McGuire Brothers


   John A. and Thomas M. McGuire.
Tisdale and Winfield.
John A. McGuire, 27; spouse, M. A., 27.
John A. McGuire, 28; spouse, Millie A., 28.
Thomas McGuire, 23. No spouse listed.
Kansas 1875 Census, Tisdale Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
J. A. McGuire 28  m w Illinois Illinois
M. A. McGuire 28 f w  Ohio Illinois
Elmer E. McGuire 6  m w Illinois Illinois
Lula L. McGuire 4 f w Kansas
Lottie McGuire 1 f w Kansas
T. M. McGuire 23  m w Illinois Illinois
John A. McGuire, 37; spouse, Millie, 37.
Thomas M. McGuire, age not given. No spouse listed.
McGUIRE, T. M., groceries and provisions, Main w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues,
r. Manning e. s. bet 6th and 7th avenues.
Taliaferra, J., clerk, T. M. McGuire, boards Williams House.
McGuire J A, res 1504 Main
McGuire T M, res 601 Millington
McGuire Bros., groceries, etc., 900 Main
Hudson J A, clerk, McGuire’s grocery, res 707 e 7th
Thomas M. McGuire married a lady by the name of Hudson, whose sister, Sarah Hudson, was later married in the T. M. McGuire residence. It appears that Elizabeth Hudson, age 22 in 1875, might have been the Miss Hudson who married Thomas M. McGuire, age 23 in 1875. Winfield newspaper failed to give name of Miss Hudson...
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Robt. Hudson 47  m w England Canada
Frances R. Hudson 44 f w Pennsylvania Pennsylvania
Mary Glaze 27 f w Illinois Pennsylvania
George Hudson 21  m w Canada Canada
Elizabeth Hudson 22 f w Canada Canada
William Hudson 18  m w Canada Canada
Mary A. Hudson 17 f w Canada Canada

Robert Hudson 13  m w Canada Canada
Joseph Hudson 11  m w Canada Canada
Sarah Hudson 10 f w Canada Canada
John Hudson 7  m w Canada Canada
Adaline Hudson 6 f w Canada Canada
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
How is That for Low?
A No. 1 Tea for 50 cents per pound at McGuire’s in Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
3 lbs. BEST COFFEE AT McGUIRE’S store at Tisdale for $1.00.
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
Mr. J. A. McGuire of Tisdale is advertising for his credi­tors to bring him in a little money. A good many of our citizens should try the same plan.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.
Resolutions of Respect.
TISDALE, OCT. 28th, 1874.
At a special meeting of the Tisdale Lodge No. 252, I. O. G. T., called to pass resolutions on the death of William Patterson, the following were submitted by the committee, and unanimously adopted.
WHEREAS, It has pleased God in his divine wisdom, to remove brother William Patterson from among us, therefore be it
Resolved, That while we feel deeply the loss our Lodge has sustained, we now in humble submission to the decrees of all wise Providence;
Resolved, That in the death of our worthy brother, this Lodge has lost an efficient member;
Resolved, That we tender the sincere sympathy of this lodge to the bereaved relatives of our worthy brother in this their sore affliction, and
Resolved, That the minutes and resolutions of this meeting be sent to each of the county papers for publication, and a copy be sent to the brothers and sister of the deceased.
J. A. McGuire and family; Thomas McGuire...
Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.
The Independent Order of Good Templars held their exhibition in the schoolhouse last evening, and was, upon the whole, a grand success. We noticed among the number present, our efficient County clerk, M. G. Troup and wife, with the interesting little face of the younger Troup, Cap. Harrelson, Dr. Thompson and daughters, and J. A. McGuire and family, and many others too numerous to mention.

We noticed in particular, the parts performed by the effi­cient manager, Eugene Millard, also the “nigger” performance of C. Woodard and Johnson. The Irishman and the Lawyer, by Joe Moyer and L. Brown. Bachelor’s Hall, by Isaac Kelly and C. Brown. In fact, all the pieces were acted out to the entire satisfaction of the audience.
The singing, however, with the exception of the parts taken by Mr. Pardee, seemed entirely out of place, and to be almost a bore on the audience. I almost forgot to mention Thomas McGuire. Yes, Tom performed his part, you bet. Billy Barlow, by John Bates, was certainly well rendered.
John McGuire has sued the notorious C. P. Spaulding on a note of $200, given McGuire as security in the Spaulding and Allison case. Will be tried before J. R. Smith Saturday next.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, December 17, 1874.
TISDALE, Dec. 10th, 1874.
Meeting called to order by the Trustee, Philip Hedges, who was elected Chairman, E. P. Young was elected Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, viz: To appoint a committee of three to cooperate with the County Relief committee.
Committee was appointed consisting of J. J. Johnson, Philo Hedges, Q. Hawkins. Motion made and carried that the committee be increased to five: A. Thompson and J. A. McGuire, were appointed additional. P. E. HEDGES, Chairman.
E. P. YOUNG, Sec.
Winfield Courier, December 24, 1874.
The following is a list of the different Township Relief Committees who have reported to the County Committee.
Tisdale Township: J. J. Johnson, Philo Hedges, Q. Hawkins, J. A. McGuire, and A. Thompson.
Winfield Courier, December 31, 1874.
Christmas at Tisdale.
Christmas passed off pleasantly. J. A. McGuire gave a Christmas dinner to the old folks, none being present, but the heads of families and the children that were too young to be left at home. Upwards of forty persons sat down to dinner, and turkey and cake disappeared with lightning rapidity. Mrs. McGuire understands the art of cooking and knows how to make things pleasant. Jokes and chat went round, and the hours passed off pleasantly till the dark shades of night told us that the day was at a close.
But then we did not part. The boys had got up a dance in Saunders’ hall and many of the old heads remained to see how the young folks could enjoy themselves. The dance was opened with a waltz. One old gentleman who had never seen a waltz was consid­erably amused, and to the amusement of the company stated that it looked like wrestling back holt. Mr. and Mrs. Hoblet of Grouse Creek, assisted by Mr. Truesdell and lady, furnished music for the company.

A. T. Gay and wife, one of those whole hearted couples who know how to make matters agreeable, furnished supper, and exactly at eleven o’clock the light hearted but hungry dancers made their appearance at the supper table and convinced A. T. and his fair lady that their supper was fully appreciated. So between dance, interspersed with music from Mrs. Hoblet, and our more than elegant supper, passed off one of the most pleasant times ever held in Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, January 28, 1875.
Tisdale Items.
The chairman of the township relief committee called the citizens together on the evening of the 22nd to transact some very important business for the benefit of the needy, and by 7 p.m. the schoolhouse was filled to overflowing with as hungry a looking set of men as is often seen in any assembly. The chair­man called the meeting to order and stated that the object of the meeting was to see what had been done with the aid that had been received up to that time, as charges had been entered against a member of the committee living in the south part of the township.
Alexander Thompson had been charged with receiving 400 pounds of flour, and distributing the same among his needy neighbors without first hauling it to the north part of the township and turning it over to the chairman of the committee, Mr. J. J. Johnson, and allowing him to distribute the same among some of his neighbors who were also needy and who had been troubling him by intruding on his business and premises, by applying to him for rations, when he—like the devil on the mount—had nothing to give. A motion was carried that the committee make a statement of what they had done with the suffer­ers of the township. Mr. Thompson was called and stated that he had received 400 pounds of flour and some clothing, and had also distributed the same to the needy, and had the papers to show who and what amount each had received, and further that he had visited thirty-two families and taken a list of their wants, and reported the same to the county committee.
Mr. Johnson was next called, and while scratching his head, stated that he knew there were some families in the north part of the township who were suffering but he had done nothing to assist them.
Other members reported the same except Mr. McGuire; who gave an account of 100 pounds of meat received and distributed.
But as Mr. Thompson was the only member of the committee who had taken any active part to relieve the needy and find out the want of the people; and as the Commissioners at their last meeting had made a new township off of the south part of Tisdale, it was moved and carried that the new township of Liberty take care of itself. As two of the committee lived in that territory, the chairman appointed two to fill the vacancy.
A vote of thanks was then given to Mr. Thompson for the active part he had taken as a member of the committee, and the good he had done in assisting the needy in his part of the township, while hisses loud and long went up against those who had been inactive and done nothing, and who were at the same time trying to censure the only member who had been true to his suffering neighbors.
But there will be no need of quarreling now, as one of the newly appointed committee, E. P. Young, has decided to take care of all the relief goods received, and store them away in his fine stone dwelling where they will be as safe as the goods he swin­dled some men of the east out of a few years ago.

But just now I learn that a request has been forwarded to the County Committee not to issue any relief goods to the said E. P. Young, as there is another meeting to be called and Mr. Young relieved of all the trouble he was about to be put to, in storing away what the people need, as the citizens look upon him as a man unfit to handle anything that belongs to a suffering and needy people. I presume they judge the future by the past.
We learn by letter that J. A. McGuire has begun his mission for the grasshopper sufferers in Clark County, Illinois. John is a worker and we may expect to hear from him soon.
Winfield Courier, February 25, 1875.
John McGuire of Tisdale, who went east a few weeks ago to solicit aid for that township, has returned home, he not having met with very marked success.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1875.
The school under the management of Ed. Millard, gave an exhibition on Saturday evening, March 6th, which was ably carried through, and I herein return my sincere thanks to the manager, Mr. Ed. Millard, and Messrs. McGuire, Creek, Morse, and Bates, together with the scholars in general, for taking the exhibition off my hands, and rendering it so successfully. EUGENE A. MILLARD, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1875.
J. A. McGuire still grinds away. His prospects are good.
Business is rather lively in Tisdale at present. J. A. McGuire is doing a fine business and selling cheap.

Tisdale is located on a high rolling prairie at the geograph­ical center of the county. It was first laid out as a town in June, 1871, by the Tisdale Town Company, the charter of the company bearing date June 13th, 1871, with A. D. Keith, as president, and C. R. Mitchell, as secretary. The present secre­tary is Ed. Millard. The town site proper contains 160 acres of land laid out in blocks 350 by 280 feet, and contains 14 and 28 lots each respectively, the business lots being 25 by 132 and the residence lots 50 by 132 feet each, making a total of 938 lots in all. The town site was purchased from the government in June, 1872. A post office was established in the fall of 1871 with J. A. McGuire as Postmaster, which position he still retains. Tisdale has a tri-weekly mail with Winfield and Independence, and weekly mail with Eldorado and Arkansas City. Tisdale now con­tains twenty-seven buildings with a population of 85 inhabitants, four store buildings, one blacksmith and two wagon shops, one hotel, a $2,000 schoolhouse, and boasts of one of the best schools in the county. It has three church organizations and a Good Templar Lodge. Pure water in abundance is to be found at a depth of from twelve to eighteen feet. Coal has been found in small quantities. Silver Creek runs near this place, upon which is located a flouring mill now in operation, Moses Miller, proprietor. J. A. McGuire opened the first store in town and Sam Willeston opened the first blacksmith shop. Mart Elinger erected the first house and Wm. Atter preached the first sermon in the place. The first settlers were S. S. Moore, G. W. Foughty, Sid Moses, and M. Elinger. Mrs. Foughty taught the first school in town.
Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.
John McGuire has the largest crib of corn in Cowley County. It is 30 feet square and 10 feet high. It will soon be full.
J. A. McGuire...
[From February 24, 1876, through August 17, 1876.]
Published by Amos Walton and C. M. McIntire.
[Cowley County Democrat was the name given to former “Plow and Anvil.”]
Cowley County Democrat, March 6, 1876.
Under a charter bearing the date, June 13, 1871, with A. D. Keith as president and C. R. Mitchell as secretary, the Tisdale Town Company laid out the town of Tisdale in the month of June, 1871. S. S. Moore, Geo. W. Foughty, Sid Moses, and M. Ellinger were the first settlers. Mart Ellinger erected the first house, Sam Williston, the first blacksmith shop; and J. A. McGuire, the first store in town. J. A. McGuire was the first, and still is the postmaster. The town site was purchased from the government in June, 1876. Mrs. G. W. Foughty taught the first school.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1876.
J. A. McGuire is selling goods for cash, and consequently is selling at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876. Editorial Page.
J. A. McGuire has just received a new stock of ladies’ hats, and the young ladies are coming out in flying colors.
Thos. McGuire has been limping around for sometime with a sprained ankle, but is able to be behind the counter again.
Jno. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, June 1, 1876.
Committee on Invitation: D. A. Millington, L. C. Harter, J. B. Lynn, C. A. Bliss, J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver, A. H. Green, S. S. Majors, C. M. Scott, T. B. McIntire, R. C. Haywood, J. L. Abbott, John Blevins, T. R. Bryan, H. C. McDorman, Mc. D. Stapleton, S. M. Fall, J. Stalter, Wm. White, S. S. Moore, Jno. McGuire, H. P. Heath, J. O. Van Orsdol, G. B. Green, W. B. Skinner, J. W. Millspaugh.
Thomas M. McGuire & Smith...
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
See the ad of the new firm of McGuire & Smith. These gentlemen are old residents of our county and are well and favorably known in the locality in which they have resided for the past five years. We bespeak for them a share of your patronage.
AD: McGuire & Smith,

  (Mullen’s old stand.)
  Main Street, WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
Messrs. McGuire & Smith having purchased of W. L. Mullen his entire stock of goods, consisting of dry goods, groceries, etc., offer for the next sixty days their dry goods, boots, and shoes at cost. They want to make room for a more complete stock of groceries. Go and see them, at Mullen’s old stand.
Thomas M. McGuire & Midkiff...
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
WILL SMITH has sold out his interest in the grocery store to K. H. Midkiff, an experienced young salesman, and the firm will hereafter be known as McGuire & Midkiff. The business will be conducted at the old stand. The new firm deserves success.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The City Hotel has a new register and blotter. The blotter contains the advertising cards of Messrs. Webb & Torrance, Wm. and Geo. Hudson, M. L. Read, J. D. Pryor, John Nichols, W. G. Graham, J. M. Reed, A. G. Wilson, B. F. Baldwin, Joe Likowski, Herman Jochems, J. B. Lynn, W. B. Gibbs, McGuire & Midkiff, and Hill & Christie. It the neatest register in the valley. Mr. Hudson is starting off on the right foot this time.
Thomas M. McGuire: partner of Midkiff, buys him out...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
THOS. McGUIRE has purchased Midkiff’s interest in the grocery store and will hereafter “run it on his own hook.” Business will still be continued at the old stand. Tom is a justly popular salesman.
Mrs. (?) McGuire...
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
Mrs. McGuire was in town yesterday circulating a petition to secure money to aid one of her distressed neighbors to support her family. The petition was signed and several dollars collect­ed. We are informed that the lady is deserving the charity bestowed. Mrs. McGuire deserves mention for her exertions.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1876.
Tom McGuire has employed J. O. Smart, formerly of Wheeling, West Virginia, as permanent clerk in his establishment. The young man comes well recommended.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Tom McGuire has moved his grocery business into the corner building adjoining his old stand. A good move, and Tom seems prosperous.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1877.
Fresh cranberries at Tom McGuire’s.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Onion sets at Tom McGuire’s.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1877.
Free garden seeds of all kinds at Tom McGuire’s.
J. A. McGuire...

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
J. A. McGuire is still at his old stand dealing out goods to his customers.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1877.
Tom McGuire has just received a handsome cigar show case. It is nicely finished and seems to give a fine flavor to the choice cigars kept therein.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
Tom McGuire purchased a span of black ponies of the Osages last Tuesday. They will make him a nice little buggy team. One of them takes spells and don’t want to go sometimes, but when he takes a notion: get out o’ the way!
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
By next week Tom McGuire will have a stock of blue glassware.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
Tom McGuire’s cash trade on last Saturday amounted to over $200, and on Monday
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen, partners...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Go to McGuire & Crippen’s for dry goods.
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
McGuire & Crippen are daily in receipt of new goods. See their special, wheat wanted.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
Mrs. Mansfield and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Black, Mr. C. S. Thomas, W. D. Roberts, Wm. Hudson, and T. M. McGuire are attending the Kansas City exposition.
Thomas M. McGuire & George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1877.
10,000 lamps (more or less), at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
Mr. Crippen, of McGuire & Crippen, is building a brick residence in the west part of town.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1877.
J. C. Fuller sold T. M. McGuire, E. P. Kinne, and E. S. Bedilion each a quarter of a block in his new addition, east of town, for residences.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Notice the new advertisement of McGuire & Crippen and learn where to get bargains for the next thirty days, especially in the various kinds of seasonable dry goods there mentioned.
AD: BARGAINS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS IN Shirting, Sheeting, and Flannels, Dress and Pants Goods, Water-Proof, and all other kinds of DRY GOODS. At First Cost. Come and see for yourselves. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.

Two new buildings, just east of McGuire & Crippen’s store, are rapidly nearing completion. One is being erected for Messrs. Brotherton & Silver, grain and feed merchants, and the other for C. Coldwell & Son, lawyers.
J. A. McGuire...
[Communication from “LYCURGUS” - Tisdale, Silver Creek Township.]
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
J. A. McGuire is now selling his entire stock of goods at cost—fifty percent added for freight. John intends to retire or stock anew in the spring if resumption is not forced.
Our new druggist, D. W. Lytle, M. D., has moved his drugstore opposite Mr. McGuire’s store, where he is doing a driving trade.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.  
J. A. McGuire is doing a good business in general merchandise.
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878. Supplement.
   Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Still come the newcomers. Two gentlemen, late of Dolphin County, are stopping at Mr. McGuire’s. They propose buying land in this vicinity; also of starting a blacksmith and wagon-shop in town.
As we of the lyceum decided to repeal the resumption act, J. A. McGuire made the hearts of his customers glad by buying a good assortment of groceries; but woe is ours, for he won’t sell only for cash.
Thomas M. McGuire & George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Four tons of New Groceries just received at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Best Coffee. Four pounds for $1.00.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our enterprising friend, John McGuire, has put up a four-ton scale. He says it is best to buy and sell by weights. Wonder why?
Mrs. J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

On Friday eve, Feb. 22, the ladies of the M. E. Church gave a necktie festival, for the benefit of Mr. Armstrong, which was very well patronized. The necktie part was a complete sell; otherwise, it was a fine affair. Quite a strife was made by Sheridan and Tisdale for a cake, which resulted in Sheridan carrying off the cake and Tisdale pocketing $17.35 therefor. Among the many ladies taking part in the preparations of the supper, I particularly noticed Mrs. Wright, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. E. P. Young, Mrs. Handy, and Mrs. Rounds. The receipts of the evening were $33.60.
Thomas M. McGuire & George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are turning out large quantities of goods. Their low prices have proved a great attraction.
Lulu McGuire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The Tisdale school closed last Friday. The total enrollment of the winter term was 63; general average, 43. Average attendance, 37½. Miss Sada Davis is the best scholar.
Abe Conrad is the only scholar perfect in deportment. Advanced grade, Sada Davis; Inter-grade, Nettie Handy, Hattie Young, and Eddie Young; primary grade, Jessie Newton, Lulu McGuire, and Carlyle Fluke are the most advanced scholars in their respective grades. In general scholarship Abr. Conrad stands far ahead.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, April 11, 1878.
John McGuire has been improving his trees by white-washing.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
Proceedings of the Tisdale Greenback Club.
Club met per adjournment and proceeded to business.
1st. Enrolling members resulting in twenty names.
2nd. Electing officers: O. P. West, president; Dr. J. M. Wright, vice president; E. A. Millard, secretary; J. A. McGuire, treasurer; and Wm. J. Hodges and C. G. Handy, delegates to central club.
Moved and carried, that Dr. Wright procure a speaker for next meeting, April 19th.
Moved and carried that the secretary be instructed to furnish a copy of the proceedings of the meeting to each of the Winfield papers for publication. O. P. WEST, President.
E. A. MILLARD, Secretary. April 12th, 1878.
Thomas M. McGuire & George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN are selling out their boots and shoes at cost.
Lula (not Lulu) McGuire, John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.

The Fourth is among the things of the past. The Tisdaleites celebrated at the schoolhouse. Miss Hodges’s school gave its closing entertainment, consisting of essays, declamations, and songs. Mattie West’s recital of “The Bridal Winecup” was real good. The scene was vividly portrayed and stamps Miss West as a splendid declaimer. Lula McGuire’s “Dressed for Meeting” and “Out in the Snow” brought the house down. Others deserving special notice are Sada Davis, Nettie Handy, Hannah Davy, and Lula Handy.
John A. McGuire is buying wheat. He has filled the grocery side of his store with a fine stock and is competing with the Winfield merchants.
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. O. Stewart to McGuire & Crippen, se. 22-32-6; 160 acres, $2,500.00.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
One quarter block in this city, under fine cultivation, surrounded with fine shade and ornamental trees, plenty of all manner of fruit trees and shrubbery; also good well and building rock. Inquire at McGUIRE & CRIPPEN’S.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen will exchange goods for wheat.
John A. McGuire and family...
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
John A. McGuire, the Tisdale merchant, has gone with his family to Neosho County to visit his brother. Eugene A. Millard is conducting his store at Tisdale.
Thomas M. McGuire marries; her name not given. It appears that the lady he married was Elizabeth Hudson...
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
MARRIED. T. M. McGuire is one of the enterprising merchants of Winfield. He ships goods by rail and by river and is bound to be always in stock. His last venture was by way of the “Hudson,” and promises to be the best investment he has yet made. The fair lady is one worth the winning, and we heartily congratulate the happy couple.
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen have a new reversible double-back-action wash-board, which beats anything in the board line out.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
One of the most enterprising firms in Winfield is the dry goods and grocery house of McGuire & Crippen. Mr. Crippen came to this place some two years ago from Burlington, Kansas, and entered into partnership with Mr. McGuire, since which time the firm has become one of the most influential in the Southwest. The proprietors are gentlemen in every sense of the word, and persons who trade there once always return.
Winfield Courier, November 21, 1878.
(As corrected by McGuire & Crippen.)
8½ lbs. C sugar: $1.00

10 lbs. B. sugar: $1.00
7½ lbs. Granulated sugar: $1.00
7 lbs. Pulverized sugar: $1.00
4 lbs. best Rio coffee: $1.00
5 lbs. good coffee: $1.00
1 lb. best Gunpowder tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Imperial tea: $1.00
1 lb. best Japan tea: $.75
1 lb. best Young Hya’n tea: $.70
1 lb. best good Green tea: $.40
8 [?] lbs. Soda: $.25
14 lbs. Michigan dried apples: $1.00
16 lbs. dried peaches: $1.00
8 lbs. best rice: $1.00
3 bars White Russian soap: $.25
Flour: $1.50 to $2.50
J. A. McGuire; Mrs. J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.


On Saturday last this part of Tisdale Township was visited by a prairie fire of the most vehement kind; in fact, we were favored with two fires, one from the south, which did not do any great amount of damage that I heard of, and one from the north, which has done more toward wiping out the Greenback party then all the campaign speeches. The fire started two miles north of town, coming south and slightly east. The veering wind gave it a broad front, which headed for George Divilbliss’s hay stacks and house, but was here stopped by Messrs. Gould, Burleston, and Moses. A small point crossed the road west of Divilbliss’s house and was burning slowly down a ravine, guarded on each side by breaking. Here it was stopped by Napier, Wilson, and Gould. After that was checked, we went back and back-fired against it on the line running west and between John King’s and Mr. Divilbliss’s farms. While at work there we saw a signal flag, started for the danger, and found the fire had crossed the line again and was burning on Mr. Hodges’ north quarter and running south across Mrs. Newton’s farm. Knowing that the buildings on Newton’s farm were not burned around, we put our horses to the run, hoping to get there in time to save the barn, in which was Mrs. Newton’s wheat (nearly 70 bushels); Mr. Armstrong’s harvester; and about 100 bushels of corn belonging to Mr. Bush. In spite of the speed of our horses—and they were good ones—the fire drove us south of the barn; but here we got ahead, and passing the fire rode back and began firing. Just as we began to hope all was safe, another head-floe struck us fairly, drove us from the work, and caught the barn and granary (the granary was covered with straw and the barn was a Kansas concern, built of poles, with straw sides and top); so the only thing left was to sand away and think of the flames that lit “the battle’s wreck.” Then we fired around the house and saved it. A summary of the loss sustained on these two places gives the following: 70 bushels wheat at 45 cents, $31.50; 100 bushels corn at 20 cents, $20.00; 1 harvester, nearly new, $150.00; granary and barn, $45.00; hay burned on the two farms, estimated at 65 tons, $97.50; E. A. Millard, 1 coat, pair of gloves, etc., $7.00; A. T. Gay, 1 pair pants and pair of boots, $8.00; total $359.00. Besides this, corn burned in the field, hedge and fruit trees killed will make an aggregate of $500.00. As the fire passed on toward the south it again
“Wrapped the ship in splendor wild
 And caught the flag on high.”
That is, it burned a hay stack for J. A. McGuire. I have not been able to learn of any other damage, and do not know who set the fire out.
Miss Clara Waters, from El Paso, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. A. McGuire.
J. A. McGuire is busy selling goods. John has a good general stock this fall and sells low.
Thomas M. McGuire & George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are having the front of their store painted.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, December 19, 1878.
Tisdale is improving. Mr. Bradley, the blacksmith, is putting up a stone residence in town. John McGuire is having his dwelling repaired.
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen...
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
McGUIRE & CRIPPEN have one of the large general stocks of goods, and they are disposing of them in large quantities. T. M. McGuire is a pleasant and careful merchant. Mr. Geo. Crippen is an active salesman and popular with his customers. He is the leader of the band which furnishes music for the city.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are selling out their stock at cost and are to give up their store soon to a new firm, who are to start a boot and shoe store.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are moving their stock of goods into Mr. B. P. Jillson’s building, south of Horning’s. Their customers will follow them.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A new roof is being put on the building formerly occupied by McGuire & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen have settled down to business in their new location just as if nothing had happened.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen had a fine awning put up last week.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The firm of McGuire & Crippen has been dissolved. McGuire continues the business.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.

The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
Lynn & Gillelen, Baird Bros., Bliss & Co., T. M. McGuire.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1879. Front Page.
John A. McGuire and one of his hired men went down to Newman’s mill to catch fish. They succeeded in catching one poor little bass. John is much elated with his success and talks of going again, maybe. John McGuire starts a team to Wichita after goods this morning.
E. A. Millard is clerking for John Mac.
Tisdale is not thriving so extensively as it might. We can’t get up any excitement whatever. Even the gold fever does not assume any exciting form, although three of our most expert “goldists” went up to the mines last week. They say that the gold, so far as they know, is a—profanity—fraud. I hope they are mistaken, for if there is gold in that part of the county, there must be some here, as there is not anything else that can get up an average amount of “goaheaditiveness” in this town. Why, I will give a dollar for anything like an item of interest which originates in the city limits. The only thing in the shape of improvement this spring is a fence around Mr. McGuire’s house and garden.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
T. McGuire moved his stock of dry goods and groceries to the Hughes building, two doors south of Bahntge’s, last Monday.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
T. M. McGuire is draping his shelves with yellow mosquito bar.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
Dry goods, boots, and shoes, etc. CLOSING OUT. I will sell my entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps at cost until they are closed out. T. M. McGUIRE.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
Messrs. Horning & Harter have purchased the Hitchcock building next to McGuire’s store and will fit it up for a flour and feed store.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.
Messrs. Horning & Harter have moved the building off their lot next to McGuire’s store and will immediately begin the erection of a stone and brick building thereon. They expect to complete it in October, when it will be occupied by a grocery store and the Tunnel Mills offices.
Lula McGuire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
TISDALE, KS., Jan. 2, 1880.
ED. COURIER. The following is a report of the Tisdale school for the month ending Jan. 30.
No. pupils enrolled: 62

Average daily attendance: 54
The following named pupils have attained 100 in deportment.
GRADE A. Frank McKibben, Glen Moore, George Newton, C. P. Conrad, Nettie Handy, Lula Handy, Connie Gay, Stella Boatman, Jessie Goodrich, Ella Whistler, Effie Bartlow, Hattie Young, George Davis, Edna Davis.
GRADE B. Jay Gains, James Harris, Lula McGuire, Alice McKibben.
The pupils who have attained 90 percent and upwards in lessons and attendance.
Alice McKibben: 90; Ida Whistler: 90; Ida Divelbliss: 91; Lula McGuire: 90.
MRS. J. E. BROWN, Teacher.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
T. M. McGuire will occupy the old stand on Main street and Ninth Ave. The room is being repainted and fixed up in good shape.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
T. M. McGuire is moving back to his old stand, corner of Ninth and Main.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
Geo. Crippen has been employed by Tom McGuire to wait on his numerous customers.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.
T. M. McGUIRE. Received a car load of salt on the last day of the 10 cent rate, and is now able to sell it at prices below competition.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, October 28, 1880.
J. A. McGuire, of Tisdale, has returned from his long visit to Indiana.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
The following are the names of the enterprising citizens who brought in the returns from different townships on the night after the election.
Tisdale:  S. W. Chase, also J. A. McGuire, Walter Deming, J. S. Baker.
Thomas M. McGuire’s...
Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.
AUCTIONEERS. Having removed to Winfield, I am ready to auction anytime that calls may be made. Those desiring my services can leave word at T. M. McGuire’s.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
Tom McGuire bought a car load of apples and ten thousand bushels of corn  this week.
Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.
T. M. McGuire has been looking out for the wants of the people. He purchased last week four hundred bushels of apples and ten thousand bushels of corn. Apples have been selling at $2.75 per bushel and corn at 45 cents. The effect of Tom’s wholesale buying has been to reduce the price to something reasonable and still leave him a profit.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
Tom McGuire’s apples are going off like hot cakes. He sold upwards of a hundred bushels last week.

Thomas M. McGuire: delegate to city convention...
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
The Republicans of the First Ward of the city met at the courthouse on Saturday evening, the 19th. Called to order by W. J. Wilson of the Ward committee: D. A. Millington was chosen chairman and S. M. Jarvis secretary. J. E. Platter was nominated for member of the school board by acclamation. A ballot was taken for councilman, resulting in E. P. Hickok 34, C. A. Bliss 12. Mr. Hickok was declared the nominee. The chairman being authorized by a vote of the meeting to appoint a ward committee of three, appointed M. G. Troup, W. J. Wilson, and R. R. Conklin such committee.
The following 13 delegates were elected to represent the ward in the city convention to meet on the 26th: D. A. Millington, W. P. Hackney, E. S. Bedilion, T. M. Bryan, Jacob Nixon, James Bethel, J. W. Crane, S. M. Jarvis, J. E. Conklin, J. L. M. Hill, H. D. Gans, E. P. Greer, W. J. Wilson.
The Second Ward Meeting was held at the opera house. G. H. Buckman called the meeting to order. James Kelly was chosen chairman and J. P. Short secretary. J. L. Horning was nominated for member of the school board. M. L. Read was nominated for council. James Kelly, T. H. Soward, and S. H. Myton were chosen a ward committee.
The following 12 gentlemen were elected delegates to the city convention: G. H. Buckman, N. A. Haight, H. E. Asp, T. M. McGuire, T. H. Soward, W. Bitting, J. L. Horning, C. M. Wood, M. L. Robinson, Archie Stewart, H. Brotherton, I. W. Randall.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Tom McGuire is the happy possessor of another shaver: a dried beef shaver. It is a valuable piece of machinery about a grocery store, and will have an enlarging effect upon the dried beef trade.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
My business is double what it was a year ago. Since the saloons were closed, my business has been about double what it was before. There are as many grocery stocks in town as there were a year ago. I attribute the increase in my trade to having a better stock, a better location, and to not having a noisy saloon beside me to drive away my best customers, and to the fact some men spend more money for groceries than formerly. For the last two months my Saturday cash receipts for goods have run from $143 to $233 per day. I have been out in the surrounding country and find an unusual amount of farm work and improvements going on.

J. A. McGuire, Mrs. Millie McGuire...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
J. A. McGuire returned to his home after an absence of two weeks with his brother in Neosho County, who was sick. He reports crops not so good there as in Cowley County.
N. Jackson has the largest corn, and Millie McGuire the finest garden about Tisdale.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
T. M. McGuire donated $5.00.
J. A. McGuire evidently no longer running a store at Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
TISDALE, June 12, 1881.
J. A. McGuire has quit merchandising and gone to plowing corn.
John A. McGuire, Tisdale, has problems with railroad conductor...
Winfield Courier, June 30, 1881.
Tell W. Walton makes in the last number of his paper, the Caldwell Post, the following statement.
“Last Saturday night, while en route to Oxford from this city, we were compelled to patronize the K. C. L. & S. road from Winfield to Oxford. We applied at the ticket office for two tickets to Oxford, and tendered our money, a ten dollar bill. After marking the tickets and passing them over the counter, he found he could not make the change; so he said to get on the train and pay the conductor, or get the tickets after we had arrived at Oxford.
“Thinking it would be all right, and having his assurance that it would be, we boarded the train, and after we got out three-fourths of a mile from the station, the conduc­tor came through the car collecting tickets. We tendered our money a second time, but he refused to even look at it or hear an expla­nation of any kind, but stopped the train and compelled us to get off where we were, causing us, with our wife and child, to walk nearly a mile over the rough roads and cross the prairie back to the depot. We had some baggage with us, which we were obliged to carry too, or leave on the prairie. . . .
“This * * on the same evening beat a poor, lone woman out of the last cent she had, in making change for a ticket. She gave him a silver dollar, the last she had, and in return got a ticket for Oxford, costing forty cents, and ten cents in money. He claimed that she only gave him a half dollar, but the bystanders would swear that she gave him a dollar.”

John A. McGuire, of Tisdale, says that the other day he applied to the ticket office at Cherryvale for a ticket to Independence, the price of which was forty cents, and offered a half dollar piece, which was refused as not being the exact change. A feeble woman with two small children just then applied for a ticket to Independence, but failed for the same reason. Just then the train for Independence came along and McGuire and the woman got on board. The conductor came along and demanded tickets. The half dollars were offered and refused on the ground that the conductor would not take money but must have tickets. No amount would do. The only alternative was tickets or get off. The train was stopped and McGuire and the woman and her chil­dren were put out on the prairie two miles from Cherryvale, to which place they had to walk back. The woman could scarcely walk and her exertions would have been fatal had not McGuire been there to carry her small children.
The conductor of this train was not the same man with whom Tell Walton had to deal; but both are brutes, if these statements are true, which we cannot doubt, being made by men of undoubted veracity. We do not now give the names of these conductors because we wish to give them an opportunity to tell their ver­sions of these stories. It is no excuse for them that they were ordered at headquarters not to take money but only tickets for fare, no more than it would excuse them for assassinating a man because he had been ordered to do so. If these conductors believe that such acting is required of them by the company, they are venal hirelings or they would not work for such a company.
We do not believe the managers of this road desire such brutality on the part of their employees. We believe they are accommodating and obliging gentlemen who require their employees to be reasonable and obliging in carrying out such rules as are deemed necessary for the protection of the company and would discharge such brutes as these are alleged to be. Here were civil persons able and anxious to pay their fare and making due efforts to comply with all known rules of the company, and were treated worse than these same conductors would have dared to treat a party of Thugs who had attempted to rob the whole crowd. We do not blame the company for not daring to trust such men to solicit money, but we do blame them if they keep such in their employ knowing what they were.
We think that if the outraged parties should apply to Gen. Nettleton, stating the facts, the cases would be righted as far as possible.
J. A. McGuire’s...
Winfield Courier, July 7, 1881.
George T. Wilson is preparing to move his stock of goods twenty rods west of McGuire’s building at Tisdale.
J. A. McGuire’s grove; Wm. McGuire from Neosho County...
Winfield Courier, August 4, 1881.
The young folks had a croquet party in McGuire’s grove.
Wm. McGuire talks of locating somewhere in this county. Some man having a good farm to exchange for land in Neosho County could make such a trade with Mr. McGuire.
[Note: Wm. McGuire from Neosho County might be brother of J. A. McGuire.]
Mrs. J. A. (Milly) McGuire; J. A. McGuire. He is talking about going to Winfield...
Winfield Courier, August 11, 1881.

Reuben Shorter and Milly McGuire were playing croquet the other evening. The handle slipped off of Reuben’s mallet, striking Milly in the face, hurting her quite severely.
J. A. McGuire talks of going to Winfield and engaging in the grocery business there.
John A. McGuire: moving to Winfield...
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
B. F. Harrod has moved to Winfield; Art Morse is getting ready to move to Illinois; John McMillen is going to move to Iowa in November; Sol and Will Smith have sold out and are going to move to Burden; John Johnson is moving to Missouri; John McGuire is moving to Winfield; O. J. Williams is moving to Butler County; Rube Shorter is moving into McGuire’s house at Tisdale. Pretty good time for moving this fall.
Partners: J. A. McGuire and T. M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
J. A. McGuire has purchased an interest in T. M. McGuire’s business, and will soon be a resident and a businessman of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
J. A. McGuire and Tom McGuire have gone in as partners in the grocery business at Winfield.
The last old settler of Tisdale who has left us was J. A. McGuire. He lingered long and outlived his comrades and stood his part of the battle of settling up Cowley County. Many are the men who can think of the time when they had neither bread nor money, and Mac helped them through.
R. Shorter and family fill the vacancy of Mr. McGuire’s family. Shorter is a whole-souled, jolly fellow, and calculated to make good feelings wherever present.
We miss the smiling faces of Millie McGuire and her little girls.
J. A. McGuire still selling goods in Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
J. A. McGuire is on hand with a new stock of goods. He says he can’t give up Tisdale yet. Mr. Douglass Fluke will be found ready to wait upon you.
First time: McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
Good plug tobacco at McGuire Bros. for 50 cents per pound. Old Kentucky smoking tobacco at 40 cents per pound.
Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.
NEW SECOND HAND STORE. Hambric & Bro. have just opened out a second hand store where they will buy and sell all kinds of second hand goods of any description—we now have on hand a large stock of clothing, dry goods, boots and shoes, which we offer less than wholesale price, also a lot of heating and cook stoves, and all kinds of household goods and other goods to tedious to mention; place of business, first door east of McGuire’s grocery store, Winfield, Ks.
McGuire Bros. store at Tisdale...

Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Loads of flour at McGuire Bros. store at Tisdale, at Winfield prices.
J. A. McGuire, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Monday evening a number of gentlemen met at the office of Gilbert & Fuller and organized “The Winfield Building and Loan Association.” A constitution was drawn up and charter provided for, and a large amount of stock subscribed. The capital stock of the Association is $100,000 in two series of $50,000 each, the second series to be issued when the first series is paid up. The stock is divided into five hundred shares of $100 each, and are assessed at one dollar per month each. No member can own more than ten shares. The business of the Association is managed by a board of directors, and the following persons were elected as such board for the coming year: J. E. Platter, R. E. Wallis, H. G. Fuller, J. F. McMullen, Ed. P. Greer, A. D. Hendricks, J. W. Conner, C. A. Bliss, A. B. Steinberger, J. A. McGuire, and I. W. Randall.
The Board of Directors then met and elected H. G. Fuller president, A. D. Hendricks vice-president, J. E. Platter treasur­er, and J. F. McMullen secretary and attorney. The secretary was instructed to open the books of the Association for subscriptions to the capital stock. The first series only consists of five hundred shares, and these are being taken rapidly and will soon be exhausted.
The plan of this Association is one that has been in suc­cessful operation in many cities of the United States, and in Emporia, Fredonia, and many other towns in Kansas. Any persons may take from one to ten shares of stock and thereby become a member. An assessment of one dollar per month is made on each share. When sufficient amount is on hand, the Board of Directors meet and the money is put up at auction, bid on by the members, and the highest bidder takes it, giving therefor good real estate security and pledging his stock.
The profits are divided pro rata among the stockholders and each share receives its credit. Whenever the stock reaches par, or the accrued assessments and profits amount to $100 on each share, a division is made and each stockholder receives the par value of his share.
This plan offers special advantages for young men and laborers who desire to secure homes in this way. They can purchase one, two, or three shares, and pay in their monthly assessments of one, two, or three dollars. They can then secure a lot, go to the Association and bid off, say three hundred dollars, or enough to build a small house thereon, at, say 12 percent, per annum. If they hold three shares of stock and borrow three hundred dollars, they will pay each month in assess­ments and interest six dollars. At the end of four years, which is about the time it will take the stock to mature, they will have paid in assessments and interests $288. A division is made, they will receive from the Association their mortgage, and their home will be clear: thus having built a house and paid for it in four years at the rate of $6.00 per month. The ordinary rent for a house costing $300 is seven dollars per month. In four years a man would pay out in rent $336 and have no more at the end than he started with. With this plan he would pay out $288 in four years and own the house in the end.

The benefits of such an association as this will be apparent at a glance. You who have a boy growing up, buy a share of this stock for him and make him earn the assessment. Most any little boy can earn a dollar a month by carrying in wood or blacking your boots, or doing odd chores. Let him have his little book, walk up to the secretary’s office each month, and pay his dollar. At the end of our years his share will be worth $100 and he will hardly know where it comes from. It will be a lesson on economy worth far more than years of precept. We hope that the populari­ty with which this scheme is meeting here will cause other towns to organize associations. It cannot help but be of practical benefit to Winfield and to the individual member of the associa­tion in helping to build up homes in our midst, and creating a profitable investment for small sums that would otherwise be wasted.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale...
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
McGuire Bro’s have their branch store at Tisdale chuck full of Dry Goods, Groceries, Queensware, Hats, Caps and Gloves, which they will sell at Winfield prices. They will pay cash or trade for country produce, and the highest market price, in cash or trade for all kinds of game.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Go to McGuire Bros. and buy a barrel of choice Michigan apples. They received a carload: 150 barrels and 13 different varieties. Drop in and buy a barrel for they are selling fast.
J. A. McGuire...
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
The following charter was filed yesterday in the office of the secretary of State: “Winfield Building and Loan Association,” capital stock $200,000. Board of Directors for the first year: J. E. Platter, R. E. Wallis, H. G. Fuller, J. F. McMullen, E. P. Greer, A. D. Hendricks, J. W. Connor, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, J. A. McGuire, and I. W. Randall.
McGuire Brothers...
Cowley County Courant, December 15, 1881.
G. W. Foster has purchased the Bates stock and will open out with a stock of flour, feed, and groceries, two doors below McGuire Brothers.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.
McGuire Bros. are the boss on Tobacco and don’t you forget it. Only 50 cents per lb.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Don’t forget to go to McGuire Bros. and get l lb. of Tobacco, only 50 cents.
John A. McGuire...
Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.

The much expected and long [part of article miss­ing] of masquerade came off Friday evening and was a grand and perfect   . There were at least one hundred on the floor and the rear seats of the hall were crowded with visitors jollier and happier crowd has never assembled in Winfield since the first country hoe-down in the “old log store.” The beauty and chivalry of the city were there, the lights were good, the music was excellent, everybody was good natured, the ushers were obliging, the door-keepers were careful, the floor managers were watchful and active, and the whole hall was conducted without clash or discord, and fully met the expec­tations of those who had anticipated a first-class ball, and a lively, happy time. There were many rich and beautiful costumes, and many ludicrous representations that kept the visitors contin­ually interested and overflowing with laughter.
The general march commenced at 8:30 o’clock with 41 couples on the floor, and formed a brilliant procession striking in its comic effect. Beautiful and rich costumes glittering with gold and silver trimmings, dukes and kings, knights and ladies, Indians, negroes, harlequins, grotesque figures, all commingled in one strange and startling crowd.
At 11 o’clock the command was given to form in procession for a march, a grand circle was formed in the hall, the order to face in was given, followed by the order to unmask, and for the first time the parties knew each other, face to face. The ejaculations of surprise, the mutual exclamations of “Well, I declare! Is that you?” attested the excellent manner in which the disguises were gotten up.
At twelve o’clock the hall was deserted for supper, after which the dancing was resumed until the—well, that is—the wee—or rather—oh, what’s the difference?—”until the wee sma’ hours,” according to Hoyle, when everybody went home, rather broke up for the next day, but having had a glorious, happy time. The names and characters of those participating we give as follows as near as we could find out, with running comments.
John McGuire, Texas Bill.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The Businessmen Talk, Eat, and Prepare to Harvest Unpaid Bills.
Last Saturday evening a large number of the businessmen of Winfield met at the Brettun House and organized an association that will be of more practical benefit to businessmen and the trading public generally then anything that has yet been proposed. The matter has been talked of for some time, but recent events brought it to a focus, of which the “Merchants and Business Men’s Protective Association” is the outcome. The following gentlemen were present and assisted in the organization.
A. H. Doane, R. E. Wallis, J. A. McGuire, Will Hudson, A. E. Baird, W. J. Hodges, H. Brotherton, J. M. Dever, J. P. Baden, J. L. Hodges, R. E. Sydal, Lou Harter, Ed. P. Greer, J. B. Lynn, A. B. Steinberger, C. A. Bliss, D. L. Kretsinger, A. T. Spotswood, S. W. Hughes, J. S. Mann, W. B. Pixley, W. R. McDonald, A. D. Hendricks, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. G. Shrieves, J. W. Batchelder, J. L. Horning, T. R. Timme, J. L. Rinker, J. P. Short, B. F. Wood, J. A. Cooper.

A committee consisting of the officers and a committee of eight or ten members were appointed to draft constitution and by-laws to be presented at the next meeting to be held at A. H. Doane & Co.’s office Thursday evening. The object of the organization is for mutual protection against the class of men who obtain credit at one place as long as possible, then change to another, and so on around, and for heading off dead-beats of every kind. A list of all those who are in arrears at the different stores will be made out by each merchant and filed with the secretary, who will furnish each member with a complete list of all who obtain credit and the amount. Then, when a person desires to buy goods on time, the merchant can go to his list, find out how many other firms in town he owes, and how long the account has been running. If he finds that the person desiring credit owes every other merchant in town, he can safely make up his mind that he is a D. B. On the other hand, if he finds that the person asking for credit has paid his bill and is reckoned good by the other merchants in establishing his credit, he will find no trouble in getting all the advances he desires. It will weed out the dishonest fellows and protect those who pay their debts and show a disposition to deal honestly.
The above, as near as we can state it, is the object of the association. Here alone, good, honest, straightforward men all over the county have failed to get credit because there was no way to establish their standing while others who were no good have run annual bills all over town and never make an effort to pay. This will stop all that business and place them in a very unenviable light until their bills are paid.
After the adjournment of the meeting all repaired to the dining room of the Brettun and ate oysters and celery, drank coffee and cream, told vigorous stories of dead-beats and bill-jumpers, and treated each other to little bits of business experience that furnished points for future action. The supper was nicely served and thirty-nine sat down to the long table and took two or more dishes of “Oysters-loony style,” with fruit and lighter refreshments thrown in. One of the most unfortunate features of the supper was that there were no toasts. Nothing is so delightful after a nice supper as to sit back in your chair and note the writhings of the poor mortal who has been selected to tell about “The great American eagle, who laves his bill in the Atlantic and dips his tail in the Pacific,” and to see him squirm when he finds that he has forgotten the piece and got the proud bird’s tail in the wrong pond. We were very anxious to see this duty performed and had about concluded to call out J. L. Horning or A. T. Spotswood, with W. J. Hodges and R. E. Wallis as possible substitutes, when the thought struck us that it might prove a boomerang and our desire for toasts immediately expired.
Among the ladies who graced the occasion were Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. J. L. Rinker, Mrs. J. B. Lynn, Miss Sadie French, Mrs. W. J. Hodges, Mrs. S. W. Hughes, Mrs. J. A. Cooper, and Mrs. W. B. Pixley.
McGuire Brothers...
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
The Merchants’ and Business Men’s Protection Association met Thursday evening at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., president Spotswood presiding. The committee on constitution and by-laws tendered their report, which was received and taken up for action by sections, after which it was adopted as a whole, and the secretary instructed to have the same printed and furnish each member with a copy. The following firms became members of the association.

A. T. Spotswood & Co., J. P. Baden, B. F. Cox, Wallis & Wallis, McGuire Bros., J. S. Mann, Hendricks & Wilson, Hughes & Cooper, Hudson Bros., Miller & Dix, J. L. Hodges, A. H. Doane & Co., S. H. Myton, W. B. Pixley, A. E. Baird, Whiting Bros., Shrieves & Powers, Cole Bros.
The by-laws provide that any firm in the city may become members by complying with the by-laws, rules, and regulations, and that each member will be furnished with a pass book contain­ing a list of doubtful and bad paying customers, professional beats, etc. From the reading of the constitution and by-laws of the organization, it is evident that the business men are in earnest, and that they propose to protect cash and prompt paying customers and to give doubtful and bad paying customers, and especially dead beats, a wide berth. The method adopted by the association for equal and mutual protection is sound and reason­able, and will bring to its membership every business firm in the city. The result will surely prove satisfactory to both buyer and seller.
Lula McGuire, daughter of J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, February 16, 1882.
A Surprise.
One of the greatest, most unlooked for, and most pleasant surprises of my life occurred at my residence on the evening of Feb. 13th. It was on this wise. The girls of my Sabbath school class (composed of girls from ten to fourteen years old) to the number of sixteen, accompanied by two boys of about the same age—came with lunch in their hands—and while I was sitting at my table with pencil in hand, ready to write a letter, wholly unconscious of any hostile intent, in marched said girls and took me prisoner before I knew they were in the house. Mrs. Holloway was in the secret, and I tell you it was well planned and better executed. I guess I will get well right away now, for I have not laughed as much in a whole year as I did at their innocent, mirthful, and antic playing. We had a nice lunch together, and a joyful, happy time. God bless all these dear girls of my class who made the surprise, and also those who could not come. The names of those present were Mattie Baird, Cora Stocking, Mary Trezise, Nannie Gilbert, Cora Goodrich, Ona Wright, Gertrude Bedilion, Mediae Hamilton, Maggie Bedilion, Leona Hoxie, Lula McGuire, Augusta Gibson, Fannie Kensal, Allie McDonald, John Ballard, and Willie Wright.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale store...
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
Anyone wishing to purchase goods will do well to call on McGuire Bros., of this place. The smiling face of Dougie will be seen behind the counter ready to wait on his customers.
John A. McGuire’s son, Elmer E. McGuire, badly injured...
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
John McGuire’s thirteen year old boy had two fingers torn from his left hand Saturday by the bursting of a small shot gun while out hunting.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.

Mr. John McGuire’s oldest boy had the last two fingers of his left hand shot off Saturday by the bursting of a hot gun with which he was hunting. The gun had been hidden away from him, but Saturday he got hold of it long enough to shoot two fingers off. Drs. Wright and Cooper were called in and amputated the shattered members. The boy is now doing as well as could be expected.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
McGuire Brothers have a new scheme to attract trade, in the shape of a fine musical instrument. Do not fail to call and see and hear.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Tom McGuire moved his family from the second to the first ward today, and thereby loses his vote.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield. Crippen, salesman...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Corn for sale by the wagon load. Enquire at McGuire Bros. GEO. H. CRIPPEN.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
McGuire Bros., will give away samples of their best Bell tobacco on Saturday. Be certain to get some.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup presiding. Roll call, present: councilmen Read, Gary, and Mater; City Attorney Seward; Clerk Beach. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
The following bills were approved and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.
McGuire Bros., goods, city poor, $4.90.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
Some Tisdale Farms.
On the way back we took in McGuire Bros. Tisdale Store. Although the city of Tisdale has lost much of its former greatness, it is still a good trading point and McGuire Brothers do a good business, besides gathering together lots of country produce for their Winfield store.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
We are still selling our famous Bell Tobacco at 50 cents per pound. McGuire Bros.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
Entire new stock of Dry Goods and notions at our store at Tisdale, Kansas. McGuire Bros.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.

McGuire Brothers are making extensions to their store facilities at Tisdale, in order to be able to accommodate the increasing trade.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
McGuire Brothers are making extension to their store facili­ties at Tisdale in order to be able to accommodate the increased trade.
John A. McGuire, Captain, Old Soldiers...
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
The Old Soldiers met at the courthouse last night and reorga­nized the old Winfield company. They elected John A. McGuire, Captain; Jake Nixon, 1st Lieutenant; and H. L. Barker, 2nd Lieutenant. Here are three of the best old soldiers that could be had. John A. McGuire was a sergeant in Company H, 10th Illinois, infantry, and served with it in all the battles of the Tennessee and Cumberland during the war. Jake Nixon was a member of an Iowa regiment and the scar he carries in his mouth and jaw testify to Jake’s efficiency. Henry L. Barker served in a Kansas regiment as Captain of one of its companies, and was in command of the post of Mound City at one time, and time only will wear out Henry Barker’s loyalty and fidelity. The company is well officered.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Pursuant to the call issued, members of the Winfield company of old soldiers met at the Courthouse last evening, to fill vacancies. On motion, Jacob Nixon was elected chairman and James Kelly secretary. John A. McGuire was elected Captain, vice Bard transferred. Jacob Nixon was elected 1st Lieutenant, vice James Kelly, promoted. Henry L. Barker was elected 2nd Lieutenant, vice A. T. Shenneman, resigned. On motion the captain was requested to call a meeting of the company for Monday evening July 3rd, at the Opera House. The following appointments were made by Captain J. A. McGuire. Marquis Quarles to be Orderly Sergeant. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the commanding officer. James Kelly secretary, Jacob Nixon chairman. In accordance with the foregoing the members of the Winfield Company of veteran soldiers will meet at the Opera House Monday evening July 3rd, for the transaction of business, prepa­ratory to the soldiers’ reunion at Topeka in September, and any other business that may come before us. Any honorably discharged soldier of the late war, who has not done so, can meet at that time and sign the roll. It is imperative that we know at once how many will go to Topeka in order that transportation be secured. J. A. McGUIRE, Capt. Commanding.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Sardines 10 cents a box. McGUIRE BROS.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale, struck by lightning and partially burned...
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
McGuire Bros. Store at Tisdale was struck by lightning and partially burned, but we still hold the fort and want all the Butter and Eggs in the country. Will pay Winfield prices for the same.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
McGuire Bros. Store at Tisdale was struck by lightning and set on fire Sunday morning. No one was in at the time and the fire gained considerable headway before it was noticed and outsiders rushed in and put out the flames. The damage will probably be $150.

Capt. J. A. McGuire, Company H, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
General Order No. 8.
AUGUST 16TH, 1882.
FELLOW SOLDIERS: I have been honored by being made the Colonel of the Cowley County Veterans on account of the resignation of your late Colonel, Chas. E. Steuven, and upon assuming command would urge upon all the old soldiers of Cowley County the importance and pleasure of at once enrolling your names in some one of the company organizations of the county to go to our grand reunion at Topeka.
The following companies are organized.
Capt. H. C. McDorman, Co. A, Dexter, Kansas.
Capt. R. Fitzgerald, Co. B, Burden, Kansas.
Capt. Wm. White, Co. C, Akron, Kansas.
Capt. J. W. Weimer, Co. D, Polo, Kansas.
Capt. J. B. Nipp, Co. E., Arkansas City, Kansas.
Capt. Thomas Cooley, Co. F, Red Bud, Kansas.
Capt. J. A. McGuire, Co. H, Winfield, Kansas.
Capt. A. A. Jackson, Co. I, Seeley, Kansas.
Report your names at once to someone of these company commanders if you wish to secure transportation at rates for old soldiers to Topeka. The cost of the round trip, with rations, will amount to about five dollars. To secure these rates, you must report at once, as your names cannot be put on the rolls after the first day of September.
All soldiers enrolled and all company commanders, with their companies, are ordered to report in Winfield early on the morning of September 11, 1882, to fill up the companies not full and organize two new companies, if there are enough soldiers.
We leave Winfield Monday evening, September 11th at 3 o’clock for Topeka. Each soldier will supply his own blankets and cooking utensils and one days rations. Each company commander will be expected to preserve such discipline in his company as will reflect additional honor upon our record as soldiers and upon the county of which we are citizens. By order of T. H. SOWARD, Commanding regiment.
H. L. WELLS, Adjutant.
J. A. McGuire and others: petition...
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup presiding.
Roll called. Present: Councilmen Read, Gary, and Wilson and City Attorney and Clerk.
Petition of J. A. McGuire and 34 others asking that the “Nightwatch” be paid by the City instead of by individuals was read and on motion of Mr. Gary, action on the same was postponed until the next regular meeting.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1882.

Petition of Jno. A. McGuire & others presented at last regular meeting was taken up. On motion of Mr. Read, the City Attorney was instructed to report by ordinance or otherwise to the next meeting of the City Council with a view to the appointment of a Deputy Marshal.
Capt. J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
Cowley at the Reunion.
EDS. COURIER: You have been very liberal in the use of the columns of your paper to the Old Veterans of Cowley County, and in their behalf we sincerely thank you while we ask the further indulgence, that we may tell the veterans and citizens who did not go, what we saw, and the part we took in the grandest reunion of veterans since the war.
On Monday, September 11th, we began to assemble in Winfield, and by Monday night over 200 old soldiers were on Main Street around a large camp fire, with drums and fife, singing and cheering as only soldiers can.
Adjourning to the Opera House we had music, dancing, songs, and speaking until near midnight, when we separated to meet at the A. T. & S. F. Depot at 5 o’clock a.m. The trip was pleasant until we reached Newton, when we were put on emigrant cars, and we can truly say we never had as disagreeable a ride on a railroad before. The cars were crowded, sultry, and dirty, and with the hot wind and blinding dust, will not soon be forgotten.
We arrived in Topeka about 4 o’clock p.m., Tuesday, reached camp Douthitt at 5 p.m., reported to our division commander, Gen. Millard, and by 6 o’clock the Cowley County Veterans had 30 large hospital tents pitched with plenty of straw for bedding. Soon rations were drawn, and after sunset, around our camp fires we drank our coffee and ate our meat, beans, and hard-tack as in days of yore. One of my old company who camped with his wife on the ground assigned to Cowley County vets, the beardless youth of 20 years ago, was bearded and gray headed now, and although we fought and marched together four years, his face was unknown, but his voice was the same and our greeting with eyes swimming in tears was such as never will be forgotten. You don’t know what it is to meet an old comrade, unless you have experienced it. Tuesday night we fought our battles o’er, told our jokes, and sang our songs, and all through the night rang out that old familiar inquiry, “Oh! Joe, here’s your mule.”
Wednesday morning before the sun rose every old veteran was on the alert to find his old companion in arms. Around the headquarters of each state, the veterans thronged. How earnestly each face was scanned for some familiar feature. There are few better maskers than Old Time when you give him twenty years to get up his costume. I will tell you how we beat Old Time and found our friends. The soldiers of each state marched to the parade grounds, and forming a hollow square, called the number of each regiment. As the number of the regiment was called, the soldiers of that regiment would step inside, greet, and pass outside the square. Empty sleeves, wooden legs, maimed bodies, and scarred faces made our eyes swim in tears, but the joy of meeting those with whom we battled for four years will never be forgotten.

And now permit me to write of Cowley County. We were honored by being made the 1st veteran regiment, and while it took often 3 or 4 other counties to make a regiment, Cowley was a grand one of over 300 veterans by herself. The officers of the regiment, Lieut. Col. Vanorsdal, Maj. McDorman, and Capts. Magrady, McGuire, White, Weimer, Jackson, and Adjutant Wells, as well as the Lieutenants and Sergeants, added another honor to the laurels. They won battle fields by their conduct at the reunion. They performed their whole duty and did it well.
To the veterans of Cowley County I want to say that I never saw heroes bear themselves more proudly. I did not see or hear of a rude action or an intoxicated veteran from Cowley County. The banner county for prohibition in Kansas, was the banner county for deportment at the reunion.
The 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Division, which I had the honor to command, was the largest brigade in the grand parade on Friday; to my staff, Col. Billows and Col. Boyden, A. A. G. of Butler, Col. T. N. King and Maj. Hilliard of Chautauqua, I want to express my thanks for their valuable services. To the drum corps of little boys from Wichita, we will say that they marched and played like veterans and the 2nd Brigade was proud of them.
The Com. of 38 at Topeka did a grand work and fulfilled every promise they made to the old vets. to the letter, and when Cowley County was called upon to contribute for the beautiful sword presented to Maj. Anderson, Chairman of the Committee, they responded liberally.
Now, Mr. Editor, we want you to put the next clause of this letter in capitals. It will be the battle cry of the old soldiers throughout Kansas.
We must and will hold our reunions as soldiers’ reunions, managed and controlled by soldiers. We want it where there is shade and running water; we want it at a time of year when it will be cool and pleasant, and not interfere with sowing wheat and other farm work.
All this must be done and much more, and the army of 30,000 veterans at this reunion will be recruited to 50,000 or 60,000, if it is done.
I can’t tell of the grand speeches around our camp fires, and close my letter with a sentiment every old veteran will endorse: “I have no honor and never expect none in this world of which I can be as proud as that of battling for the old flag.” T. H. SOWARD.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
A full assortment of Oscar Wilde lamps at McGuire Bros.
J. A. McGuire, Captain...
Winfield Courier, October 26, 1882.
T. H. Soward, H. L. Wells, J. E. Snow, J. A. McGuire, and Jacob Nixon went over to Dexter last Monday evening and organized Post No. 133 G. A. R., with J. D. Maurer, Post Commander; H. C. McDorman, S. V. C.; Megredy, S. V. C.; Wells, Treasurer, and O. P. Darst, Chaplain. Number of members: 19.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1882.
McGuire Bros., have the best handmade boot in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.

A decorated cup and saucer given away with every package of browned coffee at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
Purest sweet cider at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 14, 1882.
1000 bushels of fine apples at McGuire Bros. Will sell cheap to the trade.
McGuire Brothers were not listed on the petition sent to Hackney...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
On looking over carefully the list of signatures on the petition to Hackney, we find a considerable number of names of persons who live in the country, and many more whom nobody knows. We find only 101 names, less than half of those on the petition, who are known as citizens of Winfield. Less than half of these probably understood what they were signing, and are in favor of saloons. It is presumable that the originators got all the names of prominent Winfield men they could by any kind of representations; and, considering all these things, the petition is not so very formidable after all. But it is enough to give our city a bad name, and give a severe stab to the cause of prohibition. The Kansas City Journal’s Topeka correspondence says that the names of all the prominent men and business firms of Winfield are found on that petition, except one bank and one hardware store. We notice that the following Winfield firms and names are conspicuously absent from the petition.
McGuire Bros.

Lula McGuire, daughter of John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
Our Pretty Songsters.

The Operetta of “Effie, or the Fairy Queen,” for which Prof. F. C. Cushman had a class in training for two weeks previous, was presented at the Opera House Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week with marked success—so far as the entertainment itself was concerned. The slushy condition of the streets at that time prevented the entertainment receiving the patronage it merited, and as a pecuniary benefit to the manager was a partial failure. A majority of Winfield’s young misses were engaged in it, and where all performed their parts so well it would seem invidious to particularize; but the most prominent actors deserve more than a passing notice. The splendid singing of Miss Zulu Farringer, the fairy queen, was the subject of much favorable comment by the audience. Her appearance was beautiful, and her solos were executed with such ease and grace as many a professional might envy. Will Ferguson as fairy clown produced much merriment. In this vale of tears the business of fun-making is far from being overdone, and the world is always ready to appreciate those who make it laugh. Misses Bertha Wallis and Minnie Andrews, as “Effie” and “Mary,” also elicited much favorable comment, and demonstrated that they were possessed of much natural talent in the musical and dramatic art. Miss Cora Andrews represented the poverty-stricken mother very nicely. Fritz Sherman carried out the part of the drunken father splendidly, though a little beard to have covered up that smooth face would have given him a more fatherly appearance. The tableaux were pretty, unique, and effective, especially that of the angels, with their beautiful wings and flowing tresses, ascending to heaven with little Fannie, which was composed of Misses Gertrude McMullen, Willie Wallis, and Minnie Fahey, with little Lula McGuire as Fannie. Those comprising the maids of honor, maids’ attendants, and queen’s pages, all did credit to themselves by their beautiful singing and excellent rendition of the parts assigned. There were about seventy performers, all in bright costume, and some of the scenes presented were very brilliant. The instrumental music was made perfect by Ed. Farringer presiding at the piano. These entertainments do much to draw out and improve the musical talents of the young, and we must say that this one plainly shows that the abilities of Winfield’s young ladies in this line is of no ordinary character.
J. A. McGuire’s cousin, Miss Waters, paid visit...
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
We see again on our streets the familiar face of Miss Waters, who spent a part of last summer here with her cousin, Mr. J. A. McGuire. She has visited many of our western towns and is well pleased with Kansas. She has not neglected to keep up a correspondence with her home papers to encourage emigration. We regret to learn that she will in a short time bid adieu to Winfield and return to her home in Indianapolis, Indiana.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.
Around Town.
McGuire Bros., have put up a neat grocery sign on East Ninth Avenue.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale and Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
McGuire Bros. have their two stores chuck full of goods. Their house in Winfield is located on the corner where everybody goes before they leave town. They have all kinds of staple and fancy groceries. Their store at Tisdale is chuck full of everything. Dry goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Queensware; in fact, anything you want you can find there. They pay Winfield prices for all kinds of produce. We have just returned from the Eastern markets where we have purchased for both stores a complete stock of everything. We extend for the public our thanks for past patronage and will try, by square dealing and fair treatment, to merit a continuance of the same. McGUIRE BROS.
McGuire Brothers: Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
You can get full weight and measure at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
McGuire Bros. had what might have proved a serious conflagration last week. A lamp in their store exploded, scattering the oil over the floor in a burning mass. It was finally subdued with flour sacks and water before much damage was done.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1883.
Everybody knows John and Tom at McGuire Bros.
You can get full weight and measure at McGuire Bros.
James McGuire, a brother of John A. and Thomas M. McGuire, killed...
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.

  James McGuire Caught in a Belt and Killed at the Tunnel Mills.
DIED. Last Thursday morning the Tunnel Mills were the scene of another fatal accident. Mr. James McGuire is a brother of the McGuires’, merchants of this place. He was working at the mill and went upstairs to put on a belt. The machinery was running at the time. He took hold of the belt to put it over a pulley when it threw a loop over his arm and he was drawn around and around, his feet striking the ceiling every revolution. Mr. Stump, the head miller, was in the basement of the mill at the time, and noticing that something was wrong, ran up and shut the water off. He then went upstairs and saw McGuire hanging in the pulley. He immediately went to work cutting the belts and soon, with the help of others, got him down. He was found to be still alive and was put in a wagon and taken to his home on Manning Street. An examination was made by the physicians, who found that almost every bone in his body was broken, especially in his feet, legs, and arms. The pulleys were making one hundred and twenty revolutions a minute when he was caught and he must have been whirled around with terrible force. He was conscious for several hours and until a few moments before he died, and was able to tell how the accident happened. This is the third man that has lost his life at that mill. Two were killed several years ago while digging the tunnel by dirt caving in on them.
John A. McGuire: Elected as a Councilman...
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1883.
The Election.
The city election Tuesday passed off very quietly, but little interest being manifested. On Monday evening a number of citizens met at the Opera House and placed a ticket in the field. Another meeting was held the same evening, which made up a second ticket. Dr. George Emerson was the unanimous candidate for Mayor by both meetings. The two tickets represented no distinctive issue of any character, unless it might have been termed a “waterworks” issue. In the first ward John McGuire was elected to the council over H. Silver by three majority. In the second ward D. L. Kretsinger was elected over S. L. Gilbert by forty majority. Capt. H. H. Siverd and Frank W. Finch were re-elected constables.
Votes shown.
MAYOR: George Emerson: 481.
POLICE JUDGE: J. E. Snow, 230; L. L. Beck, 255.
CITY ATTORNEY: Jos. O’Hare: 432.
TREASURER SCHOOL BOARD: George W. Robinson, 270; W. J. Wilson, 225.
CONSTABLES: H. H. Siverd, 299; Frank W. Finch, 251; David Long, 225; Jas. McLain, 222.
COUNCILMEN: 1st Ward, John A. McGuire, 132; H. Silver, 129.
COUNCILMEN: 2nd Ward, D. L. Kretsinger, 132; S. L. Gilbert, 92.
SCHOOL BOARD: 1st Ward, Dr. W. G. Graham, 259; 2nd ward, J. P. Short, 137; 2nd Ward, H. Brotherton, 89.
The new council is made up as follows.

All including the Mayor are Republicans, three councilmen and the Mayor are “anti-water-works”; in other words, in favor of holding the company down to the strict letter of their contract. Three are prohibitionists, and one an anti-prohibitionist.
Mrs. T. H. Waters, sister of Mrs. John A. McGuire, dies...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
DIED. Mrs. Waters, wife of T. H. Waters and sister of Mrs. John McGuire, died last Thursday and was buried on Friday afternoon.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale and Winfield stores...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
C. H. Fisk’s penetrating compound liniment for sale at McGuire Bros., Winfield or Tisdale.
John A. McGuire, City Councilman, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in the chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen Read, Wilson, McMullen, and Gary. Minutes of the last regular meeting and of the meeting held April 6, to canvass the votes of the late city election were read and approved. Mayor Troup, Councilman Gary, of the first ward, and Councilman Read, of the second ward, whose terms of office had expired, then vacated their seats, and Geo. Emerson, Jno. A. McGuire, and D. L. Kretsinger, having filed their oaths of office with the clerk, took the seats thus vacated, as Mayor, Councilman from the first ward, and Councilman from the second ward respectively. Roll called. Present: Mayor Emerson, Councilmen Wilson, McGuire, McMullen, and Kretsinger. The council then proceeded with the regular order of business.
The mayor allowed the standing committees for the ensuing year as follows.
On streets and alleys: Wilson, Kretsinger, and McGuire.
On finance: McMullen, Kretsinger, and Wilson.
On fire department: Kretsinger, McMullen, and McGuire.
On public health: McGuire, McMullen, and Wilson.
On motion of councilman Kretsinger, councilman McMullen was elected President of the council for the ensuing year.
The committee on streets and alleys was instructed to secure the dirt from the excavation of Mr. Myton’s new building on the best possible terms.
John A. McGuire: tax deed, Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
Tax deeds were made to Sim Moore and John McGuire Wednesday for the old town of Tisdale. They will vacate it and soon pumpkins and sweet corn will flourish over the ruins of that once proud prosperous capital.
John A. McGuire, Winfield Councilman...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
Council Chamber, City of Winfield, May 7, 1883.

Council met in regular session, Mayor Emerson in the chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen McGuire, McMullen and Kretsinger; absent, Councilman Wilson. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
A petition from Jno. D. Pryor and others for a sidewalk along the west side of block 174 and west ends of lots 10, 11, and 12 in block 175, to be connected by cross-walks, was presented. On motion the petition was granted and the attorney instructed to present an ordinance therefor at next meeting.
The council accepted the offer of O. M. Seward to provide a council room and police judge’s office at five ($5.00) dollars per month.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
[At City Council Meeting.]
J. Wade McDonald, attorney for the Winfield Water Company, appeared and filed and presented to the mayor and councilmen a notification and request from said Water Company, in the words and figures following, to-wit:
Office of the Winfield Water Company, Winfield, Kansas, May 7th, 1883.
To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas:
GENTLEMEN: You are hereby notified and requested to proceed with all practicable dispatch to have condemned in the name of the City of Winfield, the right to perpetually divest from the Walnut River, at a point thereon northwest of the north end of Walton Street, of said city, all such quantity or quantities of water as may be necessary to enable the Winfield Water Company, its successors or assigns, to supply the said City of Winfield and the inhabitants thereof, with water, in pursuance with the provisions of ordinance numbered 167, of said city.
This notification and request is made in pursuance with and under and by virtue of the provisions of section 14 of said ordinance, numbered 167.
The Winfield Water Company by M. L. ROBINSON, President.
Attest: CHAS. F. BAHNTGE, Secretary.
The Mayor appointed Giles Prater city marshal and street commissioner for the ensuing year, and on motion the council confirmed the appointment; the mayor then appointed E. S. Bedilion city clerk for the ensuing year, and the council refused to confirm, there being two votes for confirmation and two against; the mayor then appointed D. A. Millington city engineer for the ensuing year, and the appointment was confirmed by the council.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From.
The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
McGuire Bros.: $3.00.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
G. A. R. Caps and Buttons at McGuire Bros.

John A. McGuire, Councilman...
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
Council Proceedings.
COUNCIL CHAMBER, City of Winfield, May 21, 1883.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Emerson in the chair. Roll called. Present, Councilmen McMullen, McGuire, and Wilson; absent, councilman Kretsinger.
An ordinance providing for the construction of a stone sidewalk along the west side of  block 174 and the west ends of lots 10, 11, and 12, block 175, were presented and read, and on motion was taken up for consideration by sections. Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 were separately read, considered, and adopted by the affirmative of the three councilmen present. The ordinance was then submitted to a vote on its final passage as a whole with the following result: Those voting aye were councilmen McMullen, Wilson, and McGuire, noes, none, and the ordinance was declared passed as ordinance No. 170, and was approved by the Mayor.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883. [City Council Meeting.]
On motion it was resolved to ask the Winfield Water Company to give the city a bond of indemnity against loss or expense on account of possible suits concerning the condemnation proceedings for water works.
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
On invitation from the mayor and council of Wichita, Mayor Emerson, Councilmen McMullen, McGuire, and Wilson, and citizens Lynn and Bryan, went up to Wichita last Thursday to witness the formal test of their waterworks. The party express themselves as well pleased with the test and that the works are a success. They are especially pleased with the hospitality shown them by the officers and citizens of that place.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, May 31, 1883.
On motion the following committees were appointed.
Amusements: C. C. Black, T. M. McGuire, John Keck, Jas. Vance, A. T. Spotswood, and J. Wade McDonald.
McGuire’s store, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Beach & Denning sold two farms and a city residence on Friday of last week.
Beach & Denning’s land office is located on 9th Avenue east of McGuire’s store.
Thomas M. McGuire, election clerk, 1st ward, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
The Republicans of the first ward in Winfield will elect eight delegates to the county convention, at an election to be held at the office of Bard and Harris, on 9th Avenue, on Thursday, August 30, 1883, commencing at 2 o’clock p.m., and closing at 6 o’clock or as soon thereafter as there shall be no Republican at the polls ready to vote.
Jacob T. Hackney, John C. McNeil, and Frank Bowen are appointed judges of said election, and William Madden and T. M. McGuire, clerks.

All votes will be rejected except those presented by electors hitherto acting and voting with the Republican party, or by those who voted the Republican ticket last November and intend to vote the Republican ticket next November.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1883.
Committee on credentials reported the following named delegates and alternates for their respective townships.
G. H. Buckman, J. W. Craine, T. J. Harris, J. A. McGuire, Daniel Mater, John W. Nichols, H. E. Asp, M. G. Troup.
Alternates: W. F. Bowen, W. B. Caton, Walter Denning, Quincy A. Glass, J. W. Arrowsmith, E. S. Bedilion, J. T. Hackney, G. F. Corwin.
The committee on Credentials report that Winfield has not presented any credentials, but has placed the election returns in our hands, filed a ticket from each ward with the names of delegates elected. We also find that the 1st ward is entitled to 7½ delegates, and 2nd ward 5 to 5½  delegates, 13 in all, and your committee recommend that one name be stricken off said ticket. I. H. BONSALL, R. S. STROTHER, J. A. COCHRAN. . . .
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
McGuire Bros. have just received 2,000 lbs. of candies, fancy and common. Will sell  at wholesale or retail at bottom prices.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
McGuire Bros. have received several car loads of apples, and are head over heels in business. They are doing a big business in the apple line.
J. A. McGuire, Councilman...
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Emerson in chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen McMullen, McGuire, Kretsinger, and Wilson. Minutes of the last two regular meetings and adjourned meeting read and approved.
The bond of B. F. Herrod as marshal and G. H. Buckman, city clerk, were approved.
The acceptance by Wm. Whiting of the gas ordinance was ordered filed and spread upon the council proceedings.
Communication from manager of S. K. R. R. Co., received, and ordered filed.
The City Attorney was instructed to investigate as to the legality of the petition and ordinance relating to sidewalks on west side of Blocks 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, and 115, and Chairman of Common streets and alleys instructed to contract for the construction of same at once.
On motion the Council decided that the city should put in gutter in front of Newton’s Harness Shop, where the city well is to be removed.
Mrs. John A. McGuire...

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
I have the testimonials of more than 500 persons who are using the Burgess Steam Washer and say, “The longer we use it the better we like it, and would recommend it to our neighbors and friends as a washer that will clean all parts of the garment, and will wash all kinds of goods perfectly; that it will save its cost in one year in the wear of clothes, as in the ordinary way of washing, clothing is rubbed out more than worn out.” Lewis Conrad.
The following is a partial list of names of ladies in our vicinity who are using the Burgess Steam Washer: Mrs. Folts, Mrs. Irv Randall, Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Mrs. H. H. Hughes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thos. Youle, Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, Mrs. S. Compton, Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. West, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Searl, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Mrs. Samuel Myton, Mrs. J. L. Baker, and 30 others, all of whom can be consulted. Lewis Conrad.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
Go to McGuire Bros. and get one of those fur caps. They are too awfully too too.
McGuire Brothers, Tisdale and Winfield...
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
McGuire Bros. have moved a portion of their stock of clothing from their branch store at Tisdale to the main store at Winfield. You can save from three to five dollars by buying of them.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
McGuire Bros. have a beautiful doll which will be given away. Anyone purchasing one dollar’s worth of notions, clothing, hats, etc., will be entitled to a ticket on the doll. Drawing will take place at McGuire Bros. sometime in January.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
Go and see the beautiful doll at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
One ticket on the doll will be given with every dollar’s worth of goods purchased on the notion counter at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1883.
You can get a silver knife, fork, or spoon with every pound of the Spoon Baking Powder, at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
No. 320 was the lucky No. that drew the prize doll at McGuire Bros.
Tom, John, and Ed McGuire: evidently another McGuire Brother [Ed] now living in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The Masquerade.

The members of the Pleasant Hour Club have made the winter thus far very pleasant in a social way. Their hops have been well attended, and the utmost good feeling and harmony has prevailed. Their masquerade ball last Thursday evening was the happiest hit of the season. The floor was crowded with maskers and the raised platforms filled with spectators. At nine o’clock the “grand march” was called, and the mixture of grotesque, historical, mythological, and fairy figures was most attractive and amusing. Then, when the quadrilles were called, the effect of the clown dancing with a grave and sedate nun, and Romeo swinging a pop-corn girl, was, as one of the ladies expressed it, “just too cute.”
The big hit of the evening, and which seemed to strike the spectators about right, was the appearance of the Narrow Gauge gang of eight railroad laborers, with clay pipes, each with a “spade” in hand, and having across his back a banner bearing the words, “M. L.’s Narrow Gauge.” In this party were Tom, John, and Ed McGuire, Geo. Hudson, J. R. and Ed. Bourdette, and John Beck.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
J. M. Lanterman of Winfield held No. 320 that drew the doll at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
McGuire Bros. have purchased a complete line of clothing, and will open the same in a few days at their store here.
J. A. McGuire, Councilman...
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1884.
  Council Proceedings.
The council met Monday evening. The ordinance repealing the fire limits was referred to a special committee of councilmen McMullen, Kretsinger, and McGuire. We hope the committee will go out with a spade and bury it in some quiet spot where it won’t be disturbed.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
The city councilmen at their meeting Monday evening accepted the waterworks, Messrs. Kretsinger, McMullen, and McGuire voting aye; Mr. Wilson and Mayor Emerson opposing.  This was hastily done while the reservoir had never been filled to test whether it was strong enough to hold two million gallons of water as required by the ordinance and while the question of whether the company had a right to the water from the “mill pond” was pending in the court. Since the acceptance the court has decided that the company have no right to use the water, thus leaving the city with a dry, waterless waterworks on its hands and $3,000 a year tax. We expected Kretsinger would vote for an acceptance whether there was any water in the reservoir or not, but we were surprised beyond measure when McMullen went over thus early and McGuire with him, while we honor Mr. Wilson and the mayor for their conservative and prudent course in the interests of the city. We do not mean to reflect on the motives of the gentlemen who voted for acceptance. We give them credit for doing what they considered just and proper in the case, and we hold them in higher respect, but we think they have made a mistake.
Horses belonging to McGuire Brothers saved when fire occurs...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.

Another Attempt to Burn the Town Tuesday Morning.
  The Water-works Come to The Front.
Tuesday morning between four and five o’clock the fire bell rang and almost the whole male populace of the city turned out. The small barn in the rear of J. L. Hodges’ grocery store was discovered to be on fire. Dr. Mendenhall, living just across the way, was on hand with a garden hose attached to his street hydrant and played at the fire until the large hose was brought out and attached, when the blaze was quickly drowned out, without injury to adjacent buildings. The fire had barely been extinguished and people were returning to their homes when another alarm was made and flames were seen issuing from Mr. Shenneman’s barn on the alley in the rear of Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store. In this barn were six horses, two of McGuire Bros. and several belonging to Mrs. Shenneman. These were got out, the hose brought around, and after some delay about opening the hydrant, caused by the loss of the wrench, a heavy stream was turned on, and in a few minutes the barn was drenched through and through and the fire out. The water worked splendidly and was undoubtedly the means of preventing a disastrous conflagration, as the location of the last fire was in the most inflammable part of the city. The fires were both the work of an incendiary as no fire nor no person was in or about the barns at that time of night. What the motive or object of the fire bugs are is a mystery, but it seems that someone means to have a fire. The officers cannot be too vigilant in their efforts to run down these midnight destroyers. Three incendiarisms within a week is warning enough that there are parties hereabouts who are deadly in earnest in their efforts to burn a big hole in the business portion of the town.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Council Meeting.
The City parliament met Monday evening and ground out the usual grist of laws.
The fire limit ordinance was finally passed, and it is a stout one. Everyone must first get a permit from the Council before the erection of any building within the fire limits.
An ordinance organizing a fire department was also passed. It provided for a chief fire Marshal and two hose companies of twelve members each. The chief Marshal is to receive two dollars for every run made and each member of the companies one dollar. The members are enrolled for three years and are exempt from poll tax and jury duty. It is a first-rate ordinance and ought to give us an excellent fire department.
The City Attorney was instructed to draw up a vagrant ordinance whereby a person loafing around without visible means of support may be put on the rock pile.
A petition for a sidewalk on the north side of Tenth avenue running from Fuller Street east through the COURIER Place to Thompson Street, thence south to the city limits, was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
The Cowley County Coal Company were granted the right to mine coal from beneath the streets and alleys of the city. Several bills were allowed and reports received.
J. A. McGuire and other owners of Tisdale Town Site petition to vacate all the streets, alleys, and other public reservations of Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
Public Notice.

NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested that the undersigned owners of the Tisdale Town Site, the same being an unimproved town site situated in Cowley County, Kansas, and composed of the following lands, to wit: The N W quarter of the N E quarter and the N E quarters of the N W quarter of Section No. 26 and the S E quarter of the S W quarter, and the S W quarter of the S E quarter of Section No. 23, all in Township No. 32 South of Range No. 5 East, being desirous of vacating all the streets, alleys, and other public reservations of said town site, will on the 7th day of April, A. D. 1884, the same being the first day of the next regular session of the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, present to the said board a petition, praying the said Board of Commissioners to vacate all the streets, alleys, and other public reservations of said town site, at which time and place, all persons interested, may and can appear and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of such petition ought not to be, by said Board granted.
February 1st, A. D. 1884.
McGuire Brothers contribute money toward fire prevention...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires.
Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.

S. C. Smith, T. K. Johnston, Horning & Whitney, Wm. Newton, Hudson Bros., McGuire Bros., J. B. Lynn, Geo. Emerson, COURIER Co., Ella C. Shenneman, W. S. Mendenhall, Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Rinker & Cochran, Miller & Dawson, H. Beard, Whiting Bros., Hendricks & Wilson, A. E. Baird, Johnston & Hill, J. N. Harter, Farmers Bank, Wallis & Wallis, F. V. Rowland, J. S. Mann, Hughes & Cooper, A. B. Arment, Quincy A. Glass, W. L. Morehouse, McDonald & Miner, Curns & Manser, J. D. Pryor, M. Hahn & Co., O’Meara & Randolph, S. H. Myton, J. P. Baden, Telegram, Scofield & Keck, Henry Goldsmith.
R. E. Sydal, S. D. Pryor, E. G. Cole, Kraft & Dix, H. Brown & Son, Brotherton & Silver, F. M. Friend, F. H. Blair, F. H. Bull, T. J. Harris, Albro & Dorley.
Related article...
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
“Mayor Emerson made a mistake in his selection of fire marshal. Daddy Millington was the man for that position and Ed. Greer for second position. The only danger from this combination would have been that they would willingly let the town be reduced to ashes in their attempt to crush the water-works. . . .
“If Dad Millington and Me too Greer had been on the roof of Mrs. Shenneman’s stable when the firemen cut loose with their inch and a quarter stream, they would have thought that about four million of nature’s wash basins had been upset on their miserable heads.”
We have always thought that within Rembaugh’s aesthetic frame slumbered the incipient fires of a genius that would some day flash upon the world like the rays of a tallow candle on the summit of Pikes Peak. The above, from his pen, would appear to one who did not know him to be the mutterings of a disordered mind. They are really sparks from his storehouse of wit and humor, drawn from the inspiration of a ten dollar fire in a hay-mow. We might quote a column more of the same kind, from the same source, and fruits of the same inspiration, were we sure that the public would bear with us. If the marshal has ever inadvertently collected money of him as poll-tax, it ought to be refunded. There is a statute exempting such persons from municipal burdens. Their existence is a sublime proof of the mercy of God, and should be borne cheerfully.
McGuire Brothers Store, Tisdale: Joe Bourdette in charge...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
Mr. Joe Bourdette will this week take charge of McGuire Bros. store at Tisdale. Joe is one of the best salesmen in the country, pleasant and accommodating, and will soon make himself popular with the trading public of Tisdale and vicinity.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
Trunks and valises at McGuire Bros.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
John McGuire is absent in Kansas City this week on business.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The City Fathers met on Monday evening in regular session, all present. Sidewalk Ordinance 187 was passed. Report of Police Judge for December and January found correct.
The new council was organized with W. R. McDonald, President.

Petition to have stock yards, elevator, and gas works removed were referred to the committee on Public Health.
McDonald, McGuire, and the City Attorney were appointed a committee to report a revision of the license and salary ordinances.
City Clerk and Councilman McGuire were appointed committee to confer with businessmen regarding their assuming half the salary of night watch.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Old soldiers who want blue suits with G. A. R. buttons on can get them at McGuire Bros.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
The City “Dads” in Session.
The regular meeting of the City Council occurred Monday evening.
Ordinance No. 188, providing for the extension of water mains, was adopted; also sidewalk ordinance No. 189; Ordinance No. 190 amending Ordinance No. 152, fixing the salary of City Marshal and street Commissioner at fifty-five dollars per month, and an Ordinance, No. 191, fixing the fees and salaries of certain officers.
Cal Ferguson was granted a building permit.
Application of A. H. Jennings for building permit was referred to Committee on Fire Department.
A committee of three, composed of Councilmen Hodges and McGuire and the City Marshal, was appointed to see about either building, or renting at less expense than the one now used, a permanent place for fire department apparatus.
Property next to McGuire Bros. Store, Winfield, in dispute...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Judge Torrance adjourned court Monday until Thursday noon. But little business except criminal has been transacted. The Jury in the assault and battery case against Graham of Dexter failed to agree. It will be tried again next term. The suit between Col. Alexander and Uncle Joe Likowski for possession of the property next to McGuire Bros.’ store came up this term and Likowski gained a point by the court overruling demurrer to plaintiff’s petition. It looks a good deal as if Joe would be able to hold the property.
J. E. McGuire remains in cemetery. This probably refers to James E. McGuire, a brother of John A. McGuire and Thomas M. McGuire, who was killed at Tunnel Mill accident...
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
The Weather Conquered and the Day Fittingly Observed in Winfield.

Notwithstanding the drizzling rain and mud of last Friday, Winfield Post G. A. R., assisted by many willing hands, observed Decoration Day in a manner touching appropriate. Early in the morning the people began to gather in from the country and the streets were crowded—a turnout which fully exhibited the loyalty and patriotism of our citizens. The procession formed at one o’clock, headed by the Courier and Juvenile bands, the Fire Companies and the Grand Army of the Republic, in uniform. It was fully half a mile long. At the cemetery the Post went through with its beautiful and touching memorial services interspersed with appropriate music by the bands. The old soldiers then marched around to the graves and, with uncovered heads, strewed each grave with garlands of flowers. The ceremonies were very interesting and impressive, and many a bereaved heart was made glad on seeing their loved ones remembered by the comrades-in-arms. We earnestly hope that this memorial custom may last forever. It is a grand thing, and calculated to instill a profound love of country and heroism into the minds of rising humanity, into whose hands the Nation’s machinery must soon fall. It impresses them with the cost of the liberty, happiness, and prosperity we now enjoy and makes the perpetuity of this grand Union a matter of personal ambition. The old battle heroes are one by one answering the last roll call and lying down for the last sleep. When the last one shall have gone to the silent city of the dead, may those behind revere their memories as did the Grand Army of the Republic on last Friday. May the mounds which cover the moldering remains of the Boys in Blue ever receive a yearly decoration with the flowers off May. We append a list of old soldiers whose remains are in the Winfield cemeteries.
J. N. Van Doren, Henry H. Parks, A. T. Shenneman, C. L. Flint, A. A. Buck, James E. McGuire, James Carmine, N. E. Mansfield, Miles A. Bailey, S. W. Greer, Jacob Riehl, S. G. Gray, B. N. Rutherford, Nate Fisher, I. N. Corkins, James Runton.
Mrs. Thomas M. McGuire’s sister, Sarah (Nannie) Hudson, marries...
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. M. L. Garrigus and Miss Sarah Hudson were married Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. T. M. McGuire, by Dr. W. R. Kirkwood. The groom is one of the gentlemanly salesmen of the hardware establishment of Horning & Whitney, while the bride is well known to all our people and a favorite among the young folks. They have before them a future of much promise. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bruce, the latter a sister of the bride, came over from Cherryvale to attend the wedding.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of T. M. McGuire, June 29, 1884, by Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, D. D., Mr. Milton L. Garrigus and Miss Nannie Hudson, both of Winfield.
J. A. McGuire, City Councilman...
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
The City Council.
The city government transacted the usual routine of business at their regular meeting last Monday evening. The committee on streets and alleys were ordered by the council to erect two watering fountains, with troughs, on side streets.
The acceptance of the railway franchise by the Winfield Street Railway Company was filed.
Building permits were granted to A. H. Jennings and Jennings & Crippen.
The following bills were allowed and ordered paid:
Following bill referred to County Commissioners for payment:
McGuire Bros., pauper claim, $16.35.

J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
The report of the committee on credentials was read and adopted.
WINFIELD—FIRST WARD. Delegates: H. H. Siverd, B. Kelly, J. C. Long, H. D. Gans, Jno. A. McGuire, W. R. McDonald, Ed. P. Greer.
Alternates: J. S. Hunt, J. Cairns, D. A. Millington, J. W. Arrowsmith, A. Gridley, A. H. Jennings, W. J. Wilson.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
The Committee on streets and alleys was granted further time to report on construction of watering fountains.
Councilmen McGuire and Crippen and City Attorney O’Hare were appointed to determine the metes and bounds of certain adjacent territory with the necessary resolutions  taking it into the corporate limits of the city of Winfield.
A resolution compelling certain derelict property owners on Main Street to lay the gutters previously provided for by the county, and asserting the right and intention of the city, unless it was done by owners, to construct the same and assess cost against the property. This is a proper step and should be enforced at once.
A resolution requiring property owners to keep their gutters free of rubbish will now be in order.
McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Commissioners’ Proceedings, July, 1884 session.
PAUPER CLAIMS. Houghton & Kirkpatrick, Jas. Armstrong, Ware & Pickering, H. R. Rude, M. N. Sinnott, Richard Courtright, Samuel Thompson, J. N. Harter, T. W. Wood, Emily Wooden, L. S. Downs, S. B. Gailey, J. H. Sparrow, J. B. Lynn, S. B. Park, J. W. Jenkins, McGuire Bros., C. H. Staten, R. H. Moore.
J. A. McGuire, councilman...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
The city Parliament was in regular session Monday evening. The committees on finance and streets and alleys were allowed further time to report.
J. A. McGuire, chairman of committee on streets and alleys, patent street grader and freight on same, $178.14.
Supplemented plat to block 291, deeding to the city a street, was accepted and ordered on record.
Communication from property owners on north side of Fifth Avenue relating to the purchase of certain out-lots for a street, was referred to the proper committee.

Notice by the Winfield Gas Company that they had finished the system of gas-works as contemplated by Ordinances No. 176 and 177, was referred to a special committee consisting of Councilmen Hodges, McDonald, and McGuire.
A special meeting of the Council was held last night to consider certain “kicks” from merchants against street fakirs.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
As we were perambulating Thursday evening we espied a fine lot of California pears in the window of McGuire Bros., of which we partook freely. They were the first we have seen this year.
J. A. McGuire, councilman, absent in Chicago...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Owing to the absence of Councilmen McDonald and McGuire, the former in Virginia and the latter Chicago, the city government has been “all broke up” since August 4th, as far as meeting was concerned, until Monday evening last, when they ground out the pending grist.
An ordinance dividing the city into five wards, and regulating fire alarms was passed.
The petition of H. H. Siverd et al, for a four foot sidewalk on the south side of blocks 171, 191, 2121, 231, and 251 and lots 7, 8, and 9, in block 271, was granted and an ordinance ordered.
Petition of A. G. Wilson for appointment as city weighmaster for the semi-annual term ending March 6th, 1885, was laid over, and Councilmen McGuire and Hodges were appointed to examine into the matter.
J. A. McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant, Company B, Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
Meeting of Blaine and Logan Clubs and a Flambeau Club.
A meeting of the Blaine and Logan Club of Winfield was held at the Courthouse Monday evening. The meeting came to order by electing Mr. A. H. Limerick, Chairman, and W. A. McCartney, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by W. J. Wilson. Speeches were made by T. H. Soward and W. P. Hackney in favor of the complete organization and equipment of a Blaine and Logan club. It was decided to organize the club into three companies of torch-bearers and one Flambeau club. The following officers were elected: Colonel Whiting, Commander of battalion and D. L. Kretsinger, Adjutant; Spencer Miner, Captain “Co. A,” Frank Finch, 1st Lieutenant, M. B. Shields, 2nd Lieutenant, T. J. Harris, 3rd Lieutenant; Capt. J. B. Nipp, Captain of “Co. B,” W. P. Hackney, 1st Lieutenant, John McGuire, 2nd Lieutenant, H. H. Siverd, 3rd Lieutenant; Cap Steuven, Captain of the Flambeau club; H. G. Norton, 1st Lieutenant, W. A. McCartney, 2nd Lieutenant, Frank H. Greer, 3rd Lieutenant. The election of officers for “Co. C” was deferred until Tuesday evening. A meeting of the officers of the different companies was called for Wednesday morning for the purpose of appointing various committees, and deciding on the kind and number of suits and torches to be ordered. After the completion of business of the meeting, Henry E. Asp was called on, and responded in one of his characteristic speeches, after which the meeting adjourned.
Mrs. Thomas M. McGuire...

Winfield Courier, October 2, 1884.
Best machine tucked skirt, Mrs. T. M. McGuire, 1st and 2nd; ditto suit underwear.
McGuire Brothers, Tisdale and Winfield stores...
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
McGuire Bros. have their two stores chuck full of goods of every kind and will sell them cheap for cash or produce, at Winfield and Tisdale.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, October 23, 1884.
Overcoats at McGuire Bros.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
McGuire Bros., A. T. Spotswood, W. F. Wilkinson, Bryan & Lynn, J. C. Long, A. Davis & Co., Rinker & Cochran have just received a lot of the celebrated “Jayhawker, Smoking Tobacco.” It will not bite your tongue nor make your mouth sore. Try it.
J. A. McGuire, member of jury, McGuire’s corner scene of shooting...
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
Saturday Night’s Excitement has a Sequel in the Murder of a Colored Man
And the FATAL SHOOTING Of a White!
General Recklessness and Bad Whiskey the Cause.
Notwithstanding the intense excitement caused by the Presidential uncertainty, Winfield was free from dangerous passions and fatal results until Saturday night, when the deadly revolver, in the reckless hand, took the life of Charlie Fletcher (colored) and gave Sandy Burge (white) a death wound. Excitement had been at a fever heat during the evening, but had vented itself up to eleven o’clock only in civil hilarity, playing of bands, and other harmless modes of jollification. But at that hour the celebrating portion of the crowd had mostly exhausted all enthusiasm and departed to their homes, leaving the ground in charge of the more boisterous. The Democrats had been celebrating during the evening the supposed elevation of Cleveland; and though loud denunciation of disciples of both parties had been indulged in, this sad ending is thought by all to have no political significance, but merely the result of whiskey and undue recklessness. However, we present the evidence at the Coroner’s inquest, from which all can draw their conclusions. The affair is very much deplored by members of both parties, as anything but an honor to our civilization and the good name of our city.
Fletcher died within an hour after the bullet had passed through his abdomen, and was buried Monday afternoon from the colored M. E. Church, of this city, a large concourse of white and colored citizens following the remains to South Cemetery.

Burge walked, after being shot, in company with the marshal, to Smith’s lunch-room, sat down, and soon fainted away. He was taken to the Ninth Avenue Hotel, where doctors were summoned and where he remained till Sunday morning, when he was removed to his home and family in the east part of the city. He was shot with a thirty-two bullet, which entered just below the fifth rib on the right side and passed through the right lung and came very nearly out at the back. As we go to press he still lies in a critical condition, though the physicians give him the possibility of recovering. But little change has been noted in his condition since Sunday.
Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, impaneled a jury Sunday afternoon, and held an inquest on the body of young Fletcher.
The jury was composed of Messrs. John McGuire, J. B. Lynn, George Emerson, T. H. Soward, W. J. Hodges, and James Bethel, who brought in a verdict that Fletcher came to his death by a pistol shot from the hand of Sandy Burge.
A synopsis of the evidence is given herewith, which fully explains the whole affair.
The first witness called up was Andrew Shaw, colored. He said: “I saw Charlie Fletcher on the corner of Ninth and Main on Saturday night, at what hour I don’t know. I saw no one shoot, nor did I see anyone with a pistol or other weapon in hand. I saw Fletcher fall. Before this I told him to have no row. When I heard the first shot, Charlie whirled around and fired. I saw the flash of a gun from the direction where Sandy Burge was standing. I also saw Mr. Lacy there with a star on.”
Dan’l D. Miller was next called. He said: “I saw a difficulty last evening at the corner of Ninth Avenue and Main Street about 11 o’clock. I was standing on the curb-stone near the hydrant when Henry Franklin, colored, came and spoke to me. He told me he understood the white boys were making up a mob to drive the darkies out of town and if they were, they would have a good time doing it. I told him I had heard nothing of the kind and thought everything would be all right if they behaved themselves. While we were talking, Lewis Bell was also talking. A. A. Thomas, standing near, said: ‘Democrat, Republican, or any G__d d___m man that jumps on me during this campaign will carry his guts off in his hand.’ Bell said: ‘I am a Democrat and if you jump on me, I’ll see that you jump off.’ Thomas replied, ‘the hell you say.’ Thomas then left and Bell was talking about the G__d d___m niggers or coons. Franklin, colored, went to Bell and Bell knocked him down. Just at that time Sandy Burge drew his revolver. I was about two feet from him. I advanced, grabbed him by the right shoulder, and whirled him around facing south and told him to put up his gun. He replied: ‘I won’t fight a G__d d___m nigger a fist fight.’ Some man then hollowed to turn his G__d d__m gun loose or put it up. He tore loose from me and whirled round facing northeast; his pistol in hand, and immediately there was a flash of a pistol about 10 or 12 feet east of where Burge stood. At this time Burge threw his hand up, made a slight noise, and as his hand came down, his pistol fired. I saw the colored man fall and he fired his pistol as he fell. The colored man was standing 10 or 12 feet nearly north of Burge—12 feet from where the first shot was fired. The next moment Burge fired his pistol again in the same direction. I don’t know who fired the first shot. I think the first shot struck Burge. I also think the shot fired by Burge struck Fletcher and I don’t think it was Fletcher’s shot that struck Burge. There were two shots fired from down the street east of us, after Burge and Fletcher shot. The first shot of the last two burned my face and made me dodge. The second one struck the lamp post. Don’t know who fired them. Then I shot around the corner.”

Henry Franklin, colored, was then called, who testified: “I saw Charlie Fletcher at McGuire’s corner about 11 o’clock. I was standing near the lamp-post, and after Bell struck me, Fletcher passed by me. Burge was standing east of me 5 or 6 feet, on the sidewalk. I can’t tell who fired the first shot. It came from about where Burge stood. I think Burge shot twice. My opinion is that Burge shot Fletcher and Fletcher shot Burge.”
James H. Finch then took the stand: “As I stood on McGuire’s corner last night about 11 o’clock, I saw a colored man come along. He stopped just off the curb-stone and some man spoke to him. The colored man said, ‘I don’t want any trouble,’ and laughed. Somebody at this time pitched in for a squabble and then the colored man fell to the sidewalk. Someone said, ‘Give it to the son of a b___.’ Just at that time Burge put his hand to his hip pocket to draw a revolver and began backing off from where he stood, in rather a stooping position. I watched him because I had a conversation with him about an hour before and he was drinking and I thought there might be some trouble. I thought in his condition if there was trouble, he would be in it. I was some 20 feet from him when he started to draw his revolver and made toward him, thinking I could knock his revolver out of his hand or his arm up so he would not shoot into the crowd. Before I got to him he fired two shots and snapped the revolver once. He shot a little northwest. Saw the man who was shot as he commenced falling. He was 12 or 15 feet northwest of Burge. He was a colored man. Burge shot the first shot and the darky shot about the same time. I should say four or five shots were fired. The colored man was falling when he shot, and I can’t tell where the other shots came from. I thought Burge’s second shot went some other way than toward the colored man. The darky said, when I went to him, that Sandy Burge shot him.”
The next witness was Alex. Franklin, colored: “I knew Charlie Fletcher and was on McGuire’s corner about 11 o’clock last night. The first thing I saw, old man Franklin was pulling Henry Franklin off the ground. I then saw Sandy Burge’s revolver; then the reports and the blaze of it; the reports were about together, and then Charlie Fletcher fell. Charlie fired one shot and Sandy the other. I heard four shots. A stone Mason, unknown to me, shot two shots! Sandy then snapped his revolver again and walked off. Don’t know whether he shot twice or not. Charlie told me when we took him home that Sandy shot him and he shot Sandy.”
Frank A. Smith was then introduced: “I came up the sidewalk from Jim Smith’s lunch room last night about 11 o’clock. There was a crowd on McGuire’s corner. I heard a blow struck and soon after saw Sandy Burge walking backward and pulling a revolver. I told him to put up his gun. He then shot. I believe he shot down within five feet of his own feet. The next shot he fired so as to range about a person’s breast. As he shot the second shot, the colored man said, ‘I am shot!’ and fell. Fletcher told me after he was down that Sandy Burge shot him. There were from five to eight shots fired.”
Capt. J. B. Nipp testified: “I heard a fuss on McGuire’s corner last night, about 11 o’clock, and went over there. I saw Sandy Burge draw his revolver and back up. Heard several say ‘Put up your gun!’ and heard five shots fired. Saw the blaze of the pistol from where Sandy stood; think Burge did a part of the shooting and don’t know who did the rest. The time was very short between the knock-down and the shooting; the time between the first three shots was not long enough for a man to draw his revolver; about time for pulling a trigger.”

John W. Dix said: “I saw a crowd on McGuire’s corner last night a little after 11 o’clock  and ran over there. I heard a blow when nearly there and on getting to the crowd saw Sandy Burger with his revolver drawn down by his side. Someone told him to put it up or turn it loose. Then they began to rush toward him and he backed up, telling them to stand back; but they kept telling him to put it up. The words were repeated a number of times, when he backed off the crossing east a few paces and told them not to crowd him or he would shoot and started to raise his pistol; before he got it up, the colored man shot him. The flash of the colored man’s pistol was not gone before Sandy’s flashed. Sandy and the colored man shot at each other.”
A. A. Thomas next testified: “I heard there was going to be a fight and went over to McGuire’s corner. There I saw Henry Franklin, colored, staggering through the crowd. They said he had been hit. Saw Sandy Burge with his revolver out and Charlie Fletcher had his in his coat pocket with his hand on it. Sandy started off the gutter-stone and said, ‘That won’t do.’ I told Fletcher to keep his pistol in his pocket, that Sandy was bluffing. Fletcher and I walked 10 or 12 feet toward the crossing. Then Sandy shot downward into the ground. I  then moved southward and heard two shots. The smoke came from both the colored fellow and Sandy and I don’t know which shot first. It seemed that Fletcher shot as he was falling.”
The testimony of Marshal Herrod was introduced, as follows. “I took a pistol away from Sandy Burge last night just after the shooting and took one from the hands of the colored man while he yet lay in the street. (Here the balls from the wounds and the pistols of Fletcher and Burge were produced in evidence, the balls fitting exactly their respective pistols.) There was two shots out of Burge’s pistol and one out of Fletcher’s when I got them.”
Said John Easton: “I met Sandy Burge yesterday morning between 7 and 8 o’clock and in a conversation with him he said, ‘I will kill the first d___n nigger that steps in my way.’”
James McLain testified: “I heard Fletcher say that Bell couldn’t get to him; he could reach him first. I searched him about fifteen minutes after and found no pistol. Bell was cursing and swearing and had two or three rackets.”
Dr. C. C. Green testified to having found Fletcher lying in the street in a dying condition and gave location of wound, which passed through the abdomen. The bullet was a forty-five caliber.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
The city council ground out a grist of business of several week’s standing Monday night. A. G. Wilson was appointed city weighmaster for the term ending March 5, 1885. Messrs. McGuire and McDonald sustained a motion for the city to purchase scales and hire a weighmaster, but the mayor cast the determining vote against.
The City theatre license was changed from $5 to $10 per night to $3 to $10.
Petition of W. A. Lee to erect a frame stable within fire limits, was rejected.
The question of raising all main street awnings, was continued.
G. B. Shaw & Co. were granted privilege to move their scales to 6th Avenue, west of Main Street.

Permission was given the Southern Kansas Railway Company to extend its depot platform thirty feet farther West, a much needed improvement. Ordinance was ordered for the construction of gutters on the west side of Main, abutting on block 110.
Jas. Likowski was allowed $5.00 for a privy destroyed in election bonfires.
Bill of J. P. Baden, of $20.00, goods furnished one Whitford, a city pauper, was recommended to County Commissioners for payment.
J. A. McGuire, established first business in Tisdale township; first postmaster at Tisdale township...
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
The A. C. Democrat gets the following historical information from the first biennial report of the state board of agriculture. It will be read with interest by all identified with Cowley’s pioneer days.
First settlements:
Creswell Township, fall of 1869, by Henry Endicott Sr., and Larkin Moyers.
Dexter Township, January 6, 1870, by James Cloud and family.
Silverdale Township, December 1869, by George B. Green and Russell Damewood.
Tisdale Township, fall of 1870, John Phillips.
First business established:
Creswell Township, general country store, by Norton Bros.
Dexter Township, general country store, Tyler & Evans.
Silverdale Township, general country store, S. C. Winton.
Tisdale Township, J. A. McGuire.
First post office:
Creswell Township, Arkansas City, G. H. Norton, postmaster.
Dexter Township, Dexter, September, 1870, T. H. Todd, postmaster.
Silverdale Township, 1872, John Kennedy, postmaster.
Tisdale Township, Tisdale, 1871, John A. McGuire, postmaster.
Cowley County was organized in 1870.
Next item refers to “Joe” when his name was John A. McGuire: Tisdale store...
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
The old McGuire store has caught the selling at cost fever and one is almost forced to believe Joe when he puts on a sober face and declares it’s a fact.
McGuire Brothers...
Abstract of County Auditor’s Report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is an abstract of the report of the claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D., 1884.
[Report Showed To Whom/For What/Claimed/Allowed.]
  [Will attempt to put down Names/For What Only. MAW]
McGuire Bros. Pauper bill.
A. E. Baird started New York Store in 1878 in building occupied by McGuire Brothers in 1885...
   A. E. Baird. The New York Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among the pioneer merchants of Winfield, none have figured more prominently than Mr. A. E. Baird, and the New York Store has ever been a household word in Cowley County. Baird Bros. opened up in the building now occupied by McGuire Bros., as early as 1878, in general merchandise; as their business grew, they sought more commodious quarters—first in the present postoffice stand, then in Eli Youngheim’s present stand, and finally in 1880 their business had reached such proportions and their confidence in our city became so firm that they built the handsome and roomy brick and stone block now so familiar as the New York Store. Their stock was then confined to dry goods and boots and shoes. In 1881 Mr. W. F. Baird retired and the business has since been carried on by the present proprietor. Mr. Baird’s experience in dry goods is extensive and as a careful buyer in the eastern markets he has no superior, as is plainly attested by a glance through his splendid stock. His stock embraces carpets, oil cloths, gents’ furnishings, boots and shoes, and everything pertaining to a first class dry goods establishment. He pays special attention to fine and fancy dry goods and never fails to please the most fastidious lady.
McGuire Brothers: Tisdale and Winfield...
McGuire Bros. Winfield and Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
Prominent among the pioneer merchants of Winfield are McGuire Bros., and their store at “McGuire’s corner” is one of our oldest landmarks. Commencing way back in the days that “tried men’s souls,” we remember Messrs. McGuire & Crippen. A year or so after, Mr. John A. McGuire, who settled among the first at Tisdale, with a store, and was the first postmaster of that then expectant burg, formed a partnership with his brother, T. M., and made the Tisdale store a branch of their Winfield establishment; as such it still exists and is doing a thriving business in general merchandise. Their manner of dealing has always been the most honorable and their stock of goods complete, and as a result, they have a business as stationary as the sun. Their stock embraces groceries, queensware, clothing, gents furnishings, etc. In matters of public import, they have always taken an active part, and are ever ready to give a new enterprise a lift.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Petition relating to numbering the houses of the city was referred to the Committee on streets and alleys.
Same committee was given further time to report on petition to widen the sidewalk on 9th Avenue on north side of block 129.
Following pauper claims were recommended to County Commissioners for payment: Holmes & Son, coal, $18.50; Rinker and Cochran groceries, $20.00; McGuire Bros. ditto, $31.00; J. W. Johnston, coffin, $10.00; J. N. Harter, medicines, $32.00; Mrs. H. H. Horner, Midwife services, $10.00; J. S. Rothrock, board, $2.00; L. L. Beck, R. R. fare, $12.00; Geo. Emerson, Medical attendance, $151.00.
Elmer McGuire, son of John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Master Elmer McGuire was given a very pleasant surprise the other evening by some thirty of his young friends, girls and boys. The Juvenile Band, of which Elmer is a member, discoursed splendid music.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 26, 1885.
J. P. Baden, A. T. Spotswood, J. C. Long, Col. Whiting, J. A. McGuire, C. A. Bliss, M. L. Robinson, H. B. Schuler, and John A. Eaton were appointed a committee to solicit memberships to the Association.
McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 19, 1885.
Abstract of the monthly report of the County Auditor of Cowley County, Kansas, of claims certified to the County Clerk, on the First Monday of March, 1885.
[Showing Amount Allowed Only.]
McGuire Bros. pauper claims: $21.10; $5.00; $5.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers for the past week, as taken from the official records, and furnished the COURIER by the real estate firm of Harris & Clark.
B. Armstrong and wife to J. A. McGuire, sw ¼, 35, 32, 5, east. $806.00.
J. A. McGuire, city councilman...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.

The City “Dads” held an adjourned session Monday evening. Petition of August Kadau and sixteen others for sidewalk on the west side of lots 1 and 26, block 222, and along the south side of 3rd avenue fronting on lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 in same block, was referred. Councilmen McGuire and Hodges were appointed to investigate as to the amount of money in the city treasury and the amount yet to be collected with a view of adjusting the city order of Winfield Water Company, issued in July, 1884. The committee previously appointed to report territory for incorporation recommended that the city attorney commence legal proceedings at once to have the following described tracts of land added to the city’s corporate limits: Beginning at the northwest corner of the Moorehouse property, near the railroad crossing to the Tunnel mill; running along the township line to the southeast corner of Howland’s quarter, then north to the northeast corner of same quarter, then east 80 rods, then north one mile to the northeast corner of same quarter, then east 80 rods, then north one mile to the northeast corner of west half of Dr. Davis’ quarter; then west three-fourths mile to northeast corner of Vandeventer quarter; then south to Manny’s brewery; then following on south side of Dutch Creek and east side of the Walnut to west line of right of way of the Santa Fe railroad; then following railroad south to corporation line. The report was adopted, and the city attorney will proceed at once to file the proper petition before Judge Torrance and the hearing is set for the 20th of April. The petition of Frank Manny to be taken into the corporate limits was granted and the proper ordinance ordered. Bills of Leon Doroshee, work on streets, $2.75; J. M. Keck, team and carriage, $2.00, were ordered paid. Bills of City Clerk Buckman, railroad fare for Lida Vandermark, a pauper, $7.50, and J. P. Baden, goods furnished numerous paupers, $53.40, were referred to the County Commissioners for payment.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield, closing out clothing...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
McGuire Brothers closing sale on clothing is proving a big thing for purchasers. They are selling fine suits for men and boys at less than the cloth can be bought for. One man who hadn’t more than money enough to buy a vest at the clothing stores, was fitted out with a whole neat, nobby, durable suit from their stock and went away happy. They mean business and propose to “close-out” their stock of clothing.
J. A. McGuire...
The Program Entire as Adopted by Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Committee on girls and boys: F. H. Bull, chairman, J. A. McGuire, A. E. Baird.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 28, 1885.
John McGuire tried to drag Silver one day last week with his top buggy, resulting in broken buggy and ducking for John.
Lottie McGuire and Lulu [Lula] McGuire, children of J. A. McGuire; James McGuire, brother of J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
The service of grave decoration then began. The garlands were deposited by a bevy of Misses and boys, in charge of Mr. A. E. Baird and Dr. F. H. Bull, and composed as follows: Maude Conrad, Alma Rogers, Maggie Hendricks, Hortense Kelly, Maude Cooper, Lottie Caton, Lottie McGuire, Mattie Paris, Lulu McGuire, Winnie Limerick, Katie Beck; Master Charley Stewart, Robert Scott, Clifford Stubblefield, Clyde Albro, Johnnie Scott, Robbie McMullen, Waldo Baird, Charley Greer, Harry Hunt, George Carson.
The following soldiers graves were decorated.
A. A. Buck, Capt. Co. F, 13th Ill. Inft.; James E. McGuire, Co. H, 10th Ill. Inft.; Samuel W. Greer, Capt. Co. I, 15th Kansas Vol. Cav.; A. T. Shenneman, Co. D, 1st Ill. Cav.; Miles A. Bailey, Co. D, 24 Kansas Inft.; S. G. Gray, Co. H, 2nd Iowa Inft.; James H. Finch, Co. D, 13th Kan. Vol.; Jacob Riehl, in Colorado Art. Co.; Thos. Welch, Co. I, 13 Kan. Vol.; James Carmine, Co. F, 19th Ind. Inft.; B. N. Rutherford, Capt. 98th Ohio Inft.; C. L. Flint, Co. I, 40th Ill. Inft. Vol.; D. P. Herndon, Co. H, 7th Ky. Cav. Vol.; I. N. Corkins, regiment unknown; N. E. Mansfield, 92nd N. Y. Inft. Vol.; J. N. Van Doren, 130th Ill. Inft. Vol.; Henry H. Parks, Co. K, 83rd Ind. Vol.; Enoch Bembarger, 4th Iowa Cav. Vol.; Nate Fisher, regiment unknown.
Excerpt from a lengthy article: J. A. McGuire...

The Citizens of Winfield Gather En Masse to Welcome the College Committee.
Honor to Whom Honor is Due—Some Happy and Forcible Speeches.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
Among the more potent factors in obtaining this great enterprise for Winfield were the soliciting committees who circulated the sub-papers with wonderful energy and success. They raised nearly twenty thousand dollars in this way—almost every man, young and old, in the city made good subscriptions, with many donations from the ladies. Nothing could more plainly demonstrate the great liberality and public spirit of our citizens. There is no doubt that without such assiduous labor on the part of these soliciting committees, Winfield would never have got the college. The committee for Winfield city were: Capt. J. B. Nipp, Judge T. H. Soward, Judge H. D. Gans, Capt. T. B. Myers, Prof. A. Gridley, J. E. Conklin, Frank Bowen, and J. E. Farnsworth. Those soliciting in adjacent territory, as near as we can ascertain, were: Rev. B. Kelly, Col. Wm. Whiting, Rev. S. S. Holloway, Rev. J. H. Snyder, A. H. Limerick, J. A. Rinker, T. J. Johnson, Dr. S. R. Marsh, J. W. Browning, J. A. McGuire, George Gale, D. W. P. Rothrock, D. A. Sherrard, D. Gramme, W. E. Martin, A. Staggers, W. D. Roberts, E. M. Reynolds, J. C. Roberts, and C. Hewitt.
Thomas M. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
T M McGuire et ux to Geo H Crippen, lot 15, blk 127, Winfield: $1,000.00.
Elizabeth Bruce and husband to T M McGuire, lot 15, blk 127, Winfield: $1,000.00.
Mrs. Thomas M. McGuire has visitor...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Mrs. Aldina Smith, of Manitou, Colorado, is visiting with Mrs. T. M. McGuire. She was formerly Miss Bonnewell, a daughter of Lit. Bonnewell, of Beaver.
McGuire Brothers lose 45 chickens coming from Tisdale due to heat...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Thursday was a hot one. A crowd of forty-five, coming from Tisdale, just as they reached the edge of town, keeled over from the heat of the sun, dead. No means could bring them to. They were in an open wagon, and no one of the party gave any signal of distress before it happened. The driver alone was saved. They all were young, and if they had only lived, might have reached a mature old age and graced the table of THE COURIER. So it is, the young will be cut down when they are least expecting it, and the old ones will be left. McGuire Bros.’ are minus forty-five chickens, victims of the sun’s fierce rays.
John A. McGuire loses position as postmaster of Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.

John McGuire wears a long face and a melancholy grin this day. Mr. McGuire has received the intelligence that his duty as Uncle Sam’s postmaster at the city of Tisdale is about to come to an end. John has amassed a snug little fortune from this office and he gives up his grip with a deep feeling of regret.
Jim Bliss, a Democrat, get there.
John steps out and Jim steps in,
McGuire is no more for Bliss does win,
Tisdale’s mail for a time to come
Will be handled by a Bliss—full one.
John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
McGuire don’t understand how he can be classed with offensive partisans. Got to git just the same, John.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Glass fruit jars at reduced prices for the next 30 days at McGuire Bros.
Lulu [Lula] and Lottie McGuire, daughters of John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Miss Lulu McGuire, accompanied by her sister, Lottie, left on Monday for a week’s visit in Wichita with her many friends.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Dave Bright, who lives close to Salt City, arrived in town yesterday with a big load of watermelons, one of which tipped the scales at 58½ pounds. Mr. Bright claims he has one that has worn the vines out, that will soon be up this way, that will go ten pounds better. McGuire Bros. are figuring on these whoppers. If they get them, we hope to get a chance to sit down under its shade and “carv dat melon.”
Thomas M. McGuire and George Crippen...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Tom McGuire adorned THE COURIER tables Tuesday morning with a bevy of peaches that challenge the world for an equal. They were raised by Geo. H. Crippen, in the grounds of his home, on west 10th Avenue, and the finest budded fruit, any peach of which would size up with a large sized tea-cup—rosy, luscious, and fat. Mr. Crippen has a good selection of fruit, and takes much pride in its culture.
McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
McGuire Bros. take the lead on melons now. They have a 63 pounder staring the passers by in the face. It was raised by John Balmuth, near Geuda Springs. Next.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Thank heavens! Rise up and sing loud hosannas! The filth and slime that has decorated the gutter along Ninth avenue, past McGuire Bros. and the lunch counters, are no more. Marshal McFadden has taken the citadel—got the right thing in the right place, and cobble stones have been scattered in the gutter and boggy place. These let the water through and do away with the mud. You can now venture along there without holding your nose.

John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Senator Hackney, Senator Long, Judge Soward, Rev. B. Kelly, Supt. A. H. Limerick, Capt. J. B. Nipp, A. B. Arment, John McGuire, J. E. Conklin, and many others are off to take in the Topeka Soldier’s reunion. About 130 from Winfield and surroundings took the train this afternoon for Topeka. Half of the Winfield Post went. The round trip fare is but $4.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Capt. Nipp, Judge Soward, Samuel Smedley, John McGuire, and John Ledlie and others got home from the Topeka reunion Friday, badly worn out, but highly elated over the big time enjoyed.
McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Best Buckskin gloves on earth. McGuire Bros.
McGuire Brothers: Clerk Joe Hudson alert...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Saturday a young man by the name of Cates, from Rock township, about 19 years of age, entered McGuire Bro.’s store and priced some hats and caps in company with four others. Not finding anything just to suit him, he went out. Joe Hudson commenced to straighten up the pile, and, lo! and behold! there was one old hat laying on the table in place of a new one. The hats were similar but Joe’s eagle eye soon detected the change. He rushed out and found the young men at Youngheim’s trying on his large stock of hats. Joe went out and informed Marshal McFadden, who at once took the young man to the cooling off apparatus in Castle De Finch. The young man begged nobly to be let off, saying it was all a joke and that he would pay up, but no good. The Marshal’s clutches were on him. McGuire Bros., after thinking the matter over, concluded not to prosecute him and told the Marshal to let him out. He brought the young fellow up, when he owned up to taking the hat and laughed over it as being an immense joke. Such jokes don’t pan out sometimes worth a cent. If McGuire Bros. had so decided, they could have given the youth a winter’s job behind the grates. Our advice to young men is to wear their own hats and not be such practical jokers. It don’t pay with businessmen.
(?) McGuire of McGuire Brothers, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
A little fellow about ten years old entered McGuire Bros. store yesterday tired and alone, and told Mr. McGuire to cut his pocket open and he would find something for him. Upon doing so Mr. McGuire found a letter and enclosed one dollar. The letter requested Mr. McGuire to send the boy to Jasper Chandler, who lives at Tisdale. The little fellow had come all alone from McComb, Illinois, in search of his uncle, Mr. Chandler. Mr. McGuire gave him a good meal and will send him on rejoicing to his uncle. The little boy’s mother knew of McGuire Bros., and hence sent the request to them. The little fellow is full of pluck, and is just the kind of boy we want here.
McGuire Brothers...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.

100 overcoats at McGuire Bros., at 50 cents on the dollar. This is business.
McGuire Brothers, Tisdale...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
William Conrad, constable of Tisdale township, brought in Thursday one Richardson, alias Frank Williams, who is charged with breaking into McGuire Bros.’ store. Conrad suspicioned this party, and watching him, soon spotted him with a suit on he had taken and arrested him. Richardson confessed all. He is sixteen years old and is said not to be very sharp. He will probably get a term in the Reform School. The goods were all recovered.
McGuire Shanty...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Speaking of the recent sale of the Doane corner in this city, the Burden Enterprise says: “This old McGuire shanty has been a blot on Winfield’s beauty for a long time. We are glad it is to be moved. Probably more goods have been sold and more money made in this old shanty, than any one building in Cowley County. It never was pretty so it must stand back.”
McGuire Brothers Tisdale store broken into...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
McGuire Bros. store at Tisdale was broken into Wednesday night and a revolver, a suit of clothes, and various articles taken. No clue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Rollin Richardson, who broke into McGuire Bros.’ store at Tisdale, last week, plead guilty to larceny before Judge Snow and was sentenced to the State Reform School at Topeka. He is a lad of sixteen and has had a checkered career. His father was a drunkard and when Rollin was but six or seven years old his mother died in an insane asylum. Since then he has made his own way drifting all over the country from Columbia, Ohio. [Next sentence impossible to read.]
McGuire corner: criticism...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

Anathemas have been heaped for years on the heads of the men who persisted in coining large rents from the old rookeries on Main street, and yet were able to shove them off and put up good buildings. Sweeping fires have been silently longed for. Developments prove that the sticktoitiveness of those old frame buildings have been a good thing in many instances. Look at the J. P. Short corner and the McGuire corner. Nothing but the magic development of Winfield in the past year or so would prompt the erection of such magnificent buildings as the Farmers Bank and Short blocks and the projected block of the First National. Had those rookeries been removed even a year back, no such buildings would have adorned those corners—the main pillars to the business portion of the city. Now the old Keck barn has fallen into hands that will rear in its stead buildings a credit to the city. As the city grows, so does the class of its business blocks improve. The blocks now put in the place of these relics must be large, valuable, and of modern architecture to harmonize with the metropolitan air of our city. The next year will leave but a few old frame landmarks—all will be replaced by improvements worthy the coming Kansas City of the great southwest. And the opportunity for these magnificent improvements are largely traceable to these men whom we have been wont to class as hogs, in swinging to their old landmarks with enormous rents. But the edict has now gone forth, with the future of our city thoroughly established: the rookeries must go. And their owners know it, and are preparing to meet the inevitable demand.
McGuire Bros. Store, Tisdale: thief spills the beans on possible jail break...
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Sheriff McIntire, on his road to Arizona after A. V. Alexander’s peculator, took Ollie Richardson to the State Reform School at Topeka. Ollie is the orphan lad who broke into McGuire Bro.’s store at Tisdale. He plead guilty and was sentenced by Judge Snow to the Reform School where he will stay till twenty-one. He was in the jail a month or more. On the road to Topeka he gave away to Sheriff McIntire a scheme conducted by the prisoners to make a bold break for freedom one day this week. There are two large slop pails, with lids; one is taken out each evening and the other, after an all day airing, is brought in by two prisoners under guard. An outside pal was to put two loaded revolvers in this outside slop pail, the prisoners expecting, as usual, that the pail would be carried back without examination. They were to watch a time when Jailor Finch took a meal in without an official guard at the door. Two were to grab him, while the others, with the revolvers, paralyzed the guard. Finch and the guard were then to be slapped into the cooler, the iron door clamped, and the birds would fly. McIntire immediately wrote Jailor Finch to be on his guard, and the scheme was nipped in the bud. The bastille contains a dozen or more prisoners, some of them very tough cases, and had their scheme ripened, would have likely been effectual, giving the officers a good tussle at least. However, Jailor Finch is seldom found off his guard. He watches for surprises. But such superior forces would have been hard to control when they had the weapons.
Excerpts from lengthy article: John A. McGuire...
The Township Committees Meet and Arrange Propositions.
 Some Convincing Figures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.

The enthusiasm of our businessmen in securing enterprises for the advancement of our city was forcibly exhibited last night in the rousing meeting for the consideration of the extension of the Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroad, owned by the Santa Fe Co. The meeting was called to order by M. L. Robinson. W. G. Graham was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. Mr. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, and read letters from A. A. Robinson, General manager of the Santa Fe, agreeing to extend this road from Douglass to Winfield for $3,000 a mile, reserving only the necessity of erecting an independent depot here, the road to either connect with the Wichita & Southwestern at the junction just over the Walnut bridge and run into the Santa Fe depot, or cross the S. K. just east of, and using, that depot. The intention is a union depot here for the Southern Kansas, Wichita & Southwestern and Florence, Eldorado & Walnut railroads. The Santa Fe is determined to push through the Territory, which right of way it has already secured, at once. The extension will be made from Winfield, with the machine shops, roundhouse, etc., for this southern division and the roads of southern Kansas, at this place. An editorial elsewhere explains the requirements and advantages fully. Enthusiastic speeches were made last night in favor of this and other enterprises by Rev. B. Kelly, Henry E. Asp, T. H. Soward, Senator Jennings, John A. Eaton, and John McGuire.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
John A. McGuire gave $5.00.
McGuire Brothers store, Winfield, used by committee...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The Woman’s Relief Corps of Winfield will give a dinner and supper on Friday, New Year’s day, at the Opera House. The object is to raise money to replenish their relief fund which is used for charitable purposes in the relief of the worthy poor. We earnestly request a liberal patronage from all. A soliciting committee will call on many of our citizens to contribute eatables, etc. And to all whom the committee shall not be able to see, prepare what you can and bring it to the Opera House early Friday morning, or leave your name, street, and number at McGuire Bros. store, where the committee can get it and send a team around early Friday morning.
McGuire corner: to be site for First National Bank building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The plans for the new First National Bank building, on the McGuire corner, as pencil sketched by Architect Ritchie, show a structure whose magnificence can’t be discounted in the state. It is full a hundred and forty feet deep, ninety feet of which will be used for the bank and its private offices, and the remainder will be three store rooms forty-eight feet deep, extending on Col. Alexander’s lot, who will build at the same time. The building is full three stories high, with large windows and modern relief clear along its Ninth and Main fronts. The stairway will lead up from the center of the building on Ninth. Its entire arrangement is of modern architecture, unexcelled in exterior design and interior appointments. The First National Bank folks are determined to lay everything in the shade with this structure, and the plans are proof that they will.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield, announce they are leaving their store...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
Having to give up our store room in 30 days, our goods must go for what they will bring.
McGuire Bros.
McGuire Brothers, Winfield, customers has accident...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

M. M. Scott met with a severe accident Saturday at McGuire Bros.’ store. He and Walter Denning were scuffling when Denning pushed him over a box; and falling over himself upon Scott, crowded him against a box. Upon getting up it was found that Mr. Scott had broken a rib. He was taken home in a buggy and Dr. Emerson sent for. It is very unfortunate for Mr. Scott and much regretted by Mr. Denning, that such an accident should arise from a little fun.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The G. A. R. Post, of this city, whose noble assistance has made many a happy heart among unfortunate veterans’ families, appointed Monday the following relief and employment committee: B. McFadden, H. H. Siverd, W. E. Tansey, P. P. Powell, and J. A. McGuire. This committee is for the purpose of relieving such old soldiers as need relief and getting employment for those able to work. All such apply to this committee.
McGuire corner: outline for bank...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
The First National Bank folks have accepted the plans of Architect Willis A. Ritchie for their magnificent bank block on the McGuire corner, and have employed him as architect and superintendent. This will be one of the very finest blocks in the city—as fine as any in the State. It is full three stories, 140 feet deep, with very artistic fronts on Main and Ninth. It is modern and imposing in every particular. The first ninety feet will be occupied by the First National Bank and its private offices, appointed and furnished in metropolitan style. On the rear will be three store rooms, extending fifty feet back, on Alexander’s lot. Col. Alexander expects to build at the same time. The stairway leading to the second and third floors will be eight feet wide and located at the building’s center on Ninth. The old rookery will be moved off by March first and the excavation begun, when the construction will be pushed rapidly.
John A. McGuire buys and will move McGuire Store building to vacant lot...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
John McGuire has purchased the store building where they are and will move it on the vacant lot between the Popp and Farringer buildings, on South Main, where he will still continue in the merchandise business.
John A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
John McGuire has bought the Farringer property, on South Main, for $2,500 for a little speculation.
McGuire Brothers lease Doane building, under construction...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
McGuire Bros. have leased the Doane building now under construction on 9th avenue, where they will conduct their business the same as in the past.
McGuire Brothers sell Tisdale store to Mull & Wilson...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
McGuire Bros. have sold their Tisdale store to Mull & Wilson. M. M. Mull is one of that township’s oldest citizens. The new firm will open an implement house in connection with the general merchandise.
McGuire Bros. plan to occupy frame building, being built by A. H. Doane on the corner of East Ninth & Millington, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.

A. H. Doane’s frame business building, corner of Ninth & Millington, is going up and will be occupied by McGuire Bros. It would seem to be a mistake in putting up a frame building on such a valuable corner, with the grand prospect that this year shows. Before 1886 is closed very few of the old rookeries will be left on Ninth, two blocks down. Substantial buildings, anywhere for business houses, are far safer for the city and the investor. Mr. Doane will erect a fine stone block, handsome cut front, on the lot now occupied by the Schofield stable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 18, 1886.
McGuire Bros. will move today to their new building on east 9th.
Kropp moving old McGuire building to lot owned by J. A. McGuire next to the South Main music conservatory...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Fred Kropp has his wheels under the old McGuire building and soon this oldest landmark will hie itself to John McGuire’s lot next to the South Main music conservatory. In its place will rear one of the largest and finest blocks in Kansas, fifty foot front and the handsomest design. The excavation on the cleared part is being rapidly pushed. The First National folks and Col. Alexander mean to have nothing excel them.
History of old McGuire rookery given...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The removal of the old McGuire rookery, revealing the ten-year old sign on the Mullen building, “groceries, wines, and liquors,” brings up queer memories and comparisons. This building was one of the first general supply houses of the city and later the saloon of Joe Likowski and has a romantic history were it known.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
When the McGuire building on the corner was moved out the other day, it exposed an old anti-prohibition-times sign on the next building, reading “Wines & Liquors.” It looked odd in these temperance times.
J. A. McGuire on jury...
The Crazy Ward of the Bastille Goes Off by the Carbolic Acid Route.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.

The troubles of Lincoln Addensell, the crazy ward at the jail, are over. Saturday afternoon he got so obstreperous that, as had been done before when he got these spells, Jailor Herrod locked him in a cell. He usually had the freedom of the office and slept in the side room. Going in to give the prisoners their suppers, Tom unlocked Addensell’s cell door to find him flat on the floor. Tom thought him asleep and shook him. He was dead. Not until Coroner Wells’ inquest, with Ed. G. Gray, Ed Pate, J. A. McGuire, J. T. Houston, John Bobbitt, and S. Allison as jury men, and Drs. Downey, Mendenhall, and Balsley held a post mortem, did those familiar with the case think it otherwise than instantaneous death from apoplexy or some brain collapse. Then it was found that his stomach was “cooked” with half a saucer full of cedar oil and carbolic acid—among the quickest poisons know. Not a struggle was apparent. No noise was heard by the prisoners, who could easily have heard any struggles. The carbolic acid, in a quart bottle, was used in the jail to kill those little inflicters of the body and for a general disinfectant. It had been in trust of the prisoners for a long time, to use whenever needed. It happened to be sitting on the window sill of this cell, and with animal innocence, Addensell tried it. No one familiar with his case thinks he had any suicidal intent. So diseased had become his enlarged brain that only Saturday he gathered green grass in the yard and ate it, like an ox. The jury brought in a verdict freeing the jail officials from any blame in the death. He was placed in the cell without the least knowledge of the presence of the acid in that apartment. At four o’clock Sunday the officials buried the body, from Arment’s Undertaking house, in the potter’s field of the Union Cemetery.
It is well that Addensell is gone. His malady was incurable; his parents and relatives were inhuman; and the only peace to his dethroned reason echoed from the other shore. This is the greatest exhibition of parental neglect and cruelty that could possibly be shown. This boy, only about twenty-one or two, had all the native marks of refinement and early education. Last fall his father, an opulent businessman of New York City, who is now recreating in Europe, ticketed Lincoln for Arkansas City, sending money to the Leland hotel to pay board and incidentals. The boy’s mind was then just on the brink of gradually increasing insanity. He got so bad that his presence in Arkansas City was dangerous. He was adjudged insane by Judge Gans, in January, and has since been a bastille ward, awaiting a time when the state Imbecile Asylum could receive him. Since this knowledge reached his relatives, the money ceased to come. Not a word of sympathy or consideration could be adduced. Such indifference is inhuman in the extreme and deserves the execrations of earth and heaven. He was given every attention possible by the jail officials. The last few weeks have required a constant watch and trouble incalculable. The boy’s insanity, say the physicians, besides an abnormal brain, was the result of his own indiscretions.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Read & Robinson to J A McGuire, lot 10, blk 111, Winfield: $1,200.00.
Winfield Town Association to John A McGuire, lot 10, blk 11, Winfield, q-c: $1.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
Francis L Smith & hus to J A McGuire, lots 11 & 12, blk 111, Winfield: $2,500.00.