J. W. Curns


J. W. Curns, 29; spouse, Fannie V., 25.
John W. Curns, 30; spouse, Fannie, 26.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
John Curns 31  m w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Fannie V. Curns 26 f w Maryland Maryland
John F. Curns 3  m w Kansas
John W. Curns, 34; spouse, F. V., 30.
J. W. Curns, 36; spouse, Fannie V., 32.
Curns & Manser, real estate, loans, etc., 913 Main
Curns J W, real estate, res 1117 Mansfield
Partner of J. W. Curns: G. S. Manser, from Arkansas City...
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
G. S. Manser 33  m w Maryland Texas
Fannie Manser 21 f w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
John W. Curns, Cowley County Deputy Register...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
Judge 13th Judicial District: W. P. Campbell.
Board of County Commissioners: Frank Cox, Chairman; O. C. Smith, J. D. Maurer.
County Clerk: A. A. Jackson.
County Treasurer: E. B. Kager.
Probate Judge: T. H. Johnson.
Register of Deeds: J. F. Paul.
Deputy Register: Jno. W. Curns.
Sheriff: James Parker.
Deputy Sheriff: W. E. Dowd.
Coroner: G. P. Waggoner.
County Attorney: E. S. Torrance.
Clerk District Court: James Kelly.
County Surveyor: Manley Hemenway.
Deputy: W. W. Walton.
J. W. Curns, Clerk of election...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.

   Notice of Election.
In the matter of the application of the majority of the electors of the unincorporated town of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, to be incorporated into a city of the third class, under the laws in such case made and provided.
Whereas, a petition to me presented, duly signed by a majority of the electors of said town of Winfield, setting forth:
1. The metes and bounds of said town to be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point 80 rods east of the n w corner of the n w qr of sec 23 t 32, south of r 4 east, thence s to the n line of the s w qr of said sec, thence s 1 deg, e 1900 feet, thence e 1309 ft. to the center line, thence n on said center line 1884 feet to the n e corner of the s w qr of said section, thence e 80 rods, thence n to the n line of said qr, to a point 1 chain and 10½ links e of the n w cor of said qr, thence n 1 deg w 19 Chains., thence w 1 chain and 21 links, thence s along the line between s e and s w qr sections of 21, 19 Chains to the s e corner of the s e qr of sec 21, thence w 80 rods to the place of beginning.
2. That said town contains a population of about six hundred inhabitants.
3. That said petition contains a prayer to be incorporated as a city of the third class. And, if appearing to my satisfac­tion that a majority of the taxable inhabitants of said town are in favor of such incorporation, and that the number of the inhabitants of said town exceeds two hundred and fifty, and does not exceed two thousand, therefore:
I, W. P. Campbell, Judge of the 13th Judicial District of the State of Kansas, being further satisfied that the prayer of the petitioners, in said petition, is reasonable, do hereby order and declare said town incorporated as a City of the Third Class, by the name and style of THE CITY OF WINFIELD, according to the metes and bounds aforesaid, and according to the law in such case made and provided:
And it is by me further ordered that, the first election in said City, for City officers, shall be held at the LAW OFFICE OF SUITS & WOOD, in said City, on the 7th day of March, A. D., 1873. And I hereby designate W. M. Boyer, D. A. Millington, and J. P. Short, to act as judges of said election, and J. W. Curns and J. M. Dever to act as Clerks of said election, and also, A. A. Jackson, A. T. Stewart, and O. F. Boyle to act as a Board of Canvassers.
It is further by me ordered, that the Clerk of the District Court in the county of Cowley, in said Judicial District, shall forthwith enter this order at length on the journal of proceedings of the District Court of said county of Cowley, and shall make publication of the same in some newspaper published in said City, at least one week before the said City election.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand at El Dorado, Kansas, in chambers this 22nd day of February, A. D. 1873. W. P. CAMPBELL, Judge.
Mrs. John Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 3, 1873.
We return thanks to Mrs. John Curns for some of the finest red beets we have seen this season, raised in her garden.
John Curns, City Clerk, office on third floor of M. L. Read’s new bank...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.

We take pleasure in noting the completion of M. L. Read’s new bank building. The contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, deserve every credit as experienced mechanics, as this piece of their work will fully testify. The material used in the con­struction is an extra quality of limestone rock for the founda­tion, and also used in the walls of the basement. The main building is of brick structure, and exhibits as fine an appear­ance exteriorly, as any brick block in the eastern States. The front has iron columns to support it, and the window sills are of white limestone rock and are capped with the same. The folding doors at the entrance are magnificently constructed of fine material, and grained and finished in modern style; while the large windows on each side of the door will be one solid glass, French plate, 4½ feet in width and 9½ feet in height.
The appointments of the building consists of basement full size of building, which is now occupied by Messrs. Miller & Meyers in the restaurant business. The second floor is exclusively occupied by the bank, and has attached every convenience desired in a banking house. The third floor is cut into rooms for office purposes, and is occupied by Messrs. Scull & Michener, attorneys; Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys; J. F. Paul, Esq., County Recorder; John Curns, City Clerk; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent; and E. B. Kager, Esq., County Treasurer. The building is completely occupied, and its interior, in point of finish and adaption to the business for which it is used, is not excelled by a like structure in any city.
The business energy and willing disposition so liberally manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town since he became a citizen, endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public.
J. W. Curns and G. S. Manser, partners, land office business...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 11, 1873.
J. W. Curns, of this place, and G. S. Manser, of Arkansas City, have formed a co-partnership to do a general land office business. We have not had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Manser, but we speak for John W. Curns, to those who may have business with him. They will find him ever ready, courteous, and kind. This is a business the want of which has been felt for some time and we hope these gentlemen (Curns & Manser) will receive a good support. Their office will be on the corner of Main Street and 10th Avenue, just south of the store of C. A. Bliss & Co.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
Last week Curns & Manser sold 40 acres off the east side of G. W. Thompson’s farm to Cyrus M. Perrine at $60 per acre; also David A. Crawford’s farm to Nancy Linscott for $1,400; also W. E. Bostwick’s farm to Chas. Hayes for $900. Mr. Perrine will have 50,000 grafts set out on his place by the first of April. This nursery will be a fine addition to the town.
Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
The members of the Fraternity of Odd Fellows will give a Sociable on Wednesday evening, November 5th, in the large room at the Courthouse. Evening entertainments will be of a social character. Supper will be provided at an early hour.

SOLICITING COMMITTEE: Mrs. M. L. Mullen, Mrs. J. J. Todd, Mrs. S. W. Greer, Mrs. Braidwood, Miss J. Stewart, Mrs. J. Bullene, Mrs. Jeffreys, L. J. Webb, T. A. Blanchard, A. S. Williams, G. W. Martin, Mrs. Fannie V. Curns, A. G. Jackson.
COMMITTEE ON PREPARING AND DECORATING THE ROOM: P. M. Shell, J. W. Curns, A. J. Thompson, Miss Ada Millington, Miss Quarles, Mrs. McMasters.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
We would call the attention of the public to the new ad. of Curns & Manser. These gentlemen have been in business but a short time, but during this time have succeeded in working up the best real estate business ever established in this county. The success that has attended them thus far is but an index to the business that will be done by them in the future. Anybody wishing to dispose of a piece of land quickly will do well to place it in their hands.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
OFFICE on the Corner of Main Street and Tenth Avenue,
WINFIELD, Cowley County, Kansas.
Below will be found a partial list of lands that we have for sale, and which is changed each week. To parties wishing to examine or purchase lands, we will furnish a conveyance free of charge. All property purchased for parties at a distance, carefully selected and personally examined. In connection with the Real Estate business, we have an Abstract of Title office, showing all transfers by deed or mortgage, liens, judgments, or defects in title to any lands or lots in Cowley County, and therefore guaranty the title to any property purchased through this office.
Collecting rents and paying taxes attended to promptly.
108 Acres, adjoining the City of Winfield, on the E. Price from $55 to $60 per acre.
No. 63. 112 acres, all bottom lands, 5 miles south of Winfield on Walnut River. Good well, pasture fenced of about 50 acres, part timber and part prairie. 50 acres timber. Stock water on place. Price $1,200.
No. 77. 160 acres, No. 1 upland, 2½ miles northwest of Winfield, S E ¼ Sec. 19 Tp. 32 S of R 4 east. Price $1,000.
No. 82. 80 acres, S ½ of N W ¼ Sec. 10 Tp. 33 R 4 all bottom land, about 2 acres of timber. 2¾ miles south of Winfield on section line road to Arkansas City. Price $1,000.
No. 56. 140 acres, 5 miles west of Winfield. No. 1 stock farm, about 80 acres bottom, balance good upland. Beaver Creek runs through north 80 which is well supplied with springs of clear running water. Hedge rows broken, 125 fruit trees, about 30 acres in cultivation. Price $850.
No. 29. 79 acres bottom land ¾ of a mile southeast of Winfield. Frame house 13 x 25, 1 story 4 rooms, front room 12 x 12, kitchen 9 x 12 with pantry and closet, all plastered and painted, cellar 13 x 13 feet; good stables and other out build­ings; good well, spring on place, 35 acres under cultivation. 20 acres pasture fenced; 30 bearing fruit trees. Price $3,000.
No. 50. 480 acres N E ¼ S E ¼ and S W ¼ sec 31 Tp. 33, R 5 east; 80 acres of breaking, 35 acres timber; Walnut River runs through place; splendid stock farm. Price $4,200.

No. 6. Lots 7 and 8 in block 167; house 18 x 24, 3 rooms plastered, good cellar, well of good water. Price 600 dollars.
No. 82. Business house on Main street in a central loca­tion: House 18 x 60 with back room and cellar. Price 1,200 dollars.
Mrs. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
The following ladies and gentlemen were appointed as commit­tees to make preparation for the Oyster supper to be given by the Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church on New Year’s eve.
COMMITTEE ON COOKING OYSTERS. Mrs. Dr. Black, Mr. S. Darrah, Mrs. Curns.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, January 23, 1874.
Curns and Manser, the real estate men, must be prospering; they appear in a new suit of clothes frequently.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1874.
Mr. Lynn, of Johnson County, has rented the building formerly occupied by Close & Greer as a furniture store, and is going to put into it a big stock of dry goods and groceries. Mr. Lynn comes well recommended, and will be quite an addition to our city. Winfield is under obligation to the enterprising young firm of Curns & Manser, Real Estate Agents, for advertising our city and county so extensively.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1874.
At a regular meeting of the Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., at Winfield, Kansas, Feb. 21st, 1874, the following resolutions were adopted and ordered printed.
WHEREAS, an all-wise and beneficent Providence has seen proper to take from our midst brother D. N. Egbert, Jr., and
WHEREAS, this Lodge as well as this community, has by his death lost a valuable, efficient, and influential member; and
WHEREAS, this Lodge desires to express its deep sense of the great loss of one of its first and most worthy members; therefore
Be it Resolved, That this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
By order of the Lodge. J. W. CURNS, NL. G.
Louis T. Michenor, Rec. Sec. pro tem.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
  Loans Negotiated.
Having made arrangements with eastern parties, we are prepared, through them, to negotiate loans for five years upon

The advantage of borrowing for a long over a short time, is apparent, when in the latter the sacrifice upon sales of stock or grain to meet maturing obligations is considered, while in the former ample time is given for stock or produce to be held over seasons when the market is depressed, that the highest prices may be realized. Again the rise in value of improvements and lands, which time only can bring about, and ability of borrower to meet the small amount of interest which would each year become due when he could not meet principal and interest, and on account of this inability very likely lose his place, are points which should be considered important.
To men who have firms upon which they desire to secure loans. We say we believe we can now negotiate for you upon terms which will be satisfactory.
Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Through the agency of the Real Estate firm of Curns & Manser, D. A. Millington, Esq., sold half of the block upon which his house stands, to Rev. James E. Platter. Mr. Platter intends to erect a fine residence upon his new purchase this spring.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.
There will be a special meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F., on Friday evening April 17th. All brothers and members of the order in good standing are cordially invited. Business of importance. J. W. Curns, N. G.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
To Builders.
BIDS will be received until Wednesday, April 30th, for the erection of a brick dwelling house in Winfield. The building is to be 26 x 32 with a one-story wing 14 x 14. Plans, specifica­tions, and conditions of contract at Curns & Manser’s. J. E. PLATTER.
J. W. Curns, City Clerk...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
The City Council met at the Courthouse April 20, 1874, at 7 p.m. Mayor S. C. Smith in the chair. Councilmen present: J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, S. Darrah. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
On motion, S. Darrah was duly elected as President of the Council for the ensuing year. H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, and R. B. Saffold were appointed a standing committee on finance for the ensuing year. S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, and J. P. McMillen were appointed a standing committee on streets and sidewalks.
The Mayor, with the consent of the Council, appointed the following city officers for the ensuing year. M. L. Robinson was duly appointed City Treasurer; J. W. Curns was duly appointed City Clerk and qualified as such. T. H. Suits was appointed City Attorney. Z. T. Swigart was duly appointed City Marshal.

Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
We are indebted to Curns & Manser, real estate agents and proprietors of Abstracts of Titles to all lands in Cowley County, for the following transfers of real estate . . . .
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1874.
The building formerly occupied by the Senate saloon is being repainted and otherwise improved, and will be occupied by the Real Estate office of Curns & Manser. These gentlemen have, by their business talent and judicious advertising, established such a business that a larger office was found to be necessary.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1874.
Public meeting of the citizens of Winfield, was held last Monday evening at the office of Curns & Manser for the purpose of preparing for a celebration of the 4th of July at Winfield.
J. W. Curns, City Clerk...
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1874.
City Council met June 17th, at 4 p.m., in pursuance of adjournment. Present: Mayor S. C. Smith and Councilmen S. Darrah, H. S. Silver, R. B. Saffold, and J. P. McMillen. J. W. Curns, Clerk.
The bill of J. W. Curns for one month’s services as Clerk, allowed: $8.33.
The bill of J. W. Curns for dog tags, allowed: $9.75.
On motion adjourned to meet at the next regular meeting at Curns & Manser’s office.
Office of Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.
A Stampede.
Reader, perhaps you have seen a herd of Texas cattle stam­pede; perhaps the rush of animals, the clatter of hoofs, the cracking of horns that give terror to the scene are familiar to you; perhaps the thunder of a million buffaloes shaking the earth and startling all living things in their rush from the hills down into the waters of the Arkansas may have wakened you from your nap by the camp-fire, and sent the blood leaping through its courses like an electric shock; perhaps the sight of the sudden retreat of five thousand men as they were hurled back over the reserves by an overwhelming force may have clenched your teeth in fear and anger some day.
We have seen, and felt, all of these things, but the terror of men and stampede of animals was never more perfect than the occurrence that transpired last Monday in the building occupied by Curns & Manser at the time Justice Boyer discharged the prisoners, Brown, Onstott, and Brocknell.
The house was full of spectators, at least one hundred and fifty in number. Some of the knowing ones had predicted “bloody work” that day and expectation was on tiptoe.
Sheriff Walker had warrants for the re-arrest of the prison­ers in the event of their discharge, while deputy U. S. Marshal Hill, backed by two or three resolute men from the Territory, was determined to take the prisoners with a U. S. warrant. At the instant the word “dis­charged” escaped the mouth of the Justice, Sheriff Walker and deputies took possession of the prisoners and at the same instant Hill and his posse attempted to seize them.

At this instant revolvers were drawn by some of the offi­cers, and a panic struck the spectators. A rush was made for the doors and windows. Small men were knocked down and run over, a board petition extending clear across the room was thrown flat down, a long railing was torn out, windows were smashed out and tables, chairs, and bookcases, upset.
A man, who had boasted of having looked down the belching cannon’s throat, appeared sudden­ly from some aperture hatless, and with hair on end. A burley merchant escaped through a window, and was seen to cross the street at full speed with a window sash sticking midway upon his body. Two long legged lawyers, who have boasted of their exploits in bullying county justices into favorable decisions, escaped through the nearest window, hatless and breath­less. One took refuge in the nearest kitchen, while the other held his panting bowels against the unexposed side of a small “out house.” A fleeing spectator declared, “They were killing lots of men in there.” Two minis­ters of the gospel were thrown down and tramped upon by the rabble, and at least twenty laymen suffered the same treatment.
Not a shot was fired!
Next week this blood-thirsty mob start for the front to clean out the redmen.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1874.
Last Tuesday was about as lively a day as we have seen since the fourth of July. We were first startled by seeing crowds of men and boys dashing up the street and disappearing in Curns & Manser’s office, and, not wishing to mourn alone, we soon found ourselves standing on a chair in the aforesaid office gazing at the struggle of two of our prominent lawyers, who were trying their wind and muscle in a scuffle, in which neither had an occasion to crow over the victory, they being about equally matched. The only one we felt sorry for was Justice Boyer, who adjourned court about a minute too soon to fine them for contempt.
The crowd next gathered at Darrah & Doty’s livery stable where a couple of our citizens were trying the effect of chairs and fists upon each other’s heads. They were separated before either was hurt.
Before the crowd had yet dispersed from the scene of this mill, they were startled by the news that the prisoners were escaping from the jail, and off they hurried to see what could be seen. Bozark, the fellow who was caught with Hill’s horse in Independence, and put in quod the day before, had been at work at one of the windows, and had so far succeeded that it is acknowl­edged that if he had been allowed to work another hour, he would have been able to walk out without any trouble; he had taken off the casing of one of the windows by some means and pried the bars nearly out of it.
We next sauntered into the courthouse, where the delegates to the convention which met yesterday were chosen, which being over, we quietly returned to our respective business. We were expecting that the excitement of the day would finish with a fire, but were fortunately mistaken.
J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

We publish elsewhere a call for a meeting of the citizens of this place, at the courthouse on next Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association for the estab­lishment of a Library and Reading Room, the employment of public lecturers, etc. This city has long felt the need of something of this sort and we are glad that the matter has been taken hold of at last. Let everybody attend the meeting next Tuesday evening.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
We, the undersigned citizens of Winfield, agree to attend a public meeting to be held in this city, to take into consider­ation the desirability of organizing a Literary and Scientific Association, having in view the establishment of a Library and Reading-Room, the employment of public lecturers, the encouragement of literature, and otherwise promoting moral and intellectual improvement. Said meeting to be held at the Court­house, at 7 o’clock p.m., on Tuesday, September 22, 1874.
(Signed) D. A. Millington, W. Q. Mansfield, E. S. Torrance, V. B. Beckett, M. L. Robinson, John E. Allen, James E. Platter, E. C. Manning, T. H. Johnson, A. H. Green, Wm. Bartlow, A. H. Hane, J. B. Fairbanks, J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser, and M. L. Read.
J. W. Curns, City Clerk...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1874.
Council Proceedings.
The bill of J. W. Curns for services as Clerk and stationery was duly allowed, $9.33.
Moved and carried that the Clerk certify up to the County Clerk the assessment made against the lots in the city on which sidewalks have been built by the city of Winfield.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
CURNS & MANSER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Negotiate loans and make collections. Have a complete set of Abstract Books for Cowley County, and the City of Winfield.
J. W. Curns, Secretary, Central Relief Committee...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1874.
The citizens of Winfield and vicinity assembled at the Courthouse on Monday evening, Nov. 30th, 1874, for the purpose of organizing a central relief committee for Cowley County.
On motion A. S. Williams was chosen chairman, and J. W. Curns, secretary, of the meeting.
Curns & Manser move office of Dr. Egbert to Main Street south of their office...
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
Curns & Manser have purchased the Dr. Egbert office, and have moved it to Main street, next door south of their present office.
J. W. Curns, City Clerk...
Winfield Courier, February 11, 1875.
Bill of J. W. Curns for services as clerk, for month ending January 8, $8.33.
Letter to J. W. Curns from J. J. Williams, former resident...
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.

The letter from J. J. Williams, which we publish in another column, has given the gold fever to several of our citizens. The writer is well known here, and his statements are relied upon. He left here last fall for the hills and in a post script to his letter promises to correspond regularly with Mr. Curns, as to affairs in that interesting locality. Mr. Williams has had considerable experience in Colorado as a miner and knows what he is talking about. The government and the Indians undoubtedly will make an attempt to keep the white man out of that country.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
A Letter from a Former Resident of Winfield.
MINER’S CAMP, BLACK HILLS, Dacotah Territory.
MR. J. W. CURNS. Dear Sir: I am sitting in my cabin this night, and as a courier starts for Cheyenne on Monday, I thought I would write you a few lines and let you know what I am doing. A party of twenty-five men started from Sioux City on the 6th day of October, last, and reached this camp on the 23rd of December. We have built a camp and done some prospecting, which has proved very satisfactory. We find gold in every hole we dig, which reaches as high as fifteen cents to the pan. We have commenced to mine where we think it will pay. We started a rocker and run it about one hour and cleaned up two dollars in fine gold. But it is so cold that we cannot do much just now, but it bids fair now for a fine winter and spring. If we get as good diggings as we are satisfied we have, we will make at least ten dollars to the man per day.
I think this is one of the richest gold fields ever struck in this or any other country, as there is fine quartz cropping out all over, and not only gold but some of the finest silver ledges in the United States. About twenty miles north of here, the hills are covered with beautiful pine timber. In the fine valleys our oxen and horses have grazed right along ever since we got here on what they pick.
I will say to all those wishing to come to this Eldorado, that there will be one of our party in Sioux City, on or about the first of March, and expects to return immediately, but if there is a company it will be far the best route by way of Cheyenne, as there is no established route. Yet by taking a map you can see the direction as well as I can give. It would please this whole party to see your party in here by the first of April.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
Feb. 1st.
FRIEND CURNS: As the messenger did not get started to Cheyenne this morning, but will start in the morning, I will write you what we did today. We ran one rocker; one man rocked while one dug dirt for two hours and one half and got four dollars. We can get ten dollars if we can work all day. I should like to see some Cowley folks here by the first of April, so I will not have to leave here, as I think we can better pay large profits to those who wish to fetch goods here, than to go out and get them ourselves. Please tell all that wish to come to not wait, as the first will get the cream.
Anyone who will fetch a stock of goods here by the first of May will make at least five hundred percent, above all cost, and by the first of April he can double that amount. You can write or come to Sioux City and find when the messenger will return; but if you or anyone who wishes to will come to Cheyenne and come in with a mule train, it will be far the shortest route, as it is only 198 miles from Harney’s peak, which is ten miles north of us. To reach us you must travel a northeast course, which will fetch you direct to our camp.

There are several who wished me to write to them, but you can show this to all who want to know the good news. I will close by asking you to answer this at Sioux City, Iowa, in care of Charles Collins, Times office, where all letters will be called for. But don’t wait to write, but come right along and bring all the news.
If the editor of the COURIER will find room enough in his columns, he will do a great favor by publishing this letter.
Further information may be had by calling on J. W. Curns.
Good bye for the present. J. J. WILLIAMS.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
A Bad Sell.
Through the kindness of Curns & Manser, we are permitted to copy an extract from a private letter received by them from Ex-Mayor S. C. Smith, who is now at Los Angeles, California. Mr. Smith is a close observer of men and things, cautious and reli­able, and his statements should and will receive considerable weight. Here is what he says about the over-much lauded California.
“Everything is red hot here. Hundreds of emigrants arriv­ing, some blessing the country and climate, and others cursing the newspapers for bringing them here where there is nothing to do. It is a worse place than Kansas for one without money, and whether a better place for one with it, I am not sure yet. Respectfully Yours, S. C. SMITH.”
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Rates Reduced. MONEY to loan for one, two, and five years, by Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns, G. S. Manser, others...
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto sub­scribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
  J. W. Curns and G. S. Manser and many others signed above.
J. W. Curns, Secretary...
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1875.
  Notice to Builders.
Sealed Bids for the erection of the First Presbyterian Church of Winfield will be received until Nov. 18th, 1875, at the office of Curns & Manser. The bids to be made out for the construction of either stone or brick, and according to plan and specifications at Read’s Bank. The right to reject any and all bids is specially reserved. J. W. CURNS, Secretary.
Justice of the Peace, J. W. Curns, after peculiar election...
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1875.

The Winfield Township ticket created some strife at the late election. The Republicans elected all their candidates, however, but W. E. Tansey, the Republican candidate for justice of the peace, failed to get the certificate of election notwithstanding he received about thirty majority. The judges of election refused to count about forty ballots that had the names of two candidates for justices of the peace upon them. This they did under the law as they understood it. It was well known however that Mr. Tansey was being voted for the vacant office and that A. G. Green was being voted for the vacancy that is thought will occur next spring. The judges undoubtedly erred, and consequently Mr. J. W. Curns received the certificate. The officers are: Trustee, J. S. Hunt; Clerk, E. S. Bedilion; Treasurer, B. Baldwin; Justice of the Peace, J. W. Curns; Constables, Ed. Evans and Burt Covert.
Early Background: J. W. Curns...
The city of Winfield was incorporated Feb. 22nd, 1873. The first city election was held March 7th, 1873, at which W. H. H. Maris was elected Mayor.
The Council chose S. C. Smith, its President; J. W. Curns, Clerk; M. L. Robinson, Treasurer; C. W. Richmond, Marshal; and J. M. Alexander, Attorney.
The first annual election was held April 7th, 1873, and the same persons were re-elected to the various offices, excepting that S. Darrah succeeded C. A. Bliss, and the Council re-appointed the same persons to the other offices, with the exception that W. T. Dougherty succeeded Richmond as Marshal.
The second annual election was held April 8th, 1874. S. C. Smith was elected Mayor; N. H. Wood, Police Judge; and S. Darrah, J. D. Cochran, H. S. Silver, R. B. Saffold, and J. P.
McMillen, Councilmen.
The Council appointed J. W. Curns, Clerk; M. L. Robinson, Treasurer; T. H. Suits, Attorney; Z. T. Swigart, Marshal.
I. O. O. F.
Winfield Lodge, No. 101, was organized by P. S. M., W. A. Shannon, of Augusta, Kansas, Feb. 18th, 1873.
The charter members were J. J. Williams, S. A. Weir, C. W. Richmond, C. C. Stephens, and A. S. Williams. Upon the evening of the organization, John Swain, Max Shoeb, and J. W. Curns were initiated upon petition. The lodge has steadily increased in numbers until it now contains thirty members.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
A SAFE TOWN. Besides the two immense safes belonging to the banks in Winfield, the following firms have first-class safes for the secure keeping of business papers: C. C. Black, S. H. Myton, Curns & Manser, and Manning & Walton. Probably no town of its size in the State has more money invested in safes and musical instruments than Winfield.
John W. Curns, G. W. Manser, and many others...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.

The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M.,
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, And one hundred others.
John W. Curns, Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1876.
City Council met at the City Clerk’s office April 17th, A. D. 1876.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; M. G. Troup, C. A. Bliss, H. Brotherton, and A. B. Lemmon, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The official bond of John W. Curns, Police Judge, was read, and on motion of A. B. Lemmon was approved by the Council.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 18, 1876.
Fred Hunt is keeping up the abstract of title department of Curns & Manser’s land office.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1876.
J. W. CURNS has returned from Brooklyn, N. Y., where he has been to attend the regular meeting of the Synod of the Presbyte­rian church. He spent three days in Philadelphia viewing the sights.
J. W. Curns, Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
City Council Proceedings.
Bill of J. W. Curns, police judge, fees in case of city of Winfield versus Joseph Likowski, $8.95, was read, and on motion of Councilman Troup, was referred back to him for an itemized account in full.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Considerable sickness prevails in this vicinity among the children. Within the last few days we have heard of several, among the number are the little ones of O. N. Morris, J. W. Curns, F. M. Freeland, and L. J. Webb.
J. W. Curns, Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
City Council Proceedings.
Bill of J. W. Curns, Police Judge, fee bill, in case of City of Winfield vs. Joseph Likowski, for $9.45, was read, approved and ordered paid.
J. W. Curns, Secretary, Chairman, and delegate Democratic Convention...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876. Editorial Page.

The convention met at the courthouse last Saturday and temporarily organized by electing E. P. Young chairman and J. W. Curns, secretary. Committees were appointed and the conven­tion adjourned till 1 o’clock.
The committee on credentials reported the following as delegates.
Winfield: J. W. McDonald, J. B. Lynn, J. D. Cochran, J. W. Curns, N. W. Holmes, C. C. Black, A. J. Thompson, Wm. Dunn, T. B. Ross, G. W. Yount.
The delegates from the 88th representative district orga­nized by electing J. W. Curns  chairman and C. C. Black secretary. Nominations for Representative being in order, Messrs. Wm. Martin, C. C. Krow, and J. G. Young were put in nomination. Mr. Young withdrew. A ballot was taken which resulted as follows: Krow 11, Martin 23. On motion of J. H. Land the nomination was made unanimous. A few remarks were made by Messrs. Pyburn and McDonald and the convention adjourned.
Frankie Curns...
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Though we’ve had schools, prosperous ones too, and largely attended by the youth of our city and vicinity for the past six years, yet until the present term a scholar “to the manor born” has never been in attendance. There are two, at the present writing, who were born on the town site, namely, Freddie Manning and Frankie Curns, attending the primary department of the city schools. This is another proof of the growth and go-a-head-itiveness of our young city.
John W. Curns, Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
The city election on Monday resulted in the choice of the following officers for the ensuing year: For Mayor, R. L. Walker; for Councilmen, A. G. Wilson, S. C. Smith, A. E. Baird, C. M. Wood, and H. Jochems; For Police Judge, John W. Curns.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
J. W. Curns, drawing jury:  $2.00.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1877.
Messrs. Kelly, Seward, Kinne, and Curns went over into Elk County last Tuesday. They have gone to meet the editor, who is still railroadin’.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
The Elk County folks speak in the highest terms of praise of the delegation sent by Winfield to assist in their bond election: Messrs. Manning, Seward, Kelly, Curns, and Kinne.
J. W. Curns, Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877.
Drawing Jury: J. W. Curns, $2.00.
J. W. Curns, J. P. costs, $7.55.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
A. J. Pyburn’s law office is temporarily located in the office of Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns...

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.
Among other proceedings had, the Board allowed the following claims for election services.
J. W. Curns was allowed claim for election services.
J. W. Curns resigns as Police Judge...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
’Squire Curns has resigned the judicial ermine in favor of G. H. Buckman, J. P. elect. If anyone wants any marrying done, let him call on Buckman, as he knows how it is himself.
Curns & Manser enlarging office...
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
Curns & Manser are enlarging their office and putting in a handsome counter. The general cry among our businessmen seems to be “more room.”
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Curns & Manser have their real estate office arranged in new and splendid style. They have a bank counter, safe, maps, abstract books, and everything to make a first-class office. They have been expending considerable sums in circulating information about our county and city, and are energetic and reliable. Those who want to buy or sell real estate will do well to give them a call.
John W. Curns, Guide, Knights of Honor...
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
There was a public installation of officers of the Knights of Honor at the Courthouse last Friday evening. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge delivered an address. The officers of the organization for 1878 are as follows: Past Dictator, A. E. Baird; Dictator, E. P. Kinne; Vice Dictator, Geo. W. Robinson; Assistant Dictator, J. L. Rushbridge; Chaplain, S. H. Myton; Guide, John W. Curns; Reporter, H. D. Gans; Financial Reporter, A. Howland; Treasurer, W. C. Robinson; Guar., H. Brotherton; Sent’l., J. F. Snyder.
J. W. Curns, R. W., Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F...
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Installation I. O. O. F.
On last Saturday evening, the 5th inst., the installation of officers of the Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F. for the year 1878 took place at the Presbyterian church. A considerable delegation of members of the order from Wichita and other places were present, including W. E. Ritchie, grand master; ___ Russell, grand treasurer; and W. P. Campbell, grand marshal.
The ceremonies were conducted in a pleasing and impressive manner. The officers installed were: R. Birnbaum, N. G.; M. G. Troup, V. G.; J. W. Curns, R. W.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, T.
But the performance of the evening was the oration delivered by His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell, grand marshal, who gave the most complete exposition of the history, aims, and operations of the order we ever heard or saw within the limits of an evening’s lecture. It was a gem of rhetoric, combining finished oratory with terseness and vigor, alike creditable to the head and heart of the speaker.

After the ceremonies were over, a supper was served at the Williams House. Though we did ample justice to that supper at the time, our pencil is incapable of doing so now. It must suffice to say that it was got up in Frank Williams’ best style, and this is the highest praise we know how to bestow on any supper.
Curns & Manser: Desk/Book case, J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
One of the most beautiful pieces of furniture we have ever seen is a combined desk and book case placed in the office of Curns and Manser for J. W. Curns, Esq.
It was manufactured by Mr. Bull, the gentleman who made the chess board to which we called attention some time since. As a work of art, it even surpasses the latter. It is impossible to describe its beauty, grace, and workmanship, but must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Bull is a genius of the first order.
Curns & Manser: David C. Beach, lawyer, has office with firm...
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Will practice in all the courts of the state.
  Office with Curns & Manser, Main St.
J. W. Curns running for councilman on “City Ticket.”...
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
City Election.
The city election last Monday excited great interest. Two tickets were in the field. One was made by the Murphy temperance men and headed City ticket, the other by the workingmen, but the issues were not very definitely made up; in fact, the candidates on both sides professed to favor the same policy. But some opposed one or other of the tickets on account of prejudice against the source, or for choice of candidates, or for other reasons, and there was a very lively and excited canvass; but it was conducted in an orderly manner, without quarrels or other disturbance. The result was an overwhelming victory for the workingmen’s ticket. The following is the vote cast for each candidate.
Mayor J. B. Lynn, 224.
Police Judge. W. M. Boyer, 219.
Councilmen: C. M. Wood, 225; H. Jochems, 230; E. C. Manning, 227; T. C. Robinson, 220; G. W. Gully, 217.
Mayor. A. B. Green, 101.
Police Judge. G. H. Buckman, 126.
Councilmen: T. B. Myers, 122; H. Brotherton, 118; Lewis Stevens, 124; J. W. Curns, 117; Dan Maier, 116.
Judge J. W. Curns residence mentioned: address not given...
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
If you don’t know what a substantial sidewalk is, step around and look at that long Judge Curns’ city residence. Go and do likewise.
Curns & Manser: Office on Main Street opposite Courier office...

Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Messrs. Curns and Manser have a new sign at the door of their real estate office which does great credit to the painter, Mr. Herrington.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agents,
Office on Main St., opposite COURIER Office.
All property purchased for parties at a distance, carefully selected and personally examined. In connection with the Real Estate business, we have an Abstract of Title office, showing all transfers by deed or mortgage, liens, judgments, or defects in title to any lands or lots in Cowley County, and therefore guaranty the title to any property purchased through this office.
Money Loaned on Improved Farms, for a Term of Years.
Collecting Rents and Paying Tax attended to promptly.
Curns & Manser: oldest real estate firm in Cowley County...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
Curns & Manser are also heavy operators in real estate, being the oldest firm in the county.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
Daniel Krow to Curns & Manser, lot 5, block 134, Winfield; $50.00.
John W. Curns, Chaplain, Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F...
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
I. O. O. F.
The following is a list of the officers of Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., for the term commencing July, 1878: M. G. Troup, N. G.; M. Shields, V. G.; David C. Beach, Rec. Sec.; E. S. Bedilion, P. Sec.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; John E. Allen, Rep. to G. L.; C. C. Stevens, W.; W. D. Southard, C.; John M. Read, O. G.; Chas. McIntire, R. S. to N. G.; E. A. Clisbee, L. B. to N. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S. S.; B. M. Terrill, T. S. S.; W. M. Parker, R. S. to V. G.; Herman Schmode, L. S. to V. G.; John W. Curns, Chaplain; John Smiley, Host.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
A Threatened Famine.

C. A. Bliss, G. S. Manser, A. B. Lemmon, E. P. Kinne, J. C. Fuller, M. L. Read, T. R. Bryan, W. M. Allison, J. W. Curns, C. C. Black, D. A. Millington, E. S. Bliss, E. S. Torrance, A. E. Baird, J. B. Lynn, M. G. Troup, M. L. Robinson, J. C. McMullen, E. C. Manning, and probably many others, all with their wives, will make a raid upon Arkansas City, the steam boats, and Newman’s dam on the Fourth. They will seize all the provisions they can find in the city, capture both the “Aunt Sally” and the—the—well, Amos’ steamship, will rip out Newman’s dam, and steam up the Walnut to Winfield, driving a large herd of catfish. Bliss and Harter & Harris will load the steamers with flour at their mills. The party will start at about 9 o’clock a.m.
J. W. Curns...
Real Estate Transfers.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to J. W. Curns, lot 22, block 129, Winfield, $156.00.
J. W. Curns and wife to W. S. Mendenhall, lot 22, block 129, $200.00.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
C. L. Harter, sheriff, to John W. Curns, lot 5, block 87, Winfield; $8.00.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Last week Curns & Manser sold a farm on the Walnut to Stephen Shephard, of Joplin, for $1,400.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Curns & Manser sold 160 acres of land on Little Dutch for $2,000 last week. It was one of the Willet farms to Mrs. Covert.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
   The Yellow Fever.
The concert given by the Odd Fellows for the benefit of the yellow fever sufferers was well attended notwithstanding the muddy condition of our streets on account of the recent rains. The concert was opened by the I. O. O. F., in regalia, and consisted of a short address by M. G. Troup, singing by Lodge, and prayer by J. W. Curns. Then came music by orchestra, followed by a quartette by Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, Miss Thomas, and Prof. Farringer. . . . OTHER PARTICIPANTS: Misses Dover and Hane, Mr. Wilkinson, Willie Farringer, Roberts Brothers, Misses Lillie Wilson, May Beach, and Mary Schofield. Net receipts were about $60, with $10 of expense, leaving about fifty dollars to be forwarded to the suffering South. The Odd Fellows deserve great credit in taking hold of this project with so much zeal. Mr. Hoenscheidt is especially deserving of credit for his labor in arranging and working up the matter, as is also Prof. Farringer for arranging the musical performances.
J. W. Curns: Still do not know street address of his residence...
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
Mr. Warren Gillelen has purchased the lot on 8th Avenue, next east of Mr. Curns, and will immediately erect a brick house containing six rooms. We always wondered why Mr. Gillelen went to Ft. Scott so often.
J. W. Curns: becomes father again of a son...
Winfield Courier, November 14, 1878.
BIRTH. Mr. John W. Curns is the happy father of a new born son; weight nine pounds.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1878.

Nommsen & Steuven are putting up a brick barber shop between Curns & Manser’s and Wallis & Wallis’.
J. W. Curns, Chaplain, Lodge No. 110, I. O. O. F...
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
The members of Winfield Lodge, No. 110, I. O. O. F., have chosen the following named brethren as officers of this lodge for the term commencing January 1, 1879.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; David C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treasurer; John E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; R. L. Walker, L. S. to N. G.; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Wm. Hudson, L. S. S.; J. W. Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. C.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; J. S. Blue, Host.
A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order in good standing to be present at the installation ceremonies on the first Thursday night in January. The lodge is in a prosperous condition, and is increasing its membership from among our best citizens very rapidly.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 26, 1878.
Money to Loan.
We are loaning money at lower rates than any loan agency in this part of the state.
Curns & Manser, J. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 2, 1879.
The following is a list of new buildings erected in the city of Winfield since January 1, 1878, with the name of owner and cost of building.
Curns & Manser, residence, frame: $1,600.
J. Curns, residence, frame: $400.
J. Curns, residence, frame: $400.
J. W. Curns, Chaplain, Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F...
 [WINFIELD LODGE, NO. 101, I. O. O. F.]
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
The following officers of the Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., were installed last Thursday evening.
M. B. Shields, N. G.; D. C. Beach, V. G.; John Hoenscheidt, R. S.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, Treas.; J. G. Kraft, R. S. to N. G.; J. H. Vance, L. S. to N. G.; J. E. Allen, W.; D. W. Southard, C.; J. W. Curns, Chaplain; B. M. Terrill, R. S. S.; Will Hudson, L. S. S.; John Smiley, I. G.; C. C. Stevens, O. G.; A. W. Davis, R. S. to V. G.; T. C. Robinson, L. S. to V. G.; J. S. Blue, Host.
Total number of members 52.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.

A house of 4 rooms, 3 of them plastered, with good cellar and well; also a smokehouse, frame barn with stabling for 8 horses, granaries for 2,000 bushels of grain, sheds and other outbuildings; a large stone-fence corral, with running water through it; 20 acres of good tillable bottom land in good condi­tion for spring crops; orchard with bearing peach and cherry trees sufficient for family use. One mile east of Winfield. Will rent for six months or a year. Apply to CURNS & MANSER, Winfield, Kans.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The Presbytery of Emporia will meet in this place April 7, at 7:30 p.m. The session of the Presbytery will be opened with a sermon by the retiring Moderator, Rev. F. P. Berry, of Welling­ton. The meetings of Presbytery will probably continue until Friday or Saturday. This Presbytery embraces about one sixth of the Presbyterian churches of Kansas, and there are five others in the State. The number of delegates entitled to sit in this body are one minister and one ruling elder from each church.
Owing to the difficulty and expense of reaching Winfield, it is probable that many of the elders and some of the ministers will not be present. About 30 delegates are expected. All who will entertain delegates will confer a favor by informing Mr. Platter or Mr. Curns of their willingness to do so and the number they can take.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Fred C. Hunt is writing up the abstract books in Curns’ & Manser’s land office.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
A. H. Green, Gilbert & Jarvis, S. C. Smith, Curns & Manser, C. H. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Messrs. Curns & Manser last week made the “boss” real estate sale of the season thus far. They sold for Wm. Vandeventer the farm northeast of the city entered by A. D. Speed to Judge Ide of Leavenworth for $6,200. cash down.
We congratulate our friends Curns & Manser not only on the splendid business they are doing but on the fact that they are locating the best kind of citizens. Judge Ide will make this place his home in the near future.
[Above item is incorrect. It was “B. B. Vandeventer,” not “Wm. Vandeventer.]
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
Curns & Manser recently sold to some Illinois ladies the residence of R. E. Wallis for $1225.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1879.
Messrs. Curns & Manser have erected a handsome sign over their office door.
J. W. Curns: Residence on 8th Avenue sold [address not given]...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879.
Mr. J. W. Curns has sold his residence on eighth avenue.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Col. Manning, E. P. Kinne, and J. W. Curns on Monday began “throwing dirt” for his new brick building on North Main street opposite the Winfield House. It will be of brick, 75 x 60, and will be an ornament to that part of the city.
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.
North Main street has the “boom” bad since the location of the east and west depot. In addition to the building already commenced by Manning, Kinne, and Curns, which will be of brick, 75 x 60, Messrs. T. R. Bryan, W. L. Mullen, and J. C. McMullen will soon begin the erection of a block of buildings on the vacant land just north of the American House and south of the foundry. The buildings will be of uniform size, each 25 x 100 feet and of brick. Mr. W. M. Berkey will also build a brick building, 25 x 75, on North Main street. It looks as if things are inclined to go northward.
John W. Curns: Building a new brick residence on 8th Avenue...
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.
Mr. John Curns is building a handsome brick residence on Eighth avenue.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
The new brick residence of J. W. Curns is enclosed and presents a handsome appearance.
Curns store room [north room in union building on North Main Street] purchased by Hodges, who will rent building to Brotherton & Silver...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
Last Tuesday W. G. Hodges [W. J. Hodges?] purchased the Curns store room, being the north room in the union building on North Main street, paying $1900 cash for the same. We understand that Mr. Hodges has rented the building for two years to Brotherton & Silver for fifty dollars per month.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Last Saturday Curns & Manser sold three farms, two to gentlemen from Illinois, and one, the Charley Mann farm, to Mrs. Linticum, the lady who bought the Bliss property.
Curns & Manser, Office on Main Street, opposite Myton’s Hardware Store...
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public,
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the M. L. Read farm to Mr. Lewis Myers, of Ohio, for $3,000 one day last week.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Mr. G. W. Ellsberry, of Mason City, has purchased the building now occupied by Snyder’s grocery, from Harter & Horning, for $2,725, and the lot next to it for $1,000. The sale was made through Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1880.

We return our thanks to the committee on visitors at Winfield for the assignment of ourself and company to the home and care of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns, on our recent visit to that city. On entering their door we were met and welcomed by that open hearted, graceful greeting that made us all at once at ease and at home, and their bountiful entertainment and kindly care for our every want was cherished by us all as one of the pleasantest events in life’s journey. On learning that Mr. Curns was from Pennsylvania, and his good and accomplished wife was from Maryland, where open hearted hospitality is made a part of the education of all good people, we could account for the kind manner in which we were so gracefully received and treated. Rep. Newton.
“Curns property”???...
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The trial of Chas. H. Payson, for obtaining property under false pretenses, terminated last Monday by the jury bringing in a verdict of guilty. While this case was pending, we carefully avoided saying anything that would tend to prejudice the minds of our readers for or against the unfortunate victim; but now that the matter has been fully tried, a verdict rendered, and the case no longer before the jury and court, we shall attempt a review of the testimony and facts pertaining to the prosecution and conviction.
On or about the 26th of January, Mr. Payson filed for record a deed from Lena McNeil to himself, conveying certain real estate known as the “Curns property.” This deed he claimed to have obtained for services rendered in the trial of Dick Rhonimus (a brother of Mrs. McNeil who was then in jail charged with stealing cattle), and for legal services to be rendered during the year. Soon after obtaining the deed, he mortgaged the property to James Jordan for $480, and subsequently sold it to G. H. Buckman, subject to the mortgage, for $200. About this time Rhonimus escaped from jail, and soon after Payson was arrested for obtain­ing the deed under false pretenses, and after a preliminary examination, was remanded to jail until this term of the district court.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Curns & Manser have bought for Mr. Thos. McDougall, of Cincinnati, attorney for the Longworth estate, the two lots on the corner of 10th and Main Streets, belonging to O. F. Boyle, for $3,000 cash. Mr. McDougall proposes to immediately build a two-story brick building thereon.
J. W. Curns: about to build another residence...
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
J. W. Curns is about to build another residence. This time we suppose, he will eclipse all his former efforts in that line.
John W. Curns: residence on the west side of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.

The building boom in and about Winfield continues. On Main street about a dozen good business houses are in process of erection or under contract to be built soon. Quite a number of our citizens are building neat and substantial residences. In addition to those heretofore mentioned by us, we note S. M. Jarvis and John Moffit in the east part of the city, John W. Curns in the west, and Mr. Gibson in the south. Mr. Rigby’s new house progresses rapidly, and Mr. Lemmon is having the material delivered for his house east of the city in Walnut township. Almost every day a new foundation for a house is laid in or about the city. In our opinion, more money will be put into new buildings in Winfield this than any previous year.
J. W. Curns: new residence to be on 11th Avenue...
Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.
Mr. Curns’s new residence on 11th avenue is being finished quite rapidly.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.
Last week Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the J. P. McMullen half block south of the Baker House on Main Street to Col. Loomis for $2,500. The question now is what is the Colonel going to do with the cozy little residence. His many friends would like to have him “rise and explain.”
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, September 30, 1880.
MONEY TO LOAN: On improved farms for five years, at ten percent interest, payable annually. No commission or charges deducted. Full amount of note paid to borrower. Apply to CURNS & MANSER.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D. 1880:
  Curns & Manser vs. Warren Gilleland.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
On Thursday evening the congregation of the Presbyterian church will celebrate the completion of their improvements in the basement of the church building. It has been divided into three rooms, viz: lecture-room, parlor, and kitchen, and it is admira­bly arranged for prayer meetings and social gatherings of the church.
The exercises will consist of music, addresses, and brief religious services. The special feature of the exercises will be addresses by various persons on topics of interest connected with the past history of this church. The following are the subjects.
How this church came to be organized: S. W. Greer.
The first service: John Swain.
The building of the church: J. W. Curns.
The debt; how it has been paid: John Service.
The Ladies’ Missionary Society: Miss Shields.
The Ladies’ Aid Society: Mrs. Platter.
The Revival of 1875: H. S. Silver.

The Revival of 1877: T. B. Myers.
The present improvement: Frank Williams.
These addresses are not to exceed five or ten minutes.
In order to aid in paying for this improvement of the basement, the Ladies’ Society will give an Oyster Supper at the conclusion of the services. All are cordially invited to be present.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
Mr. John W. Curns left for Washington, Monday. He will see Hayes out and Garfield in and return in three weeks.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
We have removed our grocery stock to the building next door north of Curns & Manser’s office. The change is made necessary by our deciding to erect a new business house upon the site of our old store. The quarters in which we now are, and will be compelled to stay for a few months, are not as commodious as the comfort of our customers demand, but such inconveniences are unavoidable, so we trust that the trading public will bear with us for a little while. With the completion of our new building, we intend to run a model establishment, and will be able to supply our large and increasing trade with the best the market affords, both in quality and prices. WALLIS & WALLIS.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
Real estate, loan, and insurance agents: Our business generally is about the same as a year ago. The value of real estate in both city and county, has appreciated during the last year. Farms are held firmer and at higher prices than a year ago. There is more being done in the way of building and other im­provements than ever before. Farmers are doing their work better and putting in their crops in better shape. The cultivated acreage is much greater than a year ago. An immense amount of prairie breaking is being done. More tree planting is being done than ever before. We travel over the county frequently and have had plenty of opportunities to observe. A considerable number of new settlers have already located in the county this spring and we have correspondence which indicates that a great many more will soon be here. Those who have settled this spring are well fixed. Many of them say they came because of our prohibition laws.

We have a list of three hundred families who are coming from various states to settle in this state and probably in this vicinity. Notwithstanding we had last year the boom of two railroads just completed to this city, the demand for real estate is as great now as it was then. Some large and fine buildings will be erected in this city this year. One business house in our charge by McDougall will cost $8,000. Money is plenty here for loaning and can be had at as low rates as in any of the western states.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.
The following cases have been disposed of by the court up to date.
Curns & Manser vs. Gillelen, judgment for plaintiffs for $50 and costs.
Mrs. J. W. Curns and children...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
Mrs. J. W. Curns and children returned home on Monday evening.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
Curns & Manser donated $10.00.
Curns & Manser [new building]...
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
There are more than 100 houses in the city at the present time that are occupied for business purposes. The majority of these are built of brick with stone foundations and stone fronts, some three and some two stories high.
Among the new business houses that are being built are the following.
Curns & Manser (brick, stone front): $10,000.00.
J. W. Curns [dealings with T. A. Wilkinson]...
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
T. A. Wilkinson is no longer among us, but several of our citizens who befriended him and helped him to breast the storms of life by extending credit will have cause to remember him as long as memory holds. The COURIER is one of the unfortunate who placed too much confidence in an oily tongue and an adamantine cheek, and mourns this fact to the tune of $175.00. Other small amounts are scattered here and there, and in fact his autographs are so conspicuously abundant in this community that they have fallen way below par. But the worst victims misplaced confi­dence are Messrs. J. E. Platter, M. G. Troup, and J. W. Curns. Wilkinson at one time conceived the idea of starting a lumber yard. This, of itself, wasn’t much of a conception, as men start lumber yards every day.
The brilliant feature in this case was that Wilkinson hadn’t a dollar in the world, or credit enough to buy a ring of bologna sausage on time. But he intended to work “with his usual ability” to compass that end. The world will never know the sleek arguments and sycophantic appeals for aid that induced the following gentleman to execute this paper.
Winfield, Kansas, March 11, 1881.

“We hereby authorize the Chicago Lumber Company of Wichita, Kansas, to furnish to T. A. Wilkinson such building material as he may wish, not exceeding the value of $2,000 at once, and if the said T. A. Wilkinson shall fail to pay the same, either in money or material received from the Chicago Lumber Company, then, upon ninety days notice, we agree to pay the Chicago Lumber Company the amount remaining due from T. A. Wilkinson to the Chicago Lumber Company.
The reader will observe Mr. Wilkinson’s name in the left hand corner. This was put on to give the paper a current value as it were. Things went on swimmingly for a time. The lumber yard “boomed,” Wilkinson “bummed” and everything wore a roseate hue. But finally there came a crash, the lumber yard suspended, and Wilkinson rushed wildly around tearing his hair and assuring his creditors that “all would be right,” he “intended to pay every cent he owed,” and indulging in various other mythical and fanciful expressions. This was his last business venture here, and after swindling out a scanty existence for a short time, packed his valise, and amid tears and lamentations, bid Cowley an affectionate adieu and hid himself in New Mexico, leaving Messrs. Platter, Troup, and Curns to pay the full amount of their guaran­tee for lumber that he had bought, sold, and squandered the proceeds of. He is now in Pueblo, we understand, running a hotel. He should be running a shovel up at Leavenworth, with black and white stripes running around his trouser legs. He is a large able-bodied citizen, fully able to take an ax and earn his living as Abraham Lincoln did, and it is a sad commentary on the laws of our country that he is still permitted to run at large and grow fat on the substance of others.
J. W. Curns...
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Last Saturday morning about three o’clock, J. W. Curns was aroused by a peculiar roaring which at first he took to be a train coming in on the Santa Fe, but soon his house was lit up and arising he discovered the dwelling opposite, in the block north of M. L. Robinson’s house, a mass of flames. O. H. Herrington and others were soon on hand, but it was too late to do anything but to take measures for the protection of the surrounding buildings, which fortunately were some distance off. The building burned was a story and a half dwelling, not yet completed, and belonged to John A. Case, a young unmarried man who was building it to rent. Mr. Case had been lathing the day before and securely fastened the doors on quitting work, and there was no fire nor smoking in the building yesterday. He  attributes the fire to the work of an incendiary. There was a carpenter’s insurance risk of $800, which will about pay the loss.
Curns & Manser...
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Curns & Manser sold the Lumpkins farm in Rock Township to  T. S. Green, who already owns considerable land adjoining.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.

Last week, through Curns & Manser’s real estate agency, Mr. L. F. Chandler bought the lot and building now occupied by W. C. Root & Co., on Main Street; consideration, $2,250.
J. W. Curns: Knights of Honor...
[Note: Titles given in the two newspaper articles that follow do not agree.]
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
At the annual meeting of the Knights of Honor in their hall Monday evening, the following were elected as officers for the ensuing year: W. C. Root, D.; J. S. Hunt, T. A.; R. E. Wallis, A. D.; Jacob Nixon, C.; J. W. Batchelder, G.; C. F. Bahntge, R.; J. W. Curns, F. R.; T. R. Bryan, T.; B. Brotherton, G.; D. Berkey, S.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
At the annual meeting of the Knights of Honor, held on Monday evening, the following were elected officers for the coming year. W. C. Root, D.; J. S. Hunt, V. D.; R. E. Wallis,
A. D.; Jacob Nixon, C.; J. W. Batchelder, G.; C. F. Bahntge, R.; J. W. Curns, T. R.; T. R. Bryan, T.; H. Brotherton, Guardian; D. Berkey, S.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the building and lot now being occupied by W. C. Best & Co., to L. F. Chandler for $2,250 last week. The building was formerly owned by Mr. West.
J. W. Curns...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.
J. W. Curns is putting down a fine stone pavement across the front of his residence lots, the paving stones being among the best that have ever been put down.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Money at 10 percent annual or semi-annual interest net; no commission.
Curns & Manser.
Money at 7 percent annual or semi-annual interest. Curns & Manser.
Money at 8 percent annual interest. Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns: Refers to “Old J. W. Curns house”...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882. “The case of McNeil vs. Buckman, over the possession of the old J. W. Curns house, which got Charlie Payson into his diffi­culty, has been decided in favor of Buckman. Geo. will take possession of the property and move his family in.”
Curns & Manser...
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Curns & Manser have sold the W. M. Boyer property, in block 147, to M. Hahn, for $1,250. This sale was made in a very short time by a special advertisement in THE COURANT.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
M. Hahn has purchased the W. M. Boyer residence for $1,200, through Curns & Manser. Will Mr. Hahn please relieve the apprehension under which his friends will labor with an announcement.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.

Curns & Manser have recently sold the O. F. Maxon tract of land in Maple Township, consisting of 200 acres, to T. O. Daniels, for the sum of $1,200. They have also sold the W. F. Smith farm, in Vernon Township, to W. P. Crawford for $1,200. Considerable real estate is changing hands now, and the prospect for a good spring immigration was never better.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Curns & Manser have sold the Lewis Meyers farm in Walnut township to J. E. Mautz for $3,500.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
25. Curns & Manser’s loan office.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Scott McGlasson and Mr. Alexander have opened a flour and feed store in the building
next to Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns and others...
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Council met in regular session, Mayor M. G. Troup presiding. Present, Councilmen Read, Gary, Mater, and Hodges, City Attorney Seward, and Clerk Beach.
The minutes of the regular meeting of April 3rd, and of the meeting of April 7th, to canvass the votes cast at the general election held April 8th, were read and approved.
Col. J. C. McMullen and Mr. R. S. Wilson, Councilmen elect, being present, were then inducted into office; Messrs. Hodges and Mater, vacating their offices.
Petition of J. W. Curns and ten others, for sidewalk and street crossings, to begin at the southeast corner of lot No. 6, in block No. 87, and running thence south on the west side of Manning street to the southeast corner of lot No. 18, in block No. 89, in the city of Winfield, was read and on motion the prayer of the petitioners was granted, and the Attorney was instructed to prepare an ordinance in accordance therewith.
Frank Curns...
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
Quite a number of our citizens and interested parents assembled at the parlors of Mrs. A. T. Spotswood Monday evening on invitation of Miss Nettie McCoy, who had prepared a concert for her little scholars. The exercises were very interesting to all assembled, and especially so to the parents of the children, who were given this occasion to judge of what musical progress had been made under Miss McCoy’s instruction.
SOME OF THE PARTICIPANTS WERE MENTIONED: Alma Miller, Frank Curns, Mable Silver, Mary Spotswood, Pearl Van Doren and Margaret Spotswood, Mary Orr, Malcolm McDonald, A. S. Higgins, Maggie Bedilion, Anna Doane, Katie Shearer, Mrs. Earnest, and Miss McDonald.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Real estate is still booming. Messrs. Curns & Manser on Tuesday sold the Titus farm of 480 acres south of town to F. W. McClellan for $4,600. Also W. H. Gamman purchased one of the G. N. Fowler farms of 160 acres near Little Dutch for $4,500 cash. The figures are getting up in the region of Illinois land.

Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Messrs. Curns & Manser have charge of Manning’s business during Mr. Myer’s absence. The Opera House will also be under their management.
John W. Curns and 17 others...
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Remonstrance of Jno. W. Curns and 17 others against the construction of the stone guttering on East side of Main street between 7th and 10th avenues was read and placed on file.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold on last Tuesday the residence of Jerry O’Neil, in the east part of the city, to Dr. Perry, of Illinois. The Doctor will remove here with his family and is a most valuable acquisition to our community. He has purchased considerable property near Geuda Springs.
J. W. Curns...
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
A splendid sample of oats was shown by J. W. Curns, raised on the farm of Dr. Rothrock south of this city. The stalks measured five feet, ten and one third inches. The Dr. has some forty acres of the oats, and they will undoubtedly make seventy-five bushels to the acre.
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1882.
Mr. J. W. Curns brought in a sample of oats Friday from Dr. Rothrock’s farm, which was five feet ten inches high, and still growing.
Winfield Courier, July 20, 1882.
Hon. Jas. McDermott, Winfield, Kansas.
DEAR SIR: We the undersigned citizens of Cowley County, Kansas, anxious that an able and faithful man represent us in the coming legislature, and ever mindful of the important legislation that will come before that body, unite in requesting you to become a candidate for the office of Representative from this district, July 11th, 1882.
Hackney, W. P.; Gridley, A.; Bethel, Jas.; Millington, D. A.; Greer, Ed. P.; Finch, Frank W.; Siverd, H. H.; Pryor, J. D.; Wilson, W. J.; Hunt, J. S.; Bryan, T. R.; Curns, J. W.; Harris,  T. J.; Arrowsmith, J. W.; Hendricks, A. D.; Soward, T. H.; Story, R. C.; Reynolds, E. M.; Buckman, G. H.; Haight, N. A.; Cook, S. A.; Webb, L. H.; Fuller, C. E.; Hudson, W.; Wood, B. F.; Kelly, James; Short, J. P.; Platter, Jas. E.; Gridley, A., Jr.; Asp, Henry E.; Trimble, E. T.; Roberts, W. D.; Moore, Wm. H.; Hackney, J. F.; Waite, R. B.: McMullen, J. C.; Lee, W. A.; Holloway, S. S.; and others.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, July 17, 1882.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, T. H. Soward, D. A. Millington, and others:

GENTLEMEN: I have received your very flattering call to become a candidate for the legislature in this district, and after due consideration, have concluded to consent to the use of my name in that connection. At first I did not regard the proposition favorably, owing to  business interests which I thought might suffer thereby but upon the representations of friends that I might be able to assist to some extent in making the temperance laws more effective; in guarding the interests of Cowley County in the Congressional apportionment; and in securing any other advantages that may be desired for the county and which may be attainable; I have overcome my reluctance and hereby authorize my friends to use my name as a candidate before the Republican District Convention—and if nominated and elected I will hold myself bound to consider the interests of the people of Cowley County as of paramount importance to all other interests, and will give my best efforts to maintain and protect them. Respectfully yours, JAMES McDERMOTT.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.
The ladies of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union have leased the entire privilege of the fair grounds for stands. Anyone desiring to engage a stand can secure all necessary information by calling at the office of Curns & Manser. Sealed bids for five stands will be received up to August 11th. By order W. C. T. U.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
We Are to Have a Creamery, the First and the Best in the State.
The Stock Made up and the Work to Begin at Once. The Town is “Waking Up.”
Last Saturday the final subscription to the Creamery stock was made and the enterprise became an assured fact. We fully believe that it will prove one of the best investments made in the county and furnish a valuable market for the dairy products of Cowley.
Curns & Manser had two shares, paying $100.00 for them.
Excerpts: J. W. Curns, Secretary...
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Minutes of the Meeting of Citizens on the Glucose Works.
A number of the businessmen of the city convened at Doane & Kretsinger’s office Monday evening to consider the proposition of Messrs. Morse, Scott & Harris for building a glucose factory at Winfield.
On motion, Mayor M. G. Troup was called to the chair and J. W. Curns elected secretary.
Mr. M. L. Robinson being called upon stated that the object of the meeting was to consider the matter of building said factory and discussing the propriety of giving aid by subscription to the institution and taking stock in return.
After Messrs. Harris & Kirby returned, the above proposition was read to them and after considerable discussion they accepted the proposition. On motion a committee of five consisting of M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. C. McMullen, A. T. Spotswood, and J. P. Short was appointed for the purpose of raising the ($25,000) and putting the matter in shape.

On motion G. S. Manser, M. G. Troup, and D. L. Kretsinger were appointed a committee to draw up articles of incorporation and file with Secretary of State and procure a charter and M. G. Troup, J. P. Short, J. W. McDonald, and J. W. Curns were appointed a committee to make contract for the carrying into effect the proposition.
On motion adjourned. M. G. TROUP, President.
J. W. CURNS, Secretary.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
Last week Curns & Manser sold the Speed building, now being occupied by J. P. Baden, to Judge Ide for $6,000. The Judge is rapidly acquiring property interests in Winfield.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1882.
At the regular July meeting of the Library Association the following ladies were elected as directors for the year ending 1883: Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, Mrs. D. C. Beach, Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. M. L. Jewell, Mrs. A. L. Schaffhausen, Mrs. Fahnestock, Mrs. Albro, and Miss Alice Dunham.
MRS. E. T. TRIMBLE, Secretary.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
Messrs. M. L. Robinson and John W. Curns started yesterday on an excursion to Chihuahua, Mexico, and will visit various points in New Mexico and Colorado. Mr. Curns will write to the COURIER any items of interest he may pick up.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
Petition of W. C. Robinson, J. W. Curns, and 125 others asking an appropriation for City Library was again presented. On motion of Mr. McMullen, action on same was postponed until next regular meeting.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, November 2, 1882.
M. L. Robinson and John Curns returned from their western travels last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns [Geo. Myers brother-in-law of J. W. Curns]...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
What Our People Did During the Holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Curns have had a happy New Year with their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers of Fort Scott.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Mr. Geo. Myers and wife of Fort Scott are visiting his brother-in-law, J. W. Curns.
Curns & Manser [absent from petition]...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.

On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.
Listed as not appearing on petition: Curns & Manser.
Besides all the clergymen of the city and more than four hundred other businessmen and voters of the city, it does not show up big when we remember that but a very small proportion of the 650 voters in the city signed the petition.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The real estate transfers for last week, as shown by Curns & Manser’s abstract books, in Cowley County, amounted to sixty-nine thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. Cowley is booming more than ever.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
The sale of the Wallis building was made through Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
AD. SHEEP FOR SALE. I will sell my herd of six hundred good, young, graded sheep. The wool of my herd brings from two to three cents more per lb. in market than any sheep in the county. Inquire of Mr. Bartlett or Mr. Curns, of Winfield, or on the farm, three miles north of Winfield, Kansas. M. HOWARD. April 11, 1883.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Curns & Manser will give you better terms on real estate loans than any firm in this county.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
A block and a half of Loomis’ addition changed hands Tuesday. Curns & Manser bought a block, Mr. Hurd a quarter, and J. W. Johnson a quarter. The price paid was at the rate of $800 a block.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
Curns & Manser: $5.00.
Frank Curns...
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Master Frank Curns brought us a bouquet of twenty different kinds of pinks. Almost everything in the Dianthus family was represented in the very richest profusion of colors.

Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
Mrs. J. W. Curns has the gayest pink bed in the city or country.
J. W. Curns, Clerk...
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
At a meeting of the session of the 1st Presbyterian church at Winfield, Kansas, held June 18th, 1883, the following resolutions were adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his wise yet inscrutable providence to remove from our midst to his heavenly home our Pastor, the Rev. James E. Platter, who has been with us almost from the very origin of this church, and whose care and fidelity more than all other human agencies has been the cause of the growth and prosperity of this church, we would record here our sense of the greatness of our loss and our estimate of his character; we regarded him as an able expounder of the Scriptures, a man who loved and studied the Word of God with a devout mind and a deep desire to know the truth. He was an able preacher; he set forth the doctrines of the Gospel clearly and urged them upon the mind and conscience of his hearers with great earnestness and a studious endeavor to convince the understanding, warm the heart, and thus bring all to Christ. He was a good pastor, eminently large hearted, ready in his sympathies, able to comfort the sorrowing, instruct the ignorant, guide the inquiring, and gently yet firmly reprove the erring, ever telling by his instructions the way to heaven and showing by his example how to walk in it. He was a good citizen, always interested in all things pertaining to the welfare of the community, anxious for the development of all that was good, and ready to assist liberally with his means. We mourn his loss with deep sorrow that is personal to each of us. We record with pleasure the fact that in all our intercourse with him as pastor, he was ever kind, honorable and true, seeking the good of the church and the welfare of us all, Therefore be it
Resolved, That we extend to the widow and the orphaned children and the bereaved mother our deepest sympathy. Our prayer is that God may bless them all with the infinite riches of His grace, and that they may be sustained in this hour of trial and reach the home of heaven when God shall call.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased as an expression of our appreciation of his Christian character, and of our sympathy with them in their bereavement.
Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the session records, and that a copy be furnished each of the City papers for publication.
By order of session. J. W. CURNS, Clerk. JAMES KIRK, Acting Moderator.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 2, 1883.
A lot of Kaw Chiefs were in town Tuesday to sign the papers for the lease of several township lands adjoining the state, to Mr. Gilbert, for a time trader at their agency. The lease is for ten years for grazing purposes. Curns & Manser got up the papers.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.

Messrs. Curns & Manser, our old reliable real estate men, have taken A. H. Green’s unexpired contracts and will remove to his old office as soon as practicable.
Curns & Manser move into Green’s old quarters...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Curns & Manser have moved into Green’s old stand and are fixed up very conveniently.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Foults Bros. have moved their barber shop into the old Curns & Manser stand and have much more roomy quarters than formerly.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
Best cow 3 years old and over, Jno. W. Curns, city, 1st premium; J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 2nd.
Best fat cow 2 years or over, J. O. Taylor, Walnut, 1st premium; John W. Curns, city, 2nd.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Messrs. J. P. Short, J. W. Curns, and H. Silver have been appointed to appraise the Brettun estate and are now at work. The task is a big one as the estate owns a large amount of land scattered all over the county.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Messrs. Curns & Manser have during the past week sold upwards of eleven thousand dollars worth of real estate in the county. They are making things hum in the real estate business.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the Amos Becker farm just south of town last week to Mr. Eddy, the purchaser of the Dunn Farm. The price paid was five thousand dollars.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
On Tuesday of this week we were honored by a delegation consisting of J. W. Curns, A. H. Doane, Wm. Moore, and D. L. Kretsinger, who in a pleasant, gentlemanly, and earnest manner, presented us with the following petition.
To Mr. D. A. Millington, Editor of the Courier, Winfield, Kansas:
DEAR SIR: In your representative capacity as the Editor of one of the great newspapers of the county, and one of Winfield’s own papers, we desire to, in friendly manner, call your attention to the D. M. & A. narrow gauge railroad proposition.

In our opinion, as residents and businessmen of Winfield, the proposition is one full of advantage to the city and County, and is in great danger of being lost to us, unless it receives the unanimous support of the Citizens of this town.
In our humble belief the opposition of the COURIER is liable to defeat the measure and thereby deprive Winfield of that which will make us one of the most important cities in the State.
We therefore, as citizens of Winfield, earnestly and respectfully request you to reconsider the matter and withdraw your opposition to a scheme which as we verily believe is fraught with vital interest to us all.
The petition is signed by the above named gentlemen and others amounting to 140 names. Among the names we find those of fully one half of the intelligent businessmen of the city and of many others whom we well know and highly respect. It is couched in courteous language, presented in a courteous way, and is entitled to courteous treatment and respectful consideration from us and such it shall have.
We cordially thank the gentlemen for their kind consideration and the high compliment their petition implies. We assure them that we hold their views in high respect and it would give us much pleasure to be able to agree with them in all matters in which the interest of this city and county are involved. We are always sufficiently ready to yield our own views and fall in with public opinion, particularly in cases when a measure is before us in which each of our neighbors has the same interest which we have and all be benefitted or injured alike. It is a mistake to say that a newspaper is the leader of public opinion. A live newspaper is rather the exponent of public opinion and is necessarily led and influenced in its opinions and course by the pressure of surrounding sentiment and the opinions of its patrons.
Granting for the sake of the argument that in a case like the present, we ought to yield to public sentiment, the general appearance is, that here among our business and leading men the sentiment pro and con is nearly equally divided and in the county outside of this city the sentiment appears to us to be overwhelmingly against the proposition as it now stands.
In the petition the names of about 25 of the prominent businessmen and firms are conspicuous for their absence, and likewise the names of some 40 or 50 other prominent men of this city do not appear. Of course, 140 names is a very small minority of the taxpayers and electors of this city. It may justly be said that many more names could have been added to the petition had sufficient time been taken, including others of the leading businessmen. On the other hand, there are many names of persons on the petition whom we do not know, some who have called on us telling us that our course was the right course, and doubtless many who would as readily have signed a contrary petition had it been presented. The fact is that there are so many persons who cannot say no when urged by a friend to sign a petition that petitions cannot be relied upon as any indication of public sentiment.
We shall continue to believe that public sentiment is against this railroad proposition as  it now stands, until it is demonstrated at the polls that we were mistaken.

But we do not admit that a newspaper man is ever excusable in yielding his judgment on matters of public importance to public sentiment. It is his duty to look carefully into all projects of a public nature for his locality, to thoroughly inform himself so as to form the most correct conclusions he is capable of, and then give the facts and his conclusions and opinions to his readers, fully, honestly, and fairly, unprejudiced by the opinions or influence of others. We think this matter is so important to our patrons that it is an imperative duty on us to take such a course and we shall try to do our duty in this matter.
Curns & Manser: Geo. W. Miller & V. B. Bartlett complete office next to them...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
Geo. W. Miller and V. B. Bartlett have completed a neat office next to Curns & Manser.
Curns & Manser: Had only set of abstract books in county at this time...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
Kellogg & Matlack of Arkansas City have purchased an old set of abstract books from Col. McMullen. They are only kept up to 1878 and the present purchasers intend to write them up to date. Ezra Nixon is assisting to get them started. The job is a big one. At present the only complete abstract in the county is owned by Curns & Manser.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Bard, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.

B. W. Matlack, of Arkansas City, has a number of young ladies copying a set of real estate abstract books from those of Curns and Manser.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Curns and Manser received final instructions Wednesday to begin at once the erection of two two-story brick buildings for Mr. McDougal. One is to be a storeroom adjoining his present building, and the other fronting on Tenth Avenue. Over this will be a fine hall 40 x 50 with stage and dressing rooms, for small entertainments, balls, etc. The buildings will cost upwards of $12,000.
Mrs. John Curns...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Mrs. Ordway, Mrs. Carrie Legg, Mrs. John Curns, and Miss Floretta Shields left Tuesday afternoon for Peabody to attend the annual meeting of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Southwest, which convenes there the 19th and 20th of this month.
Curns & Manser: to build a brick office on lot south of Torrance-Fuller buildings...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Curns & Manser have bought of Judge Ide the lot south of the Torrance-Fuller buildings, for thirty-five hundred dollars, and will erect thereon a fine brick office.
Curns & Manser: sell Hardin brick residence on 8th Avenue...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Hardin brick residence on Eighth Avenue was sold last Saturday, through Curns & Manser, to R. B. Waite, for $2,250.
J. W. Curns: sold 28 head registered shorthorn cattle...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
J. W. Curns sold his entire herd of shorthorn registered cattle, consisting of twenty-eight head, to F. W. McClellan, last Saturday.
Curns & Manser: sell Strahn lot, building to Mrs. E. J. Houston...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Mrs. E. J. Houston bought last Saturday, through Curns & Manser, the W. H. Strahn lot and building in the Opera House block, for four thousand dollars.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
M. J. O’Meara and M. H. Ewert are acting very suspiciously of late. They have bought in “cahoots” of Curns & Manser the Bi Terrill property on east Tenth Avenue, for sixteen hundred dollars. When a young man has matrimonial intentions, the first thing he does, and should do, is to get a cage for his bird, so of course we supposed that “Mike” would occupy the attic and “Mat” the downstairs, immediately; but they have rented the place to other parties and our sympathies can find no vent—at least not at present.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
A Novel Entertainment.

The gentlemen of the Presbyterian congregation will give a “Leap-year Basket social” in lecture room of the church, on Friday evening, April 25th. A good time is anticipated, and all are invited. The following named gentlemen will compose the various committees.
Chief Cook: H. T. Silver.
2nd Cook: G. S. Manser.
Dish-washers: Messrs. S. S. Linn, A. T. Spotswood, and T. J. Harris.
Baskets: Messrs. S. A. Cook and H. Beck.
Door: John Curns.
Checks: Hop Shivers.
Sundries: Dr. Kirkwood and J. Croco.
Waiters: Messrs. George Buckman, J. H. Bullen, and M. J. Troup.
Reception and General oversight: Messrs. A. E. Baird, Jas. Simpson, and T. B. Myers.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
For Sale. The entire stock of fancy goods and notions in the Red Front building. Terms satisfactory. Call on or address Curns & Manser, Winfield, Kansas.
Curns & Manser: Selling “Village of Northfield” property of W. W. Andrews...
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
W. W. Andrews has laid off that part of his land lying north of his house to Timber Creek. It is called “The Village of Northfield.” The property is in the hands of Curns & Manser and is going off rapidly.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Sixty Beautiful Lots for Sale.
These lots are laid out on a block of ground six hundred feet north of the S. K. Depot, surrounded on three sides by the city of Winfield, but are not included in the city incorporation. Apply to Curns & Manser or W. W. Andrews. Winfield, April 29, 1884.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
J. W. Curns went to Fort Scott Monday on business.
J. W. Curns’ residence: Used for wedding of Sprankle to Alice Klingman...
Winfield Courier, May 29, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. D. M. Sprankle, of Lawrence, and Miss Alice Klingman, of this city, were married at the residence of Mr. J. W. Curns, by Rev. B. Kelly, Wednesday of last week. They left Thursday for Lawrence, their future home. Miss Klingman has been a resident of our city for many years, was an efficient and popular teacher in the city schools, and one of our most valued ladies. The well wishes of a large number of friends accompanied her to her new home.
Curns & Manser: get building permit...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The City Government.
The City Fathers ground out the usual grist of business Monday evening. Curns & Manser and Jennings’s and Crippen were granted building permits.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.

The ground is being cleared for Curns & Manser’s new brick block, and work will commence at once. Jennings & Crippen will also erect a brick building next to Wallis’ store. The barber shop will be moved to the lot next to Schofield & Kecks livery barn. As Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, would say, “still we boom!”
Curns & Manser: 10 acres owned by Judge Torrance for sale...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Judge E. S. Torrance has laid off his ten acre lot, in the east part of the city, into quarter blocks, and has placed them into the hands of Curns & Manser, for sale.
The location is a very desirable one being high and overlooking the city, fronting north on 12th Avenue. Now is the time to procure the most beautiful site for a home in Winfield. Parties desiring such should call at once on CURNS & MANSER, Real Estate Agents, Winfield, Kansas.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Thos. McDougall spent a part of last week viewing his property interests in this city. His investments in Winfield are large and paying well, in charge of Curns and Manser.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
A Card of Thanks. The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian Church wish to return their thanks to Messrs. Curns & Manser for the use of the building for their Ice Cream Social. Also to the Courier Band for their splendid music rendered on the occasion.
(Signed) Mrs. G. W. Wilson, President.
Net proceeds from the social, thirty dollars.
Curns & Manser’s new office going up...
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Curns & Manser’s new office is going up rapidly. It is furnished with gas and will be finished throughout in the neatest and best style. They will have one of the most complete office buildings in southern Kansas.
Curns & Manser: temporarily above post office as new building underway...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Curns & Manser have moved into rooms over the post office until their new building is completed and Gen. A. H. Green is again holding forth at his old stand. The new office of Curns & Manser will be one of the most complete in the city when finished.
Joseph Curns???...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Judge Gans has been issuing, since our last report, certificates of unalloyed bliss with a lavish hand. No wonder the smiles chase each other so rapidly over his handsome countenance. Following are his victims. [MARRIAGE LICENSES.]
Joseph Curns and Ella Holly.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.

   Best Jersey cow, John W. Curns, 1st.
Curns & Manser: progress of new building...
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Messrs. Curns & Manser have their fine two story brick and stone building on Main well under way and will soon be occupying it. It is arranged with special real estate office conveniences.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Curns & Manser loan money on terms to suit borrowers—long or short time, annual or semi-annual interest, or any way it may be desired, at lowest rates.
Curns & Manser: producing Real Estate Bulletin...
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
“Curns & Manser’s Real Estate Bulletin.”
For Farmers and holders of real estate who want to sell early in January, we shall issue the first number of the “Curns & Manser’s Real Estate Bulletin.” The first edition will embrace twenty thousand copies, of which the railroads have agreed to distribute ten thousand copies through their eastern agencies, and the balance we will mail to Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. The Bulletin will be of large size and the first page will be occupied by engravings of our churches, schoolhouses, hotels, and other prominent buildings. There will be two large maps: one of Kansas and the other of Cowley County. We can safely promise that the Bulletin will be a model real estate paper, and one of the best and most interesting that was ever issued in the State. To any person who wants to sell either farm or town property, we will advertise a description of the same free of charge. We will also furnish free of charge as many papers as you can use to advantage. Call at our office at once and give us a description of property and take advantage of this offer. We hope to move into our new building next week. Until then call at our office above the Post Office.
Curns & Manser: now in their new building on Main Street...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
An Elegant Establishment.
Messrs. Curns & Manser’s fine brick block has been finished, and the firm moved in Monday. When the interior arrangement is perfected, it will be one of the finest real estate offices in the West. The business office is spacious and cheerful, and the private apartments are very desirable. A splendid, roomy vault is one of the conveniences Curns & Manser are always prominent in general enterprise and substantial advancement.
Curns & Manser: New building described...
Curns & Manser. Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Way back in the early history of Cowley up to the present time, Curns & Manser have been one of the prominent firms of Winfield and the county. As real estate and loan brokers their reputation has been second to none and they enjoy a business to be proud of. Their faith in our city and county has just been attested in the erection of the finest real estate office in the West, one which is a great ornament to the city. It has two stories and a basement. Messrs. Curns & Manser occupy the entire first floor, whose office is spacious, pleasant, and well lighted, while the private apartments are comfortable and convenient. A splendid adjunct is a room, throughly burglar-proof vault. The large stove, comfortable chairs, and extra desk room will soon make their office popular with visitors who are desirous of a cosy place to spend an hour in gaining information regarding Cowley. This firm is just turning out a large edition of real estate bulletins descriptive of the county.
Curns & Manser...
Meeting of Important Railroad Officers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
On New Year’s day the following named officers of the Southern Kansas railway visited Winfield: E. L. McDonnaugh, advertising agent, Indianapolis; Samuel Rogers, passenger agent, Kansas City; G. C. McDonnaugh, general traveling agent, St. Louis; D. E. McClelland, traveling agent, Chicago; C. W. Cook, assistant general passenger agent, Lawrence; and Jake Hallerman, passenger agent, Fort Wayne, Indiana. They came upon a special car and left the following morning. The object of their visit was to learn something more of this city and county and to complete arrangements for the engravings and advertisements that will enter into Curns & Manser’s real estate bulletin. The gentlemen visited the COURIER and a number of our prominent businessmen and in the evening they met a further number of citizens in Curns & Manser’s office where arrangements were perfected that will give us a number of excursions early in the spring. Some of the gentlemen comprising the party had never before been in our city, and our handsome churches, fine school buildings, and public works were a matter of wonder. While their stay was short they rapidly took in the town and the effects will be seen hereafter in a largely increased immigration to Cowley. These men are enthusiastic workers, they are the ones who have passed through Winfield for the past year. The policy of the Southern Kansas railway has been to build up its local interests and they have been more successful than any other railroad in Kansas, and the visit of these gentlemen means that the year 1885 will be a more stirring one if possible than the one just passed away.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
The W. C. T. U. will meet next Tuesday at three p.m. at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Curns.
Curns & Manser: basement occupied...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
Jack Foults, the pioneer barber, now occupies the beautiful, roomy basement in Curns & Manser’s new building where he is “sleeking up” the millions with his old time perfection—and razor. Jack takes precedence as a tonsorial artist.
Curns & Manser: bulletin...
  They are Coming, Father Abraham.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Cowley is being advertised far and wide and from present indications her immigration in the spring will be unprecedented. The Real Estate Bulletin of Curns & Manser will be of incalculable benefit to the county. Its matter is most important and accurate and its cuts prominent. Five thousand copies will be distributed by the Southern Kansas railroad Immigration Bureau, and Messrs. Curns & Manser are sending the other five thousand to all parts of the East. “The Southern Kansas,” a splendid descriptive paper, is being published in monthly editions of forty thousand copies by the Southern Kansas railroad company and its next issue will contain a number of fine cuts and much valuable matter regarding the Queen City of Kansas, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Mr. S. B. Hynes, general freight and passenger agent of the Southern Kansas, who championed the distribution of five thousand of Curns & Manser’s Real Estate Bulletin, says it is the most instructive paper that has ever reached passengers over that line, and will be of incalculable benefit to Cowley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns departed last Friday for the World’s Fair, for two weeks’ sight-seeing.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
Messrs. Curns & Manser mean to stop at nothing short of metropolitan in everything. The latest attraction in their real estate office is a beautiful walnut, ash, and butternut-colored circular counter, the handwork of Mr. J. C. McKay. It is highly artistic and coincides nicely with its surroundings.
Curns & Manser: Gymnasium above their office...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
The young men of Winfield have formed a gymnasium of thirty-five members with rooms over Curns & Manser’s real estate office.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
District Court: Edgar Smith, Plaintiff, against Thomas A. Wilkinson, Anna C. Wilkinson, Hampton S. Story and Story his wife, whose real name is unknown; Isaac A. Camp, and Camp, whose real name is unknown; Gibbs, Sterrett & Co., Gibbs Sterrett Manufacturing Company, G. and C. Merriam, A. P. Dickey, James A. Loomis, Mr. G. Troup, John W. Curns, Nannie Platter, Administratrix of the Estate of James E. Platter, deceased, Nannie J. Platter, Robert J. Platter, and Jane E. Platter, heirs at law of James E. Platter, deceased, and M. T. Green, E. T. Williamson, and George L. Pratt, partners doing business under the firm name and style of the Chicago Lumber Co.
BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF SALE TO me directed and delivered, issued out of the District Court of the 13th Judicial District of the State of Kansas, sitting in and for Cowley County in said State, I will, on the
6th DAY of APRIL, A. D. 1885,

at the hour of 2 o’clock p.m., of said day, at the south door of the Court House in Winfield, in the County and State aforesaid, offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the right, title and interest of the above named defendants in and to the following described property, to-wit: The southwest quarter of section twenty-eight (28) township thirty (30) south of Range six (6) East, taken as the property of the above named defendants and will be sold as the property of the above named defendants.
Given under my hand at my office in the City of Winfield, this 3rd day of March, A. D. 1885. G. H. McINTIRE, Sheriff Cowley County, Kansas.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 5, 1885.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns have returned from their New Orleans trip, having enjoyed it immensely.
Curns & Manser: Dr. T. H. Elder takes rooms over office...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Dr. T. H. Elder, who has been practicing medicine at Udall during the winter, has permanently located in Winfield, with rooms over Curns & Manser’s building. He is a physician of ability and experience, having practiced for twenty-one years in his former home, Albia, Ia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns entertain society of young people...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The Young People’s Social and Literary Society met last evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns. Dr. Kirkwood gave a sketch of the life and works of J. G. Holland, with a selection from his writings; beautiful instrumental and vocal music was given by Misses Mamie Baird, Pearl Van Doren, and Laura Hendricks, and voluntary performances of a literary and musical character were presented by others. Mrs. Curns provided palatable refreshments and entertained the company in a manner most agreeable.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885. TUESDAY.
Mrs. J. W. Curns is happy in the possession of a beautiful Southern mocking bird, a present from a Texas friend, by express yesterday. It is a lively chirper and a most welcome addition to the household.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Tandy replaces another doctor [Mills?]. Mills was never listed in earlier items as maintaining an office over Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Dr. Tandy is now occupying the office formerly occupied by Dr. Mills, over Curns & Manser’s. He has fitted it up very neatly.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
William A. Gibson to Curns & Manser, lots 10, 11 and 12, block, Citizens ad to Winfield: $500.00.
Curns & Manser: Hosmer takes up rooms in their building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.

Mr. H. H. Hosmer and wife have located here, from Nashville, Ill. Mr. Hosmer is an attorney at law and has taken rooms in Curns & Manser’s building. He is a young man of ability and energy.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Pursuant to call the citizens met in mass meeting at the Court House Tuesday evening, with J. C. Long presiding and Ed. P. Greer as secretary, for the purpose of considering the question of securing the Methodist College. Senator Hackney, of the visiting committee, explained the situation. M. L. Robinson then proposed a plan whereby the twenty acres and fifteen thousand dollars necessary might be raised. He proposed to be one of eight to organize the College Hill Addition Company, secure land in some available location, set aside twenty acres thereof for the college site and guarantee ten thousand dollars to the fund. This suggestion was immediately adopted, and the following gentlemen subscribed to the shares at once: M. L. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, Chas. F. Bahntge, John W. Curns, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Soward, A. J. Thompson, and S. H. Myton. After some further discussion on the matter by Judge Gans, Mayor Graham, J. E. Conklin, and others, the meeting adjourned to meet again this evening. Messrs. Baden, Millington, Spotswood, Wallis, Conklin, F. S. Jennings, Bedilion, and Whiting were appointed as a committee to confer with the members of the College Hill and Highland Park Association and report proceedings. Mayor Graham, H. B. Schuler, and Senator Hackney were appointed to attend to the reception and entertainment of the College Commission. The railroad questions was also discussed at some length, and a committee of seven consisting of Messrs. Farnsworth, Bowen, M. M. Scott, Siverd, Chas. Schmidt, and J. E. Conklin were appointed to see that the registration was fully made. An assessment of $1.00 was levied upon the members of the Enterprise Association to defray the expenses of the railroad canvass. The solution of the college problem seems to be at hand. If this association furnishes the twenty acres and ten thousand dollars, certainly our citizens will furnish the other five thousand. Now is the time to act in this matter, and when the committee calls, be ready to put down liberally.
Curns & Manser: mention of H. H. Hosmer again...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
Mr. H. H. Hosmer and wife have located here, from Nashville, Ill. Mr. Hosmer is an attorney at law and has taken rooms in Curns & Manser’s building. He is a young man of ability and energy.
Curns & Manser: meeting in rear room of office portion of building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society will hold the next meeting at 2 p.m., Saturday, June 6th. The meeting will be held in the rear room of Messrs. Curns & Manser’s real estate office. The room will be pleasant and convenient. This will be strawberry day and it is hoped and expected to have a fine display of this delicious fruit. Everybody is invited.
J. F. Martin, President.
Its Regular Monthly Meeting Last Saturday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.

The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last Saturday in the real estate office of Curns & Manser.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Andrews & Losure have put up a pair of daisy signs for Curns & Manser.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Mrs. J. W. Curns and Miss Mamie Garlick attended the Presbyterian ice cream social at New Salem Wednesday and had a delightful time.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
The Judge Ide store building, corner of Main street and 8th Avenue, has been sold, through Curns & Manser, to S. H. and A. H. Jennings for eight thousand dollars. A little over two years ago the Judge bought this property from A. D. Speed for six thousand dollars.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Curns & Manser’s real estate office now sports a handsome canvas awning. It would be a brilliant idea to have nothing else on Main street. They are convenient and give the street a fine appearance.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
The usual announcements for the week including the following special ones. The young people’s meeting will be changed to 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, evening. Prof. Merriman, of Indiana, is here and will hold a service of song Monday evening. The Baptist Missionary Society will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. The W. C. T. U. meets Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock with Mrs. Curns.
Curns & Manser: an employee leaves...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
J. B. Garvin, for some time past assistant with Curns & Manser, left Saturday evening for a month at his old home, Wheeling, West Virginia.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
The Presbyterian Congregation Meet and Consider the Resignation of its Pastor,
 Dr. Kirkwood.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Mr. James Kirk was moderator of the meeting and Mr. J. W. Curns, secretary. Mr. S. S. Linn and Dr. Elder were appointed to present the matter before the Presbytery.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The following essay was read by Miss Emma Strong before the meeting of the Woman’s Suffrage Society, at Mrs. J. W. Curns, Tuesday afternoon. It is worthy of wide circulation.

All know what is the present understanding of this term. The name of woman is synonymous with all things beautiful, gentle, and affectionate, which makes her the fitting ornament for man’s home, the pet and plaything of his idle moments for the “ministering angel, when pain and anguish wreathe his brow.” This then is her sphere and indeed it is a pretty picture to contemplate. We would not blot out one of these attributes, but we question if this be all for which woman was created. The order of creation was upward; is it not then a logical deduction that His last creation was his masterpiece? That the Creator placed in her keeping His most precious trust, the care of His children. This points emphatically to the same conclusion: an expression of His confidence in her ability, physically and mentally, to be guardian of humanity.
Our boys are exhorted to be strong in principle and brave of heart; our girls to be good, but rather good by omission than by commission. Is this the proper training for the girls, the ones whom He has placed to be guardians of the children of tomorrow? Someone has said and truly, “The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.” Then indeed should our mothers “be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves?”
The “good treasures” stored in the hearts and minds of the mothers of today will be the foundation with which the character and interests of tomorrow must be built.
Raise the standard of intellectuality and usefulness of women, and just so far you will have advanced posterity; tell us of the mothers of any generation and we can safely prophesy what their sons and daughters may be. The useful, active, and earnest life of the pioneer women of America rendered them fitting mothers and teachers of the generation following, of which George Washington stood at the head. From such homes come all our great men, and our historians and biographers never tire in telling of the mother whose wise council was cherished by the son through life.
Little by little man is recognizing humanity’s cry for the education of woman. He has already opened the doors of the college to her and now comes the petition to place in woman’s hands that next great factor in the education of our American men: the ballot.
The ballot is an incentive to a broad education, it begets charity, it is the leveler of pride inasmuch as it makes of the poor man a sovereign and of the ruler a servant; it is a link that binds brother and brother; it is the inspiration of patriotism, and should our mothers not covet all these?
God gave to woman as to man, talents, and to woman, as to man, was given the commandment to increase these talents. Humanity pleads that this commandment be recognized and obeyed by both woman and man. The sooner woman is allowed to develop her talents, thereby fitting herself for the responsible position or sphere which, through the eternal laws of God, she always has and always will occupy, the sooner will the affairs of this world attain their true equilibrium and “man’s inhumanity to man” be changed to brotherly love.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.

At the time our city council made the contract with the Gas company of this city to pay them $1,800 a year for the use of gas to light the city, many of our people thought it an outrage for the city to pay so large a sum of money for the use of gas only part of the night. I presume our city pays regularly for the use of the gas according to its contract with the Gas company. But does the Gas company carry out their part of the contract? As an actual observer, I can say they do not, for to my personal knowledge the lamp on the northwest corner of Mansfield street and 12th avenue has not been lit half the time in the last two weeks, and the nights it has been lighted, it has been done from half past to half past ten o’clock; and at this writing half past ten o’clock p.m., the lamp on the above corner is not lighted. Now, there must be something wrong about this business. I have called the attention of one member of the Gas company and also our city marshal to the matter, and still the lamp is not lighted, and our businessmen who have business to attend to downtown after dark have the pleasure of going home in the dark simply because the Gas company are permitted to leave the lamps unlit. I would respectfully call the attention of the city council to this matter that they may take proper steps to guard the interest of the taxpayers of our city and see that we get value received for the money paid for gas. JOHN W. CURNS.
Curns & Manser: New bulletin...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
Curns & Manser are out with another of their real estate bulletins. It is a large eight column paper, a beauty typographically and for elaborate description of Cowley’s grand resources is certainly perfect. Every phase is truthfully and tersely touched. Cuts of Winfield’s churches and several of her prominent residences are presented. As an advertiser its benefits to Cowley will be great. It exhibits much enterprise on the part of Messrs. Curns & Manser.
J. W. Curns...
Dr. Kirkwood announced the meeting of the Missionary society at Mr. J. W. Curns’ Friday at 4 o’clock, and the businessmen’s tea of the Baptist ladies at the church, Thursday evening, refreshments of various kinds.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Curns & Manser to Francis L Smith, lot 10, blk 226, Winfield: $200.00.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society met at Curns & Manser’s office Saturday. Secretary Brocket, of the State Society, was present and a very profitable meeting held, whose minutes we will publish Monday.
Excerpts: Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its regular monthly meeting last Saturday, in the real estate office of Curns & Manser, President J. F. Martin in the chair, and Secretary Jacob Nixon at his desk, with a good attendance of members.

Any person interested in the state reports can procure a copy at Messrs. Curns & Manser’s office.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, at its last meeting, elected the following officers for the ensuing six months: Mrs. C. H. Greer, president; Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Mrs. G. E. Raymond, Mrs. Albright and Mrs. C. Strong, vice-presidents; Mrs. F. W. Finch, secretary; Mrs. W. B. Caton, corresponding secretary; Mrs. J. C. McMullen, treasurer; Mrs. J. W. Curns, superintendent of literature.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Rev. S. R. Reese, of Holden, Missouri, has purchased, through Messrs. Curns & Manser, the Dr. Davis homestead in College Hill, for $1,155. Mr. Reese intends moving to Winfield at an early day and will make valuable improvements on the property purchased.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The Woman’s Suffrage Society met last evening with Mrs. C. H. Greer. A very interesting program was rendered: “Woman’s sphere,” poem, ready by Mrs. F. W. Finch; a select reading by Mrs. Gates: reading, “How to win,” Francis Willard, by Mrs. Garlick; reading, by Miss Fannie Stretch; essay, by Mrs. C. H. Greer; music, by Misses Louie Stretch and Gussie Hilton; remarks, by Mrs. J. W. Curns and others. This society is made up of enterprising, energetic women, who are not ashamed of enlightenment on any subject. They take an interest in the republic’s welfare for its elevation, and mean to work on and on until the goal of female suffrage, their battle ax, shall have been reached. Such women, with an earnest desire for the widening of the influence and sphere of their sisters, to be surely followed by greater feminine intelligence and independence, are a credit to the city—far beyond the slavery devotees of the flounce, the frizz, and the complexion, accompanied by inability and comparative nonentity.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The Farmers Institute meets Saturday afternoon at Curns & Manser’s office.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
The Horticultural Society will hold its regular meeting in Curns & Manser’s building on Saturday, Sept. 5th, at 2 p.m. This will be an important meeting as it will be the last previous to the Fair. A large exhibition of fruit is expected at the Fair, and the Society will give all the aid and information possible to this end. Jacob Nixon, of Kellogg, is secretary of the society, and also superintendent of the fruit department of the Fair, who will gladly favor all asking information.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Curns returned this morning from Ottawa, where they attended the Kansas National Prohibition Party Convention. Rev. W. H. Bool and wife, of New York, were present, he being the principal speaker, of the camp-meeting, which preceded the convention. St. John was attending a convention at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and couldn’t be present. The Harrisburg convention sent its greetings, which were responded to. Van Bennett, Jennie Newby, A. M. Richardson, and other prominent third party apostles were present. About 200 delegates were in attendance and the usual resolutions were passed. The platform was similar to the National one of last year.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The Farmers Institute meets in the real estate office of Curns & Manser on Saturday, September 5th. The subject for discussion will be “The preparation of wheat ground and its seeding,” with additional subject, “Fall plowing for corn.”
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The Horticultural Society will hold its regular meeting in Curns & Manser’s building on Saturday, Sept. 5th, at 2 p.m. This will be an important meeting as it will be the last previous to the Fair. A large exhibition of fruit is expected at the Fair, and the Society will give all the aid and information possible to this end. Jacob Nixon, of Kellogg, is secretary of the society, and also superintendent of the fruit department of the Fair, who will gladly favor all asking information.
John W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The Horticultural Society was attended by a small number of persons Saturday last on account of the unfavorable weather, yet there was on the table a fine display of fruits, among which were from Mr. John Curns, two varieties of peaches, very fine, names unknown. G. S. Manser, peaches, Old Missouri, Free Hill, Home Chief, and three varieties of apples. W. W. Limbocker, peaches, thought to be Ward’s Late. Mr. Taylor brought apples of the Ben Davis, Maiden Blush, and Vandevere Pippin varieties. Wm. C. Hayden showed large improved cuttings. J. F. Martin had six varieties of peaches, those named being Raverine, Martha Washington, and Wager. Mr. Manser also exhibited Bartlett pears, Rambo, Hubbardson, Nonesuch, and Hysloo crab apples. It was greatly regretted that more of our citizens could not have seen this fine display of Cowley’s fruit.
Curns & Manser: contemplate building again...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The old building was moved off the lot of Wallis & Wallis, where Tyner has been, Saturday, and this firm will begin the excavation for a fine business building, to be erected at once. Curns & Manser also talk seriously of building on the lot adjoining, while Daniel Hunt will extend the Stump building back eighty feet. Verily, the city boometh.
Curns & Manser: to put up building on South Main street...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Warner & McIntyre have the contract for putting up the Wallis & Wallis and Curns & Manser buildings on South Main street.
Curns & Manser: new building progressing...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Paris & Herrod, excavators of the Curns & Manser, Wallis & Wallis, and Hunt cellar, are almost done with their work, and the mason work will soon commence. The block will be a seventy-five foot front and eighty feet deep; three stories high. When completed the building will fill the vacancy between Mater’s blacksmith shop and the millinery store, which has so long been an unsightly place and a wilderness of sunflowers and other weeds. This is not all. The corner below the second hand store of Ira Kyger is owned by men of capital, who are arranging to erect a fine building thereon. And still we boom, notwithstanding the wail from other towns that times are close and nothing doing.
John W. Curns and G. S. Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
John W Curns et ux and G S Manser et ux to C M E Bassett, lot 12, blk 226, Citizen’s ad to Winfield: $250.00.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The Ladies Library Association has changed its library to rooms over Curns & Manser’s real estate office. It is open from 3 to 6 Wednesday and Saturday afternoons.
Curns & Manser and others: blocks going up...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The cellar walls of the Weitzel-Ransdall and the Curns and Manser-Wallis blocks, on south Main, are about finished and the main walls will soon be looming.
Curns & Manser: library movements...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The Ladies’ Library Association has moved its library into rooms over Curns & Manser’s real estate office, and are making strong efforts to renew the interest in it. The yearly membership fee has been reduced to two dollars and the weekly book rental to five cents per week. At these rates, the library should certainly have a good patronage. It is a very complete library, containing all the latest and best works of the day. Every citizen should take a membership ticket and encourage the ladies to another effort to open a public reading room, one of the great needs of our city.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
This society will hold its monthly meeting at the office of Curns & Manser, on Saturday, 1 p.m., Oct. 2. A large attendance is expected, as it will be an important meeting. In view of the past season’s experience, the question will be discussed, what varieties of apples, etc., shall be planted? Come and bring samples of fruit with you. J. F. Martin, President.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.

The Horticultural Society will meet at Curns & Manser’s office, at 1 o’clock, on Saturday, Nov. 7th. This will be an important meeting and a huge attendance is expected. In view of the past season’s experience, the question of what apples, etc., shall we plant? Will be discussed. Come and bring samples of fruit with you. J. F. Martin, Pres.
Curns & Manser: Hosmer still in office over their office...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
   H. H. HOSMER,
ATTORNEY AT LAW and notary public. Office over Curns & Manser’s, Winfield, Kansas. Deeds and other instruments legally drawn and titles examined.
Curns & Manser: business block underway...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Messrs. Warner & McIntire, the contractors, have under contract sixteen residence and business buildings—over sixteen thousand dollars worth in carpentry, planing, and scroll work. Their planing mill is turning out the frame and fancy work for Eaton’s buildings, the business blocks of Short, Wallis, and Curns & Manser; the Imbecile Asylum and College buildings; Charley Fuller’s residence, and numerous others, with more to follow. Their mill is full of work, clear to the brim.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
B W Matlack to Curns & Manser, ne qr 18-34-3e: $2,500.00.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
At a meeting of the College Hill Co., held at Curns & Manser’s office yesterday, the treasurer was instructed to pay to the treasurer of the South Western Kansas Conference College the first installment on its subscription of $10,000 to the College building, amounting to $3,333.35, which has been done and receipted for. The subscriptions made by the citizens of Winfield to this College are being paid promptly and satisfactorily, and there is nothing to prevent its completion for the fall term of 1886.
John W. Curns & G. S. Manser, partners, sue Harvey W. Stubblefield et al...
The Grist in Waiting for the December, 1885, Term of the District Court,
Beginning Tuesday, the 15th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
John W Curns & G S Manser, partners by the firm name and style of Curns & Manser vs Harvey W Stubblefield et al, Jennings & Troup pros.
Excerpts from lengthy article: J. W. Curns...
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.

The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road. The townships through which the road will run were represented as follows.
Rock: S. P. Strong, H. F. Hornaday, E. J. Wilbur, and W. H. Grow.
Fairview: J. C. Paige and T. C. Covert.
Walnut: J. C. Roberts, J. B. Corson, John Mentch, T. A. Blanchard, J. Anderson, W. D. Roberts, and E. M. Reynolds.
Winfield: H. H. Siverd, J. A. Eaton, D. L. Kretsinger, Col. Whiting, T. H. Soward, B. T. Davis, M. L. Robinson, S. J. Smock, G. H. Crippen, J. E. Conklin, W. P. Hackney, G. L. Gale, Chas. Schmidt, W. J. Wilson, Ed P. Greer, H. E. Asp, A. H. Limerick, F. C. Hunt, and J. W. Curns.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Curns & Manser donated $10.00.
Curns & Manser: Former employee Willard G. Todd marries Miss Mary M. Linn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
And now sweet matrimony has wound its silken cords around another couple of our young folks. Tuesday evening the words were pronounced by Rev. J. C. Miller that united for weal or woe, for sorrows and successes, Mr. Willard G. Tidd and Miss Mary M. Linn. The ceremony was pronounced at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, parents of the bride, a mile southwest of town. The groom has been in the employ of Curns & Manser for some time past and is one of the county’s sturdiest young men, industrious and frugal. The bride is of winning appearance and disposition, with the accomplishments that would lastingly adorn. Mr. Tidd has just been appointed to an excellent position with S. L. Gilbert, in the Wichita Land Office, where himself and bride will take up their residence after Monday. A long life of happiness and prosperity is the wish of many friends.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Van Doren, dentist, now has rooms over office...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
Dr. Van Doren has fitted up dental rooms over Curns & Manser’s. The Doctor is well known here and will receive his share of the custom.
F. V. Curns???...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.

The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
David M Adams et ux to F V Curns, e hf nw qr 8-33-4e: $2,500.00.
Mrs. J. W. Curns and Mrs. G. S. Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The Presbyterian Christmas donation has not all been distributed yet, and is in the hands of a committee composed of Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. W. C. Root, Mrs. G. S. Manser, Mrs. H. S. Silver, and Mrs. C. H. Greer, who will distribute the remainder as fast as needy families can be found. Leave names at THE COURIER office or at Curns & Manser’s.
Curns & Manser: New building ready in early spring...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The Curns & Manser, Wallis & Wallis, Irve Randall, and other business blocks are going right up and will be ready for occupancy in the early spring.
Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
The Woman’s Suffrage Society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. C. Strong, with a good attendance and much interest. Mrs. Frank W. Finch read a well-written essay on “Power,” evidencing considerable philosophy and thought. Mrs. Olmstead gave some fine instrumental music, accompanied vocally by Miss Williams. Discussion was had on the subject of petitioning the Legislature for the right of suffrage for women in Kansas, by Mrs. C. Strong, Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. C. H. Greer, Mrs. Dr. Bailey, and others. These petitions have been circulated by the society here and those all over the state and largely signed, ready for the State solons. A committee of women from the State Suffrage Society will likely present them and urge their justice and expediency.
J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
I would respectfully call the attention of the School Board of this city to the fact that the school rooms in the West Ward schoolhouse are very poorly heated, and that during the recent cold wave the school had to be dismissed several times on account of the uncomfortable condition of the rooms. And one of the teachers has just informed me that it is impossible to keep the rooms warm today, and that when she opened school this morning, the thermometer stood 17 degrees below zero, and she would be obliged to dismiss school today. Wake up, school board, and see that our school rooms are made comfortable. It is not very encouraging to parents to have their children go to school, where they feel that they are liable to almost freeze or take cold that may result in loss of health or perhaps death. This matter demands attention at once. J. W. CURNS.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society meets at Curns & Manser’s office Saturday week, the first Saturday in February, when the annual election of officers will take place.
Curns & Manser: Elder still listed as being over Curns & Manser office...

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
THOS H. ELDER. Physician and Surgeon, Winfield, Kansas. Office over Curns & Manser’s real estate office. Residence, corner 11th Avenue and Loomis Street. Special attention given to Diseases of women and children. Calls promptly attended.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Riley replaces Attorney Hosmer...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Dr. C. M. Riley is now occupying the office of Attorney Hosmer, over Curns & Manser’s.
Curns & Manser: Next entry not understood...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Bliss & Wood now have a nice single car for wheat in their office in Curns & Manser’s building.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moor [Myers], sister and brother-in-law of J. W. Curns, came over from Fort Scott Thursday and will remain for a week with Mr. and Mrs. Curns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Myers, relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Curns, returned to Ft. Scott Tuesday, after a very pleasant visit of two weeks.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
Curns & Manser are now making loans on farms, or well improved city property at lowest rates, and give the borrower the privilege of paying off on the option plan. By this arrangement the borrower is allowed to pay $200 (or any amount agreed upon) or any multiple thereof at the time any interest payment is due.
Curns & Manser [Capt. Huffman joins firm]...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
Capt. Huffman is now with Curns & Manser in the real estate business.
Curns & Manser: new building on South Main leaded to Early & Michener...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Curns & Manser have leased their south Main street building to Early & Michener, of Newton, who will fit it up very finely for an ice cream parlor.
Curns & Manser: new building getting plaster work done...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Frazier & Harvey are rushing on the plastering on the Curns & Manser and Wallis buildings on south Main.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Riley listed as being over office of Curns & Manser...
Professional Cards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
DR. C. M. RILEY. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Curns & Manser’s, where he can be found day and night.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Elder listed as being over office of Curns & Manser...
Professional Cards.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
THOS. H. ELDER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Winfield, Kansas. Office over Curns & Manser’s real estate office. Residence corner 11th avenue and Loomis Street. Special attention given to Diseases of Women and Children. Calls promptly attended.
Curns & Manser: Dr. Van Doren, dentist, listed as being over Curns & Manser...
Professional Cards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 1, 1886.
DR. VAN DOREN, DENTIST. Office on Main Street over Curns & Manser’s. Teeth Xtracted without pain. References: His numerous patrons in and about Winfield.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Wm Hudson et al to Curns & Manser, tract in lot 8, blk 130, Winfield: $250.00.
Curns & Manser [West Side]...
An Addition to Winfield that Eclipses All Others.
Charming Sites for Homes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.

Have you visited West Side? If not, get into your rig and take in the real grandeur of its view of Winfield. More beautiful sites for beautiful homes couldn’t be imagined. As you stand on that elevation, with the Queen City spread out in the valley before you, forcible indeed is the realization. The view extends for miles north, northeast, and southwest. There are 240 acres in this tract. One hundred acres have just been platted and placed on the market. Curns & Manser are the only agents and have already disposed of a number of fine blocks. West Side embraces all the land west of the river to the old Wichita county road, and from Riverside Avenue on the south to Fifth Avenue on the north. Its streets and alleys have just been graded. They are broad and straight and will soon be parked. Commencing on the west we have Vernon, Lagonda, Summit, Broad, Grand, Lake, and Bluff streets; the avenues east and west are extensions of the city’s avenue, excepting McMullen and Robinson avenue on the South, instead of 13th and 14th. The undulations and drainage of Westside are as admirable as the view its elevation affords. It is located less than a dozen blocks from Main Street, out the city’s principal boulevard, Ninth Avenue. The fine new iron bridge, with its modern architecture, style, and substantiality, will be erected across the crystal Walnut in a short time, giving the freest access to West Side. The street car line will run out this avenue. It is but a short distance to the best of water, the site being underlaid with everlasting springs. To the man who wants a lovely spot for a home, a home free from the rush, odor, and dust of the city and yet convenient and exceptionally healthful and pleasant in every way, should embrace at once this opportunity to get a site in West Side, whose unique advantages and location are self-evident. During the summer a number of elegant homes will go up in this addition and in less than two years West Side will be the principal residence portion of Winfield—a little city of most desirable suburban homes. Consult Messrs. Curns & Manser at once. It is being sold in lots and blocks at prices very reasonable—prices that will thribble in less than a year.
Curns & Manser: suit by H. G. Fuller...
Bar Docket for the April Term of the Cowley County District Court,
Convening Tuesday, the 6th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
163. 2329. H G Fuller vs Curns & Manser, Hackney & Asp for plaintiff, Jennings & Troup for def.
Curns & Manser...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
E. P. Greer, secretary of the Cale Town Company, received Thursday from the engineer the plat of the new town of Cale, at the terminus of the “Frisco” on the State line. The plat was immediately placed on sale and in less than an hour five thousand dollars worth of lots were sold. The rush for property in this town bids fair to be something extraordinary. Among those who purchased lots today were Judge Torrance, A. H. Doane, J. B. Nipp, Curns & Manser, F. J. Hess, R. R. Phelps, D. A. Millington, F. L. Branninger, Alexander, Lamport & Co., and many others. All of these contract to erect large business buildings at once. Alexander, Lamport & Co. begin the erection of their sheds, buildings, etc., for their lumber yard at the new town tomorrow. Their stock of lumber will be in by Saturday. The contract for grading the Santa Fe from Arkansas City to Cale has been let and that road will also be running into the town within sixty days. Cale is the only town on the line of the Indian Territory, in Kansas, where shippers will find a direct St. Louis market and competing lines. It will be a “boomer” and no mistake.
Excerpts: Mrs. J. W. Curns...
The Gough Memorial Services by the W. C. T. U.
  A Successful and Becoming Credit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
The National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union specified Sunday, April 11th, as a day for meetings all over America in honor of that great temperance advocate who laid down his early armor March 18th. The Winfield Union, with its usual zeal and enterprise, was of course to the front and arranged for exercises at the Courthouse Sunday evening. The room was nicely decorated with a background of the stars and stripes, inscribed thereon, “Prohibition,” the Union’s motto, “For God, For Home, and Native Land,” with an appropriate likeness of Gough in the center of a banner bearing, “Young men, make your record clean; Our Leader, John B. Gough.” The floral decoration was also good.

The audience was large—too large for the rooms, a large number being unable to get in. The Opera House would have been none too large. The president, Mrs. C. H. Greer, presided, while fifteen members of the Union, Mrs. E. D. Garlick, Mrs. J. C. McMullen, Mrs. E. M. Albright, Mrs. J. W. Curns, Mrs. H. Beck, Mrs. Flo Williams, Mrs. S. J. Hepler, Mrs. C. Strong, Mrs. Ed. P. Greer, Mrs. Dr. Elder, Mrs. M. L. Gates, Misses Mary Bryant, Ella Kelly, Emma Strong, and Fannie Stretch occupied seats together and gave responsive readings relative to the life of Gough, a very thorough synopsis of the history and work of this great temperance orator. A male quartette, Messrs. Dr. Gay, J. S. R. Bates, C. I. Forsyth, and Joe Holiday, with Miss Pearl Van Doren at the instrument, gave beautiful and appropriate music.
The W. C. T. U. scored a fine success in its meeting last night—one in harmony with the enterprise of the ladies of the Union and of Winfield.
[Coverage of J. W. Curns, etc., stopped in mid-April 1886.]