Wright Family
E. P. Wright.
E. P. Wright shows up in 1873 Creswell Township; not listed in 1872.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
Last Thursday evening, as Mrs. E. P. Wright, who lives in the stone house about two miles north of town, was at supper, she heard a noise out among her chickens. As none of the male members of the family were at home at that time, she and her daughter (Miss Josie) went out to ascertain what was the matter.
They soon found the dog engaged in combat with something more than he could handle, and could only find him from his cries, but soon a young dog, by his noise, caused them to proceed to the stable, where after some time Miss Josie saw that the same object that had fought the dog was perched on the stable roof.
When Mrs. Wright’s attention was called to it, she picked up a rock and threw it at the object with all her strength, knocking it to the ground. Here the dogs again rushed in, and the fight was general and furious. Finally the object was driven to a corner of the house, and after more fighting with varied success, the object at last was obliged to seek partial refuge under the door step, where Mrs. Wright and the dogs kept it at bay until Miss Josie went to the house of a neighbor, Mr. Goff, and got one of his sons to go to her mother’s assistance; which he promptly did, and after a time with poles and fire tongs, they succeeded in killing the object, which proved to be a good sized wild cat.
The young man then went home, and the ladies returned to their supper, well satisfied with their evening’s work. The same ladies, about two weeks ago, succeeded one night, by the help of their dogs, in capturing some wild animal about the same size, which they covered with a box, intending to see what it was; but when morning came, the animal had dug out under the box and was gone, so they never knew what they had caught.