Jacob T. Wright
[Handled Sheep.]
Richland Township.
Richland Township 1872: Jabez Wright, 58. No spouse listed.
Winfield Courier, September 23, 1880.
Messrs. Wright and Yarbrough report their sheep in a thriving condition. Also, Mr. L. Dickens, we believe, has a pet lamb.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880. Editorial.
Last week, Thursday, Mr. Jacob T. Wright placed at our disposal a fine span of horses and a buggy with an invitation to visit his sheep ranch. We take all such offers because we were brought up among sheep in the Green Mountain state when the Spanish Merino first came into notice and made Vermont prosperous and wealthy. We believe in sheep and in Cowley County as especially fitted for fine grade sheep. We look forward to the time when the farmers of this county will be nabobs of wealth made in the stock and sheep business. Wheat is a good crop when it can be so easily converted into pork, beef, and wool.
Well, we took along our better half, who likes sheep, too, and made the visit. Mr. Wright lives on the right bank of Dutch creek, two and a half miles north northeast of Floral. His post office address is Floral, Cowley County, Kansas. He with his hands was keeping bachelor’s hall, but they got us up a magnificent dinner and treated us with the greatest kindness and courtesy.
Mr. Wright is a gentleman of the old school, of wide intelligence and fine social qualities. He has about three thousand sheep, mostly Merino ewes of high grade. These he does not wish to sell, but might part with a few in small lots to customers for his rams. He has some Missouri ewes and a few Southdown rams, but the flower of his flock consists in about eighty high grade Merino rams. These are good looking, healthy, hardy animals, and among them we saw finer and better rams than some that used to sell in Vermont at from $150 to $500.
Their wool is thick, fine, good length, and sufficiently oily and gummy at the ends. The frames are good sized and well put up and the characteristic wrinkles are abundant. They are completely wooled from nose to hoof. They are from one to three years old and just the kind needed by our amateur sheep men to improve their flocks of native Missouri and Colorado sheep. The prices of these rams will run from $20 to $50, which is very moderate for so choice stock. His rams are mostly from the flocks of Sanford and others, of Whitewater, Wisconsin, an association organized for the purpose of breeding fine and superior sheep, and from Phelps, of Geneva Lake, Wisconsin, who breeds for valuable long staple high grade fleeces. These sheep yield the heaviest fleeces in Wisconsin, and it seems to be a fact that here they yield twenty-five percent heavier fleeces than in Wisconsin, if properly kept and fed. The ewes raised by this association that shear 8 to 9 lbs. in Wisconsin, give 11 to 12 pounds after one winter in this county with corn feed. Bucks which there yield 20 to 25 pounds, here yield 30 to 35.
Mr. Wright is a farmer and has had long experience in sheep culture. Go and see him in regard to the care of sheep. He is a valuable acquisition to the county and such as he are the factors which will lead our county to wealth.
Winfield Courier, November 4, 1880.
Mr. Newt. Yarbrough and party have returned from their trip to the eastern part of the state. Also Messrs. Howard, Wright, and Goodwill have returned from Missouri.
Winfield Courier, November 11, 1880.
For Sale: 170 head of choice Merino Ewes, 2 to 4 years old in fine condition. Call on subscriber, 2 miles N. E. of Floral P. O., Cowley Co., Kansas. JACOB T. WRIGHT.
Note: A study of Arkansas City newspapers does not show any “Jacob Wright” in that location in 1885...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
WEDNESDAY. F. A. Chambers, Jacob Wright, J. P. Musselman, and T. J. Stafford came up last evening from the Terminus.