E. W. Woolsey


  Harvey Township.
   [Handled Sheep.]

Winfield Courier, August 26, 1880.
It is reported that L. T. Harned has purchased three hundred head of sheep from Mr. Parks. Messrs. Strother and Woolsey have purchased five hundred head.
Winfield Courier, July 14, 1881.
Mr. E. W. Woolsey, of Harvey township, called on us Monday. He has on hand 800 Missouri sheep, which are doing well. They sheared five pounds of wool to the head, which sold for 20 cents. He also had an increase of 350 lambs. From these two sources he is deriving a splendid profit. He is grading his flock with fine Merino rams, and will have one of the choicest flocks. Corn is doing splendidly in his township, but wheat was rather thin.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
BALTIMORE. District No. 103. E. W. Woolsey, $35.00 monthly salary.
Cowley County Courant, March 23, 1882.
Of sheep Messrs. Woolsey and Strother have their eight hundred head nearly all fit for the butcher, if they were disposed to sell them for mutton.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
E. W. Woolsey of Harvey township was elected as a member of the County Central Committee.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Mr. E. W. Woolsey has sold his half section farm to Mr. G. T. Ridpath, of Iowa, for $3,700.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1884.
Teachers of Cowley County. We present below a list of the teachers of Cowley, their post office addresses, and the amount they are receiving per month for their services. This list will be valuable to teachers, school officers, and the public generally. It is taken from the records, through the courtesy of Supt. Limerick.
BURDEN. District No. 103. E. W. Woolsey, $40.00 monthly salary.
E. W. Woolsey...
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
Mr. Woolsey, of Crabtree & Woolsey, Burden merchants, was in the city Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
Dr. Crabtree, whose illness we related last week, is again to be seen in his usual haunts.
E. W. Woolsey has moved from the apartments above the drug store of Crabtree & Woolsey, to the house of Charley Jones, who departed for the west some time ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Upper Timber Creek correspondent of the Burden Eagle: “George Ridpath has sold his farm on Timber Creek to E. W. Woolsey, for $5,500. Mr. Woolsey formerly owned the place and his repurchase of it at advanced figures indicates his opinion of Timber Creek farms, and his old homestead particularly.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
The elongated quill man of THE DAILY COURIER shook the dust of Winfield from his brogans last evening for an eastern tour—to Burden. The attraction was the ball and banquet by the Odd Fellows of that city, in celebration of the sixty-sixth anniversary of the founding of their order in America. Burden never makes a failure in anything, and this occasion was one of their pleasantest successes. The ball was well attended—as refined, intelligent, and good looking assembly as many a city twice the size can turn out.. The music, led by Mr. Fred Collins, one of the best musicians in the State, and a resident of Burden, was excellent and enjoyment supreme. The banquet was grand; in the homely words of some ancient philosopher, “the table fairly groaned under its weight of tempting viands.” After the large crowd had feasted to their heart’s content, at least ten baskets of fragments remained: a very good evidence of our sister city’s prosperity. The Odd Fellows of Burden have a very healthy lodge, fifty-nine of the prominent men of that place and vicinity; in fact, the whole city exhibits health and luxuriance in harmony with the enterprise, intelligence, and push of its citizens. With such men at the helm as E. A. Henthorn, H. P. Snow, P. T. Walton, S. J. Day. J. W. Henthorn, Nathan Brooks, S. H. Tolles, John Ledlie, Sim Moore, Robert Phelps, Harvey Smith, E. W. Woolsey, and a number of others, no town could stand still—it is bound to march forward in everything that makes a desirable city. They have converted the raw prairie into an influential, substantial, and beautiful city of over a thousand inhabitants in four years and will continue to make its prosperity marked. Nothing of benefit to the town will slip by them, if in the power to obtain it—elements that insure success in any place. Burden has a number of handsome and substantial business blocks and more are going up, noticeable among which are the public hall and reading room of the Burden Lyceum Association and the splendid store room of Jones & Snow. We are glad to note this prosperity on the part of our neighbor. THE COURIER rejoices in the prosperity of every town and section of our banner county. What builds up one helps every other. We want to grow corpulent and frisky. Cowley wants seventy-five thousand inhabitants, and she will have them in so short a time as to cause her rivals to totter and fall from their pivots—at least the pivots they now try to maintain. Cowley County first and our city or locality next, should be the motto of every citizen. With this motto successfully to the front, individual prosperity is as sure to come as that Old Sol will continue his monotonous round on his mission of light and heat.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
E. W. Woolsey, druggist of Burden, was down today on his monthly tour to the Probate Judge.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Mr. E. W. Woolsey, of Burden, files 226 statements for 191 pints of whiskey and 43 bottles of beer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
E. W. Woolsey, of Burden, was the only suburban druggist with a permit in April and filed 220 statements for 191 pints of whiskey and 43 bottles of beer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
J. W. Henthorn, J. Caradis, J. B. Williams, A. J. Henthorn, H. W. Young, J. J. O’Connor, S. S. Moore, L. W. Graham, and E. W. Woolsey were among those drawn from Burden by the Dr. Crabtree post-office-burning case.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
. . . with a third less population, E. W. Woolsey, Burden, vies with Steinberger for the lionship of Cowley in the beer business. 388 bottles in one month in a town of 1,000 is not so bad! Seventy-eight dollars profit for one month from beer alone is a fair showing—one that should be looked into by our officials.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Returning Fire. E. W. Woolsey, of Burden, Rises to Explain His July Drugstore Record.
Permit me to say through the columns of your next issue, that in commenting on what the COURIER is pleased to call “Cowley’s Medicine Record,” on the 6th inst., you not only do me great injustice by evident, though I trust not intentional, misrepresentation, but any patrons also, by scornful insinuations. I have been accustomed to look for fairness and impartiality from the COURIER, but the article in question is scarcely more than flavored with these ingredients. I am quite sure that at least a very large proportion of my patrons do not “gulp” the liquor they buy, but use it as they would use any other medicine. Some are on beds of sickness, whose lives depend from day to day upon the whiskey and brandy they use. And yet the COURIER can find no other word in its vocabulary to make use of in describing the manner in which liquors are used than “gulped.”
But further: “388 bottles of bear in a month in a town of 1,000 inhabitants is not so bad; $78.00 profit for a month from beer alone is a fair showing—one that should be looked into by our officials,” says THE COURIER. But a more critical examination of the matter will prove that the novelistic style of the editor makes a more novel than truthful showing; even to continue the investigation by similar comparison, would be suicidal, for the Dexter druggist reports sales in July of 102 pints of whiskey in a town of about 200 inhabitants, while “Woolsey” sells but 96 pints in a town numbering 1,000, and yet THE COURIER hasn’t advised his decapitation. The druggist’s register shows that less than one-fourth of my sales were made to the people of Burden; that Dexter reports no sales of beer, but buys it of “Woolsey,” one of her physicians ordering 24 bottles last month, and other customers smaller quantities. And that instead of selling the quantity reported to the 1,000 people of Burden, more than three-fourths of all was sold to druggists, physicians, and people of Dexter, Torrance, Box City, Glen Grouse, Baltimore, Floral, Polo, and the wide expanse of country adjacent.

But this is not all, for the “$78 profit” spoken of is a conundrum that only the astute financier of THE COURIER can explain. At least according to the best financiering that I am capable of, I have been unable to make even $30, which is not enough to pay for the trouble of handling, and for this reason I discontinued the sale of beer the 1st of August and shall not resume until THE COURIER can show me how to realize the per cent it has credited me with. The druggists of Winfield discontinued the sale of beer for the same reason. The editor sums up in the conclusion that “two or three need their heads smacked off” and places my name on the death role, for which accept my thanks, and permit the public to decide whether the facts warrant the view taken. That prohibition has lessened the sale of intoxicating liquor in Kansas I am quite willing to agree. The recent investigation of Judge Gans and the County Attorney at this place showed, if it showed anything, that I am not a favorite of intemperate vice, but that in consequence of their inability to buy of me, they had resorted to other means and ways of obtaining it. I invite the investigation that THE COURIER solicits, and would especially request that the editors and employees of THE COURIER be employed as a board of special detectives to aid in unearthing the damnable volcano of alcoholic fire that it has lead the public to believe is consuming the vitals of Burden society. I am conscious of having obeyed the law both in letter and in spirit, as strictly as it was in the power of man to do and sell the article at all. Not a drop has gone from my store that has not been recorded, and not a drop has gone from there in violation of law, to my knowledge, and the fact that spirituous liquors may and must be sold under the law shall be recognized, and when vendor and vendee act in good faith, strictly in obedience to it, they should have due credit, without having to feel that the finger of scorn is upon them. E. W. WOOLSEY.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
The base ball game between Burden’s Odd Fellow nine and a nine of Winfield’s Odd Fellows, at the Fair Grounds Thursday afternoon, was one of much interest and splendidly played for amateurs. The Burden nine were: W. R. Jackson, catcher and short stop; J. S. Leffler, pitcher; Wm. Elliott, catcher and short stop; E. W. Woolsey, first base; J. W. Henthorn, second base; John Ledlie, third base; Arthur Bangs, left field; George Cessna, center field; E. A. Henthorn, right field. Our nine was composed of A. J. McClellan, catcher; John Craine, pitcher; Amos Snowhill, short stop; George Byington, first base; A. B. Taylor, second base; Billy Dawson, third base; George Liermann, left field; George D. Headrick, center field; James Vance, right field. Clint Austin umpired the game and James McLain scored. E. A. Henthorn, John Ledlie, and Billy Dawson were the attractive stars. Enos had to have his balls so high that the catcher had to stand on stilts, and the players looked up like a gentle youth star-gazing. John Ledlie and Billy Dawson had soft bottomed stools and a ten cent boy each to run in their balls. At the 9th inning the score was even, when our fellows made the winning run, with one man out. The score stood twenty for Burden and twenty-one for Winfield. The jolliest good cheer was maintained throughout the game by players and spectators. The visit of the Burden Brethren was very enjoyable all around. They were banqueted at the Central, the guests of our nine.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.

The Grand Commander of the Select Knights of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, recently issued an order forming the Kansas Legions into eight Grand Divisions with the further order that each division hold a conclave for organization at the place appointed, on Feb. 9th. The fifth division, the first conclave of which was appointed for Winfield, embraces the following legions: Sumner No. 10, of Wellington; Cresswell No. 15, of Arkansas City; Cowley No. 16, of Winfield; Mystic No. 34, of El Dorado; Blair No. 40, of Dexter; Burden, No. 44, of Burden; Forest City No. 51, of Kingman. Each Legion was entitled to elect one delegate to attend the conclave. At two o’clock this afternoon the conclave was called to order in the A. O. U. W. hall by Walter G. Seaver, Commander of the Winfield Legion, with the following delegates present: Mr. Calhoun, Wichita—with Col. Taylor as a visitor from the same place; J. E. Snow, Winfield; E. W. Woolsey, Burden; M. N. Sinnott, Arkansas City. The Burden Legion were present in force, as visitors: E. A. Henthorn, J. W. Henthorn, W. P. Horan, R. D. Lake, H. W. Young, Geo. Culbertson, E. W. Young, J. H. Hooker, J. S. Crabtree, Len Griffith, W. W. Brafft, and A. J. Henthorn. The Winfield Legion was also out in full force and received and entertained their visitors in good style. The permanent organization of the Fifth division was completed as follows: Commander, J. E. Snow, Winfield; V. C., E. A. Henthorn, Burden; L. C., Mr. Calhoun, Wichita; Recorder, Walter G. Seaver, Winfield. With the commander and recorder at Winfield, this city is made Division Headquarters. This conclave was one of much interest all around.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Mrs. E. W. Woolsey is in Iowa at present, called thither by the illness of a relative.
Quite a number of our citizens were in Winfield Tuesday, interested in the United Workmen. E. W. Woolsey was the delegate to the circle of Select Knights.