Mrs. M., Derby, boards near brewery.

McBride, C. A., r. Millington w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
McCabe, Mrs. R. A., farmer, r. 12th avenue s. s. near Cherry.
McCamron, T. J., surveyor, boards Winfield House.
McClellan, Chas., farmer, boards Mrs. A. McClellan.
McClellan, Mrs. A., r. Millington e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
McClellan, Wm. J., clerk, boards Mrs. A. McClellan.
McCommon, I. L., r. Menor e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
McCommon, Miss S. J., r. with Rev. J. E. Platter.
McConnel, Ira, painter.
McCormick, T., carpenter, boards American House.
McCray, M. M., farmer, r. 10th avenue s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
McCray, Miss E. J., r. M. M. McCray.
McCray, S. W., farmer, r. M. M. McCray.
McCrea, E., boards American House.
McDERMOTT, JAMES, lawyer, 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington,
r. 12th avenue n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
McDonald, Geo., clerk, boards Mary McDonald.
McDONALD, J. WADE (Hackney & McDonald), r. Manning, s. w. corner 6th avenue.
McDonald, Jno., hostler, Vance & Davis, r. 9th avenue bet Loomis and Fuller.
McDonald & Co., Restaurant, 9th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Millington.
McDonald, Mike, shoe-maker, A. Bisbee, boards Mary McDonald.
McDonald, Mrs. M., r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
McDonald, W. C., restaurant (McDonald & Co.),
r. 9th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
McEntyre, Peter, K L S R R, boards Valley House.
McFadden, B., farmer, r. 12th avenue s. s. near Cherry.
McGee, Hattie, r. Mrs. McGee.
McGee, Mattie, r. Mrs. M. J. McGee.
McGee, Mrs. M. J., r. Menor e. s. bet 12th and Blanden.
McGinnis, J. D., carpenter, r. Manning e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
McGreggor, E. A., carpenter, r. Maple n. e. corner Menor.
McGreggor, Ella, r. E. A. McGreggor.
McGreggor, Sadie, r. E. A. McGreggor.
McGuire, Nancy, r. T. A. Wilkinson.
McGUIRE, T. M., groceries and provisions, Main w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues,
r. Manning e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
McInturff, A., photographer, r. 8th avenue s. w. bet Millington and Loomis.
McInturff, E., student, boards A. McInturff.
McKnight, R. B., A. T. Spotswood & Co., r. n. e. corner Millington and 12th avenue.
McLean, Minnie L., student, boards Mrs. J. S. Conklin.
McMasters, Lucius, painter, C. D. Austin, r. Manning n. w. corner and 8th avenue.
McMillen, Rachel A., cook, American House.
McMullen, Mrs. E., r. with J. C. McMullen.

McMullen, J. C., President, Winfield Bank; r. 9th avenue, n. w. corner Walton.
McNeil, J. B., conductor, A T & S F R R, boards Valley House.
McNiel, Lena, r. with Mrs. M. E. McNiel.
McNiel, Mrs. M. E., boarding, r. 8th avenue n. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
McQueen, Mack, laborer, boards A. Pinard.
McQuillen, Carrie, Mrs. M. Dorley, boards same.
McRaw, Wm. D., carpenter, r. Millington, w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Magill, J. B., moulder, South Western Machine Works.
Major, Sydney S., late Central Hotel.
Manning, Col. E. C., real estate, r. Walton, s. w. corner 8th avenue.
Manny, F., brewery, r. 3rd avenue, n. s. bet Lincoln and Maris.
Mandret, W., butcher, Holmes & Son, boards Baker House.
MANN, J. S., clothing, boots, shoes, furnishing goods, hats, caps, and gloves;
Main, e. s. best 8th and 9th avenues; r. Mansfield bet Blanden and Court House.
Manser, G. S. (Curns & Manser), r. Blanden, s. w. cor Millington Street.
Mansfield, Chico, clerk, W. A. Lee, boards same.
Mansfield, Harold, clerk, Quincy A. Glass, Manning, s. w. corner 12th avenue,
will move to Menor, corner 8th avenue.
MANSFIELD, MISS JOSEPHINE E., millinery and notions, Main w. s. bet 9th and 10th
avenues; r. 9th bet Manning and Menor.
Mansfield, R. I., clerk, boards Manning s. w. corner 12th avenue.
Maple, D. A., blacksmith, r. Blanden s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.
Marcher, T. S., fanning mill agent, boards J. M. Stafford.
MARIS, W. H. H., manager, W. T. Ekels, r. 5th avenue n. e. corner Maris.
Marks, Chas., servant, Dr. G. Emerson.
Martin, G., laborer, r. Main w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Martin, G. C., $1.00 store, notions, etc., Main e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues;
boards S. D. Pryor.
MARTIN, GEO. W., boot maker, Main w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues,
r. Manning s. w. corner 10th avenue.
Martin, H. E., bookkeeper, boards Mrs. M. J. McGee.
Martin, J. G., harness maker, boards Elder House.
Martin, J. T., bartender, J. Fahey, r. Millington, w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Martin, P. S., teacher, boards Winfield House.
Mase, B., teamster, boards A. Requa.
Mastes, A. A. grain buyer, boards Farmers Restaurant.
MATER & SON, blacksmiths, Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue.
Mater, Daniel (Mater & Son), r. 11th avenue 1 e [?] Main.
Mater, J. S., Mater & Son, r. 9th avenue, n. s. bet Walton and Mansfield.
Mans, C. W. mason, r. Stewart, w. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Mayer, A., brewer, boards F. Manny.
Maus, J. A., mason, r. Menor e. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Meach, Miss Caro, teacher, boards Mrs. A. A. Rankin.

MENDENHALL, W. S., physician and surgeon, 9th avenue bet Main and Millington;
r. Millington w. s. 9th avenue.
Meredith, Chas., carpenter. [No further information.]
Merrill, F. P., wines, liquors, and cigars, 9th avenue s. s. bet Main and Millington.
Millhouse, Jno., student, r. N. C. Millhouse.
Millhouse, N. C., farmer, r. Manning w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
MILLINGTON, D. A., editor and proprietor Courier, r. Andrew n. w. corner 10th avenue.
Millington, Miss Kate, money order clerk, Post Office, r. 10th avenue n. w. cor Andrews.
Millington, Miss Jessie, money order clerk, Post Office, r. 10th avenue n. w. cor Andrews.
Millington, I. L., Assistant Postmaster, r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Minier, Miss Cora, boards T. G. Ticer.
Minor, Maria, servant, W. M. Allison.
Mitchell, John, traveler, Brotherton & Silver.
Mitchell, J. E., buyer, Hodge & Co.
Miller, Arthur, bartender, boards J. S. Allen.
Miller, Miss A., r. with Mrs. M. Miller.
Miller, D. D., blacksmith, shop and r. Main, e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Miller, Miss E. A., student, r. D. D. Miller.
MILLER & COX, meat market and packers, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Miller, Geo. M. (Miller & Cox), r. Main e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Miller, H. A., cabinet maker, r. 4th avenue n. s. bet Platter and Lincoln.
Miller, I., r. with Mrs. M. Miller.
Miller, J. F., street commissioner, r. 3rd avenue n. s. bet Platter and Lincoln.
Miller, Mrs. M., r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Platter and Maris.
Miller, Miss M., r. with Mrs. M. Miller.
Miller, W. W., clerk, R. M. Snyder, r. with R. M. Snyder.
Moffitt, Jno. (Speed and Moffitt), livery, r. Menor e. s. bet 11th and 12th avenues.
Moore, Frank, civil engineer, S K & W R R, rooms 9th avenue bet Main and Manning.
Moore, J. A., farmer, r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Walton and Lowry.
Moore, John, assistant bartender, G. W. Rogers, boards same.
Moore, L. F., farmer, r. 9th avenue s. s. bet Walton and Lowry.
Moore, Wm., farmer, r. 8th avenue, n. e. corner Lowry.
Moose, Ed., hay presser, r. J. C. Moose.
Moose, J. C., teamster, r. Manning, n. w. corner Walnut.
Monk, Mrs. I. E., servant, J. C. Carnine.
Monk, Mrs. I., laundry. r. Main, e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Monroe, R. W., laborer, boards S. Edwards.
Morehouse, W. L., merchant, r. Menor, n. w. corner 12th avenue.
Morris, Carrie, teacher, boards J. W. Morris.
Morris, McDonald, tinner, boards T. W. Morris.
Morris, T. W., r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Loomis.
Motherell, Laura, student, r. Mrs. E. Wooley.
Mounse, S., laborer, r. with J. W. Hipp [?Hipps].

Mullen [Shows Mullin.], W. L., stock dealer, r. 10th avenue, n. s. bet Menor and Manning.
Mulvey, T., mason, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Mumford, Jas., laborer, r. 11th avenue n. s. bet Main and Manning.
Mundy, Wm. M., miller, Tunnel Mills, boards C. H. Cleaves.
Munger, Minnie, r. Dr. M. E. Munger.
Munger, M. E., physician, office and r., Manning, n. e. corner 6th avenue.
Munger, Mrs. M. E., boarding, r. Manning, n. e. corner 6th avenue.
Munger, Nellie A., bookkeeper, Telegram office, r. Manning, n. e. corner 6th avenue.
Murphy, Ida, servant, J. P. Baden.
Murphy, Katie, servant, C. Furgeson.
Myers, C., clerk, boards G. A. Scovill.
Myers, T. B., real estate agent, r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
MYERS, T. C., groceries, 9th avenue, s. s. bet Main and Millington;
r. 11th avenue, s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., stoves and tinware, hardware, and agricultural implements,
Main, w. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues; r. 8th avenue and n. w. corner Mansfield.
Myton, A. M., clerk, S. H. Myton, r. 8th avenue n. e. corner Stewart.
Myton, Miss Lizzie, r. A. M. Myton.
Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Naw, Geo., Sr., laborer, r. Main, e. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Naw, Geo. Jr., student, boards Geo. Naw, Sr.
Naw, Lizzie, servant, boards Geo. Naw.
Neutzenholzer, J., clerk, G. W. Rogers & Son; r. same.
Nevin, Jno. Laborer, r. Main, e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Nevin, L., teamster, boards Jno. Nevin.
Newell, N. E., truckman, A T & S F R R, r. 9th avenue n. w. corner Maris.
Newman, Jennie, tailoress, Timme the tailor, boards Millington cor 11th avenue.
Newman, Luttie, student, r. Mrs. H. Newman.
Newman, Mrs. H., r. Blanden, n. e. corner Menor.
NEWTON Wm., saddlery and harness, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenue;
r. Manning, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
NIAGRIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., Samuel C. Smith, agent,
Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
NICHOLS, J. H., stone cutter, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Platter and Bliss.
Nicholas, John, blacksmith, Max Shoeb, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Nicholson, , hog dealer, boards E. B. Nicholson.
Nicholson, E. B., deputy city marshall, r. Stewart, w. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Nixon, E. H., deputy county register, r. Loomis, n. w. corner 8th avenue.
NIXON, JACOB, County Register, r. Loomis, n. w. corner 8th avenue.
Nobly, D., section hand, A T & S F R R, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Nommsen [Show Nommesen], F. C., barber, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues;

boards 9th avenue, s. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Norris, Mrs. E., r. 9th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
O’Brian, J., laborer, boards Farmers Restaurant.
O’Connor, James M., stone cutter, Dawson & Sons, r. 9th avenue, four blocks e. Main.
O’Connor, M., boards J. H. Pearce.
Oldham, Jno., dairy, r. Main e. s. south end of Millington.
Oldham, M. A., miller, r. Lowry w. s.
OLDS, J. H., Eighth Avenue Hotel, 8th avenue, s. w. corner Fuller.
Olive, Geo., teamster, r. Davis, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Olive, Mrs. Geo., carpet weaver, r. Davis, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Oliver, Mrs. C. G., r. Loomis, n. e. corner Walnut.
Oller, L., laborer, r. Millington, w. s. bet Park and Osage.
Olmsted, A., photographer, r. 9th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
O’Neil, W. M., r. J. O’Neil.
O’Neil, J., carpenter, r. Maris, s. e. corner 10th avenue.
O’Neil, R. A., clerk, M. Fleming, boards J. O’Neil.
Orcutt, Frank, brick-maker, r. Walton, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
Orcutt, Wm., farmer, boards Frank Orcutt.
Ostergren, G. A., artist, D. Rodocker, r. same.
Ott, M. W. (Simmons & Ott), r. 7th avenue, Loomis and Fuller.
Ozbun, B. H., drayman, r. 6th avenue, s. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Paden, J. D., laborer, r. Wm. Paden.
Paden, Wm., freighter, r. Menor, e. s. bet Court House and Maple.
Page, Henry, omnibus driver, boards American House.
Parker, Anna, cook, G. W. Rogers & Son.
Parker, Mrs. S. E., r. 10th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Paris, H. F., drayman, r. 6th avenue n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Parks, L., carpenter, boards American House.
PARMER & DREW, lumber dealers, office, 9th avenue s. w. corner Fuller.
Parmer, D. (Parmer & Drew), r. Andrews, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
Patchin, Miss M., servant, Chas. Shue.
Patchin, Rose, servant, J. Freeman.
Patent, Jno., laborer, boards Elder House.
Patten, J. Ineze [?Inez], r. Menor, s. e. corner 7th avenue.
Patten, J. E., blacksmith, r. Menor, s. e. corner 7th avenue.
Patton, John, blacksmith, Southwestern Machine Works, r. 7th avenue, s. e. corner Menor.
Patterson, J. A., farmer, r. Main, n. s. north of 5th avenue.
Payson, Chas., lawyer.
Payton, Mrs. M. E., r. 5th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Manning.

Pearce, J. H., mason, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Bliss and Platter.
Peck, W. H., well digger, r. 5th avenue, n. w. corner Davis.
Pemitt, Annie, servant, B. F. Baldwin.
Pence, Lafe, lawyer, Winfield Bank building, room same.
Perigo, E., painter, T. J. Jones, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Andrews and Bliss.
Pering, S. I., merchant, r. 11th avenue, n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
PERKINS, W. W., lawyer, Page building, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues;
r., Menor, s. w. corner 8th avenue.
Perkins, Fannie, servant, J. W. McDonald.
Perry, H., well digger, r. Manning, e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Perry, N. W., cabinet maker, shop, 8th avenue bet Main and Manning;
r. Millington, w. s. bet Park and Osage.
Perry, Lizzie, servant, E. S. Bliss.
Peters, Jas., laundry, r. 10th avenue, n. e. corner Platter.
Peters, T., laundry, r. 10th avenue, n. e. corner Platter.
Phelps, J. C., clerk, Giles Bros., boards Millington, e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Pinard, A., carpenter, r. 1th avenue n. s. bet Maris and Dais.
Pinard, Jennie, student, r. A. Pinard.
Pinkerton, Miss Mars, servant, J. L. Allen.
Pinkham, Mrs. W. A., r. 9th avenue, s. w. corner Manning.
PLATTER, REV. JAS. E., r. Fuller, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Plank, J. J., Gun Smith, 9th avenue bet Main and Millington;
r. Court House, s. s. bet Davis and Thompson.
Pooley, Miss S., r. Wm. Trezise.
Popp, G. A., merchant, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Andrews and Bliss.
Popp, John E., student, r. with G. A. Popp.
Porter, J. D., printer, Telegram, r. Loomis corner Maple.
Potter, A. M., boards American House.
Powell, Jno, harness maker, boards American House.
Powers, A. F., mail clerk, r. with N. M. Powers.
Powers, Miss N. M., student, r. with N. M. Powers.
Powers, N. M., farmer, r. Millington, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
PRATT & DUNHAM, second hand store, 8th avenue, s. s. bet Main and Manning.
Pratt, E. Q. (Pratt & Dunham). [No further information.]
Pratt, J. W., hostler, Vance & Davis, boards Thompson’s Restaurant.
PRATT & HIGGINS, second hand store, 9th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Millington.
Pratt, Edward (Pratt & Higgins), boards S. Frazier.
Pratt, Mrs. Mary, r. 10th avenue s. s. bet Mansfield and Stewart.
Pratt, R. B., speculator, r. Menor, s. w. corner Maple.
Price, W. H., chief clerk, K C L & S R R.
PRYOR & KINNE, real estate, insurance, and loan agents, Winfield Bank Building.
PRYOR & PRYOR, lawyers, Winfield Bank Building.
Pryor, S. D. (Pryor & Pryor, and Pryor & Kinne), r. Manning corner Blanden.

Pryor, Jno. D. (Pryor & Pryor, and Pryor & Kinne), r. Loomis, corner Court House.
PYBURN & BRUSH, (A. J. Pyburn & B. L. Brush), lawyers,
Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue, Bahntge building.
Pyburn, A. J. (Pyburn & Brush), r. Loomis, n. w. corner Park.
Pyburn, Alice, student, r. A. J. Pyburn.
Pyburn, Lusetta, student, r. A. J. Pyburn.
Quarles, J. T., constable, r. Court House, s. s. bet Menor and Mansfield.
Ramsay, T. [No more information.]
Randall, Mrs. R., r. 8th avenue, n. w. corner Fuller.
Randall, Mary, boards Mrs. R. Randall.
Randall, Jno. W., printer, boards Mrs. R. Randall.
Rankin, A. A., merchant, r. 12th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Rankin, Mrs. A. A., boarding, r. 12th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Rankin, Geo., clerk, H. Goldsmith, r. 12th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Rankin, Mary L., r. Mrs. A. A. Rankin.
Rankin, Wm. A., r. Mrs. A. A. Rankin.
Raymond, G. E., sheep dealer, r. Blanden, s. e. corner Main.
READ’S M. L. BANK, M. L. Robinson, Cashier; W. C. Robinson, Assistant Cashier;
Main, 2nd door south 9th avenue.
READ, M. L., proprietor, M. L. Read’s Bank, r. 8th avenue, s. e. corner Menor.
Reading, E. A., farmer, boards F. M. Brown.
Reaves, Wm., laborer, Winfield House.
Record, A., carpenter, r. Loomis, s. w. corner 7th avenue.
Record, O. S., baker, E. Dever.
Reed, Mrs. E. B., r. Loomis, s. w. corner 7th avenue.
Reed, J. M., painter, r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Requier, E., bridge builder, boards American House.
REQUA, AL., proprietor, Blue Line Transfer Co., office, S. H. Myton,
r. 6th avenue, s. e. corner Millington.
Reser, A. L., farmer, r. 3rd avenue, s. w. corner Lincoln.
Reser, P., farmer, r. 3rd avenue, s. w. corner Lincoln.
Rex, A. J., harness maker, Wm. Newton, r. 10th avenue corner Manning.
Reynold, Earnest, well driller, boards 9th avenue, s. s. bet Walton and Lowry.
Reynolds, H. A., well driller, boards 8th avenue, s. s. bet Walton and Lowry.
Rhodes, Geo. A. (Rhodes & Cooper), r. 9th avenue n. s. bet Main and Millington.
RHODES & COOPER, wood, coal, lime, cement, hair, etc.,
Main, w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Rhonimus, Mrs. Ann, r. with Mrs. M. E. McNeil.
Rice, L. C., mason, r. Menor, e. s. bet Park and Osage.
Richman, C. W., stone cutter, r. Cherry, e. s. bet Park and Osage.
Richardson, Mollie, servant, C. C. Stevens.

Rider, Frank, tailor, T. R. Timme, boards 10th avenue, s. w. corner Menor.
Rider, Lucy, waiter, City Restaurant.
Rider, Sadie, cook, City Restaurant.
Ridner, John, carpenter, r. Menor, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Rielh, Mrs. A. E., r. Millington, n. w. corner Park.
Rigby, N. L. Baptist minister, r. Millington, w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues;
will move to 10th avenue, s. w. corner Andrews.
Ring, Jno., baker, E. Dever.
Rinker, G. L. (Bailey & Rinker), r. Main w. s., north of 5th avenue.
Rinker, I. C., clerk, boards G. L. Rinker.
Robbins, H. L., laundry, r. 11th avenue, s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Robbins, Jno. H., gunsmith, r. 11th avenue, s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Roberts, Clarence, clerk, D. F. Best, boards same.
Roberts, Jno., farmer, r. W. D. Roberts.
Roberts, S. H., clerk, Pryor & Kinne, boards Loomis, corner Court House.
Roberts, W. D., farmer, r. Osage, s. s. bet Davis and Thompson.
Robertson, Q., printer, Monitor, 1 door south Millington, w. s. 2 doors north 8th avenue.
ROBINSON, M. L., cashier, M. L. Read’s Bank, r. Menor, bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Robinson, W. C., assistant cashier, M. L. Read’s Bank, r. Menor, s. e. corner Blanden.
Robinson, G. W., collection clerk, M. L. Read’s Bank, r. Menor, s. e. corner Blanden.
Robinson, I. A. (Horning, Robinson & Co.), r. Menor, s. e. corner Blanden.
Robinson, Mrs. S. A., r. W. C. Robinson.
Robinson, Miss E., r. W. C. Robinson.
Robinson, C. H., loan agent, Main, 1 door south Read’s Bank,
r. Menor, w. s. bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Robinson, C. M., lumber dealer, office, Main s. e. cor 11th avenue; boards Williams House.
Robinson, Joseph, shoe maker, August Kadau, boards Millington bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Robinson, Q., printer, boards Mrs. J. L. Conklin.
RODOCKER, D., photographer, Main w. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues; r. same.
Roembach, G. E., clerk, Bliss & Co., boards E. H. Bliss.
ROGERS, MOTT C., wholesale wines, liquors, and cigars, billiard room, Main, cor 8th ave.
ROGERS, MRS. G. W., bakery and restaurant, Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
ROGERS, G. W. (G. W. Rogers & Son), r. Main, e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues.
Rogers, Miss C., servant, A. E. Baird.
ROLAND, W. T. & SON, hardware, stoves, and tinware, Main,
e. s. bet 8th and 9th avenues, Page building.
Roland, W. T. (W. T. Roland & Son), r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Manning.
Roland, E. H. (W. T. Roland & Son), r. 8th avenue, n. s. bet Main and Manning.
Roland, May, r. W. T. Roland.
Romine, Ada, student, r. S. F. Romine.
Romine, Cora, student, r. S. F. Romine.
Romine, Jas., student, r. S. F. Romine.
Romine, S. F., farmer, r. 5th avenue, bet Andrews and Bliss.

Rood, G. H., clerk, K C L & S R R, boards J. F. Silver.
Rood, H. C., carpenter, W. O. Johnson, boards Walter’s Restaurant.
ROOT, W. C. & CO., [missing type] shoes, Main, w. s. be [missing type].
Root, Samuel H., Jr., (W. C. Root & Co.), r. St. Louis, Missouri.
Root, W. C. (W. C. Root & Co.), r. Millington, s. w. corner 6th avenue.
ROSE, D. S., hardware, stoves, tinware, and agricultural implements,
Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues; boards Mrs. Woodruff.
Rose, L., dray, r. 11th avenue, n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Rose, Martin, tinner, Horning, Robinson & Co.
Ross, Spencer H., clerk, H. Myton, r. 10th avenue, n. s. bet Menor and Mansfield.
Ross, W., foreman, construction telegraph, K C L & S W, boards Valley House.
Rounds, Rose, r. with G. T. Giles.
Rouzee, Miss Jennie, clerk, Probate Judge, r. Beaver township.
Rowland, H., laborer, r. 6th avenue, s. e. corner Millington.
Rowland, G. B., mason, r. 7th avenue, s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Rowland, Miss A. E., student, r. with G. B. Rowland.
Rowland, F. V., clerk, Lynn & Loose, boards G. B. Rowland.
Rowland, J. C., teacher, boards G. B. Rowland.
Rowland, L. D., boards G. B. Rowland.
Ruesz, M., tinner, r. Loomis, s. e. corner 12th avenue.
Runton, Mrs. S., r. Court House, n. s. bet Menor and Mansfield.
Runton, Alma, student, r. Mrs. S. Runton.
Runton, E., r. Mrs. S. Runton.
Rushing, R. G., loan agent, r. Millington, s. w. corner Walnut.
Russell, A., bus driver, boards American House.
Russell, T., laborer, boards American House.
Russell, Mrs. L., r. J. Mumford.
Rust, Mrs. M., r. Manning, e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Rutherford, Mrs. B. W., r. 10th avenue, n. s. bet Platter and Maris.
Rutherford, Belle, r. with Mrs. B. W. Rutherford.
Rutherford, Dora, r. with Mrs. B. W. Rutherford.
Rutherford, P., clerk, Brotherton & Silver, boards Mrs. B. W. Rutherford.
Rutherford, Wm., farmer, boards Mrs. B. W. Rutherford.
SADLER, B., & CO., clothing, dry goods, furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots and shoes,
trunks and valises; Main, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Sager, Joe, laborer, boards Winfield House.
Saint, J. E., miller, r. 11th avenue, s. w. corner Andrews.
Sample, James, clerk, M. West, boards same.
Samson, C. C., clerk, E. Dever, boards same.
Sanders, J. M., farmer, r. 11th avenue, s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Sanders, M. M., physician, r. 11th avenue, s. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Sanderson, G. W., teamster, r. 12th avenue, n. s. bet Maris and Davis.

Sanford, Ella, waiter, Williams House.
Sayles, E. C., teamster, r. Main, e. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues.
Schaffhaus, Nick, wagon maker, Max Shoeb, r. Manning, w. s. bet 5th and 6th avenues.
Schaffhaus, Lizzie, student, r. Nick Schaffhaus.
Schamerhorn, H., teamster, r. 12th avenue, n. s. bet Maris and Davis.
Schieffer, H., laborer, r. 3rd avenue, s. s. bet Lincoln and Maris.
Schofield, Frank, rod man, S K & W R R.
Schumann, H., laborer, r. Park, n. e. corner Millington.
Schumann, Miss Angie, r. H. Schumann.
Schumann, Minnie, r. H. Schumann.
Schumann, Miss Pelinia, r. H. Schumann.
Schumann, , carpenter, r. H. Schumann.
SCOVILL & CO., clothing and gents furnishing goods, Main, w. s. bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Scovill, G. A. (Scovill & Co.), r. 11th avenue, n. w. cxorner Maris.
Scovill, Grace, student, r. G. A. Scovill.
Scott, G. W., clerk, J. S. Mann, r. Loomis, w. s. bet 7th and 8th avenues.
Scott, Douglas & Wilson, barbers, Main, w. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues.
Scott, L. C. (colored), barber, (Scott, Douglas & Wilson), boards D. E. Douglas.
Seabridge, Eli, cabinet maker, Johnston & Hill, r. Loomis addition.
Seabridge, L., cabinet maker, r. Loomis, e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden
Seabridge, Maggie, r. L. Seabridge.
Sears, W. R., mason, r. 6th avenue n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Seehorn, George B., laborer, Winfield Boarding House.
Seehorn, Miss M. H., r. Winfield House.
SEEHORN, S. W., Winfield House, Manning, s. w. corner 7th avenue.
Seiber, A., printer, Monitor.
Seifert, E., clerk, J. P. Baden, r. n. e. of City limits.
Seward, E. C., r. Winfield.
Seward, O. M., City Attorney, Main, n. e. corner 9th avenue;
r. Main, w. s. 3rd door 8th avenue upstairs.
Shaffer, Wm., carpenter, boards Mrs. M. J. McGee.
Shannon, James, check clerk, K C L & S R R.
Shaughnessy, John, laborer, boards W. J. Hodges.
Shay, J., section hand, A T & S F R R, boards Farmers Restaurant.
SHEEL, DANIEL, undertaker and furniture dealer, Main, w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues;
r. Court House, s. s. bet Main and Menor.
SHENNEMAN, A. T., Sheriff, office Jail, r. Stewart, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
Shepherd, Wm. R., teamster, r. 6th avenue, n. s. bet Fuller and Andrews.
Sherman, Jno., tinner, W. T. Roland & Son, boards 9th av., n. s. bet Millington and Loomis.
Shields, Anna, servant, E. S. Bedilion.
Shields, Banner, clerk, Lynn & Loose.
Shields, Floretta, r. Mrs. J. A. Shields.
Shields, Mrs. J. A., r. Lowry, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.

SHOEB, MAX, blacksmith and wagon maker, 9th avenue s. s. bet Main and Manning;
r. 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Millington.
SHORT, J. P., City Clerk, Page building, r. Manning, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
Short, Mrs. M., r. J. P. Short.
Shotwell, W. L., farmer, r. 8th avenue, s. s. bet Loomis and Fuller.
Sheves, [?Shreves], J. G., clerk, M. West, r. Osage, n. w. corner Cherry.
Shue, Chas., plasterer, r. Court House, n. e. corner Mansfield.
Shue, C., laborer, r. Court House, s. s. between Mansfield and Menor.
Shultz, T., stage driver, boards American House.
Shultz, Ida, servant, Mrs. M. J. Fraser.
Sickles, J. W., miller, r. Lowry w. s.
Sieber, Mrs. C. E., r. south Main street.
Siefert, E., clerk, r. 3rd avenue, s. s. between Platter and Lincoln.
Silver, A. C., student, r. with J. F. Silver.
Silver, D. L., farmer, r. Loomis, e. s. bet Maple and Walnut.
Silver, H. S. (Brotherton & Silver), r. Millington, s. e. corner 12th avenue.
Silver, J. F., mason, r. 11th avenue, s. s. between Millington and Loomis.
SIMMONS & OTT, meat market, Main w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
Simmons, G. (Simmons & Ott), r. 6th avenue, between Loomis and Fuller.
Simmons, Hattie, r. with G. Simmons.
Simmons, J. M., butcher.
Simmons, Joe, butcher, Simmons & Ott.
SIMPSON, JAMES, contractor and builder, r. 10th avenue, n. e. corner Menor.
SIMPSON & FOWLER, grain elevator, Lowry, s. w. corner 12th avenue.
Simpson, L., laborer, boards Samuel Chiles.
Singer, Jos., mason, r. Blanden, e. s. between Mansfield and Stewart.
Sipe, Ph., grain dealer, r. 5th avenue, n. e. corner Menor.
Sipes, J. B., carpenter, boards American House.
Sigemore, Miss L., servant, W. C. Robinson.
Slagle, Miss E., servant, W. J. Cochran.
Slegar, S. L., mason, r. Manning, w. s. between Blanden and Court House.
Smiley, J. W., carpenter, r. Mansfield, e. s. between Walnut and Park.
Smith, A., hired man.
Smith, A., laborer, r. Loomis, e. s. between Park and Osage.
SMITH, A. W. (Smith Bros.), dentist, 9th avenue, n. s. back of Post Office; r. J. T. Dempsey.
SMITH BROS., boots and shoes, Main, w. s. 3rd door north of Post Office.
SMITH BROS., dentists, 9th avenue, rear of Post Office, over Flag Drug Store.
Smith, B. R., farmer, boards W. H. Funk.
Smith, Dan, hostler, Terrill & Ferguson, boards McDonald & Co.
Smith, F., section hand, A T & S F R R, boards Farmers Restaurant.
Smith, Jas., laborer, boards 9th avenue s. s., bet Walton and Loomis.
Smith, J. O., Feed Stable, 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington;
r. Manning, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.

Smith, J. W. cooper, r. Fuller e. s. between Park and Osage.
Smith [?], laborer, r. Main, s. w. corner Walnut.
Smith, S. E. (Smith Bros.)
SMITH, SAMUEL C., loan and insurance agent, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues;
r. same, upstairs.
Smith, Wm., clerk, M. West, boards Bacon’s Restaurant.
Smith, W. A., clerk, W. T. Ekel, boards Williams House.
Smith, W. H. (Smith Bros.)
Smouse, W., carpenter, boards American House.
Snow, A. B., farmer, r. 5th avenue, s. s. between Maris and Davis.
Snow, J. E. Lawyer, r. A. B. Snow.
Snow, J. E., waiter, Lindell Hotel.
SNYDER, R. M., wholesale and retail grocer, Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues;
r. 12th avenue, n. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Snyder, G. P., clerk, R. M. Snyder, r. with R. M. Snyder.
Snyder, N. T., clerk, Henry Goldsmith, r. Park, s. s. between Thompson and Cherry.
Snyder, Mrs. N. T., clerk, Curns & Manser, r. Howland’s addition.
Soames, Alice, r. N. A. Haight.
Soloman, S. D., farmer, r. 9th avenue, n. e. corner Platter; expect to move to the country.
Sonnemann, H., tailor, G. W. Hunt, boards Beakes House.
Southard, D. W., clerk, Baird Bros., r. Balnden, n. s. between Main and Millington.
Spach, L. W., mason, r. 6th avenue, s. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Sparkman, J. T., teamster, r. 3rd avenue, n. s. between Lincoln and Maris.
SPEED & MOFFITT, livery, feed, and sale stable, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Speed, A. D. (Speed & Moffitt), Main, s. w. corner 6th avenue.
Spencer, R., laborer, r. Reed [?], between 12th avenue and Blanden.
Spencer, J. M., washing machine agent.
Spencer, Lucretia, chambermaid, Lindell Hotel.
SPOTSWOOD, A. T. & CO., wholesale and retail grocear, Main, n. w. corner 10th avenue.
Spotswood, A. T. (A. T. Spotswood & Co.), r. Mansfield s. w. corner 11th avenue.
Main e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Stafford, Grant, teacher, r. J. M. Stafford.
Stafford, J. M., farmer, r. 12th avenue, n. e. corner Manning.
Stallcop, B. K., farmer, r. 7th avenue, n. s. between Main.
Stansbury, Addie, student, r. Jos. Stansbury.
Stansbury, Jos., teamster, r. 12th avenue, n. s. between Thompson and Cherry.
Stansbury, Maggie, teacher, r. Jos. Stansbury.
STAUFFENBERG, J. H., merchant tailor, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues;
r. 6th avenue, between Millington and Loomis.
Steele, T. J., head baker, E. Dever, boards American House.
STEVENS, C. C., city marshal, r. Menor, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
Stevens, D. W., r. Manning, w. s. south end.

Stevens, L., loan agent, r. Millington, n. e. corner 7th avenue.
Stewart, A., mason, r. Main, w. s. between Blanden and Court House.
Stewart, J. O., deputy constable, r. Menor, between Maple and Walnut.
Stewart, Lora, student, boards John Lowry.
Stewart, Mary R., boards John Lowry.
Stirgeler, U., laborer, boards R. Ehret.
Stiles, C. F., agent, Adams Express Co., boards Baker House.
Stivers, George, clerk, County Register, r. 7th avenue, s. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Stodard, Miss A., student, r. M. Stodard.
Stodard, Miss G., student, r. M. Stodard.
Stodard, M., carpenter, r. 3rd avenue, n. s. between Lincoln and Platter.
Stopher, T., harness maker, r. Millington, w. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
STORY, R. C., superintendent, county schools, r. Andrews, s. e. corner, 11th avenue.
Stout, R. R., blacksmith, shop, 8th avenue, n. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Stout, M., blacksmith, boards R. R. Stout.
Stout, R. R., blacksmith, r. 7th avenue, n. e. corner Loomis.
Streeter, Fred, K L & S R R, boards Valley House.
Strickland, Wm., servant, Judge C. Coldwell.
Stewart, J. O., clerk, r. Menor, n. w. corner Maple.
Stewart, Mrs. J., r. J. O. Stewart.
Stubblefield, W. H., new, r. 12th avenue, s. s. near Cherry.
Stubblefield, H. W., farmer, r. 12th avenue, n. e. corner Maris.
Stubblefield, Thos., student, boards H. W. Stubblefield.
Stump, Alice, milliner, Mrs. E. F. Stump.
Stump, Mrs. E. F., millinery and notions, Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues, r. same.
Stump, Phillip, miller, r. Main, e. s., between 10th and 11th avenues.
STEUVEN, CHAS. E. (Nommsen & Steuven).
Styvesandt, V., landscape gardener, P. O. Box 639, office, Menor, w. s. bet 11th and 12th avs.
Sullivan, Mrs. L. D., r. J. H. Willard.
Summers, Miss D., servant, Thomas Bryan.
Summers, Mary, servant, Dr. W. R. Davis.
Supernaw, Jos., omnibus agent, Terrill & Ferguson.
SWAIN & WATKINS, architects and builders, Manning, corner 8th avenue.
Swain, John (Swain & Watkins), r. Menor, s. e. corner 11th avenue.
SYDAL, F. J., sadlery and harness, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues;
r., 9th avenue, s. s. between Manning and Menor.
Sykes, A. B., foreman, Courier, r. Menor, s. w. corner 8th avenue.
Tallman, Chas., grain dealer, boards Williams House.
Taliaferra, J., clerk, T. M. McGuire, boards Williams House.
Tamblin, Mrs. H., r. Millington, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
Tansey, Theo., boards W. E. Tansey.
Tansey, W. E., carpenter, r. 7th avenue, s. s. between Fuller and Andrews.

Taylor, J. W., farmer, boards Baker House.
Taylor, W. B., carpenter, boards G. E. Constant.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, livery and feed stable. Winfield omnibus line,
9th avenue, n. s. between Main and [rest obliterated].
Terrill, B. M. (Terrill & Ferguson), r. 10th and [rest obliterated].
Terrill, S., hostler, Speed & Moffitt, boards G. W. Rogers & Son.
THE COURIER, D. A. Millington, editor and proprietor, published weekly;
Main, corner 9th avenue, under Winfield Bank.
THE DAILY TELEGRAM, Allison & Crapster, editors and proprietors;
office over Read’s Bank.
Tetzlaff, F., carpenter, r. Main, near Will Caton’s store w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
Thomas, D., clergyman, r. 10th avenue, s. e. corner Thompson.
Thomas, Mrs. D., r. Manning, w. s. between Court House and Ma- [rest obliterated].
[The next four lines are either obliterated or have isolated words only.]
Thomas, H. L., laborer, r. 4th avenue, n. s. between Andrews and Lincoln.
Thomas, Lucy W., r. Wm. Thomas.
Thomas, Rosa, servant, W. F. Baird.
Thomas, Wm. (colored), cook, r. Stewart, s. e. corner 12th avenue.
Thompson, A. J., farmer, r. 9th avenue, n. s., near Thompson.
Thompson, Miss F., house keeper, M. L. Read.
Thompson, L. A., fireman, boards R. Allison.
[The next eight lines are either obliterated or have isolated words only.]
Tipton, Miss [?] V., r. J. Mumford.
Tolles, S. H., salesman, W. A. Lee, boards American House.
TORRANCE, C. E., lawyer, over Post Office, r. Menor, n. e. corner 8th avenue.
Trezise, Miss [?], r. Wm. Trezise.
Trezise, Ida, r. Wm. Trezise.
Trezise, Wm., merchant, r. 4th avenue, n. w. corner Fuller.
Trimble, Prof. E. T., superintendent city schools, boards Mrs. A. A. Rankin.
TROUP & LEMMON, lawyers, Winfield Bank building.
TROUP, M. G. (Troup & Lemmon), lawyer, Winfield Bank building,
r. Fuller, s. w. corner 7th avenue.
True, R. H., r. 10th avenue s. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Trump, C., tinner, r. Manning, s. w. corner 7th avenue.
Tucker, Mrs. M. C., r. Manning, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
Tunnel Mill, Harter & Horning, proprietors, near Osage, s. w. of A T & S F R R.
Turner, George, R., [rest of line missing].
Turner, J. H., laborer, r. 9th avenue, s. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Tuttle, J. C., assistant county surveyor, boards American House.
Ulman, Nathan (B. Sadler & Co.), boards Eighth Avenue Hotel.
VALLEY HOUSE, 9th avenue, s. s. between Manning and Menor; M. Corgrill, proprietor.

[Above item is at variance with original entry re proprietor. It states “Corgell.”]
Van Brumer, miler, boards E. Harter.
Vance, J. H. (Vance & Davis), boards 12th avenue, n. s. between Millington and Loomis.
VANCE & DAVIS, livery and feed stable, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
Vandeventer, B. B., farmer, r. Main, w. s. north of 5th avenue.
Van Doren, C. S., dentist, Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues;
r. 10th avenue, s. w. corner Mansfield.
Van Doren, , fruit tree agent, boards American House.
Van Etten, C., laborer, boards J. G. Bullen.
Van Ormer, A., r. 9th avenue, s. s., between Millington and Loomis.
Vanway, G., farmer, r. Blanden, s. s. between Stewart and Lowry.
Vermilye, H. R., clerk, Williams House. [Initials might be H. P.: broken print.]
Vert, G. B., carpenter, r. Menor, e. s., between 7th and 8th avenues.
Wait, R. B., Winfield Bank building, r. Manning, corner 6th avenue.
Wait, J. T., boards S. D. Pryor.
Walch, J. H., mason, r. Andrews, w. s. between 4th and 5th avenues.
Walcott, S. T., boards Lindell Hotel.
Wallace, Frank, cook, Winfield Restaurant.
WALLIS & WALLIS, groceries and queensware, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Wallis, Robt. E. (Wallis & Wallis), r. Court House, n. w. corner Menor.
Wallis, Ambrose B., clerk, Wallis & Wallis, boards Court House, n. w. corner Menor.
Wallis, R. Eugene, clerk, Wallis & Wallis, r. Court House, n. w. corner Menor.
Wallis, Frank E., r. R. E. Wallis.
Wallis, Lizzie T., student, r. R. E. Wallis.
Walnut Valley Poultry Yard, N. T. Snyder, proprietor; Cherry, w. s. bet Walnut and Park.
Walroth, Chas., artist, boards Baker Hotel.
Walters, J. C., Restaurant and oyster depot, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning;
r. 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
Walters, Mrs. Mary M., r. Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
Walters, Mattie, r. Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
Walter, Ettie, waiter, r. Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
Walthour, L., fireman, A T & S F R R, boards Valley House.
Walton, B. W., cook, r. Reed, e. s. between 12th avesnue and Blanden.
Ward, Jno. B., carpenter, boards J. W. Smiley.
Ward, Miss E., servant, Dr. G. Emerson.
Ward, Miss S., servant, Thomas Harris.
Ward, Z., servant, G. E. Constant.
Warnock, Mrs. R., r. Millington, s. e. corner 7th avenue.
Warren, T. C., harness maker, r. Millington, corner 7th avenue.
Washburne, F. C. W., farmer, r. 4th avenue, s. s., west of Andrews.
Washburn, H. G., teamster, r. with J. P. Washburn.
Washburn, J. P., teamster, r. Court House, s. s. between Davis and Thompson.

Washburn, Mrs. H., r. with J. P. Washburn.
Washburn, Miss H. E., r. with J. P. Washburn.
Washburn, Miss E., r. with J. P. Washburn.
Watkins, P. W. (Swain & Watkins), [if there was further information, it is missing.]
Waters, A., laborer, r. 7th avenue, s. s. between Bliss and Platter.
Weakly, Belle, servant, Winfield Boarding House.
Weakley, E., carpenter, boards G. Van Way.
WEBB & WEBB, lawyers, pension bounty and land claim agents, Main,
s. w. corner 10th avenue, in Bahntge building.
Webb, L. H. (Webb & Webb), rooms 3, Bahntge building.
Webb, L. I. [?] (Webb & Webb, r. 12th avenue, Howland’s addition.
Weeks, O. F., mason, r. Blanden, s. s. between Main and Manning.
Weiler, G. W., K L & S, boards Valley House.
Weitzel, E. B., clerk, r. Menor, w. s. between Court House and Maple.
WELLS, H. L., physician and surgeon, Eclectic, Main, e. s. 1st door north of Williams
House; r. 12th avenue, n. s. corner Maris.
WELLS & HOOPER, Eclectic physicians and surgeons,
Main, e. s. 1st door north of Williams House.
WEST, MARTIN, groceries, wood and willowware, [next word obscured];
e. s., between 10th and 11th avenues; r. 11th avenue, junction Reed street.
WEST CHESTER INSURANCE CO. OF N. Y., Curns & Manser, agents,
Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
WINFIELD BANK, J. C. McMullen, President; B. F. Baldwin, Vice President;
J. C. Fuller, Cashier; capital stock $50,000; Main, s. w. corner 9th avenue.
Winner, G. A., student, boards Mrs. M. D. Winner.
Winner, Mrs. M. D., hair dresser, r. 9th avenue, n. s. between Millington and Loomis.
Wisdom, W. T., printer, Telegram, boards 8th avenue, near city limits.
Wise, L., laborer, r. 5th avenue, n. s. between Andrews and Bliss.
Wistler, J. H., traveler, Davis & Son.
Witheram, , laborer, r. 10th avenue, s. s. between Maris and Davis.
Wolfe, A. W., clerk, A. T. Spotswood & Co., r. Menor, e. s. bet 12th avenue and Blanden.
Wolfe, J. J., physician, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues, Page building;
r. Main, e. s. between Blanden and Court House.
Wood, A. C., clerk, D. F. Best, r. Manning, corner 11th avenue.
Work, Mrs. Mary, r. with J. C. McMullen.
Work, Q., Winfield. [No further information.]
Wood, C. M., hog dealer, r. 7th avenue, n. s. between Menor and Manning.
Wood, Mary, cook, Baker House.
Wooden, Chas., farmer, r. Mrs. E. Wooden.
Wooden, Emily, r. Mrs. E. Wooden.
Wooden, Mrs. E., r. 5th avenue, n. s. between Andrews and Bliss.
Wooden, Hattie, student, r. Mrs. E. Wooden.
Wooden, G., drayman, r. Mrs. E. Wooden.

Wooden, J. M., teamster, r. Manning, w. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
Wood, W. C., brick maker, r. Manning, e. s. between 12th avenue and Blanden.
Woodruff, A. C., agent, D. F. Best, organs, boards F. M. Frazer [?Frazee].
[Earlier entry shows F. M. Frazee. Unknown: Frazee or Frazer.]
Woodruff, Miss E. M., r. 9th avenue, s. s. between Manning and Menor.
Woodruff, Bell, works Solon Whitehead.
Woodruff, T. C., r. 9th avenue, between Manning and Menor.
Woodruff, Mrs. M., select boarding, r. 9th avenue, s. s. between Manning and Menor.
Wooley, Mrs. E., r. 10th avenue, s. s. between Maris and Davis.
Wright, Chas., student, r. Dr. W. T. Wright.
Wright, Thos., laborer, r. Main, e. s. between Park and Osage.
WRIGHT & COOPER (W. T. Wright and F. M. Cooper), physicians and surgeons,
Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues, upstairs.
Wright, W. O, physician, r. 8th avenue, s. w. corner Cherry.
Wright, W. T. (Wright & Cooper), r. Manning, n. w. corner 11th avenue.
YOUNGHEIM, CHAS., clothing and gent’s furnishing goods, hats and caps, Main,
e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues; boards 8th avenue, corner Fuller.
Youngheim, Eli, clerk, Chas. Youngheim, boards Eighth Avenue Hotel.
Young, E., miller, Bliss & Co., boards Farmers Restaurant.
Youngs [?Young], Wm., laborer, r. 5th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
Zoler, Mrs. A., cook, American House.
Zimmerman, A. J., grain dealer, boards J. F. Graham.
Zenor, L. D., assistant bookkeeper, Winfield Bank; boards Parr House.
Millington, Loomis, Fuller, Andrews, Bliss, Platter, Maris, Davis, Thompson, Cherry.
Manning, Menor, Mansfield, Stewart, Lowry, Read.
East: Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Blanden Street,
Maple Street, Park Street.
West: Ninth Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Twelfth Street, Court House
Street, Walnut Street, Osage Street.


Embracing Manufacturers, Merchants, Professional Men, etc., of the
In commenting upon the different business houses, we wish to preface our remarks with the statement that we are writing no “paid notices.” This space is devoted to a review of the leading business houses, and what we have to say about them will be an honest conviction of the truth.
In speaking of the different professions and lines of trade and manufacturing in Winfield, our list would not be complete without a mention of “Timme The Tailor.” Mr. T. R. Timme came to this city over a year ago from Chicago, and established himself as a merchant tailor; he has now one of the most complete establishments in this line in the State, and employs a number of first class assistants. Mr. Timme thoroughly understands his business, and is an artist tailor. He is also a courteous gentleman whose pleasure it is to suit his patrons. Try him once and you will never forget “Timme The Tailor.”
This bank was established as a State bank April 1, 1879, being a consolidation of the Citizens Bank and J. C. Fuller’s Winfield Bank. Col. J. C. McMullen was President of the Citizens Bank. The Winfield Bank is one of the solid institutions of this city and built their present handsome and commodious quarters last fall; it is one of the finest business structures in the State. The officers are: J. C. McMullen, President; J. C. Fuller, Cashier.
Col. McMullen came to Kansas from Tennessee, in 1868, and to Winfield in 1878. He is generally recognized as a financier of great ability, and a gentleman of the highest honor and integrity.
Mr. Fuller is one of the oldest settlers in Winfield. He came from New York in 1870, and established the Winfield Bank, the first bank in the county. Mr. Fuller is an enterprising far-seeing businessman, to whom the city is greatly indebted for its present prosperity.
This gentleman is one of Winfield’s representative businessmen, and one who has done more for its interests than any other businessman in the city. He came here from Indiana in February 1870, and commenced the practice of law, but after a time, on account of the confidence reposed in him both for integrity and fine business sagacity, his clients gave him so much real estate business to attends to that he withdrew from active legal practice three years ago and has since devoted all his time to the Real Estate business of this city and county. There is no one in this State better posted regarding real estate than is A. H. Green, and those contemplating the purchase of city property or farming lands will find it to their interest to first call on him. He has served with distinction in the army and is one of the highest officers in the militia of this State.
There are many good things we could say of Gen. Green, had we the space, as he is a high minded, noble gentleman, whose reputation as a man of honor and the highest integrity is well known.

The amount of business transacted by him is larger than that handled by all the other real estate dealers in this section, and is a sufficient guarantee of his ability and knowledge of this business. He is also the publisher of the Kansas Real Estate News, which will be sent free to any address.
This gentleman opened his drug house last February, and has one of the most complete stocks in this line in Southern Kansas. He has been in the drug trade for a number of years and is well versed in chemistry, having devoted several years to it, and is regarded as one of the leading pharmacists in the State. Mr. Glass came to Winfield about two years ago and in company with Mr. Brown, bought out Mr. Baldwin. He has since, as above stated, opened a Drug store which is a credit to any Eastern city. Mr. Glass is one of our most popular businessmen, and those who once do business with Quincy A. Glass take pleasure in again returning. This store is located on Main, between Tenth and Eleventh avenues.
This gentleman is one of our most enterprising businessmen, and his name is familiar to many in Southern Kansas as the proprietor of the well known “ENGLISH KITCHEN,” one of the most complete and best conducted restaurants in the State.
He has also the largest bakery in the city, supplying daily a large number of people with the “staff of life.”
He has also other business interests, among which is his large billiard and sample rooms, familiarly known to commercial travelers and others as “Pap Rogers place.”
Mr. Rogers is a genial, courteous, and enterprising gentleman of fine business ability, whom it is always a pleasure to meet. He is ably assisted in his business by his son, M. C. Rogers, a young man of fine business capacity and pleasing address.
   BECK & DILLON—Photographers.
This firm consists of H. Beck, A. H. Beck, and G. W. Dillon, and their gallery is located on 10th avenue, between Main and Manning streets.
Mr. A. H. Beck is an old resident of Cowley County, and well known to everybody. Mr. H. Beck has also been in the county for several years. Mr. G. W. Dillon, though but a year and a half in our city, is already well known and has had an experience of twenty years as a photographer.
They are all gentlemen of ability in their profession, as can readily be seen by a glance at their work in their gallery, and spare no pains in endeavoring to please their patrons.
The above named gentleman is one of Winfield’s oldest settlers, having come here ten years ago when the city was first being laid out. He has been in business ever since that time, and owns one of the most popular resorts in the city for those who wish to play a game of billiards or refresh the inner man. Joe Likowski is well known as a genial, enterprising gentleman. He is located on Main Street, between 9th and 10th avenues.
   M. L. READ.

This gentleman is one of the representative men of Winfield. He came here in 1872, from Illinois, and built and opened the M. L. Read bank. This was the first brick structure in Cowley County, and a sample of its owner’s enterprise and keen foresight. The officers are M. L. Read, President; M. L. Robinson, Cashier; W. C. Robinson, Assistant Cashier.
Mr. Read is a gentleman of fine business talent and executive ability of superior order, whose genial social qualities have made him a large number of friends.
Mr. Mart L. Robinson, the cashier, is well known as a financier of great ability. He is also largely interested in Winfield, and is one of our leading businessmen. The employees of the bank are also gentlemen of recognized ability.
W. C. Robinson has long been identified with the bank, and is a courteous gentleman and able financier.
This young gentleman is one of Winfield’s most popular businessmen, and was formerly one of the firm of G. W. Rogers & Son, the late proprietors of the English Kitchen, but Mott C. Rogers is now the proprietor of a saloon and billiard parlor, formerly owned by his father, G. W. Rogers.
It is well known as the most popular resort in Southern Kansas, Mott being one of the most accomplished and gentlemanly caterers in the State.
Allison & Black, Proprietors.
As in a great many other things, Winfield is ahead of its sister cities in Southern Kansas in having one of the most complete job printing houses to be found anywhere. The Telegram Steam Printing House is the only steam printing house in Southern Kansas, and is replete with every facility for doing all kinds of job work in the very best style, and at short notice.
It is constantly making improvements, and adding to its stock of machinery and material.
Mr. Bourke, formerly of Kansas City, and one of the best foremen there, has recently taken charge of it for Messrs. Allison & Black, its proprietors. He is a thorough printer, and under his management the office cannot fail to secure the greater part of the job work of this section.
This elegantly fitted up establishment was formerly known as the Olds House, and under that name has won great popularity.
Mr. J. A. Olds, the proprietor, is an experienced hotel man having been engaged in this business for some years in New York. He owned the American House originally, and ran it for some time, afterward starting the Olds House, now the popular Eighth Avenue Hotel. This hotel is complete in all its arrangements, and the building is a very elegant structure, surrounded with handsome grounds, which are now being fitted up. The table is everything that could be desired, and the hostess, Mrs. Olds, is a courteous and accommodating lady who takes pride in pleasing her guests and providing them with every comfort.
Architect, Civil Engineer, and Justice of the Peace.
This gentleman, though but a few years in Winfield, is one of the most widely known men in the city. He was formerly County surveyor, which office he held with great credit. He is now deputy county surveyor as well as Justice of the Peace, being elected last spring. Aside from his personal popularity, he is one of our most enterprising citizens, and has built one of the handsomest residences in the City.

   Blue Line Transfer.
This popular and well known transfer line was started July 1, 1879, by Mr. Al. Requa, and has gained a reputation for reliability that is enviable. It also receives the patronage of the leading firms of the city and that of the traveling public who are acquainted with it.
Mr. Requa has been in the transfer business for the past ten years in different cities, and thoroughly understands it. Those visiting our city should look for Al. Requa’s Blue Line if they want to feel perfectly at ease.
This Restaurant has recently been opened, Mrs. Terrill having bought out Mr. Walter, who had the restaurant prior to the present one. Though there are several good tables set in our city including the hotels, still we feel justified in stating from personal experience that Terrill’s Restaurant takes the palm. No effort is spared in making everyone at home.
The cuisine is all that can be desired, and the caterer of the late Central Hotel is now employed in the same department by Mrs. Terrill.
The other employees are well experienced, and under the management of their enterprising and energetic manager, Mrs. B. M. Terrill, never fail in impressing the stranger or visitors to her table, favorably. A great many of the commercial travelers take their meals here and rent room when they are compelled to stay a day or two; but for those either permanently or transiently located in Winfield or to those visiting our city, no superior place can be found than Terrill’s Restaurant.
   Dry Goods, Clothing, and Groceries.
This is one of the largest mercantile houses in this section, and carries an immense stock of goods in every department. The firm consists of J. B. Lynn and J. S. Loose.
Mr. Lynn is at present the mayor of Winfield, and is one of our representative men. He has been prominently identified with the interests of Winfield for some years, and has won an enviable reputation for honor and integrity. As a businessman he has very few superiors, possessing financial ability of a superior order.
Mr. J. S. Loose has but recently come to this city from Paxton, Illinois, where he was in the mercantile business. From what we learn Mr. Loose is a thorough businessman of superior ability, and is an old friend of Mr. Lynn. He is certainly one of the most courteous gentlemen it has been our pleasure to meet.
The firm is now building a new store on the corner of 8th avenue and Main street, which will be one of the largest and most elegant stores in the West, two stories high, with a fine deep basement, 140 feet long by 25 feet in width. The whole building will be occupied by Lynn & Loose.
Drugs, Books, etc.
In mentioning the prominent interests of Winfield, and especially the Drug trade, we would be remiss in our duty to our readers were we to omit mentioning the extensive house of H. BROWN & SON.

This house is one of the oldest in Southern Kansas, and has changed hands several times, the latest change being the admission of Lewis Brown into the firm as the successor of Mr. Q. A. Glass, who retired January 1st. The establishment is located on Main street between 8th and 9th avenues, and is replete with everything in the line of drugs, medicines, paints, oils, and glass. In addition, Brown & Son carry a heavy stock of books and stationery, being the headquarters for school books. They employ four clerks in these two departments. The most prominent department of this drug store is the prescription department, which is presided over by Mr. J. C. Ellsberry, one of the finest chemists and pharmacists in the West.
W. C. ROOT & CO.
Boots and Shoes.
This is a leading house in this line of trade in this city, carrying a large and varied stock. They are conveniently located on the west side of Main street, two doors south of 8th avenue.
This store is scarcely able to contain the stock they carry, every available part of it being filled with goods.
This house was established in August 1877 by Messrs. W. C. Root and S. H. Root, and is entirely under the management of W. C. Root. Mr. S. H. Root being connected with one of the largest wholesale houses of St. Louis, where he resides, is enabled to select the very finest goods in the market for this house, thus enabling the people of Winfield and vicinity to select and buy as well as they would in Kansas City or St. Louis.
Mr. W. C. Root, the manager, is a refined and courteous gentleman of fine business qualifications, who takes pleasure in pleasing his patrons.
Attorney at Law.
Henry E. Asp came to Winfield from Henry County, Illinois, in 1875, where he had been studying. In May 1877 he was admitted to the bar and commenced the practice of law. Since that time his progress has been rapid, and he is now one of the leading and most popular attorneys of this city, though the youngest member of the bar, having not yet reached his 25th year. What his future will be can readily judged by his wonderful progress in the past. He is talked of as a candidate for County Attorney, and his popularity would seem to insure his nomination in the coming Republican Convention.
  W. A. Smith, Manager, Lumber and Building Material.
This yard is one of the most complete in Cowley County, carrying a very extensive and well selected stock of lumber, laths, shingles, and all kinds of building material, sash, doors, and blinds. The yard was opened in April 1879 and since it was established has done a large and constantly increasing business.
W. T. Ekel, the head of this yard, is constantly looking after its outside business, and being thoroughly versed in all connected with it, is enabled to secure the very best lumber, etc., manufactured at the closes figures.
W. A. Smith, the manager, is a very popular gentleman, and through is close attention to business, experience, and energy has given an impetus to its trade.
The yards are located on 8th avenue between Main and Manning.

This is one of the oldest and most reliable law firms in Kansas, and is composed of two of the foremost men of ability in Southern Kansas, W. P. Hackney and J. Wade McDonald.
Mr. Hackney was admitted to the bar in 1867. He came to Cowley County from Illinois on August 16, 1870. From the start he occupied a conspicuous place in the public councils of this section. He was elected three times to the State legislature: 1872, 1874, and 1876. He had also formerly held positions in the United States Military and Civil service.
There are many good things we could say of Mr. Hackney had we the space or felt that we could do justice to his great talent and legal and legislative ability. We close our remarks with the feeling that we have given a mere mention of what we believe our future Senator from this County.
J. Wade McDonald is from Ohio, was admitted to the bar in Alabama in 1870, and occupied the positions of collector of internal revenue and Secretary of the Senate. He came to Kansas in 1872 and went to Wellington, where he was elected Probate Judge and County Attorney. He is a gentleman of marked ability in his profession, ranking with the first in the State. He is also a leader in the Democratic party of this district.
Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance Agents.
Among the leading firms of this city, none deserve more attention in our city sketch than does the firm of Pryor & Kinne.
This firm was established on January 1, 1880. Though comparatively a new firm in the real estate business in Winfield, on account of the high standing of its individual members, it is now doing a large business. The members of the firm are S. D. and Jno. D. Pryor and E. P. Kinne.
Messrs. Pryor are from Galena, Illinois, where they were engaged in the practice of law before coming to Winfield six years ago. Since coming to Winfield, they have had a large legal practice. They are both gentlemen of ability, and bear a high reputation in Cowley County.
Mr. E. P. Kinne is formerly from Bushnell, Illinois, and though not quite as long in this city as his partners, has through his personal popularity been elected twice to the position of County Register of Deeds, which position he has held with great credit, gaining him the esteem of the entire County. As a businessman his reputation for honor and integrity cannot be excelled.
The business of the firm not only keeps all three busy, but also employs several clerks continually. Their elegant offices are in the Winfield Bank building.
Wholesale and Retail, Dry Goods, Groceries, Etc.

This gentleman though young in years, has had a more valuable experience in this line (of which he has made good use) than many who appear to be old businessmen, and receive credit as such. Mr. Baden came to Winfield a little over a year ago from Independence, Kansas, where he was engaged in the same line of trade, and has in that time built up a business second to none in the city. The cause of his remarkable success is not only due to his ten years of close attention to this business, but also to his great energy and unflagging activity in securing the best line of goods in the different markets, at prices which enable him to give his patrons the very best at the least cost. His store is located on the corner of Main street and 10th avenue.
Attorney at Law.
Mr. Perkins came to Winfield last year from Chicago, Illinois, where he had been practicing for over ten years, and at one time was Attorney for the Chicago Board of Education. Previously he was admitted to practice in both the State and Federal courts. He ranked among the best lawyers in that city, and had a lucrative practice, but owing to ill health in his family he moved to Winfield, this climate being more favorable.
County Surveyor.
Mr. Haight is now occupying this office for the second term, and has shown marked ability as a surveyor. He has been in the State thirteen years and in this city three years.
Of the prominent men of this city, few are deserving of as great credit as is due the subject of this sketch.
Charles C. Black came to Winfield from Illinois nine years ago, and is one of our old residents. He is an attorney of fine ability, and is well known as a gentleman of the highest honor and strictest integrity. He is at present a member of the city council, and has occupied several official positions during his residence in this city.
In connection with many others who figure prominently in their respective callings and of whom we speak, none are more worthy of notice than the above named lady. She was born in Germany and has not only had the advantages of medical study in this country, but has also had the benefit of the schools of Germany.
Since coming to this city she has built up, through her ability and knowledge, a large and growing practice among some of the leading families of this city and Cowley and Sumner Counties.
Previous to coming to Winfield she had established a good practice at Atchison, Kansas, where she was located over a year. Office in Manning’s block.
Livery and Feed Stable.
This firm is composed of J. H. Vance and A. W. Davis. They bought out Thompson and Wilson, the former proprietors, last December.
Mr. Vance was formerly one of the proprietors of the Central Hotel, and Mr. Davis has been for the past two years a resident of Kansas.
Their stable is one of the largest in Southern Kansas, and they keep a number of fine horses, which with their handsome turnouts, are greatly sought for. By their gentlemanly conduct and strict attention to the wants of their patrons, they are building up a popularity and reputation that is enviable. The stable is located on 9th avenue, between Main and Manning streets.
We cheerfully recommend these gentlemen to all wishing anything in this line.
Merchant Tailor.

This gentleman has recently opened a first-class tailoring establishment on Main street next door to Harter’s Drug Store.
Mr. Stauffenberg thoroughly understands his business, having been for a number of years connected with some of the leading merchant tailors in the country. He has also fine taste and judgment in selecting what will best suit his patrons. His work is first-class, and his goods of the best material.
All of the latest styles are received by him regularly, from which you can select.
This establishment is owned by Messrs. Campbell and Jackson, but is under the management of Jno. M. Jackson. It is located on the east side of Main, between 9th and 10th avenues. As a popular resort it has not its superior in Southern Kansas. Mr. Jackson is not only a gentleman in every sense of the word, but also one who takes pleasure in catering to the wants of his patrons. The “Health office” is supplied with the very finest liquors, wines, and cigars, and is always the general resort for the traveling fraternity, and those who wish the finest goods.
Wood, Jettinger & Co., Proprietors.
This mill was built by C. A. Bliss in 1873, and is located on the Walnut river just West of the City limits.
The mills are complete in every way, having three run of burrs with sufficient water power to run more if necessary. Its storing capacity, though large, is inadequate to their present large business, and Messrs. Wood, Jettinger & Co., the successors of Mr. Bliss, contemplate enlarging the mill and increasing the capacity in a short time by an addition to the building and new machinery. These mills have long had an enviable reputation for the superiority of its flour, which under the management cannot fail but be more widely spread,  Messrs. B. F. Wood and E. B. Wolfe of the firm being practical millers of some years experience.
The firm consists of B. F. Wood, Oscar Jettinger, E. B. Wolfe, and D. L. Williams. They are all from Ohio, where Messrs. Wood and Wolfe were engaged in Milling, Mr. Jettinger being in the banking business at Delphos.
From all we understand they are live enterprising men of fine business ability and the strictest integrity. Their financial standing is good and they have every facility for carrying on business on a large scale.
Attorney and Dealer in Real Estate.
Winfield has been fortunate in a great many ways, but in none more so than in receiving among those who have recently come to make their home in our city some of the very best and most talented business and professional men to be found anywhere. Among those is the above named gentleman, who is rapidly making a solid foundation for a large and successful business in the future.

Mr. Fitzgerald’s former home is Indianapolis, though he has recently lived four years in Washington, D. C., where he studied law at the celebrated Columbia College. He is a gentleman of fine ability, great energy, and untiring in attending to all the details connected with his business. In selecting this city for his home he has carefully compared it with other parts of the country, and has shown his opinion by investing to some extent in our city property.
In connection with his law practice he also deals largely in real estate, his reliability and knowledge being readily recognized by those either wishing to buy or sell. His list of farming land and city property is very large and varied, embracing almost anything.
   M. HAHN & CO.
Dry Goods, Clothing, Etc.
This firm consists of M. Hahn and A. J. Burgauer, and their house is located on west Main street, in the Opera House building.
No house in Winfield ranks higher than M. Hahn & Co., and very few are equal to it in any line of trade. They carry a large and well selected stock in each department, thus enabling their patrons to secure all the advantages that can be offered in a large city.
Mr. Burgauer or Mr. Hahn goes east every season to secure the very best goods for his house, and as he is an experienced merchant can get them at the very lowest figures.
Messrs. Hahn and Burgauer are thorough gentlemen, courteous and accommodating to all with whom they come in contact. W. H. Hyden has charge of the Dry Goods and G. M. Coplin the Clothing Department.
  Real Estate, Loan, and Insurance Agents.
As purchasers of real estate are constantly visiting our city, either to buy city property or farming land, it is of interest to them to know when to go and of whom to make their purchases. It is naturally supposed that those who are handling a great deal of property must know something about it. Messrs. Curns & Manser are not only real estate agents of long experience, and thoroughly posted as to where the best city and county property is, but they are also courteous gentlemen, who take pleasure in giving information to all inquiries after real estate. Their office on the west side of Main street, between 8th and 9th avenues, is constantly sought for by those wanting information regarding either rich farming lands around us, or city property, and all their inquiries are met with a genial smile and ready answer. These gentlemen are always prepared to loan money on good real estate security on the most reasonable terms. The Insurance companies represented by them are: The North American, of Philadelphia; Hartford, of Connecticut; North British and Mercantile; Fire and Marine, Springfield, Mass., Westchester, New York; Traders, Chicago; National of Hartford, and Metropole, of Paris, France.
Messrs. Curns & Manser expect to build for themselves a handsome and commodious business house this season.
They are members of the Kansas Land and Emigration Company, of Lafayette, Indiana.
Cook & Anderson’s Rebate tickets taken as cash on purchases of real estate.
Agents for the Travelers Life and Accident Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut.
Groceries and provisions, Queensware, Woodenware, Etc.

This is one of the best grocery firms in the city, and they keep a large variety of groceries, which are sold at reasonable prices. They have a large trade, and among their patrons are some of the best families in Winfield. Besides groceries they keep on hand, and are always ready to sell at the lowest prices, perhaps the very best stock of Queensware, Woodenware, etc., to be found in this or any city of Southern Kansas.
The Messrs. Wallis expect to build on their present location a two story brick business house, which when completed will be an ornament to the city. The building will probably be put up during the present season.
This firm is noted for its business enterprise, and the members of the firm are trustworthy gentlemen.
The establishment is located on the east side of Main, between 8th and 9th avenues, and their goods are always of the best and freshest.
Livery and Feed Stable.
The stable of this firm is conveniently located on the east side of Main street, between 8th and 9th avenues. The building has a front of fifty feet by a depth of one hundred feet, and has ample capacity for all the needs of a first-class livery and feed stable. The firm is composed of Mr. A. D. Speed, who came to this place in June 1878, and Mr. Jno. Moffitt, who came in August 1879. These gentlemen thoroughly understand their business, and have already built up a large trade. Their fine horses can always be relied on, and their vehicles are of the best.
Those having dealings with Messrs. Speed & Moffitt can rest assured that they will be treated with courtesy and respect.
This is one of the leading hotels of Southern Kansas, and was built and opened by its present proprietor, Frank Williams, Esq. It is a handsome brick structure, located on the corner of 10th avenue and Main streets. It contains a num-
Every prominent Western City is deeply indebted to the men who wield the pen, by which the “art preservative” conveys to the outside world its advantages and facilities.
The newspaper is not only a living school book to its readers, recording the events of time, but also carries favorable news of the city it represents to all parts of the country, other newspapers repeating what it says.
Winfield has one daily and three weekly newspapers, a greater number than is published in any other city of its size in the West, all of them being “home made.”
Is published both daily and weekly, and is the only paper in Southern or Western Kansas receiving the Daily Press Dispatches. Messrs. Allison & Crapster are the proprietors of this enterprising Journal, and have left no stone unturned in endeavoring to make it a live newsy sheet. Mr. Wm. M. Allison, the senior partner, editor, and manager, is a gentleman of well known literary ability, and a thorough newspaper man. Though a young man yet, he has had over ten years experience as a journalist and wields an energetic pen.

Mr. D. L. Kretsinger, the local editor, is a courteous gentleman of fine ability and a great favorite in this community.
In speaking of the Courier, which deserves one of the most prominent positions in our sketch of Winfield and Cowley County, we feel that its editor is entitled to more attention than even this popular and finely conducted journal. Mr. Millington is one of the oldest settlers in Winfield, and one of the Town Company, the principal street (except Main) being named after him. He was the engineer who surveyed and laid out the town, and has ever since devoted his time, money, and energies to make the city what it is. He has twice been elected mayor of the city, has held the position of United States Commissioner for two years, and is now the Postmaster of the City, which office he has held since January 1879.
He took charge of the Courier in August 1877, since which time he has consolidated its power and influence, and made it one of the best weekly journals of the State, and peculiarly valuable to this city and county.
The Courier is a folio, nine columns to the page, one of the largest in the state, and is Stalwart Republican in politics.

A Classified List of all Trades, Professions, and Pursuits in the City of Winfield for the year 1880, arranged alphabetically for each Trade, thus exhibiting at a glance, the full address and special Business of her Citizens.
BROTHERTON & SILVER, Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
LEE, W. A., 9th avenue, between Main and Manning.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BANNON, J. M., 6th avenue, w. s. between Manning and Menor.
HOENSCHEIDT, JNO., Bahntge block, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
SWAIN & WATKINS, Manning, s. e. corner 8th avenue.
JORDAN, JOHN, over M. L. Read’s Bank.
DEVER, E., Main, corner 11th avenue.
READ’S M. L., BANK, M. L. Robinson, Cashier, Main, 2nd door south 9th avenue.
WINFIELD BANK, J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, Cashier, Main, s. w. corner
9th avenue.
DOUGLAS, SCOTT & WILSON, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
FOULTS BROS., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
NOMMSEN & STEUVEN, 7th avenue, between Main and Millington.

NOMMSEN & STEUVEN, 7th avenue, between Main and Millington.
BEENY, R. M., Main, corner 10th avenue, down stairs.
FAHEY, JAMES, 9th avenue, between Main and Millington.
LIKOWSKI, JOE & SON, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
ROGERS, MOTT C., Main, s. e. corner 8th avenue.
BALTZELL, G. J., 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
BROWN, J. D., 7th avenue, between Main and Millington.
CLARKE & CARNINE, 9th avenue, n. e. corner Millington.
KENNING BROS., Court House, n. e. corner Menor.
SHOEB, MAX, 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Manning.
LINDSAY, SAMUEL, 6th avenue, s. s. between Main and Manning.
MUNGER, MRS. M. E., Manning, corner 6th avenue.
VALLEY HOUSE, 9th avenue, s. s. corner Manning.
WOODRUFF, MRS., 9th avenue, s. s. between Manning and Menor.
CLARKE & DYSERT, Main, corner 6th avenue.
BROWN & SON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GOLDSMITH, HENRY, Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue, in Post Office.
HARTER BROS., Main, n. e. corner 9th avenue.
BADEN, J. P., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BAIRD BROS., Main, n. w. corner 10th avenue.
BLISS BROS., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
MANN, J. S., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
HAHN M. & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
LOVEJOY, C. H. & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
ROOT, W. C. & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SADLER, B., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
SMITH BROS., Main, w. s., third door north of Post Office.
KADAU, AUGUST, 9th avenue, between Main and Millington.
KELLY, WM., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
MARTIN, GEO. W., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
LOVEJOY, C. H. & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
SIMPSON, JAMES, r. 10th avenue, corner Menor.
SWAIN & WATKINS, Manning, s. e. corner 8th avenue.

BAIRD BROS., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.
GOLDSMITH, HENRY, Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue, in Post Office.
ROGERS, M. C., Main, s. e. corner 8th avenue.
WINFIELD RESTAURANT, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
WEBB & WEBB, room 3 d Bahntge building, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BLISS & CO., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
HAHN, M., & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
LEVY, ISAAC, Main, w. s. 1st door north of Post Office.
LOVEJOY, C. H., & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.
MANN, J. S., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SADLER, B., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
SCOVILL & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
YOUNGHEIM, CHAS., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GOLDSMITH, HENRY, Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue.
LIKOWSKI, JNO. W., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
BULL, F. H., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
SMITH BROS., Rear of Post Office, over Flag Drug Store.
VAN DOREN, C. S., Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
MARTIN, G. C., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
DORLEY, MRS. M., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues, upstairs.
SCHAFFHAUS, MRS. N., Manning, s. w. corner 5th avenue.
BROWN & SON, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
COLE, E. G., Main, between 8th and 9th avenues.
FLEMING, M., 9th avenue n. s. between Main and Manning.
GILES BROS., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GLASS, QUINCY A., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
HARTER BROS., Main, n. e. corner 9th avenue.
JOHNSTON & LOCKWOOD, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
BADEN, J. P., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BAIRD BROS., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
BLISS & CO., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
HAHN, M., & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.

LOVEJOY, C. H., & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.
SADLER, B., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
ADAMS EXPRESS CO., C. F. Stiles, agent; 9th avenue between Main and Manning.
KRETSINGER, MRS. S. E., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
WHITEHEAD, SOLON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BROTHERTON & SILVER, Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SPOTSWOOD, A. T., & CO., Main, n. w. corner 10th avenue.
MYER, T. C., 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Millington.
BADEN, J. P., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
TUNNEL MILL, Harter & Horning, proprietors, south of city limits.
WINFIELD CITY MILL, west of city limits.
CLARKE & DYSERT, proprietors, South Western Machine Works,
Main, corner 6th avenue.
HAHN, M., & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
LEVY, ISAAC, Main, w. s. 1st door north of Post Office.
LOVEJOY, C. H., & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.
MANN, J. S., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SADLER, B., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
YOUNGHEIM, CHAS., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
JOHNSTON & HILL, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
LEUSCHEN, FRED, 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
SHEEL, DANIEL, Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
BADEN, J. P., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BROWN & SON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BADEN, J. P., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BAILY & RINKER, Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
BAIRD BROS., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
BLISS & CO., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
CATON, WILL B., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.

McGUIRE, T. M., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
MYER, T. C., 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Millington.
SNYDER, R. M., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
SPOTSWOOD, A. T., & CO., Main, southwest corner 10th avenue.
WALLIS & WALLIS, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
WEST, M., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
DORLEY, MRS. M., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues, upstairs.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
HORNING, ROBINSON & CO., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
HENDRICKS & WILSON, Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
ROLAND, W. T., & SON, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues, Page building.
BLISS & CO., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
LEVY, ISAAC, Main, w. s. 1st door north of Post Office.
LOVEJOY, C. H., & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
LYNN & LOOSE, Main, southwest corner 8th avenue.
MANN, J. S., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
SADLER, B., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
YOUNGHEIM, CHAS., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
AMERICAN HOUSE, J. B. Williams, proprietor; Main, s. e. corner 7th avenue.
BAKER HOTEL, E. A. Baker, proprietor; Main, w. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
EIGHTH AVENUE HOTEL, J. H. Olds, proprietor; 8th avenue, corner Fuller.
WILLIAMS HOUSE, Frank Williams, proprietor; Main, n. e. corner 10th avenue.
CLAYTON, CHAS. C., Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue, over Post Office.
CURNS & MANSER, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GILBERT, JARVIS & CO., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue, Bahntge building.
PRYOR & KINNE, Main, s. w. corner 9th avenue, over Winfield Bank.
SMITH, SAMUEL C., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
MANNY, FRANK, northeast of city limits.
Pryor & Kinne, agents, over Winfield Bank.
Pryor & Kinne, agents, over Winfield Bank.
HARTFORD INSURANCE CO., Curns & Manser, agents;
Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.

Pryor & Kinne, agents, over Winfield Bank.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Pryor & Kinne, agents, over Winfield Bank.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Pryor & Kinne, agents, over Winfield Bank.
Pryor & Kinne, Agents, over Winfield Bank.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Curns & Manser, agents, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BACON, E. E., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
BUTLER, J. P. M., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
HUDSON BROS., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
BUCKMAN, G. H., over M. L. Read’s Bank.
KELLY, JAMES, Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
ALLEN, J. E., 9th avenues, n. s. between Main and Millington.
ASP, HENRY E., over Post Office.
BEACH, DAVID C., Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
BLACK, CHAS. C., Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
BOYER & BURLINGAME, Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
CLAYTON, CHAS., over Post Office.
COLDWELL, C., Main, 1st door south of Read’s Bank.
FITZGERALD, TAYLOR, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
GRAHAM, R. S., Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GREEN, A. H. Main, 1st door south of Read’s Bank.
HACKNEY & McDONALD, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
JARVIS, S. M., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
JENNINGS & BUCKMAN, Main, w. s. over Read’s Bank.

McDERMOTT & JOHNSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
MILLSPAUGH, A. E., 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Millington.
PENCE, LAFE, Main, w. s. over Read’s Bank.
PERKINS, W. W., Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
PRYOR & PRYOR, Winfield Bank building.
PYBURN & BRUSH, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
SEWARD, O., Main, n. e. corner 9th avenue.
TROUP & LEMMON, Winfield Bank building.
TORRANCE, C. E., over Post Office.
WEBB & WEBB, Room 3, Bahntge building, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
BURKHALTER, S., 10th avenue, corner Manning.
SPEED & MOFFITT, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
VANCE & DAVIS, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
EKEL, W. T., 8th avenue, s. s. between Main and Manning.
CHICAGO LUMBER CO., 8th avenue, n. s. corner Manning.
BLACK, CHAS. C., Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
SMITH, SAMUEL C., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
ALEXANDER, J. M., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
CLAYTON, CHAS., over Post Office.
CURNS & MANSER, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GILBERT & JARVIS, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
PRYOR & KINNE, over Winfield Bank.
ROBINSON, C. H., office with A. H. Green.
BROWN, S. A. & CO., Millington, corner 6th avenue.
CHICAGO LUMBER CO., 5th avenue, n. w. corner Manning.
EKEL, W. T., AGT. W. T. Maris, manager, 8th avenue, s. s. bet Main and Manning.
LEE, JNO. A. & CO., Main, e. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
SOUTHWESTERN MACHINE SHOP, Clarke & Dysert, proprietors,
Main, corner 6th avenue.
DAWSON & SON, 9th avenue between Main and Millington.
FORGAY, JNO., 9th avenue, between Main and Millington.
HOLMES & SON, Main, s. w. corner 11th avenue.
MILLER & COX, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
SIMMONS & OTT, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.

THORNTON, WM. E., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
HUNT, G. W., 9th avenue, between Main and Millington.
STAUFFENBERG, J. H., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
TIMME, T. R., over Post Office.
KRETSINGER, MRS. S. E., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
MANSFIELD, MISS J. E., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
STUMP, MRS. E. F., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
WHITEHEAD, SOLON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BEST, D. F., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
WILKINSON, T. K., 9th avenue, corner Manning.
FARRINGER, CHAS., Main, n. w. corner 12th avenue.
COURIER, published weekly by the Courier Company. D. A. Millington, editor;
under Winfield Bank.
COWLEY COUNTY MONITOR, published weekly, Conklin Bros., editors and
proprietors; 9th avenue, corner Millington.
TELEGRAM, published daily and weekly, Allison & Crapster, editors and
proprietors; under M. L. Read’s Bank building.
ALLEN, J. E., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
BEACH, DAVID C., Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue.
BEACH, MRS. CLARA T., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
HAHN, M. & CO., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
LOVEJOY, C. H., & CO., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
MANSFIELD, MISS J. E., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
STUMP, MRS. E. F., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
VAN DOREN, J., 9th avenue, s. w. corner Andrews.
SOUTH WESTERN STAGE CO., M. L. Bangs, agent,
9th avenue between Main and Manning.
WINFIELD OMNIBUS LINE, Terrill & Ferguson, proprietors;
9th avenue n. s. between Main and Millington.
AUSTIN, C. D., 9th avenue, 2nd door west Millington.
HIGGINS & PRATT, 9th avenue n. s. between Main and Millington.
JONES, T. J., Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue.

KERR & ALVERSON; Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
BROWN & SON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
FLEMING, M., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
GLASS, QUINCY A., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
BECK & DILLON, 10th avenue, between Main and Manning.
RODOCKER, D., Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
COLE, D. V., over E. G. Coles Drug Store.
DAVIS, W. R., 9th avenue n. s. between Main and Millington.
EMERSON, GEORGE, Main, n. e. corner 9th avenue, upstairs.
FITZGERALD, S. C., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues, over Smith Bros.
MENDENHALL, W. S., 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Millington.
WRIGHT & COOPER, Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
WOLFE, J. J., Page building, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
WELLS & HOOPER, Main, e. s. 1 door north Williams House.
GRAHAM, W. G., Main, corner 8th avenue.
HOLMES & SON, Main, s. w. corner 11th avenue.
MILLER & COX, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue.
HORNING, ROBINSON & CO., Western Agents for Hazzard Powder Company.
Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues, Read’s Bank building.
CONKLIN, J. E., MONITOR OFFICE, 9th avenue, s. w. corner Millington.
Main, s. w. corner 9th avenue, under Winfield Bank building.
Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues, Read’s Bank building.
9th avenue, s. w. corner Millington.
Office, Telegram.
Main, s. w. corner 9th avenue, Winfield Bank building.

Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues, 1st door south of Read’s Bank.
COWLEY COUNTY TEACHER, Prof. R. C. Story, editor;
published monthly, office, Court House.
KANSAS REAL ESTATE NEWS, A, H. Green, editor and proprietor; published semi-
occasionally, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues, 1st door south Read’s Bank.
WINFIELD CITY DIRECTORY, G. S. Coulter, publisher, office, Telegram.
HORNING, ROBINSON, & CO., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
SNYDER, R. M., Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
SPOTSWOOD, A. T. & CO., Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
WALLIS & WALLIS, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
Depot, corner 5th avenue and Main, W. C. Carruthers, Agent.
BLACK, CHAS. C., Main, s. w. corner 8th avenue, upstairs.
CURNS & MANSER, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GILBERT & JARVIS, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
GREEN, A. H., Main, 1st door south of Read’s Bank.
PRYOR & KINNE, Winfield Bank building.
AXTELL, T. F., & CO., English Kitchen. Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BACON, MRS. MARY J., 9th avenue n. s. between Main and Millington.
EBERT, J. R., Farmers Restaurant, Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
LEDLIE, J. W., Winfield Restaurant, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
McDONALD, & CO., 9th avenue, n. s. between Loomis and Fuller.
TERRILL, MRS. B. M., 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
NEWTON, WM., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
SYDAL, F. J., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
CAMPBELL & CO., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
EHERT, R., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
FAHEY, JAMES, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
LIKOWSKI, JOE & SON, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
MERRILL, F., 9th avenue, between Main and Millington.
ROGERS, MOTT C., Main, s. e. corner 8th avenue.

BROWN, S. A., & CO., Millington, corner 6th avenue.
CHICAGO LUMBER CO., Manning, n. w. corner 9th avenue.
EKEL, W. T., agent, 8th avenue, s. s. between Main and Manning.
LEE, JNO. A., & CO., Main, e. s. between 11th and 12th avenues.
PRATT & HIGGINS, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
BROTHERTON & SILVER, Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
BEST, D. F., Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
FRENCH & HARRIS, Main, w. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
KROH, CHAS., headquarters Wichita. Wm. Ogden, manager, west Court House.
CORWIN, G. F., Main, w. s. between 6th and 7th avenues.
SMITH, J. O., 8th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
SPEED & MOFFITT, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
TERRILL & FERGUSON, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Millington.
VANCE & DAVIS, 9th avenue, n. s. between Main and Manning.
CRENSHAW, JNO., boards Baker Hotel.
HODGES, W. J., Blanden, s. w. corner Menor.
HENDRICKS & WILSON, Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
HORNING, ROBINSON & CO., Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
MYTON, S. H., Jr., Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
ROLAND, W. T., & SON, Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
ROSE, D. S., Main, w. s. between 7th and 8th avenues.
HOENSCHEIDT, JOHN, Bahntge building, Main, s. w. corner 10th avenue.
STAUFFENBERG, J. H., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
TIMME, T. E., Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue, over Post Office.
WESTERN UNION, Telegraph offices at A. T. & S. F. R. R. and K. C. L. & S. R. R.
CARRUTHERS, W. C., K. C. L. & S. R. R. depot, Main, corner 5th Avenue.
GARVEY, W. C., A. T. & S. F. R. R. depot.
GOLDSMITH, HENRY, Main, n. w. corner 9th avenue, in Post Office.

BLUE LINE TRANSFER CO., Al. Requa, Agent, office S. H. Myton, Jr.
SADLER, B., & CO., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
LEVY, ISAAC, Main, 1st door north of Post Office.
YOUNGHEIM, CHAS., Main, e. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
JOHNSTON & HILL, Main, e. s. between 9th and 10th avenues.
SHEEL, DANIEL, Main, w. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
SHOEB, MAX, 9th avenue, s. s. between Main and Manning.
KLINGMAN, S. D., Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue.
BROWN & SON, Main, w. s. between 8th and 9th avenues.
GLASS, QUINCY A., Main, e. s. between 10th and 11th avenues.
JONES, T. J., Main, n. e. corner 11th avenue, upstairs.
TUNNEL MILLS, Harter & Horning, proprietors; south of city limits.
WINFIELD CITY MILLS, west of city limits.