Samuel Newitt Wood


Chase County and Topeka.

Edited by FRANK W. BLACKMAR, A. M., Ph.D.
Copyright 1912 by Standard Publishing Company. Vol. II, Page 933.
Wood, Samuel Newitt, one of the men who played an important part in the stirring evens of early Kansas history and for many years assisted in making her laws, was born at Mount Gilead, Ohio, Dec. 30, 1825, the son of Quaker parents, from whom he imbibed his anti-slavery sentiments at an early age. He received the ordinary common school education of the locality where he was born and reared, and while still a mere youth became greatly interested in politics and the burning questions of the day. In 1844, although too young to vote, he was chairman of the liberal party central committee of his county. Four years later he supported Martin Van Buren, the Free-soil candidate for president. One of the lines of the underground railroad passed near his home in Ohio, Mr. Wood being one of the conductors on the route. In 1859, on his return from a trip with some negroes, he made the acquaintance of his future wife, Margaret W. Lyon. He taught school and at the same time read law and was admitted to the bar on June 4, 1854. Long before that time he had determined to cast his lot with Kansas to assist in her admission to the Union free from the taint of slavery, and two days after being admitted to practice, he was on his way to the territory. Early in July he located on a claim four miles west of Lawrence. Mr. Wood immediately entered into the political and social life of the locality and became an acknowledged local leader of the free-state party. He was one of the men who rescued Jacob Branson from Sheriff Jones, an act which brought on the Wakarusa war (q. V.); was a delegate to the Pittsburgh, Pa., convention which organized the Republican party in 1856; to the Philadelphia convention the same year, and to the Leavenworth constitutional convention in 1858. The following year he removed to Chase county; represented Chase, Morris, and Madison counties in the territorial legislatures of 1860 and 1861; was a member of the first state senate in 1861 and again in 1867; was a member of the house in 864, 1866, 1876, and 1877, and speaker during most of the last session. In 1864 he was appointed brigadier-general of the state militia, and in 1867 judge of the 9th judicial district. For two years he was in Texas; was one of the original stockholders of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad; was part owner of the Kansas Tribune of Lawrence in the 1850s; established the first newspaper at Cottonwood Falls—the Kansas Press; and at Council Grove—the Council Grove Press. He was latter connected with the Kansas Greenbacker of Emporia, the Topeka State Journal, the Woodsdale Democrat, and the Woodsdale Sentinel of Stevens County. He was also a reformer or a progressive in politics, and was a member of the Republican, Greenback, Labor, and Populist parties. He was killed on June 23, 1891, by Jim Brennen, as the result of a county seat fight in Stevens County.

Written and compiled by WILLIAM E. CONNELLEY.

CONSTRUCTIVE TREASON. All efforts of the executive to involve the Free-State people of Kansas in a conflict with the United States having failed, recourse was had to the Judicial Department of the Territorial Government. On the 5th of May, 1856, Judge Lecompte delivered instructions to a grand jury at Lecompton. From that part of his charge relating to conditions in Kansas Territory, this is taken.
“This Territory was organized by an act of Congress, and so far its authority is from the United States. It has a Legislature elected in pursuance of that organic act. This Legislature, being an instrument of Congress, by which it governs the Territory, has passed laws. These laws, therefore, are of United States authority and making, and all who resist these laws resist the power and authority of the United States, and are therefore guilty of high treason.
“Now, gentlemen, if you find that any person has resisted these laws then you must, under your oaths, find bills against them for high treason. If you find that no such resistance has been made, but that combinations have been formed for the purpose of resisting them, and individuals of notoriety have been aiding and abetting in such combinations, then must you find bills for constructive treason.”
Acting upon these instructions, the grand jury began to examine witnesses preliminary to the indictment of the leading Free-State men of the Territory for high treason. James F. Legate, of Leavenworth, was a member of the grand jury. He was a Free-State man. He believed it was not inconsistent with his oath as a juryman to let the principal Free-State men know what was contemplated by the grand jury. He went at night to the house of Judge Wakefield. From thence he rode to Tecumseh, where depositions were being taken by the Investigating Committee. Finding Charles Robinson there, he told him what was transpiring in the room of the grand jury. Legate was late in his attendance upon the jury the next day, but managed to find a plausible excuse and was only reprimanded by the Judge.
Within a day or two, Deputy Marshal Fain served a summons on Andrew H. Reeder, who was attending sessions of the Investigating Committee, requiring him to appear as a witness before the grand jury. Reeder refused to obey this summons on the ground that he was a member of Congress, and other grounds. On the following day the Marshal came with a warrant for Reeder for contempt of court. He declined to respond to this writ on the grounds of informality in the writ of attachment itself; his privileges as a member of Congress; and his belief in the insecurity of his person and life in case he should obey. He appealed to the investigating committee for protection, but got no help from that body. He wrote a letter to Judge Lecompte offering to appear before the jury if his personal safety could be guaranteed. The Chief Justice said that the matter had gone out of his hands, which was equivalent to saying that no protection could be furnished. Reeder became alarmed, believing his life in danger. When the committee adjourned to meet at Leavenworth, he fled to Kansas City. The Law and Order party determined to prevent his leaving the Territory. At Kansas City he remained hidden in the American Hotel, then conducted by S. W. Eldridge, a Free-State man, for several days. Later he disguised himself and was taken by Thomas B. and Edward Eldridge down the Missouri River in a skiff at night. He was garbed as a wood-chopper. At Randolph he boarded a steamboat going down the Missouri, taking deck passage. At St. Charles he left the boat and went across the country to Illinois.

Governor Robinson came to believe his life in danger. Both he and Reeder were summoned before the grand jury, sitting at Lecompton. Both refused to obey the summons. Attachments to compel them to attend were issued. Reeder defied the marshal and invoked the aid of the investigating committee. Sherman and Howard sustained him. When the marshal advanced to arrest him, Reeder warned him that he did so at the peril of his life. Knowing that Reeder was at bay and would defend himself desperately, the marshal hesitated, and finally concluded to desist at that time. This occurred at Lawrence. Robinson had no such defense as that of Reeder. The marshal was jeered by Free-State men when he backed down before the determined stand of Reeder. Robinson kept out of the way. The marshal could not find him. Both he and Reeder determined to leave the Territory. As a plausible cause for his departure, it was decided to arm Robinson with some of the testimony taken by the investigating committee. This he could exhibit to friendly members of Congress and others in Washington. This was in violation of right. The committee had no authority to favor either side, and should not have given out what had been collected without the consent of both parties to the contest.
Thus equipped Robinson left Kansas. And Reeder could have carried the evidence to Eastern friends. There was, in fact, no necessity for both Reeder and Robinson to go East on this errand or business. One of them would have been enough. But times in Kansas, in those years, developed crises dangerous to all. Pro-Slavery Territorial Governors found it necessary at times to get out of Kansas. So, the matter of carrying up to Washington a brief of the testimony taken by the investigating committee was made an excuse for Governor Robinson to flee the Territory and evade arrest on the warrant carried by Marshal Donalson for his apprehension for contempt of the U. S. District Court, sitting then at Lecompton. Writing from Westport, May 11, 1856, the correspondent of the Missouri Republican said:
“Yesterday, the United States Marshal attempted to arrest Reeder and Robinson for contempt of Court, and they swore they would not be taken, and were defended by the rebels who do their bidding. Last week they were summoned by Judge Lecompte, United States Judge, to appear before the Grand Jury of Lecompton; but they refused to appear, and it was for this contempt that they were to be arrested.”
The following day the correspondent sent this:
“Robinson and Reeder being summoned before the Grand Jury, refusing, and having got in a tight place, fled. Robinson passed down Saturday, but an eye or two being on him, he got no further than Lexington, where he is locked up, awaiting the requisition of Governor Shannon.”
On the 13th the same paper had this concerning the situation as affecting Reeder and Robinson:
“It is the determination of Judge Lecompte that offenders shall be brought to justice, and writs have accordingly been issued for Robinson, Reeder, and about seventy-five or one hundred others, either to appear before the grand jury to testify, or to appear at Court for trial.”
The Republican correspondent was in error as to his dates. And it is doubtful whether Robinson could have been found at all by Marshal Donalson after the issuance of the warrant for his arrest. He, with his wife, set out from Lawrence on the 8th of May.

At Lexington he was recognized, arrested, and taken from the steamboat. There they charged that he was running away from arrest in Kansas. Robinson replied that even if he were running away, he could see no grounds for another State to interfere. He remained a prisoner for one week at Lexington, when he was returned to Kansas on a requisition from Governor Shannon. This requisition was based on the indictment for treason, not contempt of court. He arrived at Leavenworth on the 24th of May and was put in charge of Captain Martin, of the Kickapoo Rangers, who held him in custody until the 1st of June. At that time he was taken to Lecompton, where he was imprisoned until the 10th of September when he was released on $5,000 bail.
The grand jury returned indictments for high treason against Andrew H. Reeder, Charles Robinson, James H. Lane, George W. Brown, George W. Deitzler, George W. Smith, Samuel N. Wood, and Gaius Jenkins. It also returned indictments against the Free-State hotel in Lawrence, and the two Free-State newspapers published there, as the report shows.
“The grand jury, sitting for the adjourned term of the first district court in and for the county of Douglas, in the Territory of Kansas, beg leave to report to the honorable court that from evidence laid before them, showing that the newspaper known as the Herald of Freedom, published at the town of Lawrence, has from time to time issued publications of the most inflammatory and seditious character, denying the legality of the territorial authorities, addressing and commending forcible resistance to the same, demoralizing the popular mind, and rendering life and property unsafe, even to the extent of advising assassination as a last resort. . . .
The Commonwealth, November 11, 1870.
The A., T. & S. F. Road, and the Chase County Trouble.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth:

One thousand head of Texas cattle have been driven to Emporia, and shipped over the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad within a few days. Two thousand head have just been shipped up from Chetopa to Emporia over the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe to Topeka and down the Kansas Pacific. Cattle are now constantly shipped from Council Grove via Emporia, and thence over the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. Cattle are coming down from almost Abilene to be shipped over the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. It is fast becoming the great cattle route of Kansas. The only drawback now is the completion of the road to Cottonwood Falls, and the enormous charges of the Kansas Pacific road. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road charges only $15 a car from Topeka to Emporia, sixty-one miles, whilst last Saturday night cattle were billed at Topeka to Kansas City, only sixty-nine miles, at $30 per car. Cattle men are determined to no longer ship over the Kansas Pacific; their charges are outrageous. To secure this immense trade, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road must do two things: First, hurry their road to Cottonwood Falls; second, get an eastern connection independent of the Kansas Pacific road—in a word, bring the Chicago & Southwestern road to Leavenworth & Topeka. This route, thus completed, would control the cattle trade next year. Let the A., T. & S. F. road carry out their agreement and build this road to Cottonwood Falls at once, and thus secure this trade. But, instead of hurrying this road on to secure this trade, the company have now stopped to quarrel with Chase County about the right of way. They stopped four months to wait for Chase County to vote bonds. We voted them $125,000; they accepted the conditions, completed the contract, signed up the papers, filed them with our county clerk, and now Mr. Peter attempts to avoid his contract, and is enjoined, and the road delayed indefinitely. As this road is being built with the proceeds of county bonds, and proceeds of public lands, is it not possible to control the location of the road for the benefit of the people by legislation? And cannot we compel them to build from Topeka to Atchison, giving us a northern connection? Or are we at the mercy of a lot of speculators, who would suck our very life blood to enrich themselves?
In haste. S. N. WOOD.
Walnut Valley Times, November 18, 1870.
TEXAS CATTLE. [From the Emporia Tribune.] EMPORIA, KANSAS, Nov. 7, 1870.
EDITOR OF TRIBUNE. Is Texas to be a great shipping point for cattle next year? is a question our people must answer for themselves. On some accounts, Emporia is the best point in Southwestern Kansas. Here shippers will have their choice of at least two routes:
1st, Over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe and Kansas Pacific, to Kansas City. Soon the Chicago and Leavenworth and Topeka, giving us a direct route to Chicago.
2nd, We have here the route down the valley via Fort Scott and Sedalia to St. Louis. Eventually we shall have the road to Ottawa and then choice of routes either to Kansas City, or direct to St. Louis via Paola and Holden. From 2,000 to 3,000 Texas cattle have been shipped from Emporia this fall, and no one injured. Col. S. N. Wood of Cottonwood Falls has shipped from this point 850 head direct from Texas; but the quiet manner in which the business has been done has benefitted Emporia but little.
Now Arkansas City is our objective point. It is fifty to sixty miles nearer to the cattle region of Texas than Wichita; is 150 miles nearer than Baxter Springs, and is the natural point for Texas cattle to reach our state. What we need is a route selected with care, so that the cattle and this trade can reach Emporia. This done, our city becomes at once the headquarters of the cattle trade of Texas. It would be the outfitting point of all returning drovers. It would bring trade to Emporia worth a million dollars a year. Will your member elected to the Legislature have nerve enough to take this “Texas bull by the horns,” and bring this immense trade to Emporia? It would be even a measure of protec­tion to the country. There would then be no excuse for “smuggling.” Hoping that your readers may at least think on this subject, I am truly, etc. A CITIZEN.
The Commonwealth, November 18, 1870.

To the Editor of the Commonwealth: The election of the 8th was favorable in its result. The entire republican ticket was elected: H. B. Norton, for representative, carrying four out of the six townships over E. C. Manning, “people’s” candidate. However, the county commissioners have thrown out the vote of four townships—just two-thirds of the county—in order to give Manning and his compeers, themselves included, the certificates! Even Jim Lane and Sam Wood would have recoiled from such a trick. This was done on the plea of informality; a stale, played-out shyster’s dodge. It won’t hold water. The proceedings in the contest have already begun, and the lawyers are delighted. Arkansas City has some sixty business houses and residences, and is fully five times as large as any other town in the county. Our streets are crowded, all sorts of business enterprises are in progress, and all things go ahead. Our people are very mad, but confident and happy. X.
The Commonwealth, November 26, 1870.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth: In your daily issue of the 18th inst. appears a sensational article from Arkansas City, relative to the result of the election in this county, signed X. It contains some errors. Here are the main ones taken from the letter, the remainder of which is lost. “The election of the 8th was favorable in its result. The entire republican ticket was elected—H. B. Norton, for representative, carrying four out of six townships over E. C. Manning, ‘people’s’ candidate. However, the county commissioners have thrown out the vote of four townships—just two-thirds of the county—in order to give Manning and his compeers, themselves included, the certificates! Even Jim Lane and Sam Wood would have recoiled from such a trick. This was done on the plea of informality; a stale, played-out shyster’s dodge.”
The entire “people’s ticket” was elected except two. If every vote and pretended vote in the county had been counted, ten out of fourteen candidates on the people’s ticket were elected. Error No. 1 corrected. There are but three instead of six legally established townships in the county. Error No. 2 corrected. Two of those townships were counted and one rejected. Error No. 3 corrected. The vote of three precincts (97 votes in all) were not contested because the poll books did not state where the election was held. The returns from the localities were not taken cognizance of by the board of commissioners because no precincts had ever been established there. Capt. G. H. Norton, a brother of the candidate for the legislature, is one of the county commissioners and was the first member of the board to vote to throw out the first precinct that was rejected. Capt. G. H. Norton and T. A. Blanchard are two of the commissioners re-elected by the “people’s ticket,” and hence the Captain is one of Manning’s “compeers.”
There are eight precincts established in the county. The returns from three of them were rejected. Had the three rejected returns been counted, it would have made no difference in the result. Winfield cast 171 votes, Arkansas City 143. XX.
The Commonwealth, November 29, 1870.
COWLEY COUNTY AGAIN. To the Editor of the Commonwealth: In your issue of the 26th, “XX,” writing from Winfield, makes a statement that certainly “contains some errors.” He says “there are but three instead of six legally established townships in the county.” I find on file in the office of the secretary of state, a record in the hand and also the signature of E. P. Hickok, clerk of Cowley County, describing the organization of Rock Creek, Winfield, Creswell, Cedar, Grouse, and Dexter townships, by the county commissioners last May; accompanied with a full map of the same! This record is not to be found in the office of the present (deputy) county clerk. What villain’s hand has abstracted and destroyed it? I have also on file the poll books from the rejected precincts. The informalities are very slight; the clerks and judges were as well known to the county commissioners as their own brothers; the case will not hold one moment against the legality of the returns in any court of justice.

It is flatly false that Capt. G. H. Norton was the first to object to the returns. T. A. Blanchard did that, and Capt. Norton’s vote, in opposition to the entire iniquity, is on record.
Capt. G. H. Norton’s name was put upon the “people’s ticket” without his knowledge or consent, and voted for against his protest.
“XX” says “there are eight precincts established in the county.” I find in the Censor, of Oct. 8th, over the signature of W. Q. Mansfield, deputy county clerk, and T. A. Blanchard, county commissioner, the following statement: “The precincts, as established by law, are as follows: Rock Creek precinct, Nenescah precinct, Floral precinct, Armstrong precinct, Dwyer precinct, Dexter precinct, Grouse precinct, South Bend precinct, Creswell precinct, Winfield precinct.” Just ten precincts in six townships; of which four townships, or two-thirds of the county, were rejected.
“Arkansas City cast 143 votes,” almost every vote being challenged by Mr. Cook.
“Winfield cast 171 votes,” not a vote being challenged, upon the ruling that no person not residing in the township, had the right to challenge.
Winfield village has about one fifth the buildings, business, and population of Arkansas City. “Villainy somewhere; whose?”
The republican ticket has a legal majority of ninety votes, as will appear at the pending trial. Notwithstanding the frauds, a counting of all the votes would give H. B. Norton eight majority. XXX. Topeka, Nov. 27, 1870.
Emporia News, February 3, 1871.
A company has been organized under the above name, having for its object the construction of a railroad commencing at Council Grove, Morris County, Kansas, and thence by way of Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Chelsea, El Dorado, Augusta and Douglass, Butler County, Winfield and Arkansas City, Cowley County, and thence on the most direct and practicable route to Florence, near the mouth of the Little Wichita, on Red River, Texas.
The capital stock of said company to be one million dollars. A meeting of the directors of said company was held at Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, Kansas, January 4th, A. D. 1871. The proceedings of the meeting were as follows. In the absence of Hon. T. H. Baker, President, Vice President C. A. Britton took the chair. After a lengthy discussion of the project by Messrs. Wood, Baker, Stover, and others, the meeting proceeded with the following action: At the request and recommendation of G. M. Simcock, treasurer by the charter, William Shamleffer was elected to fill vacancy as director and treasurer. H. L. Hunt was also elected to fill vacancy of director.
S. N. Wood, superintendent, was authorized to cause books to be opened in the Indian Territory and in Texas for subscriptions to the capital stock of the company. Hon. E. S. Stover was authorized to open books in Council Grove, Morris County; H. L. Hunt in Chase County; T. H. Baker in Augusta; H. T. Sumner in El Dorado, Butler County; E. C. Manning in Winfield; and H. B. Norton in Arkansas City, in Cowley County, Kansas.

On motion Hon. E. S. Stover, Hon. James Finney, Hon. S. N. Wood, Hon. L. S. Friend, Hon. T. H. Baker, and Hon. E. C. Manning were appointed a committee to ask the Legislature of the State of Kansas for the passage of a memorial asking Congress to grant the right of way to the above railroad company through the government lands in the south of Kansas and the Indian Territory to Texas. It was moved and adopted that S. N. Wood, H. P. Dumas, and A. Eldridge be a committee to procure action and the influence of the Legislature of Texas in favor of obtaining the right of way through the Indian Territory and also obtaining a grant of land from the State to the company. The said committee were also authorized to present to the proper authorities the question of getting a transfer of the Atchison branch road as required by act of Congress, running from where said Atchison road crosses the Neosho River to where the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston road crosses the same, to run from Cottonwood Falls, Chase County, by way of the Walnut Valley in Butler and Cowley Counties, to the south line of the State of Kansas.
Moved and adopted that the Superintendent cause a preliminary survey of the road to be made, if the same can be done without involving the company in debt. Moved and adopted that the proper officer, as soon as local subscriptions are sufficient, cause to be let under contract any portion of said road and, also, to negotiate with any other railroad company to construct any part or the whole of said road. It was also resolved that the secretary correspond with the secretary of St. Joseph, Wamego and Council Grove R. R. Co., in relation to the probability or possibility of forming a continuous line of the two roads. It was moved that subscriptions to capital stock of the company be received, payable in county and township bonds, lands, or town lots at their cash value, and that certificates of paid up stock be issued therefor as well as the ordinary subscriptions of stock in money. Ordered that the secretary furnish a copy of the proceedings of this meeting to the newspapers of Morris, Chase, Butler, and Cowley Counties. Moved and adopted that the meeting adjourn subject to call by the secretary. C. A. BRITTON, Vice-Pres’t. W. S. ROMIGH, Secretary.
Walnut Valley Times, May 19, 1871.
RAILROAD MEETING. There will be an informal meeting of the Corporators, Stock-holders and Directors of the Chicago, Kansas and Texas Railroad, at Eldorado, May 22nd, 1871, one o’clock P.M. It is hoped that every locality from Council Grove to Arkansas City will be found represented. S. N. WOOD, Sup’t.
Emporia News, June 2, 1871.

Having been notified that a delegation from Cottonwood Falls, consisting of Col. S. N. Wood, Judge W. R. Brown, W. A. Morgan, Esq., W. S. Smith, and C. A. Britton would visit Americus today to consult with her citizens in relation to a railroad from Americus, on the M., K. & T. railroad, via Toledo and Cottonwood Falls, to the Walnut Valley, and thence via Arkansas City to Texas, a meeting convened at the schoolhouse, comprising nearly all the businessmen and other citizens of the town, and a considerable number from the country. J. W. Adair was called to the chair, and R. W. Randall chosen secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, Col. S. N. Wood was called for, who stated that at a meeting held at Cottonwood Falls, Friday night, the committee of gentlemen who now accompanied him, had been delegated to meet and talk with the people of Americus on the subject of railroad as above outlined. The Colonel then proceeded to illustrate the practicability of its route, showing the connections that could be made, and also the franchises that could be secured to build the road. Col. Wood’s remarks were clear and practical, and were attentively listened to by the gentlemen composing the meeting. Judge W. R. Brown, of Cottonwood Falls, was next called out. He stated that the people of the Falls, and of the Walnut Valley, were unanimously in favor of this route, and would aid, by township and county bonds, to the extent of their means, to build this road. He believed a proper effort now along the line would result in the immediate construction of this road. Hon. J. W. Loy was next called for, and expressed his belief that the people of Americus and vicinity would willingly aid all in their power to build this road. He considered this route eminently practicable, and the road one of the utmost importance to this locality; would lend every effort in his power to help it along. Rev. F. D. Loy, R. W. Randall, Watson Grinnell, Esq., J. W. Adair, and others followed, expressing entire confidence in the ability of the people to get this enterprise under way, and eventually secure the building of the road. They thought the people of Americus township would do their share.
A committee of five, consisting of R. W. Randall, J. W. Loy, J. W. Adair, L. A. Wood, and J. D. Gibson were appointed to meet the delegation present tomorrow, for the purpose of organizing a company to start this road, and also to appoint a committee to visit Hon. R. S. Stevens, General Manager of the M. K. & T. R. R., and endeavor to get that company interested in the building of this road.
On motion, the Secretary was instructed to furnish copies of the proceedings of this meeting to the publishers of the Cottonwood Falls, Emporia, Topeka, and Walnut Valley papers for publication. The meeting then adjourned. J. W. ADAIR, Chairman.
R. W. RANDALL, Secretary.
The Commonwealth, August 19, 1871.
A company has been organized in Topeka, whose articles of association were filed with the secretary of state on the 16th inst., and are as follows. The name and style of the company shall be the “Topeka, Cottonwood and Walnut Valley Railway Company.” The purposes for which the company is organized is the building, construction, maintaining, and operating of a railway and telegraph line in connection therewith, commencing at the city of Topeka, in the county of Shawnee, and running in a southern direction by what the said company may find to be the most feasible and desirable route, through the counties of Shawnee, Osage, Lyon, Chase, Butler, and Cowley, with branches as may be required. The length of the road is estimated at two hundred and fifty miles. This corporation shall exist perpetually.
The number of directors shall be thirteen (13) and for the first year shall be as follows: E. W. Dennis, C. K. Holliday, T. J. Anderson, John Guthrie, Joel Huntoon, Wallace McGrath, F. P. Baker, Thad H. Walker, of Topeka; John Brown, Shawnee County; R. W. Randall, Lyon County; S. N. Wood, Chase County; J. C. Lambden, Butler County; H. B. Norton, Cowley County.
The capital stock shall be two million five hundred thousand dollars in twenty-five thousand shares of one hundred dollars each.
The place for the transaction of the business of the company shall be at the city of Topeka, in Shawnee County, Kansas.
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.

The meeting at Augusta the other day (where Toledo and Bazaar were pledged to vote $25,000 each in township bonds) to organize a “Walnut Valley Railroad Company,” in the interest of Emporia, refused to organize, and resolved to vote $200,000 in bonds and take stock in the road from Cottonwood Falls. The Walnut Valley takes no stock in Emporia promises. Sam. Wood.
We find the above in the Walnut Valley Times and publish it to call attention to the falsehoods it contains. We happened to be present at the meeting as a looker on. Toledo and Bazaar were not pledged for a single cent of township bonds. Sam Wood has been trying to pledge them and run them for all sorts of moonshine railroads. There were just three votes in favor of giving $200,000 to Sam Wood, and the meeting was packed for that purpose. The voters were mostly newcomers, and did not know Sam Wood, or they would not have carried the proposition even by three votes in the affirmative and none in the negative. Perhaps the Walnut Valley takes stock in Sam Wood’s newspaper roads instead of “Emporia promises.” In the last five years Sam has built at least 15,000,000 miles of railroad on paper, but he has never caused to be thrown a shovel full of earth in actual railroad building. The road that Cottonwood Falls now has he succeeded in running two miles from town. By the way, what has become of Sam’s “Upper Cross Timbers” railroad moonshine? Ungrateful Sam! To go back on “Upper Cross Timbers!” Hast thou forsaken “Upper Cross Timbers,” Samuel?! Have you washed your face, Sam, since you got out of jail?
Emporia News, August 25, 1871.
THE RAILROAD SCRIBBLER. We see that Sam Wood writes to the Commonwealth to the effect that Emporia—or perhaps Lyon County—opposed the bonds recently voted in Chase County to some railroad (we don’t remember the name). We hope the good people of Cottonwood Falls and Chase County will not believe any statement made about this county by that unmitigated liar and demagogue. We have denied these statements until forbearance ceases to be a virtue. We will venture the assertion that there were not five men in Emporia that knew of the election for bonds in Chase County, and outside of Americus township there were not a dozen men in Lyon County that knew of it. Ever since this miserable shyster returned from Texas he has been at his old game of trying to array the people of Lyon and Chase counties against each other. In former days he tried this same game to boost himself into office. He failed, if we remember rightly! If this scribbling idiot had paid half as much attention to building up his own town as he has to lying about this county and this city, he might have accomplished something for his own benefit. . . .
Emporia News, September 15, 1871.
We have thus far said little about our northern railroad connections. Cottonwood Falls and Emporia are quarreling over it, and our friend, Sam Wood, “strikes the hawgag” with accustomed energy. All in all, we prefer the Emporia road, if we cannot have both. This would give us a very direct connection with Kansas City, Junction City, Topeka, and the south. We can ship to or from Kansas City and beyond without change of cars. Lyon County is about to vote upon the sale of her stock in the A. T. & S. F. and M. K. & T., amounting to $400,000, to the K. C. & S. F. company. If this is done, the road will at once be built to the western line of Lyon County. Then let Chase County stop howling, and build it to Cottonwood Falls—we almost said Samwood Falls—and so on towards Chelsea. Then Butler and Cowley can do the rest. Let us have the Emporia connection anyhow.
Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Messenger, November 1, 1872. Editorial.

Sam Wood spoke in Winfield last Tuesday night on the side of the “lost cause.” He came like a thief in the night unheralded and stealthily. A Liberal fight glimmered and fluttered along the streets of Winfield, notifying the faithful that Sam had come and with the aid of a tinkling sheep bell rung by a boy a crowd was called together to hear him. Sam spoke for two hours and fifteen minutes and convinced the audience that he was an amusing jester of the “now you see it and now you don’t see it” style. When Sam talks on politics, nobody, not even Sam Wood, knows how much to believe of what he says. He commenced speaking at 8 o’clock and repeated his rigmarole for the ninety-fourth time in this fall’s canvas; talking against history, truth, reason, and time, and running himself into the ground at fifteen minutes past 10 by the clock. No opportunity was offered by his very “liber­al” admirers to anyone present to reply to the wag. In truth, Sam did not want or intend that anyone should follow him and correct his misstatements. But anyone who heard his statements to the end readily discovered that his local conclusions contra­dicted themselves. To illustrate: Sam says the people in the Southern states are prevented from voting as they desire by Grant’s bayonets but closes his speech with the assurance that all the Southern states will cast large majorities against Grant. Now anyone would naturally suppose that if Grant was the tyrant he is represented to be, he would not let these southern “liber­als” carry all those states against his own re-election.
At Tisdale, on Wednesday night, Sam repeated a good portion of his Winfield speech, though better “hedged.” He was notified that the situation there in the matter of time and irresponsibility would not be his entirely.
It being the regular joint discussion meeting of the county canvas, Sam took Mr. Deming’s place and spoke one hour. Capt. McDermott followed him one hour. Next in order came Capt. Payne, the Liberal candidate for Senator, who spoke five minutes of the half hour allotted him, and gave Sam Wood the remainder of his time. Following Payne came Mr. Manning; and following him, Sam. Sam tried very hard to so speak in the opening of the debate so as to avoid any denials or exposure, but Capt. McDermott was more than his equal as a reasoner and better posted in National politics and history and what was of more weight his words and manner had the air of candor and honesty, and every sophistry put forth by Wood was torn to atoms by McDermott. When Wood’s speech was riddled of sophistry and falsehoods there was nothing left. Mr. Manning made some pleasant remarks and exposed Wood’s bad reason and conclusions ably, during the thirty minutes given him. The meeting closed with a little more of Wood’s rigmarole and a few remarks from each candidate present. Not a cheer for Greeley and Brown was ventured or suggested at either meeting for the reason we suppose that it would have been a dangerous experiment, where there were three men to hurray for Grant to one for Greeley. Thus came and went the great Liberal comet, with more “light” in his “tale” than in his head, and comet like the light was borrowed.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
The State Grange spent considerable time in trying to find something against Sam Wood, of Chase County. Sam is Master of his grange, and as he is one of the largest farmers in that county, we fail to see the point.
Winfield Courier, March 2, 1876. Editorial Correspondence by E. C. Manning.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1876. The apportionment bill that passed the Senate last Friday giving Cowley County one Senator and two Representatives, still hangs fire. It went to the House Saturday morning and was a firebrand. All day Saturday was spent in its consideration. The House first disagreed to the Senate amend­ments. The bill went back to the Senate. That body then voted to postpone the consideration of the bill until Monday at 2 P.M. This frightened the House. It feared there would be no appor­tionment bill passed at all. The House then passed a resolution calling the bill back from the Senate. This soon brought the bill back into the House. It was then moved to concur in the Senate amendments and following this the previous question was ordered. This cut off all filibustering and the roll was called. Fifty votes were obtained for final passage or concur­rence, which was all that was necessary. The Chief Clerk did not announce the result, but gave the roll to his assistant to figure up while he went among the members and succeeded in having two or three votes changed from aye to no, and thus defeated the bill. Then the bill was returned to the Senate with the informa­tion that the House would not concur in the Senate amendments. Sam Wood and H. G. Webb fought the bill in the house vigorously. What will be the final result I cannot tell. But it is of so much importance to Cowley County that I feel that I ought to remain here and help to save Cowley as a Senatorial District if possible.
The Committee on State affairs which has been hunting up the bogus school bond business have got trace of some fraudulent school district bonds from Cowley County. They interviewed me upon the subject and I ventured the statement that no County Clerk or Superintendent of Public Instruction in Cowley County ever lent his name or seal to any such swindle. While I have not had the highest opinion of some of the aforesaid officers in our county, I cannot believe that they were bad enough to be parties to a bond swindle. I pronounced the bonds, if any such have been issued, to be forgeries in toto and do not believe the parties thereto ever lived in Cowley County. The names are suppressed at present in the hope that the rascals can be caught. The reputation of Cowley County is excellent here. It is looked upon as a first-class agricultural county and as being filled with honest men, and the representa­tive men from that county command respect everywhere. Of course, we all hope that no citizen of our county will be found guilty of paying bonds of any kind, or of attempting a swindle of any character.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1877.
Speaker Wood has appointed Hon. L. J. Webb as chairman of two committees, Appropriations and Revision of Laws. These are important committees, and it is a high compliment to our member.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
Legislative Summary. We neglected to state yesterday that the House passed the bill removing the Texas cattle dead line ninety miles west of where it is now. The Senate yesterday adopted a resolution calling on the proper authorities to tell what they know about Sam Lappin and his securities. It passed, on third reading, several bills; one enfranchising some fifty persons, and one giving the rights of majority to some minors, which could have been done by the courts. The bill to amend the herd law so that counties that wish to repeal it was lost. The bill to repeal the law for funding the Territorial debt was carried.

The concurrent resolution providing for the opening of the Indian Territory and its apportionment among the different tribes, was adopted by a vote of 63 to 21. In the afternoon Speaker Wood entered a protest against the passage of the above resolution, on the ground that it would be the means of depleting the population of Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
Sam Wood gave the Winfield people the ear-ache last Thursday night.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
Hon. Sam. Wood, of Chase County, is to speak here on the Greenback issue next Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878. Editorial.
THE RAILROAD. Come out and go to work for the Cowley and Ft. Smith R. R. Don’t be led off and oppose the grandest opportunity to advance your interests since your residence in Cowley. No man can afford to vote to satisfy his prejudice. Neither can he expect to have everything pertaining to the action of a great R. R. corporation just precisely his own way. We were surprised to hear a man of some pretensions remark the other day that “the Santa Fe road was the cause of the low price of wheat, and no other cause could be assigned for it.” We asked him what he thought he could get for his wheat if there was no Santa Fe road. He bit off enough “native twist” to make a dip for a Cotswold sheep, and as the dark saliva flowed in familiar ways through his beard, replied that “he didn’t want the damn road anyhow as it had killed a cow for his mother-in-law in Chase County, and Sam Wood had charged $100 for collecting her value from the corporation.” Now this is an average of the character of argument often made by the little knots of men who gather on our street corners in discussing their opposition to the road. Sam has charged a round fee and the road is to blame. We appeal to every voter not to listen to such prattle. You cannot afford to throw away the opportunity of increasing the value of your possessions because the old woman lost a cow. Give your best efforts to the road, and your neigh­bor as well as yourself will receive a direct benefit from your action. Once the road is built into Cowley, wealth will follow, and with it, low rates of interest, more property to tax and greater population. But vote to suit some foolish neighbor and kill the road off and in less than three years, if you should hold out to remain in Cowley County, you will feel as lonely as the Ghouls raising the Stiff at the hour of midnight.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The Capital makes merry over the Commonwealth because it called Sam Wood an iconoclast. This reminds us of T. A. Wilkinson, who at one time got angry with and demolished our banker, M. L. Robinson, by calling him a “nepot.”
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
If Sam Wood was up to snuff, he would be building us a few flat eggs instead of blowing around in country schoolhouses. With this most indispensable fruit going at thirty cents per dozen, he would confer a favor on suffering humanity, and put ducats in his own pocket, by going industriously to work with pencil and paper on the egg market.
Cowley County Courant, May 25, 1882.
Cyclone insurance agents are taking risks in Kansas at greatly reduced rates. It will be a long time before Sam Wood entirely loses his influence in this state.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882. Editorial Page.
FLORAL, KANSAS, July 20th, 1882. Ed. Traveler: On the northern boundary of Cowley, Richland still holds the fort. She is always alive to her own interests and that of her neighbors. In politics, thoroughly Republican; in intelligence equal to the average in city or country; in the cause of temper­ance strong; and in support of constitutional law, almost a unit. A minority of two political parties exist, Democrat and the political “what is it!” The last mentioned held what they called a “rally” today 4 miles north of Floral. I was there and got my satisfaction or its equivalent. From competent judges I learn that the complexion of the crowd stood thus: Two Republicans, one Democrat, and one half a greenbacker, divided to suit your­self. The “Rally” was presided over by a man formerly known as H. J. Sandford. What his cognomen is since he married anti-monopoly, I am unable to say. With dignity and grace of a high order he introduced the different speakers. The first speaker said something, and then to prove it, the Glee Club and the Brass Band came to the rescue. The music busted the argument. The second speaker said nothing and did not need any proof. Dinner was then announced, and it was the best argument of the day. After an hour’s discussion of the same, there was some really good vocal music by a choir of voices of young ladies and gentle­men. The wording of the music, however, was not in sympathy with the business of the day, and called forth some comments. Then came the after piece. The Hon. Sam Wood was announced. I believe he is considered the bowels and brains of the party in question. In one particular, he certainly fills the bill. Mr. Wood presents the appearance of a New York alderman, and when he braces up before his audience, he looks very impressive. Those of us who expected to hear a speech were disappointed. With one leg braced to a support in front, so as to preserve his equilibrium, his hands folded over the place his brains are supposed to lay, with a shake of his flowing mane, and a wise and knowing look, he proceeded to deliver himself of the commonest kind of platitudes and stale almanac jokes. He tried to picture to his audience the narrowing spectacle of the ins and the outs—he showed himself to be quite an artist. The point he made was this: He compared the Greenback party to a litter of pigs, and runts at that. Little lean fellows who were starving and striv­ing to get to the public trough, but could not on account of the fat fellows who were ahead; and that it really looked as though the small fry must begin to root for themselves, and quit squeal­ing, or there would be numerous vacancies in the pen. This is Sam’s own picture, with an appendix. Other arguments of equal merit were introduced, but space forbids extended criticism. Suffice it to say that the burden of the song was that somebody had more than they had, and that it was the farmer’s duty to corral him if possible. It was a direct appeal to the base passions of men, and not a word to advance the qualities that underlie true manhood.

Local politics are demanding some attention. The various candidates are working with a will to advance their claims. Richland Township has a man in the field who we expect to repre­sent the shoe string district in the next Legislature. Mr. J. W. Weimer is a man of recognized ability, and is receiving encourag­ing support. For Superintendent of Public Instruction, Mr. A. H. Limer­ick, with whom your correspondent has had the privilege of enjoying the most intimate and unreserved relations and always found him manly and intelligent, a dutiful citizen, and a true and sympa­thetic friend. The gentleman is also on record as a loyal soldier and a first-class school teacher, and will doubt­less receive the recognition from the people that his qualifica­tions merit. The enthusiasm of our people is unbounded at the evidenc­es of present and prospective plenty. With paper money at par, and a good round price for every product, is there any reason why we should not be cheerful? Let us be true to our­selves and the battle of life is more than half won. BUCKEYE.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Editorial.
A SLY COON. Dad speaks of a “sly coon” which is coming down the Timber Creek, meaning third-partyism. We don’t think the coon very dangerous, but even a small coon will always do some hurt. He always pretends to be the farmers’ best friend and a few of them are green enough to believe him, but he will forage on their corn fields all the same. Better shoot him and stretch his hide on a barn. We would rather see a competing railroad coming down the valley of Timber Creek than a dozen coons with Sam Wood in the lead.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Editorial.
ANTI-MONOPOLY SPEECH. The Hon. S. N. Wood, popularly known as “Sam Wood,” was in this county last Thursday and made a three hours speech in Richland and another at Winfield in the evening. His speech was wonderfully smart and witty, often convulsing the house with laughter, but it was a strange and incongruous mixture of sound sense and nonsense; facts and fictions; truth and falsehood; sound argument and sophistry; republicanism and greenbackism; so mixed and compounded together that few could separate the false from the tree; the good from the bad; and many doubtless were compelled to swallow the whole together or reject the whole batch.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Editorial.
THE TELEGRAM’S PLATFORM. The Democratic platform on which our neighbor has mounted is: “First, a thorough revision and reform in our tariff system that robs the people of not less than five hundred millions annually.” “Second, a thorough reform in our civil service, or a complete rooting out of bossism and machine rule.” “Third, the improvement of the great natural, national highways of commerce, the Mississippi and Missouri rivers.”
This is the most sensible Democratic platform we have seen and two-thirds of it seems to have been invented by the Republicans of the present congress who, against the opposition of the Democrats, have organized a commission of tariff revision which will work at the matter during vacation, and have appropriated twelve millions for the improvement of the two rivers. Is not that enough for one year? And then how does the tariff rob the people of five hundred millions when only one-third of that amount is collected by it? The second plank means reforming Republicans out and Democrats in, which Republicans may not indorse quite so heartily. Then again, how are you going to root out bossism. John Martin and two or three others boss the Democrats of this state who do just as they say and how can you help it? Sam Wood bosses all the Greenbackers and the Telegram will not be able to prevent it.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882.

The latest lively time that quite a number from here participated in was the picnic, or rather the “Greenback” convention, on Timber Creek. The McEwen brothers had a load of youthful beauties and spirits drawn by six prancing steeds. Their load favored the audience with several glee songs, also with martial music. Mr. Coffee had a load of misses mostly fixed up with greenback caps, or caps alike, to represent their party, we presume. They sang a song about “Greenbacks Forever.” Mr. J. J. Johnson escorted Mr. Wood and others to the train. Olivia did not sing nor make a speech, but did full justice to the excellent dinner, for quite a number ate dinner together. You would see a table made by pushing several seats together, then the snowy table cloth covered the rude planks, and they fairly groaned beneath the weight of viands. There were speakers from abroad, but I did not hear very much of the speeches, and I am no convert to the Greenback party. Our present kind of money is “plenty good for me,” as the old German said when eating cake in place of bread. Passing the bread to him, he said, “No, tank you; dis is plenty goot for me.” Well, I don’t intend to think any less of friends and neighbors on account of “Polly Ticks.” I enjoyed the picnic quite well, for it’s pleasant to receive a smile of recognition here, see a hat tipped to you yonder, have your hand taken in the warm clasp of friendship, be petted and flattered by lady friends and, as long as we think it all genuine, it’s pleasing to our vanity. Among the smiling faces and hearty shakers, the local editor of the COURIER took rank. But among a large concourse of smiling faces we know not how many heartaches there are, and how often we see some bright eye looking but in vain for the familiar countenance of some loved but absent one. But enough picnic for the present.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1882. Editorial.
Anti-Monopoly Picnic. We attended the Anti-monopoly rally at Baltimore last week. The day was pleasant, the people we met were most hospitable, and altogether we could hardly believe it was not a grand republican rally. The republicans certainly had a majority of the procession. The meeting was held in Cottingham’s grove, a very nice place, with Timber Creek running through it. We listened for an hour to a speech by Mr. Cole, an alleged candidate for Congress. He is a very pleasant gentleman but makes a very poor speech. The speech was a good appetizer, and we did full justice to an excellent dinner furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Cottingham. After dinner Judge Tipton made the only speech that was made during the day. The Judge would be a successful stump speaker if he belonged to a party whose positions were even tenable. After Judge Tipton, the Hon. Sam Wood, better known over the state as “Slippery Sam,” delivered his speech. Sam is still as voluminous as ever, and his howls for “the poor, down-trodden farmer” are loud and deep. Sam ought to be rewarded for his disinterested (?) Labors with something better than twenty-five cent subscriptions to his paper. On the way home we had the pleasure of taking tea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson. They have one of the finest places in the county, and neither monopolies nor lack of greenbacks worry them. Such farmers as J. J. Johnson are living arguments against Sam Wood’s doctrine.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

The political pot has been simmering along for some time, but now additional fuel is being added, and it will take but a short time to get up steam. Richland has but one candidate, namely, Mr. J. W. Weimer, candidate for representative for the shoe string district. He has recognized ability and has a good chance to get away with the stakes. Mr. Maurer of Dexter, candidate for same office, has called on a number of our people. He appears like a modest, unassuming gentleman and would make a good legislator. Mr. Millspaugh was greeting friends and acquaintances in this section last week. He has been well received. The present incumbent in office is regarded by all to be a competent official, but it is conceded that he should share with other recognized merit. To Mr. Limerick belongs the sweepstakes. It appears at present as though it would be a one-sided question for him.
But there are other matters afloat. As you are well aware, Richland Township is head-quarters for a semi-political, anti-monopoly, communistic organization, formed for several objects, the main one of which is to capture the grapes that are beyond their reach. They really need nothing. Evidently they are all bilious, for the Hon. Sam Wood, otherwise known as “Slippery Sam,” has been sent for to prescribe for them, and he will mark out for them a course of matrica medica, in which no doubt he will tell them that they are serfs, and that they must follow the footsteps of their fellow-anties in the east, or they will be gone goslings. Sam will fix up the pills, somehow, so that they will go back and tell his friends that the war in Egypt was caused by the Republican party and as soon as the anties get well enough they will save the country. What fallacy! No third party can ever succeed that is founded on selfish financial principles. Hobbies and political dogmas have no weight when cast in the balance with actual prosperity. With live pork at seven cents, greenbacks at par, crops at the very best, good paying prices for the same in cash, common labor remunerative, mechanical genius at a premium, and a season of unexampled prosperity and production throughout the country, this will offset any damaging results from the hue and cry of the greenback anti-monopoly or other factions. To the credit of the Republican party be it said that the majority of the discontents are recruited from the democratic and other antediluvian races. Here and there a Republican sore head is sandwiched in the hungry crowd, and on every occasion takes pains to tell his patient and admiring hearers that he is a deserter from principle, and that his principle is so pure and of such a high order that he could no longer associate with those who support the present administration. As a general fact there are two reasons for their actions: selfishness or ignorance.
Your editorial of a late issue hit hard. How some of them did squirm. They have been wiggling ever since. We need not feel alarmed, however, at the advancement of a third party issue. Like a shadow they contain very little substance. It is not so much what they lack that makes them selfish and discontented, as the fact that somebody else has more. To those discontented ones who have flopped over, I would say it would be well to ponder upon the words of the Frenchman who wrote his own epitaph thus: “I was well. I wanted to be better. I took physic and died.” BUCKEYE.
Winfield Courier, August 3, 1882.

I had the pleasure of attending the anti-monopoly rally on Timber Creek last Thursday. Good order prevailed and excellent addresses were delivered by Messrs. Cole and Tipton, followed by Mr. Wood, who hadn’t anything to say and occupied about two hours and a half in saying it. By the way, Burden has voted $3,500 in bonds to build a schoolhouse, and this is the way they did it. They got up a petition asking Mr. Story to annex five or six valuable farms to their district just in time to catch the bonds. The owners of three of these farms are absent, so there was no opposition from them. The others could not help themselves, so on the day appointed to vote the bonds, the “big four” of Burden got all the livery force they could muster, went out into the highways and hedges, brought in the halt, the lame, and the blind; and so great was the rush that some of the board had to go head and shoulders out of the windows to receive the votes. Now, Mr. Editor, is this as it should be, is all this law? If so, we say amen. A TAXPAYER.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Our people remember M. H. Markcum, who attended college in this place in 1880, and was a very decided greenbacker. He possesses more than ordinary ability and energy, and it will surprise no one to learn that he finds it impossible to support a party that is advocating the advancement of such men as Robinson and Sam Wood, and is now working for the Republican ticket. The truth is that generous hearted and intelligent, upright young men can seldom feel at home in any other party. Manhattan Nationalist.
It will be news to M. H. Markcum’s many friends to know that he ever was a greenbacker. We think the Nationalist is wrong on that point.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
Sam Wood has purchased a white shirt, which he will wear when he goes to Washington to make a fight for Judge Peters’ seat in congress. His motive for appearing at the national capital in disguise is a source of ominous speculation. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
When Sam Riggs, Sam Wood, and Sid Clarke met recently at the cross roads near Lawrence, the scene was truly affecting. Sam wept as he referred to his late passes, Riggs told how it felt to be “eliminated,” and Sid said republics is ungrateful, and I’m undone. As they parted he added “when shall we three meet again?”
Arkansas City Republican, November 22, 1884.
Dave Payne, Sam Wood, and others have organized the “Topeka Town Company.” The place of business is described as on the southern Kansas line opposite Oklahoma.
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
Boomers. According to a previous call, about five hundred people congregated at the district court room at Topeka for the purpose of hearing something concerning the new paradise, the Oklahoma country, in the Indian Territory, from speakers acquainted with the country and to organize a colony of Topeka citizens to occupy a portion of the forbidden lands. The meeting was called to order by John Carter, Samuel Dolman was elected chairman, and I. W. Pack and William F. Gordon were made secretaries. On motion the following named gentlemen were appointed a committee on resolutions: S. N. Wood; C. T. Tompkins; J. H. Stevenson; J. J. Dyal; and J. P. Greer, who made the following report.
WHEREAS, We have received information that Col. Hatch, under orders from the secretary of war, is marching with a portion of the United States army into Oklahoma for the purpose of driving settlers on government lands from their homes; therefore,
Resolved, That in the name of the loyal people of Topeka we most earnestly protest against the perpetration of this outrage upon our people.

Resolved, That we call upon the governor of this state, in his official capacity, to at once telegraph to the president of the United States protesting in the name of the people of Kansas against the invasion of the territory of the United States with an armed force for the purpose of driving people out of the territory and preventing persons from settling on government lands and depriving citizens of their property and homes.
Resolved, That if the settlers in Oklahoma have violated any law of the United States, there are courts by which they can be tried, convicted, and punished, and that there is no excuse for the exercise of military power, and that we denounce the invasion of any territory by an armed force of the United States under any pretense, as among the gravest of crimes.
Resolved, That we are opposed to interfering with the rights of the Indians to their lands, whether existing under the laws or treaties of the United States, and will not defend men in the violation of any of their rights, and that we demand also the protection of the government shall be extended to all settlers alike on government lands.
Resolved, That it is not a crime to settle upon government lands but a right given to every American citizen by law; that the Indian title to the Oklahoma lands has been extinguished, and they are under the laws of the United States subject to settlement, preemption, and homestead.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the city papers, a copy be sent to the president of the United States, to the governor of the state of Kansas, to each of our Senators, and to our representative, Hon. Thomas Ryan, with the request that they be at once laid before the president with our earnest desire that he immediately recall Col. Hatch and prevent the shedding of the blood of American citizens who have exercised the rights guaranteed to every American citizen by the constitutional laws of the country.
Arkansas City Republican, January 10, 1885.
Boomer Meeting. Remarks were made by W. F. Gordon, recently editor of the Oklahoma War-Chief, J. F. Smith, Sam N. Wood, and Samuel Dolman.
Mr. Wood said that the Indian country in question was a better country than Kansas and no one can truthfully say that Kansas was not a good country. He said he was going down next Wednesday night at midnight with Mr. Smith to report the country for the press. He is going with pencil and paper, and Smith with a shot gun to protect him.
The meeting was harmonious throughout, and the utmost interest was manifest. That a large number of people are bound to test the virtues of an early settlement there can be no doubt. The initial step was a grand success, and shows that the leaders will have a large following. The meeting adjourned after appointing a committee on permanent organization and constitution and by-laws. State Journal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.
Topeka, Kansas, January 20. The state historical society met in annual session here this evening. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, D. R. Anthony, of Leavenworth; first vice president, B. F. Simpson, of Paola; second vice president, S. N. Wood, of Topeka; secretary, F. G. Adams, of Topeka; treasurer, John Francis of Topeka.
The number of directors was increased from forty-eight to ninety-nine and elected in classes for one, two, and three years. The retiring President, Mr. F. P. Baker, and M. W. Reynolds delivered addresses tonight.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.
THE OKLAHOMA BOOM. A Large and Enthusiastic Meeting Held in Topeka.

Agreeable to call, a state convention of delegates from the different Oklahoma colonies in Kansas met at 3 p.m., February 3, in Odd Fellows hall in Topeka. Samuel Dolman, chairman of the Topeka colony, called the meeting to order. The hall at the opening of the convention was well filled. A large number of delegates were in attendance, representing thirteen colonies, among whom were Col. Couch, of Oklahoma fame; W. A. Eddy, of Cherokee County; Hon. Sidney Clarke, of Lawrence; P. M. Gilbert, of Arkansas City; and other well known residents of this state. W. L. Couch was called to the chair; I. W. Pack, Secretary. Committees on permanent organization, on resolutions, plan of organization, etc., were appointed. The committee on credentials reported the following gentlemen as delegates representing the several colonies.
Captain W. L. Couch; J. H. Thoroughman; E. S. Wilcox, of Oklahoma Territory; W. E. Richie; E. H. Sanford; Walter A. Eddy; Mark Sage; Henry Kinsey; George Blair; Walter Sage, of Wabaunsee County; John Hoenscheidt, Frank Ferris, George Honninger, M. Marcus, of Atchison; P. M. Gilbert, of Arkansas City; W. H. Osborn, C. P. Wickmire, Wichita; H. L. Strong, Coffeyville; B. S. Walden, Kansas City; Dr. Jacobs, Burton; B. L. Stone, Rich Hill, Missouri; W. D. Halfhill, Cowley County; C. E. Lincoln, Coffeyville; Orrin Wood, Osage City; John Armstrong, S. N. Wood, John Carter, Samuel Dolman, and E. A. Tuttle, Topeka.
A spirited discussion arose concerning the manner of voting in the convention which was disposed of by the adoption of the motion made by S. N. Wood, that each colony be permitted one vote for each twenty members, not to exceed five votes for each colony.
Loud calls were made upon the chairman for a speech. In response to these calls, Capt. Couch made some interesting remarks, giving a history of the Oklahoma movement, in which he gave the legal statutes of the lands, together with an account of the different expeditions of the “boomers” to Oklahoma. Mr. Couch, who is a modest appearing man, with a good address, paid a tribute to the character and services of the late leader of the colonists, Capt. Payne; much of his remarks being devoted to giving a description of the latest trip made by Capt. Couch and his followers to Oklahoma, which narrative was listened to with great interest by the meeting.
EVENING MEETING. Before 8 o’clock the senate chamber was full, even to occupying standing room and every seat in the gallery was occupied. Capt. Couch arrived and entered the chamber unannounced, and without any attention. But few knew the leader who had assumed, or on whom had fallen the mantle of the recently deceased leader of the “boomers,” who had so recently been driven from Oklahoma. Captain Couch quietly took the chair, and in a very modest, unassuming manner announced that this was an adjourned meeting of the Oklahoma advocates for the purpose of organizing a National League. Responding to the yells for “Couch! Couch!” he arose and said he was not cut out for a speaker. Then there were calls for various persons, among them for Overmeyer, who responded. He said he did not know why he was called upon. He had never been in Oklahoma—never in the Indian Territory. But wherever there was an attempt to overrun the rights of man, his voice was for the oppressed and downtrodden. In this Oklahoma question were involved the rights and the liberties of the people. He went on for some time, eloquently defending the settlers in their cause.

The meeting was further addressed by Messrs. Sidney Clarke, S. N. Wood, and Jetmore.
Hon. Sidney Clarke, the chairman of the committee on resolutions, presented the following.
Resolved, That the use of the United States army to expel men, women, and children from their homes in Oklahoma, who have settled on lands owned by the Government, and subject to homestead and preemption under the laws of Congress, has but one parallel in history, to wit: Free state legislation of Kansas by United States troops in 1856, in the old border ruffian days.
Resolved, That we denounce as an outrage the use of United States troops to deprive people of their homes and property without any warrant of law. That there is no excuse for the recent exercise of arbitrary power in the Oklahoma country, and that we denounce the invasion of any Territory by an armed force, under any pretense, as among the greatest of crimes.
Resolved, That we are opposed to interfering with the rights of Indians to their lands existing under the laws or treaties of the United States and will not defend men in the violations of their rights; and we demand, also, that the protection of the Government should be extended to all settlers alike on the Government lands.
Resolved, That it is not a crime to settle upon Government land, but a right given to every American citizen by law; that the Indian title to the Oklahoma lands has been extinguished; and under the laws of the United States statutes they are subject to settlement, preemption, and homestead.
Resolved, That the bold and lawful stand taken by Capt. Couch and his heroic followers in defense of their homes against arbitrary power entitles them to the gratitude of every friend of Constitutional government.
Resolved, That the action of the President of the United States in ordering Colonel Hatch to shoot down men, women, and children whose only crime was a desire to occupy Government lands, is an outrage that would disgrace the worst monarchies of the old world.
Resolved, That we have a right under the laws of the United States to settle and occupy Government lands, and by the Eternal, we are going to do it.
Resolved, That all dispatches sent by the Associated Press Agent at Caldwell, relating to the status or settlement of the Oklahoma lands, and charging that there are no cattlemen holding large herds of stock enclosed by fence on said lands, are wilfully false and calculated to mislead the public.
The following resolutions were offered by S. N. Wood and adopted.
Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to prepare and publish an address to the people of the United States defining the position of the Oklahoma colonists on the settlement of the Oklahoma lands.
Resolved, That said committee be authorized to present the case of the settlers seeking homes in Oklahoma to the President of the United States, the Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, and Commissioner of the General Land Office, and demand in the name of the people of the United States seeking homes on Government lands, that they be not molested in settling on such lands in the Oklahoma country as do not belong to any Indian tribe.

Resolved, That we demand that all unearned land grants to railroads shall be forfeited and restored to the public domain and held for actual settlers only; that our thanks are due the House of Representatives in Washington for the passage of laws restoring some seventy millions of acres of the public domain to actual settlers; that the United States Senate, in refusing to pass land bill, proves that the Senate represents the corporations and not the people.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Governor Glick seems to have been relegated to his “cave of gloom” in fact by the Blair-Martin faction in Washington. He failed to be Secretary of the Interior, got left on Commissioner of the Land Office, and was politely laid on the shelf as a candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture. He then sadly returned to Kansas accompanied by his tried and trusted friends, Gov. Ike Sharp, of Normal school land fame, and Sam Wood, the Great Unwashed. His “influence” is being eagerly inquired for by a large number of small fry who had attached themselves to the tail of his kite. It is doubtful whether Glick could get a fourth rate clerkship without General Blair or John Martin’s endorsement.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
TOPEKA, Jan. 29. The celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the existence of Kansas as a State will be held at the Grand Opera House today. The exercises will commence at three o’clock p.m., and will occupy the afternoon and evening. In the afternoon addresses will be delivered by ex-Governor Charles Robinson, the first Governor of the State, and by Governor John A. Martin, the present Governor. Governor Martin will preside while Robinson’s address is being delivered, and during the delivery of Governor Martin’s address, Governor Robinson will preside.
Colonel D. R. Anthony, President of the State Historical Society, will preside during the evening, at which time short addresses will be delivered by persons on the subjects assigned to them, as follows:
Hon. S. N. Wood: “The Pioneers of Kansas.”
Hon. John Speer: “The Territorial Government.
Hon. T. D. Thacher: “The Rejected Constitutions.”
Hon. B. F. Simpson: “The Wyandotte Convention.”
Hon. Thomas A. Osborn: “The State Governments.”
Hon. A. H. Horton: “The Judiciary of Kansas.”
General C. W. Blair: “Kansas During the War.”
Hon. D. W. Wilder: “The Press of Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. Richard Cordley: “The Schools of Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe: “The Churches of Kansas.”
Hon. Wm. Sims: “The Agriculture of Kansas.”
Hon. Alexander Caldwell: “Kansas Manufactures and Mines.”
Hon. James Humphrey: “The Railroads of Kansas.”
Hon. C. K. Holliday: “The Cities of Kansas.”
Hon. Noble L. Prentis: “The Women of Kansas.”
Hon. Eugene F. Ware will read a poem prepared for the occasion.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.

TOPEKA, Kan., Jan. 30. The celebration commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of Kansas into the sisterhood of States was held at the Grand Opera House in this city yesterday afternoon and evening.
The opening address was delivered by ex-Governor Charles Robinson on “The Pioneers of Kansas.”
Governor John A. Martin next spoke regarding the growth of Kansas.
At the conclusion of Governor Martin’s remarks, Hon. B. F. Simpson spoke at length on “The Wyandotte Constitution.”
Ex-Governor Thomas A. Osborne and Chief Justice A. H. Horton, followed Mr. Simpson in short addresses, the former speaking with reference to “The State Governments,” and the latter taking for his subject, “The Judiciary of Kansas.”
The Hon. Cyrus K. Holliday spoke next concerning the “Cities of Kansas.”
Hon. James Humphrey, member of the State Board of Railroad Commissioners, followed Colonel Holliday in an address on “The Railroads of Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. Cordley spoke on “The Schools of Kansas.”
The evening exercises commenced at 7:30 o’clock, being opened by an address by Colonel D. R. Anthony, President of the State Historical Society.
Captain J. B. Johnson, Speaker of the House, and Lieutenant Governor Riddle followed in short addresses, after which S. N. Wood delivered a speech with reference to the “Pioneers of Kansas.”
The Hon. John Spear, of Lawrence, followed in an excellent paper on “The Territorial Government.” Mr. Spear reviewed it thoroughly and his remarks were well received.
The Hon. David Thacher spoke on the “Rejected Constitutions.”
Following Mr. Thacher’s address, Hon. Web Wilder delivered a paper on “The Press of Kansas.”
Hon. William Sims, Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture, delivered a few remarks concerning “Agriculture in Kansas.”
Rev. Dr. F. S. McCabe spoke next on the subject, “The Churches of Kansas.”
Following Dr. McCabe Hon. Alexander Caldwell delivered a paper on “Kansas Manufactures and Mines.”
The exercises closed with the address of Hon. Noble Prentis on the “Women of Kansas.”