Samuel Wood


Sumner County, Cowley County, and Arkansas City.
Note: I could not pin point “Samuel Wood” at all. The following entries could pertain to different individuals by the name of “Samuel Wood.”

Winfield Courier, January 21, 1875.
January 12th, 1875. Mr. Samuel Wood, one of our best citizens, left with his family on Monday last for the Lone Star State. He goes accompa­nied by the best wishes of all who know him.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
PRAIRIE FIRE. On last Monday a fire got out in west Bolton Township, and for awhile swept everything before it, taking in its mad course a quantity of wheat, belonging to George Hager, and $500 worth of wheat, a Marsh Harvester, and other property belonging to Samuel Wood. A subscription was raised for Mr. Wood, who was left destitute. Many others suffered great loss.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 8, 1885.
The Saints in Arizona.
Mr. Samuel Wood, one of the earliest residents of this city, has two sons settled in Arizona; and yesterday he showed us some letters from those young men, in which some information is given in regard to the Mormons in that Territory. One of the sons writes that quite a number of that sect have been sent to the penitentiary for polygamy, and many more are indicted for the same offense. This alarms others who have violated the law against plural marriage, and they are fleeing by scores into Mexico. The other son, who is in the cattle business, talks of the trouble caused by Mormon cattle thieves; these elect people of the Lord professing a belief that the earth belongs to the Saints and they are the Saints. But the arrest of two or three of these operators, and the sentence of one of the number, against whom proof of guilt was established, to twelve years’ confinement, had the effect of restraining their activity. He says the border Mexicans are a lawless crowd, but the followers of Joe Smith can discount them at their worst games.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 22, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.

DIED. At his residence in the 4th ward, January 17, 1887, Samuel Wood, Esq., aged 70 years, 10 months, and 22 days. Mr. Wood had reached almost four-score years. His parents came from North England and located at Geneva, New York, where he was born. At the early age of 3 years his parents removed to Rochester, New York, where Mr. Wood continued to live until 1870. At that time he came with his family to Leavenworth, Kansas, where he resided for one year. In 1871 he located a claim west of this city in Sumner County, and there made his home until increasing infirmities rendered it necessary for him to retire from active life, when he came to this city, where he has resided for the last five years. He leaves a wife and seven children to mourn his loss. Mr. Wood was for a long lifetime a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church, and for many years a ruling elder. He was a man of strong religious convictions, and of that sturdy type of Christian character, developed under the influence of the great revivals in the early part of the century. Being a man of strong constitution, the “king of terrors” had a long struggle to bring him down, but at last he yielded. “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” The funeral will take place from the Presbyterian Church at 10 a.m. tomorrow.