

File set up by RKW years ago...
Henry Green was the father of Edward Green of “Green’s Farm.”  He was of English and Irish descent. Henry Green was born in Westmoreland, New Hampshire in 1804. He grew up and married in his native state, was a school teacher in early life, and for a time con­ducted a cooper’s shop. He had a genius for mechanics and was an inventor of no mean ability. He was an early day inventor and experimented with a self-raking harvester. His patented mowing machine was the first used in the west, therefore he was a contem­porary with “Hussey” and “McCormick.”
About 1835 he moved west and settled at Ottawa, Illi­nois, and acquired a tract of farm land. At Ottawa he built the first hotel, and this afforded a place of entertainment for the travel­ers along the old stage line. He died at Ottawa in 1860, before the Civil war broke out. His wife, Alma Works Green, was born in 1809, near Keene, New Hamp­shire. To this union were born five chil­dren; Charles Henry, who died in 1907 on a farm near Ottawa, Illinois, Mary Putnam, who married a Dr. Blount of Chicago and died in 1914; Martha E., William, and Edward. Martha, William, and Edward never married. In 1890 the mother, Alma Works Green, passed on at Arkansas City and her body was returned to Ottawa, Illinois, to be buried at her hus­band’s side.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
Our genial friend, Ed. Green, favored us with a call last Thursday morning. He was accompanied by his friend, Mr. J. M. Works, of Bedford, Iowa, who had been paying him a visit. Mr. Works expressed himself very much delighted with the country, but had all his arrangements perfected for driving stock to Wyoming Territory, so we look for no immediate result of his visit in the way of locating, but do not despair for the future.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1882.
Daniel Hunt, we learn, bought a cow last week from Alex Works, for which he paid $40.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
Letter List of unclaimed letters as of FEBRUARY 23, 1886.
The name of Alex Works was on this list.
The 1860 Federal census of Hunter County, out of which Cowley County was formed, does not list any Works.
The February 1870 census of Cowley County does not list any Works.
The Federal census of 1870 does not list any Works.
The Kansas census of 1875 does not list any Works.
I have not searched the 1880 Federal census, the 1885 Kansas State census, or the 1890 Federal census.
However the Arkansas City census of 1893 does list:
Alex Work, age 64; L. Work, age 28, and his wife Maggie, age not given.