Directory of the City of Winfield,
Cowey County, Kansas 1885
Containing the Names of the Inhabitants, Business Houses, Public Buildings, Corporations, Churches, Societies, Plat of City, Streets, etc.
PRICE, $2.00.
Wichita, Jan. 1885. Newton, March 1885. Sedgwick, March, 1885. Halstead, March 1885.
Telegram Steam Print. 1885.
[Note: Above was considered Page 1.]
Page 2.
Plat of streets running north and south. Very confusing.
Numbers were shown for each street listed. [Skipped by me.]
Listing streets only:
Main Street, Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Ninth Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Twelfth Avenue, Blandon Avenue, Riverside Street, Maple Street, Walnut Street, Park Avenue, Osage Avenue, City Limits.
[Note: Directory consistently shows “Blanden” rather than “Blandon.”]
Read, Lowry, Walton, Stewart, Mansfield, Menor, Manning, Millington, Loomis, Fuller, Andrews, Bliss, Platter, Maris, Harter, Davis, Thompson, Cherry.
Lincoln, Colorado, Minnesota, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Park.
Broadway, Frankfort, John, Plum.
Page 3.
Plat of streets running east and west.
Listing streets only:
Ninth Avenue, City Limits, John, Frankfort, Harter, Maris, Platter, Bliss, Andrews, Fuller, Loomis, Millington, Main, Manning, Menor, Mansfield, Stewart, Lowry, Read, City Limits.
Third Avenue, Fourth Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Seventh Avenue, Eighth Avenue, Tenth Avenue, Eleventh Avenue, Twelfth Avenue, Blandon Avenue, Riverside Avenue, Maple Avenue, Walnut Avenue, Park Avenue, Osage Avenue.
[Note: Directory consistently shows “Blanden” rather than “Blandon.”]
Pine Street, Olive Street, First Avenue, Second Avenue, Lynn Avenue, Myrtle, Howland, Ann, Elizabeth.
Numbers were shown for each street listed. [Skipped by me.]
At bottom of Page 3...
EXPLANATION.—To locate a number, find the corresponding number on Main St. or Ninth Ave., and trace at a right angle to the street desired.
Example: John Smith, residence 810 East 12th Ave.; find number 800 or 9th Ave., which shows No. 810 to be between Maris and Harter streets.
Page 4.
Having labored for several weeks, I dedicate to the citizens of Winfield a General and Business Directory which I trust will meet the wants of the people. The labor necessary to make a Directory is considerable, especially in cities that are so rapidly changing. I have endeavored to be as near correct as possible in compiling the names. I have been to all the stores and residences in the cities. For the uniform courtesy with which I have been treated in my rounds from house to house, and in reply to my inquiries, I return my hearty thanks to the citizens. I hope that this work will merit a liberal patronage. Respectfully,
Winfield June, 1885. W. E. DOCKSON.
Page 5.
The banner city of the Arkansas Valley is situated 265 miles southwest of Kansas City. It is about 38 miles south of Wichita and is one of the main points on the Southern Kansas railway, a direct line to Kansas City; also a branch of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. passes through the city. It is the county seat of Cowley County, one of the best counties in the state, located about 105 miles from the eastern limits of the state, and borders on the south line of Indian Territory.
Winfield derives its name from Winfield Scott, a noted Baptist preacher. Winfield was first settled in 1870. The Winfield Town Co. was organized Jan. 13th with E. C. Manning, president; W. W. Andrews, vice president; C. M. Wood, treasurer; W. G. Graham, secretary. A newspaper was started in Winfield on August 13, called Cowley County Censor. J. A. Fuller and D. A. Millington arrived August 15th. E. C. Manning was the first Post Master. The first celebration was July 4th, 1870. In 1871 Winfield contained about 800 acres. Winfield was incorporated as a city of the third class February 22, 1873, and on February 27th, 1879, it was proclaimed a city of the second class, it having over 2,000 inhabitants, and at present we find it a flourishing city of about 6,000 souls. It is the business centre of the county, it has three flouring mills, four elevators, various manufactures, and some of the finest buildings in the state. Winfield has three weekly and one daily newspaper, one of which claims a greater circulation than any other county paper in the state. At present the probabilities are that the D. M. & A. R. R. and K. C. & S. W. R. R. will be built to the city. By the fall the former will traverse the county east and west, and the latter north and south. The State Imbecile Asylum is to be located here.
Page 6.
Mayor: W. G. Graham
Police Judge: W. H. Turner
City Treasurer: John D Pryor
Treasurer, Board of Education: G. W. Robinson.
Justices of the Peace: G. H. Buckman; J. E. Snow.
Councilmen 1st ward: Jas. W. Connor; W. R. McDonald.
Councilmen 2nd ward: A. H. Jennings; T. B. Myers.
Councilmen 3rd ward: W. J. Hodges; G. H. Crippen.
Councilmen 4th ward: J. P. Baden; J. N. Harter.
Board of Education, 1st ward: A. G. Wilson; W. O. Johnson.
Board of Education, 2nd ward: J. S. Mann; Geo. Ordway.
Board of Education, 3rd ward: Jas. H. Bullen; W. C. Robinson.
Board of Education, 4th ward: B. F. Wood; W. H. Smith.
Constables: H. H. Siverd; T. H. Herrod.
City Marshal: B. McFadden.
Assistant Marshal: A. H. Glandon.
County Commissioners: S. C. Smith, Chairman; Amos Walton; J. A. Irwin.
[Note: Directory showed “Anos Walton” and “J. A. Erwin.” WRONG!]
Treasurer: J. B. Nipp.
Clerk: J. S. Hunt.
Clerk of the District Court: Ed Pate.
Register of Deeds: T. H. Soward.
County Superintendent: A. H. Limerick.
Prosecuting Attorney: Henry E. Asp.
Probate Judge: H. D. Gans.
Sheriff: Geo. H. McIntire.
Surveyor: N. A. Haight.
Coroner: Dr. H. W. Marsh.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: A. H. Limerick.
Auditor: M. G. Troup.
State Senator: F. S. Jennings.
Representative 66th District: Ed P. Greer.
Representative 67th District: Lewis P. King.
Representative 68th District: J. B. Maurer.
[Skipping numbers: giving names only.]
A. Adams’ Express Company. Arkansas City. Albright, P. H. & Co. A T & S F Depot.
B. Bangs, Arthur, residence. Baden, J. P., store. Bliss & Wood, office. Bliss & Wood, mill. Bliss, E. H., residence. Brown & Son. Brettun House. Berkey, D., residence. Black, C. C., residence. Beach, D. C., office. Beach, D. C., residence. Bahntge, Charles, residence.
C. Central Hotel. Court House. Courier office. Curns & Manser. Cooper & Taylor. Conklin, J. S., residence, Conklin, J. S., office.
D. Doane, A. H. Doane, A. H., residence. Dennis, J. L. & Co., coal office.
E. Emerson, Dr., residence. Emerson, Dr., office.
F. First National Bank. Farmers’ Bank. Fuller, H. G., office. Friend, F. M. Fair Ground.
G. Geuda Springs. Glass, Q. A., store. Greer, Ed P., residence.
H. Hackney, W. P., residence. Hackney & Asp’s office. Horning & Whitney. Holmes & Son. Hoosier Grocery.
I. None listed.
J. Jennings & Troup. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Jennings, F. S., residence.
K. Kraft & Dix.
L. Long, J. C., store. Lee, W. A., office. Lynn & French’s store.
M. McDonald, J. Wade. McDonald & Webb. McMullen, F. F., office. McIntire’s office. McMullen, J. C., residence. Millington, D. A., residence. Manny, Frank, residence. McDermott & Johnson’s office. McMullen, J. F., residence. McMaster, A. H. & Co.
N. None listed.
O. None listed.
P. Pryor & Pryor. Park, Dr., office. Park, Dr., residence.
Q. None listed.
R. Read’s residence. Robinson, M. L., residence. Rodocker’s Gallery.
S. Soward, T. H., office. Shaw, G. B. Spotswood & Wallace, store. Schmidt, Chas. Stone quarry. Southern Kansas Depot.
T. Telegram office. Tribune office.
U. None listed.
V. None listed.
W. Wallis, R. E., residence. Wallis & Wallis’ store. Wright, Dr. W. T., residence. Wright, Dr. W. T., office. Winfield Bank. Wells, Fargo Express. Whiting Bros.
[Note: Telephone Directory ended with “W.” That portion was printed on Page 7.]
Page 7.
Rev. Wm. Davis, pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Thursday, 7 p.m. Sunday school 3 p.m.
Rev. J. H. Reider, pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunday school 9:30 a.m.; Samuel Dalton, Superintendent.
Rev. Father John F. Kelly, priest. First mass 8 a.m.; second mass 10 a.m. Benediction and sermon, 7:30 p.m. Mass held on the first and third Sundays of each month, and on holy days.
J. S. Myers, pastor. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday, 7 p.m. Lord’s-day school, 10 a.m.; T. R. Bryan, Superintendent.
Sunday-School at the court-house, 10 a.m. W. H. Smith, Superintendent.
Rev. Ira Putney, pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., beginning Feb. 15, every other Sabbath after that date at the court-house.
Services at court house. W. H. Smith, Superintendent.
Rev. B. Kelly, pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunday school, 8 p.m. Prof. A. Gridley, Jr., Superintendent.
Rev. Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, pastor. Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting on Wednesday, 7 p.m. Sunday school, 3 p.m. T. B. Myers, Superintendent.
Rev. J. H. Snyder, pastor. Services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
Meets at the Masonic Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month. A. P. Johnson, W. M. L. D. Zenor, Secretary.
Meets at the Masonic Hall on the second Monday of each month. A. Howland, H. P. J. M. Stafford, Secretary.
Meets in their asylum on the third Friday of each month. J. W. Johnson, E. C. J. D. Prior, recorder. [Wrong! J. D. Pryor is correct.]
Meets at their hall on Friday night of each week. S. G. Gary, M. W. Lewis Conrad, Recorder.
Meets every Friday night, at the A. O. U. W. Hall. J. E. Snow, S. C. T. J. Harris, Recorder.
Meets at the I. O. O. F. Hall every second and fourth Wednesday evenings. Sid Cure, P. C. J. E. Snow, adjutant.
Meet on Saturday evenings at Odd Fellows’ Hall. F. M. Jones, Capt.; Robt. Nipp, Adj.
Meets at the I. O. O. F. Hall on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 2 o’clock p.m. Mrs. E. P. Hickok, President. Mrs. Brown, Secretary.
[Directory showed “Hicock, President.”]
Meets every Friday night at the I. O. O. F. Hall. Frank Greer, W. C. T.; Ella Garlick, Recording Secretary.
Meets at the residences of the different members of the society every two weeks, on Tuesday afternoons, at 3 o’clock. Mrs. Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, President; Mrs. Frank Finch, Secretary.
Meets at the Presbyterian Church on the second and fourth Fridays, and Baptist Church on the first and third Fridays of each month. Mrs. E. D. Garlick, President; Maggie Herpich, Secretary.
Page 8.
Meetings held monthly, or oftener, at the direction of the executive committee. A. H. Limerick, President; S. H. Jennings, Secretary.
Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Kindergartner. All the apparatus and appliances found in a first-class kindergarten. Terms $3 per month for single pupils, or $5 where there are two pupils from the same family. Pupils taken as far as the Third Reader.
Meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. Hall. J. E. Snow, C. C.; L. H. Webb, K of R and S.
Meets on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month, at the N. U. Hall. S. H. Myton, Regent; W. G. Graham, Secretary.
Meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Lewis Conrade [Conrad], President; A. Howland, Secretary.
Meets every Thursday night at their hall. Geo. Headrick, N. G.; J. M. Reed, Secretary.
Meets every two weeks alternately, with the W. C. T. U. Mrs. D. A. Millington, President; Mrs. Gates, Secretary.
Rooms over A. T. Spotswood’s grocery. Open Wednesday p.m. and Saturday p.m. of each week. Mrs. Dr. Van Doren, President; Mrs. Mullen, Librarian.
Meets on the first and third Mondays of each month, at the Masonic Hall. H. D. Gans, Dictator; W. G. Graham, Reporter.
Meets on second and third Fridays of each month, at Workmen’s Hall. Mrs. Julia L. Caton, Lady of Honor; L. Conrad, Secretary.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society holds its regular meetings in Winfield the first Saturday in each month. J. F. Martin, President; Jacob Nixon, Secretary.
Rooms 1117 Main. Business meetings every alternate Monday, beginning February 23rd, 1885. Semi-annual meetings the first Mondays in June and December. Chas. Black, President; W. J. McClellan, Secretary.
Annual meeting first Thursday in March of each year, under the management of a board of thirteen members, who may call a general meeting at any time. S. B. Schuler, President; T. H. Soward, Secretary. [Note: They had Shuler.]
Holds special meetings upon call, and an annual protracted meeting. S. B. Strong, President; F. A. A. Williams, Secretary.
Directors meet at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., two Fridays in each month, at 10 a.m. Fair of 1885, Sept. 21 to 25. J. F. Martin, President; D. L. Kretsinger, Secretary.
M. L. Robinson, President; O. F. Bahntge, Secretary; D. L. Kretsinger, General Superintendent.
J. C. Fuller, President; Ed Greer, Secretary; W. Whiting, Superintendent.
County Court House, 311 East 9th.
County Jail, 309 East 9th.
Opera House, 819 Main.
Masonic Hall, 720 Main.
Odd Fellows Hall, 801 Main.
Santa Fe R R Depot; Lowry & West Riverside.
Southern Kansas Depot, 5th Avenue & Main.
Post Office, 828 Main.
2nd Ward School House, East 12th & Fuller.
1st Ward School House, East Ninth & Andrews.
Fire Department, 612 Main.
Water Works & Reservoir, northeast of City.
Riverside Park, West Riverside.
Island Park, north of City.
College Hill, northeast of City.
Highland Park, northeast of City.
Catholic Cemetery, southeast of City.
Fair Grounds, west of City.
West Side ½ west of Main.
Courier Cornet Band, G. H. Crippen, Leader.
Winfield Juvenile Band, Harry Holbrook, Leader.
Winfield Union Cornet Band, Jes [?] Brown, Leader.
The Dockson’s Winfield City Directory begins with “A” on Page 9. I am not familiar enough with all the names inserted in it to determine which are wrong! Only when I am certain that they have inserted a name incorrectly, will I point it out. MAW
Page 9.
Abbott G W, millwright, res 1412 Main
Abrams Jos, stock dealer, res 802 e 8th
Abrams Miss Josie, res 802 e 8th
Abrams Miss Serepta, res 802 e 8th
Acton S W, farmer, res 1616 Menor
Adams Exp. Co, A Snowhill agent, 108 w 9th
Adams H L, clerk, Brotherton & Silver, res 609 e 8th
Aga Chas, laborer, res 804 e 8th
Albright P H & Co, loans etc 118 e 9th
Albright P H, res 913 e 10th
Albro W H, res 1315 Loomis
Alden H W, manager, Chicago Jewelry Co., 717 Main, boards Brettun
Aldrich Mrs. D R, widow, res 711 Menor
Aldrich Miss Nellie, res 711 Menor
Aldrich Miss Alice, res 711 Menor
Alford H, carriage maker & trimmer, works 114 e 8th, res 711 e 7th
Page 10.
Allen & Caldwell, real estate and insurance, 909 Main
Allen G H, res 1003 Stewart
Allen J F, laborer, res 512 e 5th
Allen W C, laborer, res 914 e 5th
Allison Robt, real estate, res 209 e 10th
Allison Sylvester, stock dealer, res corner Myrtle & Broadway
Albach H O, engineer Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 614 e 5th
Amasa , works stone quarry, boards 520 e 4th
Ambrose Alex, works stone quarry boards, res 706 e 7th
Ammon L C, res 421 w 12th
Anderson Gus, laborer, boards Lindell
Anderson J S, plasterer, res 1605 Menor
Anderson Miss Nina, clerk, Kleeman’s, res Mansfield
Andre M V, agent Wells-Fargo exp, 110 w 9th
Andrews & Losure, house and sign painters, 1120 Main
Andrews Chas H, painter, boards Main
Andrews Miss Hattie, clerk, Kleeman’s, res 202 e 5th
Andrews Miss Minnie, res 202 e 5th
Andrews W W, res 202 e 5th
Applegate Geo Z, res 1020 Manning
Applegate John D, res 1020 Manning
Appling Mrs. E H, English Kitchen, 808 Main
Arion Quartette, Messrs. Buckman, Blair, Shaw and Snow
Arment A B, furniture, 1007 Main, res 1115 Manning
Arment G W, res 1115 Manning
Armstrong & Reeves, carpenters and builders, 123 w 8th
Page 11.
Armstrong Daniel T, res 308 e 8th
Armstrong C W, res 310 e 7th
Armstrong B, carpenter, res e Riverside
Arrowsmith J W, deputy county treasurer, res 415 e 12th
Ashcraft Mrs., widow, res 610 e 4th
Asp Henry E, attorney at law, 302 e 9th, res 718 Millington
Atkinson Wm, tailor, 1019 Main, res 407 e 12th
Austin C D, house sign and carriage painter, 1022 Main, res 1202 Manning
Austin C B, painter, res 1202 Manning
Austin Miss Minnie, dressmaker, 1018 Menor, res 1519 Main
Austin Ezra, plasterer, res 1519 Main
Axtell E A, pressman, “Telegram” 112 e 8th
Axtell T F, Winfield bakery and restaurant, 920 Main, res 1017 Millington
Bacastow Geo, proprietor Central hotel, 922 Main, res same
Back L E, confectionery at park, boards 521 w 11th
Baden J P, groceries and dry goods, 1000-1002 Main, res 719 Manning
Bahntge Chas F, teller 1st National bank, 903 Main, res 1217 Loomis
Bailey S Evaline, physician, 220 w 9th
Bailey Dr. H C, dentist, 106 w 9th
Baird A E, “New York store” dry goods, 921 Main, res 314 e 11th
Baird V A, lunch room, 902 Main, res 1609 Main
Page 12.
Balliet J F, loan agent Farmers bank, 816 Main, res 1413 Millington
Bangs Arthur C, bus line, res 1011 Menor
Banks Anderson, works livery stable, res 812 Millington
Banks N H, cook at Central hotel, res 1208 Manning
Bard Samuel, res 403 e 11th
Barker W H, shoemaker, works 106½ e 9th, boards 9th Avenue Hotel
Barnes Aaron, del clerk, Cooper & Taylor, 1009 Main, res 115 e 10th
Barnes Miss Anna, res 821 e 9th
Barnes Jas W, painter, res 406 w 9th
Barnes Mrs. Jane, widow, res 821 e 9th
Barnes Miss Laura, res 821 e 9th
Barnes Lorenzo, boarding house, 119 w 9th
Barnes Wm, school teacher, res 821 e 9th
Barnthouse J M, “city bottling works,” 611 Main, res 302 e 7th
Barnthouse T J, works 611 Main, res 302 e 7th
Barlow Mrs. P, widow, res 1721 Manning
Barr Jas, stonemason, res 419 e 7th
Barr Chas, printer, “Tribune,” res 419 e 7th
Barrow Joe, teamster, res 1721 Manning
Barrow W H, res 1721 Manning
Barrows Miss Mollie, res 1414 Main
Barry Johanna, domestic, 801 Menor
Bartlett & Co, grain and wool, 907 Main
Bartlett V R, res 502 e 4th
Bartlow B F, clerk, Commercial hotel, res same
Barton F J, harness maker, works Sydal, boards 517 e 6th
Barton W A, works stone quarry, boards 703 e 4th
Page 13.
Bassett & Bertram, pumps and windmills, 711 Main
Bassett C M E, pumps, res 307 e 8th
Batchelder John, grocer, 113 e 9th, res 810 e 9th
Bates & Wells, contractors, carpenters and builders, 113 w 8th
Bates F E, carpenter, boards 811 e 10th
Bates J S R, carpenter, res 821 e 10th
Beach & Denning, real estate, 116 e 9th
Beach David C, attorney at law, real estate etc., res e 9th
Beard V A, groceries and confectionery, 902 Main, res 1609 Main
Beaver D E, carpenter, res 513 e 8th
Beck Frank, clerk, Myton’s, res 1317 Manning
Beck H, photographer, 111 w 10th, res 311 w Riverside
Beck John B, works Brettun house billiard hall, res 1302 Main
Beck Miss Katie, res 1302 Main
Beck Lewis S, grain dealer, res 1302 Main
Beck Wm S, works Bangs, res 208 w 9th
Bedilion Edward S, real estate, 100 e 9th, res 320 e 11th
Beeny Edward, clerk, Horning’s, res 1502 Loomis
Berkey D, hardware and furniture, 115 e 9th, res 617 Menor
Berkey Miss Eva, clerk, P O, res 617 Menor
Berry Mrs. A C, widow, hair dresser, 104 w 8th
Bertram A C, pumps and windmills, 711 Main, boards Axtell’s
Best D F, machines and music, 916 Main, res 210 e 11th
Page 16.
Brown Anderson, laborer, res Loomis
Brown Arch, laborer, res 306 e 11th
Brown Ellen, cook Lindell hotel, boards same
Brown Frank, teamster, res e of city
Brown G S, works Bullen’s lumber yard, res 1410 Menor
Brown & Son, druggists, 805 Main
Brown Henry, drugs, residence 805 Main
Brown Lewis, drugs, residence 805 Main
Brown Jesse, works Dr. Emerson, 321 e 11th
Brown J J, painter, boards Lindell
Brown Mrs. M E, widow, proprietor, Old’s house, 321 e 8th
Brown R J, clerk, Smith & Zook’s, res 1211 Manning
Brown Will, stone cutter, res 1614 Main
Brown W H, harness maker, works 109 w 9th, res same
Brown W Z, proprietor novelty works, 513 w 11th, res 521 w 11th
Brown Mrs., widow, res 1806 Loomis
Bryan T H, laborer, res 509 e 3rd
Bryan T R, loan office at Kansas City, res 402 e 5th
Bryant John, well digger, res 719 e 3rd
Bryant Miss Mary, res 909 Stewart
Bryson Samuel O, teamster, res 610 e 4th
Bryson , teamster, res 610 e 4th
Buck Miss Amy, res 318 e 5th
Buck Edward, laborer, res 1805 Millington
Buck Rueben [?Reuben], shoemaker, works 106½ e 9th, res 318 e 5th
Buell S W, gardener, res 1408 Main
Buford H C, stock dealer, res 709 Millington
Buhrlage J W, carpenter, res 506 e 7th
Bull F H, dentist, 910 Main res 905 e 9th
Page 17.
Buckman C H, justice of peace and city clerk, 903 Main, res 1114 Menor
Bull Geo, cabinet maker, res 210 e 11th
Bullen Jas H & Co, lumber yard, 1112 Main
Bullen J G, lumber, res 118 w 10th
Bullen C A, lumber, res Eau Claire, Wis.
Bullene Frank E, clerk, Baden’s, boards 303 e 6th
Bumgardner John, engineer, res 1803 Manning
Burch Mrs. C R, widow, res 1608 Menor
Burdette D, works Crary, 915 Main, res same
Burdine Chas, laborer, res 1208 Manning
Burgauer A J, dry goods etc., 819 Main, res 714 Millington
Burgauer Miss Ida, res 714 Millington
Burgauer Miss Jennie, res 714 Millington
Burgh Mrs. Marion, res 1102 e 11th
Burgheim Edward, clerk, P O bookstore, res 620 Millington
Burnett John, laborer, res 814 Mansfield
Burney J S, farmer, res 1611 Millington
Burns C P, clerk, Shaw’s lumber co., 528 Main, boards Brettun
Burroughs John F, brick layer, res 100 w 8th
Butler Jos T, teamster, res 708 e 8th
Byers E L, clerk, Baden’s, res 616 e 8th
Byers J D, cigar maker, works Wilkinson & Co., res e Maple
Byers R C, res 602 e 8th
Page 18.
Caldwell Noble, insurance and real estate, 909 Main, res 703 e 7th
Callahan Lum, runner Brettun, boards same
Callison Henry, carpenter, res 402 e 7th
Camery Wm, hides, furs and wool, 1015 Main, res 303 e 10th
Canine Mrs. Emma, res 902 e 7th
Carnes D, laborer, 209½ e 9th
Carrington W A, works Lee’s, res Millington
Carson J J & Co, clothing and gent’s furnishing, 812 Main
Carson J J, res 1112 Millington
Carter Jas W, painter, res 1710 Main
Carter Miss Lillie, widow, clerk, Hahn’s, res 1221 Millington
Case Geo, carpenter, res 511 w Blanden
Case John, carpenter, 123 w 8th, res 1015 Lowry
Case Miss Jennie, res 603 w Blanden
Cassell Miss Carrie, works Friend’s, res Manning
Catlin H C, plasterer, res 1706 Loomis
Caton W B, marble works, 206 e 9th, res 1610 Millington
Caughling Miss May, widow, res 1005 Millington
Central Hotel, Bacastow & Crampton, proprietors, 922 Main
Cessna Johnathan, peddler, res 620 w Blanden
Chadwell Chas, laborer, res 1612 Menor
Chadwell G W, laborer, res 1612 Menor
Chadwell Martin, laborer, res 1612 Menor
Page 19.
Chaney J W, clerk, Myton’s, res 113 w 11th
Cherry Jasper E, res 206 e 6th
Chettick Miss Minnie, tailoress, works Herpich
Chicago Jewelry Co, H M Alden, manager, 717 Main
Chicago Lumber Co, 115 w 8th
Chicago Millinery House, Mrs. D E Kingsley, manager, 808 Main
Childs Samuel, laborer, res 1214 Lowry
Chiverall Arthur, foreman carriage works, 114 e 8th, res 507 e 6th
Christie W E, butcher, res 1719 Manning
Christy Wm V, teamster, res 412 e 6th
City Bottling Works, J M Barnthouse, prop, 611 Main
Cisler Daniel W, house porter at Brettun, boards same
Clark D T, carpenter, res 402 w 4th
Clark J R, real estate agent, res 718 e 7th
Clark John, engineer and machinist, res 1313 Manning
Clark Marion, works Bangs, rooms 208 w 9th
Clark W H, proprietor English Kitchen, 808 Main, res same
Clarkson Miss Sophia, res 209 e 11th
Clatworthy J H, carriage painter, 1106 Main
Clause G H, proprietor transfer line, office at “COURIER” Office
Claussen Mrs. L, midwife, res 1314 Main
Cleary Isaac O, farmer, res 318 w Riverside
Cleaves C H, carpenter, res 1509 Mansfield
Clem W F, clerk, Tyner’s, 1010 Main
Page 20.
Clifford John, miller, res 1505 Mansfield
Cobean John, works Myton & Read, rooms at Read’s
Cochran Andy, 505 e 7th
Cochran, Mrs., widow, res 1006 e 10th
Cochran Edmund, clerk, grocery, 913 Main, res 116 w 7
Cochran F W, res 1416 Loomis
Cochran Mrs. J. D., widow, res 116 w 7th
Cochran John R, butcher, res 1417 Manning
Cochran Oscar, bookkeeper, “Tribune”, res w 7th
Cochran W J, res 609 e 7th
Cochran , druggist, res 1006 e 10th
Cohen C, dry goods, 801 Main, boards 600 Millington
Coil Geo, works Keck’s stable, 802 Main, res same
Cole Dr. D V, 811 Main, res 716 e 10th
Cole Ed G, druggist, 811 Main, res 716 e 10th
Cole Miss Nellie, res 716 e 10th
Coles Chas, manager skating rink, boards Main
Colleasure W H, pumps, res 1607 Manning
Collins A R, teamster, res 606 Maris
Collins Alonzo, laborer, res 803 e 6th
Collins Albert, plasterer, res 803 e 6th
Collins C, livery stable, 114 w 9th, res 821 Menor
Coleman W A, tailor, boards Lindell
Commercial House, F M Freeland proprietor, 1011 Main
Compton S E, drayman, res 1307 Main
Conklin J E, brick and stone, south end Mansfield, res 706 Millington
Conklin R R, loans etc., south end Mansfield, res 706 Millington
Connely R M, carpenter, res 1617 Menor
Connor James W, stonemason and contractor, res 615 e 6th
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Conrad L, agent Burgess steam washer, res 1209 Main
Constant G E, boarding house, 215 e 10th
Constanzer & Co., meat market, 907 Main
Constanzer R, butcher, res w 11
Coons F S, stone cutter, res 1617 Menor
Cook S A, architect 1000 Main, res 508 e 10th
Cookson Elisha, laborer, res 918 e 5th
Cooper & Taylor, groceries, 1009 Main
Cooper Jas A, grocer, res 1604 Mansfield
Cooter J M, clerk, McDonald’s, res 315 e 8th
Copeland Wm, blacksmith, res 415 e 6th
Copelin Geo, clerk, Hahn’s, res 620 e 9th
Copple S, tunnel mills
Corcoran Andy B, stonemason, res 505 e 7th
Cronwell C H, blacksmith, works 118 e 8th, boards Lindell
Corwin Geo, clerk, Spotswood’s, rooms 923 Main
“Courier” Cornet Band, Geo Crippen leader
Courier Printing Office, Greer and Millington, editors and proprietors, 901 Main
Cousins John, stonemason, res 1810 Menor
Cox Walter, works Bliss’ mill, rooms 1203 Mansfield
Craig Robert, res 1718 Loomis
Craine M R, plasterer, res 502 e 7th
Craine J W, mason, res 1413 Millington
Crampton Frank L, proprietor, Central hotel, 922 Main
Crandall Stanley, job printer, works Courier, boards Commercial
Crane O J, eclectic physician, 610 e 8th
Crapster Brettun, clerk, Brettun, res same
Crary E J, confectionery etc., 915 Main, res 421 w 6th
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Crawford & Holbrook, carpenters and builders, 816 Millington
Crawford S H, carpenter, res 822 e 11th
Croco J, farmer, res 501 e 11th
Cronin James, stonemason, res 602 e 12th
Crow W W, teamster, res 708 e 5th
Crowell G W, drayman, res 516 e 5th
Crooks J M, res 417 w 11th
Crippen Geo, grain dealer, res 1001 Lowry
Craig Jas, laborer, res Loomis
Cruikshank David, engineer, boards Lindell
Curnine Mrs. Emma, widow, res 902 e 7th
Curns & Manser, real estate, loans, etc., 913 Main
Curns J W, real estate, res 1117 Mansfield
Curry J C, bookkeeper Bliss & Wood’s mill, rooms 923 Main
Curtis Wm., blacksmith, 114 e 8th, boards Lindell
Cuthbert J W, contracting carpenter and builder, res 911 e 11th
Cutright I T. works skating rink, 1320 Main, res same
Dages John, works mill, res 1109 Lowry
Dale D A, carpenter, res 511 e 6th
Dalton & Madden, attorneys at law, 812 Main
Dalton Samuel, res 515 e 9th
Dantzeisen Wm., stonemason, res w 11th
Dautschman Anton, butcher, 119 e 9th, res 1711 Millington
Davenport A, res 1108 Lowry
Davenport Leroy, works Horning & Whitney, res 409 Andrews
David Herbert, works R R, res 415 e 7th
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Davis Isaac, carpenter, res 406 e 6th
Davis Mrs. Mary, res 322 w 8th
Davis B T, editor, “Tribune,” 812 Main
Davis W W, general manager, Tribune printing office, 110 e 8th
Davison Emery L., coopering, res 1409 Manning
Dawson W H, marble works, 1317 Main, boards Brettun
Dayton Eliza, waitress at Brettun
Dayton Lizzie, waitress at Brettun
Defenbaugh Adam, teamster, res 1103 e 11th
Delay Charles, wood worker, 114 e 8th, res 221 e 9th
Denning Miss Cora, compositor, “Telegram,” res 705 e 9th
Denning Walter, real estate and auctioneer, 116 e 9th, res 705 e 9th
Dennis J L & Co., coal and wood, 516 Main
Dennis H C, mason and plasterer, res 1702 Loomis
Devine Peter, stonemason, res 520 e 7th
Dickerson A, laborer, res 1716 Main
Dickerson J B, laborer, res 1716 Main
Dickey Fred N, broom factory, 108 e 12th
Dillman Miss Laura, res 1114 Menor
Dillon D W, photographer, res 1101 Lowry
Dillon Theo, horse breeder, res 704 e 5th
Dix Benj, res 920 e 8th
Dix Daniel, drayman, res 421 e 6th
Dix David, well digger, res 920 e 8th
Dix John W, butcher, 809 Main, res 405 e 6th
Doan C C, clerk, Long’s grocery, res 708 e 8th
Doane A H, coal, 122 w 9th, res 901 Mansfield
Doane Frank W, clerk, Myton’s, res 206 w 9th
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Dockson W E, directory publisher, boards Commercial
Dodds Miss Eva, stenographer for Hackney, res 1119 Platter
Dorothy C H, marble polisher works, 1317 Main, res 113 w 11th
Doty Charles, works Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 212 e 12th
Doty David, real estate, res 212 e 12th
Doty Henry, clerk, Pixley’s, 715 Main, res 212 e 12th
Dougherty O J, coal and wood, 516 Main, boards Central
Douglas D E, barber, 917 Main, res 1605 Main
Downey H J, M D, physician, 911 Main, res same
Drake Mrs. M B, res 417 w 11th
Dresser G H, works photograph gallery, 903 Main, res 306 e 7th
Dressha Leander, laborer, res 1003 e 5th
Dressie N W, works R R, res 509 e 8th
Dukes T W, carpenter, res 1018 Menor
Dunbar Marshall, res 702 e 6th
Dunstan Miss Annie, res 408 e 12th
Dunstan Basil, res 408 e 12th
Dunn F M, carpenter, res 1603 Fuller
Dunn W H, stock driller, res 517 Maris
Dunn Wm., Tunnel mills
Dupoy Hugh, assistant cook, Lindell hotel, boards same
Early Leonora, domestic at Fleming’s, 215 e 8th
East Boarding House, J. Bobbitt, proprietor, 300-306 e 9th
Eastman Frank, res Holland’s addition
Eastman & Cochrane, slat and wire fence, 1118 Main
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Eastman Henry, tinner, works Horning & Whitney, res 514 e 8th
Easton John, gunsmith, res 909 e 8th
Easton Theo, compositor, “Tribune,” boards e 8th
Eaton John A, vice president Farmer’s bank, res 617 Manning
Eddy John, res 312 e 8th
Edwards H L, blacksmith, 110 e 7th
Edwards John A, works stone quarry, res 605 e 5th
Ekstromer Miss Kittie, res 408 e 12th
Elder Fred S, works brown & Son, 805 Main
Elder T H, physician and surgeon, 913 Main, res 1216 Menor
Eley John W, carpenter, res 1813 Millington
Elliott Samuel, laborer, res 1819 Fuller
Elliott Wm., teamster, res 502 e 6th
Emerson Dr. Geo., 100 e 9th, res 321 e 11th
English Kitchen, Burnett & Clark, proprietors, 808 Main
Evans J E, res 1201 Stewart
Evans John C, res 812 Walton
Everett Miss Hattie, res 1812 Fuller
Everett Mrs. Susan, res 1812 Fuller
Everitt J E, works stone quarry, res 908 e 7th
Ewart M H, cashier Farmer’s bank, boards Brettun
Ewing C D, wagon maker, res 1413 Manning
Fahey James, res 505 e 9th
Fahey Miss Minnie, res 505 e 9th
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Fahey Miss Mamie, res 505 e 9th
Fahnestock J M, carpenter, res 1826 Fuller
Farmer A J, carpenter and painter, res 510 e 4th
Farmers Bank, 816 Main
Farnsworth R N, star lunch room, 109 e 9th, res 1101 Stewart
Farrow Ike H, carpenter, works 123 w 8th, res 309 Andrews
Fawcett J E, 121 e 9th, res e 5th
Ferguson Calvin, livery stable, 112 e 9th, res 1021 Menor
Ferris Charles, blacksmith, works Garrett, boards Axtell’s
Fibbs Edward, res 817 e 10th
Fike D S, painter and carpenter, res 1110 e 12th
Files & Russell, flour feed and machinery, 1016 Manning
Files W L, res e 10th
Filson Emery, Central hotel runner, res same
Finch Frank W, deputy sheriff, res 913 e 9th
Fire Department, hose house, 612 Main
First National Bank, 903 Main
Fisher W H P, carpenter, res 517 e 8th
Fisk C H, stone quarry, res 520 e 4th
Fisk C W, carpenter, res 1121 e 10th
Fisk Miss Delia, milliner, works 1004 Manning, res 1121 e 10th
Fitch Mrs. E J. dressmaker, res 102 w 8th
Fitch J C, works Whiting Bros., res over Lynn’s
Flag Drug Store, Dr. J. Fleming, proprietor, 818 Main
Fleming John, M D, res 215 e 8th
Fleming Greer, travel agent, res 1321 Millington
Fleming Miss Kate, res 1321 Millington
Fleming Wm., shoemaker, res 1321 Millington
Flemming & Austin, dressmakers, 1018 Menor
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Flemming Miss Annie, res 1018 Menor
Flickinger J, tinner, works Myton’s, res 1118 e 12th
Flood Wm., clerk, Spotswood’s, boards Constanzer’s
Flowers John W, carpenter, res 205 w 9th
Foote J S, marble cutter, works Dawson, res 401 Andrews
Forgeay John, butcher, res 113 Maple
Foster G W, assistant freight agent, res near Santa Fe depot
Foults Harry, barber, 804 Main, res 718 e 8th
Foults W H, barber, 804 Main, res 718 e 8th
Foulks Mrs. J M, res 419 w 8th
Franklin Alex, laborer, res 1821 Millington
Franklin A F, laborer, res 1404 Main
Franklin Henry, laborer, res 1815 Manning
Franklin R A, carpenter, res 1619 Fuller
Fraser John, works Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 219 e 10th
Fraser L P, clerk at Douglas, res 403 e 11th
Frazee Bros., harness and saddlery, 120 e 9th
Frazee A J, harness maker, res 1504 Fuller
Frazee F M, harness maker, res 1420 Fuller
Frazee Miss Emma, res 1420 Fuller
Frazee Miss Lettie, res 1420 Fuller
Frazier Charles, plasterer, res 915 e 7th
Frederick & Son, livery and feed stable, 212 e 9th
Frederick Lincoln, stable, res 205 e 9th
Frederick Sol Z, stable, res 205 e 9th
Frederick Wm., teamster, works Bliss & Wood, res 809 e 4th
Freeland F M, proprietor, Commercial, 1101 Main, res same
Freeman E A, laborer, res 317 w 10th
Freeman W A, carpenter, res 317 w 10th
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French A B, groceries, 721 Main, res 613 Menor
French Miss Sadie, clerk, Lynn’s, res 613 Menor
Friend F M, music and millinery, 911 Main, boards Central
Friend F H, clerk, Friend’s, boards Central
Frost A L, works Sam’s place, 810 Main, res same
Fuller C E, assistant cashier, Winfield National Bank, res 602 e 10th
Fuller H G & Co., real estate, 106 e 9th
Fuller H G, res 709 e 10th
Fuller J C, president, gas company, res 403 e 10th
Fulton Miss Emma, res 220 e 5th
Funk Mrs. M M, widow, res 1517 Millington
Gans H D, probate judge, res 220 e 5th
Gates Richard, plasterer, res 818 e 8th
Gates Stephen, res 805 e 11th
Gale G L, wool dealer, res 520 e 10th
Gale Mrs. M J, res 520 e 10th
Gardiner Henry, teamster, res 1710 Loomis
Garlick C A, wood worker, works 816 Millington, res 210 e 10th
Garver Charles, works Beach, 116 e 9th, res 415 e 9th
Garver Samuel, bridge foreman, R R, res 415 e 9th
Garvin J B, clerk, Curns & Manser, res e 8th
Gary S G, livery stable, 204 e 9th, res 809 e 9th
Garrett & Son, blacksmiths, 1106 Main
Garrett J, res 1218 Stewart
Garrett Geo. F, res 420 w Blanden
Gay Charles, harness maker, works Norton, res 417 w 10th
Gay Mrs. Mary, widow, res 1003 e 5th
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Gearheart P L, tubular well company, 1118 Main
Gentry S S, carpenter, res 421 w 8th
George Wm., teamster, res 1205 Manning
German Wilson, horse trainer [No address given]
Gibbs P P, works stone quarry, boards 703 e 4th
Gibson E F, laborer, res 914 e 8th
Gibson M C, res 1407 Millington
Gibson Miss Mattie, res 1407 Millington
Gibson Miss Mary, res 1407 Millington
Gilbert E H, carpenter, res 619 e 4th
Gilbert Geo., carpenter, res 715 e 4th
Gilbert S L, real estate and insurance, 100 w 9th, res 420 w 10th
Gill John, laborer, res 1205 Manning
Gilleland T E, res 403 w Blanden
Githens & Bishop, Winfield carriage works
Githens H W, carriage painter, etc., 605-7-9 Main, res 600 e 7th
Glandon A H, city contractor, stonemason, res 214 w 9th
Glass A B, stable, 320 w 9th, res 316 w 9th
Glass Mrs. Ellen, widow, res 312 w 9th
Glass Quincy A, druggist, 1005 Main, res 1213 Millington
Glass Samuel, res 1201 Mansfield
Glass Uriah J, laborer, res 910 e 6th
Glass Wm. B, res 1220 Manning
Goczlewski Julius, merchant tailor, 806 Main
Goforth Will, res 318 e 5th
Gogle A, plumber, res 115 e 9th
Goldsmith Mrs. Hannah, widow, res 620 Millington
Goldsmith Henry, proprietor, P O bookstore, 823 Main, res 620 Millington
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Goldsmith Miss Hulda, res 620 Millington
Goldsmith Jac, clerk, P O bookstore, res 620 Millington
Good Joseph, blacksmith, res 206 e 6th
Goodrich , res 822 e 11th
Goodwin Daniel, teamster, works Shaw’s, res 809 e 6th
Golsby Geo., printer, “Tribune,” boards east boarding house
Gordon Thos., carpenter, res 216 w 5th
Graham A B, cattle dealer, res 404 e 8th
Graham W C, physician, 110 e 8th, res 416 e 5th
Gram Edward, boards Pickerel’s
Gramm F M, carpenter, res 911 e 11th
Gramm D, farmer, res 917 e 11th
Gray D B, works R R, res 308 w 5th
Gray F M, carpenter, res 414 w 9th
Gray Geo. L, foreman, “Telegram,” res 921 e 8th
Gray Wm., bookkeeper, Myton’s, res 921 e 8th
Gray Will R, clerk, Albright & Co., res 921 e 8th
Greer Bert, printer, works “Courier,” res 819 Davis
Greer Ed P, proprietor and editor, “Courier,” res 918 e 10th
Greer Frank H, reporter, “Courier,” res 819 Davis
Greer Miss Nora, res 819 Davis
Greer Mrs. C H, widow, res 819 Davis
Green A H, real estate, 805 Main, res 1021 Manning
Green Miss Annie, res 1021 Manning
Green Miss Jennie, res 1021 Manning
Green Dolph Duff, res 1021 Manning
Green Dr. C C, 1000 Main, res 212 w 10th
Green M T, Chicago lumber company, res Chicago
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Green Wm., blacksmith, 605 Main
Greenlee John, stock dealer, res 1421 Manning
Greenlee Miss Mary, dressmaker, res 1410 Menor
Gridley Ansel, superintendent, city schools, res 209 e 11th
Gridley Miss Emma, res 209 e 11th
Griffith Mrs. Mary, widow, res 1612 Main
Grissem Wm., laborer, res s w of city
Hackney & Asp, attorneys at law, 302 e 9th
Hackney W P, attorney at law, res 1121 e 12th
Hackney J T, res 310 e 9th
Hagerman H, res 1208 Menor
Hahn M & Co, dry goods, 819 Main
Hahn J N, rooms 917 Main
Haight A M, implements, res 521 w 9th
Haight N A, county surveyor, res 420 w 11th
Hall Frank, grocer at Ashland, res 202 w 10th
Hall J W, clerk at Spotswood’s, res 1211 Manning
Hall Thos., laborer, res 1003 e 10th
Hall Wm., carpenter, res 903 e 11th
Halyard Mrs. S C, widow, res 116 w Riverside
Hamill Miss Mary, res 1109 Mansfield
Hancock C A, res 602 Bliss
Hancock John J, shoemaker, res 602 Bliss
Hancock Miss Stella, waiter at Lindell, boards same
Hands & Gary, livery and feed stable, 204 e 9th
Hands W L, res 202 e 6th
Harlan J P, carpenter, res 1210 Stewart
Harmon Mrs. Alice, boards Lindell
Harmon W H, stonemason, res 515 Maris
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Harper & Co., cigar manufacturers, 816 Main
Harper S D, res 521 e 7th
Harper Mrs. V, widow, res 521 e 7th
Harris A F, freight agent, S K R R, res 416 e 7th
Harris & Clark, land and loans, 104 e 9th
Harris T J, real estate, res 319 e 7th
Harris W L, grocer, 913 Main, res 1008 Menor
Harris Walter, carpenter, res w end Blanden
Harrod B F, res e 11th
Hart Miss Caroline, res 312 e 8th
Hart James M, carpenter, res 415 e 7th
Hart J T, laborer, res 1821 Manning
Hart Jack, works mill, res 1811 Manning
Hart M C, laborer, res 1821 Manning
Harter & Hill, proprietors, Brettun hotel, 623 Main
Harter Chas. L, proprietor, Brettun, res same
Harter D M, clerk, Harter’s drug store, res 621 e 8th
Harter Elam, tunnel mills, res s end Menor
Harter J N, druggist, 822 Main, res 603 Main
Harter Lewis C, miller, res s end Menor
Harter Robert, boards Brettun
Hartman Miss Alice, res 606 e 8th
Hartman B F, laborer, res 606 e 8th
Hartman Elmer, works carriage shop, 607 Main, res 606 e 8th
Harvey Alton, plasterer, res 602 e 8th
Harvey E A, laborer, res 1613 Fuller
Harvey P A, laborer [residence not given]
Harvey , plasterer, res 404 e 7th
Hatcher Miss Belle, res 911 e 6th
Hatcher Miss Ellen, res 911 e 6th
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Hatcher Mrs. M G, widow, res 911 e 6th
Hatcher P A, laborer, res 911 e 6th
Hatcher R W, works R R, res 911 e 6th
Hathaway Frank, carpenter, res 911 e 11th
Hattery Chas., works Baden, boards Commercial House
Havercamp A J, laborer, res 918 e 7th
Hawkins J S, real estate etc., res 1016 e 11th
Hawkins T J, stonemason, res 212 w 5th
Hayden James, delivery clerk, Hoosier Grocery, boards English Kitchen
Hayes Levi, laborer, res 613 e 3rd
Hazlett Adison [Addison?] (Santa Fe lumber yard), 1321 Stewart, res 902 e 7th
Hedges H B, res 909 e 9th
Hedrick Miss Fannie, res 901 e 7th
Hedrick Geo., clerk, O’Meara & Randolph, res 901 e 7th
Hedrick Miss Minnie S, res 901 e 7th
Hedrick M, laborer, res 1616 Mansfield
Hemphill Thos., res 719 e 10th
Henchet Mrs., widow, res 312 e 9th
Hendricks & Wilson, hardware, 919 Main
Hendricks A D, res 609 e 11th
Henry J M, painter, works carriage works, 607 Main, boards at Keller’s
Henry James, works stone quarry, res 520 e 4th
Hepler S J, transfer, res 1419 Menor
Heriford Horace, horse trainer, res 1105 e 9th
Herndon John, stonemason, res 706 e 6th
Herod Benjamin, res 209 e 10th
Herod Harrison, farmer, res 1118 e 11th
Herod Frank, res 209 e 10th
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Herod Thos., constable, boards 1019 e 10th
Herpich Aug K, merchant tailor, 904 Main, res 1318 Fuller
Herpich Miss Maggie, res 1318 Fuller
Hertzag Henry, teamster, res 712 e 9th
Hetchler Elias, carpenter, res 1214 Stewart
Hetherington J H & Son, painters [address not given]
Hetherington W S, painter [residence not given]
Hewitt C S, merchant at Tisdale, res e end Riverside
Heyman A, clerk, Hahn’s, 819 Main, res same
Hickok E B, real estate at Protection, res 1515 Loomis
Higer Frank, works stone quarry, boards 703 e 4th
Hill J L M [Harter & Hill], proprietors, Brettun, res same
Hills P S, attorney at law, 118 e 9th, res 913 e 10th
Hilman Wm., blacksmith, 114 e 8th
Hindman M, laborer, res 1314 Mansfield
Hines Benjamin, laborer, res 1611 Manning
Hitchcock A C, contracting stonemason, res 1807 Manning
Hodge Thos., works railroad, res 921 e 6th
Hodges Charles, res 303 w Blanden
Hodges Miss May, res 303 w Blanden
Hodges W J, stock dealer, res 303 w Blanden
Hodges Mrs. N L, res 304 w 5th
Hodges Miss Sarah, res 318 e 8th
Hoffman Gus, works railroad, res 921 e 6th
Hohl Wm., stonemason, res 503 e 6th
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Holaday J W, Marble cutter, works 1317 Main, res 1005 Lowry
Holbrook F L, carpenter, res 407 w 8th
Holden J W, carpenter, res 1609 Menor
Holland Geo., carpenter, res 412 e 12th
Holland Miss Lena, res 412 e 12th
Hollingsworth John, fireman, gas works, res 215 e 6th
Hollingsworth O, foreman, gas works, res 216 e 6th
Holmes & Son, coal, 1101 Main
Holmes Chas. F, coal office, 1101 Main, res 1101 Manning
Holmes Miss Lydia, dressmaker, rooms 1000 Main
Holmes J N, coal, 1101 Main, res same
Holloway S S, farmer, res 911 e 5th
Hook Thos. J, stonemason and carpenter, res 907 e 6th
Hord Miss Carrie, dressmaker, 806 Main, res 1719 Manning
Hord Nathan, res 1719 Manning
Horland Rufus B, clerk, clothing, boards Lindell
Horning & Whitney, hardware, 906 Main
Horning J L, hardware, res 1103 Menor
Hosmer H H, attorney at law, 913 Main, res 522 w 8th
Houk Samuel, flour and feed, 107 e 9th, res 110 e 7th
Houghton F E, artist, res 1012 Mansfield
Houx J O, dentist, 911 Main, res 215 w 9th
Howard & Klauser, carpenters and builders, 502 e 9th
Howard Marshal, stock dealer, res 419 e 9th
Howard Neal, res 521 w 8th
Howland A A, Dollar Store, 910 Main, res Cowley County
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Hoyt Frank, works stone quarry, boards 703 e 4th
Hubble John, cook at Brettun, boards same
Hudson Miss Addie, clerk, Hudson’s, 908 Main, res Millington
Hudson Bros., jewelers, 904 Main
Hudson Geo., jeweler, res 621 Millington
Hudson Will, jeweler, res 1402 Manning
Hudson Henry, finisher, carriage works, 114 e 8th
Hudson J A, clerk, McGuire’s grocery, res 707 e 7th
Hudson R Jr., jeweler, 908 Main, res same
Hudson Robert, baths, 109 e 7th, res same
Hudson W H, wagon maker, 820 Millington, boards Commercial Hotel
Hughes & Co., fancy goods, 1006 Main
Hughes C L, res Parsons, Kansas
Hughes Miss Blanche, millinery, 1006 Main
Hughes Melissa, domestic for Bliss, 518 w 8th
Huls Miss Belle, waiter, Commercial Hotel, res 1107 Manning
Huls Henry L, res 1107 Manning
Huls Miss Rebecca, waiter, Commercial Hotel, res 1107 Manning
Humphrey John S, harness maker, works 106 w 9th, res 1312 Main
Hunt Asa, works Frazee, 120 e 9th, res n e of city
Hunt Miss Annie L, res 1113 Millington
Hunt Fred C, clerk, Jarvis, Conklin & Co., res 1220 Menor
Hunt Grant, marble cutter, works 206 e 9th, res e 4th
Hunt G W, merchant tailor, 120½ e 9th, res 719 e 4th
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Hunt J S, county clerk, res 113 Millington
Hunt Mrs. S C, res 919 e 7th
Hunt Miss Sue, dressmaker, 801 Main
Hunt W M, marble-cutter, res 1017 Stewart
Huntley Edward, teamster, res 921 e 9th
Hurrle Nick, blacksmith, 1022 Main
Hurst Fred, printer, “Telegram,” res 518 e 7th
Hurst J A, stonecutter, res 518 e 7th
Hutchison James, baker at English Kitchen, 806 Main
Huttoe John, plasterer, res 619 e 6th
Huyck Mrs. M, rooms 1008 Main
Hybarger W A, sewing-machine agent, res 1513 Manning
Hyde A H, mechanic, res 1502 Manning
Hyder Jos. R, carpenter, res 1703 Loomis
Iliff Mrs. M A, widow, res 1221 Millington
Iry Wm., farmer, res e end Myrtle
Isaacks John, res 1812 Fuller
Isaacks Samuel, laborer, res 1812 Fuller
Jackman Geo. R, blacksmith, works 1022 Main, boards English Kitchen
Jackson H L, barber, 1001 Main, res 511 Maris
Jackson J B, blacksmith, res 607 w Blanden
Jackson Mrs. L, widow, res 1210 Lowry
Jameson Albon, res 803 e 9th
Jaques Rose, works Brettun, boards same
Jarnagin J N, plasterer, res 517 e 3rd
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Jarvis, Conklin & Co., real estate and farm loan, 1001 Main
Jarvis S M, real estate, res Kansas City
Jarvis H N, res 1510 Loomis
Jarvis J E, real estate examiner, 1001 Main, res 1302 Menor
Jenkins A H, laborer, res 613 e 8th
Jenkins Mrs. S, widow, res 306 e 7th
Jennings & Bedilion, real estate, 822 Main
Jennings A H, real estate, res 403 e 12th
Jennings & Troup, attorneys at law, 903 Main
Jennings Frank S, cigar manufacturer, 914 Main, res 814 e 12th
Jennings Geo. S, cigar manufacturer, 914 Main, res 814 e 12th
Jennings S H, res s end Millington Street
Jimison W E, works fence company, 709 Main, res 1715 Manning
John Jas H, real estate agent, res 618 e 5th
Johnson A P, attorney at law, 100 w 9th, res 619 e 10th
Johnson Mrs. Annie M, widow, res 519 e 10th
Johnson Miss Hattie, res 304 e 12th
Johnson H G, res 811 e 10th
Johnson H H J, carpenter, res 1002 e 12th
Johnson M V, carpenter, res 1215 Fuller
Johnson Theo J, carpenter, res 304 Lincoln
Johnson Wm H, laborer, res 816 e 4th
Johnson Wm., teamster, res 412 e 7th
Johnson W O, manager, Shaw’s lumber company, 523 Main, res 715 Loomis
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Johnson Mrs., widow, res 304 e 12th
Johnston Miss Ida, res 1102 Menor
Johnston, J. W., furniture, 918 Main, res 1102 Menor
Jolly J A, laborer, res 918 e 7th
Jones Al, painter, res 514 Maris
Jones D F, butcher [address not given]
Jones E, painter and grainer, res 304 e 12th
Jones F M, painter, res 115 e 9th
Jones T J, painter, res 402 w Blanden
Jones T L, sale stable, 220 e 9th, res e 9th
Jones Will, works Bliss & Wood’s mill
Jordan James, real estate loans, 903 Main, rooms Main
Journey A M, clerk, Hendricks & Wilson, res 1311 Mansfield
Judd Mrs. Evelyn, res 803 e 10th
Kadau Aug., shoemaker, 106½ e 9th, res 713 e 3rd
Kaesewieser Chas., laborer, res 1619 Main
Kann Jacob, works stone quarry, res 509 Platter
Keck J M, livery stable, 802 Main, res 1103 Millington
Keef [Keefe?] C W, stonemason, res 321 e 6th
Keeney Mrs. H, widow, res 1620 Mansfield
Keller John P, carriage maker, res 216 e 6th
Kelly Rev. J F, Church of Holy Name, res 410 e 8th
Kelly M F, photographer, 812 Main, res same
Kelly Miss Sarah, res 420 e 8th
Kelly W B, teamster, res 912 e 7th
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Krookshank Alex, engineer, Kirk’s mill, boards Lindell
Kropp A F, house mover, 813 Manning, boards Lindell
Kuhn Miss Annie, res 818 e 11th
Kuhn Geo., plasterer, res 818 e 11th
Kuhn Jesse L, plasterer, res 818 e 11th
Kuhns Wm. A, blacksmith, 605 Main, boards Lindell
Kyger Ira, second hand store, 1017 Main, res 218 e 12th
Lacey Mrs. Eliza, res 1809 Fuller
Lacey G W, plasterer, res 1809 Fuller
Lambright Mrs. Anna, widow, res 319 w Riverside
Lamont Edward, grain dealer, office 820 Main, boards Brettun
Lamott J P, res, corner w 4th and Manning
Land J H, farmer, res 816 e 4th
Lathrop C W, clerk, O’Meara & Randolph, res w Riverside
Laughlin John A, farmer, res 701 e 8th
Laughlin W F, laborer, res 701 e 8th
Lawrence A, gardener, res 1618 Loomis
Lawrence Henry E, works Holmes & Son, res 1715 Millington
Laws Lewis L, carpenter, res 700 e 6th
Laycock Geo., works Chicago Lumber Company, boards e 8th
Laycock D R, real estate, 620 Main, res 1120 e 10th
Leakey J E, insurance, res 307 w Riverside
Leavitt C M, attorney at law, Courier office, res 608 e 10th
Lee Fred, works Bliss & Wood’s mill, rooms 1203 Mansfield
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Lee W A, agricultural implements, 109 w 9th, res 704 e 9th
Leerman Leonard, blacksmith, res s e of city
Legg Mrs. Carrie, widow, res 218 w 9th
Leland F F, attorney at law, 106 e 9th, boards Brettun
Le Masters, Edward, laborer, res 405 Andrews
Le Masters Wm H, baggage-master, S K R R, rooms 713 Manning
Leopard Daniel, works stone quarry, res corner Howland and Broadway
Lett Mrs. Dicy, res 318 w 5th
Lett R A, carpenter, works 123 w 8th, res 318 w 5th
Lewis Geo. W, teamster, res 1102 e 12th
Lewis Otis, carpenter, res 313 w Maple
Liermann George, harness maker, 108 w 9th, res s e of city
Limbocker Bert, res 218 e 8th
Limbocker Frank, res 218 e 8th
Limbocker Miss Maggie, res 218 e 8th
Limbocker & Albright, real estate, 118 e 9th
Limbocker W W, real estate, e 9th, res 218 e 8th
Limerick A H, county superintendent, public instruction, res 902 e 9th
Lindell Hotel, Fred Pearson, proprietor, 702 and 704 Main
Lobdell James, works Keck’s barn, res 511 Main
Loeblen Miss Libbie, res 217 e 12th
Long Charles L, barber, works Foults’, res Manning
Long J C, grocery, 815 Main, res 304 e 8th
Long W, barber, works Brettun, res e 9th
Longenecker Miss M C, domestic at Long’s, 304 e 8th
Lorenzo Mrs. Sarah, res w end 7th
Losure Mariot, painter, 1120 Main, res 417 w 10th
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Lowe Samuel, res 902 e 5th
Lowe Sidney L, laborer, res 1106 Main
Lowenthal L M, watchmaker, C. J. Co., 717 Main, boards Brettun
Lowry & Back, confectionery and ice cream at Riverside Park
Lowry Thos. S, res w Riverside opposite park
Lowry John & Son, ice dealers, w Riverside
Lowry John, farmer, res 909 Stewart
Lowry Geo., res 909 Stewart
Lowry Miss Virginia, res 909 Stewart
Louis Walter, tailor, res 610 e 12th
Loyd J E, pat [?] slat and wire fence company, 709 Main, boards Commercial
Lucas Miss A S, res 1606 Loomis
Lucas James, assistant cook, Brettun, boards same
Lucas S L, carpenter, res 1606 Loomis
Lueger Gus, plumber and gas fitter, works H & W, 906 Main, res 809 e 11th
Lynn A F, shooting gallery, res 220 e 6th
Lynn & French, dry goods, 723 Main, res 302 w 7th
Lynn J B, dry goods, 723 Main, res 302 w 7th
Lynn, carpenter, res 212 e 4th
Lyon A J, stock-breeder, res 719 e 10th
Lyon J S, plumber and gas-fitter, works H & W, 906 Main, res 303 e 7th
Mabee E A, livery and sale stable, 216 w Riverside, res 220 w Riverside
Madden W T, attorney at law, 812 Main, res 511 e 10th
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Maddox, Wm., cook, Commercial House, boards same
Mahan O S, works livery stable, 204 e 9th, res 215 e 9th
Maher Peter, res 610 e 8th
Major Charles, laborer, res w end Riverside
Malone Patk [? Park], works Commercial House, boards same
Mann J E, blacksmith, 1021 Main, res 1414 Main
Mann J S, clothing, etc., 909 Main, res 1205 Millington
Mann Luther, delivery clerk, Lynn & French, res 602 e 3rd
Mann Miss Mamie, res 1414 Main
Mann Miss Mollie, res 602 e 3rd
Mann Wm., teamster, res 602 e 3rd
Mann Wilson, res 1414 Main
Manning J L, res 610 e 5th
Manning J W, laborer, res 810 e 11th
Manning Lewis, laborer, res e 9th
Manny Frank, ice dealer, res 804 e 3rd
Manser G S, real estate, 913 Main, res 1305 Millington
Mansfield, Miss Josephine E, millinery, 915 Main
Marley A A, bootmaker, works Martin, 1006 Main, boards Winfield House
Marley Mrs. Ella, res 1018 e 12th
Marshall Miss, clerk, registration office, res 209 e 10th
Martin G W, shoemaker, 1006 Main, res 1003 Manning
Martin G W, res 302 w 6th
Martin I, clerk, Youngheim’s, 819 Main, res Popp building
Martin S M, butcher, res 906 e 9th
Martin W H, carpenter, res 918 e 6th
Mason John, stonemason, res 709 e 6th
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Mater & Son, blacksmith, 1022 Main
Mater Daniel, res 220 e 11th
Mater J S, res 12 miles s e of city
Mathews J W, barber, 903 Main, res Main
Maurer Peter, carpenter, res 706 e 7th
Maus C W, stonemason, res 1113 Stewart
Maus Herman, butcher, Main, res 1102 Manning
Maus John A, mason, res 613 Millington
Maus J S, foreman, Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 802 Walton
Maxey J W, laborer, boards 119 w 9th
Mays C H, stonecutter, res 715 e 10th
Meixel E C, proprietor, Hotel Stewart, 1301 Main
Meixel J L, res 1301 Main
Merrifield H L, clerk, Central Hotel, boards same
Mendhenhall W S, physician and surgeon, 119 e 9th, res 907 Millington
Merrill & Merrill, blacksmiths, 118 e 8th
Merrill J J, res 812 e 7th
Merrill W T, res 715 Millington
Meyer Charles, butcher, res Ann Street
Meyers J G, carpenter, res 413 w 11th
Michael Mrs. Etta, widow, res 57 e 6th
Michael Morgan M, works R R, res 517 e 6th
Millard E A, examiner, J C & Co., 1001 Main, res Burden
Miller Dan, blacksmith, 803 e 3rd, res same
Miller Fielden, farmer, res n end of Main
Miller G W, cattle dealer, 907 Main, res 602 Manning
Miller Geo. W, works R R, res 604 e 5th
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Miller Henry B, works R R, res 604 e 5th
Miller John, res 508 Maris
Miller J F, laborer, res 518 e 3rd
Miller Lizzie, domestic at Kirk’s, 116 w 8th
Miller Miss Mary E, res 604 e 5th
Millington D A, proprietor, “Courier,” and postmaster, res 420 e 10th
Millington J L, clerk, P O, boards Brettun
Millington Miss Jessie, res 420 e 10th
Millspaugh L A, travel agent, boots and shoes, res 905 e 9th
Mitchell David, teamster, res 413 Bliss
Mitchell R B, stonemason, res 602 e 4th
Mitschler Joe, butcher, works Dautschman, res 1415 Menor
Moir Mrs. M E, hair-dresser, 920 Main, boards Central
Monforte & Rogers, carriage and wagon works, 114 e 8th
Monforte J C, res 3 miles n e of city
Monroe John, barber, works 105 e 9th, res 701 Main
Moore H P, stock dealer, res 802 e 9th
Moore Bros., stone cutters and masons, 1112 Lowry
Moore Luther, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Luzern, res 1112 Lowry
Moore Wm. & Son, stone sidewalks, res n of Bliss & Wood’s mill
Moore W S, stonemason, res 1119 Lowry
Moore Wm., carpenter, res e Myrtle
Mooso Bros., billiard hall, 902 Millington
Mooso Ed H, res 806 e 10th
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Mooso J C, res 806 e 10th
Moorehouse W L, lumber dealer, res 1117 Menor
Morford Miss Bertha, res 1217 Loomis
Morford Mrs., widow, res 1217 Loomis
Morris Clinton, sewing machine agent, res 1314 Mansfield
Morris H, sewing machines, res 1518 Menor
Morrison F G, farmer, res e 9th
Morrison Samuel, carpenter, res 209½ e 9th
Morton Harry, cook, Brettun, res 508 e 6th
Mount Edwin S, stonemason, res 709 e 8th
Mount John H, stonemason, res 709 e 8th
Mount M H, carpenter, res 709 e 8th
Mullen W L, real estate, 106 e 9th, res 206 w 10th
Mundy W M, miller, res 1509 Mansfield
Murphy Wilbert T, works restaurant, 111 e 9th, res 219 e 9th
Musgrave Joseph, farmer, res 1416 Manning
Myer James W, delivery clerk, Long’s grocery, res 417 w 11th
Myer John S, carpenter, res 417 w 11th
Myer Miss Nettie E, res 417 w 11th
Myers T B, res 703 e 11th
Myton S H, hardware and implements, 718, 720, 722 Main, res 721 Menor
McAllister J R, laborer, res north of city
McAllister John, proprietor, Ninth Avenue Hotel, 110 e 9th
McAllister Miss Rose, clerk, Ninth Avenue Hotel, 110 e 9th
McArthur Miss Sadie, res 1305 Millington
McBride Daniel, farmer, res 1016 Lowry
McClanahan Mrs. E J, widow, res 1520 Manning
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McClean O, laborer, res 1812 Fuller
McClellan Will J, clerk, P O, res 614 Millington
McCormack Nettie, domestic at Millington’s, 420 e 10th
McCormick Harvey, works grocery, 807 Main, res 1504 Menor
McCormick M S, grocer, 807 Main, res 1504 Menor
McCormick Minnie E, domestic, 321 e 11th
McCormick Orley, clerk, grocery, 807 Main, res 1504 Menor
McCormick Ol, painter, 607 Main
McCoy Miss Annie, music teacher, res 1217 Millington
McCoy M P, attorney at law, res 1105 Lowry
McCoy Miss Nettie R, music teacher, res 1217 Millington
McCreary James B, laborer, res 906 e 6th
McDermott & Johnson, attorneys at law, 100 w 9th
McDermott James, lawyer, res 204 e 12th
McDonald Miss Alice, res 502 e 8th
McDonald Miss Lizzie, res 502 e 8th
McDonald & Webb, attorneys at law, 116 e 9th
McDonald J Wade, dry goods, etc., 1001 Main, res 502 e 8th
McDonald W C, real estate, 909 Main, res 603 Manning
McFadden B, city marshal, res 901 e 8th
McGhee Charles, clerk, Lynn & French, res 307 e 11th
McGinnis J D, carpenter, res w end 7th
McGraw Wm., carpenter, res 605 Millington
McGuire Bros., groceries, etc., 900 Main
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McGuire J E, res 1504 Main
McGuire T M, res 601 Millington
McGuire Thos., section foreman, R R, res 1802 Fuller
McIntire G H, sheriff, res 708 e 9th
McIntyre John W, carpenter, res 208 e 4th
McKain J B, laborer, res 907 e 5th
McKay & Pettit, contractors and builders, 218 e 10th
McKay J C, carpenter, res 714 e 8th
McKay Miss Maggie, res 714 e 8th
McKay W, clerk, lumber company, 600 Main, boards Shotwell’s
McKee David, stone cutter, res 718 e 3rd
McKee John, res 1705 Fuller
McKinney Miss Della, domestic, 1021 Menor
McKinnon W H H, boarding house, 703 e 4th
McKinnon Miss Minnie, res 703 e 4th
McLain James, res 617 e 8th
McLean Wm. J, painter, res 608 e 6th
McMaster A H & Co., Santa Fe Lumber Company, 1321 Stewart
McMaster A H, lumber, boards Central Hotel
McMullen Edward J & Co., insurance and loans, 203 e 9th
McMullen Edward J, res 419 w 9th
McMullen J C, res 508 w 9th
McMullen J F, attorney at law, 203½ w 9th, res 419 w 9th
McMullen Gus, night operator, telephone office, res 419 w 9th
McNeil A H, blacksmith, works 200 e 9th, res 1312 Main
McRay Miss Katie, res 603 w Blanden
McRoberts C L, stonemason, res 121 w Walnut
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Nance James, works brick-yard, boards East Boarding House
Nash Miss Ella, res 503 Maris
Nash John M, carpenter, res 916 e 5th
Nation Wm. E, carriages and buggies, 610 Main, res 417 Bliss
Naw Geo., carpenter, res 822 e 11th
Naw Miss Lizzie, res 822 e 11th
Neilson John M, paper-hanger, res 518 e 6th
Nelson Edward F, clerk, Baird’s, res 901 Manning
Newton Wm., harness-maker, 914 Main, res 1013 Manning
Nichols Charles, teamster, res 213 e 10th
Nichols George, laborer, res corner 11th and Loomis
Nichols James, stone cutter, res 601 e 9th
Nichols John W, barber, 105 e 9th, res 306 e 11th
Nichols W, laborer, res 1616 Mansfield
Nickel Charles, farmer, res 804 e 4th
Nickel John H, res 220 w 11th
Nipp James, county treasurer, res 503 e 10th
Norton Asa, janitor of public buildings, res 901 e 8th
Norton H G, blacksmith, res 1016 Mansfield
Norton S W, blacksmith and wagon-maker, 1022 Main, res 1016 Mansfield
Norton S W Jr., school teacher, res 1016 Mansfield
Norton Samuel W, cigar maker, works Wilkinson & Co., boards Central Hotel
Oaks J S, works Baden, res 321 w Maple
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O’Connor George, works Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 208 w 5th
O’Connor Isaac, stonemason, res n end Main
Oglesby G W, farmer, res 1008 e 11th
O’Hare Jos., attorney at law, 909 Main, boards Olds House
Olds House, Mrs. M E Brown, proprietor, 321 e 8th
Olin A J, farmer, res 902 e 11th
Olin Frank, carpenter, res 902 e 11th
Olive George, res 1002 e 11th
Oliver Mrs. C, widow, res 302 e Walnut
Oliver Bros., lumber yard, 600 Main
Oliver S R, res 609 Millington
Oliver J W, painter and paper-hanger, 105 w 9th
Oliver Samuel, works McMullen, res 609 w 8th
Oliverson T R, plasterer, res 716 e 5th
Oller N S, teamster, res 1812 Fuller
Omstead E, pianos and organs, 1121 Main, res same
Omstead Mrs. M L, teacher of music, 1121 Main
O’Mealley Miss M A, res 410 e 8th
O’Meara & Randolph, boots and shoes, 817 Main
O’Meara M J, boards Brettun
O’Neil Lewis, clerk, Spotswood’s, res 217 e 12th
O’Neil Miss Lizzie, res 317 w 10th
Onstott F A, laborer, res 705 e 8th
Ordway George, lawyer, 1119 Millington
Orndorff H P, cabinet-maker, res 1417 Mansfield
Orr C W, boards Central Hotel
Osborn John, shoemaker, res 1210 Manning
Ostrander & Stayman, engineers and machinists, 614 Main
Ostrander James, boards 709 Millington
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Overley Miss Clara, dressmaker, works 813 Main, boards Limbocker’s
Overman N P, works Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 820 e 10th
Overman Miss S E, res 820 e 10th
Owens, res 1019 e 10th
Paden Wm., teamster, res 705 e 6th
Page Miss Belle, res 515 w Blanden
Page E, laborer, res 1403 Main
Page H J, works R R, res 515 w Blanden
Palmer W N, engineer, Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 1516 Menor
Park Henry L, clerk, Brown’s drug store, 803 Main
Park John, carpenter, res 606 Millington
Park Dr. S B, physician, res 902 e 8th
Parker Miss Alice, res 116 e 10th
Parker James, res 1209 Stewart
Parker Mrs. S A, widow, res 116 e 10th
Parkhurst S T, res 421 w 8th
Paris C W, street-sprinkler, res 217 e 6th
Paris Hank F, drayman, office 517 Main, res 605 e 7th
Parmer & Co., groceries, 113 e 9th
Parmer D, res 1018 e 9th
Pate Ed, clerk, district court, res 1415 Main
Patterson Mrs. C H, dressmaker, res e 11th
Patterson James A, drayman, res 504 e 5th
Patridge Thos., laborer, res 608 e 7th
Pearson W F, laundry, 222 e 9th
Peebles E, machinist, res 1721 Menor
Perigo Mary, works Brettun
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Pero Philip, laborer, res 1602 Main
Perry Dr. C, res 803 e 10th
Perry Henry, works Brettun
Personett Jos., farmer, res 421 w 12th
Pettit I H, carpenter, res e 8th
Phenix Mrs. C, res e end of Myrtle
Phenix Wm., works Baden, res 914 e 9th
Phippen Thos., carpenter, res 614 e 6th
Pickens Dr. F M, physician, 812 Main, res 1214 Manning
Pickens Miss Maude, res 1214 Manning
Picket Miss Bertha, res 1718 Loomis
Pickett, laborer, res 1815 Fuller
Pickeral Chas. E, res 313 e 6th
Pickeral Wm., laborer, res 313 e 6th
Pierce C C, 10th Avenue Livery Stable, 121 w 10th, res 411 w Riverside
Pierce Harry, works stable, 121 w 10th, res 411 w Riverside
Pierce Wm. E, section foreman R R, res 602 e 6th
Pierson W P, farmer, res 1018 e 12th
Pitts C W, organs and pianos, res 1008 Menor
Pixley W B, dry goods and groceries, 715 Main, res 221 w 7th
Pixley Z F, painter, res 509 Bliss
Plank J J, guns and ammunition, 122 e 9th, res e Myrtle
Poindexter W E, groceries, 201 e 9th, res 315 e 8th
Potter D N, carpenter, res 419 w Blanden
Potter H R, drayman, res 419 w Blanden
Popp Geo. A, City Hotel, 1117 Main
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Powell John, harness-maker, works Norton, res 219 w 9th
Powers N M, farmer, res 718 Millington
Prathers J W, boots and shoes, 1005 Main, boards 321 w 10th
Pratt G L, Chicago Lumber Company, 111 n 8th, res Wichita
Price W L, works grocery, 201 e 9th, boards e 9th
Pridgen W L, mason, res 115 e 9th
Pritchard Mrs. F O, widow, res 713 Manning
Pryor & Pryor, attorneys at law, 901 Main
Pryor J D, res 1408 Loomis
Pryor S D, res 1303 Manning
Pugh Chas., physician, 911 Main, boards Brettun
Pugh Bennett, laborer, res 1416 Menor
Pugh J R, stock dealer, 905 Main, res 308 e 5th
Pugh J R, works water-works, res end w 7th
Pugh John, works “Telegram,” 112 e 8th
Pumyea John S, commercial traveler, boards Brettun
Purden Joe, horse dealer, res 814 Mansfield
Quarles Mrs. Anna, widow, res 840 w Riverside
Rails James, works livery stable, res e 9th
Rukestraw David, carpenter, res 313 e 6th
Randall Miss Ella, cashier, Horning & Whitney, res 318 e 8th
Randall I W, carpenter shop, 123 w 8th, res 1103 Mansfield
Randall Miss Mary, res 318 e 8th
Randall Mrs. Rachel, widow, res 318 e 8th
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Randall, well-digger, res s end Ann Street
Randolph Frank, boots and shoes, 817 Main
Ray A, carpenter, res 812 e 10th
Ray L W, carpenter, res 218 w 9th
Ray R, carpenter, res 812 e 10th
Ray T V, carpenter, res 210 w 9th
Raymond F K, stenographer, res 1119 Platter
Raymond G E, stock dealer, res 921 Mansfield
Read M L, president, 1st National Bank, 903 Main, res 221 w 8th
Reavis Wm., painter, res 914 e 6th
Red Front Grocery, H D McCormick, proprietor, 807 Main
Reed Mrs. C, widow, res 816 e 10th
Reed Geo. F, tinner, works Hendricks & Wilson, rooms Main
Reed & Oliver, house and sign painters, 105 w 9th
Reed John H, painter, res Olds House
Reed J M, painter, shop e 8th, res 218 e 7th
Reed T F, tinner, works Hendricks & Wilson, res 711 e 6th
Reeves Joseph, carpenter, res 318 e 8th
Reider Rev. J H, pastor, First Baptist Church, res 701 Millington
Rembaugh Geo., proprietor and editor, “Telegram,” 112 e 8th, res 213 w 9th
Renner Chas., works stone quarry, boards 706 e 7th
Reynolds J M, teamster, res 1301 Stewart
Reynolds John W, painter, res 700 e 6th
Rice E M, bookkeeper, Baden, res 708 e 10th
Rider N P, works Stubblefield, res 808 Millington
Riehl Mrs. Eliza, widow, res 120 e Park
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Riley John, clerk, Baden’s, res 1314 Main
Rinker & Harris, proprietors, Hoosier grocery, 913 Main
Rinker G L, grocer, 913 Main, res 217 e 11th
Roberts Albert, teamster, res 800 e 12th
Roberts A B, paper hanger, res 518 e 6th
Roberts A T, rubber stamps, res 213 e 11th
Roberts Chas. A, musician, res 1421 Manning
Roberts D W C, brick mason, res 509 Manning
Roberts John, farmer, res 816 e 10th
Robertson G W, res 2 miles s of city
Robertson Quincy A, compositor, “Courier,” boards Commercial House
Robinson Miss Ellen, res 1815 Millington
Robinson Gabriel, carpenter, res 1409 Main
Robinson Geo. W., assistant cashier, First National Bank, res 303 w Riverside
Robinson M L, vice president, First National Bank, res 72 Menor
Robinson W C, cashier, First National Bank, res 72 Menor
Rodgers Miss Kate B, res 719 e 11th
Rodgers Miss Lillie, res 1018 e 12th
Rodgers Miss Nellie L, res 719 e 11th
Rodgers S H, stock dealer, res 719 e 11th
Rodocker D, photographer, 903 Main, res 1102 e 7th
Rodolf R B, manager, Chicago Lumber Company, boards Brettun
Roderick H J, res 214 e 6th
Rogers E T, carriage maker, 114 e 8th, res 617 Millington
Rogers Frank, works blacksmith’s, 114 e 8th, res 617 Millington
Rogers Jess, works 114 e 8th, res 617 Millington
Rose Edward, works stone quarry, res 318 w 5th
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Roseberry J S, stock dealer, res 320 e 9th
Ross S E, res 807 Manning
Ross Washington, laborer, res 509 Maris
Rothrock J S, clerk, Long’s grocery, res 1109 Millington
Rothrock Dr. W P, physician, res 702 e 11th
Rowland G B, stonemason, res 311 e 7th
Rowland J C, clerk, Jarvis, Conklin & Co., res 618 e 7th
Rowland John, works court house, res 613 e 7th
Rowe Benj., plasterer, res 1209 Mansfield
Rowe Miss Ray, works Friend’s millinery, res Manning
Ruddiman John, res 1103 Menor
Rutherford Mrs. B W, widow, res 714 e 10th
Rutherford Miss Dora, compositor, “Telegram,” res 714 e 10th
Rutherford Perry, teamster, res 714 e 10th
Rutherford Will, teamster, res 714 e 10th
Rupp M B, carpenter, res 1204 Menor
Russell W L, flour and feed, 1016 Main, boards Central
Ryder Miss Lou, works English Kitchen, res Millington
Ryder Mrs., works English Kitchen, res Millington
Sabin G E, insurance agent, boards Commercial House
Sabins L A, carpenter, res 1719 Manning
Saladee G B, planing mills, 522 Main, boards Commercial House
Salmons D W, works Doane, 122 w 9th, res 221 w 9th
Sanders, Wm. [no further information.]
Sanderson G W, teamster, res 1117 e 11th
Sandner Jacob, stonemason, boards 710 e 7th
Sandner Nicholas, foreman, stone quarry, res 710 e 7th
Santa Fe Lumber Co., 1321 Stewart
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Sarchet Moses, works Brettun, boards same
Saunders Chas., res 610 e 6th
Sayles E C, works, elevator, res 221 w 12th
Schaffer Henry, laborer, res 615 w Blanden
Schmidt Chas., stone quarry and contractor, res 301 Andrews
Schmidt, stone cutter, res 818 e 5th
Schofield Frank, works Keck’s stable, res 113 w 10th
Schofield Mrs. N M, widow, res 113 w 10th
Schumann F, jeweler and watchmaker, 103 e 10th, rooms 303 e 6th
Scothorn G W, carpenter, res 608 Manning
Scott James, painter, shop 35 e 9th, res 710 e 3rd
Scott L C, barber, works Jackson, 1001 Main
Scott Miss L F, dressmaker, res 1016 Manning
Scott M M, auctioneer, res 1619 Loomis
Scott Samuel, res 1016 Manning
Scott W P, works publishing house, res 1606 Millington
Scroggin Berry, proprietor, Winfield House, 1113 Main, res 117 w 10th
Scroggin Miss M J, res 117 w 10th
Scroggin Mrs. Sarah, widow, res 117 w 10th
Seabridge Mrs. Mary B, widow, res 1012 e 11th
Seaman Mrs. M J, widow, res 206 e 12th
Sears C W, soda water manufacturer, 1416 Loomis
Sears Eph., stonemason, res 1205 Manning
Secat [Seacat?], laborer, res s end Menor
Secrist S, farmer, res 1621 Manning
Self John, works Johnston, boards e 7th
Seward E C, res 120 w 8th
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Sexton J A, broom maker, res 421 w Blanden
Shafer Joe, assistant cook, Commercial House
Shane Isaac, tinner, works Horning & Whitney, res 319 Andrews
Shannon Thompson, farmer, res e end 12th
Shaw & Barnes, painters, 113 w 8th
Shaw C A, painter, res 1217 Manning
Shaw Andy, laundry, 111 e 10th, res 503 Maris
Shaw A J, compositor, “Tribune,” 110 e 8th, boards Hotel Stewart
Shaw G B & Co., lumber and coal, 523 Main
Shearer W H, agent, Burgess’ steam-washer, res 917 Mansfield
Sheats J P, stonemason, res e 9th
Sheets & Siler, billiard hall and bowling alley, 117 e 9th
Sheets Frank, billiards, res 119½ e 9th
Shell & Smith, billiard hall, 800 Main
Shell I B, billiards, boards 322 w 8th
Shell Wm. H, billiards, boards 322 w 8th
Shepherd Mrs. Ellen, widow, res 412 e 6th
Shepherd Miss Lillie, res 412 e 6th
Sherran Frank, printer, “Tribune,” 110 e 8th, boards Hotel Stewart
Sherrard & Houk, flour and feed, 107 e 9th
Sherrard G L, res 315 w Riverside
Shields Albert, barber, works Brettun, res e 9th
Shields Mrs. Julia A, widow, res 1005 Lowry
Shields M B, clerk, Lynn, rooms 102 w 8th
Shigley J W, res 417 e Maple
Shigley John, farmer, res 1021 Lowry
Shipp L M, laborer, res 514 e 6th
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Shivvers H T, real estate, 1001 Main, res 702 e 8th
Shivvers Hopkins, clerk, abstract office, 913 Main, res 702 e 8th
Shivvers Miss, clerk, McDonald’s, res 702 e 8th
Shomber Norman, machinist, res 1409 Manning
Shotwell W T, 311 e 8th
Sickafoose H D, clerk, Baden’s rooms, 1217 Manning
Siler S E, billiard hall, 117 e 9th, res 119½ e 9th
Silliman Mrs. A, widow, res 1310 Loomis
Silliman H E, real estate, res 1220 Loomis
Silver David, delivery clerk, Cal Ferguson, res 404 w 9th
Silver H S, seeds and agricultural implements, res 1202 Millington
Silvers Mrs. Mary L, restaurant, 121 e 9th
Simpson James, mechanic, res 218 w 10th
Simpson Lewis, laborer, res 520 w 12th
Sinnott M M, deputy county clerk, res 307 e 10th
Sipe Philip, grain dealer, 905 Main, res 1421 Menor
Siverd H H, constable, res 804 e 12th
Skating Rink, M Yocum, proprietor, 1320 Main
Stone Miss Lizzie, dressmaker, 813 Main, res 1017 Manning
Stone W W, commission agent, res 1017 Manning
Small F F, works stone quarry, res 409 e 5th
Small Frank, foreman, stone quarry, res 1815 Millington
Smedley Hiram, res 915 e 9th
Smedley Samuel, optician, res 815 e 8th
Smith Andrew, laborer, res 1812 Loomis
Smith Miss Carrie, res e end 9th
Smith Chas. H, printer, “Tribune,” boards Hotel Stewart
Smith D A, tinner, works Myton’s, boards Lindell
Smith Frank, clerk, Lynn’s, rooms over store
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Smith Frank A, painter, res 513 Maris
Smith J A, billiards, 800 Main, res w 9th
Smith J A, delivery clerk, Wells, Fargo Express, 112 w 9th, res 205 w 9th
Smith J A, miller, Kirk’s mill, res 410 w 9th
Smith John A, insurance and loans, 203 e 9th, res e 6th
Smith J G, barber, works 903 Main, res Main
Smith J L, feed stable, res 703 e 9th
Smith J R, res e end 9th
Smith R S, works Parmer’s grocery, 113 e 9th, res e 9th
Smith Sol, boarding house, 207 e 9th
Smith S C, loans, 910 Main, boards Brettun
Smith S M, cigar maker, works Wilkinson & Co., res Menor
Smith Willis H, clerk, Bliss & Wood’s mill, res 1015 Lowry
Smith Wm., res 210 e 6th
Smith & Co., broom manufacturers, 1312 Stewart
Smith D A, broom maker, res 317 w Maple
Smith C E, broom maker, res 317 w Maple
Smith & Zook, boots and shoes, 803 Main
Smith W H, res 817 Main
Snow A B, manager, lumber, 1112 Main, res 1321 Manning
Snow J E, attorney at law and justice of the peace, 215 e 9th, res 1521 Manning
Snowhill A, agent, Adams’ Express Company, 108 w 9th, boards Brettun
Soloman, pastor, res 616 e 6th
Soward Tom H, register of deeds, res 309 e 10th
Spangler Mrs. C, widow, res 1711 Fuller
Sparkman Henry, works R R, res 415 w 8th
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Spencer Robt. L, carpenter, res 202 e 4th
Spilman J H, barber, works 804 Main, boards English Kitchen
Springs J A, painter res 1705 Manning
Spotswood & Wallace, groceries, etc., 923 Main
Spotswood A T, res 217 e 12th
Stafford Grant, bookkeeper, Albright, res 1120 Manning
Stafford J M, insurance agent, res 1120 Manning
Stafford M G, drayman, res 900 e 6th
Stafford M S, painter, works 114 e 8th, res Manning
Stallings D W, farmer, res 1616 Main
Stallings Jos., laborer, res 820 e 10th
Standard Type Writer, S D Pryor, agent, 901 Main
Stannard John, carpenter, shop 816 Millington, res 712 e 5th
Stannard Luke, painter, res 712 e 5th
Stansberry Miss Maggie, school teacher, res 1012 e 10th
Stansberry Mrs. N J, widow, res 1204 Loomis
Stansburry S M, stonemason, res n e of city
Stark Edward W, works R R, res 1811 Fuller
Starnes P M, attorney at law, 812 Main, res 212 e 12th
States David J, physician, office 812 Main, res 901 e 10th
Stayman John M, engineer and machinist, 614 Main, boards 709 Millington
St Clair Joe, works stable, 121 w 10th, boards Winfield House
Steele & Co., grain dealers, proprietor, Santa Fe Elevator, 603 w 12th
Steele Samuel, res 1121 Stewart
Steinbaugh Newton A, works Lynn, res 319 w Riverside
Sterling John T, carpenter, res 308 e 8th
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Sternes, engineer, R R, res corner Myrtle and Ann [First Name not given]
Stephens Geo. S, painter, res 711 e 9th
Stephens Albert, laborer, res 1819 Millington
Stephens J H, mason, boards Lindell
Stephenson Miss Ella, res 1618 Loomis
Stephenson Mrs. Martha, widow, res 1618 Loomis
Stewart J P, carpenter, res 603 e 9th
Stewart John, res 519 e 8th
Stewart Miss Laura, dressmaker, works 801 Main, res w 10th
Stewart Wm., carpenter, boards 506 e 7th
Stivers Geo., painter, 218 w 9th, res 421 w 10th
Stivers M B, laborer, res 1609 Menor
Stivers S S, proprietor, “Sam’s Place,” ice cream, etc., 810 Main
Stolp C W, clerk, Berkey’s Hardware, 115 e 9th, res 911 e 11th
Stolp E B, clerk, hardware, 115 e 9th, res 1507 Menor
Stolp Miss Hattie, clerk, Baden’s, res 911 e 11th
Stolp Hiram G, res 911 e 11th
Story P H, res 802 e 7th
Strader C, carpenter, res 902 e 11th
Stretch J, farmer, res 1021 e 9th
Strong F N, cattle-dealer, res 1021 e 9th
Stubenhaven J, cigar maker, works Harper & Co., boards Commercial
Stubblefield H W, meat and feed store, 209 e 9th, res e end 12th
Stueven C E, barber, Brettun House, 619 Main, res 512 e 6th
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Stump L N, res 417 e 7th
Sullivan C C, shooting gallery and bowling alley, 819 Millington, boards Commercial
Swarts Jac, res, 318 e 7th
Sweet Chas. H, cigars and lunch, 117 e 9th, res 1611 Manning
Sweetman John, teamster, res 1721 Millington
Sweeney Chas., harness-maker, works Sydal, boards Lindell
Swim Elmer E, works “Tribune,” boards Axtell’s
Swindler A M, laborer, res 1403 Manning
Swindler Mrs. Eleanor, widow, res 1403 Manning
Swindler J H, laborer, res 1403 Manning
Taggart R, real estate, boards 119 w 9th
Tandy Dr. T B, physician, 913 Main, res 202 e 12th
Tanner Morton W, clerk, Kleeman, res 514 e 7th
Tate Joseph, laborer, res 1612 Main
Taylor Miss Annie, domestic at Pugh’s, 308 e 5th
Taylor C W, agent, Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, 112 w 9th, res 521 w 10th
Taylor Daniel, stock-dealer, res 521 e 9th
Taylor E D, groceries, 1009 Main, res 1004 Main
Taylor Isaac A, farmer, res 1820 Loomis
Taylor John, laborer, res 1602 Menor
Taylor J O, stock-dealer, res 1002 Menor
Taylor Martin, marble-polisher, works 206 e 9th, res 1602 Menor
Taylor M B, organs, etc., 916 Main, res w 10th
Taylor Paskel, teamster, res 619 w 12th
Taylor W B, carpenter, shop 218 e 10th, res 215 e 10th
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