S. H. Myton
Samuel H. Myton, 29. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Samuel Myton 30 m w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Mary C. Myton 24 f w Illinois Missouri
Samuel H. Myton, 33; spouse, M. C., 26.
S. H. Myton, 39; spouse, Mary, 30.
Myton S H, hardware and implements, 718, 720, 722 Main, res 721 Menor
Winfield Messenger, June 28, 1872.
Agreeable to appointment a number of citizens met at the courthouse in Winfield to take measures for holding a celebration. After considerable discussion it was decided not to celebrate at Winfield, whereupon a committee, consisting of Messrs. Walton, Boyle, and Bryant, was appointed to procure teams for the accommodation of persons wishing to attend celebrations elsewhere.
A sufficient quality of powder was donated for the national salute, to be given at daybreak on the morning of the fourth, and a committee was appointed to superintend the firing.
The meeting then took into consideration the subject of
in which much interest was manifested by all present. On motion, J. B. Fairbanks, S. H. Myton, and A. T. Stewart were appointed as a committee to draft petitions and circulate them.
On motion the meeting adjourned. J. D. COCHRAN, Chairman.
ALBERT YALE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 11, 1873.
Wagon Bows - Several sets at S. H. Myton’s.
Heavy duck wagon covers at S. H. Myton’s.
Heating Stoves, twenty-five and thirty-one inch box, just received at S. H. Myton’s.
Shaved axe-handles, at S. H. Myton’s.
New, house and stock pumps, at S. H. Myton’s.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
S. H. MYTON, Dealer in Hardware.
West side Main Street, two doors north of Log Store, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 25, 1873.
S. H. Myton returned this week from a visit to old friends in Indiana.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
S. H. Myton showed us one bill of $1,400 for hardware purchased while in the east.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
Hardware. We direct the attention of our readers to the new advertisement of S. H. Myton. The wants of farmers can now be supplied as well as those of small dealers in other towns, without the time, labor, and expense of a trip to the railroad, by calling on Mr. Myton. His acquaintances throughout the county and reputation for honest dealing with customers, together with his liberality to the press, is a guarantee of a successful business the coming season.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 13, 1873.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 7, 1873.
S. H. Myton et al vs. Winfield Town Co., dismissed.
S. H. Myton vs. Winfield Town Association, dismissed.
E. Maris et al vs. Winfield Town Company, dismissed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 21, 1873.
Sam Myton is digging him a well.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 4, 1873.
The directors of the Agricultural Society will meet at the Fair Grounds, Saturday, Sept. 6th, 1873, at 2 o’clock P. M. They earnestly desire that the Superintendents of all the departments meet with them to acquaint themselves with their duties. The following are the names of the various Superintendents.
Capt. E. Davis; A. Walton; J. H. Churchill; J. P. Short; John R. Smith; E. B. Johnson; W. K. Davis; A. S. Williams; Will S. Voris; S. H. Myton; Samuel Darrah; James Stewart; Jas. H. Land; T. B. Myers; Geo. W. Martin; W. M. Boyer; Max Shoeb; John Swain; S. C. Smith, Mrs. L. H. Howard; Mrs. J. D. Cochran; Mrs. E. Davis; Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mrs. C. A. Bliss; Mrs. Fitch; Max Fawcett; J. O. Matthewson; H. B. Norton; D. A. Millington; E. B. Kager, C. M. Wood; T. A. Wilkinson.
The Superintendents are desired to study carefully the rules and regulations of the society so they may be able to render assistance to exhibitors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
S. H. Myton drew the valuable wax fruit made and exhibited at the fair by Mrs. H. P. Mansfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
Last Saturday an election was held in the several townships in the county to elect delegates to the Republican Nominating Convention, to be held at Tisdale next Saturday, the 27th inst. The following delegates from Winfield Township were elected: B. F. Baldwin, G. W. Prater, S. H. Myton, W. E. Bostwick, James Dever, Frank Weakly, and Dr. W. G. Graham. The whole number of votes polled was 182.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
E. B. Kager: Re-election as County Treasurer. Backers: S. H. Myton, Wm. Orr, Geo. W. Baily, S. W. Green, W. P. Duncan, J. H. Finch.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 23, 1873.
S. H. Myton takes this opportunity to inform the public that he will sell plows and other farming implements on notes payable April 1st, 1874.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 30, 1873.
S. H. Myton was awarded the contract for furnishing the stoves, pipe, etc., for the Courthouse.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1873.
The Odd Fellows and Masons have rented the upper story of the building next north of Myton’s hardware store, and are going to occupy it for their lodge room.
Winfield Courier, November 27, 1873.
Oats! Oats!! Oats!!!
A bankrupt stock of oats for sale at panic prices at S. H. Myton’s. The cheapest and best feed you can buy. Go right off and lay in a supply.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
The Co. Commissioners at their last meeting accepted the Courthouse. And the contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, take this method to return thanks to their bondsmen, S. C. Smith, Charley Black, R. B. Saffold, Hiram Silver, S. H. Myton, Rice & Ray, J. J. Ellis, J. D. Cochran, M. L. Read, J. C. Blandin, John Lowry, and C. A. Bliss, for the confidence reposed in them when they were entire strangers, and to say that they are honorably discharged from any further obligation on account of the Courthouse.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
To be given for the benefit of Adelphi Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at the Courtroom, Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 25th, 1873.
There will be a public installation of officers of the Lodge at the Baptist church at one o’clock P.M. After the Installation there will be a few short addresses by members of the order.
Dinner will take place at the courtroom at five o’clock P.M.
A cordial invitation is extended to the public.
After dinner a grand ball will be given at the courtroom. Good music will be in attendance. A cordial invitation is extended to the fraternity to be present. Special invitations will be given by the Committee to those not members of the order.
The following is the list of the committees appointed for the occasion.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton, I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B. Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs. Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry, W. W. Limbocker.
Winfield Courier, Friday, December 19, 1873.
Board of County Commissioners met in Clerk’s office, December 9, 1873. All present. After a thorough inspection of the work, the Courthouse was accepted from the contractors, and the bondsmen discharged.
The following bills were audited and allowed.
S. H. Myton, Co. wood: $45.00
S. H. Myton, stoves and pipe: $174.55
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
Sam Myton is putting a pair of hay scales in front of his store.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
Last Monday evening, the most brilliant assemblage of “fair women and brave men” was gathered together at the residence of the Rev. J. B. Parmelee, that has ever assembled in the Walnut Valley. The occasion was the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee, what the knowing ones call the “china wedding.” J. C. Blandin, with malice aforethought, enticed the unsuspecting couple to town and there kept them, not altogether unwilling, prisoners at his house. Taking advantage of the absence of the Rev. gentleman and his estimable lady, the “company” to the number of about one hundred and fifty persons gathered in with buckets, baskets, sacks, etc., each containing something calculated to gladden the inner man.
At the proper time Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee having arrived, were peremptorily ordered to prepare for the trying ordeal, which they calmly and resignedly proceeded to do. When all was ready the bride and groom were led into the parlor. Enoch Maris, D. A. Millington, Esq., and T. A. Wilkinson acted as Groomsmen, and Mrs. Enoch Maris, Mrs. ___ Johnson, and Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson as Bridesmaids. Rev. James E. Platter, of the Presbyterian Church, then proceeded to “lecture” the happy pair substantially as follows. . . .
Rev. N. L. Rigby then pronounced them “man and wife,” and offered up a short prayer. $103.00 in greenbacks was made up, enclosed in a soap dish, and presented to Mr. Parmelee by Maj. J. B. Fairbanks, on behalf of the company. . . .
A splendid supper was served and everybody felt that it was “good to be there.” The party broke up about 12 o’clock M., everyone boasting that it was the most enjoyable affair ever got up in the romantic Walnut Valley.
Messrs. E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. B. Fairbanks, and A. T. Stewart, as far as we can learn, were the originators of the plot. We hope these liberal minded gentlemen will give another such at no distant day.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
At the Sign of the Big Boot, Opposite Myton’s Hardware Store. NEAT WORK AND REPAIRING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. Call and see me.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
S. H. MYTON. Dealer in HARDWARE.
His stock comprises: CUTLERY, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, EDGE TOOLS, STOVES, TINWARE, etc. West side Main Street, two doors north of Log Store, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
Arrangements have been made with the following retail dealers of Winfield for supplying members of the order with merchandise at special rates. With Ellis & Black for dry goods and groceries; S. H. Myton for hardware, implements, etc.; Max Shoeb for blacksmithing. Sub-granges can procure all needed blanks at the lowest rates at the COURIER office in Winfield.
Members will be furnished with tickets upon application, and for protection against fraud, members are requested to take bills for all goods purchased, or work performed, and file the same as often as convenient with the agent. Sub-granges are requested to send me their orders accompanied with $3.50, for sub-grange seals, that I may bulk the order.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1874.
The editor-in-chief of this paper made the best race for councilman that was made at the late city election. He beat Dr. Mansfield, S. H. Myton, James Kirk, Jones, Williams, Gray, Austin, Jack-of-clubs, and Tom Wright’s dog.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Mr. S. H. Myton met with a somewhat serious accident last Sunday evening. He had been for some time apprehensive that burglars were trying to break into his store. On that particular night he was aroused by a noise as of someone trying to raise the window. He got out of bed, and taking a loaded rifle, rested it upon a stove, the muzzle pointed toward the said window to await developments. While awaiting the supposed thief, he fell asleep and by some mismanagement pulled the trigger and the gun went off at the same time bursting the barrel to pieces scattering Sam around in all directions, burning his face and completely closing one of his eyes. NEXT LINE IMPOSSIBLE TO READ. swelling, all right. We hope that Sam will be more careful in future, and buy himself a good gun.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1874.
Commissioner’s Proceeding.
Cowley County, Kan., April 16th, 1874.
The following is a list of bills allowed by the Board of County Commissioners at their last regular meeting, showing the amount to whom allowed, and for what purpose.
S. H. Myton, wood, etc.: $50.86.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
S. H. Myton has returned from Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
The Council met at the courthouse June 2nd in pursuance of adjournment. Present: S. C. Smith, Mayor, and councilmen McMillen, Silver, and Darrah, J. W. Curns, Clerk.
A petition was presented signed by Wm. F. Marshal and others asking that a dram shop license be granted to A. G. Vinson. Two remonstrances against granting gram shop license (unless every requirement of the law be strictly complied with) were presented, signed by S. H. Myton and others and one signed by John McQuiston and others. On motion the petitions were all referred to a committee consisting of H. S. Silver, J. P. McMillen, and Samuel Darrah.
Myton putting up two-story brick, 25 ft. by 60 ft. on present site. Lower store to be hardware store; upper story to be used by Masons or made into offices...
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1874.
Sam Myton is preparing to build a two story brick building, 25 feet wide and 60 feet long, on the site of his present building. The lower story will be used for his hardware store and the upper story will either be used by the Masons or made into offices. The front will be made of cut stone and the building when finished will be one of the finest structures in the city.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
Sam Myton has commenced the excavation of the cellar for his new building. He talks some of using the upper story for a public Hall, a thing which this town really needs.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
The excavation of the cellar of S. H. Myton’s new store building is completed. The cellar is the full size of the building, being 25 x 60 with a depth of 6 feet and 3 inches. T. O. Hill finished the job up neatly.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
The cellar walls of Sam Myton’s new block are rapidly being put up.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: R. F. Burden and M. S. Roseberry.
The following bills were presented and acted on as follows.
S. H. Myton, courthouse repairs: $2.17.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
Stewart & Simpson have commenced laying the brick on Sam Myton’s new building.
Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.
The contractors, Stewart & Simpson, have completed the brick work on Myton’s new building. The building is two stories in height—the first story 15 feet, the second 13 feet—and 25 x 60 feet in size. The walls were carried up to the top 18 inches in thickness to stand fire, and the front has cut block stone corners, and iron columns. It is a credit to the owner, the builders, and the town.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
The plasterers spent the holidays plastering Sam Myton’s big two story brick. How is that for winter?
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Without doubt the finest paving stones in the Walnut Valley are being delivered in front of Sam Myton’s new brick. The flagging is five or six inches thick, six feet wide, and from nine to fifteen feet long.
Upper story of Myton’s building: rented by Masons for a hall...
Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.
The Masons have rented the upper story of Sam Myton’s new building for a hall. They intend to fit it up in splendid style, and when it is completed, they expect to have the finest Masonic Hall in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 14, 1875.
The carpenters are at work putting the counters and shelving into Sam Myton’s new brick. G. W. Prater and Irv. Randall are doing the work. It is expected that it will be ready for occupation in about four weeks.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
Sam Myton has taken the building which has stood so long in the rear of this office, and attached it to the back end of his new brick to be used as a tinshop.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
S. H. Myton has got settled down to business in his new building, and we think we are safe in saying that he now has one of the finest hardware stores in the state. Everything pertaining to the building is fitted up in the best possible manner and kept in “apple-pie order.” Sam is a reliable, capable, and energetic businessman, and he understands his business well enough to know that the way to control trade and make money is to keep handling the goods even though the profits are small. See his new advertisement elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, February 18, 1875.
When you step into Sam Myton’s splendid new brick now, the first thing you see is the ever smiling face of Mr. J. P. Short, who will wait on you so pleasantly that you feel like spending your last nickel there.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
Sam Myton has the “blazingist” sign in the county mounted on the tip top of his new brick.
Old store building of Myton is getting a new front...
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
Sam Myton is putting a new front onto his old store building, and is refitting it up generally.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1875.
There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Cemetery Association on Wednesday, March 31, 1875, at W. H. H. Maris’ store. All persons owning a lot in the Winfield Cemetery are stockholders, and entitled to vote at the meeting. A full attendance is requested. The following is a list of the said stockholders.
John Lowry, C. A. Bliss, Mrs. Clara Flint, Robert Hudson, W. L. Fortner, W. H. Dunn, Mallard, Dr. D. N. Egbert, J. H. Land, W. M. Boyer, A. Menor, S. J. Swanson, Mrs. Eliza Davis, M. L. Read. S. C. Smith, Kenton, Marshall, Henry Martin, W. H. H. Maris, Mrs. K. Maris, E. Maris, J. Newman, L. J. Webb, J. W. Smiley, George W. Brown, John Rhoads, H. H. Lacy, L. T. Michner, George Gray, N. W. Holmes, John Mentch, M. Steward, J. J. Barrett, J. W. Johnson, J. Evans, Cutting, W. G. Graham, S. W. Greer, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, J. D. Cochran, C. C. Stephens, W. H. South, J. C. Weathers, Mrs. Joseph Foos, G. S. Manser, Mrs. Southworth, A. A. Jackson, J. F. Graham, Mrs. H. McMasters, S. H. Myton, S. H. Darrah, M. L. Robinson, D. H. Rodocker, R. H. Tucker, James Kelly, W. Dibble, D. F. Best, Z. T. Swigart, R. Rogers.
Excerpt: Myton roomed at Bradish House...
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1875.
Several incidents connected with the fire we think worth relating. Mr. S. H. Myton, who roomed there, on hearing the alarm, hastily dressed himself by sticking but one leg in his pantaloons, drew one suspender between his legs and the other over his shoulder. Thus arrayed he mounted gallantly on the roof, and, with water supplied him by Mr. B. F. Baldwin, succeeded for a time in keeping the fire at bay. But, alas, his victory was of short duration. Just as he had received a fresh bucket of water, he missed his footing and tumbled head over heals to the ground. Curiously enough Mr. Myton sustained but little injury from his perilous fall.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
S. H. Myton has returned from Kansas City, and now sells all kinds of machinery and farming implements cheaper than ever.
S. H. Myton marries Banker M. L. Read’s daughter, Mollie C...
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.
MARRIED. By reference to another column it will be seen that our friend, S. H. Myton, sick nigh unto death of single cussedness, has taken unto himself a wife. Sensible man. We have more than suspected for some time, from little peculiarities and eccentricities, so well understood by those who do understand them, in Sam, conduct and dress, two or three times in each week, that something was going to happen. It has. And for the kindness with which the COURIER force was remembered by the happy couple, as well as the high estimation in which they are held, we wish Mr. Myton and his accomplished bride a long, happy, and prosperous life.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1875.
MYTON - READ. At the residence of M. L. Read, Esq., Thursday evening, the 20th inst., Mr. S. H. Myton, Esq., and Miss Mollie C. Read, all of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.
Farmers come from Sumner County to buy machines from Sam Myton.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Fred Hunt is clerking at Black’s. Wilber Dever at Green’s. Robert Deming at Myton’s, and Billy Hudson at Yerger’s. That’s right, boys; stick to it and it will make men of you. A. T. Stewart and old man Vanderbilt used to be clerks.
Winfield Courier, July 22, 1875.
Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, and C. C. Black, Councilmen; B. F. Baldwin, City Clerk.
The following bills were presented, referred to the finance Committee, and reported favorably on by them, and duly approved and ordered paid.
Bill of S. H. Myton, fixtures for public well: $2.70.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1875.
S. H. Myton ordered another sugar-cane mill this week. This time for Grouse Creek. Doc. Goodnight will extract sweetness with it this fall.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
Cowley County District Court.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, to be holden on and from the 27th, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
S. H. Myton vs. Wm. W. and M. A. Andrews.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
This is to certify that we, whose names are hereto subscribed, do most heartily recommend for our next County Treasurer, FRANK GALLOTTI, who has for the last year and a half faithfully and satisfactorily performed the duties of said office while acting in the capacity of Deputy; and we do hereby further certify that his character during that time has been such as to fully entitle him to the recommendation. The records of said office kept by him, bears ample testimony of his capability and efficiency. We consider him well qualified to fulfill the duties of said office, and therefore cheerfully recommend him to the voters of Cowley County as well worth of their cordial support, and who, if elected, will most faithfully and systematically perform the duties of said office.
One of those who signed: S. H. Myton.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
Neil Trump is back at his old bench at Sam Myton’s tin-shop.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1875.
S. H. Myton this week forwarded to Stewart, of the late firm of Stewart & Simpson, a photograph of his beautiful new brick store building, which they erected here. The picture goes to Champlain, Clinton County, New York.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1875.
S. H. Myton has purchased a new fire and burglar proof safe, and now defies these twin fiends.
Winfield Courier, December 23, 1875.
Sam. Myton has stored away enough farm machinery within the past two weeks to supply a dukedom. We saw seven teams unloading at his cellar door at one time last week.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1875.
The following are the recently elected officers of the Winfield Chapter of R. A. M.’s.
M. L. Read, H. P.; J. D. Pryor, K.; B. F. Baldwin, S.; W. C. Robinson, Capt. H.; A. Howland, P. S.; W. G. Graham, R. A. Capt.; J. W. Johnston, G. M. 3 y.; P. Hill, G. M. 2 y.; S. H. Myton, G. M. 1 y.; J. A. Simpson, Sec.; F. Gallotti, Treas.; N. C. McCulloch, M. Cro.
This is one of the thirty Royal Arch Chapters of Masons in this State, and as a citizen of Winfield we are proud that she, only a five year old, supports it.
Myton building: $6,000 cost given...
The banking house of M. L. Read is a fine brick structure costing $6,000, and the hardware store of S. H. Myton is larger and equally imposing of brick, costing $6,000. The schoolhouse is a substantial stone structure costing $6,000. The residence of Dr. Mansfield, M. L. Read, C. A. Bliss, D. A. Millington, J. P. McMillen, W. G. Graham, W. W. Andrews, S. H. Myton, and many others are good substantial structures and ornaments to the city.
Winfield Courier, January 20, 1876.
A SAFE TOWN. Besides the two immense safes belonging to the banks in Winfield, the following firms have first-class safes for the secure keeping of business papers: C. C. Black, S. H. Myton, Curns & Manser, and Manning & Walton. Probably no town of its size in the State has more money invested in safes and musical instruments than Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
PARKER, the Cowley County broom maker, received fifteen hundred broom handles from Sam Myton this week.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1876.
The undersigned, residents of Cowley County, cordially unite in inviting the citizens of said county to meet in mass meeting at Winfield, on Saturday at 2 P. M.,
to take such action as shall seem advisable upon consultation to secure the construction of a railroad into Cowley County. We desire each paper in said county to publish this call, and we hope that every township will be fully represented at said meeting.
Dated January 25, 1876.
WINFIELD: M. L. Read, S. D. Pryor, N. M. Powers, N. W. Holmes, N. L. Rigby, Thomas McMillen, L. J. Webb, Charles C. Black, J. S. Hunt, W. M. Boyer, John W. Curns, G. S. Manser, B. F. Baldwin, J. H. Land, A. H. Green, W. Q. Mansfield, E. C. Manning, S. H. Myton, J. C. Fuller, A. B. Lemmon, James Kelly, W. H. H. Maris, T. H. Henderson, A. N. Deming, H. S. Silver, J. M. Alexander, Amos Walton, D. A. Millington, J. E. Platter, W. M. Allison, And one hundred others.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1876.
A. H. GREEN, agent for the Home Insurance Company, of New York, put a $4,500 policy on Sam Myton’s brick building and stock this week.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
McMillen & Shields have moved to the building next north of Sam Myton’s.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
T. A. WILKINSON has sold over eight thousand dollars worth of farm machinery for Myton during the past thirty days.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.
Sam Myton, the hardware king, has just received two dozen new wagons. They are spread all over town, reaching from his store to the brick yard. The majority of them are “Baine’s manufacture.”
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
For the Real Estate and Personal Property Sale can be purchased at the Post office, Baldwin’s Drug Store, Myton’s Hardware Store, and at Gilleland’s Boot & Shoe Establishment.
The following described property will be sold and delivered to the parties who hold sale tickets, signed by the Secretary, on Monday the 1st day of January, 1877.
$10,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY will be distributed upon the sale of 10,000 Tickets at $1.00 each.
In case the whole number of tickets should not be sold, then the value of those unsold tickets will be taken from the personal property at the schedule price, and in case there should not be a sufficient number of tickets sold to justify a sale of the Real Estate, then the money arising from the sale of the tickets, after deducting the expenses that have accrued (not exceeding 20 percent), WILL BE REFUNDED TO THE HOLDERS OF TICKETS upon presentation of the same to the Treasurer.
For the faithful performance of the above stipulation the following persons are named, respectively: M. L. Robinson, as Treasurer; W. D. Clark, Secretary; F. W. Schwantes and C. A. McClung, Trustees; unto whose hands the property is placed, and by them to be delivered and conveyed to the ticket holders.
All sales of tickets must be immediately reported to the Secretary, and all monies arising from such sale placed in his hands, and by him placed in the hands of the Treasurer.
Article No. 1 is a well improved WALNUT VALLEY FARM, containing 160 acres, 130 of which is in cultivation, 85 Acres in Growing Wheat, living water, comfortable buildings, etc., schoolhouse on southwest corner, situated on Wichita and Winfield road, about 4 miles from Winfield; the northeast quarter of section twelve, township thirty-two, range 3 east.
Article No. 2 is also an IMPROVED FARM, Adjoining No. 1, on the west, in good state of cultivation, comfortable buildings, etc., 16 acres of growing wheat.
And 98 OTHER PRIZES, Including almost Every Article of Machinery used on a Farm, From a Garden Hoe to a Threshing Machine. Also CATTLE, MULES, AND HORSES.
The following is a schedule of some of the principal property and articles with valuations of the same.
No. 1. 160 Acres of land, n.e. ¼, s 12, t 32, r 3: $4.000.
No. 2. 160 Acres of land, n.w. ¼, s 12, t 32, r 3: $1,600.
No. 3. Undivided ½ interest in one Aultman & Taylor Vibrator: $400.
No. 4. One span of Mules, 7 years old: $350.
No. 5. One span of Mules, 4 and 7 years old: $350.
No. 6. One span of Mules, 9 and 10 years old: $225.
No. 7. One Draft Horse, 9 years old: $112.
No. 8. Lease on 80 acres of plow land—3 years: $300.
No. 9. Marsh Harvester: $200.
No. 10. Champion Self Rake combined Reaper/Mower: $125.
No. 11. Dayton Grain Drill: $35.
No. 12. Two-horse Wagon, 3¼ spindle: $75.
No. 13. Two-horse Wagon, 3¼ spindle: $60.
No. 14. Two-horse Wagon, 3¼ spindle: $60.
No. 15. Two-horse Wagon, 3¼ spindle: $60.
No. 16. Sewing Machine, Singer: $60.
No. 17. Sewing Machine, Wheeler & Wilson: $75.
No. 18. Sewing Machine, Wilson Shuttle: $40.
No. 19. Sod Cutter: $40.
No. 20. Milch Cow: $35.
No. 21. One two-horse Top Buggy: $143.
No. 22. Set of Buggy Harness: $30.
No. 23. Cultivator: $30.
No. 24. Set of Harness: $30.
No. 25. Fourteen Inch Sod Plow (Prairie Queen): $25.
No. 26. Set of Harness and one twelve inch Clarinda: $25.
No. 27. Set of Harness: $10.
No. 28. Double A Harrow: $12.
No. 29. Twelve-inch John Deere Sod Plow: $15.
No. 30. Eight-day Clock: $18.
No. 31. Double barrel Shot Gun: $10.
Also, 69 prizes valued at from $1.00 to $15.00, and 9,900 prizes valued at less than $1.00 each.
For further information address the Secretary, Winfield, Kansas.
W. C. CLARK and A. S. WILLIAMS, Proprietors.
I hereby consent to act as Treasurer for the above enterprise, according to the conditions above named. M. L. ROBINSON,
Cashier for Read’s Bank.
WINFIELD, COWLEY CO., KANSAS, November , 1876.
We, the undersigned, having been selected as trustees to superintendent and conduct the above sale, to be made by Messrs. Clark & Williams on the 1st day of January, A. D., 1877, do hereby accept the trust, and will use our utmost endeavors to see that the distribution and everything connected with the enterprise is conducted in a fair and impartial manner, and that the property shall be delivered and conveyed according to the drawing. Personal property prizes to be delivered immediately after the drawing, and real estate to be conveyed immediately and possession given of the same on the 1st day of March, 1877.
F. W. SCHWANTES, C. A. McCLUNG. Trustees.
We, the undersigned, having considered the within proposition, and being well acquainted with the Trustees and Managers thereof, would cheerfully recommend it to the patronage of the public, believing that the management thereof will be impartial, faithful, and honest. November 14th, 1876.
S. H. MYTON, Merchant, Winfield.
C. A. BLISS, Merchant, Winfield.
R. E. BROOKING, Mechanic, Winfield.
J. D. COCHRAN, Farmer, Winfield.
B. F. BALDWIN, Merchant, Winfield.
T. E. GILLELAND, Merchant, Winfield.
J. B. LYNN, Merchant, Winfield.
CHAS. C. BLACK, Capitalist, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals for laying the stone of the new M. E. Church will be received by the building committee until Saturday, Dec. 2nd, 1876, at which time the contract will be let to the lowest responsible bidder. The committee reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Plans and specifications can be seen at Read’s Bank, or address S. H. Myton, Winfield, Kansas. By order of the COMMITTEE.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
LELAND J. WEBB, ATTORNEY AT LAW.—Two doors north of Myton’s Hardware Store, upstairs, Winfield, Kansas.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
Breaking Plows,
Wheat Drills, also Buckeye Drill for
A full line of Shelf and Heavy Hardware.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 15, 1876.
THAT “OLD WHEEL-HORSE OF NENESCAH TOWNSHIP,” who stood out so boldly for Manning in the County Convention, is now indicted for stealing a wagon box from S. H. Myton, and stands a good chance of being sent to the Penitentiary. He was recognized mostly as a “tar barrel” on the day of the Convention, from the amount of grease he carried with him.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
Of certain lines of Goods
Has now commenced at the old stand of McMillen & Shields, one door north of Myton’s Hardware store, and will continue from day to day for CASH or CORN until said goods are all sold. Said goods consist of
White goods and Fancy goods, etc., and other traps too tedious to mention.
Most of the above named goods will be sold regardless of cost for CASH or CORN, in order to make room for ANOTHER line of goods.
NOW is your time to get bargains one door north of Myton’s Hardware Store.
REMEMBER, Cash or Corn.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
MR. IVAN A. ROBINSON, a younger brother of Geo. W. and W. C. Robinson, who arrived in Winfield a few weeks since, is waiting upon the customers at Sam Myton’s hardware store.
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1877.
The following were the officers of Winfield Chapter, No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, installed by P. H. P. Bennett, of Emporia, assisted by P. H. Hargis, of Wichita.
John D. Pryor, High Priest; M. L. Read, King; James A. Simpson, Scribe; W. C. Robinson, Captain of the Hosts; A. Howland, Principle Sojourner; W. G. Graham, Royal Arch Captain; J. W. Johnston, Commander of the 3rd Vail; Perry Hill, Commander of the 2nd Vail; S. H. Myton, Commander of the 1st Vail; Frank Gallotti, Treasurer; N. C. McCulloch, Sentinel.
After the installation P. H. P. Read was presented with a fine lambskin apron and collar and a jewel of office, after which the members, with their wives and ladies, repaired to the Central Hotel, and partook of supper and refreshments prepared especially for the occasion. The supper was gotten up in that good and tasteful style as only the cooks of a first-class house can get up. It was undoubtedly the grandest supper ever given in Winfield. The cakes were trimmed and mementoes with the different designs and emblems of the Masonic order. Quite a number of members of the order from Wichita, Arkansas City, and Lazette were present.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
WINFIELD, KAS. Jan. 23, 1877.
This is a list of officers of Winfield Chapter No. 51, Royal Arch Masons, installed at their hall on Monday evening, January 22nd, 1877, for the ensuing year.
John D. Pryor, High Priest.
M. L. Read, King.
Jas. A. Simpson, Scribe.
W. C. Robinson, Captain of the Hosts.
A. Howland, Principal Sojourner.
W. G. Graham, Royal Arch Captain.
J. W. Johnston, Commander of the Second Vail.
S. H. Myton, Commander of the First Vail.
Frank Gallotti, Treasurer.
C. C. Black, Secretary.
N. C. McCulloch, Sentinel.
Past High Priest Hargis, of Wichita, Acting Chief Marshal.
Rev. Rushbridge, though not a member, was Acting Chaplain, he being an invited guest.
The rites were witnessed by the wives and sweethearts of the members, also Prof. G. W. Robinson, Principal of the Winfield schools. The ladies saw those that are near and dear to them clothed in the beautiful robes of the Order, and assigned to stations that are alike responsible and honorable. The Chapter then called “off” to the Central Hotel, where we were all made happy by the commodious and comfortable rooms, and the bounteous repast which we found weary in waiting for those that hunger and thirst, and to which we did ample justice, and went away feeling that it was good for us to be there. JUST A LOCAL.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1877. Editorial Page.
The taxpayers and farmers of Winfield Township are grievously disappointed at the action of Saturday’s meeting. They are no more so than the same class of men all over the county. It is a common cause. That our readers may see that our conclusions are justified, we give the names of the following heaviest taxpayers in town, who were in favor of a change of the law, and who have so expressed themselves: C. A. Bliss, C. C. Black, Dr. W. R. Davis, Col. J. M. Alexander, J. C. Fuller, J. B. Lynn, Dr. W. Q. Mansfield, B. F. Baldwin, D. A. Millington, Rev. J. E. Platter, J. P. Short, S. H. Myton, E. C. Manning, R. Hudson, W. L. Mullen, Wm. Rodgers, Max Shoeb, Ira Moore, J. P. McMillen, J. M. Bair, J. S. Hunt.
Besides these gentlemen there is a large class of smaller taxpayers in town of the same mind. Outside of the city limits four-fifths of the farmers are in favor of a change in the law.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1877.
Frank Gallotti will open an extensive boot and shoe store in the second room north of Myton’s brick.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
The election of city officers at Winfield last Monday resulted in the following vote: For Mayor—R. L. Walker, 119, Dr. Davis, 82. Police Judge—J. W. Curns, 197.
Councilmen—Wilson, 201; Jackson, 195; Baird, 197; S. C. Smith 122; Cliff Wood, 106; Charles Black, 88; S. H. Myton, 89. The first five were elected.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
Frank Gallotti has just received his large stock of boots and shoes, which he will open up in a few days. His place of business will be two doors north of Myton’s hardware store.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
Mr. Trump, Sam Myton’s tinner, has made two or three sheet-iron machines for fighting grasshoppers.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877.
[County Commissioner Proceedings...am only putting down amount allowed. Skipping amount claimed].
S. H. Myton, fuel and merchandise: $203.90.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.
On last Saturday we were delighted to meet Mr. A. B. Taylor, from Pennsylvania, who several months ago was clerking for S. H. Myton, of this city. He will remain with us during the summer.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1877.
BIRTH. Samuel Myton, not “Sam” anymore, is about the happiest man in this town. He has a “bran new” baby at his house and the hardware business has no charms for him now.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
Mr. Geo. Uhl, living about a mile and a half north of town, commenced harvesting his wheat last Saturday, with one of Myton’s self-binders. He has a very large field, which will yield many bushels of grain.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1877.
Sam Myton has a new fangled grain drill on exhibition in front of his store that seems to beat everything heretofore invented. It is called “The Best.” It is no kin to our sewing machine man. He sows (sews) where he does not reap; it does not.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1877.
S. H. Myton has got stoves until you cannot rest. His backyard is full of them and he is looking around for a place to put them.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
WILKES FOSTER, of Vernon, has left the country without paying his debts. He was indebted to Myton, of Winfield, $130.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
S. H. Myton has a very large demand for stoves. He has some beautiful patterns for heaters.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Samuel H. Myton and his Honor, Judge Gans, counted the bonds in the county treasury last Monday.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
There was a public installation of officers of the Knights of Honor at the Courthouse last Friday evening. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge delivered an address. The officers of the organization for 1878 are as follows: Past Dictator, A. E. Baird; Dictator, E. P. Kinne; Vice Dictator, Geo. W. Robinson; Assistant Dictator, J. L. Rushbridge; Chaplain, S. H. Myton; Guide, John W. Curns; Reporter, H. D. Gans; Financial Reporter, A. Howland; Treasurer, W. C. Robinson; Guar., H. Brotherton; Sent’l., J. F. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Royal Arch Masons.
At the regular convocation of Winfield Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, held at Masonic Hall, Monday evening, January 14th, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year.
W. G. Graham, H. P.; John D. Pryor, K.; S. C. Smith, S.; M. L. Read, Treasurer; C. C. Black, Secretary; W. C. Robinson, C. A. H.; James McDermott, P. S.; S. H. Myton, R. A. C.; J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.; Perry Hill, M. 2nd V.; H. Brotherton, M. 1st V.; F. Gallotti, T.
After the installation, an address was delivered by P. H. P. John D. Pryor (which will appear on our outside next week), and the companions repaired to the Central Hotel and sat down to the best spread of the season. The supper was good and the occasion enjoyed by all present.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Fuel and merchandise: Wallis & Wallis, $1; Baird Bros., $3.10; W. Brown, $5; Mullen & Wood, $10; A. Brown, $4.50; S. H. Myton, $210.50.
Counting fund: H. D. Gans, $2; S. H. Myton, $2.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
S. H. Myton is the great hardware and agricultural implement dealer of the Southwest. He has built up a magnificent business in this city because he is reliable and honorable in his dealings, keeps the best of everything in his line, sells at satisfactory prices, and, above all, advertises liberally.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 17, 1878.
District Court.
Mr. E. S. Bedilion, District Clerk, furnishes us with the following list of cases which will probably be for trial at the next term of the District Court, commencing on Monday, May 6, 1878.
E. C. Seward v. S. H. Myton et al.
Winfield Courier, April 18, 1878.
Sam. Myton is selling a wonderful amount of farming implements this spring.
Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.
Sam Myton’s counter is graced with a large, new metallic show case.
Winfield Courier, July 4, 1878.
Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 24, 1878.
Board met pursuant to adjournment at the office of Col. J. M. Alexander. Present: J. W. Millspaugh, President; Col. Alexander, Treasurer; E. E. Bacon, Secretary; and Messrs. E. P. Kinne and E. C. Manning, Directors.
Reading of the proceedings of last meeting was dispensed with.
The committee to prepare premium list submitted for consideration a printed list and recommended its adoption. It was then read, corrected, and adopted, whereupon the following named ladies and gentlemen were appointed superintendents of the various classes, to wit:
Class A - Horses - R. B. Pratt.
Class B - Cattle - L. Finley.
Class C - Sheep - John Stalter.
Class D - Swine - W. L. Mullen.
Class E - Poultry - ___ Bull.
Class F - Agricultural Implements - S. H. Myton.
Class G - Mechanical Arts - J. Hoenscheidt.
Class H - Farm Products - R. F. Burden.
Class I - Horticulture - S. S. Holloway.
Class J - Pomology - I. H. Bonsall.
Class K - Floral - Mrs. W. Q. Mansfield.
Class L - Fine Arts - Mrs. M. E. Davis.
Class M - Textile Fabrics - T. H. McLaughlin.
Class N - Plowing Matches - J. H. Werden.
Class O - Honey - E. P. Hickok.
Class P - Boys and Girls - J. E. Platter.
Class Q - Riding and Driving - W. H. Walker.
Class R - Speed - B. M. Terrill.
Class S - Fruits, etc. - Mrs. S. M. Fall.
On motion, A. J. Pyburn was appointed Chief Marshal.
On motion, R. L. Walker was appointed Chief of Police.
By motion the committee on grounds were instructed to close contract for the same that the committee on track might commence work.
The board then adjourned until called by the president. E. E. BACON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Look out for the Winfield Pump and Lightning Rod Wagon run by Clark & Bennett, old settlers. We expect to fight the battle of life in this valley of beauty; so we propose to furnish this city and county with pumps of every description, from a cistern to a two hundred foot force pump. We will also furnish and construct lightning rods for the low price of 20 cents per foot for the Franklin rod, the copper rod, or the cable rod; or we will furnish you the common black red usually carried by rod peddlers for 16½ cents per foot. All work done by us we guarantee satisfaction. Headquarters at Earnest’s grocery store, or any orders left with Messrs. Jochems or Myton will receive prompt attention. CLARK & BENNETT.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
WINFIELD, August 5, 1878.
Council met in council chamber in regular session: J. B. Lynn, mayor, and all councilmen present.
Petition of S. H. Myton et al., for hitching-posts on Main and other streets granted, and owners granted the privilege of erecting the same under the supervision of the city marshal.
A resolution was passed allowing merchants and businessmen to have the space between the curb-stone and hitching-posts on which to display their wares.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Jos. B. Blandin to S. H. Myton, lots 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12, block 67, Winfield; $300.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 11, 1878.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, S. H. Myton, A. T. Shenneman, and G. S. Manser, all of Winfield, paid this place a visit yesterday.
Brother of Myton, T. W. Myton, visits from Pennsylvania...
Winfield Courier, October 3, 1878.
T. W. Myton, of Huntington, Pennsylvania, brother of S. H. Myton, our famous hardware merchant, arrived in this city last Tuesday and is visiting friends.
Winfield Courier, October 24, 1878.
Office of the Secretary of the Walnut Valley Fair Association.
WINFIELD, KANS., Oct. 18, 1878.
To the officers, stockholders, and patrons of the above named association: I have the honor to submit herewith a detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements of the association from its organization to the present time, as per order of the Executive Board dated Oct. 17th, 1878.
Disbursements: Hardware, S. H. Myton.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Among the new business enterprises of Winfield is the well-known machine agent, Mr. J. L. Berkey, who has been engaged with S. H. Myton for the past season. Mr. Berkey is located on the corner of Ninth Avenue and Manning Street, where he will be found with a full line of Agricultural Implements, consisting of the well-known Walter A. Wood machines, all complete. Also the Keystone and Rock Island Plows, Corn Planters, Cultivators, Harrows, Corn Shellers, Mills, and everything from a hoe up to a threshing machine. Mr. Berkey came here about a year ago from Bloomington, Illinois, well recommended as a business man, who knows no such thing as fail; and we should judge from his vim and pluck that he will prove to be a valuable business man to our enterprising town. We wish Mr. Berkey success in his new enterprise.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
MYTON. S. H., is the great hardware merchant of Winfield. He has a magnificent brick store, which he owns, as well as much other real estate, and his stock embraces everything in the hardware line, in large quantities. His sales are probably greater than any other house in the line in Southwest Kansas. He has built up this trade and an honorable name for himself by his personal attention to business, fair dealing, sagacity, and enterprise.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
At a regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 479, K. of H., on Monday evening, January 6th, the following officers were installed for the present term by W. G. Graham, G. D. of the State: G. W. Robinson, P. D.; T. R. Bryan, D.; W. O. Johnson, V. D.; David Berkey, A. D.; Hiram Brotherton, Guide; E. W. Holloway, R.; W. C. Robinson, Treas.; A. Howland, F. R.; H. D. Gans, Chaplain; J. F. Snyder, G.; S. H. Myton, S. This lodge is in a prosperous condition, having forty-two members, with many applications for membership.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
Board of County Commissioners met in regular session [January 6, 1879]. Present: R. F. Burden, W. M. Sleeth, and G. L. Gale, commissioners, James McDermott, county attorney, and M. G. Troup, county clerk.
Among other proceedings had, bills against the county were presented and passed upon by the board as follows.
For what purpose. S. H. Myton, Fuel & Merchandise.
J. A. Myton: cousin of S. H. Myton...
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
J. A. Myton, of the old firm of Myton & Brotherton of the Old Log Store of “Auld lang syne,” is here visiting his cousin, Sam, and his many friends. Mr. Myton is in business at Casey, Ill., and is very sorry he ever left Winfield.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
Ivan Robinson is clerking for Sam Myton during his absence.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
Sam Myton returned from his eastern trip last Sunday, and brought an immense lot of goods with him.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
S. H. Myton, J. T. Weston, H. Jochems, Hendricks & Wilson.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The election last Tuesday was very warm and excited, but everything went off pleasantly. The result was:
1st w. 2nd w.
Long Term, H. Jochems ... 156 ...
Long Term, J. W. Craine ... 193 ...
Short Term, Chas. C. Black 152 ...
Short Term, W. E. Baird ... 84
Long Term, M. L. Read ... ... 182
Long Term, Archie Stewart ... 104
Short Term, J. E. Allen ... ... 100
Short Term, S. H. Myton ... ... 135
Myton won by 35 votes for short term in second ward.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879
Municipal election in the City of Winfield resulted in the election of the Citizen’s Ticket:
Mayor elected: J. B. Lynn.
Police Judge: W. M. Boyer.
City Attorney: O. M. Seward.
City Treasurer: J. C. McMullen.
Treas. Board Education: J. D. Pryor.
Council: H. Jochems, C. C. Black, M. L. Read, and S. H. Myton.
Board of Education: Rev. Rigby, F. S. Jennings, Mr. Randall, and M. G. Troup.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
Under this head the Semi-Weekly dishes up a column and a half editorial to prove that the county ought at once to go to a large expense in building additions to, and in remodeling the courthouse.
It says that “whoever is responsible for building the courthouse where it is, with a swamp between it and the business portion of the town, demonstrates his unfitness to be entrusted with public interests, and has a small soul; that “Winfield has in days gone by been cursed by incapacity and cupidity;” that the courthouse, the schoolhouse, and the lost bridge “are the ear marks that indicate jobbery and rascality, “the indubitable evidences of “gigantic fraud” in those responsible for their construction.
About three months ago the editors of the Semi-Weekly came to this place utter strangers to the people of this city and county and found the city so prosperous and promising, the result of the labor and exertions of its earlier citizens, that they concluded to establish themselves here and reap a part of the harvest these earlier citizens had sown. Finding that in their gleanings they did not at first accumulate sheaves very rapidly, they concluded that the fault must be in the rascality and incapacity of those whose labor sowed the seed, and hence, we have this wholesale attack upon our best and most valued citizens.
The persons who projected and carried out the building of the courthouse and jail were W. H. H. Maris, then Mayor; S. C. Smith, R. B. Saffold, C. A. Bliss, H. S. Silver, J. D. Cochran, S. Darrah, then councilmen; J. M. Alexander, city attorney; Frank Cox, of Richland, John D. Maurer of Dexter, and O. C. Smith, of Cresswell, county commissioners.
Fifty-eight leading men of Winfield were most active in this matter and guaranteed the title to the courthouse ground and many prominent men of the county approved the measure.
The persons who projected and carried out the building of the schoolhouse were John B. Fairbanks, District Clerk, J. D. Cochran, Director, S. H. Myton, Treasurer, and some others.
J. P. Short was the trustee and O. F. Boyle the treasurer by whom the contract to build the bridge was let, and during most of its construction, and H. S. Silver, E. S. Bedilion, and B. F. Baldwin were the township officers who made the final settlement with the contractors.
Here we have an array of names honored in this community, names of men never before charged with rascality and incapacity, men in whom we older settlers believe and trust and yet the sages of Mt. Pulaski in three short months have seen through all these men and found them guilty of incapacity, unfitness, jobbery, rascality, and gigantic fraud.
It may be that these gushing freshmen meant to attach these pet words to other than those mentioned above, to the members of the “Old Town Company, or rather Town Association,” for instance. If that is the case, the records are open to inspection and we state distinctly that no member of the Winfield Town Association had any connection whatever with the building of the courthouse except to give a deed of the half block of land on which it stands to the county, and two lots on which the jail stands to the city, (all they ever agreed or were ever expected to give) in compliance with the bargain between the city council and county commissioners, that the county should build a courthouse and the city a jail in which the county should have a right to keep prisoners. One of them protested against the building of the courthouse.
One member of that Association, Fuller, was district treasurer when the contract for building the schoolhouse was let, but Myton succeeded him before the work commenced.
The original plan of the schoolhouse was made by John B. Fairbanks, District Clerk, who requested Millington to help him in drafting and making specifications and estimates, which he did, but that plan was finally widely departed from in the construction, and therefore Millington is not entitled to a particle of the credit of that structure.
Millington only, of that Association, had anything to do with the letting of the contract and building of the bridge. He was temporarily the township clerk at that time and claims his share of the credit with his colleagues, Short and Boyle, and with other leading men of the town.
We challenge Mr. Conklin or anyone else to show that any member of the Town Association had any connection whatever with the building of either of these three structures except as above specified.
Now as relates to these three structures, built at that early day when there were no civil engineers or architects within reach and to procure such would cost such large sums, when everything was high and hard to get and when our citizens were beset by every kind of hardship and discouragement, we think these structures, though not beautiful nor even sufficiently substantial, were very creditable monuments to their enterprise and energy, the terrible denunciations of our neighbors notwithstanding.
Now, Mr. Semi-Weekly man, we expect you, we challenge you to state precisely what were the “gigantic frauds,” the jobberies and rascalities, which you charge in such sweeping and general terms, as to stigmatize the whole community at that time. Be specific and give the names of those who perpetrated them. If either of the gentlemen we have named, or any other citizen is guilty, give us the name and make specific charges against him that he may have a chance to defend himself. Then no longer make assassin and cowardly attacks in the dark, calculated to bring odium upon almost every man of note in the city without giving anyone an excuse for defending himself.
It is a very poor way to secure the desired additions to the courthouse to endeavor by misrepresentations and charges of fraud against the entire business population of Winfield and thereby making Winfield odious to the people of the county.
If you really desire the improvement you advocate, we would suggest that you examine the records of the past and give the facts.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the May, A. D. 1879, term of the District Court of Cowley County, beginning on the first Monday in May, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
J. A. Myton vs. S. H. Myton et al.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
S. H. Myton and wife to C. R. and S. R. Aldrich, lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, and 12, blk. 67, Winfield. $450.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
PRAIRIE GROVE, May 16, 1879.
Measles plenty out this way. John Anderson buried one of his children this week. Several teams going to Wichita with wheat. Immigrants passing daily. Four loads of reapers passed this evening on the way to Winfield, supposed to be S. H. Myton’s. A shower of rain would not come amiss in these parts.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
The advertisement of Mr. Frank Barclay as agent for the Halliday wind mill appears in this paper. This is conceded to be one of the best mills in use, and the fact of Mr. Barclay accepting an agency for it insures its being possessed of many good qualities. Mr. Barclay is a thorough mechanic and in the capacity of plumber and gas fitter has put gas and water fixtures into several of the best houses in town, all of which have given entire satisfaction.
AD: FRANK BARCLAY, Plumber, steam and gas fitter, Winfield, Ks., has received the agency for Cowley County of the old reliable
Halliday Standard
Enquire at S. H. Myton’s or H. Jochems’ hardware store.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1879.
S. H. Myton has purchased over 20,000 pounds of stoves this fall.
J. A. Myton vs. S. H. Myton et al. [Torrance and Alexander, for plaintiff; Hackney & McDonald for defendant.]
Myton adding a 40 ft. addition to hardware building...
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Council Myton is making arrangements to build a forty-foot addition to his hardware building. It will be of stone and will fill up the lot.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
S. H. Myton paid freight bills one day last week amounting to over six hundred dollars, and it wasn’t a very good day for Sam., either. Square dealing always wins.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1879.
S. H. Myton has about completed the addition to his store building. He contemplates lighting the whole with gas.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880, are
W. M.: James McDermott; S. W.: M. G. Troup; J. W.: E. P. Kinne; Treas.: C. C. Black; Sec.: W. W. Perkins; S. D.: R. C. Story; J. D.: James Simpson; S. S.: S. H. Myton; J. S.: J. C. Roberts; C.: E. T. Trimble; T.: S. E. Berger.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
S. H. Myton intends fitting his business house with gas.
Myton Hardware Store now 130 feet deep...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
S. H. Myton has his new addition about ready for business. His hardware store is now the largest south of Topeka, being one hundred and thirty feet deep.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 4, 1880.
Geo. W. Cunningham, formerly with S. H. Myton, Winfield, has opened an Agricultural Implement House in this city, and will sell plows, cultivators, and all other farm implements, from the well known manufactories of the Weir Plow Co.; John Deere Plow Company; Furs & Bradley manufacturing company; Champier, Wood, and Adams & French harvesting machines; Nichols & Shepherd threshers; Bain and Mitchell farm and spring wagons. Repairs for all kinds of machines. Office with Howard, Rexford & Howard.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public,
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
Two car loads of freight came in on the S. K. & W. Sunday evening, one for S. H. Myton and one for Oxford.
Alley back of Opera House, gap between Myton’s buildings...
Winfield Courier, April 1, 1880.
Mr. George Miller, one of our Prominent Citizens, Implicated.
Just as we go to press we learn of an occurrence which will cast a shadow of gloom over the entire community. It seems that of late many crimes have been committed in the northern part of the state, the perpetrators of which are still at large. Late this (Wednesday) morning Marshal Stevens went to the place of business of Mr. Geo. Miller and asked him to go with him to identify a man who had worked for him several years ago, and who was supposed to be one of the parties wanted up north.
After looking around among the stores for some time, Marshal Stevens pointed out a man with his back toward them and said that “he thought this was his man,” requesting Mr. Miller to go around and come in on the other side of him so as to get a sight of his face, at the same time admonishing him to be careful and not let the criminal see that he was being observed.
Mr. Miller, in order to reach the other side, went down the alley back of the Opera House, coming into the street through the gap between S. H. Myton’s buildings, and quietly picked his way along until he reached a pile of prints in front of M. Hahn & Co’s., and with the utmost caution slowly raised his head above the barrier to see if he recognized the man.
This proved to be a movement that will be regretted by Mr. Miller for many days to come, for the suspected person seemed to be expecting an attack from that quarter, and was looking squarely at the pile of prints. As Miller’s head appeared above them, their eyes met, a sign of recognition seemed to pass between them, when, with a blood curdling shriek, Miller sprang from behind the prints, darted past the intended victim, and was, in all probability, saved from an untimely end by the interference of the bystanders.
He had discovered at the last moment that he was about to be implicated in the arrest and perhaps the conviction and imprisonment of—Baird’s wooden dummy.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable “scratching” on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.
J. W. Hodges: 118 [Do they really mean “W. J.” Hodges?]
S. H. Myton: 76
Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.
Samuel M. Martin and wife, from Jacksonville, Illinois, have been visiting Mrs. M. L. Robinson, in this city. They come from a very fine city and now in making a comparison, he says that Jacksonville has not much to boast of over Winfield. He has property interests in this county, which he has been looking after. Yesterday he joined a party composed of his wife, M. L. Robinson and wife, M. L. Read and wife, S. H. Myton and family, Dr. Black and Dr. Wright for an extended trip through Mexico and Colorado. It will be a splendid trip full of recreation and fun. Wish we could go with them.
Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.
B. F. Baldwin writes from Colorado Springs thusly: “As soon as I can find time, I will write you what I know and think of Colorado. I will say, however, that I like it much better for a place to sojourn during the hot months of summer than a permanent home. My family are here and quite well. I have much improved in health since I came here. J. L. M. Hill and S. H. Myton left here yesterday (August 4th) for New Mexico and home. M. L. Robinson, wife, and boy left for Alamosa and the San Juan country on same train.”
Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.
S. H. Myton has returned from his trip to Colorado and New Mexico, and complains of the hot weather here.
Frank Hunt, who had first hardware, formerly on premises used by S. H. Myton...
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880.
Caldwell, Kansas, October 9. Frank Hunt, deputy city marshal of Caldwell, was shot and fatally wounded last night, about half past 10 o’clock, by some unknown party. Hunt was sitting in front of a window in the Red Light saloon, talking with some gentlemen, when the dastardly assassin put a large revolver through the open window and placing it close to Hunt’s side, fired. The ball passed through his body and lodged in the opposite side. Hunt was at once taken to his home, where he lies in a critical condition, although his physicians have some hope of his recovery. No better or more harmless a person lived in Caldwell, and yet he was the terror of all evil doers, knowing not the word of fear, and the shooting is considered by all a most cowardly murder. Commonwealth.
Most of the early settlers of this county knew Frank Hunt as our first sheriff and the original hardware merchant on the premises now occupied by S. H. Myton in Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 1, 1880.
Trial docket for December term, commencing on the first Monday (6th day) of December, A. D., 1880.
S. H. Myton vs. J. Troxel et al.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1880.
C. Trump, formerly with S. H. Myton, has started a tin shop, hardware, and stove store first door east of Harter’s drug store. Mr. Trump is acknowledged to be the best tinsmith in town. Give him a call when you want good honest work at 25 percent less than you have been paying.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The Second Ward Meeting was held at the opera house. G. H. Buckman called the meeting to order. James Kelly was chosen chairman and J. P. Short secretary. J. L. Horning was nominated for member of the school board. M. L. Read was nominated for council. James Kelly, T. H. Soward, and S. H. Myton were chosen a ward committee.
Mrs. S. H. Myton...
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
On last Thursday evening was gathered in the magnificent salons of M. L. Robinson one of the largest parties which have assembled in Winfield this past season. The honors of the occasion were conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood in the most graceful and pleasing manner, making each of the guests feel delighted and happy. A new departure was made in the hour for reception which we cannot too highly commend, that of substituting 7 o’clock for the late hours which usually prevail, but the habits of some were so confirmed that they could not get around until nine o’clock. The banquet was excellent beyond our power of description. Nothing was wanting to render it perfect in all its appointments. At a reasonable hour the guests retired, expressing the warmest thanks to their kind hostesses and hosts for the pleasures of the evening. The following are the names of the guests as we now remember them.
Miss Nettie McCoy, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. S. H. Myton, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Eastman, Mrs. Ticer, Mr. M. G. Hodges, Mr. C. A. Bliss, Mr. W. C. Robinson, Mr. W. A. Smith, Mr. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Loose, Mrs. Herrington, Mr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Platter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harden, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Hickok, Mr. and Mrs. Conklin, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Dever, Mr. and Mrs. Bedilion, Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Barclay, Mrs. W. F. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. Horning, Mr. and Mrs. Troup, Mr. and Mrs. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Sam Myton has all the alley room on his block occupied with wagons and agricultural implements. It looks like a circus ground.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.
Dealer in general hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements, and machinery. My trade during this month of April has not been materially different in the aggregate from that of April of last year. In planters, cultivators, and other tools for corn raising, my trade is better than ever before. Last year the season was about a month earlier than this year and now our heaviest trade has hardly commenced. It now appears that the aggregate of the spring trade will be better than it was last year. I apprehended a very much smaller cash trade than a year ago, because of the short crops last year. I did not expect there was anywhere near as much money in the country as there seems to be. I cannot tell yet whether the prohibitory law has the effect to increase my trade. Last year when it became evident that the wheat crop would be short, the sales began to fall off and profits to grow less, which continued until recently.
Editor Millington thought that S. H. Myton first occupied the lot on which Brown & Son built new drug store...
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
On the fourth page of this paper will be found an advertisement that is perhaps as familiar to our readers as the heading of the paper. It was set for the tenth number of the COURIER and stands to-day substantially the same as it was originally put up. Once in a while as a letter became damaged or worn out, it has been replaced by a better one, and sometimes the smashing of two or three “A’s” or “U’s” has necessitated the changing of a whole line. When the “ad” was first inserted, the advertiser occupied a little, old building, we believe, on the site of Brown and Son’s new drug store, and was carrying about a seven or eight hundred dollar stock. To-day he does business in a large brick and stone building, carries a fifty thousand dollar stock, and is as familiarly known throughout the county as the paper which he has so materially aided in building up. When this “ad” was first inserted, the COURIER had a circulation of one hundred and fifty. The price the advertiser agreed to pay was about six times the regular rates. His argument was: “If we ever have a town, we must have a newspaper to help boost us, and a printer can’t live on wind anymore than I can.” The advertiser also subscribed for about one twelfth of the circulation of the paper. Not satisfied with this, he induced many others to subscribe and contribute support. The “ad” is still running at the same rate at which it was first charged, which is now much less than our regular price, as instead of one hundred and fifty, we now circulate over eighteen hundred copies. The “ad” has brought us since its commencement six hundred and twenty dollars, and S. H. Myton is the person who paid it.
Dealer in
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
Agricultural Implements,
John Deere and Garden City Stirring and
Breaking Plows.
Buckeye Drill for Sewing in Cornstalks.
Bain’s Celebrated Wagons,
Glass, Putty, Pumps, Road Scrapers, Iron, Steel, etc.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
S. H. Myton gave $10.00.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
There are more than 100 houses in the city at the present time that are occupied for business purposes. The majority of these are built of brick with stone foundations and stone fronts, some three and some two stories high.
Among the new business houses that are being built are the following.
Brettun Hotel: $35,000
H. Brown & Son’s drug store: $4,000
Wallis & Wallis grocery store: $4,000
H. Gridley, business house: $3,500
Curns & Manser (brick, stone front): $10,000
G. L. Rhodes (brick, stone front): $2,000
S. H. Myton will build a new house soon.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
Mr. W. J. Hodges brought over samples of coal two feet thick from a new discovery in Chautauqua County. He, with S. H. Myton, and H. S. Silver, have formed a company, bought the land, and are going to put their money in to win. When such men invest, it is a sure thing, you may depend. The coal has been tested by Mr. Legg in his forge and he says, “It gets away with the Rock Hill coal badly.”
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
September 4th.
Bound for Southwestern Missouri, the land of the free and home of the brave, brave James boys, and free whiskey. The Hon. W. P. Hackney was on board the train, Messrs. Myton, Hodges, and Silver boarded the train and got off at Grenola. I am informed that they have a bonanza coal mine near there, a two foot vein. Mr. H. E. Asp, of Winfield, has become so elated that he intends quitting the law practice and manage the mine at Elk Falls.
We saw three barrels of empty beer bottles marked E. M. Trimble. What are the initials of our worthy Professor Trimble?
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
The new cornice on the Myton block adds greatly to its appearance: and this leads us to remark for the 22nd time that Winfield has more elegant brick and stone buildings than any city of like size in the state.
Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.
COAL MINERS WANTED. At the C. V. C. & M. Co.’s coal mines, eight miles south of Grenola, Kansas. (Formerly Binyons mines.) Inquire of, or address W. J. Hodges or S. H. Myton, Winfield, or W. O. Johnson, Supt., Grenola, Kansas.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
Mr. J. A. Earnest, one of Winfield’s substantial and enterprising grocers, has just moved into the new brick building, north of Sam Myton’s hardware establishment, and is getting fixed up nicely.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Winfield Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar, held their annual installation of officers on Friday evening. The following are the officers: W. G. Graham, E. C.; J. C. McMullen, G.; James McDermott, C. G.; Chas. C. Clack, S. W.; J. W. Johnston, J. W.; S. H. Myton, Treas.; J. D. Pryor, Rec.; S. A. Cook, W.; Mr. Stafford, Std. B.; S. H. Myton, Std. B.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
S. H. Myton, W. J. Hodges, and H. Silver visited their coal mine in Chautauqua County last Wednesday. They found Superintendent Johnson reposing on an oriental divan and smoking Havana cigars, and the coal tumbling out of the mine and loading itself into the wagons; Superintendent Johnson knows how to run a coal mine. W. J. Hodges, the president of the company, came back highly indignant. They made him crawl on his hands and knees about five hundred feet into the mine, and told him it was quite likely the whole thing would tumble in any minute. Those who saw the knees of his pants when he came out thought he had been through a long and earnest season of prayer. . . .
Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.
Messrs. Hodges, Myton, Rinker, et al., who invaded the Territory last week in search of game, returned Monday, bringing with them eight-seven wild turkeys and a deer. They report one of the jolliest trips on record and resolve to go again soon.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Merchants’ and Business Men’s Protection Association met Thursday evening at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., president Spotswood presiding. The committee on constitution and by-laws tendered their report, which was received and taken up for action by sections, after which it was adopted as a whole, and the secretary instructed to have the same printed and furnish each member with a copy. The following firms became members of the association.
S. H. Myton was listed as one of the firms.
The by-laws provide that any firm in the city may become members by complying with the by-laws, rules, and regulations, and that each member will be furnished with a pass book containing a list of doubtful and bad paying customers, professional beats, etc. From the reading of the constitution and by-laws of the organization, it is evident that the business men are in earnest, and that they propose to protect cash and prompt paying customers and to give doubtful and bad paying customers, and especially dead beats, a wide berth. The method adopted by the association for equal and mutual protection is sound and reasonable, and will bring to its membership every business firm in the city. The result will surely prove satisfactory to both buyer and seller.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
In our issue of yesterday we noticed the arrival of the first car of Cana Valley coal. Our limited space at the time forbid a more extended notice of the coal or a more liberal mention of the parties who are interested in the company. The COURANT is ever ready to advance the interest of Winfield and Winfield men. It will be remembered that this company, consisting of Messrs. Hodges, Myton, Silver, Jennings, Asp, and others, was organized in October last, since which time the company have expended over $5,000 in the purchase of land leases, mining tools, and the development of the mines which are located eight miles south of Grenola in the Cana Valley. Like all new organizations they have had everything to contend against, and at times failure seemed to stare them in the face, and but for the indomitable pluck of Messrs. Hodges and Myton, the Cana Valley Coal Company would long since have been numbered with the dead. Today the company is on a solid basis with a bright and glorious prospect ahead.
From a scant vein of 14 inches, the show is now 20 inches, and a much better grade of coal. From a wagon load a day, their capacity has increased to 500 bushels. They are now able to supply the retail demand at the mines and ship from five to ten cars per week. Since the arrival of the Cana Valley coal to this market, our people have had time and opportunity to test its quality. It is pronounced by many that the Cana coal is far superior to any other grade of soft coal mined in the southwest. The coal is free from rock and slate, burns clean, and leaves only a white ash. There is no offensive gas which escapes from the stove; and no accumulation of soot in the pipe or flue. The company have very wisely made the reliable coal firm of A. H. Doane & Company their agents in Winfield, and will keep them supplied at all times with Cana coal, putting it in the market at the price of other soft coal.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
NOTICE. This means you. Having made private notice to all parties indebted to me on over due notes and bad accounts, that I must have a settlement by January 1st, 1882, I now notify you that unless settlement be made at once your account and note will be left with a justice for collection. S. H. MYTON.
Cowley County Courant, March 2, 1882.
The snow on the roofs made several of our citizens considerable trouble. It being frozen down so solidly with sleet, it was nearly impossible to shovel it from the roof. Capt. Myers was on the roof of the Opera House with a pick and was going at it miner fashion. The snow leaked through the ceiling of the hall and also the upper ceilings of S. H. Myton’s buildings. We would suggest that giant powder be tried.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Frank Hunt, formerly of Winfield and predecessor of S. H. Myton in the hardware business, has been appointed postmaster at South Haven.
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
NOTICE. This Means You. Having made private notice to all parties indebted to me on over due notes and old accounts, that I must have settlement by January 1st, 1882, I now notify you that unless settlement is made at once your account and note will be left with a Justice for collection. S. H. MYTON.
Winfield Courier, February 2, 1882.
A car of coal from the Caney Valley mines came in Thursday and was distributed among our citizens at $7 per ton. The coal is of excellent quality and is clear and firm. The company is taking out now about 300 bushels a day, part of which they sell at the mines for 15 cents per bushel. They expect to ship about three carloads per week hereafter. It looks as if Messrs. Myton, Hodges, Jennings & Co., will yet become black-diamond aristocrats. They have put considerable money into this enterprise and we are glad to see it turning out so well.
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
Testing the Plows.
An agreement between W. A. Lee and S. H. Myton having been made to test the Hapgood and Cassady plows, a number of farmers met on the afternoon of Feb. 10, 1882, at Mr. E. Allen’s farm, Vernon Township. The undersigned committee was chosen by the above contestants, to decide the following points, viz.
1. Lightness of draft.
2. Quality of work.
3. Ease of management.
Seven inches was agreed to be depth in testing. The draft was first tested by the Dynamometer. Ten observations were made on each plow. The following table will show the result in each case. [Skipped Table that showed results of Cassady & Hapgood plows.]
Cassady Plow.
Draft, 4274½; Width, 150½; Depth, 71_.
Hapgood Plow.
Draft, 4912½; Width, 157½; Depth, 69½.
Thus in the ten tests the Cassady aggregated 2¼ inches more in depth, and 1¾ inches more in width, and its draft was six hundred and thirty pounds lighter.
On the second point, “quality of work,” we would say that both plows did good work. It was difficult to give a preference to either.
On the third point, “ease of management,” the committee had not sufficient time for a complete investigation, but as far as tried were in favor of giving the preference to the Cassady plow. The committee would say that the contestants manifested nothing but an honorable spirit in aiding correct conclusions. Signed,
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
To Be Tried Over.
This whole thing is dark and the most of it was done in the dark. Trial did not commence until one hour by sun. By the time the Cassady had struck out and plowed a few rounds on a land the sun was near down. I requested that the mould board on a Cassady plow be set as used to do good work. It has a slot under back end of beam so that mould can be thrown back two inches. It then just pushes the ground to one side. Was at once overruled by the judges. I then requested that the Cassady cut a square land side but received little satisfaction. After making ten tests of the draft of the Cassady my plow was hitched to; it being night I had no time to strike out a land, and had to put in on their land. I leveled my plow to seven inches: Judges ruled it was not deep enough. It was then thrown deeper and of course out of shape, and lower than the last furrow plowed. Scales were put on it in this shape after six tests. Myton’s man asked that my plow be thrown more on the lay, which was at once granted by the judges. It was now nearly dark, everybody excited, and the next pull was 200 pounds more than first drafts. Mr. Patterson made the statement after signing the above, to both myself and Myton’s men, that he did not think my plow had a fair showing in the trial. The same plows will contest one mile east of town Friday next, the 17th. All parties present urge for a fair test as to draft and work. W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1882.
Ad. Cassady Got Left with Farmers in Preference to Hapgood and all others.
Trial was held at Mr. Ed. Allen’s farm in Vernon Township, in presence of a large number of farmers; the verdict being for the Cassady, it doing better work, running lighter, and handling easier than any other. The Hapgood was taken home to its Agent, and Mr. Allen paying cash for the Cassady, and the usual victory was scored for the Cassady. Also at trial east of town, the Cassady got left with the farmer, and the Hapgood was hauled into town to the Agent, Mr. Lee. I also wish to state that Mr. Lee had the Vice President of the Hapgood Company at this trial, and they adjusted both plows to suit themselves, and claimed victory; but they could not convince the farmer, Mr. Walles, who keeps the Cassady Plow.
S. H. MYTON, Agent for the Cassady Plow.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
J. H. Myton, Winfield’s pioneer agricultural implement and hardware man, is raking in the laurel wreaths this year, on having the best implements, and as a consequence, the farmers are swarming his place of business.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Myton getting windmill from Frank Barclay...
Cowley County Courant, April 13, 1882.
Some of our citizens, among whom are Sam. Myton, M. L. Read, J. L. Horning, Robinson, and others, are not going to have their yards dried out anymore, nor take chances on being burned out by a fire. They are having windmills put up and making extensive private water works improvements around their premises. Frank Barclay has just received the piping for the completion of these works.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
S. H. Myton has laid out an array of cooking stoves that is appalling in its immensity. S. H. is always abreast of the times.
Cowley County Courant, April 20, 1882.
Dr. Davis has moved his office into the room upstairs, just south of the telephone central office, in Myton’s new building.
Winfield Courier, June 15, 1882.
On Tuesday evening the citizens met at the Opera House to hear the report of the executive committee on 4th of July celebration. The committee reported as follows.
On Finance: M. L. Robinson, J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, S. H. Myton, J. C. McMullen.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
The beautiful residences of Messrs. Read and Myton have been improved with a private system of water works. The grounds are completely irrigated, and each have fountains.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
For Sale by J. A. Earnest, one House and Lot and one Parlor and Bedroom set of Furniture. Inquire at one door north of Myton’s Hardware Store J. A. EARNEST.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1882.
A Complete Summary of the Premium Articles and Their Exhibitors.
A Magnificent Display.
There were only four entries in this class. The committee recommended for premiums the Cassady sulky plow and Union Grain Drill exhibited by S. H. Myton, and the steel harrow, exhibited by J. Croco.
Lube Myton, Josie Myton...
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Little Folks’ Party.
A large number of little folks gathered together at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor Monday afternoon to celebrate with little Mamie her third birthday. The crowd was the jolliest and liveliest we have seen and each of the little folks seemed to take in the full measure of enjoyment. A splendid repast was set for them which they attacked with a relish. Little Mamie received a large number of elegant presents from her young friends. The following is a list of the presents and of those present: 1 silver set knife, fork, and spoon; 2 Majolica plates; 2 gold sash pins; 1 gold ring; 1 child’s decorated china wash stand set; 1 child’s dinner castor; 1 hand painted mug; 1 porte-monnaie; 5 China cups and saucers; 2 China mugs; 1 glass mug; 1 doll’s parlor suite; 1 autograph album; 1 photograph album; 1 wood tea set combination table and cupboard; 1 Brittania tea set; 2 child’s glass sets; sugar bowl; butter dish, etc.; 3 dolls; 2 doll’s canopy top phaetons; 1 doll and carriage; 2 picture books; 1 flat iron and stand; 1 bell cart and span of goats; 1 bouquet; 1 basket of flowers; 1 satin puff box; 1 panorama egg; 6 elegant birthday cards; 1 little brown jug; 1 necklace of pearl beads; 1 shell box; 1 photograph with frame; 2 China match safes; 2 bottles perfumery; 1 card receiver (Kalo Meda); 2 handkerchiefs (embroidered); 1 collar; 1 tooth-pick holder.
Present: Misses Birdie Wright, Edna Glass, Blanche Bliss, Blanche Troup, Stella Buckman, Mamie Black, Frankie Black, Mary Spotswood, Maggie Pryor, Edna Pryor, Muriel Covert, Annie McDonald, Clara Austin, Pearl E. Snyder, Maggie Johnson, Emma Johnson, Bernice Bullen, Beryl Johnston, Nina Nelson, Nona Nelson, Lube Myton, Josie Myton, Ethel Carruthers, Mary Brotherton, Bell Brotherton, Nina Harter, May Harter, Maud Miller, Gertie Lynn, Effie Lynn, Edna Short, Alma Miller, Mollie Trezise, Lillie Trezise, Fannie Bryan, Flossie Bullen, Ollie Newcomb, Edna Fitch, Maud Cooper, Daisy Clark.
Masters Eddie Greer, Eddie Thorp, Ralph Brown, Roy Robinson, Bertie Silliman, Vere Hollenbeck, Charles F. Green, Charlie Sydal, Henrion McDonald, Dolphi Green, Clare Bullen, Bruce Carruthers, Edgar Powers, Charlie Lynn, Paul Bedilion, Codie Waite, Zack Miller, Willie Trezise, Carl Farringer, Walter Baird, and Willis Young.
Myton opens implement house at Burden...
Winfield Courier, December 28, 1882.
S. H. Myton is building a large implement house at Burden.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
I now have on hand a large lot of Combined Listers, which can be purchased at about the same price as the farmers have heretofore been compelled to pay for worthless ones, put on the market by unscrupulous dealers. S. H. Myton.
Myton purchases 3 lots where Lagonda House stood for $2,700. Will build big building, 50 by 90 ft, two-stories high...
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
S. H. Myton has purchased the three lots where the old Lagonda House stood for $2,700 and will at once erect a mammoth building thereon to be used as an implement warehouse and sales room. He will make the building about 50 x 90 and two stories. It will make a building about the size of the opera house. Sam has the right kind of grit and enterprise. His business long ago outgrew his present quarters and has spread all over the vacant lots in the vicinity. He will now get all the implement business together under one roof.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
The committee on streets and alleys was instructed to secure the dirt from the excavation of Mr. Myton’s new building on the best possible terms.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
From S. H. Myton: $5.000.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1883.
S. H. Myton will build his brick block right away after harvest. It will be a mammoth one.
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
Magnificent Displays in Every Department and all Expectations Fully Realized.
The first annual exhibition of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association opened Tuesday morning last with extensive preparations and a clear sky. Early in the morning the streets began to look active, and by ten o’clock large numbers of persons were accepting of the many facilities for transportation to the beautiful Fair Grounds, and the thoroughfare has been continually thronged since. Those who have no conveyances of their own find ample accommodation in the numerous omnibuses, express wagons, and common vehicles manned by lusty “rustlers,” fare twenty-five cents; and then there are “Walker’s Line” and “Shank’s Mare,” fare nothing; but we notice few who embrace the latter mode of transportation—these flush times make it unnecessary. Every large exhibition lasting through several days has its time of preparation, and on Tuesday and part of Wednesday, Cowley’s Fair was passing through this period. The superintendents and exhibitors were busy arranging the displays, and were not in shape to give details, but we gained enough information to make a synopsis of the great “show” in this issue, leaving the bulk of details for next week, when everything will be over and full report can be given.
The next building in the row contains S. H. Myton’s elegant display of eighteen buggies, spring wagons, and carriages, all beautifully finished and of Eastern manufacture.
There is an elegant exhibit of nursery stock by Hogue and Mentch, a good array of tombstones by Wm. Dawson, and agricultural implements by Brotherton and Silver and S. H. Myton.
Between the two buildings S. H. Myton had a handsome buggy show and just outside was the Albro & Dorley exhibit of home manufactured work. Both were very fine. The show in agricultural implements was larger than ever before. S. H. Myton, Brotherton & Silver, and W. A. Lee had large exhibits and each carried off a number of blue ribbons.
Best sulky plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.
Best two horse old ground plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.
Best double walking corn plow, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.
Best riding corn plow, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.
Best two horse cultivator, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; Brotherton & Silver, city, 2nd.
Best grain drill, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best sulky hay rake, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best 2 horse corn planter, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; Brotherton & Silver, city, 2nd.
Best check rower, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.
Best revolving rake, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium.
Best mowing machine, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best reaping machine, W. A. Lee, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, 2nd.
Best stirring plow, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best fanning mill, Alva Marvin, city, 1st premium.
Best hand powered corn sheller, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best combined corn sheller and feed mill, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.
Best independent feed mill, Enterprise Co., Sandwich, Illinois, 1st premium.
Largest and best display of agricultural implements, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Best potato digger, Brotherton & Silver, city, 1st premium.
Best press attachment for grain drill, S. S. Holloway, city, 1st premium.
Best two horse carriage, S. H. Myton, city, 1st premium.
Best top buggy of any manufacture, exhibited by manufacturer or his Agent, Albro & Dorley, city, 1st premium; S. H. Myton, city, 2nd.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Bridge Meeting.
For some time the iron bridge west of town has been in a bad condition, and last week the authorities of Vernon Township closed it until the necessary repairs could be made. Many of the people of Vernon objected strongly to the township having to stand all the expense of keeping it in repair, and presented a petition, largely signed, to the trustee asking him to do nothing more with the bridge. Hearing of this, the businessmen of the city had a meeting Friday evening to devise ways and means for assisting Vernon to repair it. The meeting was largely attended and organized by electing A. T. Spotswood, chairman, and D. L. Kretsinger, secretary. Messrs. J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, and S. P. Davis were appointed as finance committee and S. H. Myton, A. D. Hendricks, and Ed. P. Greer as a committee to confer with the officers of Vernon Township and see whether an equitable arrangement could not be made whereby both parties could unite in keeping the bridge up. The finance committee secured subscriptions to the amount of , which amount was placed with the treasurer, W. C. Robinson. The conference committee met H. H. Martin, trustee, and P. B. Lee, clerk, of Vernon Township, on Saturday and made an arrangement with them whereby the citizens of Winfield should pay for the lumber necessary to floor the bridge, and Vernon would put it down, build an abutment under the west end, tighten up the iron work, and fence the approaches. This will put the bridge in first-class shape for a year to come, after which some new arrangement will have to be made for taking care of it. This bridge is used more than any other in the county, and the repair bills are necessarily very heavy. Vernon spent $300 on the west approach last summer and the present work will cost upwards of $600.
At the Friday evening meeting a small fund was raised for temporary repairs, which was placed in the hands of Mr. Kretsinger, and by noon on Saturday he had the bridge in shape for travel.
Mrs. Samuel Myton...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
I have the testimonials of more than 500 persons who are using the Burgess Steam Washer and say, “The longer we use it the better we like it, and would recommend it to our neighbors and friends as a washer that will clean all parts of the garment, and will wash all kinds of goods perfectly; that it will save its cost in one year in the wear of clothes, as in the ordinary way of washing, clothing is rubbed out more than worn out.” Lewis Conrad.
The following is a partial list of names of ladies in our vicinity who are using the Burgess Steam Washer: Mrs. Folts, Mrs. Irv Randall, Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thos. Youle, Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, Mrs. S. Compton, Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. West, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Searl, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Mrs. Samuel Myton, Mrs. J. L. Baker, and 30 others, all of whom can be consulted. Lewis Conrad.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
GRAND CLEARANCE SALE - 20 BOXES MATCHES FOR TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. We have decided to quit the Grocery business and will CLOSE OUT REGARDLESS OF COST! Our entire stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Queensware, STONEWARE, AND WOODENWARE.
10 lbs. granulated sugar: $1.00.
10 ½ lbs. “A” sugar: $1.00.
11 lbs. light brown sugar: $1.00.
Tea: 15 to 70 cents per lb.
Choice glass sets: 40 cents to $1.00.
California canned goods: 25 cents.
And other things in proportion. We mean just what we say, and it is only necessary for you to call and get prices to be convinced.
TOMLIN & WEBB, Myton Block, 5 doors north Post Office.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
AD. S. H. MYTON, DEALER IN HARDWARE AND FARM MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS. HEADQUARTERS FOR CASSADY SULKY PLOW, Crown Corn Planter, Bain and Mitchell Wagons, Racine and Studebaker Spring Wagons, Buggies and Carriages, Cassady Sulky Plows, Weir Sulky Plows, Deere, Weir, and Garden City and Moline Plows and Cultivators, Brown Barlow Corn Planters, Buckeye and McCormick Reapers and Mowers, Deering’s Twine Binders, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Glidden Barb Wire, Blacksmith’s Supplies, Spouting, Roofing, and all kinds of
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Stockholders Meet and Elect a New Board.
A Splendid Record.
On Monday afternoon the stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in the Opera House for the purpose of re-organizing the Board of Directors for the year 1884, and receiving reports of the condition and doings of the Association for the year. About seventy-five stockholders, representing nearly all of the subscribed stock, were present.
S. H. Myton had Two Shares of Stock.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Baird, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
I have recently opened a first-class GROCERY & QUEENSWARE STORE,
In the building formerly occupied by Tomlin & Webb.
My stock is LARGE AND FRESH, and will be sold at prices which defy competition. Call and be shown through my establishment by accommodating salesmen; and notice some of the extraordinary bargains.
Remember the place—first door north of Myton’s.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
For Onion Sets go to J. C. Long’s, first door north of Sam Myton’s.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
DIED. Mr. W. V. French died on Tuesday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. Van Laningham, after a long siege of inflammatory rheumatism. He had resided in Winfield about two years and at the time he was taken down was an assistant in S. H. Myton’s Implement department. He was a Mason and the Winfield Lodge did much in smoothing his last days. He was a man of many excellent qualities and leaves three daughters, two of whom reside here, and one son. He was a Baptist and the funeral takes place at the church this morning at 10 o’clock.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
DIED. We are again called upon to chronicle the sudden death of another of Cowley’s most respected pioneers, Mr. William Greenlee, which occurred at his home in this city on last Friday afternoon, of heart disease. Mr. Greenlee was long a salesman in S. H. Myton’s hardware establishment and well known throughout the county. Two weeks before his death he was taken slightly ill with pains in his side and concluded to leave the store to recuperate for a few weeks, but was only occasionally compelled to keep his bed. On Friday afternoon he came in from the yard, fell upon an ottoman, and expired in a few moments.
The writer remembers well when Mr. Greenlee came to Cowley, in the spring of 1872, and settled with his interesting family on a farm three miles south of town. He was a man of few words, but an earnest Christian and of sterling worth to the community. He was a Presbyterian for many years and one of the Charter members and oldest Elders of the Winfield church. In 1875 he laid away in the South cemetery his gentle little wife, which was a hard blow to the family, and now he is sleeping the last and long sleep by her side. The family soon after moved to town. The deceased was in his sixty-eighth year, and leaves behind five children, men and women who are held in high esteem for their many excellent qualities, four of them living in this city, and one is in the cattle business in the Territory. Nothing is more touching than the death of the young, hopeful, and strong, but in the serene death of the old there is something tenderly appropriate. When the duties of life have all been nobly done—when the sun has touched the western horizon and the evening twilight falls upon the present, the past, and future, then, surrounded by kindred and friends, death comes—whether suddenly or expected, like the soothing sleep. The journey has been long, the road weary, and we gladly welcome the entrance to a brighter world. The funeral services of Mr. Greenlee took place at the Presbyterian Church on Sunday at eleven o’clock, conducted by Dr. W. R. Kirkwood, and the remains were followed to their last resting place by a large concourse of people.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
Henry Noble, S. H. Myton’s head clerk, has commenced the erection of a neat dwelling on east Eighth avenue.
Myton store on corner opposite Lynn’s store...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Winfield the Prettiest and Most Substantial City in the West,
And Still the Work of Improvement Goes On!
Three Hundred New Homes Going Up and More Contracted For.
S. H. Myton will commence, as soon as men can be got to do it, the excavation for a large two story brick and stone business house for his own use, on his corner opposite Lynn’s store. The plans indicate that this is to be one of the best buildings in the city.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! I have recently opened a first-class Grocery and Queensware Store! In the building formerly occupied by Tomlin & Webb. My stock is LARGE AND FRESH and will be sold at prices which defy competition. Call and be shown through my establishment by accommodating salesmen, and notice some of the extraordinary bargains. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT & SOLD. Remember the place; first door north of Myton’s. JOHN C. LONG.
Myton store: stone, 75 by 90 ft., two stories, $20,000...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
S. H. Myton has commenced the excavation for his new block on the corner opposite Lynn’s. The plans, just turned out by Architect Cook, indicate that this is to be one of the finest business buildings in the city. It will be entirely of cut stone, 75 x 90, two stories. The first story will contain two rooms, one 25 feet wide, and the other 50, the first to be occupied by Mr. Myton’s general hardware stock and the second by his agricultural implements. Jim Conner has the stone work contract and agrees to finish it in ninety days. The building will cost about twenty thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The application of S. H. Myton and A. B. Arment for building permits were granted.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
The excavation for the Myton brick block is being pushed rapidly and will soon be ready for the masons.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
Jim Conner is whooping it up lively on the Myton block on North Main. This will be one of the finest buildings in the city when finished.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
WINFIELD—SECOND WARD. Delegates: Spence Miner, G. H. Buckman, L. B. Stone, To B. Myers, C. Trump, T. H. Soward.
Alternates: S. H. Myton, D. E. Douglass, John Fogarty, A. B. Taylor, H. Brotherton, W. J. Kennedy.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Listed as a stockholder: S. H. Myton.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Sam. Myton expects to finish his magnificent new business block by the first of September.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mr. W. S. Brown, for some months past a salesman in S. H. Myton’s hardware establishment, left Monday for Illinois, to remain till fall.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
The lady who left her auburn hair switch at S. H. Myton’s hardware store last week can get it by calling at this office.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
The handsome stone block of S. H. Myton is nearing completion and greatly improves the appearance of Main Street. When Mr. Myton gets his vast stock under this roof, about January first, he will have a hardware and implement establishment eclipsing any in the West.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
Charley Harter will soon commence the erection of two fine business buildings on his lots north of Myton’s new block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Messrs. S. H. Myton, Capt. Chas. Steuven, G. W. Yount, S. M. Vanorsdal, Zeigler and Rev. Thomas got home from a Territory hunt last Friday. The extremely cold wave struck them and compelled a lively hugging of the camp fire. They got a good lot of large and small game in spite of the frigidity.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
There was a report in town last Friday that S. H. Myton, our opulent hardware man, had been shot and killed in the Indian Territory by the Indians. He had been absent on a hunting excursion in the Territory for many days and had not been heard from, and his family had become quite uneasy about him, hence the credence given to the report. But he arrived on the afternoon train from the south as well as ever. If we were obliged to hunt in the Territory in such weather as we had for the two weeks preceding his return, we should want to be shot by the Indians to end our misery.
New Building: Corner of Main Street and 8th Avenue...
S. H. Myton. The Mammoth Hardware Dealer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Ever since the COURIER first tooted its little horn the hardware house has been represented in its columns. Mr. Myton came to Cowley in 1871 and this business has grown from a small beginning to one of proportions unexcelled by any hardware and implement house in the State. Some years ago he erected the substantial brick he now occupies, but after building on as much as possible, he found the building yet too small for his immense and growing business. Last year he commenced the erection of the fine cut stone block on the corner of 8th Avenue and Main, where he is now nearing completion and is one of the most imposing ornaments in the business part of the city. Its cost is over twenty thousand dollars and when Mr. Myton gets his mammoth stock on that eighteen thousand square feet of floor it will be a showing fit to tickle the pride of any city, and especially the man who has had the ability, business tact, and energy to accomplish such results. He will occupy the whole building; three rooms on each floor, 2 x 80. Elevators run from the basement to the third floor and everything is arranged with especial conveniences for his business. Mr. Myton has certainly grown with Cowley; and, like her, his growth has been through worthy and deserved popularity.
[Paper had 2 x 80 feet for each room. This does not seem correct! MAW]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
S. H. Myton is this week removing his immense hardware and implement stock to his handsome new building on north Main. When he gets “fixed up,” his establishment will stand superior to any of its kind in Kansas. J. C. Long will occupy the room vacated by Mr. Myton, while S. Kleeman will occupy the room Mr. Long leaves.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
The old Myton stand is doffing the old and taking on the new, preparatory to the reception of Senator Long’s grocery stock. New paper, shelving, etc., are greatly changing the premises.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
I have recently opened a first-class
Grocery and Queensware Store
In the building formerly occupied by Tomlin & Webb. My stock is
and will be sold at prices which defy competition. Call and be shown through my establishment by accommodating salesmen, and notice some of the extraordinary bargains.
Remember the place—first door north of Myton’s
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
Brown Corn Planter,
Bain and Mitchell Wagons, Racine and Studebaker Spring Wagon, Buggies and Carriages, Cassady Sulky Plows, Weir Sulky Plows, Deere, Weir and Garden City and Moline Plows and Cultivators, Brown Barlow Corn Planters, Buckeye and McCormick Reapers and Mowers, Deering’s Twine Binders, Cooking and Heating Stoves, Glidden Barb Wire, Blacksmith’s Supplies, Spouting, Roofing, and all kinds of
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
W. G. Graham, T. R. Bryan, S. H. Myton, A. B. Graham, H. D. Gans, H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, and Wm. Newton have purchased the Vandeventer land lying in the northeastern part of the city, abutting the mounds and containing one hundred and forty-six acres, for the neat sum of $11,744. It is being platted this week for an addition to the city and the lots will be put in the market. It is all choice residence property and will very soon be covered with handsome houses. The gentlemen have formed themselves into the “Highland Park Company,” and intend to park a broad avenue through the property and make it the prettiest piece of land in the city, which can be easily done with its natural advantages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
The cry of hard times has ceased, and
has just returned from Eastern markets, having purchased a large stock. Dry Goods were never sold as low as the prices he has marked on this stock. Everything in the
Dress Goods Line He Has.
Nail-head Sateens, Cross-overs, Tricots, Plaids, and Stripes in latest colorings. In
White Goods, Embroideries, Lace Curtains,
Etc., our line has no equal.
Largest line of JERSEYS in Southwestern Kansas.
Our Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, and Crashes you must see before buying elsewhere.
Good Calico and Muslin, 5 Cents Per Yard.
Grand Opening, Friday and Saturday, April 3rd and 4th. Everybody invited.
One Door North of Myton’s Old Stand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
A man who looked as though he hadn’t tampered with the table in many moons struck one of Sam Myton’s men for a quarter the other day. “Why don’t you go to work?” said the besieged. “I can’t get employment at my trade.” “What’s your trade?” “Well, I have been splitting rails out here in Comanche County all winter.” He got the quarter—not as a tramp, but as the champion prairie liar of the west.
What the Mill of Justice Ground Out During the Past Week.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 16, 1885.
Grace May Weston et al vs. Eliza Cronin: judgment by default, and S. H. Myton, B. F. Wood, and J. W. Connor appointed to partition real estate.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
The old City Council met last night in regular session for the last time.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.
S. H. Myton, supplies, $60.20.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
Pursuant to call the citizens met in mass meeting at the Court House Tuesday evening, with J. C. Long presiding and Ed. P. Greer as secretary, for the purpose of considering the question of securing the Methodist College. Senator Hackney, of the visiting committee, explained the situation. M. L. Robinson then proposed a plan whereby the twenty acres and fifteen thousand dollars necessary might be raised. He proposed to be one of eight to organize the College Hill Addition Company, secure land in some available location, set aside twenty acres thereof for the college site and guarantee ten thousand dollars to the fund. This suggestion was immediately adopted, and the following gentlemen subscribed to the shares at once: M. L. Robinson, W. P. Hackney, Chas. F. Bahntge, John W. Curns, W. R. McDonald, T. H. Soward, A. J. Thompson, and S. H. Myton. After some further discussion on the matter by Judge Gans, Mayor Graham, J. E. Conklin, and others, the meeting adjourned to meet again this evening. Messrs. Baden, Millington, Spotswood, Wallis, Conklin, F. S. Jennings, Bedilion, and Whiting were appointed as a committee to confer with the members of the College Hill and Highland Park Association and report proceedings. Mayor Graham, H. B. Schuler, and Senator Hackney were appointed to attend to the reception and entertainment of the College Commission. The railroad questions was also discussed at some length, and a committee of seven consisting of Messrs. Farnsworth, Bowen, M. M. Scott, Siverd, Chas. Schmidt, and J. E. Conklin were appointed to see that the registration was fully made. An assessment of $1.00 was levied upon the members of the Enterprise Association to defray the expenses of the railroad canvass. The solution of the college problem seems to be at hand. If this association furnishes the twenty acres and ten thousand dollars, certainly our citizens will furnish the other five thousand. Now is the time to act in this matter, and when the committee calls, be ready to put down liberally.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 25, 1885.
Mr. Vandever, a farmer of this county, was one of the causes of quite a mishap Friday evening. Mr. Vandever was crossing from S. H. Myton’s hardware store to J. B. Lynn’s, when a small dog took umbrage at him. Mr. Vandever made several attempts to drive the dog off, and finally picked up a small stone about as large as an egg and threw it at the canine. As usual in such cases, he missed the dog but hit the elegant plate glass window in S. H. Myton’s store, smashing it up so that a new one will have to be put in. The value of such a glass is about $65. This is very bad luck to both Mr. Myton and Mr. Vandever.
What Was Done at Their Meeting Monday Night.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The rulers of the city held their regular commune Monday night, with Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, McDonald, Myers, Crippen, Harter, and Baden present.
V. R. Bartlett was granted permission to move his office building to lot north of Sam Myton’s.
A resolution was adopted widening Fifth St., to include lots 4, 5, 6, and 7; and J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, and A. T. Spotswood were appointed to appraise the damages.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Sam Myton has an elegant addition to his fine business block, just north. It looks like a wart on an elephant. We should think Mr. Myton would feel sorely grieved every time he looks at it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
One of our citizens, of portly frame and sweet, gentle voice, is a daisy in downing the festive-tramp. One tackled him in front of Myton’s block the other evening with, “Please sir, will you give a hungry fellow a dime?” With a withering stare the portly man said, “What in the h l are you doing on this side of the street? I’m working this side myself.” The tramp vamoosed with the parting words, “You go to h l, d n you.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Wheat Drills.
The latest and most perfect and improved machines.
I allow no improvement in Farm Machinery to pass me by. You will always find the latest and best in my implement warerooms.
No farmer can afford to buy a piece of machinery—no matter how large or how small—
until he has first examined my stock and prices.
A number of the most perfect make yet on hand. The season is passing. They will be sold at a decided bargain.
Buggies, Carriages, Wagons.
Do you want a fine buggy, fully warranted and in perfect style? A spring wagon of the best and most durable kind, or a farm wagon which will do your work without breaking down? If so, call at my store and examine the largest stock of Carriages, Buggies, and Spring and Farm Wagons in the southwest.
What They Did at Their Regular Commune Monday Night.
Various Pithy Doings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
The Commissioners, A. T. Spotswood, J. B. Lynn, and S. H. Myton appointed to assess damages caused by widening 5th avenue, between Main and Andrews street, reported damages of $525, to out lots 4, 5, 6, and 7. The report was received and further action postponed. These lots belong to J. C. Fuller and Judge Torrance, who kick on the amount of damages, claiming three times what the commissioners allowed.
[Note: Amount in last paragraph hard to read. Could be $325. MAW]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
After a long and tough wrestle, the city “dads” have fixed railroad matters up. Council met in special session Thursday night. The room was crowded with interested property owners. Everything passed off smoothly. The following is a copy of sec. 1 of the ordinance passed last evening. “There is hereby granted to the Kansas City & Southwestern railroad company the right of way to construct and operate and maintain the main line of their road and all necessary side tracks, across the following streets, avenues, and alleys in said city, to-wit: Loomis street, north of Fourth avenue, and Millington street, north of Fifth avenue; Fourth avenue, west of Loomis street; Main street, north of Fifth avenue; Fifth avenue, west of Main street; Manning and Menor streets, north of Sixth avenue; Sixth avenue, west of Menor street; Eighth and Ninth avenues, west of Walton street and through the alleys in blocks 105, 85, 65, and 8 in said city.” As far as we have heard, this gives a general satisfaction to the public. The following is about the projected line as near as we are able to ascertain: Crossing Timber creek north of Andrews’ addition, through this addition just north of Mrs. Andrews’ house, thence running along the line of the S. K. railroad through R. B. Waite and J. B. Lynn’s six acre tract, northwest of Sam Myton’s residence, through the Water Company’s grounds near the pump house, across the west end of Mrs. Manning’s lots just north of J. C. McMullen, and thence west of south in the direction of the Kickapoo corral. We are glad this matter is settled and we hope, satisfactory to all.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Meril [? Meriel] & Co. will start a news depot in the building north of Sam Myton’s store. They will keep a full line of papers, periodicals, and cigars. As these gentlemen are well known here, they will no doubt build up a good business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Fuller & Mullen can give you some bargains in houses and lots, vacant lots, and suburban property. Office north of Myton’s store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
We are prepared to make farm loans at as low rates and on as favorable terms as any firm in the county. Our office now removed to Main street, north of Myton’s. H. G. Fuller & Co.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Gene B. Welch, who has been with Sam Myton for some time past, left Monday for Syracuse, Kansas, where he will start a hardware store on his own hook. Gene is one of those sterling young fellows who will succeed anywhere, and in wishing him success, we know our wish will reach its fruition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The City Fathers met in regular session Monday night, Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Crippen, Harter, and Baden, and city clerk Buckman, present; absent, Councilmen McDonald, Myers, and Hodges.
S. H. Myton, supplies, $2.50.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Fuller & Mullen can give you some bargains in houses and lots, vacant lots, and suburban property. Office north of Myton’s store.
T. W. Myton, Sam’s brother, visits...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
T. W. Myton, brother of Sam, and formerly a resident of Winfield, came in on Tuesday from Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, for a few week’s visit.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
A meeting of Vernon and Winfield citizens was held in this city Monday to arrange for a new bridge on the old piers on the Walnut at Bliss & Wood’s mill. Chas. C. Black was president of the meeting and G. H. Crippen secretary. It was determined to erect a six thousand dollar bridge. Senator Jennings, J. B. Lynn, S. H. Myton, J. W. Millspaugh, Billy Moore, S. W. Schwantes, B. F. Wood, and J. F. Martin were appointed as committeemen to boost the matter through. It is proposed to erect a $6,000 bridge on private subscription. Twenty-two hundred dollars were subscribed in this meeting, the largest amount, $800, by Bliss & Wood. The road, as condemned and paid for years ago, leading from Vernon to this bridge, runs along the north bank of the river until it strikes the bluff, where it comes out on the section line. Another meeting will be held on the 28th to perfect matters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners have made their returns on damages allowed through Winfield on the K. C. & S. W. right of way, as follows.
S. H. Myton, $250.
Sam and T. W. Myton...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Sam and T. W. Myton have returned from a few days at Garden City, Medicine Lodge, and other places.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
The boys of Sam Myton’s establishment had Ohio’s sick Hoadly fixed up in bold reality Thursday. He was represented by a dummy. His hands were kid-gloved and his left held the newspaper containing his doom, which froze the gore in his veins. With his feet on a Col. Mulberry Sellers stove, a dilapidated stub in his ivory, and a general sick appearance, the dummy was a good representation of Ohio’s third and last Democratic governor. It was an attractive take off.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The reporter mounting a steed sallied forth early Friday morning to take an inventory of the improvements and new buildings which have gone up since the season opened, and the ones under construction at the present time. Being rushed, we are satisfied many have been overlooked. The valuation given is below the market value rather than above. The following list we know will surprise our own citizens.
Sam Myton store: $25,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The rope-walker, in his pink tights and great air of superiority, was on deck between Myton and Lynn’s stores this afternoon, raking in some eight dollars, stray sheckles. He had two legs and a superior mustache, and wasn’t as big a circus as Barnum’s.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
The following claims were allowed against the estate of J. C. McKibben, deceased: S. E. Schermerhorn, $944; Geo. Eaton, $266.15; Winfield Bank, $162.79; same Bank, $158.05; W. C. Robinson, one claim $184.25, and one for $136.20; W. A. Lee, $65.24; S. H. Myton, $40.45.
S. H. Myton’s brother, T. W., returns to home in Pennsylvania...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
T. W. Myton, after a visit of a month or more with his brother, S. H., left last evening for his home, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 24, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
S H Talles et ux to S H Myton, lot 6, blk 249, Winfield: $1,000.00.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton and daughters, Josie and Lula...
Mr. Lewis Brown and Miss Lena Walrath are Joined In The
Matrimonial Bond.—A Big Event.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Rev. and Mrs. Kelly; Rev. and Mrs. Reider; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gridley; Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Young; Mr. and Mrs. Blackman; Mr. and Mrs. Dalton; Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Silliman; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Park; Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor; Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Finch; Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vance; Mr. and Mrs. A. Graff, Wellington; Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown and Ralph; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McMullen; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane; Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read; Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wood; Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller; Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Hackney; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Raymond; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hunt; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Carson; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller; Mrs. M. L. Robinson; Mrs. T. H. Soward; Mrs. B. H. Riddell; Misses Mattie Harrison, of Hannibal, Mo.; Lola Silliman, Leota Gary, Anna Hunt, Alice Thompson, Ida Ritchie, Clara Wilson, Julia B. March, Ida Johnston, Nellie and Kate Rodgers; Ora Worden, of Garnett; Nellie and Alice Aldrich, Minnie Taylor, Nellie McMullen, Lou Gregg, Maud Kelly, Mattie Reider, Hattie and Mamie Young; Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Will Hodges, Addison Brown, Jas. Lorton, L. J. Buck, Everett and George Schuler, W. A. Ritchie, C. E. Pugh, Chas. H. Slack, Jno. Brooks, Frank H. Greer, Will Brown, Harry Caton, Lewis Plank, P. S. Hills, J. L. M. Hill, Ed J. McMullen, and M. Hahn.
Silver and pearl agate tea pot, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton and daughters, Josie and Lula.
Silver and pearl agate water service, Rev. and Mrs. B. Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Myton, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Misses Nellie and Alice Aldrich, W. C. Robinson, A. F. Hopkins, and Will E. Hodges.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Myton’s block...
The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Building and Loan Association was held at the Masonic hall in Myton’s block Tuesday evening; 348 shares of stock, more than sufficient for a quorum, were represented. President J. S. Mann took the chair and presided at the meeting. The reports of the secretary, J. F. McMullen, and H. Goldsmith, treasurer, were presented and read. These reports exhibited in detail the condition of the Association and its profits during the past year.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
S. H. Myton and W. A. Lee of Winfield, Geo. W. Cunningham of Arkansas City, A. Graff of Wellington, and H. E. Noble of Medicine Lodge—all hardware and agricultural implement men—gathered at Winfield and are off for Kansas City and the east to lay in their spring stock of implements. Going in a body, they hope to paralyze the big dealers and get some fine bargains.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
S. H. Myton, W. A. Lee, and the surrounding delegation of implement men, got home from the east Friday, having paralyzed the big dealers and raked in some fine bargains.
[Note: Above was last entry relative to S. H. Myton that I have found.]